Paper MatchesChapter 4 free porn video

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Bill hadn't walked more than a couple of blocks when his feelings of sorrow at the loss of his marriage, and his anger with his wife, began to transform into more of a cold rage and the desire to find a way to exact some needed revenge.

It hadn't taken long for him to accept that there was really very little he could do except to confront Linda, and then tell her that he was going to seek a divorce. He began to realize that this was what would eventually happen, but he also began to accept that jumping into a divorce action immediately might work against his own best interests, and would certainly diminish the opportunities to plan for some payback.

He decided it would probably be better to explore his options and make a decision based on facts and logical thought instead of a rush to the lawyer's office for a quick divorce. Then there were the health tests for STDs that he knew would have to be arranged.

As he walked he began to think more clearly, and he quickly decided that the last thing he wanted to do was push for a divorce when he didn't know what his rights and responsibilities were. He knew he was going to have to talk to a lawyer, and soon.

He had walked about half an hour when he came to a small children's park, complete with swings and open grassy areas in which to play. It was almost deserted, and he noticed that there was a paved path that wandered through it, with benches placed under the shade of some of the scattered trees. It didn't take him long to decide to find a bench to sit on, a place were he could sit and think.

He began by reviewing in his mind the shocking events his surveillance system had recorded, and realized that at some point he was going to have to fully watch everything that was recorded, maybe even more than once. In some of the scenes he had already witnessed he was finding it difficult to accept that his wife was even included in them. During this time, as he replayed the details in his mind, another emotion continued to build in him; the desire, no, the primal need, for some payback.

Once he began to consider that trying to get even might restore some of his lost pride and self confidence, he was able to calm himself down a bit. He immediately began thinking of ways that he could punish his wife for what she had done to their marriage, but it wasn't long before he realized that she wasn't the only one at fault. He would have to consider her friend Denise Grady, and how to make her pay for what was obviously something she had played a very big part in.

The two men who had starred in the videos that he had watched also deserved some of his retribution, but that might present a problem considering he didn't know their names or where they lived. Then there was the bar that provided a venue for his wife to so easily hook up with someone to cheat on him with. It seemed logical to him that they should pay part of the price as well. The next half hour was spent trying to imagine what might be suitable forms for his revenge to take.

By the time Bill had spent well over an hour and a half on the bench in the park, enjoying the warm weather and the solitude, he had made some decisions. Although seeking payback wasn't going to do anything about salvaging the almost 10 lost years he had spent in his marriage, he was already starting to feel a little better since having made the decision to get a little of his own back. There must be some reason people would say that revenge was sweet, and he decided to see if it was true.

Time was passing quickly, and a check of his watch showed him that he had been gone from home for almost 3 hours. It was obvious to him that he couldn't stay away for much longer than this without really arousing his wife's concerns, something he had already decided he was going to have to avoid. He had made some tentative plans, but there were a lot of things he hadn't decided, and even more thinking was necessary, with more decisions that he would have to make.

Finally he decided that he was as ready as he was likely ever going to be to return home and face Linda. Bill knew he was going to have to do a remarkable acting job, and he was really unsure if he was going to be able to pull it off. There weren't any other options though, except to try hiding what he knew, or to immediately confront her. With the decision made, he got up and began to walk purposefully back home.

When he arrived home Bill was lucky that his wife was busy making supper. She did ask him why he had gone for such a long walk, but his answer must have satisfied her curiosity, because she didn't ask him any more about it. He was able to maintain his calm outward appearance even though he was seething inside, angry with her for doing the things he had seen on the surveillance video.

He did find that whenever his anger and hurt threatened to take over his feelings, reminding himself that he needed to be calm and not give away the fact that he knew what had been going on was crucial, if he intended to try and set up a situation that he could be in control of. There wasn't just a matter of getting some revenge; there was also the need for self preservation, a need to protect his rights, finances and other best interests in the divorce.

The evening went by quickly, considering the images and thoughts that were flashing through Bill's mind. Just after nine o'clock he told Linda that he was feeling quite tired, and that maybe the fresh air and exercise in the afternoon had caught up to him.

