Paper MatchesChapter 6 free porn video

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The last days before Bill's intended confrontation with his wife seemed to fly by, and Wednesday arrived quickly. Those last days were filled with a number of meetings, long phone calls, and periods of introspection for Bill. His last meeting took place Wednesday during his afternoon coffee break, when Bill paid a visit to his friend Jason Shields, and the two of them met in the empty conference room adjacent to the Technical Services Department at Abstract Devices Inc.

"Well Bill, is everything all set for your meeting with your wife?" Jason seemed concerned at how his friend was holding up as he continued, "I would guess you must be feeling the strain of these past few weeks. I know what it was like for me, and your situation seems to be a lot more complicated."

Bill gave his friend a weak smile before answering, "I guess I'm as prepared as I will ever be. Everything finally seems to be falling into place. I had my last meeting with the vice president, and I just got off the phone with my sister. There's one more call I have to make; just a quick confirmation from my parents."

Bill leaned back in his chair, apparently trying to relax. Jason could tell that it seemed Bill had lost a bit of weight, and that there were signs that dark circles were soon going to be more obvious beneath his eyes, likely from the strain he had been under while trying to maintain civility with his wife under the circumstances. It was easy for Jason to imagine that Bill would feel a tremendous sense of relief once his confrontation with Linda was over.

"There sure have been a lot of details for you to look after, Bill. Not every man would be able to handle what you took upon yourself."

Bill stretched his arms, obviously trying to relax a bit. "It has been a challenge, Jason. I really want to thank you for your help with all of this, as without it I would have probably been forced to just imagine what it would have been like to have exacted a measure of retribution on those that deserve it."

Bill continued, "You have those two envelopes I gave you put away safely, I hope. I know you've probably got a pretty good handle on what needs to be done, since we've talked about things so much. There are some written instructions in each envelope, just in case you need them. Don't take offense, Jason. I just wanted to cover every possibility."

"I have them hidden away in my apartment under lock and key. The only person I would have to worry about finding them is my housecleaner, and she's always proven to be completely dependable and honest. I doubt that if she were able to access them, that she would actually touch them. The outside of each envelope is dated, and I have notes on my calendar to remind me when the date arrives."

Bill nodded his head and said, "I guess the biggest concern is that you make sure you don't leave a trail back to yourself. You obviously know an awful lot about computers, and how the Internet addressing works. I trust you to completely cover your tracks. The last thing I want is for you to end up in any trouble over this. I know you volunteered to do this for me, but it's one of those 'not quite legal' aspects of this little project of mine. Please be careful."

Jason chuckled before he replied, "I already have plans on how to do it. I'm in Cincinnati pretty much every weekend now, spending time with Heidi, so I'll find a WiFi hotspot there to get onto the Internet. I have an old laptop that will do the job, and I have a replacement hard drive for after it's done; that way I can remove and destroy the old one to eliminate any evidence on the disc. Don't worry about me, Bill; I'll be okay."

"Let me know what your costs are for the hard drive, and anything else you may need. I don't want you to be out of pocket over this."

Jason shook his head and said, "Don't worry about it at all, Bill. I have a couple of salvaged hard drives just sitting in a drawer. There's no other use for them, as they're obsolete now. You know how that goes."

The two men continued their conversation for a couple of minutes before Bill left to return to his office, looking more relieved than he had been earlier in the day.

Bill was seated in the living room in his favorite chair when Linda came home from work. He had his briefcase open beside him on one of the dining room chairs. The two chairs were pulled close enough to the coffee table that he could reach it easily. When his wife announced that she was home, Bill called her into the living room.

When Linda entered the living room Bill simply pointed at the sofa and said, "Why don't you sit down there on the sofa, Linda. There are some things we need to talk about."

Linda looked a little confused, but sat on the sofa anyway. "Is something wrong, Bill? Did you get the results of your test for the Urinary Tract Infection?"

"There's nothing new that is wrong, Linda; this is an old problem we need to discuss."

Linda still looked confused and asked, "What old problem, Bill?"

