Quiet free porn video

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She stands alone in the quiet room. Blindfolded, she is unaware of what is in the room with her, though she knows that he will be there soon. That knowledge both excites and frightens her. While she knows the fear comes from the uncertainty, from not knowing what to expect from him, she is excited by the mystery and anticipation.

Since she cannot see, she cannot easily judge time, yet it doesn’t feel that it has been long before she hears the door open behind her. ‘He must be barefoot,’ she thinks, hearing soft footfalls approach. She turns her head as though looking for someone, hoping it is him.

The feel of his warm breath on her ear causes her to jump slightly. She is suddenly uncertain about how to react.

‘You’re really here.’ There is a hint of surprise in his voice.

‘You doubted?’ she whispers.

‘I wasn’t sure.’ She senses a strength and gentleness in his warm, slightly accented voice that eases her mind. Preparing herself for the adventure to come, she relaxes in the knowledge that she still has some control over the situation.

He takes hold of her firm hips, moving her to stand directly in front of him. With her back to his chest, he reaches down to kiss the side of her exposed neck. He smells vanilla and citrus, and beneath that, her own warmth.

‘So, are you going to do whatever I ask?’ There is a sensual rumble in his voice that sends a shiver down her spine. She can feel a hint of wetness starting in her core.


‘I thought that was part of the deal,’ he murmurs as he gently kneads at the soft fabric covering her hips. The feeling of the dress gliding over her smooth skin is already causing him to twitch. He is looking forward to collecting on their bet.

‘Not entirely,’ she whispers. ‘I always reserved the right to refuse three things.’

‘What things would those be?’

She gives him a sexy, teasing grin. ‘I don’t know what you’re planning to ask of me yet.’

‘I see,’ he says, amused.

His hands continue their slow exploration of her sides, feeling the heat from her body. She finds herself relaxing even more into his hands, enjoying both their strength and tenderness through her dress.

‘You already know that I have very few boundary issues. Just play it by ear.’

They are still speaking in low, restrained tones

‘Are you warm enough?’

‘I wouldn’t mind a couple more degrees, but it feels fine.’

‘Then I’m going to remove this,’ he says, reaching up to open her thin cotton dress, helping it fall to the floor.

The movement of the fabric causes her to shiver again. She gasps at the sensation of the soft cotton sliding over her skin. When the neckline’s seam slips over her nipples, she feels them begin to rise.

He steps back to walk around her, wanting to see all of her. This is something he has wanted for a long time, so he relaxes into the moment and enjoys himself, allowing his eyes to roam her body.

From the tips of her pedicured toes to the red curls of her upswept hair, her skin is smooth and pale except for the sprinkling of freckles on her arms and legs. Her legs are toned from years of biking and dancing, and her small ass begs for his touch. As he returns to stand in front of her, he spies what he assumes is a small birthmark on her outer labia, and smiles in amusement.

‘Odd place for a birthmark,’ he muses to himself.

‘What are you doing now?’ She sounds nervous. The loss of physical contact is an uncomfortable surprise.

‘I’m looking at you.’ His gaze moves up her torso from the dip where her waist joins her hips to her full, creamy white breasts. As he focuses on her nipples, he notices the areola are pale, a subtle blush of pink on her alabaster skin, and a perfect fit for his mouth. He feels his cock twitch again, anticipating the rest of the evening.


‘You’re… beautiful.’

Her head moves, and she reaches out for him, trying to keep up with his voice.

‘Are you okay?’ he asked.

‘Where are you?’

‘I’m right here.’ He returns to stand before her. As his hand touches her waist, she visibly calms. ‘Are you sure you’re okay with this?’

‘I’m fine, really. It’s just taking me a little longer to get used to the blindfold than I thought it would. I can’t see you, so if you aren’t touching me, I don’t know where you are.’

‘I’m not going to leave you alone.’ He briefly touches his fingertips to her face. ‘If you’re uncomfortable, we can remove your blindfold. You know that, right?’

‘No, I just liked standing here with the contact, and you took it away.’

Standing still for so long, her body is growing tired. She inhales deeply and stretches her arms above her head, hoping to ease some of the tension from her spine.

He takes advantage of the unguarded moment to slowly move his hands up her torso. ‘Better?’ he murmurs, grinning.

