The Royal Genies - Chapter 06 free porn video

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Of course, one of the first things Harson did was launch a counter-attack on Devrican. Though it was less about revenge and more about Harson wanting to conquer the country for Janosia. Naturally Lexia’s magic played a large part in the war, and within a month, Devrican was the first territory to be conquered as part of the new Janosian Empire. By the time we re-join the story, Harson’s armies have already begun their invasion of three other countries, with Janosia having tripled in size thanks to their military efforts.


Far across the universe, another person was having fun with servant girls. Specifically, fucking one of them doggy style while he 69ed the other one. He came powerfully into them both, while the girls themselves experienced the best orgasms of their lives. Well, best since the last time this guy fucked them.

The two girls were dismissed, and he laid back and shut his eyes, relaxing in the post-orgasmic glow as he returned to a single body. He loved sex, and he was glad his Master allowed him to have as much of it as he wanted, with whomever he wanted. Truth be told though, he always preferred doing it with members of his own species. He’d particularly enjoyed that time he and Alexis had done it on top of La Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, but there’d been plenty of other wonderful encounters. Joining the mile-high club with Amia and Dorothea without the aid of a plane. Fucking Lumiosa during the coronation of Britain’s King George VII. That threesome he’d had with Sarosa and Afericus in Thailand.

“Ahem, are you done daydreaming?” The genie opened his eyes, and found that he was laid in his Master’s office, on the sofa.
“Certainly, Master,” he said, sitting up. “Need something?”
“We have received a distress call from a remote, uncivilised planet,” the Master replied.
“One of ours?”
“Yes, but the date signature on it is more than 70 years ago. And it bears the signature of the Imperial Postal Service.”
“Maybe the ship which went missing all those years ago?”
“Very possibly. The planet is quite far away, hence the time it took the signal to reach us. Outside any of the known Empires.”
“What does it say?”

“Ship crashed on primitive world. Rest of crew dead. Natives friendly, and providing shelter. Requesting collection ASAP.”
“So what are you going to do? He’s almost certainly dead now.”
“Well it seems to me we have a habitable world that none of the Empires have yet colonised.”
“I take it you wish to change that?”
“Well, I’m sure the savages that live there wouldn’t object to a touch of civilisation.”
“And savages are definitely in my top 3 groups of people to fuck. Maybe top 5.”
“I trust I can count on your magic to help my armies out?”
“As always, Master.”


Sofia fell backwards onto her bed, as she made out passionately with Lexia, the two of them running their hands all over each-other’s skin.
“Mmmm, you taste gooooood, your highness,” Lexia moaned.
“Please, call me Sofia…”
“Oh get a room you too,” said Nyssha, who’d followed them in.
“Do not feel any obligation to remAIN!” Sofia squealed as Lexia squeezed her bottom.
“Oh no, I’m gonna stay here. In fact…” Nyssha said, before teleporting underneath Sofia. “I might join in.”

The three of them rolled around on the bed, kissing and stroking whatever flesh they could all get hold of. Eventually Lexia pinned Sofia down.
“Now now your highness, we need you to sit still for your treatment.”
“Mistress, do I have permission to work a little bit of magic on you?”
“Mmmm, certainly,” Sofia grinned. Nyssha snapped her fingers, and Sofia felt her breasts tingle intensely. Lexia and Nyssha immediately went for her, and began sucking and licking on her nipples. Sofia moaned, feeling their tongues slide lustfully over her overly sensitive nipples, which had been made so by a wish Sofia had made weeks ago. She moaned loudly, and yet in a regal way which Sofia’s royal upbringing caused.

As her breasts were orally assaulted however, she felt another interesting sensation. It felt as though she was being…drained. Like a great pressure was being lifted. It was more than just sucking. They were suckling her.

So this is what breastfeeding feels like, Sofia thought. It was different than she’d expected, although admittedly she’d had no idea what to expect. It was a rather pleasurable experience, having these two magical beings suck her boobs dry, hanging onto her like a bunch of particularly clingy newborns.

It was all she could do to get over her mother’s death. A week of crying and praying for the Gods to please bring her back had done nothing to alleviate her sadness, so all she could do was fuck to try and take her mind off of it. If only she’d known her mother’s heart was in such poor condition, she thought. She could have saved her. If only she’d known…

Sofia felt an intense pressure building up in her breasts, and then an explosion. Her boobs were orgasming! Not just that, but they seemed to be...ejaculating? Sofia’s boobs were ejaculating large squirts of milk into the genies’ mouths! It was a rather strange experience for her, though she imagined this must be what it felt like for a man to cum. When it was over, the genies both kissed her, and then each-other.
“Like that, your highness?” Lexia asked, and Sofia just nodded contently, her eyes shut from exhaustion. “Good. Well then Nyssha, I’d say it’s time for dessert, wouldn’t you?”
“Desser-WOAH!” Sofia cried out, feeling her pussy suddenly be attacked by Lexia and Nyssha’s tongues. “Oh…Oh my word…”

Sofia spread her legs wide, allowing the genies unrestricted access to her vagina. He felt them penetrate her, both of their tongues sliding between her folds, and sliding deep inside her most intimate area. In and out, in and out, in and out…with a little bit of shaking it all about when they were really deep inside her. While Nyssha continued tongue fucking her, Lexia slid out, and instead focused all her efforts on stimulating her clitoris.

Sofia screamed. A climax ripped through her with a breath-taking intensity. Lexia and Nyssha didn’t cease their ministrations at any stage, Sofia’s genitals contracting and convulsing around their millennia-old tongues. Sofia couldn’t believe how good it felt, better than any climax she’d ever experienced in her life. But she supposed pleasure had no limits when one such as a genie was administering it.

