Silver Pt. 05 free porn video

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*** If you are under the age of 18 or are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately ***

This story is for adults only and contains content that is sexual in nature.

This is part 05 in the ‘Silver’ series. I urge you to please peruse the pages of, ‘Silver Pt. 04.’ This story is fiction, but, it does contain versions of sexual experiences that I have shared with lovers throughout my life.

I welcome all of you to vote, comment, and leave suggestions with your thoughts on this story! Thanks to all of you for your votes, kind words, and yes, criticisms on the four previous parts!

*** A very special thank you must go out to ‘WickedInside’ for her editing skills and suggestions that made this story so much better! ***


‘So, Michael, is this going to be a fancy wedding?’ Marlene asked after showing her enthusiasm about buying a new dress, shoes, etc.

‘I don’t know, where is the reception being held?’

‘Hold on a second… It says here that the reception is being held at the Ben Franklin, in Philadelphia. Nevermind, this just answered my question,’ Marlene laughed. ‘Why in Philly?’

‘I believe that Becky is from the suburbs of Philadelphia,’ I answered. ‘That is a beautiful building, I worked directly across the street from it when I was employed at the hospital.’

‘Michael, how about if we rent a room at one of the hotels on Market Street?’ she asked in a very excited voice. Placing her hand on mine, she continued, ‘It would be so much fun, so romantic, and we wouldn’t have to worry about driving home after the reception.’

‘Easy there Beautiful, let’s just reply for two people right now and maybe we can make reservations at one of the hotels later,’ I laughed.

Marlene’s excitement was so enjoyable to listen to. She sounded like a little kid stepping onto the grounds of a town carnival. I knew that we would be staying at a hotel in the city, why wouldn’t we? The city is so romantic at night, the sights, sounds, and smells saturate your senses. As you walk through the historical city, you think back to the founding of our country. I pictured us walking around Independence Mall, eating lunch at the Reading Terminal Market, and possibly taking a walk down to Penns Landing and relaxing along the river front.

‘What do you want me to put down for your food selection?’ she asked, bringing me out of my dreamy state.

‘Huh?’ I replied.

‘What were you thinking about, Handsome? You were thinking about staying in the city weren’t you?’ she seductively purred as she ran her hand up my thigh.

‘Yeah, actually I was. How did you know?’

‘I could see the half smile on your cute little face,’ she giggled as she reached up and pinched my cheek.

‘You’re starting to scare me, Marlene,’ I chuckled.

‘Oh, Michael, I can’t wait… This is going to be so much fun,’ she said excitedly. ‘Now what do you want to select for your entree? The selections are: prime Rib, chicken Kiev, and salmon.’

‘Prime rib for me, Sweetheart,’ I responded.

‘I knew that, I shouldn’t even had asked you. I think that I’ll have the salmon,’ she whispered to herself as she checked the appropriate boxes. ‘I’ll mail this on the way home, OK?’

‘Yeah, that will be great,’ I said, leaning against her and giving her a kiss on her neck.

‘Hey you, what are you doing? I have to go soon,’ she moaned.

I gave her a little nibble on her neck before reaching up and taking her earlobe between my teeth. I gave it a slight tug before sucking it inbetween my lips. ‘Mmm, you taste good,’ I moaned as I released the delicate lobe and kissed behind her ear. Marlene gulped and took in a deep breath before letting out a long, sensual moan. ‘You’re giving me goose bumps,’ she whispered, before releasing a longer moan as I licked the inside of her ear. ‘Michael, You have to stop, I have to get going.’

‘Do I have to? Do you really want me to?’ I asked while lifting her hair and taking the back of her neck into my mouth. As I sucked on the baby soft skin, I could feel the chills race through her body.

‘Yes, no, yes, don’t stop,’ she moaned with a shiver.

‘Is that a yes, stop, or a no, don’t stop?’ I teased, reaching her breast with my hand and squeezing the erect nipple that I knew would be waiting for me.

‘Oh god, yess…yes…no…don’t stop,’ she stammered.

‘Marlene, it sounds like you are having a little problem making up your mind.’

I took her other nipple between my fingers and lightly gave it a squeeze and tug. I reached my other hand up the oversized shirt and raked my fingers down her back. My hand stopped at the waist of her shorts, and I slid a couple of fingers down the little gap at the small of her back. Her skin was so soft, so smooth, so warm. I loved touching her, and feeling the sensual curves of her body. ‘You started something this morning before I was cock blocked by Misty,’ I whispered in her ear.