It seemed rather ironic that she was playing the mother hen part with him now, worrying about whether he was coming down with something, and insisting on taking his temperature before letting him go to bed. It was too bad she hadn't been so concerned about him on Thursday night.

Just after noon on Sunday, Bill and Linda Phillips pulled away from their home for a pleasant drive to her parents' home near Franklin. They were invited for an afternoon get-together with family and friends in the backyard, and then a quiet supper with Jim and Patricia Baker, Linda's parents.

Bill was pleased that he was able to maintain the façade of a loving and happy husband. He was sure that Linda didn't suspect anything about what he now knew about her, and her slutty ways. He had even been able to kiss her lovingly, and interact with her physically in a way that he felt was pretty close to his normal way, even though he did find it very difficult.

Not that they had had sex yet; he was very concerned about how that would go when the time arrived, and how he could avoid it, but the little things like caressing her ass, or grabbing her from behind and cupping her breasts while he kissed her neck, had been small bridges he had successfully crossed.

Having sex with her was the very last thing he wanted to do, now that he knew she'd cuckolded him, maybe for years, but it could possibly become necessary. He had to somehow buy some time to let his plans come together.

"I hope my parents are happy with the crystal set I got them. I know it's something that my mom has often said she wanted, and I'm sure my dad will go along with whatever she likes." She grinned at her husband and continued, "Men usually go along with what their wives want, don't they dear."

Bill considered what she had said and answered, "I think there are probably a few things that a husband won't agree with his wife on. Some things just cross a line that no husband can accept."

Linda didn't seem to put any importance on his answer, at least none that he could notice. Their conversation during the rest of the drive was pretty mundane, without any opportunities for him to subtly make a point to his wife, a point that would by design try to go over her head. He knew he had to be careful, and not give her cause to panic about what he might know.

It was later in the day, after the four of them had enjoyed a nice meal and were sitting around the dining room table with glasses of liqueur, that the conversation turned to an area that Bill felt was tailor-made for him.

It began when Linda asked, "What can you and dad tell Bill and I about the secrets for having such a long and happy marriage?"

When Patricia answered her daughter's question she said, "You must always have respect for each other, and for your partner's ideas. Without mutual respect, I don't think a marriage can survive."

Her mother's answer didn't seem to make Linda think of her own actions, and the disrespect they showed for her husband, so Bill quickly said, "I guess that kind of respect would include things like respecting your marriage vows, you know like 'in sickness and in health', or even the 'forsaking all others' part."

Bill's mother-in-law immediately pointed at him with her index finger and reply, "That's exactly the kind of thing I mean, Bill. You have to be there for your spouse when they're sick or hurt, and even if you don't agree with their opinions on things like politics and religion, you have to be respectful of their beliefs."

Bill glanced at Linda and could see that she had lost the smile that had been on her face. Before anyone else could speak to the subject he turned to his father-in-law and asked, "What do you think, Jim? Surely over your 45 years together the two of you must have faced some bumps in the road."

His father-in-law was a rather reserved man, one who thought about things before speaking, but he finally answered with, "I have to agree with Patricia. When you look around at younger couples these days, you see a lot of disrespect between the partners; things like the constant 'me, me, me' attitude, and all of the divorces that seems to be happening. Patricia and I never had those problems."

Bill couldn't have hoped for a better answer from his father-in-law if he'd handed him a script. He quickly took advantage of it by saying, "I was thinking of things like that, too. I'm not quite as old as you, but I think we may share some of the same values."

He continued, "What do you think is causing all of these divorces? I read the other day that close to 50% of all marriages are ending in divorce now."

His mother-in-law had been listening and quickly said, "I think a lot of it is the fact the younger generation has no patience, and they don't try to work out life's little problems. Of course, there's a lot more drug addiction, and now with casinos all over the place, there's problem gambling as well."

Bill quickly added, "And then there's sex addiction, like that golfer with all the girlfriends."

His mother-in-law obviously didn't agree with that addiction very much as she waved her hand dismissively and said, "That's nothing more than good old-fashioned adultery, and as far as divorces go, that's probably the main reason, by far. With so many Internet dating sites, and even special sites for people who want to cheat on their spouses, it's no wonder it's getting so common and ending so many marriages."