Sofia barely got a chance to recover from her climax before she felt herself be penetrated by a large penis. She opened her eyes, and saw Nyssha on top of her, fucking her with her ghost penis as she had before, while Lexia continued licking her. Her pussy was on fire, having not quite recovered from a lifetime of celibacy, despite a few weeks of frequent, mind-numbingly intense sexual stimulation.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhhhh my Gooodneessssss…” Sofia moaned. She was experiencing an orgasm every few seconds, her mind, body and soul barely able to comprehend such incredible pleasure.
“Oh yeah…you like that Mistress?” Nyssha asked, and Sofia moaned an affirmative. “Then have some more!”

Sofia screamed as she felt her pleasure grow a million times more intense, Nyssha bombarding her body with magical pleasure. Eventually Nyssha looked down, and realised that Sofia had passed out from sexual ecstasy. Nyssha and Lexia pulled away, and Lexia pulled the duvet over her.
“Well that was fun,” Lexia smiled.
“I guess,” Nyssha said. “Now I’m gonna go watch some DVDs.”
“Oh…don’t you wanna do some stuff with me?”
“Nope, I fulfilled my Mistress’ desires, that’s my work complete.”
“But don’t you wanna-”
“Not really.”

Lexia frowned a little, as she watched Nyssha return to her lamp.


“Your majesty, we are approaching the planet.”
“Thank you captain,” said the Emperor. He sipped his drink, as the crew of his flagship ran around, the ship coming out of hyperspace. On the screen in front of them, he saw his prize. He didn’t know what the locals called this place, but that wasn’t really important. He figured he might call it Kramia XI. Or Kramona V. Or Kramelius XII. Either way, it would be his before long.

The Emperor picked up his lamp, and rubbed it. Clouds of Green smoke poured out, forming his genie.
“Need something, Master?”
“We’re here, Marcio. I wish to make my broadcast now.”


Down on the planet below, people were working hard in Janosia’s capital city to erect a statue of their beloved ruler, King Harson IV. When finished, the statue would depict a very naked (Aside from his crown) and very well-endowed Harson, with an equally well-endowed naked girl on each arm, worshipping him. The statue would take up the central plaza of the capital city, where everyone could marvel at it.

It was a bright and sunny day, until the people heard the crash of thunder, and the flash of lightning. Storm clouds gathered, and rain poured down. A giant figure then faded into existence in the sky, wearing glorious robes.
“It is Mathulevius!” Someone shouted. “Judgement Day is at hand!” The crowds got on their hands and knees, bowing their heads to the figure they assumed was their God, waiting for Sorreliftia to appear and judge them.
“Hello there everyone!” Said the figure. “I am Emperor Kramus XII, ruler of the planet Earth, and her Empire. An Empire which, as of today, includes all of you. Now there’s no need to worry. I think you’ll find I’m a very fair and kind ruler. And I promise that those of you who submit to my power will be spared. But I also promise a slow and agonising retribution for those who dare to resist me. So why don’t you all do the sensible thing and obey me and my soldiers?”

There was another flash of lightning, and thousands of ships began to descend on the planet. Harson looked out from the palace, angry.
“LEXIA!” He shouted.
“Yes Master?” Lexia asked, rushing in.
“Get rid of these sky demons! NOW!”
“Yes Master!”

Lexia thrust her hands into the sky, firing beams of energy at the descending ships. No effect. She fired again, but still no effect.
“Why is it not working!?” Harson shouted.
“Master, it seems that these ships are being protected by another genie’s magic,” Lexia replied.
“SOFIA!” Harson shouted. “I’ve told her not to interfere!” Harson started storming off, before Lexia stopped him.
“Master, what about the invaders?”
“Send the army! Send everyone! I want them to crush them!”

Harson stormed to Sofia’s bedchambers, where she found her on her knees, looking out the window and praying.
“Sofia, what the fuck have you done!?” Harson shouted at her.
“What are you talking about?” She asked.
“You brought these invaders here! You gave them immunity to my power!”
“I have done no such thing! I only wish to protect our people!”
“Then why are they immune!?”


When the Imperial soldiers had landed, they’d expected to be greeted by hordes of cowering natives, with perhaps the occasional fanatic whom they could capture and take to the Emperor for torture. They had certainly not been expecting armies armed with all the latest in military weaponry. Fighter jets, tanks, and all the rest of the things 42rd soldiers were expected to fight with.

The problem was of course that all of the soldiers were immortal. Emperor Kramus had given his soldiers complete immunity from harm, and instant healing/revival even if they were to come to harm. The thing is though, that’s what Lexia had given Janosia’s soldiers.

All across Farfalla, Harson’s soldiers fought to defend the planet from these invaders. Towns and cities were protected by magical barriers, but out in the wilderness, and in the skies, an unending battle raged. The people on the planet didn’t know what was going on, assuming that the Gods were fighting amongst themselves. Sofia meanwhile spent her days praying for the Gods to protect them, and to bring this conflict to an end. Because even with Nyssha and Lexia’s power, they could not drive off the power of this being’s genie.

4 days into the conflict, and Emperor Kramus was equally frustrated. He’d not been expecting resistance of this kind. How did this primitive world even have a genie on it? He’d been assured that they had only ever been born on Earth, and he was certain no-one could have brought one here. He decided it was time to answer. Down on the planet, the people saw the image of the Emperor once again appear before them.
“Hello again people,” he said. “My my, you people are being very resistant to my attempts to take you over. Most planets are down on their knees worshipping me by now. But then, I suppose that’s because they didn’t have the help you have. So I’d like to invite the genie and its Master to come and see me on my flagship. That’s JUST the genie and its Master. I’ll lower the barriers for you. Just teleport up.”