‘Mmm, I couldn’t do that while she was staring at us,’ she moaned as I sucked on the back of her neck.

I released Marlene’s nipple from my fingers and brought her hand to the hard on that strained in my shorts. She began to stroke it’s length through my pants. ‘Mmm, i want this in my mouth,’ she moaned as she continued to massage my cock. She reached under the waistband of my shorts and moaned, ‘You are so hard… It’s so warm in my hand, Michael.’

Marlene moved from the sofa and knelt before me. She began to remove my shorts as she tugged at the waistband. I lifted my ass and she slid them down my legs until they rested at my feet. ‘Do you want to go back to the bedroom?’ I asked.

‘No, to use the words of someone that I know, you won’t be lasting that long,’ she seductively moaned as she began to slide my cock around her face before taking the head into her hot mouth.

‘Marlene,’ I gasped. ‘that feels so good, Sweetheart… Oh yes…’

Marlene dipped her mouth down quickly on my shaft before withdrawing it and rubbing the head along her pouty lips. The sensation of her soft lips sliding against my sensitive skin had my pre-cum draining onto her. She slid her tongueout and licked the underside of my shaft, lapping up the salty fluid. ‘Mmm, Michael, you taste so good,’ she moaned, before taking me into her mouth again. My cock disappeared as her hand twisted and jerked from the base. She bobbed her head up and down my shaft before releasing it again, licking and swirling her tongue around my head as her hand continued to slowly stroke the remainder of my cock.

‘Marlene, that feels so good, yes…yes…so…good,’ I moaned. ‘Sweetheart, I’m going to come…’

Marlene released her hand and took the length of my shaft into her mouth. She held it inside as I felt her nose press into my pelvis. My cock began twitching as I felt my orgasm building. she withdrew my shaft to the head, grabbed the base in her fist again, and began to stroke my length as her mouth enveloped my head. She rapidly sucked it with her lips as her hand grasped me more firmly and jerked me hard. I warned her of my oncoming orgasm as I threw my head back against the sofa, raised my ass, and tensed. Marlene kept me between her lips as spurts of cum began to fill her mouth. I grasped her hair as cum continued to race from my cock. She moaned loudly, swallowing every last drop that I could produce. She continued sucking on my shaft as her muffled moans grew louder, climaxing with my cock buried in her mouth. Her lips tightened around my shaft as she reached the peak of her orgasm. ‘Mmm, mmm, mmm… That was so, so amazing, Michael,’ she said in heavy breaths as she released my cock. ‘I came while sucking you, Michael, I can’t believe that I came while I was doing that. That never, ever happened to me before. The things that you do to me,’ she whispered, before cleaning me with one last suck

‘The things that I do to you? How about the things that you do to me?’ I gasped as her mouth slid up my cock and released me. ‘Marlene, that was so very sexy,’ I said as I cupped her face with my hands. ‘You, my love, are so unbelieveably beautiful, sexy, sensual, loving, caring, and thoughtful.’

I leaned forward, took her hands into mine, and brought them to the back of my neck, kissing her softly as she folded her arms snugly around my neck. My hands ran through the back of her head as the silky soft hair slipped through my fingers. We held our lips together, tenderly sliding and sucking them into each other’s mouths before finally seperating with a moist pop.

‘I love you, Marlene.’

‘I love you too, Michael.’

A half hour later, Marlene was collecting her clothes from the previous night’s dancing, and placing them into her car. ‘You don”t mind if I wear your clothes home, do you, Handsome?’

‘No, of coarse not, you look so sexy,’ I said as I gave her a hug and kiss goodbye.

‘I’ll be wearing your shirt and thinking of you while I’m lying alone in bed tonight,’ she cooed. ‘I’ll call you later, OK?’

‘OK, Sweetheart, I’ll talk to you later…’


We talked on the phone from home, Marlene’s office at work, and during our occasional nightly walks through the neighborhood. The minute that we heard each other’s voice or felt each other’s touch, any tension that we were holding, instantly released from our bodies. The summer was passing us by and the daylight was lessening. One night after dinner, I sat at the piano and began to play. I warmed up for awhile, playing bits and pieces of various songs that I had learned and managed to remember.

