Living Beyond the Dream
- 2 years ago
- 36
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As he sat outdoors and enjoyed the California sunshine – only 75°, mild for Los Angeles – Trace Winston didn’t have any regrets about moving from Toronto a decade earlier. It was likely about 45° there right now and would soon be colder, he had never liked winter. Trace was a very proud Canadian and always would be, but they could keep their winters. Trace was happy that his Science-Fiction writing had afforded him the opportunity to pack up & move to the West Coast shortly after his first novel went into its 3rd printing. Twenty books later, Trace was living the good life and owned a small Condo in Toronto he used when he went to visit his family.
He looked over at the home next door and was sad that Mr. Adams had moved out a month earlier, the older man had been the perfect neighbor, friendly and helpful. However, after his wife’s recent, sudden death, Jacob had found the home just too big for him. He accepted his son’s offer to move in with him and his ‘roommate’ in San Francisco. He told Trace all about it with a hearty laugh. ‘He’s so funny, he doesn’t think I know about him and his ‘roommate’. My son is as queer as a 3-dollar bill.’
Jake had sold his house to his daughter, but so far, she remained a total mystery to the entire neighborhood. Only a few of the neighbors reported seeing her, she seemed to come and go mysteriously. Trace had yet to meet her, despite living right next door.
Another reason Trace enjoyed California was the abundance of beautiful women. He’d left Toronto and a string of bad relationships behind, hoping he’d meet someone special in LA, but all he met were pretty women eager to hop into the sack for a quick fuck. He hadn’t met anyone that truly got under his skin. Only one woman had done that and she was just an image. A beautiful image on DVD. Trace’s ‘Dream Woman’, the very sexy Jessica Swan.
What was it about Jessica Swan that got under Trace’s skin? He really couldn’t put his finger on it, but from the first time he saw her in film, in a very sexy film entitled ‘Swan Dive’, he was hooked. Her beautiful brown eyes drew him in with every scene she appeared in. Her 34-24-33 body commanded you pay attention to her. Her sexy, sweet voice sounded like warm honey to Trace’s ears. At 5’9′ and 115 pounds, she was the sexiest woman Trace had ever seen. Even when she was getting the holy hell fucked out of her on camera, Jessica appeared to Trace to be the perfect woman. He had almost every movie she’d ever appeared in and had tried in vain to meet her for several years, going so far as to ask his Agent to see if she could be contacted and perhaps a lunch arranged. Jessica Swan rarely made public appearances, although there was a rumor she would be appearing at the Consumer Electronics Trade Show in Las Vegas this year. Trace already had a first-class ticket and hotel room bought and paid for.
He’d made himself horny and was about to go indoors and watch ‘Swan Dive’ again for the hundredth time – or thereabouts – when he heard some very loud, very angry cursing coming from next door. It was most definitely a woman’s voice.
‘Damn, fuck, damn, I can’t believe I fucking DID this!’ The voice cursed.
Trace threw on a shirt and went next door to see what was going on. He found a woman he would have estimated to be around his age, perhaps a bit younger, standing in front of the house next door, pounding on the door, kicking at it and looking very frustrated.
‘Hi there … obviously something’s wrong, is there anything I can do to help?
The woman turned around, she was wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses, a baggy shirt and sweats. She gave him a weak smile.
‘I doubt it, but thanks. I left my keys in the house and closed the door behind me. I’ve locked myself out and I don’t have my car keys either and I have to be at work in 40 minutes. Shit, shit, SHIT!’
Trace smiled. ‘Okay, just calm down. You’re in luck, I’m your next-door neighbor and I still have a key to your house from when I’d water the plants for your folks. Give me a minute and I’ll be right back.’
‘Oh God, thanks very, very much,’ She said.
Trace went home and got the extra key Jake had given him. Within 5 minutes, his neighbor was in her home and had retrieved her keys.
‘I owe you one,’ the neighbor said. ‘I don’t even know your name, I’m JJ Adams.’
