Spinner Ch. 03 free porn video

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Getting to know Angela.

My frustration with Gillian’s hot and cold act is palpable the next day as reading and studying quickly capture my attention, following a particularly fitful night trying to sleep. Later I have a beer with Jake at the Fifth Street Pub and tell him all my troubles. After listening attentively, he says,

‘Mike, she may be a nice girl, but face it … she is a little broken right now. All you can do is to be patient, and for God’s sake, get any notions out of you head about trying to fix her … it ain’t going to happen dude. All you can do is give ‘er some space.’

‘You’re right, I suppose, but I really like her … I love her. I don’t want to ‘fix’ her, I just want to be with her … to convince her that my intentions are good. But, I guess giving her some space might be right … for now!’

I didn’t want to give her space, I really did want to be with her, and continue a relationship with her, but unfortunately, she is not in a place where that is possible … she is making it impossible for reasons I can’t understand! I guess Jake is right about her being a little broken right now.

‘Only thing I can say Mike, is to give it some time, maybe see someone else for a while. My advice only dude, but I think I’m right.’ Jake advises.

Remembering that I still have that silly napkin with Angie’s number on it, I say flippantly to Jake,

‘Maybe I could give Angie a call, and drown my sorrows in her warm bosom … her ‘girls’!’ I am kidding of course, but he laughs at that and says,

‘Now you’re talkin’ dude! In fact you may have your chance right now, I just saw Angie walking in.’

‘Oh shit!’ I say only half audibly, the last thing I need right now is that boobsy chick, however pleasant a person she may be. A minute later, I hear Jake saying,

‘Hey Angie, have a seat! Let me buy you a beer, darlin’!’

‘Thank you Jake, honey!’ To me she says, ‘Well hello Michael, nice to see you again!’

‘Hey Angie!’ I say half-heartedly.

Jake and I are sitting on opposite sides of the table, and Angie pulls up a chair right next to me … I mean right next to me! She is stunning in a short tight skirt, and light V-neck sweater, giving us a nice view of her ‘girls’.’ Her four-inch heels set off her long shapely legs perfectly. As she sits, her already short skirt rides up over her bare, tanned thighs. She catches me looking, and smiles.

‘Jake honey, thanks for the beer. So, Michael how are things with your little friend?’

‘Gilly is fine Angie, thanks for asking! What’s up with you?’

‘Mmm, not too much! Look honey, I’m a bit hungry, so if you’re free tonight, how about takin’ a girl out to dinner?’

‘Go ahead, Mike’ Jake says earnestly, ‘Might do you some good!’

The last thing I want it to do is to take Angie out, still worried about Gilly, but Jake is determined to talk me into it. Angie has a quizzical look on her lovely face from Jake’s comment, but brightens and says,

‘It will definitely do you some good, Michael darling! How about it?’

‘Mmm, alright … can’t do any harm I guess!’ Thinking that going out with little Miss sure thing might not be too bad, I look into Angie’s beautiful honey-brown eyes and ask,

‘Where would you like to go?’

‘Mmm, I like Italian um, Chinese, and uh Mexican, so I am pretty much open!’ she says brightly, happy to have captured my attention. I answer her right away,

‘Chinese! There is a little neighborhood place about a mile from here.’

‘Oh, that’s wonderful Michael!’ She says, and looking at Jake, ‘Thanks again for the beer honey, sorry I have to steal Michael!’

‘That’s okay darlin’, there are a pair of hooters over there giving me the eye—might check her out!’

‘Well, good luck with that honey!’ Angie says with a little laugh giving Jake a peck on the cheek. Since she has to bend over the table a little to kiss him, I get a spectacular view of the back of her legs nearly all the way up! Then she whispers in Jake’s ear,

‘By the way, her name is Misty, and she has asked me about you before! Good luck baby!’

Angela and I leave as every male eye in the place follows us all the way to the door (follows her, really!). She is a regular at the pub and always attracts men to her, but since she is so incredibly beautiful and sexy, she has to be careful. She likes hanging with Jake because he watches out for her like a big brother, and since their brief romance is over, ending on a friendly note, he is safe.

Jake provides a secure way for her to get out a little, and enjoy herself and be sexy without unwanted attention from men only interested in getting what’s between her long and slender legs. Although I do not know her well, she always seemed like kind of a sweet girl despite the way she dresses!

