The Genie's Poker Weekend free porn video

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A genie. A real goddamn big as life genie. Even considering that the stranger had appeared out of nowhere, even with the bizarrely tall man's indigo skin, even with all the smoke that pooled at their feet the four friends wouldn't have believed something so ludicrous. Then he shot lightning out of his hands and they suddenly felt inclined to give weight to anything he had to say. The woman on the edge of the woods thought about this as she peeked out from behind a pine tree, spying a lone cabin across the clearing. She would have looked out of place in most settings but here and now she was truly alien. She was beautiful, not just pretty but the kind of gorgeous that stuns. A painfully innocent button face that flowed down to a body that was made for sin, all curves from foot to head like a sexual dream come to life. Her outfit was even more out of a place in the forest, a parody of a maid's uniform with a black and white skirt that draped just over her promising sex, leading up to a dark leather corset that constrained two full, ripe breasts, presenting them forward for attention. The strange woman watched the cabin intently, not sure whether to run from it and never look back or to go forward and claim the fantasies that teased her mind. Either direction would decide the rest of her life. *** The cabin retreat was a celebration for the four conquering heroes. Together they'd spent 16 long months of 70 hour weeks busting their asses to get their startup off the ground and now it had paid off. A 9.7 million dollar buyout left free and clear, well before the investors realized that they had essentially purchased a marketing campaign with no product. That's how it had been for the men since college. One scheme after another, growing from selling tests before the big exam to a baker's dozen of failed businesses and finally to the jackpot. No matter how sketchy the idea they always came through the other side so long as they stuck together. Nate was their leader, no questions about it. Tall with an intensity that always convinced the man across the table that he knew what he was talking about, even when he didn't. He could be selfish but he knew to always take care of his team. Ron was Nate's first guy and the best salesman he knew. If you asked Ron they were partners but most everyone thought of him as Nate's sidekick, a handsome dealmaker who never quite got out of the shadow of his friend. Andy and Jamal were followers and happy for it. Whatever scheme Nate and Ron cooked up they were ready to join, and while the captains knew how to put together the deal it was Andy and Jamal who could build the infrastructure to make it reality. Andy was a little chubby and tended toward the nerdy while Jamal was rail thin and a master of the guileless smile that could cover up blatant lies. Together they could build a server from scratch or train a dog to tie its shoes so long as they had an hour on the internet first. Whatever Nate & Ron cooked up Andy & Jamal made close enough to real to turn a profit. As his guys unloaded their bags into the cabin main room Nate dug through his own for a special package. He'd booked the cabin as soon as he knew that the buyout was real, both to celebrate and to take his team off the grid for a few days while the new owners of Harco-Corp investigated their purchase. They were 100 miles away from the nearest cell tower, just the boys, the forest and a ten room luxury cabin. After the last 2 years it would be heaven. "Where are ya," he muttered as moved the bags contents around, briefly pausing to smile as he found a small framed photo of a grade-school aged boy. He took a moment to look at the shining face before pushing it to the side and grabbing a bottle of golden brown liquid underneath. "Found it!" Nate pulled out a bottle of Glendronach 1968 Single Malt Scotch. $4031 per unit, he'd bought it the day they'd started the company. "Gentleman, get yer butts over here." Nate set down 4 glasses onto the dining room table alongside the Glendronach. As he spoke he slow poured 2 fingers into each tumbler. "Boys, in our time together we have had some truly embarrassing ventures. We've sold alpacas to a steak house and we still get orders for Jamal's youth tonic from those old ladies in Tennessee. And thanks to Ron all of our names will be forever enshrined on a hit list in New Jersey after we listened to his surefire Albanian Bride business." Nate gestured to Ron, who laughed so genuinely that he definitely wanted to sock Nate in the jaw. "But all that crap's behind us because we did it, 9.4 million mother fucking dollars! It almost killed us, we almost killed each other, and if the buyers ever find us they'll kill us themselves. But now we've got a stake and from here on out it's the big leagues." "So," Nate said and raised his glass, gesturing for each man to take one of his own. "This weekend we celebrate. We've got top and bottom shelf booze, enough pot to sedate an Elephant and a shitload more goodies. Every man here worked his ass off setting up this company, and even if it's as fake as Ron's mom's tits it paid off. Next week we start on the next one, so for now raise your glasses and enjoy the moment. So, to 9.4!" "To 9.4!" The four men clinked their glasses and knocked back an $80 swallow each. The rest of the night was spent in jubilation. They drank, they smoked, they dredged up every old story and made up new ones. Ron pitched business ideas, Andy got so high that he forgot everyone's names and Jamal threw up a few hundred dollars worth of booze. Nate joined in as hard as the rest, but mostly he just enjoyed the victory. He loved these guys, and he knew that so long as they were on his side then he could take on any challenge. The last thing he remembered before passing out was Ron saying something about going into the woods. *** Nate blinked as the light of dawn reached his strained eyes. "Oh I'm in hell," he groaned, crushing his pillow over his face. His head felt like a tiny creature was trying to dig its way out with a chisel. A sharp, very high quality chisel. He sat up on the couch and wondered if he was actually still awake. The cabin was a disaster area, spilled bottles and cans littered everywhere, upturned furniture and the smell of vomit. That was all to be expected. What was unexpected was the 9-foot tall naked blue man with the giant cock. The man stood in the center of the room discussing something with Ron, Andy & Jamal. Nate slowly got to his feet and circled the group, sure to keep his eyes right on the stranger the whole time. If he just got a different angle or cleared his head maybe the man would disappear, but despite his impossibility he looked solid as reality. His skin was the color of dark turquoise. He wasn't particularly muscular but he was lean, no extra fat on his enormous body unless you counted the maybe foot long piece of thick rope that dangled from his crotch. Jesus you could hang yourself with the thing. Aside from that he looked bizarrely normal, like a guy who might help you with your taxes if you happened to live on Venus. As Nate approached the group he found his friends in deep conversation with the stranger. "No no no Mala," Ron was saying, "There are 4 of us, that means 4 wishes. You have to at least meet me halfway here." The stranger sighed and Nate guessed that this was not the first time Ron had made this point. When Ron couldn't charm, argue, bribe or seduce his way through a negotiation he liked to employ brute repetition. "As I've said," the bizarre man intoned in a voice so full of bass that it vibrated Nate's chest, "our arrangement involves only one wish. I can plainly see that you four men are bound to each other and so this wish must be agreed to by all." Ron spread his arms and turned to walk away as if the stranger were being comically unreasonable but stopped when he saw Nate. Noticing a new man in the room everyone froze as if they'd been caught smoking by their dad. "WHAT THE HOLY FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?! Who the hell is this? What is he talking about? Am I still high?" Ron smiled and clapped Nate on the shoulder as if this were just another day on the job. "Catch up Nate, it's been a big morning." Nate listened as Ron led him into the circle to face the azure man. "Nate, this is Mala, Mala this is Nate." Up close the man's bizarreness hit Nate all over again but his salesman's instinct took over. Nate shot his right hand out for a shake and didn't flinch when Mala engulfed it in his thin, giant grip. "Actually my name is Malaha-Drashaxano, but Mala will do for the purpose of our transaction. Now that all four of you are conscious I am very anxious to see our business complete so that I may return to my realm." Jamal spoke up eagerly. He'd never been comfortable when Ron took the leadership position. "Ron found this bottle in the woods and when I opened it this morning Mala just appeared. Craziest thing, one minute I'm alone and the next I'm eye to belly button with this guy. I almost cracked my head open jumping away, seriously I could have killed myself." "Yeah," Andy joined in. "And Mala says that he's a genie, a real wish granting genie. Can you believe it?" ", absolutely not," Nate said. "Look guys, we were high, we're probably still high. Just