- 1 year ago
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Terese and Alana
(This is a continuous story in multiple parts. It will only make sense if you read it in order.)
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P r a c t i c e
‘Blair, have you ever found anyone you couldn’t +push?’
‘No, but, remember, I don’t do it very often. I really want to keep it below the radar.’
They went to the mall, and experimented with all sorts of inconsequential +pushes, such as getting someone to shift their shopping bag from one hand to the other, getting someone else to stop and check out a store window that she was going to pass. They got one poor guy to take the escalator up, and down, and up again, and down again, before letting him pass it.
At one point they saw Jon across the food court. They had a huge laugh getting him to stop and gaze at a window display of purses. When they ‘released’ him, he looked bewildered, checked around to see if anyone had seen him, and quickly walked off.
It seemed that they could +push anyone.
: : : : :
Brian’s brow was furrowed, Blair asked, ‘What’s up?’
He sighed. ‘I’m just wondering how we can get through all the scenes without everything blowing up in our faces. Jenn is the most complicated, because she has a boyfriend, who happens to be my friend Phil. I know that they have a very loose, unusual relationship, but I know I’d be really angry if Phil or anyone else was hitting on you, and I keep thinking that Phil will probably feel the same way.’
‘Jenn says that she and Phil are ‘non-exclusive,’ so I don’t think you have to worry about Phil.’
She paused, gathering her thoughts. ‘There’s a facet of +pushing, it’s going to take me a minute to explain it, because I’ve never thought about it this way before. For lack of a better term, it’s all about permission, and it works both ways. You can +push someone to give them permission. You can also +push to receive permission from someone – you’ve already done it that way, it was one of your very first +pushes.’
‘My mom and the Pepsi.’
‘Exactly. You +pushed her not to lecture you about a soft drink right before dinner, in other words, to give you permission to have a Pepsi.’
‘I didn’t even realize I’d done it. I wouldn’t have any idea how to do it again.’
‘If you think of ‘permission’ as a major, complicated concept, you’ll psych yourself out and fail, but it’s easy if you just break it down to a few simple pieces. With your mom, I’m sure that you just +pushed something like a combined image of you, Pepsi, and ‘OK,’ all at once. She received it, and since she didn’t realize that it came from you, she just accepted it as her own thought.
‘For Phil, for your peace of mind we’ll do the same thing – just think of you, Jenn, sex, and ‘OK,’ all in a bundle at the same time, and +push it to Phil.’
‘How will I receive his permission?’
‘It doesn’t work that way. With any +pushing, there’s never a response. Nobody ever says ‘OK, got it,’ we just see from their actions that they received whatever we +pushed: Dan sang the correct words, Jon looked at the purses at the mall. With permission, you’re +pushing them a feeling of, ‘this is all good.’ They receive your +push, but they’re not aware of it – they just feel like that’s what they’ve always thought.’
‘Doesn’t this violate that thing we talked about, that you can’t +push someone to do something they’re opposed to?’
‘No, not at all. We would never be able to get Phil’s approval if he and Jenn weren’t so ‘open.’ With your mom, if you had +pushed her for permission to do something terrible, like shooting heroin, it would never have worked.’
Brian contemplated that for a minute, and nodded in agreement.
A brief minute later, he looked worried again. ‘What about you? Isn’t it going to be awful, knowing that if our plans work, all five of your closest friends are willing to ‘misbehave’ with your boyfriend?’
‘It’s my idea, remember? I want them to be with you. It’s how I’ll know that you’re freely choosing me.’
‘What if one of them isn’t willing to cross that line?’
‘That won’t happen, because we’ll +push them permission beforehand.’
‘You’re sure that works?’
‘It definitely works. I did it last summer, with Justin.’
‘Shannon’s boyfriend?’
‘He is now. Last summer, he was MY boyfriend.’
‘That’s right, I remember that.’
‘Justin’s a nice guy, but of course he can’t +remote or +push, and I had gotten to the point where I couldn’t stand hiding my abilities from him. I had heard that Shannon really liked him. She didn’t consider him available, so she was chasing some other guy, but it was Justin who she really liked.
