Liar Ch. 07 free porn video

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‘What happened?’ Dean asked after Sloane hung up the phone, ‘Is everything okay?’

‘No…that was Gigi.’ She replied distracted.

‘Gigi? Is there something wrong with Ethan?’

‘No, no…’ Sloane said shaking her head and meeting her brother’s concerned gaze, ‘Ethan’s fine. She’s on her way here to drop Ethan off before she goes home.’

Dean breathed out a sigh of relief upon hearing Ethan was okay only to suck it in just as quickly, ‘Wait…Gigi’s on her way here? Here as in Reston? With Ethan?’

Sloane fought to register the nightmare that was becoming her reality. If she didn’t have the overwhelming sensation to fall to the floor and curl into a ball, she might’ve laughed at the situation. Somehow her careful and strategically planned visit had turned into a catastrophe.

She inhaled deeply and nodded her head in confirmation.

Dean looked at her, letting his lips form an ‘O’.

‘Well that…can’t be good for you.’ Dean said delivering the understatement of the year, ‘Are you going to tell him now?’

‘I don’t know.’ Sloane replied quietly, distracted by her thoughts.

Twenty-four hours ago, her biggest worry about coming back to Reston was running into Gabe. Been there, done that…and boy did they do it. Running into Gabe was a cake walk compared to what she was going to have to do.

‘Sloane…’ Dean started, his tone notably irritated.

‘Dean! Please, I-I know what I need to do, just…’ She trailed off trying to compose herself. She didn’t want to yell at Dean, he was just telling her what she refused to all these years, ‘Just please give me a minute okay? I will…figure it out, okay?’

‘Well you better and quickly. You may have forgotten, but this town is small. All it takes is for one person to see your son.’

‘I know.’ Sloane clipped.

Dean looked at his sister hard. As brave as was trying to sound, she looked scared.

A part of him knew she deserved to feel that way but the brotherly side of him wanted to protect her from the incoming storm that was about to hit her. If he knew Gabe, which he did, he was not going to take this well. No one in Gabe’s position would.

Dean shook his head. He couldn’t understand how two perfectly sane and sensible people could do extremely demented things when they’re within the same vicinity.

As pissed as he was at Sloane’s sheer stupidity, he had to remind himself that Gabe had messed up too. He wasn’t there for her when she needed him the most, he wasn’t going to let that happen again.

Dean sighed raggedly and ran his hand through his hair, ‘Alright, look. Even though you are extremely, extremely in the wrong, you’re still my little sister. Whatever you decide, I got your back. Although I seriously advise you to tell Mom and Dad before they get here.’

Sloane looked at her brother and smiled wearily. Before she could respond, their father’s voice boomed after the door slammed open.

‘Sloane! Get down here right now, young lady!’

‘Not now Noah.’ She heard her mom say in a hushed tone.

‘Oh yes, right now.’ he replied heatedly, ‘Sloane Jolene Bennett! Now!’

Young lady?

Full name?

This wasn’t going to be good..

‘Calm down, I’m right here.’ Sloane said as she turned the corner.

Sloane stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the look on her father’s face. She couldn’t quite read it, but it wasn’t the he look of disappointment he usually gave her.

‘You have some explaining to do.’ he said.

‘What did I-‘ Sloane said just before a dark haired, ball of energy squirmed his way under her dad’s arm and launched his 3’5’ body at her.

‘Mommy!’ Ethan exclaimed, jumping up and wrapping his skinny arms and legs around her neck and waist.

‘You’re here!’ Sloane said hugging him close, burying her nose in his dark hair.

He smelled like chocolate, peanut butter, and peppermints. It was amazing how relieved she felt just having him in her arms. His presence seemed to remedy her nerves slightly before the reality set in that he was actually here. She looked at Gigi, who had just walked through the door, ‘Already?’

‘When I couldn’t get you on your mobile, I called the house number that you had left with Miss Jacobs-.’

‘And imagine my shock when I answered the phone to discover that Georgina and Ethan were in town and stuck at that airport.’ Her mother said, picking up in the middle of Gigi’s story, ‘She insisted on having you pick her up, but of course your father and I couldn’t just leave them there.’

‘How nice.’ Sloane said wryly.

‘Oh honey, don’t frown. We couldn’t very well wait for you to wake up. You got home so late last night, who knows when that would’ve been.’ Her mom replied as Sloane ignored Gigi cocked eyebrow.