“Harson, are we going to go?” Sofia asked her brother.
“What do you mean WE? He was inviting ME, not YOU,” Harson replied.
“He invited the one with a genie. I make that to be both of us.”
“She has a point, Master,” Lexia said.
“I didn’t ask for your opinion, did I?” Harson said. “I am your King, and I forbid you to follow me.”
“Well unfortunately, you cannot control me, and I am going,” Sofia said. “Nyssha, I wish to go to see this alien being.”
“Sure, it’s not like I had plans today or anything,” Nyssha said. She snapped her fingers, and they both vanished.
“Lexia! I want to follow them! NOW!”
“Yes Master.”

The next thing the four of them knew, they were stood in a lavish dining room. The large table was covered in wonderful-looking food, and set for three.
“Thank God, I’m starving,” Nyssha exclaimed, before setting to work on the food.
“Well, this is certainly a surprise.” The 3 of them, with Nyssha joining in between bites, looked up and saw the Emperor, standing in his lavish robes, with a guy in plain green clothes next to him. “I believe I said just the genie and its Master.”
“Master, these people are both…Lexia!” Marcio said, before recognising her.
“Marcio!” Lexia smiled. “I’ve not seen you in years!” The two genies embraced, hugging each-other tightly.
“Nope, not since that business in Argentina,” Marcio said. He squeezed her ass, causing her to yelp and giggle. “What are you doing on this backwater planet?”
“Oh you know, granting wishes, giving blowjobs, the usual.”

“Ahem,” said the Emperor. “I take it you two already know each-other then?”
“Um, yes Master,” Marcio said. “We’ve known each-other since the 20th century, when our Masters were associates.”
“I demand to know who you are, and I demand an apology for your invasion of my dominion,” said Harson firmly.
“Oh? And who are you to demand anything of me?”
“I am Harson, King of Farfalla and Emperor of her dominions, fourth of that name,” he said proudly.
“Really now? Well I am Kramus, Emperor of Earth and her dominions, twelfth of that name. And you shall get no apology from me.”
“Forgive him, your majesty,” Sofia said, bowing her head. “My brother has always had a right high opinion of himself.”
“Brother? Oh lovely, a princess,” Marcio said, inching up to her. “I’ve not fucked a Princess in years.”
“Marcio, not now,” Kramus said. “Prepare the table, we have more guests than expected.”
“Your wish is my command, Master,” Marcio said, a tad disappointed.

Marcio snapped his fingers, and the table grew longer, two more places being set at it. Kramus sat down, with Marcio next to him, Nyssha on the other side.
“Please, sit,” he said. Sofia did so politely, while Harson sat down and put his feet up on Lexia’s legs. “And of course, feel free to eat.” Sofia looked at the food hesitantly. “Please, unless you have been foolish enough to not wish for magical protection, nothing I could give you would harm you. So please, enjoy.”

Lexia and Sofia took some of the food politely, with Nyssha still stuffing her face, while Harson just continued glaring at Kramus.
“Now then, I would be very interested in knowing how your two genies came to be on your planet,” Kramus said.
“It is rather simple, your majesty,” Sofia said.
“Please, call me Kramus,” the Emperor said, trying to seem friendly. “And what might your name be?”
“Sofia,” she smiled. “As I was saying, it is rather simple. Many years ago, our grandfather, King Reylos, fell from the sky in a shooting star, and brought us many artifacts from the heavens. Lexia and Nyssha were among them.”
“Interesting. Tell me, this grandfather of yours, was he wearing a red uniform with an emblem rather like this?” Kramus asked, the Imperial Postal Emblem appearing as a hologram in front of them.
“Yes!” Sofia smiled. “That is the holy emblem that was present on his star as well!”
“I thought so. Of course, you must realise that this makes Lexia and Nyssha my property?” Kramus said.
“Oh? And how have you come to that conclusion?” Harson asked.
“Genies were all born on the Earth. As the Earth’s Emperor, they therefore belong to me.”
“That’s not true!” Nyssha said, her mouth full of food. “As every genie knows, we’re the property of our Masters.”

“Oh I disagree,” Kramus said. “I own the Earth and her colonies. I own everyone and everything in them, I just allow people to borrow them.”
“Well I am certainly no subject of yours,” Harson said.
“Well that’s the thing, isn’t it? Because you see, I have rather claimed this planet as my own.”
“Typical human,” Nyssha said. “Finding a group of people less advanced than yourselves and trying to steal their land. Although Harson really shouldn’t complain. He’s the one in the middle of a land lust.”
“I am not!”
“I’m not doing anything you’re not doing,” said Kramus. “The only difference is that this time, both sides have magical assistance. So we have a stalemate. I cannot defeat you, and you cannot defeat me.”

“Emperor Kramus, I am sure that we can resolve this conflict peacefully,” Sofia said.
“Well that’s the thing, isn’t it? Neither of us wants to. Neither will rest until the other is dead. And that isn’t going to happen for a long, long time.”
“So what do you propose?”
“Perhaps we could work together? Perhaps, if you let me take over your planet, I would allow you to remain the local ruler? Subject to my control, of course.”
“I fail to see what I could have to gain,” Harson said.
“You’d be part of something much greater. You’d suddenly have links to thousands of planets across 12 galaxies. Imagine how that would feel.”
“You know what I enjoy the feeling of?” Harson said. “Ruling over half a planet, soon to be the entire thing, and cumming inside a thousand peasant girls a day.”
“I am in possession of a harem full of literally billions of the most beautiful girls from across my Empire, of every alien species man has ever desired. You could cum inside every single one of them, if you accept my offer.”
“Master, I advise you to accept,” Lexia said. “Unending war is not something which you would enjoy.”
“I agree with Lexia, Harson,” Sofia said. “Please accept Emperor Kramus’ kind offer.”