‘I +pushed her permission to pursue him, just like I described: a bundle of Shannon, Justin, going out, and ‘it’s OK.’ While I was at it, I +pushed the same thing to him. All I had to do then was be unavailable to do anything with him for the next couple of weekends, and presto, they were going out. Everybody won: she got the guy she liked, he got a new girlfriend that he’s much more compatible with, and I didn’t have to deal with any of the drama of breaking up with him.’
Blair anticipated Brian’s follow-up question. ‘That didn’t get anyone to overlook their values, either. Justin and I weren’t that tight, so he didn’t resist turning his attention to someone else, and Shannon really liked him, so she was glad to get the go ahead.’
‘Are you positive that your permission is what got them together?’
‘Shannon’s a decent girl – she didn’t go after Justin until I +pushed her it was alright, so, yes, I think her part of it was because of my permission. And Justin is a decent guy – I’m sure that he would have done a proper ‘breakup’ with me, except he had such a strong feeling of ‘this is OK.’ That HAD to have come from my permission.’
Blair let Brian ponder this for a moment.
She continued, ‘With you and the girls, remember what I said before: none of them are prudes, they’re all open to sexual situations, as long as there’s nothing sleazy involved. Once I +push permission to them, they won’t even have a thought that having sex with you would possibly violate our friendship.’
‘Are you +pushing me permission right now not to worry about this?’
‘No, I’m not,’ she laughed. ‘But maybe I should.’ Brian laughed too.
: : : : :
While nearly everyone had been happy for Brian and Blair when they got together, Terese was initially a holdout. She had carried a torch for Brian for several years, and she went through a visible depression – but the group rallied around her, and by mid-summer, she appeared to be back to normal.
Blair had thought that Terese would quickly find a new guy to fixate on, but she hadn’t. She and Brian both bombarded Terese with images in which they were comfortable friends, and she seemed to be accepting that.
They had thought that coming up with the setup for Terese would be the most difficult, but in the end, it was the simplest, falling right into their laps.
Phil’s parents were going to be out of town, and the band organized another grain alcohol party. Although Brian and Blair had long since abandoned Brian’s original plan for seducing Jenn via the grain party, they took that basic idea, inverted it, and applied it to Terese.
Terese’s house was only a couple of streets over from Blair’s, on the opposite side of the neighborhood from Phil’s. The plan started with Brian and Blair giving Terese a ride to the party. They picked her up, and chatted casually on the way. ‘How late are you planning on staying?’ Terese asked.
‘Not late, I have to work tomorrow morning,’ Blair said.
‘Cool, I do too. I wouldn’t mind at all being home by 12.’ Perfect…
As expected, Phil and Jenn were consuming grain punch at a prodigious rate, and Brian and Blair set out to match them, drink
for drink. At least they seemed to. The plan was based on both of them appearing to be out-of-control drunk. Nobody seemed to catch on, but they were actually drinking mostly straight fruit punch, sans alcohol.
A little after 11:00, Blair found Terese in a group with Jenn, Jon, Carina, and a couple of other kids from school. +Pushing the image at Terese of Blair wobbling as she tried to stand, and badly slurring her speech, Blair asked, ‘Have you seen Brian?’
‘He was over by the punch bowl a little while ago,’ Jon answered.
Blair said, ‘Somebody told me he’d passed out,’ with a laugh, turning and stumbling off in that direction.
As she walked, she continued +pushing the image at Terese of herself, hopelessly drunk, adding that it was nearly time to leave. Terese fell in beside her, whispering, ‘You’re not gonna be able to drive, are you?’
Blair concentrated on maintaining the +pushed image of herself, smashed, as it seemed to be working. ‘You might be right. If I give you the keys, would you drive?’
Terese rolled her eyes and sighed, ‘Sure, whatever.’
They found Brian slouched back in a chair. He was also busily +pushing the image of himself, utterly trashed. ‘Blair, Terese, hey, let’s have a drink.’
