Oooh… Ch. 02 free porn video

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(Hi! I’m back again, my first story has been on Lit for a little time, and I love to tell you about the rest of my weekend. But first I’d like to introduce myself.

I’m Charlene. I’m 5’3′, a little on the plump side and I wear a large C-cup – or a small D-cup, depending on the make of bra. My aureola are an inch and a half in diameter and a bit purplish and my nipples are big. At the moment they are a little tender still, because they have just been pierced – but I’m very proud of my piercings!

I’ve got longish, auburn hair, and I used to have an auburn bush – until my first night at the mansion, that is.

Some of my boyfriends used to say they liked my boobs, some my ass, and one said he liked my pout. He used to call me Betty Boop ,-)

I’m twenty-five. Most people think I’m much younger than I am, at my local they know, but I always have to bring my ID when I go out, or they won’t allow me in. I did an office job, and I was pretty good at that.)

The master of the mansion smiled at me. I thought he looked even sexier than he did in the car. Because I was happy he had invited me I started kissing his face. I nibbled on his lips and I tried to pull at his cheeks with my lips. I ran my tongue slowly along the underside of his nose, left and right, and then up over the tip. I put wet kisses on his eyes and wiggled my slicked-up tits against his chest. He felt slick too, what with all the oil. Man! It felt sooo sexy! I think he liked it, too, for he closed his eyes.

He leant back in the bath of oil and I felt his cock go hard again in my pussy. I thought he was going to fuck me again, but he put his hands under my buns and lifted me off his cock. Ah, what a pity.

He got up from under me and stepped out of the bath. There was a piece of plastic from the bath to the Jacuzzi, so we wouldn’t ruin the carpet, and he took my hand and helped me out of the oil bath. The woman who’d done my make-up and shaved my pussy was there and she had run the Jacuzzi so we could immediately start washing. He washed my back – he has warm strong hands, and it felt sooo good! Then I washed his. Hmmm. Nice! The woman helped unfasten my hair and washed it.

He said I had beautiful breasts, and then he said I would look even sexier if I had my nipples pierced.

Huh! I had my ears pierced as a girl, and they said it wouldn’t hurt. I screamed the place down. And then through my nipples! No way.

I said I was afraid it would hurt, and he asked if I knew how sexy it looked, and how sexy it felt to touch them.

No, of course I didn’t.

Well, he said, maybe I would, soon.

We’ll see about that, I thought.

We spent some time in the bath together and then the woman came with a towel and rubbed me dry again. The master of the mansion dried himself, I think. Then he dressed in a nice suit, and the woman gave me some sort of baby doll to wear. It was pink and transparent and had a lot of ribbons in front. And it had panties that fluttered a little around my buns. It felt nice, too.

We went to the corridor and into the next room where we had supper. He talked a lot. It was a kind of light meal, really, with some wine. He was very attentive, and he sat looking at me all the time. It felt as if he looked straight through my eyes and into my pussy. Does that make sense? It’s how it felt anyway.

Then a woman came in, she was quite old and she said, ‘Molineux, what are you doing? You don’t want to get in trouble with underage girls!’

And he said, ‘Mother, Charlene’s twenty-five, and I’m old enough to know what I’m doing. And I’m thinking of making her my chatelaine.’

Then she went away.

Chatelaine? My mother used to have one but she sold it during a bad patch. It was made of silver with scissors and stuff, and it was heavy. Maybe he means he likes me with my legs open? I like him that way, anyway. Well. But I know his name now. I never knew anybody called Molineux before. It sounds expensive.

When we’d finished our meal he accompanied me to my room. He came along to the bathroom and listened while I relieved myself and brushed my teeth. They had put my own toothbrush there. But I didn’t see the rest of my things. Then I went to bed and slipped under the covers. He smiled at me and pulled them back, and then he pulled my panties down, and told me to lift my legs. Some chatelaine, I thought.

He took something from his pocket and pushed something into my pussy. It felt like two balls. Then he put something else up my ass that felt like a string of marbles. I wiggled my ass a bit, it was a pleasant feeling. He pushed my legs down again, put my panties back into place and pulled the covers up over my body.

Then he kissed my cheek, stroked my hair and wished me goodnight, switching the light off as he closed the door.

I tried to roll the balls around in my pussy a bit, but I was too tired. The bed was soft and big, and the room was nice and warm. I slept like a log.