“You know what I think?” Harson said. “I think that you, Sofia, are merely my younger sister. And you, Lexia, are merely my slave. I am King of Farfalla, soon to be Emperor of the whole of Janosia. I refuse to bow to this man from the stars.”
“Then you are a fool,” Kramus scowled. “While you continue to resist me, your planet shall never no peace.”
“That’s nice,” Harson smiled. “I grow tired of this. Lexia, take me home. I wish to make love to you.”

Lexia snapped her fingers, and she and Harson vanished.
“I am so sorry for my brother’s arrogance,” Sofia said.
“Not at all. I can tell you are a sensible girl. You would have accepted my offer.”
“I desire only peace for my people.”
“Plus all that sex you wished for,” Nyssha said. “You know, for a sheltered princess, that girl’s seriously perverted when she wants to be.”
“Now that is something I’d like to see,” Marcio grinned.
“Marcio, could you leave us please?” Kramus said. “I would like to spend some time alone with the Princess. If that is okay with you, Sofia?”
“I should really be getting back,” she said. “My brother is already mad at me.”
“You are a Mistress, and as such, answer to no-one. You need not obey him.”
“I suppose you are right. Nyssha, could you leave Kramus and I please?”
“But I’m still eating!” Nyssha said with her mouth full.
“You may take as much with you as you desire,” Kramus said. “Now please, obey your Mistress.”

Nyssha sighed, and disappeared into her lamp with the contents of the table, Marcio also disappearing into his own lamp.
“Now then, I shall show you around my ship,” Kramus said. He offered his hand to Sofia, who stood up, and followed him. As they walked the corridors of the ship, Sofia looked around in amazement as she saw men, women, and creatures of unidentifiable gender, who all came from so many different species that Sofia did not recognise. And every single one of them bowed to Kramus as he walked.
“Notice the respect they give me,” Kramus said. “I demand it of all my subjects. I take it you receive similar treatment on your planet?”
“Similar, yes.”
“The respect is natural. With Marcio and Nyssha, the two of us are above all of them.”
“I would not quite have put it like that…”
“No, I suspect you wouldn’t.”

Kramus opened a door, which led into what appeared to be a small capsule. The two of them walked inside.
“What is this?” Sofia asked.
“You’ll see. Activate!” There was a blinding light, and a second later, Sofia could see that they were elsewhere. She looked around, and saw things she did not recognise, floating in the middle of a sea of shining lights.
“Like that you see?” Sofia turned around and saw Kramus, floating in the middle of nothing.
“You are…without clothes…” Sofia said, her life-long prudishness returning to her.
“As are you.” Sofia looked down at herself, and gasped, and realised that she two was naked.
“Don’t worry, you are quite safe. We are inside an invisible bubble, providing us with heat and air.”
“Where are we?”
“You mean you don’t know?”

Sofia shook her head.
“Well those things over there are my fleet,” Kramus explained, pointing to them. “And that place beyond it is your world.”
“My world?”
“Yes. That is Janosia.”
“But it is a sphere?”
“Your world is rather primitive, isn’t it?”
“Certainly not. We live in large cities, and have all the latest amenities.”

“That’s not what I meant…I take it this is your first time seeing your world like this?” Sofia nodded. “And what do you think to it?”
“It is beautiful. To think that the Gods decided to bless us with such beauty…”
“Gods? Oh dear…”
“Oh, I meant…the beauty down there is nothing compared to the beauty up here.” Kramus floated over to Sofia, and wrapped his arms around her, stroking her stomach lovingly.
“You are very sweet…” Sofia said, moaning quietly as he caressed her skin.
“Such beauty deserves equal pleasure…” Kramus said seductively. He moved his hands down to Sofia’s vagina, and stroked her lips, causing her moaning to intensify. “Let me show you how we celebrate beauty on my planet…”

Kramus bent Sofia over, and lifted and spread her legs apart, an easy task in zero gravity. Kramus slid his cock into Sofia’s pussy, causing the two of them to moan. He began thrusting, fucking the alien princess in the wheelbarrow position.
“Oh yes…Oh my goodness…” Sofia moaned. It was an interesting experience, being fucked in zero gravity while she gazed on at her world. Kramus’ penis felt strange, as well. Somewhat…ribbed, for her pleasure, she assumed. It was certainly the most enjoyable penis she had had the pleasure of sampling during these past few weeks.

Kramus’ equipment and skill meant that Sofia didn’t last long, and neither did he. The two of them climaxed together, Sofia crying out to the Gods as Kramus filled her up with an almighty groan. Before they’d even finished cumming, Kramus grabbed Sofia by the ass, and flipped her over. She wrapped her legs around his hips, and she bobbed up and down on his cock, the two of them working themselves to another orgasm before their genitals had fully recovered from their first ones.

Kramus squeezed Sofia’s ass hard, and made out with her passionately, as the two of them were driven to orgasm after orgasm. When they were finally done, Kramus held Sofia in his arms, the two of them kissing and cuddling one-another. As Kramus looked down at the princess in his arms, he almost regretted what he was about to do. Almost.
“Goodbye, Sofia,” he said. As soon as he did, Kramus disappeared.
“Kramus?” Sofia asked, looking around for him. “Kramus!?”

