Medbh Ch. 02 free porn video

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Medbh heard the kitchen door slam to, and through the open window the girls’ voices disappeared into the distance. They sounded quite excited, but she couldn’t hear what they said.

She broke their kiss. ‘You’re really good with the girls,’ she said.

‘It’s as if I’ve known Josie for years,’ Ted said. ‘And they are much easier to deal with than grown-ups. Maybe it’s because I can appreciate what they want from me, grown-ups far too often have a hidden agenda. And besides, we just like each other.’

Medbh nodded and sought his mouth again. She turned his way completely, so that he had to let go of her breast, rolled him onto his back and lay down on top of him.

‘Now, she said, ‘to go on where we left off…’

She enthusiastically kissed him and rubbed his chest with her breasts. She felt him grow hard under her ministrations, but she was in no hurry. The morning air was warm, and the light in Ted’s bedroom made her feel lazy, and she knew it would be hours before the girls returned.

Ted smiled at her. He shared her feeling of well-being and slowly stroked her naked back before going lower down her body. He loved the curves of her buttocks and explored them slowly. Then his hands returned to her back. She shivered for a moment.

‘Suppose I’d not fallen ill,’ she said. ‘Then we wouldn’t be here together.’

‘It’s an ill wind…’ Ted said. ‘But you know we’ve got two scheming little minxes who have some ideas of their own. I wouldn’t wonder but they’d have got us together some way or other. It might have taken us much longer, though.’

She grinned. ‘Yes, they’re a great couple, aren’t they?’

She ruffled his hair and bit his nose. ‘I still can’t believe you’re mine, big boy. When I asked you if you could paint my portrait as beautifully as the girls, I never thought you’d come with anything like that. It felt like a proposal.’

She smiled at him.

‘You look exactly like it now,’ Ted said and felt for her bottom again. ‘Maybe I can get you to sit for a full length nude?’

‘Not if you reveal it at my next birthday.’ She put her arms round his neck and pressed her breasts into him. It made her nipples tingle. ‘But for private purposes…’

Ted nodded and ran a hand through her crack. She shivered again.

‘We will get married, won’t we?’ she said.

‘Yes,’ Ted said, and he felt for her pussy. ‘We’ve already got two beautiful bridesmaids, and we could ask Janice to be a witness. She never cold-shouldered you. Mrs Mills can be one, too. That’ll serve the ladies right.’

When she felt his fingers touch her pussy she raised her hips and felt between them for his cock. She guided him inside and lay down on top of him again.

‘Oh,’ she said, ‘this just feels wonderful. And we have all the time in the world.’ They found each other’s tongue and happily enjoyed exploring each other’s mouth. Ted ran his hands through Medbh’s hair. He lifted it and arranged on her back like a large fan, and then he went down her sides to the soft sides of her breasts.

‘I love your breasts,’ he said. ‘They are the perfect size for my hands, and they feel just the way they should.’

He found her nipples and squeezed them softly, and he moved the muscles at the base of his cock. Medbh wiggled her hips in response, and then she sat up, drew her knees up until her feet were on either side of his hips, grinned at him and started to move her bottom back and forth.

The feeling was fantastic. Ted felt his cock rolled and kneaded by the way she fucked him. All he could do was lie back and enjoy it, her weight on his hips prevented his taking an active part.

Medbh looked at him with an impish grin, and gradually moved a little faster. Her hair falling over her breasts, her eyes and the wide mouth he liked so much almost moved him to tears. It was quite different from the night before when she’d ridden him and he’d been able to counterbalance her motions – somehow it seemed even more intense.

Medbh held his waist with her hands to steady herself. Smiling beatifically she rocked herself into a sweat, almost mangling Ted in the process – but he loved it. He stroked her belly with one hand and held her hand with the other.

She suddenly stopped. ‘Your turn to do something, lazybones,’ she said with a grin.

She got off of him, turned round and pressed her pussy into his face. Ted felt overwhelmed by her smell and her warmth and he stuck out his tongue and touched her. She moved her hips to ensure the best contact, and took his cock in her hands.

Ted parted her pussy lips with his fingers and drank in her looks – the beautiful colours, the glistening labia and the down of soft hairs around them, and then he put his tongue between them. Medbh softly squeezed his head with her hips, and took him in her mouth. She worked up a lot of saliva. When she had him good and wet she began bobbing her head up and down, while revelling in Ted’s tongue touching her. When she felt close to coming she got up and asked Ted to take her from behind.