I woke up because someone touched me. The room was dark, but I heard the rustle of material, later I saw it was a silk dressing gown.

Good morning, sleepy head – it was a woman’s voice, one that I had not heard before, a little like a song.

Good morning, I said.

The woman stroked my hair, and then she moved the cover off my body, slowly. She ran a hand across my breasts and down to my sex, and then she pulled off my panties and went between my legs and started to kiss my pussy.

Hey, she said, did you bring your Ben-Wa balls?

And I said, so that’s what they are? No, the master of the mansion put them there.

Molineux? Wow. He must see something in you alright.

Then she pulled them out while she sucked on my clit. Oh! I suddenly felt I had to go to the bathroom fast.

Why don’t you just pee in my mouth, she said.

No please, I said. No way! I’m a good girl!

So I hurried into the bathroom, and she came with me, and I just ran for it without bothering to find the light switch. She stood next to me, and when she hear my piddle burbling down she put her hand under my pussy and tried to find my opening with a finger.

Bah! No accounting for tastes. But it felt good to be rid of it. I went to the door, found the light shift and saw the woman was licking her fingers. I went and washed my hands, and we went back into the bedroom.

She lay down with me and she pulled the blankets up. She said she was Mary Louise, Molineux’s younger sibling.

You’re his sister I said. Wow.

She said she preferred to be called his sibling.

Ok. I said that Molineux must be much older, but she said he was only thirty-two, in her family men always went grey at the temples before they were thirty.

Then she started to rub my tits. She said I had nice breasts, her brother was right.

I ran my hands to hers, and she opened her dressing gown, moved up a bit and pushed one into my face, so I opened my mouth to suck on it. Wow! It felt really different, there was a little ring through her nipple and it felt smooth and weird to my tongue. So that was what Molineux had meant when he said I might feel it soon.

I asked her if Molineux had asked her to come to my bed, but she said he hadn’t. She always saw visitors early in the morning.

I asked if I could look at her, and she put out an arm and switched on a bedside light. Molineux was right, it looked really sexy!

She was very beautiful. She had long red nails, well manicured hands and lovely black hair. She wore eyeliner and blue eye shadow, and she had a beautiful mouth, with a lot of white teeth. No more than mine, probably, but that’s the way she looked. And she had beautiful breasts, too. They made me jealous, actually.

Hmm, I thought, what a nice way to wake up.

She lay down again and ran a hand down to my pussy. She knew what to do with it, to
o – she really made me squirm. So I went down her belly. It was nice and soft and curvy – and then I touched a cock, and a really big one, too. You could have struck me down with a feather. Man!

She looked at me quietly and asked if I didn’t want her to go now. I wrapped my hand round her cock and squeezed it. She sighed deeply and I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her.

It was a little weird alright. My upper half was making love to a woman and my lower half felt her cock pressed against it. But she really was a woman to look at and she really felt like one, apart from that one cock. Even her legs felt like a woman’s legs. I stroked her cock and slowly pushed her foreskin down. Then I turned round to look at it. It was a beautiful cock, with a nice brownish red colour and a purple head that shone and had a drop of liquid on top.

I moved myself on top of her and started to suck, and she pushed her face into my pussy. She had a soft tongue and it felt really good. Her cock was so thick I could hardly get my hand around it. She tasted very nice, and I tried to get her deep into my throat. I could only get some seven inches in, and I started to moan around it and I tickled her balls. Then I withdrew and worked my lips around the base of the tip, with only the tip in my mouth. I think she liked it, for she got even more rigid. S

he asked if I’d like to fuck.

Wow! Fucking a woman that way felt sooo sexy! She knew what to do with it, too. She came slowly inside, but I was so wet that she needn’t have bothered. I loved it. She rubbed her pierced nipples against mine, and she fucked me nice and hard. Oooh! I felt my juices run down my legs, and the thing in my ass rubbed against her cock, and she seemed to know exactly where to find my g-spot. I was completely horny again, and I tried to touch her nipples with my fingers. She got up on her arms, so I could look at her cock pounding into me and then she fed her nipple to my mouth. The piercing didn’t seem too weird any more, it just felt very hot!

She could really fuck. She rolled her cock lengthwise and touched me everywhere inside. Then she kissed me again and fucked even faster. I had felt an orgasm build for some time, and it was too much. Man, Did I feel myself come!

