Silver Pt. 08 free porn video

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*** If you are under the age of 18 or are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately ***

This story is for adults only and contains content that is sexual in nature.

This is part 08, the final chapter in the ‘Silver’ series. For those of you who are not familiar with this series, I urge you to please peruse the last page of Silver Pt. 07 first, since it is the prelude to this series ending chapter. We continue after Michael’s daughter Monica gave Marlene a Christmas gift which also contained a dangling heart pendant key ring along with a key to his house.

*** A very special thanks to WickedInside for her editing help with this chapter and the seven previous chapters. Without her skills, the Silver series would have not made it this far! ***



Marlene held the new house key in her hand as the heart pendant dangled from the key ring. As the tearful words left my daughter Monica’s mouth, she walked over to her and took her into her arms, telling Monica that she loved her and promised she would always take good care of me.

I had discussed my marriage to Marlene with Monica, explaining to her that I wanted her to be a big part of our new life. My daughter was comforted, listening to the happiness and true love which beamed in my voice. She was just a small child when her mother and I had divorced and was too young to understand the reasons why I left her mom. She had also witnessed the heartache that I suffered with women who had come and gone throughout my life. Monica didn’t like to see me living alone and felt I deserved so much more in life than what I had previously received. She couldn’t have been more happy when I told her that I was going to ask Marlene to marry me. She, as everyone else asked when I was planning to propose. I gave her an approximate time, but explained to her that it wasn’t going to be any particular day. She loved Marlene and wanted the both of us to grow old together. Monica wanted to give Marlene something as a symbol of her love and trust, and from the heart dangling carelessly under the key to my home, I was assuming that was it.

Marlene held Monica in her arms, and as the tears trickled down her smooth cheeks, told her that she loved her over and over. The bond was solidified, the unspoken blessing was given, and the connection would never be broken. The emotions had taken their toll as we settled back into our seats with the growling of stomachs signaling their discontent. We treated Monica to an Italian dinner at one of our local haunts. Our first Christmas ended with our bellies filled with pasta, bread, coffee, and dessert, and all was well in our world.

The new year was fast approaching with me and Marlene deciding to enjoy a low key New Year’s Eve together. The Philadelphia waterfront always put on a great show to bring in the new year. Launched from barges in the Delaware river, thousands of fireworks would fill the air at the strike of midnight. More importantly, the Philadelphia celebration was held at two different times, one at midnight, and the other at six o’clock for the younger children. We felt it would be nice for us to see the fireworks early in order for us to make our way home and ring in the new year quietly on the sofa together at midnight.

The plan was set as we found ourselves bundled up and driving to the Delaware river waterfront on the Jersey side. The crowds were large and the sound of the children’s excitement rang throughout the chilly December night. The countdown for the children began and the young voices screamed out the numbers from ten to one before the thunderous boom of rockets launched into the clear night. Marlene gasped as the first bursts of brilliant sparkles painted the sky. The screams of children accompanied Marlene’s excitement as she held tightly onto my arm, describing to me the expanding blues which quickly turned to pink and drifting to the water in a shower of reds, greens, and yellows. I could feel the concussion of the exploding rockets deep in my chest as I pictured the seemingly endless display lighting up the entire riverfront. Accompanying the fireworks was the booming music of the world famous Philadelphia Orchestra. The computerized launching of the fireworks synchronized to the orchestral music and the thunderous sounds echoed over the river. Marlene squeezed tighter as the louder booms stunned even the more seasoned onlookers. I could feel her body jerk back as if she were preparing to duck out of the way of the enormous explosions. ‘Michael, this is amazing!’ she screamed as the display continued bursting overhead. ‘The colors are absolutely beautiful, and they look like they’re coming right at us,’ she yelled as her grip released before tightening again during the next brilliant volley.

The show lasted for a little more than a half hour, ending with a continuous barrage of chest pounding, deafening thunder, and brilliant starbursts. The crowd erupted in applause as the thunderous sound echoed overhead and the final starlights drifted down into the waiting river. The smell of sulfur filled the air as the cheers settled in a muffle of a thousand voices. I could picture the smoke drifting across the water as the lights of Philadelphia glistened in the background. I thought it must have been a beautiful sight, being brought out of my daydream with a soft kiss from the love of my life as she turned to me and thanked me for being there with her.