‘Yes,’ she laughs lightly. His touch brings fire to her skin, and she loves it.

With his hands just below her shoulder blades, he leans in and kisses her, nibbling and sucking in turn at her lips. Surprised, her breath catches, but she soon relaxes and responds to the gentle pressure.

He pulls her body closer to him, not moving his hands from their position. She enjoys the erotic sensation of his clothing brushing against her bare skin, and places her hands on his waist.

Before she can do anything more, he steps away, and she sounds a wordless complaint.

‘No, not yet,’ he teases. ‘I think we’re going to have to do something about you.’

‘What do you have in mind?’

‘Will you allow me to tie your hands?’

This leaves her silent.

‘I won’t tie you so tightly that it causes you pain. You’ll also be able to get out of it if you feel the need.’

She thinks for a moment before telling him she will allow it.

‘Thank you.’ He walks away, returning with a silk scarf, tantalizing her by drawing it slowly down her arms before loosely binding her wrists.

With her hands tied behind her back, he walks around her again, trailing his fingers across her body in a feather-light touch. She gasps, and goose bumps appear under his trace. Her nipples immediately harden further, and she can feel her pussy moistening even more.

He allows his fingers to dance up and down her body as he walks. First he draws his fingertips across her shoulders, then the length of her arm, along the undersides of her breasts, over her abs to the other arm, and finally to the small of her back. She shivers with pleasure and moans lightly.

‘Do you like how that feels?’ His whisper is husky with desire, yet he pulls his hands away from her. After hearing her moan, his cock strains within his jeans.


He is still moving, and it frustrates her that he isn’t touching her. She continues turning her head, as if looking for him.

‘What about this?’ He stops behind her, leaning in to kiss her slender neck. She sighs as his hands move up to cup her full, heavy breasts.

Pressing into his chest, she smiles. Somehow he knows what she likes, and she is willing to let him continue.

Not wanting to let her get too comfortable just yet, he allows his hands to move about her body again. Change is good for a person after all, he tells himself. Why not try something different on her. It is always possible to return, those beautiful breasts aren’t going anywhere.

‘Are you okay?’ he asks.


As his hands explore her body, she wriggles her bound hands until she is able to lightly massage the growing bulge she feels in his jeans. She murmurs her approval of his actions and turns her head toward his, seeking his lips again.

They kiss, and he wraps his arms about her, pulling her firmly against his chest. He slowly brings one hand up to her neck and just behind her ear, holding her in the kiss. Twining his fingers into her ha
ir, he deepens the kiss, until he notices that her caresses of his cock have grown more assertive.

‘Wait a minute,’ he laughs, fighting back a groan as he breaks off and steps back. ‘No, I don’t think we need you doing that just yet.’

‘Don’t tell me you weren’t enjoying it,’ she teases.

‘You have great hands,’ he agrees, adjusting himself in his jeans, thankful she can’t see, ‘but it wasn’t part of the bet.’

‘Are you seriously going to tell me that I can’t touch you because I lost the damn bet?’

‘Yeah, I am.’

She could hear the grin in his voice.

‘What kind of sucker bet was this?’

‘As I recall, it was your idea.’

‘Okay, I suggested we make the bet, but why would you set these terms? What’s in this for you?’

He wraps his arms about her waist and kisses her, lightly drawing the tip of his tongue over her bottom lip. ‘Does it really matter?’

‘I suppose not.’ Pressing herself into him, she resumes the kiss, allowing his tongue to probe her mouth. Her tongue caresses his, leaving him free to let his hands roam.

His hands are deliberate in their movements about her body. He seems to be trying to discover all her most ticklish areas, and the way she squirms under his touch indicates he is finding many of them.

‘You’re really ticklish.’ He grins delightedly.

‘It’s nice of you to notice,’ she giggles.

‘I couldn’t help it. At least, not the way you keep wriggling about, which is honestly pretty damn sexy. Are you like this everywhere?’

‘Well, I kind of think you should continue learning on your own. You seem to be pretty good at picking things up quickly,’ she teases. ‘Or you can go back to your changing things up.’

Though she is still blindfolded, she knows he is smiling at that.

‘You have a good point,’ he breathes. ‘Although, I think I’d like a change of scenery, because I plan on taking my time with you.’

With that, he lifts her into his arms and carries her across the room.