‘Please, baby,’ she said, and she rested her head on the bed while Ted pushed inside and brought them to the top. When she felt her orgasm ebb away she stretched herself out and Ted sank down on top of her. She turned her face his way. ‘Good?’ she said

‘Wonderful! Thank you very much,’ Ted said. He rolled to his side and held her close, and put his hands around her on her breasts.

She smiled and said, ‘Like when we started this morning. Oh Ted, you’re sweet.’

‘So are you,’ he said. ‘I can’t remember ever having been so happy before.’

It was past ten when they got up. They showered together, and made themselves some coffee.

Then Ted took Medbh all over the house and asked her to comment on the way she’d like it to be, and how she wanted to distribute her own furniture and things.

She made a series of suggestions that were eminently sensible, and decided she wanted the gouache of their daughters over the living room fireplace. ‘That was a crucial moment for me, too,’ she said. ‘It made me understand how much you like Josie. And I hoped you’d come to like me as much.’

‘I do,’ Ted said. ‘When you looked at your portrait and you didn’t say anything I thought I’d get a heart attack. I was afraid you’d be furious and I’d ruined everything.’

She nodded. ‘I can see what you mean. But it did the opposite.’

She put her arm round his waist. ‘Let’s lay the table and get the girls,’ she said.

Josie and Kim came home giggling and looking very smug.

‘Did you have fun together?’ Kim said.

‘You’ve been kissing, haven’t you? I went home to get us some water, and you were still upstairs!’ Josie chimed in.

‘And it was almost ten o’clock!’

‘Are you going to marry?’

‘Then we can be sisters -‘

‘And bridesmaids -‘

‘And you can have babies!’ Kim concluded triumphantly.

Medbh smiled at them. Ted thought she looked even happier than before. ‘Yes we are,’ she said, ‘and yes, you can. But more babies… Don’t you think three’s enough?’

‘Three?’ Kim asked.

‘Your dad – Ted – is a baby, too – he’s mother’s baby.’ Josie giggled.

‘Yes,’ Medbh said, ‘My baby – my darling – my sweetheart… It’s all the same thing.’

‘Am I your sweetheart, too?’ Kim asked eagerly.

Medbh nodded, and Kim beamed. Ted smiled at Josie.

‘We’ll have to think about more babies,’ Ted said. ‘And after all, we want to be married first. We’ll talk about it later, let’s have lunch now.’

The girls were very excited, and kept asking questions. They insisted they share a room, no, it didn’t matter if it wasn’t too big. They just wanted to be together, and the rest was alright.

After lunch Ted took Medbh for a walk in the small wood. They went to the edge and sat down on a log, and they looked out over the fields and across the valley to t
he town.

‘It’s ok in itself,’ May said, ‘but I’ve never been really happy there. This is a happy house and I love the country around it. When Kim had asked Josie over for her birthday one of the bleak spells of that place was lifted. She’d never gone anywhere to play before.’

Ted nodded. ‘Kim had, but she didn’t like it much there. The parties these people give are all about showing off, and when she just went to play she came home to tell me about all their toys. But they never had any real fun, it seems.’

He smiled. ‘When Josie first came here I had her change into Kim’s clothes, because I didn’t know if you’d object to her getting dirty. The girls were outside most of the time, and I had to help her scrub her hands afterwards. But she absolutely loved it.’

‘Yes. She was so full of it I couldn’t understand half of what she was trying to tell me. But it was clear she’d had a great time.’

She put her head on Ted’s shoulder and they just sat together for a long time, simply enjoying each other’s presence. Then she kissed him and said they should go home.

They went through the house twice more and decided the books for the shop would go to the conservatory, it would be easily accessible through the French windows and it was by far the largest room in the house. What was more, it was as yet waiting to be used. They stopped pottering about at five because it was time to do the cooking.

Medbh and Ted had a long pow-wow that evening. Medbh told him she was on the pill, she’d taken it since she’d come home from her stay at the Aulds’ after her appendectomy. After all, she said, you never knew, and even now they had to be very certain a new child was welcome to everyone concerned – didn’t he think so?

