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Warning: IF you’re looking for a short story or with explicit contents, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU.

This story is an original copyright. Any similarity is pure coincidental. Forgery or publishing without the permission of the author is fraudulent.

Critics are more than welcomed. This is my first story to be published, please comment freely so I can improve my writing and makes it a pleasure for you to read as it will be for me when I write.



THE CLOUDS above were smoky grey, a sign of an oncoming storm. A small boat bobbed on the sea, its lodgers unaware of the treacherous weather. The wind was picking up, and far in the distance, seagulls were crying aloud. Yet, they were oblivious to it.

Except for the navigator and his friend. Me.

‘Can we go back?’ I asked Stephan.

‘It’s too late,’ he replied grimly. ‘Tell the others to stay in deck.’

I stood up from my slack sitting-position and hurried up the stairs.

‘Oh, hell.’

I looked up and said, ‘Yes, hell.’

Without delay, I rushed up to the deck where Stephan’s friends and their girlfriends were and shouted, ‘We have a giant wave coming our way!’

One minute I was holding on to the rail as the

boat bounced precariously, the next minute water was gushing into my mouth and down my throat in huge volume. A hand gripped mine and tried to pull me up. But whoever was trying to help me failed as the salt water blinded my senses, pulling me deeper as I fell harder.

I fought helplessly, trying so hard to breath. So stifling, so smothering. I tried to shout for Stephan. Tried to reach for him.

Then, darkness came and I didn’t remember anything.


I OPENED my eyes to meet the sharp gaze of the sun. My body felt so weak that I didn’t move for a moment. My brain tried to work out where I was. First, what was cushioning my body? Second, why was I so cold despite of the sun? Third, why did my whole body itch like hell?

Everything came back, so sudden that I moaned my pain. I elbowed up to sit, and found myself alone in a beach.

A groan sounded and I looked to its source. Well, I wasn’t alone anymore. Hooray? Nope. Not going to say that because the person who was groaning was none other than Jasper.

Oh man, of all the guys in the world, why was I alone with him? Where were the others? Where was Stephan when I needed him? Darn.

Ignoring the pain and the itchiness, I struggled to my feet and waded into the sea. Washed my face with the salt water, tried to untangle my hair, and finally took of my coat. It was pulling me with its weight. At least I wore a black tang top inside. I also took off my Jeans and was glad that I wore tight pants underneath. Yeah, I know, it was dumb but at least my dumbness saved me two items.

I looked around us. Besides the sea and the beach, I could see a small green spot a few distances away. Probably another island. This meant that I was now in an island, too. Man, talk about dream coming true. If Stephan were here, he would say, ‘Schmuck. These suck!’

Attempting to be unaware of the shape of my beefy legs exposed to naked eyes, I approached a clean big rock and lay my wet coat and jeans on it.

‘Where are we?’

‘AH!’ I shouted. I turned my back, glowered at Jasper, and stalked away. Oh, I so hated it when someone shocked me like this. Did he think it was funny? Okay, he didn’t know that I hated to be shocked but it still hurt.

‘Hey, where are you going?’ Jasper the Smoking Hot Guy called after me.

‘None of your business,’ I muttered.

Born in a city, a totally city girl, I did not have any basic survival instinct. Also, I never had been involved in adventurous activities so that left me feeling stupid and helpless. I hated this. I did not ask for this. I wished Stephan were here.


Hearing it echoed through the place gave me a slight satisfaction.

I returned back to the beach. Seriously, I was really allergic to trees. This would be a survival test for me because trees, especially ones that gathered like jungles and forests, pissed me off.

Jasper was hacking a tree with his Swiss Army. From what I could see, he wasn’t doing anything different at all. I approached a tree of my own choice, one with thinner branch, and searched for its weakness. Then, with a wave, I hacked it off. The moment it hit the ground, a grin flashed and I looked up at Jasper.

What a sore loser. He was smirking at me as if what I did was nothing to him.

‘What?’ I demanded.

‘Show off.’

‘Why don’t you try to call for help?’ I asked, clearly angry with him for looking down at me. At least I managed to hack of a branch. What did he do? Nothing at all.

‘This is a waste of time,’ he complained. ‘Of all the people in the world, I have to be stuck with you, a stinking hippo!’