Meanwhile, Kramus had appeared, fully dressed, back in the teleport chamber.
“So sorry about this Sofia,” Kramus said. “You were a sweet girl, but I have to send a message. Deactivate!”

Back outside, Sofia felt the air around her dissipate, along with the warmth. All of a sudden, she was floating naked in a vacuum.
“Kramus!” She shouted desperately, but no sound was heard. “Kramus! Nyssha! Harson! Anyone, please help me!” Sofia felt the intense cold on her body, and her lungs begging for oxygen, and realised that this was the end for her.


Author's message: Sorry about the long wait again. University re-started this week so I've been very busy with that.

The story is reaching its climax. The final chapter will be Chapter 8. I know it's shorter than my previous stories, but I feel any longer would just stretch the plot unnecessarily, and it lets me go back to what I really want to write.

As for what is going to happen, I'll let you speculate in the comments. Farewell for now!


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The Royal GeniesChapter 2

Tonight, there was to be a party at the royal palace. On the anniversary of his death, the artefacts that had been recovered from King Reylos' fallen star were to be put on display for nobility and visiting dignitaries to see. Everything had been packed away, so now the palace's staff were working to get everything out and on display, but away from prying hands. "What do you think these things are?" Asked one of the workers, holding up what was, unbeknownst to him, the complete boxset of...

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Games Genies Play Part 6 of 6

Outside the Universe, unbound by physical laws, sits the City of Brass. An empty room waits deep in the city, and when a room in the city is empty, it is truly empty. Not only is there nothing on the walls, there are no walls. The room does not exist when it is empty, it is nothing but empty space. Even empty space is full compared to this. And then it is not empty. Shag carpeting covers the floor and goes right to walls decorated with chrome and neon. Curving sofas give plenty of...

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Genies Just Wanna Have Fun

Genies Just Wanna Have Fun By: Sue Kidder As in all the stories, Jim was startled when the lamp erupted after he rubbed it. The dense smoke coalesced into a scantily clad woman who looked decidedly Arabic. "Greetings, Master," she said. "I am the genie of the lamp. You have three wishes. How may I serve you?" "Wow! Why only three wishes?" Jim asked. "Do you wish to know the answer to that question, Master?" the genie asked. Jim quickly realized that he could waste...

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Games Genies Play Part 4 of 6

From the tiniest seeds grow the greatest of wonders. When the Choir Invisible played the music that created all that is, was, and ever will be, a single singer was late with a single note. That one misplaced note left a void in Creation, a piece that was left unmade. From that void have sprung dragons, titans, and genies. Though they have caused much chaos, the wonders and marvels that they leave in their wake have created a vivid world of imagination that lives beside the world...

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Games Genies Play Part 5 of 6

Leprechauns hide their gold at the end of the rainbow. The Vikings thought it was a bridge to Asgard. To Christians and Jews it is a covenant written in the sky. Modern men think it is light refracted through water droplets suspended in the sky. None of them are right. It is not the ends of the rainbow that matter but the thing itself. It is not a sign or a promise or a reflection. The rainbow is the intrusion of an otherworldly realm into our own. Light scatters in terror at...

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Games Genies Play Part 1 of 6

In the unreachable void, beyond the limits of space and time, lies the Unbuilt City, which exists without ever having been made. Unconfined by the cramped boundaries of infinity, eternal towers rise beside crystal lakes. A galaxy of stars could not power one of those towers, yet their lights blaze with unimaginable fury. The unseen residents know fear. Beings far mightier than even their impossible city can bear move among them. Five genies, each one capable of making and razing a...

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Games Genies Play Part 2 of 6

Far beyond the reach of space and time lies the City of Brass. A sea of flames surrounds it and the brass walls glow hot enough to blind any visitor who made it through the endless magma. This hellish region is home to powers so unimaginable that gods themselves fear to meet them. In a tower high above the city five genies met. Each one has enough power to shake the foundations of the world. Together all of creation was at threat. The mighty quailed at the outcome of the...

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The Royal GeniesChapter 8

The next morning, Sofia woke up slowly. She sat up in bed, and stretched, as she always did in the morning. She opened her eyes, and looked around her bedroom, still half asleep. And then it hit her. She was home. Sofia's eyes shot open, as she remembered everything that had happened. Meeting Kramus. Fucking Kramus. Being betrayed by Kramus. Meeting the Gods ... Had they truly brought her home then? Or was it all a dream? Sofia hopped out of bed, and ran to her bedroom door. She opened...

3 years ago
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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 19 The Royal Rescue Attempt

“Where there is no peril in the fight, there is no glory in the triumph.” --Pierre Corneille Linda watched as the groups boarded shuttles and and left the ship accompanied by the assault frigates, gunships, assault shuttles, and Mech Warriors. She hoped fervently they would come back safely and Razza’s parents would be saved. She transported to Command Central. As Linda walked into the room, Andrea spoke. “Linda the Coven are attacking our ‘bait fleet’ near the planet. The new Porquenta...

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Games Genies Play Part 3 of 6

That which is sculpted in the Hall of Clay comes to life the next day. Most do not survive long, few artists design for life. The majority of those that live fall prey to each other. A few survive and may one day be seen in the world at large. In another hall, the Sands of Time fall to the floor and all of history litters the floor. Artists rearrange the sands to paint histories that never happened, which is why DaVinci's flying machine can be found over the Battle of Gettysburg. At...