‘Yes, Jake’s daughter, he’s mentioned you. I’m your neighbor, Trace Winston.’
‘You’re a lifesaver, Trace Winston. I’ve got to get going or I’d make you a cup of coffee, but talk to you later, okay?’
‘Sure.’ There was something familiar about JJ Adams, but Trace couldn’t put his finger on it. He went inside and looked at the clock, he couldn’t goof around any more, he had some writing to do and then he needed some dinner. Before he knew it, it was almost 7 PM. He fixed a light dinner, then decided as it was a very nice evening, he’d go for a swim and relax. He slid the glass door leading to his patio open and heard cursing yet again.
He leaned over the fence separating his house from his neighbor’s and saw JJ standing by her own pool, quite obviously upset.
‘Hey there, neighbor. What seems to be the problem, anything I can do?’
‘Hello Trace. No, not really.’ JJ smiled weakly. ‘The pool guy was supposed to come this afternoon and clean the pool, but he didn’t show and this thing’s a gunky mess. I can’t swim in it and after work today, I really need a swim.’
‘I have days like that, so I totally understand. Listen, I was about to go for a swim myself, why don’t you go put on a suit and join me. Come on, I don’t bite.’
JJ lowered her sunglasses and looked at her neighbor and sighed. ‘Okay, all right, that’s very kind of you. I’ll be back in 5 minutes, thank you.’
Trace figured it didn’t hurt to get in good with his new neighbor, she seemed quiet and a bit reserved, but she certainly wasn’t unfriendly. JJ Adams might just be someone worth knowing, so why not make friendly overtures, what could it hurt?
When JJ walked around the fence and through the gate leading to his patio, Trace saw a body that was leggy, tall and sexy as hell, clad it a tiny black bikini and sandals which she kicked off. Trace couldn’t believe it, but when she took of her floppy hat and sunglasses, that confirmed it. JJ Adams was Jessica Swan!
She turned around and caught Trace looking. Jessica sighed.
‘I guess you recognize me, huh? Damn. That’s why I’ve been keeping such a low profile. Either people want to ask me a million questions or they want to hit on me, those that don’t do that aren’t exactly thrilled about having a Porn Star living next door.’
‘Sorry. Yes, I’m a fan, but I promise not to bother you and as for your living next door, you seem nice enough and your Dad was a friend. Is it okay if I say that you’re a very beautiful woman, JJ Adams?’
The first full smile he had seen JJ make crossed her beautiful face and he thought he detected those brown eyes dancing just a bit. ‘Yes, it’s very okay, Trace Winston, thank you. You can call me Jessica. You know what it is I do, what do you do?’
‘I’m a writer.’
Jessica’s hand flew to her mouth. ‘You’re John Tracey Winston?! Hell, why didn’t I make the connection. I’m a big fan, I love the Jessalyn of Gamaron series, I’ve read them all.’
‘Thank You.’
‘You’re welcome, I absolutely love your writing.’ Jessica sat at the edge of the pool and dangled her feet in the water. ‘You write some very sexy books.’
‘I’m glad you enjoy them, again, thank you. Would you like to know a secret?’ Trace said as he sat down next to her, still caught in her dark, brown eyes.
‘Sure.’ Jessica replied. Trace heard that voice he had listened to so many times at close range and he was sure his heart was beating through his chest.
‘I based Jessalyn … at least visually … on you.’
‘Oh wow, that’s just … I don’t know what to say, nothing like that has ever happened
to me. Thank you Trace, what a lovely honor. When I read my copies, I’ll know I have a connection to them, that is so, so cool. I’ll have to bring them over and have you sign them.’
All Trace could do was nod at the bikini-clad beauty who had for so long been the foremost object of his desire. His mouth felt like it was full of sawdust, but he kept his composure. ‘Didn’t you come over here for a swim?’
She smiled and Jessica’s entire face lit up. ‘I did, and that water looks lovely. It’s so nice to have a friend who knows my secret, someone I can be myself with. I have friends in the business, but it’s a lonely life otherwise.’
