Stock Ch. 01-18 free porn video

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This is by an adult for adults. If you are under legal age then get out. If you find that any of my material is offensive then don’t read it. That’s all I have to say about that. As for the rest of you. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

Uncomfortable would be a good word to describe how Sean felt at the moment. Underage would have fit his situation even better. Decadence was shown lavishly about the dining hall, velvet curtains, silk hangings, tasteful paintings, and enormous crystal chandeliers hung everywhere to give the whole place the air of decadence and ‘old money’. It was a GenenCorp shareholder’s meeting to celebrate the company’s breakthrough success in the pharmaceutics industry and Sean had been invited. He may be one of the largest independent shareholders at the decadent dinner, with up to thirty-four percent of the company’s stock but he most definitely did not belong.

Sean was twenty-two years old.

So, to repeat what he was already thinking, he was very uncomfortable. Fact of the matter was he wasn’t all that social a person. He went out little, preferring the company of a good book to most people he knew and never was into the wild party seen that many of his college buddies favored. He hardly thought of himself as anti-social, far from it, he enjoyed a good conversation or better yet a good debate on society and its morals, but he was a loner.

And so, Sean sat in the far corner of the room sipping an excellent vintage of cabernet sauvignon while he watched and listened to other shareholders boasting about their other investments while at the same time hiding how they play the market. It was disgusting. Sean could tell right away that most of them didn’t have a clue as to what they were doing and simply stumbled across GenenCorp’s stock by pure luck, a total shot in the dark to spend their leftover play money on. Sean knew the company had potential from the start. No insider info on this venture. He had been closely monitoring the company since it first built itself from the ground up, observing closely what went in and what came out. As he had predicted, GenenCorp’s stock skyrocketed within a year and instantly Sean went from a scrounging college student with a BS is biochemistry to a millionaire. Of course none of his friends knew that, Sean’s living habits didn’t change. He still lived in the same two-bedroom apartment for the past three years while he worked on his graduate’s degree in biochemistry and whittled away the time at his computer, monitoring stocks and reading. It was his idle hobby of watching the market that landed him with over six million dollars worth of stocks. To say he was ahead of schedule to retire early would be an understatement. If he so chose, Sean could retire right now and simply continue day trading.

So why was he here? He thought idly to himself. Sean wasn’t so sure himself. A part of him thought it might be exciting to dress up and rub elbows with the rich and maybe find out any tidbits of useful information about GenenCorp from the board of directors that should be floating around. But there was more to it then that he supposed. He wasn’t quite sure what else it was that drew him to the meeting but there was more than a need to get out every once in a while. Sean took another sip of his wine as he continued to scan the crowd. He always did that, old habits die hard. Then again, he never did try to stop himself from observing a room, he simply did it. He just didn’t notice he subconsciously did it until he was thirteen. Sean popped a cracker with caviar in his mouth just as she sat down next to him and he nearly choked.

Seemingly out of nowhere a woman with raven-black hair in a stunning black dress that hinted at some very sensual curves pulled up a chair beside him and sat herself down. She wasn’t very tall, only 5’4′ judging by how she sat beside him, but she carried herself as if she were at least six-foot. She didn’t look a day past thirty, but considering the crowd he was in Sean would roughly guess she was closer to thirty-two. She coolly pulled a fluke of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter and took a light sip. Sean didn’t know what to say, too flabbergasted by the fierce intelligence that flared brightly behind her soft brown eyes, so he sat there dumbly, put on his poker face, and then turned back to watch the crowd, not wanting to make a major faux pas and scare the woman away. He did, though, continue to watch her from the corner of his eye.

Just as she did with him.

