You Sure Got A Pretty Mouth 2
- 4 years ago
- 26
- 0
I suppose I should have been glad that I hadn’t fallen into the desperate ocean of destructiveness the night before, but I felt anything but happy. Actually, it seemed I wasn’t feeling much of anything at all, and that wasn’t really a good sign. It was as if I was dryly watching myself from afar, I could see what I was doing, I just couldn’t feel it.
I sat where I had been sitting most of the night, on my bed, staring out the window. I could see the sun coloring the sky in yellow and orange hues, the beautiful colors of dawn, something that usually filled me with a sense of hope. A stray thought, that perhaps I needed to worry a bit about my lack of response to the beauty of nature, the way I liked it, through a window, blew swiftly through my mind, but there was just no energy left in me to catch that thought and run with it.
I didn’t like the numbness I was stuck in, because it reminded me of those painful weeks of slow healing where I didn’t care if I lived or died. I would have died then, if not for Rose. Rose, the kindest of friends, I should get going, if not for my own sake I should do it for her. And Sean. And the rest of the people I loved. Had I ever told them I loved them? Or showed them?
Just getting up was a true accomplishment, every one of my movements were slow and it seemed as if I was stuck in maple syrup, a taste- and colorless type with a strange sour smell to it. Or, come to think of it, the smell was coming from me. It was the sickening smell of someone who had spent too many hours sweating in complete fear, stuck in a living nightmare.
Showering meant I would have to remove my clothes and then put new clothes on, and that was way more effort than I felt up to. I decided to conserve what little energy I had for the two important things that I needed to get on with, to give the evidence box to Sean and to make sure that all of my friends were protected by taking them to my ‘safe house’, one of the smaller buildings at the country seat that housed the Delilah Institute. And yeah, if I still had some strength left after that I’d drag myself over to William’s to see if he could pull me up from the deep hole I’d managed to push myself into.
One thing at a time though… I whispered to myself as I reached for my phone. I dialed Sean’s number and was sent to his answering services straight away. I tried calling once more, then a few more times. I stared at my phone in shock, Sean never shut his phone off. And if he hadn’t shut it off, perhaps that meant… that someone else had shut his phone off for him. And that someone might be there… with them… hurting them.
I moved as fast as I could, which was too slowly and too clumsily for my taste, but after a lot of stumbling and cursing I managed to get a gun out of my safe and a knife out of an office drawer. I hesitated slightly, wondering if I should leave the evidence box where it was, but then grabbed it and walked out to my car.
I drove as fast as I dared to Gabriella’s house but parked on the other side of a small hill, out of sight. I tucked my weapons in my pants and took a deep breath before I dragged my unwilling body straight out into mother nature. I made myself small and tried to walk as soundlessly as possible. God, I hated walking in the woods, there was always something dry to step on, and it was always straight under one or both of my feet.
I reached the house and walked around it, scanning the surrounding area. Nothing seemed out of place, except for a pair of boots that were lying down by the lake. Sean’s and Gabriella’s cars were both parked in the driveway, and there were no strange sounds, as far as I could tell, I was a city girl after all and there was a lot of confusing background noise. I walked up to the house and started looking in through the windows, to see if should try to storm the house, somehow, or if I should just knock on the door. The kitchen was well organized, clean and empty, the room beside the kitchen was… not empty, not empty at all.
I stared in disbelief at the tight little love-knot I saw in front of me, Rose and Sean in each other’s arms. Bitter anger instantly hit me when I realized Sean had probably shut his off phone so he could stay the night with Rose without being disturbed. I ran to the door and knocked as hard as I could, and when a sleepy Gabriella opened the door I said something about having to see her nephew, to which she replied that he was sleeping in his car. I shook my head and told her he was in the house with my friend and then I ran past her to get to the lovebirds.
I threw the door open and stepped into the room prepared to tell them a few truths when my senses started sending me information about them. There was a distinct wet swamp smell in the room, Rose’s hair was a matted, tousled mess, they were both fully dressed, and they were hanging on to each other as if their lives depended on it. I fell down into a chair that was standing just by the door of the room and tried to calm myself. It was good that I was no longer a lifeless zombie, but I had to use my sudden burst of energy in a better way than exploding in a useless temper tantrum. And I had to tell them why I was there.