Wow that hurt very bad. I thought he was quite decent regardless of his popularity. He always looked so cool and cold that nothing could break his icy facade. I was wrong. He was also a spoilt brat like me. Mayhap we would get along just fine because he hated me as much as I loathed him, now.

I shook my head, disapproving him. He waded into the sea and splashed the water furiously, swearing whomever he wanted with no decorum, and then returned to the shore, panting heavily. Foolish. He could make himself useful by helping me make an SOS.

I tried to remember what Stephan had taught me about making a fire. A scout man through and through, he never stop telling and reminding me about these stuff, even making quizzes about them. Since he was the only male human being who cared to befriend me from the first time I moved here, and became my best friend until now, I tolerated him willingly.

‘Help me gather driftwoods,’ I told Jasper before leaving him to flip over my clothes on the rock.

Grudgingly, he did. After a while, a fire was burning and we were sitting opposite each other. I was surprised that he knew how to start a fire with two stones. Not a total jerk.

‘I prefer Stephan to you,’ I told him, breaking the lethargic silence.

The sky was darkening, and already stars were scattering up above. It was a rare sight in the city. The metropolitan life had engulfed the nature so much so that we seldom remember what simple things can give us. Satisfaction. Contentment. Peace. Tranquility.

‘We forget how small we are when we’re in the city,’ I continued. ‘Such things that is so beautiful and natural. Like the stars. No fluorescent lights or disco balls can replace the stars.’

‘No wonder no guy has ever find you attractive,’ he muttered.

I threw a small stone at him and feigned ignorance.

‘HEY!’ He shouted.

‘I cannot believe how much you stink under your indifferent mask,’ I said. ‘Insulting people is such a childish attitude. Don’t you think?’

Jasper rolled his eyes and lay back. I went to the sea, behind the rock and away from Jasper, stripped myself, and cleaned myself. By the time I pulled on my semi-dry coat and Jeans, I was shivering madly. I ran to the fire, set my clothes to dry, and decided to turn in as well.


‘WE’VE BEEN stuck here for three days,’ Jasper said furiously. ‘My hp’s flat! Yours is gone! No one is around! There’s no way we’re going back!’

‘Man, you are so lame. How can you give up that easily? Is that why Kathleen left you? Because you give up so easily?’

‘That’s none of your business!’ He snarled.

‘OH, really? The last time I remember, it was my business because she’s my cousin!’ I snapped.

Our eyes locked. His red hair blazed with fire as my black one glowed with the moonlight. Not.

Our eyes did meet, but it was only the ray of the fire that made his seemed to burn. Just like his name, it was as
red as the gem. He threw away the stick in his hand and marched off into the jungle. In spite of his anger, he was quite thoughtful.

After a few moments, he returned with a few coconuts in his hands. I watched him cut the top painstakingly with his Swiss Army. It was quite a work especially when he had to use such a small knife. But, after a long time, he managed to cut off four.

Knowing that I had no instrument or skill, he thrust one to me. My thirst disappeared and I sighed with relish. Pure coconuts, so difficult to find in advancing and contaminated city. I used a thin stick to peel the inside and ate slowly.

We finished and dried them up, and then I arranged them on the rock where I dried my clothes.

‘You know, I still don’t understand how you ended up with Stephan,’ he spoke.

‘Don’t be a jerk,’ I said.

‘He’s such a cool guy and you, on the other hand, is so…so-‘

‘Shut. Up. You think you’re so cool? You’re worse than I thought! Selfish, self-centered, particularly obnoxious and unbelievably irritating!’

In my rage, I threw a coconut shell at him and stood up. Kicking the sand with my bare feet, I turned to him and demanded, ‘What is the matter with you? What sins did I do that you hate me so much? Why would it bother you that I am not as skinny as your lamppost girlfriends are? Why would you care if Stephan and I were close? I can’t believe how narrow-minded you are, insulting someone who is not perfect in your eyes!’

‘Damned it!’

Jasper stood up and stalked to me. He took my arm and shook me thoughtlessly.

‘Let me go!’ I shouted.

