Liar Ch. 07 free porn video

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‘What happened?’ Dean asked after Sloane hung up the phone, ‘Is everything okay?’

‘No…that was Gigi.’ She replied distracted.

‘Gigi? Is there something wrong with Ethan?’

‘No, no…’ Sloane said shaking her head and meeting her brother’s concerned gaze, ‘Ethan’s fine. She’s on her way here to drop Ethan off before she goes home.’

Dean breathed out a sigh of relief upon hearing Ethan was okay only to suck it in just as quickly, ‘Wait…Gigi’s on her way here? Here as in Reston? With Ethan?’

Sloane fought to register the nightmare that was becoming her reality. If she didn’t have the overwhelming sensation to fall to the floor and curl into a ball, she might’ve laughed at the situation. Somehow her careful and strategically planned visit had turned into a catastrophe.

She inhaled deeply and nodded her head in confirmation.

Dean looked at her, letting his lips form an ‘O’.

‘Well that…can’t be good for you.’ Dean said delivering the understatement of the year, ‘Are you going to tell him now?’

‘I don’t know.’ Sloane replied quietly, distracted by her thoughts.

Twenty-four hours ago, her biggest worry about coming back to Reston was running into Gabe. Been there, done that…and boy did they do it. Running into Gabe was a cake walk compared to what she was going to have to do.

‘Sloane…’ Dean started, his tone notably irritated.

‘Dean! Please, I-I know what I need to do, just…’ She trailed off trying to compose herself. She didn’t want to yell at Dean, he was just telling her what she refused to all these years, ‘Just please give me a minute okay? I will…figure it out, okay?’

‘Well you better and quickly. You may have forgotten, but this town is small. All it takes is for one person to see your son.’

‘I know.’ Sloane clipped.

Dean looked at his sister hard. As brave as was trying to sound, she looked scared.

A part of him knew she deserved to feel that way but the brotherly side of him wanted to protect her from the incoming storm that was about to hit her. If he knew Gabe, which he did, he was not going to take this well. No one in Gabe’s position would.

Dean shook his head. He couldn’t understand how two perfectly sane and sensible people could do extremely demented things when they’re within the same vicinity.

As pissed as he was at Sloane’s sheer stupidity, he had to remind himself that Gabe had messed up too. He wasn’t there for her when she needed him the most, he wasn’t going to let that happen again.

Dean sighed raggedly and ran his hand through his hair, ‘Alright, look. Even though you are extremely, extremely in the wrong, you’re still my little sister. Whatever you decide, I got your back. Although I seriously advise you to tell Mom and Dad before they get here.’

Sloane looked at her brother and smiled wearily. Before she could respond, their father’s voice boomed after the door slammed open.

‘Sloane! Get down here right now, young lady!’

‘Not now Noah.’ She heard her mom say in a hushed tone.

‘Oh yes, right now.’ he replied heatedly, ‘Sloane Jolene Bennett! Now!’

Young lady?

Full name?

This wasn’t going to be good..

‘Calm down, I’m right here.’ Sloane said as she turned the corner.

Sloane stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the look on her father’s face. She couldn’t quite read it, but it wasn’t the he look of disappointment he usually gave her.

‘You have some explaining to do.’ he said.

‘What did I-‘ Sloane said just before a dark haired, ball of energy squirmed his way under her dad’s arm and launched his 3’5’ body at her.

‘Mommy!’ Ethan exclaimed, jumping up and wrapping his skinny arms and legs around her neck and waist.

‘You’re here!’ Sloane said hugging him close, burying her nose in his dark hair.

He smelled like chocolate, peanut butter, and peppermints. It was amazing how relieved she felt just having him in her arms. His presence seemed to remedy her nerves slightly before the reality set in that he was actually here. She looked at Gigi, who had just walked through the door, ‘Already?’

‘When I couldn’t get you on your mobile, I called the house number that you had left with Miss Jacobs-.’

‘And imagine my shock when I answered the phone to discover that Georgina and Ethan were in town and stuck at that airport.’ Her mother said, picking up in the middle of Gigi’s story, ‘She insisted on having you pick her up, but of course your father and I couldn’t just leave them there.’

‘How nice.’ Sloane said wryly.

