Ramona Jean’s Sinful Weekend free porn video

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Ramona Jean Tompkins was a pipsqueak, and frequently mistaken for a younger girl. The simplicity of her outfits, and her lack of nail polish and cosmetics didn’t dissuade the misperception. Sporting a faded plaid shirt and worn jeans, and her usual battered boots or saddle shoes, the flat-chested, five foot tall woman was frequently offered a reduced bus fare or movie admission in Gordonsville.

The theater operators didn’t know the ‘underprivileged’, dark-featured girl, always a solitary patron, was near her twentieth birthday as she walked past the concessions – she always brought her own piece of fruit – and through the aroma of popcorn. She was there for a Saturday matinee of Hitchcock’s Vertigo, the latest spring 1958 release. Besides, they rationalized, she was only getting half the movie – the images on the screen, but not the soundtrack, since she was a ‘deaf mute’.

‘Deaf as a post,’ was the quote from the doctor that examined her as a four year-old. While on the trip home, those on the bus buried their noses in newspapers describing the recent Allied invasion of North Africa, and her adoptive mother, Madelyn, sobbed all the way back, holding the sleeping youngster. Born in Appalachia, Ramona was the premature, unplanned child of a teenaged mother. The toddler was represented as completely healthy by the agency, which vanished soon after.

‘We shoulda got us a dog instead,’ Calvin Tompkins had said. He was generally a good man and father, but was prone to insulting verbal tirades. The adoption of the little girl was his idea, to distract his wife from the losses of their own children. Polio took their teenaged daughter Daisy during the depths of the depression, and their son Cal Jr., who had been enjoying his exotic, Hawaiian assignment on the USS Oklahoma, was killed on a Sunday morning the previous December.

So, they raised the little girl as best they could. Public school was out of the question, so Ramona’s world consisted of the family’s white-framed combined home, general store and filling station – which served a highway in the Blue Ridge foothills – and the dolls, coloring books and magazines within. A happy, inquisitive child regardless, she communicated largely by grunting, pointing or pounding on a table or wall to get someone’s attention, and helped keep the store stocked and swept up. Nights she slept soundly upstairs in her room, or, in the heat of Virginia summers, on the second floor’s screened-in side porch. Sunday was her least favorite day, as she couldn’t grasp why she had to wear an uncomfortable dress and shoes to a hot building where everyone sat on hard benches and then stood for random intervals and looked at books with no pictures and moved their mouths in unison.

Madelyn, busy with running the store, kept the girl’s jet black – they surmised she had Cherokee blood – hair short, so as not to have to ‘fuss with it’, and ‘Mona’ was often mistaken for a boy by customers of the general store and those purchasing gasoline from Esso pumps out front. As yet another war raged, this time in Korea, nature intervened, if only subtly. Ramona’s summer tomboy days of denim overalls without a shirt beneath had come to an end. Almost immediately, Calvin insisted on the addition of a disguising training bra beneath her clothes, since he and ‘people didn’t want those things staring at them’.

It was at about this time that Calvin’s drinking escalated, as he lamented his perceived lack of success and prestige. Luckily a flat tire soon changed their lives.

One overcast morning, a shiny blue Lincoln limped into their gravel driveway on the rim. As Calvin fixed the innertube, silent Mona improved the driver’s mood with a small bouquet of picked wildflowers and her big smile.

The driver was an Alexandria socialite on her way to the University of Virginia, but more importantly, was on the Governor’s educational advisory committee. That fall Mona was attending a State school for the deaf an hour away in Staunton, at no cost to the family. It was a boarding school, but she would be home holidays and to work at the store during the busier summer season.

Despite a rocky start and some insensitive juvenile remarks labeling her a ‘half breed’, Ramona flourished at the institution, meeting other deaf children enduring similar struggles. She learned math, to read and write – her mother framed the first post card she received from Mona – and mastered sign language. She found the dormitory luxurious, as it was her first time living with central heat and indoor plumbing. She would forego most social activities to stay in her room and read, and completed all twelve grades over five winters, earning nearly straight A’s and proudly receiving her diploma by the time she was nineteen. She returned to the store and relieved her parents of much of the burden, handling the books and written orders from suppliers. They even planned an early summer vacation.

