Interview With The BimboChapter 16: From Guinea Pig To Pornstar free porn video

"So you continued to be a part of Venus' research for a long time I am guessing." Asked Annabelle,
"Quite the opposite" replied Lulu, "Michael had already discovered all he wanted to find out: I couldn't be saved. By signing that contract not only was I signed over to him for life, but my job description also changed."
"I became the debut star of Venus Industries' newest venture? taking over the erotic film industry. With bimbos as the stars, it was a sure-fire success because we would genuinely enjoy every second of filming. With me as the lead name, Venus could create American produced films that could match the best of hard-core cinema, from the basic 'pizza delivery guy fucks the housewife' fare all the way to entering the extreme fetish and crazy public sex film market that before had been almost exclusive to the Japanese porn industry."
"You became a porn star?"
"Not just a porn star; The porn star. From 2004 to 2007 I was both the most prolific and the highest grossing adult star in the world. Even now if you go to any triple x video store there will be at least a shelf devoted to my works."
"So are you famous?"
"To the right audience I am, yes. Although I would never get the crossover mainstream recognition of say a Jenna Jameson. I was the sole property of Venus Industries; that meant no Playboy, no soft-core or glamour mag photo shoots. The most family friendly anything I starred in got was films where there's only one male star and there are no more than two or three anal scenes in the movie.
"On top of that Venus never sold TV or cinema rights to its films. You either had to buy or rent the DVD or download it from Venus' super-premium website. Oh and may god have mercy on anybody who attempts to illegally download or share any of the movies..."
"Why? Did Venus' lawyers come down hard on pirates?"
"You still have a lot to learn about Chrystal Heights Annabelle," smiled Lulu, "Venus didn't need lawyers. Word soon got around that people who had watched an illegal version of the films tended to do strange things straight after."
"Like what?"
"Masturbating in public libraries, paying a prostitute to dominate them on videotape for an hour and then posting the video to their parents, repeat offenders would acquire the urge to spend eventful evenings in the toilets of gay clubs. Trust me, once the urban legends were confirmed as being real, people chose to stump up the money to watch the legal version and I remained a hard-core star that made Venus millions yet was a total unknown to the soft-core or mainstream crowd."
"So what was life like as a porn star?"
"Pretty similar to being a research subject. Being a bimbo, one doesn't need to be given a script or warmed up before a scene. The director just told me the role I would play and it would all be done in one take. It was simple, effective and more realistic than any studio based film could ever hope to be as I was guaranteed to be horny throughout the film and the orgasms would be frequent and 100% genuine every time. The only difference from research was that the cameras were not hidden anymore."
"And you could live with that?"
"I had to. Of course it was killing me on the inside that I was so close to getting my life back and then had it all taken away from me, but you have to stay positive in a place like Chrystal Heights. If you let things get to you, you become desperate and it's the desperate people who make the big mistakes.
"I've seen it happen, female researchers start to get twitchy, worry that they may be about to go from tester to testee and they panic. Instead of coming to work they pack up their stuff and try to flee town; the next thing you hear is that they had a 'change of heart' and are now sucking cocks at one of the local bars. If they had just asked to serve a notice period, they probably would have been allowed to leave, yet a person's nature is to fear the worst and so they do something stupid. I had no intentions of doing anything stupid."
"The longer your story goes on, the more incredible I think you must be." Said Annabelle, "Everything you just said makes perfect sense, but still I can't help but think that in your position I would have still tried to run for the first open door I saw and take my chances."
"Your very kind." Replied Lulu, "But keep it in perspective that by then I had been a bimbo for over fifteen years. I knew how the Chrystal Heights World worked and I knew that if I just played along and tried to make the most of my situation that an opportunity would eventually present itself."
"And it did?"
"Yes. In late 2007, I realised something that changed everything."

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