‘Oh honey, don’t frown. We couldn’t very well wait for you to wake up. You got home so late last night, who knows when that would’ve been.’ Her mom replied as Sloane ignored Gigi cocked eyebrow.

‘Good you guys are back! Mom and Dad, I’m borrowing your luggage. Brodie is packing up a storm–‘

‘Uncle Dean!’ Ethan cried, squirming out of Sloane’s arms to run to him.

‘Look at you!’ Dean laughed leaning down to swoop Ethan up with a feigned grunt, ‘Oh my back…you’re getting so heavy. You’re such a big boy now!’

‘Oh please don’t say that…’ Gigi muttered.

‘A big boy?’ Ethan said before Gigi could finish. He looked between Dean and Gigi, ‘I told you Aun’ Gigi. Now yer gonna hafta take me.’

‘Take you where?’ Dean asked Gigi.

Gigi hesitated as her eyes darted between Dean, Sloane, her parents then back to Sloane again.

‘Well…uh…see what had happened was–‘

‘Aun’ Gigi’s friend has a club.’ Ethan said, his green eyes growing huge with excitement, ‘A big boy club…’

‘A big boys only club?’ Dean replied, exaggerating his tone to match Ethan’s excitement one.

‘Yeah! But Aun’ Gigi is a girl and Dude said he’d take her whenever she wanted.’

‘Dude?’ Dean asked, completely confused now.

‘Jude’ Gigi mouthed to Sloane.

‘Yeah, Dude! He says he was yer friend.’ Ethan said, before lowering his voice as if he was telling Dean a secret, ‘He was givin’ Aun’ Gigi the eyes.’

‘The eyes?’

‘The eyes.’ Ethan replied as if everyone understood his five year old babbling, ‘The eyes that Liam gives Mommy.’

‘Uh…I think we’ve heard enough for today.’ Sloane interrupted, realizing where the story was headed.

‘But Mom I wanted to see Myles…’ Ethan whined.

‘Ethan.’ Sloane said sternly, giving him a serious look.

‘How about we go upstairs and look for Grandma and Grandpa’s luggage?’ Dean interrupted when he saw that Ethan was about to cry.

‘Okay!’ Ethan replied excitedly.

Sloane could only shake her head as she watched Dean and Ethan go up the stairs. She was slightly jealous of her son’s emotional rebound rate. What she wouldn’t give for an ounce of it, cause she could certainly use it now.

‘I told you Josie.’

Sloane heard her father say, drawing her attention to the conversation he was having with her mother behind her.

‘Dean saw it too. Our grandson looks just like the Jennings boy.’

‘We will talk about this later.’


‘I said later.’ Her mother clipped, successfully shutting down the large man Sloane knew as her father. Her mother then shot her an equally chilling look. ‘Isn’t that right, Sloane?’

She was in deep shit.

‘Right.’ Sloane choked out, before looking at her father, ‘I promise.’

‘There, see? I told you. She’ll explain everything. Now we need to go to the market, we’re going to need more groceries for dinner tonight.’

‘Yes dear.’ her father replied before following his wife out the front door.

Sloane inhaled deeply, before turning and looking at Gigi. Gigi must’ve misinterpreted the look she gave her because she immediately started rambling.

‘Oh god, I’m so sorry Sloane. I didn’t know what to do. Daddy is about to sell his company to this…this…this prick! So
I booked a flight immediately only to find out that the bleeding meeting was postponed because the tosser’s secretary scheduled the meeting the same weekend as some personal matter he needed to attend so I don’t even need to be there until later this week.’ Gigi inhaled sharply to get air into her lungs and continued, ‘We should’ve flown back. I didn’t even realize he looked so much like Gabe until your dad said something. I am sorry. I am so sorry–‘

‘Gigi, stop. Stop. Really its okay.’ Sloane said soothingly, ‘You have nothing to be sorry about. You did the right thing. With my grandparents here for the wedding, I don’t know who else would’ve watched him.’

‘There’s always Liam.’ Gigi shrugged, ‘I’m sure he would have no problems assisting you in any way, shape, or form.’

Liam Mason was a single father that lived in the same building as Sloane. His wife had left him and their daughter after discovering that motherhood wasn’t something that suited her. Sloane sympathized with the man and figured that he could provide a fatherly figure for Ethan, as she provided a motherly figure for Jenny, his daughter.