‘I’ve been trying to reach you on the phone, Sean,’ I said, slowly ‘and when the tenth call went directly to the answering services I started to get a bit worried. I’m happy you’re taking care of my friend, but since I’m still worried about the whereabouts of the devil-husband, it would have been nice to know that you were all still alive. On top of that I had something really important to tell you about our investigations, so… that’s why I… you know… barged right in here… without knocking. I’m both sorry and not…’
‘My phone got drenched in the lake last night,’ Sean answered, turning his puppy eyes on me ‘I’m sorry, I should have let you know… but I…’
Lake water explained the heavy ‘eau de mud puddle’ smell in the air, but why would he and his phone have been anywhere near the lake? I looked at them and sorted through everything I could read about my two friends. Rose had been in the water, at least that’s what her hair told me. Sean had also been in the water, because wherever Sean went, his phone went. Sean hadn’t had time to remove his clothes or his phone. And then there were those boots tossed carelessly by the lake.
I stood up abruptly as the answer hit me, Rose had been in the water, and if Sean had been in the water with his clothes on it was probably not because they had been occupied with romantic midnight swimming. I knew the vacuum that could follow in the footsteps of great emotional strain, but I hadn’t thought Rose would get sucked into it, because she had the support of two loving friends. She wouldn’t have been the first person to stumble on the famous finish line, but I’d rather die than allow her to hurt herself. I stifled a string of curses and pushed back the scream that made the back of my throat cramp up.
‘Rose, take a walk with me, please…’ I said, my voice surprisingly calm.
We walked out of the house and I steered Rose towards the forest. I would have preferred to walk down to the lake, but I didn’t want to bring her there, I didn’t want to remind her of the feelings that had pushed her to do what I suspected… no, pretty much knew, she had done.
My strength was running out again and I sat down and leaned against a tree. I tried to concentrate my thoughts on what I needed to tell her instead of what I wanted to ask her, it was so easy to start asking the why’s, why did she do it, why now, why couldn’t she trust her friends to help her make it alright. But the why’s wouldn’t make anything better, they would just make guilt grow inside her along with all of the other strong feelings she was probably fighting.
‘We’ve found the films, and I’ve looked at them,’ I said softly, and I could hear my voice breaking ‘and there are a few scenes where your husband can be clearly identified, so it’s safe to
say that he’s royally screwed. It worries me that none of my resources have been able to find him though, it makes me think that he’s protected by someone smart enough to know how to cover his tracks. We’re still looking though…’
I carefully studied her to see how she reacted to my information about the films and the sad fact that I hadn’t been able to find anything even though I had scoured the city in all the ways I knew how to. She sighed and nodded, but her body was tense and she wore a worried expression on her face.
‘Sarah and Susan are protected by a team of security experts, but I own a house just a few miles away, and I would like to bring all of you there, just for safety’s sake.’ I said, starting out slow but ending with a few too quick words ‘It’s the most well-protected place that I know of and I need to know that you’re all ok, because all this worrying is almost breaking me apart.’
Rose nodded again and I couldn’t stop thinking about her attempt to take her own life. I couldn’t stop the words that spilled out of my mouth then.
‘I’m not going to ask what you were doing in the lake last night, Rose,’ I said ‘but please remember, that if you hurt yourself, you will hurt a lot of people in the process, people who love and care for you. Stay alive, keep breathing, and the rest will sort itself out with time, I promise. And Sean will help, I’m sure of it, he knows what you’ve been through. You just need to let him in.’
‘He doesn’t know…’ Rose answered, her eyes wide, her voice filled with pain ‘I don’t want him to see the wounds on my upper body, they’re hideous. He’ll be disgusted…’
I don’t know what made me remove my t-shirt and show her my scars, I should have known better. Rose was more likely to be more scared than calmed by what I showed her, but I still did it. At first I didn’t want to see her reaction to my scars, so I looked down at the ground but then I realized I had to know, so I could help protect her if seeing me sent her to an even worse place than where she already was, mentally.
‘Is it worse than this then?’ I whispered and when I saw her shock I continued ‘No? Not worse? Then I would say you have nothing to worry about. I don’t know what your injuries are but I can tell you that superficial skin damage will most likely disappear completely, and deeper cuts will look red from the beginning but will be less obvious as time passes.’
I quickly put my t-shirt back on and let a long string of curses run its course through my mind. Rose started asking me questions but I shook my head and she realized she would have no answers from me, at least not that day. I looked up at her and forced myself to smile, a crooked smile that felt too wide for anyone to find believable.
