Games Genies Play Part 4 Of 6 free porn video

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From the tiniest seeds grow the greatest of wonders. When the Choir Invisible played the music that created all that is, was, and ever will be, a single singer was late with a single note. That one misplaced note left a void in Creation, a piece that was left unmade. From that void have sprung dragons, titans, and genies. Though they have caused much chaos, the wonders and marvels that they leave in their wake have created a vivid world of imagination that lives beside the world of reality. It is in the delay of a single singer that the hand of the Creator is manifest. Deep in that unknowable void a conclave of mighty genies meets. Creation trembles in anticipation. "So how do we judge this one?" "Usual. Who does the most ironic twisting? Hey, you got any corn dogs? I love those things." "So make some. They're disgusting and no way I'm creating them. We can't just go for irony, the conditions would be pointless." "I'll buy that. So who can get the biggest twist from intentions just by the conditions you spelled out." "Who judges?" "Me. I'm fair." "Phhht." "Consensus vote." "Oh yeah, that always works well. We each wind up getting one vote." "Can't vote for yourself." "And if mine really is the best?" "Then you'll get four votes. Still can't vote for yourself." "Fine." "Fine." --- The young woman walked down the street while talking to her phone, ignoring everyone around her. It wasn't a problem, everyone else was doing the same thing, each wrapped up in a conversation that was important enough to ignore the world around him. "There were at least twenty at the casting call, but, yeah, I think I got a shot at it." Pause. "Yeah, I think the marketing guys liked my hair best. Of course I know they're the ones who're important here." Weaving through the crowd without seeing a single person, she continued, "Oh yeah, she was there but is just out of luck. Completely luckless. Total bad hair day. So I've at least got her out of the way." Tracey was a good looking woman; tall, thin, and fit. Shoulder length brown hair with frosted tips drew eyes to her clear face, but they swiftly drifted down to her ample chest. If she lived anywhere but Hollywood she'd be a striking beauty. In Tinseltown she was one more pretty wannabe actress among hundreds. "Oh, I don't know. Dog food, I think. Their agent was doable, that's for sure. Yeah, I've seen the director before. He did that soup commercial I didn't get. Whatever. I can work with him. Just need them to call me." She had another casting call that morning and then she had to get to her paying job. Her car was in the shop and she didn't have money for a cab, so she was on foot. Better than missing an audition. This one might be her ticket to stardom, but only if she showed up. She was lucky both auditions were in the same area, but she'd have made it, somehow, even if they were at opposite ends of the state. "Yeah, that's right," Tracey continued to her phone, "the next one's the big one. No, just breakfast cereal. One of the ones that's all sugar. No, Ive never tried it. Oh, yeah, they've got Bruce Willis for this one, so I could get to work with him. No, don't be silly, he won't be at a cattle call, but some of his people will, so I can do some networking. Never know... "Oh, here I am. Gotta go get my face on. Say hi to Ken for me. See ya later." She walked into a room full of beautiful women and signed in. Then headed right to the bathroom to straighten her hair and fix up her makeup before they called her number. A few long hours later she ran from the studio to catch her bus. As soon as she found a seat she dug out her phone and started checking messages. She updated her Facebook status, lying that she was hopeful she'd get the part. She knew better, but maybe it would pressure the car commercial people who'd been waffling between her and another girl for a week now. She ran into the mall and headed to Macy's. In the employee's restroom she quickly changed and fixed her makeup again. Looking pretty was a primary qualification at the perfume counter, even if her job was mostly to spritz people walking by. She knew she was lucky to have a job at all. At the cereal audition, three actresses she knew confided that they'd have to go home if they didn't get a gig. Bringing in money meant she could stay in town longer, and that gave her more auditions, more chances for a break. She wanted to keep her job, so she did it with the same heart she threw in to her auditions. Quickly changing and taking her place on the floor she prepared herself for a long shift. She locked her smile in place and started greeting shoppers. "Tracey," snapped a floor manager, "clean up the cabinets." "Yes sir," she smiled while picturing herself coming back some day as a star with an entourage and seeing him fall over himself to escort her around. With pleasant daydreams running through her head she unlocked the cabinet and started straightening and cleaning the bottles. Suddenly the noise stopped. No muzak. No bustling crowd. Not even crickets. Not that there were crickets in the Mall or possibly anywhere in LA. It's just that movies had conditioned her to expect to hear crickets when it got quiet. And why did it get so quiet anyway? She turned around slowly, expecting a man in a hockey mask. Or a crowd of zombies. "Hi there. About time," said a little