Somewhere in the middle, I forgot that I had black belt in taekwondo. I tried to push him away but the more he shook, the more rattled I was. I had motion sickness, so too much movement can trigger it. Like what he was doing to me, I became so dizzy and light-headed that tears streamed down my eyes.

Suddenly, he released his grip. I crumpled to the floor like a wilted flower, and curled myself into a ball. Shutting my eyes, I forced myself to focus on stopping the faintness.

‘Hey, I’m sorry. Are…are you okay?’

I moaned in reply. Okay, coconut shit! What I really needed wouldn’t probably here. Something sour, like pickle or lemon. Why, oh why, was he so stupid?

Something rough and warm touched my forehead.

‘You’re perspiring!’ Obtuse Jasper said, dumbfounded.

A stunned yelp escaped from my mouth when he slid his hands under me, followed by amazingly strong arms, and my world fly when he lifted me up. If I weren’t ailing, I would have protest and kick his butt. As it was, I curled into him and did something that froze us. I dug my nose into his shirt and smelled him.

He smelt so goooood. Hot, spicy, salty and very yummy. Like…something warm and calming.

‘Come the next day, forget about everything,’ I told him forcefully. Then, I shut my eyes and succumbed to the spinning world.

I AWOKE to something cold and salty. Wrinkling my nose to the smell that was becoming rather familiar to me, I met a pair of startling green eyes. Somewhere above birds cried noisily. The slapping waves followed, and I recalled what had transpired yesterday. My throat still felt queasy, but fortunately, it was getting better.

‘Water,’ I croaked.

Forcing myself to sit up, I took the coconut from Jasper and drank it in one gulp. I was surprised to find myself feeling really thirsty. Jasper kept on thrusting coconuts into my hand until I had enough.

‘Wow, did I drink all that up?’ I asked, amazed to find ten empty coconuts lying on the sand.

‘What do you think?’ Jasper muttered as he gathered them up and began to dig into the shell for the inside. I watched weakly as he filled up three of them before collecting the rest and went to the rock. Without delaying, I took two of the shells and finished them. Then, I took the rest and, by the time he returned, they were gone.

‘Don’t tell me you ate everything?’ Jasper asked with disbelief.

I looked at him sheepishly, ‘Sorry, but…I was so hungry! I’ll help you find more!’

I began to get on my feet.

‘No, you just stay there. It’s not as if you really can. Can you? Climb?’ He asked.

I stomped my foot and said, ‘That’s not fair!’

Jasper smirked before walking away into the jungle. Livid, I practically march to the rock, stand behind it where no one could see, and strip. My bra had gone unwashed for three days, as well as my panties that I decided to dry them on a smaller rock below the bigger one, I just hoped Jasper didn’t see them. He would most probably laugh at how big they were.

After that, I pulled off my shirt and skirt and rubbed my skin roughly. Somehow, I was glad that I could use the seawater every day. You see, I had this illness-eczema-for quite some time, like, ten years, and it worsened for four whole years. Now, I was still speechless when I looked at my clear and flawless skin.

When I had my fill, I grabbed my coat and Jeans, folded the cuffs up, and approached the fire.

‘Who’s your favorite singer?’ I asked, suddenly curious to know.

‘My favorite singer?’ Jasper asked suspiciously.

‘Yeah, favorite singer? I just want to know. After all, it’s been four days and you haven’t helped me do an SOS.’

Jasper scowled. My heart raced wildly, unexpectedly. I have never thought that he was not only cute and handsome, but also captivating, especially when he was mad.

‘Well, since I’m stuck with you…’


‘I guess I can answer that. Just don’t tell anyone. Only Stephan knows. And you, now,’ he warned.

Now, that sounded really mysterious. A popular guy telling me to keep a secret. Didn’t he know that I could use it against him as a weapon when things didn’t go well between us? Oh, this better be good.

‘A promise of a Scouts girl,’ I said as I crossed my heart.

‘You’re no Scouts!’

‘Stephan is.’

‘I don’t see the connection.’

Laughing silently, I shrugged my shoulders, waved my hand at him, and asked him to ignore me.

‘Amy Lee,’ he relented.

I gaped. Literally. All of my life I had been worshiping the vocalist of Evanescence without knowing anyone who shared my fanatic passion, without meeting anyone who at least listened to it, and here, in front of me, the hottest guy of Pine Cross College of my batch was telling me that he loved Amy Lee?

