Braining Ch. 03 free porn video

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Terese and Alana

(This is a continuous story in multiple parts. It will only make sense if you read it in order.)

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P r a c t i c e

‘Blair, have you ever found anyone you couldn’t +push?’

‘No, but, remember, I don’t do it very often. I really want to keep it below the radar.’

They went to the mall, and experimented with all sorts of inconsequential +pushes, such as getting someone to shift their shopping bag from one hand to the other, getting someone else to stop and check out a store window that she was going to pass. They got one poor guy to take the escalator up, and down, and up again, and down again, before letting him pass it.

At one point they saw Jon across the food court. They had a huge laugh getting him to stop and gaze at a window display of purses. When they ‘released’ him, he looked bewildered, checked around to see if anyone had seen him, and quickly walked off.

It seemed that they could +push anyone.

: : : : :

Brian’s brow was furrowed, Blair asked, ‘What’s up?’

He sighed. ‘I’m just wondering how we can get through all the scenes without everything blowing up in our faces. Jenn is the most complicated, because she has a boyfriend, who happens to be my friend Phil. I know that they have a very loose, unusual relationship, but I know I’d be really angry if Phil or anyone else was hitting on you, and I keep thinking that Phil will probably feel the same way.’

‘Jenn says that she and Phil are ‘non-exclusive,’ so I don’t think you have to worry about Phil.’

She paused, gathering her thoughts. ‘There’s a facet of +pushing, it’s going to take me a minute to explain it, because I’ve never thought about it this way before. For lack of a better term, it’s all about permission, and it works both ways. You can +push someone to give them permission. You can also +push to receive permission from someone – you’ve already done it that way, it was one of your very first +pushes.’

‘My mom and the Pepsi.’

‘Exactly. You +pushed her not to lecture you about a soft drink right before dinner, in other words, to give you permission to have a Pepsi.’

‘I didn’t even realize I’d done it. I wouldn’t have any idea how to do it again.’

‘If you think of ‘permission’ as a major, complicated concept, you’ll psych yourself out and fail, but it’s easy if you just break it down to a few simple pieces. With your mom, I’m sure that you just +pushed something like a combined image of you, Pepsi, and ‘OK,’ all at once. She received it, and since she didn’t realize that it came from you, she just accepted it as her own thought.

‘For Phil, for your peace of mind we’ll do the same thing – just think of you, Jenn, sex, and ‘OK,’ all in a bundle at the same time, and +push it to Phil.’

‘How will I receive his permission?’

‘It doesn’t work that way. With any +pushing, there’s never a response. Nobody ever says ‘OK, got it,’ we just see from their actions that they received whatever we +pushed: Dan sang the correct words, Jon looked at the purses at the mall. With permission, you’re +pushing them a feeling of, ‘this is all good.’ They receive your +push, but they’re not aware of it – they just feel like that’s what they’ve always thought.’

‘Doesn’t this violate that thing we talked about, that you can’t +push someone to do something they’re opposed to?’

‘No, not at all. We would never be able to get Phil’s approval if he and Jenn weren’t so ‘open.’ With your mom, if you had +pushed her for permission to do something terrible, like shooting heroin, it would never have worked.’

Brian contemplated that for a minute, and nodded in agreement.

A brief minute later, he looked worried again. ‘What about you? Isn’t it going to be awful, knowing that if our plans work, all five of your closest friends are willing to ‘misbehave’ with your boyfriend?’

‘It’s my idea, remember? I want them to be with you. It’s how I’ll know that you’re freely choosing me.’

‘What if one of them isn’t willing to cross that line?’

‘That won’t happen, because we’ll +push them permission beforehand.’

‘You’re sure that works?’

‘It definitely works. I did it last summer, with Justin.’

‘Shannon’s boyfriend?’

‘He is now. Last summer, he was MY boyfriend.’

‘That’s right, I remember that.’

‘Justin’s a nice guy, but of course he can’t +remote or +push, and I had gotten to the point where I couldn’t stand hiding my abilities from him. I had heard that Shannon really liked him. She didn’t consider him available, so she was chasing some other guy, but it was Justin who she really liked.