She knew Liam had feelings for her, but she didn’t allow herself to press the issue. Between Ethan and work her scheduled was locked down.

‘I mean that in the physical sense.’ Gigi unnecessarily clarified.

‘I caught that.’

‘Just making sure.’

‘Thanks.’ Sloane smiled wearily at her attempt to make her feel better, ‘I couldn’t ask him to do that, I already feel like crap passing my son around for everyone to watch.’

‘Love, it was just for one night.’ Gigi comforted, ‘You’re allowed a break and trust me…I have a new found respect for you.’

Sloane looked at Gigi. Only then did she realize that her usual put together appearance was…less than par. Ethan was a handful, she could only imagine how last night had went between the two.

‘Thanks for watching Ethan on such sort notice last night.’ Sloane said, ‘I think you’ve more than earned the boots.’

Despite the silence that enveloped them, the sound of her life crashing down around her was deafening.

A small voice in the back of her mind told her that all wasn’t lost. She and Ethan could still take the first flight out of here and go back to California. Back to the way things were. Where things were easier and where Gabe was none the wiser about the son they shared.


Sloane was tired. Tired of lying to her family. Tired of lying to Gabe. Tired of running. It was only twenty-four hours, but it was long enough for Sloane to realize that it was a mistake staying away.

All those years ago, she’d let her fear of getting hurt and facing Gabe cripple her usual level-headedness. She had chosen to stay away and she knew what it would cost her. What she never expected was how much it’d cost her son, the only one in this whole messed up situation that was innocent.

Ethan had missed out on her family, one that was standing by her even though she had deceived them. Worse, the love of his father. Gabe may have walked away from her that morning, but she’s the one that stayed away.

‘Are you okay?’ Gigi’s asked drawing out of her thoughts.

‘Not really.’

Gigi didn’t have to ask to know what was running through her mind, ‘Do you want me to go with you?’

Sloane couldn’t say anything, but sniff and shake her head.

It was time that owned up to her mistakes and take responsibility. Cause that’s what Sloane was slowly beginning to realize…she had made a horrible, horrible mistake.

A mistake.

That’s exactly what sleeping with Sloane had been. Incredibly hot, but a mistake. He was more sated then he had been in a long time, but again…a mistake. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to sleep with her, hell no, he wanted to.

Her taste.

Her scent.

Her smooth skin.

Her eyes…how they could go from bright and full of laughter to dark and heavy with lust in a fraction of a second. And that mouth…Sloane’s mouth had his mind racing with all the naughty things she could do with it.

Gabe groaned when he realized that despite his cold shower he was still rock hard. He had hoped that the cool temperature would shock his body out of the constant state of arousal he’d been in since the night before, but clearly his cock had other ideas.

Annoyed, he cranked up the cold water and braced his hands against the wall of the shower. Gabe dropped his head down allowing the water to hit the back of his neck and travel down his spine.

He was a fool to think that one taste would be enough, but it never was.

Sloane was an addiction. He was a recovering fiend. And last night he had a relapse.


That’s exactly what he needed.

Such a simple, yet completely foreign concept when matters involved Sloane.

Control and structure had been Gabe’s life. Well professionally, that is. He had quit a perfectly good job with the Reston Police Department to become a private detective where he could be his own boss, call his own shots and make his own decisions. He needed that control. He almost strived for it. He just started his business a little over a year ago, and although business was good the last thing he needed was his focus to be disrupted by Sloane.

She knew him and whether or not she did it intentionally, she seemed to use it to her full advantage. She constantly riled him up, called him out on his bullshit and refused to let him get away with anything that he would be able to with any one else. She always had to get the last word in. Knowing exactly what to say with that pretty mouth of hers to push him past the point of no return, to the dangerous place where he didn’t know whether to throttle her or fuck her..

The woman was a contradiction, all come fuck me one minute and hands off the next. Her fire and ice mood swings were something to be reckoned with.

She overloaded his senses. She overwhelmed him. She frustrated him.

