The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 12 Induction
- 4 years ago
- 17
- 0
The next morning, Lacey was up at her regular time, dressed in running shorts and a tank top, blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail as she headed out for her daily morning run. The sun was just barely peeking over the horizon. She was intent on seeing at least part of the ranch, following the trails she remembered from her childhood days, arriving back at the main house, hands on her hips as she slowly approached the front porch, breathing heavily and wiping her forehead. Caroline met her out front. ‘Good morning!’
Wesley slipped behind Caroline, the storm door clacking lazily closed behind him. He slid his hat onto his head as he stepped down off the porch. He was clean looking for now, newly washed shirt, clean jeans. That wouldn’t last long, though, with the day’s coming work. He glanced to Lacey and half-smiled. It was a rather crooked smile, like part of his lips didn’t want to complete the gesture. He tipped his hat to her ‘Mornin’ Ma’am. Thank ye fer breakfast, Carol. Mighty fine.’ he said as headed off for the barn.
Lacey flushed as Wesley walked by and then offered him a smile. ‘Morning,’ she called back before catching a glimpse of Caroline who was jerking her head toward the barn and the retreating form of Wesley, giving Lacey a look like she should follow. Lacey just shook her head quickly in disagreement, thinking she needed a shower, not another attempt to go where she wasn’t welcome.
Carol’s eyes darkened at the girl’s stubbornness and put her hands on her hips. ‘Ye stubborn thing, you. Go change and git yer pretty little behind to the barn. He was just sayin’ this mornin’ he was short-handed.’
Lacey sighed heavily as she mounted the steps and stopped beside the older woman and watched the retreating form of Wesley, placing both hands on her hips as her breathing finally regulated. ‘If he wanted me to help, he’d ask … besides, what if I just get in the way?’
‘No… he won’t ask. Just the way he is. And ye wouldn’t be in the way. Ain’t hard to check calves.’
Lacey warred with herself, but finally resolution took over her beautiful features and she hurriedly ran into the house and bound up the stairs to her bedroom where she donned worn jeans and a pair of boots she had brought for riding, shrugging a long-sleeved shirt on. She washed her face hurriedly and shoved some lip balm into her pocket. She applied a bit of deodorant and a small amount of mascara before dashing back down the stairs, checking her watch to see how much time she had. She could hear Caroline chuckling in the kitchen.
This was crazy … he’d probably be furious that she showed up, but she couldn’t help the natural curiosity she had of the ranch, her burning desire to ride again, and if she were honest with herself, she had to see him again.
Wesley and three of the hands were saddling up their horses. Two were cutting horses, the other two were just plain work horses. Wes was saddling up a nice tri-colored paint mare. He brushed through her mane and fed her a couple sugar cubes as a treat. When he heard footsteps behind him he turned to look over his shoulder, smiling when he saw Lacey. ‘Was wonderin’ if you’d show up.’
Lacey smiled genuinely as she stopped beside him and turned her attention the mare, letting her sniff her hand before gently rubbing her forehead and smoothing her forelock. ‘I figured you wouldn’t be happy about me just showing up.’
Wesley handed her the reigns to the mare’s bridle. ”ere. Get on.’ Had she looked around, she would have noticed five horses had been saddled. He’d saddled one for her too, as if he knew she’d come along regardless of what he said. ‘She’s an old pack mare… Bill used ‘er for hunting trips. She’ll fall right in behind the herd.’
Lacey frowned as he handed her the reins and looked at the mare. She could ride better than just an old pack mare, even though it had been a while. But instead of arguing, she rubbed on the mare a bit more before moving to her side and mounted effortlessly as if she had just done this yesterday, settling into the saddle as the other hands looked on curiously.
She looked pretty natural in the saddle for a city-slicker, Wesley mused. He pulled her boot from the stirrup and lifted the skirt to adjust the length for her. He’d guessed her size pretty well, but they were still slightly long. ‘Ye get ridin’ lessons in the city ‘er what?’
