Lacie Ch. 05 free porn video

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Chapter 5: Lacie’s Dinner

Lacie followed the girls into the dining hall, doing her best not to look timid, despite the fact that her heart seemed to be doing it’s best impression of an African tribal drum. Her stomach decided to try out for the Olympic gymnastics team few moments later, flipping and jumping when Lacie saw the room before her. A single long table sat in the middle of the hall, it’s sheer size dominating the space. The entire eastern wall was made of huge floor to ceiling windows, and the view of the grounds outside was spectacular in the twilight. Long stretches of green manicured grass stretched off into the darkness, a three tiered fountain sprayed water in beautiful arcs and multicolored flowerbeds sat just outside the windows, beyond the patio. A small outside dining area, complete with comfortable looking chairs, tables and chaise lounges, was accessible by sliding some of the windows aside, but it didn’t seem as though dinner would be an outdoors affair, at least that night.

The hall itself was decorated with burnished oak and cherry, and the floor was covered in warm, tan colored hardwood, reminding Lacie of an old ballroom floor. A large glass chandelier provided a soft glow throughout the room, suffusing the open space with a cheery, warm feeling. A few paintings hung along the walls, lending some color to the room. The long, four foot wide table had ten place settings, a covered, white china platter placed before each chair. The table was covered by a huge lace tablecloth, colored slightly off-white. The plates all had small silver dishes covering them, like the kind Lacie knew they used to keep food warm in high class hotels. Small bowls sat just to the side of the covered plates, each containing an artistically arranged salad. Leafy greens, two perfect slices of tomato, a few dried cranberries, some crumbled almonds and a few other ingredients Lacie couldn’t immediately identify all sat in the bowl. A thin layer of oil had been drizzled onto the salad, a few tiny pieces of flavoring spice visible within the glistening liquid.

Above the plate were two glasses, one tall, square and already full, the other empty, but it’s inverted bulb shape told Lacie it was designed as a wine glass. The wine glass may have been empty, but the other glass had already been full for some time, Lacie noted, as she watched drops of condensation on the outside of the water glass drip down the sides. Lacie looked at the silverware, and immediately wondered why they had given her three different forks. Lacie felt Bridget’s arm under hers give a slight nudge, and Lacie realized that she had stopped, forcing Bridget to do the same. Moving forward again, Lacie slid up to the table, mimicking the other girls, each of whom stood next to a chair, silently waiting for some unknown cue.

Bridget slid her arm out from under Lacie’s, giving the younger girl a brief smile and nod as the gorgeous blonde moved off. Something seemed familiar about where the other girls were standing, teasing Lacie’s memory, before she realized with a start that the girls were arranged by seniority, and that order also happened to be the same order they had chosen with their bedrooms upstairs. Proud of herself for grasping that small insight to her new life, Lacie smiled, looking up the length of the table. Each girl had a place setting identical to hers, though the center of the table was decorated with bunches of green and red grapes that flanked a candlestick shaped metal stand with a broad base, even though the stand was currently empty.

All of the girls stood silently, doing their best not to fidget, though anticipation was clearly written on their faces. Small, silent smiles and stifled giggles passed between them, but they all quieted immediately and snapped their eyes forward, looking over the girl standing opposite them, when a muted thud came from the far set of doors. Lacie, unsure of what to do, looked across the table, spotting Lindsey there. Lindsey stood, her arms demurely crossed in front of her waist. Her head was tilted back, displaying her black choker with the small ivory disk. Her eyes seemed focused on some point behind Lacie’s head. All the other girls seemed to be holding a similar pose. Lacie did her best to mimic it, though she felt somewhat out of place, as Lacie, for some unknown reason, still did not have a choker of her own.

Slowly, the doors at the far end of the room swung towards the girls, opening as Lacie watched from the corner of her eye. A metal cart was being pushed into the room and several different wine bottles sat atop it’s gleaming surface. A large, round, covered metal tray was nestled amongst the wine, and a small bouquet of flowers sat atop the tray’s flat lid. Lacie, however, barely noted the existence of the cart, because what was behind the cart seemed so much more important at that moment. More accurately, who was behind the cart. Lacie felt her knees weaken again at the sight of him, and from the hushed gasps that seemed to suddenly fill the silent room, she wasn’t the only one suddenly having trouble standing.