I couldn’t help pinching myself.


‘Why did you do that for?’ Jasper looked at me as if I was stupid to pinch myself.

‘You’re not pulling my legs, are you?’

‘Why would I do that?’

‘Stephan, I am so, so going to kill you. Literally!’ I muttered under my breath. That was not fair. Stephan knew how much I wished to meet anyone who loved Amy Lee but he never even hinted that there was someone else who did. Maybe, knowing how much a zealot I was when it came to Amy Lee, he decided to keep mum. On the other hand, even if he told me that Jasper worshipped Amy Lee, the fact that he was Jasper itself would deem my excitement.

‘Well, that’s shocking,’ I mocked. ‘You’re Gothic!’


‘Jasper, there are only you and I here,’ I pointed obviously to him, raising my eyebrows to emphasize how silly he was being.

‘Besides, your secret is safe with me,’ I added, pleased with me.


‘IF I’M dead will be together…aw… At the end of the world… All the last things I see…’

Two weeks. Jasper finally had gathered enough wood to create a bonfire. We agreed to light it up tonight and the next day, keeping another for when we saw a boat or ship.

I found a drifted buoy-of all the things in the world-and used it for a pillow. We also finally helped each other to make a decent banana rug from the banana leaves for lying down so that we did not have to sleep on the cold sand anymore. Now that b
anana was added to our diet, we alternated between coconuts and bananas.

It felt like being in the Sims2 Castaway, except that this was real, not a game. I did not know how long my tight pants would fare. My Jeans and top were still okay, but I had to give my coat to Jasper since his own polo had gone missing. I bet it was a monkey, not that I was telling it to him.

‘That polo was the first gift I had from Jema!’ He barked at no one.

Jema was his twenty- thirty-something girlfriend, a Cuban with ebony hair and tall figure. I envied her because she had curves. Fatefully, she dumped him because she caught him locking lips with another girl. Served him right. You go, girl!

Actually, after fourteen days stuck with him, I didn’t find him hateful at all. He was a very entertaining company to have and we had reached the point where we can conduct civilized communication. He was opening up to me, not hostile or judgmental, without realizing it himself.

That evening, we stood side by side, watching the first bonfire sizzled to life. The heat was welcoming, very appreciated, because it chased away the cool breeze of the sea.

‘I hope someone will see,’ he mumbled.

It seemed that luck wasn’t with us. By the time the fire became ashes, and the sign of dawn arrived from the lightening sky, no one came. Jasper kicked the leftover and stalked off, swearing incoherently.

It was at that moment when I realized how helpless and hopeless our circumstance was. We were stuck in an island, somewhere we didn’t know, with no sign of other people living, too. We would have to eat banana and coconut, sleep on banana leaves by the fire, smelling as fishes do, and nothing else to do besides waiting.

Tears rolled down my eyes. I sobbed aloud. My body dropped to the floor and I bent up my knees and hid my face in my hands. How was I going to survive this?

‘This is your entire fault,’ Jasper suddenly said. ‘If you had warned us earlier, I would have been able to get inside instead of been swept away by the wave! If you had come earlier, I wouldn’t be stuck with you!’

‘So now it’s my fault?’ I exclaimed as I stood up and faced him.

‘Hell, yeah!’ He yelled.


‘You dare!’

I didn’t see it coming. A hand slapped my face, so hard that my ear ringed and my body unbalanced. I fell on my butt, and I became numb. Why did he hit me so hard? Touching the side of my face he had violated, I looked up to him and stared.

‘You’ll regret this one day, Jasper, this I promise you,’ I whispered.

Without a word, I dragged my feet and traced back to the shore. I shouldn’t feel this acute ache in my heart, but there it was. The first time he handled me brutally-I had forgiven him. Twice, now, I wasn’t sure I would. Even the sight of the second and third bonfires couldn’t soothe my pain.


TWO FORTNIGHTS. Still no help coming our way. Usually, at this time of twilight, we would wait by the fire and relish in the exceptional serenity. The wind blew at our face playfully, the scent of salt lingering along.