girl in a gingham dress. She couldn't have been more than ten years old. "About time for what?" "About time you rubbed my bottle and let me out," the girl piped. "You can't imagine how terrible it is to be trapped in there. I mean, that stuff smells nice at first, and in small doses, but try living in it." "Oh. My. God." Tracey exploded. "You live in a bottle. You're a genie. You're going to give me wishes." The little girl looked around nonplussed. "Uh. Yeah." "Oh this is fantastic. I wish I was a--" "Hold on," the little girl shouted. "First, there are rules I've got to-- And what's with this 'you're a genie' stuff? No one believes in genies anymore. I like convincing people." Tracey bent down to her height, "Well, you came out after I rubbed a bottle, said you lived there, and stopped time. I didn't see any better explanation." "Hmph," she snorted. "Fine. Then there's no point in the disguise either." She grew suddenly, ending up an inch taller than Tracey. Her hair turned from blond with pigtails to brunette, falling lusciously down past her tiny waist. Her poor homespun dress turned into something smooth and shimmery. "That's better. Stand up, Tracey dear, you don't need to kneel to me." She was still bending down to talk to the little girl. The genie's size change took her by surprise, but she recovered. With the same single mindedness that kept her going to audition after audition despite nothing but rejections, she asked, "So, about the wishes?" The genie scowled, "Changing size like that isn't easy. A little appreciation wouldn't hurt." It dawned on Tracey that the genie liked performing. She needed to cultivate her like she was a talent scout or producer. "Oh, it was very impressive, I'm sure. You just made it look so easy I didn't even think how much had to go into it. I guess that's the down side of being so good at it, you make everyone think there's nothing to it." That brought a smile to the genie's lips, "I guess it does at that. Thank you," she said with a small curtsy. "Now, like I said, we have rules for wishes. You'll get three wishes, but you have to wish them all before I grant any of them. All your wishes must have prepositions in them, and I can change any prepositions at will, with any other changes to make sure the wish still makes sense. Fair enough?" "Oh. Uh. Prepositions?" The genie groaned. --- "Just a second," Tracey said triumphantly as she pulled out her phone. A moment later she asked sheepishly, "Can I get internet access?" The tall, glamorous woman tapped her foot impatiently. "A preposition is a word governing the relation between a noun and-- Sure. You have access," she said with a negligent toss of her hand. "I'll just sample some of the wares while you read." The fact that the cabinets were locked did not hinder her and she began collecting perfumes and makeup. Tracey was dreaming of fame and fortune and trying to figure out how to ensure there was a preposition in each wish. "What if I don't have a preposition in a wish?" The genie looked over, "Then I don't grant that wish. You lose one third of them. Try including one." "Then I wish I could work with Angelina Jolie," she blurted. "Good. Wished." "Wait. I can do better. That's just one job. Let me do it better." "No can do. No backsies." "This is harder than it looks," she complained. "Everything is," the genie quipped while trying a completely unnecessary concealer. Working with Angelina would get her exposure and a job, but she wanted more. She wanted to rule this town. That took a lot of movies. She still had two wishes left, she could do this. Just had to make sure to include a preposition. "Could you help me out? If I tell you what I want, could you help me make the wish right?" The lady started, honestly surprised. She laughed, "I didn't think people could still surprise me. I believe you're the first person to ever ask me that. Yes, you are. In all of history, you are the first person to ever ask me to help make a wish." It wasn't mocking laughter. She wasn't laughing at Tracey. It was honest laughter from surprise and amusement. Then it stopped. "No. I won't help you. You're on your own." Tracey pouted, even though she knew it wouldn't help. "Can I think about it?" "As long as you want. The whole world's frozen, though, so you might want to wish before you get hungry. Or have to pee," she added. "Fine. I get it. OK, forget it. I've got my next wish. I wish I would be in two movies a year for the next ten years." That should cover her. "Twenty movies. Two a year for ten years. Wished. One more. What will it be?" That would handle her profession. She should have wished she starred in the movies, but she knew she had talent. If she could get in, she'd have a hit. Still, money wouldn't hurt. And maybe something on the love life so she wouldn't have to worry. She had it. "Last one, then. I wish I had a rich boyfriend to take care of me." The genie sighed heavily, "Asking for my help was such a promising start, but then you got so predictable. Fine. Come with me." Tracey followed her through a crowd of statues. --- "Let me get my purse." "Don't bother," answered the genie. "It's not yours anymore." "What do you mean," she asked with a touch of worry. "I mean that purse belongs to Tracey Clint, and you're not Tracey Clint anymore. She isn't the person who can fulfill your wishes, so you're not her anymore." Nervously, she looked in one of the store mirrors. She was