‘I think you’ve had enough,’ Blair said, taking his hand and trying to pull him to his feet. His hand slipped from hers, and she lost her balance and fell, landing awkwardly on her back, legs apart, dress up around her waist. She turned to Terese and giggled, ‘I think I’VE had enough. Can you help me get him to the car?’
Brian extended his hands, they pulled him up from his seat, and he took a girl under each arm. They navigated him to the car, Terese full of visions of Brian falling over if she didn’t hold him up, then they poured him into the back seat.
In the process of getting Brian loaded into the car, Blair +remoted one of the straps of her sun dress unbuttoned, revealing the top of her breast, almost down to the nipple. She left it undone. She gave Terese the keys, and as soon as they were underway, pretended to pass out against the window.
She felt the car turn into the driveway. ‘Terese, before you go home, I need a hand getting him into the house. He can’t go home this wasted, so he’ll have to stay here. I’ll do the lifting, but I need you to steer.’
She manhandled Brian out of the back seat, falling over a couple of times in the process, her sun dress hiking way up over her waist, showing the nosy neighbors her panties, if any of them were looking at this time of night. She hoped not.
They got Brian into the house, laying the intoxicated visions on thick. They manhandled him into Blair’s room, where he fell onto the bed. ‘I need a nice – a nice – um, a nice, um…’ he said, ‘I – need – an – ice pack, for some reason my head hurts.’
Blair headed out of her room toward the kitchen, and Brian grabbed Terese’s hand, pulling her onto the bed, locking his lips onto hers, his fingers interlacing her hair, his tongue reaching for her tonsils.
He reached under her dress, slipping his hand under the elastic of her panties to squeeze her bare ass. He broke off the kiss, opened his eyes briefly at Terese, and said, ‘Blair, you changed your dress…’
He pulled her face in to kiss her again, halted short of contact, flared his eyes, and said, ‘Hey, you’re not Blair,’ and laughed, releasing her butt, falling back on the bed with his legs splayed, making sure the hard-on pulling his jeans tight was clearly visible.
‘Jeez la-peez,’ said Terese, using her hand to fan her face, which felt flushed. She headed down the hall so she could escape and walk the short distance home, but her mind wouldn’t seem to let go of the image of Brian, semi-conscious on the bed, sporting such an impressive stiffie.
A strange image materialized: it consisted of her, Terese, wearing Blair’s sun dress, crawling into Brian’s arms on Blair’s bed. She tried to shake the image off, but it wouldn’t go away. ‘Yeah, right,’ she thought to herself, ‘I’ll just say, ‘Hey Blair, could I borrow your dress for a few minutes?’ I’m sure that’d be no problem.’
When she got to the den, she saw that Blair had fixed the ice pack, and had apparently begun undressing for bed before passing out. She lay on the couch, in nothing but shoes and panties, her dress in a puddle on the floor. Terese picked up the dress, held it to her chest for a few moments, folded it, and placed it on the arm of the couch. ‘Come on, Blair, let’s get you settled,’ she sighed. She removed Blair’s shoes, and lifted her feet onto the couch. Blair slumped down to a reclined position.
Terese took a step toward the door, to leave, but that image of her, in Blair’s dress, being welcomed into bed by Brian, wouldn’t go away. She went down the hall to check him out. He had slipped out of his jeans and shirt, and was laying on top of the covers, in his boxers. The front of his shorts was impressively tented.
She returned to the den, standing still, gazing indecisively at Blair’s dress. In her mind she could see Blair, comfortable on the couch, sleeping soundly. She found a light comforter draped over the back of the sofa, and shook it out across Blair, tucking her in.
She took a deep breath, replaying the images: wearing Blair’s dress, Brian and his stiffie, Blair sleeping too deeply to be awakened. All the pieces seemed perfectly aligned to do this crazy thing. She stared at Blair’s dress on the couch, so available. She unfastened her own dress, stepped out of it, folded it neatly, and placed it beside Blair’s. She reached for Blair’s dress, but stopped and reconsidered.
