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Jon Bungle’s mom called and asked would he return home to live for the next month while his dad was away in Europe on tour as a guest lecturer on the art gallery circuit.

‘Mom no, I’ve comfortable in this apartment with two really nice guys.’

Matilda slipped into aggressive mode.

‘Did I think about my own comfort first after deciding to get pregnant again that led to your arrival, despite the harrowing experience I had in birthing Anna?’

‘What? That has nothing to do with me living here and you living at home alone despite dad pleading with you to accompany him.’

‘I wouldn’t expect you to understand.’

‘Understand what?’

‘Putting myself out to birth you and not wishing to travel around fucking Europe for a month and living out of suitcases.’

‘Mom nothing about what you are saying makes sense to me.’

‘I’m scared living by myself!’

Jon took a deep breath. His mom actually needed him. Wow.

‘Oh well that’s different. Now I see a real reason behind your plea. I’ll be home in about three days. I can write at home just as well as I can here, if not better. I’ll pay my rent in advance and get these two boofheads to sign an agreement they won’t sublease my room.’

‘That is lovely darling and thank you. I shall endow your financially for making this supreme gesture.’

‘Forget it mom. That turns this thing into a retrospective bribe whereas I would prefer you to accept I made the decision out of respect and love for my mother.’

‘Oh darling. You still manage to say just the sweetest things that no one else ever says to me.’

Christ who’d have a neurotic mother, Jon fumed as the call ended. His father had seized the chance to get away from her for a month to mess with women his way around Europe, leaving his son to be sucked back into the homely web. His sister ought to be home being a dutiful daughter instead of being abroad goodness knows where producing a travel film. Life was so fucking unfair.

Still the timing was good. He was still researching for his third novel following the success of this second book and had received a $25,000 advance from his publisher as a result of a bit of arm twisting and signing a 7-year contract tying him to Yeoman Sisters Publishing.


Not long after dawn next morning, Jon who was thirty-two and a former university tutor in Celtic History, bent the sexy third wife of the owner of his gym over her desk and, pulling her panties aside, pushed in.

‘I don’t like (puff) you leaving (puff, puff),’ Gemma gasped as his fat cock squeezed into her depths. ‘There’s a good chance (oooh) that (oooh) you’ll not return.’

‘Bullshit,’ Jon said and they bucked into it, he squeezing her fat thighs because her tits were too sensitive to squeeze, or so she claimed.

He was quite sure he would return but knew he wasn’t always right in his assumptions.

* * *

Jon’s mother greeted him. She carried even more weight than when he last saw her four months ago but he could cope with that, it was skinny women who put him off women.

‘God what size bra do you wear now?’

‘Say hi mother it is so lovely seeing you again and then I’ll answer that obnoxiously rude question.’

‘Hi mother it really is so lovely seeing you again.’

‘Forty-two, almost requiring size 44 inch.’

‘Jesus mom, just as well you are tall. With all this extra weight can dad still get it in?’

‘Don’t be so disgusting.’

‘Does Harry Walker still get it off with you?’

Matilda looked shocked. ‘How the hell do you know about Harry and me?’

Jon watched for his mom’s reaction, thinking this could be a great scene in his new novel. ‘Dad told me. He didn’t say he was speaking in confidence.’

‘Omigod,’ Matilda said. ‘When did he tell you?’

‘About five years ago.’

‘Omigod your father knows he’s living with an adulteress.’

‘Well mom it takes one to recognize one. You told me two years ago he was having it off with the Richard sisters.’

‘Omigod did I tell you that?’

‘Yes but you did tell me in confidence.’

‘Well who have you told?’

‘Only you and that was just now.’

‘Oh good boy. If you must know your father finds it best to have me over the dining table.’

‘Oh yuck. Please set my dinner place on the side away from that area.’

For years mother and son had chatted on amicably like this. Probably it was his mother’s lurid descriptions of her sexual escapades before and after marriage that propelled Jon into developing an interest in writing steamy romance stories that had sold well and convinced him to give up teaching to work fulltime writing his second novel. Sales of ‘Lust at the Stock Exchange’ had pushed him from virtual obscurity into eighteenth place in the list of his publisher’s top twenty authors.