That’s how it always was with Marlene, she appreciated the simplest of things and made sure that I always knew it. Again, the child that existed within her would make its appearance on our first New Years Eve together as I pictured her face glowing with excitement.

We slowly made our way back to the car, laughing at the sound of excited children as they held onto their parent’s hands while weaving through the dispersing crowd.

‘Michael, that was spectacular,’ Marlene said as we settled into her SUV. ‘I can’t even describe the incredible colors and shapes that filled the air over our heads.’

‘I’m sure it was beautiful!’ I said with a big smile while tightly grasping her hand.

‘Michael, I hate to say this to you, but I just wish you could have seen it,’ she whispered in a sorrowful voice.

‘It’s OK, Sweetheart, I could certainly feel it in my chest,’ I replied with an assuring voice.

‘Why do such sad things happen to good people?’ she tearfully asked, ‘It isn’t fair that you can’t see… It’s just not fair.’

‘Sweetheart, my life is wonderful. I was blessed enough to have my sight at one time and witnessed both the beauty and ugliness life has to offer. As a child, I witnessed the lunar landing in 1969, but also saw the Challenger explode before my very eyes on TV in 1986. There is so much that is not fair in life, but there is so much more that life has to offer if you just open your eyes and appreciate what you have instead of dwelling on the things that you don’t.’

‘Do you see what I mean now when I say that you see things that we can’t?’ she responded, lifting my sunglasses and gazing into my broken eyes as we waited for the traffic in the parking lot to clear.

‘I see that I am happy to be who I am, with what I have,’ I said with a smile, ‘And what I have is you my love!’

‘You are the sweetest man ever to be placed on this earth,’ she whispered as she pinched my cheek and softly kissed me.

‘I would have to say the same thing about you,’ I whispered against her lips as my kiss widened into a smile, ‘You are my angel.’

‘We’ll be starting a new year and a new life in a couple of hours, do you realize that?’ she asked with a matching smile.

‘Yep, a new, long, loving life,’ I replied.

‘How about we see if we can find an open pizza shop and bring a mushroom pie home,’ Marlene suggested.

‘Sounds good to me, I’m starving.’

We did find an opened pizzeria
and grabbed a large pizza to bring home. Misty greeted us at the door as we entered with the steaming box. ‘Hey there Misty-girl,’ Marlene said as she leaned over to give the black Lab a scratch on the head.

‘I’m going to give her some Benadryl to keep her calm from the fireworks that are going to be going off soon,’ I mentioned to Marlene.

‘How about I get our pizza ready while you take care of her,’ Marlene replied, ‘What do you want to drink?’

‘I’ll have my usual Diet Coke.’

I brought Misty out for her last call of the night. I stood out in the cold night air as she meandered around the yard. I thought of how lucky I was as a fifty-four year old man to have such a beautiful, kind, and caring woman who would be my wife by the end of October. I was waiting for someone to wake me from my dream, but as a local firework exploded nearby and Misty raced up the steps and violently shook at the door, I knew that this was quite real. ‘It’s OK girl,’ I said to poor Misty as I opened the door to let her in. she didn’t run to the cabinet as she usually did for her bone, but instead, headed to the bedroom and hid in the corner, panting heavily.

‘Looks like it’s going to be a two Benadryl night,’ I said to Marlene as she placed the plates of pizza on the kitchen table.

‘Is she alright, Michael?’

‘She is a bit shaken by that last burst, I’m going to give her her pills with some peanut butter and she’ll be alright in a half hour or so.’

‘That poor dog,’ Marlene stated as she made her way back to the bedroom to comfort Misty.

I dipped the two pills in peanut butter, coating them generously and made my way back to the bedroom. As I entered, I could hear Marlene whispering to Misty, ‘It’s OK, Baby-girl, daddy is getting you some goodies to help you. He’s a great dad isn’t he? It’s OK, he’ll always be there for both of us.’

Announcing myself, I entered the bedroom. ‘Nurse Mike looking for a Misty Dalton,’ I said as I held my peanut butter covered hand in the air.

‘We’re down here in the corner,’ Marlene said as she sat on the floor with Misty panting on her lap.

‘Sweetie, what are you doing on the floor?’