She paused, still unsure of what she should do.
She thought for another moment, and unhooked her bra, shrugging it off, placing it on top of her dress.
She pulled Blair’s dress on. It was baggy on her slender frame, and way too short, but it wasn’t as if Brian was in a state of keen observation. She started down the hall, then had second thoughts. She came back in the den, stood over her folded dress, and seemed to be making a decision. She bent over, unbuckled and stepped out of her shoes.
She headed for the hall again, then stopped again, still reconsidering, returning to her own dress.
She hesitated, looked around the room, as if checking to see if anyone was watching, reached under Blair’s dress, and pulled her panties off.
Then she started down the hall for real, not seeing the smile on Blair’s face. ‘Hook, line, and sinker,’ Blair thought.
When Terese got back to Blair’s room, Brian had taken off his boxers. His eyes were little slits, almost shut, his head rested back on a pillow, his mouth half open. He appeared passed out, except for an impressive erection. Terese’s breath caught at the sight, she paused briefly at the door, then entered.
Brian stirred when he heard her footsteps. He grinned and slurred, ‘Blair, where you been? I ‘uz waiting…’
Terese slid onto the bed beside him. He kissed her, feeling her stiffen slightly, then relax and go with it. He draped his arm across her waist, and she returned the gesture. She began unbuttoning the straps on Blair’s dress, but he stopped her. ‘Naaw, baby, giv’ me a show…’ he said, taking her hand in his, guiding her to stand on the bed, looking down at him.
‘Thass more like it…’
She froze with stage fright for a second, but she had already moved so far out of her comfort zone to reach this moment, one more step was not so difficult. She finished unbuttoning the straps, letting them fall, but held up the top of the dress for a moment, feeling shy.
‘Take it offff, Blair, baby, take it offff…’ he drawled.
When she hesitated a bit more, he reached forward and lifted the hem, getting an eyeful of bush. Laughing, she slapped his hand away, but in doing so, lost her hold on the top of the dress, and it fell, revealing her breasts.
‘Hi girls,’ he slurred, smiling…
She got slightly timid again as she began to let the dress drop the rest of the way down past her waist, holding it up so it hid her muff.
‘C’mon, baby, don’t tease me,’ he mumbled, and she dropped the dress, but still covered her mound with her hand. He motioned for her to twirl, and she spun in place. ‘Not so faasst…’ he coached. Holding her arms out for balance, she waved them with her hips in a little mini-hula dance, twirling slowly, showing him all the sights.
Brian marveled at the lack of similarity between Terese and Blair, how two slender, blonde hotties could be so different. Blair’s hair was honey blonde and thick, Terese’s was almost platinum, thinner, more flowing. Blair was slender, curvy, slightly sculpted, in a soft way, Terese was taller and leaner, her figure more liquid, pouring from one feature to the next. Blair’s breasts were round, firm, with small, pink nipples, Terese’s were slightly more conical, more prone to bouncing enticingly when she moved, with larger, tan nips.
Blair had a spectacular, taut, apple-shaped ass, topped with deep sacral dimples, Terese’s bum was a long, flowing, creamy soft transition from her waist and the small of her back to her thighs. Blair had been shaved smooth when she and Brian had initially hooked up, in the weeks since, she was growing out a narrow landing strip of soft but fuzzy hair, Terese sported a fuller bush, with fine, wispy, straighter hair, trimmed short and manicured around the edges so as not to spill out of her bikini.
Both girls had models’ high cheek bones, but Blair’s face was simple, friendly, a farmer’s daughter, a surfer girl, the girl next door, while Terese’s was also friendly but almond-shaped, exotic, mysterious, an undiscovered movie star sipping a soda on a stool at Schwabb’s.
Terese only had one remaining boundary to cross – actually having Brian inside her. All the inhibitions she had overcome so far, one by one – starting with just recognizing and accepting the opportunity, followed by taking off her dress and putting Blair’s on, shedding her undies, then finally standing on the bed with Brian at her feet, and stripping for him – had her more aroused than she thought was possible.