‘I know this is awkward but I need your help,’ she said in a voice that was as enchanting to hear as she was to look at. She took another sip of her champagne as her eyes swept the crowd. Then Sean saw what she was looking out for and the only thought that ran through his head was, Oh shit. Breaking through the crowd was a man that was roughly 6’2′ and at least two hundred pounds, all muscle, with a dark scowl on his face and he was heading straight for them. While Sean did stay in shape from hiking in the nearby hills and going to the gym whenever he could he very well knew that he looked very average when it came to physicality. At just 5’9′ and a hundred and eighty pounds Sean definitely was not a Mr. Universe. Why the raven-haired woman chose to sit by him, he had no idea. Under the table he could feel the woman’s manicured nails digging into his thigh as she calmly looked at the charging bull that stormed his way toward them. Unfortunately for Sean, he was never one to turn down a plea for assistance. He dropped his hand under the table and reassuringly held the woman’s hand. She slowly let go and snuck a quick look at him, smiling in relief. Under other circumstances, Sean would have said something to break the ice but as it was, the hulking man was towering over the woman and was staring darkly over the both of them.

‘Well hello, Charles,’ she said in an endearing tone. Her eyes flashed daggers. ‘How wonderful to see you. Tell me, how are the Twins? Are they keeping you happy?’

The tall man’s gaze grew even darker and looked about to explode in fury. ”They’ are fine, Elizabeth’ he spat out between clenched teeth. ‘There seems to be a bit of a problem with the papers we signed last week.’

‘Oh, really?’

‘Yes. It would appear that you now hold all the shares of GenenCorp. That is, all the shares that I bought.’

‘Now, Charles, you and I both agreed on those settlement papers years ago. And those shares became mine the moment you signed them. No point crying over spilt milk, dear.’ Her endearing smile and tone disappeared. ‘Your loss.’

Charles’ eyes hardened and his muscles bunched up as his arms rose to throttle Elizabeth.

‘I suggest you do nothing rash.’

It was the first words Sean had said all evening. Elizabeth and Charles both stopped what they were doing and looked at Sean. ‘As you can see, Elizabeth and I were in the middle of something when you barged in here. And I would take great offense if you said or did anything that would cause her any duress.’ It was Sean’s turn to give a challenging glare. It was true though. He was never the kind of person to stand idly by while someone else was in trouble when he could do something to help. He supposed he got that annoying habit from reading too many fantasy novels.

‘You, stay out of this,’ Charles said while he pointed a meaty finger at Sean, ‘Elizabeth, you are coming with me. Now.’

Sean looked over at Elizabeth to see her respond. She didn’t say anything but looked at him with pleading eyes, her fingernails dug into his thigh once more. That was all the reply he needed. ‘I’m sorry…Charles is it? Well, I’m sorry but it would appear Elizabeth does not wish your company at the moment.’ He stood up and lifted Elizabeth’s arm slightly signaling her to stand as well. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse us. I believe…’

Sean never finished as Charles made to shove him aside. Charles never finished the motion and his arms were brushed away before they could touch. Sean hope
d this didn’t end violently. He hated getting into violent situations. Surprised at being so easily fended off by a smaller man, Charles put his whole body into a push that would have knocked Sean flat on his back. Too bad for Charles Sean wasn’t standing there any more. Sean sidestepped the larger man easily and tripped him with his foot. Charles lost his balance and fell face forward right into a waiter with a tray of red wine, which sent a fount of red right onto Charles dark gray suit. The clatter from the shattering crystal and silver tray drew everyone’s attention where Charles stood amidst the mess, Sean had taken several tactful steps into the crowd already with Elizabeth perched on his arm. Charles spun around red-faced with embarrassment and anger but couldn’t find the two and in a huff stormed back out of the dining hall. The crowd returned to buzzing about their initial conversations after a few inquiring comments into the interruption then continued on without a fuss. An unseen hand helped the waiter up and apologized for the larger fellow that knocked him over and placed a hundred-dollar bill in his breast pocket.

‘Thank you very much for helping me out back there.’

Sean turned around and found a pair of soft brown eyes that spoke volumes more than the words. It was apparent that she was frightened to death of Charles. Then Sean pieced it all together.

‘No doubt your ex-husband has a varying opinion on that.’ Elizabeth’s right eyebrow perked up at his words and smiled a small smile that made Sean’s heart flip. ‘Is there anything more that I can help you out with? Fight off muggers, save your kidnapped children, defend your honor?’

‘This isn’t the way I had planned on meeting people. But I have to admit that the approach has its merits.’

‘Such as?’