still herself. "Yes I am," she insisted. The genie stopped. "We're moving through space, not time. As we get closer to our goal you will become who you need to be." "Where are we going?" "Paramount Studios, Sound Stage C." "Why?" "That's where Angelina Jolie is working on Dead Plains Drifter." She jumped with excitement and nearly twisted her ankle. Jumping in heels is not a good idea. It wasn't nearly enough to spoil her mood. "Yes. Oh, fantastic. What's my role? Who do I play?" The genie kept walking, not saying a word but smiling grimly. Finally she said, "No one. You're not in the movie." "But that was my wish." "It was indeed," the genie agreed. "But I got to change the preposition. You are working for Angelina Jolie. Not with." "Oh," she slumped. The tap-tap-tap of her heels on the sidewalk changed and her feet dropped. She looked down and saw she was wearing flats. Brown. Probably better for an assistant since she'd be running around a lot. She tried to look on the bright side. She'd be on a movie set and could meet a lot of important people. If she impressed Ange-- Ms. Jolie, she could still go far. And she had her other wishes too. Despite losing her heels her head was at the same height. She'd gotten taller. Her skirt got longer and divided. She was wearing a pantsuit. That was a unusual for her. She liked to show off her legs, but she'd wear the uniform if she had to. "Soon you'll figure it out," the genie said cryptically. "Figure what out," Tracey asked. "What's up with my voice? Am I a smoker now?" Her voice was huskier than she was used to. "While working on a set? Please. Bombers, psychopaths, and rapists can be forgiven. Smokers, never." When she lost her nail polish and saw hair on her arms she figured it out. "You're turning me into a man," she accused. "Not at all. You are a man, and have been since you finished your wishes. I'm just bringing you to the place where that will be obvious." "But I don't want to be a man. I like who I am." "Then you shouldn't have made any wishes. Too bad. Your name is Hans. Hans Smithfelt." "What if I stop moving? Will I stop changing if I stay away from the studio?" "Yes. Until you starve to death. No, that's a lie. You'll die of thirst first." She could still be in the movies, she thought. And walked. Her pantsuit became a suit. Grey slacks, white shirt, thin black tie and a sport jacket. Her breasts collapsed into a flat chest. Her hair was short and slicked back, and she had a pair of glasses. Even knowing it was coming she was surprised when she felt a growth at her groin and had to change the way she walked to avoid rubbing it. "Here we are, Hans," the genie said, handing him a small box. "Welcome to your new life." She vanished, and in an instant people were moving around him. He'd never been so happy to hear sounds. "There you are," a woman said to him. He looked up to see Angelina Jolie. Remembering something he didn't know a moment before he made sure not to look her in the eyes. "Tea," she demanded. He handed her the box he was carrying, hoping that it held her tea. It was. It was a long day. He was little more than a gofer. "Get the new script pages," Ms. Jolie commanded. It was the first thing she'd said to him since she demanded her tea. It was also a chance to impress her so he took off at a run. People got out of his way. A running man must have a mission. He liked that. "Can I get the new pages for Ms. Jolie?" he asked at the writer's pit. He wasn't sure how he knew where to go. Genie's work, he guessed. "You can go to the trailer, you know. You don't have to come all the way down here." "How else can I make sure I've got the latest?" "Are you bringing in more donuts tomorrow?" A bit confused at the change of topic, he decided "Sure thing." "Then here are the changes we're looking at for tomorrow too. They're not final," he warned. Hans didn't get any acknowledgment when he handed the pages to his boss, but she did smile slightly. He'd done good. At the end of the day he found his address in his wallet. He looked for his purse before catching himself. He had a car, a Prius. It had a GPS inside, so he didn't have to worry about finding his way home, to a much nicer neighborhood than he used to live in. Things were looking up as he climbed the stairs to his second floor walk in. "Well hello there, stranger. Long day, huh?" He snapped his head around in surprise. A shockingly handsome red haired man rolled out in a wheelchair. He was smiling, but Hans could tell he was putting on a front. Somehow he didn't mind. It was better to pretend to be cheerful than to wallow in pain. "Hello yourself," he answered back. "Are you going to make me stand up before I get a kiss today," he asked teasingly. The third wish. He wanted a rich boyfriend to take care of him. It looked like he'd be caring for his rich boyfriend instead. He could live with that, he thought as he crouched down to give him a welcoming kiss. There was something enchanting about him, working so hard to appear cheerful despite pain. "I heard a tasty rumor today. They'll be looking for a director for that horror pic in a few months. If you can get a good recommendation from Angelina, I bet you'd be a shoe-in." Hans smiled, "I'll work on her. I bet I would, long as I have a good luck charm like you in my corner. But that is for tomorrow." There was another advantage to being a man. He could lift his boyfriend out of his chair to carry him. #