‘Good you guys are back! Mom and Dad, I’m borrowing your luggage. Brodie is packing up a storm–‘

‘Uncle Dean!’ Ethan cried, squirming out of Sloane’s arms to run to him.

‘Look at you!’ Dean laughed leaning down to swoop Ethan up with a feigned grunt, ‘Oh my back…you’re getting so heavy. You’re such a big boy now!’

‘Oh please don’t say that…’ Gigi muttered.

‘A big boy?’ Ethan said before Gigi could finish. He looked between Dean and Gigi, ‘I told you Aun’ Gigi. Now yer gonna hafta take me.’

‘Take you where?’ Dean asked Gigi.

Gigi hesitated as her eyes darted between Dean, Sloane, her parents then back to Sloane again.

‘Well…uh…see what had happened was–‘

‘Aun’ Gigi’s friend has a club.’ Ethan said, his green eyes growing huge with excitement, ‘A big boy club…’

‘A big boys only club?’ Dean replied, exaggerating his tone to match Ethan’s excitement one.

‘Yeah! But Aun’ Gigi is a girl and Dude said he’d take her whenever she wanted.’

‘Dude?’ Dean asked, completely confused now.

‘Jude’ Gigi mouthed to Sloane.

‘Yeah, Dude! He says he was yer friend.’ Ethan said, before lowering his voice as if he was telling Dean a secret, ‘He was givin’ Aun’ Gigi the eyes.’

‘The eyes?’

‘The eyes.’ Ethan replied as if everyone understood his five year old babbling, ‘The eyes that Liam gives Mommy.’

‘Uh…I think we’ve heard enough for today.’ Sloane interrupted, realizing where the story was headed.

‘But Mom I wanted to see Myles…’ Ethan whined.

‘Ethan.’ Sloane said sternly, giving him a serious look.

‘How about we go upstairs and look for Grandma and Grandpa’s luggage?’ Dean interrupted when he saw that Ethan was about to cry.

‘Okay!’ Ethan replied excitedly.

Sloane could only shake her head as she watched Dean and Ethan go up the stairs. She was slightly jealous of her son’s emotional rebound rate. What she wouldn’t give for an ounce of it, cause she could certainly use it now.

‘I told you Josie.’

Sloane heard her father say, drawing her attention to the conversation he was having with her mother behind her.

‘Dean saw it too. Our grandson looks just like the Jennings boy.’

‘We will talk about this later.’


‘I said later.’ Her mother clipped, successfully shutting down the large man Sloane knew as her father. Her mother then shot her an equally chilling look. ‘Isn’t that right, Sloane?’

She was in deep shit.

‘Right.’ Sloane choked out, before looking at her father, ‘I promise.’

‘There, see? I told you. She’ll explain everything. Now we need to go to the market, we’re going to need more groceries for dinner tonight.’

‘Yes dear.’ her father replied before following his wife out the front door.

Sloane inhaled deeply, before turning and looking at Gigi. Gigi must’ve misinterpreted the look she gave her because she immediately started rambling.

‘Oh god, I’m so sorry Sloane. I didn’t know what to do. Daddy is about to sell his company to this…this…this prick! So
I booked a flight immediately only to find out that the bleeding meeting was postponed because the tosser’s secretary scheduled the meeting the same weekend as some personal matter he needed to attend so I don’t even need to be there until later this week.’ Gigi inhaled sharply to get air into her lungs and continued, ‘We should’ve flown back. I didn’t even realize he looked so much like Gabe until your dad said something. I am sorry. I am so sorry–‘

‘Gigi, stop. Stop. Really its okay.’ Sloane said soothingly, ‘You have nothing to be sorry about. You did the right thing. With my grandparents here for the wedding, I don’t know who else would’ve watched him.’

‘There’s always Liam.’ Gigi shrugged, ‘I’m sure he would have no problems assisting you in any way, shape, or form.’

Liam Mason was a single father that lived in the same building as Sloane. His wife had left him and their daughter after discovering that motherhood wasn’t something that suited her. Sloane sympathized with the man and figured that he could provide a fatherly figure for Ethan, as she provided a motherly figure for Jenny, his daughter.

She knew Liam had feelings for her, but she didn’t allow herself to press the issue. Between Ethan and work her scheduled was locked down.

‘I mean that in the physical sense.’ Gigi unnecessarily clarified.

‘I caught that.’

‘Just making sure.’