Bill didn't answer the question, but instead he reached into his briefcase and took out a photograph that he placed on the table in front of her. It was the first photo that he had captured from the bedroom videos, and showed his wife reaching up to turn off the lamp after Denise had left that night.

"Can you tell me what this photograph means?"

Linda looked at it briefly before she answered, "It's just a picture of me." She looked at it a second time and added, "I don't remember you taking it, though."

Again he didn't comment on her reply, but instead he reached into the briefcase and took out another photograph, this one an enlargement grabbed from the living room video, showing Linda standing by the telephone, her arms crossed and apparently waiting for something.

"What about this one, Linda. Does it tell you anything?"

Linda was looking even more confused, if that was possible, and quickly answered after glancing at the photo, "It's just another picture of me. Why are you asking me these questions? What's going on, Bill?"

Her questions went unanswered yet again, and Bill pulled out the package of matches from The Puma's Den. "I showed you these before, and you said you didn't know where you got them. Are you sure of that?" He reached over and placed them in front of her.

This time Linda's face went a bit pale, and a momentary look of fear crossed over her face before she said, "I told you I don't know where they're from, Bill. I must've just picked them up somewhere."

Bill was ready with the next item, another still from the bedroom video, this one showing Linda unbuttoning the fourth button on the blouse she wore that night. Her face showed a very slight smile, and the picture was clear enough that the pattern of the flowers embroidered on her bra was visible through the fabric of the blouse.

"What about this one. Do you remember this? Does it bring back any memories?"

The photograph obviously shocked her, and her face blanched as she briefly looked at it. "When did you take this? How did you get this picture?"

Bill wordlessly took another photograph from the briefcase and carefully placed it in front of her. It was a still taken from the living room video, showing Linda and Dennis just seconds before they turned to walk to the bedroom. Linda's blouse was off, dangling from her right hand, and Dennis had just pushed her bra up, leaving her breasts fully exposed to the camera.

This picture caused Linda to almost faint, forcing her to grab hold of the heavy coffee table as she seemed to sway in her seat. Her face was now a picture of fear and panic, her complexion as pale as Bill had ever seen it. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times before she was able to speak.

"Wha ... how ... how did you get this? I have to explain. It's ... it's not ... what it seems, Bill."

She looked up at him, searching his face for any indication of what he was thinking, but seeing only an unsmiling mask.

Bill made no comment before reaching into the briefcase and pulling out a group of photos which he laid on the coffee table side by side. There was a picture of Linda on her hands and knees on the bed, her pussy clearly visible, with Earl's shiny, condom covered cock only an inch or two away from reentering her. Linda was glancing back over her shoulder, a lustful look on her face.

The next picture showed her seated on the bed naked, with Earl's cock almost buried in her mouth. Another had caught Dennis on top of Linda, straining to enter her more deeply, her heels locked on his ass. Beside it was a photograph of Linda seated on Dennis' cock. Bill had captured the picture just as Linda had swung her head to face the camera, a look of ecstasy on her face as she was in the middle of a climax. Dennis' hands were visible squeezing her breasts.

The last picture showed the two men giving Denise her desired double penetration while Linda looked on, the fingers of her left hand busy in her crotch while her right hand was pulling at her left nipple. The photograph had been enlarged, so that she could clearly be seen biting her lower lip, a sign of how turned on she was by the scene in front of her.

While Linda was taking in the contents of the photographs, her eyes moving to each one as Bill laid them out in front of her, the tears started. By the time she looked up at him they were already starting to run down her cheeks.

"I ... I'm so sorry ... How ... can I make this up to you? Please ... please let me explain and make it up to you. Please forgive me."

Bill finally spoke as he said, "You expect forgiveness for this? You think you can make it up to me? You have hurt me more than I could have ever imagined possible, and you expect me to just accept this? What makes you think I would even consider it?"

Linda seemed to be in agony, her hands clasped tightly in front of her as if in prayer, while the tears continued to stream down her cheeks until they dripped from her chin to her blouse. "Please, Bill. Please let me try to explain. I didn't mean to hurt you; I didn't do this to hurt you. You have to believe me. I love you, and I know we can get past this. Please let me..."