‘I’m keeping poor Misty comfortable, Michael, she’s shaking so bad.’

I walked around the bed and held my free hand out for Marlene to grab and lead me down onto the floor. ‘Here you go, girl,’ I said to Misty as I held the coated pills out to her nose. I felt her wet nose as it sniffed at the peanut butter before her tongue began lapping my fingers. The two pills disappeared from my grasp and without notice, were swallowed by the anxious Lab. ‘She’ll be fine in awhile,’ I said to Marlene as she continued to run her hands across the soft black fur.

Misty finished cleaning the last remnants of peanut butter from my hand, continuing up to my wrist just in case she missed anything. ‘Are you ready to eat?’ I asked Marlene.

‘I’m just going to sit here for a couple more minutes OK?’

‘Sure, Sweetheart, I’m going to wash my hands. Marlene, she’ll be alright, I promise.’

‘I know she will, I just don’t want her to be by herself.’

‘How about I wash my hands and bring the pizza back here and we’ll eat it on the floor,’ I replied, feeling Marlene’s empathy.

‘Michael, you are so sweet… That sounds like a great idea,’ Marlene said with a smile in her voice as she continued to sit with Misty’s head on her lap.

So we did, I washed up before gathering the plates and returning to the bedroom to spend New Year’s Eve on the floor until Misty slowly drifted off to sleep. As a family, we would always be there for each other, and Misty was no different.

I excused myself one more time to retrieve my soda and a glass of wine for Marlene. As Misty drifted off on Marlene’s lap, we scarfed down the slices of pizza while discussing the events of the night. Marlene continued speaking highly of the firework display on the riverfront, explaining in detail the incredible colors and shapes of the enormous display.

‘I think that she is done for the night, Michael,’ Marlene whispered as Misty began to snore.

‘Yes, it certainly sounds that way,’ I laughed as the beautiful black Lab laid contently on Marlene’s lap while she gently pet her head. ‘Lucky dog,’ I laughed.

‘Don’t worry, Handsome, you’ll get your chance later!’ Marlene giggled as she squeezed my cheek before wiping a stray piece of cheese from my chin.

We finished our food, and as quietly as we could, raised up from the floor and left the sleeping dog lie. We cleaned the kitchen before retreating to the living room sofa. ‘Why don’t you go and put on your cozy jammies,’ I suggested.

‘Hmm, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea,’ Marlene cooed as she pressed her soft lips onto mine. ‘I’ll be right back, Handsome,’ she continued as she walked away from me.

I turned on the TV to watch one of the college bowl games that were playing that night. I figured that the game would end sometime around eleven o’clock, and at that time, we could change the channel to watch the New Years broadcast from Times Square in New York City. I could hear Marlene’s slippers lazily scraping across the hardwood floor as she reappeared from the bedroom. ‘These jammies Santa left me are so comfortable,’ she cooed as she slid on top of me.

‘I could feel her breast press against my chest as the weight of her body relaxed on top of me. I cupped my hands over the cheeks of her ass and squeezed them gently, receiving an appreciative moan in response. ‘Yes, Santa certainly knew what he was doing when he left these for you,’ I said with a grin.

Marlene nuzzled her nose in the nook of my neck, sending chills racing down my spine. I heard her giggle before the moist, warm sensation of her lips on my neck resulted in a deep moan from the depth of my chest. I could feel her mouth widen to a smile as the excited sound left my body. ‘Mmm, you like?’ she asked as she kissed my sensative skin.

‘Yes, I like a lot,’ I replied with another deep moan.

Marlene continued to kiss and suck my neck as my hands tightly grasped her ass. She began to grind against me as soft whimpers left her mouth. I could feel the muscles of her ass clench as she ground hard onto me. ‘Michael, I need you,’ she moaned as she lifted her mouth from my neck and placed it over my lips. ‘I need you now,’ she continued to plead as her hands reached behind my head and grasped my hair. My cock was rock hard, trapped in the confines of my jeans. I was praying for release as Marlene began to tug at my shirt which was tucked snuggly in my waist. ‘Right here?’ I asked as we laid on the sofa.