‘Thanks.’ Sloane smiled wearily at her attempt to make her feel better, ‘I couldn’t ask him to do that, I already feel like crap passing my son around for everyone to watch.’

‘Love, it was just for one night.’ Gigi comforted, ‘You’re allowed a break and trust me…I have a new found respect for you.’

Sloane looked at Gigi. Only then did she realize that her usual put together appearance was…less than par. Ethan was a handful, she could only imagine how last night had went between the two.

‘Thanks for watching Ethan on such sort notice last night.’ Sloane said, ‘I think you’ve more than earned the boots.’

Despite the silence that enveloped them, the sound of her life crashing down around her was deafening.

A small voice in the back of her mind told her that all wasn’t lost. She and Ethan could still take the first flight out of here and go back to California. Back to the way things were. Where things were easier and where Gabe was none the wiser about the son they shared.


Sloane was tired. Tired of lying to her family. Tired of lying to Gabe. Tired of running. It was only twenty-four hours, but it was long enough for Sloane to realize that it was a mistake staying away.

All those years ago, she’d let her fear of getting hurt and facing Gabe cripple her usual level-headedness. She had chosen to stay away and she knew what it would cost her. What she never expected was how much it’d cost her son, the only one in this whole messed up situation that was innocent.

Ethan had missed out on her family, one that was standing by her even though she had deceived them. Worse, the love of his father. Gabe may have walked away from her that morning, but she’s the one that stayed away.

‘Are you okay?’ Gigi’s asked drawing out of her thoughts.

‘Not really.’

Gigi didn’t have to ask to know what was running through her mind, ‘Do you want me to go with you?’

Sloane couldn’t say anything, but sniff and shake her head.

It was time that owned up to her mistakes and take responsibility. Cause that’s what Sloane was slowly beginning to realize…she had made a horrible, horrible mistake.

A mistake.

That’s exactly what sleeping with Sloane had been. Incredibly hot, but a mistake. He was more sated then he had been in a long time, but again…a mistake. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to sleep with her, hell no, he wanted to.

Her taste.

Her scent.

Her smooth skin.

Her eyes…how they could go from bright and full of laughter to dark and heavy with lust in a fraction of a second. And that mouth…Sloane’s mouth had his mind racing with all the naughty things she could do with it.

Gabe groaned when he realized that despite his cold shower he was still rock hard. He had hoped that the cool temperature would shock his body out of the constant state of arousal he’d been in since the night before, but clearly his cock had other ideas.

Annoyed, he cranked up the cold water and braced his hands against the wall of the shower. Gabe dropped his head down allowing the water to hit the back of his neck and travel down his spine.

He was a fool to think that one taste would be enough, but it never was.

Sloane was an addiction. He was a recovering fiend. And last night he had a relapse.


That’s exactly what he needed.

Such a simple, yet completely foreign concept when matters involved Sloane.

Control and structure had been Gabe’s life. Well professionally, that is. He had quit a perfectly good job with the Reston Police Department to become a private detective where he could be his own boss, call his own shots and make his own decisions. He needed that control. He almost strived for it. He just started his business a little over a year ago, and although business was good the last thing he needed was his focus to be disrupted by Sloane.

She knew him and whether or not she did it intentionally, she seemed to use it to her full advantage. She constantly riled him up, called him out on his bullshit and refused to let him get away with anything that he would be able to with any one else. She always had to get the last word in. Knowing exactly what to say with that pretty mouth of hers to push him past the point of no return, to the dangerous place where he didn’t know whether to throttle her or fuck her..

The woman was a contradiction, all come fuck me one minute and hands off the next. Her fire and ice mood swings were something to be reckoned with.

She overloaded his senses. She overwhelmed him. She frustrated him.

She messed with his judgment. He was damn good detective because he was level-headed, went with his gut instinct, and made smart, concise decisions when he needed to. However, all the logic and reason flew out the window once his animalistic urges surfaced invoked by Sloane. It wasn’t anything new, it was the same feelings he always struggled with when it came to her. The urge to possess and dominate her overwhelmed him. It was all that he could think of. It consumed him.

It made him feel helpless, out of control…left him unfocused. Caused him to make judgment errors, missing simple details…things that if he paid more attention to them, he would’ve read them for what they were a hell of a lot sooner.

Sloane was hiding something.