Bill interrupted her angrily and said, "Enough, Linda! I would never have believed you could have done this to us! You've obviously done it before, probably for years behind my back. And you expect some sort of 'get out of jail free' pass on this? You have to be kidding!"

"Please, Bill. I truly wasn't trying to hurt you. I haven't been doing this for years, I swear!" She was rocking back-and-forth now with her hands in her lap, still clasped and her tears still flowing.

"Just for the sake of argument, Linda, tell me how many times you've snuck out behind my back. Tell me how many times you've brought men back to the house or to some other place. How many times have you switched partners with Denise so you could have two strange cocks on the same night? Tell me all about The Puma's Den. I would like the whole, complete truth, and I would like it now!"

As Bill sat there staring at Linda, it was obvious he was waiting for her answers. Once again she began opening and closing her mouth without speaking. Finally she said, "I ... I've only been out four times, I swear. I ... I went with Denise to ... that bar ... a few months ago, but I swear I didn't leave with anyone; I just danced a few times. Denise picked up a ... young guy, but I just drove. I drove her car home ... here ... but I was by myself."

Linda had been staring at the photographs as she spoke, and looked up to see how Bill was reacting, but his expression hadn't changed. Her tears had slowed, and she wiped her face with her sleeves before she continued, "I ... I watched them ... fooling around in the back seat and it got me horny. When we got back here Denise and the guy went into the guest bedroom, and I ... I went into our bathroom to ... to ... make myself ... come."

Linda's face had changed colors now, and was red with embarrassment as she spoke. "After a while I could hear Denise calling me, so I went to the guest bedroom to see what she wanted. She wanted me to watch them, and I ... did. It got me horny all over again. I ... I ... made myself come again ... while I watched them. I left before they ... finished, and went back into our bedroom. I couldn't ... believe I did that in front of ... them."

"The next time you went out of town we went there again, and I brought a guy back with me. We ... we had sex ... a couple of times ... and then the two guys left with Denise." Linda looked up again to see how Bill was reacting to what she had just said, but his face was unreadable, devoid of emotion.

"Are you sure you want to hear this, Bill? You've already seen these pictures; isn't that enough?"

Bill reached over into his briefcase and pulled out a DVD in a clear case and set it on the table. "I don't just have a few still pictures. There are over two hours of video here, complete with sound, and there isn't a minute of what happened that night that I haven't seen at least twice over. It was obvious that you've done this before." The coldness of his words almost brought a chill to Linda's back.

Linda once again went white, and her tears resumed before she said, "You ... you have video? Oh my God ... Oh God ... you saw ... you heard ... everything? I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry Bill. Can't we work this out somehow?"

"Just carry on with what you're telling me. Tell me about how big of a slut you've become. Come on, tell me!" He was waving both of his arms as he was encouraging her to speak.

His words and actions shocked Linda, so she quickly continued, "The next time we went ... that was the time I picked up the matches you found ... we came back with two guys and ... we switched partners ... after ... you know." She reached over and touched the DVD before she continued, "The last time ... you know all about it ... you saw ... everything." She buried her face in her hands and cried quietly, her shoulders bobbing in time with her sobs.

Bill reached over and gathered the photographs, matches and the DVD and put them back into his briefcase. When that was done he shuffled around in the briefcase and pulled out a small sheaf of papers that were stapled together. He tossed it on the coffee table in front of Linda. When they landed there was enough of a sound that Linda jumped, and moved her hands away from her face. It was obvious that her eyes were tear-filled, so Bill reached over to the end table for a box of tissues and handed it to her.

"Dry your eyes, Linda. You need to look at these papers." She quickly grabbed a handful of tissues and in a few seconds when she finished wiping at her eyes, she picked up the group of papers in front of her.

"Petition for Divorce! Bill, please, can't we work this out? Please, no divorce ... I love you!"