Lacey tucked her leg back, giving him room to work as she rubbed the base of the mare’s mane just above the withers, giving it an affectionate shake before gazing down at him. ‘No … I haven’t ridden in years but I used to know every inch of this ranch like the back of my hand,’ Then added with a soft smile, ‘from the back of a horse, believe it or not.’
He chuckled and rounded to the other side, adjusting the stirrup for her and patted her boot. Then he lifted the hem of her jeans and ran his thumb across the lacings and looked up at her. ‘What are these?’ He grinned teasingly
Lacey couldn’t help but smile down at him as he teased her. Okay, so her boots were in style, but they were still boots, all the same, and her feet were used to them. She knew better than to show up with brand new boots and then not be able to walk the next day. ‘I thought we had work to do?’ she teased back, taking some of the attention off her as she glanced up, seeing the men’s stares as they talked quietly amongst themselves and she had no doubt, she was the topic of their conversations.
Wesley chuckled and let her be. He turned to his own mount, a beautiful buckskin quarter horse. He pulled himself into the saddle effortlessly and sat lightly in the saddle. The gelding threw his head with a snort. Clearly he wanted to get going, bouncing from one foot to another. He had the saddle on… it was time for work, according to him! Wesley took the reigns and pulled him in a bit. The other hands filed out of the barn, headed for the main pasture. As they rode, Wesley kept back to ride beside Lacey. This irritated his mount. He wanted to be up front. That was his place. He stamped and snorted the whole way, but Wesley kept a firm hand on him to keep him in line.
Lacey watched Wesley and the beautiful horse that he was riding out of the corner of her eye as she urged her mare to follow along, her legs gently squeezing before immediately releasing when the mare responded. As they rode, she couldn’t stop the smile that stayed on her face. As much as she claimed to be a city girl, it was apparent that she was a natural on horseback. The only thing she regretted was not having a more spirited mount and the ability to just … go. It had been too long since she had ridden like the wind, carefree and as one with her horse.
He rode quietly, until he decided the silence was too much. The hands ahead were chattering to one another and were glancing over their shoulders back at Wes and Lacey. ‘So… didja drive all the way from New York?’
Lacey glanced over at him and smiled gently as their mounts seemed to move together once his settled down some. ‘No, actually. I flew in and then rented the car. I don’t like to drive THAT much.’ She saw the looks the men were giving her and Wesley and she hoped she wasn’t inconveniencing him too much by coming along. ‘How long have you worked on the ranch?’ she asked gently, the question giving her a good excuse to look at him again, her eyes never tiring of seeing the rugged handsome features.
‘Been nearly seven years now. Started workin’ as a hand… then I took the Foreman position when it opened up.’
Lacey’s thoughts turned to her father for a moment, a wistful sigh escaping her lips. It had been years since she had seen him, even though they had kept in touch over the phone. Her mother had conveniently forgotten to tell her about the funeral until it had passed. Reaching up, she brushed back a loose strand of blonde hair that had worked free from her ponytail and then glanced at him again before speaking. ‘I really have no idea how to run a
ranch, Wesley. But my father loved this place and he wanted me to have it. I need you to keep doing whatever it is that you are doing and be patient with me.’
Wesley chuckled and reigned in his mount again, the animal getting a bit frisky and taking leisure where he found loopholes to boss his rider around. Wes just kept a firm hand on him to be sure he knew who was really boss. ‘I’ve practically run this ranch the six years I’ve been Foreman, Miss King. I ain’t gonna let it slip through the cracks just ’cause you come truckin’ back into town. Don’t you worry.’
Lacey laughed and nodded, wanting to ride … to really ride, but she had a feeling that even if she had urged the horse beneath her with everything she had, the mare probably wouldn’t do more than trot. The mountains in the background made everything picturesque and much like a postcard. Just like she remembered as a girl. She truly enjoyed being on the ranch again, but knew that eventually, she would have to go back to New York. She absently wondered if the man riding beside her would even notice when she was gone.
