Intoxicated Ch. 03 free porn video

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A/N: Part III of intoxicated. Naomi seems pretty weak willed and emotional at this point. But she’ll get it together. Or she’ll try.

Greenwich, Grey village (Hemingford), etc. are inspired and named after real UK places. But I tend to hate proof-checking, so I’ll just wing it. Some places are real, some aren’t. Don’t be surprised if you recognize anything.



Grey Village: Stone Residence: ~L~

When Lisa decided to walk home alone instead of tag along with her best friend and her best friends annoying lover boy, she hadn’t expected said best friend to barge into her home. In her pajamas. With tears trailing down her face. At midnight.

She did it while Lisa was reading her favorite novel, ‘Reclaimed’, no less. Just a nice cup of coffee in her hand, the buzz of her lamp light, along with some soft country music wafting from her radio and ‘Reclaimed’ snuggled into her lap. No thunder, rain, loud noises or any other panic inducing shenanigans present.

It was Friday for crying out loud! Her annoying drunkard parents and stupid older brother weren’t home and she had the entire house to herself.

So why did Naomi have to choose THAT particular day to barge into her house. Why did she have to choose THAT day to induce Lisa with nerve wrecking news that took her five whole minutes to comprehend.

Lisa loved the girl. Truly, she did. They had known each other since their diaper days. Granted they had gotten off to a rough start, with Lisa being a bratty crybaby and Naomi being a meek little sweetheart.

But they accepted and adored each other. Lisa being the only one to actually have the ability to make Naomi LAUGH had to count for something. She didn’t mind listening to Naomi’s problems. Despite the fact it was usually Lisa doing the whining and Naomi doing the listening.

But WHY did it have to be on Friday! And during her horror mystery book marathon too…Oh well, the marathons could wait.

‘Okay, so let me recap on this because I’m trying not to miss anything.’ Lisa muttered, her book now abandoned at her bedside as she sat beside a rather pale looking Naomi. Well, as pale as Naomi could be considering her skin tone.

‘Your father, who I lately consider a total dick by the way- never mind his delicious sugar cookies, started dating some buxom blond station commander?’

Noting the slight mocking edge in her friends voice but deciding not to comment on it, Naomi nodded mutely as she slowly sipped from Lisa’s coffee mug. Lisa sent Naomi a mildly pissed off look, she hated when Naomi drank her stuff, but went on anyway.

‘And she just happens to live in Greenwich, which harbors only three high schools? All of which are rivals to ours mind you… And he NEVER told you about her before today?’

Naomi nodded again, this time her expression pained. Lisa’s face grew dark as she went on, her arm pressing painfully into her headboard as she faced Naomi.

‘But he wants you to attend a dinner with her and her kids…did he even think this through? Seven months with some widowed mother, no matter if she’s rich or not, and yet they’re considering MARRIAGE?’ Lisa’s voice had risen by then, and the crackle of her radio seemed to add a dramatic and even a humorous undertone to her voice.

Naomi would have smiled if she had the strength to. But the dark lines under her eyes and subjectively ‘pale’ tone of her skin made it quite clear she didn’t have the strength? Or the will either.

‘Usually I don’t interfere with what he does you know? But I…but…’ Naomi nearly choked on her tears as she took another gulp of coffee, the hot liquid providing a calming relief to her nerves.

Lisa quietly scooted across her bed to lift an arm around Naomi’s shoulder. The comforting gesture made Naomi lean into her friends embrace, signaling her thanks. Lisa may have been snappy when it came to her coffee or book marathon moments, but she knew when to quietly comfort and when to speak up- at least when it concerned her. Naomi was infinitely grateful for it.

‘But,’ Naomi went on, ‘he says he’s only known her for seven months. I feel like…I feel like he’s trying to forget mom completely. The fact that he kept this from me at all and for so long proves it. I’ve seen the picture of this woman, Heather her name is, and she’s the EXACT opposite of Elle.’

Lisa raised a dark brow in curiosity, her expression making Naomi pause.

‘Do you have a picture or…’ Lisa’s voice trailed off, as if she realized she had asked a stupid question. Thankfully Naomi only shook her head instead of mocking her. Though Lisa hadn’t expected her to. Naomi wasn’t the mocking type, especially in times like this.

‘No, dad didn’t give it to me.’ Naomi said with a sigh as she pressed her face into Lisa’s shoulder, the mug forgotten in her sweatpants adorned lap.

‘But like you said, she’s a blond- not that it even matters. But she’s a pure blood Brit and everything. Her house is a fucking castle and apparently she has kids. Guess dad wanted another try at a functioning family.’ Naomi turned her head to softly and bitterly chuckle at the ceiling.