As they were eating dinner Jon asked, ‘Where do you two actually do it?’

‘Where I sit actually. I just place a towel on the floor…’

‘Mom lay off the details, I’m eating. Um is dad any good?’

‘He’s up there at the top of all the guys I’ve ever had. Pass the gravy please darling.’

As they were clearing away after the meal Matilda said, ‘Oh I mentioned to Marlene Luther in the supermarket yesterday that you were coming home. She had asked about you. She wonders if you could call and assess a painting for her. Her mother died and she cleared away almost everything but kept this painting because she thought there was something about it.’

‘Would she know the difference between a print and a painting?’

‘Probably not but she said it was signed.’

‘What was the signature? Of course a print can show a signature.’

Matilda said she didn’t ask.


Late next morning Jon, who’d taken art history as an adjunct to his studies of European history at his father’s insistence for putting him through 4-year college, called on Mrs Luther. She didn’t answer the front door and he went around the house and found her dressed in a bikini watering a flower garden.

‘Hi Mrs Luther,’ Jon said, immediately noticing the attorney’s wife had practically no surplus fat over her curvaceous body. She was more than ten years younger than his mother so could be about forty-two or perhaps a little older.

‘Oh Jon darling, how lovely to see you again. Come give me a big fat kiss.’

John pecked her on the cheek and she frowned. Mrs Luther was secretary of the floral art society that his mom had presided over for almost fifteen years.

Should you be watering now with the heat rising. I understood it was best to water from sundown?’

‘I suppose you are right. Turn off the water please.’

‘Right now give me a proper kiss, on the lips. Don’t be so mean.’

It was a full on kiss and he felt her tongue pushing at his lips.


‘That was lovely. Come in a take a look at this painting.’

Jon following her inside, noticing the swaying hips and the two bits of butt cheeks exposed at the base of her bikini bottom.

His cock hardened. Yep if she continued to act sexy he’d gladly give her what she appeared to want. But the question was, did she really want it?

‘Place you hand over the signature Marlene.’

‘That’s the first time you’ve ever called me Marlene.’

‘Well until today I hadn’t realized you had such a superb body.’

‘Meaning?’ she glared.

‘Nothing except it’s the body of a young woman.’

She sucked in breath and shielded the signature from his gaze. Jon smiled, noticing her hand was shaking and yet being tall she hadn’t been required to stretch to reach the bottom of the wall hanging.

‘This is probably a local artist. As an assignment another student and I studied the work and salability/resale of thirty artists in the top bracket of artists living within 150 miles of here during the p
ast thirty years. It sounds onerous but wasn’t because there were only seventeen who qualified in the elite group. I think this could be one of them. I’m thinking T.B. Locke. Remove your hand sweetie.’

Sweetie glanced at Jon and removed her hand. ‘T. B. Locke,’ she whispered excitedly.

‘Yes but don’t get too excited. You can discuss the painting with Teresa, she has a website with email address. I’m picking this is an early work when she was still developing. My guess it might be valued at $250 to perhaps $350 bucks whereas she probably gets at a thousand bucks or more for her landscapes today. She is not a high producer.’

‘The value is not that important because I don’t aim to sell it. But I’ll read up on her. I was just interested in who the artist was because I think I know the location of this scene. It’s very much like a place I’ve hiked through a couple of times in the Whitestone Hills.’

‘It could well be. Well I must go.’


‘I don’t know really.’

‘Stay for coffee. I’ll get dressed.’


She flushed and said was practically nude. That only encouraged Jon to eye her and she boldly cupped her breasts. ‘Do you think these are too small for my height?

‘I’ll have to consider that. Show them to me.’

Marlene said cautiously, ‘Jon I’m married.’

‘So? I need you to remove your bra so I can answer your question.’

Marlene studied the floor while she removed her bra.

‘They flop a bit,’ she said, looking up at him.

‘Yes but very nicely. May I touch?’

She whispered yes and stood steady, showing no sign of panic.

Jon cupped and lifted them and with her eyes closed she sighed and said she liked him doing that and Jon knew Marlene had hoped this would happen.

Gently he leaned forward and kissed the puckered lips and just as gently Marlene pushed her groin into his. At that Jon had to assume Marlene Luther was not a first-time adulteress. Just a simple conformation would mean he had the green light. Jon reached down and cupped her pussy and she pushed hard into his hand.