I open the car door for Angie, she steps in and I can see that her long legs and short skirt will be a major distraction for me as I drive. At the restaurant, we select a table off to the side so we can talk, and she is pleasantly surprised as I pull a chair out for her.

‘Oh, Michael, you make me feel like a real lady!’

‘You are a real lady my dear, and it is my pleasure!’ Her smile softens almost to an ‘I love you’ smile … almost!

We order a couple of entrees to share, with some plum wine. During the dinner conversation, I quickly find that Angie is actually quite intelligent, and well informed. I discover further, that she is attending the university and studying architecture. I am starting to feel like a fool for writing her off as just another pub bimbo. Judging books by covers again!

She has a clever sense of humor, and I am thinking of her less as just a sure thing, and more as a pleasant dinner companion and date. I tell her that I am finding that she is quite a charming girl, and she says,

‘Michael, I know that you have always thought of me as just another pair of tits, like Jake does. It’s okay, I get that a lot and I understand about it. I understand it from Jake … that’s his nature, but it stings a little coming from you! So, why don’t we just have a pleasant time and see what we see—with no promises, no expectations, and no preconceived notions!’

‘Angie, I am embarrassed to say that you have me pegged correctly, but I promise to amend my behavior, and treat you with the respect you obviously deserve. I must say that listening to you and laughing with you, that there is a lot more to you than meets eyes!’

‘Thanks honey, that’s the kind of comment that might just get you laid Michael!’ she says with a musical giggle and a little blush.

‘Like you say, let’s just see what we see with no expectations, and enjoy ourselves tonight!’ I say with a smile.

She serves me an entrée from the common dish with a little rice, and we continue eating and talking. She tells me that she is delighted to find that I am not as immature as some of the other men she ends up dating. But, as she is saying that, I have to take my eyes out of her sweater [sorry, I am a guy, right?] She does notice that, but lets it pass with a just a cute smile.

Toward the end of the meal, I fill her glass with more plum wine, and we make a toast to … us. She tells me that she would like to go dancing if I am up to it, so we discuss the pros and cons of the available selection of clubs. We head back out to the car, but before I can get her door open, she slides her arms around my neck and kisses me quite passionately … with tongue. This is when I find out in a very pleasant way, that she has a tongue stud. She smiles and says,

‘Thank you for tonight Michael. I am enjoying myself, and enjoying being treated like a lady!’ then she dropped her gaze a little and says, ‘I have wanted to be with you um, date you, for a while, Michael!’

‘My pleasure Angela, I am enjoying myself as well!’

I pull her close to me
and my hand slides up over the front of her sweater, and over her breasts. She has quite a nice, round and firm set … her ‘girls.’ Once inside, I see her reach over and push my door open for me as I round the car. After I get into the car, she pulls my face to hers and kisses me again, as my hand falls naturally onto her thigh, and the quite purposefully finds its way between her them, and under her skirt. I feel her twitch as a finger brushes against her pussy over moist panties. As we part lips, I am struck by the sweet and earnest looks she is giving me.

Angie has an incredibly shapely figure, and she knows how to move it on the dance floor. Several men approach her for a dance, but she waves them all off, preferring to dance with me or to sit them out with me. I am her date tonight, and she is giving me her undivided attention!

After a few drinks, my tongue loosens, and I talk a little about my troubles with Gillian. I tell her about Gillian’s ‘spinner’ fixation, and my frustration with getting her to trust me, even after she allows me to take her virginity. Angie listens attentively, and then wearing a sympathetic expression, she says,

‘Well, Michael I understand something of where she is coming from on that. As you might imagine I have become a bet between boys a time or two, and it isn’t pleasant to know that someone is with you just for that! It especially hurts if it is someone you really like and had been looking forward to dating. I sometimes wish I had been born plain, so I could just meet some nice man to treat me … well, the way you are treating me tonight!’ She pauses for a second and adds,

‘But, I do think that your little girlfriend is carrying this a little too far. If it were me, you would only have to win me once Michael dear! I love to be sexy, but I think my forthrightness gives people the idea that I am easy … a sure thing. But Michael, as much as I like you, you would still have to work to win me! I will not make myself easy for you … I care for you too much!’

I tell her that I understand, and appreciate her honesty. We have danced to several of the lively numbers, and when a slow one comes along, she jumps up, takes my hand and leads me to the dancefloor. She has a lovely face that is made even more radiant with a slight flush from our active dancing.