The herd was in sight now. There was a sharp whistle from up ahead and the two herders moved to fan out to either side. The dogs that ran alongside the group burst into action and fanned wider to the sides to bring in the strays and group them together.
Lacey’s head snapped back forward as she felt her mare move with the others and she allowed the mare to do what it was that she knew to do, blue eyes looking to Wesley as he pulled away from her to do his job. She chastised herself for even imagining that he would be thinking about her when he had so much to do here on the ranch. Instead of letting her thoughts get away with her regarding the handsome foreman, she instead, threw herself into trying to at least be help instead of a hindrance.
The hands didn’t hesitate putting Lacey to work. They called to her, telling her what she needed to do. They proceeded, one by one, to cut the half-sized calves from their mothers to check them, to make sure the rings had held and done their job on the little bulls, that the ear tags were clean, and they weren’t sick. The mamas didn’t seem to care for this much. They argued and tried to bully the cutters into leaving the babies alone, but the men worked with precision and unyielding stubbornness.
Lacey worked hard, throwing herself into the task and the beauty of being outdoors and back on the ranch, temporarily forgetting the fascination she felt for the foreman. By mid-day, she had gained the men’s respect for her persistence.
When they stopped for a short lunch brought to by the ranch cook on the back of a 4-Wheeler, one of Wesley’s top hands plopped down next to him lazily. ‘I was just thinking how much Miss Lacey resembles a palomino … beautiful AND hard working.’
Wesley looked at Lance out the corner of his eyes and chuckled. He’d been watching Lacey as she flirted incessantly with the other men, and they persistently flirted back just to keep her going. ‘Yeah… she’s pretty tough fer a city-slicker, ain’t she?’
Lance chuckled, eyeing her as she sat among the other men and chatted with them. ‘Not bad to look at in a pair of jeans, neither,’ he grinned, slapping his friend on the back.
Wesley grinned. The same thought had crossed his mind several times. ‘If only they were a bit tighter and she wore a rodeo shirt and hat, eh?’ He winked at Lance and licked mustard from his fingers that had oozed from his sandwich.
Lance nodded before adding with a cocky grin, ‘Or just the boots and the hat maybe.’ He took a bite of his sandwich and then swept his hat off to smooth back his hair before replacing it. Actually, he wouldn’t mind seeing her in a little less, but he knew better than to voice those opinions out loud.
Wesley just laughed. If any of them was a charmer, it was Lance. He was the classic cowboy from head to toe. A ladies’ man and smooth as butter. ‘When’s yer next rodeo, Lance? Ain’t it in Casper?’
‘Yeah … this weekend. There’s a sweet prize purse that’s got my name written all over it.’
Wes downed his iced tea and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. ‘Ya need help gettin’ yer cuttin’ horse down there, or you doin’ calf ropin’ this time?’
Lance’s eyes followed Lacey as she rose and started picking up trash, bending over in her jeans to pick up the remnants the other men had left behind. His eyes ran shamelessly over her beautiful curves as he replied, ‘Ropin’ … but you’re coming, aint ya?’ He tore his gaze from the beautiful girl to look at his close buddy and boss.
Wes couldn’t help but watch the woman as she bent over. ‘Yea… yeah, I’m comin’. Just know you had trouble with ‘er last time. Threw ‘er head at the barrier, didn’t she?’
‘Yeah,’ Lance murmured as they both watched the natural sway to Lacey’s hips as she moved to the 4-wheeler, depositing trash, a boyish smile plastered across his face as he adjusted himself through his jeans and shook his head. ‘Damn Wes … she’s sticking around, I hope.’
Wes chuckled as his friend shifted, noting the deft adjustment and shook his head. ‘I dunno. She’s a city-slicker, Lance. Editor, CEO, top-cookie sumthin’ fer some magazine er another.’