‘Yes, right here, right now,’ Marlene replied as she rolled to her side and pulled my shirttail up over my chest. I assisted by lifting my back and pulling the shirt over my head and dropping it to the floor. Marlene’s mouth was over my nipple before the shirt hit the hardwood surface. She reached down and unbuttoned my jeans, unzipping and pushing them down over my hips. Releasing my nipple from her mouth, she rose from the sofa and pulled off my jeans with lust in her voice. ‘Oh my, look what we have here!’ she excitedly stated, ‘Somebody is wearing his ‘stud’ undies, and well, it looks like they are struggling to contain the rather beautiful cock that will soon be in my mouth.’

I groaned out loud as I felt the warmth of her mouth cover the fabric that confined my straining cock. An inch of my shaft peeked out from the waistband as it grew with every moan which escaped from Marlene’s mouth as it ran over it’s length. She soon took the exposed head into her mouth and cleaned the pre-cum that was leaking out. I thrust up my hips as she sucked harder on the sensitive head and forced her mouth down the length until the tightness of the waistband stopped her. ‘Mmm, you taste so good, Handsome,’ she moaned as her hand began to tug at the black material, sliding it over my hips and onto my thighs. Her mouth engulfed the entire leng
th of my cock, taking it slowly into her hungry throat. ‘Mmm, mmm, mmm,’ she moaned as my cock filled her mouth. She deliberately slid up my length and let out a loud sucking pop as she released the head from her lips. ‘I don’t know what I want first, you coming in my mouth or in my pussy,’ she purred as her hand firmly held the base.

Marlene suddenly raised up, stripped my underwear from around my legs, removed her soft, warm jammies, and straddled my body. She reached down, grabbed my aching cock and rubbed it along the slit of her pussy before relaxing and lowering herself down on it’s entirety. Her hands gripped my chest and her nails embedded in my skin as she lifted herself up, leaned forward and inserted a hard nipple into my mouth. I lapped on the beautiful milk chocolate nipple and areola as she lowered herself down along my shaft, rubbing herself against my pelvis when she reached bottom. She let out a long gasp as she continued to rock back and forth against me.

‘Yes, Michael, suck my tit… Suck…my…nipple into… your…mouth,’ she groaned, reaching her right hand around the back of my head and pulling it into her as her left hand supported her weight above me. ‘Your cock is so deep,’ she moaned. ‘I love your cock, Michael, I love it, I want to feel it deep inside me all of the time.’

I began to lift my hips, meeting her downward movement while I lavished her perfect breast. Marlene withdrew her breast and replaced it with the other one, pleading for me to suck it harder as her pussy repeatedly raced along my painfully hard shaft. ‘Fuck me, Michael, please…please…fuck…me’

Her breathing increased as she begged me to suck her tit harder and give her more of my cock. ‘Michael, please, I’m going…to…come,’ she moaned while vigorously receiving my length into her deepest depth. ‘God, yes, yes, Michael… That’s it baby, give me…your…beautiful…cock. Yes, right there, right there, oh yes…yes…that’s…it.’

I was thrusting my cock up into Marlene as her words encouraged me to fuck her harder. My mouth was filled with her breast as her hand continued to drive me harder into it. ‘Michael, Michael, yes, I’m…coming… yes, fuck…I’m…coming.’

Marlene slammed down on my shaft and furiously thrust against me as her orgasm quickly approached. I could feel the stirring in my balls as she continued to plead and beg for more. ‘Oh god, I’m…going…to…come,’ she exclaimed as she released my head, pulling her breast from my mouth with a pop and dropping her forehead into my shoulder. My hands were holding onto her ass, guiding her movements against me as she exploded in an overwhelming climax. ‘Michael, please, yes…yes…yes… Christ, yes,’ she screamed into my chest as I erupted inside her without warning. ‘Oh my god,’ she wailed, ‘I can feel you coming in me… I can feel you coming deep inside of me,’ she continued as her orgasm ripped through her body. I held my hipps up high, lifting Marlene and forcing her face harder into my chest. ‘Yes, don’t stop, don’t stop… Michael, I love you so much, I love you…so…much,’ she cried as her orgasm continued to ripple through her. Her pussy spasmed around my cock as it drained the last droplets of cum into her.