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Island Royale Institutional White Slavery in the New Millennium REPOST

This is a repost of the story I recently submitted, edited as necessary because of the limitations of the XNXX website format which confuses graphics, inexplicably substitutes a question mark for quotation marks at times, and does not permit footnotes. It is hoped therefore that this reposting will provide more clarity. I have also reposted the story as one entire novella because it is hoped the sprinkling of negative comments I have received results from the previous inability of the...

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AotA Royal Jelly

Armas was nervous and why shouldn't he be? Together with ninety-nine others, he stood in a circle. Ready to gamble their life away. Well, not really. Only the race he was born with. A gong sounded and everyone - including Armas - was taking one step forward. Each one in front of a small lectern looking extrusion of a giant ancient artifact. This very artifact was the reason for the few dozens of races calling this world their home. Once there had been only one race. Humans. Before the...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter One

Introduction: Please read Foreword by the Editors first Chapter One ______________,,______________ You will not find the place marked on any published map, and no one you know can provide you directions to it. No commercial airlines schedule flights there, and even global satellite images of the area reveal nothing but seemingly endless blue waters. There are no fancy internet websites maintained to allow you to book a vacation there, and no ordinary travel agent can make a...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter One

____________________________ You will not find the place marked on any published map, and no one you know can provide you directions to it. No commercial airlines schedule flights there, and even global satellite images of the area reveal nothing but seemingly endless blue waters. There are no fancy internet websites maintained to allow you to book a vacation there, and no ordinary travel agent can make a reservation for you. On the shelves and kiosks of the World’s travel...

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Royal Duties Princess TG Preg

Royal Duties Act 1: New Life Peter Arrend gasped when he saw the old tome. He had always been an enthusiast for older things - he was a historian, after all - and so visiting garage sales was a frequent weekend hobby of his. He had been told he even projected the air of someone who went to garage sales, and he sort of knew what people meant by that. He had quite the professorly look about him, despite only being in his early forties, likely due to his slightly peppered hair and...

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Royal Vegas Casino

You may think that your broke ass doesn’t belong at a place like Royal Vegas Casino. I don’t know if I should disagree with that. If this was a physical casino that looks as lustrous as it sounds, I would probably be correct.But this isn’t a physical casino. Royal Vegas Casino is an online casino that brings a taste of the high life of the Vegas strip to your neck of the woods. And the online casino differs wildly from the typical Vegas attractions, anyway. Skip the endless ocean of STDs,...

Betting Sites
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GeniesChapter 2

Sunday morning I was lying in bed in that sort of pre-waking state, with, y'know sort of silly things, disjointed dream bits running through my brain, and then, influenced I suppose by the events of yesterday, an old joke about a bloke who finds a genie entered into my dreaming state. The genie, big hairy one in a turban, probably with no legs where he's come out of the lamp, grants him one wish. The bloke thinks about it. 'Well, I'd like to go to America, ' he says, 'but I'm scared...

3 years ago
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Royal Gambit

Royal Gambit By: Malissa Madison Lars Grendel sat watching the Royal Court, but he wasn't anywhere close to it. That would be foolish in his line of work. Still he was unsure as to whether he wanted to do this job. The contractor was having trouble delivering the down payment, and you never completed a job before you were sure of the full payment Thirty Million Galactic credits was a lot for a politician that no one liked to begin with. But he'd done his...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Six

____________________________ Greg had warned me that Alexis was on a “pretty tight schedule,” and so the next morning, after having only fucked the cute little fourteen-year-old a couple of more times, I dismissed Anya from my quarters, showered, and arrived at Alexis’ apartment – actually a pair of rooms much like the Guests’ quarters – promptly at 10:00 a.m. Alexis greeted me pleasantly, dressed in a standard light blue robe, but I could see the man was still suffering somewhat...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Six

Introduction: Please read from the beginning…. Chapter Six ______________,,______________ Greg had warned me that Alexis was on a pretty tight schedule, and so the next morning, after having only fucked the cute little fourteen-year-old a couple of more times, I dismissed Anya from my quarters, showered, and arrived at Alexis apartment actually a pair of rooms much like the Guests quarters promptly at 10:00 a.m. Alexis greeted me pleasantly, dressed in a standard light blue robe,...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Two

____________________________ A glorious sun-drenched early morning greeted me as I awoke in my bed alongside the lovely brunette “door prize” I had won at the party the previous evening. It had been arranged for me to interview Greg at nine o’clock, so after fucking the young woman just once more I dismissed her from my suite, showered and shaved, and then contemplated what to wear for my appointment with the resort’s Managing Partner. I declined the limited selection of robes...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Two

Introduction: To make sense, start from the beginning…. Chapter Two ____________________________ A glorious sun-drenched early morning greeted me as I awoke in my bed alongside the lovely brunette door prize I had won at the party the previous evening. It had been arranged for me to interview Greg at nine oclock, so after fucking the young woman just once more I dismissed her from my suite, showered and shaved, and then contemplated what to wear for my appointment with the resorts Managing...

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The MissionChapter 4 A Royal Pain

The emperor jerked awake for the second time not sure of where he was Alatem helped him to his feet. "What happened?" he inquired. Ali was surprised that the device had worked as well as it had, "You passed out I guess it was all the excitement of the past 4 days what with the assassinations and finding out that uncle was behind all the attempts." For some reason the Emperor thought he was missing something. Knowing his daughter he was, as sneaky as she was. Charles watched from a...