She puts her hands on my shoulders as mine naturally go her hips, and paints my face with her eyes. I will never know what she is looking for, but a slow smile spreads across her face as if she found it … or found something she likes!

Then her hands slide around my neck, and she whispers in my ear,

‘Hold me tighter, Michael!’

I slide my hands around on her back, and pull her in tighter as we dance … slowly … almost motionless. She pulls back and looks into my eyes smiling, I have no idea what is running through her thoughts just now. She kisses me softly, and I feel just the tip of her tongue against my lips as we dance.

I slide a hand down onto her shapely ass, and she pulls her head back to give me a look of surprise, but smiles indicating her approval. I massage her lovely, tight ass a little, and she lays her head on my chest and lets out a long sigh.

She allows my hand to explore the edge of her very short skirt, which has risen substantially during our dance. I can feel the very top of her stockings, and the buttery skin above them. She shudders a little when my fingers brush over the bottom of her cheeks and elicits a soft moan from my pretty date.

I remove my hand from under her skirt, and give her butt a couple of light pats as I hear her giggle. I get the impression that she is very happy and very comfortable just being in my arms. I am delightfully surprised at what a sweet and loving date Angie is tonight and I can feel my heart beating a little quicker. She is easily the most beautiful and comely girl I have ever dated.

With our most intimate dance over, she asks me to take her home. Her father is a prominent architect in town, and set up an apartment for her and a girlfriend close to the campus. Back at the table, she makes a call, so once again I am left wondering about half of a conversation,

‘Hi Becky dear! … Yes … fine! Um, I need the apartment for a little … can you? … that’s great! … Michael … yes … oh, he is! … well, maybe! … thank you so much! … uh huh … bye darling!’ She just looks at me, and smiles without further explanation.

On the trip to her place, she treats me once again to a view of her creamy thighs as her short skirt rides up her long legs nearly to the top. I get out and open her door when we park in front of her place and we enter. She has a nice place, furnished simply, but tastefully. After we are in, she takes me by the shoulders, looks into my eyes and says,

‘Michael, I am not going to sleep with you tonight, but I wanted to show you my place, and maybe continue our pleasant evening.’

‘Like we agreed, no promises and no expectations honey!’ I answer.

‘Good!’ she says letting out a nervously held-in breath. She seems very happy and a little giggly giving me a tour of her place. Two bedrooms with a connecting bath (en suite, I guess they call it). I do not get a tour of her roommate’s room of course, but her apartment is comfortable, and seems nicely decorated, albeit on a budget.

She puts on some music, just mellow popular stuff, and pours us both a glass of some kind of golden wine from a tall slender brown bottle. It is sweet, but not overpowering. She pairs it with some cheese and crackers, grapes, and slices of pepperoni. We sit on the couch and talk quietly, about the evening, the band and the music, just chitchat! She has a little giggle as she talks that is hard to describe but it fits her, and is attractive in a musical way.

As the music gets softer and more romantic, we lean back on the couch a little, and just make out. You know, kissing and touching and the like. At one point, she undoes the back of her bra, works the straps down her arms, and pulls it out through the bottom of her sweater. It is an obviously well practiced maneuver. This is my cue that her ‘girls’ are mine to play with. I am just guessing that she is about a 34C, which means that her breasts are sizable. As we kiss, I slide a hand up inside her sweater and onto her breasts. They are so soft … firm … downy!

She moans at my touch, and jitters a little as my thumb rubs her nipples. Her hand is rubbing me over my trousers, and I have a hand that just must go up her skirt. Her panties are very moist, and thin enough that I can easily feel the contours of her pussy lips through them. We continue our sex play for a long time until she pulls back and says,

‘Oh, Michael I love being with you, but I have an early class tomorrow and need to put some final touches on an assignment … you know those prickly engineers! Honey, I want to see you again, is there a possibility of that?’ She looks at me earnestly … hopefully!’

‘Yes, it’s possible. If you are free next Friday night, how about a movie?’

‘If you are making a firm date, then yes Michael, I would love to!’

‘It’s a date, see you at seven! And if I am invited back here for ah, ‘milk and cookies,’ maybe we can do something active on Saturday.’ She giggles at my comment knowing what I am asking.

‘We will have to see what kind of a good boy you are Michael, but like you say, there is always the possibility.’ She says with a sexy smile. God! I love the way her mind works … she is so smart, and she is really nobody’s sure thing!