‘I +pushed her permission to pursue him, just like I described: a bundle of Shannon, Justin, going out, and ‘it’s OK.’ While I was at it, I +pushed the same thing to him. All I had to do then was be unavailable to do anything with him for the next couple of weekends, and presto, they were going out. Everybody won: she got the guy she liked, he got a new girlfriend that he’s much more compatible with, and I didn’t have to deal with any of the drama of breaking up with him.’

Blair anticipated Brian’s follow-up question. ‘That didn’t get anyone to overlook their values, either. Justin and I weren’t that tight, so he didn’t resist turning his attention to someone else, and Shannon really liked him, so she was glad to get the go ahead.’

‘Are you positive that your permission is what got them together?’

‘Shannon’s a decent girl – she didn’t go after Justin until I +pushed her it was alright, so, yes, I think her part of it was because of my permission. And Justin is a decent guy – I’m sure that he would have done a proper ‘breakup’ with me, except he had such a strong feeling of ‘this is OK.’ That HAD to have come from my permission.’

Blair let Brian ponder this for a moment.

She continued, ‘With you and the girls, remember what I said before: none of them are prudes, they’re all open to sexual situations, as long as there’s nothing sleazy involved. Once I +push permission to them, they won’t even have a thought that having sex with you would possibly violate our friendship.’

‘Are you +pushing me permission right now not to worry about this?’

‘No, I’m not,’ she laughed. ‘But maybe I should.’ Brian laughed too.

: : : : :


While nearly everyone had been happy for Brian and Blair when they got together, Terese was initially a holdout. She had carried a torch for Brian for several years, and she went through a visible depression – but the group rallied around her, and by mid-summer, she appeared to be back to normal.

Blair had thought that Terese would quickly find a new guy to fixate on, but she hadn’t. She and Brian both bombarded Terese with images in which they were comfortable friends, and she seemed to be accepting that.

They had thought that coming up with the setup for Terese would be the most difficult, but in the end, it was the simplest, falling right into their laps.

Phil’s parents were going to be out of town, and the band organized another grain alcohol party. Although Brian and Blair had long since abandoned Brian’s original plan for seducing Jenn via the grain party, they took that basic idea, inverted it, and applied it to Terese.

Terese’s house was only a couple of streets over from Blair’s, on the opposite side of the neighborhood from Phil’s. The plan started with Brian and Blair giving Terese a ride to the party. They picked her up, and chatted casually on the way. ‘How late are you planning on staying?’ Terese asked.

‘Not late, I have to work tomorrow morning,’ Blair said.

‘Cool, I do too. I wouldn’t mind at all being home by 12.’ Perfect…

As expected, Phil and Jenn were consuming grain punch at a prodigious rate, and Brian and Blair set out to match them, drink
for drink. At least they seemed to. The plan was based on both of them appearing to be out-of-control drunk. Nobody seemed to catch on, but they were actually drinking mostly straight fruit punch, sans alcohol.

A little after 11:00, Blair found Terese in a group with Jenn, Jon, Carina, and a couple of other kids from school. +Pushing the image at Terese of Blair wobbling as she tried to stand, and badly slurring her speech, Blair asked, ‘Have you seen Brian?’

‘He was over by the punch bowl a little while ago,’ Jon answered.

Blair said, ‘Somebody told me he’d passed out,’ with a laugh, turning and stumbling off in that direction.

As she walked, she continued +pushing the image at Terese of herself, hopelessly drunk, adding that it was nearly time to leave. Terese fell in beside her, whispering, ‘You’re not gonna be able to drive, are you?’

Blair concentrated on maintaining the +pushed image of herself, smashed, as it seemed to be working. ‘You might be right. If I give you the keys, would you drive?’

Terese rolled her eyes and sighed, ‘Sure, whatever.’

They found Brian slouched back in a chair. He was also busily +pushing the image of himself, utterly trashed. ‘Blair, Terese, hey, let’s have a drink.’

‘I think you’ve had enough,’ Blair said, taking his hand and trying to pull him to his feet. His hand slipped from hers, and she lost her balance and fell, landing awkwardly on her back, legs apart, dress up around her waist. She turned to Terese and giggled, ‘I think I’VE had enough. Can you help me get him to the car?’

Brian extended his hands, they pulled him up from his seat, and he took a girl under each arm. They navigated him to the car, Terese full of visions of Brian falling over if she didn’t hold him up, then they poured him into the back seat.