‘Well I’ll say this for her. She is MUCH better looking that her old man. I’ll ride with her any day of the week!’
Wesley’s face took on an odd expression. ‘She came to my doorstep last night… brought supper to me. Carol and I had another fuss. As per usual.’
Lance shot his friend an incredulous look. ‘She showed up on your doorstep last night?! You lucky bastard … I’d give my right arm for her to show up at my door at night! What got Caroline going this time?’
‘Wanted me to bring Miss King along today. Was adamant about it. You know how I am with Carol bossin’ me around. I don’t stand fer it well.’
Lance furrowed his brows as he glanced to the woman and then to his friend. ‘Okay, yeah but … uhmm, she’s here. Looks like Caroline won that argument … again.’ He couldn’t help but grin good-naturedly as Wesley frowned.
Wesley, stood up, dusting himself off and lifted his hat to smooth his hair back before replacing it again. ‘Does she ever lose?’
Lance looked at Lacey again, giving her another once-over. Realization hit him square between the eyes. ‘She’s trying to set you two up.’
Wesley rocked back on the heels of his boots as if fighting a gust of Wyoming wind and coughed, rubbing his forehead beneath the band of his hat. ‘No she ain’t. She knows better.’
Lance laughed, standing up himself and hitched his jeans up some, adjusting the worn Wranglers before adjusting himself again, mostly out of habit, thumping the rodeo belt buckle proudly, one that he had won just a couple of weeks ago. He grinned at Wesley, seeing that his friend’s gaze was following the girl once again appreciatively. ‘It wouldn’t hurt, ya know. Why don’t you let Caroline work her magic?’
Wesley took his gaze from the girl to glare at his friend and shook his head no. He adjusted his hat and pulled the brim down a bit. ‘I ain’t never gonna settle down again, Lance. I’ve told ya that.’
Lance rolled his eyes some, hearing the same old excuse come out of his friend’s mouth. ‘Y’er pitiful and blind if you pass up a chance to get to know that woman.’ He looked at his friend seriously for a long moment. ‘Caroline might just know what she’s doing.’ Then with another slap to his friend’s shoulder, he moved to check on his mount before they continued their work day.
Wesley sighed as he felt the slap, the words sinking in a little, despite the walls he’d thrown up. The pain still ran deep after all these years. It’d taken him three years alone to remove the wedding band he’d worn since she’d died. It was only recently in the last year or so that he’d made a habit to go with Lance to his rodeos, to go out with the guys for a couple beers now and then, to cut loose and go to church picnics and barn dances
and that kind of thing.
To even look at a woman was a huge step for him. Lance was right… Lacey was a mighty fine one to look at … pretty all the way around, and cute as hell in some good jeans. She’d look cuter if they graduated her to a hat… but if she was leaving, he doubted she’d want to spend that kind of money on a good one that would sit in a closet back at home in NYC. He grabbed the reigns of his mount and threw them up over the back of the horse’s neck. The gelding side-stepped and danced around, nickering playfully. Wes snorted and swatted him at the withers. ‘You stay still, you.’ He grinned and patted him then mounted up.
Lacey glanced up as the men started to mount and followed suit, starting to feel the ache of being in and out of a saddle all day but she was not about to start to complain. The men had not only accepted her, but were downright friendly and even flirting with her. Of course, the one she wanted to flirt had barely spoken to her since the ride up here. Reaching down to pat her mare’s neck, she adjusted her sore bottom in the saddle and gently urged her mare to join the others as they rode away from the lunch campsite. Glancing to Wesley, she couldn’t help but smile before Lance pulled up next to her with a grin and a tip of his hat.
Lance took a long moment to look Lacey over closer. He drew his horse right next to her to where their knees were almost touching. He spoke loud enough to be heard, but low enough that nobody else would hear at the same time. ‘So… how long ya plannin’ on stayin’ here?’
