Kyle’s Porch Ch. 07 free porn video

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These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning.

Part seven of eight: Is this, the one?

This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up.

Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow

I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not.


The sun had been up for sometime when I woke up. I had to work at getting out from under the covers. I finally did, without waking her.

I made coffee and gathered the makings for breakfast, then put away the blankets on the couch. I took her jeans, bra and blouse in and set them on the chair by the bed.

I took my coffee on the porch and lay back.

A kiss on my forehead woke me up. She had filled my cup from the pot and brought it back. Then she relaxed on the lounge next to mine. We lay there for at least a half-hour, Silent.

The phone rang I answered the one on the porch.

‘Hello?… Yes I know, the owner said it would be removed this morning… Quite alright, thanks for calling. Bye.’

Bonnie said. ‘I guess I should get moving on that now.’ She sat up swinging her feet to the floor.

‘I know a guy, he’s reasonable.’


I called a friend and arraigned for him to come out. I said. ‘We have enough time for breakfast and then we should wait out there.’

‘I am hungry.’ Her smile lit up my world.

We only sat there with the gate open for a few minutes for my friend to show. It took him only a few seconds to open the trunk, her keys were laying right there on the trunk floor. He only charged her $20, because she was a friend of mine. She had that in her purse. He took off, another call on down the road.

I had brought a socket set and in just a few minutes I had her spare on and everything put away. I made up a list of things she should do today, her tire fixed, a cross bar for the lug nuts, two magnetic key holders, and duplicate keys made. At the bottom I wrote my phone number.

She took off for town to get everything done. I closed the gate and went back, to sleep on the porch.

I was just thinking about lunch when the phone rang. ‘Hello?’

‘Hi, Kyle?’

‘Hi Bonnie. Good to hear your voice.’

‘Could I come over and use your shower?’

‘Sure, come on over.’

‘What about the gate?’

‘I left it unlocked.’

‘You knew I’d call didn’t you?’

‘I had hoped you’d call, or check the gate. Just close it when you come in, don’t lock it unless you are staying past dark.’

‘Is that a specific invitation?’

‘That’s up to you, I won’t pressure you.’

‘I’ll be over. Bye.’


I started lunch, just simple heat up stuff. She came in as I set two places and the food. She ate like she was hungry. I cleaned up while she took a shower. Then I took a shower. It was quite warm on the porch I wore shorts and a t-shirt, She had on slacks and a blouse. We lay there silent for a long time, then the phone rang.

‘Hello?… Hi mom… Oh sure, I’ll be over. Hang on a sec mom.’

‘Would you like to visit with my parents tomorrow for lunch Bonnie?’

‘Well… Ok.’

‘Hey mom can I bring a friend?… No mom, just a friend… Ok I’ll see you.’

She laughed. ‘Moms are all the same, aren’t they.’

‘If they are truly moms, they have to be.’ We both were looking out, but stealing glances at one an other.

‘I’m having second thoughts now though.’ She said.

‘About going?’


‘Don’t, they’re good people, mom is a likable person.’

After a few moments she said. ‘Well… Ok. Did you have anything planed for today?’

‘Not really, I usually have a few beers and nap a little. There’s the TV and a few movies on DVD. I have a selection of games in the hall. Then there’s food.’

‘Sounds like a full day. Do you drink a lot?’

‘No not usually, it comes and goes. I do have a tendency to drink more when its cooler.’

She sighed. ‘I’d like to get drunk, really drunk, some place where it’s safe.’ She was rubbing her hands palm to palm.

‘Go home then.’ I said.

‘No I’d like to get drunk here. I know you enough it won’t matter. My ‘sisters’ have recommended you. May I please?’

‘Ok. No promises though.’

She brought out two beers, I figured I could at least start with her.

We drank several cans without saying much.

‘What do you do for work Bonnie?’ I really did want to know more about her. The outside was nice, really nice. But it’s the inner person, the personality that’s really important.

‘I’m a substitute teacher, math, English and Phys Ed. I took the semester off.’

