Heat free porn video

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I'm a scientist.

That phrase seems to have a different meaning to the general public than it has in the science community. Most people think of lab coats and bubbling beakers, or wild-haired and absent-minded-but-kindly professors. But to us, science is a process -- lots of study to master one's field, then hard work, careful documentation, peer review, and publishing. In some fields, especially when the work has direct effects on humans, we deal with very stringent regulations concerning the type of experiments we can perform.

I accept those constraints. They were put in place for a purpose, to guarantee valid results and protect the public from exposure to unknown dangers. But sometimes it seems that the process has the opposite effect. Our discovery has profound implications for society, and we'd never have known that if we'd followed the rules. So, now that the research is about to be published, Gaby and I have decided to put our professional lives on the line. We think you need to know.

My field is biochemistry, specifically neuropharmacology. I am (at least for now) a visiting fellow at the University of Hawaii, continuing a line of research I began as a post-doc at Iowa State. The goal of the work was to understand and, ultimately, manipulate the cycle of estrus in various domestic animals. Estrus is more popularly known as "heat" -- the fertile part of the female reproductive cycle, often accompanied by the release of chemical attractants called pheromones which produce the well-known reaction in the males of the species. Anyone who has owned an unspayed female dog or cat, or lives near someone who does, knows all about estrus.

The project was difficult and ambitious. Estrus is a very complex phenomenon that involves virtually all the major physiological systems. It is triggered by not one but several interacting biological clocks. It affects the endocrine system, releasing a flood of hormones which act as messengers to the brain, internal organs, and reproductive system. These in turn effect changes of their own. There are further influences from the external environment -- for example, the course of estrus varies considerably depending on whether (and when) copulation occurs.

Our project was successful, far beyond our original expectations. Building on a long line of research by others, we learned that there are several key brain chemicals--neurotransmitters--which regulate the cycle. My work produced a model, a mathematical description of the way these regulators function. It was the vital link, because it meant we had a tool to manipulate the process.

Five months into my fellowship, we synthesized a compound which could trigger estrus in our lab animals.

The implications of such a drug are enormous. For starters, imagine cattle which pump out three or four calves per year instead of one. Imagine racehorse owners who could bring their mares into heat on the one day they have access to a particular stud. Imagine show-champion dogs which could produce thousands, instead of dozens, of progeny. Imagine breeding new varieties of domestic animals in a fraction of the time, but without the unknown hazards of genetic engineering.

Our drug was effective on every animal we gave it to. The rats were first, then cats, and finally sheep and cattle. There was no change in the drug except its dosage. And it was that very general nature of the effect that got me into the argument with Gaby.

Gabrielle Mercer was a grad student, one of my research assistants. She spent most of her time (except for classes) in the lab, caring for the animals, giving injections according to the experimental design, and helping us write up the results. She was very good--smart, detail-oriented, conscientious and reliable. And she was very excited about the drug. She thought we should publish immediately, using our initial results in rats, without waiting for the large-animal data.

We were in the lab, in the rat room. We were watching a female that we'd dosed; she wasn't supposed to be receptive, but the drug had brought her into estrus and she was posturing, tail lifted, back arched, ready for mating. In nearby cages, males were alert, sniffing and scratching at the wire on that side. I was trying for the nth time to explain to Gaby why we couldn't submit our research for review just yet.

"But, Gaby, don't you see? It's the fact that we found a non-specific model that's important. Anybody can trigger estrus in rats by brute force, injecting massive amounts of the right hormones. But those approaches are all species-specific, and they have to be timed just right, and they don't tell us anything about the underlying process.

It's the fact that we have a general solution which works on any animal, at any time in the cycle, that demonstrates a true understanding."

"Sure," she answered, "but we already know that from the rats and the preliminary data on cats. The drug is totally different from any other approach we've seen in the literature. Why not get it into press and nail down our priority?"

"It isn't a contest, Gaby. We have to be thorough, and the large-animal results are the proof. It's only a few more weeks, and we can have the paper pre-written and ready to go. We'll just plug in the data and submit."

Gaby fumed. "Well, don't blame me if somebody else scoops us. Damn! You have your doctorate, but some of us still have reputations to make."

I grinned. "Some reputation. Gaby Mercer, who got her science career cut short by rushing to print with incomplete results. Really, Gaby, have a little patience! Besides," I said, "there's another thing that's been troubling me, and I want some time to work on it."

Gaby's eyebrows went up. "Oh? What's that?"

I should have told her to wait until I was ready. But I was getting used to bouncing ideas off her, and I plowed ahead without thinking.

"I want to run some human-model simulations."

Gaby's eyes went wide. Then she burst out laughing. "Whoa! That's a good one. You really had me going. I thought you were serious. Human model! Quick! Get the chastity belt, I'm going into heat!"

"All right, all right, don't fall out of your shirt. You think it's funny, but humans do have a reproductive cycle. Women don't have estrus, exactly, but you have a menstrual period. If this drug gets into the veterinary pharmacopoeia it'll be out there, in the environment, and humans will be exposed. In fact, I'll bet my stipend that somebody will try it on their girlfriend, or herself, just for a laugh. And right now we know exactly nothing about the potential effects."

Gaby's smile had faded. "OK, you're right. I'll help you." She grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the office and its workstation. It was my turn to laugh.

But three hours later neither one of us was laughing. The supercomputer on the mainland had run our simulation, and the results were confusing. Interpreted one way, the drug had caused little effect except a slight time-shift in the menstrual cycle. That alone was significant, because it meant we had a potential contraceptive. But another interpretation was possible. And now it was Gaby who was worried.