She messed with his judgment. He was damn good detective because he was level-headed, went with his gut instinct, and made smart, concise decisions when he needed to. However, all the logic and reason flew out the window once his animalistic urges surfaced invoked by Sloane. It wasn’t anything new, it was the same feelings he always struggled with when it came to her. The urge to possess and dominate her overwhelmed him. It was all that he could think of. It consumed him.

It made him feel helpless, out of control…left him unfocused. Caused him to make judgment errors, missing simple details…things that if he paid more attention to them, he would’ve read them for what they were a hell of a lot sooner.

Sloane was hiding something.

He thought back to her skittish behavior, their conversation from the night before, her one-worded answers anytime he’d ask her about California before quickly turning the subject back on him…she was good, but he was a detective, it was his job to catch these things.

The only question that remained was what was he going to do about it?

It would be nothing for him to do a background check on her. He wasn’t going to lie, the thought of looking Sloane up had crossed his mind on more than one occasion, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Aside from the work that his father and his associates threw his way, Gabe liked to keep his business life and personal life separate. Any personal cases he let his partner handle. Who was he to dig into her past and see what she was hiding anyways?

Her stricken faced flashed in his mind and it was all Gabe needed to give him the good sense to cut his losses and finally let Sloane go. He had already caused her enough pain and after all this time he still didn’t know how he felt about her.

She had been right last night, no matter how right for each other they were sexually, they had a lot of issues. He’d managed to get by just fine wit
hout her all these years, he’d just have to suck it up and do it again.

‘She’s just a woman’ Gabe told himself despite hearing the small voice in the back of his mind telling him that Sloane was more than that. A lot more.

He was drawn out of his thoughts when he heard someone banging on his front door. With a huff as he shut the water off and ripped open the shower curtain.

‘Hold on.’ Gabe shouted when the pounding sounded again urgently.

He quickly wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way to the door leaving a trail of watery footprints in his wake. Swinging the door open, the last thing he expected, or needed, was standing on the other side of the door dressed in a simple white cotton mini dress falling mid-thigh and slouchy brown boots.

‘How’d you know where I lived?’ Gabe asked surprised.

Whatever Sloane had been planning to say died in her mouth as she looked up and down his towel-clad body. Gabe did the same wondering when the girl who swore to always and forever wear sweats, had learned to dress herself. Her dark hair was tied back and off her make-up less showcasing her flawless features.

She was gorgeous.

‘Dean gave me directions,’ Sloane replied.

When she turned her big green eyes up at him he noticed that they were slightly puffy and red as if she had been crying.

‘Are you okay?’ Gabe asked.

‘Can we talk?’

‘Is this about last night?’

‘No.’ she interrupted curtly before staring at him.

‘Do you want to come in?’

‘Uh…’ Sloane hesitated ‘S-sure.’

He moved back to let her pass and couldn’t help but appreciate her backside. His gaze zoned in on the exposed flesh between her calves and the back of her thighs, wondering when the back of knees became such a damn turn on.

He wanted to touch them and see if she was ticklish. He wanted to lick him. He wanted to…rip his eyes away..

Control, he reminded himself. he needed control.

He watched as she shameless sized up his home.

‘Very…’ She said with a shrug as she turned back to him, ‘Neat.’

Neat? His place was the epitome of a bachelor pad and he took great pride in it. If she meant neat as in clean and in order, then yes, it was neat.

His expression must’ve given away his offense, because she was staring at him comically.

‘Don’t look like wounded kitten. You’re place is amazing. I only meant that I wish my apartment was a neat and tidy as yours. You should see mine, Ethan is a terror. It’s impossible to keep-‘ Sloane stopped abruptly and cleared her throat.

Gabe tensed at the mention of his name. Ethan. The ‘friend’. He’d forgotten about him. A friend who was obviously serious enough to be living together. He looked back into her red-rimmed eyes, finally putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

Of course Sloane was upset. She had cheated on her boyfriend with him.

‘Make yourself comfortable,’ Gabe said restrained, despite his flailing jealousy, ‘Give me a minute to change.’

‘This was a bad idea.’ Sloane thought as she watched Gabe disappear down the hallway.

Here, in his domain, she was at his mercy. She had to remind herself that she had to do it here. She sure as hell didn’t want Ethan anywhere near him when he exploded, which she predicted he would.

‘Deep breaths…deep breaths…’ Sloane chanted quietly to calm herself.