Brian struck her as the kind of guy who would be into extensive foreplay, and while normally that would be delightful, right now she was, like, ‘not now dude, I wanna FUCK!’
She settled in beside him, and he cupped her breasts, kissed her nipples, and ran his hand down her waist, across her thigh, and down into her muff, where he discovered how wet she was. ‘Damn, baby, you’re ready, aren’tcha?’ She answered him by firmly pulling him on top of her. She found his cock, guided him into her, grabbed his ass, and pulled him deep inside.
She wrapped her lower legs around his and flexed her hips, taking in his last inch. He began to pump her slowly, obviously intending to build up to a faster tempo, but she vetoed that by taking his ass in both hands and pulling him into a faster, deeper thrust that was more what she needed.
She regulated Brian’s pace by keeping her hands on his butt. Her arousal was so total that it took her no time to begin cumming. Under siege from his cock, she came continuously, orgasm after orgasm. As soon as one began to fade, another began, or maybe it was all one single, continuous climax, washing over her in waves.
Whatever it was, it was as close to nirvana as she’d ever been, and she didn’t want it to end. Brian kept pounding into her, and she kept cumming.
Eventually, though, she felt a slight swelling in Brian’s rod, heard his breathing change, and felt his whole body tighten as he also began to cum. She raised her feet to the small of his back, and squeezed him as tightly as she could, heightening her own sensations as well as enhancing his final contractions.
As they began to cool off, he stayed on top of her, still in her, holding the bulk of his weight up off her with his elbows and knees. Her arms and legs were still wrapped around his torso. He waited until her breathing eased, and edged off her, leaving his top arm around her waist, embracing her.
The final step of the plan was to allow her to escape, feeling undetected. He began to breathe slowly, as if he was slipping into deep sleep. He held her, as if she were actually Blair, but he was careful not to confine her, allowing her to slip away thinking she had not disturbed him.
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I packed a small bag and threw my stuff in the truck and started the 2 1/2 hour drive over the Sierras to get to her house. It ended up turning into a 4 hour trek because of snow and idiots who couldn't drive in the snow. I got to her place at a little after 11pm and the party was in full swing. I greeted the family and decided to join in the drinking. While enjoying my beer I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and was greeted by my cousin Lili, who I had not seen in a couple of years. She...
Jacob I was on my computer writing a paper for my English class when I hear my phone ring letting me know that I had a text. I finish writing my sentence and grab my phone. Incoming text message from Beautiful Jenny Hey, Jacob…? I smile. I cornered her one day at school and finally confronted her about why she never texted me. She confessed that she lost my number so I grabbed her phone and called my phone. Since then, we have been texting each other non-stop, but I was always the one who...
Love StoriesThis is my first attempt at fiction. I have a very special friend. She is a second year UNI student in London. We first met on line a week before her 18th birthday. She was a scared little girl that was not sure if she was gay or not. Now she is a proud woman living with her lover and enjoying her life. This is a fantasy we have created and shared. I hope you enjoy it. I am Genny. When I travel to London there is a bar that I like to spend an evening in. It is called Billies, and it is womyn...
Princess. Part 3 by Princess Pantyboy (All I added a few paragraphs from Part-2 so my story would be easier to read since it has been awhile. I hope and pray you enjoy my newest story. Hugs Princess) "Mommy how old was my little sister when she wore these clothes?" I try not to think about my little sister because she was the main reason I moved out as soon as I could. Miley would pick on me and tease me anytime she could. She has been teasing me my whole life even before...
Last stop was makeup. I always dreamed of being a passable red head. Chris said "I will show you how to do this another time. Today we'll make you passable! This is Annie she is going to help me with you makeup." I found out later that Annie was transgender. She had a beautiful smile and face and a voluptuous body. She didn't say much but went right to work.My back was to the mirror as they worked they're magic. When they finished and turned me to face the mirror I was speechless. In my...