"It looks so much like the animal results. Don't you see? Look at the estrogen and progesterone curves. And what's this one? I don't recognize this compound at all," she said.

"I don't either, and that's probably an indication that we crashed the model. That can happen when you introduce something new and unforeseen."

"Unforeseen is right. But if you ignore that one element, everything else looks like our horny rats. How can that be? Humans don't go into heat!"

"It's not quite the same. The hormone ratios are all wrong. It could all be a side effect of the menstrual shift. Or it could just be a confused model -- probably that's all it is." I leaned back in the old wooden chair I favored for computer work, picked up a little vial of our magic drug.

"And are we so sure humans don't have estrus?" I posed, staring at the purplish crystals in the glass tube. "Maybe it's just more subtle. All the other primates have heat -- chimps, orangs, gorillas. We're not all that different." I pushed back from the workstation. "Come on, we need to get clear of this for a while. Let's go get some dinner. My treat." I slipped the vial into my shirt pocket.

Gaby and I continued our conversation in quiet tones as we walked down toward the beach. We had shared working lunches a few times, but I was always careful to keep our relationship strictly professional. That wasn't always easy, at least on my part. Gaby was no centerfold type, tall, a bit gangly, and rather plain in appearance, but she was attractive in many other ways -- very intelligent, enthusiastic and poised, quick to crack a silly joke. But she never showed any romantic interest in me, or any other man as far as I could observe. Or woman, either, I thought as we reached our goal.

Though on the beachfront, Micky's had never been on the tourist map. It was small and dark, on a potholed side street that ran down toward the shore, with only a tiny sign on the sidewalk to show it was anything but a rundown cottage. On the back side, though, there was a raised deck with a quiet bar, and inside were comfortable high-backed booths. Gaby and I headed for one of those.

"In one sense," I was saying as the food arrived, "humans don't have estrus because females are always in heat."

Gaby looked shocked for a moment, then grinned. "I never thought about it that way, but I can see it. With the possible exception of the menstrual period, women can and do have sex any time."

"Right, that's what I mean. Other animals have estrus periods, and they fuck ... er, copulate like crazy at that time. But the rest of the cycle they are totally indifferent to sex."

"The females are, that is. The males can be aroused at any time, as long as there's a female in heat nearby. Then they fuck her like crazy." Gaby grinned, and grinned wider as I blushed.

"OK, I guess it's silly to try to be completely clinical about all this. But you know I try to keep work separate from personal relationships."

"What personal relationships?" Gaby said. "You haven't had a date since you came out from the mainland."

I think I must have blushed again. "Funny how you noticed that." I held her eyes, and she met my gaze. "The same could be said about you. Between classes and your lab hours, there isn't much time for you to have a social life either." Gaby dropped her eyes and made a big production of eating her burger.

I steered the conversation back to safer territory. "Speaking of the males, what about pheromones? That's a big part of any estrus system. The females always emit a hormone which signals the males that she's ready."

Gaby took a drink of her coke, and said, "That's another argument against the idea that humans have an estrus cycle. If there were any substance that triggered that kind of primal response in human males, wouldn't we have found it by now? I mean, think of the market for a true aphrodisiac."

"You may be right there. Even if our remote ancestors had a pheromone response, we've probably lost that sense along with most of our sense of smell.

"Then again, I don't know. Pheromones are always highly species-specific and very complex molecules. We might not have stumbled onto it, even if it does exist. Or maybe it has been found, and suppressed as too dangerous."

Gaby looked skeptical. "You couldn't hide something like that. It would have to come out. Even if the first discoverer suppressed it, the next would report it, or the next..."

"Assuming it was easy enough for several independent researchers to find. And don't forget, the human research field is much slower because of the experimental protocols."

"True. And..." Gaby now looked very hesitant, pushed the pickle around her plate. " ... and if our drug does have a human effect..." She looked up at me. " ... how will we find out?"

That question hung in the air for just a few too many heartbeats.

Gaby broke into the background murmur. "There's no way we could get permission for human trials in time to find out before we're ready to publish."

Again it was Gaby who broke the silence. "If we publish this before we know, I mean really know, for sure..."

"Then," I said, "Pandora has opened the box. Only this time she had a pretty good idea what was inside before she did it."

Gaby continued to look at me with a questioning expression. We were interrupted as the waiter left the check. She was still looking at me when I looked back. It took me a minute to see where her train of thought was headed. Not wanting to hear the answer, I said, "So what do you think we should do about this?"

She didn't answer for a second or two. Then she leaned forward and reached into my shirt pocket. When she leaned back, her hand held a small glass vial containing purplish crystals.

"Gaby, that's absolutely crazy. Not to mention unethical. And foolish. We have no clear idea what the effects are going to be. You could do all kinds of damage, maybe destroy your reproductive capacity."

"We have to know," Gaby said.

I took a very deep breath. This was getting serious. "Even if we did it, the results would be unpublishable. Talk about ruining your career! Gaby, this is not Victorian London, and your name is not Jeckyll."

"You said yourself that the simulation we ran isn't useful, that this drug is too different for valid results. A human test is the only way."

"You know perfectly well that the result would be useless as data. There is only one subject, no controls, no protocol."

"But it would be one data point, which is infinitely better than zero, which we have now."

"All right. All right. But think -- if the model is valid, you're not likely to have negative effects, or much of any other effect as far as we can see. But if it isn't valid, as you're arguing, then you have no clue what the result would be. You could die, or have brain damage, or ... almost anything."

I reached for the vial. She pulled it back.

"We don't know how to interpret the model. Maybe it's perfect. Maybe it's way off. Either way, the numbers don't tell us what the drug does, subjectively. We need to know," she repeated.