In the process of getting Brian loaded into the car, Blair +remoted one of the straps of her sun dress unbuttoned, revealing the top of her breast, almost down to the nipple. She left it undone. She gave Terese the keys, and as soon as they were underway, pretended to pass out against the window.

She felt the car turn into the driveway. ‘Terese, before you go home, I need a hand getting him into the house. He can’t go home this wasted, so he’ll have to stay here. I’ll do the lifting, but I need you to steer.’

She manhandled Brian out of the back seat, falling over a couple of times in the process, her sun dress hiking way up over her waist, showing the nosy neighbors her panties, if any of them were looking at this time of night. She hoped not.

They got Brian into the house, laying the intoxicated visions on thick. They manhandled him into Blair’s room, where he fell onto the bed. ‘I need a nice – a nice – um, a nice, um…’ he said, ‘I – need – an – ice pack, for some reason my head hurts.’

Blair headed out of her room toward the kitchen, and Brian grabbed Terese’s hand, pulling her onto the bed, locking his lips onto hers, his fingers interlacing her hair, his tongue reaching for her tonsils.

He reached under her dress, slipping his hand under the elastic of her panties to squeeze her bare ass. He broke off the kiss, opened his eyes briefly at Terese, and said, ‘Blair, you changed your dress…’

He pulled her face in to kiss her again, halted short of contact, flared his eyes, and said, ‘Hey, you’re not Blair,’ and laughed, releasing her butt, falling back on the bed with his legs splayed, making sure the hard-on pulling his jeans tight was clearly visible.

‘Jeez la-peez,’ said Terese, using her hand to fan her face, which felt flushed. She headed down the hall so she could escape and walk the short distance home, but her mind wouldn’t seem to let go of the image of Brian, semi-conscious on the bed, sporting such an impressive stiffie.

A strange image materialized: it consisted of her, Terese, wearing Blair’s sun dress, crawling into Brian’s arms on Blair’s bed. She tried to shake the image off, but it wouldn’t go away. ‘Yeah, right,’ she thought to herself, ‘I’ll just say, ‘Hey Blair, could I borrow your dress for a few minutes?’ I’m sure that’d be no problem.’

When she got to the den, she saw that Blair had fixed the ice pack, and had apparently begun undressing for bed before passing out. She lay on the couch, in nothing but shoes and panties, her dress in a puddle on the floor. Terese picked up the dress, held it to her chest for a few moments, folded it, and placed it on the arm of the couch. ‘Come on, Blair, let’s get you settled,’ she sighed. She removed Blair’s shoes, and lifted her feet onto the couch. Blair slumped down to a reclined position.

Terese took a step toward the door, to leave, but that image of her, in Blair’s dress, being welcomed into bed by Brian, wouldn’t go away. She went down the hall to check him out. He had slipped out of his jeans and shirt, and was laying on top of the covers, in his boxers. The front of his shorts was impressively tented.

She returned to the den, standing still, gazing indecisively at Blair’s dress. In her mind she could see Blair, comfortable on the couch, sleeping soundly. She found a light comforter draped over the back of the sofa, and shook it out across Blair, tucking her in.

She took a deep breath, replaying the images: wearing Blair’s dress, Brian and his stiffie, Blair sleeping too deeply to be awakened. All the pieces seemed perfectly aligned to do this crazy thing. She stared at Blair’s dress on the couch, so available. She unfastened her own dress, stepped out of it, folded it neatly, and placed it beside Blair’s. She reached for Blair’s dress, but stopped and reconsidered.

She paused, still unsure of what she should do.

She thought for another moment, and unhooked her bra, shrugging it off, placing it on top of her dress.

She pulled Blair’s dress on. It was baggy on her slender frame, and way too short, but it wasn’t as if Brian was in a state of keen observation. She started down the hall, then had second thoughts. She came back in the den, stood over her folded dress, and seemed to be making a decision. She bent over, unbuckled and stepped out of her shoes.

She headed for the hall again, then stopped again, still reconsidering, returning to her own dress.

She hesitated, looked around the room, as if checking to see if anyone was watching, reached under Blair’s dress, and pulled her panties off.

Then she started down the hall for real, not seeing the smile on Blair’s face. ‘Hook, line, and sinker,’ Blair thought.