I squirted over her cock, and then I felt her spurt into me, spurt after spurt. She collapsed on top of me and pressed her breasts against mine.

She lay panting in my ear for a long time, then she sat up and thanked me.

I said it had been really nice, and I kissed her again.

Then Molineux came in, and greeted us. I see you know each other, he said with a smile. How do you like Charlene?

Mary Louise just smiled and nodded. She looked quite happy, too.

He said we were expected in the breakfast room in half an hour.

Mary Louise lifted her eyebrows and looked at me as if I’d just won the pools.

Molineux said Janine would come and dress me, as my own clothes were not suitable and that he’d like me to put in the Ben-Wa balls again. Phew.

He grinned at us and left us.

I asked Mary Louise who Janine was, and she said she was my Lady’s Maid.

Is that in capitals? I’m not sure. So this weekend I had my own Lady’s Maid. Wow! That really felt expensive, too.

Janine came in and took me into the bathroom. She washed me, shaved my pussy, perfumed me and made my face up. Then I put in the Ben-Wa balls. Janine dressed me in a kind of suit with sensible shoes.

I asked why I wasn’t going to wear heels, and she said it was the master’s orders. Some news.

When I was ready Mary Louise came to my room again. She was dressed like a real lady, no one who didn’t know would ever notice! She took my arm and we went downstairs.

The breakfast room was big and you could look out. They said it was the lawn. It was the size of a meadow, though. You had a really nice view. There were a couple of deer, and it was nice and sunny.

Molineux’s mother was there, and Molineux, and a few people I didn’t know.

Molineux introduced everyone and I shook hands, also with his mother. She seemed better at ease now that she couldn’t see my tits through the material of my clothes. I think it would work that way for me, too.

Breakfast was good, and I found I really had an appetite. Everybody talked about nothing in particular, and I sat and listened. It did not seem too daunting, if I listen long enough I can certainly talk along.

Molineux addressed me once or twice, and nobody seemed to think I was a bimbo.

After breakfast Molineux took me apart. He said he thought I had been at a pony camp long ago.

Yes, that was true.

So he said we would go riding that morning. Wow, on a big horse.

I asked if there was time to brush my teeth and take the stuff out of my nether parts.

He told me to leave them in. They would keep me nicely turned on, he said.


But I could go and brush my teeth, we would meet in the hall.

They took us outside, and the horses were waiting. I loved riding there. Molineux often rode beside me. He can be very funny and he looked very sexy, too. The balls were nice. They did not get me off, but I had to think of my ass and pussy a little all the time. They were a kind of reminder that kept my vulva swollen. Phew. Strange habits alright.

When the ride was over we rode to the stables, and Molineux offered me to go and discipline one of the men.

Mwah, that didn’t really appeal to me. No thanks.

He smiled and asked if I’d care to come for a swim with him instead.

I said I hadn’t brought my bathing suit.

He said it didn’t matter.

A nice skinny dip seemed alright, so I said yes, I’d love to.

He took some towels and we walked to a big pond or a small lake together, and there was a kind of jetty sticking into it. Molineux undressed. He opened his arms and waited for me to come into them, and he started to undress me. He was really sweet. He stroked and caressed every new nude part, and he felt me up, and pinched my nipples a little. Phew. I felt my pussy get quite swollen again. Then he felt between my legs and slowly pulled out the toys, first the marbles and then the balls. That really turned me on no end! He kissed my mouth and then he ran to the end of the jetty and he dived into the water. I ran after him and went in, too.

It was cold! I came up spluttering and Molineux swam up to me and he put his arms around me. His wet body felt lovely against mine, and he felt warm. Nice! He put his hands under my buns and held me up while treading water.

I nuzzled his cheeks and he seemed to like it for he slipped a finger into my pussy and ran his thumb over my clit, and when I reached out for him I felt his cock was hard and hot.

He asked if I had ever fucked in the water.

I said all the things I had done here were new for me.

He said that was good.

He wanted me to sow my wild oats quickly, he didn’t want me to feel I had missed out on anything.

I didn’t really understand – but he seemed quite serious.

He kissed my mouth and put both hands under my buns. He lifted me a little and I felt his cock try and find my entrance, so I reached down and helped him in. It felt really good, his warmth in the cold water, and he fucked slowly and he sucked on my tongue. I loved to feel him inside. He was big, almost as big as Mary Louise, and he fucked even nicer. He didn’t have such nice breasts, but his arms were nice and strong, and he was in very good shape.