‘Meeting dashing young men that are willing to rescue the damsel in distress.’

The two of them laughed at that and were soon in a long conversation that put Sean’s mind at ease in the large crowd and Elizabeth’s from her ex-husband. Elizabeth had recently divorced Charles, only a month since the ink dried on the settlement papers, and now she was a single woman with plenty of money and endless amount of time on her hands. A dangerous combination, Sean thought, and he said so. God, she had a beautiful laugh. She came to the party for the same reason he did, to simply get out of the house and ‘to play dress up’ as she put it. Sean was surprised at how such a dazzling woman was so intelligent. Most of the girls he met in college didn’t even have so much as half the good looks that Elizabeth did and didn’t even so much as hold a matchstick to the bonfire of intellect that she possessed. Almost everything she did spoke confidence and daring that Sean found alluring and extremely sexy. But there was more to her than that. She had depth, a strong sense of self that he hadn’t found anywhere else, and he had most definitely looked. He found that when she made her choices she stuck with them, unlike other girls his age that vacillated from one choice to the other and then finally went back again after they thought they had made up their mind. In other words, she wasn’t fickle. Again, that strong sense of self kept hypnotizing him as the two of them talked about everything and nothing.

‘So tell me,’ Elizabeth said as she took a sip of her champagne, ‘What is college-boy like you doing in an overly decadent dinner party such as this? Don’t you have a beer bash to get to?’

‘Gee, you’re right,’ Sean said sarcastically, ‘I forgot all about the frat party tonight. I guess I’ll have to apologize to all the other drunken college students who I don’t know or care about in the haze of bong smoke, now won’t I? Honestly, I was never part of that crowd and if you ever catch me in it as I burn away my youth, go ahead and shoot me. I probably would thank you for it in the afterlife. The party-hardy life was never my gig.’

‘And the classy dinner party is?’

‘Well, I’m not much for any party scene at all. To tell you the truth, large crowds make me nervous. But I tell you what. There is one thing going for the classy dinner party.’

‘And what is that?’

‘The classy beautiful women, of course.’ Sean said that while looking deep into Elizabeth’s eyes and had the desired effect of making her blush.

‘My, my and a charmer too.’

‘But of course! Care to dance?’

Elizabeth arched that eyebrow of hers again and Sean nearly melted on the spot. Instead of doing that though, he took her proffered hand and raised it to his lips then led her to the dance floor. The band had struck up a hot tango and Sean was glad he took the ballroom dancing classes that his friends ribbed him about. Sean wasn’t surprised that Elizabeth could dance as well. Matter of fact, she was a fantastic dancer and with that black dress she wore had all the heads turned in their direction as the two of them swept the floor to the sultry music. Dancing with her was like holding on to a livewire, an electric charge zipping through every touch of skin accentuated with every step and turn. If she was a livewire then Sean never wanted be grounded even if it were the death of him, dancing with her felt that good. The band finished up and the two of them ended holding each other tightly, breathing heavily from the exciting dance. Again that burning light in her eyes had flared up and Sean was tempted to kiss her, crowd be-damned.

But he didn’t. The mere fact that he thought about it gave him a giddy rush, he was never this bold, especially around women. The two of them looked at one another for a brief moment then Elizabeth led them off the dance floor to their table, a wide grin on her face.

‘Wow,’ were the first things out of her mouth as they sat down to catch their breath.

‘Enjoy yourself?’

‘Immensely,’ she continued. ‘I haven’t danced like that since…well since ever! I’m surprised I still remember the steps since when I took those classes in college. ‘Bout damn time I put it to use. God, listen to me go on. I haven’t had that much fun in years.’

‘Didn’t look like you had forgotten much,’ Sean commented, ‘How long ago since you took those classes.’

‘I’d have to say at least twe…’ she caught herself but it was too late. ‘Damn, I shouldn’t have let that slip.’ She had a bemused look on her face. Twelve years. That would roughly put her at thirty to thirty-four unless she got more than a bachelor’s degree.

‘Doesn’t matter, I would have found out eventually by our second date.’ Did he just say that?

‘My, my. Second date. Aren’t we the confident one? What makes you say that there will be even a first date?’

