Intended Ch. 03 free porn video

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The crossed branches holding the waterskin pot above the flames sagged under the weight of its burden. Steam rose from the half-filled container and dissipated into the air. Stretching out his legs, Jakal locked his fingers behind his head and reclined, resting his shoulders against the log behind him.

Gazing up at the sky vividly colored by the sunset, he sighed. ‘Sala, once again you prepare a meal worthy of a Gathering of Clan Leaders.’

It pleased her to see him content. Jakal had been almost continuously tense since she first proposed a shared pilgrimage to the Spirit World using the sacred mushrooms she discovered near their camp. The woman knew it was not easy for him to agree to what she asked of him, and admired his courage for being willing to go through with it despite his fear.

‘The meal would not have been complete without the meat you provided,’ she reminded him.

The man smiled at her, pleased she had thought to mention it. ‘It was good for a change,’ he admitted, allowing himself a self-congratulatory moment.

The couple sat in silence as dusk faded into twilight. Displacing the friendly, casual banter they enjoyed, a sense of nervous anticipation once again filled the space between them. Glancing down at the steaming bowl beside her, filled with the beverage that would facilitate their voyage, Sala decided it was time to get started and spare him further anxiety.

‘Jakal,’ she began, ‘if you will come sit across from me, I will explain what to expect tonight and answer any questions you may have.’

Rising slowly from where he was with subconscious hesitation, he took a few steps over to the place she indicated and sat down again.

The woman gave him a warm, encouraging smile. ‘Do you remember last night when I said that we will be going somewhere, but we also will not need to leave this place?’

‘Yes.’ He could not forget that statement, it was one of the most puzzling things she had said in a very puzzling conversation.

‘Try to think back to a time when you took the sacred journey before. Did you notice your body there?’

‘Of course.’

‘Were you able to touch things with your hands, things that were there before you entered the Spirit World?’

‘I, I do not know. I do not remember other things being there.’

‘Do not let that concern you,’ she reassured him. ‘Do you perhaps remember the floor you sat upon?’

That he did remember. ‘Yes, I do.’

‘Do also you remember the cushion you sat upon on the floor?’

He was getting more confused, not less. ‘Yes, Sala, I remember,’ he answered impatiently. ‘What of it?’

‘I asked you these questions to help you understand that the Spirit World and our own intersect. The things that are here, right now — the fire, the lean-to, the river, the rocks and the trees — everything that is here also exists there.’

‘I do not understand. How can that be?’

‘Have you noticed that every time Spiritwalkers guide our people to the Other World, we are always inside? In the Gathering Place, or a dwelling, or the Ceremonial Hut?’ The woman suppressed an almost reflexive shudder that came whenever she thought of the last location.

‘Now that I think of it, you are right.’

‘I do not know the reason for that particular practice. Perhaps it is to keep us safe, to protect us from becoming overpowered by what we experience there. A person who is afraid and does not understand may get hurt, lost or even killed. Perhaps it is also to help facilitate direct contact with the Spirits by focusing our attention on one goal.’ She hesitated. ‘And, perhaps, it is also a way to keep us from knowledge and ideas we might acquire. More openness regarding the magic Spiritwalkers use in their ceremonies might expose information to us that they wish to keep to themselves.’

‘What does this have to do with your assertion that our world intersects with the Other?’

‘I do not want you to be…overwhelmed by what you see and hear and feel during our time there. The experience will be very different from those you have undergone before, and I want you to understand why before we go. You know already how powerful visiting the Spirit World can be, crossing over out in the world it can overcome you if you do not know what to expect.

‘As I stated before, the things of our world will be there in the next, like and yet unlike it is here. You will be able to touch things, even pick them up, but they will be both different and the same as they are here. You will be able to smell and taste things just as you do here, but you will perceive them in a different way. It is similar enough that you may even be able to move about, walk from place to place, though it can be difficult.’

‘How can this be, Sala? How can the Other World contain the same things that are in this one?’ Jakal asked, genuinely astonished.