They sank and she was pulling down his zip before they reached the carpet.

‘Oh Jon,’ she cried as if she’d found something that excited her when shopping. ‘It’s big.’

By then Jon was easing his second and third fingers into her and appreciated why being big was so welcomed by Mrs Luther.

Later covered in sweat and smeared with secretions Jon called his mom and said Mrs Luther had invited him to stay for lunch.

‘I know what you’re doing you naughty boy. Have fun.’

Jon took his mom to an early movie and then during dinner at her favorite restaurant she asked, ‘Do you see anything in a woman beyond her tits and pussy? He could always count on his mom initiating interesting conversation.

‘Whether or not you believe this mom I do focus on her brain. I like any woman I line up to have sex with to be articulate, knowledgeable and strong in meaningful and interesting conversation.’

‘And now you’ll explain it’s a disappointingly futile search?’

‘Not at all mother. They abound and that has led me to the understanding why women prefer the company of women over men except when they require someone to eat their cooking and do the basic checks on their car and keep it filled with gas.’

‘Oh you cute little devil. You knew that’s what I wanted to hear.’

‘You are my role model mother and almost everything I know about women, and that’s rather a lot for a male I believe, comes from years of your tutelage. Matilda Bungle you performed that part of your mothering role superbly and that’s the reason why I’m placed in this world today.’

Matilda glanced at her son as if checking for clues to his sincerity and appeared satisfied.


A couple of days later Matilda called to Jon who was cleaning the tiles around the pool that her friend Amy Simpson was coming over with her daughter Irene who was home for a couple of days. Irene was keen to swim.

‘She can swim providing she doesn’t splash around where I’m working.’

‘Stop working please Jon and be hospitable to our visitor. She’s your age.’

‘Who Amy Simpson?’

His mom rarely replied to stupid retorts.

Jon put away the cleaning agents and pulled another lounger into the shade and lay down and then remembering Amy Simpson was a reasonably good-looking woman with a generous mouth the other lounger closer.

Fifteen minutes later he heard female voices and wished he was wearing his white Speedos instead of floppy black shorts so that Irene could assess his personality from his bulge or whatever information females gather when they eye a guy’s bulge.

The bevy of high-pitched voices came closer talking excitedly about the weather or perhaps the state of world economies, who knows?

He climbed to his feet and the chatter stopped.

Mrs Simpson and his mom were gazing at his crotch and abs while Miss Pretty focused on his thick crop of blond hair, er head hair.

His mom said he would remember Mrs Simpson and Jon said yeah he did. He remembered she played great tennis and had an athletic body and asked should he kiss her and the poor kiss-starved woman appeared ready to smother him. She said yes and he kissed her and ignored the statue beside her.

‘This is my daughter, er the mother of my two grandchildren, Irene.’

‘I’ll promise not to kidnap the kids,’ he joked and the women gasped.

‘Hi Irene. Beautiful day and the world economy is still in bad shape.’

That appeared to relax her although she moved partly behind her mother.

‘Ignore him Irene. My son loves teasing women but when your mother and I go inside he’ll more or less ape the usual male. He’s an author so does strive to be original in conversation. Joking about kidnapping was designed to put you on edge and thus eliminate the prospects of idle chatter.’

‘Mom said you are an authority on Gaelic history. Is that what you write about?’

‘No and actually I was a student of Celtic History.’

‘What from BC times or post-Roman times?’

That caught Jon’s attention. He said the studies had spanned from pre-BC times but had primarily focused on post-1900s and covering Celts in Brittany, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man and Cornwall in England.

‘That’s still a massive study range,’ said the 30-year old math secondary school teacher who was on vacation. She now appeared to be edging closer to him.

His mom said, ‘Jon is author of ‘Passion at the Stock Exchange’.

‘The title actually is ‘Lust at the Stock Exchange’,’ Jon corrected.

‘Omigod I was at a dinner party where that novel was discussed,’ Irene said, stepping very close to Jon. ‘Until the arrival of your novel it appeared practically no one associated stock traders with sex.’

‘Well you two are on to a stimulating topic,’ Matilda said. ‘I’m taking Amy inside to catch up on things. Irene would like a swim Jon and refreshments.’