She had deviated from the plan the moment she stepped inside his house. The plan was so simple. How hard was it to stay on the porch where there were plenty of witnesses and deliver the speech she had practiced the last six years and the entire drive over here?

It was so simple and so easy…and it was shot to hell the moment Gabe opened the front door wearing only a towel. God, he was so hot and so clueless.

She was barely holding it together. Her palms were sweaty. She was jumping at his every word. She felt like she was going to throw up. She couldn’t do this.

Just as she reached the front door, Gabe’s voice caused her to jump out of her skin.

‘You’re leaving already?’

‘No.’ she squeaked out, whipping around in time to see him coming down the hallway.

He had changed into loose black basketball shorts and tee-shirt with the sleeves cut off, proudly displaying his strong, muscular arms. Muscular arms that ended in powerful hands, big enough to fit around her neck and choke the life out of her.

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01-01-2012 My name is John and my dumb ass therapist says I have to keep a journal for a year as part of my anger management class. This is dumb 01-15-2012 So I got shipped off to a new foster home today this make 14 homes this year no one wants me and I don't want them 01-17-2012 Ms. Ginger is my new "mom" what a bitch she expects me to do house work and go to school I break her fast i'll be out of her by next week 1-27-2012 This bitch is tougher then I thought...

1 year ago
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Fighting for Love Ch 03

: Chapter Three : Danny stood at attention as Cal yelled at him, the urge to hit Cal was intense and Danny had to remind himself of the consequences of striking a superior. ‘What do you have to say for yourself Storm?’ Cal asked finally. Danny took a deep breath. ‘I know I disobeyed a direct order but under the circumstances, I’d say it was forgivable sir,’ Danny said. Cal looked at Danny in surprise. ‘How so?’ he asked. Danny looked Cal in the eyes. ‘Cal, you know how hard it was for me...

3 years ago
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Mothers Cure for ShynessChapter 4

The following week, Steve came home and even though Betty had said that every thing was all right with him, John was nervous about what the older man would say. He and Betty had been practicing all week on seduction and fucking and had gotten to the point where both of them could control their erotic impulses for hours at a time. Steve had arrived home and put his suitcase away, then took a shower before sitting in his favorite lounger wearing a robe and nothing else. He could see that John...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Khloe Kapri Are You Done Yet

When my hot older stepsister Khloe Kapri confesses she took my dad’s sports car, I see an opportunity in the making. I ask her to show me her tits in exchange for my silence and she is game. She even lets me squeeze them! A little later I catch her showering, she is shocked to see me but lets me watch her as she rubs down her soapy body. I see her laying on her bed after & I (Diego Perez) can’t hold myself anymore. I make her an offer – take my dad’s car again, but...

2 years ago
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EDUCATRICES . Coulybaca (Texte personnel)   Chapitre 1 : Fran?oise   Ce jeudi vers 18 heures, Fran?oise, suivie de son groupe de jeunes filles p?n?trait dans le hall de la piscine de la ville voisine, la chaleur torride qui avait r?gn? toute la journ?e l'avait amen?e ? bousculer l'emploi du temps pr?vu .  Depuis midi, les filles l'avaient press?e de s'y rendre afin de profiter pleinement d'une si belle journ?e. Affal?s sur le ventre, autour du bassin d?couvert, les a?n?s, les gar?ons du groupe 6 semblaient les y attendre, to...

1 year ago
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Last year of high school

Your name is Olivia Jones and it is your last year of high school. You are excited for this last year but ready to be out of high school. You are a very beautiful girl. Standing 5'6 inches tall, red hair down past your shoulders, with a pair of breasts that make other girls jealous at 36dd, and a pretty good ass. This starts out the morning of your first day, with your alarm going off.

2 years ago
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dance of sex

***At 30 years old I married Beth, a cute little girl of 18yrs. My main worry was that she would get tired of me and want 'friends' of her own age. Well that didn't happen, and after 2 years we are still very happy. Though the worry of her wanting younger guys played so much on my mind that it became a fantasy, which grew and grew till I wanted it to happen. I kept imagining her being fucked by other men and would get off on it whilst we fucked. The images in my mind were like a movie show of...

