- 2 years ago
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‘So what did I miss?’ Chris asked the minute Reid and Jason walked through the station door.
‘Big Ben wasn’t her pimp,’ Reid answered at the same time Jason said, ‘A lot of nothing.’
‘You two were up there for hours and you got nothing?’
‘Well, Jason here thinks Beverly Shaw knows something she’s not telling us,’ Reid elaborated with an elbow to Jason’s middle.
‘Why?’ Chris asked before saying, ‘I’m with Chloe. I think this was an accident and somebody freaked out and dumped her to cover it up. Maybe she was tied up for fun and profit, shot up, and—’
‘No,’ Jason interrupted sharply.
‘The more evidence we gather,’ Reid replied to Chris while ignoring Jason’s growl, ‘the more I think this was far from accidental.’ He noted the muscle twitching in Chris’s jaw, but soldiered on. ‘There were no fingerprints anywhere in that apartment. None. Sheridan CSU went over every flat surface, and there was nothing.’
Chris shrugged. ‘I didn’t say whoever was with her was an idiot,’ he defended.
‘Let’s say she was shooting up with someone, and let’s say she died and her buddy spazzed,’ Jason began, his pale blue eyes icy. ‘She dies in front of them, yet they wipe every surface clean, wrap her in a sheet, drive the forty minutes from Sheridan, and dump her in our park?’
‘That place was spotless,’ Reid added. ‘Nothing on the countertops, walls, doors, windows—nothing at all. How many women do you know who keep a spotless house?’
Chris rocked back on his heels as he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. ‘True enough, but even if your theory holds water,’ he held up a finger, ‘and I’m only agreeing it’s possible someone purposely overdosed her. How do you A) prove it, and B) solve it?’
‘We go back through it,’ Reid answered.
‘We need to talk to her parents again,’ Jason put in.
‘Didn’t you say they hadn’t had contact with her?’ Chris asked.
‘The Reverend said they’d had very little contact over the last decade.’
Turning to face Reid, Jason said, ‘You need to talk to Annie.’
‘What?’ He shook his head. ‘No.’
‘Yes, you do,’ Chris agreed. ‘Maybe she knows something she doesn’t even know she knows.’
‘Sure, that wasn’t confusing at all,’ Reid muttered before replying, ‘I don’t want to traumatize her. She’s been through enough as it is.’
‘Have Kendall talk to her then,’ Jason suggested. ‘She was a reporter, right?’
‘A journalist could easily interview a kid,’ Chris interjected.
Holding up his hands in surrender, Reid acquiesced, ‘Fine, but don’t count on anything.’
‘I never do,’ Jason answered as he turned toward his desk. ‘It’s late. Caufield, go home to your woman. I’ll write up the non-report.’
Not one to pass up an opportunity to avoid paperwork, Reid left Jason and Chris there, his thoughts heavy. There was no question in his mind Amy was murdered. It was the who and why that were elusive. Maybe Chris and Jason were right and he—or Kendall, rather—needed to talk to Annie. He couldn’t discount Jason’s gut feeling about Beverly, but he just couldn’t believe she would have killed her only daughter, junkie or not. Trying desperately to push it all from his head, he headed home.
‘So, are you and Reid just planning to get married at the courthouse?’ Claire asked.
‘We might. It would probably help with custody.’
‘Do you want sole custody?’
Kendall took a long sip of her vodka cranberry as she contemplated. ‘I don’t think so,’ she finally said with a slight shake of her head. ‘She’s spent her entire life with them, and we don’t want to uproot her completely. We want to be part of her life, but we don’t want to turn it upside down.’
‘What does Annie want?’
‘She says she wants to live with us,’ Kendall began. Shrugging, she went on, ‘She seems to think her grandparents don’t want her, that she is a problem, a burden to them.’
‘What do you think?’
‘I don’t know what I think. It’s unbelievable to me that they wouldn’t want her, especially with the way Beverly treated Reid. But there’s something that’s not sitting right with me.’ She sighed. ‘I understand what’s she’s feeling. Kyle certainly didn’t want to raise me any more than I wanted to be raised by him.’
Fingers steepled, Claire leaned forward to ask, ‘You’re an investigator, aren’t you?’