However, ever since that incident four days ago, we ceased communicating. I refused to look at him, ignored the food he brought, and kept my distance. Since I knew where I could find my own banana outside the jungle, I fended for myself.

Funny, I was so blinded to see how egoistic he was. He never even once apologized. Not for the time when he triggered my motion sickness, or the time he printed his handprint on my cheek.

‘Soon far away… It’s growing colder… Without your love… Why can’t you feel me…? Calling your name… Can’t break the silence… It’s breaking me… All my fears… Turned to rage… And I’m alone now… Me and all I stood for… Nothing worth fighting for… We’re wondering now…’

Jasper suddenly pulled me onto my feet.

Instinctively, I pushed him away.

‘Hey, I’m not talking to you!’ I shouted.

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Brothers nighttime visit

She looked at her reflection in the mirror, trying to hold back tears. “Is it because of how I look?”, she wondered. She was a bit short, standing at 5’3”, but she had always thought she was hot. Puberty had been underwhelming when it started because she barely grew B cups, but she had learned to embrace it. Her boobs were perky and had big, pointy nipples that were extremely sensitive. She was also very proud of her long, curly hair that she often wore in a ponytail. She was used to getting...

3 years ago
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Our First Foray Into A Threesome Chapter 2 Riding Richard And Sucking Seth

Trying to hurry, we about tripped over each other getting indoors from the hot tub. Both guys were hard and very horny, and I’d only come once and definitely needed more. Plus, having touched Seth’s cock, I really wanted to see it – and touch it again, and suck on it, of course! The fact that Richard was also hurrying I took as a good sign; he wouldn’t be in such a frantic rush if he wasn’t excited about continuing!As further proof of his enthusiasm for all of this, he was the first one out of...

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Helen the second night

“Before we go to breakfast, I'm going to phone my wife.” “You're married!!!” “Sure she is an even bigger slut than you. I'm pretty sure that she was fucking someone last night, too.” “How do you know?” “Well, when I was leaving home yesterday, she was dressed in a very short black skirt and a white see-through blouse which has no back at all. It only stays on her because it has short tight sleeves which hold it in place. Her nipples showed clearly through her blouse. She was bare foot, but...

3 years ago
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The Woods Chapter 1

This story is totally fictional more of a fantasyFirst time I have attempted to put pen to paper please be kind The Woods Chapter 1 The sun broke thru the early morning mist early that morning so I decided that a walk in the woods would make a pleasant change from work so a quick call to work claiming terrible stomach pains got me the day of. The drive to the woods only took ten minutes and when I got there only...

4 years ago
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My GirlsChapter 4

It was a Tuesday when I had my talk with Cindi and she and Amy had their big hug fest. Victoria came home very late Wednesday night, actually in the wee hours of Thursday morning, so I didn't have a chance to talk to her until Thursday night. I made some excuse to send Amy over to Rebecca's house Thursday night; as far as I knew, she knew nothing about all of this and I was trying to shield her from it all. I was hoping she bought the excuse - yeah, right. The girl is a certifiable genius....

2 years ago
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Crystals Story

Crystal's Story Of course this is a work of fiction "What do you say we go out tonight together Mark?" "Where do you want to go Debbie?" "Some of the girls and I are going to the After Dark downtown." "Oh geeze that's a fag bar." "Well it is gay friendly." "I don't want to hang around a bunch of rump riders." "Well, my brother Scott is performing." "What a queen he is how can you stand him." "He is my brother and I love him that's why, do you...

2 years ago
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Fresh Meat

It was a small shop. It carried the oddities of the world. The things that odd people needed for their potions and lotions and curative powders. It was dark, no matter how many lights he lit. The windows were covered with old dust and cobwebs. Shelves lined every wall, and every shelf was lined with vials and bottles and boxes of ingredients needed for many an unusual concoction or elixir. It was not a lucrative shop. But it was all he had. All Harold and his mother had, inherited from his...

3 years ago
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My First Time

At the casino yesterday I was playing poker with a guy named Jim and it got me thinking about my first guy and so I thought I would tell you that true story.I was in my twenties and had just moved out of my parent’s house. I was between girlfriends and had grown up with a very limited view of sex. What I did know about was jerking off since I did it a lot, and I knew about porn because I bought a fair number of magazines. In high school there had been a kid who had hit on me, and even jerked me...