"You have a hell of a way of showing it, Linda. You just confirmed what I pretty much knew. How can we not be divorced after that? It's not just the number of times you cheated, or the things you did, there's also this." Bill reached into the briefcase and pulled out one of the pictures, dropping it in front of Linda. It was the picture of her reaching up to shut off the bedside lamp just before the end of the video.

Linda looked at the picture again, even picking it up and staring at it before she finally placed it back on the coffee table, a look of confusion on her face. "I don't understand Bill. What is it about this picture that's worse than what I did on those videos you have?"

Bill picked it up and looked at it in anger before he held it up for her to look at again and said, "Look at the expression on your face; that smile, that sly smile is what has really shown me that our marriage is over. That smile isn't for me, or even because you're thinking about me; that smile is telling me that you enjoyed screwing around on me so much that thinking about it is what's on your mind as you're about to go to sleep. There's no guilt or sadness at all for having betrayed me, or for breaking your marriage vows."

Tears had begun to form in Bill's eyes now, and one in fact began to make its way down his cheek before he angrily grabbed a tissue from the box and wiped it away. "There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that you would've done this again, probably in a week or so during my next scheduled trip to Colorado Springs. I'm willing to bet that you would've let Denise set you up for a double penetration the next time, too. You were too turned on by watching the three of them to have not wanted to try it yourself."

He wiped his eyes again before he continued, "I heard you say that you would have me take your ass first, but you haven't even made a comment or suggestion about it since that night. There's no doubt that's what I would have seen if I had waited a month to put in those cameras."

Linda seemed to become very excited as she quickly said, "No, Bill! That's not what would've happened. I already told Denise that I wasn't ever doing that again, that I wasn't going with her to the bar ever again; I told her that you and I were going to try to have a family. You must have heard me tell her that; I phoned her again from home just a few days ago. I was reminding her that I meant what I said about never going to that bar again, or getting involved with her and her guys again."

A sad look came across Bill's face as he replied, "I don't have any recording of that, Linda. I took all of the recording equipment out a couple of weeks ago. It wouldn't really matter, though, anyway. I could never trust you again after some of what I heard, or the things I saw."

Linda's face told the story of how Bill's words affected her, as it went from hopeful with a slight smile to extreme sadness complete with tears. "Oh, Bill! It's true! I told her I was done with that, and that you and I were going to start a family. You have to believe me! I will spend the rest of my life making you realize you can trust me." She was pleading her case now, using every hopeful expression and nuance of voice and language she could muster. It was easy to see she was desperate.

"I'm sorry, Linda. It's over. I've had more than enough time to come to terms with it, and you will too, once you accept it. I don't expect you to read those legal forms there in front of you right now, so I'll tell you what's going to happen."

While Linda was beginning to cry again, Bill reached into his briefcase and pulled out another handful of papers. The first one was a check, and as he placed it on the coffee table he said, "Here is a check for your share of the joint savings and checking accounts. We'll each keep our own savings accounts and retirement accounts. I closed the old joint accounts, and canceled our joint credit cards after I paid them off from the joint account. The one that's in your name only will still work."

"I signed the papers to sell this house to my sister Sandy. It was in my name before we were married, and I don't think you have a claim on it anyway. She'll be coming over this evening to start staying here, in the guest room. You can have 10 days to move out of here."

Linda got very upset and quickly said, "I have to move out of here? Where am I going to go? Why is your sister coming here? I don't think you can cut me out of a share of this house. We've lived here for 10 years, almost." It was apparent that besides being upset, a trace of anger had shown itself in her voice.

Bill wasn't intimidated at all and continued, "I sold this house to Sandy, and you aren't going to fight about it. I'll explain that in a minute. She's going to be staying here to protect our interests while I'm gone. She's going to make sure that you only take the things you're supposed to take. Here's a list of the things you can have."

Bill slid another piece of paper onto the coffee table; a list of furnishings, appliances and household goods that was headed with the title 'Items You Can Have'. He then slid another piece of paper across to her, but this time the list was entitled 'These Items Stay With the House'.