‘It’s beautiful, isn’t it?’ the voice said to Marlene as she sat in her SUV, parked outside of my house. Marlene jumped in surprise as she hadn’t heard the elderly man approach. ‘Oh, I’m sorry young lady, I didn’t mean to startle you,’ the man said. ‘I’m Richard, Michael’s next door neighbor.’

‘Hi Richard, I’m Marlene.’

‘I’ve seen you and Michael together lately, and it looks like the two of you are quite the special ones,’ Richard whispered as the sound of the piano drifted through the open windows, and out into the summer air.

‘Richard, people keep saying that, you being the third one,’ Marlene said in a questionable, but surprised tone. ‘Why do you say that?’

‘I guess it’s from the years of marriage and experience,’ he explained. ‘You know, my wife and I would sit out on the stoop and listen to him play at night. I don’t know how he does some of the things that he does.’

‘Is your wife in the house?’ Marlene asked.

‘No, my Suzie passed last March,’ Richard answered in a shaky voice.

‘Oh, I am so sorry,’ Marlene said as she took the elderly man’s hand into hers.

‘My Suzy would sit by the window saying her rosary while Michael climbed up onto the roof and decorated the house for Christmas. She wouldn’t stop until he returned to the ground, put the ladder away, and cleaned up after running the lights around the house and plugging them in for a test.’

‘He really did that? He wasn’t kidding when he told me?’ Marlene asked.

‘No Marlene, he wasn’t kidding. It was almost like clockwork, after he finished, our phone would ring, Sue would pick up, and Michael would ask her if she could come out to see if all of the lights were working. We would walk out together and let him know if things were alright. It was simply amazing, everything was just perfect,’ he said.

Not realizing that I had an audience, I began to play the Billy Joel song, ‘And So It Goes’ and the piano came alive. ‘Oh my God, this is such a beautiful song,’ Marlene whispered.

‘I’m not familiar with this tune,’ Richard admitted.

Marlene told Richard the name of the tune as they listened together. I continued playing the beautiful, but sad love song as I hummed the words to myself. Marlene rubbed Richard’s hand with her soft touch as the music filtered out through the screens of the spare bedroom. I ended the song and sat for a second, thinking of what to play next. I made my decision as my left hand hit a ‘C’ octave in the base and my right played the third inversion of a ‘C’ chord. My left hand played an ‘E’ octave next as my right remained on the same ‘C’ chord. I continued playing the piano solo to ‘Layla’ by ‘Derek and the Dominos’. The piano thundered beneath my hands as I played the legendary piano piece.

‘Holy crap…’ Marlene exclaimed. ‘ Oh, I’m sorry Richard,’ Marlene said, apoligizing for her language in front of my elderly neighbor. ‘Listen to that, It sounds like it is coming from the stereo.’

‘I told you, he is amazing, and I don’t know how he manages to do the things that he does,’ Richard said, as he placed his other hand over Marlene’s. ‘Did he tell you that he used to cut his own grass?’

‘Nooo, he did not…’ Marlene shrieked. ‘How in the world did he do that?’

‘He would line the lawn mower up at the edge of the sidewalk, walk straight up, then walk backwards to the sidewalk. He would move the mower over, line the wheels against the edge of the grass, and repeat the same thing. He worked his way across the lawn, bending over and checking the grass to make sure that he didn’t miss anything before he continued. It was quite a process,and he did it every week. And not only that, he edged the walkway too!’

‘I can’t believe it,’ Marlene said in a shocked voice. ‘Is there anything that he can’t do?’

‘Yes Honey, he can’t see,’ Richard said sadly.

‘No, he really can’t, can he?’ Marlene whispered. ‘But, he makes me wonder sometimes.’

‘I have to get inside and finish cleaning the dishes,’ Richard said, ‘It was a pleasure meeting you, Marlene.’

‘It was very nice meeting you also, Richard. If you ever need anything, let Michael and me know, OK?’

‘Thank you, Marlene, I’ll be sure to let you know.’

I was still fiddling with the piano when I heard a knock at the door, and then the youthful voice of Marlene shout, ‘Hey Liberace, can I come back?’

Misty raced from the room out to greet Marlene. ‘Hey there, Misty-girl, how are you?’

I heard the usual thump on the floor and as I walked out, Marlene was bending over and scratching the black Lab’s belly. ‘Hey Beautiful, what a nice surprise!’ I said with a big smile on my face.

‘I was just ending my day at work and wanted to stop in and give you a kiss before I went home for the night.’