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Sacramento California ORAL ALLSTAR

I had known Brittany Klesko for nearly 20 years. Her mother and I were friends and it was not hard to see that Brittany was a VERY mature young lady that was going to grow up to be EXTREMELY naughty.... EX-FUCKING-STREMALY!! Her boyfriends were always years older than herself and she admitted to fucking a few of her mothers boyfriends over the years so naughty is her middle name. About a week after her 18th birthday (I wasn't aware of her birthday) I was invited to her mothers home for a...

3 years ago
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Robot Ponygirls

Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah  ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University.  ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...

3 years ago
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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 29

John escorted Jackie to his car and drove to a nearby Dairy Queen for her promised milkshake. She ordered chocolate and he wanted more so added a banana split to the order. “I can’t believe I let you finger my pussy in the theatre and make me cum,” she whispered, making sure no one could hear her. “Do you regret me touching you?” “Not one single bit!” She kissed his cheek. They sat side by side in a corner booth to share the shake and banana split. A glance at her cleavage revealed she’d...

3 years ago
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Rape of Katie Part 1

For what seemed and etrnity she heard a door open and footseps, she wimpered, to afraid to scream or talk. A light came on, and she was temperally blinded. When her eyesight came back she saw a tall man, in a dark cloak standing before her, he wore a mask, but could see the eyes staring at her. "Hello little girl, how are you?" He asked laughing "scared I bet" Katie nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Save you tears my dear, you will need then for later" He mockingly said. He...

4 years ago
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bad luck

14 year Mark sat on the cold damp floor of the abandoned factory that was now his home, he looked around at the other homeless people that were sleeping there. His dad had lost the family home and business gambling now they had nothing. Mark looked around at the other homeless people, he saw 18 year old Adam get out of his sleeping bag and go the corner used as a toilet and start to undo his jeans. Mark knew this was one of the good things about being homeless he got to see cocks that he would...

1 year ago
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Jo blows the pimp

In the condominium complex where lovely JoAnne had lived since she was a young girl, there was one woman whom she always had admired. A single mother now of two teens, one boy and one girl, Tiffany somehow always had managed to work out daily, maintain a spectacularly trim and fit figure, and otherwise look so amazing all the time. Even now, in her late thirties and with a daughter age nineteen and a son of seventeen, she could pass for early to mid twenties. Jo once remarked, years ago, that...

Group Sex
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CherryPimps Kiki Klout Kiki Klout Has A Fucking Wild Time LIVE

Gorgeously sweet and naughty Kiki Klout knows how to swear red! This babe is looking gorgeous in her cherry red bra and panty set that can barely contain her large tits! Michael Swayze is a lucky guy today with this horny girl! Kiki loves to get sloppy on that big hard cock and Michael loves to fuck her fast and hard smacking that sexy ass with everything he got! Kiki invites you closer when she spreads her legs wide giving you the best access to that beautiful wet pussy! Michael slides it in...

1 year ago
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My Best Friend

Being in through the small city of Bellvue, I was anxious for some reason to visit my parents. Seems like as I got older, I was always so nervous to go home afraid to run into familar faces. Driving through the well groomed neighborhoods and tree-lined streets you would think that it was a perfect community. Bellvue was very deceiving. If you made a wrong turn, you were suddenly in run-down neighborhoods with grafitti on everything. I was a home from college visiting my parents and I stopped at...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Harry Brenda Debbie and Me

It was just another typical run of the mill Saturday, absolutely nothing exciting going on. I was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee with Harry, my next door neighbor and talking football, and cars, especially cars. We were both restoring 65' Mustangs and each of us had parts that the other needed or wanted. He asked me if he could have the extra front lower valence panel that I had, and I asked him if I could have his extra set of wheel covers. I asked him if he could use the Gran...

3 years ago
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The Reunion Part 1

She is intoxicated by his scent as she feels along the contours of his neck, the subtly of his breath caressing her skin. She sticks out her tongue to taste, grabbing a glimpse of what is to come. The very essence of who he is appeals to her. She always regrets every time he leaves, but truly savors his returns... Coco hears the shrill of the alarm, “Damn, another dream, it was a freaking dream. I miss my man!” Today, my sexy man returns from a week long business trip, home to his Coco! I...