‘Because, like you said. You haven’t had this much fun in years. You’re a free woman now and I would be sorely disappointed if you didn’t revel in it at first. Second, because I’ve always had at least a second date.’ He didn’t mention that he had only had one girlfriend in his high school senior year but that lasted for over a year. ‘So, could I get your number?’

Chapter 2

What was she doing? She had never felt so nervous before. Elizabeth combed out her black hair, braided it, and then pinned it up. She hoped Sean liked it. He was just as fun over the phone as he was in person. They talked every night of the week and now she was going to see him again tonight. She had been anxiously waiting for Saturday night to come and now that it was here she was terrified. So many thoughts ran through her head. What did he see in her? Why did he ask her out? Did he have any idea who he had humiliated at the dinner party? She thought she was done with relationships and getting into trouble after she divorced her husband but now she was jumping into a whole new set of problems. She had vowed to herself that she wasn’t going to get into anything entangling, just sit back, relax and enjoy the money that Charles was more than happy to give her in order to shut her up. And now, she was jumping into something entirely new with a
younger man. A much younger man. She was thirty-four for Chrissakes! Granted, Sean made her feel like she was ten years younger but that wasn’t it. There was more to it when he danced with her at the dinner party than just feeling young again, somehow he had gotten under her skin. There was something else about him that made her feel like she was the younger one.

The door chimed. Oh shit! He’s here already! She looked up at the clock. He was ten minutes early! Didn’t he know better than to show up early? He didn’t give her time to put her makeup on. Barefoot, she made her way down the stairs and opened the door. It wasn’t Sean.

It was Charles.

‘Hello, Elizabeth.’

Her heart froze in terror, she didn’t know what to say.

‘How kind of you to get all dressed up for me.’ The icy look in his eyes brought back so many terrible memories. Charles overpowered her and stepped into the house and shut it behind her. ‘Now it wasn’t very nice of you to have left me like that at the dinner party the other night was it? Was it?!!’

‘Well hello again,’ Elizabeth fought to keep the fear from reaching her voice, ‘I thought we had an agreement to stay away from each other.’

‘What, you actually believed I would stay away from you? After the humiliation you caused me with stunt with the GenenCorp stock?’ Elizabeth found herself on the cold marble floor, her jaw throbbing. ‘Listen, bitch. No one makes a fool out of a Talworth, are we clear?’ All Elizabeth could manage to do was gasp for air when his foot swung up and knocked the air out of her. ‘I SAID…’

‘I believe Elizabeth heard you just fine.’

Sean. She didn’t hear the door chime. Charles must not have locked the door. Sean will get the crap beaten out of him. Oh, God, Sean, get out of here. RUN! But the words never came as she continued to catch her breath. All she could do was play silent witness when he got beat up.

‘You again!’ She watched Charles turn around to face the college boy. ‘You have a little something coming to you, you little twit. No crowd to hide in this time.’ Elizabeth watched from the floor as Charles threw a meaty fist at Sean. Again, Sean wasn’t where the punch was aimed and appeared beside Charles. Elizabeth could hardly follow the flurry of punches and elbows that Sean rained down on her ex-husband and stared when Sean launched himself in the air while grabbing Charles by the collar, rolled backwards, and hurled the larger man out the open door.

The door slammed shut and Sean was by her side asking where she was hurt. She felt herself being lifted then placed gently on the couch by the fireplace. She heard him make some noise in the hall bathroom and then in the kitchen. A soft washcloth soaked in hot water was placed on her brow and gentle fingers probed her body for tender spots. She flinched when he touched her ribs and then moved on. The whole time she heard Sean softly cursing himself for showing up too late to help her before Charles could have harmed her.

By then Elizabeth had regained her breath and placed a hand on his to calm him. ‘Sean, I’m okay.’

‘Like hell you are. You just lay there and I’ll see what I can do.’

Elizabeth brushed away his hands and sat up. As much as she enjoyed the pampering, she had been through a lot worse and his efforts were very much appreciated but unnecessary. ‘Sean, really, I’m fine. I just had the wind knocked out of me is all.’ She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly. ‘But I could really go for a hug right now.’ He returned her hug, carefully avoiding where Charles had kicked her. She may have felt like crying right then but she didn’t. All those tears were shed a long time ago.

