Rayne Ch. 13 free porn video

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Rayne took the stairs two at a time so great was his hurry to reach Gabriella’s side. Once outside the door he hesitated, so much to say yet he knew not what to say. For the first time in his life he was filled with fear, fearful of so many things. What condition mentally and emotionally would she be in? Had Torquemada subjected her to so much torture that she would turn from him as well? Was her mind so shattered that she would have no recollection of him, of their time together? His hand mid-way to the door knob he stood transfixed as if rooted to the spot.

He stood so long lost in his thoughts that Maria, with the help of Navia reached the top of the stairs and brushed past him into the room. He followed quietly behind, stopping just inside the door and leaning with his back against the door frame, taking in the scene before him. Maria reached Gabriella’s side and Navia stood at the foot of the bed. Maria reached out a weathered old hand and brushed aside the hair that lay across Gabriella’s face. Gabriella’s eyes flickered open, and focused on the face belonging to the hand that caressed her face. Recognition flashed in her eyes and a smile graced her lovely lips.

She breathed, more than said ‘Maria…’

It was more of an endearment than a question and the old woman who had waited so long to hear words come from the girl she loved so deeply as she would have a child of her own flesh and blood stood with tears of joy coursing down her cheeks.

‘Si’ quidera, it is your Maria.’

Gabriella lay looking into her face just taking it in for a long moment before noticing the beautiful your woman at the foot of the bed. With the question clearly on her face Maria spoke up.

‘This is Navia, she has helped me care for you all these long months.’

Gabriella focused her gaze on the woman and Navia ducked her head, suddenly very shy.

‘Thank you’ a simple heartfelt sentence that bespoke volumes more than words ever could.

Navia, a little more at ease spoke in her melodic island voice ‘you’re welcome, it was no trouble.’

Gabriella remembered the sound of this voice, when she had slept and dreamt and floated on the clouds high above. It was the sound of this voice that had kept her from giving up. The sound of it had been so soothing from the troublesome and painful memories that she had hid from for so long. She didn’t know where she was or how this woman came to help care for her, but she would be eternally grateful. She laid quietly, all these thoughts flitting through her mind, and then, unbidden came the remembrance of another. The man she had loved with all her heart that she had tried so hard to protect from the madman that had tormented her so savagely. She turned questioning eyes back to Maria, and so low that it took a moment for the question to register, she spoke.

‘Rayne?’ She was half afraid of what the answer would be. Surely all that she had endured had not been in vain. What good had it been for her to cling to life so vicariously if it had been for naught?

Maria looked towards Navia and beyond and Gabriella followed the line of her gaze. Navia stepped aside and suddenly there he was, seemingly filling the room with his very presence. Rayne, her eyes feasted on his handsome visage. He looked just as she had remembered him. It was that vision that had forced her to cling to life, to not give up during the long nights in the hold of the floating prison. It was the memories of his lovemaking and the promise of all that he would teach her that had caused her to endure the long days of rape and torture. She wanted to look into his eyes, but was afraid of what she would see. She couldn’t abide it if there was pity or worse there. But, Gabriella was no coward and with a deep breath, she allowed her eyes to reach his and was jolted by the intense look there. A look filled with worry, pain, fear and most of all love.

Rayne had been so fearful that she would have no recollection of him, or far worse, she would reject him and his love. But instead he saw mixed emotions, but the strongest was love. He moved forward on feet that were slow to move, not even realized that he walked until he reached her side. He reached out a hand to stroke her face, a face that registered recognition that looked more beautiful that he had ever dreamt possible. Made all the more so by just the emotions displayed across it. He leaned forward his face even with hers, his lips brushing across her forehead, across her eyelids and finally claiming her lips in a kiss so gentle that it was like butterfly wings brushing them.

Maria and Navia left the room leaving them to continue their emotional reunion in private. But neither Gabriella nor Rayne even noticed their departure. She breathed in the scent of him, as he sat on the bed, gathering her in his arms. His hands tangled in her hair as he rained kissed all over her face and lips. He had been afraid this day would never happen and he was indeed a happy man. Gabriella wanted to touch his face, stroke his hair, kiss his lips, this was what had kept her alive, for deep in her heart she had known that if there was any way possible Rayne would find her and save her. She had put her trust in the man she loved and he had not let her down.