‘I do not know the answer to that, Jakal,’ she answered honestly. She decided then to make her first admission. ‘You guessed correctly that my first visit to the Spirits’ domain was with the mother of my mother. We did not have as much time as we wished to discuss our journey…’ The woman took a moment to regain control. ‘But Mala thought perhaps the Other World appears similar because it exists very closely to ours, almost as if it is shifted just a little bit from what we can perceive under normal circumstances.’

An idea suddenly formed in her mind. ‘Think of it this way. We cannot see in the dark, not very well, without fire or the moon or the stars to light our way. Without them, we are almost blind. But the owl hunts in the night and sees our world very well in the dark, far better than we do. If we had eyes like the owl we too would be able to see in the dark. Use of the sacred magic is like giving us the eyes to be able to see the Spirit World.’

‘I think understand now, or at least as much as I can without seeing it with my own eyes. Thank you.’

Sala was glad to see the man’s tight muscles relaxing a little. She decided to move on to the next important piece of information he needed to know before they departed.

‘There is something else you need to know. We will most likely be able to look into each other’s spirit, see each other very clearly. We may even exchange a piece of our spirits, and when we return the pieces we received may remain within us. That is what happened to Mala and me, I still hold a part of her spirit even after all this time. It is…very profound, a very intimate experience, Jakal. I thought you should know that. I will understand if you no longer wish to go with me.’

Jakal was moved, both by what she described and the fact that she told him this up front, giving him the opportunity to change his mind. She had been very candid with him about what to expect, he thought. Actually, the way she described the Other World roused his curiosity and he was beginning to look forward to the voyage. The anxiety and doubt he had been feeling since the night before fell away and was replaced by calm.

‘I thank you for your openness and honesty,’ he responded, reaching over and clasping one of her hands in his. ‘You have explained things very well. I do not have any more questions. I have no more doubts. I am ready to go when you decide it is time.’

It was now the woman’s turn to be moved, in her case by the unquestionable trust he had just demonstrated, and she squeezed his hand in silent thanks.

Sala drew from beside her the beautiful bowl the Tracker had carved for her just the day before. Placing it on the ground in the space between them, the object was filled with a fragrant mixture of herbs and crushed berries in addition to the sacred magic.

‘We will begin now,’ she informed the man who sat across from her. ‘First I must appeal to the Spirits.’

He nodded silently.

She placed her hands on either side of the bowl but did not lift it from the ground. Instead, she lif
ted her eyes to the darkening sky.

‘Great Spirits of the Other World, we come here before you to ask for your assistance. I, and the man who sits before me, wish to travel to your realm this night. We seek answers that can only be discovered in your World. We seek to know and understand each other better in a way that can only be learned in your World. And we seek whatever wisdom you deem fit to bestow upon us.

‘We humbly ask of you two things. First, that you will permit us safe passage, both as we travel to your World and when we return to our own. Second, that you will welcome our presence during our stay.’

Sala lowered her eyes and looked into Jakal’s. She had a sudden inspiration. ‘Is there anything you wish to say to the Spirits, Jakal?’

He started, he was not expecting that particular question. ‘I, I was not expecting to have to say anything, Sala. I do not know what to say.’

‘Speak only from your heart,’ she encouraged. ‘The Spirits will understand the meaning, even if the words do not come out exactly the way you intended. This is your journey just as much as mine, and you have the right to speak to them as you deem fit. You are not required to say anything, I only wish to give you the opportunity.’

The man sat for a few moments thinking. ‘Very well,’ he said at last. ‘I tell you now, it will not be as eloquent as your appeal, but it is the best I can do under the circumstances.’

The woman smiled at him warmly. ‘That is all any of us can do. Begin when you are ready.’

Jakal looked up at the sky, trying to figure out how to begin. Speak from your heart, she said, all right, he would start there.

‘Great Spirits of the Other World,’ he began, following Sala’s lead, ‘as the woman before me just said, we seek to visit your realm this night. I would like to add to what she asked of you. Spirits, this woman needs to know if she can reveal to me heavy secrets her spirit carries. Please help her to see clearly into my spirit so that she will know if I am worthy of her trust.’