When Terese got back to Blair’s room, Brian had taken off his boxers. His eyes were little slits, almost shut, his head rested back on a pillow, his mouth half open. He appeared passed out, except for an impressive erection. Terese’s breath caught at the sight, she paused briefly at the door, then entered.

Brian stirred when he heard her footsteps. He grinned and slurred, ‘Blair, where you been? I ‘uz waiting…’

Terese slid onto the bed beside him. He kissed her, feeling her stiffen slightly, then relax and go with it. He draped his arm across her waist, and she returned the gesture. She began unbuttoning the straps on Blair’s dress, but he stopped her. ‘Naaw, baby, giv’ me a show…’ he said, taking her hand in his, guiding her to stand on the bed, looking down at him.

‘Thass more like it…’

She froze with stage fright for a second, but she had already moved so far out of her comfort zone to reach this moment, one more step was not so difficult. She finished unbuttoning the straps, letting them fall, but held up the top of the dress for a moment, feeling shy.

‘Take it offff, Blair, baby, take it offff…’ he drawled.

When she hesitated a bit more, he reached forward and lifted the hem, getting an eyeful of bush. Laughing, she slapped his hand away, but in doing so, lost her hold on the top of the dress, and it fell, revealing her breasts.

‘Hi girls,’ he slurred, smiling…

She got slightly timid again as she began to let the dress drop the rest of the way down past her waist, holding it up so it hid her muff.

‘C’mon, baby, don’t tease me,’ he mumbled, and she dropped the dress, but still covered her mound with her hand. He motioned for her to twirl, and she spun in place. ‘Not so faasst…’ he coached. Holding her arms out for balance, she waved them with her hips in a little mini-hula dance, twirling slowly, showing him all the sights.

Brian marveled at the lack of similarity between Terese and Blair, how two slender, blonde hotties could be so different. Blair’s hair was honey blonde and thick, Terese’s was almost platinum, thinner, more flowing. Blair was slender, curvy, slightly sculpted, in a soft way, Terese was taller and leaner, her figure more liquid, pouring from one feature to the next. Blair’s breasts were round, firm, with small, pink nipples, Terese’s were slightly more conical, more prone to bouncing enticingly when she moved, with larger, tan nips.

Blair had a spectacular, taut, apple-shaped ass, topped with deep sacral dimples, Terese’s bum was a long, flowing, creamy soft transition from her waist and the small of her back to her thighs. Blair had been shaved smooth when she and Brian had initially hooked up, in the weeks since, she was growing out a narrow landing strip of soft but fuzzy hair, Terese sported a fuller bush, with fine, wispy, straighter hair, trimmed short and manicured around the edges so as not to spill out of her bikini.

Both girls had models’ high cheek bones, but Blair’s face was simple, friendly, a farmer’s daughter, a surfer girl, the girl next door, while Terese’s was also friendly but almond-shaped, exotic, mysterious, an undiscovered movie star sipping a soda on a stool at Schwabb’s.

Terese only had one remaining boundary to cross – actually having Brian inside her. All the inhibitions she had overcome so far, one by one – starting with just recognizing and accepting the opportunity, followed by taking off her dress and putting Blair’s on, shedding her undies, then finally standing on the bed with Brian at her feet, and stripping for him – had her more aroused than she thought was possible.

Brian struck her as the kind of guy who would be into extensive foreplay, and while normally that would be delightful, right now she was, like, ‘not now dude, I wanna FUCK!’

She settled in beside him, and he cupped her breasts, kissed her nipples, and ran his hand down her waist, across her thigh, and down into her muff, where he discovered how wet she was. ‘Damn, baby, you’re ready, aren’tcha?’ She answered him by firmly pulling him on top of her. She found his cock, guided him into her, grabbed his ass, and pulled him deep inside.

She wrapped her lower legs around his and flexed her hips, taking in his last inch. He began to pump her slowly, obviously intending to build up to a faster tempo, but she vetoed that by taking his ass in both hands and pulling him into a faster, deeper thrust that was more what she needed.

She regulated Brian’s pace by keeping her hands on his butt. Her arousal was so total that it took her no time to begin cumming. Under siege from his cock, she came continuously, orgasm after orgasm. As soon as one began to fade, another began, or maybe it was all one single, continuous climax, washing over her in waves.