The next night, I decide to give Gillian a call,

‘Hi Gilly!’

‘Oh, hello Michael!’

‘I was wondering if you were interested in getting together this weekend, maybe Sunday. We could rent some bikes and take a tour around the lake with a picnic basket.’

‘That sounds nice Michael, but I have to concentrate on my studies this week, with exams co
ming up.’ I frown and reply,

‘You know that all work and no play, makes Gilly a dull girl!’

‘Oh I know, but I am just um, backing off of dating for now. I mean, I have feelings for you Michael … strong feelings, but I feel like you are trying to push me past my comfort zone … you know what I mean?’

‘Not exactly, can we at least get together for lunch or something?

‘Mmm, maybe sometime later … not this weekend. I really just need some space Michael!’

‘Gilly, please don’t keep be waiting too long!’

‘Okay darling! Um, please don’t lose my number, okay?’

‘Bye, Gillian!’

Well, there it is! Real life, where nothing is certain, and little bluebirds do not tie ribbons around the princess, readying her to meet her Prince Charming. No one really rides off into the sunset together, and few people are lucky enough to live happily ever after. And, sweet romances sometimes turn sour for no reason! This petite girl is frustrating me to no end!

After my discussion with Gillian, I need to hear a comforting voice … a soft female voice. I call Angela.

‘Hello, Michael!’ she says in a musical voice, ‘To what do I owe the pleasure?’

‘Can you do me a favor, Angela? Just talk. I need to hear a sweet and friendly female voice right now!’

‘Okay, should we start with what I am wearing … or should I say … what I am not wearing? Or, would you like to hear my favorite recipes, or shall I read from my copy of Sonnets from the Portuguese? Number forty-three was always my favorite!’


‘Mmm, sounds like someone has had their fingers burned. Do they hurt much darling?’

‘You are a clever girl, Angela. Maybe they are a little singed … around the edges.’

‘Poor baby … want mommy to kiss them for you? Come over, and I’ll see what I can do for you! It will give me a nice break from my books and drawing pencils!’

‘That’s the kindest thing I have heard tonight! Be right over!’

After Angie buzzes me in, I barely knock on the door, when it opens and Angela is dressed in shorts and a loose V-neck sweater. Our bodies melt together into a sweet embrace and kiss. Then she takes my hands, and kisses my fingers.

‘There! Is that better, darling?’ (I laugh!)

‘Much! I hope I am not intruding on your work tonight, I know how prickly those engineers can be!’ I say, as she laughs.

‘No Michael, you are not intruding and I don’t want to talk about anyone else’s problems but yours tonight.’

She takes my hand and leads me into the living room. She pours me a glass of wine, sits close to me on the couch and says,

‘Why don’t you tell mommy all about it?’

‘Well it is Gillian … the girl I met at the bar some weeks ago. It seems that she is putting off dating for a while. I feel guilty discussing another girl with you, since we are starting to date, but I had feelings for her … you know?’

‘Michael, I am an architect, not a psychologist, but it sounds like the girl is a little fractured right now. I may not be the most objective person, but I am willing to help if I can. I like you Michael … since the first time I saw you at the pub, and I handed you my number. I was a little hurt when you gave it to Jake … even bimbos with big tits have feelings, you know!’

‘Angie, you so not a bimbo and as you see, I have figured out how to use your number. Out of all of my friends, your voice was the one I wanted to hear most tonight. I know it is crass of me to blubber about someone else to you, but for some strange reason, it just feels right.’

She moves close to me, and I can smell her breath as her lips move into mine. It is sweet, if a little ‘woody’ from the wine. Angela is an ash-blonde with honey-brown eyes. My heart skips a beat as they slowly close to kiss me, and flutter open after. She is much more than just another model-beautiful girl from the pub, she is also a friend.

‘Angie, let’s not talk about her. Instead, tell me about your day!’ I say to her not wanting to burden her further.