His six foot, three inch frame dominated the doorway as he stepped through. Master’s broad shoulders made him look imposing and powerful. His dark hair had been gently combed, the soft brown locks seeming to beg Lacie to run her fingers through his hair. He wore black patent leather shoes, and matching pressed black slacks. A simple, thin, black leather belt was snugged around his waist, and his plain white button up shirt was tucked neatly into the hem of his slacks. His dinner jacket was tailored to fit his impressive frame, it’s shape hinting at a trim, muscled chest and broad shoulders. His huge, powerful hands gently pushed the cart in front of him, maneuvering the awkward load with skill.

The thing that Lacie’s eyes fixed on though, was his face. Master’s face was broad, but unmarred by worry lines. In fact, as he entered the room and beheld the women in all their beauty, a dazzling, disarming smile graced his features. The skin around his eyes crinkled as well worn laugh lines creased the corners of his eyes and mouth. Lacie could tell that this man smiled a lot, and that fact made him seem all the more charming. The caring look in his eyes made him seem the most gentle man in all the world.

Pushing the cart into the middle of the hall, Master set the flowers aside before lifting the metal tray on the cart and carrying the circular covered dish to the table, setting it gently and carefully atop the broad based metal stand in the center of the table. Turning back, Master picked up several bottles of wine and placed them in various, seemingly random, places on the table. None of the girls reacted, waiting for some cue that Lacie didn’t know. Finally, the cart was empty, save for a long, tiny black felt box. Picking up the box, Master walked around to the head of the table, the farthest seat from Lacie. Master set the box down carefully, then pulled out his chair and lifted his hands silently to the girls. He sat slowly, waiting as all the girls in the room stirred into movement, pulling out their own chairs before sitting silently. Master nodded once to Bridget, then lifted his elbows to the tabletop, lacing his fingers together and lowering his head.

The girls all mimicked his movements, bowing their heads for prayer. Bridget began to speak, her melodious voice filling the otherwise silent room.

‘Lord, we thank you for this meal, these people and the safety and happiness we find here every day. We think you for setting aside your small piece of Heaven for us here, where we may live in peace. Thank you for this food, this company, and the opportunity to better the lives of those we care about, those people you have blessed us with by bringing us together. Thank you for the safe delivery of the newest member of our growing family into our arms, she will be cared for here and cared for in your Grace. Amen.’

‘Amen.’ Echoes of the prayer faded around the room
, as a deep masculine tone danced under the higher, melodious pitch of the assembled women, Master’s soothing voice sent wonderful chills down Lacie’s spine. Blinking away the mist that filled her eyes at the conclusion of Bridget’s prayer, Lacie smiled at Lindsey as conversation seemed to pop out of nowhere across the entire table. Laughter and playful banter wafted through the air as Lacie pulled her salad towards herself. Nudging the girl next to her, Tatiana, Lacie pointed at her forks and the salad, a querying look on her face. Ana waggled her own salad filled fork and pointed to one of Lacie’s, answering her question.

Lacie picked up the fork that Ana had indicated and took her first bite of her salad. Lacie groaned as delicious flavors danced across her tongue, her mouth seeming to rejoice in the cool, wondrous mixture of tastes. Lacie identified the Italian dressing easily, but there was a hint of raspberry to it as well. Almond slivers and dried cranberries added subtle undertones to the crunchy treat. Lacie noticed a small wedge of soft white cheese on the edge of her salad and took a small bite. Moaning in rapture, Lacie leaned back in her chair, letting the flavors mix and blend together into a delicious medley while she chewed.