‘I thought you were in pretty good shape.’

‘Do you want to see?’ Again that look of challenge.

‘Maybe later, it’s still cool out here.’ I deflected the challenge.

‘Did you really sit out here with two naked females lying in front of you?’ She was smiling, again a challenge, she had seen the pictures.

‘Yes, this is where they were working, collecting data. It gets to 110F/43C out here early in the morning. Being naked is a requirement.’

‘It must have been quite a game for you.’ She half turned to me on her lounge.

‘Bonnie, these girls were serious about their work, that came first. I felt honored when one of them would make time for me, and we were just as serious about sex as work.’

‘I didn’t mean to imply anything, I’m a little jealous I guess.’

‘No need for that, they’re history, you are here now. Ready for a refill?’

‘I will be real soon.’

I filled an ice chest with ice and beer, no real need to make a lot of trips. She didn’t seem to need many bathroom trips.

‘Oh, thanks. What do you do Kyle?’ She was setting up again.

‘I’m a machinist in Willcox.’ I moved my lounge upright too.

‘Oh yeah. You make little parts so somebody can put them together to make bigger parts.’

‘Normally that’s true, but I machine parts as big as this porch.’

‘Wow, are you talking solid parts?’

‘No. These are just big and hollow.’

‘That’s still a lot of metal, they are metal aren’t they?’

‘Cast steel about 50-grand raw, 135-grand out the door.’

‘Your talking money not pounds right?’ She was on another can now.

‘Yes, weight-wise they come in at around thirty tons, and leave at about twenty-five.’

‘So you remove 10,000 pounds of cast steel on each?’

‘About that.’

‘Wow, m’ dad’s a machinist. He has a few ‘chines at home, I used to help him out once ‘nd a while.’

‘Then you know more about it then most people.’

‘I s’pose.’

‘Do you drink a lot, Bonnie?’

‘No, My ex-friend liked ta though. He thought I had ta be ‘alf drunk before he stuck it in me. Maybe he was right.’

‘So you felt used even before you knew he was married?’

‘Yea, I think I knew from ta start, he was married. I just ing… inig… icknord it until he tol me. I gota pee.’

I helped her up and watched her navigate into the house. She sat on the couch inside. So I went into see why. She was trying to take her shoes off.

‘Why are you trying to take your shoes off just to pee?’ I asked.

‘Ahh… Oh, so I can git my pantsoff, you’d better do it.’

She lay back on the couch, a happy buzz going inside. I took her shoes and socks off and then unbutton her slacks and slid them off.

‘You gonna stick it in me now?’ She said. Looking at me, a little cross eyed.

‘Maybe in a bit, you need to pee don’t you?’ I said, trying to get her to stand.

‘Better wait ’till I shit… sit on the can.’ She had no balance of her own, fell against me.

‘Ok I’ll help you in the
re.’ I held her one hand around her belly.

‘You’re a good guy to have ’round. Kina cute too.’

I half carried her in, and pulled down her panties for her.

‘You gona poke me now?’ she asked.

‘Not yet, you should pee first.’ I set her on the seat.

‘Ok, take top off then.’ She said, it was becoming difficult to understand her.

I removed her blouse for her.

‘Dis too.’

I unhooked her bra and set it with her blouse. Then I got a t-shirt from my drawer.

‘Here put this on. It’s still a little cool outside.’ I really didn’t need to be watching her boobs bounce.

”k, where we goin’?’

‘Out to the porch, did you pee?’

‘Yea, where’s m’ panties?’

‘Around your knees, stand up I’ll slide them up for you.’

‘Aren’t you gona poke me?’ She asked as I worked the pad and panties up.

‘You wanted another beer first, didn’t you?’

‘That’s good idea. Hey, your kina cute.’

‘That’s nice, just lean on me now.’

She seemed a little more sober after laying down. I opened a can and handed it to her.

‘Thanks Kyle. What were we talking about?’

‘You were telling me about your dad’s machine shop.’