Marlene collapsed onto me, driving me down into the cushion of the sofa. Her breathing was heavy as she gasped for air. I on the other hand, couldn’t even think clearly as the last spurt of cum was met with the full weight of her body dropping onto me. My chest was heaving as I tried to take more air into my emtty lungs. ‘Marlene,’ I panted, ‘I love you, Sweetheart, I absolutely adore you,’ I whispered in heavy breaths as the feeling of her tears ran down my side.

‘Michael?’ she tearfully asked.

‘What is it, Baby?’

‘I am so absolutely in love with you, you are my everything, and you always will be,’ she replied as her body shook on top of me.

I held her tight, pulling her harder against my body, promising that I would never let her go. She relaxed her legs, straightened them out and laid them along mine. My cock remained buried inside her as she began to rock back and forth as if I were a baby in her arms. ‘I never imagined in a million years,’ she began in a soft, dreamy voice. ‘I never thought that I would ever love again.’

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Blushing bride Samantha Mack has just given her gorgeous wife-to-be Jessie Lee the gift of getting fucked in the ass by a man for the first time. But even though Jessie enjoyed every minute of getting fucked by Isiah Maxwell, she still feels a little guilty, as if she’s just cheated on Samantha. Isiah hates to see any strife between his friends, so he makes a suggestion that he hopes will help – maybe he could fuck Samantha too, to even things up? Jessie is all for it, and Samantha...

2 years ago
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A Satisfying Reunion

Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers and writers, I am from Bangalore. I am have been reading Indian Sex Stories for quite some time now. I now am posting my favorite incident as my sex story. Coming to the sex story. It happened a year ago, I was getting ready to go the school reunion, I knew it would be boring but I had no other engagements that day, so decided to go. I was well dressed in a bow tie and all, left my home. I reached there within an hour. It was the reunion of 2010-2014 12...

3 years ago
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My Sons Wife

Introduction: This is my first story published here, Ill see how I like it before I publish others My Sons Wife I didnt think of her as a daughter, well, I honestly didnt really think about her too much at all. I worked all the time and when I was at home my wifes insatiable sex drive kept me pretty busy. Needless to say, I didnt notice Hailee. Sometimes I need some medicated help to keep up with my wife. Im getting a little older and to be frank its not always easy getting it up. But I was...

2 years ago
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Shanti was a real lovely maid

I was having a few days leave from university, so left hostel and was in home. I am pretty active in the sex department, in hostel and in university toilets, guys and gals- no holds barred. A few days at home was making me starving and impatient. A cool breeze came with a new maid. Her name is shanti. Without even seeing her nude, i knew how hot a figure she had inside. Best part was her hips, her color and the body proportion apart from her sweet innocent face. Both my parents are working, so...

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Tony sets up a orgy for me

As time went on other guys arrived and things looked better, one guy caught my eye, nice looks and the fact Tony had call him donkey dick helped to, we stood chatting and he asked if I wanted to join him in one of the bed rooms, of course I did, once naked he pulled me in close and hugged me tight, I slid down and sucked his cock to full size, it was big too, he lay me on my back, his cock quickly finding my willing hole, and he fucked hard and fast, after some time, I told him I wanted...

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Jake had always considered himself the neighborly sort, helpful, sharing and certainly caring. He had lived in this neighborhood for over thirty years and together with his wife Helen they had watched a variety of neighbors come and go, raised their two children and sent them off to college and enjoyed each others love, affection and company. Then two years ago Helen was diagnosed with breast cancer and even the radical surgery didn't help. Jake had taken her home and tried his best to help...

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My name is Sally and I’m married to John my husband, He specializes in psychiatric patients, who have been put away in a psychiatric hospital for most of their life,We have been married for 10 years,He has worked very hard in the past 10 years to get his position at one of the top psychiatric hospitals,We are both in our thirties so life is great our sex life has always been good as we both like the same things in life and do so much together as a couple,Life was about to change when my husband...

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Moms Horney Pills

Moms Horny Pills r My mom Megan, felt she was not performing in bed very well. She didnt get dad, who was way older, turned on anymore. She didnt want dad to stray to another woman so she went to the Doctor. This was a new Doctor, and he was a young guy which she felt may be better suited for her problem. She told him she wanted to turn her husband on and be hotter in bed for him. Mom had a killer hot body. She had beautiful smooth skin, big tits, perfect hips and legs. This Doctor saw...