Lacey glanced over at the blonde-haired cowboy and smiled, shrugging her shoulders a bit as they rode side by side. ‘I don’t really know … my initial plan was to be here a couple of days and head back, but now that I’m here …’ She let her voice fade off, not really sure what her answer was. Being back on the ranch had brought out a longing in her that she hadn’t felt since the time after she had been forced to leave with her mother. She loved it here. She loved being on horseback, and even though her ass and thighs screamed out in opposition, she loved working outside and , as much as she didn’t want to admit it, being near the rugged man riding ahead of her.
Lance pressed on. ‘Well… there’s a rodeo up in Casper this weekend. Wes and I and a couple of the others are headed out Thursday afternoon if you’d like to come along. You can bypass gate fees by bein’ a part of the work team.’
Lacey’s blue eyes seemed to twinkle and she nodded in agreement, ‘I would love to go. It’s been ages since I’ve been to a rodeo!’
A grin splattered Lance’s face. ‘A’ight then… I’ll add you to our plans. Wes does calf ropin’. Won’t make a big fuss over it, but he’s damned good at it.’ He added the shameless plug on his friend’s behalf. He’d noticed the two hadn’t been able to keep their eyes off one another and he wasn’t about to step in on something that might blossom for his buddy.
She felt an odd excitement well up inside of her at the thought of cheering on Wesley as he rode and shook her head some to stop from looking and acting like some love-struck schoolgirl. Glancing back at Lance she smiled gently and asked, ‘What do you do?’
Lance grinned some. He’d hoped he’d be able to shine his own buckle for the lady, but he didn’t want to seem too upfront about it. ‘Usually depends on what I’ve got the entry fee for. Calf ropin’s my specialty. Wes and I used to do team ropin’ together… back in the day. Bronc ridin’… you name it. Tried my hand at bulls, once… didn’t care for it much.’
Lacey caught Lance’s enthusiasm to brag about a sport he obviously loved. ‘You said that you and Wesley ‘used’ to team rope together … you don’t anymore?’
‘Naw. He don’t compete no more to speak of. Just rides along for the fun of it. Takes care of the stock and watches, mostly.’
She nodded in understanding. ‘How long have you two known each other?’
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you've just turned 18 and chosen to move to Japan as you fell in love with the beautiful scenery and most important Japanese woman you've just arrived at your new home and are busy moving in when you notice what looks like your neighbor going for a jog Aiden: damn She sees you staring at her and comes your way ?: excuse me who are you she says in broken English Aiden: my name is Aiden Pearce and i just moved here You say in fluent Japanese ?: you know Japanese she starts talking in Japanese...
FetishWe believe we discovered the core attractor to this often misunderstood lifestyle. To get there I'm going to reveal several of our preparatory experiences. I suspect you'll find this quite interesting but if you are just looking for tantalizing sex, move on to another story. If you try to simply skim this, it might seem like I'm jumping around a bit. However, I will get to Ash getting herself all woven up in a large rope web, flogged over and over... And loving it! For that you'll need to...
Jeff never wanted Philip to visit them, there were too many dangers. He feared that Elle might fall in love with him, for one thing. He knew that she would enjoy Philip in bed more that she enjoyed him. He had no doubt that breaking the taboo of sleeping with a black man would make the sex more exciting but would she want more and more of it? He knew the saying about ‘Once a girl goes black’! There was also the fact that no other man had touched her apart from himself. Once that boundary was...
Colors (1981) – Pt. 7 – Fall Fell today. Took half-second, watched it in slow motion in head. Always the way with falling, isn’t it? Seems like it takes forever. Been ten years, three months, since last time. Know what you’re thinking. Thinking ‘ten years? not eons?’. Nope. Nature unpleasant–sure I’ve mentioned that before. Try my hardest, but nature tries harder. Can’t deny what we are. Never compromise with excuses, never forget. So, yeah, ten years and three months. Only know that...