She had also learned to carefully speak aloud, but knew her fabricated words sounded unusual, and was wary of the reactions of strangers. So, Mona kept her pencil and spiral notebook handy to write down most of her conversations.

Back home for good, she missed her interesting and more worldly school friends, put away her nice clothes and returned to her baggy jeans, shirts, bobby socks and loafers.


What remained unseen beneath the oversized clothes was the body of a young woman – the nude, light brown-skinned torso Mona saw in the full length mirror clearly for the first time in her dorm room. By senior year, she had what could be called a ‘boyish’ build. Her hips were only marginally wider than her waist, but her feminine bottom had expanded, at least when viewed from the side. She had a few wisps of black hair between her thighs, which did little to camouflage the conspicuous trident of flesh – ample, finger-sized outer labia, and the protruding hood of her clitoris that graced the adult-sized genitalia which her diminutive pelvis could not quite fully withhold.

What had stalled on her journey to womanhood, she believed, were her breasts. They were small and steeply sloped, seemingly the minimum flesh needed to support her nipples, which were dark brown, hemispherical, and, Mona believed, disproportionately large and swollen looking. Their outward projection was more evident without one of the restrictive Maidenform AA cup brassieres she usually wore around her ribcage. It angered her father if he happened to see her without restraint, even in a nightgown when she crossed her arms across her chest when they passed each other at sunrise on the path to the outhouses behind their building. The girls at school were mostly consoling, assuring her there were practical athletic, as well as backless and strapless fashion advantages to being a ‘Flatty Patty’, and after all, it was ultimately the silken slit between her legs the boys were pursuing.

With the help of her friends, Mona had learned to walk in borrowed high heels, albeit with newspaper stuffed in the toes to compensate for her smaller feet. Dresses loaned by other petite girls, hairstyling, and a little makeup ‘shined her up’ for school mixers – the music free equivalent of a prom – and she had a pleasant time with the awkward boys, but was glad when the events had ended, and she could return to her introverted ways.

Bookworm Mona had not eschewed all social gatherings at school. Her favorites were the scandalous but silent – punctuated with an occasional unheard squeal or giggle – sign language discussions, usually late at night and led by the older girls, about boys, kissing, romance and the biggest mystery of all – S-E-X.

Sometimes embellished with crude illustrations, the various elements were explained and debated, some in fact and others in conjecture. Mona couldn’t believe that a man’s pee-pee could grow large and rigid enough to fill and even hurt her insides. Surprising her peers with her boldness, she readily admitted to having seen several ‘dicks’
– one of the words the girls called them – by coincidentally being in their backyard shed on an errand and spying through the gaps in the siding. Some impatient male customers simply urinated into the underbrush behind the store instead of waiting for the occupied outhouses to be vacated. The fleshy spigots seemed too small and limp when shaken – like wet washrags – to transform into the formidable predators the girls described.

The unofficial education at school filled in a lot of the blanks her mother’s discussion omitted. Madelyn, more frank than many mothers had been, had said that a naked wife lying in bed underneath her naked husband – obviously permitted only after marriage – would produce a baby. Any attempt at such activities before nuptials would ensure eternal damnation for both participants. Mona, having read most of the Old Testament and all of the New, wasn’t worried too much about the damnation, as the boys weren’t exactly knocking down the door.

As of her last year in school, Mona, with large dark eyes and high cheekbones, had let her straight, raven hair grow to her shoulders. She was not without admirers – local young men who knew, despite her appearance, she was no longer jail bait – flirted with her a little, but the scribbled conversations fell short of asking for an actual date. To the local boys, some of them barely literate, the problem of how to converse smoothly for an entire evening – or long enough to determine if the stigma of her handicap, some of them hoped, left her self-esteem lacking to the point she was an ‘easy lay’ – just seemed insurmountable. No matter, the resolute young woman dove into her work, since the store and land, she was told, would eventually be hers.