Though Medbh had some qualms at first as to whether they hadn’t better keep on living at their various addresses till they were married, Ted thought it wouldn’t really make a difference. Their getting married as such would take a lot of wind from the ladies’ sails. Medbh agreed and they decided to initiate arrangements when the children had gone back to school after their Sunday together the next morning.

They spent a long time in the conservatory. Medbh had a good eye for proportions and furnishing, and Ted saw with joy how enthusiastically she devoted herself to the task, armed with a measuring tape and sheets of paper.

‘This will house a lot of books if we do things right,’ she said.

That night they made love twice, once before they turned off the lights and again when Medbh woke up to find Ted sitting on the edge of the bed. He had opened the curtains and was looking at her by the light of the moon that was just a little past full. It fell all over the bed. She had loved his looking at her and put out her arms to him, and he had accepted the invitation so tenderly it made Medbh sing inside.

After breakfast they drove to town together, and the ladies that were there saw the four of them get out of the car.

‘Now look at that,’ one of them said. ‘They’re really four of a kind.’

Janice Bond, who was no fool, noticed something was up immediately. She went to Medbh and asked her what it was.

Medbh told her the four of them were going to be one family, and Janice wished her luck and kissed her. ‘Oh, good!’ she said. ‘That’s wonderful! Oh, I wish it were me – I’m out of boyfriends at the moment. I’m always unlucky with them. Oh well, who knows…’ Medbh saw she had tears in her eyes.

One of the other mothers, who belonged to the group that in the past had at least nodded to Medbh, overheard.

‘Hey,’ she said to her companions, ‘did you hear that? Let’s wish them luck – they must make a good couple.’

‘Alice! You can’t be serious. They’re not our kind.’

‘Well, they look happy enough, and I’m going to if you don’t.’

She walked over to where Medbh and Ted were talking to Janice. She felt a little uncomfortable, but she shook their hands and said, ‘I’m Alice Stubbs. I overheard your conversation and er, I’d like to congratulate you. Best wishes, and I hope you’ll be as happy as you look!’ She blushed.

Ted smiled at her. The four of them stood talking for some time and then Alice went back to the others. ‘They actually seem quite nice, you know,’ she said.

They went into the school building to talk to Mrs Mills and tell her that Josie would be living at Ted’s address from then on.

‘Really?’ she said. ‘I’d asked myself for some time when you would eventually get together. Kim and Josie are very close, aren’t they?’

She nodded and entered the new situation in a computer file. She blushed when they asked her if she’d be willing to be a witness at their wedding.

‘Oh,’ she said. ‘Why, er, yes of course. With the greatest of pleasure. What do the girls say about you marrying?’

‘They suggested it before we had even talked about it,’ Ted grinned. ‘They’ll probably tell you all about it.’

When they asked Janice she jumped to the suggestion. ‘Wow,’ she said, ‘I’ve never done that before. When is it going to be?’

Ted said it would be in about two months’ time, they had to arrange a lot of things first.

‘I’ll go and get myself a new dress,’ she said enthusiastically. ‘Oh, groovy!’

The very first day Medbh immediately put up her picture over the head of the bed. They stood looking at it hand in hand, and she smiled at her own image. Then she kissed Ted, pushed him over onto the bed and without bothering to undress him she took out his cock. She pulled her panties aside and rode him hard, biting his lower lip and pressing him so close it almost hurt.

When they lay quiet together she said, ‘I think I would like to have a child with you. Shall we?’

Ted nodded. ‘Yes,’ he said, and stroked her face. ‘Let us try.’

‘Then I’ll discontinue the pill once we’re married,’ she said, ‘or a little sooner. I don’t want to give the ladies something else to talk about.’

It turned out to be a busy couple of weeks. They rented a small van to move Medbh’s things to Ted’s place, and they had to shift a lot of furniture. Eventually the piano was given a good position in the living room, the conservatory was turned into Medbh’s stockroom entirely.

Josie moved her possessions in with Kim’s. The girls’ bedroom was quite big enough, they usually played in the living room or outside if the weather allowed.

Ted smiled when he saw the alterations to the bedroom, which had been rather empty when he lived alone. Now Medbh’s wardrobe filled some wall space and there was another chair that held a selection of feminine clothes. On the shelf in the bathroom there sat some perfume bottles and a few make-up articles. She wasn’t given to using a lot of it, she only wore some when she was at the bookshop in town.