I put my arms around him and stroked his wet hair, and then I took his head in my hands. I loved the way he kissed.

One of his hands sneaked up to my breast – he started rolling my nipple between his fingers. Oooh, that felt soo good! While moved in and out of me he started giving pecks at my face, and softly biting my nose, and then his ton
gue was in my mouth again. He put his hands round my waist, and moved me up and down couther to the rhythm of his hips, and it made me feel very hot. I tried to help out by bucking down on his cock each time he moved me down, and he sucked my tongue into his mouth even more furiously.

He started panting, and he told me he liked the taste of my mouth, and I kissed him hard to thank him, and I felt a massive orgasm build. I wanted his sperm in my pussy, and I began to squeeze and roll him the way I had rolled the Ben-Wa balls most of the morning.

Ooh baby, he said – and then I felt his cock contract and grow even more rigid before I felt his hot sperm blast against my womb.

He forgot to tread water, I think, for we almost disappeared into the lake. Phew! But his strong arms were still around my waist, and he brought us back up again.

He grew soft slowly, and when he slipped out it felt really strange in the cold water. He took my hand and we swam to the jetty together.

Then he got up on it and pulled me out of the water. He took a big towel and rubbed me completely dry and warm.

I asked if I could dry him and he said yes I could.

I really loved feeling him through the towel. He seemed to like it, too, for he grew hard again.

Oh dear, he said, here I go again. You seem to have that effect on me. H

e pulled me into him and kissed me, and then he asked me to get dressed – it was time for lunch, he said.

I held up the balls and looked at him. He nodded, so I put the balls back in. He helped with the other thing.

He took my hand again and we walked back to the mansion. On the way he talked about Mary Louise.

He said she sometimes went in to visit people who stayed at the mansion, and that most of them freaked out when they found she was a little different. She had told him I hadn’t, and she had really appreciated making love to me.

I said I thought she was very sweet, and sexy, and that she felt like a woman anyway.

Would I mind making love with her more often?

I said I wouldn’t, I’d love to. Was I going to be invited over again, then?

He grinned, and said that yes, I was.

Ooh, super, I said.

But the first night’s treatment will not be repeated, he said. It will be just my sister and I.

She calls herself your sibling, I said.

Molineux smiled a little.

Yes, he said, but I don’t think of her like that. You called her my sister, too. I really loved that.

Oh, I said, and I loved her piercings. You were right, they are very sexy. I will try and find a piecing shop in town, and have myself pierced.

He smiled at me again, and told me that he didn’t think it was a good idea.

I thought I had said something wrong, but then he said he didn’t trust those people. He had done his sister’s piercings himself. Would I trust him?

I stopped and put my arms round his neck and said I would.

Then he kissed me again and said that he would pierce me the next afternoon before I was to go home. He asked if I liked to wear dresses.

I said yes, especially in summer, but I didn’t have too many of them.

He nodded. He said he would love me to wear dresses. Ok?

Well, I thought I had brought a dress in my bag. But I had not seen my bag any more since I had arrived. I didn’t even know where my key had gone.

The meal was lovely. We had lunch with only the three of us: Mary Louise, Molineux and I. I was a little worried because I didn’t know how if I could say Molineux, so I just said ‘you,’ but I don’t think he noticed. I decided to ask him once we were alone. I asked him how long I could stay and if he would drive me back.

He didn’t answer the first question, he said they would drive me home, but just for a little time.

I don’t think I always understand him, but Mary Louise sat smiling at me like the Cheshire cat. She has green eyes, too.

Molineux said there would be a dance that night. There would be people from the neighbourhood and a small orchestra. But we had the afternoon for ourselves. He said he would like to show me around the mansion.

Phew. It really was a mansion alright, nothing like a bungalow. He showed me the cellars, and the door to the kitchen and the quarters for the staff. Then we went to his study and the library – it was full of big books in leather.

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Free For The Taking Leave As Found

 1.She binds me gently.“Almost classic C.F.M. pose.”Face pressed to the pillow. Thighs, belly, and cock flat on the soft bed. My knees bent—feet in the air. Legs spread wide. I grip my own ankles and curve like a triangle while she ties the spiderweb ropes in tiny, beautiful knots to my wrists.Isn’t her voice too deep to be a woman’s? Or does it just seem that way because I want her to be a man?“Jude, what’s classic C.F.M.?”She lifts my hips off the bed, jerking me in one motion to my knees and...