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Games People Play

I'm not sure when it started really. Jo and I had been married twelve years the previous Easter. Somewhere during those twelve years we'd started the old fantasy sex lark. You know, we'd dress up and pretend to be different people. I'd been everything from Tarzan to Robert Redford. Come on, this all happened a few years ago, before all these youngsters on the films today were even out of nappies. If it hadn't been so long ago, I doubt I would be able to talk about it now. Shit, it did my...

4 years ago
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Games People Play

Games People Play Judy and Larry had been married some 10 years now, and they enjoyed playing their scenario many times. That scenario was for Judy to schedule and accompany Larry for numerous feminization appointments with various professional persons including Dr. Hope who "pretended" to castrate Larry and inject her with estrogen. At each visit Larry had to sign request and consent forms for orchiectomy and estrogen therapy. Having played these "games" dozens of times Larry and Judy...

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Games Gay People Play

Games Gay People PlayBy: Londebaaz ChohanMost of my friends knew one of my very favorite fuck buddy, named Qasim Khan. Qasim was born in South Africa, of being an Indian descend. His grandfather had migrated to South Africa from India, some 100 years ago or more when the British had occupied India. O’ God Almighty! It hurts already to say, I knew Qasim [speaking about Qasim in past tense]. I truly have no clue, why our relationship has come to an almost end these days. He was a few years older...

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Games People Play

3- A trip to the game store He awakens the next morning to the smell of cinnamon rolls cooking and stumbles out into the living room to see Lexi next to a plate of them. She waves and says. "Morning cutie. Help yourself." He takes a seat and grabs one, taking a bite and almost burning his mouth. "You are really sending me some mixed signals Lex. Humiliating me and providing delicious baked goods." Lexi raises an eyebrow. "Humiliating huh? What's so humiliating? I do it every...

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Games The Gods Play0

The System Lord Ba'al had the right idea but stealing Stargates was definately the wrong thing to do, after the fall of the System Lords Ba'al wanted to start all over but we all know how that ended. The Replicators, Ori and the Tau'ri using Asgard technology make it impossible for any Goa'uld to regain the power and status we once had plus trying to restart in the Pegasus Galaxy wouldn't work either because we would have to deal with the Wraith, so what's a Goa'uld who wants to be...

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Mis hermanos y yo en Playa Nudista

Bueno esta historia debo comenzarla explicando quien soy. Me llamo Susana pero me dicen Susy, nací dentro de una familia de 3 hombres y 2 mujeres (donde doy una de ellas). Tengo 2 hermanos que son gemelos, Rafa y Neto (así les digo de cariño), ellos tiene 28 años ahora y yo 21.Bueno esta historia paso hace 4 años cuando yo tenia 18 años y mis hermanos 24. En ese momento yo conocía poco de sexo, bueno mis papás normalmente organizaban unas vacaciones anuales, que cada año cambiaban de lugar,...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Games Of Desire

Let's play "GamesOfDesire"! I’ve been a porn expert for a long time now, and I know that when it comes to porn fans one of the largest demographics out there are the gamers. Serial masturbation is a pretty common activity for most gamers worldwide, and it’s not hard to see why they make up one of the largest porn-viewing demographics in the world seeing as how a large chunk of the porno industry caters to them.There is a fuckton of cosplay videos out there with sluts dressed up as popular video...

Free Sex Games
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Pasha on the Playa Pt 01

Author’s Note: Burning Man is the world’s greatest fantasy event. This story is based on an actual encounter. ***** The sun was up and already hot. Voices were speaking to me, although an incredible hangover headache prevented comprehension. ‘Look at him! What are you doing, lying in the dust?’ I glanced down, groaning. Overnight, the wind had come up and I was covered in an inch or two of white. Playa dust from the Black Rock desert not only covered me, but also my sleeping bag, my cot,...