‘You’re just getting home now?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, it was a long, long day and I just needed a hug and a kiss.’

Marlene raised up, walked into me and gave me a huge hug. ‘I love you more than anything, Michael,’ she said as tears began to run down her face.

‘Hey, hey, what are the tears for, Beautiful?’ I asked as I held her tightly.

‘As I pulled up to your house, I could hear the sound of your piano. I sat outside listening to you play for awhile and your neighbor, richard came up to me to say hello. He commented on how he and his wife used to sit out and listen to you play.’

‘Sue passed away last March,’ I sadly said.

‘Yes, he told me. He also told me about all of the other things that you do as we listened to your beautiful piano.’

‘Like what?’

‘Like cutting the lawn,’ Marlene cried into my shoulder.

‘Sweetheart, why does me cutting the lawn make you cry?’

‘I asked him if there was anything that you couldn’t do and he said yes, you couldn’t see. And that’s when it hit me… You really can’t see. You are so nonchalant with everything that you do. I never think about it, I don’t realize that you really can’t see.’

‘Marlene, that is a good thing. I don’t want you to think of me as blind, I want you to think of me as a regular guy.’

‘But, you’re not a regular guy, Michael, you are a very special, very talented, very kind man.’

‘Marlene, I don’t understand.
.. I’ll walk into a wall if it will make you feel better.’

‘Marlene laughed a bit and said, ‘No silly, you don’t have to walk into the wall to make me feel better. It’s just when he said that, I felt so sorry for you.’

‘No, no, don’t feel sorry for me, Beautiful… I’m lucky to be who I am, with what I have,’ I said in a firm voice. ‘If you want to feel sorry for someone, pay a visit to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. There is a place where you can feel sorry for people. Although, they’ll most likely say the same thing that I just said.’

Marlene looked up at me and gave me a light kiss. ‘You are still amazing to me,’ she said with a sniffle.

‘Well, I didn’t say that I wasn’t amazing!’ I grinned.

Marlene began to laugh as she tapped me on the chest with her hand. ‘You always find the words to make me laugh when I’m in the middle of a good cry.’

‘I do my best,’ I said as I kissed her. ‘Hey, is this your work attire?’

‘Yes, it’s just one of my business suits that I wear every day.’

‘Color?’ I asked.

‘Gray today, but I have a bunch of other colors and styles at home.’

‘Very nice,’ I said as I reached down and took her ass into my hands. ‘Mmm, very nice indeed.’

‘Michael, stop,’ Marlene laughed, ‘You’re so bad…’

She pulled me over to the sofa and we sat and talked for awhile. ‘Handsome, can I ask you something?’

‘Ask away,’ I replied.

‘What do you see? I mean, I know that you can’t see anything, but what is it like?’

‘Hmm,’ I thought. ‘It’s kind of light gray, but with millions of dancing white lights that sparkle within the background.’


‘Yeah, millions and millions of pin point lights that blink on and off as they dance before me,’ I tried to explain. ‘As far as trying to compare it to something that you might better understand… Did you ever drive into a fog bank?’

‘Yes, it’s white, but blank,’ she said.

‘Exactly, it’s blank, with the exception of the lights,’ I said as I took her hand into mine. ‘It’s just blank, Sweetheart, that’s what I see.’

We continued to talk and the subject quickly changed to the upcoming wedding that we would be attending. Marlene said that it sounded like an Irish wedding by the sound of the two family names.

‘What? Dalton and O’hara?’ No, that’s more Pollish,’ I joked.

‘Oh Michael, it is not,’ Marlene giggled as she reached up and squeezed my cheek. ‘I was thinking of a green dress, what do you think?’

‘Marlene, that is totally up to you.’

‘What color suit are you wearing?’

‘What color suit?’ I stammered. ‘Um, kind of a dark gray.’

I only owned one suit. It was my wedding/funeral/all purpose suit. Shit, it was only fourteen years old, but it worked in a pinch. I had heard the top morning show in Philadelphia radio, teasing their producer about a department store suit that he had bought for an upcoming wedding that he was attending. The traffic girl said that every man should have a fitted suit at some point in his life. And there I sat with Marlene, the most beautiful, fashionable woman that I ever knew when I made the decision that I indeed would purchase a personally tailored suit.

‘Hey, earth to Michael,’ Marlene laughed. ‘What are you thinking about?’

‘Oh, nothing… Just how beautiful you are and unbelievable you’ll look in your dress.’