Concentrating on her food, Lacie suddenly realized she had no idea when she had last eaten. It took all her willpower to keep herself from simply shoveling the delicious food into her mouth. After a few minutes the gnawing edge of her hunger was gone, though Lacie still felt like she could eat everything on the entire table in one sitting. It was then however, that Ana and Lindsey began tossing innocent questions at her, sating their long confined curiosity about Lacie and her past. Soon, Claire, Marie, Tara and Callie were involved, all chatting with Lacie as they ate, acting as if they’d known her forever. The camaraderie soothed the last of Lacie’s discordant nerves, finally allowing the nervous brunette to relax, letting some of her natural playfulness shine through.

Bridget, Heather and Master all held themselves apart, discussing other things between themselves. Finally, everyone had finished their salads, and Master traded his empty salad bowl for his covered platter. There was a clattering of noise around the table as everyone else followed suit. A veritable eruption of steam wafted up into Lacie’s face when she lifted the tray’s cover away. The wondrous aromas made her mouth water as she beheld her plate in awe. Lacie absently felt someone take her platter’s lid from her hand, but she didn’t see who it was. Lacie was too absorbed in looking at the luxurious meal before her. A large baked chicken breast sat atop aromatic rice, both covered in a thick, creamy, tan and white gravy. Four asparagus spears, each one dripping butter, lay along one side of her plate, more gravy lightly drizzled across their stalks. A small sprig of parsley lay atop the chicken breast, and a small slice of lemon sat at one edge of her plate, next to a warm, soft bread roll. A chorus of ‘ooh’s and ‘aah’s sprang from the delighted women at the sight of the decadent meal.

Ana reached over and placed the next fork in Lacie’s dumbfounded hand, giggling slightly as she did. The Russian girl’s laughter broke Lacie from her reverie, making her blush slightly as she grinned at the foreign girl. Lifting her silverware, Lacie began to cut into her chicken, amazed and humbled. ‘This is probably the nicest meal I’ve ever had!’ Lacie thought. Her knife sliced through the juicy meat with ease, allowing Lacie her first perfectly cooked bite. It was absolute bliss. Moaning to the ceiling, Lacie voiced her approval of Master’s cooking skill. Looking back down, Lacie saw Lindsey pouring a small glass of wine for herself. The sparkling white alcohol seemed innocent enough, and when Lacie asked for some, Lindsey happily poured Lacie a glass.

Sipping the sweet wine gently, Lacie found it to be a wonderful compliment to her dinner. Smiling her thanks at Lindsey, Lacie turned back to her plate and began to eat. Conversation had ceased for the most part, due to the hot, delicious food. Minutes passed where the only sounds were silverware scraping plates and rapturous moans. Occasionally there was a whispered request to pass some item or another. Lacie was in heaven. The flavors dancing across her taste buds put everything else Lacie had ever eaten to absolute shame. Lacie looked and felt more beautiful and happy in that moment than in her entire life. When she said as much to the other girls, they shared knowing looks, remembering that feeling themselves. Claire cut in with a joke, making all the girls laugh. Lacie never remembered exactly what Claire had said, the wine having already had a small effect on her. She did know that it was something to the effect of, ‘And you haven’t even had dessert yet!’

Slowly, the sounds of people enjoying a meal together slowed as plates were cleaned and pushed away. Conversation started up again, and the wine seemed to flow a little more freely. Laughter echoed throughout the hall as the newer girls traded stories and anecdotes. Master seemed to be taking his time with his own dinner, stretching it out for some reason. Finally, however, even he finished eating. Gently leaning back and wiping his mouth with his napkin, he looked up at his girls. Holding up his hand, he patiently waited for a few moments while they all slowly quieted. The soft thrum of his deep voice seemed to sink into Lacie’s body, soothing and relaxing her, a gentle tone audible in his words as he spoke to the assembled girls.

‘Tonight is a celebration. Tonight, we welcome a new sister for all of you into this house. She has conducted herself with grace and courtesy tonight, and she is as radiant as any woman I have ever seen.’ A warm smile graced his features as he looked directly at the suddenly furiously embarrassed and blushing Lacie.