3 years ago
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Playing God

She said that killing her baby was like playing God. The ultimate rush. I was confused by the whole thing and kept mentally referring back to that David Duchovney movie. She didn’t seem the least bit disturbed by what she had done. No pesky morals getting in the way. No bell going off inside her head saying, ‘Hey! You just killed your baby!’ None of that. If anything she seemed kind of proud about it. Almost euphoric. She asked me if I had ever done it, and I said no. When pressed to give an...

2 years ago
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The Club Chapter 2

The Club Part 2   I had the older lady lay on the table so the plugged sub could see her torso and what would be happening. She was no novice, she lay back with her hands over her head, feet flat on the table and knees spread. Her breasts settled over her chest, but the row of clamps would bring those back into shape.    I noticed the tail hanging down between the legs of the bent over sub twitching. It was in a rhythmic cadence from her contractions. I slipped two fingers inside her to feel...

1 year ago
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The adventures Naughty Nurse Ella

The adventures Naughty Nurse Ella - MarkElla and Mark had been acquaintances for a while now through mutual friends but when Mark broke both his arms in an accident Ella offered to check in on him every now and again. Ella was a student nurse so already knew the basics and just wanted to help Mark who was mostly alone in his flat, Mark agreed and then Ella arrived the 1st time, helped him with some stuff and gave him a quick sponge wash but only the top half, Ella loved how he looked, he had...

2 years ago
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DiscountenanceBy Brewt.BlacklistSeptember 2012THE SUBMISSIVES I have encountered have all been quite delicate creatures, easy to frighten, easy to offend. Mouthy as hell.When they are not on their knees, of course.Indeed. It's as though they save all their strength for then.Probably a defensive mechanism. I suspect the verbal attacks are that, too.Possibly. Take this one, for example.My Lord, I . . .Shut up. Don't interrupt me. God damn it, what was I saying? Oh, yes. When this one isn't here...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Mae Milano My Stepsis Is A Succubus

Jason is into stepsibling porn, and his stepsister Mae Milano is over it. He tells Mae that he can’t help but watch the porn because she walks around looking all hot. She claims she won’t tell anyone but only if Jason stops watching it. As Jason watches in disbelief, Mae tells Jason that she’s much hotter than those porn girls anyway as she shows off her titties and ass. Jason follows Mae back to her bedroom and tries to seek pity for his hardon. After a bit of coaxing, she...

3 years ago
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ENC Embarrassed Nude Couple Fantasy and SciFi Edition

Imagine a knight battling his way to the top of a tall tower of demons and monsters. He wins every battle but is ashamed when he loses his armor in the process. He can't bear to see the princess he's been sent to save. Then imagine his surprise when he finds her stripped naked too. Or picture a man jogging and a female bystander, both abducted by aliens. Both subjected to a humorous experiment. Humorous and embarrassing and erotic. What else could our hapless couple endure? Are they ninjas who...

2 years ago
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The Job Interview Part 1

It was 6pm and I had to get this report finished, everyone else had gone home except for my boss the very sexy Director, Miss Simone. I could see the light on in her corner office. I had been working on this for hours and was awaiting the final set of figures to come through. So to while the time away, surreptitiously I had opened a web connection to one of my favorite porn sites. I was quite engrossed and have to admit my cock was hard and I was rubbing my shaft up and down through my...

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Maid for the Job Chapter Ten

Maid for the Job Chapter Ten I was waiting eagerly to get out of the house and almost skipped out to the car when Fran?oise arrived, carrying my overnight bag with me. When I sat down, she leant over and gave me a big kiss and a hug. "How was the weekend?" she asked. "Really quite good actually," I responded truthfully, and proceeded to tell her all about it. She was clearly a little surprised when I told her how Mrs Smith's daughters, particularly Elsa, had been so r...

1 year ago
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SummoningChapter 5

"What you have to understand, lad," Merlin said, "is that I had been alone for quite a long time from a human standpoint, with no hope of ever seeing another human face again. There was no need to talk, for there was no one to talk to. Instead, I read - history, literature, fiction... whatever the text, I devoured it from beginning to end, absorbing vast amounts of knowledge in the years that passed without number. Therefore, when Olympias appeared to emerge from the sea without any mode...