Sam Thomas was our key person for the Ark’s construction effort in addition to being one of our two lawyers. Sam knew that he would not be able to manage the construction effort without help, so he hired a construction management firm. The firm pulled our activities together in an organized and logical fashion with Sam’s help. They recommended an architectural firm, which we employed to design the electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and other systems required for living in the Silos. They also...
The next morning I woke to a rather interesting sensation. There was the pretty girl I remembered, but with her mouth full of me. Her eyes were smiling, but her mouth was unable to do so for a minute or two. And that’s all it took. Just a minute. “Your breakfast is ready, Master.” She smiled as she left the bedroom. Naked. I put on a dressing gown and went downstairs. Breakfast and coffee first, then shower and dress to face the day. I was served my favourite pain-au-raisins, freshly...
Driving home from his first class at the local community college, Ted thought he saw his mom’s car turn up the street, just a few cars ahead of him. “I can follow her if she’s going to eat someplace I can have dinner with her,” Ted reasoned to himself. His mom a pretty woman at 42 had been an inspiration to Ted’s early puberty, her auburn hair, large full breasts, 40d according to the tag on her under wire bra that Ted had dug out of the clothes hamper. Not to mention her full round ass. At...
IncestWithout a second thought, I ran my cum-drenched body out the door… My heart was pounding as I skidded out the door, my socked feet losing grip. My nipples were hard in the chilly air as my perky breasts bounced with every stride. I could feel the fresh cum leaking its way down my cleavage. The coach’s cum oozed out my pussy, mixing with my own juices as it slid down my leg. The only thing burning harder than my muscles was my pussy, which was recently filled with a hard cock. I flew past...
ReluctanceIt was the night of Homecoming. Tommy James got the weekend off from his place of employment, as did his date. He was kind of nervous about what would happen at the dance. Should he play it cool with her? Ari did tell him and show him some things that were interesting, to say the least. He looked at himself in the mirror, brushed his hair and scruffy face. He looked at himself, wearing a black suit with a red tie, trying to be as debonair as possible. Tommy was expecting a knock any second now....
FetishThose who read Celestial Reviews may know that over the last couple of weeks Celeste has run a competition based around the premise of a Locksmith called to release someone from a pair of handcuffs. I entered and on Saturday Celeste declared my story the winner by a narrow margin. So here it is. I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think of it Stephanie The Locksmith by Stephanie In my line of work, you come across loads of unusual...
This is a true story of what I got up to one Friday night recently. I had not long broken up with my boyfriend and was feeling a bit low with nothing to do. My mate, Lucy, had texted to ask if I fancied going round her flat to have a few drinks.I accepted and gone round with the intention of getting bladdered! Why not? I just wanted to let my hair down.Once there, I was introduced to a couple of her other mates, Stace, Bekki and Nathan. They were all a laugh and soon I was laughing with...
Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-Three By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VI: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Campers Part 4 - It's Good To Have Friends (mc, TP-Mast) The sensations of a glass of soda at my lips awoke me, and I greedily swallowed the drink, finding myself very thirsty. Mick refilled the glass as I found myself in Joey's bunk with Joey beside me. Mick handed the glass back to Joey who held it for me as I drank it down. My head still hurt, and I was feeling pretty tired...
so I woke up 2days ago in the morning and I had some breakfast with my parents, as we was eating breakfast my ladies maid said to me "Leon you have a phone call its Harvey" I didn't really want to speak to Harvey so I told her "tell him I'm in the shower and I will call him back" so my ladies maid did that and then my cell rang, it was a message from Harvey saying "liar...man up and call me back" I excused my self from the table and I went outside to my car and drove off. I drove...
They parked up the bikes and settled the gravity sleds. The high Mages set up a new shield before they moved out. Their first objective was the ships. They moved so they were out of visual sight of the camp and approached the small gunship. Zed told Dusty mentally, to hold her vambrace next to the door locking mechanism. Dusty did so and they waited for a minute. “The ship is empty and the codes are changed, mistress. Only you can unlock the ship by placing your brace near one of the...