‘And… honestly, you’d be surprised how many girls there are who want to keep their t-shirt on when they’re having sex. If you don’t want to tell Sean why, just tell him you’re shy. And then… rock on!’ I said, feeling like the largest hypocrite in the world.
As we walked back to the house I tried to think of something to say to Rose that would make her understand how much I cared for her, how much I needed her to stay alive, how sorry I was for not helping her much sooner and… hundreds of other things I had never told her or anyone else. Words, that usually came so easy to me, I just couldn’t put them in a good enough order. Frustration made my words to Sean, as we met him by the house, become sharper than I had intended as I asked him to walk me to my car.
We walked away in silence, but before we were too far away from Rose I turned around and yelled ‘I love you!’. Three simple words, but with plenty of thoughts and feelings behind them. I hoped she would somehow understand what I meant, take care, stay alive, get well, grow strong, don’t despair, find happiness, fall in love, stay true to yourself, keep going, you’re wonderful, I love you.
My numbness had been replaced by a storm of feelings strong enough to break small trees, strong enough to break me. I tried to shake myself free by concentrating on what I needed to tell Sean.
‘I didn’t know if you were safe, so I parked here so that the sound of the engine wouldn’t alert the people who were holding you hostage… or whatever. I couldn’t think of anything else that would make you shut your phone off.’ I said slowly, and I could hear the broken tiredness in my words.
I got the paper box from the car and almost handed it to Sean, but realized at the last second that I had to make sure he didn’t look at the pictures and films, a man with his almost too big heart would not respond well to any of it. I looked at him and could see his eagerness to get his hands on the information, so he could finally help Rose be free, at least legally and physically. Setting her completely free, saving her soul and her mind would take years, but from what I had seen, he seemed determined to stick around for the long haul.
‘This box has everything you need to get the bastard.’ I said ‘It has documents, pictures, an external hard drive with all of the films and all of the material we’ve been able to find. It also has some interesting information about other parts of the family. And you can have it all, if you promise me two things…’
He nodded, still looking like an overgrown puppy, his eyes firmly focused on the paper box.
‘You have to promise me to not look at the pictures and the films, to just hand it over to your homicide unit contact’ I said and stared at him until he nodded ‘You also have to promise me to not tell anyone what I’m about to tell you now…’
Sean nodded and looked at me, his head tilted slightly to the left, obviously wondering why I was keeping him from getting his hands on the information he needed. I handed the box to him and he smiled and seemed to relax slightly.
‘I’ve watched all of the films, and I tell you, there are so many good reasons why I don’t want you to look at them. But that’s not all…’ I said weakly ‘most of the material have been filmed in a place that I know the address to…’
‘What… why… where?’ Sean answered with a shocked expression on his face.
‘This is not the place or the time to tell you the what’s and the why’s, but I can tell you the where’s.’ I whispered ‘Someone has cleaned the place up slightly, painted the walls in another color, but its fundamental design is still the same… the room is still 23 feet long and 15 feet wide, the manacles on the wall are still placed high enough for a person to almost reach the floor with her toes, the walls still look smooth and soft, but are probably just as rough on your skin…’
I could hear hysteria creeping closer and I stopped my too fast words by putting both of my hands in front of my mouth. Hysteria wasn’t the only thing that crept closer however and when nausea hit me I had no way to stop it, I just turned around and puked, and everything around me became unfocused and blurry. I forced myself to stand up, got one of my prototype phones from the glove compartment of the car and gave it to Sean. I forced a few more words out through my tight lips, and surprised myself when the words rang out true and strong.
‘You’ll find the address to the place on the hand-written paper on top of all of the other things in the box,’ I said. ‘Now, get going, get it done and make sure it’s done right and right-away. Because if the police force fucks this thing up, I won’t be responsible for my actions!’
As I drove away I felt in a moment of perfect clarity that I was more likely to send myself and my car straight down into a ditch than performing any heroic or responsible acts. Frankly, I was more than surprised when I made it back to my apartment, all in one piece.
Perhaps I should have let myself fall to pieces then, but I kept my mind focused on Rose and managed to pull myself together enough to start thinking about the threat her husband still very much was. I restarted my go-get processes and to see
if I could find him, but I wasn’t very hopeful, he seemed to have disappeared completely.