There were no words spoke, they didn’t need words between them right now, they only needed the touch of one another for now. Rayne swept back the covers and lifted Gabriella into his arms and strode out onto the balcony and sprawled into a chair pulling her into his lap and cradling her in his arms. Holding her as if he would never let her go. The twilight had started to fall, and stars began to twinkle in the sky. The sound of the waves on the beach far below were soothing, the breezes were soft, kissing her skin, the scent of tropical flowers hung heavy on the air. She tucked her head under Raynes chin and stoked his chest and at long last she spoke.

‘I have dreamed of this moment for so long, and clung to it as fiercely as I knew how. Fearful that you wouldn’t want me after all that Torquemada did to me. If you don’t, I will understand, not many men would.’

She looked up into Raynes face, and was surprised to see wet tracks glistening on his handsome face. Tears flowed from his beautiful blue eyes and a sob tore from his chest.

‘Not want you? I felt as if I were dead when I thought I had lost you. I searched the seas and pushed my men till most would have dropped from exhaustin to find you. And that mad man will never hurt another living soul. I dispatched him straight to the gates of hell, and even that was too good for him. If I could only have found you before he had a chance to…’

Gabriella hushed him with a kiss, deep and searing.

‘It is done, and it is over. I am just grateful that you found me and ended my lifelong torture. Let’s never speak of him again.’

Rayne led her from the balcony back to the room, and laid her gently on the bed, climbing in beside her. He wanted more than anything in the world to make love to her but felt it was too soon, so he held her and caressed her face until they both fell asleep. They slept the deep sleep of those who are deeply content and in love.

When the morning sun slanted across the horizon he lay sleeping deeply as she gazed at him, enjoying the chance to just watch him. His eyes flickered open and he was looking straight into Gabriella’s smiling green eyes.

‘Good Morning mi’ amore’ she whispered.

A smile curved the corners of his sensuous lips as he kissed her good morning. Rayne knew that his body would react quickly to Gabriella lying next to him, and that if he didn’t get out of the bed soon, he wouldn’t be able to control his natural desire to make love to her. He slid from the bed and promised to return soon. By the time he returned, Gabriella had wandered out to the balcony and stood with the morning breezes ruffling her hair and making the thin white gown cling to her body. The sight was feast for his
eyes and his body. He felt himself quicken at the sight and quickly averted his gaze to safer fodder. He crossed to room to the balcony and sat the breakfast tray on the low table and they sat one on each side of the table to break their fast.

‘Tell me about this place. It’s so beautiful and you seem to be so at ease here.’

Rayne knew he would have to tell her about Navia and hoped it wouldn’t affect the natural affection the two women had formed.

‘This is my home my island. I found this island with only a handful of people living here eking out a living when I left England.’

‘Why did you leave England?’

Rayne hesitated and decided that she deserved to know the truth, the whole truth about him, so he began the tale that seemed to come from so far in the past. He left out no detail, even the truth about Simone. He could have chuckled at the fiercely possessive look in her eyes over that part of the story. Then there was sadness over the part about Lionel and their quarrel. But understanding as the story progressed and he explained Lionels controlling nature. There were smiles over his childhood and the soft look he got when he spoke of his mother and father. When she learned of Navies’ role in Raynes life she expressed curiosity and hope that Navia would remain a part of their lives. When the story was finished she asked to see his island, which so far she had only seen from the balcony.

Rayne told her that he felt she could use a little rest he didn’t want her overly tired, and that if she would agree to rest he would take her for a ride in the afternoon and show her the island. She reluctantly agreed, feeling completely rested, but knowing Rayne would have his way. So, she laid on the chaise lounge and napped the rest of the morning away.

At lunch Navia and Maria arrived with a tray and she asked if they would stay and join her for lunch. Navia was shy and now Gabriella understood why. But over the course of lunch Navia seemed to relax quite a bit and Gabriella engaged her in telling her more about the island. You could tell by her words and vivid descriptions that she greatly loved this island and the people, her people that lived there.