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Island Royale Epilogue

____________________________ I spent the long flight back to Costa Rica sitting alone and in silence, as did most of my fellow passengers who also appeared equally exhausted following the week of extravagant debauchery. For the return trip I was granted a window seat, and I repeatedly found myself gazing hypnotically out over the vast blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, lost in thought as images of Island Royale flashed before me. My mind kept drifting back to sweet little Alyssa,...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Seven

Introduction: Please read from the beginning….. Chapter Seven ______________,,______________ Cynthia had encouraged me to return to the Nursery and assist in the tutoring of a particular group of young girls who had only recently serviced male genitalia for the first time. At her suggestion I skipped breakfast the next morning, anxious that I not be too late to sign up for an early morning opportunity to visit this class, and proceeded directly from my suite to the front desk on...

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The Royal family

This sex story is totally fiction! The Royal family was extremely popular. Even the republicans had a hard time disliking them. The country was lucky. It was well off and people were happy. It was respected by other countries. The latest was the fight against ITO (Islam terror organisation) in the Middle East. Our beloved country sent military that would help bring peace to the region. Everyone was happy that our country was making a difference. The king did not have a wife; she died after the...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Seven

____________________________ Cynthia had encouraged me to return to the Nursery and assist in the “tutoring” of a particular group of young girls who had only recently serviced male genitalia for the first time. At her suggestion I skipped breakfast the next morning, anxious that I not be too late to sign up for an early morning opportunity to visit this class, and proceeded directly from my suite to the front desk on the main level. The chance to participate in the training of...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Three

____________________________ Dressed in a loose-fitting light blue terry cloth robe, I joined a couple of dozen similarly attired men in the lobby of the resort shortly before 9:00 a.m. Most of the gathering of Guests sat quietly sipping tea or coffee, but a few Asian men – Chinese, I think – sat huddled together talking in subdued tones broken only by brief sporadic outbursts of laughter. Their conversation was not in English and I did not understand what they were saying, but from...

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A Royal Pain Chapter 1

It wasn't usual for my mom to invite me over to dinner, But I could tell right away when she called that something was weird. It was her voice, like she was happy and excited to call me, but also wasn't sure she should be calling me at all. We usually talked a couple times a week since Dad passed, so hearing her like that, it was just ... weird! "Hey, Mom, is everything alright? You sound a bit different than normal," I enquired. "Oh, no Paul, I'm fine! Better than fine truth be told....

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 12 By Royal Appointment

London. September 1831. ‘Requests’ from members of the Royal Family are never refused, although for the life of me I could not understand why I was forced to endure the College of Arms interlude. Why not a direct order from the C in C, without the need of all that tomfoolery, and ‘maladroits’, and whatever? Mimi was overjoyed when I informed her we were to be the travelling companions of the Duchess of Kent and Princess Alexandrina. “Mollie’s and Caroline’s futures are now assured, Jacques....

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The Royal Wet Nurse

The Royal Wet Nurse By Celeste Ann Taylor Being the youngest child can suck big time, especially when your name is Frederick. My oldest brother is the heir to the kingdom and my sister's married to the heir to the neighbouring kingdom, so I'm left on my own; the forgotten spare that no one wants. Most of my days are spent just wandering the castle being shepherded politely away from anything that's remotely interesting. I spend a lot of time reading, I get lost in the tales...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 11 The Royal Palm

Wednesday December 21 Mom and Dad were up very early to talk to me before I went off to do my interviews today. I had to get up at this ungodly hour because of LA traffic. Mom was making breakfast, and it smelled wonderful. “What are you making?” “Bacon and stuffed French toast.” Not exactly on my diet, but I wasn’t about to turn it down. Dad handed me a coffee. “I talked with Ms. Dixon yesterday. She updated me on several fronts. I’ll start with your civil suit,” he said as Mom put bacon...

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The Skate ParkThe Royal Dream PT 1

The Skate Park—The Royal Dream, Part One.After shooting the porn, Mr. Wilson and Johnny packed up and left. Johnny said he would let me know soon how his buddies liked it.Dustin and me hung back at the park, deciding to ride our boards a bit more, me still covered in my now dried out piss and jizz. I was such a pig :) And stunk like one. Dustin was checking me out doin some tricks, and I decided to take a break. Setting on the pic nic table next to him, I fished out a joint ant took a couple of...

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Royal Sissy

Chapter 1 - Kidnapped I am now an old woman. It's about time that I write my story down. How I became the Queen of this lovely country. How I became who I am now. I know when finish this story; it will be put in the kingdoms archives, never to see the light of day. When people do read this story, they will think it's a fairy tale. I cannot help this; my job is to tell the truth. To let everyone know what happened and who I really am. The fact is that I was not always a Queen. Now I...

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Royal Bloodline

AUTHORS NOTE:  Every now and then I’ll see a picture that brings a scene to mind.  I finally had an opportunity to sit down and write it.  The picture which inspired this story can be found here: 1?Yeah, I scored four goals in just the last six minutes of the match.? The young women standing around the tan, beautiful young male of almost 21 years giggled as he bragged about his polo skills after the match.  The shirtless rider enjoyed the...

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The Royal Hotel Pt 4

CHAPTER 19 GWEETO ROSELLI SPEAKS FROM THE GRAVE: The Morning was bright and cheery. I opened my eyes to see Beverly who was scrambling under the covers of our bed. I lay on my back making believe that I was still asleep. I could feel her big tits rub across my left leg as she positioned herself between my legs. We had fallen asleep while still in the nude after another terrific love making session of the night before. We had come back from the badger hole where we poked a hole in the wall of a...

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The royal protectors pt 1

As I stand on the battlefield looking at the blood on my gauntlets I take solace in knowing that the blood is not mine. As I hear the usual battle cry it snaps me from my daze I look up to see a horde of enemies coming towards me. I smile as I hear the shrieking of the shivian dragon as it lies down a wall of flames in front of me stopping my enemies in there wake. As my army of paladins come to my side, my king are you ok, yes thank you for asking but there is at least 400 enemies beyond...