My name is Kumar and I happened to read some of the stories published here. So I thought of sharing an experience of mine also with the readers. I am a 36 year old man of Cochin. On business I have to travel a lot and most of my trips are done in my car. There have been cases where I picked women on such trips and had good fun in my car. But this happened about 2 years ago when I went to Thodupuzha by KSRTC bus. I had reached there by noon and after my business was over I had lunch from a hotel...
I met 'Brian'online on a dating website. We chatted for,I think, quite a And after this lengthy chat, we decided to meet. Now, he is not usually into big girls, but Im used to that. And decided to take a chance.He texted me on a Friday night, close to 11pm. We decided to meet at the park, people, lights, I guess safe...hahaWe agreed, we both did look exactly like our pictures. How rare for online dating. ;) But we did agree. And I was happy, he is handsome, tall, not bad bod. I am...
It was Friday night and the big city blues were in full swing. Amidst the swirl of alcohol and misty tobacco I was with a few of the (motley) crew from lower south side getting totally blitzed on cheap vodka and snakebites as we sat listening to the sound of rebellion coming from the Fat Larry jukebox. Call me Joe by the way. At last count I’m 25 going on 40. Looks wise I’m tall, dark but nothing special at all. Anyway, I looked better in the shadows. In the shadows is what I do best these...
We'd been on lockdown for over two months already. When it started our nieces Melissa and Chrissy asked if they could stay by us. They had small apartments and being locked in for who knows how long would be tough. We at least had a yard and pool to get sun and be outside. It was also nice to have more people to talk to. "You guys don't worry about us. Just do your thing. We'll make believe we don't hear Aunt Cindy down the hall every day." It would be different having other people...
Hadley has only been living with her boyfriend for a few months and their relationship has already changed. As an executive assistant she is required to be available at all times and her boyfriend suspects she’s cheating with her boss. He’s wrong at first but after a huge deal has been won and after a few drinks, one thing has led to another. There’s only so much they can do in the office so after giving her the day off he invites her to his house. This hot pairing is about to take a serious...
xmoviesforyouChapter 1 You woke up Friday morning before the alarm went off. You did not sleep much last night. Master didn’t touch you at all. Even on the nights that he doesn’t use you for his pleasure he will usually rub your pussy or finger your ass before he falls off to sleep, getting you wet and wanting more. Master likes to tease you, to make you want him even more. Even when he teaches you how to be a good pet for him, he leaves you wanting more of the pain he inflicts on you. Your body aches as...
Hi, I am Melanie. I am a 23 year old college student in her third year of her doctor's degree. I am 5'11, with perfect breasts and long luscious legs. My green eyes are considered my best feature. I have always been a sexual being. By the time Afaf became my roommate in my third year, I regularly had sex with 7-10 people a month. I fucked guys and girls and was both dominant and submissive. I was submissive to a couple black women, but dominated the Asian girls and some older ladies. I was...
I wake up. Yeah, it’s one of those days, where waking up is the worst thing you can do. It’s still early yet, I say to myself. I jumble and fumble for the snooze bar on that clock of mine. Ten more minutes that’s all. Do I dare to dream? I was just about to shut my eyes, dream about kittens, lollipops, and me being nude if front of a classroom of people. I still want to dream about models and Playmates, but I get kittens. Kittens? It happens. That thing you know is going to happen if you want...
In Remote Kawanda by Throne "Until now no one has known the location of Kawanda. Most people thought the place was just a legend. A lost city," Marlon Greenleaf lectured in his usual condescending tone. "But I have found someone who can take us there. I've also arranged -- at great expense, I might add -- for us to have a satellite uplink so I'll be able to stay in touch with my financial manager and make sure he's handling my fortune properly. I can't trust Wilkins to do anything...
Jayde Anderson, young blond pop diva and her boyfriend Joey are in LA, where Jayde is promoting her new album. They are in their hotel room, talking when things start to get steamy. "I'd rather just focus on the present right now. Just you and me....right here, right now." "And what exactly would you like to focus on... right here, right now?" Joey asked her with a smug smile. "Oh......I can think of a few things....." she said, her fingers trailing over his arm. "I just wanna be with you...