2 years ago
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Joes House

My name is Tim and I am bisexual. I haven’t been with a woman in many years so maybe now I am just gay.I was married for twenty years and have been divorced for ten years. When my wife and I met we were both eighteen year old virgins. We married two years later. In the beginning our marriage was great. We had sex three or four times a week. Then fifteen years later my wife’s sex drive for me started to fade. We talked and decided to get some porno movies to spice up our sex life. That was the...

Gay Male
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Another XXX Theater visit

Our second trip to the Theater in three days."Put on the short mini skirt, hose and spiked high heels. And, I think the sheer, white blouse with the red shelf bra would be perfect for the theater tonight." I commented as Cheryl stepped from the shower, toweling off. I planned on taking my wife Cheryl, back to the porn theater for second evening of porn theater sex with a bunch of horny males."That is fine with me, no panties though?" She asked as I finished pulling on a pair of slacks and polo...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Serena Avery Sniffing Stepsister Panties

Serena Avery and her stepbrother have a pretty good relationship. When she gets home after a long and stressful day, she is able to tell her concerned stepbro all about it. But when he starts to tell her about his day, she closes her eyes to take a rest. He sees an opportunity to check out her hot body, and takes it! A couple days later, the pervy guy sneaks into Serenas room to sniff her used panties. She catches him, but somehow convinces her to open her mouth wide for a big wet blowjob....

2 years ago
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Passing my wife around

My wife Andrea and I went on a hot rod cruise in our 51 Pontiac Chieftain. It was warm so she wire a pair of really tight shorts and a tank top with a push-up bra . I commented on how sexy her tits looked and then I said those pants are to tight .she wiggled her hips and asked if I liked her in them. I said I don't see a panty line are you wearing a thong. She said no I'm not wearing panties then just before she got into the car she pulled the shorts up making them dig right into her smoothly...

4 years ago
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Stranger in a Limo

Mark stood at the window looking down at the waiting limo below.   His date for the evening, Charlotte Hansen, had arrived to pick him up.   He dreaded this night, but he knew he had to do it.   She was very rich and influential, and if he treated her well, could bring him business.   Not that he wasn’t doing well already, but cultivating women like Charlotte was the reason he was doing well, and he knew he must continue. Mark was 50, fit, well groomed and good looking.   Women like his 60...

2 years ago
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My daughters tutor III

Amber and I had kept seeing each other, all under Sofie’s nose. We had been together for six weeks by then, and it was hotter than ever. When they had their sessions, Amber would frequently have to take a bathroom break or take a call. As she did, we would go into the bathroom, or my bedroom and fool around a bit. I invited her over a few times to hang out and have sex on a couple weekends when Sofie was at her dad’s. On one Thursday afternoon, Sofie and Amber were in the dining room studying...

4 years ago
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Right from the Start Chapter Fourteen

Right from the Start - Chapter Fourteen - By: Beverly Taff Simon:: The main character; Dorie Lou: Girl next Door, now married Simone; Mrs Jane Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Mary and Sandra: Simone & Dorie Lou's friends; Mary: A 'bi' while her spouse Sandra is lesbian; Toni and Paula: Their Italian lesbian friends; Mrs Webster: Their old form Teacher; Doctor Wendy: Simone's Endocrinologist; Doctor Julie: Simone's Psychiatrist; Sophia & Alicia: Mary and Sandra's...

1 year ago
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The Wives Softball CoachChapter 10

The girls were playing a juiced up game. When the girls took the field at the top of the sixth they were up 13-4. They were starting to look like a team, both on and off the field. They played hard together and partied hard together. Kevin and I were relaxing on the team bench leaning back against the chain-link fence and watched as the girls made it three up and three down. Hannah Murkowski was sitting between us. "Joe, what should we tonight?" Hannah was pounding her drum for a little...

3 years ago
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Lake Nicaragua

CHAPTER IFinally, summer vacation was here! Six whole weeks of doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. The minute I got through the door at home I kicked off my shoes and ran upstairs, turning the shower on and tossing my bag down onto my bedroom floor.I unzipped my skirt and it dropped to the floor, I kicked it towards the laundry bin and began unbuttoning my shirt. I wasn't sure what was with Miss Chapman today, considering it was supposed to be the last day I would have thought it would...