‘Technically,’ Kendall answered. ‘I majored in journalism, sure, and thought I wanted to be an investigative reporter.’ She bit her lip. ‘Thought I wanted to write hard-hitting pieces uncovering big stories.’
‘What stopped you?’
She took in a fortifying breath. ‘Kyle.’
‘He wanted me to investigate for him, for his firm. He wanted to control… Hey, that’s it!’
‘What, Ken?’
‘Beverly doesn’t want Annie, she wants a child she can control. She couldn’t control Amy, and look what happened.’
‘And we need custody of Annie.’ She reached across the table to take her friend’s hand. ‘Thank you, Claire. You need to finish those classes, you’ll make a helluva counselor.’
‘Who needs med school anyway, right?’ Claire joked.
‘You helped the hell outta me, psychiatrist, psychologist or counselor.’
‘There’s an endorsement,’ she remarked with a wry smile.
‘It’s true.’ She slid off her stool then. ‘I need to go home.’
‘I think I can find some way to amuse myself,’ Claire said, her amber gaze touching on three men throwing darts.
‘I’ll just bet you can.’
‘Believe it, sister.’
Kendall was rounding the corner from Templeton’s as Reid drove past. Chuckling, he pulled over and rolled down the passenger side window. Affecting a strong accent, he asked, ‘Hey there, sugar. Wanna ride?’
Whipping her head around, Kendall harshly answered, ‘No!’ When she saw Reid’s truck, her scowl broke into a wide grin. Her tone seductive, she changed her answer, ‘As long as you don’t tell my fiance. He might get jealous.’
‘What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,’ Reid replied through a laugh. Pulling her into the truck, he leaned over and captured her mouth. When he broke the kiss, he cupped her face in is hand for a moment as he stared into her aquamarine eyes. ‘I love you, baby,’ he whispered.
Reid was always loving, but something was eating him. ‘I love you, too. Now, tell me, what’s wrong?’
He let out a soft chuckle. ‘Am I really that easy to read?’
‘For me? Yeah, you are. Want to talk about it?’
‘Not really, but I will.’ He took in then blew out a long breath. ‘The guys think we need to talk to Annie. More specifically, they think you need to talk to Annie.’
‘I love Annie.’
He smiled. ‘I know you do, baby, and that’s why this is hard to ask. We need to ask her about her mother. They think she might know something helpful.’
‘Claire said the same thing today.’
‘We were talking about Annie and her grandparents and it hit me that Beverly wants a child to control. Amy was a good girl until she married you against her parents wishes, then went off the deep end by cheating, having a baby she wasn’t sure who the father was, and then becoming a drug addict and whore.’
Well, that about summed it up. ‘Where are you going with this?’
‘I think she’ll be fine until Annie won’t be controlled anymore.’ She winced. ‘I think we’ve made her harder to control now since she wants to come live with us.’
‘What do you think Beverly will do?’
‘I don’t know, but I know we need custody.’
‘We’ve got an appointment with Marjorie in two days.’
‘I know.’ They arrived at the house just then. ‘Promise me we’ll take her.’
He parked into the driveway as he answered, ‘She’s mine, baby.’
Sliding out of her seat, she shook her head. ‘No, she’s not. She’s ours.’
He came around the truck to wrap her in his ar
ms. ‘God, I love you,’ he told her before covering her mouth with his own.
She looped her arms around his neck as she jumped to wrap her legs around his waist. ‘Show me,’ she demanded breathlessly between kisses.
He carried her easily, much as he did that first night, unlocking the door and pressing her against it once they were inside. ‘Right here, right now,’ he told her before taking her mouth again. ‘I want you all the damn time. I think about you when I should be doing something else. I can’t believe you promised to be mine forever, and you’ll be an amazing mother.’
She anchored her hands in his hair, staring into his deep blue eyes as she said, ‘We will be amazing parents to Annie and anybody else we’re blessed with.’ She kissed him sweetly then, before pulling away to give him a wicked smile. ‘Until then, why don’t we practice?’
Laughing, he carried her to the bedroom. ‘If we’re going to practice baby-making, we should do it in bed.’
‘But I like when you shove me against a wall,’ she protested with a feigned pout. She liked making love to him anytime, anywhere. She really wasn’t picky.