Straight Sex
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Sweet sister

I was raised in a household where nudity was the standard mode of dress....or non-dress would be more accurate. And on top of the whole family being nude most of the time, my parents were very open minded about masturbation. I had a brother and a younger sister and we all had no inhibitions about masturbating any time we felt like it. My sister was a little less open to doing it in front of me or my brother but as she got older she became less shy about it and tended to get herself off in front...

3 years ago
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An ordinary application for new slaves

Evelina picked up her phone and cautiously dialled the number."Yes?""Uhm, is that Mistress Alexxa?""Yes.""Uhm... my name is Evelina and I came across your website and I was wondering if...""Yes? What is it?""Well, I was wondering if I could serve you?""Send Me an e-mail to this address, telling me all about yourself. Attach a recent photograph of your face. I want it within the hour."Then, the line went dead."An hour?" thought Evelina. "I can't do it in an hour!"After much thought, she decided...

2 years ago
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Pool Party Starring Anna Kendrick

Pool Party (starring Anna Kendrick) By LazyNinjas For more celeb content visit Image Following a long day on set of her latest film, Anna Kendrick was relieved to finally get to go home and watch some Netflix. She had been gone for a couple of months, filming different movies all over the world. The next month or so would be the only time she really got to relax this year. The thirty year old actress placed her keys into the lock and opened the door. She...

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Had Great Sex With My Neighbor Aunty Lakshmi

Hi and hello every one I’m back to go new story again. Let me introduce myself to the new readers. This is second story in ISS. And I’m a big fan of ISS for almost 7 years. I ready almost all the stories which are posted in Indian sex stories. And thanks to the ISS team for getting this great opportunity to share our real life story. I’m Manu from Bangalore. I born and bought up in Bangalore from last 26 years. And my age is 27 working for one of the leading MNC in Bangalore. I’m 5.9 height...

2 years ago
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Weekend Trip With My Neighbor part 3

Upon returning to the lake house after checking out on boat, I found Mark had already gotten up from his post session nap and was sitting at the kitchen table sipping from a bottle of water. Still naked, he appeared to have showered and shaved already. “I assume the marina restaurant is very casual, right?” I asked. “Yes Sir, anything is fine. Just shirt and shoes required, and no wet bathing suits.” He confirmed. I told him I was going up to shave and take another quick shower and then we’d...

4 years ago
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Darkening of Jim and Lisa

I have often wondered how Lisa, my wife, will react if a black man approaches her sexually when I'm not around. I know how aroused she gets and the intensity of the orgasms she has when we talk of her being with a huge dicked black man while she's in the throes of love-making. Just the sight of a thick long black cock is enough to cause her to become wet immediately. For some reason, I have never fully understood why, but just knowing how hot it makes her thinking of fucking a...

3 years ago
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The Chocolate Sale

This is a true story and is my personal experience.While I was in high school I was part of ASB and we did this thing where we sold chocolates to make money for our school. One of my friends who always looked so hot in our meetings was in charge of this fundraiser for our school. I knew her pretty well, we would talk here and there and would also text each other sometimes. To me she had the nicest body with some nice perky tits and a nice big ass with some sexy ass lips. She always wore tight...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of James and Emma

Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 28 Sweet Home Chicago

August 1982, Chicago, Illinois The drive between Milford and Chicago was becoming almost automatic for me — I’d stop the same places, eat the same thing, and fill up with gas at the same Amoco station. I made my usual good time and pulled up in front of the apartment building just before 6:00pm Chicago time. I got my mail from the mailbox, opened the apartment, then carried all my stuff in from the car. I moved the car from the loading zone to a parking spot, then walked to Theo’s. I...

2 years ago
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Meri naukarani geeta

Hi my name is atul, iam from mumbai,my age is 33/m. I am very very sexy, my id is he yeh jo story me likh raha hu wo mere ek dost ki hai, story padate 2 ladkinya khud ke chut me ungliya dalke age piche kare, aur ladke khud ke lund khada karake use jor jor se hilaye, yeh story apko pasand aye to ladki girl, ya women, ya bhabhi, ya spl couple, pls muje contact karen, aur kisi girl ya bhabhi ko ya couple ko mujse chudai karni hai to b muje call karen, mein apki chut ki pyas jarur shant karunga,...