‘You know, you can’t use the, ‘how beautiful I am’ thing every time I ask what you are thinking.’

‘Yes, I know,’ I replied with a smirk, ‘but that’s what I was thinking!’

‘Uh huh, nice try, Handsome.’

I laughed innocently as I crossed my heart with my finger. I had four weeks to get a new suit. I decided that I would go into the city and purchase a tailered suit and while I was there, make a surprise visit to Marlene at her law firm.

‘Hey Sweetheart, would you be interested in going down to the shore to my sister and brother-in-law’s house and staying over for a night or two?’

‘Michael, that would be so nice… I haven’t been to the shore since I was a kid,’ she said excitedly.’

‘You haven’t been to the shore since you were a kid?’ I asked in disbelief. ‘You never went with your husband?’

‘No, he didn’t like the beach.’

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SOULMATESChapter 1While paging through blogs on my favorite BDSM website, I came across one by a man, who claimed to have a slow-witted wife that he’d ?bought? 3 years earlier, and how much he enjoyed making her life miserable.  Since he had mentioned his county and state, I knew we couldn’t be more than 25 or 30 miles apart.  Fascinated with the idea of mixing things up, I wrote him immediately, and pulled no punches.?Hi, A.P.  I read your blog with great interest.  I am currently the...

1 year ago
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Daughters Friend Part 1

My only child, Claire, has just returned home from her first semester of college. It’s great to see her. It’s been a bit lonely since she left. Her mother, my amazing wife, died during childbirth so it’s been me and Claire for the first eighteen years of her life. You can imagine how hard it was when she made the decision to leave our home in California and go to school on the East Coast. I guess she got tired of the perfect weather and legal weed. Go figure.We’re super close and kept in touch...

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The Kids From FoldenChapter 6

"Never leave? What does she mean by that?" asked Jody. "What's she gonna do, send us to bed without our supper? Is this some kinda joke?" Tasha turned to Garth. "Garth, did you plan this?" Alex fired at her, "Yeah right, Tasha. Garth had this all planned. Right from the beginning." Tasha started to say something when Garth put his hand over her mouth, finally shutting her up. Garth looked to Yavi and Farhad for an explanation. "All right you two braniacs; what'd ya do-add some...

1 year ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 37 Preparing the Team

While Hank and his combat team waited for the green light from President Proctor they used the time to recharge their emotional batteries and to get clear on some of the background information they would need to know. The worst thing about military operations is the waiting. Experienced soldiers know how to wait productively--even when all they do is sleep. For soldiers, "sleep is when you can get it." Doctor Henry James Dalton, sometime militia colonel, was leading a commando team of 15...

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The GeneralChapter 10

Mark left Sue Ann Pfeiffer just before lunch and headed back to Atlanta to make final arrangements for his prom commitment to Sandy. He was determined to make the evening memorable for her as best he could. To counteract the feeling of isolation that she was experiencing from her classmates, he suggested that she invite her best friend Carol, and her date, to join them for the evening. He knew just enough about high school proms to know that no two were alike and decided that he needed more...

2 years ago
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Desconocido Pt 01

Prologue ‘You can’t be serious.’ Kazuo Abe stepped back, away from his shadowed assailant. His eyes darted, desperately looking for help or hope. His head stayed locked in place, his sweat-coated face twitching. The other man said nothing, moving ever quicker towards Kazuo. There was nobody else to be seen. But then, why would there be? The only other men on board were down below. They worked for the approaching man, and they didn’t speak English. ‘Goddamn it, Mike,’ Kazuo blurted out....

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Fisting at the Beach

The next day, when we were going out to the beach, Giulia was again tending the reception desk. She smiled shyly as she watched us approach her. Martina was wearing a Bikini that looked three sizes too small for her, barely covering her nipples and pelvis, and showing dark pubes all around the sides of her bikini bottom. Over that, just to cover it up slightly, she wore a loose blouse that she knotted under her wide breasts, and some really short jean shorts. I was in my orange and black...

3 years ago
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Sexy Stepmom lends a hand Part 2

Jake was on edge, his step Mom kept giving him looks over breakfast, making his cock eager. It had been a few days since she had stroked him off, and he was so ready to see if her comment about doing more was just an offhand remark, or whether he was indeed going to get more. In the early afternoon, Danielle appeared in her tiny bikini, stepped out into the back yard, and stripped it off, giving Jake a case of stoneware cock. Before he could slip away to his room, and stroke off to her...