because the man is a little odd looking doesn't mean that we should believe any insane thing he--" It wasn't quite lightning that Mala shout out of his hands, it was bluer and made a sound like an angry beehive, but it was close enough for special FX work. He raised his arms high and let the energy course out of his palms for several seconds, flattening against the roof while Nate gaped in shock. The other men just smiled as if this was a familiar show. " persuasive," Nate admitted. "I am pleased," Mala intoned. "Now, as I've told your companions your group is owed one wish which I am bound to perform so long as it is within my power. As you are clearly linked men your wish must be a boon for all, agreed upon by each of you." "Which is complete bullshit," Ron whispered. "Yes," Mala continued with a roll of his eyes. "Although I have enough influence over your small world to deliver or transform anything within it, I cannot violate the physical laws that maintain it. Nor can alter more than one single aspect of your world. "Now please, confer amongst yourselves so that we may conclude our business." Mala turned from the group and walked toward the doorway, not stopping when he reached the wall and instead passing harmlessly through it. The four men looked to each other with gravely serious faces. Nate was the first to laugh and soon all 4 were cracking up, their minds adapting to the craziest goddamn thing they'd ever seen. Ron spoke up, chocking back laughter. "Well obviously we wish for money. I could do with a cool trillion dollars in my account." "No man," Andy said. "Super powers." "Uh-uh," Jamal countered. Nate & Ron knew that they were about to go into engineering mode like good nerds. "Nothing that violates physics, I doubt we could get more pumped up than like Captain America. Although that wouldn't be so bad now that I think about it." Andy considered this. "Wait, he said he couldn't make multiple changes. So that means that he won't transform all four of us, we'd have to pick just one." "Shit, so no making ourselves kings of the world either then, that would involve changing the brains of the entire population. No political power, no immortality or anything super human, no transformations into perfect bodies or minds for more than one of us. This limits our options." "So we're back to money," Ron interrupted. "You heard the weirdo, this is our chance to strike it rich. Money will benefit all four of us, it doesn't violate any 'limits of humanity', and it's what we've worked for!" Jamal and Andy looked convinced, which meant their problem solving brains didn't see a better option. Ron opened his mouth to close the deal when Nate interrupted. "Sure, sounds good if you're happy thinking small." Ron clenched his jaw as his partners looked past him to Nate. Just like always they were ready to join Nate's team the moment he spoke up no matter how much sense Ron made. "I mean yes," Nate continued, "I could use some money. But think about it, really use your brains. We've been given a one-time chance to bypass the rules and all you see is a shortcut to something we can get on our own? "Money, pffffft, I became a millionaire yesterday and I don't need a genie to be a billionaire this time next year. "Now just think with me a minute. What is something that you cannot have in modern society no matter how rich you are? The ultimate luxury that the used to define the truly powerful, but that today is forbidden?" Jamal and Andy listened with rapt attention, fully absorbed by their captain's vision. Ron not so much. "Oh for god's sake, skip the sales pitch and just spit it out." "A slave." Nate let the full weight of the word absorb into the room as he lifted a nearby bottle and poured himself a glass of dark brown headache relief. "Yes, a slave. I plan to be rich, I plan for us all to be ungodly rich, but no matter how rich you are today you will never truly have more power over a person than their salary. And you can never trust someone you pay. "How many times have we screwed someone over through their secretary or lawyer? Everyone is for sale. But the genie could give us someone who wasn't, someone we could always trust with absolute security, someone who would treat us like gods and not just because of their 401K." Nate took a sip of the middle shelf whiskey and enjoyed the dulling effect it had on throb at his temple. He had his boys imagining it, even Ron looked intrigued. "And I don't mean someone to help with the heavy lifting. Just picture it with me. The most beautiful woman you've ever seen bound to obey your every word, one who looked at you like you held her whole world in the palm of your hand. "We could make her from scratch, design her as head to toe perfection. She'd be our maid, our chef, our personal assistant and our sex slave. You'd never have to wonder if she was only with you for your money, or worry that she'd get mad when you work late, or even have to work to get her into bed. She'll do what she's told when she's told, forever, and we can put all that energy into getting rich." It was time to close the deal. "So who's with me? You are the 3 smartest men I've ever known and together we're going to have everything we've dreamed of. Let's bring Mala back in here and enjoy a luxury that no one else on earth will ever know, together." "Aw fuck it," Ron said, "I don't have anything better. I'm in." With both Nate and Ron on the same side Andy and Jamal's agreement was barely a formality. Just as they gave it Mala appeared by their sides in mid-stride, his big blue dong whacking Andy on the thigh before settling. "Excellent choice. Now, if you'd be so kind as to specifically state your desire preceded by the phrase 'I Wish' we can conclude our business." "Details," Nate said. "That's my boys' department. Get to it, I need some Tylenol." Nate exited the meeting as Jamal and Andy started exchanging enthusiastic whispers in a routine that he was well familiar with. He smiled as he rummaged through the bathroom for a bottle of headache reliever. Life was good when you had a team, and he imagined it was going to be even better with whatever sort of dream girl they cooked up. If they did a good job Nate would even let them borrow her every once in a while. Nate couldn't wait to meet her. Sure he'd had power before, he'd had a long line of employees in his business ventures but the closest thing to true loyalty he'd known were his guys. He knew they were with him for the long haul, but he just didn't think Ron could pull off a bikini. But to have a woman in thrall to his every whim, ready to worship him and beg for the right to be fucked and groped or even to simply be allowed clothing, that was power like no one else in the world truly knew. When he returned to the group Ron was sitting impatiently with a fizzy drink while Andy was finishing up writing his and Jamal's notes down onto a notepad. "Ok," Jamal spoke up nervously. "Ok ok, we've got this ready. Mala, we wish for a beautiful woman, 19 years of age with a face and body that meets the standards of beauty from the minds of all four of us. You...ah, you can do that, right?" Mala nodded. "Ok, ok, then we want her to have large full breasts," Jamal continued and cupped his hands out a healthy distance in front of his chest, but Andy slapped his shoulder and cupped his own hands a good deal more generously and both men nodded vigorously. "Very large very full breasts that will always stay high and firm, a slim healthy body capable of enormous stamina with a vagina built for sex that will never become loose or damaged. Her body should be extremely sensual, perpetually in lust for the four of us and as sexually responsive to our touch as a person can be without, ya know, passing out or something. Make her like a living breathing embodiment of sex if that makes sense. "Next, she will be completely obedient to the four of us. Any command we speak from chores to sex to orgasming on the spot, she'll perform to the best of her ability without question. She should see us as her masters and owners and feel crazily submissive toward us, finding us enormously attractive and authoritative, and should live to serve and please us." "Say the other thing man, say it!" Andy whispered aggressively. "Oh yeah, make it so that she can only cum with our permission no matter how turned on she gets. That should be fun. Ah, anything I'm missing guys?" Nate liked what he heard but decided to chip in. "Yeah, have her appear in a little bondage maid's outfit so she knows where she stands, something tight and small." Mala looked to all four men. "This is your wish?" They all nodded and Mala raised his arms, conjuring a basketball-sized knot of blue energy that hovered above them. It crackled with power and filled the room with the smell of burnt ozone. "Now, which among you will I transform?" Nate cocked his head. "Excuse me?" "Which among you will become this enslaved woman?" Mala raised his head back and laughed so loudly that the men fell back from him in pain. "Oh no you fools, even the greatest of my race cannot create life from void. In other circumstances I suppose some innocent victim would serve but I sense that this building is in great isolation, there is not another adequate life form within my sphere of influence. It will have to be one of your four." "Well for fuck's sake," Ron said. "Call it off, we'll