"But wait. We don't even know the appropriate dosage, or how long the effects would last, if any. Gaby, I just won't let you take that kind of risk."

"You won't let me take the risk? Just who the hell do you think you are?" She was really angry. I had to keep calm and try to control this.

"I am the principal investigator on this project. I am your faculty advisor. I am your friend, I hope. And in each of those capacities, I'm telling you -- you must not do this."

Gaby's head dropped. Slowly she set the vial down on the table and pushed it across to me.

I left the vial where it was. "Thank you," I said.

But when Gaby lifted her eyes to mine, I saw that she was not yet ready to give in. "So, we're just going to go ahead. We're going to publish this, and the stuff will get out on the market, and then the whole human race will be the experimental subjects."

She had a pleading look. "Already there are environmental effects from pesticides and PCBs. Some of them are hormone mimics, and wildlife has been affected. They persist in the environment. They cause fetal abnormalities, interfere with reproduction. They're in humans, too, and may be having effects on us -- reduced sperm counts, birth defects, cancer.

"Tell me, Mr. Principal Investigator. What's going to happen when our little creation gets out there? And when they come to you and ask how you could have let this genie loose, what are you going to say to them? That the risk to your friend was more important than knowing the whole truth about your precious new drug?"

The waiter came and went with my credit card. Neither of us spoke while he was gone. When he brought the slip he refilled our water glasses. I was staring at that little vial. I was still staring at it when Gaby reached out, and took it, and unscrewed the top, and spilled a tiny pile onto her napkin.

"About three crystals, I think," I said. My voice sounded hoarse to my own ears. "Don't swallow, the stomach acids will degrade it. Under your tongue would be best."

"No. I think another moist mucous membrane would be more appropriate." Gaby carefully pushed three crystals onto her place mat and returned the rest to the vial. She stuck the bottle back in my shirt pocket. Then she moistened her fingertip and picked up the three crystals. She drew her hands back and dropped them below the table. Then I heard the rustle of her wraparound skirt, and she briefly arched her back. The rustle again. Then she was wiping her finger on the napkin. And staring straight into my eyes.

"How long do you think we'll have to wait before I show symptoms?" Gaby asked.

"Forever, I hope," I said. "Maybe you'll need a tampon a few days sooner."

"I hope you're right," she said. "Let's go out on the deck."

The ocean view was to the south. The rollers were coming in long and rumbly. We leaned on the railing, looking off to the right where the last of the sunset was dying. It was a warm night, with a soft and erratic breeze out of the west. Micky's wasn't too busy, three guys at the bar and a few couples at the outdoor tables. Canned music was playing, easy jazz, not the touristy Hawaiian that most bars played. It would have been romantic if I wasn't so worried.

"Gaby, I'm going to stay with you for the rest of the evening. If anything happens you may need somebody around who's not affected." I paused. "A long time ago, I ingested a few, um, substances myself. It was always good to have somebody around who wasn't high, just in case anybody freaked out."

"Thank you. I'm sure I'll be fine, but you can be an impartial observer. Anyhow, I don't mind your company. In fact..." She let the thought trail off.

If she was about to express some attraction for me, I didn't push it. Tonight I needed to be objective. That was not easy, with the tropical Pacific breeze stirring the stray hairs that refused to stay in her pony tail. Gaby sure looked good tonight. Why was that? Was it what she'd just done with the crystals? I reached out, touched her forearm.

She swung around to face me, a movement that lacked her usual unhurried grace. In the dim light I couldn't be sure, but her cheeks seemed flushed. She opened her mouth to speak, then just moved closer to me. She was beautiful, so beautiful...

Wait ... something was wrong. I shouldn't be thinking like that. But her breath was so warm, and coming so fast. My heart was pounding. I looked away.

Suddenly I was aware of the three guys at the bar, down at the far left end of the deck. They had stopped talking and were staring in our direction. They had very strange expressions. As I watched, one of them slid off his stool, unsteady on his feet but with his eyes never wavering.

I said, "I think we'd better get going." Gaby didn't answer. She had moved in, and was pressing against me, breasts and hips. I looked back at the bar. All three men were standing, and starting to move our way. I took Gaby's arm and steered her toward the exit.

I led her through the restaurant quickly. When we got to the street I looked back. The three guys had been joined by a fourth, and were coming through the door, looking around somewhat dazedly. Then they all stiffened, all four at once, and swung around to face us. I hurried Gaby along. She had her arms around me and was murmuring something into my shirt, but I managed to keep us moving.

It was five blocks to my bungalow. And the four men were following. And gaining. I felt an absurd twinge of fear and jealousy. She's mine! I held Gaby tighter and hurried her to the corner.

We turned right, and now the breeze was stronger and at our backs. We were less than half a block ahead when the guys reached the corner. I was almost to the point of panic, but Gaby didn't seem to have noticed them. I looked back again. They were still at the corner. But they had stopped, and were looking around, confused. In a dark spot between streetlights, I held Gaby still. The men at the corner looked around for a few seconds more, then turned and walked back toward Micky's. I heard halting voices and a burst of weird laughter as they moved off.

Now Gaby was rubbing herself against me, like some oversized kitten. The breeze died again, and I felt a surge of -- some sensation I can't name. I shook my head and got us moving again. The next thing I knew we were on the front porch of my bungalow.

Gaby was making noises, rubbing me with her hands and her body. I was fumbling for the keys. Suddenly there was a cloth flapping around me, and then it was gone, and Gaby was standing there in her panties and top, and she was untying the top, no, just pulling it aside, and oh my god what was happening to us?