She feels herself being lowered onto the bed. ‘Are you going to leave my hands behind me?’

‘Excuse me?’

‘Having my hands tied behind me here could get kind of uncomfortable, don’t you think?’

‘Oh, that. Yes, you have a point there.’

He maneuvers her into a seated position and reaches behind her to loosen her hands. Before she can do anything, he ties them again, this time in front of her, then pulls them up and fastens them to what she can only presume is the bedstead. Although bound, she is not uncomfortable.

‘You really want to have me tied up?’

‘Relax. I think you’ll enjoy it.’ His voice is teasing, yet tender. ‘You’ll still be able to get out of everything if you really want to.’

He eases her into a reclining position on the bed, then leans over to deeply kiss her.

Before she can fully respond to him, he is gone. She feels him rise from the bed and senses him moving away. ‘Where are you going?’

‘Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.’ His voice is soft.

She can hear the sound of fabric moving, the soft rasp of a zipper, and realizes he is undressing. With the blindfold, she is somewhat frustrated in not being able to see him. Since that apparently has to be the case, she wishes desperately for her hands, wanting to touch him, to drink in his skin as fully as possible. At the same time, she is willing to let him play it out.

He returns to the bed and lies down alongside her, draping an arm over her torso, wanting to both tease and please her. One hand traces a slow, achingly light path up and down her ribcage. At the same time, she feels his lips caressing her cheek, nose, forehead, ear, and finally, her lips. Their kiss builds and his wandering hand moves to cover her breast.

She moans softly, the sound muffled by his mouth. The warmth coming from his bare body amazes and comforts her. She loves the feel of his hands on her body, and tries to communicate that to him by pressing up into his hand.

Her movement encourages him to caress her breast, massaging the underside, running a finger over the nipple before bending down to gently suckle first at one, then the other, each time drawing her full areole into his mouth. God, he loves the feeling of a nipple hardening in his mouth. Her sighs tell him that she is excited as well as pleased.

Slowly, his free hand continues to move along the length of her body. At her hip, he raises his hand to brush the smooth skin with the backs of his fingernails, again raising goose flesh. She gasps and twists her body, angling her hips toward him, wanting to feel him, his hand, his mouth, his cock, anything, between her legs.

‘Lay back,’ he chuckles. ‘You really are ticklish. I didn’t think anyone could be this sensitive, but here you are.’

‘Maybe I need more contact.’

He reaches over to nuzzle her neck. ‘I wouldn’t worry about that if I were you.’

‘Is that a promise?’ she grins at him from behind her blindfold.

Instead of answering directly, he smoothly runs his hand up her chest, caressing between her incredible breasts, and moves to nibble at her ear. He plays with her hair as it lies on the pillow behind her.

‘Please, I need you to kiss me,’ she whispers.

He is silent, yet he brings his hand to her face, caressing her cheek, tracing a line along her lips. She opens her mouth slightly at this pressure and draws his finger inside, sucking on it softly, running her tongue along it as she teases with the catch and release of keeping his finger in her mouth.

He moans lightly, his cock stiffening further at the suggestion she gives through the tension she maintains on his finger. Slowly, carefully, he pulls his finger from her lips, then leans in to kiss her, thrusting his tongue between her teeth, allowing it to dance with hers. His hand moves down her body to knead at her thigh, subtly spreading her legs further apart.

Breaking the kiss, he paints sensuous designs down her body with his tongue. When he reaches her hips, he adjusts his weight to slide between her long, slender legs, and continues moving his tongue down her inner thigh. Although he can smell her arousal, he forces himself to move along her leg, toward her knee.

The tickling sensation on the inside of her knee is intense. Not being able to see what he is doing, she has to rely on her other senses. She has always been very tactile, and his touch is teasing and powerful, causing her to writhe and gasp in pleasure.

His tongue continues drawing pictures along her inner knees and thighs. Her legs move, trying to get away from the intensity. She tries to beg him to change what he is doing, yet is only able to moan and whimper in crazed desire.

Slowly, he moves up her thighs, coming nearer to her center. Wanting to tantalize her even further, he pulls back slightly, gazing at the pink moistness of her pussy. He blows a gentle stream of warm air along her slit, from base to clit, and watches as she jumps in surprise.

She moans to him that it feels wonderful.