‘Oh yeah. I useta make bolts there. I learned to pingl sort… simple poat… pimple speck.’ She looked at me helplessly.

‘Single point?’ I offered.

‘Yeah! That, I learned to do ona machine. Hey you’re kina cute, wana poke me?’

‘Sure, in a moment. Here’s an other can.’

‘Oh good, this one’s fedective… detective… empty.’

‘Why didn’t you stay with machining as a career?’

‘I don’ know, dad was pisadointed when I tol hin I wanted t’ pech tids.’ She scrunched her face up trying to figure out what was wrong with what she had said. Shrugged her shoulders and said. ‘Hey! Yer coot. Poke me?’

She tried to take her panties down.

‘Its ok Bonnie, I can work around them.’

”k. don’ feel good.’

I was prepared for that, I held her head over the bucket and kept her hair out of the way. She brought up a lot. When the dry heaves stopped I made her rinse her mouth out and spit it all out. Then I gave her a cold beer and made her drink it.

‘Thanks… What’s your name? Hey. Your cute, did you poke me?’

‘Yes you were very good.’

She felt her panties. ‘You better poke me again, I’m not usually this dry.’

Then she pulled the front of her panties down and fished out the pad, it only had a few dry brown spots on it. She tossed it in with the cans. It ended up on the floor.

‘That’s why I was so dry. You’d better poke me again, I like to be wet. It makes me feel good in the morning.’

‘Okay, I just need to rest up, you wore me out.’

‘Oh good, my ex all ways said I was dead in bed. It worried me.’

‘He was wrong, you’re spectacular.’

She was going to say something more, but her eyes glazed over and she went limp.

I was surprised because her speech was almost sober. I patted the side of her face but she was truly out. I rearranged her limbs and pulled down the shirt. It was plenty warm enough for her out here now. I rinsed the bucket out and disposed of the pad. Then I washed her face off. I took a nap, glad I wouldn’t have her hangover.

When it got dark I moved her in on the couch. The movement caused her to heave again. I had the bucket ready. There wasn’t much this time. She wasn’t conscious at all during that episode. So I only washed her face, and rinsed the bucket.

Around 9 pm she started thrashing. I took the wash cloth, put her head in my lap and washed it again. She stopped thrashing then. She grabbed my hand and crushed it to her breast. Her eyes opened and she groaned. ‘Git your hand off me.’ She said.

‘Let go of my hand and I will.’ I said quietly.

‘Oh.’ She said, but didn’t let go.

She looked at my face for a while then asked. ‘Kyle?’

‘Yes Bonnie?’

‘Yer kina cute.’

‘And you are beautiful, Bonnie.’

Then she was gone again.

When I couldn’t see the computer any more for all the Yawning. I took Bonnie to bed with me. I wasn’t about to leave her alone in case she heaved again. First I pulled her panties down and sat her on the can and rubbed her lower stomach, it took a little while but she peed without waking up. I had the bucket there by the bed, in case, and I put her on the outside. I lay on top of the sheet that covered her and wrapped my arms around her.

It was still dark when she started fighting the sheet and me. ‘Steady girl. Its Kyle. I’ve got you.’

She stopped fighting. ‘Kyle?’

‘Yes you’re ok.’ But she was sleeping.

The next time I woke, she was turned to me, watching, she had my free hand between her breasts, my fingers around one of them. Her legs were intertwined with mine and my erection was pushing hard against her pubic bone.

‘Morning Kyle.’ She said softly.

‘Morning Bonnie.’

‘You’re beautiful while you sleep.’ She whispered.

‘You kept saying I was cute yesterday, usually just before you asked, if I was going to poke you.’

‘Oh God. Did I?’ She blushed and hid her head on me.

‘I didn’t, in case you were wondering.’

‘I – I checked I was pretty dry. I was wearing a pad, what happened?’

She had pulled back to see me. ‘On the porch you pulled it out and threw it.’

‘Oh God.’ She hid again.