1 year ago
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My Neighbor Mark

My Neighbor Mark.I was sitting on the floor, looking at the computer and playing with myself. I didn’t expect to see anyone here and I was dressed in my favorite all black outfit: from my 3 inch heels on my feet, black stockings held up by my black garter belt, my black bra, chemise and my cock was covered up by my small black bikini panties.I was reading some of my sucking and fucking stories and thinking how nice it would be to get my lips around a nice hard cock and I was thinking I’d jerk...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 8

Making love to Abby was unlike being with any women I had ever known. Once she decided that she was free to decide for herself, she embraced sex with all the joy she had brought to her life prior to the troubles. We kissed for the longest time, hugging together like our lives depended on it. Abby blossomed like a rose as she discovered the many ways her body could bring her joy. When we moved on from kissing, I turned her over and pulled her body into a sixty-nine. Abby was shocked to...

1 year ago
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Space Quest Temp Title

It had been a hard few years for me. I had lost the rest of my species to the plague (Which only I had been known to be immune to) and I had been in the ass end of the galaxy when it happened, meaning I didn’t have access to some of the better materials or ships. As luck would have it, I had been a worker at a dry dock mainly used for repairs and the only ship that was here had a broken warp core. After my first few weeks of work, I had managed to fix up a repair bot (don’t even ask why they...

1 year ago
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The Whore And The Gangbang 8211 Part 3

I am now sitting on floor..heads down.. totally exhausted.. not in a condition to resist at all…The boys come over me and start peeing.. I can feel the warm liquid over my head,, face… breasts…and under my ass!! Its stinking and they are aroused and throwing the pee hard on my face…Its hurting but I enjoy!! I was totally drenched in there cum and pee now and I was loving it Meanwhile the door rings..may be body is worried…Manav opens the door…waiter is outside with food!! Waiter looks...

3 years ago
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Going Deeper Part 2

Going Deeper - Part 2 Note from Author - Thank you to all who have read Part 1 and for those who have taken the time to review it. Your comments are extremely encouraging and useful. I am new to this and clearly one or two minor grammatical errors, typos etc... may have slipped through! I can't promise there won't be one or two more here, but fingers crossed this instalment will be a little tidier. Please feel free to leave feedback if you enjoy this read and in this current climate,...

4 years ago
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I want so very much to be a totally submissive cuckold to an attractive woman (white, hispanic or asian), who loves BBC. She would have me watch her with dominant, well endowed BLACK MEN. She would be my Princess and then tell me she is their SLUT! Teasing/humiliating her little dicked hubby; but we would also be very close and I would take care of her after they finished with her. Creampies, full body massages, pampering in every way she desired and required would be my privelege. Once...

2 years ago
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My sexual past with Margret and David chapter 7

It has been a long three weeks but finally Margret is ready for David and I to take her to bed. All week long she has been preparing herself by using her toys. We started with the smallest one gradually moving up to her largest one which is even larger than my cock. Not only is it longer , it is even thicker than mine. Which now makes me realize it was that one that has made her lose. Ever since I started fucking Margret I had wondered why she wasn’t tight, she said she has only had sex...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 37 Carol Gives Me a Backrub

Sunday, April 10, 2005 (Continued) I wiped my hands and sent a text message to Julia, saying "Rub starts at 11:30 so you can call before. Had long talk with Carol, looks v good for 3 at once. I love and impressed by you. Great future ahead at this end, hope all well your end?" About ten minutes later Julia called back. She explained that her family were still discussing the issue, but accepted the major elements of the plan. They were mainly discussing minor details. I was ENORMOUSLY...

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L'alarme d'une notification réveille Cédric. Le jeune homme, 25 ans, s'était endormi tard la vieille, de nombreux soucis hantant son esprit : sa rupture avec sa copine, les conflits au boulot, ses problèmes d'argent... Ainsi, c'est avec peine qu'il extirpe sa main de dessous sa couverture pour saisir son smartphone. Il est 10h15. Il panique un bref instant, le temps pour lui de se rappeler qu'aujourd'hui, c'était samedi. Pas de travail. Juste du repos. À ne rien faire. Sortant enfin la tête de...