The breeze came up and caught the skirt Gaby had peeled off. It blew down to the end of the porch and fetched up against the lattice there. My head was suddenly clearer and I got the key into the lock, got the door open, pulled Gaby inside. I flipped on the entryway light. One heartbeat later I was lost again. Gaby was on her elbows and knees. She had gotten one breast free of her top, its nipple swollen and hard, and she had one hand pressed firmly between her legs. She was making incoherent cooing sounds. And I was on my knees, too. I was pressing my nose into her crotch and breathing deep, deep.

Somehow I had gotten my shorts partway off. It was an enormous relief. My erection was painful, and feeling cool from its own wetness in the evening breeze. I had to get it warm. I had to get it into Gaby. I moved on top of her. I thrust between her legs--frustration! And again. I heard a deep-throated growl. It was my own voice.

The breeze blew down the hall. I lifted my head. Danger! I crawled to the still-open door behind us, slammed it shut. For one breath I knew what to do. I turned back to Gaby, who was fingering herself inside her panties, still kneeling with back arched and ass high. I grabbed that barrier of cloth and yanked hard. Gaby moaned. I yanked again. There was a tearing sound, and the remains of the panties were halfway down one leg. Gaby's crotch and thighs were slick and shining with her honey. I grabbed her and entered her with a single thrust. Together, we groaned with satisfaction.

Gaby was already coming, a frantic, grunting spasm brought on by her own strumming fingers and the sensation of being penetrated. And in two strokes I was with her, hammering my come deep into her wet, wet pussy. And so it began.

I have little coherent memory of the next hours. I know that we never left that entry hallway, and that we must have spent almost the entire time coupled. We both had repeated orgasms. Gaby's seemed almost continuous. I never lost that intense erection, not even after coming. We did not sleep. We weren't making love, we were fucking, coupling like the pre-human animals we had become, driven by instinct and need rather than desire.

What brought me to my senses was an urgent need to urinate. My erection had prevented that. I tried to get up and realized that Gaby was lying across my torso, one arm holding my leg, her mound pressed against my hip. She was awake, breathing normally, but when I stirred she gave a wordless protest and held me tighter.

I gently took her shoulders and brought her up beside me. Her top was still around her shoulders, but those firm little breasts had long since come free; her ruined panties were still around her left leg. She threw her arms around my neck and slung that panty-bound leg across me. My erection was nearly gone, and I had to get to the bathroom now. I disentangled myself, put down my hand and realized I was lying in a puddle of something. I staggered to the bathroom and relieved myself.

Those few seconds in the bathroom cleared my head immensely. I took a long drink of water from the tap. It was already full daylight, I realized. I took off my shirt, which was still in place but half-soaked in whatever it was. I wrung it out, then took a sniff. Immediately I was overwhelmed with sensations -- half-remembered images of Gaby, of me and Gaby, of thrusting, penetrating ... I dropped the shirt in the laundry basket and shook my head to clear it. I looked down at a new and rising hard-on.

Gaby was sitting up when I returned to the hall, holding her head in her hands and groaning. I left her there and went to fetch a bucket and mop. The puddle had to be urine, Gaby's urine. I couldn't have done it, and even under the circumstances we couldn't have produced enough sexual fluids to make that puddle. I had a vague recollection of Gaby, on all fours, letting go a stream against the wall, during one of the brief intervals when I wasn't in her. My god.

With the bucket filled I returned to our hallway. Gaby was standing unsteadily, legs too far apart, examining herself dazedly. I realized we both had several scrapes and bruises; Gaby seemed to be assessing the damage. She was covered with funk, her own and mine, sweat, semen, and piss. As was I.

She looked up as I approached. I couldn't read her expression. Maybe she was feeling some emotion that humans have never felt or named. I had no idea what to say. I set down the bucket, cradled her cheek in my hand, and kissed her. She threw her arms around me and returned the kiss.

"So now we know," she said.

"Now we know," said I.

Those were, I realized, the first coherent words we'd spoken since entering the house.

Gaby headed for the bathroom to clean up as I went to work with the mop. Each time I stirred up the puddle I got another whiff of the indescribable scent of her, and each time I got another surge of arousal. I dumped the bucket down the kitchen drain and got out the Lysol spray. I went over the hall with exquisite care. The erection subsided. I had a strange feeling of relief mixed with an ancient, primal sadness.

I went back to the kitchen to rustle up some food. I was famished, and only just realizing it. We must have burned a week's calories overnight. I piled a plate with anything I could find in the fridge and went looking for Gaby.

She was still in the bathroom. She had, apparently, drunk some water and cleaned up. She had removed the remains of her panties and top, and I finally saw her fully naked. I liked it. She was slender and well-proportioned, and the small breasts were perfect, red-brown nipples slightly upturned, lovely. Her hair had won its rebellion against the pony tail. As I watched she reached up, pulled off the elastic, gathered her hair and reapplied it. It was a small, domestic thing, and my heart sang to see it.

I offered her the food, and she gave a lovely little sigh as she grabbed for some grapes. I left the plate and went to my bedroom, thinking she might like a robe. Once there, I realized that her skirt was still out on the porch. I put on the robe and retrieved the skirt. Now, I thought, we'll just jump in the shower and be back to earth.

When I returned, Gaby was still in the bath. As I approached, I couldn't quite see what she was doing. The plate of food was still there, mostly uneaten. Gaby held something in her left hand, and was staring down at her right fingertip. There was something on the floor...

It was my shirt. She had pulled it out of the laundry basket. Her left hand was holding a small glass vial, its top unscrewed. The right fingertip was salted with a half-dozen purplish crystals.