Bill thought it was time to bring Linda back into the conversation and said, "What do you think about what your mom just said, Linda? I think she probably has a good point, don't you?"

Linda had the 'deer in the headlights' look, but quickly recovered and said, "I'm sure she's right, dear." It was obvious she had become uncomfortable with the topic, and she managed to change the subject almost immediately.

At just before 10 o'clock on Monday morning, Jason Shields walked into Bill's office. He was smiling as he entered, but after taking one look at Bill's face, his own smile disappeared.

"Hello, Bill. I was going to ask you how your surveillance system worked out when you went out of town, but the look on your face suggests it didn't work out too well."

Bill had looked up when his friend entered and replied, "Is it that obvious? I thought I was doing a pretty good job of hiding my feelings from, and about, my wife."

Jason sat down in the chair that Bill had pointed out as he spoke before he said, "Maybe it was because it was me that came through the door, and you knew what I was here to ask you, or maybe you're just better at hiding your emotions when you're at home."

"You have a haunted look, one that I'm familiar with all too well, considering I went through the situation you were worried about. Maybe it takes one to know one." He could see that Bill had sat back in his chair and relaxed a bit while he was speaking, and now Jason waited for Bill to speak.

Bill had a look of resignation on his face as he started with, "I would never have believed it could have been so bad, Jason. At midnight on Thursday she and her girlfriend, a woman that I've told her repeatedly I didn't care for, came into our home with two young university guys. I still haven't been able to bring myself to watch everything on those videos."

He continued, "It took all of my willpower not to have a confrontation with her, and so far I don't think she's aware that I know all about her ... cheating. I realized that I needed to get my ducks in a row before I confront her about it. I've decided to get what revenge I can against her and her friend, maybe even the bar, The Puma's Den, and I'm not sure who else."

Jason had begun to look worried as Bill spoke about his plan to get some revenge and quickly said, "What do you mean by revenge, Bill? I hope you're not planning on anything physical or illegal, as it would get you fired at least, if it ever came out. You might have a real problem getting a job in this field anywhere, if you had some sort of record."

Bill gave a quiet chuckle and said, "I don't have plans, at least I don't have them yet, to do anything illegal or violent, if that's what you're thinking. I made an appointment already this morning with a lawyer, a good friend of mine, for next week; he's tied up in court right now. There are some other things I'm looking into as well."

"I have some ideas on how I can exact a bit of payback, although the years I've lost with her can never be made up for. I'm going in for STD testing, you know, blood tests, on my way home on Wednesday, but if she has one I'll have it by now. I'm certain the two of them have done this before; maybe even for years. It appears she's adamant that her partners use condoms, but that's no guarantee she's not infected with something."

"Nothing I can do to her will probably ever make up for the hurt and pain she's causing me. All I can hope to do is make it as hard on her as possible. Letting her think she's putting one over on me is the start. I ... I want her to think I'm still madly in love with her, so when I ... drop the hammer she won't be expecting it, and hopefully she'll feel it more."

Jason smiled and said, "I sort of did the same thing. I had all the legal stuff done, and then I had her served with divorce papers where she worked. It seemed to get maximum shock value, anyway."

Bill nodded slowly before saying, "I haven't thought ahead quite that far, but I'll have to consider that idea myself. All I know right now is that she has stepped so far over the line I can't see any other solution. It's not just the cheating, it's the disrespect, the lying ... the fact that it was all planned out in advance."

Jason sighed and said, "It's like they don't even consider the consequences, or that they'll be caught."

"That's for sure. I think if Linda knew about the video I have, she would just pack her things and leave."

Bill's face got serious as he thought about the videos once again, but suddenly it brightened and he asked, "That's enough about my problems; it's going to take me a while to solve them. I want to hear how your dinner date with your old friend Heidi worked out. Did it turn out well?"

The serious expression on Jason's face lifted immediately, changing into a broad smile as he answered, "It couldn't have gone better! We got along just fine, and spent a really wonderful evening together. We still have a lot in common, and I think she enjoyed spending some time with me. At least it sure seemed that way."

"That's great, Jason. Do you have any plans to go out with her again?"