Taking her words to heart, he backed her into the pale blue wall of their bedroom. Fusing his mouth to hers, he slid his hand under her skirt to find her hot and wet beneath her tiny panties. He filled her with two fingers as he ate at her mouth, loving the whimpers she made. Knowing it was almost, but not enough to push her over the edge, he added a third finger, brushing his thumb over her clit and increased the pace. When she was on the precipice, he stopped.
‘Need you. NOW,’ she demanded.
Smiling against her mouth, he dropped his pants and boxer briefs before moving her thong to the side and thrusting home. She was so tight, so hot, and hanging by a thread, her muscles fluttered as soon as he began to move. She clutched his shoulders as he pounded into her, her head thrown back against the wall, her heels digging into his back. Her orgasm came fast and furious, her muscles milking him hard as she screamed her release. He had no resistance against her and followed her over.
Panting, she said, ‘We won’t be able to do that with kids in the house.’
He laughed as he gently released her to let her stand. ‘We’ll just have to be more inventive.’ He looked pointedly at the open bedroom door, giving her a half-smile. ‘And, we’ll have to get locks for our door.’
She pushed on her toes to kiss him. ‘Ya think?’
He picked her up and tossed her on the bed. ‘You better believe it.’
‘You cannot live with Reid and Kendall,’ Beverly told her for what seemed like the millionth time.
Stomping her foot, Annie yelled, ‘He’s my father. My father! I can live with him if he wants me to!’
She grabbed her screaming granddaughter by the arm, tossing her into a wooden kitchen chair. ‘You will not leave me.’ When she turned to pull something from a shelf, Annie popped back out of the chair.
‘You are not the boss of me! You can’t tell me what to do! He’s my fucking father!’
Spinning around, Beverly slapped the girl across her petulant face. ‘WHAT did you just say?’
She covered her cheek with her left hand. Her grandmother had slapped her! Shaken, she refused to back down. Instead of answering, she ran for the door. She threw it open and bolted down the street.
She watched the girl run down the block, turning left at the corner. She knew where she was headed, and would deal with it later. For now, she had more important things to attend to. Reid Caufield didn’t have time for a teenage girl. He was too busy trying to solve a murder. Her horrible daughter’s murder. She turned back to the stove and stirred the beans she had simmering. The Reverend would want dinner when he came home.
Breathing hard, Annie bent over, bracing her hands on her thighs. She had run as fast as she could clear across town. She stared at the brick house. There were no cars in the driveway. How long would she have to wait until her dad or Kendall came home? How long did she have until her grandmother came after her? Her breathing settled, she climbed the stairs to the porch. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too long until she could go inside. Kendall would believe her. She knew she would. She hoped.
It was pitch dark when Kendall made her way up the porch steps to the house. The end of daylight savings time meant it was fully dark before they closed the store, and she hated that the dark, cold November evening had her spooked. Their house was secure, but something had the hairs on the back of her neck standing at attention. She jumped when she caught movement in the rocking chair.
‘Kendall?’ came the quiet voice from the shadows, as the figure unfolded from the chair and came toward her.
She sighed in relief. It was Annie. She wrapped the girl’s shivering form in a hug. ‘How long have you been out here?’
She hugged Kendall tightly. ‘I don’t know. I ran away. She said I couldn’t live with you, she said she wouldn’t let me. I… I yelled at her and ran away.’
‘It’s okay, sweetheart. We’ll all be okay.’
‘When’s my dad coming home?’
‘Soon. He’ll know what to do.’
‘I can’t go back there. I’ll…’ She shifted her feet as she thought about what she’d do. ‘I’ll run away again if you make me go back there.’
‘What did she do to you?’ Kendall asked, alarm in her voice. ‘Did she hurt you?’ She flipped on the light in the kitchen. The angry, red hand print on Annie’s cheek spoke volumes. ‘She hit you?’
Annie gave a very small nod as she sank down onto the couch. ‘I cursed at her.’
‘That doesn’t give her the right to slap you across the face.’
‘I said the F word,’ Annie whispered. ‘I’ve never said it before.’