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El SobadorChapter 2

"I need to study with Janet," I announced. Family dinners sucked. Usually, my stepparents did everything they could to avoid having a sit-down meal that included me. My stepmother liked the big meal cooking thing, so once a month we suffered through the silence of pretending to be a family. I never knew my biological father. My mother emigrated to the U.S. days after I was born and married my stepfather eight years later. She died within months of my sister's birth. Six months later, my...

1 year ago
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Futa Virus

Ok this is the futa virus you wake up and see it on news but now who are you? Are you male or female..? Or are you already one to them? Are you strong enough to fight the virus or will you succumb to it?

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Abigail Mac Cassidy Klein Lesbian Census

Census worker Abigail Mac is going door-to-door collecting household data. When she gets to the home of Cassidy Klein, Abigail is happy to see a female face. She begins to ask the questions on her census questionnaire, and Cassidy answers obligingly. When she gets to asking if she is heterosexual or homosexual, and Cassidy won’t give her a straight answer, Abigail comes out and says what she’s thinking; Cassidy is afraid of offending her. Cassidy doesn’t want that on her...

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Submissived Kira Noir When Erotic Sex Changes Your Life

“I remember when life use to be simple. Who knew that one bad decision could change everything so much. I got involved with this mysterious older guy who at the time I thought was the best thing for me. I was young, wild, and out of control… He gave me the discipline that a young girl like me was craving… We got into some pretty kinky shit and while I was having my world rocked it never occured to me that it would come crashing down on me this way…. I guess im paying for my bad choices...

1 year ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry Six of the Best

I woke early the next morning as usual, leaving Alice fast asleep in our double bed. The sun was shining, the morning was still not too hot and I felt hungry so I showered, dressed and walked the mile or so into the nearest village and bought bread, milk and croissants for our breakfast. As I returned to the apartment with my purchases in a paper bag, my mind was full of plans for the coming evening. In less than twelve hours Steve would be here with a full day and, more importantly, two full...

4 years ago
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fun with mother in law

As jilly sucked my cock I kissed and cuddled up to karen and I leaned forward to gently tease her nipples with my tongue, I sucked on karens nipples in turn as she held my head against her and my hand went down her body to her pussy. I could feel her pubic hair all wet and sticky, 'don't you dare touch her pussy' jilly ordered'you too are going to be at my mercy' she laughed. My cock was now very hard and stood to attention as jilly expertly wanked and sucked my cock'you are a good boy, I...

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Lucys Tale Part 2

Introduction: Lucys tory of discovery continues Part Two The rest of the day passed quite normally. Well as normal as it can when you have discovered that you have the hots for your 19 year old step-brother! To be fair though, neither of us had declared undying love for each other, we had only had a few cheeky kisses! Oh and a ridiculously horny session of applying sun cream! I had no idea what to expect next. As the evening progressed, I was the first to flake out and made my excuses and...

1 year ago
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My Elder Sister Became My wife 8211 Part I

Hi  this a real story which happened about 21 years back . My name is Raj ( not real one of course ).I was 18 years old and in first year BA . My elder sister Saroj was 7 years elder to me and married and had two children , She was very sexy with vital statistics 38-34-38 , she was 5’6″ tall fair in color and used to wear sexy clothes . She always wore her Saree below her navel. This happened during my summer break , I had gone to her house in morning to spend the day , but she was upset on...

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brother and sister unexpected

I grew up with a big family.i am number 3 of 5 kids. All siblings were close but for me my older brother Christian it was a little different. My name is Kate I'm about 5'2 with a tiny waist and a big butt. I'm not skinny but not fat either with brown eyes and brown hair and everything started when I was 16,Christian was 18,he is about 5'11 not skinny but not fat he has blue eyes and brown hair. I had this boyfriend and things went good I thought I loved this guy,he gave me everything I...

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Her Comforting Twin 4 Unfinished Business

Note : This story is completely fictional! Every once in a great while, Natalie actually managed to have a tolerable day at work. Her managers weren’t too hard on her for once, and only the nicer customers came through her check out isle. However, even the good days had the occasional rain clouds. Only thirty minutes were left on her shift, and the final customer she dealt with had found every little thing to complain about, as if her world would come to an end if one thing were to go even...