While he is sure of what she wants, as her pussy is oozing moisture, he turns instead to lick the creases where her inner thigh meets her body. She twists toward his mouth, trying to redirect his attentions, aching for more, yet he resists, licking and nibbling steadily along her outer labia. When he is ready for more, his tongue darts out, soft and tender, and barely presses just below her firm clit before withdrawing. She calls out his name, desperately needing him to continue.

Smiling to himself, he begins his explorations. He allows his tongue to slowly dance through her folds, savoring the sweetness of her pussy while gently kneading at her hips. Though he is tentative at first, her throaty whimpers quickly let him know that he can become more daring. He rolls his tongue into a U-shape and thrusts it into her dripping opening, slowly fucking her with it. As her hips strain toward him, his hand
s move to her breasts, and he sends his tongue out to lick, flick, and suck at the little bud that rises to him.

Pleasure swelling within her, she grows impatient with her bonds. Crying out in surprise at the skill of his tongue, she breaks her hands free from of the scarf that restrains them. With one hand, she tears at the blindfold. The other flies down her body to hold the top of his head, then slides back to pull him deeply to her.

He reduces his motion to a soft palpating and slides two fingers into her wet, velvety depths. She cries out in ecstasy as he locates her G-spot with firm caresses. It isn’t long before her back arches and a smooth gush of cum fills his mouth and covers his hand and chin. He stays with her, greedily drinking in her sweet juices.

Her body quivering, he rises and moves up to gently kiss her while still massaging her breast. They embrace, tenderly kissing, yet he laughs a little when he realizes she’s removed the blindfold. He raises himself above her, leaning on his elbows, enjoying the feel of her breasts as they press into his chest.

She chuckles, low and soft. Her gentle panting as she rides out the last of her orgasm has her nipples rising and falling against his chest. ‘That feels nice,’ she whispers.

‘It does.’

‘I don’t know what you were doing with your mouth just now, but it was incredible.’

‘Well, thank you,’ he grins at her affectionately. ‘If you don’t mind my saying so, you taste great.’

She blushes at him, and they slowly realize that her breathing is becoming increasingly erratic. Looking down, she sees that her nipples are being teased to a new stiffness by the soft, dark blond hair on his chest. As she gasps in amazement, she whispers to him that this has never happened before.

He bends down, slowly kissing all about her face as she rides out a small second orgasm.

Gradually gaining control of her breathing, she brushes her hand down his back until she reaches his ass, squeezing it quickly yet firmly. From his hip, she travels inward and slides her hand between his legs to take hold of his erection.

Taking him in an easy grip, she massages his length before moving on to allow her fingers free play. He gasps in amazement at the sensation her touch brings. She is fearless in her explorations, moving her hand gently yet surely along his inner thighs, over his balls and back along his increasingly firm shaft. Her kiss is confident, seeking out and teasing his tongue.

Finally, he has to break off. He whispers, asking, ‘Will you let me make love to you?’ His cock is so hard it is almost painful. The thought of sinking it into her warm, wet pussy is the only thing keeping him moving.

She smiles, gently laughing, ‘Why are you asking? Isn’t that what this was about all along?’ Becoming serious, she adds, ‘I want you to make love to me. I always did.’

He groans in anticipation. Her hand, still playing lightly over his erection, moves to gently guide him in to her well. He slowly presses into her, marveling at how tight she is. She moans softly at the pressure his thick cock creates against her walls.

Once fully seated, he stops, enjoying the warmth and grip of her beautiful pussy. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her, almost fearing she will break under his touch.

They hold one another for a moment before he withdraws slightly, only to begin a quiet, powerful thrusting. Her hands move over his back, pressing, scratching lightly, gripping as she rolls her hips to him, encouraging him in his movements. At the same time, she brings her legs up, using their strength to hold him to her. He tries to vary his pressure, yet finds that the excitement is only building.

‘You feel so good, you’re so hot, so wet,’ he whispers while nibbling on her ear.

‘Don’t stop, please. I love how you fill me,’ she murmurs back. She kisses his neck and shoulder, gently biting at him when the pressure from that wonderful friction is greatest.

As the rhythm builds, her hands clutch at his waist as she feels his cock twitching within her walls. He rears up, his hand in her hair, grasping the back of her head as his release finally comes in great spurts deep inside her.