Mona panicked as she awoke. The alarm clock – which she had set and left next to her head, so the vibrations would at least awaken her, had rolled away and had already exhausted its winding. Six twenty – Oh no! She had overslept by forty minutes. The petite young woman bolted upright, slipped her nightgown off over her head ran a brush through her hair, then grabbed her denim shorts – jeans cut off and hemmed just above the knee. Damn it! Three cars waiting in line, she saw out the window- supposed to be open at six. Damn, damn, damn. Next she needed a bra. Shit! They were all still pinned on the clothesline on the upper side porch, no time to run out and retrieve one. Before hopping downstairs, she pulled a red print sleeveless blouse from the folded clothes stacked on the ironing board. Awww! Buttoning the blouse, she realized it was her mother’s, a few sizes too big. Mona tied and knotted the tails off around her waist, then clutched a dark blue Esso windbreaker as a hedge against the cool morning air as she slammed open the electrical box and flipped the pumps, interior and exterior lights and signs on, and dashed out into the dim morning barefooted – her father had poured a concrete pad by this time – to dispense gas for the patient customers on her first Saturday running the store alone.

Hopefully the early morning patrons – all regulars who knew Mona and to hold up their fingers for the number of dollars worth of fuel they desired -.wouldn’t squeal to her parents about her opening twenty-two minutes late. Calvin and Madelyn, taking their first vacation in years, had gone to visit some relatives in North Carolina, and left their daughter in charge.

Business was good this weekend morning, as the warm sun rose higher and some travelers from distant cities stopped in. Most Virginia counties and municipalities had metal ‘tax strips’ that fastened to the front license plate, with the embossed name proudly displayed. Mona had been too busy to change her outfit – she was hiding her lack of a brassiere from the public with the partially zipped up windbreaker, but it was getting hot. She was about to run around to the exterior stairs – the only ingress – of the second story screened-in porch where the undergarments were hung to dry, out of view , more or less, of the customers, since the patrons sometimes visited the backyard privies where the remainder of the clothes were hung. She planned on changing into one of her own shirts as well, but a yellow and white ’56 Buick station wagon with a plate from Rockbridge County, which was a couple hours southwest, pulled off the highway and up to the pumps.

Smiling, hair in a high ponytail, Mona walked out with her small clipboard and tethered pencil, which had preprinted forms asking the patrons to request their quantity of fuel, and if they wanted their oil checked.

The station wagon was carrying a blonde family, parents, two young adult siblings, and a suit bag and trombone case in the back. The woman in the back seat had a wedding band and appeared several months pregnant – but the college age man next to her had to be her brother – they almost looked like twins.

‘Let’s get her to check the oil…’ the father said, laughing.

‘Howard! No!’ the mother exclaimed as the petite girl used a long handled sponge mop to wipe the bug carcasses from their windshield. ‘That li’l bit couldn’t reach the radiator cap!’

In the rearview mirror, Howard noticed his son was enamored with the pretty, diminutive Indian maiden as she walked by. She and the son exchanged a pleasant smile.

After several rings of the bell that tolled at the gallon mark, the fuel hose nozzle was removed from the Buick and placed back into its slot. Mona took the man’s bills, signed a ‘thank you’ and smiled again at the young man in the back seat before disappearing into the white clapboard store.

‘What is this, deaf Munchkin land?’ the daughter asked cynically.

‘Kimberly!’ her mother scolded.

‘Hey Jefferson,’ the man spoke to his son via the rearview mirror as he gathered a few bills. ‘Why don’tcha go grab us some Nehis, Co-colas and nabs? Maybe find an Oh Henry for Miss Grumpy,’ referring to the pregnant sister, whose newlywed husband had left her with more than just his surname before reporting for an overseas Air Force deployment.

‘Honey, we just ate!’ his wife protested about the refreshments.

‘Let him go, Susan…’ he replied, proud he was giving his shy son a chance to flirt a little with the barefooted gas jockey, even though she was deaf and probably too young for him. The young man was a bit shorter than most of his peers, and even though he had been on the wrestling team, they worried about his self confidence sometimes. The family was on their way to a regional collegiate band competition in Maryland, where Jeff had a trombone solo, so it was a big day for him.