He thought back to her skittish behavior, their conversation from the night before, her one-worded answers anytime he’d ask her about California before quickly turning the subject back on him…she was good, but he was a detective, it was his job to catch these things.

The only question that remained was what was he going to do about it?

It would be nothing for him to do a background check on her. He wasn’t going to lie, the thought of looking Sloane up had crossed his mind on more than one occasion, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Aside from the work that his father and his associates threw his way, Gabe liked to keep his business life and personal life separate. Any personal cases he let his partner handle. Who was he to dig into her past and see what she was hiding anyways?

Her stricken faced flashed in his mind and it was all Gabe needed to give him the good sense to cut his losses and finally let Sloane go. He had already caused her enough pain and after all this time he still didn’t know how he felt about her.

She had been right last night, no matter how right for each other they were sexually, they had a lot of issues. He’d managed to get by just fine wit
hout her all these years, he’d just have to suck it up and do it again.

‘She’s just a woman’ Gabe told himself despite hearing the small voice in the back of his mind telling him that Sloane was more than that. A lot more.

He was drawn out of his thoughts when he heard someone banging on his front door. With a huff as he shut the water off and ripped open the shower curtain.

‘Hold on.’ Gabe shouted when the pounding sounded again urgently.

He quickly wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way to the door leaving a trail of watery footprints in his wake. Swinging the door open, the last thing he expected, or needed, was standing on the other side of the door dressed in a simple white cotton mini dress falling mid-thigh and slouchy brown boots.

‘How’d you know where I lived?’ Gabe asked surprised.

Whatever Sloane had been planning to say died in her mouth as she looked up and down his towel-clad body. Gabe did the same wondering when the girl who swore to always and forever wear sweats, had learned to dress herself. Her dark hair was tied back and off her make-up less showcasing her flawless features.

She was gorgeous.

‘Dean gave me directions,’ Sloane replied.

When she turned her big green eyes up at him he noticed that they were slightly puffy and red as if she had been crying.

‘Are you okay?’ Gabe asked.

‘Can we talk?’

‘Is this about last night?’

‘No.’ she interrupted curtly before staring at him.

‘Do you want to come in?’

‘Uh…’ Sloane hesitated ‘S-sure.’

He moved back to let her pass and couldn’t help but appreciate her backside. His gaze zoned in on the exposed flesh between her calves and the back of her thighs, wondering when the back of knees became such a damn turn on.

He wanted to touch them and see if she was ticklish. He wanted to lick him. He wanted to…rip his eyes away..

Control, he reminded himself. he needed control.

He watched as she shameless sized up his home.

‘Very…’ She said with a shrug as she turned back to him, ‘Neat.’

Neat? His place was the epitome of a bachelor pad and he took great pride in it. If she meant neat as in clean and in order, then yes, it was neat.

His expression must’ve given away his offense, because she was staring at him comically.

‘Don’t look like wounded kitten. You’re place is amazing. I only meant that I wish my apartment was a neat and tidy as yours. You should see mine, Ethan is a terror. It’s impossible to keep-‘ Sloane stopped abruptly and cleared her throat.

Gabe tensed at the mention of his name. Ethan. The ‘friend’. He’d forgotten about him. A friend who was obviously serious enough to be living together. He looked back into her red-rimmed eyes, finally putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

Of course Sloane was upset. She had cheated on her boyfriend with him.

‘Make yourself comfortable,’ Gabe said restrained, despite his flailing jealousy, ‘Give me a minute to change.’

‘This was a bad idea.’ Sloane thought as she watched Gabe disappear down the hallway.

Here, in his domain, she was at his mercy. She had to remind herself that she had to do it here. She sure as hell didn’t want Ethan anywhere near him when he exploded, which she predicted he would.

‘Deep breaths…deep breaths…’ Sloane chanted quietly to calm herself.

She had deviated from the plan the moment she stepped inside his house. The plan was so simple. How hard was it to stay on the porch where there were plenty of witnesses and deliver the speech she had practiced the last six years and the entire drive over here?

It was so simple and so easy…and it was shot to hell the moment Gabe opened the front door wearing only a towel. God, he was so hot and so clueless.

She was barely holding it together. Her palms were sweaty. She was jumping at his every word. She felt like she was going to throw up. She couldn’t do this.

Just as she reached the front door, Gabe’s voice caused her to jump out of her skin.

‘You’re leaving already?’

‘No.’ she squeaked out, whipping around in time to see him coming down the hallway.