Whatever it was, it was as close to nirvana as she’d ever been, and she didn’t want it to end. Brian kept pounding into her, and she kept cumming.

Eventually, though, she felt a slight swelling in Brian’s rod, heard his breathing change, and felt his whole body tighten as he also began to cum. She raised her feet to the small of his back, and squeezed him as tightly as she could, heightening her own sensations as well as enhancing his final contractions.

As they began to cool off, he stayed on top of her, still in her, holding the bulk of his weight up off her with his elbows and knees. Her arms and legs were still wrapped around his torso. He waited until her breathing eased, and edged off her, leaving his top arm around her waist, embracing her.

The final step of the plan was to allow her to escape, feeling undetected. He began to breathe slowly, as if he was slipping into deep sleep. He held her, as if she were actually Blair, but he was careful not to confine her, allowing her to slip away thinking she had not disturbed him.

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Big bicock saves my relationship sort of

After a few years of marriage our sex life began to wane as people say. We enjoyed all types of foreplay, which we both enjoyed. My wife was good at slurping and swallowing my 5 inch cock, she could easily swallow me down to my balls no problem at all, most women before her could do the same. I'm not exactly hung lol. When it came to fucking, I knew I was lacking, I could get her to a point but not over the plateau, I had to make her cum by eating her hot, little shaved pussy and ass instead of...

4 years ago
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Alice 3

Alice part three. On the way home from the office I was feeling good about what Stephen had said about me being the top female engineer, then it struck me, I was the only female engineer. I popped in the bank and paid in the cheque from Santex, with so much going on I had forgotten all about it. I did some shopping and got a few bottles of wine, also another pack of KY, dad had used a few on me this week. I changed from my suit to a mini skirt and strappy three-inch shoes, I now...

1 year ago
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The GoatherdChapter 5

I shouldn’t have been, but I was surprised in the morning when my wives wanted to ride with Father and me. I started by showing him the tassimin patch. He laughed seeing that the goats had grazed the ground bare all around the patch, but left everything in the middle of the patch untouched. Not a single tassimin leaf had been touched. Even leaf-eating insects leave it alone. Our next stop was the east valley. Aside from riding the rim looking for another access route and seeing the poppies...

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I never

I was 14 when it all happened. It was a hot summer day, and I had a friend stay at my house. We thought it would be a good idea to go swimming. We both jumped in, and sence my parents wernt home we went skinny dipping. I put some goggles on, I had forgot he didn’t have pants on, and went under. I saw his dick and I almost chocked on a mouth full of water it was huge at lest 4” soft. We got out and he didn’t really care that his man hood was just hang out, but I raped up but couldn’t take my...

3 years ago
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Too Good To Resist

By the time I was eighteen I was married and pregnant, by the time I was twenty my husband had left me with a two-year-old son to raise and no forwarding address. Of course, I applied for a divorce and got one very quickly thanks to the fact that no-one could find the sod so there was no contesting of the divorce, at twenty-one I was free yet still lumbered with a kid to bring up. I suppose in a way I took out some of my anger with my ex-husband on my son Max; don't get me wrong I loved him,...

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Claiborne HighChapter 3

"Absolutely not!" Adrian Martin slammed her hand on the table. "I refuse to allow it!" "Allow what?" Greg asked. "This whole project. I'm not going to let it go forward." "What do you object to?" Greg asked. "This girl. What she does. The whole idea. Everything about it!" "It's the sex, isn't it?" Hanna asked. "You don't want her to engage in it." "I expected better of you!" Adrian said. "You're a woman. Can't you see that they're just using her? This is just...

1 year ago
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Stephanie and Willard Browne

The Hamilton High late December homecoming game and dance, and the related after event parties, was always the big event of the upcoming 1new year, every year, kind of a pre-prom I guess one might say. I was taking Stephanie Ward, my girlfriend of the past year. We were both seniors and were even talking about getting engaged and hitched after high school. The plan was for us to get engaged, me join the army and learn a trade, and for her to go to nursing school. And, upon my return, we'd...

1 year ago
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Capture the Flag BonusChapter 4

Oak Grove was a small, fairly religious community. Nearly everyone, including the Ferguson and Wyatt families went to Sunday School and church at one of the four churches. Sundays were time for families to gather over diner and spend time together. Taylor and Xander had no opportunity to get together. They settled for texting back and forth during the day. Granger High looked completely different on Monday when the ninth graders met up with the remainder of the students. The school seemed...