As the screen door slammed inaudibly to her, Mona stepped back inside the cluttered store, its colorful, packed shelves displaying everything from wiper blades to baby food, its walls posted to the tin ceiling with advertising for cigarettes, sodas and fertilizer. The pretty brunette removed her jacket, even before punching the gasoline sale amount into the large beige cash register. Its detectable, rhythmic jolts were comforting to her as she stood on a flipped over soda crate, which gave her a better height to slide the bills into the drawer of the machine. She turned to the side to face an electric fan, and tugged at her oversized blouse by the flattened lapels that formed the neckline. The moving air flowed freely around her otherwise un-shrouded upper torso, given that the arm openings on the sleeveless cotton top fell almost halfway to her waist.

Calvin of course only approved of such skimpy tops for his wife and daughter’s use around the house, since any clothing that revealed so much as a peek at a bra strap or panty waistband to outsiders he considered ‘whore-ish’ her frustrated mother had scribbled once. Imagine his shock if he had seen her now, she thought, as it was almost certain that a full side view of her ‘tit’ – another schoolmate term – was possible through the large arm hole, even when she wasn’t tenting the fabric away from her body. It pleased her to think she was rebelling aga
inst his tyrannical dictates. Much more so, the idea of ‘showing off’ a little to a stranger – teasing, the school girls called it – a man she found attractive, suddenly intrigued her. She thought about the smiling young man in the station wagon. It would be okay, even fun, if he looked, she thought. Suddenly, as if she was a sorceress and had conjured him, that very young man approached the screen door.

Ramona had a split second choice to make. She could turn to her right and greet him, or turn to the left, act as if she was innocently unaware of his presence, and maintain the fan’s exposing airflow. The young male was a harmless middle-class stranger, who likely would never stop here again. Cheered on by an imaginary chorus of the more daring girls at school, Mona, butterflies careening in her stomach and pulse suddenly racing, pivoted to the left and the red print top ballooned away from her body.

The young man stumbled on the threshold as he passed through the doorway. She turned nonchalantly back to the right, and out of the slipstream of the fan, as if she was unaware of her exhibition, As their eyes met, he was flushed red and his mouth hung open.

Mona smiled, as she was obviously successful as the embarrassed young man partially regained his composure, if not his skin tone, and produced a shy wave. The customer’s hair was buzzed short on the sides, and his honey colored bangs hung over his forehead at an angle, their clipped uniformity was evidence of a very recent haircut. He stood frozen in his tracks for a moment as she reached for her ever present spiral notebook. To her it felt as if her arm motion created another momentary peek at her breast, unintentional this time.

‘Hi! Can I help you?’ she wrote in her quick flowing cursive with its large loops. She handed him the book and short pencil, then gathered the shirt closer, feigning modesty.

‘Hello I’m Jeff’ he wrote in his strained, sharp-cornered longhand, unable to think of anything else – including why he had entered the building or even what year it was. He had seen his first ‘live’ titty, small but beautiful and absolutely enticing.

‘Nice to meet you – I’m Mona ‘ the words appeared on the lined page, sans formal punctuation.

‘Oh like Mona Lisa

Sorry I startled you’

‘You didn’t silly

Mona is short for Ramona

Didn’t you see my name patch on my ugly jacket?’

Jeff shook his head, trying not to be too obvious that he was staring at her blouse as she wrote her responses. Her torso and arm movements came ever so close to another peek at one or the other of those wonderful small breasts, their large nipples pressing outward against the red cotton when the top was properly aligned. This was even better than any trip to the lake or country club pool, he thought.

Mona put her hands on her hips and feigned annoyance, then quickly wrote

‘They make name patches

for a reason JEFFREY!

Pay attention!!’

The young man didn’t realize she was kidding at first, and the nervous grin fell from his face. The petite brunette smiled at him, looking into his blue eyes, and his lips curved open to reveal his teeth once again.

‘Jefferson’ he wrote ‘ Like Thomas Jefferson’ as he realized the brunette was kidding.

‘Who is he?’ she scribbled, shrugging.