An instant later, and she is crying as her body shudders under him with her own mind-blowing orgasm.

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Annnnnd we’re back! Part two in Episode 99 is when you get to see the lovely Ashton Blake get fucked, filled, and fed. She’s properly warmed up the #Cocksmen, and she’s ready. This week we get to fuck her in front of the, “beautiful,” vegas skyline, the light is great and she’s hot. She gets railed in every position we can fuck her in, and takes a whopping 7 hot loads, with her hubby watching the whole time. She get so gooey, we gotta see what she looks like...

3 years ago
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Home Alone With My Best Girlfriend Leads To Sex

Hi there! My name is Kunal and the name of my girlfriend is Neha. She is very hot and has a very sexy figure. She is a fitness freak so she has 6 pack abs which I admire so much. We are very good friends since childhood. We were always friends but I use to think about having sex with her a lot. Although we were just friends and never had any physical relationship, we were very comfortable discussing sex with each other. We shared all the secrets, our fantasies, and share non-veg jokes with each...

3 years ago
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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 10 Deepa

Martha tapped the activation sensor and established connection. Geha did not use an Avatar connection. “Martha, I managed to get away from the ones that tried to capture me again, but this is not why I am calling. I wanted to let you know that I am trying to get back into Freespace.” “Geha, Sister is alive.” “I am glad, it appears I gathered enough of her and it appears there was enough life in her for them to keep her alive. What will they do to her once she can be regrown?” “Geha, she...

1 year ago
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Still Faithful Always Chapter 7

Still Faithful, Always – Chapter 7 By BobNbobbi Mrs. Patron and A Future Supporting Mrs. Patron in time of distress and soothing the emotional chasm she suffered was only step one for Dan. Friend had no close relatives; Mrs. Patron was her closest companion, also her executor. Dan assumed all administrative tasks needed under his lady friend’s direction. He called his subordinate, Helen, and reaffirmed she was in charge in the office for the next ten days. Dan had one of Charlotte’s...

Wife Lovers
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Senior Akka Sadhana8217s Sexy Ass

Hi, readers. This is Surya from Chennai. I have been reading stories in ISS for the last four years. Kindly forgive me if any mistake since this is my first post. I thought of sharing my experience. This is not my first experience, but this is the most memorable experience. I am posting this after my angel’s approval. I am Surya, 22 from Chennai. The heroine of this episode is Sadhana, 24 unmarried senior in my office. We both work for the same company but different projects. It’s been a month...

2 years ago
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Finishing Off The Wife

This is my first story so please be gentle It was a gorgeous sunny day at work, in fact too sunny to be stuck in work. So being my own boss I thought I deserved to knock off a few hours early and surprise the wife.When I entered our house I could hear the air-con unit buzzing upstairs, it was one of those portable ones so it was quite noisy. I assumed at first that my wife may have been taking a siesta so I thought why not join her. When I entered the room she had her eyes shut and I realised...

Oral Sex
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What a way to end a marriage

It caused some pretty big friction in our already strained marriage, and our sex life pretty much stopped. Even when I was feeling in the mood, he wasn't interested, which made me feel pretty bad, and also sure that he was still sleeping around often even though I had only told him to do it the one time. My husband sensed it, and I think out of greed, he started in on me again about the couple thing. He knew that I wasn't comfortable having four people naked in the same room, so he figured...

1 year ago
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The Kennedys 27 Interview with Kiki

AVN: So, “Dr” Kiki Kennedy? Kiki: Yes, I have a doctorate, in particle physics no less. You can look up the exact title if you want, but it’s to do with saw-tooth instabilities in plasma wakefields. And, if that made any sense to any of your readers, I invite them to join our “physics nerds” section of the discussion forum on my website. When I founded the company, I thought that having the title “Dr” would lend a certain gravitas to my being CEO. Before that I’d only been known as a...

2 years ago
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its over sissy

It has only been 3 days and i can only blame myselfI love to have a cock in my mouth and there nothing to change this now as I became a owned sissy white boy with a tight pussy my friend Mike is using at his convenienceI was stupid to start thinking he just wanted my mouth oncein his car one night smoking weed i succumbed to his teasing and he convince me to tryi started and he help me love ithis 8 inch so big i felt weak under his control mouth full of cock and loosing myself as he...