"You have 10 days to find yourself another house or apartment to live in, or you could even move in with Denise if you want. I don't really care. You will be gone in 10 days. You can take whatever you want off that list, but you can't take anything that's on the other one. Those items stay with the house because they belonged to my parents.

Sandy has her own furniture in the condo she's renting, and she'll be moving her things in here to replace the ones that you're allowed to take. If you don't have an apartment or someplace to put them, you can rent a storage unit. There's one over by the mall."

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This story began about two years ago. I lived with my wife and two sons 18 and 15, in an upper middle class neighborhood. Both my boys go the the same high school, my oldest u in marching band, and my youngest is in orchestra. I do a lot of volunteer work for the school, I chaperone dances and even band camp at the end of summer. As a parent I was well respected among the teachers and staff, and among the other parents for that matter. Events would unfold that would jeopardize all of it, and...

4 years ago
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jagerbomb stories pt 1

One of my favorite drinks is the jagerbomb, for those of you who never had this drink , it when you mix red bull and jager together . I know the Germans must haven taken the lost in WWII in good spirit because they made one hell of a liquor with Jagermeister. It one night and a crazy booty call to make this drink shoot to the top of my all time favorite list of drinks .I was living back in NYC in 2008 , and I been talking to this cute dark skin latina woman , I think I meet her on tagged , or...

1 year ago
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OnlyBlowJob Nathaly Cherie Blondes Crazy Blowjob Cravings

Only Blowjob has got a real hoover here for you to enjoy stroking it over. Czech cutie Nathaly Cherie sucks cock like it’s her job when Angelo Godshack comes to her rescue to help the busty beauty with a wrist injury. The babe can’t stroke him off, but she makes up for it by sucking him off so deep in her throat that he can hardly dislodge his big dick from between her lips. But when he does, he’s got another tight place for it to fit into, her shaved pussy, which is also...

3 years ago
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 27 Back of the Theatre

The small room at the back of the Dame Helen Mirren Theatre was providing Valerie Haste with much more useful evidence than she had found at the Dean Street hostel. There was a pair of handcuffs, one end locked to a heating pipe and obviously waiting for the guest who was going to be brought here. Valerie peered at the cuffs, there was a possibility of fingerprints on the shiny metal. It was next to a soiled mattress with a single coarse blanket folded up on it. There were bottles of water...

2 years ago
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The Trouble with Brittany Pt2

So, a few weeks had passed since Brittany had sucked my cock and ate my asshole. Lisa returned home from work and things fell back into our usual pace, of work, dinner, Tv and then bed. Brittany had started school and was busy so she was hardly around. I did notice that my weed surplus was beginning to dwindle so I decided that I'd leave her a note, letting her know that I knew that she was helping herself. Not a huge deal, but she needed to know that I was not an idiot. Even if I did...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Aaliyah Hadid What Happened In Vegas8230 Your Mother Can Never Find Out About

Hunny…you scared me! When did you get home? Dad…do you remember this t-shirt I’m wearing, it’s from our family trip to Vegas. Do you remember what happened in Vegas? Hunny…I told you, that night was a mistake! We shouldn’t have had those drinks….I should have never kissed you. You are my daughter, it’s not right! But Dad… Didn’t you like kissing me? Of course hunny, but… Oh my God, you have nothing on under that t-shirt! Why are...

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Jungle love

In the Not to distant future a genetic virus Called Mutatio Darwinis, Though it's commonly called the Animal Disease. No one knows where the diease came from, but it's effects were obvious. What would happen is that the affected person started to have their DNA rewritten from the animal they got it from. Then, in a violent and Painful way, The Mutations would be shown onto the affected. The Result was that the human body had 3 to 15% of the overall DNA changed. The Anatomic Structure of the...

2 years ago
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The Gift

The Gift By Margaret Jeanette Carolyn Walker was checking the profit-loss report from the last quarter. They had made a profit but it was far short of what they had projected it to be. She looked for where they could improve the profit margin. Being the Vice President-Finance her suggestions would carry a lot of weight. She noticed two areas that needed a closer look. She had a few minutes free so she called her husband Jim and asked him if he could possibly do some laundry because...