Sala sat looking into the bowl in front of her, watching the plant matter it contained floating in the potent tea they were about to drink. Her throat constricted at the simple elegance of the Tracker’s request. She was already beginning to feel that she could trust him, and they had not even started on their sacred voyage.

‘I am sure the Spirits will take what you have asked for in mind, Jakal,’ she said at last. ‘Your words were more…eloquent than you give yourself credit for.’ She paused. ‘Are you ready to consume the beverage now?’

‘I am ready.’

The woman lifted the bowl to her lips. She took a draught of the minty, fruity brew and swallowed. Good, she could barely taste the mushrooms’ bitterness. She held out the container to her companion.

Looking down into the liquid impregnated with floating bits of herbs and berries, his fingers touched hers when he accepted the object she proffered. Following her example, he took a big drink from the bowl. At the taste of it his eyes widened.

‘Sala, this is delicious. Never has a sacred beverage tasted so…agreeable. How did you do it?’ Jakal asked in pleasant surprise as he handed the vessel back to her.

‘Oh, I just added plants that taste good together. As Mala once said, ‘just because the Spiritwalkers have us consume the beverage tasting so foul does not mean we cannot enjoy it.”

The man smiled with some amusement. Mala was clearly someone who strongly influenced Sala’s personality, he thought. Her daughter’s daughter turned out much like her.

Slowly they passed the wooden bowl back and forth, draining it swallow by swallow, until all that remained were the herbs and berry skins. While they waited for the magic’s power to take effect, they moved to sit side by side against the log lying on the ground near the campfire, talking and watching the flames lick the night air.

The fire began to radiate a distinct, glittering blue aura that followed the movements of its source as two dancers moving in concert. The flames undulated and twisted around themselves, squeezing their colors into long, separate strands. The strands wove together as a woman plaits her hair and just as quickly unbraided, waving like meadow grasses.

‘Jakal, I am crossing into the Spirit World,’ Sala announced, trying to keep her voice steady. Though she projected calm for the sake of her companion, she did have her own fears. She had done this only once before and it had been many years ago. Furthermore, the mother of her mother had guided the experience. She had never been responsible for another’s spiritual journey before.

She heard the deep mellowness of his voice traveling toward her from far away. ‘I am with you. I see it too,’ he answered, his large hand enclosing over hers.

Looking for the source of the voice, her eyes met Jakal’s. Large black pupils obscured much of the blue in his eyes. His face glowed radiantly in the light of the campfire. Each flicker slowed to last many moments, with each permutation highlighting his chiseled features in an endless variety of ways. Sala was amazed to see that the man had so many different faces, yet each one was beautiful.

The woman lifted a hand to stroke his ever changing, luminous face and observed many bright colors streaming from her moving limb. ‘All of your faces are beautiful, Light-Eyed One,’ she told him softly, watching the colors shooting from her fingertips linger before absorbing into the phosphorescence of his skin.

Jakal found himself diving into dark, twin pools. He did not understand how it could be possible, but he plunged into both at the same time, somehow he occupied two places at once. How could this be? As he slowed to a stop his bodies rejoined somewhere in the endless dark in which he floated.

His every inhalation and exhalation of breath echoed against unknown walls, but he could hear nothing else. He could see nothing, feel nothing, but he knew his body existed in this mysterious place. He had no idea where he was but he felt safe here, protected. Why was he not afraid?

A voice drifted toward him, coming from a great, vast distance. Straining, the man concentrated, listening between the breaths filling his ears. He knew that voice, its sensual cadence searching until it found him at last. Enveloping his body in its soft music, it carried him toward the surface, higher and higher, picking up speed. Suddenly his body snapped back and into the dim light. He could see again.

The man felt every minute line of Sala’s soft fingertips tickling his skin as she touched his face. Scanning her feminine features, he reached his own hand to the woman’s smooth hair, shimmering with trapped starlight.