A broad smile crosses her face as she talks about struggling through her structural engineering class, but then when she talks animatedly about her internal design class, the joy of getting back on the board with her pencils and protractors is palpable in her voice. The sound of her voice is soothing to me … the topic doesn’t matter. She is curled up in a corner of the couch, holding her wine, propping that elbow against the arm across her body, under her breasts. Then she looks at me over the rim of her wineglass, and says softy … almost a whisper,

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From the Ashes CATU Book 6 Ch 13

New York ‘ANGELA!’ SPENCER SAYS ANSWERING THE KNOCK to his hotel door to reveal Angela holding a large white bag and two coffee cups. ‘You’re a bit earlier than I was expecting.’ She smiles as she invites herself into the room. ‘I figured you could use a little breakfast.’ He closes the door and turns to find Angela already setting out the contents of the bag onto the small table in front of the sofa. ‘I wasn’t sure what you ate so I got a little variety,’ she says looking up at him. ...

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Fuck with secretary

I am a great reader of ISS & I must tell you about my sexual experience. I would like to share my feeling with my readers also. I am from Gujarat & would like to share this feeling with all. I must tell you the story about my office receptionist. I m manager in my office with age of 30 & I have one receptionist , very beautiful & smart with the modern look, wearing modern dress like tight fittings & shorts & she is also very sexy, extrovert & she would like to flirt with everybody. But she is...

1 year ago
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Deamology Salvation

Lyn vanished with a soft snap of air collapsing in on itself. “I think she's really angry this time,” Arlewen said, “Great job Daniel.” “I couldn't help it,” I muttered. “Can I keep these?” Liz asked, jerking on her restraints, “I wasn't lying when I said these are hot.” “They go well with you,” Arlewen said, running her finger along Liz's cheek. Liz shivered, shifting herself on the bed. Arlewen smiled, slowly straddling Liz's chest. I sighed, no longer in the mood. I...I already missed Lyn. I...

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My Step Sister0

My Step Sister I was in college when mom told me that she was going to marry the guy that she had been seeing for the past year. I had only met him a couple of times but I liked him and he sure liked my mother. When I told my girlfriend Theresa about my mother getting married she was excite and said that she would love to go to the wedding with me. The very next day though Theresa said that she couldn’t go to my mother’s wedding because her father was getting married on the very...

2 years ago
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27 Minutes Part 1 of 3 Le train

July 2011. In all my travels, the Paris Metro is one of my favourite transport systems. Whether whizzing across to breathtaking views of La Tour Eiffel or hopping up to Anvers to marvel at the gleaming Sacré Cœur and bustling artists of Place du Tertre, it’s an essential piece of kit to explore what is arguably the most romantic European city. To plan a Metro journey, just like most other underground systems, the rule of thumb is to allow roughly three minutes per stop. While transit time...

3 years ago
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Strange Alien Sex Experience 8211 Part 1

Hey ISS community, I am a 27-year-old man. I am 5 ft 8 inch in height and I have a beautiful face. I wear thick black framed glasses. I have no facial hair and have fair skin complexion, average-sized dick and a big round bubbly butt (developed due to my constant sitting in the office). Like most people, I went to a decent college, did engineering and joined an IT company, did MBA and joined another IT company as a Data Analyst. I never knew about my attraction towards men until 2016. I even...

1 year ago
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A Gulf Coast Welcome Conclusion

I awoke in the morning as the light streamed in through the window. As I opened my eyes, Caren was watching me. ‘Good morning, darlin’. I like watching you awaken. You were sleeping so deeply but then you made a little smile and rolled over. What a nice way to wake up.’ I mumbled something as a response but without that first cup of coffee, I don’t think anyone could understand me, let alone Caren. ‘I just had the best dream before waking. I was dreaming that you were going down on me and as I...

3 years ago
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Corporate RapistChapter 4

I was totally confused by Tara. We got back home after our sex-filled weekend ... and then there was nothing happening between us. Tara was aloof, and distant ... she seemed to be avoiding me. This went on for over a week. I found myself looking at Lana in a different light ... knowing that she was a sexual submissive, and that she was almost certainly not wearing any panties under her dresses. And judging by the jiggle of her breasts, she wasn’t wearing a bra either. Finally after 10...

2 years ago
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New Life

He should have reached it by now. In this damn rain he may have driven past the street. He would go down a few more blocks before he backtracked. He was sure St John's place was here in the museum district. He had gotten the address from Jackie but hadn't bothered with directions being sure he knew how to get there. Was this an omen that he shouldn't go through with it? He was opening a new door in his life, one he couldn't be sure he was ready to step through. It was going to be something...