‘However, before we finish off our meal and head to our rest, I do have one more thing I would like to say.’ As Master spoke, he stood, picking up the all but forgotten felt box that Lacie had seen earlier. Walking around the perimeter of the table, Master stopped directly behind Lacie and lifted away her plate, laying the long box in it’s place. Setting her plate to the side, Master placed his big, warm hands on Lacie’s shoulders. The gentle touch was feather light, as if he feared hurting her. Lacie felt his lips gently press the top of her head as he stood behind her and whispered, seeming to speak to her alone.

‘Welcome Home.’

As he stood behind her and whispered, Lacie reached out with trembling hands and opened the jewelry box, revealing a black lace choker inside, a small circle of ivory on one end. Lacie’s hands flew to her mouth at the simple piece of jewelry. Somehow she knew that this necklace was far more than just jewelry. All of Master’s women had one. It was a symbol of his acceptance of her. A wordless pledge that he would keep her safe, care for her, love her if she wished, help her without question or judgment. Gently reaching out, Lacie slowly lifted the choker from the box, wanting nothing more than to have it resting around her neck. Lacie knew that in her whole life, nothing had ever seemed more right. She got it halfway before warm, gentle hands enfolded hers, gently lifting the choker away. Lacie felt a shudder of happiness ripple down her spine as she realized his powerful arms were wrapped, ever so gently, around her body.

‘Allow me.’

Tilting her head forward, Lacie allowed her Master to fasten both ends of the choker together around her neck, the tight necklace locking shut once he closed the clasps hidden behind the ivory. It fit perfectly. Gently sliding the lace around, Lacie positioned the small white disk over her throat, her fingers tracing the edge of the smooth decoration. Lacie could scarcely believe her fortune, her luck. Fighting back tears for the umpteenth time that day, Lacie looked up at the girls with whom she now belonged and smiled. Thunderous applaus
e and cheers erupted from the table as the other girls fought back tears as well. Everyone seemed to be smiling and laughing, choruses of welcome resounded in Lacie’s ears.

Sitting back down in his chair, Master held up his hands, smiling while calling for silence once again.

‘Well, now that that little piece of ceremony is out of the way, I do believe we still have dessert to finish. Marie, if you would please.’ Master waved one hand to the young Hispanic woman, gesturing for her to take the lid off the tray atop the stand in the middle of the table. Lacie stroked the ivory circle adorning her throat as she watched Marie lift the lid away. Despite having just eaten a huge meal, Lacie knew there was no way she could resist the dessert that had just been unveiled. A creamy white cheesecake sat in the center of the table, thick drizzles of chocolate decorated the top, and fresh raspberries seemed to infuse the decadent cake.

Already sliced, the cake was soon placed on plates hidden within the cart and passed out to the diners. Lacie flushed again when Heather raised her half empty wine glass, the gorgeous redhead offering a toast.

‘To our new sister, Lacie!’

‘To Lacie!’ The other diners chorused, laughter breaking through their cheers at the sight of the young girl blushing yet again.

Waving at them to quiet down, Lacie smiled and rubbed her cheeks. She wasn’t if sure she’d ever stop blushing, or smiling. Finally, everyone quieted and sat back down, slowly enjoying the final course of their decadent meal The cheesecake was soft and cool, while the raspberries added a tangy zip, complementing the smooth, rich chocolate well. Lacie’s slice was gone long before she wanted it to be, but she decided not to ask for another. Sitting back, Lacie felt full, warm and contented. The wine she had consumed was making her drowsy, leaving her relaxed and smiling. Conversation continued for a while, but all too soon, Master excused himself, giving the excuse of an early morning to quietly slip away, leaving the rest of the evening to the girls. Lacie sat and chatted, but after finishing another glass of wine, she soon felt the room begin to gently spin. The odd sensation was far from unpleasant, but Lacie’s exhaustion was swiftly making her eyelids droop heavily.