just take the money." Mala smiled down at the fearful little men and waved to the ball of energy that hung above them. "Off? Can you not see that the spell has been cast? I'm afraid my part as midwife has completed, the wish has been born into your small world and now simply awaits its subject." The four men set off arguing with Mala, they were a babble of angry and scared voices directed toward the giant. "ENOUGH!" he shouted with a wave of force that knocked them off of their feet. "SELFISH MEN, YOU HAVE MADE YOUR FATE WITH YOUR GREED. BEFORE I COMPLETE MY PART IN THE FARCE THAT IS YOUR LIVES I ONLY SUGGEST THAT YOU CHOOSE YOUR SACRIFICE SOON. IN A FEW HOURS TIME YOUR WISH MAY BECOME IMPATIENT AND SIMPLY CHOOSE FOR ITSELF. IF YOU ARE LUCKY IT WILL ONLY CHOOSE ONCE." And just as he entered their lives Mala was gone, leaving nothing but the stunned men and a furious ball of energy that threatened them all. *** "Well which one of you two is it going to be?" Ron pointed a finger accusingly at Jamal and Andy. "You designed this stupid wish without reading the fine print, it's on you." "No no no," Jamal said. "Andy, Andy's the messiest, if any of us is going to be a maid it only makes sense for it to be him." Andy pulled himself to his feet. "Bullshit, that is complete bull Jamal. You're the one who made the wish, this is your responsibility." "Well it wasn't my idea, I only wanted some muscles!" As the rest of the men climbed to their feet Ron pointed at Nate. "He's right you know Nate, this was your idea. Shouldn't you be the one to bite the bullet?" "Funny," Nate responded, "I seem to remember your being the jackass who went exploring and brought this disaster into our lives. Hey, big blue ball, Ron's your man, take him!" The energy ball twitched toward Ron like a dog on a leash, causing Ron to fall back to the ground and raise his arms in fear. After a few seconds he lowered his arms, relieved to still be a man. "You fucking asshole!" "I think it needs all four of us to consent," Jamal said. "We're never going to get consensus on this before it goes off. What if it hits more than one of us, we could all wind up as slaves." "Ok, everyone calm down," Nate said. "We're on the clock with an unreasonable client. We can figure this out if we stick together, just like always. So everybody shut it and let me think." Nate walked away and was soon followed by the other three men, none of whom wanted to be the closest to the wish. While Jamal and Andy conferred in the corner for a loophole Ron went off to his bedroom and Nate went to the kitchen for another drink. This was a disaster, but it was salvageable. He'd have to sacrifice one of his team but shit, sometimes there are no good options? Who was it going to be though? Jamal or Andy were the obvious choices, they were the beta men. Still, he relied on their minds for his own success and how much of that would be left? Possibly all, possibly none, too much of this was unknown to make a safe call. Ron then? Ron was his salesman, and as much as he could be a pain in the ass Nate needed him. He chuckled a little thinking of Ron as some little sexpot trying to close a deal with a client. Hell, he might even be better at it with a pair of tits and it sure would be nice to see him listen when Nate said to shut the hell up. The more Nate thought about it the more he liked the idea. That cocky little shit with a nice cock in her mouth. Then Nate give her some Listerine and send her out to make a sale and ruin her breath all over again. And all with no commission. The idea sounded better and better, but how to make it happen? If Nate understood the rules correctly then all four men would have to agree. How on earth could he get a man to agree to become a slut? Nate was snapped back to reality by the snap-snap-snap sound of a deck of cards shuffling. Across the room Ron leaned against the couch with the deck in his hands and his eyes on Nate. It appeared that he was having a very similar series of thoughts. "No way we're all going to agree on this," Ron said. "So let's play for it. 10 chips each, first man to have nothing in the bank is the bitch. Sound good?" It was the perfect option. Each man thought of himself as the best poker player. Jamal was the best at math, Andy had studied game theory, Ron could read the man across the table and Nate knew his team's every trick. Everyone nodded and Ron swept the rectangular dining table clear of the leftovers from the previous nights, bottles and cans clinking against the hardwood floor. He sat at the table's head and started setting up the game. "You hear that you big blue asshole? If you keep your cool until we're done, then each man here agrees that the first one to run out of chips is your man, no take backs. You understand?" The crackling ball froze for a beat then seemed to pulsate a bit faster before returning to its normal terrifying state. It understood. The four men sat down, Nate taking the chair opposite Ron, and each retrieved ten poker chips each. The way they played this wouldn't take long. A few hands in and the outcome already seemed chosen. Nate had the biggest pot followed closely by Ron while Jamal and Andy were in a race to the bottom. Both men were pale and nervous while their leaders revealed nothing behind cold faces. This wasn't the worst-case scenario for Nate but it certainly wasn't the best. The more he thought about it the more he wanted to see Ron as the new cheerleader. Years of dealing with Ron's jealousy and competition, always having to watch his back for Ron's petty attempts to be the bigger man, it was all welling up. Nate could barely keep his mind on the game and not fantasize about just what he'd due to Ron to show the new girl who was boss. Was Ron thinking the same? Maybe that's why when Ron bet big Nate matched and raised. He could have folded and probably let either of the boys lose, but he had always lived life by recognizing the moment and seizing it in the same breath. No way was he going to let Ron take out one of his guys. Besides, if Ron were going after Jamal and Andy he knew that they wouldn't be able to keep up with his larger pot. Ron wouldn't need a good hand to force them to fold, and he'd never expect Nate to join in with his own large pot since the goal of the game was to simply not lose. There was no reason for Ron to actually care about the quality of his cards before launching his move. Jamal and Andy both looked at Nate like he was a superman. With the loss of this hand Ron would be behind both of them, just a chip from losing. "That's a call Ronnie," Nate said. "Let's see those cards girl." "Absolutely," Ron said without a hint of fear in his voice. He showed why when he spread his cards out, 3 aces and a pair of 2's. Nate showed his own weaker full house and tried to swallow but found that his mouth was bone dry. Ron happily gathered the pot, now having possession of the bulk of the chips in the game. "C'mon Nate, don't you think I knew you were gunning for me? Just like you, trying to protect your nerds and forgetting to watch out for yourself." Nate looked around, he was down to just 5 chips. With such a small pool it would be impossible to bluff back up, he'd need the luck of good cards. He felt full of an unfamiliar feeling, like how wimps describe panic. "Wait, no, I'm the boss. Andy, you're out of the game. It's a tough call but you're taking the fall on this one." "Are you serious Nate? Well fuck you if that's how you feel, I'm winning this game." "Fine buddy, but I'm still ahead of you. Maybe I won't win the game but you're going to lose." And that would have been the case, until the next hand when Ron folded against an obvious bluff from Andy. Andy puffed out his chest when he gathered the chips up, putting him ahead of Nate. That's how it went for the next 5 hands as Ron expertly controlled the game's economy from his lead. Nate couldn't afford to make any big moves, with such a small pot he was fighting for his life and it looked like the whole table was against him. Andy and Ron at least, Jamal just tried to keep his head down. Quickly Nate was forced down to 1 single chip. He accepted the deal and anted up while trying to ignore the cold scared feeling in his chest that accompanied his empty bank. When he looked at his hand that feeling warmed up in a flash as three Jacks smiled back at him. If he played it cool this would give him a win, placing him one chip ahead of Jamal. Ron would try to finish him here and no doubt and Andy would follow for the kill. Nate knew them well enough to not expect any mercy. Jamal he felt bad for. The kid had followed him around for damn near a decade and this was his reward? At least she'd still have Nate to watch out for her, and he bet she'd look plenty cute fetching his coffee. "He's out!" Jamal shouted. Nate was shocked to see his skinny little friend pointing a finger at him. "Check it out, Nate doesn't have any chips!" ", the hands not over!" "Doesn't matter, that's not what Ron said when we made the agreement. 