2 years ago
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At my friends playing playstation

My name is Chris, i'm 18. One day, I went over to my friend Alex's place, because his dad was out and he was feeling bored. Alex is a small guy with curly blond hair, and he loves to play playstation more than anything. So I knocked on the door and it was quickly answered by Alex. He was standing there in a plain white t-shirt and jeans. "Hey man", "hey Chris" he replied, "come" he beckoned for me to come inside with him, so we went inside and I stood in the middle of his living room while he...

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Games People Play

Games People Play SynopsisAfter two friends graduate, each wishes that the other knew their secret and find that in sending each other e-mails, they find that they are truly made for each other. . [-][+][-] Kevin's View [-][+][-] I simply can't believe my good fortune, but I have found completion and the woman that I know as well as I do myself all because we played 'TAG' with each other via the E-Mail. We graduated from Highland High School where I excelled as a computer jock...

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Playing the GameChapter 26 The Playoffs

We entered the conference playoffs as the team favored to win. Our local paper was helping to fuel the interest by featuring pictures and biographies of each of the starters in the week prior to the first game of the playoffs. I got a lot of razzing at school the day after my picture and bio appeared. I was pretty uncomfortable with all this attention, but I was in the minority from my teammates. Most of the rest of the guys on the team were really enjoying their moment in the spotlight. We...

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The Playhouse Chapter 1 Candidate

THE PLAYHOUSE Copyright Transfemme, 2002. CHAPTER 1: Candidate Verity Sherman walked down the central colonnade of the Facility, a pretty young woman in a pastel yellow sundress, her full lips pursed with trepidation. It was Monday morning; the Committee was meeting at ten thirty-five to discuss her latest progress report. Verity noted the time with an anxious turn of her wrist. Attendance was mandatory; she couldn't afford to be late by even a few seconds. She quickened her...

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Games Lovers Play

Let me describe for your pleasure and arousal the kind of sexual games my lover and I enjoy. We hope so much that you will find it gratifying to imagine yourself watching us while we fuck.We are an ordinary couple but still very much in love, and although we are middle-aged with our youthful pomp just a memory, we are eager lovers, happy with each other and learning to play in new and exciting ways. We have cast off the inhibitions of our youth and are having delicious fun indulging in our...

Straight Sex
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Chaturbate Cosplay

We all know about in general, but you haven’t had the opportunity to explore all the crazy categories and genres the platform offers. Specifically, one genre that caught my attention recently is cosplay cams. I mean, did you know that there are several girls out there with sexy-ass costumes they use to transform themselves into the chicks of your dreams? Well, in a matter of moments, by just putting on a piece of latex or an outfit, a girl can match the appearance of your...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
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StripChat Cosplay

Let’s chat a bit about cosplay cam girls and where you can find them online. Anyone? Well, there’s a platform called that features hot babes willing to indulge in all kinds of cosplay action. Now, I can’t promise you that this is a cosplay gold mine, and we’ll get to the reason in a second, but I can safely say that they’ve got a great selection of hot babes in their cosplay section. So the website is an ideal choice if you are looking for amazing content in the form of cosplay...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
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Cosplay Cumdump Chapter 1 Victim Of The Vixens

The first day had been spent milling around the convention hall and taking in all the sights and sounds. Micah had played beta builds of unreleased videogames, seen previews of upcoming seasons of some of his favorite anime and collected a plethora of convention swag and freebies. UwU Con was weeaboo nirvana. Even if it had only been a one day event, it would've been worth the trip. But UwU Con was a three day event and the best was yet to come. The primary reason Micah had attended was...

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Games of the Children Part 1

Games of the Children "Brad! Heads up!" Brad Weaver looked up just in time to see the pop fly dropping lazily toward him. He lifted his left hand and snared it easily in his glove. Three outs. Game over. He wasn't too impressed with the kids from the North side of town. He and his friends from Maple Street took this one 8 - 2, even with his incessant daydreaming. Even with their team sprinkled with seventh graders. His team was, with one exception, loaded with kids from the...

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NSFW Cosplay

Reddit NSFWCosplay, aka r/NSFWCosplay! I’ve come to appreciate the fact that Reddit can serve as a very good option when it comes to exploring different porn content. The fact that users can create subreddits dedicated to a specific category or genre of porn makes it a wonderful platform to explore specific porn niches, genres, fetishes, and kinks. I recently stumbled upon Reddit/r/nsfwcosplay/ in my quest to find something different to jerk off to, and I felt the site surely deserves a...