Gay Male
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SimoneChapter 7

Kevin's question would be answered sooner than either he or Simone would have imagined. Later that evening, while the two were watching TV, Simone received a text message which read, "Good news. I'm here. Can you pick me up at the airport? I just landed. You know where I'll be. See you soon." Simone had wanted her husband home so badly. Two weeks before she would have jumped for joy at receiving his text. But things had changed significantly since then. Simone had admitted to her anger...

1 year ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 11 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

2 years ago
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207 A young Soldier returns

207 A young Soldier returns Day 3 The lad appeared at the breakfast table, where his mother sat in the green silk set he had given her. she had the paper and a cup of tea and was waiting his arrival. He poured tea for himself then took his place while she finished the piece she was reading. The last evening had been a little odd, it had been one of normality, a rather pointed normality, no one mentioned sex, in fact it was the one subject that they never touched on, they all knew it had...

1 year ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 35 Dehorning

The son told us we had to get the heifers dehorned before we got involved in haying season. There were about two dozen young year-olds that had their horns and it was the normal practice to remove those before they got long and presented a hazard in possible damage, goring, inflicted on each other or other animals, even humans. Dehorning was accomplished using a huge pair of what reminded me of big bolt cutters, dropped down on to the base of the horn, at the head. The handles, quickly...

1 year ago
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Me Too

As I arrived home from school that day, I knew something was going on. I could hear the moans and groans and could almost detect the odor of sex wafting through the house. It was not unusual for my mother and step-father, Don, to make love during the day and I had actually grown accustomed to it. They had been married three years and loved sex. I could hear them at night in their room as they made mad, passionate love together. I could even smell it in the car after they’d been out the night...

2 years ago
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Summer of Samantha

This story is in the same vein as some of my others, however it focuses even more upon pregnancy than I have in the past. There is still a good deal of transformation, especially in the first part and I think it to be fairly good. The second part is much more about what I think it might be like being pregnant, it is heavy on the details so don't say I didn't warn you, though it is here also where the plot really gets tangled up. The last third is a sort of mirror of the first,...

3 years ago
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March of the Southern BellesChapter One

"March of the Southern Belles--Chapter One" by Heidi-Jo McGillicuddy If even ONE of the girls is missing from the Southern Belle formation at the annual Heritage Day parade, the entire town will know it?every one of their colorful gowns is over five feet wide! Luckily, Lisa's boyfriend may be able to fill an empty hoopskirt for them... "You!" I heard a woman behind me exclaim. I jumped. "Me?" I asked. I turned around. I knew this woman,...

1 year ago
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Wollt Ihr Das Bett in Flammen SehenChapter 2

David awakes; as he stirs, he feels the bed softly shaking. He is soon aware the shaking is because his wife is softly sobbing. "What's wrong babe?" "Just being silly, but I don't think we should have come." "Liv, I know how you feel. Remember, apart from keeping fit I used to shut myself in my apartment if I wasn't at work or had some work function to attend. I know it's different here, but I really think you will grow to like it. Life's a bit calmer here." "I'm sure you're...

3 years ago
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Mother in law blows Part 4

The last month of the summer passed uneventfully. We saw Louise a couple of times, but we obviously had to be careful. It was already too cold at the Germains’ end-of-summer bash, in early September, to get into the pool but that did not stop Babs. Man was she hot. Despite the weather -- mid 60s -- she wore her usual two-piece suit and spent at least an hour in the pool.Just before we left I went inside to go to the bathroom, but the first floor john was occupied so I went upstairs. Just as I...

1 year ago
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TeenCreeper Marsha May Slut Shaming Shower E03

Did you ever wonder what happens when a hot teen cocktease finally gets what’s coming to her after all those times she ran around naked in full view of your windows, did yoga on heer patio in a bikini, smoked her vape pen by the pool and fingered her tight pussy knowing you were watching? Wouldn’t it be fucking brilliant if that little slut pig gets paid back just once for all the turmoil she caused your poor dick over the years? It would, and now it has, thanks to the teen creeper....