‘Hey, stop it. Only I was there to watch you, you were funny, not pitiful.’

‘My head really hurts and I need to pee and poop. But I really don’t want to move either.’

‘If I don’t move soon. You will be very wet.’

‘Ok I’ll stay here a while.’ She let go my hand to feel what was pushing against her.

She said. ‘Are you sure you aren’t going to poke me?’

‘Yeah, you have a headache remember? Ask me again later.’

‘I might.’

I got moving, glad she wasn’t upset at letting loose with me. Some girls ran after doing that and I never heard from them again, except, for me to open the gate to let them out.

I had breakfast ready when she came out, I heard her take a shower. She had a clean t-shirt on, mine.

‘How could you stand me the way I stank?’

‘Your are my friend.’

‘I looked for clean panties, I read the note.’

‘Oh… I forgot they were there. I’m sorry, I should put them away somewhere.’

‘NO! I mean it’s a part of you, your history. It didn’t offend me. I just hated the thought of putting on my dirty ones.’

‘You could go without, or there’s mine.’

‘Your’s wouldn’t stay on me. I wasn’t sure about going without, but I did.’

‘I’ll serve breakfast on the porch, it stayed warm last night… Relax, only I will be there to look.’

We sat out there for several hours. Just talking, getting to know each other. She had relaxed, I couldn’t really see her crotch from where I was.



‘I need to go home and get some clothes to wear to your parents. What would you suggest?’

‘They’re just home people, don’t try to be something you’re not. Mom’s good at spotting a phony. Thirty seconds after meeting her you’ll feel you’ve known her a long time. Other than that it should be pleasantly warm today.’

‘Ok I know just what I’ll wear. Will you let me out?’

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Kyles first time part five

The next night after work I did not go to the bar. My balls were aching from the passionate night with Kyle, and then the next night spent fucking Skylar. Despite really enjoying breeding Skylar, the total bottom boy I met at the bar, I couldn’t stop thinking about Kyle. What really bothered me the most is that I thought we had a connection that was more sensual than just sexual based. Yeah, I had three intense orgasms while fucking Skylar, but with the slow love making Kyle and I...

4 years ago
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Kyles First Time part four

After falling asleep instantly after hours of passionate, hot, memorable sex with Kyle, I woke up to the bright sunshine pouring into my room from south window of my room. Stretching my muscles, still feeling euphoric but a little hungover from the beers and lovemaking with Kyle the night before, I turned expecting to find him sleeping next to me. An empty bed was all I found. “Fuck no, you have to be k**ding me” was the first words out of my mouth, spoken only to my ears in an empty...

1 year ago
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Kyles first time part three

After telling Kyle about my first time with best friend Zack, Kyle promised to make me forget about that first time.Standing up to face me, Kyle wrapped his arms around me and gave me one of the most affectionate hugs I’d had in quite some time. The mixture of the scent of Polo Black and his leather jacket already had my senses alive, but as he put his arms around me, my senses became aroused and were well on the way to what promised to be an unforgettable euphoric journey. Because he was...

4 years ago
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Kyles Mom

We were f******n and Kyle was my friend and lived down the street from me. His mom, Kay, was in her 40's about 5ft 6inches tall. Blond hair, boobs not too big or small, 130lbs and a really great shape. I had spent the night several times and was able to catch her semi clothed more than once. I was going to spend the night over at Kyle's along with Ben,Jerry and Fred. We were going to drink and watch some pornos. Kyle's dad had gone hunting several nights ago and would not return for several...

1 year ago
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Kyle in Chicago

My name is Kyle Eliott. My friends call me “strummer” because I have been known to strum a mean guitar. More about that later but for now these pages will tell the story of my sex life over the last 2 years. Believe me when I tell you, ever since my divorce two years ago, it has been a wild wild ride. I married young (20) and we stayed together for 19 years. One night she said she had enough and left me for another WOMAN!!! Imagine that!!! That moment I turned my life around. I started working...