1 year ago
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Entering the lifestyle

                After being awake for over thirty hours, sex was definitely the last thing on my mind. I was working two jobs at the time in hopes of knocking back these damn student loans.   As I was standing against the wall smoking a cigarette trying to fight off the sandman I felt someone behind me. “What’s up man?”, I say having no clue as to who was behind me, just knowing that someone was there. “How ya doin Jarhead?” came the reply from behind me. Upon hearing this I knew it was my...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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A quick fuck upstairs

A quick fuck upstairsThe party was commencing to get a little bit boring after midnight. We had been invited by Victor’s boss, who was celebrating a new fusion of one of his several enterprises. The man and his wife were both absolutely excited and happy.Victor had asked me to get dressed not too much conservative, but not too sexy either. So, I decided to wear a classic silk dress, mid leg long, strapless but full covering my breast, letting my back almost naked up to my waist. Of course I...

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The frat party

My name is Deborah and I'm a local high school girl that had been invited to a frat party at the local college. I'm 5'4" and weigh 123 pounds. I've got D-cup tits that hardly sag at all. My skin is like coffee that is half milk. I live with my mother and two brothers. I have never known who my father was. This was my first frat party but not my first fuck. My two older brothers have been filling all three of my holes just about any time they feel like it for about a year now. It...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Wife

The story starts at Andy & Sue's house. Andy and I have been watching football on the box whilst Sue has been around her mates for an Anne Summers party. When she returns we've had a couple of beers and we can tell she's had a few glasses of wine and is a little tipsy. Andy asks Sue to show us what she's brought. Looking at me Sue giggles and her face goes a little red. "Come on," says Andy, "Don't be a prude, Pete will have seen it all before."Going redder, again she says no, but a mischievous...

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NubileFilms Lexi Layo Covered In Cum

It’s a rare snowy day in the American South, and Lexi Layo and Max Dior can’t stay inside when there’s an opportunity to play. They throw snowballs at each other before coming in for a kiss, then keep wrestling and teasing between their snowballs. Taking it inside, the couple locks lips as they head for the couch and start shedding their clothes. Falling backward onto the cushions, Lexi tugs Max close. She guides his mouth to her breast so he can offer widemouthed kisses on...

4 years ago
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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 21 The New Realm

Turns out Realms are made and Realms are destroyed in the mix of Nature’s role. It’s a non stopping process in seeking balance yet never quite achieving it. And perhaps that’s why faith is such a popular crutch. It isn’t easy for the human ego to accept being physically snuffed, poof! And in fact most don’t get granted the exclamation point when it happens. If you can’t stop the bubble machine, you know, I mean if you are truly afraid of dying there are always the icons paid your worship in...

3 years ago
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Tom Welling Series Episode 7

Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: HookedSummary: Something incredible happens to me tonight. Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I won't disclose any other name, and will write in first-person. Still a virgin as 19. This...

2 years ago
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Jim and Rick

Growing up I had a friend that lived real close to where I had my first job. This was during high school and I would work there mainly on the weekends and sometimes a couple of evenings during the week. Jim used to come in the store where I worked and we would talk when it was quiet. Sometimes we even looked at some of the porn magazines that were for sale.One evening while I was off from work and at home, Jim stopped by my house. My parents weren't home so we ended up watching television. ...

1 year ago
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Submissive Lesbian

My name is Rachael and I always had a thing for women and face sitting with women. I always would be the submissive type in the relationship. I 'm cute, 5 '5", 125 pounds, with beautiful long blond hair that goes past my shoulders with some cute freckles on my face. I've been told I have a great body too. One Saturday night I met my match when I went out to this bar in the city. I was wearing a black short skirt with thin see through silk blouse. I had some of my cleavage showing through my...

1 year ago
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Hotel pool sank

Recently I was staying at a hotel abroad and had gone for a swim while my wife slept by the pool. It was one of those long pools where you can almost swim right around the hotel. It was fairly busy and after a while, the site of all those women in bikinis was making me incredibly horny. Worried my cock would suddenly stiffen in the pool, I climbed out in a very sheltered spot where the bushes came right down to the water and decided to give myself some quick relief. With one hand I pulled my...