I decided I had to try to eat something, to keep my strength up, but as I was mixing myself another health shake I heard my computer pinging, signaling that it had found something. I walked back to the computer and read through the meager findings. His phone still wasn’t active, he could not be found on any of the security cameras or video streams I had managed to access, but one of his credit cards had been used the day before, straight in the middle of the city, at a small hardware store.
Full waves of worry hit me again as I contemplated the fact that Rose’s idiot husband was still in town, that he was way too close to Rose, way too close to any of my friends. I could only see one reason for him to still be there, and that was to be able to cause more trouble, more pain. I activated the built-in GPS sender in the phone I had given to Sean to see where he was. Good, I thought to myself, he was still at Gabriella’s place. I called and waited eagerly for him to answer.
‘Hello,’ I said as Sean finally managed to answer ‘so, you’re still at Gabriella’s place?’
‘Hello, what? Yes, we’re still here… having breakfast,’ Sean answered and I could tell he was annoyed ‘how did you know?’
‘I traced your phone…’ I said thinking there was no need to tell him I didn’t have to put a trace on the phone, tracking a GPS sender was so much simpler after all.
‘What? You can’t do that, or at least you can’t tell me you’re doing that!’ he said with fast words.
‘Sorry,’ I answered softly ‘what are your plans for the day?’
‘Our plan?’ he said with quick words ‘We’re all going back to the city, I’m going to hand over the papers and then I’m going to get Edward. Rose and Gabriella are going past Gabriella’s place and then to the beauty parlor, then to that mysterious house you’ve never told me about…’
I thought about their plans and quickly ran through a few different scenarios. Rose and Gabriella would be alone on the way to and at Gabriella’s apartment, and I didn’t like that, I didn’t like that at all.
‘May I speak to your aunt, please?’ I asked Sean who answered yes and handed the phone over to Gabriella.
I opened the small information file I had on Gabriella and found the address to her apartment just as she said ‘Hello?’ to me over the phone. I asked her if the address I had was the correct one and she answered that it was.
‘Do you have to walk far from your car to your apartment?’ I asked, worrying my lower lip with my teeth.
‘If we have far to walk?’ Gabriella answered ‘No, we’ll park in the garage and take the elevator up…’
‘Is the garage and house safe, locked, protected?’ I quickly interrupted ‘And when will you be there?’
‘Yes it’s protected… we’ll be safe.’ Gabriella answered ‘We’ll be there in about 45 minutes.’
‘Okay, I’ll come for a short talk with Rose then.’ I answered, no need scaring them by telling them about my worries, at least not yet.
‘See you soon!’ Gabriella answered before we hung up.
I sat back in my chair and thought about Rose, how I could help protect her when Sean wasn’t around. I couldn’t pull the two security teams away from Sarah and Susan, so the simplest plan would probably be for me to just meet them at Gabriella’s and then go with them to the beauty parlor. Once they were in my house I’d be able to relax, finally. But going with them would mean I would miss my appointment with William. And I dearly needed the strength and calm only he could provide.
I closed my eyes and tried to think it all through, to find a way to be able to manage both the protection of Rose and the meeting with William. I went through everything I had said to Rose lately and realized that the advice I had given her was to passively lean on other people. I hadn’t told her how impressed I was with her strength, that I knew that she’d be able to pull herself through it all thanks to that strong inner power. What I should have done, what I should do now was to give her a way to protect herself, to show her that she wasn’t weak.
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Author’s note: This tale is a continuation of events that occurred in my previous story ‘How About Eric?’ It isn’t required that you read that one to enjoy this, but it’s recommended. I suppose that ‘interesting’ is one way that you could describe how things got between me and my girlfriend Michelle after our video session with her ex-boyfriend, Eric. ‘Interesting’ isn’t exactly the word, but it’s the first one that comes to mind now so we’ll go with it. We had some adjustments to make in our...
I did not write this story, I just love it and wanted to share, if this is your story and would like me to remove it just say so and I apologize in advance.Doggy Sitting Adventureby Dan Glingcock ([email protected])***A couple doggy-sits a friend's dog for a few weeks and find out how pleasurable it can be. (MF/b**st)***My wife and I have been married for 10 years. When I grew up, my family always had cats and dogs so I was very used a****ls. She, on the other hand, never had pets, so she...