‘Your hair twinkles as the night sky,’ he said in wonder, more to himself than her. ‘How could I have not seen it before?’

For a time the two sat in the warm glow of the rippling flames, caressing each other’s face, they both knew the other’s features intimately and yet were seeing one another clearly for the very first time.

Jakal wasn’t sure how, but suddenly they stood watching the sheet of falling water collide into the otherwise calm pool, every drop held suspended in the air for a moment before crashing forcefully to the surface. The resulting foam drummed shockwaves across the pool’s skin, warping and bowing the points of light it held within.

Sala turned her eyes upward and gasped at the brilliant magnificence of the night sky. Never had she beheld so many stars. ‘Jakal,’ she whispered, full of awe, ‘the blackness blazes with light.’

Following her pointing finger, his mouth dropped open in amazement. Since the time of their ancestors, their people used the pictures in the sky to help them measure the passage of time, they learned long ago that the stars always moved the same way, season after season, year after year. The man knew a great many of the pictures and the stories of their meaning, but he c
ould not even begin to describe the infinite, shimmering splendor revealed to them this night.

Time shifted again, and they found themselves walking along the riverbank. Jakal knew this river was clearly the same as the one in their own world, it was as wide as theirs, curved in the same way. Even the trees flanking either side of it were familiar.

But it also was not the same at all. The water swirled and bubbled, flowing gold, then silver, then pale green, twirling and changing color endlessly. As it undulated on its way downstream, the river whispered and giggled, playing like children. The trees breathed and murmured secrets to one another, their branches dancing to the rhythm of the brushing leaves.

The torch he held flickered in time with his steps as his soles padded along the soft earth. Jakal turned to the woman at his side. The stars in her hair twinkled as she walked and small clouds of a fine sparkling mist hung in the air with her every breath. ‘You were right, Sala, this place is very much like, and yet so much unlike our world.’

‘It is like things are…more, here,’ she agreed. ‘Brighter, more colorful, more alive.’

‘You sound like a Spiritwalker,’ he commented, regretting the words as soon as they left his mouth. It was foolish to speak his name aloud while they visited this domain, in many ways the Other World was the Spiritwalker’s territory, and they were infringing upon it. He did not know if the shaman had the ability to see them here, but if he was listening Jakal had just brought attention to themselves.

Sala’s breath drew in sharply. I wish he had not said that, she thought, though she said nothing, understanding he already regretted the slip.

‘Come, Jakal, let us watch the river play and then lie with me while the stars sing to us,’ she said instead, taking his hand.

Her feet splashed lightly across the rocks of the stream onto the green grass on the other side. Sala looked over her shoulder and beckoned for the man to follow her. Despite the woman’s effortless passage, Jakal found the rocks slick, his steps clumsy. But finally, he reached the opposite bank, just in time to see the black hair of his companion disappear into the thick mist before him.

Why had she not waited? The Tracker tried to call out her name, but felt no sound leave his throat. He urgently needed to find her, she needs my protection, he thought. Though he could see nothing, he plunged headlong into the gray fog.

He ran ceaselessly in the vast, blank abyss. Suddenly, he saw a flash of black, her hair. He stretched out his hand across the expanse, trying to reach her before losing her again.

All at once he stood next to her, the mist drifting around them. Relieved, Jakal looked down to ask why she had run away and was startled to discover Sala no longer standing beside him, instead, she was lying on the ground, completely still. Fearful, the man crouched down to see if she still lived.

With relief he saw that her chest rose and fell with her breathing, as if she were sleeping. Yet her eyes were wide open, staring up into the void. Why did she not move? He saw a tear form and slide down the side of her face before it disappeared into the soil cradling her head. He reached out tentatively to see if he could rouse her. Though her lips did not move, finally she spoke to him.

‘Jakal,’ Sala said, touching his shoulder as he lay on the grass. ‘You have been asleep.’

He shook his head to rouse himself. Sitting up, he asked, ‘How long have I slept?’