He had changed into loose black basketball shorts and tee-shirt with the sleeves cut off, proudly displaying his strong, muscular arms. Muscular arms that ended in powerful hands, big enough to fit around her neck and choke the life out of her.

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Authors note: This story is heavily inspired by Game Monster by Cantalope, be sure to check it out if this appeals to you. Something doesn't feel normal as you wake. Your mind is foggy and slow, like someone came along while you slept and stuffed it full of cotton wool. You struggle to remember what cotton wool is. You try to remember if this is normal, but you can't remember... anything, actually. Just the vaguest impressions. Instincts coloured with flashes of what you know used to be...

2 years ago
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How I Found My Hot Partner

Hi guys i am Vikram from Bangalore, i just recently started reading iss and thought to submit my story. I am into exports, living alone in a very posh gated community, being alone in Bangalore i always wanted a good partner but never got one as i was always busy with work, i used to satisfy myself by watching porn and masturbating. There is part time maid at home who does all the cleaning and cooking for me when i am in town and it so happened on a Sunday that i was watching porn in TV in my...

4 years ago
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Trainee passes with flying colors

"Thank you for all you've shown me this past few weeks. Is there anything else I need to know?"I'd been training Geraldine on the Inspection Station assignment. A system of conveyor belts would bring product to a meeting point, where an operator would check for defects, see if all paperwork was in order, label the widgets for customers, and etc.The Inspection Station required only one, responsible operator. From not-too-near Production and Finishing machines, one could see the Inspector...

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PrincessCum Avi Love Victory Shot

Justin Hunt and his stepsister Avi Love are hanging out watching football and playing fantasy football. Justin’s girlfriend Emily Mena is getting bored, and when Justin and Avi joke about Avi giving Justin a handy Emily freaks out and leaves. Justin is pissed that his girlfriend has stormed out, so Avi tries to apologize by stroking his thigh and hardon. Eventually she unzips Justin’s pants to wrap her lips around his fuck stick. Justin still isn’t super certain about fucking...

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Wifes Minor Indiscretions

A few months ago, I found myself in the doghouse when my Wife had busted me for snogging a female Colleague on her Leaving Do. Having been married for 25 years, it wasn’t the first time my halo had slipped but it was the first time I’d been banged to rights!Naturally, she was upset and when she had finished grilling me and I’d re-assured her that I wasn’t having an affair, hadn’t fucked this other Woman, that it meant nothing etc. my Wife started to turn the tables on me and give me some home...

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Karen The Cheating Bride

For my friend Michael who patiently endures my disappearing acts, and who's private photos have given me many pleasant dreams."We'll be back!" my bridesmaid's said as they scurried from the room. I could hear them giggling all the way down the stairs. They left on a mission to find a bottle of liquor.It was thirty minutes before the big event. I was nervously pacing the floor in one of the two small rooms upstairs at the Inn. Soon I would be called downstairs and out into the lawn where my...

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Kelly Girl 7 Too Pretty for a Boy

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel, Bashful, and everyone else thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 7 "Too Pretty for a Boy" By Wanda Cunningham Kelly held...

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The Power Outage

We’ve been planning it for months, this epic trip with our friends Mark and Stacy. My wife Katie and I have known them for over ten years now and we love hanging out with them. A while back we got this brainstorm to head up to our timeshare for the holidays and spend nearly a full week skiing and having fun. It’s determined that the most efficient way to get our vacation underway is for me to pick up Stacy at her work and for Mark to pick up Katie from her Mom’s place. Stacy and I are getting...

3 years ago
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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 12 Kermac Spy

UPWARD The NAVINT commander had her Avatar established in the secure conference room underneath the surface of Richter 4. Also present were Cherubim, Algear Moansti, Admiral McElligott and now the Avatar of Admiral Stahl blinked into existence. The little group was made complete by a massive alien. The large alien, the Nul All Leader was here the first time by invitation. I was the Commandant of NAVINT that opened this top-level meeting and after she acknowledged the ones present she went...

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DreamerBy CD_lishmis Ever since I could remember I loved to fantasize about becoming a beautiful woman. I love their looks, their sensual movements, and the sexy lingerie and clothing they wear. I liked it so much, as I played with my sisters paper dolls, I would put my face on their picture. I had to put makeup on so I would look more like a girl. I wanted the picture to look as realistic as possible; I loved looking at myself as a woman.. I pretended that was me with that...