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I Love A Rainy Night

She had a thing for younger guys, her motto being, "get them young, train them right".  She met Bruce at work, but he only worked casually, picking up shifts when he needed to, which wasn't often.  He had another job and lived and worked 90 miles away.    He was about 10 years her junior, divorced and had a little girl whom he had on weekends when he wasn't working.    He asked her out for coffee one evening after work, and it was well past 1:00 AM when it started to rain heavily.  He had...

Straight Sex
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BangBus Kay Lovely Innocent Blonde Fucks Stranger

Kay Lovely is on the side of the road checking out the view. The Bang Bus pulls up on her and wants to see a view of her tits. Her tits are amazing, seriously it’s not even possible to tell if they are real or not. Tyler Steel might be the only guy who knows after inspecting them. She gets on the bus for the money she stays on the bus for the sex. Tyler pile drives her, fucks her missionary style, and lets her bounce on his cock with her perfect titties jiggling up and down. When...

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Dairy of a Slave II

I feel your hand take my chin and lift my head so our eyes meet and my pussy gets immediately soaked  Smiling, she sat at the desk opening the gilded book of plain blank paper. Her long slim fingers dancing, as they picked up a pen. She sighed once more and set it to the paper, lush lips turning up at the corners, she began to write … M’LORDS PASSION I sat and waited with anticipation for you to come home. You said you would be home at 5. I snuck a look at the clock, I see it was 5:35. I got...

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MOM’S SHEER AND SILKY LACE PANTYHOSEThis is my first story and it explains how I came to be “into” pantyhose.My love for pantyhose was established around the ages of 13-14. It all began one day when I saw pantyhose on mom’s dresser. A kinky curiosity washed over me and I took a pair to my room and put them on. I figured mom would never miss them because there were so many. As I put the pantyhose on I began to pop a boner and I loved it. Once I finished putting her pantyhose on I lay on my bed...

4 years ago
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Is that what I think it Is Gay Blacken

I’ve always had this thing for younger black men.  I grew up near an air force base in Michigan where there plenty of black airmen running about and driving me wild.  I will always regret when I was walking down a road one day on my daily walk when a hunky, cute black airman asked if I wanted a ride.  I froze and shook my head no.  What can I say?  I was young and not too bright. Through the years, I’ve traveled throughout the world and encountered plenty of young black men.  I just love the...

4 years ago
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Jason and Jennifer Naked In SchoolPart 7 Sunday

For the life of me, I didn't understand what had happened the night before. I thought Jason would be up for a threesome with Heather. I thought he'd be excited by the thought. I thought he would have been happy for me, but instead he storms out of the room. I felt like such a slut, only I didn't know why. I hadn't been able to fall asleep for hours, and when I finally did it wasn't pleasant. "Go away," I mumbled into my pillow as someone shook my shoulder. "Jennifer," said a...

3 years ago
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Auntie Gets Her Two Big Wishes

[Contains: F/Young F, Lesbian Sex, Girl-on-Girl Impregnation & Babymaking]Connie is happy with most of everything in her life. She has established a very successful interior-design business by forging links with some of the top architects in the city. She has her own large penthouse with great views of the harbor and several very good friends. But, there are two things missing. Her beloved husband died 3 years ago, just at the time they had planned to have c***dren. There has been no one...

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Toman of the Cherokee 20

Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton __________________________ I could barely believe what I was hearing. She wanted my help? Shaking my head I was still staring at her in disbelief. Letting out a huge sigh I reached out feeling all the spells and curses on her. Then my eyes shot open when I felt...

1 year ago
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BlendersChapter 23

Erin returned to her own time. Junior was crying. She quickly cleaned and changed the boy then flopped her tit out of her silky robe to feed him. She sat in the rocker humming softly to her son. Her mind searched their pent house apartment to show that her husband was still sleeping. It was just starting to dawn. She recalled what Mr. Olson told her about the Insurrection. It at first seemed like a race riot between three major factions. Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites. However this was a ruse...

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Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned! I learned my lesson early as a young man to be honest with myself and any potential romantic partners about my inner sense of femininity. I learned it the hard way. The only girl I ever got really serious about, to the point of borrowing money to buy a three hundred dollar engagement ring, I wasn't honest with. Her name was Cynthia. I should have told the truth to her, and maybe things wouldn't have happened the way they did. Or maybe it would have never begun. We...