They both laughed out loud

‘Your laugh is beautiful’ he wrote on the next page.

‘Thank you ‘

Then he asked a somewhat juvenile question, but changed his wording as he prefaced it with another compliment.

‘I ain’t haven’t seen a girl work at an Esso

I think it’s swell

What school do you go to?’

‘I am but a serf, forced to work here by the lord of the manor

I’m 20 I already graduated

What grade are you in, Thomas Jefferson?’ She asked, knowing he was probably in college.

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Introduction: Adult erotica from the 70s – author cited SINFUL CYNDI by Daphne Phillips CHAPTER ONE Cyndi had been driving me crazy all week. My younger sister, I had to admit, was one of the sexiest women I had ever known, and she wasnt modest about showing off her sexiness. She also wasnt very modest about showing off her body, which was incredible. Cyndis tits were large and smoothly formed, some of the nicest tits I could imagine. And there wasnt a time I could recall when Id seen Cyndis...

3 years ago
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Editing Reality Book Three Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 6 Sinful Worship

Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Steve Davies I settled down at the pew with Kyleigh at my side. My family all seemed to have found their own amusements instead of joining for service. Even now as Reverend Colin Fekete took to the podium to get service started they were all gone. My wife had vanished with one of her lovers, the Korean beauty Evaline; my son seemed to be enjoying the newest edits I gave to him and left the church with one of my students, a cutie named Rois;...

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Sinful Needs of the Flesh Chapter 2

We met for the first time 3 days ago, at our family reunion in California. During our first day together, we had simply talked. By the second day, we were falling hard for each other and holding hands on the beach. By that evening, we were having sex. That was 2 long days ago. After that, we had planned to secretly meet in her tent every night, in the midst of the resort campgrounds, literally, surrounded on all sides by family. Sami and I both knew what we were doing was wrong, and...

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Sinful Seduction

Officer Shae Townsend, wouldn't normally have pulled a vehicle over without her partner in the car but she knew the car belonged to Dr. Alexus Rogers and knew she would be safe. The petite blonde officer walker towards the doctors car, her big blue eyes twinkling with mischief at the opportunity to talk to the sexy brunette doctor, Alexus is indeed very sexy her Italian heritage had blessed her with all over caramel colored skin, she has long, jet black, straight hair and emerald colored...

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Sinful Seduction

Introduction: Alexus Rogers, was in tears again wondering how her loving husband had turned into such a monster. Stephen Rogers is 5 years Alexus senior and owner of a chain of gyms called Better Bodies, he had been loving, sweet and romantic when Alexus had meet him. But now, a year after they were married, her once affectionate husband had changed completely, he now blamed her for everything that went wrong, criticized her for everything she did and pushed her violently on more than one...

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OHGirls Sinful Behavior

I woke up next to James, lying in a cold, wet spot on the sheet, from the cum that had oozed out of me, after we had fallen asleep from fucking. I had spent the night in his room, to comfort him and to talk about the incident that had occurred with our mom and him. After catching me in the shower with my half-bother, James, and Mikey, she had joined us, to show her disappointment in the amount of sex that had been happening between us over the last few weeks. While proving a point with my...

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My Incestual Love And Sinful Marriage 8211 Part 2

Warning: this story is not fiction and any character in this story does not resemble to any real character. Thank you Indian sex stories readers, for reading & commenting on my previous story. It’s been long time since the first story now let’s move on to the next part. I and my chachi were happy about our relationship and most important thing is satisfying our sexual thirsts. As we had just completed only one session now let me tell you what happened next morning. As I woke up I saw my janu...

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Sinful Secret With School Crush

It was senior year of college and Gaurav was upset about the difficulties he had to face due to his girlfriend’s stupid mistake. His girlfriend Jenny escaped from her home and came to his place so she can run away with him. Jenny was found and taken away by her family from Gaurav’s place. They both were separated and now Jenny was forced to stay the rest of her life in another city. Gaurav felt devastated about the incident as she was a light in his life. He was completely shaken. Being a...