'First man to have nothing in the bank,' well that's you right now. Right? You hear that you Mala, you hear me?" "No, that is horse shit Jamal and you bet I'm going to take it out of your hide when I---" The ball of energy crackled as loud as a thunderbolt then flew directly into Nate's chest. For a moment it looked like it had consumed Nate inside of its glow but in moments was gone, with no evidence left behind of it having ever existed. "No no no," Nate said and backed away from the table. "You cheated me, the hand wasn't over, this is not what we said!" No one responded, they all just watched Nate. "What are you looking at? Nothing is happening here, I...." Nate was taken by a seizure strong enough that he had to grip the table to ride out. When it had passed he felt the same and he was relieved when he looked at his hands and was relieved to see no difference. But he was hot, so hot, the room felt like a furnace. And his clothes felt so tight as if they were strangling him. He had to get out of this room, out of these clothes. Nate ran to the front door and stumbled out into the cool morning air. He didn't even care as his momentum carried him off of the porch into a hard crash on the ground, the cold felt so good against his burning skin that nothing else mattered. Then the heat returned worse than ever before and Nate became convinced that he was on fire, he must be. He was scared that he was going to burn to death right here in the dirt. Through the haze of his fever Nate looked up and saw his friends staring down at him from the porch. Those bastards, after everything he'd done for them they'd betrayed him and now they were just watching. 'Bring me water!' he tried to shout but couldn't form words through his pain, instead just waving his arm impotently. Seeing his own arm Nate gasped in horror. This wasn't his hand, this tiny smooth thing with long nails and delicate wrists. It looked weak and so small, a woman's arm coming from his body. He had to get away, that was all Nate could think. If he could escape from those traitors he could figure this out. They were the problem, they did this to him. Nate got to his feet and ran. He didn't even look where he was going, instead just sprinting across the 50 feet of clear grass that separated the cabin from the forest. In seconds he was swallowed whole by the tree line, completely gone from the sight of the three men who remained. Jamal spoke up first. "Should we go get him? He could be hurt, or..." Jamal didn't need to explain the 'or', they'd all seen how strange Nate had looked when he ran. Smaller, his face and body half morphed into something new. "No, he'll be back," Ron said. He turned to his two friends and put an arm on both their shoulders. "You both get inside, I'll take care of Nate." Jamal objected. "But Ron, we'll..." Ron gave him a slap on the cheek, just hard enough to sting. "No, I told you what you're doing. This is my porch and you're both going inside. You got it?" Ron knew that this was the moment where they would accept him as the new alpha or fight back. It all rested on their next decision. Jamal and Andy looked at each other in silence for a tense second before Jamal nodded. "Yeah, ok....," he said sheepishly and moved toward the door. "Just go easy on him, all right Ron?" "You kidding? Nate's well being is my number one priority. I'll let you know when the big man is back." Ron happily collapsed back onto a plush deck chair and put his feet up on the railing. This was going to be one hell of a weekend getaway. *** Nate hadn't panicked many times in his life but he panicked now. The seizures kept coming as the fever grew and grew, and each time he felt his body changing. All he knew in his gut was that he needed to put distance between himself and the cabin and so he ran, hard and without direction. After one seizure he thought he'd gone blind only to realize that his vision was covered in long silky hair (MODEL) that cascaded down past his shoulders. After another he had to stop against a tree and groan at the raging hard on that fought painfully against pants until the pain was suddenly gone, along any sensation of his manhood manhood. He touched his face with tiny delicate fingers and felt strange shifting features, like clay being molded by invisible hands. His lips felt huge and his nose was almost non-existent, a miniscule button of a thing planted onto the smoothest skin Nate had ever felt. And his clothes were changing too. His jeans had split and were gathering up his legs, revealing long tapering calves underneath surprisingly fleshy thighs. The fabric reattached itself into a skirt as the rough blue denim turned dark and silky, forming a barely there wisp of fabric that just covered whatever was forming in his smooth crotch. Through the fever Nate recognized the black pattern with white frills, it was a goddamn maid's skirt. "NO," he yelled and ran further, his sensitive flesh whipped and cut by loose branches as he manically tried to get deeper and deeper into the woods. He fell hard when the next seizure hit and collapsed onto the dirt on bloodied hands and skinned knees. His body clenched painfully and he arched his back so far that his shirt buttons ripped open, exposing a hairless unmuscled chest that looked more appropriate on a child than a master of the business. His torso looked like it was melting as his ribs contracted with every breath. His ass stayed wide and full but his waist was rapidly constricting into a dainty little thing so thin that the old Nate could probably have gripped it with both hands and felt his fingers touch. As his body clenched so hard that he thought he'd snap his own spine he felt the opposite of the contraction that had rocked his torso, a gathering of all that lost mass deep somewhere deep inside. He was elated for a moment, maybe he'd gotten out of range of the spell and it was going to reverse, then he felt where all that mass was gathering and he felt a new terror. He could feel two knots of burning energy over each exposed pectoral. On his hands and knees he felt the weight of two bare breasts form, small at first but rapidly gathering up fat. They felt so hot that it was like they were burning their way out, but they felt good too, like his cock right when it was growing hard. Nate didn't know when he started moaning or how long it had been going on but there were now two fat breasts hanging off of his chest with no sign of slowing down. They squished against each other and started to press against the insides of his arms, there wasn't enough space to contain all the tit flesh that kept expanding out and out. As they reached their crest Nate felt the empty space between his legs constrict and tighten into a neat little vagina, and with it an awareness of the space inside of his own body that he had never considered. He could feel the wet space that dug into himself, it was warm and deep and almost vibrated with its hollowness. Nate's attention was brought back to his breasts as his shirt closed back over them under its own power. Just like his jeans the cottony white fabric was turning black, but instead of a loose silky skirt it a leather vise that clenched his enormous breasts harshly. They were squeezed together hard and high so fast that it felt like an enormous hand had grabbed his torso and was squeezing closed. Threads of material darted every way like a dance as the cups of his top raced around to meet in the back where he felt horizontal straps form all the way down to his waist until he was wearing a black corset. Then all the air left his frame as the straps were pulled by the unseen force and felt a compression that made the previous grip seem like a joke. It squeezed and squeezed, jutting his tender breasts up and outward like they were being served for dinner. The fever was unbearable now. Nate lost all sense of his transforming body and of his surroundings as he became aware of only the heat. He genuinely wondered if he was going to die when before it was just gone in the space of a single heartbeat. Nate laid there panting for several long minutes as she regained awareness of her surroundings. She was lying in the dirt on her side. She felt an enormous mass suspended on her chest, supported by the harsh corset that spread the weight across her lower back and core. As she awkwardly got to her feet she was not surprised to see her miniscule feet pinched by a pair of severe black pointed shoes with 3 inch heels. Looking down she knew what she was wearing right away. It was a wet dream of a maid's uniform, black heels supporting two long gorgeous legs that led up to a tiny frilled skirt. Clenching first her right then her left butt cheek she felt a thong riding tightly down her ass and covering what must be a tight and perfect vagina. Above her waist she wore a black leather corset that squeezed her tiny waist to even smaller dimensions, tapering up to contain breasts that, from her perspective, looked simply monstrous. She could feel them straining against the harsh material and with every breath she felt a pair of big hard nipples rub against the leather, eliciting an almost electric buzz at each nub that felt somehow tethered to a wet vibration buried deep down between her warm voluptuous thighs. God, it was so tight she couldn't even take a full breath. She knew that she must look like a wet dream. Just looking down at herself was making that warm buzz grow. She took in her surroundings and tried to assess her situation. She was alone in the woods without food or shelter, 100 miles from civilization, filthy and bleeding. And worse than any of that she felt hornier than she ever had in her life. For the first time since she was 8 years old Nate burst out in tears.