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Date Coach from sissifyourself

Chapter 1“So what brings you here today?”Daniel looked at the date coach. He wasn’t sure of his height, taller than himself for sure, who stood at a paltry 5’ 4”, even though he was already 23 years old. He’d been made fun of his whole life for his height, but he still had a good bit of muscle, and some fat on him, as he weighed about 150 pounds, with nary a hair on his body. The doctor on the other hand, still looked athletic and muscular through his button down shirt, and didn’t look a day...

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Seduced by sister in law

We were two brothers – my brother younger by 5 years than me. I could not get married due to heavy business preoccupations, but I ensured that my younger brother got married at proper age of 26. They could not conceive for almost two years – god knows why. However, after about two years, my brother informed me about the happy news that he is going to become father. But unfortunately for all of us, he died in an accident, when his wife already 9 moths pregnant and only a few days for delivery....

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I Was a Teenage SuccubusChapter 9

Tanya sent William home shortly thereafter, feeling more relaxed than she has in days. That did not go as she had expected, but the feeling she’d had while he was licking her pussy was so satisfying, she couldn’t ... didn’t want to stop it. She had been hoping to speak with her mother about it that night, but she was still out when Tanya headed to bed. Her mother wasn’t up when Tanya left for school. William was already waiting for her outside her place. He looked very happy to see her....

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 8 Fashion Model

Being with Ramon was a wonderful experience. He shared with me his interest for music, the arts, good food and most of all his worship for the female body. He made me feel like a fully grown, mature woman, like the only woman in the world. His attention, his gentleness, his generosity made me want to give myself to him in any possible way. And when he fucked me - although he rarely used this term; he preferred to say we were making love - I wanted time to stand still, wanted the experience to...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 42 The Beginning of Fall

The varsity game ended in a huge loss for the upperclassmen. The crowd actually started to get uneasy with half of the fourth quarter still to play. Several recent graduates and parents started shouting at the players, cursing them for their poor play. It got bad enough that the faculty advisor for the cheerleaders sent them away from the field with two minutes left in the game. The exodus of the cheerleaders signaled to Morgan that it was time for our group to make its way out of the...

1 year ago
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Gaybi sauna

I am 35 years of age and married to sexy woman for years but I love cock too. I often visit my local gay/bi sauna when I get the urge for cock. On this particular time it was an hour or so befor it closed. The man who worked there did tell me that it was empty as he was shutting in a hour but I said it was ok as I could entertain myself and enjoy the steam room and jacuzzi. He gave me my towel and locker key as normal. I always wear s pair of my wife's panties when I go as I love the chance of...

2 years ago
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My First Lesbian Experience

Hey, guys! I am Kaira (name changed), a 20-year-old girl living in Delhi. I am a college student, currently single and a lesbian. This is my first time writing on ISS, so constructive criticism and feedback are appreciated. You can contact me at This is a true story of how I came across my first lesbian encounter. This was just a year back when I was 19. It was in the month of February when summer was just around the corner. I remember my mother telling me that one of the neighbors’ daughter...

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The Strange Forest

Brad Johnson sat on the edge of his bed. He had recently turned 21 and was home for the summer. Attending an out of state college had been difficult because he hadn’t been able to come home for any holidays. Growing up Brad had always been close with his family and he was looking forward to getting as much quality time in as possible over the break. Settling in to his old bedroom, Brad lock out a quick set of push-ups to maintain his athletic physique. He had worked hard to gain his muscular...

4 years ago
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Eric Angel 1

I got up out of my bed showered quickly threw on some clothes and headed out the door to school i didnt bother to eat breakfast why bother ?. I got to school at 8:05 , five minutes before the bell for home room would ring. I had to go to my locker for my english book , just as I hit the corner to get to my locker. The reason why I hate coming to school was coming my way. Eric walters captain of the football team was walking down the hall way with his boys Kevin and Tarell. Now they all were...

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I was finally home alone after 8 months of living back home with my parents. I had to move back because my roomies both got married and I couldn’t afford living on my own. My parents had to fly out of state on some business. The house was locked up, the dogs were down stairs in the livingroom sleeping, and I was naked in my bed reading the last chapter of a really great book. I looked over at the clock, it was 11:05, and knew my mother would be calling to make sure everything was ok. Even...