‘Oh right,’ said Jon.

As the women were walking away he said, ‘Will you swim nude?’

She giggled and said no, she was wearing a swimsuit beneath her top and shorts.

‘Then get your gear off and take this loafer. Beer or wine or a soda? They are in this cooler behind my loafer.’

‘I’d like a beer please,’ Irene said, removing her top and adjusting the top of her swimsuit.

‘I won’t mind if they hang out a bit.’

Irene smiled, stepping out of her shorts. ‘Are you sure? Some men appear scared by big boobs like mine?’

‘No you have great handfuls.’

She looked pleased. ‘Oh god, you’re not afraid to speak to a woman are you?’

‘No there’s nothing scary about tit and cunt. Half the population has them.’

Blushing a little, Irene giggled and said quite right. ‘Mom warned me you were a little unusual and so I’m not surprised you are upfront like this. I’ve always
thought your mom was my mom’s most interesting friend. I can see where you get it from.’

‘That’s interesting you should say that. For the first time I acknowledged that very thing to mom only a couple of days ago. She seemed pleased I’d said that. You don’t mind having large tits do you?’

‘Not in principle because I believe what I have is what I’ve got, if you know what I mean. But smaller ones would have been more convenient and comfortable. Do you ever call them breasts?’

‘Not really.’


‘Flip them out. I’d like to see them please.’

‘Jon,’ Irene said nervously, looking towards the house.


‘Nothing. I’m going into the pool.’

Jon put his bottle of beer and Irene’s glass of beer on the pool coping and jumped in.

He reached for her shoulder straps.


‘Yes but let me do it.’

The soft orbs spilt out on to his hands.

‘I’ve never understood why men make such a thing about women’s breasts.’

‘They are a physical marker, to focus us on sex. You must understand a guy like a woman feels desire but he gets a real boost when he sees tits.’

‘So you are now focusing on sex?’

‘Feel me. I’m getting hard.’

She reached down and said, ‘God there’s enough of it.’

‘Steer it into you.’


‘Are you sure about that?’

Jon read her expression as a maybe. Whatever, it had to be her decision.

He kicked off his swim shorts and began licking her tits, they both watching her nipples grow into stubs.

They began kissing. She resisted penetration of his tongue and just as he was thinking of backing off and having a beer, she pushed into his mouth and moaning reached down and began jerking him.

Jon remained patient, something he’d been told many times by women that guys when at this stage were no good at doing.

He began thinking about reaching for his beer and at that very moment she began pushing his dick past the edge of her swimsuit and into her pussy. It felt slippery so she was lubed.

‘Oooh it’s fat.’

‘Yeah but lovely and firm when you need that feeling.’

‘Will I?’

‘It’s over to you baby.’

He knew she was looking over his shoulder at the kitchen window and was pleased when she didn’t tense or panic. For once he was relieved his mom was good at gossiping.

‘I should have made you put on a condom.’

‘Too late,’ he soothed. ‘Spread your feet.’

She spread them and he slipped all the way in, she hissing and pulling at his butt to ensure he was fully in.

‘You’re the biggest I’ve had.’

‘Thanks. You’re not the widest I’ve ever had.’

‘Thanks,’ she giggled. ‘That’s a real compliment.’

They banged away, stirring the water and when she felt him thickening she said, ‘Come in me and then pull out and stay still. I want to see the sperm float to the surface.’

‘Irene are you all right?’ called her mom from the terrace.

Irene called yes mom and then froze and they heard her mom say rather too loudly, ‘That over-sexed bitch is seducing your son.’

‘Oh dear I don’t believe Jon gets a lot of sex?’ lied his mom, as Irene pulled up the top of her swimsuit while Jon grunted and heaved, shooting streams of semen into her. They didn’t get to see whether the sperm floated to the surface or remained in suspension.

‘Come for a swim mom,’ Irene said, pulling away from Jon and brushing back her hair. ‘The water’s great.’

‘No thanks dear. Enjoy yourself. The sun is too hot for us out here.’

Irene said looking greatly concerned, ‘With that sperm and my leakage you’ll have to empty the pool.’