Reddit NSFW List
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I knocked on the door of Amanda's apartment. "Hey, Jason," Amanda said, opening the door. She stepped to the side, her long brown hair flowing with her movement. "Please, come in." "What's up?" I asked as I stepped inside. I caught a familiar look in Amanda's brown eyes as she said, "I'll explain in a moment." I always hated that look in her eyes. It usually meant she had an idea. I was a part of enough ideas to know Amanda was never one to really plan things out. As I entered the...

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Games Siblings Play

She sat on the other end of the park bench and smiled at me. "Which one's yours?" she asked. "The one in the pink." I gestured to the group playing house. "Yours?" "Yellow with the green pants." We smiled and nodded at each other. I went back to watching the kids but I could feel her eyes on me still. "We just moved into the neighborhood." She said. "I'm Anzu." "Seto." I said. "Do you come here often? "No." I had to chuckle. "Definitely not." I realized how odd that...

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Cosplay Catastrophe

The Seriously Awesome Expo (SAX) has arrived! Lights, glamor, and glory await in the convention center's halls for those who can claim it. SAX is the largest and loudest event of the year for gamers, comic book lovers, and pop culture fanatics of all kinds. You name it, they've got it! Not only does it play host to the biggest names of the industry, it sponsors the fiercest cosplay competition of the year: Cos-Clash! With the massive influx of money comes massive advances in costumes and props,...

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Jessica Nigri Respect the Cosplay

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the celebrities, people, places, conventions, events etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Jessica Nigri (Cosplayer & glamour model)Respect the CosplayA celebrity erotic storyBy DaxG2001...

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Streamate Cosplay

The essence of porn is fantasy. While real life may deny you the pleasures you seek, the theater of the mind is always ready to take your heart where it desires. You would be correct to assume that Jennifer Aniston would rather sit on a landmine than your dick, but she can’t stop you from imagining what that pussy feels like. I bet it feels like warm apple pie. Mia Khalifa would rather spend ten years in a Siberian labor camp than let you place your tongue on her clit, but I bet it tastes like...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
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LiveJasmin Cosplay

Cosplay used to be a niche for nerds, virgins, and virgin nerds. These days everyone has seen and heard of cosplay, but I’m not talking about Lord of the Rings, ren fair, Star Trek pussies cosplay. I’m talking about whores barely dressed as Lola Bunny blasting away at their labia with a double-sized hippo cock dildo. You guys have fun swinging plastic swords at each other. I will be over here fucking your sister while she’s dressed like Repunzel with a pixie cut. I love the way she calls me...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
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Games Linda Plays

I used to fantasize that I was trying to catch my wife cheating on me. I don't know why I got a thrill out of doing that but I did. My wife never had any idea of what I was doing. There wasn't really any reason for me to be suspicious of Linda as she had never given me any reason to doubt her. I didn't check up on her because I thought she was cheating, I did it because it entertained me. I don't know if you can understand that because I'm not sure I understand it. I pretended that I knew...

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Games By Cassandra Morgan Molly Givens hated it when the phone rang. It was usually a phone solicitor looking to pull of an easy scam. Sometimes it was a forgotten relative with bad news. Sometimes it was a wrong number. But almost always, it was a pain in the ass. Close relatives, bosses, friends called your cell phone. Hell, Molly didn't even know why they had a landline anymore. But they did. And now it was ringing like an intruder. Molly picked up the phone and turned down...

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The Playhouse

We had a large play house at my house. By the time I was 15 I pretty much never went near it unless I was watching my younger siblings.One night as I tried to sneak back into my house after a night of partying my s*s Paula, who is four years older, caught me.She dragged me to the playhouse which was a good distance from the house.I was pretty wasted so I was laughing and being an idiot as she pulled me along.When we got there, Jean, a year older than me, was already there. She said " shut up...

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The Gift of Roleplaying

Hello all. Usually I post random poems or rants, but I would just like to take the time to post something about roleplaying. Ever had that situation come up, where you watched your character grow up from a simple youth to a full grown adult? You’ve seen him or her fight, you cried when they cried, you felt what they felt you saw them bleed and then started bleeding too. You knew him or her like the back of your hand. From the first adventure you went on to the last one, you fought your way up...

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Cosplay Porn Tube

CosplayPornTube! Porno has always been the realm of fantasy. Most of you neckbeard motherfuckers ain’t getting beautiful lesbians to double-team on your little nubs, and even fewer of you are bagging your step-mom with the big tits. In real life, nobody at all gets to fuck the anime sluts, comic book whores and video game bitches of your masturbatory fantasies. Well, not unless you count cosplay fantasies. That’s the shit that CosplayPornTube is all about.Sex tubes are a dime a dozen, and if...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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