‘It looks like I came just in the nick of time to rescue you again, O fair maiden.’

Elizabeth chuckled at that and pushed back to take a good look at him. He definitely didn’t look like he could take on someone nearly twice his size. What exactly was all that?

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Characters Introduced Sophia, 18 5'4, white Dirty Blond hazel eyes 36D breasts, long swan-like neck Becca, 16 5'6, white Red Hair with Green eyes 36C breasts Martha, 35 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 36D breasts Victoria, 17 5'6, white Blond with Blue eyes 36C breasts Candy, 14 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 34B breasts Cynthia, 14 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 34B breasts Alileen, 12 5'2, white Blond with Green eyes 32C breasts Alexis, 12 5'2, white Blond with Green...

4 years ago
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Too Good To Resist

By the time I was eighteen I was married and pregnant, by the time I was twenty my husband had left me with a two-year-old son to raise and no forwarding address. Of course, I applied for a divorce and got one very quickly thanks to the fact that no-one could find the sod so there was no contesting of the divorce, at twenty-one I was free yet still lumbered with a kid to bring up. I suppose in a way I took out some of my anger with my ex-husband on my son Max; don't get me wrong I loved him,...

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Trading UpChapter 9

Fight day. I was nervous as Hell. I played the clip of Brad shooting his mouth off a couple of times to give myself a reminder that someone needed to hurt tonight. Then I went for a sensible breakfast and a light workout in the gym. I felt good and there were a lot of reasons for that. I was getting locked in the cage tonight. I was looking forward to it. I was trained for it and my new strategy would victimize anyone that watched my old fight clips. Ganju had worked on my strike accuracy and...

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Anita in a wild anal gangbang

Anita in a wild anal gangbangThat Saturday afternoon, Ana asked me to go with her on shopping downtown. She said she needed a new summer dress.We went to the mall and my loving wife told me I could wait for her at the fast food place, while she would go to look for her new dress.I saw my sexy wife walking by, moving her round hips inside her tight jeans.One hour later I spotted her coming back; this time she was wearing a nice summer dress.Ana asked me if I liked it. I answered that there was...

1 year ago
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BFFs Alex Blake Noemie Bilas Raven Redmond Twerk Well Soon

Alex Blake, Noemie Bilas, and Raven Redmond are some of the bestest friends a guy could have. After their boy Juan had a neck injury, they decided to go cheer him up in a really unique way. Their motto wasn?t get well soon, it was twerk well soon. Using their ASSets to make him forget about his ailment. They brought him flowers which was standard, but then they let him rub on their tits while he felt them up. Suddenly the pain began to subside. The girls continued to lick his cock and let him...

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The kinky bank branch

She walked into my office on that Friday night at 6:40. “What are you doing here so late” she asked in a slow calming voice. “I have to upgrade every computer after we close and they haven’t balanced yet, its starting to piss me off” I said angrily. “I have a date in ½ an hour and had a chance to get lucky tonight, and those people out there are screwing it all up”. She walked back to the door and closed it, then she closed the window blind and walked...

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The Act

By now I am salivating for you from both sets of lips. The living room couch had never looked so enticing, so we started off the classic way, finding your lips with mine, running my thumb over your juicy, plump, delicious lips, then feeling them press against mine. Your toungue rolling over, around and over mine, intense and hard like you want me and I need you. All the while I run my hands over your shoulders, one hand then makes its way under your thin white cotton t-shirt to your chest and I...

4 years ago
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Solutions IncorporatedChapter 7

David Marks shifted nervously in his chair. The large man was studying him like he was a fish inside a fishbowl. It made him very uneasy. Unable to take the focused attention any longer, he blurted out, “My grandmother died. I’m so unhappy that I don’t know what to do.” Magus continued studying the boy. He was four feet six inches tall, with short blond hair that appeared to resist the best efforts of brush or comb to tame. His sneakers were worn from daily use but weren’t filthy from...