‘I don’t care. You’re staying with us.’ She knew she was right about Beverly Shaw, and hated that fact. Annie wasn’t controllable any longer, and she’d already been hit. They had to get custody. Idly she wondered if the Reverend had any idea what kind of woman his wife was, or if he lived in a pious little bubble. Surely if Beverly would resort to slapping her granddaughter, she had done the same to Amy.
Changing gears, Kendall smiled at her fiance’s daughter. ‘So, what should we make for dinner?’
‘Pizza,’ Annie answered decisively.
‘Pizza it is. Come in the kitchen and help me.’
Reid contemplated punching the wall. This case was going nowhere and it was pissing him off. Nothing was adding up, there was no clear motive, no real evidence, and all he had was Jason’s gut feeling. He was starting to believe Jason was onto something, especially with Kendall’s affirmations last night. He threw his pen down and rose from his chair, rolling his shoulders as he did. What did he know? He knew Amy was killed by a heroin overdose. He knew that overdose could be accidental or purposeful. He knew it appeared Amy had not shot up for at least a month before her death. He knew she was bound by wrist and ankle within twenty-four hours of her death. He knew she died in Sheridan, but was dumped in Aylesford. Dammit! He knew all that, yet he knew nothing. He didn’t know whether or not the overdose was accidental, he didn’t know if the binding was for fun or murder, and he had no evidence connecting anyone to dumping her body. It was enough to make a man question his chosen profession.
He paced the small space between his and Jason’s desks, turning everything over and over again in his mind. He had to be missing something, he had to be overlooking a piece of the puzzle that made it all fit. Annie. He didn’t know if she would be able to help, but he’d heard over and over again how she needed to be questioned. Her grandparents said she hadn’t had much contact with her mother, but there was a chance she held information that could prove helpful. Lord knew he needed someone to give him more to work with. He cast a woeful glace at his desk. Piled with reports and handwritten no
tes, it offered him no help. He had to go home. No, first he had to talk to his daughter.
He arrived at the Shaw’s seven minutes after he left the station. The Reverend and Beverly had just sat down to dinner, but Annie was nowhere in sight. Cautiously, Reid stepped into the house. ‘Where’s Annie?’
‘She’s staying at a friend’s house tonight,’ Beverly answered.
Sensing something was off, Reid played along. ‘Which friend?’
‘Amanda Reynolds. They have a project due in a few days, and they wanted to finish it.’
He nodded. It was plausible enough, but he didn’t buy it. Excusing himself, he asked for directions to the Reynolds’ house. He watched his former mother-in-law hesitate before answering him, giving him an address on Lichen Lane. Accepting that answer, he left, more questions buzzing around his head. Lichen Lane was across town, and if he wanted to drop by the Reynolds residence, he needed to let Kendall know how late he’d be. On the third ring, her phone picked up, but he was surprised by the voice on the other end.
‘Hi Dad,’ she greeted. ‘I’m gonna stay with you and Kendall for a while.’
Forever. She would stay forever. ‘What happened?’
There was a long pause before Annie offered, ‘Um…. I’ll tell you later.’
He flipped a U-turn in the middle of Ash Street. ‘I’ll be home in ten minutes.’
‘Thanks, Dad.’
He was seething on the way home. Beverly Shaw either didn’t know where Annie was, or Annie had lied to her grandmother, or… he didn’t want to think about the or right now. He knew that wasn’t the most cop-like, but dammit, he was sure it was an or he didn’t want to face until he had to. In ten minutes.
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the table is quite near to the rear door of the house as you sit there you look out of the window and see that it is nice and dark outside, sitting there you start becoming all hot again so you decide to open the back door to let some air in to cool you down. You go over and switch off the lights before you settle back into your chair switch on your laptop to read a book that you have downloaded the day before, as you are sitting reading you feel the breeze start to build a little as it hits...
This story is almost completely true. He heard the trill of the ringer notifying him of the new email that had arrived in his personal email box. He ignored it for a bit as he finished up reviewing a work document on his iPad while sitting on his screened-in porch. ‘What a great invention,’ he thought to himself as he took a break from the iPad to refill his scotch and returned to casually check his email. The re line stated: ‘Craigslist– Response to posting ‘Erotic Hypnosis’.’ The sender’s...