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One Rainy Night 8211 Me Radha And Four Men

Hey all! Devil here again. With another Fictional Story for Everyone.Pls send all your comments, suggestions and feedbacks So starting with the Story..Its about Gauri. A Spoilt Girl belonging to a Rich Family from Meerut. So One Rainy Night while returning from a Party her Car Breaks down on the way. Read on to find out what happens.. In Gauri’s Own Words… “Mahn! Even My car had to stop at this fucking time in the Middle of this Lonely area with No People or Lights Around.” I wondered as I...

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Jessa Rhodes Caught In The Act

Jessa Rhodes is a naughty young blonde slut. She sits in her room taking nude selfies for her boyfriend. As she is showing off her big tits and pouty dick sucking lips, Jessa’s Step Daddy walks in the room. Jessa Rhodes is caught. She has no excuses. Her Step Father sees what she is doing and all she can do is beg for him to not tell her Mother. Jessa’s Mom would be very angry if she finds out that her little girl is actually a dirty slut. Her Step Daddy says he needs to tell his...

2 years ago
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Meri sexy behan

Main 20 saal ka hun. Meri behan 18 saal ki hai. Wah dikhne main bahut sundar hai aur uska badan bahut hi sexy hai. Jab bhi wah jeans pehenti hai, main uski bums (gaand) ke movements dekh ke pagal ho jata hun. T-shirt main to uske boobs (bable) itne ubhre ubhre nazar aate hai ke koi bhi deewana ho jai. Hum dono bahut he free hain, aur jab bhi mujhe mauka milta hai main oose haath laga ta hun, aur jab bhi main oose haath lagata hun, mere badan main jaise current lag jata hai. Ek baar baarish ke...

3 years ago
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Her First Time

The rain smashed against the windows, it was another stormy night in England. I had already showered and was sitting at my dressing table wearing my normal bed clothes; my favourite blue silk bra and knickers with my silk blue robe tied around loosely. My hair, still wet from the shower lay against my shoulders and chest. I completed my journal installment and smiled. "19 today" I said aloud, and laughed as I cheered my hands in the air, thankful that no-one could see me. It was then a clutter...

First Time
4 years ago
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Meet The Team

You step down from the plane, a droplet of sweat already falling into your eyes. It is unbearably hot in the badlands and you wonder uncharacteristically why anyone would fight for this land. After meeting the steel eyes of the Administrator, you push such pointless thoughts from your mind and assume a disciplined stance to rival hers. Without speaking, she evaluates you and flicks the ashes from her long cigarette to the ground. "I am not happy," she tersely reveals. The Administrator's voice...

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Pussy Pleasures

As I rested myself into the soothing hot tub, I heard a voice call me. I had just entered the hot tub with my drink only moments ago. Since I didn't want to exit the nice hot water immediately, I answered, "I'm here in the hot tub." This tub is in the backyard. The voice was coming from the front of the house and sounded like that of my neighbor. In a few seconds I saw my 19 year-old neighbor, Mary, come around the side of the house and walk up to the tub. I had just placed my towel on the side...

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Here He Is Miss Britain Part 1

This story is a stand-alone one about how Jeff Trumbull, from The Real Me, became Mary. One does not need to read the first story to enjoy this one. For a change, Alistair "Ace" Trumbull woke up early on a Saturday. He was a good husband and good father, but he liked his weekend lay-ins. His wife, Meredith, was more than fine with it because her man deserved the rest. Her Al was a hard worker. He worked on the Southampton dock. A hard drinker, Ace was a regular at The Griffin and The...

2 years ago
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Supergirl and Powergirl Snobs Pleasure

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...

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Me the MILF

I come home early from work, to hear music playing from my son's bedroom. I take my shoes off at the door to see Alex, the k** from next door laying on the bed and looking at a magazine filled with naked women. I watch from the cracked door, to see him stroking his member through his jeans.I sneak back down the hallway, put my shoes back on and go back outside. I walk to the side of the house to get a better view of Alex. He's laying on the bed, rubbing the tip of his dick, that he has...

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Night shift fun

Well, I have continued to push my own limits, and last night was another night of fun and new exciting stuff. I am a nurse that works the night shift in a large hospital and was at work last night. As you know I am in my mid 50’s, Hispanic, have been getting wilder and wilder the past 5-6 years sexually, and have not found much I would not try. At how I don’t like wearing cloths, in public I am still pretty conservative (in the area I live) to keep up my good homemaker appearance, but...