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Suba Ennum Sorgam 8211 Paguthi 1

Vegu kaalangalaaga naan pengaludan udal uravu enbathe kolamal irunthen, appozhuthu thaan en nanban mulaiyamaaga subavai paarthen. Naan avalai santhithathum aval velai seiyum idathil ennai velaiku serthu vitaal. Naangal iruvarum ondraaga oru kalluriyil velai paarthu vanthom, suba parka sexyaaga irupaal aanal aval siripu aangalai kavara kudiyathu. Naangal ondraaga pazhaga aarambithom, subavin iru mulaigalum sexyaaga perithaaga irukum aval sare aninthu irukum pozhuthu oru naal avalin mulai kaambu...

2 years ago
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Its Hard to be a Man

This story is copyright 1997 by Stephanie. All rights reserved. You may repost or store this story on your website as long as the work is not altered or charged for. As always, this is an adult story and it should not be read if you are under the age of eighteen. It's Hard to be a Man by Stephanie Amanda was waiting for Patrick when he got to her apartment. He knew he was over two hours late, but he didn't really care. She didn't look angry as she let him in,...

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Milk Maid Lover2

Darla my wife and I was expecting our first child at any moment. The nervous energy between the two of us was almost palpable. I loaded her packed bags into the car and pulled around to the front of the house to shorten her walking distance. Throwing one bag in the back with a change of clothes for me, although I didn’t think it would be necessary, but Darla had insisted. I heard her scream and I almost drove straight through our prized winning rose garden to get back to her. She stood...

2 years ago
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Maine Aunty Ki Gaand Mari Bathroom 8211 Part II

To sexy auntiyo apane mere pichale story me padha hi hoga ki kaise maine apani aunty ki bra apane underwear me dalkar me hall me aake tv dekh raha tha aur meri aunty kitchen me khana bana rahi thi me tv me kiran rathode ki movie highschool dekh raha tha jisame ek ladaka kaise apane se badi aurat ke pyaar me dub jata hai usame south ki actress kiran rathode bahut hot dikh rahi hai use dekhkar me bhi apane aunty ko usi tarah imagine karane laga thodi der ke baad jab Aunty khana banake kitchen se...

3 years ago
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New Year

"Let me get this straight. You want to book me for New Year's Eve at the stroke of midnight.""Right.""But I have some killer party plans. How bout we meet earlier?""I'm sorry. It has to be midnight. I'll double your rate. Triple it if you cum inside me bareback at exactly midnight.""All because of the silly superstition that whatever you're doing at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve is what you'll be doing all year long?""Yep.""You know that's bull shit. Right?""Probably, but what have I...

3 years ago
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Our New Neighbors Ch04 Maxines Liberation

Introduction: We finally meet Mom. Boy do we ever… This is my favorite chapter so far. I love writing from (Mom) Maxines perspective. She is one of the hottest characters Ive ever written, as youll learn in coming chapters. The best stuff this time might not be the sex as much as the tension and the open discussion of taboo. I hope it gets you off! If this one is too slow, just wait for Ch5, which is pure hardcore. When I pulled into the driveway after a long, hard day at work, I knew no one...

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Taking Care of a Problem1

That wasn't all, though. The pain and stiffness in her spine wasn't just from sleeping. There was a figure sitting on top of her, straddling her thighs so that she could not move, and fear gripped her in a vice. As soon as she tried to turn her head to scream, a hand tightened in her hair and shoved her face into the pillow, hard enough to stifle her voice and restrict her breathing. Lily bucked, scrabbling as she tried to twist her arms behind herself to scratch at the person holding her...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 12

Once the funeral was out of the way, life at the Flying M Ranch settled into a comfortable routine. Fire Bringer spent a couple of hours each day taking care of ranch business. It was amazing how easy this was when one had the powers he did. He wanted to switch them from depending on longhorns to a more profitable breed of cattle, such as White Faced. To do this, he would have to locate several bulls, so he spent some time with his Far Seeing skill looking for a source where he could purchase...