‘Come over here any time you like. We’re neighbors.’
Jessica smiled and dove in the pool. Her body, lithe and trim, moved gracefully through the water. For a few minutes, Trace just watched her swim, but he didn’t want to creep her out, so he joined her. They splashed about the water, when both had enough, they got out and each of them had a beer, then said goodnight.
Jessica was back the next night, even though her pool had been cleaned. She was wearing a different bikini, this one was made of a silver metallic substance and she looked so sexy in it. They swam together, shared their day and laughed and before Trace knew it, it was 11 PM.
It went on like that for nearly two weeks, she wore a sexy, skimpy new bikini every time. Steeling up his courage after all that, Trace finally invited Jessica to dinner. She agreed and they set the date for Saturday, she still came by for her evening swim every night until then.
Saturday was wonderful. Jessica showed up at 5 PM with a nice bottle of wine, she was wearing a black cocktail dress that clung to her like a second skin. It was cut low in front and very short, she wore stockings and heels with it, even though it seemed a bit silly in LA, Trace didn’t object. He was sure he was making an idiot of himself and tripping over his words, he was so smitten, but Jessica didn’t seem to mind. She laughed at his jokes, she leaned forward when he talked about his newest book … some of which he’d made adjustments to, reflecting a bit more of Jessica’s own personality in the telling of ‘Jessalyn’s’ latest adventure … and she captivated him as much in real life as she had the countless times he’d watched her. The reality of JJ Adams was just as wonderful as the erotic dreams of Jessica Swan … she was kind, smart and funny and he was head-over-heels crazy about her.
Despite all that, Trace decided he would still play it cool. He didn’t ask a lot about her Porn Star work, he didn’t force his attentions on her, he was her friend and he didn’t want to ruin that. Let things move at their own pace, whatever happened, happened. Jessica kissed him good night around midnight and went back to her house. Trace wrote for another hour because he was restless. He still couldn’t wrap his head around the idea he’d just had dinner with Jessica Swan!
7 PM Sunday came and there was no Jessica to share their nightly swim. He knew she was home, he could see the lights. By 8 when she still hadn’t shown, he went over to her house and knocked on the door. She was at the door in her baseball cap and sunglasses, when she saw that it was Trace, she took them off and invited him in.
She’d redecorated a bit since buying it from her father, Trace could see, although a bit of clutter was still evident. She sat down on the sofa and invited him to sit down across from her, offering him coffee, which he declined.
‘You didn’t show up for our swim, is everything okay?’
‘Everything’s fine Trace, why wouldn’t it be?’
OUCH! Trace had heard that tone from enough women over the years to know that was female for ‘Fuck no, I’m royally pissed off you idiot, now fix it!’
‘Jessica … did I do something to offend you or hurt your feelings or …?’
Jessica sat forward a bit and looked at Trace directly with those gorgeous eyes. ‘Trace, just what does a girl have to do to let you know she’s interested?’
‘Trace, I showed up for over 2 weeks in different, skimpy bikinis. I talked with you, joked with you, flirted with you. I showed up last night in one of my sexiest dresses, stockings and heels and flirted even harder, lord Trace, what does a girl have to do?’
Trace could see that Jessica was visibly upset, so he went to sit beside her on the sofa. ‘I’m sorry Jessica, I just didn’t want you to think I was one of those guys who was only interested in scoring with Jessica Swan. I wanted to get to know Jessica Adams and not do anything to fuck it up.’
‘Christ Trace, I was practically throwing myself at you. You treated me like a lady, you seemed to be genuinely interested in me as a person and that was very sexy, you didn’t seem to make a big deal out of my being Jessica Swan, it was just part of who I am. You seemed to really like me, not just want to fuck me.’
‘Can’t I have both?’ Trace asked, hoping to break the tension. Inside, he was hopping up & down, he still couldn’t believe his Dream-Girl was interested in him in THAT way.