Same as The Genie's Poker Weekend Videos

3 years ago
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The Royal Genies Chapter 04

“Honestly, it’s ALWAYS just as I’m getting comfortable,” she said. “Alright, what to do you-” The genie looked around, and realised there was no-one around, and it appeared to be night time. “I heard something!” She heard a voice shout. “I think it came from over here!” The genie turned to see two guards approaching, wielding swords. “There! You! How did you get in here!?” “You two aren’t my Mistress,” The genie said. “She’s obviously insane,” said the 2nd guard. “Why else would she break...

3 years ago
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The Royal GeniesChapter 4

After Sofia shut the doors to her balcony, a gust of wind caused the lamp to topple off, and fall down onto the ground below, in the gardens of the palace. As it lay there, it began to grow warm, before clouds of violet-coloured smoke began pouring out. It formed into a nude girl, who sighed. "Honestly, it's ALWAYS just as I'm getting comfortable," she said. "Alright, what to do you-" The genie looked around, and realised there was no-one around, and it appeared to be night time. "I...

4 years ago
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The Royal Genies Chapter 06

Of course, one of the first things Harson did was launch a counter-attack on Devrican. Though it was less about revenge and more about Harson wanting to conquer the country for Janosia. Naturally Lexia’s magic played a large part in the war, and within a month, Devrican was the first territory to be conquered as part of the new Janosian Empire. By the time we re-join the story, Harson’s armies have already begun their invasion of three other countries, with Janosia having tripled in size...

4 years ago
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Games Genies Play Part 6 of 6

Outside the Universe, unbound by physical laws, sits the City of Brass. An empty room waits deep in the city, and when a room in the city is empty, it is truly empty. Not only is there nothing on the walls, there are no walls. The room does not exist when it is empty, it is nothing but empty space. Even empty space is full compared to this. And then it is not empty. Shag carpeting covers the floor and goes right to walls decorated with chrome and neon. Curving sofas give plenty of...

2 years ago
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Genies Just Wanna Have Fun

Genies Just Wanna Have Fun By: Sue Kidder As in all the stories, Jim was startled when the lamp erupted after he rubbed it. The dense smoke coalesced into a scantily clad woman who looked decidedly Arabic. "Greetings, Master," she said. "I am the genie of the lamp. You have three wishes. How may I serve you?" "Wow! Why only three wishes?" Jim asked. "Do you wish to know the answer to that question, Master?" the genie asked. Jim quickly realized that he could waste...

3 years ago
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Games Genies Play Part 4 of 6

From the tiniest seeds grow the greatest of wonders. When the Choir Invisible played the music that created all that is, was, and ever will be, a single singer was late with a single note. That one misplaced note left a void in Creation, a piece that was left unmade. From that void have sprung dragons, titans, and genies. Though they have caused much chaos, the wonders and marvels that they leave in their wake have created a vivid world of imagination that lives beside the world...

2 years ago
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Games Genies Play Part 5 of 6

Leprechauns hide their gold at the end of the rainbow. The Vikings thought it was a bridge to Asgard. To Christians and Jews it is a covenant written in the sky. Modern men think it is light refracted through water droplets suspended in the sky. None of them are right. It is not the ends of the rainbow that matter but the thing itself. It is not a sign or a promise or a reflection. The rainbow is the intrusion of an otherworldly realm into our own. Light scatters in terror at...

4 years ago
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The Royal Genies Chapter 08 END

Sofia hopped out of bed, and ran to her bedroom door. She opened it, and was surprised that no guards were posted outside her door, as they normally would be. Almost as though…they didn’t think they had anyone to guard. Sofia wandered through the corridors, looking for anyone. Eventually she came to what she knew was a small lounge. Through the door, she could hear giggling. She opened the door, and saw two naked and extremely voluptuous girls, making out and fingering one-another on the...