Mind Swapping Chapter 15 When Barbara and I arrived home, Carol was waiting for us. "How did Steve's first day of classes as Carol Phelps go?" Barbara exclaimed, "Perfectly! Steve sucked off old Professor Lambert's cock and, as if that wasn't enough for the horny little slut, she screwed both Roger and Mugobe! She even took Roger up her ass!" Carol pretended to be shocked as she replied in her low toned voice, "Well, young lady, I suppose that you have completely ruined...
"Topology of Knots" by Stinky Boot Dr. Greg Danton relaxed on the patio lounger, savoring the moment. He was a devout believer in not working on Sundays. His note for JKTR, an amusing trifle, was ready a week before deadline; he'd give it to UPS when they made their stop in the morning. One of the subjects of his note, which he'd modeled in flax, with its central opening suitably enlarged, now surrounded his garden gate. He couldn't see it from his chair, but its presence almost glowed...
I am new to this story telling, so bare with me please.Any chance I get I try to log on to a particular website and see what is available near my neighborhood.This one ad I saw, the guy was wanting his dick sucked. I was very horny anyway and thought I'd see if he wanted to come over.He wanted a glory hole, but I told him I didn't have one. He said he has never had a man suck him while his face was in view. I just explained for him to come over, sit back and relax and watch an x-rated flick...
————————— The streets of Memphis were packed with cars and tourists for some big event that had came to town. Steven Ackerman blinked and sighed. He’d just moved here from a small town in Alabama and had never been anywhere like this in his entire life. This was as many people as he’d ever seen in one place and he wasn’t so sure the move was the best idea. Looking both ways, he decided this was his opportunity and darted across the street as quickly as he could without looking like a fool....
This is a story of what happened this past weekend when I stayed at Elliot's apartment with him. Elliot called and my m0m was ecstatic. It had been weeks, since she'd heard from him. I'd texted him on occasion, but nothing more than a quick hello from him, on his way to class. M0m must have been really tense, because when she got off the phone with him, she told me that he'd offered to give her a break and take me for a weekend. She asked him if it was alright for this weekend, and he had no...
Charlotte was a girl i met a couple of years ago after my wife and i separated. She used to be a regular visitor to the store where i was working at the time, she was friends with one of my colleagues but used to have to come to me first so i escort her to the staff area of the store. Over time i got to know her better and soon our chat had turned from idle chit chat to rather more flirty and sexual banter. Charlie was a very plump girl but with the sort of features that you just knew if she...
George opened the door and immediately went in to take a shower. "So, did you learn a lesson last night?" He said with an echo. "I'm sorry Georgie, it won't ever happen again." I pleaded. When he finished showering I was there to towel him off, knowing he would feel pampered and in control. So while I was drying him off,I sucked him off and acted submissive, dressed him and sent him off to work. After George left for work, I stripped off my clothes and cum soaked panties and took a long...
Your feedback is most welcome. ***** My name’s Dan Zander. I’ve been working as a journalist since I graduated from college. For a long time I covered local news for local newspapers, basically hopping from one sinking ship to the next. Fifteen years ago I got a break, and for a while now I’ve been in the jet set, working for Rolling Stone. Traveling around the world, reviewing concerts and festivals, interviewing rock stars. Tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it. It was probably my...
The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one electric candle burning in the kitchen window. “He hasn't forgotten,” she thought. “He promised he'd always leave a light in the window for me.” She knew how hurt he had been by their...
I am happy to share my experience here I am married lady aged 35 working in a private company as assistant. my husband as a bank manager in Pune our native is near Coimbatore Tamilnadu. my experience is very lovable so i like to share with u all once my family with my two children visited our village near Coimbatore for vacation one afternoon I went top roof to collect the clothes children’s were playing husband gone out. mother-in-law was in rest while top of roof I saw some movement in the...