2 years ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 21

I was sitting on a bench in the outdoor patio area of the Taitano Apartments which apartments my wife and I were now calling home. Lower middle class it was, but it did have a few of the luxuries that Henrietta and I appreciated. One of which, again, was our small but nice and tree shaded front porch mini patio. It was new, well it looked, new the Cadillac Coup Deville that pulled up to the curb across from me. A teenager got out, noticed me, and came across the twenty yards of grassy sward...

3 years ago
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Get me Out of Here

Putting on your new uniform you hear your mom calling you down for breakfast. "Hurry up Joe before your eggs and bacon gets cold." Grumbling, after barely waking up, you speed up the process and head towards the stairs. Ahead of you is your older sister, Charlotte, who also just got out of her room. Despite your lack of enthusiasm, you greet her a silent good-morning before continuing down your path. Blocking your way, your tall bombshell of a sister teases you: "What's with the soggy eyes lil'...

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MindControl Panties Story 4 Nubile Exhibitionist Delight

Story Four: Nubile Exhibitionist Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to shadowmansc for beta reading this! The figure rode the escalator to the third floor of the mall were small, but trendy, clothing store lay. The sort of place that nubile, coed girls preferred to frequent. Just the sort of place the figure wanted to leave its special panties. No one noticed as the figure passed through the security detectors that flanked the store's entrance. Nor did anyone pay...

2 years ago
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Teacher Aunty Gets Blackmailed Fuck Part 8211 3

Hi friends this is continued story of part 2. I was in the bathroom thinking of what is going on when suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I opened it a prostitute was over there with shirish. Shirish: dress her up like one of you. The prostitute agreed and came in. She looked at me totally nude and I was just avoiding an eye contact with her. She said: what a mess you are in bitch, the inspector wants me to dress you up like me. I saw her she was short height dark complex chubby girl with...

1 year ago
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Best friend

Last summer our friend colin came to saty for a while as he had just gone through a devorce, and needed some company as he was now living alone, Colin brought his dog with him, both Lucy and I enjoyed having the dog around as he gave us a good reason to go out in the sun for a walk, however this particular day. I had to go to work leaving Lucy and Colin at home, Lucy explained that she had come out of the upstairs bathroom in her dressing gown when Colin appeared at the top of the stairs Lucy...

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Transition in Lessor Plumpton

The private bar of the Cock Inn, Lesser Plumpton was a bit more private than most. The residents of the village used it for orgies to which selected paying guests were invited. Currently it was occupied by a couple of country solicitors a doctor. A lab technician and their business people spouses who were fucking as if it was going out of fashion.Di was the Cocks part time cook and had just finished deserts so she went through to the bar to chat to the barmaid. Lisa was filling in as the...

1 year ago
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Keeping Daddy at Home Part 1

Harry didn't sleep well, or very much anymore. His wife of almost 10 years became his dominant mistress after the kids went off to college and the kinky pair finally had the house to themselves. It was initially his idea, to become a full time submissive, however he had no idea how intensely his wife would assume the roll and take over completely. Once she started locking him up in the closet, she threw out all his clothes and started buying him skimpy little leather harnesses and outfits to...

4 years ago
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The Wedding Reception

I was recently in Atlanta on business and I flew in the night before my meetings and so I decided to throw on some decent clothes and head down to the hotel bar for a few drinks. I wasn't expecting anything but thought, “Why the hell not?” so I put on a pair of skin tight, dark denim skinny jeans, knee high black patent boots with 5” heels, a short sleeve green satin blouse with a leather underbust corset on top. Needless to say I did my hair and make up – I opted for a deep red lipstick on...

2 years ago
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A Very Personal Assistant

"Good morning sir."I looked up and smiled as she laid the mail on my desk. "Morning Patricia.""I think you should look at these two first sir," she said ever efficiently. "And these two need your signature."She stood beside me whilst I skipped briefly over the two letters and allowed my nostrils to savor her perfume. "Chanel no. 5 I believe?""Yes sir and they're pink.""Pink?""Pink sir, my panties.""Ah, I see, but they were blue last night were they not?""If you mean the ones you took off with...