4 years ago
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Games Genies Play Part 1 of 6

In the unreachable void, beyond the limits of space and time, lies the Unbuilt City, which exists without ever having been made. Unconfined by the cramped boundaries of infinity, eternal towers rise beside crystal lakes. A galaxy of stars could not power one of those towers, yet their lights blaze with unimaginable fury. The unseen residents know fear. Beings far mightier than even their impossible city can bear move among them. Five genies, each one capable of making and razing a...

4 years ago
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Games Genies Play Part 2 of 6

Far beyond the reach of space and time lies the City of Brass. A sea of flames surrounds it and the brass walls glow hot enough to blind any visitor who made it through the endless magma. This hellish region is home to powers so unimaginable that gods themselves fear to meet them. In a tower high above the city five genies met. Each one has enough power to shake the foundations of the world. Together all of creation was at threat. The mighty quailed at the outcome of the...

4 years ago
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The Royal Genies Chapter 05

At this moment, Harson was sat naked in the palace living room. He was having his cock sucked by a naked servant girl, while two more stroked his skin and fed him grapes. “This is the life, isn’t it, Lexia?” He asked. “Yes Master,” Lexia said, sitting watching him. “May I please be dismissed?” “Certainly not. I need you here in case I need something else. Well, something that these girls cannot give me. Because you’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you girls?” “Of course your highness,” said...

4 years ago
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The Royal Genies Chapter 03

Harson pulled away from his sister, and looked down on her. Large amounts of his cum remained on her skin, as the remnants of a good night’s work. Harson sat on the edge of the bed, and looked down at his erection. He concentrated, and he felt relief as it softened. His wish was working perfectly. Harson picked up Lexia’s lamp from Sofia’s bedside table, and rubbed it. Clouds of yellow smoke poured out, and Lexia formed on her knees, with her head bowed. “Oh good, you’re learning,” Harson...

3 years ago
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Games Genies Play Part 3 of 6

That which is sculpted in the Hall of Clay comes to life the next day. Most do not survive long, few artists design for life. The majority of those that live fall prey to each other. A few survive and may one day be seen in the world at large. In another hall, the Sands of Time fall to the floor and all of history litters the floor. Artists rearrange the sands to paint histories that never happened, which is why DaVinci's flying machine can be found over the Battle of Gettysburg. At...

1 year ago
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The Royal GeniesChapter 3

Harson woke up in the morning spooning Sofia, his erect cock and balls rubbing against her bottom cheeks. The prince opened his eyes, and memories came flooding back to him of the previous night's events. He'd released some sort of powerful being, a "genie", she'd called herself, who had sworn to fulfil his every desire. He'd lost his virginity to her, before taking the virginity of his young sister. Harson pulled away from his sister, and looked down on her. Large amounts of his cum...

3 years ago
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Leather and Oil Daughter Sharing at Poker Night

The Black, burly sixty-something-year-old biker was peering over his cards and eyeing my oldest daughter Theresa. The beautiful young girl was bringing out another round for the group of older men, and everyone at the table paused for a moment. The low-cut black top she was wearing exposed a great deal of the milky smooth skin of her tits. She was wearing the usual for poker night, a short black skirt and a tight, low-cut top, the milky white skin of her tits jiggling slightly as she bent...

2 years ago
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The Royal Genies Chapter 012

------------------------------- Many people believed that the human race was doomed to extinction. That in the not-too-distant future, we’d have wiped ourselves out. Far fewer ever dared to believe that humanity would live on, and that it would grow to be so much more than anyone ever thought possible. But it did. The human race went out to the stars, and it conquered. It established colonies on every planet in Earth’s solar system, before it went beyond. It formed alliances with alien...

2 years ago
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The Royal GeniesChapter 5

More than two weeks later, the war was not going well. The Devricane armies were forcing back the Farfallan armies, and the Queen was becoming worried. Sofia had asked Nyssha to help their armies succeed, but she found that Harson had had Lexia place a magical block on the armies. When she begged him to reconsider, he told her it was because he didn't want her interfering in the glories of war. She thought it was just because he enjoyed being cruel. At this moment, Harson was sat naked in...

3 years ago
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Pure Strip Poker 3

the theater, where we were suppose to meet the others. "I talked to Sharon today," Mary said as we walked along. "She is fine. You don't need to worry about her. She is already figuring out what to do for the next game, assuming, of course, that you don't chicken out. Sharon really has some interesting ideas for the next game." "I don't know if I like the sound of that," I said. "You know the old Chinese curse: `May you live in interesting times'. Maybe I should...

2 years ago
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Pure Strip Poker

Chapter 1 The Rules I was a PK (preacher's kid). If you are not a PK, you may have never though about what that means. As a PK in a small town, everybody knows your father. If you do anything, somebody will tell your father about it. This makes for a very restricted social life. You don't get invited to very many parties, and girls are reluctant to go out with you. When I was 10 or 12 years old things were pretty normal. Most of the kids in the neighborhood treated me as...

3 years ago
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Pure Strip Poker 4

My heart stopped, and then raced at a thousand beats a minute. Mary had just said we could use Kat's bedroom tonight. What did this mean? I tried to think. Mary went off to try to straighten things up after the evening festivities. What was I supposed to say? What was I supposed to do? Protection. That was it. Was Mary on the pill? I didn't think so. Charlene had said she was a virgin, so how many virgins were on the pill? I had no idea, but it didn't seem likely. So...

2 years ago
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Pure Strip Poker 5 Final

or fifth time, I decided to sleep on the floor. Those romantic pictures of couples sleeping in each other arms look good in the movies, but you can't really sleep that way. I thought about sleeping in Beth's bed, but wasn't sure what Mary would think about that so I dragged the blanket off Beth's bed and went to sleep on the floor next to Mary's bed. When I woke up Mary was standing next to me in a bathrobe. "Good morning sleepy head," Mary said with a...

2 years ago
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Poker By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Hungry In his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritz crackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into a lot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungry for when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer, "Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!" Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joined the poker group. My name...

4 years ago
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Poker Face

As Kristen stepped from the shower she took a towel from the hook on the wall. She used it to wring the excess moisture from her hair and then toweled what was left of the shower from her lean body. She wrapped the towel around her body and then tucked the free end under the edge of the towel to hold it in place. She walked into her bedroom, slid open the closet door and surveyed the clothes hanging in front of her. She pulled down a linen blouse. It was a short sleeved-lavender blouse with a...

2 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Femdom Poker Party

The Spanking Couples:  Femdom Spanking Poker PartyAfter their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion.  After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex.  For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties.  Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy ? even when forced to ?Clean-Up? partners of both sexes.  Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming...

3 years ago
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Chapter One - HungryIn his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritzcrackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into alot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungryfor when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer,"Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!"Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joinedthe poker group.My name is Ed Jensen. When this tale began, I was 31 and...