‘Hell no. What we’ve excreted wouldn’t fill an eggcup. The pool holds approximately 24,000 gallons of water. Shall we fuck some more?’

‘Let’s grab another beer and go into the dressing room.’

‘You’re a good fuck Irene. Is that the first time for adultery?’

‘No and I bet it’s nowhere near the first time for you. Come let’s fuck while I’m still in the mood.’

During dinner that evening Matilda said, ‘Were you two really having sex in the pool.’

‘Yes mom.’

‘We couldn’t be sure. You were blocking most of our view of Irene.’

‘That’s an advantage of having a back. She’s keen to come again tomorrow mom. If her mom accompanies her could you take Mrs Simpson shopping for a couple of hours?’

‘Yes darling. A mother mustn’t stand in the way of her son wanting sex.’

Jon eyed his mom suspiciously but she looked at him calmly and said he hadn’t commented on the meat.

‘It’s great mom. Just how I like it. You have always been a great cook.’

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xHamster PornForWomen is a well-known website for free porn on the internet. If you want to get a huge repository of porn, one of the best places to go to would be There are just so many different videos to enjoy there that you would be stunned by what you can find. One of the things I found for example, is an entire section dedicated to women. I never even knew that women were an important enough demographic for porn sites! But I guess that saw the use of there being a...

Porn for Women Sites
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XVideos PornForWomen

While the porn industry has always been dominated by male viewers, some sites have noticed that there has been an influx of female users in the last couple of years. That’s why websites like have started to implement porn for women. This kind of porn is more oriented towards chicks and if just appeals to them a lot more. If you’re a woman, then you probably know what kind of porn I’m talking about. We’re looking at sensual and erotic stuff, and sometimes taboo fantasies too, such as...

Porn for Women Sites
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Eporner PornForWomen

I know this is going to blow some minds out there if any guys are reading, but women love porn too! I know, it sounds crazy, but I swear that it’s true. After all, I’m The Porn Dude and I basically know every single thing that there is to know about porn, including who likes what. When it comes to chicks, they usually dig different porn than what guys want. Of course, just like in everyday things, girls are often quite picky and won’t settle just for any kind of porn. That’s why some platforms...

Porn for Women Sites
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Jon snow and the Ladies of Westeros Pt 4 Cercei Lannister

The royal party finally arrived in a months time, Winterfell ready to receive their guests from the south. The fat king, Robert Baratheon had not even wasted more than a few seconds greeting his friends family before rushing to Ned Stark's room to see his ailing friend, leaving Catelyn, her womb now slightly swelling with Jon's child, to show the guests to their rooms. ####################### Sansa came towards Jon as he stood quietly near one of the windows of his room, looking upon...

4 years ago
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Jon Barlow Cove

This is only my second submission and I hope you enjoy it. All characters are 18 and older. Leave comments. This story took a while to write and I would like to thank my wonderful wife for editing it for me. Any errors are totally my fault. sometimes little things slip through he cracks. anyways enjoy. There was an old story about this ocean side park overlooking the cove. It’s was once called Broken Hearts Cove Park. So many people with broken hearts that couldn’t take the pain would hurl...

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Jon stood his six girls up as the men looked them over. The girls wore only a sheer short robe and nothing else. They were young and lived in his home for his sex parties. The five men were naked as no clothes were allowed past the entry way. Most of them were hard and cocks were pointing straight out. Jon told the girls to drop the robes and as they did the men stared knowing that they would each get one of the sexy whores. Jon pointed to Larry to pick a whore and he chose Lee, a petite Asian...

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Jon Snow the Ladies of Westeros

Prologue Catelyn Stark was stunned, as she watched her lord husband dismount. He had just returned from Robert's Rebellion, overthrowing the Mad King and the Targaryen Dynasty in a brutal and lengthy conflict. The Baratheons and Lannisters now held the Iron Throne, but were hated by the Dornish. Finally,a young Ned Stark had returned to Winterfell, to his lady wife and to his heir Robb. Watching him ride towards the castle had made her so happy. And yet in his arms, he held a small babe with a...