1 year ago
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Kyle fantasy 2 Bedroom encounter

So Kyle popped up at his window yesterday morning, you see his upstairs bedroom faces my downstairs bedroom, while babysitting him in his house I've explored the view he has of my bedroom, when he stands directly in front of his window he can see me at my desk, and when he looks through the lower left portion of his window he can actually get a pretty good view of my bed, for this reason I've been very careful not to roam around my room nude with my blinds are open. So he called down to me as I...

1 year ago
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kyle and the amoba lake

kyle was an 19 year old collage student in Maine and is sometimes bored about almost everything in his life and most of the time he's often lazy, he had some great hobbies like swimming, exploring, traveling, fishing and camping. today we see him wandering the woods carrying his camping supplies looking for a nice spot for him to camp out, that was until a really strange lake caught his eye and went over to investigate it. he layed down his supplies and walked over at the edge of the lake and...

3 years ago
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Kyle in Gainsville

_______________________________________________________________________ I stopped in the Hotel bar, as I always do after work, to find it pretty empty. Beside the bartender there may have been 4 other people in the joint. I like to have a few beers before I go out for dinner. This particular night the bar in downtown Gainesville, they were going to have a Comedy Show. “So what can I get you… My name is Sue.” “Well Sue a Bud would work well… and can you tell me about the show later?...

3 years ago
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Kyles first time part six Austins We

After losing my anal virginity to the stud Evan and the sexy little twink Skylar who d**gged me the night before, I went back to bed after taking some pain killers only to have the most intense, sexual dream of my life.... Three hours later my alarm went off; I shut it off, called in sick to work, and went back to bed. I ached all over from the brutal fucking I took the night before from Evan and Skylar. The pain killers I had left over from my broken finger a year ago would certainly help to...

2 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 2425

The stern rap of Sheila's opening gavel muted but did not extinguish the murmuring voices of dozens of private conversations. The posture of the Colony's leader appeared poised and relaxed as she held the gavel in the ready position with her elbow bent at a forty-five degree angle for several long seconds as she waited for silence. Beneath Sheila's placid surface I spotted a ripple of anxiety as she unconsciously polished the gavel's wood handle with her thumb. I've called enough meetings to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Erotic SnippetsBefore the Party

‘Quickly, Sam,’ Lisa whimpered. ‘If we’re going to do it, it has to be quick, before any of our guests get here.’ She was pressed up against the living room wall, her face forced against the smooth, cool paleness of it. A waterfall of orange curls, only slightly streaked with white, mostly covered her eyes and downturned face, but her eyes were closed as she lost herself to sinfully delectable sensation. Lisa shivered to feel her teenage son, already so much bigger than her, run his hand up...

3 years ago
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I crave mommys warm wet pussy

I can't explain why I'm so sexually attracted my my own mom but I am, I remember the first mom likes to drink and fall asleep and one evening she had passed out and my girlfriend was upstairs sleeping I couldn't resist the urge to touch my mommy oh my it felt so good. I pulled her clothes of slowly trying not to wake her took her bra off and sucked on my moms big boobs, I couldn't believe it I was actually sucking on her boobs. I got my phone out and started filming me slowly...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 286

I was up early; maybe it was because there was so much riding on today's outcome. Receiving the contract to provide embassy security personnel for the State Department in my mind was a turning point for JBG. Today was the biggest test for JBG since we had formed the business. It could be another shining achievement or a colossal failure. It was bigger than when we took on MAAR or the vacation homes division. I thought we would stop growing with the eight colleges and now we were adding two...

4 years ago
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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 17

By 2100 hours, we were back on the Interstate, heading for Phoenix. At Phoenix, we would have to decide whether we were going to El Paso and Juarez, or back to our base on the reservation. I had expressed my opinion that we would not be able to get very much in positive results at the border. However, the final decision was to be made by Zeus and Artemis ... and Martinez, although I felt he was too close, personally, to participate rationally. I began to update my biological partners on the...