"Oh, god, Gaby, no," I said. "Please God, no."

She looked at me with that unnamed and ancient expression, then dropped her hand and slid the right index finger deep into her pussy.

The higher dosage seemed to have a paradoxical effect. Or maybe we were just too tired from the first round. In any case, this time we seemed to be much more in control. We weren't limited to a doggy-style humping on the hall floor. Instead we used the bed, and the couch, and the kitchen counter, and the shower, and the recliner, and yes, the floor again. And I remember those ten hours very clearly indeed. Gaby was an astonishment. She was utterly insatiable, which was certainly an effect of the drug. But she was also playful, creative, and experimental. I can't say that we discovered any totally new techniques, but we certainly used a whole lot more than I had ever tried before.

We even managed to take a few breaks for other needs. I found that as long as I was some distance from Gaby I could lose the erection and take care of my bladder. We even ate a little, though nothing that took time to prepare.

Gaby spent at least an hour kissing, licking and sucking my poor abused cock, giving me a series of orgasms. I was no longer producing much semen, but the intensity of each peak seemed only greater for that. How Gaby did this while ignoring her body's own insistent demands for penetration I do not know. I can only say that I was literally incapable of returning the favor. As soon as my nose approached her pussy I was completely helpless; within a few seconds I simply had to stop, turn and enter her. She did not complain about this lack of sensitivity on my part. Instead, she just ground her hips to get friction on her clit, and joined me in coming, again and again.

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HeatherMy Wife, Heather, and I, Dave have been married for 25 years and have brought up 2 k**s, who no longer live at home with us and we recently down-sized our big house for a 2 bed-room mini-home that is 68 feet long and 14 feet wide and very nicely laid out as we designed it ourselves. She is 45 years old and I am 46 years old and time has been on her side as she looks at least 10 years younger than she is.After the k**s went to college and university, Heather decided to go to the gym and...

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Keith Johnson pushed the two wheeler filled with bins of supplies across the dirt parking lot towards the distant set of barns and stables. He was anxious to get set up before too many arrivals for today’s rodeo, and as a stable hand, he needed to be ready when the riders showed up. Behind him, his wife Heather was gathering her own supplies, arranging food in her coolers so that she could wheel them to the opposite side underneath the metal bleachers where her hot dog stand was located. She...

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HeatherHeather found herself on a beach, pounded by the surf and lashedby the wind and rain.  She supposed it must be the coast of Spain,but all that mattered at that point was survival.  She crawledupward and hid among some rocks, her shoes lost, her clothingsodden with sea water.  At dawn, some peasants, searching forvaluable jetsam after the storm, found her.  She could not run fromthem, for her bare feet and full skirts, wet, heavy, clinging,impeded her, and she was, in any event,...

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There was a time before marriage and becoming parents that my wife and I partied almost every weekend. We would work our fingers to the bone during the week and spend Friday and Saturday nights out with all types of friends. This led to quite a few erotic encounters during those formative years of our relationship that helped lay a solid foundation for a healthy and fun sex life. However, there was one that still stands out in both of our minds.Just shy of fifteen years ago, my then fiance...

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Heather loved doing Gymnastics she had been doing it since she was 3yo and she was now 16yo. Heather is 5ft2 tall and has long brown hair and green eyes her weight is 70lbs and she has full 16C Cup tits that she first grew at younger age she was an early bloomer just like her mum who at 35yo and 5ft8 tall with black hair and brown eyes she has 36 D Cup Tits and she works hard to provide for her daughter since her husband died 3 years ago. Since Heathers mum works so hard and sometimes for...

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It had taken some time to get over my divorce, not that it had been particularly messy or sordid, quite the contrary as we had settled everything in a business-like and polite manner. It was simply that after 15 years of marriage, I found the transition back to bachelorhood to be difficult.I had always thought myself to be fairly open and friendly and enjoyed meeting people and good conversation, but now I was conscious of the fact that I was treated with some degree of scepticism. I could...

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The first time she noticed anything Heather had just been amused. She didn't know about Cole's ex yet, who she was and what she looked like. Heather and Cole had been dating for a while and that day was the first time he took her to his place. They had been sleeping together already at her place and their relationship had reached that endorphin-rich state where they felt like butterflies were going wild inside them and they couldn't spent more than a minute without kissing each other. On that...

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Part 1This narrative is a letter from a close friend who asked me to publish it for her. I cannot authenticate the story but I have never known her to deliberately give me false information. I shall call her Debra for the purpose of identification. She is 39 yrs old and has a daughter of 17, Lena who is studying at a college near to the family home.A few days ago, Lena went away with another girl on her course, Francine Renshawe, to study their subject within the industry. She asked me to pick...

2 years ago
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Please Note: This is a reworking of an earlier story now with an option of two different endings It was mid afternoon on yet another bleak English Saturday and I was trying, and failing, to get some work done, I was a self-employed IT Consultant advising companies on all things computer related. The previous seven days had been hectic and I was already a week late with my report. The incessant rain hitting the window and reverberating across the still room wasn't helping my already wavering...

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Chapter 1Trees flitted through Shawn's window, their droning a soothe for his mind as the train cut though their wake. New York City was a few hours in his past, and all his knotted up tension and the grind of the kitchen still echoed in his muscle memory. He couldn't shake away the anticipating mental rote of planning his station's 'mise en place' list. Today's list, even though he was sitting here, on the first day of a much-needed vacation. Cooking was like that, it took time to detox from...