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Sinful Pleasures

Sinful Pleasures - The Beginning By Lesley Renee Charles Christopher Martin was late for his curfew, so he decided to cut through the forest. It was a clear night, with a full moon shining brightly. It was also a little after midnight. He was trying to be careful not to make too much noise, as he didn't know what might be prowling around in the dark. Nearing a spot, that looked like it was a small clearing, he heard several female voices. He thought he recognized a few from...

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The Pastors Sinful FamilyChapter 4

All week Helen was anxious about Lois spending time at the Willet’s house. although her daughter seemed to be her normal, happy self when she came home, Helen still worried that something was about to happen. Something that she knew none of them could stop. Helen still felt emotions like worry, fear, and shame. Those were just some of the emotions that she dealt with for the last few days. First, Jeff Willet enters her home and tries, almost successfully, to seduce her. She then finds out...

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Sinful Delight0

One of them, a moody bastard with the chosen name of Wrath, was starting to become restless. Tossing and turning and throwing the silk sheets of his four-poster bed onto the floor, he let out an exasperated sigh, his average skin coated in a bright sheen of sweat. "Fuck..." Wrath was a knight, of sorts, in the Order of the Sins. He and his siblings were bodyguards for the king, as well as pawns to be used in the Great War against the Angels. Most of the Order did not mind being used in...

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Sinful Delight

Introduction: Of Demons and Angels…. It was a dark night in the depths of Hell, the wind howling and storms raging on throughout the abyss. Most people were asleep, save the servants and, quite possibly, the peasants that worked the farms. That was probably because it was getting close to two in the morning. However, there were still a few individuals across the realm, awake, but not fitting into these categories…a select number of the people living inside the kings castle. Lucifers Hall. One...

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The Pastors Sinful FamilyChapter 3

Gary and Helen laid silently on their backs in the afterglow of their intense orgasms. Both were lost in their guilt and shame of admitting to each other their incestuous desires. Both knew that speaking would only mean having to talk about them. Helen felt her husband roll away from her and a moment later felt his shoulders start to shake. She realized that he was once again sobbing. She rolled toward him, scooted close to his back. She placed a hand on his shoulder before leaning down and...

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Birthday Weekender

I really don’t know what possessed me to take this trip. I know it was Josh’s 16th birthday and bringing his younger brother Simon was a given, why on earth did I let them invite 4 of their friends as well. Driving from our home in Hertfordshire UK to our Spanish villa was long enough without having a car load of excited teens. I suppose after the last year when my husband had decided to leave us they both deserved a break, and lets be honest just having your mother to celebrate with, is not...

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Sinful Addictions Ch 01

White sails dotted the clear blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The sun, at it’s zenith, dripped heated rays across my tanned skin. I lay on my stomach, feeling the warmth of the sand radiating through the thin, cotton beach towel. The beach wasn’t overly crowded today so that I, at least, felt like I had breathing room. Laziness loosened my muscles and I enjoyed the calm, relaxed feeling. The air was tainted with laughter from the nearby eateries and bars that lay at the edge of the sand....

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Sinful Teacher 1

Bless me, for I have sinned…My relationship with David Patterson, my student, was starting to escalate.This was right before I found out what he was. I still saw him as this sweet, shy boy, with more intelligence than he gave himself credit for. I had been transferred to St. Patrick High School midyear, so I didn’t really know the kids yet. But David took to me immediately.Little knowing glances during class. Lingering handshakes. Shoulders brushing past. Sweet text messages. Sexy pictures....

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Sinful secrets of a lustful female security guard

Syn kicked back in her black leather chair within the small office,as she tuned in the radio. Trying to find a good old time rock n' roll station, as she danced about stations. Flicking along over the country ones and the static until an old Led Zeppelin tune tuned in. She relaxed as she sung softly along, " Ooh, it makes me wonder, Ooh, it really makes me wonder... and it’s whispered that soon ,If we all call the tune ..then the piper will lead us to reason...and a new day will dawn..for those...