Humankind has made what it believes to be great strides in the study of its place in the universe — putting a man on the moon, unmanned craft on neighboring planets of Mars and Venus, satellites studying the rest of our solar system and even progressing into deep space. Yet at the same time, we too have been being watched closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own. We now know that while mankind busied itself with the problems of their little world, struggling...
Revenge By Ashtyn & Cathy S? The smell of her feet was maddening! The heels had been simply sitting there out side his door. He knew what it meant?they were for him. Not a gift, but a torment. She was allowing him to experience the perfection that was hers. She was forcing him into this moment of experience. Tactile sensation, a treat for his nose, she was granting him an event for his miserable existence. Harry reveled in her scent. She had obviously been doing ...
A Friday at the Writing Center was ending. Harry worked there as a graduate assistant. He was a good looking young man, with a square jaw and long, blonde hair, who overdressed for the role. The girl students loved him. Two in particular came for tutoring sessions regularly. One was a pretty-faced, flat-chested, punk girl, Shelby, and the other was a thin Algerian beauty with long, thin fingers and an athletic physique and a beautiful smile, Fuhteeyuh. Both were there to see him. Due to...
Drunk sexI I have been working out of town for the last 2 weeks. I have been staying at a hotel at New Smyrna Beach. 30 minutes up the road is Daytona. Last week I went to a club the name I will not mention. I sat down and ordered a crown and coke. This blonde girl about 27 sat next me and we chatted for about an hour. She after I wanted to go into the champagne room. I ask how much and she replied 100 dollars. I said sure and we went to the back room. Now these clibs are no nudity but in the bag they...
Sam questioned the wisdom of his decision to stay in with a book as he sat on a settee in the professor’s drawing room the next evening. Harriet sat straight with a book of her own right across from him, her tea on the side table. The simple chignon, the demure light-blue dress and her engrossed stance did nothing to distract him from the gnawing desire coursing through him. The gnawing desire that had poured through him the whole day. They had worked diligently on the paper from morning...
"Oh, Jackie," he moaned, with had one hand on her breast, the other in her panties. "Oh, Bruce! Right there. Go on. That's the spot." She ground her hips against him. He worked a finger inside her and massaged her clit with his thumb making her squeal. "Oh, I love you so much, Jak." "I love you too, Bruce. Oh, that's good." He pulled his hand from her panties and tugged at her waistband. She rushed to stop him. "Do you have... ?" "What?" "You know..." Bruce looked...
The Pain Stays the Same Chapter 1 Jan and Carl stood, as they had so many times before for their father, hands clasped behind their backs, and listened to their step-mother lecture them. ?You may think that just because your father’s gone now, that you can do whatever you want to, that you don’t have to obey any more. Well, I’m telling you right now, you’re wrong!? Andrea, their step-mother, was standing before the pair, arms akimbo, not two feet in front of them, with a scowl on her face. An...
First day of school for both Murphy kids saw a return of a family tradition: Mom fixed a full breakfast for everyone. Pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, fruits and all kinds of baked goods. She generally cooks for the family, then the mothers from the neighborhood carpool come and enjoy a wonderful meal at their own pace. There were usually a few empty bottles of wine in the trash when the kids returned home from the first day of school. Rumor has it the same carpoolers also got together toward...
I begin to stir as sunbeams dance their way through the partially open blinds. Turning on my back, the familiar tingling between my legs and the feeling of my nipples stiffening need my attention.Cupping my breasts, I push them together and lift them toward my waiting mouth. My full lips kiss each nipple as my tongue flicks all around them. Gently biting down on a nipple, my thumb and forefinger pinch the other until it is fully erect. Letting the nipple 'pop' from my mouth, I move to my other...
Seduction"I came to see if you were trustworthy, with all our lives. There are nine adults, and five children. You must take them food, for they grow weak. They have been awake a long time without anything to eat. Chris is more able to work a long time between meals, because of the way she was altered. I was only awakened recently, because they need my help to get the base working again." "I will go bring them here," I said. "They might not come, right away. They need to find out about you,...