Jessica laughed and took his hand. ‘Yes, you can have both, but you need to know all that entails. You’ve never asked me about my professional life, I think you need to know just what you’re getting into. I don’t just want a fuck, I want a lover and I get the impression you want that too. So Trace, let’s talk.’
Trace nodded and they talked openly. He learned that Jessica had lived for some time in Texas, had been dancing and supporting herself when spotted by an Agent. She did nude modeling next, then a few soft-core films, but her natural, voracious sex drive took over and she found herself doing hard-core work. She loved it, she told Trace, and she had no intention of stopping for a while yet. Jessica explained she got to live out all her fantasies on film and get lots of sexual experience, plus she could swing with women and not have to go out ‘trolling for other girls’. Jessica explained. ‘I like myself Trace, all of me, the parts that are JJ Adams and the parts that are Jessica Swan. So Trace, the question is … do you like me that way as well? Can you handle being with a woman like me?’
Trace leaned over, took her face between his hands and kissed her, hoping she would lean into the kiss. She did and their lips met, tongues dueled and when they split, both were misty-eyed.
‘Jessica Swan has been my fantasy girl for a long, long time,’ Trace spoke. ‘JJ Adams is a beautiful woman I think I’m falling in love with. Yes, I think I can handle both. I wouldn’t ask you to stop, I’m not saying I’m thrilled with your fucking other guys, but I can handle that. I want you enough to do everything I can to keep you.’
Jessica stood up and without saying a word, left the room for a minute, Trace didn’t understand at first. He heard her call his name from behind and when he saw her there, every desire and emotion he’d been feeling was welling to the surface.
She was there in a skimpy black halter top, tight leather shorts and black leather boots that came to just above the knee. Standing there was Jessica Swan, the object of his desires for many years, but he saw the warm smile that crossed her face and knew she was also JJ Adams, for whom he was falling, hard.
‘Do you need an engraved invitation or are you coming in this bedroom and fucking me?’ Jessica purred. He wanted to make like Speedy Gonzales, but he walked over to her, took her in his arms and held Jessica tight as he kissed her. She murmured as he kissed her, one strong arm around her back, his lips pressed hard against hers as she ran her fingers through his short-cropped, sandy hair. She smelled so good, she looked so sexy, this was the culmination of every desire Trace had ever known.
Jessica moved away and smiled, she took his hand and led him to the bed. She had lit a few candles near the large bed and she’d turned down the sheets. He was about to undress, but Jessica came around and nuzzled
his neck, unbuttoning his shirt from behind as her tongue licked his earlobe. Trace thought his knees might give out, but he steadied himself and let his new love do her thing. Every touch of her lips and fingers was far, far better than any fantasy Trace had ever known. She was moving behind him, down, his shirt was off now and she was yanking at his pants with one hand as she ran long, manicured nails down his back with the other. How had she known that was a turn-on for him. He was vaguely aware of his now being naked, but when Jessica was facing him again, all he could see was her beautiful, smiling face.
‘Did I hear you correctly earlier, you think you’re falling in love with me?’ Jessica asked. Trace just nodded.
‘Good, because I’m going to be around for a long time. Get your ass in that bed, mister,’ Jessica commanded.
Trace wasn’t dumb enough to argue, he lay on his back and the black-clad siren joined him there. Her face grinned and she moved towards his cock and engulfed it. Jessica was sucking his cock and that too, was far, far beyond any fantasy he’d ever known. She had the best lips, soft and sensual and she licked and bobbed her head up and down, just noisy enough to be arousing, while she fondled his balls at the same time. Her gorgeous eyes looked at him as she sucked, her hair slightly askew, the black outfit sexy on her tanned, slender body.
Trace’s eyes shut for a minute, if this was a dream, he didn’t want to wake up. Jessica was all over him, with hands and lips and even hair, she trailed it over his naked flesh. He reached out for her, she teasingly moved away and undid the halter. Her breasts, gorgeous, perfect, spilled free. Trace reached out and stroked them softly, tweaking each nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Jessica sighed softly.