The gouache of Kim and Josie was duly put up over the fireplace. Medbh always looked at it whenever she came into the room, the girls seemed to follow her with their eyes and she often nodded at them. Some team, she thought.

They made all due arrangements for their marriage day and sent out invitations to their few remaining relatives and a couple of old friends. Kim and Josie had asked if their class could come, and Ted had taken it up with Mrs Mills, who immediately agreed.

They also sent an invitation to Alice Stubbs, who after their first contact had decided that she liked them and often came to them for a few words before or after school. Much to their surprise she had actually apologised for her previous behaviour towards Medbh.

Medbh, who didn’t care for any official lace wedding dress, had bought a simple cream coloured one, and a couple of matching dresses for the girls. Kim, who’d never worn a dress before, stood admiring herself in front of the mirror in the big bedroom.

‘Nice,’ she said. ‘But I like trousers better.’

Ted was hopeless with clothes, so Medbh had taken him on tow to go and buy a fitting sui
t, she thought he looked wonderful in it.

He smiled. ‘Always happy to please,’ he said.

One night, five days before the wedding, when they were sitting together Medbh told Ted she’d stopped taking the pill. Ted grinned at her broadly. ‘Let’s drink to that,’ he said, ‘and let’s hope we work out together that way, too.’

‘Yes,’ May said. ‘But if we don’t there’s always Kim and Josie.’

They cracked a bottle of wine and clinked glasses.

‘To the loveliest woman I know!’ Ted said.

The girls were very excited. They loved parties and this one promised to be even better than Medbh’s birthday party had been.

‘But not as good as yours last year,’ Josie said. ‘We won’t have the time to play in the wood, and we can’t make a fire, and -‘

‘But we’ll be sisters. Bet you can’t catch me!’ Kim ran off giggling while Josie was on her tail in hot pursuit.

When the day eventually arrived the grown-ups were anxious things might not be exactly the way they’d wanted them to be, but all went as well as could be.

The girls beamed through the entire ceremony, they followed their instructions to a t. Ted had told them first, and Medbh had given them a résumé afterwards, they’d just listened and smiled.

During the party Janice struck up rapport with an old friend of Ted’s. She’d fortunately dressed in a way that was positively conservative in her own eyes – it still was rather more daring than Medbh would ever dream of – and Charles, a registered accountant who was a self-professed bachelor fell for her head over heels. And Janice was funny, and not naturally promiscuous – she had told the truth when she said she was just a little unlucky in the choice of her boyfriends, and the rumour that she didn’t even know who her son’s father was, was positively slanderous – and Charles’s staid, calmly humoristic bent on life appealed immensely to her. They kept talking and laughing and seemed entirely oblivious to the world at large.

Medbh and Ted saw them together from a distance and Ted whispered to her, ‘You’d never have guessed, would you?’

She smiled. ‘Let’s hope it’ll work out alright for them,’ she mouthed.

‘Yes. She’s a good girl. I always thought she was happy – but she must have been quite lonely, too.’

Kim and Josie teamed up with Mandy, Alice’s daughter, and tried to get Janice’s son Bill to dance with them. ‘But he’s much too blue,’ Kim complained afterwards.

The party came to an end. Ted and Medbh were happy and tired. They grinned at Janice when she told them Charles would come around that weekend. When they’d said goodbye to all the guests they looked at their daughters.

‘So now we’re sisters?’ Josie said.

‘Yes. But you actually already were, I think,’ Medbh said. ‘It’s just that no one can deny it now.’

Josie grinned at Kim. ‘Hey, sis,’ she said.

They were home at around ten, and after some talk at the kitchen table they put the girls to bed.

‘Well,’ Ted said with a smile. ‘Finally alone. I wish it were still warm enough to go out into the garden.’

‘Let’s just go there for a moment,’ Medbh said. ‘We could keep our clothes on after all. I’d like to look out on the town for a moment.’

She linked her arm in his and they went downstairs, put on their coats and went out onto the lawn. There was no moon but the sky was clear and brilliant with stars, and they stood looking at them with the day’s activities on their minds.

‘No falling stars,’ Medbh said. ‘Now I cannot make a wish.’