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A Maidens Journey A Skyrim Tale

Soft, melodic moans floated down the main corridor of the temple, the sound bouncing off the ancient stone walls as they increased in frequency. ‘Do you like that?’ a soft voice whispered, the moaning turning into a strangled yes for but a moment, melting smoothly back into a long, begging gasp. ‘Mmm, good.’ The voice belonged to a woman, her naked rear sticking up in the air as she pushed the blankets away, it was getting too hot for all that wool. She was shapely and pale, long blonde...

2 years ago
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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 3

Kevin’s cell phone rang as he was sitting in their flat, looking over the textbooks he had purchased for his classes. “Can you get that, please, honey? It must be on my nightstand!” he called. Denise was in their bedroom. “Yeah, got it!” He heard the murmur of her conversation; then Denise walked into the sitting room. “It’s Malik Hadad, they’ve checked in at the Bath Road Hotel at Heathrow. They want to meet Amelia’s flight tomorrow with us,” she said, handing Kevin the phone. “Hello,...

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Little Sister

Hi my name is Stacie Willis I am 16 yrs. old, but a year ago I had a different name and was older. I used to a guy by the name of Carlos Martin until something very strange happened. As I said earlier It was about a year ago when my whole life was changed. That was the day I went from a 19 yr. old guy to a 15 yr. old girl. It wouldn't have been so bad if I was turned into a boy, but somebody just had to turn me into a girl. OK I'm getting ahead of myself; let me get back to my...

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My new life as a Black Cock Whore

Introduction: Parts of this story are from a young woman that wated me to rewrite and post it My new life as a Black Cock Whore! I was a young married housewife that had an over active imagination, along with an incredible sex drive. I had mixed feelings about a number of perverse fantasys ever since I was a young girl! My interest in dark sexual encounters was so overpowering that public morals, perception and my own conscious, as to what was acceptable, along with the arrangement I was about...

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Great Everyday Sex

Suddenly kisses get more intense and much deeper, and I feel your hand over my hip slowly sliding up my side and onto my breast. This is making me so horny. I already feel that my pussy is moist and ready for you. I feel your fingers teasing my hard nipples, your hand fondling with my breasts. I do the same with my hand, touching your body, hips first and then moving to your perfect bottom, sliding my hand up your back and down again, feeling the warmth of your body, softness of your...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 22 Honoring My Dad

June 17, 2000, Chicago, Illinois Mid-afternoon on Saturday, Jesse, Albert, Nicholas, and I headed for Great Lakes for the ceremony the Navy men had arranged for my dad. Patrick was flying him and Matthew to Waukegan National Airport, and the Navy would pick them up and bring them to the base. Eduardo was bringing Michael to meet us as well, and a few other non-Navy guys would be in attendance with their kids. We arrived at RTC, showed our pass, and followed the directions given us by the...

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Holly A tiny experiment of story by Kim Ott. I was woken up by the sound of the telephone. It rang tyrannically from the stand next to my bed. I sat up and wiped the cobwebs from my eyes and yawned. 'Who would be calling me at 2 in the morning?' I thought. This had better be important. That warm shroud of heat one develops while sleeping slowly leaving my shoulders. I picked up the phone and tried not to sound groggy. "Hello?" I managed, my voice mumbly from sleep. "Holly,...

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Fairy Lights Magic Nights

Once again, a totally romantic story. *smiles* I think I’m going to have to figure out how to get back into writing kink again before someone starts thinking I’ve become a sap! I hope you enjoy the story anyway and I welcome feedback! Love it. Happy Holidays everyone! * * * * * ‘There’s been a Christmas present left at the bar for you, Sir.’ The server spoke quickly to Steve then moved off before she could giggle. Steve looked at his band members and they all shrugged. Collin, Jon and Alex...

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Mathis the Mountain Man

There he was, sitting near the rocks, whittling a piece of wood. Naked. Half the time, he was naked. I guess that was the perks of living in the woods by yourself. He was a real mountain man. A big, rugged fellow with tanned skin and dense dark hair all over, from his chest to his ass. He had a bulky body, but his arms and legs had natural muscle carved purely from physical labor from living out in the wilderness, and his thick uncut cock hung low like a third leg down between his...