Rayne arrived as promised and insisted on carrying her down the stairs. From the chaise lounge he swept her effortlessly into his arms and strode confidently down the stairs and out to the awaiting carriage. The carriage carried the crest of Quinhurst and had richly appointed leather seats. The matched bays pulling it were exquisite animals and responded to the lightest of touches. Over the next two hours he drove Gabriella over the island and pointed out the busy shipyard and workers loading and unloading cargo. There were fields with crops in them with field men and women busy at their tasks. There were happy dark skinned children playing around small well built thatch topped huts both along the beaches and up into the rolling hills in the middle of the island.

‘When you are stronger there is a place I want to take you. It is my favorite place on the island.’

Gabriella knew she would like that, sharing something that was special to Rayne, and knew instinctively that it would become special for her as well.

As much as Gabriella hated to admit it, the ride had tired her out, which in turn frustrated her, for she wasn’t nearly ready for the ride to be over, but knew she would accomplish nothing arguing. Besides, he was right, she didn’t want to over-do it her first time out of the house. She had not realized how weak she was. Gabriella was not used to so much inactivity.

They returned to the house to be greeted by Maria.

‘Chica, there is a glowing blush in your cheeks, this outing has been good for you.’

But she could tell Gabriella was tired and she whisked her up the stairs clucking all the way about her doing too much too soon. Gabriella sank down into the enormous slipper tub Rayne had moved to her room and relaxed amongst the warm scented water. She soaked for over an hour before Navia arrived with a beautiful gown for her. It was not elaborate, very simple watered silk in emerald, very low cut and trimmed in black lace.

When she had finished helping her dress she told her that Rayne had requested that their dinner be set up on the balcony. So, Gabriella wandered out to the balcony enjoying the evening breezes that seemed to kiss her skin and calm her soul. She never heard him enter the room and was surprised by the soft kiss along her shoulder where he placed it. He wrapped her in his strong arms and just held her close inhaling deeply of the scent of her.

Navia appeared with their meal of island fare. There was blacked fish with a rice dish, fresh vegetables from the massive gardens, fresh greens and tomatoes with freshly made oil vinaigrette dressing lightly drizzled over it. There was a basket of freshly baked rolls that smelled mouthwatering. There was a bottle of wine that had a full bodied bouquet that was perfect with the fish.

Gabriella hadn’t realized just how hungry she was until Rayne chuckled at her tucking away her food. She blushed profusely and started to apologize when he assured her he enjoyed watching her eat. When Navia cleared away the remains of their meal, she left a bowl of berries the perfect sweet accompaniment to the meal. Rayne had her join him on the chaise where he held her closely and fed her the berries evoking a memory of another meal they had shared in what seemed a lifetime ago.

Gabriella turned in his arms to look up into his face. She reached up and caressed his face, closing her eyes as her hand touched his face as if memorizing every detail of him to her heart. Rayne’s nerves were stretched tight as he could no longer control his needs. He claimed her lips in a soft kiss that quickly deepened into a passionate demanding kiss that ignited her feelings and spiraled out of control. Her hunger for him fed on the kisses and caresses. Rayne didn’t know how much more he could take and still be able to stop. Gabriella sensed his hesitation and breathed her plea.

‘Rayne, make love to me. Finish what you started so long ago. I feel like I have waited a lifetime for this moment!’

He needed no further encouragement and lifted her into his arms and strode to the bed, laying her gently on the large bed. He joined her there kicking off his boots and resumed the searing, breath stealing kisses. His hands roamed at leisure over her body, caressing through her gown her breasts causing her nipples to harden into tiny pebble-like buds. A deep moan built in her throat burst from her lips as she began an exploration of her own, of his body. Somewhat timidly at first but quickly emboldened by his caresses and her mounting need. With his help she pulled his shirt off giving her free rein of his chest.

She became the aggressor, pushing him onto his back and spreading hot moist kisses across his face, neck and across his chest. Her pearly white teeth worried his nipples and to her delight they too ruches like her own had. Rayne slid her gown off her shoulders and made short work of it, adding it to the mounting pile of clothes beside the bed. His eyes feasted on the beauty of her body, and he kissed and caressed each and every scar left behind on her body as if he could remove the memories by his touch. His breeches joined the pile of clothes and his manhood sprang free, standing proudly from his body, engorged by his desire. The size seemed enormous to Gabriella, but she felt no fear, for she knew he would never hurt her. She hesitantly reached out her hand to caress his hardness and was surprised at the odd combination of rock hardness and satiny smoothness like hot, hard silk. At her touch it involuntarily jumped and she was amazed at the sensitivity and her power to create such a reaction.