‘I’ve had co-stars who didn’t make me feel this nice,’ Jessica murmured. Trace wasn’t intimidated, she’d always be one-up on him, but he didn’t feel the need to be superior. She moved closer and then lifted herself up a bit, the leather shorts came off with snaps and were gone. No panties or thong, just pure, naked Jessica, wild and sensual and for this moment in time, all his.
‘I think my pussy needs some loving,’ Jessica grinned. ‘Come on Trace, eat me. Suck my cunt, you fucking bastard, then you get to FUCK Jessica Swan.’
Trace knew she was doing it to turn him on … and it was working. Her perfect, shaved pussy was hovering over his face, he grabbed the cheeks of her gorgeous ass and began to eat her. She was like sweet honey and very wet, his fingers moved gently over her pussy as he devoured her, hoping he’d measure up to her co-stars, wanting her to come back for more. She was oohing and aahing over his licking, so he figured she was having a good time. Jessica was grinding her soft pussy against his face, Trace thought he could die right there and then, a happy man.
‘Fuck baby, you know what you’re doing, that’s wonderful!’ Jessica exclaimed, moving away from him. ‘You’ve got to fuck me now lover, give me that nice cock I was sucking on.’ Jessica got on all fours facing away from him, he knew she liked standing-Doggy best, but for now, he moved behind her and braced himself. This was going to be one of the most important moments of his life, he gripped her hips and moved inside of her. Trace moved himself back and forth, not too fast, he didn’t want to rush, but with strong, pumping motions. Jessica moved back against him, it was perfect, they were in sync. She seemed to know every little nuance to turn him on, but from the way she was responding to his fucking dick, he wasn’t too bad himself. He’d seen enough of her films to know some of her turn-ons, or so he thought. He swatted her ass a few times as he fucked her, she giggled and wiggled her rump, he played with her tits and she moaned. Sex had never been this good, not with anyone and Trace intended to ride this out as long as he could.
Jessica threw herself against her newest lover with every fiber of her being and Trace didn’t let her down, he wasn’t going to surrender. Trace kept up his end of the deal, he was glad she’d dressed so sexy, he liked the boots and wondered if he could ask her to wear stilettos and stockings next time? He knew he was being a bit cocky in assuming there would be a next time, then he remembered her earlier words about being around for a long time and grinned. If she was going to be around, he’d make damned sure to give her something to be around FOR.
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Hi all, this is ilrumjack here again. This is an episode that happened with two of my bhabhi’s while my wife was pregnant with my first child. As is the practice, we were having a baby shower function on the seventh month of my wife’s pregnancy. We were having the child after 4 years of my marriage. The function was being held at my parent’s place as the whole thing was being organized by my mom. Since both, I and my wife were working we had taken a day off for this function. Being a...
Incest© 2008, wildirishrose ‘Are you asleep, my dream?’ he asked softly of his auburn-haired lover lying by his side, as he stroked the silky skin of the arm closest to him. Her breathing continued, deep, and steady, as he gazed at her face in the moonlight that touched her from the window. He was moved by the desire that never waned, as he took in her innocent looking face, relaxed as it was in slumber. The long lashes against the lightly freckled cheeks, the full soft rosy lips of her mouth, that...
Jake was almost ready to go when he heard a low groaning in his pool/bathroom oh shit! he'd forgotten about each time he had sex with his Jinns! Quickly Jake did a search of the room soon finding a pair of male Jinns. Both seemed to be in bad shape, both still injured. This was strange they usually appeared healthy if not weak except for Trully. Frantically Jake rubbed the Talisman thinking of Trully. Only a moment passed before she appeared, looking where Jake pointed her mouth fell...
I remember the first time I saw my Momma, I was eight years old. My mother hated her because my father had left her for Momma. I didn't understand about things back then. Momma showered me with love and attention, always eager to accept whatever face I presented. At first I thought she didn't like me because she would quickly discourage me from acting like a girl. But then I noticed it was only when she was afraid that my Father would see. He wasn't a nice man, my body showed the scars...