2 years ago
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Vanessas Island Chapter Nine

At first it seemed a bit strange to be reading aloud a story written in the first person by a woman. But somehow, knowing that Vanessa had written the story, I found it a tremendous turn-on. It was as if I was not just possessing her body from the outside as I had already, but from the inside. When she played with her body or the bodies of other women in the story it was with my hands. When she saw them it was with my eyes. ”I run a health club for women only’,’ I began. ”Alot of women would...

2 years ago
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TripinChapter 38

When I awoke the next morning, there was no call from Royce and no one to share my morning coffee. Of course, I didn't know that it was supposed to be any other way. I read the file and there was a mention of my daily schedule, which included Royce's name, but there was also a note that Royce was no longer available. The note was from me, telling myself that I needed to start my usual schedule. I was to disregard any mention of Royce, and find other ways to do things. I drank the fresh...

1 year ago
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rger im Asylantenheim

Karsten Weber hat eine anstrengende Nacht hinter sich, er liegt in dem kleinen Zimmer, das ihm zugeteilt worden ist und schnarcht, er schläft tief. Wie immer, liegt er nackt auf seinem Bett. Sein schlaffer Schwanz ist immer noch ganz verkrustet von der Nacht, wie so oft hat er keine Zeit und Energie mehr gehabt, sich noch einmal zu waschen. War doch sowieso egal, denn morgen würde er schon irgendwen finden, der ihn saubermachen würde. Im Schlaf umfasst er seine Pimmel, und ganz...

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Mother Son And Taboo

Arun and his mother Neema has been in an incestuous relationship for the past 5 months. This story is an introduction to their wicked sexual adventure. It all started with Neema’s doubts about her husband having an affair being confirmed. Arun’s growing proximity with his mother ended up in the two falling for each other. Deepak, her husband, was rich, and he did make sure Neema had everything. But cheating on her was more than what she could take. She could never forgive him. She knew her...

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Xmas night with sis

This is a true story about how I finally got my chance to fuck my sister… Let me start by saying that I have always been in love and lust with my sister. I am now 31 and she is 34. Growing up I was always the youngest sibling in the family but I still had BIG dreams about my sister’s body. Anjali is 5’8 125 pounds with a size B cup size. She doesn’t have big breasts but to me they are perfect. Growing up I always wondered what she looked like naked. At times I would try to look down her shirt,...

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fisting sissy cunt

I spent an hour, rubbing, caressing and massaging the body of my lady. Kneading away from the nape of her neck to her feet. Spending time giving her that pleasure that she wants. Leaning over her, I rubbed her buttocks, stretching them apart so I could see her lovely arsehole and the lips of her cunt. She turned over and I worked her feet, the ball of her foot touching my little cock, causing it to stir into its erect four inches. 'Eat my pussy,' she said, as she spread her legs and pussy lips....

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Treasure Chest

A new store has opened in my town. It is called the Treasure Chest. It is a lingerie store. I must go check it out. I am shopping for lingerie and panties. The store has all the usual stuff, bras, panties, lingerie, adult toys, nightgowns, etc. I start looking around and a man approaches me. He introduces himself as the owner. He tells me his name is Joseph. Joseph asks me what I am looking for. I tell him I am looking for lingerie and thongs. Joseph takes me over and shows me several styles. I...

3 years ago
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Quarantining with Cheryl

“Oh, don’t worry. She isn’t that bad, and it’ll be good for her to have someone else in the house. Even agoraphobs need company every now and then.” Rob wasn’t thrilled with the idea of being his Aunt’s therapy dog, but for what was essentially free room and bored he couldn’t say no. Growing up he had only seen Cheryl a couple of times. Since he moved to the same state as her, he only saw her twice at the holidays. He’d always thought she was a little weird but she was nice enough. When...

4 years ago
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Older Is Better

Well, I just lost my cherry the other day. And to a friend of my father no less. I'm sure you're just dying to hear how it happened. Well, here goes nuthin. My family was having a wonderful day out by our pool when my father's best friend called and wanted to know if he and his wife could come over. My dad said sure and told us that Darrin and his wife Suzy were coming over. You probly want to know what I look like first. Well, I am 16, 5'9" 135 lbs, but I have a 36C chest and legs that seem to...