Jason's smile got even broader. "We have plans to go to a play Friday night, after we have dinner. I may stay in Cincinnati overnight, because we discussed the possibility of going to a Reds game on Saturday afternoon."

"Sounds pretty interesting, Jason. Do you have plans to stay with Heidi that night?"

Jason quickly answered, "No, no, nothing like that. I already booked a room at the Super 8. I think we both want to take it slow. After what my wife did, I want to be very sure of things before I get involved in a relationship with another woman."

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Mausi Ki Ladki 8211 Mera Pehela Pyar

Hi Indian sex stories readers . Mera naam Papu hai . Umar 26 saal . Bhubaneswar ka rehene wala hoon . Ye kahani mera aur meri cousin ki hai . Umeed hai ki aap ko meri ye story pasand ayegi . Aur waqt na barbad karte hue direct story pe ata hoon . Meri cousin ki naam hai Shruti . Jo ki umar main mujhse 2 saal choti hai . Uska figure 36-32-36 ki hai . Uska boobs aur gand kisike v Lund se pani nikal sakta hai . Wo bahut khubsurat to nanhi hai , lekin fir v mera pehela pyar hai . Main use Sus...

2 years ago
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Bookstore heaven

So after a long week, I decided to stop by the local bookstore. I walked in paid my $6.00 for the video card. Walked out the back door made a right to the video booths. There were the typical guys walking around and looking into the video booths. I found an open booth and sat down and started to browse the different channels. Came across a couple good tranny channels and started to rub my aching cock through my jeans. I had gone commando today in case there would be someone willing to suck my...

2 years ago
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First time escort

My First Try at Escorting1 ESCORTI see Sue in her final preparations tugging that tiny G-string between her cheeks then stepping into her little black cocktail dress, it thrills me and shames me in equal measures. Yes, I know it’s my fault entirely, but I wanted to feel in control; it’s crazy really, we are a loving and wealthy couple so why did I talk her into doing this? We had paid £350 a night to stay at the Grand just so that I could let a complete stranger rent my wife for a few hours....

3 years ago
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Neighbors Son Spies Part 4

Several weeks had passed since I took Tim’s virginity. Often I would see Tim in the yard and he would run over so we could chat. Tim’s dad, Greg, had become friendlier too. Greg had started coming over to talk whenever he saw me or Sam out in the Yard. On a day that I was tanning as usual, I could have sworn I saw Tim’s dad looking out Tim’s window at me. Greg was a nice man about 5’ 11” in good shape in he early 40’s. His wife Judy was about the same age, a cute short woman about 5’, also very...

3 years ago
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Never Forget

Introduction: Twin Brother And Sister Struggle To Maintain A Secret Relationship It was never supposed to be anything more than what it became. Kyle had grown up with Katie. He had watched her grow up into the beautiful young woman that she was. She was his best friend. She was his twin sister. They were seventeen. While Kyle had darker blonde hair and blue eyes, his sister had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. They were both slim and fit. Katie had matured well for a girl her age. She had...

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Joans Story Ch 06

January 25th – Off To The Swingers’ Club For A Swap With Mike And Linda. I’m finally feeling much better so I join everyone going to the Swinger Club. Sue is off her night shifts, has a couple of days off and she is ready for a party. She said she ready for a couple of hard penises between her legs. Everyone is finally ready at 8:30pm. We hop in the car and are there in 35 minutes. There are about 15 couples tonight with a few extra women. There is also a couple with an extra man tonight...

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The Red Prom Dress

The Red Prom Dress By Stats It was my destiny. I have been living full time as a girl for twenty months. I just finished my second year of college. To my complete surprise I achieved an A average. I am sitting on my bed with my legs folded in front of my breasts. My arms are on top of my knees and my mouth is resting on my arms. My hair falls loosely around my feet. My beautiful peach colored toenails are nestled in the waves of my hair are like pearls. I move so my forehead...

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Complete Sex Slave To My Master Pt 2 First Day

Hello Readers, I live in Pune and am back in continuation of my previous story ‘Complete Slave to my Master’. Please go through the first story to understand the background. Once I had received the message I was at the top of the world and had already started planning on execution. I was really happy to explore the new world and was hardly able to concentrate on the work. I was all the time focusing on the clock to make a move to home as soon as the day ends. Every second was hard to pass by....