1I Masochist - Chapter One - Performance ArtBy The TechnicianBDSM, Public Bondage, Electro-sex, Public Orgasm = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = A college professor presents a performance art production of "I, Masochist" with a little technical help from W. Afterwards, the professor who referred the masochistic models to her asks her and W's help in recording the six young women's stories of how and why they are masochists.The eight chapters of this story each stand on their own, but...
It was a brilliant Plan! It was a brilliantly conceived Plan to manipulate my young and na?ve Bride in the most devious yet subtle manner! But, in order for the Plan to succeed, Sally had to be convinced it was all HER idea! All I had to do to put my Plan into action was tell her about the 'Dream' I had last night! This was gonna be a cinch! Right? Dream By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 All rights reserved "It's just so bizarre, Theresa! At first I thought I hadn't heard h...
Jill, this is stupid!" I grumbled."Shhh! They'll hear you!"I couldn't believe it. I was home from college on spring break. Most of my friends were going away to some island to lie in the sun, but not me. No, I was locked in the trunk of my brother's car with my cousin Jill, trying to sneak into a drive-in movie! "How did I let you guys talk me into this!" I groaned.The worst part was that it wasn't necessary. We had the money to pay, but my older brother Ned and her older brother Bob decided to...
A father’s dream —a story retold The following is a work of fiction. All the characters and incidents are fictional and bear no resemblance to any person living or dead. If there is any resemblance to any person or incident in someone’s life it is purely coincidental and not intentional. This story is intended to seduce you and not for telling you sex rituals. You may have read several stories but I hope this will really seduce you. This is a story already published but was rewritten as many...
IncestEvery one in this world has a dream. I am not speaking of the outside dreams, but of inside dreams; dreams which you never told to anyone and which you never tell anyone; dreams which you never try to realize them, but dreams which you always dream of. Every one has a dream about his love and life partner but every man also has dream of sex. It is a sexual fantasy. A sexual fantasy you dream to see or to try it. I have my dream. A dream weird to many but it is my dream. My name is srikanth. I...
Mike looked lovingly at hiswife, so beautiful dressed in her knee length black sleeveless dress, low cut showing off so delectably her C cup breasts. The dress fell tantalisingly a few inches above the knee showing off her firm bare legs and two inch black shoes. Mike was dressed in his designer dark blue open necked shirt, herringbone blazer, tailored trousers with a sharp crease, and lace up Derby shoes. Mike looked at Zoe and wondered how come he was so lucky to have her, a beautiful 35 year...
Mike looked lovingly at hiswife, so beautiful dressed in her knee length black sleeveless dress, low cut showing off so delectably her C cup breasts. The dress fell tantalisingly a few inches above the knee showing off her firm bare legs and two inch black shoes. Mike was dressed in his designer dark blue open necked shirt, herringbone blazer, tailored trousers with a sharp crease, and lace up Derby shoes. Mike looked at Zoe and wondered how come he was so lucky to have her, a beautiful 35 year...
SpankingSome day I’ll tell my angel about my dream, the truth that is, but for now I think I’ll just let her live the dream, while I coast along for the ride. We have been married for five years, with no kids and it appeared we were going to have to take heroic measures if we wanted any. This we had decided not to do, the world not really needing any more mouths to feed. Which was neat in its own way, meaning sex became recreational only, with not a care in the world about birth control. The thing is...
SwingerDreamer I'm nothing but a dreamer "Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be loved forwards" Kierkegaard Contents Introduction 3 Setting the Scene 5 Going Out 9 In the Station 12 In Coffee House 19 Taxi Driver 23 WPC Time 26 Preparing to Party 30 The Ball 35 Introduction I have for a long time been excited at the idea of being exposed as a man who likes to dress as a woman, and the potential...