1 year ago
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AnalOnly Misty Meaner Misty Loves Dick In Her Ass

She starts by not only sucking one dick, but also stuffs a dildo in her mouth at the same time! She deep throats the fuck out of the dildo and then introduces herself and begs for her ass to be pounded. Misty shows off her giant pierced boobs and curvy body before getting to work. Lot’s of twerking, face riding, face fucking, ass eating, and pounding her asshole deep as fuck. She squirts and cums everywhere with the cock in her ass and loves showing off her big gapes. Finally she gets a big...

1 year ago
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TeenCreeper Tiffany Watson Police Brutality

Horny dirty blond slut Tiffany Watson is toying with her tight ass when a loud sounds startles her. Investigating the noise further unnerves her so she calls the cops who almost puut her mind at ease. Later when she’s alone again she gets a disturbing lewd call from Creeper. Thinking Officer Brick will protect her she dares Creeper to try to get inside her house. Stupid slut! You can’t depend on cops and Creeper is already inside! In a flash he grabs her and takes her on a wild ride...

1 year ago
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The Tree FortChapter 9

Mike was so happy to see Cindy back at tree fort that he waited until her third day back before he told her to fuck the dogs. During those three days she spent her time fucking and sucking the three of us. Mike had modified the cervix plug with an eyelet in the base so that he could hook it with a bent piece of coat hanger and pop it right of her. I could tell it still hurt her when he put it in and pulled it out but she didn’t complain. As it turned out Cindy really liked fucking and...

3 years ago
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Zaks FoundationChapter 6

Damon awoke with a pounding headache, surrounded by Ewoks in jump suits, with fur of every color of the rainbow and great, big anime eyes. He groaned and covered his eyes with his arm. The chromatic riot wasn't helping his headache. "It wakes?" one of the creatures asked. "Yes, it wakes. Leave now." another one responded. "Stinky tall one?" "You talkin' to me?" Damon slurred. "You were with the bad ones for a long time, were you not?" "It was no walk in the park." Damon...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Camila Cortez Caught My Cunning Cunt Stepdaughter

Teenage stepdaughters are such fucking brats. Camila Cortez is no different, shoulda known from her mother. The apple doesn’t fall from the tree. When she spills through the window at fuck you o’clock in the morning, I (Brian OMally) can only think to ground her. Her mom is not around right now which is why she is taking advantage of me. I had no idea how far the little vixen would go. Apparently being grounded is the worst thing ever! Camila says she will do anything and tells me...

2 years ago
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Im Pornokino auf dem Weg zum Dreier

Dies ist eine Geschichte über den langen Weg zum ersten richtigenDreier. Mit allen Zweifeln, Bedenken und Hemmungen die dabei so aufkommen. Marie und ich (Lukas) haben uns vor etwa 2 Jahren auf einer Abi-Feierkennengelernt. Diese Feiern werden jährlich gegeben und eingeladen sind alle, die irgendwann mal auf unserem Gymnasium Abitur gemacht haben. Normalerweise gehen diese Feiern sehr feuchtfröhlich von Statten. So auch dieses mal. Lange Rede kurzer Sinn, wir sind an diesem Abend im selben Bett...

4 years ago
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Josies California Vacation Revisited

It had never been my intent to hurt my husband. I looked across the bar at the 4 guys sitting there, and knew before the night was over I was going to be fucked by each of them. And it had all started so innocently. Samantha, one of my friends from college called me up one day and said she was having a get together for “the girls” at her beach house in Santa Monica and wanted me to come. It had been at least 7 years since we had all spent any time together, and it sounded like fun. I talked to...

2 years ago
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Eighteen year old Sheila Coronet admired her reflection in thefull length mirror as she fluffed her shoulder length blonde hairand batted the long lashes of her big baby blue eyes. Every thingwas perfect today. She had graduated high school yesterday morningand was to be wed to Gregg Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Gregg hadbeen the captain of the football team and she had been the captainof the high school cheerleader squad. They had been elected MostPopular and Most Likely To Succeed by their...

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Fun With Sravya At Theater

Hello guys this is Karthik from the city of destiny. This is my experience with my girl friend Sravya which happened few days back. About me I am Karthik 22 years of age now coming to my sex story. I met Sravya on Facebook.I actually used to send requests to unknown people on Facebook and one fine day she accepted my request. Conversations started slowly with hi and we became good friends within a span of time. She later gave me for number and I was at cloud nine. About my girlfriend Sravya she...