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The naughty policewomen

I felt that I just had to write this down and share it with you guys. At the moment, I am feeling like the luckiest man alive, which is a drastic change from how I felt this morning....I got to my workshop at around 8.45am, ready to start work on a set of iron gates that had been ordered last week. Business was slow, and although I had quoted a delivery time of 3 weeks, I supposed that if I could get them finished a bit earlier, I could get paid a bit earlier too!As I fished in my pocket for my...

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Fucking married womens

Friends my name is Arya. I love to fuck married women with kids and children because they will be having big boobs and a great ass. They love to fuck boys of my age than their husbands. My age is 23. It was at the age of 12 I started feeling for sex. I had fucked many girls of my age when I was doing my education. After I finished education, I came to my hometown. I was very happy to see aunties and married women’s. I started being close to young guys who studies in school. At the mean time, I...

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100000 Naked Women

THIS FIRST CHAPTER IS A COMPLETE STORY, BUT I'M LEAVING THIS OPEN FOR OTHER WRITERS TO ADD TO. MAYBE WRITE YOUR OWN STORY SET IN THE SAME WORLD AS THIS, BUT DEALING WITH NEW CHARACTERS. NINE YEARS IN THE FUTURE It all happened on the night of June 5, 2029, for weeks after it happened there were crazy theories on what caused this event. Some said it was an act of God, some said it was aliens, there were even those who believed that the women were possessed by demons. When the FBI started looking...

2 years ago
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The Kim Chandler Prison for Women

The Kim Chandler Prison for WomenBy the Bitchfinder GeneralSynopsis: Linda Marshall, now Mayor of the new town of Eastminster, has set out to transform every aspect of life within the town and its environs into a living hell for women, especially beautiful blondes. This is the story of her prison for women, named after one of her oldest enemies.The Kim Chandler Prison for WomenBy the Bitchfinder General1Linda Marshall, Mayor of Eastminster, smiled happily as she thought of the way in which,...

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Haunting Women

All I can remember is that the cold November night was dark, foggy and rainy. I was driving as slow as possible not being able to see well through the fog. Suddenly I saw darkness and my car stops giving me no hope of turning on again. I hit the steering wheel and curse loudly. It had been such a long hard day at work and I was tired and ready to come home. I don't know why I was even rushing to get home since I lived all alone. I would often come home to an empty apartment. All I basically did...

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Lord tobin and the wiccan women

(Bobby may tell her tale.) My name is Bobby may Walcott; my sister is will-mina (Wilma or wily for short). We come from a family of Wicca women far back as I can tell. It is well over eight hundred years. I and my sister's will be tying to tell our story as best we can. Well I guess the best place to start is the beginning? I guess it started back when our grand aunt Mural took over the families following. That was 1866 when she began to mate with her father Milford Walcott, she was...

2 years ago
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A Day Out with the Supermarket Women

Pam tells us about the time she and her daughter were invited to spend the day with the women from the local supermarket. Wendy is to be the prize for the best employees. She is taken on the bus, in the pool, for lunch and on the way home! Her mother also has fun with the hotel manager’s daughter. Ever since Wendy had been chosen as the Supermarket Princess, we had been welcomed as honoured guests whenever we went there to do our shopping. I loved the way the women showed their...

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A day out with the supermarket women

Ever since Wendy had been chosen as the Supermarket Princess, we had been welcomed as honoured guests whenever we went there to do our shopping. I loved the way the women showed their admiration for my darling daughter, by following her with their eyes and licking their lips. They made it obvious that they were still lusting after her. Wendy teased them sometimes by letting the more attractive ones have glimpses of her body, mainly her legs and breasts. She remembered the way the women had used...

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A Day Out with the Supermarket Women

Ever since Wendy had been chosen as the Supermarket Princess, we had been welcomed as honoured guests whenever we went there to do our shopping. I loved the way the women showed their admiration for my darling sixteen year old, by following her with their eyes and licking their lips. They made it obvious that they were still lusting after her. Wendy teased them sometimes by letting the more attractive ones have glimpses of her body, mainly her legs and breasts. She remembered the way the women...

3 years ago
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What Attracts Women

According to some studies, 3 out of 10 men are can attest that they really understand women.The remaining 7, you ask? They are out in the haystack finding needles. This means that almost 70% of the men population in the U.S. contends that whatever they do, they still could not figure out how to understand women.For this reason, men are having a hard time to figure out what attract women sexually and romantically in a relationship. 6 out of ten men attest that women are so unpredictable that...