One by one, the girls slipped away to their beds. About half the group had left, leaving Bridget, Lacie, Heather and Claire in the dining hall. Bridget excused herself and slowly made her way around to Lacie, finding the brunette girl half asleep in her chair. Gently coaxing Lacie to her feet, Bridget helped the new girl through the mansion and up to the bedrooms. The older girl pulling her along, Bridget and Lacie slowly washed off their makeup before slipping out of their dresses and drunkenly sliding into Bridget’s warm, fluffy bed.

Bridget’s gentle, even breathing gave testament that she was asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillows. Lacie lay there, thinking about her day, as the fingers on her right hand gently traced the outline of the ivory coin decorating her choker. Clad only in her panties and the new necklace, Lacie drifted off to sleep, a smile on her face as her fingers still sleepily stroked her choker.

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HayseedEmile, 2011Usual caveats apply.---St Hicks was small, really just a store and post boxes on a dead end path surrounded by farmhouses and acres and acres of corn.  The nearest 'civilisation' was the drive-in and community hall in Pumpkel nearby, and they were both closed.  In fact, St Hicks was so small that on most maps it was just a dotted line through the fields like a forgotten forest trail.  So it was easily passed by, by motorists, mapmakers, power and telephone companies, even the...

4 years ago
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Poor Rob

There were times when it sucked to be me and in the last three years those times had been too damned frequent. As I sat at the bar in my favorite night spot and nursed my beer I did have to admit to myself that I brought a lot of those times down on me on my own. I seemed to have the world's best AND worst taste in women. Best because I always seemed to come up with the great looking ones; the ones with personality to spare and who were fun loving and a joy to be with and who usually grabbed...

2 years ago
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Episode 19 the School Project

Kelly and her dad were out walking in the park one autumn day; Kelly skipping along in a short summer frock, kicking through the fallen leaves. Kelly occasionally flipping up the back of the skirt to reveal the bright pink boy panties that her dad loved. He would often just lie on the sofa stroking and licking the tiny crescents of her bum cheek exposed by the panties; sometimes without even fucking her properly. Once aroused she would flip his hard erection out of his trousers and into her...

3 years ago
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Great White Dope

We have all heard the cliché's, 'Good things happen to those who do good things', 'Play it forward', 'Bread cast upon the waters comes back tenfold', 'God does not always pay on Sundays', etc. Bullshit, life is more like 'No Good Deed goes Unpunished.' Of course that was not my thought when a grungy biker looking guy approached me late one night as I was putting the nozzle away from a well-worn pick-up truck, after filling up with gas. "Hey buddy, can you help a scrambler...

1 year ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolTuesday part 2

It was a short walk, only a couple minutes, between the Nurse's Office and Dr. Zelvetti's. None of us said anything, and Steve and Shannon, one of the school's most recognizable couples (completely aside of their lack of clothes) weren't holding hands. I guess we were feeling subdued. It was only in the actual office (Had we truly all been in here only thirty-six hours ago?) (Oh, and fancy that: as it turns out, she too graduated with a degree in Psychology) that we finally spoke, and it...

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“First, some new music, I have announcements, but I want to hear my Society play and sing some music.” They all gave out a big yell together. “I need a male singer, so John Mitchell, come up, please? I also need a brother sister dance team. Do we have one of those?” Chuckles as John and the Newmans got up. “This is a song about a ballerina, Newmans ... listen and come up with something pleasant, please?” They nodded as I told the orchestra “Dance Ballerina Dance, please...” JOHN Dance,...

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my neighbour big titties wife

hi again,this is the last prt of story.HOw i have said in last stories i have a nice neighbour whit big tits that is fucking whit my mom.I have come fro college for the weekend.My mom has kiss me on face and i have start to tell her how is at college.At night i have go to Carmen house to salute and to see her nice tits.I have knock on her doree and she has open the door.She was in her bathrobe.She grab me and she give me a hot kiss.She told me that she has miss me very very much and she miss...

1 year ago
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On Thin Ice Ch 03

Zane hated himself for making love to Meg like he had on the couch. He’d just been so upset by her suggestion that they be nothing more than friends with benefits that he hadn’t known what else to do. He’d used her idea to take her like he wanted to, some primitive part of his mind telling him that he was staking his claim. Now, in the dim pre-dawn light of her bedroom, he watched her sleeping and asked himself why he hadn’t just refused. He’d wanted to tell her that he wanted all of her or...