He arrives at her apartment at ten on the dot. As she lets him in, he is looking over her nude body and smiling, thinking about the evening he has planned for her. As the door closes, he picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder, carrying her to the breakfast bar. Pushing everything onto the floor and laying her down, he opens his pants, pulls out his cock out and strokes it as he pushes two of his thick fingers into her pussy. Finding her wet, he thrusts a couple more times with his...
It was shortly after Sarah's Clan's visit with the J3 people on freighter FLDC-3 that the rate of releasing people from hibernation was increased. Now, two weeks later, twenty people emerged from hibernation each day. Their first week was spent building up their stamina, exercising, and learning about their new environment. By the end of the first week most were ready to consider an opportunity to work on one of the Dóchas ships. In preparation for moving to another ship the J3 people were...
“Is he dead?” It was Ben. Lisa looked to her husband, “He lives on the tenth floor. I assume so.” She pulled the blanket back, “I should put clothes on.” “Yea. Josh, help your mom.” Josh helped his mom stand up and with her leaning into him, started towards the bedroom. Bob came rushing back from the kitchen with a garbage bag in hand. “Wait a second. Josh, take those clothes off and put them in here.” So as Ben held Lisa up, Josh quickly stripped down to his underwear. “Everything,...
MARK'S STORY As we walked down the steps from the deck to the party house I could see that the door was open. I was a little apprehensive about watching her. I knew that I was the one who set this up and while I got excited, and very hard, fantasizing about Charlene being with other men, this was the real thing and I wasn't sure how I'd react. We stepped around the corner of the building and approached the open doorway. I looked in and saw Charlene standing before Joey who was on his...
Mark taps the security-camera app on his phone and swipes through cameras until he sees Mollie on the couch. She's asleep, as usual, with nothing to do while he is out of the house. Mollie's face-down, so he can only see her back. She has shifted in her sleep and one leg hangs off the bed, revealing her pussy to the camera, still flush from this morning's routine. NOTES: Hopefully the parallels to a pet are clear: Mollie is obedient and eager to please Mark loves and cares for Mollie and...
FantasyI am Vinoth from Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.I am 19 year old guy 6 feet height and 60 kg weight.Tall handsome and athletic body.To tell about my mom her name is lalitha 40 from coimbatore.She always wears saree in home and nighty sometimes.My .She has a sexy figure 36-32-38 that can make any guy to fall for her.She has a sexy ass that swings while she walks.My dad is 48 years old he never cares for my mom he is busy in makin money.My father works in chennai.He comes home once a month.I always wonder...
IncestWhen I awoke from our nap I noticed Bill getting dressed. He put on some tan shorts and a blue short sleeved shirt. I was still lying in the bed naked when he came over to me a pulled his cock out of his shorts. I leaned over and sucked his limp member and felt it grow in my mouth. He thrust it a few times into my mouth then without warning, put his tool away.Get dressed Bill said, we're going down to the cantina for dinner, Maria gets off at 6 pm and were going to party with her after work.I...
Part 3How I came to meet my GF, and eventually her Daughter and Stepson......who now live with meThe next morning I awoke early, my GF still asleep in the bed from a long night at work. I went to the kitchen to make coffee and standing at the sink looking out the window the memories of seeing Lisa sunbathing the day before were in my mind. As I waited for the coffee to brew I started to get aroused as I envisioned Lisa's gorgeous body and rubbed my stiffening cock. Just then Lisa walked in and...
Another Morning Surprise, or two... by Janet Harris 2007 As you'll remember, I fell asleep after a long day as Jenny, not knowing if I would wake up again as her or as someone else, since that is what had happened the night before. Well, the next thing I knew, I was staring at the green digits of the alarm clock I had owned as a man, feeling rather disappointed. My first thoughts were "What a vivid dream!" but then I began to reflect on all that had happened to me the day before....
December, 1984, Chicago, Illinois I was stirred awake by knuckles rapping hard against my door. I blinked several times and squinted to see the clock across the room. I’d been asleep nearly three hours. I dropped my head back to the pillow and sighed. “I was sleeping!” I rasped. “I don’t give a fuck what you were doing, Steve Adams! Open this door right the fuck now!” a stern voice said. That was Bethany’s voice! But she was in Madison! “Bethany?” I croaked. “Yes, you idiot! Open the...