3 years ago
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AudryChapter 8 Business

We had just fallen asleep-finally-when the call came. Little Julie had a cold and had been coughing and fussing all night. Being closest, I picked up the handset and mumbled into it. "Hello? Hello? Is this Mr. Rob Steele?" "Yeah," I muttered. "Who the hell is this?" "This is Sergeant Thomas, of the Los Angeles Police Department. Is Martin Steele your father?" "Yeah. What about him?" "He's been in a serious accident. He and the woman with him are in really bad...

2 years ago
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Happy Hooligan

HAPPY HOOLIGAN (c) 2014, 2018 by Anthony Durrant As my plane touched down at the trading post, I got my duffle bag and unfastened my safety belt, then I climbed out and headed into the trading post, where I was greeted by its owner and proprietor, my twin brother Montmerecy. "It's so good to see you again, my dear Happy!" Montmerecy cried as the two of us embraced. "Glad to hear it!" I replied. "As you know, I am on the trail of a lost tribe somewhere in the...

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Madame Nelva

MADAME NELVA by Roberta Angela Dee In the world of BDSM, Nelva was a chameleon. She could alter her mood, from sadistic Domme to masochistic submissive, as easily and quickly as other woman might change into a new bra. It was her nature. For the past several years, she had delved into the underworld of drag queens. She seemed intrigued by their ambivalence - people who were distinctive feminine, nearly to an extreme, yet lacking in that feminine mystique that makes...

4 years ago
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The Experience and Her Name

He entered the bar, eyes scanning patrons as they eyed him. There was that distinct whiff of alcohol, food and cigarette smoke in the air, which he was sure he won’t be able to sense in five minutes most. Another thing he was sure of, was that he would have to take a shower before returning to his squad; he wisely took extra change of clothes with him, but he was painfully aware of how strong might be that characteristic mix of smells lingering on his hair. Only half of the sits by the bar were...

Straight Sex
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EllenChapter 5 A Settlement

The town house had not been used by the family for more than a year, but they had a caretaker, and Sir Anthony had used it on a few occasions when Navy or business matters commanded his presence in London. Nevertheless, the house was in a need for a “spring cleaning”, and the whole family and all the servants worked together to make the place habitable. On occasions like this Lady Carter felt that it would not hurt her dignity to participate in the work and this applied to her husband and her...

4 years ago
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chamber of desires

You wake up in a strange place not knowing exactly where it is you are. You look around and see a chamber of some sort around you and it seems your girlfriend is here as well both of you look just as confused as the other, the walls are bright white around you and seemingly no door to leave. Both in a panic you scream for help when three present themselves on top of a pillar from the ground, they are each labeled, as you go to read them big text pops up on the wall of the chamber saying you may...

3 years ago
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The Short Straw

The Short Straw Rita Soto came into the living room in her little black dress ready for her double dinner date with Elmer Rice and his friend and his friend with benefits. The dress' hemline was high and showed her her wonderful legs, it was tight to bring attention to her curves and the neckline plunged to highlight her cleavage. She asked her beau, "How do I look in this dress dear?" Elmer would had said she looked great in anything she wore. The man who adores her said, "You look...

4 years ago
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Milf Allie

Allie lay on the bed, panting for breath – her brow damp with sweat. She was far more than damp elsewhere, as she recovered from a powerful orgasm. She’d knocked the remote for the camera off the bed during her throes of passion, but fortunately, the guy on the other end of the connection wasn’t asking for any special views. He seemed as content to watch her in the afterglow of her climax as she was to enjoy it. Her vibe lay next to her hip, still slick with her juices. She’d barely found the...

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Starlight magic

* this is based on a true story I am Clair female30* Some things are destiny.. my aunt and I had always beeen close. So when she was a guest in our home that evening I was thrilled. . We could talk and have cookie dough I thought. .. she had other plans... seeing her winking. Was tantalizing.. she was beautiful.. her beating eyes.a sparking sight. She mad mystical... the week had been long and I was looking forward to a night of sleep. As I fell asleep.. surrounded in covers. Suddenly, I felt...