2 years ago
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Little Sister Pt 04

Author’s note: Virtually no sex this installment. Siobhan goes into business and gets pulled into politics. Chapter 17 – Office Politics The dinner in White Plains would echo for years. I am very glad I had no true understanding of the importance, because even Dr. Richards might have frozen. That said, it had little impact in Hanover. There is a reason higher education is referred to as a tower, ivory or otherwise. What happened in the real world took its time filtering into our world. For...

1 year ago
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The Girl Stories Uncle Ben 4

When Ben woke up, he went to the toilet, still very sleepy. Only when exiting it, the reality of what he done the previous day, hit him. He run into the kitchen, where he was welcomed by a smile. --- "Lilly!" --- he said, with his voice breaking --- "Lilly, yesterday .... did I ..." --- "Oh, yes you did." --- she said with a giggle. --- "And then did I ..." --- "Oh, man, you sure did." --- she said gestured pulling at her collar. --- "And then ..." --- he said on the edge of...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Alexa Grace Longing For You

Lucas Frost is a handyman who has encountered a difficult problem with the plumbing in Alexa Grace’s house. The blonde babe can’t get over how hot the repair guy is. When Lucas catches her staring, Alexa decides she’s sick of following him around the house and wanting. She’s going to take what she wants and get all the pleasure she knows she deserves. Stealing Lucas’s toolbelt, Alexa exits the room and the returns wearing the toolbelt and nothing else. When Lucas...

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Wild Naked FamilyChapter 10

Millie had trouble believing how it had sneaked up on her. But now that it was here, what she really couldn't understand was how her family could be so cruel. Not one of them had even mentioned her birthday! "Not even Gramps," she sighed with disappointment. "Wonder if he's sold out on me, too, the way everybody else has." Millie hadn't heard from her grandfather since he'd fucked her. Meanwhile, she walked on eggs whenever she was around her double-crossing parents. And her brother...

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Swallowed Gina Valentina Kimber Woods Melissa Moore Slurpy Knob KNOB Bobbing Beauties

Melissa Moore, Kimber Woods, and Gina Valentina are dressed alike in red, black and white and ready to let the mascara stream and the mouth goo fly. Once their pucker stars have been tongue inspected, it’s time to unleash the large piece of man flesh that they are salivating for. Each girl takes a turn showing off her mouth talent, then the spit bubbles and throat fucking are underway. In between slathering girl drool on that hard cock, they start to drip gag spit into a glass bowl. The...

2 years ago
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The Mail Man Came Twice

~~Please comment & vote if you like it!!!!! Thanks for the support. It was a  hot August afternoon, I was waiting for the mail man to deliver a special package I had ordered online.  He usually came around noon and it was 11:30 am.  I was hot and sticky and really wanted to take a quick shower but was afraid that I would miss my package.  I looked out the window and decided I would chance it.  So I got into the tub and took a quick cool shower.  It felt so good.  When I got out of shower it was...

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Plain Jane Nerd Jim Grow Up Ch 05

As Jane purred on the floor of Harry’s shower, many blocks uptown from Harry’s apartment Jim was sitting on Jane’s bed waiting for Connie to finish her shower. He liked Connie. He loved looking at her. She seemed to feel the opposite about him. It puzzled him and worried him. Besides lusting after her, he also knew he needed to be around Jane a lot over the next two months. Being unwanted by Jane’s roommate wouldn’t make for an environment of peace and comfort needed to be established for Jane...

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Divorced MILF Massaged With Feather In Goa

Hello to all ladies and guys here. I will call myself the ‘masseur’. I am not too comfortable sharing my name in my first experience itself. I am happy to have learnt a bit about the art of massage which helped me pen this. It was a hot humid summer in Goa and I had taken a break from work. I checked into one of the most beautiful secluded parts in south Goa for a weekend getaway away from the noise. Little did I know that the weekend would be one I would remember for ages to come! While...

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I only get Handjobs Now Blacken

When we started swinging, we were not looking for strange sex with as many people as we could but were really looking for friendship first, then if things click, friends with benefits. Now I'd visit porn sites and would get invites from single men from time to time and when I'd show my wife a well-hung man, she'd always say an emphatic "NO!" usually adding that he was way too big for her little pussy. I do love her tightness but the idea of watching her take a large sized cock excited me.One...