IncestNOTE: This story was written during Hurricane Sandy, so punctuation, grammar, and spelling may lack. I haven’t had Internet or cable in 8 days! Comments and insights wanted, however, don’t be harsh! As I took a wobbly step onto the school bus, the sky was washed with variant hues of yellow, red, and violet. Through the trees, it seemed as if the road was being led into a portal that was gurgling fire. It was 6:43 AM exactly. My dark brown eyes were blurred as darkness still remained in the...
My favorite of his friends was named Sean. He was a really chill guy, just like me. He was the one who had invited me to hang out with their group of friends the first time, and the one who had convinced my brother it was OK to buy me beer. He was about 5’10” with straight, light brown, borderline-blonde hair. He was thin, but muscular, and had the kind of tan that came from being outside all the time. For my part, I was around 5’7” with thick, wavy hair that was a dark brown...
The folks at Pebble beach are a pretty self sufficient bunch, most are old age pensioners and don't have a lot of 'cash to splash'. Most of the men went fishing and always caught extra catch to hand around. Old Betty Karnak was a keen gardener and supplied everyone with fresh veggies. Herman Gott who lived next door shared her passion and between them they had the best veggie patch around. So it came as a bit of a shock when Betty fell and broke her hip, she was a lady of large...
II While the Boys Are Away… Lauren and Kitty decided to spend their Saturday evening together, getting drunk and relaxing after a day spent on campus running around, buying books, and catching up with their old dorm friends from last year. Adam and Brad were out at the bars with the soccer team, partying. They hadn’t seen Logan or Hanna all day, and had no idea where they could be. They were sitting on the bed in Lauren’s room, lounging in the pajamas, loose little shorts and tight little...
"Wow", Jack sighed as he set his camera down on the desk and walked around to sit at his chair. I had to ask, "Well, what do you think, did I come on too strong? Not strong enough?" Jack shook his head, "Oh it was strong all right, but I wonder if it really did what you want. I mean I watched you and I could not help but wonder if I were your husband, maybe you were giving me an exciting sex show. I know many, many men that would get off if their wife sent them a video like that. You...
We were laying together in Amanda's bed, my sister snuggling against me in the warm afterglow of another weekend's lovemaking. Her breasts were pressed against my ribs, her body molded against my side, her now matted pubic hair tickling against my leg. She rested her head on my right arm, her own right arm across my chest. I was softly stroking her sweat-dampened hair when my sister asked me THE QUESTION. "Ken?" she said, a note of inquiry in her voice. I turned my head to make eye...
Justice under the New Laws: by The Bitchfinder-General Part Two: Sarah in the Stocks: At eight o'clock sharp the following morning, the senior policeman and histeam arrived to let Sarah out of the pillory at last. The senior officer washolding the end of a fire hose attached to a water hydrant on the main road. "Youcan turn the tap on now," he told his colleague. Once the water was turned on, the senior policeman aimed the hose right atSarah's face and body. He knew from previous...
Derrin then slid his cock along Isabel’s pussy. ‘Stop!’ Isabel laughed, it felt so good but she wasn’t sure she should take his virginity. Derrin didn’t stop he just kept running the head of his cock along Isabel’s slit, rolling it around her clit, then inside her hole slightly. Derrin started moaning. ‘Please let me. I need it. Please.’ He kept begging. Finally Isabel could stand it no longer. ‘OH GOD DERRIN TAKE ME!’ she yelled out. Immediately Derrin’s cock plunged deep inside Isabel....
He stood in the kitchen looking out the window at the large snow flakes falling upon the already covered back yard. The trees were coated and looked like those one might see on a Currier and Ives Christmas card. They had been calling for snow and it must have started during the night to have this much on the ground. As he took a sip from his coffee cup he was glad to be inside with nothing to do today. He had already started a fire in both fire places and was well fixed for wood with two...