1 year ago
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14 January 2009Chapter 7

“Dan, will you please get the rear seat warmer turned on? My ass is freezing on this cold leather,” Wendy lightly complained, sitting between Abby and Tiffany. “I’d gladly warm up that pretty little ass of yours with some warm kisses,” Dan joked. “When we get home,” she smiled, touching his right shoulder. Dan noticed a Tim Horton’s restaurant and using the drive-thru, stopped for everyone to get a hot coffee or hot chocolate. “This coffee is good but I’d sooner have your warm hands and...

1 year ago
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HotGirlsRaw Xxlayna Marie Making Her Cum While Her Dad8217s Home

A spontaneous visit to your bae is often a good time. Especially when her dad is home. I know, I know! But hear me out – sneaking around actually makes it HOTTER. You can tell Xxylayna Marie is nervous but excited when Zeus shows up unannounced. She looks adorable in her oversized hoodie & tight, tight shorts. Fortune favors the bold and when Zeus shuffles her into her father’s garage, things start heating up. She acts like she doesn’t want to, but she lets Zeus rub her...

2 years ago
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Christmas leave in 1963 I had thirty days with my Mom, Dad and k** brother Austin before being stationed overseas with the USAF in Japan. I loved fishing, but with the lakes and streams frozen solid the only way was through holes inside a heated ice shack or shanty. My folks Didn,t own one, but we were allowed to use a friends on nearby Twin Lakes. There were holes in each of four corners that had to be drilled out upon arrival then kept open so you could keep the line from freezing up. The...

4 years ago
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Caught by the Parents

It was late at night, mum and dad were fast asleep and I crept downstairs, mobile phone in hand. I had turned the sounds off so no chance it would make a noise and wake anyone up. I got to the foot of the stairs, listened for a few moments then texted Sean “come to the door now” I crept to the front door, watching for his shadow from the streetlights outside. My heart thumped, I felt on a high as I saw movement in the frosted glass. As quietly as I could, I turned the latch and...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 66

I made a few more phone calls after convincing Liz to go work out some of her anxiety on the treadmill. Ryan was the first. “I know,” he said instantly. “I can’t walk away with security concerns over the next few weeks. If anybody in South America believes that shit then Liz is going to be in a lot of danger.” “Yeah,” I said. The rest of my explanation was interrupted by the doorbell. I broke into laughter when I saw Ryan standing on the doorstep with Brian and Dom. “I could have saved...

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The Right of the King

The Right Of The King Lorena Mae, 1995 He pulled back, spent, satisfied. The therapy room around him was institutional, cement brick with a cold stainless steel table dominating the space. She laid in the stirrups, softly moaning. He looked at her empty eyes in the midst of a beautiful face and wondered what she thought, if she thought at all. She had been in institutions for most of her life, unable to communicate or even control her body very much. He liked to believe...

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All Things Come Ch 03

November The change in Karl and Ulrika was noticeable. It was if a boil had been lanced: the resentment and hostility were draining out of them, and our lessons became more concentrated and productive. As their knowledge had grown and they had realised that they were achieving something, their efforts had increased, and I felt energised and motivated by their feedback. A virtuous circle – the best kind. Of the two of them, Karl was the easiest to influence. He was a natural follower and all he...

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Bedpost and Telephone

Every Sunday morning it's a wrap up of the night before. After a good long sleep and breakfast, Melanie and I were ready for the tie-ups and a mouthful of pussy...We're both airline hostesses, but Melanie's route is Asia and mine is Europe. WE do meet in Chicago every other weekend as the stop over for both these routes...We met while I was flying to Mumbai to spend two weeks in GOA..She was going to vacation their as well, as this was her last flight for the year and a much needed vacation...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 54

More from St John‎ There was a man who had a girlfriend named Lorraine. Then one day a new woman was hired at his office. Her name was Clearly, and he soon fell in love with her. He thought about breaking things off with Lorraine. But he just couldn’t do it. Then Lorraine learned her employer was transferring her across country. The guy pretended to be sad when Lorraine moved. But deep down, he was happy. As he left the airport after seeing Lorraine off, he could be heard singing “I can see...