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Friends with benefits The girl next door

If you were wondering I am 5’10”, brown hair, blue eyes and I have a fairly muscular build. I wouldn’t say I’m the most attractive guy around but I’m not far off. Well in my opinion anyway. About 3 years ago the house next door to me was sold to one of my mother’s friends. She had a daughter who was two years younger than me called Jess. She was gorgeous. She has long, straight, hazel hair that falls below her shoulders and rests on her breasts. She had green eyes, a slightly freckled face...

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No Rent Money Gay

"No rent again." The deep, booming voice of the landlord seemed to fill the tiny apartment. "This is the third month in a row, Mr. Burnside.""I know." Steve Burnside answered his voice small in the wake of such a huge man."Well then you should also know that you'll be on the street by the end of the week." There seemed to e in the large man's eyes even though there was none in his voice. "I've given you and your wife more than enough chances to make things even.""Please, sir." Steve said in a...

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Striking Gold

by Zvogel For my last birthday Maggie surprised me by telling me she will fulfil one of my fantasies, she’s arranged a for a portfolio of studio photos of her, you know the usual type, given a makeover, dressed in a sexy dress and posed in provocative poses. As it 's my birthday treat, if she has the bottle, some topless pics as well, I dropped her off at the studio. “Pick you up in an hour, enjoy your self, Love you .” I say. She smiles back at me and blows a kiss. The first...

1 year ago
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My homeless step daughter Part 2

"So ladies, how was shopping?" Chelsea and Ronnie began talking about all the sales and outfits as I started to zone out. "Uh oh", giggled Chelsea. "I think we're losing him! Ronnie, how about a little fashion show?" Ronnie jumped up and ran to what was formerly the guest bedroom and now her room. Chelsea cuddled up next to me. "You're gonna love our new little fuck toy, daddy!" I smiled. "So when did you decide that she was gonna be our new toy?" "When I saw you looking at her...

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The Glen Book OneChapter 25

Megan and Richard spent the rest of the early afternoon receiving the congratulations of their friends, and a surprising number of fairies that neither of them knew. Just when it seemed that they had been introduced to the last possible fairy on the face of the planet, and new group would turn up and the cycle would start all over again. With dusk starting to settle in they finally snuck away from the throng in the Great Hall and quietly slipped upstairs to their room. That this room had...

3 years ago
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Strictly Unprofessional

Thanks so much for reading my story, I really hope you enjoyed it! Any feedback/comments are welcome ***** This is so unfair. I’m pretty sure hobos have been treated better than this… I’ve worked here for over four years. I have given my best years to this company. I have proven my loyalty. I’m a brilliant executive assistant, and my boss knows it. I’ve spent countless nights at the office typing up his deposition briefs, calling international clients, booking last minute flights for him....

2 years ago
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Pax MultiChapter 8

Five days into the voyage, with the foundations for the cabin finished and the roof going up today, and Lou was beginning to feel a mite guilty about the fact that he had never told his wife what being transgender actually meant. It was one of the things about being married to an alien – especially an alien so ... well, alien from the human norms. Beatrice had absorbed a huge amount of information about the human race, and was learning more every day as the lighthugger slowly accelerated out...

1 year ago
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The Most Erogenous Zone Part Six of Nine

I’d known that my arousal and hers combined, pushed back to her, could have that effect; it had done so before when she’d sucked my cock at the rehab center. This time, however, her husband had watched her come, a powerful orgasm sweeping through her as her soft, wet lips wrapped around the base of my cock. He looked stunned, but his shock and surprise weren’t enough to stop him from stroking himself through his shorts, his fingers busy on the swollen ridge of his cock as he stared at us.Angie,...

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The ProtectorChapter 59

When we boarded the boat, I noticed that Sally was seated to the front so she wouldn't be splashed. My weight and the operator's would be in the center and back, picking the front out of the water. I watched as she was gently helped into the small door in the side of the ship by Captain LeMeur himself. He immediately hugged her and welcomed her aboard. When I stepped in he came over to me, and shook my hand. He welcomed me aboard again, asking what we needed. I explained to him why we were...

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