Rayne took a ragged breath and managed to rasp out ‘Gabriella, I am at the point of no return, I won’t be able to stop myself if you continue to touch me like this.’

‘I don’t want y
ou to stop, I never want you to stop!’

That was like music to his ears, and with a growl he rolled her to her back and began in earnest to arouse her. His hands caressed her breasts, quickly followed by his mouth. His tongue flicking over her nipples creating elicit responses from Gabriella. The feelings evoked a fire that swirled deep in her belly, radiating heat throughout her body. Her back arched not wanting his mouth to leave her breasts, her hands tangled in his long mane of blue black hair pulling him ever closer. He nibbled and licked his way down her belly, her warm skin driving him insane with need. The musky smell of her womans center egged him ever downward until his lips brushed across her mons covered in soft raven curls. He parted her hidden jewel box and slowly and deliberately flicked his tongue over her hidden jewel causing her body to jerk involuntarily in response. He began to nuzzle her and lick and suck until she felt she would lose her mind. She seemed to not have any control over her own body, it solely responded to his touch causing involuntary reactions and she made soft mewling sounds which escalated in response to her impending climax. He felt her wetness on his face and her cries of release told him she had climaxed. Rayne gave her only moments to catch her breath and when she would have reached out to do the same to him, he stopped her, telling her he could wait no longer to make her truly his. Gabriella understood that his need was even greater than hers had been. He rolled to his back taking her with him, she instinctively moved over him, and he held her perfectly still as he slid her down the hard length of his pulsating shaft. Her eyes opened wide at the full feeling and she was consumed with feeling all of him inside of her, but he controlled her movements as best he could, not wanting to hurt her in any way. But Gabriella had a mind of her own and she bucked her hips seating him full into her.

She rocked her hips and Rayne thrust upwards, the feeling was all that he had thought and more. For the first time in his life it wasn’t just a sex act, it was driven by love. They were lost in the throbbing pulsating feelings that swirled around them, consuming them. Gabriella bucked wildly as did Rayne and they both reached the edge of the precipice and hung there for a space of a moment before tumbling over wild cries erupting from them both. Gabriella collapsed on his chest, exhausted and completely satiated for the first time in her life. Arms wrapped around each other, bodies pressed tightly together they both fell into the sleep of lovers with the moonlight caressing their bodies the stars twinkling overhead.

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Divya K Saath Jungle Me Mangal 8211 Part I

Yeh kahani he Samir ki. Samir ek girls college me professor tha. Jo sex ka bada shoukin tha. Age 28 saal dikhne me handsome tha. Athletic body thi. Kayi college kumariyo ko chod chuka tha. Woh shadi shuda b tha. But uski biwi zyada khubsurat nhi thi. Divya usi college ki ek khubsurat kali thi.B.Com 3rd year me pdhti thi. Divya ki age 20 saal thi, jo 5’5″ height ki thi, safed gora rang tha, badi badi kaali aankhe thi, gulaab se komal honth the, aur lamba sa par nazuk naak. Ghane nitamb tk lambe...

3 years ago
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Aunty8217s sex thirst gets satisfied

Hi Iss readers,it been more than a year since i have posted.Let me introduce myself. My name is krishna and i am frm chennai.I am 21 years old. A perfect hot body and cock of 6″ in length. Very well experienced man.Had sex with 2 aunties and three classmates. So lets start of with the story.This happen in 2005 ,when i was staying in hyderabad.I got admission in chennai and i m studying here now.My aunty who is 38 years old has got a sexy figure .She used to work as Hr in some company.HR’s are...

1 year ago
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Matthew the Awakening Chapter 2

Matthew-The Awakening - Part 2As you might imagine from part 1 http://xhamster.com/user/Matt-in-the-West/posts/364778.html I had a tough time making it through the next weekend. I mean, my entire sexual experience was me masturbating (and I was very good at that), a few handjobs from the girl next door and them mom sucking me off the previous week. I would have thought it a dream were it not for the fact that when I woke the next morning with the taste of mom's pussy in my mouth and our...