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Martha Takes the CaseChapter 5

The sound of a jackhammer from the park across the street filtered through Martha's pulled curtains and right through the ear plugs she had placed inside her sensitive ears to insure getting a much needed rest before striking out on a search for a suspect with plausible motivation in her niece's death. She had no doubt it was a homicide even though the original coroner's report indicated that it was either accidental or suicide. She had to laugh at the suicide aspect because she couldn't...

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 41

XLI A well elaborated delusion In the hall there was a fairly tense stand-off in progress. Wendy, hearing the whistle and grateful for any interruption, pulled the phone from her pocket. ‘Excuse me a moment, please, Dr Stone,’ she said, but the courtesy of these words was belied by the determined way she stood her ground and the fierce glare that wordlessly said, ‘Don’t even think about using this diversion to get past me.’ Laura paused. Even she was not immune from the strange but universal...

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Akkadian StatuetteChapter 5 Girls

The best part of Friday finally arrived. After carefully looking up Pamela's address on the Web, I drove Mother's car to pick up my date. As I had seen through scrying, Pamela lived in a large expensive house. It had nice-looking palladian windows on top and a neatly trimmed front garden. I parked the car on the side of the quiet street rather than pull into their driveway. The house was in a new development, with houses on the slopes of some hills. There were green bushes and trees...

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Seduced By Mallu MILF Teacher 8211 Part 3

HarDick69 is back yeah. Thank you guys for your feedback and suggestions for my story. In the last part, me and my mallu milf teacher Beena were chatting on WhatsApp. Beena: I believe it’s that girl you sit next to in the class, right? Me: She was my crush at first. But.. Beena: But what happened, da? Me: Then I saw this cute girl. I sent the profile picture of Beena I had saved earlier! She was online but still, was not responding. And my best guess was that she was surprised to see her...

1 year ago
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Halloween Homecoming

I paused taking one last deep breath of the crisp fall air, then stepped through the automatic glass doors into the building. The week before Halloween was unusually busy this year and I was coming back from my third outcall since lunch. Sometimes being a business owner is really lousy, especially when so many of my clients are personal acquaintances and they insist on having me personally come out and fix their network problems. Maybe it's just because I only have a secretary and no other...

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In The Principals Office at Middlesex High

Bonnie Anderson was the very domineering principal of Middlesex High, a well known all girls school in a large southern city. The school had a fine reputation for turning out well-behaved graduates that both their families and the community could be proud of. Many young women, not thrilled with that reputation, went there because their parents were attracted to the discipline Miss Anderson offered. Many of their mothers had been students there before, and while not happy going over the knees of...

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The cock contest

I am the smaller one, even if iam proud of my 7 and wanted to show them it wasnt truelooking at my 3 friends cock , my smaller 7inch out , 3 bbc bigger than me''oh you loose!''''get him''and i was pushed down my hands restrain by the 2 other tied up in my back laying me down ''i have the bigger cock here''''im taking his mouth first''''what no hey ahhhmmmm mmmmmm uggggg''''oh shit yes hold him right there''''yes yes take that cock''looking up my head on the pillow my 3 friend ''dude dont be...

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Used by son in law and daughter

By this time I was hot and getting wet, as she kissed my neck, she slipped a big rubber cock into my pussy, telling me that Joe was going to fuck me hard and fill me with his cum, she got off the bed and called Joe on the phone saying mama is ready, I told her I can't do this , Jenny looked at me and said '' you you can mama because you are a slut just like those people in the film called you and you will have your fat cunt fucked by my husband'' and you will like it, about then Joe...

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elizabeth hurley

driving miss hurley by perry47When I reached the age of 21, I decided to leave the small town where I grew up and move to Los Angeles. With no real skills to speak of and no connections, I was lucky to get a job driving a delivery truck. Two years of this convinced me I needed to make a change. The only change in my skills was the capability to drive to and from anywhere in the Los Angeles area without getting lost. It was therefore a natural fit for me to acquire a livery license and in time...

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