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The Azayal Book 5Chapter 5 Azayal Assessment and Training

As they walked out of the portal they looked out over the expanse of the campus. The campus was spectacular and was built into the side of the foothills of the mountain below the palace. It did not look like any War College that Jason had ever seen. On the one side was the sea and on the other side was the mountain. There were cliffs to the sea and inactive, small volcanic mouths leading a procession up the mountain. The gardens were beautiful. Jason saw the college buildings on increasingly...

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Introduction: Wife gives all my stuff away MY WIFE MY SLAVE Day 1 This one Saturday morning I wake up feel a warm sensation wrapped around my hardening penis I look down and see my lovely wife Mandy with her head between my legs just sucking the blood into my growing member. She looks up at me smiles and gives me a seductive wink, I smile back knowing there is no better way to wake up than this. As soon my dick gets fully hard I feel her squeeze my balls and I send the biggest load into her...

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Ana describes me her double teamed

I returned home early evening and found my sexy wife getting ready to leave. So I asked her where we were going, but Anita laughed, saying she had a date with a well hung black man…I insisted, asking who was the lucky bastard.Ana said that I had not met him before; he was a new fuck buddie.She added that she had met Paul when her Black Master had introduced him to her. Ana had been to Jerome’s place for a quick and she found her Black Master and Paul were there watching some basketball game in...

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The Second and Third Meeting

He sent me back a message that he was agreeable to meeting and sent me the GPS coordinates of the meeting place. I was distracted all day, but I made it through my appointments with my usual success rate intact. I checked my phone for the time, sent Ray a text I was on my way, and followed the directions as directed. I turned off the main road and followed a small gravel road that wound back into a wooded area just outside of town. The further back in the woods the more anxious I became. ...

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For Markie hearts You drive me wild hearts

You and I finally get to meet. You jump off the road runner shuttle and I jump into your arms, giving you the biggest hug and the sloppiest wettest kisses ever. I say lets throw your things in the house and I’m going to show you a good time. I’m wearing my sexy black latex outfit with corset and your wearing leather pants and black pvc shirt. We drive downtown to LA to the Bondage ball. Your like shit I didn’t know we were going here....why didn’t you tell me...I said no worries you look fab...

2 years ago
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Compensation an Incomplete ManAftermath Part Two

June was almost here and the weather was so warm that it felt like summer already. Well, if you forgot the fact that it was still May, it was all summer. The weekend was coming and I intended to enjoy it as much as I could with Oona. I wasn’t quite sure yet what we would do, but I wanted it to be something nice and that would also give Minna some time off and an opportunity to visit her parents. Besides that, she would be finishing her children’s teacher studies. Something that didn’t seem...

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1st and last hooker

the first and the last time i ever picked up a hooker , if you know me you know i love panties and bras and underwear in general . i was driving through the what you call the redlight district of the east end of vancouver bc when i saw a few hookers . observing them i take notice of what they are dressed in more than what they look like . there was this one in particular i had noticed , she was a bit heavy set and had big boobs and a fat ass . in one of my times circling around i noticed she...

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rich jewish wife i pleased

one day i was fooling around on a black single website, i go here to see the many white women that want black men. after about 30 mins i click on a profile of this beautiful white woman, beautiful smile, hair in a nice cut and color, reddish brown with highlights on the tips, and lovely hazel eyes. i had to send her a comment, so i sent the comment and 5 mins later she responded. we went on for a few, then she asked do i have anymore pics? i sent back i do but they are a little xrated and i...