1 year ago
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A Royal Pain Chapter 2

The fallout from the attack attempt was swift and immediate, and completely useless. The foreign mercenary contractor hired to fly the drone containing the gun had been hired through multiple fake channels to perform a security breach test exercise of the Bressler airport security. The 100% official looking, correctly sealed, and completely fraudulent documents led to a bit of a witch hunt through the security forces for a leak, but ultimately nothing came of it. The remote control for...

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Goddess Royal Garden

AN: All characters are 18 years or older. Damn, this took a bit of thinking on what exactly I wanted this story to be for while. Originally it was titled "Your Princesses" and was going to be a 2nd Person POV story. Also the character you become would be named Morgan Godfrey who other possible writers for the story could set up as a male/female human or some other race like elf or something. But, some new ideas I thought of weren't fitting that original story. So, here we are, a 3rd Person...

3 years ago
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A Royal Fucking

Fingers plunged, first one and then two, wet and wickedly talented to pressed deep inside the girl tied upon the bed. She screamed, at first in pain as those fingers ripped with little concern through the thin membrane that at one time had protected her innocence. And then with pleasure as a wide thumb rubbed with slick finesse against her swollen clit, strumming taut nerve endings until pleasure burst through her system, seeming with no end as her body tightened and pulled at the bonds that...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Five

____________________________ The lobby was bustling with late afternoon activity as Greg and I parted company. A sizeable number of Guests had gathered over near the dance floor where two long banquet tables, draped with several white linen table cloths, had been set up closely together. Four young naked girls, each with her arms extended and her thighs spread wide, reclined on their backs amid an extensive assortment of raw vegetables, fresh fruit, sushi, boiled shrimp and other...

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GeniesChapter 3

Now, you may well be thinking that my Anglo-Saxon is pretty fluent, but to be honest it isn't that good, but if I were to write in all the stutterings, ums, ahs, and corrections you'd find it hard to follow. And then there are the words themselves, I mean, I don't know whether they had bathrooms in Saxon times, but I suspect not, so when I write "bathroom" I am really saying "The place where you wash yourself" and when I wrote that we would go "shopping" what I actually said was that...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 3 Royal Delights

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Three: Royal Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Seven: Royal Delights Sven Falk – Faerie Ava's soft, stone lips pressed on my own as she kissed me with such a fierce passion. I held her in my strong arms, showing her that I would protect her. If she needed to flee her father and escape his abuse, I would keep her safe. By killing the bastard. I held her rose quartz body against mine,...

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The Royal Guard

You heave a sigh. When you first signed up as a Royal Guardsman, this wasn't exactly what you had in mind. Sure you knew you'd be standing around for hours on end. But you had no idea how excruciating it'd be to stand outside in the scorching summer heat in chainmail. What on earth were you even protecting here in the courtyard? The flowers? 'Could be worse,' you think to yourself. 'I could be that poor sod'. You sneak a peek over to the guardsman on the opposite end of the courtyard. There...

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Liliths Dawn Ch 1 Your Royal Highness

It is now one year that I put a jinx on the previously chaste, piously woman that is now no longer capable of stopping pleasing me without my permission. I found the beautiful blonde pastor daughter when she was 20 years old, her blue eyes with the innocent look in them left no choice to me, I had to make her my servant! Now under the jinx her eyes changed. Sometimes they still have the look of the shy, pure girl in them but most of the time they show eagerness and greed. Only thinking of it...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Four

Introduction: Please read from the beginning….. Chapter Four ______________,,______________ I was not scheduled to interview Island Royales female partner, Cynthia, until the afternoon and therefore assumed I would be on my own throughout Wednesday morning. Greg, however, caught me as I was leaving the dining room following breakfast and suggested I accompany him for a tour of the Ladies Boudoir, located at the far northern end of the building. The Boudoir consists of a series...

2 years ago
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Breaking Down Her Royal Highness

Welcome to Regalia, my friend! We might just be a small kingdom in the Baltics, but we have much to offer! Come to Regalia, to enjoy great food, great wine, and Slavic Hospitality. Come to Regalia, and see our beautiful Baltic Beaches and Green Forrests! Come, where all of your heart's **desires will be met!** - Former Tourist Ad published by the Regalian Bureau of Tourism, taken down after protest from the Royal Family as well as conservative elements of the Regalian society. Main Guideline:...

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One Lucky White BoiPT 7Spliing the Royal Beans

One Lucky White Boi---Chapter 7—Spilling the Royal Beans Apparently some people had called some people—and they called some people—etc. The Chief showed with the three officers that had booked me into jail that day I stomped Ricky's dad's ass, along with Ricky and Marky, and even Kelso and Patroni showed up. Jeez—once again, I'm in the spotlight. With a silence now like a church service, I finally take a sip of my coffee, and spin around on the bar stool facing everyone. “Up until this...

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Two Loves One LoverChapter 2 Port Royal South Carolina

BELLA WALKED ALONG THE side of the road with Christie and Deborah, listening to their chatter. In her opinion, Joe Dashen wasn’t the best looking guy in school. Christie gushed, “He smiled at me in class!” Bella shuddered. Joe hadn’t looked at Christie. He’d ogled her with something sleazy in his eyes. Diverting the conversation, she said, “It wasn’t you he was smiling at. It was Suzanne.” “That slut? Shoot! How come guys always go for the sluts?” Deborah laughed. “You really have to...

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