As usual this work would not be half so good without the intervention and able assistance of the far too modest Steve Zink. Editor, writer, and friend... Steve there are far too few like you in the world. A little something I have been thinking about lately. It was meant to be a comedy but doesn't seem to be developing that way at all. ~SIGH~ The best laid plans I guess. JDG A MIDWINTER NIGHT'S DREAM PART ONE: PUCK-er UP My life began in the year 5559, on January 11. At least if you go...
Back when Paul1952 published "Sultan's Choice", I asked if I could set a story in the Tabloid Tales universe. He was kind enough to say yes. He was also kind enough to read this story before I posted it and correct some mistakes that I had made in my use of British terms. Thank you, Paul, for your time, your kindness, and your stories. Ellie Tabloid Tales: Memphis Interlude By Ellie Dauber Copyright 1999 The Wheatsheaf Pub -- Wapping London -- October '99 It was...
The Strangest Dream By Tiffany Rose It was the strangest dream... I was with my college buddies, heading to our usual strip club... I even remember how happy we all had been at finding a parking spot right in front of the entrance. We went up the stairs like the hormone driven men that we were, looking forward to seeing some of the hottest girls we had ever seen strip in front of us to the enticing rhythm of loud music. Not wanting to have anything get the way of our entertainment,...
The DreamI had a most peculiar dream about you. It was incredibly corny but I want to tell it to you anyway. It was about you and it’s not often that I get the pleasure of dreaming of you. Prior to the dream I was laying on the sofa watching a film down stairs. At some point I must have fallen asleep.The next thing I knew it was daytime. The light was shining through the curtains. I was still laying on the sofa, my trousers still on the floor so that I don’t over heat beneath the blanket. I...
Twenty five years on, one can easily see the mistakes made in their youth. But, as the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. There is little to be gained by rehashing past mistakes in your head again and again, losing sleep over it, and making yourself mental in the process. And yet this is exactly what I did on a regular basis. It’s said that without closure, no relationship is ever truly over. It’s also been written that sometimes closure can come from writing a letter to your ex that you never...
Twenty five years on, one can easily see the mistakes made in their youth. But, as the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. There is little to be gained by rehashing past mistakes in your head again and again, losing sleep over it, and making yourself mental in the process. And yet this is exactly what I did on a regular basis. It’s said that without closure, no relationship is ever truly over. It’s also been written that sometimes closure can come from writing a letter to your ex that you never...
Straight SexNote: Ramapo originally wrote a story called "Transitions" in the lesbian genre. I always thought he/she got one of the genders wrong. Here then is my timid attempt to fix that mistake. I've changed the names and some of the details, but this is essentially a re-write of Ramapo's original... and some others, which can be found at Nifty. While I write rarely (Best Friends, Mother's Milk), and mostly for myself, I hope you like it. As always, if you shouldn't read this, don't....
It was the strangest dream. I was with my college buddies, heading to our usual strip club. I even remember how happy we all had been at finding a parking spot right in front of the entrance. We went up the stairs like the hormone driven men that we were, looking forward to seeing some of the hottest girls we had ever seen strip in front of us to the enticing rhythm of loud music. Not wanting to have anything get the way of our entertainment, we all sat right at the edge of the dance floor. ...
TransMy name is Arthur Brown. A tall, good-looking young Black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. And I have an important message to share with you. In celebration of the race created to kick the collective ass of the universe, I give you the African-American National Anthem. We’re living in the best of times right now. The rest of America suffers but we secretly rejoice. We’re finally standing on our own two feet. And we’re prepared to battle any challenge the universe throws our way....
Nicolette Fuck Wheelbarrow’s breasts ached as she moved. That was alright, though. She liked that. Lifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her sore, heavy chest. Both of her breasts lifted as she raised her arms, sending little sparkles of pain up her spine. Biting her lip, she forced herself to hold the pose,...
Masochistic Me By Cal Y. Pygia Late in purchasing a home computer, I was late in surfing the 'net. However, when I first took to cyberspace, spending hours perusing porn, like any other red-blooded, all-American boy, I soon discovered spanking, both as it is represented in drawings and photographs, still and (in the form of video clips) moving. I also discovered Literotica, to which, by today's count, I have submitted (lovely word, that!) over 682 works,...