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Am I Really A Whore 8211 Part 2

Hi, I am a simple housewife from Kerala. My house is in Kaipattur in Pathanamthitta district. It has been three years since my wedding. I have a one-year-old daughter. My husband Vinu is working in Dubai and is living there for over a year. I am living with my daughter and Vinu’s mother here in Kerala. Now let me talk about myself. I am fair in complexion unlike most girls in my community and also good-looking. I am not overweight. My weight is 55-60kg. My bra size is 32 and I have very perky...

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Team Lead Ke Sath Sex Kara

Hi dosto; mera naam Vibha h or m apni phali story likhne ja ri hu. Ye site m mujhe kuch stories he real lgti h. Ye meri real life story h. Me bhaut he sundar hu or mera figure 30, 24, 34 h. M bhaut he sex addictive hu. To m apni story p aati hu. M ek software company m kaam krti hu. Jisko mene college khtn hote he join kra tha. Waha ka environment khafi acha tha. Kyuki m bhaut sundar thi to ladke mujh s aa aa k baat kr re the. Meko bhaut acha lg rha tha. Thode he din baad mujhe dusre prjct m...

1 year ago
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AssParade Carmela Clutch Lilly Hall Double Booty Trouble

Carmela Clutch and Lilly Hall are out and about today. They’re enjoying showing off their best assets, their massive asses. They shake and jiggle all over the place. They make it inside for some real action. They take off their clothes and get nude. They start to play with each other voluminous asses. They spread each other holes and lick them. They decided to take it up a notch and invite Milan to fuck. He takes out his large cock. The girls immediately start sucking his dick. His cock...

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A Reading Adventure

We are browsing books in a library, smelling all the good smells of ancient texts and worn-down pages. Rows upon rows of knowledge for us to discover, all in good time. Coffee in hand, we hold hands and finger the spines. The lighting is one of those fifty shades of gray in this seldom used section of historical texts used for the scholarly articles intellectuals write and no one ever reads.You take a sip of steaming hot coffee and squeeze my hand, attracting my attention back to you, and I see...

Love Stories
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Dirty daddy

You are sitting up in your room, and are pissed at your boyfriend for getting drunk and not taking your virginity when he had the chance last night because he got drunk. You came home late last night, and i grounded you for the day. Your mother was gone, so i only grounded you for the weekend. You find one of your boyfriend’s dirty mags and begin to flip through it. It is a hardcore mag, and you are looking at all the pictures of people fucking. You are wearing just a small t-shirt and you find...

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Special Delivery

I’ve had the hots for the guy at our local post office for some time now, but since we are both married I never acted on it. I have flirted with him on numerous occasions and he seemed receptive and even responded with some flirting of his own. But like I said, it’s a small town so you have to be careful. I remember once he commented on my tan and now nice I looked. It made me feel like he really did notice me. I responded by saying I used to go to a tanning booth but now I have one at home.

1 year ago
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SweetSinners Paige Owens Naughty Intentions

Paige and Tyler had a crush on each other before their parents got married, so when they ended up becoming stepbrother and stepsister, everything became complicated. Unable to release their sexual tension the two spied on each other changing in their respective bedrooms until one day Paige was unable to handle her desires. After bursting into Tyler’s bedroom to reprimand him for changing with his door open he asks her why they can’t just have sex – they aren’t REALLY...

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Seduced by a GayMaker

He knelt between my spread thighs as I lay naked on my back. His hard cock jutted from his taut muscular body and my hungry eyes devoured his glistening flesh as he fisted his long, thick dick and looked down at me with an amused expression on his chiseled face. "Do you want it?" He teased as he rubbed the slick wet head of his cock against my taint making me moan softly with wanton desire. I had never been with a man before. I had never considered it an option before that night but as I looked...

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The Best of Both WorldsChapter 2

"What are we going to do about us?" I repeated. "Look," Mary said. "I sort of had a plan when I asked to come out." No kidding. "I kind of thought I'd come out here, get you hooked up with Lisa, maybe as a friend, maybe more. But you would have somebody here. You know?" "Hooked up?" Lisa laughed. "Hooked up?" So what was I going to say? "Ahh," I started in my brilliant way, "What about you and Lisa? Was that part of what you were planning?" I smiled to reassure her it was...

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