‘Not long,’ she responded, smiling at him, her face shining lustrously. ‘But in that short time you seemed to be dreaming, you were mumbling and moving your body. I thought perhaps the Spirits wished to share special knowledge with you and were using a dream to convey it. I felt it wise to let you keep dreaming for a time. Did you dream well?’

‘I am not sure,’ he answered. ‘It was a very strange dream, and it was about you.’

The woman looked at him in surprise. ‘If you will forgive me for asking, would you be willing to share it with me?’

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Chapter One The following story is about a young, sixteen year old, woman maturing in an immature world. She sees through most people’s lies and is hoping for a chance at ‘real’ love. She’s never seen such a thing through her family, or in the world around her. All she sees are apologies and then more and more lies. She is a white but tan, blonde haired woman with a sparkle of black underneath, both in hair and personality, about 5”3’. Her breasts are that of a small, but developing melon....

1 year ago
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Im Horny Arent You Part II

Introduction: Please kindly comment and rate! Id really like some feedback to see if you guys like the stories! Thanks and here you go…. Oh god! I yelp as his tongue hits the exact damn spot where my clit is. Henrys tongue starts to gently part my pussy. His hands hold my legs in place in case I get a bit too out of hand. Im pretty sure THAT will happen. I feel so horny, I whisper, closing my eyes, setting the palm of my hands down on the desk and sitting up that way. I throw my head back as...

4 years ago
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EscapedChapter 6

Since I had been fucked all day, with all 3 holes being used, I was tired and fell asleep right away. Right away after Bob fucked me one last time. As I was drifting off, I thought about Bob and his nice cock. I wondered if I would be jealous when he fucked Lilly. Would I be able to watch him fuck her without getting mad? I am sure I could, and went to sleep. I slept good, dreaming of fucking and sucking. I never knew how good it could be. I don’t know why parents insist that their kids...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 2 Civil War

“Elizabeth Ann, stop picking at your brother,” I yelled. I was doing a lot of yelling lately. I hated it. I hated who I was becoming. I wanted to be a good mother but I was so tired all the time. I looked at Hayden for help but he was talking to Ford and not paying any attention to the four children. Ellen, of course, was in the kitchen, so it looked like I was the parent on duty. I turned to yell at Betts again, automatically assuming she was still picking at the smaller children. Drew was...

2 years ago
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Seer Response Team

I yanked the side door of the flyer back and waited until it hovered to leap out and onto the roof of the building. Seven men followed me towards the roof access door and I used my badge. I led the way down as the team spread out in a staggered file. Fifteen floors later I paused at the lobby door. The team stacked behind me and I checked the time and finally yanked the door open and moved through. Armed and masked men were rushing through the large entrance doors as I brought my rifle up,...

4 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 67 Diplomatic Uncertainty

I used my cell phone to find an e-mail address for the US consulate in Tokyo. I sent an e-mail before we slept that night. At the time I figured I would have to call in the morning. Miki asked if she could sleep alone. I noticed that she was blushing when she did and finally asked her how much experience she had. I think Ashley and Lenore both gasped when she told us that she had never had a real boyfriend, and her only experience with sex had been when she had been forced to use her body as...

1 year ago
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Perks for a Salesman

l was snogging a 75yr old woman who started unbuttoning my shirt / Sally’s tits slapped onto her belly l lifted the right tit and sucked her nipple / l felt her hot breath first on the head of my cock / she was yelling “yes!, yes! oh, oh yes!”.I started a new job going to people’s houses to show them carpets samples and furniture catalogues, yes boring your thinking, well so did l till the second week when l was sent to a Mr and Mrs Wilson’s to show them samples of carpets. Mr Wilson (Colin)...

1 year ago
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Like Cats And Dogs

Douglas groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. His head was pounding. What the hell happened last night? He frowned and rubbed his forehead as he tried to remember. It was his twenty first birthday, his father had just named him his successor as alpha male, he had gone out with some of the guys from the pack to celebrate... and everything after that was a blur. Damn it, how much did he have to drink? He took a look around at his surroundings. He was lying in a bed, under soft silk...

3 years ago
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Repo Inc alien breeding

REPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...