4 years ago
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Exploring part 2

We were inseparable and we were horny any chance we got we would show each other, from swimming in the pool and exposing ourselves to each other to sharing water sports with each other. That one was kind of exciting. Her mom was outside sunbathing and everyone else was at work. We both went in our bathroom and first i layed on the floor and she sttod over me and gave me a golden shower. Then i retuned the favor as she sat in the bathtub and i sprayed her. God we were kinky. Things changed when...

2 years ago
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Nazayz Sambhad

Hi all of you first of all I will thanx to ISS jis ne har kissi ko apne sath hue incident ko share karne ka mauka diya.aur mein iss ki regular vistor hoon. mera naam pooja(name changed) hai mein Punjab ki rehne wali hoon aur apni ik sacha incident batane ja rahi hoon jo mere sath hua jis se meri jindgi hi badal gayi, mene ajj tak kissi aur ko touch bhi nahi karne diya tha apne hubby ke bina meri age 34 ki hai ,gud looking hoon rang goora aur fig size 38-34-36 ka hai mein aur logo ki tarah juth...

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she put my hand down her top and placed it in her bra i played with one her tits she un did my zipper and pulled my nob out of my boxers and started wanking me i was gettin harder with ever stroke mmmm oh yeah she placed it in her mouth and started sucking .. her friends shouted across bus r u enjoying the cock haha she shouted back yeh it tastes nice u wanna go ...she sucked me harder i took my hand off her tit and grabbed her by her hair and pushed her down on my throbbing cock with spit off...

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Chapter 6 Charmaine started the new phase of her life with uncertainty but liked the idea of living as a single woman when the possibility of having sexual liaisons appealed to her. She liked the idea of romance, of finding someone new and the fun of ‘falling in love’ knowing she would never divorce Bill unless he insisted. She didn’t want to be indiscrete or resort to indiscriminate sexual encounters unless she found the circumstances were right. She wanted the men she planned to bed to know...

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Chapter one My friend Dianes story

This is a story about a friend of mine whom I knew in England.  Diane was quite a bit older than me. We had met and were introduced by other lesbians at the social club we belonged to. After my discharge from the Service, I wanted to stay in London because of the many friends I’d made there. She had her own two bed room flat, and I was invited to stay there, sharing in the expenses. We had much in common, we both had very strict upbringings. Whereas I was passive by nature, she had a very...

4 years ago
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Lencer Main Choda Sony Ko

App da pyara sa harry pher app ke liya original story lake hajar hua hai . Umeed hai ladkiyan wife aunty isse padhke mujh se chut marrvane ko tadafn giya . Mera land 7″ ka mota lohe jisa land kal sony ko lencer main dhake se chut main de daala .meri mail id mujhe app de bhut se mail mile . Thanks . I love u all. Abh story pe aate hai . Main punjab ka rehna wala hu . Je story aje kal ki hi hai.meri sony ke sath gal hoi ko 2 saal ho chuke hai main lar sony ne aje mainu chut nai marrvai . Mujhe...

3 years ago
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Lust in the Backseat

Laura just couldn't stay awake any longer. She didn't care how mad her mom was going to be. It didn't make sense to her anyway why they all had to stay awake on the long drive from Pennsylvania to South Carolina. Her mother was the only one doing the driving. With a huff, Laura pulled her hood from her sweatshirt over her eyes, slumped down in the seat, and drifted off to dreamland.Rick glared at his wife out of the corner of his eye. It was her dumbass idea to drive instead of fly to South...

3 years ago
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The BookChapter 7 Censorship

Many mind shields moved about in the neighborhood. Bob could feel the mentally dead spots all over. At least a dozen he could sense immediately. Bob wasn't sure how they'd narrowed down the search to here, but the reality was, they were here. Guessing at what could happen, and hopeful the hunters would leave the women alone, he'd written a note. It said he'd be gone a week or two, they should keep the household in good order for his return. He planted suggestions in their sleeping minds...

3 years ago
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My Fathers Lover

When I came home that night from a long days work, I was amazed that I was actually supposed to get off two hours from now. Thankfully a large catering client delayed for another evening, so I got to come home early. The first thing I wanted to do was to call my girlfriend, Emily. It was so terrific to meet another lesbian, but it was difficult, since we were both 18 and would be leaving for university by summer's end. She'd be going off to the West Coast; and me to the East Coast. I still...