Want to get to the real thing? Go directly to "HERE IT GOES" below!So as I don't have sex with my girlfriend anymore, I often have to find way not to explode. There are time where I can simply wank, and others where I can't stand it and need to find a way to have real sex. I'm not ugly, but I don't really have "the game" I can't hit on girls and manage to go further... So I end up looking at online ads and find hookers around the place I'm at the time.I do have thing for asian girls, so when I...
The weekend had gone well. Hubby caught the early flight out on Friday and Sharon had the day to herself to prepare for a weekend of fun. Her guests started arriving early that evening. Some brought a little extra kick for added fun. Pretty soon the party was in full swing and everyone was getting pretty loose. Sharon was snuggling into her some time lover and was so taken with the freedom of the weekend it wasn't too long before she wound up in bed with him and his friend. By the time hubby...
BDSMHello, friends, this is Shravan from the coastal part of Karnataka and presently working in Bengaluru. I am back with after a long time. About me, I am 30 years old, the unmarried guy working in the real estate business. The following story is a fictitious story and isn’t real. The story is about me and my cousin’s wife, Deepthi. I hope you like this story as it took a long time to write. Please feel free to contact me. Please send your feedback to Now coming to the story. The story is of the...
IncestBy: Suraj1n1ly Hi all, I’m Surya living in Chennai, I’m a regular reader of ISS and today I felt like sharing my story to you all. Hope you’ll enjoy it, there is no masala or added imagination in it if you feel this story is good then please encourage me to write more by sending your feedbacks on Before I take you to my story let me introduce myself to you, I’m a 25 years old, young, dynamic entrepreneur, my height is 5.7 and I’m fair and average built body, with brown eyes, 6.5 inches is my...
Day 26 We were up in the morning by 7:00. After washing up and getting dressed, the girls made breakfast — bacon, eggs, toast, jelly, milk, and orange juice. They were unusually quiet, and kept giving me sideways glances. Finally, Belle broke down and started to cry. This set Mel off. I then had two weeping girls to try to calm down. This presented quite a problem, as I was sitting in the wheel chair at the table, and they were sitting on regular kitchen chairs. I moved back from the table...
Adorable September Reign is nervous but excited for her filthy massage. Jay Bangher oils up her perfect body as her perky nipples peak out of her lingerie. Then comes her amazing ass – September’s pussy starts leaking girlie juices as he rubs over her panties. She can barely handle the pleasure as he rubs her clit intensely. She takes Jay’s fat cock in her little mouth before turning around for it. Jay stirs up her pussy cream as he stretches her out with a thorough pounding....
xmoviesforyouI always enjoy my sales trips. The trips fit into my crossdressing lifestyle and the thrill of being in a different town and different people. After a long day on the road, I had just checked into a motel just about 30-miles outside of Nashville, TN. For my overnight trips, I always bring my special suitcase that has my “girly stuff” (panties, dresses, makeup, lingerie, etc.). Sometimes I would just dress up pretty and cam or play with myself. On a very few occasions I would run into a very...
The story starts on a cold autumn day, I had been swimming as usual. I parked my car outside my house and as I opened my car door I noticed the side door on Ian Steads van slide open. I had nothing to do with the Steads, they lived a few houses up the street from me, they were a father and son who had their own plastering business. The vans had the company name emblazoned on the side 'Stead & Son plasterers'. Under this logo on of the vans it said Ian Stead on one van and on the other van...
Jo b aunty mere se satisfaction chahti hain pe muje mail kar sakti hain.. Acha to mai story pe ata hu k kaise maine ek amir ghar ki aunty ko apni rakhel banaya.. Yeh kahani hai 6 mahine pehle ki jab maine aur ek kahani iss pe post ki thi, to wo kahani padhne k bad ek aunty ne muje msg kiya.. Wo ek big shot rich businessman ki biwi hai jisko apne husband se rahat nahi milti hai.. Usne muje msg kiya aur bat karne lagi to pata chala k wo b wahi ki rehne wali hai, bas isi se mai khush ho gaya k...
Looking back a year ago, you never would have guessed you would end up here, on the Watchtower of the Justice League, awaiting your official admittance into the exclusive club of superheroes. Back then you were just a scientist working in the field of nanotechnology. Your lab was seeking to pioneer the field of medical nanobots; treating the untreatable. But to that point, you had been unable to replicate the success of your simulations when testing the real thing. Unfortunately, you were...