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Black Cock Warning Pt3

My heart pounded with panic. I was in the back seat of a carbetween two big black guys, my head held down forcibly and lying on thecrotch of one of my captors, like they didn't want anyone to see me as wedrove god knows where. With my cheek, I can feel the guy's bulge gettinghard inside his pants, his big hot hands holding my head down onto hiscrotch. The guy on the other side puts a hand on my ass and squeezes everynow and then. He then slips a finger in my crack and plays with my...

1 year ago
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The Reality Engine

I have no idea when it started, just one day I realised that it had been happening for some time. A year at least. I'd say it started when I met her, exactly the person of my dreams, like literally. She could even recall things I'd dreamed we did together. She never lied and tried to cover up who she really was either, any time I asked how she knew about my dreams she'd say "Silly, that's where we first met, in your dreams." That's not when it started though things were already strange before...

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Amandas Ordeal Chapter 11

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kate and Amanda had been friends for as long as either of them could remember. It was why Amanda agreed to move in with Kate after the two finished highschool. Kate's grandmother had recently passed and it was in her will...

3 years ago
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Powers Out

Entering the bathroom the slight glow of the flashlight on her keychain glows brighter as it reflex’s off the large bathroom mirror. With her free hand she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a lighter from her and she lights the candle on the countertop. And the bathroom glows a little brighter. Looking up into the mirror she catching some kind of movement in the reflection there behind her is she sees the faceless outline of a person standing behind her. Her mouth opens and she attempts to...

3 years ago
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Her Driving DesiresChapter 2

Velvet felt the hair on the back of her neck begin to rise. She shivered even though the hallway wasn't cold and she still felt the warmth of Ben's tongue in her pussy. She turned and looked around, and shivered again, this time knowing the reason. Walt Williamson, the station manager, stared at her. She was pretty and knew it. She had gotten used to men gazing openly at her while she was in college. If anything, it had pleased her, and Velvet had gotten into the habit of smiling...

4 years ago
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Spending Oral Time with Sis and Her Boyfriend

Anyway, sometime during the summer months we were in the bedroom together, naked as usual. We had smoked a couple of joints and she was sucking my long cock when the phone rang. She hesitated, then decided to answer it . . . but continued to stroke my shaft. "Oh, hi Mom. What's up?" She gave me a puzzled look and a shrug of her shoulders. "Emma? Come here? Two weeks? Aw, I don't know Mom. I..." Mollie stopped playing with my rod and now looked concerned. "Of course I miss her. I miss...

1 year ago
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Brandys deep throat adventures Part 1

I must admit, I was more than a bit surprised when a new guy at work, a middle-aged, moderately overweight and mostly bald guy named Bill invited me to come over on an upcoming Saturday morning to his attend the birthday party he was throwing for an exchange student from California who was staying with him and his wife. First, I hardly knew the guy. And second, he was giving me 3 weeks’ notice; that just seemed far too ‘planned’ to me. Feeling a tad suspicious, I told him I might ‘pop by’ if I...

Group Sex
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Equal Shares Ch 29

When Denise walked into The Firm’s reception, she gave Elaine a peck on the cheek and went off to make coffee. It was still a good fifteen minutes before most of the staff would arrive, and before Denise would normally have started, herself. She brought the coffee through to Elaine, and soon the two were sipping coffee, just contemplating the events of the previous night, and what they would mean. Again. ‘You know Laney, when we were together I’d thought of a threesome, fantasized about it I...

2 years ago
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TimeChapter 37

It took three weeks to get to Japan, for I had business meetings in many other countries too. In Tokyo, like in Europe, I found the war damage still very visible. There were still raggedly dressed people wandering around but the economy was starting to recover. I had conversed over the phone with three drug companies and one seemed to be the best choice. When I and some accountants were able to see the books firsthand, I made them an offer in cash and a licence to make the vaccine. It took...