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Why Black Men Crave Black Women

I love big Black women. I’ve been addicted to big beautiful Black ladies ever since I could remember. I’ve been collecting videos and magazines specifically geared to my unique interest for ages. My name is Jackson LeBrun. I’m twenty seven years old and I’m a Canadian man of Haitian descent who’s strongly attracted to Black women. I’m addicted to the Black ladies and I don’t want to be cured. I love what my fascination makes me. A Black female worshiper. A six-foot-three, lean and muscular...

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Black Man Rejects White Women

White women are overrated. And they’re not my standard of beauty. Black women are my standard of beauty. There, I said it. And I mean it with every fibre of my being. This is coming from me, Samuel Xavier. A proud bisexual Black man who’s bedded women and men of all races before coming to this shocking conclusion. I just wanted to let the world know how I feel. Seriously. After years of switching back and forth between male and female lovers, I discovered that the person most capable of loving...

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Training of asian women

Training of asian womenA guide for any White man who owns asian womenPreamble: The objective of training asian women can be manifold.  Asian women must be trained to be able to provide full pleasure to White men by any means necessary.  Asian women must also learn to abide by the slave protocol as set by White men But most importantly, the essence of training asian women is to make them become fully aware of their own inferiority to White men.  An asian woman's inferiority, in all aspects of...

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Smart Men Vs Evil Women

One of my favorite rap songs of all time says Bitches Ain’t Shit. I couldn’t agree more. Truer words were never spoken, folks. Lots of good men hook up with what appears to be decent women and eventually these men discover that there’s no such thing as a decent woman. All women are bitches. All of them without exception. Your mother. Your daughter. Your wife. Your aunt. The hooker down the street. The female lawyer in her office. The female senator on the senate floor. The librarian in your...

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Frigid Women

"Did the foot massage get things going?" I ask. "No," says Nicole. "Why not?" "If there's one thing Rich hates," says Nicole, "it is feet." This is an article about frigid women. From time to time, I am actually going to try to talk about frigid women (I've changed the names in the case studies), but it is not going to be easy, because it's vague, frigidity. It's a fog that rolls in, spreads, thickens, smothers everything, then recedes. You can't attack it directly,...

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Mad Women

What’s with women drivers these days? Is it me or are they acting crazier than usual? I mean, seriously. Picture this : A tall young black man strolling through the city of Brockton on a hot day in late August. I’m crossing the street. I’m not alone. There are two young women and they have one cart with them. This woman comes barreling down the street in a dark car. She’s speeding and seems oblivious to the fact that three human beings are also crossing the street. Apparently, she considers...

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The Tale of Two Women

The Tale of Two Women Chapter l -- The Graduates Graduate When Brad Mussleman graduated from the Wharton School of Business as an honors student in their MBA program his parents bought him the large estate next to theirs in Western Los Angeles County, California as a bonus for joining their firm as a full partner.All the aspiring, talented, and single-minded girls who knew Brad were aware that he would one day take over Mussleman Group, headquartered in Beverly Hills, from his...

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Racism Among White Women

My name is Lucien Shay. A six-foot-one, broad-shouldered and muscular young Black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. These days, life just couldn’t be better. Everybody is whining about The Recession but I’m doing alright. In May 2008, I earned my bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from UMass-Boston. And I got hired by the Boston Metropolitan Sheriff’sBlack male student confronts racist women on campus. Department as a Corrections Officer. The pay is okay. I’m just glad I got...

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Why Black Men Prefer White Women

Brother Samuel here. Your favorite big and tall, openly bisexual black male writer and urban adventurer. Currently residing in Brockton’s West Side. Sometimes, I think black women are their own worst enemies. More than anything else, they’re the ones who drive black men to dating and marrying women of other races. Black women are uncompromisingly problematic. More so than females of other races, it seems. It’s like they got a bone to pick with the entire world. Male or female, black or white,...

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Why I Love Black American Women

Okay, here goes nothing. African-American guys like myself have a certain image in the eyes of the world. We’re thought of as tougher, meaner and more athletic than the average guy. Also, people seem to think we gravitate toward either athletic pursuits or criminal endeavors, and nothing in between. Neither is exactly true for most Black men living in the United States of America. Just to prove to you how untrue these stereotypes are, take me for example. My name is Arnold Thompson. And I’m a...