THE NEW START 2 ? by: Paul G Jutras A PRE SEQUAL TO THE FIRST STORY. It all started one day in Paul's home. Paul came from a loving family who was big on watching game shows. One day Paul was getting the mail when he got a strange letter from the local television studio. "Mom, look at this," Paul said as he walked into the house. Salem, a Calico cat waited at the front door and followed him into the kitchen. "We've been invited to be on some game show." "The game show...
We'd managed to clean ourselves up after our exploits earlier on. The rain had finally eased up so we made our way out of the camp site to get something to eat. We drove down towards the beach where we found a pub that served food and sat down to eat our meal. I said to my gf that it wasn't the only thing i fancied eating , she replied that perhaps she could be the dessert ! I told her i was getting horny and she reached under the table and grabbed my rapidly hardening cock giving it a quick...
On Thursday afternoon while at work, I received a beep from Ezinne, my friend Chike's wife. I then called her and she told me that she has been thinking about me all through the week after our sexcapade on Sunday. She asked whether I'll be chanced over the weekend, I told her to give me a few minutes, I dropped and called my wife asking her if we had any prior engagements during the weekend, she told me no and asked if there's any problem. I told her no that I'll like to take the car down to...
I came across ISS a couple of days back. I enjoyed reading some of the stories on this site, those which sound real. Wanting to write my own small well-kept secret, which i treasure it, i found some time today pen this patiently. It bit long, but worth This happened in 2000 when i was 21 at that time. About me —————- I was selected in the on-campus during my final year for a big MNC in Bangalore. After completing my B.E (comp science) from Mangalore University, i spent 2 weeks in Mysore in my...
Rosemary’s secretRosemary was a good example. I guess she was around sixty-five, buxom and good looking with great legs. On Tuesday last week, she asked me if I could find her help her with a ‘delicate’ situation. Blushing, she mentioned that whilst her husband left her quite ‘well off’, she had been surfing the net and found what she described as ‘intimate desires mature chat room’ and had struck up a friendship with a couple who had sent her some ‘nice videos’ and they wanted some of...
MatureIt was long ago but for me, not so long ago. On an October 1975, evening, I crossed a forbidden threshold. Although twenty-five-years old, married and mother of two, I was young, a girl, not yet a woman.That evening, I backed out of our home’s driveway, glanced from the rear-view mirror to the kitchen window and saw him, my husband. He watched me leave, just like Mom did when Dad drove off. At the curb, I looked away and drove off too, uncertain but determined not to turn back.As I sped off, I...
CheatingWhat will be a 3 part installment about worshiping his cock. Hope you enjoy. Sitting on the sofa across from you I quietly debate what to do, I’ve was told before hand that unless I initiate contact nothing will be happening tonight or any night until I step up. So here I sit wondering if you’ll break or if it really is up to me. It’s a stupid thing to think of course, I know your not going to crack before I do. Deciding that is really is up to me I wait until you leave the room for a minute...
Late Summer; just before Fall equinox. His favorite time of the year. Leaves changing color. Air getting cooler. Dusk falling just as his homeward bicycle ride takes him through the forest. Dusk always appears unusually long during these two weeks. Long shadows and stray sun rays playing with the greenery; glimpses of wildlife from afar.Much-needed solitude of the forest after a long day at the office. Time for self-reflection, meditation, enjoyment of nature... and to ogle that jiggling set of...
OutdoorThey like to call you an "exorcist" but you're more than that! You don't only deal with ghosts, demons, and evil spirits! There's also thefts, "murders" , ninjas, etc.! You have a much larger scope than other people actually think you have, you'll solve anyone's problem (as long as there are cute girls involved) because you are... THE PROBLEM SOLVER - handsome - wealthy -fit -and "skilled" ! But how did a mysterious man like you get all this? Well it's quite simple really. Back when you were...
FantasyAngelika - Like an angel Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army Alan Gance was in shock, it had to be shock, and the woman in front of him was exceedingly beautiful. She was ... wait had she just called him son? Alright what in the hell was going on? Snapping all his defenses up, Alan growled at the woman. “Alright who in the hell are you? I was abandoned as a child no parents, no one. I don’t know what you are up to, but I really am not finding this...