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Sinful CyndiChapter 2

I'd watched Cyndi take plenty of showers, but for some reason this one turned me on even more. I knew quite well that the bathroom we shared was easy to peek into. There was a very wide gap between the sliding door and the jamb, and that made it easy for me to spy on Cyndi as she rubbed herself down and got all soapy in the shower. The shower was just that--the bathtub of the house was in Mom and Dad's bathroom. The shower stall didn't have smoked glass like most of them but only vaguely...

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Sinfully Wonderful

I slowly opened the door to the hotel room, I knew you would still be asleep from the fact I had knocked on the door a few times, I stepped into the room, yes there you were sound asleep, I closed the door behind me after first putting the do not disturb sign on the outside of the door handle. You looked so peaceful as I walked over towards the bed, I put my bag down on the floor and removed my jacket, then walked round to the base of the bed, I slowly so not to awake you removed the bedding,...

3 years ago
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Sinful Needs of the Flesh Chapter 1

But when I was 22 (a fairly long time ago!), I met a girl who a completely took my heart. I was in love with her at first sight. Her name is Samantha. She's my cousin. **************************************** I grumbled to myself as I finished unpacking the rental car. I had just finished my 3rd year of college. There were many other things that I wanted to do this summer, and spending a week in California with my parents for a family reunion wasn’t exactly on the top of my list. I...

4 years ago
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A Sinful Obsession

Diane was a knockout for her age. She was 5'6, 140 lbs, D tits, shapely figure. She was not a pencil thin woman. She took pride in her semi-thick figure. She knew damn well that men lusted after her. She had one of those asses that a man could smack, and it would jiggle a little bit. She often caught men staring at her ass, their eyes full of lust. Then she would go home and rub her clit, fantasizing about licking their cocks like a lolly pop. She knew what men desired, and she had no...

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Sinful Education

Welcome to Unsrct, a school of students who are all at least 18 of, but this isn't any school. This is the highest rated scant in the country. You start your first day tomorrow, so tonight you prepare. You start by laying out your school uniform, males wear blue blazers, an matching pants. Wear as the females has a simaler, but with skirts of white. Next you adjust your alarm, so you won't over sleep, for tomorrow is your only chance to make a good impression on the Den, and teachers. You look...

3 years ago
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Sinful Salvage

The premise on the sidebar basically covers it, but this is a sort of combination of a cyberpunk and highly-versatile sex robot story. While I have a specific plot in mind for the reader and Mariah, I definitely encourage any submissions if you want to just put them in any sexy situations completely unrelated from where you feel such a thing is appropriate. I'm not an acrotomophiliac myself, but you will notice our leading lady is starting this BUSTED and will probably be in sex scenes on my...

2 years ago
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Your Sinful Mother

Your name is Matt Summers and you’re an 18 year old high school student still living at home. Your mother, Jill, is a successful businesswoman at the age of 39. She’s incredibly beautiful, especially for a woman of her age, and she has a slim and athletic body, with long black hair, and smooth and lightly tanned skin. You know from having peeked at her when she’s changing or lying in the sun, that she has absolutely no tan lines anywhere, just as you know that her pussy is shaved, except from a...

4 years ago
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Jayme the sinful twink slut Part 3 The Truck S

[RECAP]Just so you all know who I am:First off, my name’s Jayme. I’m 21 years old, 5’4”, 100lbs, super skinny thin build. I’m also hairless (besides my head), and I mean that naturally. I get a few hairs here and there, but the body, overall is smooth, and I remove those few hairs immediately when I find them. I’m very tan, sandy blonde hair at this time, but my hair changes color when I dye it obviously. I have small little nipples, a 5 inch cut dick, a flat little ass. My body has been...

4 years ago
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Jayme the sinful twink slut Part 2 The Truck

PART 2 – The truck stop excursions (A)School was finished, I had graduated, and I had all the time in the world to myself now. Now more obligations, no more going to school, and no, I didn’t hear from my math teacher who mercilessly fucked me because he couldn’t resist me.Summers are so hot, sticky, humid, and a perfect time to wear as little as possible. This was only a few weeks after I got fucked by my teacher. My mom was generous and since I graduated, took me to get my nipples pierced. ...