First Time
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Lowborn Ch 09

The wagons creaked and rattled down the road as the sun sank toward the horizon. The women were excited, because familiar bits of scenery appeared the closer they moved toward Lakenshire. Mindblind, however, was on edge. He kept his eyes roving and his ears perked to the wind. From the moment they’d set out from camp, his danger-sense had been screaming at him, though they’d encountered few people and no trouble all day.Turning a corner and cresting a small rise, the town finally came into...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Heat of The Day

It’s been a hot day, the air heavy with the promise of a storm, but it’s grown a little cooler as the afternoon wears on. The cotton blinds are drawn, shutting out some of the glare of the sun. Somewhere outside and downstairs comes the sound of kids playing ball. After my shower, I’m feeling pleasantly lazy, not like doing much of anything, not even getting dressed. I’m sitting in a chair with a cold drink in my hand, half listening to the music on the stereo, half reading a magazine but not...

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Cumming Dad

By : Demongay I am an Indian living in Mumbai but I travel a lot. Any Indian girls or adventurous Indian aunties anywhere in India who wish to have anonymous, no strings attached relation are free to contact me on Confidentiality is expected and will be provided. Now for the story based on a true incident. Laxmi sat on her dad’s lap. Her head was on his shoulder and she was crying. At 18 and a first year BA student in Ramabai college, she’d had a series of disasters in her love life and her...

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Red Part III Back to School

“Mom, Dad, I’m home.” It was almost midnight when Sara came through the front door. The trip from Richmond had taken almost 9 hours, and she was exhausted. It wasn’t the drive that had worn her out, but the two hours she spent getting fucked by the blackmailing truck driver at the truck stop outside of Philly. She’d been talking on the phone with her boyfriend, Brian, and he’d worked her up into a quaking orgasm while she was sitting in stopped traffic on I-95, waiting for an accident to clear....

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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK IV

I have to say that these are getting easier to write, or atleast that I’m been receiving more than enough inspiration from my Mistress to continue for a good long while. In truth, I can’t claim to be the sole author of this chapter. There’s a scene with a lollipop that needs to be credited to Mistress Laura. I should, in fact, list her as a co-writer for this chapter. Truly, you have no concept of how creative she can be, or how dirty her imagination. I am blessed to have experienced it first...

2 years ago
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Mothers and Sons Chapter 1 Date Night Part 1

Several of my closest girlfriends had confessed to me over the years that they were having sex with their sons. I never judged them for that or thought less of them as friends. They told me that Roger and I were going to become lovers too when he got a little older, but I didn't believe them at the time. When it did happen, I decided to start this journal. My girlfriends thought that writing about the love affairs between mothers and sons was a great idea and asked me if I would include their...

3 years ago
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Dear Diary part 14 A Walk In Closet

Dear Diary Bring in the closet can really weigh a person down. Living one life is hard enough but living a dual life, forget it honey. My head spins at this whole situation that I feel physically dizzy. Most days it's confusing balancing the two worlds. To compress the two seems almost impossible. It's hard to reconcile these two parts of me. It's a luxury for people who are certain of their assigned gender. Over the last few months, I've peeked out through the cracked door...

3 years ago
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My New ToysChapter 2

Once we had settled ourselves back in the car we headed off to a local retail park. I remained dressed in the stockings, shortish grey skirt and blue blouse. My knickers were rather moist from my climax earlier and the toy up my cunny was now firmly in place but now switched off. The butt plug up my ass was still deeply embedded and the feeling of being ‘stuffed’ whilst out and about had me thoroughly turned on and feeling deliciously wicked. Once parked in the large car park we decided to...

1 year ago
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Kamwali Ko Seduce Karke Choda

Ye bat tabki hai jab mai 19 saal ka hua tha mere ghar me kaam karne wali naukrani ko papa ki ghadi churane ke ilzaam me nikal diya gaya fir mere ghar mein nayi naukrani aayi uska naam sunaina tha …. Wo kamsin kali si 18 saal ki ladki thi or wo bahut patli mujhse bhi choti 5.3 ki hogi uske bubbu kuch khaas bade nahi the wo 1 anaar k baraabar ka 1 bubbu tha or uske nipple jo uske suit se dikhte the ek anaar k daane k barabar honge wo kaali thi lekin bahut attractive thi kothe ki chudail lagti thi...

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