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ExxxtraSmall Sydney Cole Itty Blonde Biddy Booty

Gorgeous Sydney Cole checks every box. Beautiful face, hot body, and a huge appetite for cock. So, when our hung stud turns up, he wants to show this tiny bombshell the time of her life. He picks her up and she sucks his cock upside down as her pussy gets wet and ready for penetration. She mounts him and bounces on his dick, cherishing the orgasmic rush that fills her body as she rides. She rubs her clit as he fills her slit, giving her all the man meat she could ever ask for. Sydney definitely...

2 years ago
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Ana giving a very rough blow

I was lying on the bed of my hotel, tired after a hard day on another boring business trip, when I received a message from my loving wife.Anita texted that she was sitting at a bar that evening, while an old guy was hitting on her…She wrote that the old guy had bought her a few drinks and they were having some margarita shots together. They were having a good time. All of a sudden, to her surprise, he whispered that they could go to the parking lot and my wife could suck his cock with her nice...

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Paint Ball Wars

Paint Ball Wars Well, it was finally time.  It was early December, there was snow everywhere,and I was going to Panama to get warm.  I had taken a two week vacation,and I was going to spend it hunting women.  That's right, I was goingto hunt women.  I had heard about a place in Panama where you could huntwomen on a private ranch. I had checked out their website and then had them send me more informationby mail.  I was ready for it.  My girlfriend of five years had cheatedon me and then...

4 years ago
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It had take years to get my wife comfortable with the idea of hypnosis. She finally consented when she began having trouble sleeping. When I assured her that she could sleep better through a post-hypnotic suggestion, she agreed to try it. Once under, she was given a key word which would make her relax and available to other suggestions. That was when the fun began. Knowing something about hypnosis, I realized that the power of a suggestion weakens over time unless it is constantly...

2 years ago
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Monday morning....i wake up with the usual morning erection, but something is hands and getting are cuffed to the bed. as I take a look around I see a two women who must be 20 yrs older than me standing at the foot of my bed, one had on a mascarade mask with matching bras and thong and the other woman was naked with a determined look on her face, then it hit me she was the leasing agent Michelle at my complex!! I couldn't figure out who the other woman was...before I could say...

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                                       So back to my past, it’s 1985 and I have started collage. The occupation I was pursuing isn’t relevant, so I will not elaborate on it. My intention here is to share my sexual adventures with likeminded adults, like yourself, so I will not bore you with the irrelevant. I had broken things off with “Spankie, my first submissive girlfriend” (See story for details.) and was making a fresh start on life. What life I had anyway. You see, for those of you who...

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Xtasy 8211 4

“Cherry, do you like my aroma?” The thought of smelling her sent a wave of arousal through my body, and my penis throbbed uncontrollably. She apparently felt that, because she continued, “Oooooooh, baby. That penis of yours loves my aroma. That smell makes your balls boil. Your cum is filling them up. Lots of creamy cum from the tanky taste and intoxicating aroma of my sex.” “I can feel how hard your cock is, Cherry. Feel it in your cock and all through you.” I literally jumped. After about...

4 years ago
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the cruise

Mr.T and I decided to take a cruise Vacation day finally arrives we booked a 4 night 5 day cruise . We are waiting to board the cruise ship Mr.T is talking with the gentleman behind us turn looking at them both smile hello I am Mrs.T reaching out my hand to shake his takes my hand in his hello Ron is the name.releasing his hand smiling nice to meet you as I scan his tall lean body,salt and pepper hair ,ice blue eyes. Ron noticed me looking him up and down smiles winks, blushing turning as I...

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I never knew

I had experimented as a teenager with fingering myself slowly due to boredom and curiosity, and trying to discover sex. I would do this on the toilet, as the house was always busy with folks coming and going so it was the only privacy i could get. I felt naughty, absolutely wrong, but so damn good feel my finger sliding slowly in and out of my bum. I eventually progressed from my finger to the shampoo bottle while at the same time wanking my rock hard young cock slowly and dying to feal the...

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Social Media Gave Me Sex

The sex story goes like this. In the changed times, people are joining many bbm and whatsapp group and they try and flirt with women of the group just to try their luck. I also joined a bbm group where I found that there is this woman from mumbai who is 38 years. Let’s call her sapna. Sapna used to send smileys and winks on all the non veg jokes and wouldn’t miss even a single chance to respond to any of the guys who are flirting. I got this hint that she’s definitely a ‘always horny’ mode...

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