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The Yoni Massage

Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to tell you about one particular night we enjoyed together. Ashley googled something called a "yoni massage", which is essentially a very intimate massage of the vulva and vagina. This is designed to bring pleasure to your woman, and it doesn't matter whether they reach orgasm or not. We began by simply gazing into each other's eyes, standing next to the bed. We lovingly kissed each other and caressed each other's bodies. Ashley then pulled my...

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Passionate Love

Hi this is 21 year old chap from Bangalore. I would like to share a story with you. Kindly mail your responses at So that I can write more stories in a way you may like. Coming to the story it was a windy day when I was carrying some second handbooks to my room from a market. There are so many books that I couldn’t see anyone coming straight towards me. I just hit someone coming in my way. My books were fallen all over the ground. The one I hit was a woman in her early 30’s and carrying some...

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Fucking My Horny Sis

Hi this is wolverine from baroda, obviously name changed because of safety. This is my 1st story on iss so bear with my mistakes. I am following iss since last 2 years. I love incest stories. This happened 2 months ago. It may be bit of long story, so have some patient and get ready for blasting orgasm. Let me tell you about myself, I am really horny guy, I check out all the girls expects aged ladies from family. I am cricket player so you would have idea about my stamina. My high is 5’7” and...

4 years ago
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A guy and his 16 Servant

Tankena quickly fleeing, Sheeka tried to deflect Rashala's blasts but soon found that somehow Rashala was far more powerful than she remembered her. What the hell was going on? How could all their power have increased that much, Jake was only a human a plain one at that nothing special about him... though that warm feeling she'd had in her chest had been so wonderful like a caress of a lover so tender and sweet. Jake could see that something was going on with the other Jinn female that was...

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Casual Encounters Movies

Series: Casual Encounter Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, movies, femdom, malesub, dom, sub, bdsm, anonymous, pwp Summary: Two people are in a theatre, watching a bad movie. Note: Casual Encounters is something I’m trying, rather than focusing on the players in the story, I wanted to take two random characters, and a place that two people could have sex, and make the sex the star of the story. I hope you enjoy, and if you’d like more stories like this, please let me know. ...

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Exposing and enjoying lady boy

" Welcome Vanita and Rahul" Aunty said- kissing me and hugging me in her arms. We had gone to her Mansion, on the isolated island, she was living. She had become widow at a very young age. Her husband had left lot of fortune for her, to live in all sort of luxury. She was staying with Bobby. Bobby was almost our age and had just finished school. Aunty was very beautiful with full bosom and her body was in great shape. My boy friend Rahul, was also related to her and we loved and liked this...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 3

Friday, July 2, 1976 I woke up just in time to see Eve enter the room with my breakfast. “Good morning Michael,” she said with a smile. “Good morning, Eve. Is that my breakfast?” I asked as she placed it on the rollaway table. It consists of unappealing plain yogurt and apple juice. I looked at it. I am not impressed by the doctor’s idea for my dietary needs. “This food will be the death of me,” I jokingly say. Eve has a horrified look on her face. “Oh, please don’t say that. It’s bad...

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The Guy Next Door Part 4

‘..So what do you think Lola?’ Lola Snapped back into focus, ‘Sorry Ash, what did you say?’ She asked slightly disorientated from a very graphic day dream. ‘God Lou I could have been talking about something really serious there for all you knew! Good thing I was just planning my outfit for tonight, isn’t it?’ She grinned at Lola. Ashleigh was her closest friend and she’d been seeing this guy called Damian and tonight was another of their dates. ‘Was it your black skinny jeans, ankle boots and...

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Mommy Gives Me a Buttplug

"Are you almost done? I'm leaving soon if you still want to go." Debbie stood in her son's bedroom door smoking a cigarette while he lay on his bed jacking off. A loud porno was playing on his TV, some girl was getting gangbanged. She was a chubby brunette covered in tattoos, and caked in cum."Yeah...yeah...almost." David's cock was drooling precum as he continued jacking off. Long strands of stickiness had spilled over and dried on his hand. He was close to cumming though, he just needed...

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Cuckold couples identity is a big suprise

Last summer I was browsing the ads and found a local couple looking a for a man to fuck the wife while husband watches. I decided to try my luck and sent them a message and was quite surprised to get a reply. We exchanged emails and it was always the wife who was writing their messages. After a few messages I knew about them that they are about my age, live in the same city and they want a friendly man to fuck the wife. Husband would be watching, maybe even joining in with the fun but strictly...