Hi, everyone! Abhishek here! I am a resident of north Bangalore in a posh society. I am 5’11” tall, athletic build and quite fair and I can speak quite well. I am a regular reader of ISS and I can’t tell you how amazing this particular experience has been. I finally decided to share my experience. This is the sex story of how my neighbor’s daughter caught my interest and how I ended up fucking her and then her mom separately. Neha is a sensual babe while her mother is a wild chick. This...
Well after dating Christy for whole year thing seem to have slack off between the two of us. She was spending more and more of her time helping her parents with raising her little brother. This was starting to effect our relationship or at least I thought so and fact in senior year in high school I opt to go full time at A R Burton How did this war start well it all started when I stupidly wrote Christy a heart full letter basically pouring my feelings out to her which I guess she took the...
YOUR NEW SCHOOL: LIVING THE DREAM Jennifer Daniels was excited. She was about to perform her first ballet recital! She had practiced for weeks and her instructor, Mrs. Horwell, was extremely proud of her with her only being just eight years of age. She had dressed in her finest attire showing her to be the prettiest little ballerina than any of the other little girls. She was clad head-to-toe in soft pink, from her leotard to her precious ballet shoes. With the last few arrangements...
It was during San Francisco's Summer of Love that he first showed up in our Backyard. (Don't you just hate it when you have an unannounced visitor?) Well, anyway, there we were having breakfast one Saturday morning—we looked out—and there he was! Since we had some eggs left over, my wife being the waste not - want not kind of girl decided we should see if he was hungry. "You know... He's kinda cute for such a little guy," she said. Those whiskers really make him look sort of...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...
It’s the same every night. I come home after a long day, weary of the world, sweaty and tired. The lights are off and a soft, flickering glow of candles emanates from the master bedroom. In the air, a hint of incense and perfume. I set down my tool box and coat, close my eyes and breathe deeply of the fragrance. A dark shape in the doorway. My angel, my dark haired goddess with eyes of liquid chocolate. Seductive and sensuous, she calls to me with her body. The gentle light caresses her body...
My Wife and I have always enjoyed a very active and adventurous sex life,she is a real exhibitionist and not shy about showing herself off and has always loved being filmed or photographed naked and one day we got a girlfriend of hers to watch and film us having sex,this ended up with her friend so turned on that I licked her pussy afterwards while my wife watched,this was the first of many more sex sessions involving other people,sometimes another girl and other times another guy, her biggest...
The room was dark, lit only by the five candles positioned at the points of the pentagram. A cowled figure was chanting and making motions with his hands over the folded bundle of cloth sitting in that same pentagram. If anyone had been there to see and hear, they would have been sure they had heard the language, but could not have told you what it was. The chanting was increasing in tempo, yet the hands continued their ritualistic motions at a measured pace. When the voice peaked, the hands...
Introduction: A young man has been dreaming of being held as a female sex slave by a man and decides to tell his best friend about these dreams. Michaels Dream Story: #41 Copyright 2008 Written: July 25 2008 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Note: I dont have any knowledge of Gender Reassignment Surgery(Sex Change) if some things in this story do not make sense it is due...
Paula and Isabella had woken up before the sun came up and were already working around the house as the first slivers of light appeared over the horizon. Paula was taking a few plates from the cupboard for them to put breakfast on. She stopped for a moment when Isabella walked up behind her and kissed her gently on the back of the neck caressing her bare buttocks at the same time before moving on the grab a few eggs.It had been nearly a month since that first encounter in the study and they had...
Love StoriesIt's the middle of the night. I just woke up from a very strange dream. We were sitting at a table. I have no idea where it was, and I guess it doesn't matter. I think it must have been some kind of sidewalk cafe. The table was very small, really just large enough to hold two cups of coffee and our two sets of elbows. We were sitting across from each other. You were wearing your green top, the one you have on in the picture you sent me. When I see you in my mind, you're wearing...