2 years ago
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Why Didnt I JustChapter 5

I managed to wake up in time to go out and help my mother set the table for dinner. My dad wasn't home yet, and I took some time to actually have a real conversation with my mother. It confused her, and made her wonder what had happened for me to suddenly want to know what she thought about things. We talked about the move out to California, and about how she felt about having my father always getting his way with things. "Jimmy, your father and I fight enough already, without me trying to...

4 years ago
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My Friend And His Sex Starved Mother 8211 Part 1

Friends this is Shyam, 35 based in Pune. The experience I am going to share is about my friend VJ (26)and his lonely mother Vasundhara (47). This is a long narrative and hence will be as a part of a series. VJ and his family were my close neighbors at Ahmedabad before shifting to Chennai some 12 years ago. My friend VJ and his mother Vasundhara had settled in Chennai. His dad was employed in Abu Dhabi since last 4 years, used to visit once in 2 years. VJ has completed his graduation and was...

3 years ago
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Bengali Housewife

Hello everyone this is a story about a bengali housewife that I am going to narrate to you. I am sure u have read many stories related to them. And to be honest it is not a fault of the writers it is just that these women have a sex appeal that can melt even diamond. Before I start let me introduce myself. My name is Nitin im from Bangalore, im 29 year old man. Sex is not an obsession for me. But the whole idea of having sex and interacting intimately with another female makes me high. A female...

3 years ago
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Harry Potters Spellbook Extravaganza

Harry kicked over another mound of old, dusty tomes he'd found in the Room of Requirement. It had been a rough enough school year following Umbridge being put in charge of the school, and it had only gotten worse lately, with Draco and his cronies being given power as part of her "Inquisitor" squad. He was suddenly stirred from his thoughts and forced to look down at one of the books he had knocked over when it began to glow gold, the letters on the front shining. "The Spellbooke of the...

3 years ago
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Aunty and Uncle Part 2

I leaped off the bed and grabbed the towel from the floor holding it in front of my hard cock. Aunty Peggy rolled over and looked up at her husband standing in the doorway. "Get out" he ordered her.Peggy stood up, looked at me and smiled, then walked out of the room only pausing briefly in the doorway to tell him to be gentle with me. I didn't understand this, I assumed I was in for a beating at the least and it's tough to beat someone gently.He came in to the room and pulled the door closed...

1 year ago
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Sex With Train TT

Hi this is Rajesh. For those who don't know me, I am 30years old from Bangalore city 5'10'' tall good built and if not good looking, very decent looking guy with a 6" performing tool. I am basically a bisexual. This incident is real one which happens to me recently in shatabdi express moving from Chennai to Bangalore. It was an evening train which starts from Chennai at 05.30 in evening and reaches Bangalore around 10.30. I had been lucky in this train when I found pinky, a north Indian aunty...

Gay Male
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CorruptionChapter 7 Captured

Caleb was quiet as he drove JJ and Blake home; Kim was following in her car. Caleb was considering all that had happened, and what he had learned this evening. He didn't know what the results would be from the further blurring of the lines between himself and Al, but he was sure there would be consequences. Everything has consequences; Caleb just hoped they wouldn't be fatal consequences. The new information about Al's crash, and what the expected attitude of the aliens would be, was...

4 years ago
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Living Figures

   "I'm sorry. I just don't like you that way." Matt had heard a variation of those words a few times in his life. As many as the times he tried to approach a girl. The girl looked at him awkwardly saddened as she said those words. They always did. He wasn't that unattractive, just chubby. But he could never seem cool around girls and most nights ended up with him on the couch, watching anime and movies, or playing video-games. "All these stuck up sluts!" Matt thought to himself. He was fed up...

1 year ago
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FilthyBlowjobs Milu Blaze French Kissed On The Cock

Exotic stunner Milu Blaze is visiting from France & she wants to get into Tyler Steel’s pants today. She shows off her phat booty in panties as she worships Tyler’s big dick. Tyler wants Mila to talk dirty to him in her mother tongue and she is happy to oblige. She jerks, licks & sucks Tyler, even slurping on his balls all while saying nasty shit in French. Tyler treats this Euro babe to a thorough face-fucking, making her tear up before he unleashes a massive load deep down...