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The MoveChapter 5 All Anal Party

Friday saw the family sitting around the table having dinner and talking about tomorrows party. Both Ted and Mark were worried about having their ass fucked. Mary and Toni were horny thinking about having their ass fucked and could not sit still. After they cleaned up from dinner, Mom and Dad had a talk with the kids. Ted spoke “I am going to guess that we are all thinking about the party tomorrow. Mr. Knight said it will be an all anal affair. Exactly what that means, I’m not sure, but I...

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Behn ki chudai

Hi dosto dis is sami again frm lahore bohat si lurkion or aunties ki mail mili jo mujh sa chudwana chahti hain or hur turhan sa sex enjoy kurna chahti hain ap logo ki khuaish pur yea story bhaij raha hn passend ae to mail me ub ap logo ka time zaya kie bina story pur ata hn yea meri first cousine sister ka sath kia sex ki khani hey yea koi saal pehle ki baat hey jub meri cousine jis ka naam sidra hey humarey gher rehne ai th us ki shakal kia khobsorat th chehre pur bala ki masomiat th us ka...

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Fall of Autumnsville

After reading the story In the Pink by Argus, I decided to write something myself along those lines. I hope to make this an ongoing series if I see enough interest in it. I had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope people do || I'd like to thank Argus for letting me sponge, and I'd like to thank my friend Car2nage for helping me write this. If you have any questions, my email is [email protected] The Fall of Autumnsville: Chapter 1 "There are about two more boxes. Think...

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Aged Neighbor Maids Feast

I am Kiran ( Name changed ) from Kerala.I am recently explored this site and got excited.I am 42 year old married man with 2 children.My neighbor has a housemaid of 52 yrs old.In that house only one grantma and her pregnant daughter.All the works in that house was done by the house maid Saroja( name changed ). Mean time i want to tell the maid.She was 52 yr old and slight bend and good round buttocks, and beautiful face and black hairs.I was very much attracted her beauty of her face.I started...

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The Diary of a whore

Now, we live from week to week in the trashiest part of town. The Ferrarri promised to me upon my sixteenth birthday is now a thing only of dreams as now my sixteenth birthday approaches and I will not even be able to afford a car at all. My mother has gotten a job at Save Mart to pay the bills, but that in no way, suffice to say, keeps us up to our normal standard. At fifteen, I strived to be more than my wildest dreams, but didn't know how. I have been told I am "hot" by male...

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how I became a sissy

I've Always dreamed about sucking big juice, hairy, cocks. So I registered on a gay hookup Site, And met there this man. He is much older Than me. He is very dominant, and kinky. So I grabbed is chance, And agreed tó meet him. I quickly booked a lovers nest. Went there And get prepared did my makeup, put on sexy stockings with cut undies, And finally kneed in front of the door blindfolded. I waited for him. once i heard the door open and immediately i coupe feel his presence, his cologne. I had...

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The Choice

Dan and I were high school buddies that ended up at the same university in our hometown. I played football while he played basketball. He was the taller and more slender one concentrating more on cardio and speed. I had brown hair and brown eyes while Dan was a redhead with blue eyes. I was a gym fanatic working out with weights and drinking protein shakes. We both had sports scholarships to get us through school. I was still going steady with April who I knew from my childhood...

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Derek and MeganFICTION

IT ALL STARTED ON ONE RAINY MONDAY MORNING. Megan woke up, and made sure she was wearing nothing underneath her ultra mega short nightgown. She went down stairs, and saw her step dad, Derek. DEREK WAS DRINKING COFFEE. Derek's 9'' cock always goes hard every time he sees his step daughter Megan in her ultra mega short nightgown. Derek is 10 years older than Megan. She's 18, he's 28, her mom is 48. MEGAN HAS A GREAT BODY. 37 D cup sized tits, a slim body, a virgin pussy and a great round ass....

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Ride With Mom Turns Horny

There was a small trigger when I was doing my mom and sister that led me to create this story. A little bit of fact and then a dash of fantasy made me write this story. Though this is not a linear narration, I would be switching between the present and the past, ultimately ending with what is happening in now, the near future and going ahead. The story contains, incest, scat, piss drinking and dirty talk. If this is not what you are looking at please logoff rightaway. To the story now. The...


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