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Chapter One - HungryIn his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritzcrackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into alot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungryfor when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer,"Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!"Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joinedthe poker group.My name is Ed Jensen. When this tale began, I was 31 and...

2 years ago
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Poker Night

The property in Arlington, Virginia was initially built as a duplex. The double driveway led to two garages separated by stairs leading up to two front doors. Each side had a living room and kitchen. One floor up there were two bedrooms. The builder had owned the vacant lot for twenty years expecting to build a home there. But the lot backed up to a hill that didn’t adapt to a typical Arlington home.Thirty years ago a young lawyer named Malachi Bernstein purchased the duplex expecting to rent...

1 year ago
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Victor loved owning a casino in Vegas….he especially loved that he got to fuck just about every female employee he hired whenever the mood struck him. In Part 1, Victor interviewed two waitresses, getting a blowjob under his desk from one, while he interviewed the other in front of his desk. In Part 2, Victor checked on the kitchen staff and found time to fuck the sous-chef before the dinner rush started, and later got a massage with a happy ending from one of the masseuses he hired. In Part...

2 years ago
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Pure Strip Poker 2

Charlene, because I never gave it to her. I had thought about calling her to see if she wanted to go out to a movie or something, but I just didn't know how to ask a girl out. I always found some excuse for putting it off, and there were midterm exams to keep me occupied. "Hi Larry, this is Mary," she said. "How are you doing?" "OK, how about you?" I replied. "I am doing fine. I was calling to see if you were interested in another poker game?" As soon as I...

3 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Femdom Spanking Poker Party

After their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion. After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex. For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties. Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy — even when forced to "Clean-Up" partners of both sexes. Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming addicted to the taste of male and female cum juice...

3 years ago
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Poker Dads Fuck Me

This is a story that was sent to me by one of my younger members/fans. With his permission I'm going to share it with you guys. If you like it, I'll have him share more details of his new Poker Mates.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The COVID shut down really stuffed up my life. I'm just twenty years old, I lost of my job, I moved back with my parents.I'm not out to my parents, so for a few months there I had no social life, no sex life...

4 years ago
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Poker Dads Fuck Me

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The COVID shut down really stuffed up my life. I'm just twenty years old, I lost of my job, I moved back with my parents. I'm not out to my parents, so for a few months there I had no social life, no sex life and no money. Pretty embarrassing having to go to your Dad cap in hand asking for money to fill up the car with petrol. Don't get me started how sexually frustrated I was. Before COVID hit, I...

1 year ago
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Poker Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story and it my not be sold. It may be downloaded or shared at free to read sites only. Poker, I love to play the game. The wager or bet, win or lose, is what makes it so very nice, not that the results of a bad bet can be discounted, I tend to forget my losses and choose to remember only the wins. Not this time, however, to tell you of the result before laying the background, would be doing you the reader of this narrative a disservice. Every...

4 years ago
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The poker game surprise

I had been invited by Jack to play poker with him and some friends on Friday night. Jack invited two other guys and I from work to play at his house. He told us to be at his house at 6:00pm and bring money. He said he would have a special treat for us. I wondered what he had in mind but I was up for what ever it was. I arrived at his house just a little before 6pm and rang the doorbell. Jack opened the door, “Hi Bruce, come on in” he said as he stepped back and motioned for me to come...

2 years ago
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The Poke Her Poker Game

Poke Her (Poker Game) PartyI decided I needed to earn some extra cash for some unexpected expenses. I was talking to my friend about this issue. She knew everything about me and my openness with sex. I decided I might try being the " party favor " at a secret sexual party for men. That way I could enjoy all the sex I wanted and earn some money at the same time. I told her how I wanted to earn the money and she had a suggestion for me.She agreed that is was a good and fun way to earn some...

1 year ago
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The Royal Genies Chapter 02

“What do you think these things are?” Asked one of the workers, holding up what was, unbeknownst to him, the complete boxset of the most popular TV series ever to come out of the Martian Colonies. “I don’t know, and I don’t want to know,” said another, holding up a powerless laser sword. “I still think these artefacts should have been returned to the Gods, rather than being kept here.” “King Reylos said that they were safe to keep here, and the Queen trusts the judgement of her husband’s...

2 years ago
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Strip Poker 2000

away. He told me to come over and watch a couple of vids and get pissed. We started watching a vid and pretty soon got pissed on his parents Vodka. As we got a more drunk, we started to get a little rowdy and soon got on to the subject of girls at school and being 15, we were both getting horny as hell. Dylan brought up how he used to play strip poker with other kids when he was younger, and how much fun he always had. The rules were easy: We both start with the same amount of clothes,...

4 years ago
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I used my wife as a poker chip and lost

Larry, who I worked with had been on me for the last month about doing a poker game at my place. I finally agreed to hold it at my place after thinking about it over several days. I hadn’t played in a poker game in many years. Larry had lined up myself plus him and a buddy of his. His buddy also brought along a younger gentleman named Rob with him so we now had had a table of four playing. I didn’t know this other younger gentleman, but he was only in his 20’s and had a very cocky attitude. ...

3 years ago
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Strip Poker For Fun 8211 Part II

It happened some years ago. I was in college and I had a friend named Rina. On one evening I walked up to the door of the house and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps and then the door opened revealing Rina smiling. I smiled back at the lovely girl and entered the front hall. “How long did it take you to walk?” she asked. Only about 15 minutes, but boy, it’s still pretty cold for almost April.” “Did you bring it with you?” I passed her the brown paper bag and she took its contents, a bottle...

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Danny’s friends always paid me a lot of attention during these poker nights at our house. And why not? I’m a pretty brunette with a constant smile and great figure – about 5’5”, with a slim waist and 36D rack that seemed to get a lot of looks, and - frankly - I loved showing it off. I enjoyed all the attention I got from Danny and his friends, and even started dressing a little more risqué for these game nights….usually a mini-skirt or short shorts, with a tank top or thin cotton shirt....

2 years ago
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The Poker Game

It was a Friday night in late October and Melanie and I were preparing snacks for that night's poker game. Jake and I had been playing poker regularly with three of our closest buddies since we were all in college together. We were all married now, but we would still meet once or twice a month on a Friday or Saturday night to play cards and drink beer while catching up and ragging on each other. For some reason, our house had become the regular venue, probably simply because Mel and I had been...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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The Poker Game

The Poker Game By: Cissykay Chapter 1 It was Friday morning, and I was looking forward to the long holiday weekend. Four days of fun with the guys and some serious games with my wife. Roxann was very much into our sex and bondage games. We usually played when I had come home from a few drinks with the guys. We would tell each other about how our wives pissed us off, and how we would always show how we were the boss. I knew most of...

1 year ago
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Poker Night Part 1

It was another Friday night. My roommate was having another poker game with his buddies and I wasn't allowed to join in. I spent so much time preparing snacks for everybody, but when I was all done, my roommate Craig told me to go in my room while his friends came over for a few hours. I dunno why he wouldn't let me play, I was actually quite good at poker. I sobbed and went into my room, not even allowed to take a single bite of the delicious snacks I slaved over. I moved in with Craig a year...