2 years ago
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Hot Padosan

Hi I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am happy that people share their experience here. ab khani pe aate hue mera naam luv hai mai punjab distt. bathinda se belong krta hu yeh kahani aaj se 4 mahine phale ki hai yeh kahni mere or meri padosan ki hai jiska karib 1 yr phale divorce ho gaya tha waise toh meri us pr aankh suru se hi thi lekin divorce hone ke baad usse paane ki tamana kuch jayada hi bad gayi thi kyunki mai janta tha ki woh bi tadap rahi hogi kyunki uski shadi 2 saal tk...

3 years ago
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Porsche learns her lesson

I walked in the door from work and was shocked to see Porsche sitting on our couch, flipping through a magazine.  She looked up and gave me a sly grin as she uncrossed one leg and then the other.  My mind immediately went back to the day in the garage where I took the teasing little cunt hard.  I gave her a nod and headed up to the bedroom.My wife was in our bathroom getting ready for our evening out with friends.  “Is that you, Clint?” I heard her ask as I closed the bedroom door.“It’s me,” I...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Lauren Phillips Fourth Appearance

Lauren Phillips is a Doctor putting on a Mouth to Mouth and First Aid class with three handsome Students. She starts the class off by reminding them what they learned last week. Then she says for Jon Jon to come up and show the class how to give Mouth to Mouth. He tries to put the Mouth to Mouth sanitary cover over her to breath into it but Lauren says “Sometimes it doesn’t work. You have to learn to think on your feet when your equipment breaks – I always prefer to put my...

1 year ago
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Night Before the Wedding Night

Jack stared at her across the table, thinking how beautiful she was. The way she ran her fingers through her brown, wavy hair to keep it out of her face. The little golden flecks in her brown eyes when she looked at him could hypnotize him and he would do anything for her at a drop of a hat. He worshipped her body also. She was short but she had the curves of a woman. Sexy was an understatement. She knew the control she had over him, but she was too sweet to use it against him, besides she...

2 years ago
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Naughty Wife Fucks Husbands Friend

When I showed up at his house, he was surprised I was there. He didn’t think I would really come. He looked hot standing there only in a towel. He had just gotten out of the shower. I walked in the kitchen and I couldn’t contain myself. I took the towel off and his nice cock was already hard for me. I wrapped my hands around his cock and dropped to my knees. I wanted his cock in my mouth. I flicked my tongue on the tip of his cock. Then I slid that nice hard cock all the way in my mouth. He...

Wife Lovers
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The PowerChapter 3 Maniac Brainiac Winning The Game

As things go, being a Source of Magic is a boring gig. I did homework during the Coven's meetings. The words to a Spell sounded like gibberish to me; it was also obvious the girls saw things that I could not. They did most of the stuff naked though! The girls also liked to end their Spell Casting by taking the 'position'--face and chest to the ground, knees wide apart, and ass in the air. I didn't get the need to end that way, but I wasn't going to complain since it was my favorite...

2 years ago
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Holding OnChapter 2

It was a two mile walk from the Los Angeles bus station to Danny's second story efficiency apartment. Danny had only been living there for two months, ever since he'd gotten a new job, delivering parts for an independent auto parts store based in the neighborhood. The owner of the auto parts store was a big fight fan, and had offered Danny a job when he found out that Danny was looking for some part time work. The two had first met in a neighborhood bar, one that Danny had just begun...

2 years ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 30 Trouble Brewing

Everything was going along smoothly at Camelot while trouble was brewing in another part of the county. There were some unusual things happening at the local Department of Social Services (DSS) office that did not bode well for the innocent victims of the trouble. There was an unscrupulous case worker that was taking advantage of his official position to satisfy his carnal desires. He was the embodiment of the popular definition of a pedophile meaning that he liked to have sexual relations...

1 year ago
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Private Stacy Crystal Kate Quinn Mountain Orgy

There’s nothing like a refreshing swim to take a break from an epic hike, and that’s exactly what’s on the cards for Stacy Crystal and Kate Quinn today on as they take off their tops and cool off in Mountain Crush 3 in true Private style! The heat of the climb is one thing, but the heat of these two incredible babes is on a whole other level as they treat Potro and Alberto Blanco to a cock sucking masterclass in the river before heading to shelter for a spectacular orgy that...