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Gigan Tits! I’ve reviewed all kinds of porn sites favored by all kinds of porn-viewers, from those who have desensitized their dopamine receptors from too much porn and need extreme stuff to get them aroused, to nerds who love cosplay babes, hentai waifus and video game girls and even patient erotic literature-lovers who don’t need any visual stimuli to get horny. Despite the various kinds of porno-consumers, there’s always gonna be the main demographic of fans who don’t need much to get hard...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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Mr W H Smith

I went out the other night on a girls night out my boyfriend was home alone he always wanted me to spices things up a bit but i was always too scared but this night was different.It was late in the night many drinks been drank and i been texting my boyfriend horny thoughts all night but decided to send a picture of me kissing this girl i just kissed in the toilet 5 mins before i never done out like this before but i really liked it ( bit like the song lol )he phoned me str8 away he been bit...

4 years ago
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Bus Me Chudai

Hi! dosto and This is Raja13 from Jaipur and this is a story about me and my bhabi (brothers wife) I was 22 and perhaps one of the horniest guys possible. I always had a problem that I always like a girl older then my age. Now I’m coming in Hindi, mere ghar me hum 5 log he me, papa, maa, bhai and meri bhabhi. Bhai ki shadi 2 sal pahle ho gai thi par abhi tak unhe koi bachcha nahi hua tha. Bhabhi or mere sambandh bare hi dostana the par mene kabhi unko esi najro se nahi dekha tha. Bhabhi ek dam...

4 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 11 Kimi Struts her Stuff

The pole show started at 10:00 the next day. Both Yolanda and Angel finished their separate pole routines. Each received decent applause. Kimi walked onto the stage with a small cloth in her hand. She tossed it at the base of the pole.”Yesterday before dinner Marcy encouraged me...” Marcy interrupted, “Kimi, pretend there was someone at the back door. Speak so they can hear you clearly.” “Thank you, Marcy. Yesterday before dinner Marcy encouraged me to say something in a firm confident...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Lexie Banderas Lets Her Monstrous Side Out

Lexie ended up getting a phone call from us to come by to let herself go wild on a huge dick (fans request). Lexie is a cutie at first then everything goes right once she gets to see the cock in front of her. She gives a great sloppy bj with deep-throat action before she gives out stud one hell of a surprise. She starts rimming him and goes nuts on it, i mean this chick loves it! Watch her place the stud in crazy positions so she can get in deeper with her tongue. After she decides she wants...

3 years ago
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Granny romacing on dating app

Having the same old granny fantasy for so long now...Last week i decided to join a dating site to find, chatup and hopefully at long last have sex with a lady who was aged 60plus. The plan was to make out to be interested in these ladies lifes, Don't seem rude or aggressive in anyway, Listen to them and then win their affection...Which i found out to be much easier than i could of possibly imagined. It was a sunday afternoon, I'd only been a member 2 days and i was in contact with a few gilfs...

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March Madness Chapter 10

This story is not intended for children and if you are not old enough to read sexually explicit material; go away. This story features some elements of female domination (femdom), teasing & denial, chastity training, mild bondage, creampies, cuckolding cross-dressing and a few other fantasies of mine. I hope you find it entertaining, but if you might be offended, stop reading and do something else. The author retains all rights to this story. You may re-post the story...

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Sarahs StoryChapter 3 After College

After we received our degrees, Vera and I got an apartment together in Cleveland. She started working at the hospital as a physical therapist. She also did a little massage therapy on her own. I found a position with a major bank. I applied for Broker/Finance position but I had to start out as a teller. The bank wanted its employees to know how the bank ran from the bottom up. I was promised a quick promotion as soon as I learned the entry level positions. Even though we lived in the same...

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Learning the Lifestyle Part 71

“I have a dungeon which we will use later, but since Silk if just starting out tonight I wanted to go slow,” He told them as he turned to the first bin. Noting it was Stacie’s, he decided she would go first. He grabbed out some cuffs, a flogger, a blindfold and a riding crop and placed them on a small table he had placed near. He fished in his pocket for the leash he always kept. Turning to Stacie, he tapping her on the shoulder with the riding crop he said, “Stand up slave, your first,”...

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