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It was after midnight when I finally made it back to my own bed. I don't know if I felt a little guilty about what I'd done, or guilty that I didn't feel worse. I guess this is where I should say that I never intended things to go that far, but I don't expect you to believe it. I wouldn't. I mean a guy just doesn't "accidentally" seduce his little sister. Then again, as a senior in high school she isn't exactly little anymore, and I'm only four years older. That was a big gap when I...

1 year ago
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I was sitting in my office, bemoaning the fact they I had not made it out golfing that day., and was getting ready to go home When the receptionist buzzed in announcing that I had a visitor. I walked up front and was amazed to see Heather, dressed in a ladies black business suit, with a knee-high skirt. I had not seen her since she had left her job at the restaurant (not by choice) I frequent for lunch. After the initial hellos and hugs we moved to my office. I asked her what I owed this visit...

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TheatricalBy: The PriestI was about to start the engine when my mobile phone rang, it was Mary, she was unable to make the theatre date because one of her c***dren had gone down with some kind of virus so I decided to make the girlie night into a one woman night rather than give up seeing the one woman show at the theatre especially after I had been so looking forward to it, I had the tickets which were not cheap, I knew the seats were in a perfect spot and the artiste was a fantastic American...

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She was a naughty, naughty woman, and she knew it. This time she wondered if she went too far. Had her mouth gotten her into trouble, or pleasure? She had no idea yet, but took a deep breath and started the car. As she drove to the meeting spot her mind wandered...Patty had lived a normal boring life for a long time. She had the hubby, the k**s, the job, and the house. Everything a good girl should. She also had one hell of a boring sex life. Sometimes she wondered if her husband had gotten...

4 years ago
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Yet another Gor story! Not my universe, no profit, etc etc. Hope you enjoy! A chill wind brings a light shiver forth as he makes his way through the pass... surprised at how quickly the cold seems to have come on, he is grateful to see home in the distance. The glow of the fire reaches out into the gloom, growing more pronounced as he nears the steps, and it is with growing anticipation that he climbs the stairs quickly, unlatching the door and slipping inside, closing it behind him, loathe to...

3 years ago
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I don't know why seeing a policeman at the door was such a shock; my conscience isn't THAT guilty. "Uh, Pat," I called, "police officer to see you!" Pat poked her head out of the kitchen, where we'd all been working on the fruit salad. "Oh, come on in, Sondra," she called, "we'll be out in a minute." The person in the blue uniform smiled at me, and as she moved into the room, I noticed some features I had overlooked at first glance. Officer Sondra Hernandez, badge number 1469, was...

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“God yes,” Lisette moaned as her husband flicked his tongue in and out of her hole. The five-foot-ten-inch brown-skinned beauty grabbed his head with both of her hands and pushed his face deeper into her ass crack. As he made love to her tranny pussy, her body, all one hundred and forty-five pounds of it, squirmed. She wiggled in every direction effectively working the fitted satin sheets off of their California king size bed. Her barely functional clit stiffened. “Fuck...

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We had the very last seats in the theater. The lights went off and the movie began. A hand settled in my lap and I twitched a little. It took less than a second for Mitzuho to unzip my shorts and retrieve my limp organ. It jumped to life in her hand. It had taken me four months to get the vixen to go out with me. On our very first date, here she was, taking things to the next level. Never in my life would I have imagined something this wild from my innocent-looking Japanese beauty. ‘We’re...

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We had the very last seats in the theater. The lights went off and the movie began. A hand settled in my lap and I twitched a little. It took less than a second for Mitzuho to unzip my shorts and retrieve my limp organ. It jumped to life in her hand. It had taken me four months to get the vixen to go out with me. On our very first date, here she was, taking things to the next level. Never in my life would I have imagined something this wild from my innocent-looking Japanese beauty. 'We're...

Straight Sex
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My bedroom door handle turned and I looked up, to my surprise seeing my newly dumped ex-boyfriend entering and shutting the door behind him. I hadn't told my parents that I was dating someone new... I was sort of embarrassed at the quick change of heart after so long (and the stubborn teenage angsty fights for his love, since he was about 6 years older and my parents didn't quite approve, but they couldn't do anything once I was of consenting age.) So there he was. Right in my room, door...

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Introduction: If you dont want to read about rape, move along. Also, written very quickly so please excuse how sloppily it is written. There was a knock on my front door in the evening time, and I was the only one home at the time, so I ignored it, I wasnt expecting anyone and my parents didnt like me opening the door when I was alone. I had just gotten out of the shower, and was lying on my bed. I had returned earlier from a long camping weekend, and boy was it a crazy weekend. I had been...

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This takes us back a year now but if you're honest, it's where this whole implausible tale began. A history trip for a weekend to see the WWI memorial sites and battlegrounds. You'd been buzzing about it for the whole 10 months previously because whilst your history teachers and the subject were cool, it was a weekend away from home with all your best friends and (lest we forget) some of the hottest girls in your year group and the year above. The funny thing was that the girls you'd obsessed...

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Tia Lopes was a freshman at a lousy community college in a seedy part of San Diego, just above the Mexican border. With her dark looks she fit in well. Whether because she loved suntanning, or because she had a bit of ethnic blood everyone had assumed she was Mexican and treated her as such. Since most people in her neighborhood were hispanic it meant she fit in fairly well. Jacob Wright was her boyfriend. Tall, muscular, rich, a famous playboy and the son of the mayor, he was an incredible...

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I don't know when it started. One day, I was the poster-boy for what a guy should be when dating a girl, the next, I was a womanizer. I guess it happened when I realized I still hadn't lost my virginity despite dating my girlfriend for at least three years - it shocked me, and I wondered very briefly if my girlfriend was cheating on me with another guy - but I stopped that train of thought as soon as it began. If it was true, I didn't want to deal with it. However, I am a teenage male, and I do...