3 years ago
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Poker Buddy

Poker Buddy Peggy Sue and I had been playing cards with Steve and Marcy every Friday for a few months now. Playing poker was good clean fun and we played for pennies and nickels so no one lost very much money. In fact Steve was usually the big winner with just a little over a dollar every time. Playing cards at home was cheaper than going out to a movie and a lot more fun too. None of us drank so bars were out of the question. Plus we took turns hosting the poker game and supplying...

4 years ago
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Poker Night

Jack had a beautiful daughter. She was also very sexy and he had raised her to be very obedient. She was his sex toy and he loved using her at his poker parties on Friday nights. Five of his horny nasty friends came over to play poker and with he and Jan. Tonight Jack got her ready. He first fucked her then showered her and douched her and shaved her pussy. Then he finger fucked her and sucked her nice big tits while he had her in the shower. He then put her on her knees and had her suck his...

2 years ago
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Daddys poker night

This is just a fantasy, I don’t condone sex with minors Daddy’s Poker night My name’s Bill Krants. I am writing this because I don't know what else to do. Sombody needs to know what happened that night and I guess I am the only one willing to tell. It began innocently enough. Doug Seers has a regular Friday night poker game at his house. The only thing different about this poker night was that Martha had informed Doug on Monday morning of this week that she wanted a divorce....

2 years ago
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Friends from around the pool at an exclusive Baja resort get a little carried away with a strip poker in their suite

Through all the heat and the humidity around the pool, we had been swimming and sunning the entire day. At Palmilla, the pool attendants doubled as waiters and we’d had plenty of drinks since late morning. All day there were different people occupying the loungers around us and we had amusing and friendly conversations. There were mostly couples but some single guys and gals mixed-in during the day. We awoke from a quiet nap in the late afternoon to get ready for dinner. The outdoor...

3 years ago
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Poker with daddy

I was waiting at the kitchen table for Zoey's boyfriend to show up. Tonight was supposed to be "the mysterious meeting." They had something to tell me. Of course, the little bastard was ten minutes late now."He'll be here any minute," Zoey said, holding up her cell phone. "He said he's on his way.""You could just tell me what Ben wants to talk to me about, and I'll act surprised when he brings it up later.""No, Daddy," Zoey said. "This is important. We need to have this discussion together."I...

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Lets Play Strip Slave Poker

Let’s Play Strip Slave PokerMy best friend, Lisa, had invited me over for a pool party on a Sunday afternoon in late August, during the summer between my junior and senior years at college. This was going to be the last party of the summer, before everyone went back to school. Because it was a Sunday, we would all have to get up and work the next day, so everyone would leave by midnight. Lisa said we would be playing Strip Slave Poker and other games, with a total of 4 guys and 4 girls...

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Roxy Joins the Poker Party Club

There were four of us that loved to get together to play poker and drink beer every Friday night. We had done this for years, without interruption. We were golfing buddies, and all were happily married goofballs.One night, as we were, deep into our ninth or tenth hand of poker, with the beer and the whiskey flowing, one of the group members asked the question that all of us had probably thought to ask at one point or another, but none of us had ever dared to ask.“So, what’s the kinkiest sex...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Four of a Kind 8211 A strip poker story

Five cards stared up at me while the implications of their configuration suffused my being. Four queens, the heart suit carefully arranged on the left, followed by her sisters, each card a mirror image of the previous except for the suit. The last card, the ace of spades, broke the pattern, but served to complete the hand in mocking simplicity. I never played much poker, wasn’t the gambling type, but I knew enough that this hand, the one I held between my trembling fingers, was rare. I...

1 year ago
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Incest with strip poker almost

Note : This story is completely fictional! In my story "How I fucked my sister" I said that my sister, Betty, might get married. She hasn`t yet because her man friend has been sent by his firm to the Middle East to work there for a several months. Now, to resume............ My neighbours, Stan and his wife, Irene, sometimes invite me to their place for drinks and I invite them to my house. One day they also invited Betty and me for gin and tonics. After a few glasses Stan asked us if we played...

3 years ago
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GeniesChapter 2

Sunday morning I was lying in bed in that sort of pre-waking state, with, y'know sort of silly things, disjointed dream bits running through my brain, and then, influenced I suppose by the events of yesterday, an old joke about a bloke who finds a genie entered into my dreaming state. The genie, big hairy one in a turban, probably with no legs where he's come out of the lamp, grants him one wish. The bloke thinks about it. 'Well, I'd like to go to America, ' he says, 'but I'm scared...

3 years ago
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House Slut 19 Poker Night

Tegan and Brandon parted ways briefly to clean up and get dressed before reconvening in the kitchen to sit and have some tea. The conversation didn’t really address their earlier session, but they talked easily about nothing in particular. Brandon’s thoughts seems preoccupied by Yeung, but he didn’t seem concerned about their affair crossing any lines so much as he wondered how he’d actually go about dating someone. To Tegan Brandon seemed positively smitten with the girl and she felt happy...

1 year ago
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Poker night with Caine and his friends

Soon after realizing I was pregnant, I quickly faded out of my usual social routines. I didn’t speak to Caine again for about a year after the incident at the hostel. I was in shock, I think, and it caused me to push Caine out of my life. It really hurt his feelings and he wouldn’t talk to me for a long time after that, but I didn’t give up. I could never stop thinking about what had happened between us and I knew that we weren’t done yet. I don’t want to sound creepy, but since Caine...

2 years ago
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Teenage Poker Winnings

Teenage Poker Winnings With all of the poker available on television, in the movies, and on the Internet it wasn’t long before I started a weekly poker game. I became pretty popular with the other guys. You see my parents are never home on a Friday night and I have the whole house to myself. That’s because my sister is usually out getting screwed. For a fifteen-year-old I was considered one of the ‘in crowd’ at school. I had quite a list of kids that wanted to come to my poker game...

2 years ago
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Wife plays Strip Poker Part 1

My wife Diane and I started dating just a few months prior to her 21st birthday. We worked together and prior to dating as a couple, we had hooked up on several occasions. The way it would go down was that after work, we’d go to the bar across the street with maybe a few coworkers and after everyone else left, we’d sneak back to the empty office. Once there, we would proceed to undress each other and screw in every room, in every cubicle and on every desk we could find. At 5’7” 120lbs with C...

1 year ago
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poker her night

My good friend Bobcat the Poker Brat. Wanted me to share his story, so here it is!Poke her night.Five years ago, my friend Bryan and I met two lovely ladies at the bar on a Friday night, they were very keen on us, and share our passion for poker. We played for small change at the bar, where Bryan won the pot. The two women, one blonde and the other brunette, the blonde is called Sharon and the brunette Lynda. They were both thirty-two. Sharon had deep green eyes that wrinkled when she...

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