2 years ago
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The Palpable ProsecutorChapter 20

Chief of Police Jack Sinderson frowned at the folder lying on his desk. It contained a routine background check on one Alexandr Novákov, a recent immigrant from the Czech Republic who had been referred to the school by an employment agency in New York City. He hadn’t thought about it before, but now he wondered how an employment agency in New York City had been aware that Slippery Rock needed a janitor for their high school. Jack remembered the man, now, and remembered doing the background...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 16 1 year later

Chapter 1 - ROCKY'S BIRTHDAY Rocky was having a helluva of a birthday , his mom /sex slave Sheila had come over that morning & now was licking his asshole while his wife Cindy fucked her mother-in-laws cunt doggy-style with a 12inch strapon dildo , Sheila could barely keep it together as she moaned loudly with pleasure . Rocky grabbed Sheila's head roughly as he began facefucking her without mercy . The woman who had giving him birth was now stuffed with cock . As Cindy added some lube...

1 year ago
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More than Friends

My best friend Diana and I moved into an apartment downtown after we graduated from college. We had both gotten good jobs so we were able to get a unit in the 14th floor of a killer high rise with wall to wall windows. The problem was that the only unit they had left was a one bedroom. we decided that would be ok because Diana had a queen size bed that was big enough for both of us. For the first few weeks everything was normal between us and we both loved being out on our own. As the weeks...

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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 20

Duncan tapped his pencil on the desk repeatedly. 2:42pm. Still. How could it be 2:42? he wondered. It felt like it had been 2:42 for close to a decade now. The entire day had followed a similar pattern for the young football player. Every minute had seemed like an eternity, each class had dragged and dragged as minutes ticked by agonizingly slowly. Duncan reached into his pocket and grasped the note comfortingly. He’d read it a thousand times since he’d first seen it in his locker,...

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mommys helping hands part 5

julie answers a knock at the door jacks girlfriend dawn is on the doorstep'oh hi dawn so nice to see you i thought you had given up on my jack''oh no never its just that i don't know how to act with him with his casts on not sure how i can help if at all but i just wondered if i could take him to the movies or something''um well i don't know we have some doctors instructions that need to be carried out regularly soi'm not really sure thats appropiate why don't you come in and we can talk to...

4 years ago
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The Principal

As a middle school married principal, I'm surrounded by women. Some are teachers but many more are mothers. My imagination led me to fantasize that there are a select group of mothers waiting to be fucked. That was wishful thinking until, well, recently. Of course, my situation would have been better as a single man yet, being in a stale relationship enabled me to keep my options open if an opportunity arose. At the age of 48, I might be mistaken for 38 and that is always a benefit for a...

Straight Sex
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Weight Loss ProgramChapter 3 A New Development

Saturday night had me thinking a lot about Shirley. I'm not sure how Shirley had such a negative self-image about herself; this might be something I might want to check out with Trance Shirley. Shirley turned out to be a good sport about the whole nudity thing. She even was precocious enough to get me back by stroking me inside my gym shorts, and seemed playful enough to invite me for a shower. Somehow, the two of us just sort of clicked. That night also had me thinking sexual thoughts...

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A Wife Sharing Adventure That Didnt Turn Out So Well

A husband sharing his wife can be quite intriguing but it also can turn out to be something totally unexpected. This is exactly what had happened to both Steven and his wife Beth. They had just celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary when Steven brought up the idea of sharing Beth with another man. It was a tough sell right away for Steven, as Beth wanted nothing to do with it. They had been happily married for the last twelve years and had two young children under the age of 10. They both...

Straight Sex
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Bike Rides With Rima Kolkata

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers this is my first story… So koi mistake hua toh maaf kardena… Mai raghu from kolkata, mera age 24years hai… Average built body, 7″ lamba nd 4.5″ mota lund jo kisi ki bhi bhukh ko mita de… Funny nd caring bhi hu… Jiske wajah se girls mujhe bahut pasand karti hai… Mera graduation completed hai… and higher studies k sath khud ka business bhi chalata hu… Ap apna comments jarur karey… pe mail bheje ya hangouts . Toh story pe atey hai.. Mai apna business k...

4 years ago
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My Back Fence Adventures Begin

My Back Fence Adventures BeginFive years ago I finally had the opportunity to purchase a home in an area I had always wanted. It was a large house on two acres. There was some prestige with living in this neighborhood. However, my motivation was its proximity to a large city park and nature preserve.The house I purchased was around 3500 square feet and sat on 2 acres. The rear yard was enclosed by a sturdy 8-foot tall wooden privacy fence with stone pillars space throughout. The wooden privacy...