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Jayme the sinful twink slut Part 1

First off, my name’s Jayme. I’m 21 years old, 5’4”, 100lbs, super skinny thin build. I’m also hairless (besides my head), and I mean that naturally. I get a few hairs here and there, but the body, overall is smooth, and I remove those few hairs immediately when I find them. I’m very tan, sandy blonde hair at this time, but my hair changes color when I dye it obviously. I have small little nipples, a 5 inch cut dick, a flat little ass. My body has been related to being exceptionally...

3 years ago
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The Sinful Night Part 8211 2

My balls felt loosening up after getting relieved of that bucket load of jizz and I breathed a long shot with my head on the floor, lying flat like a plank with my cock in my women mouth. I turned around and pulled her up to kiss her forehead and hugged her tight. “Mmm that was thick” she licked her lips and kissed me. I had never kissed a cum laced pair of lips but those full luscious ones were just something else. “I am going to take a shower now love,” she said standing up while I was still...

2 years ago
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Sinful Night Part 8211 1

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net After a day filled with meetings, I just wanted to grab a few drinks in the bar next to my hotel and go back and dump myself in the bed. However, I did not know, how long a night this was going to be. I took a taxi from the office to my hotel and throughout the way, I was lost in my own thoughts away from my family in a place, so alien. I checked a few emails on the phone and a dating site I was a member of to score some quick...

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The Sinful Landlady 8211 Chapter 1

Hey, everyone, this is my second story on iss, which you can check out from my profile, for any comments my email is So, I came to Mumbai from Delhi to do my bachelors in business, so I decided to rent a 2 bhk apartment in juhu with some friends. We found a fancy place nearby and finalized the deal with the owner, who lived on the floor above. The landlady looked 30, but she was 45 divorced and had her own interior decorating business, she was a bomb to look at, curves in all the right places,...

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Random Sinful Thought

It is in the arms of intense passion, whoever it may be, I often think about the naughty things I would want to do to u. Not in the sense of "dirty" but more like erotic. It is well known that I have a desire for you, that I crave you . . . and that I have this need to want you. And with that being said:“We are in your kitchen making a nice quiet dinner. Occasionally, I move behind you like I am grabbing something in front of you. But really, I am gently pressing against you so you can feel the...

2 years ago
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Sinful Sitha Aunt 8211 Part 2

Hello ISS readers. This is Aman(name changed) again. I am here with the second part of the story. Those who don’t know me, I am from Bangalore, but I am doing my degree in Mysore. Let me tell you about myself. To be honest, I am a very skinny guy with a fair color. Height of 5’10. My dick size is not like other guys, it’s just 6 inch and 2 and half inch thick. The story is about my neighbor aunty whom I got very lustful the moment I saw her.. Coming to the story, After having a great fuckin...

4 years ago
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Sinful Sitha Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS readers. This is Aman(name changed). This is my first time on ISS. So please forgive me for any mistakes. I am from Bangalore, but I am doing my degree in Mysore. Let me tell you about myself. To be honest, I am a very skinny guy with a fair color. Height of 5’10. My dick size is not like other guys, it’s just 6 inch n 2 n half inch thick. The story I am going to say is not real but I always fantasize it. It’s about my neighbor aunty whom I got very lustful the moment I saw...

3 years ago
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Yami A Sinful Adventure

Hello everyone. This is my first story on ISS. This is a completely fictional story starring me, Sage and the sultry mistress Yami at the hill station Nainital where we both were tourists. Yami was a delight to look at, short,fair and busty. Her curves were delicious to look at and my cock would turn hard the instant my eyes fell on her. She was 23 and i was 19 at the time. I don’t know if I’m correct but her boobs were at least a C cup and she had a sexy hourglass figure and a tight, full ass....

2 years ago
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The sinful Memoires of the Marquis dAmour

After a good dinner I played a game chess with Justine in front of the fireplace whilst Juliette sat on the couch and trained her reading skills. The frequent stolen glances at me still seemed to heaten up their emotions, and in a strange way to display a sort of sisterly jealousy. I was simply impressed by this welcome affection. I couldn't wait until Justine would utter the need to relieve her bladder before bed time and I would be afforded with another good look at her hidden charms. This...

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