‘You could not tell me what is was anyway. Not that I couldn’t guess. I think I wish the same.’

After some time Ted said, ‘I never thought I could ever be so wildly happy. You, Josie, Kim, all of us together here… It’s wonderful. I love you so much.’

She took his face in her hands. ‘My life has made such a turn for the better,’ she said. ‘I was so lonely for so long – if it hadn’t been for Josie I’d probably have gone to Africa or something.’

She kissed him deeply and very tenderly, and rubbed his crotch. Then she said, ‘Shall we go in? I’m hungry for you.’

Ted smiled at her and lifted her off then ground. ‘I’ll carry you across the threshold properly,’ he said. He walked the short distance with big steps and carried her inside. They climbed the stairs and Medbh opened the bedroom door.

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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 6 Alone with her Master

11 July, 1686 Afternoon Blanchart explained her obligations to his niece in great physical detail. She listened carefully. She had no choice... Claire was resting on a small chair, but the only point of contact was her thighs. The rest of her body was pulled tight by wrist chains tied from the ceiling and ankle chains tied to the chair legs kept her body stretch out thereby defenselessly presenting her to her uncle. He was sitting comfortably in front of her. He contemplated her with...

2 years ago
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A Dance To Remember Ch 01

Wendi smoothed the long brown hair that cascaded halfway down her back, gave herself one last glance in the restroom mirror, and headed back to the dance floor. Adjusting her strappy white tank top, she went to her accustomed place next to one corner of the area. She was still a little too self-conscious of her dancing ability, so she tended to hang out on the periphery of the cluster of dancers. Anna, her best friend, strode up to her, face flushed with excitement. ‘Oh my god, Wendi!!’ ...

3 years ago
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My first time with Jazz

When I awoke, after about an hour, Jazz was still laying beside me, her arms flung over my chest more or less gripping me so that I couldn’t get away. She herself had drifted of and I I gazed at her I realised actually how beautiful she was. I moved her arm from over me and slid out of the bed, I needed to shower. I spent a good long time in the shower, soaping my cock, which was always fun. I dried myself and with a towel around my waist went back to my room. Still there but now awake and...

4 years ago
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Undercover Milf Ch 03Q

The next morning Laura did the same routine as she waited anxiously for her son to leave so she could once again snoop in his room. Most of all she wanted to see if there was another video on her son’s computer. When she entered the room, she once again found his computer left on and she sat down quickly. Sure enough there was a new video on the computer, so she clicked on it and the media player came up. It was her son inside her best friend’s living room, they were sitting on the couch...

1 year ago
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My Neighbor Aunty Pussy

I was a kid, when this incident happened. There was a aunty who lives next to my house, she was very kind to me so I often used to go there and play in her house. She was married and her husband is doing some business, and she is a home maker. To tell about her, she is very beautiful, even the old man’s who is living there near her house had crush on her I came to know this later when I grown up. She recently got married and living with her husband next to my house. And she had a big boobs and...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 54

I returmed home again about 5AM. I fell into bed with work stink all over me. I fell asleep thinking about all I had to do to get ready for the move. First of course I had to tell Jennifer that I was leaving. I didn't think that a motel would require any notice. I was paid up till Sunday so I could use the weekend to move. I decided that much before I fell asleep. When I woke it was noon, so I dressed in my running outfit, which was no more than a pair of fleece lined pants and a sweat...

3 years ago
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Last Summer

Shortly after logging into adam4adam I received a Direct Message from a 29 year old black man who lived 5 miles from me. He told me that he liked the pictures of my ass and sent numerous photos of himself and his 8" Big Black Cock along with his address. He told me to be at his house in fifteen minutes because he wanted to fuck and breed my white ass.I quickly shaved then showered them left for his house without even knowing his name. Upon arrival I noticed that I was the only white person in...

2 years ago
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Never Thought My Masturbation Dreams Will Come True

Hi, everyone, I am Daya. I have a fair skin tone, not a muscular body . I would like to share my first experience of the ultimate pleasure. One day I went to my aunt house, and the main door was open, so I just went inside looking for my aunt, I called her and she didn’t respond, and the bedroom door was closed, so I thought that she was taking a bath so I sat on the sofa, and still after 20 min, the door was still closed Then I went inside to check if she is sleeping, but I found she was...