Hi mera naam Shubham hai, main Noida, UP ka rehne vala hoon, m ek average looking hot well built ldka hoon , agr kisi ladki ko attract krna chahoon to kr skta hoon, ladkiya mere atitude or baaton se bohot khush hoti hai. To ab bdte hain story ki taraf, Ek baar meri bua or unki beti jo ki mujhse ek saal bdi hai, hmaare ghar apni vaccations k liye aaye hue the, ek din dopahar ko mausam acha tha to mummy or bua ne decide kiya ki shopping chalte hain , to maine or meri cousin jiska naam nishtha tha...
The rest of the week went by with no new incidents. Missy sat next to me in a few classes and even walked next to me between a few of them. People stopped commenting and accepted that Missy and I were now friends. At lunch, Missy went back to sitting with the rest of the cheerleaders. The world's axis tilted back toward what passed for normal around here. Friday came and went with little to recommend it. I showed up for the football game and sat with Bobby and our other friends. Some of us...
Warning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. Part 12 of Just West of Happy is back to being somewhat on the looooooooooooongish side, pun definitely intended. I dwell for many, many pages on a single scene, but I felt like...
It was the night of the party at the student accommodation, the home of the young black lads who had all fucked my gorgeous wife on their first encounter. Jane asked for my approval of the outfit she was wearing for the evening. Black stockings, bra and knickers (all sheer lace of course) and a long dress that displayed perfectly her beautiful cleavage. Her long, dark hair was tied in a bun loosely and she ware medium height heels. “Planning on being out late”? I asked her. “Well, don’t wait up...
I made it to the locker room without encountering anyone else. I darted to an open shower stall, threw my destroyed clothes on the bench outside of it and got into the shower. I closed the shower curtain and turned on the water, not caring that it blasted me with ice-cold water to start. The slime still coated parts of my body and the warming effect had not stopped. The tingling continued to radiate through my skin, a soft hum of arousal. The water warmed and I began to try and wash the...
Monster SexBob Peters leaned back in the old steel double wide lawn chair, circa 1952 and watched as Chrissy took care of old Mrs. Johnson's needs. Chrissy greeted Mrs. Johnson, started the gas pump and then checked under the hood before beginning to wash and dry all the windows of the Cadillac. Bob was glad he had hired Chrissy. He'd always been glad. Had anyone asked him, he'd gladly have admitted that when he first hired her it was mostly for her looks. She was a babe. Sixteen, fresh, pretty,...
When her parents chose Aki’s name (in Japanese characters, the ‘A’ means ‘Asia’ and the ‘ki’ means ‘Hope’) they had the dream that their daughter would be a ‘hope for Asia’. Her father decided that she go to international kindergarten, to get accustomed to English at an early age. He always used to say that languages are the doors to the world. In Junior High School Aki went to Canada for one year, and in High School to Australia for one year. She even took German as a second foreign language. ...
I lit a cigarette and started walking down the sidewalk. It was a beautiful day — seventy degrees with a slight cool breeze. Perfect weather for the middle of June. Briefcase and blazer in one hand, I crossed the street and began heading toward my upper flat four blocks down. I blew a thin stream of smoke and began reminiscing about my long day at the office. I had had a presentation that day with a large Internet firm, so I had been up late the night before preparing. I was slightly tired and...
I was intrigued by a message I got from an African man, here in the UK and coming to visit my local City. He was very flattering saying he had never seen such a lovely white booty before as mine?I nearly deleted the message as it started with enrich your life by offering me the chance to help you and was from a gent offering me this in Africa. He went on the say he was a wealthy man in a high position of office who traveled to the UK in his position. You know the type of Spam mails we get that...
For once, his studying was not simply a means of escaping from social interaction. Now, he was paying attention to the aspects of each subject that other students were having difficulty grasping, for these were the very matters which were likely to come up in their evening reviews. With these thoughts in his mind as he listened to a history lecture next day, he neglected to pay attention as the lecturer droned on about civilisations. It was only when his name was called, that he came back to...