3 years ago
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Secret Sex Story 8211 Part 3

The next day, I stalked my cousin’s Instagram account. Let me tell you, guys, that I didn’t even know she had an Instagram. Maybe it was because of the age gap. I was never close to my sister and our cousin. I think that’s understandable. Looking at her Instagram pictures, even a slight showing of her skin, cleavage, thighs, and navel was turning me on. I couldn’t help myself and sent her a text. We just had a casual talk where I made sure to call her beautiful. I was hoping to make a positive...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Lilly Hall Candice Dare Gianna Dior Drivers Seat

Pulling up to their destination, Gianna Dior lets Candice Dare and Lilly Hall know that they’ve arrived. Candice and Lilly couldn’t care less at the moment since they are in the back seat locking lips. Gianna can see the girls kissing in the backseat and starts to get turned on. Hearing the girls moan is too much for her, but she shouldn’t be looking … she’s a driver afterall and shouldn’t meddle in others business. Candice and Lilly take notice of...

3 years ago
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MILF Slut 2 Interlude

Professor Carter and Sandy agreed to meet for lunch on the Monday after Thanksgiving. They both wore a French pin attached to their clothes so that they would recognize each other. God help them if there was a Bastille Day celebration going on in Atlanta . Sandy wore the same clothes as if she was having lunch with the girls. She wasn't trying to dress like a slut or even seduce the professor. Sandy was looking forward to an interesting intellectual conversation. There were two things that...

Wife Lovers
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Being Teased by Brooke

Complimenting her on her recent hair style change begins our tale of my being teased by Ms. Brooke. After all the normal chit chat and how everyone is, we are seated on the couch just talking away about nothing in particular. Her being a waitress, she is barefoot and kicks her heels up on my knees. Asking me to give her a foot massage, I turn in my seat and begin. Slowly running my calloused thumbs up and down her instep I begin with her right foot. Massaging her heel and foot relaxes her...

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Acts of Infidelity Mel and Chris Part 1

Melanie contacted me three months ago and asked whether I would be prepared to something that might help save her marriage. Describing herself as a housewife in her forties, she has been married for twenty-five years and has two children, both currently at University.A year before she wrote to me, Melanie had an affair with the husband of one of her closest friends. It lasted only a few months and as you will see, did not end well.She and her husband Chris had spent the previous nine months...

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Undercover Cop

This is my second attempt at writing a mystery thriller. The characters are a product of my imagination. The locations in Fort Lauderdale and in Coral Springs do exist. I do my own editing, but sometimes things get passed my spell check and proofreader programs, so please forgive any errors. Remember, it’s just a story with a happy ending. Undercover Cop By GatorRick September 2013 I awoke to an annoying beep…beep…beep. I couldn’t see a damn thing and when I tried to rub my eyes I realized...

1 year ago
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Grad Night Party Part 1

Hi My name is Andrea, and I am here to tell you about the grad night party that I went to with my boyfriend about 3 weeks ago. Keep in mind this story isn’t true and didn’t happen. Please post your reviews I appreciate it thanks.  My name is Katie Ann, I am 17 and a Junior in high school, I am 5’7 140 lbs with brown hair and Br eyes. I am not the very popular type at school, I am always in the books studying. I don’t have very many friends, I wasn’t interested in guys til my boyfriend the one I...

First Time
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One Crazy Night

Let me start off by saying my name is Katie and I am married to a wonderful man who will do just about anything I want. I am curvy with long hair and big green eyes that like to change colors on me. Normally my love life is safe and normal but occasionally I get a bit rowdy and decide I want to take things up a notch. This is one of those times. It was storming outside that night in our little Ohio town with giant claps of thunder and strikes of lighting. I had brought home some stories for my...