1 year ago
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Alicia Ch 18

I woke up the next morning lying in the damp evidence of my copious emission of the night before. I got up, made myself breakfast, and set about cleaning the house really well. Then I took some stew meat out of the freezer to thaw. I wanted to make homemade soup for my Mistress, and it would take most of the day to cook. Later that day, I would go to the bakery and buy a loaf of crusty bread to eat with the soup. We would also have a salad and a nice red wine. I had missed my wife very much,...

3 years ago
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Fate Prologue

Lacedaemon 146 B.C. Aspictis ran through the night toward the looming shadow of a temple, his surroundings all but obscured by the down pour. The seer's had sent word that the oracle would give a prophecy as Lacedaemon fell to the Roman legions. If this prophecy was not witnessed and sent to the goddess of love the world would perish consumed by the fires of war. Aspictis, chosen because his mother was Aphrodite...

1 year ago
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Takeaway delivery driver

I felt really hungry after getting home late from work, I couldn't be bothered with cooking and as the wife had gone out with her mates she would be late home herself, I decided to have a takeaway. Ringing my order in the guy said it would be a good half hour, I said "Ok", I sat down in front of the telly and waited.Forty five minutes later there was a knock on the door, thank fuck I thought, I was starving. On opening the door there stood a young man of about 25 years old, he said "Your food",...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Becomes My Breastfeeding Mother

She is my first girlfriend, she understands my desires and I’m really lucky to have someone like her. It all started when we met on Tinder just for sex. We both were virgins for 24 years and to be honest very sexually frustrated, in a patriarchal society and a country like India where women are deprived of so many things, this seems a common scenario. After an awkward first date, we started to really like each other. She’s not very tall, thin, big sparkling eyes, soft and a bit puffed pink lips...

4 years ago
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Double Trouble

The hot water from the shower cascaded down her back, dripping gently down past her buttocks and between her legs. Steam filled the small bathroom. Terri lifted her hands upwards to wash the shampoo suds out of her blonde hair. The water from the shower had soaked her hair making it stick to the back of her neck and her shoulders.Terri shared the flat with her cousin, Ruth, who was the same age as her. Terri began to lather herself up as she washed her body from top to bottom. She started to...

1 year ago
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Light Rail Halloween

The manufacturing company I worked for as a project manager was drastically understaffed as over half of the graveyard shift called in "sick". I had no choice on this most eventful night. I prepared myself for a nightmarish evening plenteous with inconsiderate hoodlums of varying ages and varying states of drunkenness. I found myself at the rail stop pleasantly surprised by its emptiness. I scanned the outdoor waiting area quickly as to prepare an avoidance tactic for any ambling...

3 years ago
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Cuckolded by Bedouins

I recently received my doctorate in Ancient Middle East History, and my wife Lindsay and I moved to the Midwest United States for me to take a professorship at a university there. My name is Ed, and we were both thirty years old at the time of this story. I started mid-year, and would not have a class until after the Christmas break, so the university sponsored a ten day research vacation for us in Jordan before school reconvened.My dissertation is on Arabic culture, and I knew that as a new...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Summer Brooks PatientTherapist Relation

Ryan and Summer – Ryan, a manipulative therapist sets his sights on naive patient, Summer who’s terrified of intimacy. He has her right where he wants her…offering up his own body to help her get over her fears. With the innocent, young patient willing to explore her sexuality right in his therapy office, Ryan quickly slips off her panties and buries his tongue inside her tight little snatch. Aroused beyond belief, Summer explodes with pleasure and now, eager to please her...

3 years ago
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Sister Does DogsChapter 9

"It's my turn now, Gail, and I'm gonna fuck the holy shit out of that hungry little pussy of yours!" Biff growled as Scotty slipped his soft cock from the girl's pussy and lay down on his side, still panting hard. "Oooh, hurry, Biff! I have to feel another cock inside my pussy again right away!" Gail whimpered. Biff moved between his sister's legs. He could see her little clit stiffly protruding from its protective pink sheath. Gail writhed on the bed, impatient to feel the boy's...