1 year ago
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I Am Not Your Husband

“How’s my sexy man tonight?” The delicate feminine voice wafted into my ear on a warm moist breath, barely audible above the unruly clamor in the pub. The speaker’s soft lips grazed my lobe as they formed the words. Soft tresses of her hair brushed the back of my neck while an unfamiliar fragrance of roses and jasmine intoxicated my senses. I could feel her ample breasts pressing snugly against my back as she wrapped her arms around my midsection in a tender embrace.Rita was feeling much...

Wife Lovers
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Jackis BitchesChapter 7 Carol and Linda Get Whipped

Carol still could not believe what was about to happen. Everyone was now Jacki's sex slave. Debbie, Marion, Joy, Jenny, Sara, and Beth were all bent over the spanking rail, hands and feet cuffed to the floor in a spread-eagle position. They all had dried girl cum on their faces, and all sported very red asses from their spankings. Amy was still chained in her 'piss whore' corner, waiting to see what was going to happen to her daughter. Linda and Carol, however, were now cuffed together....

4 years ago
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Sam Knight Case Three What Possible ExcuseChapter 1

I was a little early when I arrived at the High School to pick up Ginger. It was a dark and rainy day, and I wanted to be sure she didn't have to wait in the rain and get soaked. Classes let out and the kids started to pour out the doors and race for busses and cars. I spotted Ginger, and as she ran toward the car I thought of how different she looked from the sad and abused little girl I had first seen on a similar day over a year earlier. She had experienced a growth spurt and was now...

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Carol Attend Her First Spanking Party

Chapter One: Their First Party Before leaving after a night of spanking and sexual fun, Debbie told Ray and Joy that she would love for them to join their spanking club, and that their monthly meeting would be the coming weekend at a hotel located nearby. She explained that check-in begins at four, cocktails at five, but most members don't begin arriving until seven or eight. She said that she and her friend Marion usually get there between eight and nine PM, and always rent a room at the...

2 years ago
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Wife Is Happy With Arun And Me

By : Shobhen After that night, our life changed (read my last story “My Friends Banged My Wife”), we started exchanging all our feeling more closely. When we go-out, if she sees any good looking man, she will hint at me, and whisper in my ear that, what a man, hope he can enter me one day. We smile at each other. All passing by keep staring at my wife. I notice all. They mainly stare at her big melons and big round ass. Nobody misses chance to feast my sexy wife. How can one be if he is not a...

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Lightning ch 1

Being me is pretty hard seeing as I can electrocute any living being upon contact and as an added bonus (which is good) I can control electricity at my will and absorb or distribute it. Ok I know that sounds really cool I mean who wouldn’t want to control lightning at their very will but imagine it going out of control and blacking out an entire city because you where hungry and couldn’t see in the dark so you decide to turn on the lights but accidentally eat and entire city’s worth of...

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The sister

"What a crummy way to spend a nice spring day," Linda thought to herself while staring out the window from her sixth period math class. Her mind was quickly snapped back to attention, however, when the sharp voice of Sister Mary Marie cracked, "Are you ready to join us now Miss Burton!?!" "Uhh, no, I mean yes," Linda stammered, "I was just thinking, that's all.........." "Well think about this," the nun replied harshly, "if you don't get with the program you're going to be taking Algebra II all...

4 years ago
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the nude models first sitting

Mary was surprised to see the young man as he walked into the studio.She had submitted a request for a model in the local newspaper, but didn’t really expect anyone in the small town she lived in to respond.About six feet tall, muscular and very handsome with a head full of wavy brown hair. He asked if the model position had been filled and she asked him his age. When he responded by saying he was 22, she told him he had the job if he wanted it.“You do know that the job is for a nude model?”...

3 years ago
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Strange Thursday

DISCLAIMER Originally written in December 1997, I edited this in May 2004. "Strange Thursday" contains graphic sexual scenes between consenting adults. It is not intended for readers under 18 or those who are easily offended by pornography. If you are under 18, or if you are offended by pornography, please do not continue to read this story. All rights reserved: Permission is hereby given to distribute this story via electronic means only, for non-profit use. This header and the...