When Kathy's bleeding time was due and she did not bleed, the two began to discuss what that meant. Eventually, when her stomach began to push out again, they both seemed to instinctively know that she was going to have another baby. This time they were ready for the changes as they occurred. Even little Hannah got to participate in feeling her mommy's stomach as she was told about the upcoming event. They estimated she would deliver the new baby about September 1957. They missed the date...
Jeff smiled as he walked toward his neighbor's house. He loved when they went out of town and he watched their dog. This meant he had to go there at lest three or four times a day. This gave him plenty of time to explore.Jeff loved to see women's panties and his neighbor presented two opportunities. First there was Nancy who was 45 but who looked 30. She was a sexy in a MILF way. She was about 5' 7" and was in excellent shape. Jeff had always wanted to fuck her but that was unlikely to happen...
The Lee Odyssey Chapter 2If you have not read chapter 1 please do so.I had many firsts in my growing womanhood. I had not only been fucked and sucked, but I had sucked a black man’s cock. I couldn’t brag about it lest I be branded the town slut. I began to worry that Lee might tell his buddies and it would be all over town. I had to talk to him as soon as possible. He actually sought me out at school and we went for a walk in the park. I told him of my concerns and he assured me that he was not...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I stared out at the class that worked quietly in front of me. The boys were sat towards the back of the classroom as usual which left the girls to occupy the front seats. I could see clearly underneath the desks and the young girls were not too careful about closing there legs. This being summer the girls were wearing short skirts and had bare legs. A couple of the girls in the very front row had skirts so short that when they sat with their knees a...
First TimeI remember my hands trembling as I opened the package, I knew where it was from and I knew that it wasn't going to be good. It all started about a month ago when I was out of town for the week on business. As usual, I snuck some of my "girly" clothes in with my regular stuff thinking that they would provide me with a distraction during the lonely nights away from home. I have been cross-dressing for quite some time now and since my job requires that I be out of town frequently I have...
Tanja saß auf dem fetten Schwanz ihres Chefs und ritt ihn hart. Freitags kurz vor Feierabend, wenn die meisten Kollegen schon weg waren, musste sie ihm immer gefällig sein. Seitdem sie vor zwei Jahren mit der Ausbildung fertig geworden war, verlangte er diesen Dienst von ihr. Er hätte sie sonst in seiner Spedition nicht übernommen. In der sächsischen Kleinstadt, in der sie lebte, gab es einfach nicht viel Arbeit. Meistens macht es ihr sogar Spaß - so wie heute. Sie war schon den ganzen Tag geil...
(Listen my readers for I shall tell Of the story disclaimer of Miss Jezzi Belle. On the 31 of October of '84 If life for you was not yet in store You're too young so get your butt out of here.) The Halloween Ride of Paul(a) Revere By Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2002 TRP Listen my darlings and you shall hear Of the Halloween ride of Paul(a) Revere. On the 31st of October of '95 No "man" involved is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year. Paul said to...
The Deception of Choice. Episode Fifteen, comprising Chapters 36, & 37 Preamble Another day in the life of our hero. Or heroine as The Venumar Foundation would wish him to be known. Anne acquires a longed-for companion and unburdens herself of childhood's memories, whilst David finds confirmation of a sort. Together they try to form a hypothesis. But alas unsuccessfully. Unless.... Otherwise Life pursues the even tenor of its ways. Anyone for tennis? Chapter 36. David...
The last day.My four days had come to an end, my suitcase was packed, my master had fisted me yet again with his whole arm and then fucked me all night long. I was tired, drained and sad to be going, but knew that I still had a life to go back to. I was intoxicated with this man, my master, I had surrendered myself to him, let him humiliate me in public, abused me, spat on me, pissed on and in me, shared me with his brothers and gave in so much that he was able to put his hole arm inside me. I...
Eventually I became a lobbyist, and my ‘good intentions’ went completely out the window. I began advocating for whatever position my clients and bosses wanted me to. I was paid extremely well, and my salary was tied directly to my ability to get politicians to vote for – or against – bills that specifically benefited my clients’ interests. To them, success was measured in the number of votes I could bring to their side of pending legislation….but for me, it was all about the money….and I would...