3 years ago
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office affair

I sat in my office one morning when me new p.a knocked to report for her first day. she was a short petite dark ebony woman aged 26 looked like she had a very toned body as her fomal dress hugged her body tightly to expose a perfect round ass as she walked away.i leaned over my desk to catch the last sight. Sitting back i was mesmerized. I ran through the cv the interviewer brought me. Her name was nozi. had a few years experience on the job. as the day passed we sat down talking during tea and...

1 year ago
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The student

She sat quietly in her dorm room, diligently reviewing her days field work as she did every day. She loved her studies, but despised the Loneliness of her nights. She needed more..she yearned for a break that would allow her to be someone vastly different than the upstanding, proper, polite, and perfect student she had worked so hard to become. Hidden Deep within her mind, she quietly fantasized about being controlled, to be relieved on occasion, of the persona of her own creation...to be made...

3 years ago
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Hail Caesar

What's that? Letty awoke startled, and a little bewildered. She had been sleeping heavily and then there was a noise that disturbed her. There! There it was again! She shook her head muzzily, trying to clear it. There ... again! It sounds like it's coming from downstairs! She was a little bit scared now. God! She thought to herself. I wish I'd gone to that concert in Christchurch with Mum and Dad! But, stupid me has to be independent and stay home! "No Mum! It's not because I'm going...

3 years ago
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The Inheritance ExWives 1

EX-WIVES 1 THE INHERITANCE by Richard Stryker Copyright. R. Stryker 2001. The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. Provided with Permission of my publishers at: http://www.a1adultebooks.com/ and all my mini novels can also be found at my officialwebsite at: http://stryker.a1adultebooks.com/     CHAPTER 1 It had been nearly four long years since they'd divorced and the...

2 years ago
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A different kind of friend

This is a totally ficticious story. No real people involved. About 5 years ago I met a guy , and it brought back feelings that I had been hiding for years. He asked about the book I was reading(Anne McCaffery), and I said that it was a very interesting book. He introduced himself as Dave, and I told him I was Steve. As we talked, we found out that we had a lot in common. We agreed to meet a week later for coffee. We talked for over an hour about everything we watched, listened to, or...

1 year ago
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Gender Role Reversal Moving to Philadelphia Chapter 4

At lunch I sat down in the cafeteria next to my friends. Partway through our lunch George said "so me and a few of the boys from the team were thinking of going to the park after school and having a quick game of softball. Do you guys fancy joining? We could do with the numbers." "Yeah, sounds good," I replied and Hannah and Linda both agreed as well. "Great," George said smiling. "We'll meet you at the park when school's finished." After lunch I gym along with Hannah and Linda so once...

2 years ago
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Closing the Bar

As many of us did, back in college, I worked my way through school in the restaurant business. After having experience as a sandwich maker in a fast food joint during high school, I worked as a waiter for a while in college at a sit-down restaurant (nice but not tablecloth-nice) and then felt a sense of maturity in my second junior year when I “moved up" to bartender.Speaking of maturity... there was one assistant manager, Terri, who got transferred from another store to ours, with whom I had...

2 years ago
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Tired of Being the Nice GuyChapter 31

Monday - Day 31 I woke up in the middle of the night having to go to the bathroom. I somehow extracted myself from the tangle of arms, legs and heads and went about my business. When I got back to bed, everyone had shifted around, but I managed to find a spot to curl up behind Chrissy. I reached around her to cup one of her breasts, and I fell back asleep. For some reason I woke up as Becky was slipping into the bathroom in the morning. I was still spooned behind Chrissy, my cock hard and...

1 year ago
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Returning to Nature

The midsummer’s day was oppressively hot, Anelynne thought impatiently. She would much rather be lying in an air conditioned room reading or listen to music but that was far too lazy for someone who enjoyed being part of life, active. Newly single and eager to enjoy life again, her impatience got the better of her and she decided to take a light jog to the local park and swim in the small lake there, and then walk home. There was no mistaking how attractive she was. Her skin had a slight olive...

4 years ago
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True love does not always mean together, just forever. I have been nervous many times in life, whether it be at a job interview or waiting for results to some test, but until today, I feel that I was not truly nervous in those moments. It was a feeling that I did not have a name for, so I called it nervousness. Today I learned the true meaning of the word nervous and it made me sick. For the past five years we had been talking on the internet. We had become great friends, him and I, knowing...

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