3 years ago
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Friend Sexy Sister 8211 Part IV

Now it was 01.00 pm and still I was on bed and I found Sandhya was not there. Still I was felling lousy and not ready to move out from bed. I have done a good fucking breakfast with Sandhya. By glimpse of though made some movement in my sleepy cock again but she was not in room. No cloth put on my body as per terms fixed between Sandhya and me. I felt pee pressure in my shaft and moved to toilet after coming out from toilet when I reached to the door I heard some voice from Drawing room and I...

2 years ago
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Two Bowls

Her name was Eva Crespo. When she was young, she didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life. She knew she couldn’t be a leader, because leaders were not like her, they grew up in different circumstances and had wealth, unlike her and so many others. Eva had many responsibilities when growing up. Her favourite, though, was cooking for her family and friends, making delectable dishes that articulated her warm nature. She always used a special, secret ingredient in her dishes, which she...

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Star Wars Revenge of the Sith completed

This is a story I began on another (much worse) choose-your-own-adult-adventure site. I've transferred and expanded it here. If you enjoy it, please add it to your favorites or leave some likes on the chapters. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker has just killed Mace Windu and pledged his allegiance to the secret Dark Lord of the Sith, Sidious. He has been given a mission, and a new name...Darth Vader. Play through his transformation to the Dark Side and his dark urges. The figure before you,...

3 years ago
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The TowelPart 10

As Mary held my hands over my head and trapped my mouth with hers, John raised my legs to his shoulders as he put his cock deep into my cunt. The feeling of helplessness was new to me but was overwhelming my senses as something I truly wanted. Even though Mary was smothering me with the deepest kiss I have every had, I still moaned as I felt John erupt inside me which was soon followed by my own explosion. I tried to break Mary's hold. I wanted to hold onto something, scratch something, let...

Group Sex
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Steele And Jake Forever

10pm. Rain-thuds. Windless. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my neighbourhood houses which looked like giant ships anchored in a dead calm sea of darkness. Depression. Hopelessness. Sensitivity. I'm 18 year old Steele Sanders, and I'm sitting on the rainy front stairs that lead up to my suburban home, lonely, still and blank. My black Nike hoodie drenched, only revealing the lower half of my face, between droplets, I look down, unmoved, like a concrete statue, as if waiting for something...

2 years ago
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High Country Girl Hunt of 2015Chapter 4

Zelda's newfound friend Running Eagle was doing her best to monopolize the hermit-styled hunter with the broken leg. She seemed happy to have a captive audience for her wild sort of loving and it looked like Matt was more than willing to play the role of "bottom" because of his injured leg. She was beginning to think that she might not get in on the action unless she put down her foot and demanded an equal share of Matt's lovely cock. Her thoughts of kinky sex drove away her worries...

3 years ago
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“Brrrrring Brrrrring” “shit” I swore, I didn’t need the doorbell ringing, I was already running late and was still feeding Becky and she was chewing my nipple a little too hard. I grabbed my bag and opened the door to see a teenage boy standing there with his hand held out clutching a bar of chocolate, mouth wide open in surprise as he spotted Becky suckling greedily away. I guessed that it was yet another fund raising drive so quickly grabbed a 20 out of my purse and swapped the chocolate...

3 years ago
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The Beach3

Sitting there now on your towel you examine your skin. A slight tinge of pink developing over an otherwise healthy bronze reveals your blushing body is enjoying the moment as much as your stressless brain. As you vacantly scan the fellow beach goers around you - still well hidden behind the darkness of your glasses - you feel as a fly on the wall. Observing all and intruding none, your body drifts into a comfort for which you long day in and day out. This moment is perfect. This is...

2 years ago
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Someday I hope everyone gets the chance I got, to live like they're dying! ******** I've been living that idea since two-thousand and four when I first heard Tim McGraw sing it and decided it was as profound a thought as any I had ever heard, and I had heard a lot in my sixty-two years then. I think about them. I research and study and try to understand. Sometimes I get there and things get brighter. Other times it's slogging through mud and weeds in a dark swamp until I give up or figure it...

Love Stories
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Slave at foster family

Now coming to the part where it all changed. My foster parents worked alot, they went on a business trip and left me with Sam and Jack. Sam said no at first but later my dad convinced him. Now i went over to Sams, he was on his couch in an underwear drinking beer. I could see his pubes and a big bulge in her white underwear. After my parents left, Sam ordered me to massage his feet. Sam was extremely racist, he kept abusing me and asking me to leave the house or run away from his sons house....