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It’s not until almost 6 AM that you slip out of Christine’s dorm room. Walking down the silent hallway, you smile to yourself, thinking that any guy would be proud to take the Walk of Shame home from Christine’s room. You trace the familiar path down the stairway and out of Christine’s dorm automatically, not taking any notice of your surroundings. Instead, your let your mind wander, imagining Christine’s perfect features: her beautiful tanned skin, long dark hair, deep brown eyes always...

4 years ago
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“He’s an ass! Ten years of marriage, and he goes and bangs some skank! What an ass! I might be able to understand if she was at least pretty, but she’s not. She’s an ugly slut! She’s been down on at least half of the guys, and probably women, in his office. I hope she gave him herpes or VD. Oh god! If I get VD cause he fucked that slut, I’ll kill him! Why? Why would he do this to me?” Natalie broke down and sobbed. I wanted to tell her Kenny, her husband, had always been an ass, and this was,...

Straight Sex
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Its wednesday. Once more ur husband isnt gonna b home. Ur fucken tired of it now. Especialy cuz u know hes been cheating on u. U tried to b the good wife for the sake of the k**. But now ur done with it. U call me...i can hear by ur voice that ur emotional. I try to calm u down to prevent u from crying. Ill ask u if u allready had diner,on wich u answer with a no. Oki...u call the nanny. Ill b with u in 1hr. U agree and allready nervous hang up the phone. Imediatly u call ur nanny and ask her...

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Moria liked sex and she knew she was good in bed. So why did her boyfriend cheat on her with the slut assistant from work? How could the bastard do that to her!? It was a drizzly night. But for Moria it was exciting. She had never done anything like this before, but it was time break out, quit playing it safe and go out and have some fun. Fuck her boyfriend, the sleazy bastard. Moria had been with Bob since their senior year in high school. She had never even given a thought about straying away...

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It was a beautiful afternoon, so I decided to wash and dry clothes and hang them out on the line for a change. I know it sounds old fashioned, but living in the country, a lot of people still use clothes lines. Drying on a breeze, clothes get to smell really fresh.I washed a couple loads and hung them out. Lovely. But, back in the house — disaster. There was water all over the floor, pouring from my washer. My first step was to quickly turn off the supply to the machine. I started to mop up the...

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I have a style that keeps me away from using too much bad language or giving too much detail... I expect the reader to fill in the details. On the other hand I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to write a smut laden story full of genital dripping filth. I have had this urge before but the characters in the story wouldn’t allow me to do as I wished and hijacked the piece into one of my previous efforts.I am hoping to overcome my natural resistance to bad language and use lots of it in an over...

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One day I went to a XXX theater wearing a short skirt and a tube top no bra and a thong.when went to take a seat there was acouple men spread out strokeing there cocks so I sat right behind them.I spread my legs and let the men take a look.One man quickly got up and sat next to me rubbing my thigh up to my wet pussy pulling down my thong to my ankles.Another man got up sat next to me and grabbed my wet thong sniffing it.The first man grabbed my hand and started me jerking him off.A third man...

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It was the end of summer and I was going to be a senior, me, Bill, had made it. This was a big deal as I had already heard about how impressive my sister was from all of her teachers, I have to tell you, that really sucks. I was seventeen and in exceptional shape, 5'9" tall and a solid 175lbs. I ran track, played tennis and swam in school and still had time to surf with my buddy's. I have a 15 year old cousin whose name is Marge. What is of great importance is how she had changed in a year....

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His day of privacy had finally come. His room mate, wife and k**s had all packed it up and driven south to visit family. His kind friend insisted he join them but he had no desire to spend hours being questioned by the elder family members and being jumped on by the small ones. All week he looked foward to some quiet time doing as he wished, going for a bike ride, job hunting, enjoying some good porn with volume, and maybe running into a hot friend and hooking up. That summer he had managed...

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It was 3:30 and I had just finished school for the night. I decided to go buy a new game, figuring that the chick I always flirt with would be working. She was a hot lady long brown hair, brown eyes, she stood at about 5'7 about an inch shorter then me. We had come to an unspoken understanding, I flirt with her and put a smile on her face and I get whatever I want. This came in handy especially when I wanted a new game system. I just traded in the old one for twice the profit I should have...

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I think my GF is cheating on me. And I want you guys to help me distinguish whether I’m just being paranoid or if she really is the slut I think she’s turned into. The reasons exactly why I think this will be explained in full as the story goes on, but trust me here when I tell you – there is a clear reason why I suspect her of this. Her name is Kayla and she’s 27 now. I am a few years older than her and we’ve been living together now for almost 5 years. Once things started to get a little...

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I think my GF is cheating on me. And I want you guys to help me distinguish whether I'm just being paranoid or if she really is the slut I think she's turned into. The reasons exactly why I think this will be explained in full as the story goes on, but trust me here when I tell you - there is a clear reason why I suspect her of this. Her name is Kayla and she's 27 now. I am a few years older than her and we've been living together now for almost 5 years. Once things started to get a little...

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It started out innocently enough, if you can call cheating on your husband innocent, but I'd have to say it was - at least compared with what happened later.What happened was no one's fault except mine. After all, I was the grown-up. I could lay the blame on my husband for ignoring me, but the bottom line is that I could have, at any point along the way, kept it from happening. Could I have stopped it? Yes. Should I have stopped it? Most definitely. Did I want to stop it? Even now, knowing how...