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ExYZ No Happy Endings

“What the hell are you doing at my house?” Damon says, opening the door. His voice has just the slightest hint of annoyance in it. He stands before me, half naked, wearing just basketball shorts. “I came to return your stupid football,” I say, pissed at his reaction. I shove the heap of leather and air into his hands and then turn on my heel. “Wait,” Damon says. I turn around, my long wavy hair dramatically whipping around in the slight California breeze. “Sorry,” Damon says, running a...

3 years ago
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Drunk Housemates Accident

*Bang!* The front door slammed shut, rousing me suddenly from my sleep. Rubbing my eyes, I looked over at the alarm clock on my bedside table. It was displaying 1:37 am in dim red digits. I groaned to myself. This was the third time in the last fortnight my roommate Anna had woken me up after midnight. I didn't mind her coming home drunk - god knew it kept her out of my way the next day when she was too hungover to leave her bed - but she made a hell of a racket every time, stumbling down the...

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Fetish Central

You wake up in your hotel room, still a little unsure of your surroundings. Your friends had brought you out into the middle of nowhere to a place called "Fetish Central" and by all means you were fine with fetishes, but you were sure you could do without a night of gallivanting around in a sex crazed environment. You sigh as you get out of bed and look at the sky and realize that it's still night time, confused you look at the clock, it reads 7:34 am, but it's pitch black and the moon is...

2 years ago
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Daddy8217s Girl 2 An Obedient Daughter

NOTE: This is a work of fiction. All the characters featured are over 18 years in age. The story contains strong themes of incest, if this is not your cup of tea, it’s best you move away right now. Send your feedbacks to This is a continuation of my previous story Daddy’s Girl 1: The Lunch. The ride from the restaurant was quite uneventful. Daddy was already in his 50’s and I thought he would not have enough stamina to keep up with the advances of a horny young teenager. Boy was I...

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Wild in the CountryChapter 18

Desirée kicked her car and swore. Tanya raised her eyebrows questioningly. "This damn car won't start!" Desirée complained, pounding the wheel. Tanya had never seen her so furious, nor ever heard her swear. But she knew nothing about how to fix a car or make it run. The blonde began to cry. She wanted to see Mark, so very, very much. She wanted to meet him at the airport, dressed and made-up as she was, to dazzle him and throw her arms around him. She was very happy that...

4 years ago
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A Story for Susan Part 3

Susan was delighted at being appointed to Chief Buyer for Sex Toys at Amazon and set about building her team to improve the products and achieve her annual targets. Her first recruit was of course Bindi – the beautiful, busty, Indian who devoured men and women in equal numbers – appearing to be innocently hetero-sexual one minute and then deeply-lesbian the next. Susan strode into the board room, delighted to see her old boss Mike fully clothed this time, with the new Head of HR, Mary, sitting...

1 year ago
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Magic of the Cove

It was a mild yet blustery day, in the Maritimes. Though the temperature was mild the winds were blowing quite strong that day, as we drove to the little out of the way cottage that we had rented for the weekend. It is dusk and the sun is just about to slip below the horizon. This place had been chosen above all that we looked at because of its seclusion, its unspoiled beauty and its nearness to the water. Though most of the cottages had been beautiful, but this one… This one had the most...

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afterschool activites

This day was no different except for this fateful day, I was caught. She turned her head inquiring of a question she was on and I hadn't heard her or saw her movement my eyes glued to the lower portion of her body. What shook me of my daze was the giggle that came from her as my eyes darted to hers and my face reddened in embarassment. Her look was telling me she saw, but she was not shocked, embarassed, or upset to what I had been looking at. I was then shocked as I saw through the...

4 years ago
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Fiona and the Hen Party

It was four years on from the momentous night when Fiona had been stripped and spanked by her daughter, Jenny and three of her eighteen year old school friends. ( see Mother and the Girls).All that time ago Fiona had asked Jenny to arrange her greatest fantasy. The fantasy was to be dominated by younger women who would seek to embarrass her. Photographs of Fiona being divested of her maid's clothing and being spanked had been taken by Mary, one of the school friends. After that evening...

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