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The New Year Present

She was all alone during these years. After Ravi, her husband had gone to New York since three years. Bipasha was alone in Petermaritzburg. He used to come to home once in five or six months. Ravi was more attracted towards stocks and shares. He didn't want to leave his business in Petermaritzburg without supervision, so Bipasha was looking after it. After his parents' death, she was left alone. All she could expect was the occasional visit from Ravi's sister. Otherwise, she was getting...

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Loris Brother

"I think your brother's kinda cute", Ashley exclaims, as she watches Jim go through the patio door. Lori looks at her in disgust. "You gotta be kidding". "No, I mean it, he's got a pretty good body". "God Ashley, he's not even 17 yet". Lori flips over on her towel and undoes the top of her swimsuit and rubs some suntan lotion on her chest. "I didn't say I wanted to fuck him Lori, I just think he's cute, that's all". "He's a pig", Lori grumbles. "All he does is sleep, eat ,and download porn from...

1 year ago
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Stranger Pooja Ki Kokh Bharayi 8211 Part 1

Namaste, main Manoj Verma aaj bahot time aapke liye fir ek aur sachi ghanta ke uper ek kahani le kar aaya hoon. Main aap sab dosto ka shukargujar hoon, jo mujhe aap itna pyar karte ho. Jese ki aaj main karib 3 mahine baad apni ek kahani likh rha hoon. In 3 mahino me mere pass 300 se bhi jyada aap sab ke mails aaye hue hai. Par dosto mera pehla aur akhir vasool rha hai, ki sach bolo. Isliye aaj tak maine apko sab kuch sach hi btaya hai. Kuch time se maine kisi ko choda nhi tha, isliye maine koi...

3 years ago
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Finally Meeting Him

I am not sure if it is the knowing what is going to happen or the actual act occurring that is more erotic. Having spent the previous evening cleaning my colon and stretching my sphincter I was going return to the man I called "Daddy". Last week was our first time together after a few months of online banter. I had told him over those months some of my most base sexual secrets and our evening had progress along those lines. After entering his house and dispensing with the awkward first time...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Jessicas Thanksgiving Feast

Introduction: Jessica finds out that she is to be this years Turkey-Girl unless she can find a replacement and fast!. Jessicas Thanksgiving Feast Story: #35 Copyright 2005 Written: December 14 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Jessica came down from her room on Thanksgiving morning not bothering to dress since nudity was common in her house,...

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Star Trek The Chosen

The day started out like every other for Ensign Kal Dern. He woke in bed at the sound of his alarm. "Computer, Lights." When he stood from bed, he paused to glance at his room. It was a typical junior officer's quarters, complete with a sonic shower, a replicator, a bed, and a small sitting area. Starfleet had wanted this new ship to be the best, and they'd not shown any hesitance when it came to providing for the crew. They wanted this ship to be the finest in the fleet... That is, they had...

3 years ago
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Karens Turn

After our last session when Karen was playing a Dominatrix, I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. I left a note on her windscreen as I left work. It read: My place “8.00pm. Don’t be late or you’ll regret it.’ She arrived promptly at 8.00.p.m. I let her in and locked the door behind her. We went into the living room. She turned around and kissed me. I grabbed her hair and forced her head back.  “Do exactly as I say, do not speak unless I say. If I ask you a question and give you...

2 years ago
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A Family Of Incest Part 2

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the indian sex story are fictional. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. This is a completely new series and none of the characters has any kind of association with the old stories submitted by me. I am currently working on my SON MOM AND AUNTS series and appreciate all the love sent to me via email. Alex and Samantha: Alex...

1 year ago
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P I And MagicChapter 16

I was getting nervous. It was already 8:15AM, and still no Darla. Maybe I had gone too far by teleporting out like that in front of her. Had I scared her? Was she terrified of me? I was getting a sick feeling in my gut just thinking that might have happened. I poured myself another cup of coffee and went back outside and sat on the camp chair I had put back outside. I shouldn't have done it. Damn it! What was I thinking? I sipped my coffee. There it was, the sound of a car. An old beat up...

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