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Sissy Story Chapter 05 Finale

All the stuff, some dishes, the leash, the collar, the toys, a chew bone and a ball with a bell in it, a couple of bags of training reward dog treats, and some dry dog food, were ready the next day. His dog tag and dishes with his name on them would take a couple of weeks, but I thought that was way too long for the first time in a chastity belt. I wanted him fired up, not frantic and thinking of ways out. I felt like it was most important to start having fun. Mom agreed, so I sent off...

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A Horseshoes LuckChapter 2

Aston did get his wish for a restful night’s sleep. He woke just as the first light glowed faintly on the horizon. He woke as long habit had him up early to care for his animals and chores around the home. He crawled out of the blankets that had become tangled overnight when he rolled around trying to get comfortable on the hard ground. He looked around his camp, noted the horses had gathered together by the water’s edge, and slept as well. The fire from the night before had burned down, only...

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LYNN’S TRAININGChapter One                Pacing the floor, glancing toward the clock on the wall, Lynn nervously holds the cell phone in her hand.  Feeling her heart pounding in her chest, again glancing at the phone, the clock, now approaching seven o’clock, she steps toward the closed window curtain, frustrated with the predicament she’s put herself into, it was just a handful of pot, Zenex’s.        Hearing the sound of tires in the gravel driveway, she grips the dark colored curtain with...

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The Mistress Monologues

The Mistress Monologues By Cassandra Morgan "You see, Doc, it's like this. I like a boyfriend with titties." I looked at the bartender's face for the shock value. I was disappointed that I didn't see any. Usually, when I told people about my love of the simpering girly-boys, I at least got a flinch. Something. This time? A blank stare. Look, there are all sorts of tastes of all sorts of flavors. Some women liked the blond surfer dudes with their tan bodies and their...

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A Gift From His Father Ch 17

(Authors Note: At the end of this installment is a list of the characters and a brief description. I have included this because many of you have asked.) ***** Slowly opening his eyes John found he was unable to focus, there was a ringing in his ears that quickly vanished and was replaced with a squishing sounds and the slapping of flesh and soon the unmistakable scent of sex waffled into his olfaction. That seemed to help, at least it was familiar. He was able to focus his eyes now but...

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Wrong NumberChapter 3

It was Monday morning, and I had just parked in the lot at work when my phone rang. It was my son. “Hey.” “Hey Babe, want to talk?” “John, you’re an idiot.” I hung up and laughed. I guess he got over the embarrassment, and now he was going to tease me. I was proud of him. He called Laura yesterday and broke off their affair and did not involve me or use me as the reason he was ending it. I got three more calls from my son during the week. One to find out where his favorite shirt was and...

1 year ago
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Hide And Seek

Mike, Billy, and Derek were fooling around one day at college. Since this was a particularly boring day, the three of them decided to do something stupid like play the game 'Hide and Seek'. Derek thought of it. Mike and Billy looked at him as if he had gone mad. "Hey, what else are we gonna do? All the chicks went on a fieldtrip. Cmon let's play." said Derek. The other two gave in and agreed to play. Derek decided that he would be the seeker and that Mike and Billy should hide some place good....

Group Sex
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Mummy ki bur ko naukaro nai bajaya

Dosto ye bat jab ki hai jab mai semester break mai ghar gaya tha.mera nam rohan hai or mai bba ka student ho meri age abhi 18 year hai or mai bhopal mai rahta hon ye kahani hai meri or meri mummy ki chudai ki unka man somya hai wo bahut beautiful lady hai unki age abhi bas 37 year hai unka figure bahut madak hai unke phule hua boobs blouse mai tane hua nazar aate hai unki patli kamar or gand bhi bahut mast hai. Unki figure hai 36-30-38 hai.mujhe apni mummy ki nabhi (navel) bahut pasnd hai mummy...

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Debbies Awakening Part 1

Debbie and I used to be a typical suburban couple. We had been married for just over a year after having lived together for two years. We had no kids yet, and were anxious to start a family soon in our new home. We were conventional and, I thought, pretty satisfied with our lives. We were apprehensive about moving, but once we did, we were sure we made the right choice. Our new neighbors all seemed very friendly and they all seemed to socialize together. When we met on our nightly walks, more...

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Winters Kiss

So it was when she entered the room. I had gone back to college after a hiatus to start a family, and was having a very difficult time juggling job and home and school. The job and the home life were both miserable but I had high hopes for education and it got me out of the house two nights a week. I sat, that first evening, in the middle of the last row, watching the other students enter, check their schedules to make sure this was the right room, and find an optimum place to sit....

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