4 years ago
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Sister Secret GirlfriendChapter 9

We were in the kitchen and talking about Bridget and I was excited about the idea of fucking my cousin and talking about using her like a whore. I do not know what triggered Karen but she swept all the dishes off the table screaming in anger. I will not have you fucking that bitch! I will not stand for this! I will kill her rather than let her touch you. This shit has to end or I will kill her or myself. I grabbed Karen and restrained her and she slapped me and called me a fucker. It seemed...

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Young Desi Maid Geeta And Her Master

Hi friends, this is Aryan Batra from Delhi. I am a huge fan of ISS since last 8 years. Today, I decided to narrate one of my real life experiences. Warning: This is my real story and I am trying to narrate it in as detailed as possible. So, this is going to be a long story, kindly bear with me. Let me introduce the characters first. Me – I am well-educated, 24 years old male. I am fair in colour, 5’8″ tall, gym fit guy with some adorable looks and 6″ inch tool. Geeta – My cleaning girl of...

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10 Most Popular Indian Sex Stories Of The Month April 2015

Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of April, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! How I was shared between my real life master and his friends on a Goa trip, where I was not only used as a sex slave but also was used as their personal servants. …He had a pair of devils hand, huge fingers and palm complimented with the hardness of an animal. He was rubbing my boobs for a couple of min and then suddenly felt it....

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Power Chapter Ten Psych Subject

We were paid twenty-five dollars an hour for each session. One Saturday we were told that we would be paid two hundred dollars to take a day-long battery of tests. The results would go into a database where we were identified only by a code number. Only Dr. Wagoner, the head of the Psych Department, had the key to the code. She would give us our results if we wanted them. My first actual job was in some advanced class that was studying motivations. It was all over my head. They were talking in...

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I’d been thinking it over. What would it be like with another guy. Just to try it. Just to see. I’m married and pretty happy but thoughts of mutual wanking and cock-sucking had been going through my head. I got horny watching gay porn and imagining my mouth wrapped around a hard cock growing in my mouth. I hadn’t done anything about it, except for one experience in an Amsterdam porn theatre. (see my other stories) The thought of that got me pounding hard and I couldn’t stop pulling off and...

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Aunty Ki Dard Bhari Chudai 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, my name is vijay singh from patiala punjab my age is 22 well body cock size 7.3 . Aap logo ne meri pehle bhi three story padi hogi iss per jis me mai ne apni padose ki ek aunty aur un ki beti ko choda tha aur ek apni hi city ki lady ko choda tha aaj mai aap logo ko apni new story sunane ja raha hu jis me batau ga ksise mai ne apni suman aunty ki friend ko choda tha baat 9 march ki hai us din mai college nahi gya tha mai apne ghar me hi tv dekh raha to mai boor ho raha tha To mai ne...

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A tribute to Ms K

Her name was Joy Kenny. She was a neighbor of mine while I was a teenager. My mother was older than she was but they both was housewife's. So they became friends besides being neighbors. Often when I arrived home after school Joy will be in the kitchen. Joy was 10 years older than I was but I had a enormous “crush” on her. Let me describe this creature of my young fantasy. She stood about 5' 8” or so. A delightful smile which I see now even though more than 50 years has past. She had short fire...

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Fatherson and cock

Denise was rushing around getting everything ready for her dinner guests, who were arriving in around a hour, it was a blind date for her, Carl was being bought alone by David and Vera who where Denise’s closest and trusted friends, Vera met David at colleges and married him as soon as both qualified as teachers, Carl was David’s brother and had been single for a while, he had a son called Simon who was training as a solicitor, Vera thought that Carl would be great company and suggested they...

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EllenChapter 39 Keeping it in the Family

The stay in the hunting lodge, delightful as it was, had come to an end and the Carters returned to Munich in early May. Here, Richard found a pile of documents that had been delivered by a special courier. One envelope in particular caught his attention as it bore the seal of the Royal Household. It contained orders for a special mission. The Household and the Government were evaluating potential husbands for the Princess Victoria. One such prospect was Prince Franz August Carl Albert...

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Walking HolidayChapter 7

In the cottage, the others looked, smirked and looked away. Erica walked past and said quietly “But I was first” After she’d gone I said (also quietly) to Terri “Not like that, she wasn’t” Later, I saw her in the garden, doodling. “Terri, two things: those pictures are positively pornographic; and they are very good!” she was drawing my genital equipment from memory. The pictures were very detailed, and very well drawn. “Do you draw other things? Not other people’s cock and balls, I mean....