2 years ago
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me first big black cock experience

A little bit about us, we have been swinging for a few years with white males. Then we fantasized about me fucking a big black cock. And I must admit that the idea turned me on tremendously. We had talked to a few members from an adult site and narrowed it down to one. My husband and I had talked it up all week. So me and our new friend started texting and he was so excited about being my first bbc experience ever. He sent me lots of pictures of his big hard cock and I was so wet with...

3 years ago
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Slut Wife needs a hard cock Part Two

Slut! Wife needs hard cock. Part two: Steph lay back on the sofa with her legs wide open, stroking her shaved gaping pussy. Carl’s cum was still running out of her pussy as she stared at me with a look of lust and shame.“I didn’t mean it to go so far. I’m so sorry” she spoke softly as she continued stroking her well fucked pussy.“You definitely meant it to go that far. You fucking loved having that huge cock inside you. You’ve never enjoyed sex like that before and you were worshiping his cock”...

4 years ago
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Lick the Wet

You stir and turn to lie on your side. I move close behind you, my arm across your waist, once again imitating spoons. You murmur words. Indistinct. I ask you to say the words again. You whisper,  “My mouth is dry.” I know this time I must refresh you. There is bottled water across the room. I leave the bed. I leave you alone. I know that I will return and I know that beneath those covers, warm between the crisp white sheets, you lie, naked. I open the water and offer it to you. “Drink.”...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 429

Short and sweet from Uther Pendragon Wizard parking only Violators will be toad. ✧ ✧ ✧ Some self-testing from Jmccosh There is a new take at home COVID-19 test. Put your right index finger in your mouth. Put your left index finger in your butt. Count to three and swap fingers. If you can’t taste the difference you have COVID-19. ✧ ✧ ✧ (ˆ◡ˆ)¸.•´✿¨`•✿(ˆ◡ˆ)¸.•´✿¨`•✿(ˆ◡ˆ)

3 years ago
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It is London

It is London, it is spring and to me it is a miracle she is here. Months of e-mails and messaging are forgotten as a dream appears. I watch her step from the taxi and walk up the stairs and into the foyer. Even if I did not recognise her face, her shy hesitant steps would give her away. I wave and start to move towards her, shaking apprehensively until I see her smile and move towards me. “Hi, how are you?” Her voice, just those four words, goes straight to my heart. “Hi there, I’m well,...

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Kristi Sold and Bought

SynopsisBecause of her behaviour, her father sells her on a month’s trial as a slave to the owner of a store where she’s caused much disruption. She pays a painful price for it. More pain follows when she returns home before she is sold again.  Kristi, Sold and Boughtby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in...

1 year ago
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A Game of Choice

“That’s right Jason, Mum and I play a spanking game. I am the one that gets spanked of course, on the bare,” Daniel said proudly.  “What, you mean really being spanked? Who would want to play that game?” “Well me for a start.” 23 year old Daniel looked at his 22 year old cousin and explained. “Mum hadn’t spanked me for a good number of years then a few months ago I told her I fantasised about being spanked and I asked Mum what she thought. We had a chat, and she came up with the game.”

3 years ago
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The feeling in the pit of his stomach grew more intense as he neared the clearing. He was early - he'd been waiting for this moment for years, in a way - and he was far too scared, too exhilarated, to be late. He was at the clearing now. It was around 15 metres wide, with thick tufty grass covering its floor. Taking a crumpled packet of cheap cigarettes from his pocket, he found he was shaking slightly in fear. The rain put paid to any efforts to light one, though, so he shoved them back...

2 years ago
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"Come on boys," I heard my mom shout from the next room, "Pies are almost ready."I rushed to put down what I was doing and could hear the eager running feet of my two elder brothers hurrying to join us. Mom's pies were something really special, a treat that we were all only to eager to eat up. We raced into the living room together and there we three were met with quite a sight.My mom lay on her back on the dining table. She was completely naked except for a white lace garter belt holding up a...

3 years ago
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Spread Wide SecretaryChapter 7

Veronica didn't get home till late. She had hung around the office long after Karl Bennet had left. She needed the time and peace to think. What was she going to tell Stan? There didn't seem to be anything she could say. She felt guilty, damned guilty, over loving the feel of Bennet's cock racing in and out of her wet pussy that morning and then later when she had confronted him with the knowledge he and Mary Ellen had been fucking. In all fairness, Bennet probably wouldn't have fucked...