It had been over 6 years since my ex ran away with some d**g dealing cop, taking my 8 and 10 year old daughters(Jennifer and Madison) just to hurt me more. Of course no one would help a single father get custody back then. I hit rock bottom, drinking, not sleeping for days, not shaving and sometimes not even showering for a week at a time. Somehow a few friends remembered me and put up with my morose behavior. After a week of my last 2 friends on Earth nagging me about taking care of myself,...
VACATION AT AUNT JESSICA?S - PART 1 By Nicki Germain Translated into English by Leah The main characters of this story: Myself, that is, the eleven-year-old Nicki. For his age very small and of girl-like stature with long auburn hair My Mom Aunt Jessica, also called Jessie, and the twin sister of Mom Nicole, or affectionately Nici, whom I still miss very much Sebastian, a twelve-year-old boy who in the story becomes my best friend Preface This story has...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My daughter-in-law has been part of our family for more than 18 years and is a fantastic girl for my son, despite what I am going to tell you in this story. Her name is Julie; she is 37; five feet, ten inches tall; long blonde hair that is not from a bottle; small its; gorgeous ass; beautiful face. She has always dressed modestly, but in the last two or two and a half years her wardrobe has changed. For instance, when she came downstairs in the morning...
IncestAnd all we taught Millie Melrose today was EVERYTHING… That’s the understatement of the year, and let me tell all you out there in PORNville something about Millie. This girl is innocent, special and is more beautiful, both inside and out, then there are stars in the sky. You see Millie’s been through more in life by the tender age of 18 then most, no I can pretty much guarantee she’s been through more then most all of you putz’s out there will ever go through in your entire lives. She’s what...
xmoviesforyouMrs. Dunn was my kind of woman and I didn’t care if the room was damp and over priced I would be moving in just to see more of her. As it happened the room was perfect and the price was affordable. A week later and I was settling in fine and getting on with Mrs. Dunn just great, she often caught me staring at her sexy body and just smiled at me. Then one morning I was having a bath when Mrs. Dunn walked in on me (I had forgotten to lock the door) she was only wearing a silky red and black...
I waited at the airport for the attendant to announce we could board the plane. I had a long flight ahead of me, all the way to Italy. After what felt like forever in the waiting area I was finally able to find my seat on the plane. I was unknowingly bumped up to first class for this trip. I usually ride coach so this was a bit different for me. People really took their time to get dressed, wealthy Italian men wearing three piece suits, their trophy wives in sleek designer dresses. This blew my...
Straight SexI couldn't resist. Tongue firmly in cheek (and displacing several acorns), here is my entry to the REX contest. The rating would probably be PG-13, maybe. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The One Dollar Spell by Sarah Miller Gordon gently closed the dust encrusted leather cover of the manuscript. He was wearing a satisfied smile, for at long last he'd found the answer. For years, he'd been searching these musty archives all over the...
Kali Roses hasn’t paid her rent in months. When she gets evicted she has nowhere to go. She calls up her brother hoping she can stay with him temporally. Not sure if his girlfriend, Uma Jolie, will go along with it, he breaks the news to her and she’s not happy. She’s worried that his delinquent sister might steal from them, but it’s too late, she’s already arrived and with nowhere else to stay, it looks like they’re stuck with her. The brother leaves for the...
xmoviesforyouJackie was the first to awaken the next morning. She figured she could at least get the coffee made before everyone else woke up. Jackie started to pull on her pajama bottoms but then silently reasoned, "Manny isn't going to care and Trace got a good look at me dressed like this last night. I don't think it would be too brazen to just stay the way I am. Actually, this is not even as revealing as most of my swim suits. But it is kind of daring. Should be fun." Having made up her mind she...
Well after lounging in the garden for the afternoon in the hot sunshine, I think it would be nice to head off to the local pub for a nice evening drink. We get ready to go out, I decide to wear a short skirt, buttoned at the front and a low cut top as the evening is warm. We have a nice long deep kiss and cuddle before walking out the door. We slowly walk to the pub and sit down at a table next to each other. Just sitting there next to you is turning me on so much, smelling your so lickable...