Sexual Mystifications Times Four 1 Beaded purses liquefy the soul Acid teardrops etch character Into faces characterless With youth's agelessness, And, above her head, The leaf is green with veins, A folio (or halo) for her blonde Good looks and satin soul. 2 They go before me, Confident, always, With they heads up, Bouncing, swaying, Jostling, trying, ever, To get ahead, But, at night, they rest, Hanging down In abject surrender. 3 Brown eyes and hair Like...
Hai readers, this is my first story as well as my first experience too, iam regular reader of the site.So i want to share my experience also with you.I am not good at English , excuse me if it is not up to the expectation but feel the story.Let me say about me , iam from andhra but working in Bangalore name santosh , age 27 ,height 6 feet, colour better than wheatish and neither slim nor fat , maintain physical fitness, i am very reserved more reserve at girls.THis incident was happened one...
This is the story of my wife Neha whom I got married in 2004 she is white complexion tall and fairly attractive her boobs are 36 and her ass is 38. She is innocent and belongs to a middle class family we were living a happily married life and as the time passed I somehow got bored of her and then I started visiting prostitutes. I really used to fuck everyday with different prostitutes some were attractive some were ugly some I used to fuck them in their ass. In the meanwhile when I used to fuck...
This happened while we were on Vacation and I was kind of having troubles getting a grip on my emotions. I was just looking to chat with people about it since this is not something I can really bring up to my friends. I did not want to post the whole story for fear of someone recognizing us but this is a throwaway and I figured why not. I typed this all out for a guy yesterday and just copied and pasted it here, if you have any comments or advice please let me know. We have been talking more...
Suicide BoyHe was half hidden by the closed curtains, sitting on a chair by the window. There was a small gap where light filtered in and it sent a shining ray across the coffee table. That was how I saw anything of him at all at our first meeting. That was the first time I met Cain. The agency put me in touch with him but once we had spoken on the phone I had liked the sound of him, he had seemed sweet and charming and his easy manner had won me over, within a week of meeting him for the...
Soon enough, I saw a black Honda Civic pull into my driveway, and I knew that it had to be Dave Sheare. I headed out the door, locking it behind me, and climbed in the passenger's seat beside him. He smiled radiantly at me as I buckled my seatbelt and he slid he car into reverse. “Hey, Thompson. How are ya?” he asked brightly, backing out gracefully. We were on our way. “Fine, sir, how about you?” “Oh, I'm alright.” There wasn't much talk as he drove to the coffee shop. I...
Before Pelle went to bed that evening, he loaded his cart high with coal for the Baron's forge. That done, he filled his tub with water from the creek and with hot water from the kettle over his fireplace. He added soap shavings and soaked himself, his tunic, and his pants in the tepid, soapy water. It felt good to be rid of the dust again. He had a supper of venison stew and mashed grains, left over from the day before, before he rolled into his blankets in the roomy cot built on the loft...
This is a good place to mention the horny Kyle Skully who paid Z and Fran $14,000 for a few days as live in sex partners. Once Mel Brand and his company looked at the loan documents Kyle’s $120 million deal with the developers did not go as he expected. As it was explained to me, Mel’s experienced finance people recognized barely legal fraud. Brand Inc. renegotiated a much better deal with the developers. Kyle’s ten-year 5% of the profits after the loan was repaid started barely a week after...
This is a rewrite of ‘Vegas’, combining both Books. While maintaining the theme, it offers a completely different and fresh take for the main characters. Grateful thanks go to the best editor in the world – thesoundandfury – not only for his editing, but also for the constant encouragement, suggestions, and for helping me to become a better writer. Chapter 12: Three Months Later Three months had slowly passed since Daniel had reached the World Series of Poker final table. In that time he’d...
Author: Sampson_Simpson2001 ([email protected]) Emmy slammed the door and threw her book bag down on the floor. "I'm home!" she shouted. "Something came for you today," called out her mother from the kitchen. "I left it up in your bedroom." "Thanks!" Emmy called back, and started up the stairs. The news from her mom had her excited; she was waiting for early acceptance notification from Stanford and had a good feeling about whatever had arrived in the mail. At the top of the stairs she saw...
BDSMLooking back on it, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised but, at the time, I was completely unprepared for the events of the weekend. I had made no secret of the fact that the couple I was living with had introduced me to bondage as well as group sex and I enjoyed them all. When one of the guys I was dating suggested a weekend at a beach house with another couple, I was eager since Tom is great company and I love the beach. When we arrived after work that Friday afternoon the house was empty...