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Its wednesday. Once more ur husband isnt gonna b home. Ur fucken tired of it now. Especialy cuz u know hes been cheating on u. U tried to b the good wife for the sake of the k**. But now ur done with it. U call me...i can hear by ur voice that ur emotional. I try to calm u down to prevent u from crying. Ill ask u if u allready had diner,on wich u answer with a no. Oki...u call the nanny. Ill b with u in 1hr. U agree and allready nervous hang up the phone. Imediatly u call ur nanny and ask her...

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I had never been in a sex cinema before, so I thought I would check one out. I went into the dingy neon lit doorway and up the stairs. I paid my $5 to the old man at the cash and headed to the door marked theatre.I went inside the dark theatre and as my eyes became accustomed to the dark, I saw that there were 6 or 7 other guys in there, dotted about the place. I headed for the back row where there seemed to be a bit more legroom and sat down.A film was already playing, one young guy plowing...

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Well, what to do now? Marge walked in and caught him red handed. No, “red dicked” would be closer to the facts. Merry’s lipstick was smeared all over the head of his cock. Her lips were attached to the end of the damned thing and she had a suction going. Dell looked up as his wife Marge stepped out on the back porch and looked at the scene before her. His mind searched and discarded a hundred logical reasons to explain how his cock ended up in his next door neighbor’s mouth. Had he really...

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You never thought it would happen, but here you are after years of marriage, waiting quietly at a dark table in the corner of a hotel bar to meet someone you'd connected with online. Someone who, if things went well, you would be having sex with later tonight. You take a shot of tequila and breath deeply. It burns, but you barely feel it. You are a mixture of emotions. Nervous. Scared. Ashamed. None of them seems quite right. You love your wife. You have never questioned that, although you know...

4 years ago
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It all started about a month ago when I got a phone call from an old boyfriend of mine that was now living in Florida. Dan is very muscular and teaches weight lifting in his own gym. Dan is a very tall man and besides being very muscular, he is very well endowed and is black.I dated Dan a couple years ago and I had to stop seeing him because things were getting too serous to continue. Dan moved to Florida a few months after we broke up our relationship. You see. My husband allows me to date...

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I will never leave my wife of 30 plus years we have sex maybye 3x a year she wants her pussy fingerd but complains about me fucking her, sooooo i kinda met a women, a big women who does not mind if i make love to her instead. it started out as an occasional bj in return she got her pussy ate well i got caught after 2 days of cryin me on the couch she started kissing me (i figured i would never be able to have any sex) but next thing i know my wife is grabbing my cock begging to fuck me and suck...

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After the death of my wife, I took voluntary retirement and settled down in the farm which I bought by the side of a hill. My children were all abroad and came home only for holidays. My household was taken care of by one Nagamma, middle aged spinster. She kept the house neat and tidy, cooked food, washed clothes and vessels etc. She hinted to me that she is available for any sexual services. But I did not want to take any such services from her for the reason that I won’t be able to deal tough...

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Let me introduce myself first. My name is Anil Mishra and I am a resident of Bombay, India. I have a beautiful wife whose name is Anita. She is the owner of a very petite and slim body. Doesn't have a very attractive pair of knockers. She is just average size or may be a size too small than average. I have never ventured out of my marriage life because of some reasons. One, my wife is very hot in bed and she takes care of most of my sexual desires. Second, she is too aggressive for me and...

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Mom forces Me To Take Cock Sissy Pussyboy story

Mom forces Me To Take CockIf you don't already know, I'm a pathetic 31-year-old pussyboy son who is regularly dominated by his whore mother. Today she stood towering over me. I was on my knees in front of her, my nose pressed against hard against her skirt, in-line with her pussy. It is very prominent pussy with big, fleshy fat pussy lips and a large swollen clit and I love the fact that her pubic hair is now so sparse and thin that it looks like a shaved pussy. I am a slave to her magnificent...

1 year ago
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A Sloppingly Wet Time

*** Directed Affection I knocked on her apartment door. I really enjoyed coming over to her place. Mine wasn’t nearly as fancy. I heard quick footsteps and the door quickly opened. “Jake!” Alexandra exclaimed. She made it seem like she hadn’t seen me in a decade. I had just been over two nights ago. “How are you Sandra.” I remarked as I stepped inside. “Good, I’m good. How are you?” She was excited. I was too, but I was able compose myself. Her excitement was very exposed. “I’m excellent. It...

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It?s been a full month since the strange animal attacked you in the forest. The bites and scratches healed quickly. The mental scarring is still with you. Every night, you see the massive beast plowing right through you, its claws digging into your shoulders as it bit into your flesh. Thank God for the ranger that shot it off of you. The dreams became more vivid as the nights wore on. The attacker was hazy, fuzzy; it looked at first like a large dog. The beast didn't just attack, it tried...

3 years ago
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How it all began

Here is how my xdress if journey began.i believe I was either 14 or 15, school just let out for the summer....with nothing much to do. I was hanging out with an older friend...he was about 16. The Monday started as usual, he called and asked if I wanted to hang out...I told him sure...I would be over in a bit. I hopped on my bike and was at his house in nothing flat. It was just him and I as his mom worked in NYC and took the train into work...He let me in and we went into his room...I remember...

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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 09

First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. This isn’t meant as a stand alone story, and as such, you might want to read the first eight chapters first, otherwise you might end up as lost...

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Guardian Angel

"Friday nights here in Albany in January sure aren't what we expected are they?" Dave looks at his roommate sitting at his computer. "Friday night our last year of college and one of us is downloading some porn and the other is about to walk to the hockey game by himself in a Nor'Easter not quite what we expected. " Justin simply shrugged and said "yeah I never expected to get a full length Jenna video in an hour." Dave just smiled simple old Justin not a care in the world, he wished he could...

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