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The Secret World of Women

The Secret World of Women. I work for a magazine that covers unusual subjects. The writers there go on all sorts of adventures, trips around the world, journey's to space. Our budget is pretty big so they never spare any expense in getting good stories. I wasn't a writer for a while. Just a copy editor, when one day the boss decided to give me a chance to write my first article. Whatever the subject, I knew i had to accept the challenge. So, after being told the good news, headed...

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The Secret Lives Of Some Women

C tagged behind Sneha like he always did on their shopping trips. He deliberately walked a couple of feet behind her so he could watch the rise of her hips, the flash of skin when her tshirt rode up and the movement of her silky hair. She had left her hair down after brushing it. She had tight white pants and a loose black top. That was when C felt someone place their fingers inside his pants, not very deep, just until the first joint and pull him backwards. The authoritative nature was...

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A Man Among Women

My wife asked me to write a story that dealt with issues that she is currently facing in corporate America while attempting to lead a group in a dynamically new business direction. In essence, she is the Bob character in that regard. She also asked me to, ‘clean it up’ so that she could share it with some of her direct reports. Sorry, there is no sex here, while it is ultimately romantic in the end, it fits better in the, ‘non-erotic’ category. The story was also inspired by a job interview I...

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The Son of Lust Chapter 12 Dominating Her Brothers Women

Chapter Twelve: Dominating Her Brother's Women By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Pyrriah – Rathay Desert “Nephi?” I asked as I rode on my camel out across the...

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Haunting Women

All I can remember is that the cold November night was dark, foggy and rainy. I was driving as slow as possible not being able to see well through the fog. Suddenly I saw darkness and my car stops giving me no hope of turning on again. I hit the steering wheel and curse loudly. It had been such a long hard day at work and I was tired and ready to come home. I don't know why I was even rushing to get home since I lived all alone. I would often come home to an empty apartment. All I basically...

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Adult Empire For Women

Some websites just do their thing. Some joints manage to beat the fierce competition and stay afloat long enough to become legends, despite a shitload of other websites offering the same merch. Meet! The place that captures that 90's vibe. The time when fuckers had to hide their boners while on their way to buy adult magazines. Wanking off was still a taboo, which made things a whole lot interesting.Adultempire is so freaking huge that each of its categories deserves a separate...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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One Man Twelve Women

I' Ahmad. I'm a Virgo man and I'll tell you about my exciting adventures with the Zodiac signs. I fucked the 12 women of each astrological sign. Some of them had zodiac sign tattoos. And some I knew their sign from their birthdays. 1- With the Sagittarius Woman : I had gotten back to Egypt after travelling around Europe for nearly two years. I had decided to relocate in Cairo and was looking for a job to pay for my shitty one room apartment. I had already gone through money in my bank account...

Erotic Fiction
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Black women who likes married women

I'm not sure what was going on. But in the summer of 1993 my women who lived just down the road from us who often eyed my mom a lot. She knew my mom was married and had children of her own and mom was by no means (lesbian). I watch Dr. Phil on this topic and he said lesbians/gays are born that way and this been going on from the start of mankind on Earth and he said gay/lesbians often stick to the same gender base. If this was the case then my mom was married and had no signs of being lesbian...

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Sex Women

Introduction: Wemens sexual attitudes Sex & My Women (A Study) Women are ideally designed for sex except for the connection between their pussy and brain. It seems that this connection has been modified by various entities for various purposes none of which have been to the benefit of sex. It is most probable that female animals originally participated sexually in accordance with how other animals around them performed the sexual act, female on all fours, the male inserting his cock into the...

2 years ago
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Why Black Men Love White Women

I guess it had to be written someday. The world’s greatest taboo. And I would be the woman given the task to prove it. That’s okay. I’ve always been the kind of woman who rises to meet a challenge. Inquiring minds want to know why so many Black men are dating White women as opposed to Black women. Many sociological and cultural experts clash on the answers to these questions. Well, I happen to know the answer. My name is Elisabeth O’Braonain. I’m an Irishwoman living in Boston. My profession is...

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