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SkatabendIch habe mir 4 meiner Meister zu einem sadistischem Skatabend eingeladen. Wir haben solche Abende bereits haeufiger gehabt, und alle beteiligten kennen den ungefaehren Ablauf, sowie die Regeln, welche gelten:1.        Jeder bringt eine kleine Sauerei zu meiner Folter mit.2.        Ich habe bedingungslos zu gehorchen.3.        ich darf nicht mitspielen, bin aber Gastgeberin, Bedienung und Experimentierobjekt4.        Der Gewinner verfuegt den Rest der Nacht ueber michEs wird 8 Uhr, und...

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MrPOV Kallie Taylor Boss Bangin8217

Kallie Taylor is a hot young student trying to pay her way through college by working at your club. Tonight she’s a little upset, because you told Kallie she couldn’t have the spot on Friday. At your club, being a Friday Night Girl is the best way to make cash. As the boss, you gotta put business first… so you always put your best girls out on Friday. Kallie wants the dough, and she’s willing to do anything for it. Anything. At first her plan is just to give you a...

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The Trouble With Tiffany Adams

Tiffany Adams has been a very sporty girl since she was 5 years old. After joining her school football team because a boy told her girls can't play as good as boys, she got the bug for playing football. During her teenage years, she was responsible for leading the school football team to a total of 5 league wins. She also took up an interest in netball and swimming, meaning she had very good coordination and balance. She also has a very tomboyish attitude, meaning that she has an ability no...

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My first MMF why I keep on cruising

I gotta tell you about my one and onlythere is this crusing spot along the Trans Canada highway not too far from where I liveI pulled in to a truck pull off area, it was early evening about 7:30 or so, on a November eveningWhen I stopped there was a car, parked ahead.., brake lights flashed on off in tell tale fashion I turned the interior lights on and off in my van and soon this guy came back to my vehicle to join me Because it is a rather busy and open highway I wasnt really too comfortable...

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Silken Smoke

She was sitting in one of the two deep, mahogany coloured leather chairs positioned by the fire in the Hunt Club, a long white cigarette dangling carelessly from her slim, manicured fingers, when I first saw her. When I first fell in lust with her, rather. Her red slingback stiletto heels dangled from her stockinged feet, and her red silk sheath dress had slipped up just enough to reveal a hint of the lace tops of those stockings. She appeared to be waiting on someone, but had the look of...

Straight Sex
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 87

"Could you start unpacking the barbeque already, while I have a talk with Veronique?" Charles asked Erik. "No problem," Erik said. "And if she has some doubts about all of this, just let me know, and I will talk it out with her. Okay?" "Okay!" Charles responded, and then walked away towards Sandra and Veronique. "So, joining in with my daughter, I see," Charles said when Veronique looked up at him. "Hope you don't mind?" Veronique asked. "Of course not," Charles said...

4 years ago
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Fucked aunty

Hi to all the readers,i am dev,dehi and i am here to tell my sex experience in my winter holidays trip to shimla.I and one of my friend were going to shilma from i.s.b.t and we sat on our seat nearly by 8am.After 5min a aunty with her daughter and son came to bus .the lady was with a good figure(36-28-35) and nearly about 35 year of age.She took the seats next to us and then we all waited for the bus to start.As the bus started i and my friend started to chat about our college results ad...

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A Cloak of Lies Ch 15

Epilogue That’s all folks… ‘Seriously?’ Lorette waved a nervous hand at Camille, telling her to keep her voice down. She looked around carefully, checked out the window to make sure they hadn’t been heard. ‘Yes,’ she said. Her voice was hushed, as if imparting a secret that could bring the world to a screeching halt. ‘I don’t know what to do.’ Camille laughed, jostling the cherub on her lap. ‘For heaven’s sake, Lorette, you have a baby, that’s what. It sort of comes along with being...

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Seduction Of A Voyeur

Seeking a VoyeurTwo athletic and endowed men here like to be watched as we play tonight. Not looking for a third to join - just watch. Straight preferred. We can host.The ad intrigued me enough to reply. I had planned to masturbate to video porn that night and thought the real thing might be another level better. They replied to my interest and we traded pictures and details. I made it clear that I'm not gay and wasn't looking to be a third either, but porn is porn. They were close; I felt...


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