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All In The Family

"Just name it. For you, anything." "Anything?" "Sure. Um, what do you have in mind?" "Let me think about it." I knew what came to mind immediately, but I didn't know if I could ask for it. Would he be insulted? Offended? He had said "anything", but did he really mean it? I keep in good shape. I think I'm attractive enough. At 5-6, with C cup breasts that still have some lift to them, yoga and a healthy diet have me still fairly tight. I have longish dark blonde hair that I...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Violet Starr Twat Squirt Anal Orgasm

Cute, curvy brunette sprite Violet Starr flashes bright brown eyes and bats her long lashes. She flaunts her curvy, natural tits, teasing her sweet nipples. Violet masturbates playfully — her hips sway as she brings herself to a fervent, feverish orgasm. Playing with that cute cunt, Violet ejaculates girl squirt! Pro stud Zac Wild stuffs his boner between Violet’s lips, and she gives him an enthusiastic blowjob that makes his toes curl. She bends over, and Zac pummels her tight...

1 year ago
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Saturday Night love Part 2

Both Skylar and Nikki lay there in the 69 position both out of breath on the couch in the black dark room sweat rolling down there faces each others juices on each other. Nikki: “Ready for the finale?” she says while turning around and straddling his stomach Skylar: “yes, I’m ready to lose my virginity to you” he says while smiling at her Nikki smiles back at him as she rises her self putting her pussy inches away from Skylar’s quickly growing 7 inch cock. He trys to push her down by putting...

First Time
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Badi Cousin Ki Bhudai

Hi friends this is Ashish and I am new at ISS and I have read many of the stories. This is my first story at ISS and I hope you all will like it. Aapka zyada waqt zaya na karte hue me apani story aapko sunane ja raha hun. Ye kahani tabki hai jab main plus 1 me padta tha yani aaj se 4 saal pahele ki let me tell you guys about my self I’m 6 feet tall with athelete built body with a dick of 7 inches long and 2 inch thick meri ek badi cousin thi Suchi (didi) unki age 28 years thi par vo lagti ek...

2 years ago
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a planned hook up part one

His wife was working on her second glass of white wine in an attempt to gain liquid courage. Kelly was nervous and there was no mistaking it. It could be seen in the way she continuously tapped her foot on the floor or the way she kept glancing at her watch.Don would be arriving shortly and we would finally be making our fantasy a reality.You walked to the couch and knelt before her, smiling. Placing your hands on her soft white thighs and sliding upward until you feel her silk panties. She...

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SaMs Place Chapter 06 of 15 In The Beginning

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

2 years ago
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When the bullet hits the bone

When the bullet hits the bone Author's note: This one was inspired by the old song "Twilight Zone" By Golden Earring. You can find a version of the song here: Harry Quinn paced back and forth anxiously across the tiny hotel room. "It's two A.M., and he's late. He's never late." While he waited he thought about the downward spiral that brought him to this place. It wasn't too long ago he'd been a normal high...

3 years ago
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The Bastard Ch 01

Chapter 1 : The Game I saw her again today, just this evening. It’s a small world, I know, especially our little world, but that’s twice now, in a week. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was setting them up, going to places she thinks I’ll be, but I do know better. She can’t stand me. I tried not to look at her, or even to notice her too much. I can at least make an effort not to intrude, and get away once it’s possible. I tried not to pay her any attention, but I couldn’t help myself,...

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Party of our own

I was bored, the restaurant was packed and people were milling around chatting and doing that false laugh when you’re with people you haven’t seen for ages. Wandering down to the toilets I noticed the fire exit was propped open due to the heat wave. Stepping out it was a lovely cool evening now and the little court yard was quiet away from the crowd inside. Looking round there were some recycling bins and some rubbish ones but the smell of the beautiful Italian food killed any aroma. Wandering...

1 year ago
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A Evening With Pooja Aunty

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Sex is all about fantasies. And fantasies are all about an ever-rising urge to do what the rationale of the society would otherwise term as objectionable. In India, people have one such fantasy. A fantasy that the society condemns! A fantasy that has long been hemmed into the four walls of our room, thanks to our hand and a couple of tissues to clean the mess. We are talking about the fantasy of ‘making love with the married...

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