3 years ago
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Babysitter Takes DogsChapter 5

Sucking doggie-cocks really turned Cindy on. Every Friday or Saturday night, she could be found blowing either Frisky's or Prince's stiff prick. She loved it. So did the dogs. One weekend, she got to blow both dogs. On Friday night, the Jensons asked her to babysit and she sucked the life out of Frisky's nice young prick. Then on Saturday night, the Turners asked her to babysit and she blew the hell out of Prince's rigid cock. Her pussy, she discovered, got very hot when she sucked...

1 year ago
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Robbies Revelation part 2

Afternoon of Friday 2nd, October 1987. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit!!" Kept running through my head, what did I just do? I stared around and most of the people that were looking at me had a what did he say look on their face, the others were just the look of annoyance I regularly received. Jennifer's stare at me, on the other hand, had a completely different look. She heard what I said, and related it to what was just asked in class. Oh god I am so done! I felt that impenetrable armor...

2 years ago
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Brian met me at work for a quickie

I get a text message yesterday: "Passing thru - do you have time for a quickie. . .or more?". That about did it for my focusing ability and I left for lunch a little early. I met him at my house and had about 30 mins before needing to get back to work. Standing in front of me, in my living room, was the man and his cock that I fantasize about several times a week. Both of us naked in less than a minute, his cock, an inch from my mouth, seemed extra large & hard today. How long had it been?...

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Shadows Of The Past

Matt casually wandered and weaved his way through the people, smiling at some, nodding at others, picking up a salmon topped hors d'oeuvres from a tray offered him by a young girl, probably the daughter of Malcolm, his new boss,  and accepting a glass of red wine from another tray, but inexorably making his way towards the kitchen. It was a fact that all good parties started and ended in the kitchen.At forty-one years old, he had been lucky to get the job as a senior scientific researcher at a...

Love Stories
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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 5

The argument all boiled down to who was responsible. The Voice blamed the committee ... the committee blamed the laxity of the inventors. "This machinery is centuries old and nothing lasts for ever," said the Caretakers. "The problem wasn't supposed to take this long to fix," said the Voice. "Well ... we do the best we can with who we get ... the basic change will have to come from Earth or Cassandra is dead," Elizabeth said. "This beginning of the end started with Miguel de...

3 years ago
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Sorrels Long Journey to Love Ch 13

Sorrel, as a result of miraculously good timing, had escaped, at least for the time being, the eager scalpel of Hadamar’s most infamous doctor, but her safety, like all things, was ephemeral, a momentary interruption in what might still be a long painfully slow and odiously ugly submersion into the abyss. Questions arose about Sorrel. Did she know things? Did she have secret information? Did Sorrel possess vital secret information about say ‘stuxnet’, the malware virus that had been unleashed...

1 year ago
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Didi Aur Uski Chudakkad Saheli

Sabhi reader ko mera sexy salam, mai ISS site ka naya author hun, ye meri pehli indian sex story h jo puri tarah se sachi ghatna h jo mere aur meri sexy didi ki super sexy friend ke bich hui, aapka sabhi ka jyada time waste naa krte hue story pe ate h.. Mera naam Sanket hai aur meri age 23 ki hai.. meri behen ka naam Nishita h unki age 25 ki h aur bahut hi sexy badan ki mallika h, baat aaj se 1 saal pehle ki hai ek din humare ghar pe didi ki ek nayi friend ayi jiska naam Disha tha wo didi ke...

4 years ago
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Getting the Groceries

She looked like she was in her late fifties, with a time worn face that had seen its share of heartache and failure, but she always wore something that showed three inches of the freshest, sexiest cleavage I have ever seen. I would wait any amount of time in her aisle just to hand her my money and perhaps feel the touch of her fingers in return. I always smiled and she would smile back, unable to keep myself from staring at her incredible bosom, heaving over the check-out conveyor. I memorized...

2 years ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 5

We spent most of the afternoon “practising” releasing my excess energy. To practise, we first had to refill my internal reservoir. We put my ability to maintain an erection and my endless supply of cum to the test. I passed with flying colours. But practice makes perfect as they say. When we finally stopped, we were both covered in sweat and each other’s cum. Amara did her thing, and in an instant, we and my room were clean. I can’t imagine how many bed sheets we saved and showers we...