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The Best Shower of Michaels life

You are already in the shower, the water is hot and steamy and you are just standing there with your eyes closed letting the hot water pound your body. I slip in quietly and gently start to lather your body with soap, running my hands from your neck and shoulders down your back. Sliding to the front, then to your back, massaging gently but firmly, taking my time with each part of you, I turn you to face me, telling you to keep your eyes closed. I guide you around untill you are completely...

3 years ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 21

He woke me up at 2am. I woke up lazily. This was the 1st day in a long time I woke up this early. I was feeling him for an entire night and now, I was somewhat horny as well. But I did not say anything. We went to the bathroom, had a wash together and prepared ourselves. I wore one of my saris but this time, I wore the coat he bought me above myself to get covered so that we can have some more fun on the way to the university. I usually do not use perfume as it is against religion and also,...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Khloe Kapri 23959

Who knew sex with the therapist you work for could do so much for your life! Khloe Khapri’s shrink boss can see how stressed she is, so he sits her down for a 5-minute session only to discover that her long-time boyfriend’s been cheating on her. But talking about it makes Khloe feel so much better that it’s like a weight’s been lifted from her shoulders, which is why she follows suit with lifting her shirt and bra over her shoulders and getting naked! Tyler doesn’t understand what’s happening...

2 years ago
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Pooja Ki Chudai

Hi friends my name is Sunny and I live in Ujjain. Meri Umr 23 saal hai and I am a fair slim guy. Main is site ka regular user hun aur aaj first time apni kahani lekar aaya hun jo mere saath lagbhag 1 saal pehle ghati thi jab main dilli me job karta tha. Jab main Ujjain me kam karta tha to mere saath 1 ladki thi pooja, mere se kafi junior thi. Wo rehne wali dewas ki thi aur ghar me sabse badi thi aur Ujjain me akele hi rehti thi. Mere se umr me 2 saal badi thi aur thodi saawli thi par uska...

4 years ago
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From the GurlTown files Maria

Calvin woke trying to turn on his back, only to find out he couldn’t. Maria quietly said, “where do you think you’re going” then added. “You forgot you knotted me last night”? They both laughed remembering that last night was one for the books. The thought that today would be the start of taking the boys, they had fucked like a****ls. The boys, Jason, Eric, Charles and Roy had spent the summer and Winter had set in. They had spent summer outside enjoying the wilderness but the first snow...

1 year ago
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The Laboratory

You wake with a start, falling off the bed you were lying on. After you stand up you look around and notice you weren’t in the bedroom you fell asleep in last night. In fact, you weren’t in a bedroom at all. The walls, the floors, and the ceiling were all a bright white, the bed you fell out of looked like it belonged in a hospital, along with the silver cart next to it, on top of it just a single glass of water. The room was empty besides the two pieces of furniture and yourself. There were no...

2 years ago
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SuzanneChapter 2 A Relationship Develops

I woke up with a splitting headache, note to self never drink Jack Daniels again, and my cock feels like it has been munched in a vise. Every pore on my skin reeked of last night's sex. All and all though, I was satisfied. Now, all that was left for me to do was to get ready for my ten o'clock meeting. I showered, dressed and grabbed a cup of coffee and a crescent in the hotel lobby. The cab ride out to the account was uneventful and I suspected that the meeting would be just as uneventful...

3 years ago
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Willing Victim Ch 05

* Although the first four chapters of this novel are considered non-consent/reluctance, which will be the main sexual actions occurring in this whole novel, this chapter itself does not contain any actual nonconsentual sex.* Hope you enjoy… ‘Well, I won’t bore you with the details, but if he wakes up tell him not to make anymore phone calls, unless they are to me. And if he doesn’t wake up, well…I’ll be back in a week or two, try to stay alive until then. Chow.’ With those final words she...

1 year ago
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PunishTeens Liza Rowe Driving Miss Rowe

Liza Rowe is a rich and very spoiled princess. She is too good for everyone and prissy as all Hell. She is one of those hot girls that is so stuck up that you wish you could see her get fucked like cheap trash just because of how obnoxious she is. She is in the car with the bodyguard her dad has keeping an eye on her every move. She is on the phone bitching to her friend that she can’t go to a concert because of this brainwashed bodyguard who won’t let her out of his sight. He drives her home...


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