2 years ago
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My first GAY love

This is a story of my first time with another guy. I was 22 and had only been with 4 women before i met rocco. A very good looking guy who i closely work with. Rocco was openly gay and had always sensed i was gay. One night he invited me to his house and i eagerly accepted. I knew what was in store and had trouble containing my excitement. Within 10 min of arriving we had our cocks out gently pulling each other. Then rocco went down on my cock. Oh it felt so good. My cock had never been this...

1 year ago
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Reality Stone

Another person walks into the cluttered magic shop. You have been perusing the dusty shelves to pass the time, and the only other person you have seen is a short man looking out from behind the counter with a stony face. It doesn't even appear as if he's noticed you. The newcomer seems vaguely interested, and you notice that he is looking at a shelf you had rigorously searched when you first arrived. You chuckle knowing that there's nothing there, before you see him pull out a small, smooth,...

Mind Control
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Best Incest Sex Experience

Hi, i am raj. I never believed that I would one-day experience and incest sex, and that too with my little sister. I am 25yrs old, well-built person looking for a job. I was always inclined towards sex and tasted many girls, though I do not have girlfriend for me. I live with my parents in Pune and am only son to them. I have a cha-cha who lives in Nagpur with his wife and only daughter, priya. My sister Priya was a kid when I last saw her, and I heard she is doing her 10+ studies now. Once it...

1 year ago
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Making My Sister Pregnant

Hello ISS Readers, My name is Robin. The following narrated story was a real one. Which was happened with my elder cousin sister. Hope you all will enjoy the story. My sister’s name is Annie. I have a well built body. I am 5’10”. With cock of dimensions 8’5″ long and 4″ wide. I love her so much from the childhood but in a normal way, how brothers love her sister in the same way. I used to kiss her on her cheeks from my childhood. The relationship between us changed when I was completing my...

3 years ago
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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 11 Father Mcrsquogillicutty Lives

I was ready to fall in love with her, remembering or not. She was something! Stimulus: I looked at Sylvia and Maria thinking about my lovers and all the fun we’d been having. I didn’t know I was special in any sexual way, the special woman pleasuring way, the furnace man my candy lady relationship gave rise to. I was just a shy person doing the dirty job no different from what I’d grown up as. But memories surged, and they were compelling yet kind of creepy. /s/21507/1964-the-dairy-of I...

1 year ago
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Chrissys fantasy1

My wife leaned in an gave me a deep kiss, exploring the insides of my mouth for any trace of his spent seed with her tongue. Not finding any she curled up next to me on the bed. “That was amazing. I have never cum so hard. Who knew that watching my husband take a strangers cock in his ass would be such a turn on.” I lay back on the bed and chuckled to myself as she continued, “I never knew you could suck a dick like that.” “I mean there is absolutely no way I could fit that monster...

3 years ago
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One Night of Passion

We had been staring at each other all night. The looks were driving me insane. He was tall, tanned and had the nicest smile I had ever seen. I was in my favourite bar with some of the ladies from work as we normally did on a Friday night, and I had seen him a few times but for some reason this one was different. The waitress brought over our drinks and placed them on the table. She handed me a napkin and told me that it was from the gentleman at the bar, Him. I looked at the napkin and it read...

Love Stories
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Bangalore Busty Aunty Got Ultimate Pleasure

Hello everyone, This is my first story and a real incident. I know most of you aunties and hotties in Bangalore won’t believe me until you have a hot encounter with me. Please give your valuable feedback in my mail id Let’s begin the story… I am Rajiv working in a mnc in Bangalore, decent look with handsome attitude. I also belong to one of the IT crowd here. As i am a bachelor i stay alone in my flat. It’s near to it hub (no points for guessing the right answer), big society, fully secured....

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