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I grab you in my arms. I give you a hug, lifting you to the massage table, and pull the thin silk robe off of you and tell you to lay on your belly. I reach for the warm massage oils. The smell of the oils fills the air. The candles flicker around the room. A light flute music off in the background. I pour the warm oil all over your shoulders and back, ever so slowly, lower and lower before setting the oil aside. My fingertips start making circular motions across your shoulders and slowly down...

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REAL Asian Massage Parlor Stories 1

Man do I have many to share with you.I have to start somewhere but I am 55 yrs old and have been going to Asian massage parlors since my older brother stared taking me when I was 13 for my 8th grade graduation present. But I still cant get enough of them!.I seek out the full service places,who care about hand jobs,that's for pussies and I can jerk myself off if I want..Now that I'm a bit older I have a routine and a local place about 20mins away I go to. I usually take half a Viagra so I get...

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I was a Rock Stars Secret

With heartfelt thanks to my editor, who put up with me all this time, Kanga40. A real help to this struggling writer. * Her voice still cuts through to my soul to this very day. Now that she’s a singer with a string of top ten hits following her I can only wish her the very best. Remembering her kisses and the way she to moves her body when she’s working her magic are a part of me. It all started way back when of course, that’s how most stories go and this one is no different. I had been...

4 years ago
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An old man from the office

I was feeling really horny in the morning when I woke up. But also I was feeling tired and some stressed.The night before I had been fucking during hours with my loving husband and then we had quarreled about my wishes of fucking a guy at my office…We continued our discussion during breakfast and finally Victor slammed the door after telling me I could do anything I wanted…When he left I had a shower and sat down for my makeup. I put on a red silk dress with thigh high boots. I put my hair in...

2 years ago
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Bound In Chains

I wake up to the sound of water dripping on concrete . My head is so groggy , and as I open my eyes everything is still fuzzy and out of focus . At first I can barely make out the windows as the light shines through them . I close them again to try and give them time to adjust . The dripping of the water is so loud , each drop sounds as if it is crashing to the ground . I try to focus on my breathing to clear my head . When I try to move , I realize I am bound and I become dizzy as I can not...

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Fantasy sex

After a snatched afternoon of intense love making, Ross asks me what fantasies I have. Although we have no secrets, I consider carefully which fantasy to tell him, if I plant the seed he will make it happen.  ‘I’d love to get naked and fuck outside,’ I told him. ‘Really?’ he answers, and without looking at his handsome face I knew I had him. Weeks later Ross is out ‘planning’ some adventure trip with his friends, which involves more drinking than planning! I receive a text for me to collect...

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The House that Jo Built Chapter Two The Devil Wears Satin

"Well, we all went to Ant's house like usual because both his parents work and don't get home until after six. Usually we play some PlayStation first but today everybody was sort of on a mission so we went straight to their basement where we all usually hang out. Blake got a tape out of his bookbag and put it in the VCR while Anthony slid the Hustler out from his science book-cover. Blake had to reset the counter on the VCR so he could rewind it to where it was last so his dad wouldn't...

3 years ago
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Every Woman Has a PriceChapter 28 In the Black

Owen stood up and pulled the dust flaps tightly down, sealing the desert out of the Jeep. He glowered at the driver, but because Owen spoke poor French and no Arabic his anger was blunted. He sat down in the back seat and pulled Roxxi’s shoulder over, kissing her on the forehead as she breastfed Owen’s oldest. “No more sand in Regan’s breakfast,” Owen said. He wasn’t thrilled that Roxxi had chosen to name their kid after the big lesbian who had testified against him. Roxxi was right though,...

4 years ago
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Girl Next To The Door

Hi my name is Dhiraj,23 years old from B’lore. I am regular to this site I have read many stories from this site and I also like to share one of my sex experience with u guys, this is my first story so guys if u found any mistakes please don’t mind. This happened just 3 months ago with married girl of age just 26,her name is Sushma. She is damn sexy her figure is 36-32-36.This is enough for guy who is not involved in sex yet. Actually I am from Gadag where v have our own house, which is divided...

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