1 year ago
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Prom Queen

My name is Michael Lynn Jefferson, but now I am Michele Lynn Jefferson. I have always thought that I was a girl, even before I could talk. Momma would at times either let my cousin Becky stay over, or I'd go and see her. Aunt Clara or Momma would get the idea of dressing us up as twin girls for fun at Meadowbrook United Methodist Church and to go and see Santa Claus. Whenever I was dressed like Becky, I felt more alive than whenever I dressed as myself. As I got older, I'd throw a...

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GangbangCreampie Erin Everheart G295

Erin told us in her interview how excited she was to be the center of attention for FIVE COCKSMEN, more than she’s ever had before. She wasn’t lying; you can see the excited lust in her eyes. You can also see it in how wet her pussy is already up on the pedestal. Randy makes it just a little bit wetter by playing GREET THE PLEATS with Erin before the GUESS THE V winner, Chris sinks his shaft into her first this week. No need to start off slowly, Erin likes to get pounded. The...

1 year ago
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My Dominating Passenger

My Dominating Passenger As a bit of a laugh, I mentioned one evening in the pub that I liked a bit of domination. It wasn’t supposed to be a poke at Matt night, but that is what it turned out to be. I was being ribbed from all directions. Then Jim mentioned that he knew a woman called Sandra that would love to take me for a ride. “Sexy?” I questioned him, he nodded. “Does she go for it?” I questioned again, he nodded again, but this time he had the broadest grin on his face ever. “What are you...

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Sarahs Slutty Reawakening

Sarah Crawford, formerly Sarah Walker prior to marriage lives a fairly normal life. She has 3 kids, a husband and a small dog. She works as a teacher and is pretty attractive for her age. However dispite this she wasn't always this way. Back in her 20's she was a cock loving slut that only cared about dick. However she broke that, she went to college and even found a husband, granted her two older kids where from her days as a slut. The only thing lingering from those times where the fake tan...

1 year ago
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Janets Awakening Part 1

My mother was a couple years younger than my father and was 5’5’ tall with a nice figure and large breasts and round hips that attracted attention from guys. She has green eyes and long curly red hair. My oldest brother 4 years older than me and is 5’11” tall with a husky build. He has green eyes and blonde hair like my father cut short. My other brother is 2 years older than me and is 6 foot tall with a slim build. He has hazel eyes and red hair to his shoulders like the members of the...

4 years ago
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Pushed Out Part 3

Pushed Out 3 (Background: Kerry's wife has uncovered his long-standing desire to live as a female, but rather than respond with anger or rejection, she offers to guide the transition. Kerry's secretary, Ivy, has also realized his needs and agreed to assist as well.) My conversation with Edith and Ivy had gone better than I dared hope. Not only were they both accepting of my suppressed desires to crossdress, but they had offered to guide me. It only made sense. After all, they'd been...

3 years ago
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Slut wife

A few years ago my husband and I traveled in one of the countries on the coast of the Red Sea. Hotel on the beach. Serviced staff only young boys. The road from the bungalow to the beach 20 m, of course no clothes, only a bikini, three small strips of hard cover up my pussy, and two strips on top of them fall out nipples. Came to the beach. Men are not blind, they catch the moment as with every step my nipple pops out of a thin strip of fabric. We went up to the sunbed , I remove the top. I...

3 years ago
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Bird SongChapter 9 Atishoo atishoo we all fall down

13:41, 2 August Sky News continued to report on the rising death toll, thousands became tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and then millions. The scale was simply to big for the brother and sister to fully get their heads around. The deaths were also kind of meaningless to them - they were numb, still in shock and the deaths that really mattered had happened here on the farm. Jamie found himself humming a school playground song from his early years. "Ring, a ring o'roses A pocket...

3 years ago
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Erotic SOLO Roleplay Journaling

Did you read Slut World and wish to do something similar but with a different Rule System? Or maybe you read some IMPREGNATAR but wanted something with a different concept? Did you take a look at the CHYOA forums and find the Role-Playing Games posts and feel like trying some Erotic Roleplaying of your own but don’t feel like doing a Play by Post? Do you do want to do some SOLO Roleplaying but with PORN? Then this is the place to share your story(s)! 1) Select the System: If you do NOT see the...


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