She didn’t see the deeply concerned look passing over Lisa’s sharp features. Nor did she notice the tightening of Lisa’s arm around her shoulder as she turned Naomi’s face back to her.

‘Naomi, you don’t think he’s replacing you. Do you?’ She asked softly, her eyebrows furrowing at Naomi’s bloodshot eyes. The cause of her distress now took on a whole new meaning.

Naomi met Lisa’s blue eyes with her own gray ones squarely. Lisa was never one to hide her emotions well. She always wore them on her sleeve…and let them tumble out of her mouth no matter the consequences. And right now Lisa was concerned for her. Worried for her. Soaking in the pain- for her.

Naomi couldn’t help but briefly feel that she didn’t deserve Lisa. Which was ironic, because Lisa had said the same thing about her not deserving Naomi three years prior.

How things changed. In less than a week Naomi had cried more than she had in her entire life. Excluding the arc of her life where Elle took her exit of course. Naomi wondered what would have become of her, if Lisa hadn’t been there like a loyal puppy to keep her from giving up.

Instantly Naomi knew she’d have been pretty damn screwed without her. The feisty brunette had refused to let Naomi succumb to suicide in her worst moments. At first Naomi had been too scared to even think of it. But at such a vulnerable time, she almost couldn’t take it anymore.

But Lisa wouldn’t let her. She couldn’t let her. What her father and Prince couldn’t do- she did. Lisa had been there. She had shielded Naomi even when she pushed her away. And after it all she refused to be angry about it, instead just reminding Naomi how much they needed each other.

If that wasn’t love, Naomi didn’t know what was.

‘He may not be trying to replace ME.’ Naomi admitted after a few long seconds of their silent stare down. ‘But he is trying to replace mom. The way he described her…just think of everything Elle wasn’t. Now put all of those qualities in Heather.’

Naomi paused, watching as Lisa mentally did what Naomi had told her to do. The brunettes eyes narrowed briefly for a moment before she turned back to Naomi, a crooked and sad half smile on her face.

‘Well we all know Mrs.Williams was pretty badass. She was fearless… and amazing at making people laugh. And you know she sucked at cooking, unlike your dad…’ Lisa’s smile widened a little as memories of Elle flooded her mind.

The display of affection on her face made Naomi swallow thickly and quickly turn her head away. She had forgotten for a moment that Elle had been a huge role model for Lisa. Especially since Lisa’s own parents were a sad excuse for any type of caregiver. Lisa had practically lived at Naomi’s house in their younger days.

Until her death.< br>
And like the abruptness of a lightning flash, Lisa’s face darkened back into its somber state. Her smile faltered, and Naomi could have swore she saw the brunettes eyes tear up.

‘Well,’ Lisa coughed, quickly brushing her hand against her face. ‘I guess that means this Heather is going to be an excellent cook. If she’s the opposite of Elle.’

Lisa tried to crack a smile at her best friend, but it was forced and weak. Naomi didn’t try to humor her by attempting to smile back. Instead she just pulled Lisa back into a hug and let the taller girl take her turn to cry.

It took a few long abating moments, in which the soft sounds of the radio and Lisa’s labored breathing filled the darkly lit room.

But eventually Naomi felt wetness on her shoulder, and her arms instinctively tightened around Lisa.

‘Hey, Naomi…’ Lisa muttered many minutes later after she finished her silent painful endeavor. Her body went limp against Naomi’s as they silently listened to the music. Naomi straightened up a little at finally hearing Lisa’s voice, though Lisa herself didn’t even lift her head to look at her. But she continued to speak anyway, her voice slightly hoarse, demanding, and every bit of desperate.

‘Promise me that you’ll never forget us…how we used to be, even if you end up moving to Greenwich. You better call every day. And visit too, every chance you get. I want to see your dads famous cookies in the mail sometime soon. If I find out you replaced me with some other bitch as your best friend at your new school I’ll-‘

She would have ranted on endlessly, if Naomi didn’t shift her weight to nudge Lisa off of her shoulder. When they were eye to eye, Lisa saw that Naomi now had an incredulous look on her formerly pained face.

It was a nice change since her eyes were finally alive with emotion, never mind that the emotion was disbelief, instead of the previous bitterness and jadedness.

Still, Lisa wasn’t all that keen with Naomi directing that look at HER of all people.

‘What?’ The brunette snapped, her cheeks flushing when Naomi raised an eyebrow. ‘Don’t judge me, I really will kill you if you decide to become besties with some Greenwich snob…’

Naomi stared at Lisa silently for a moment, the same expression pasted on her face, before she cracked the first smile she had worn all day.

‘You are something else Lisa Stone.’ Naomi murmured, her expression turning to one of amusement. ‘Of course I would never trade you for some other girl. You’re like a birthmark or something. I can’t get rid of you.’

Lisa couldn’t help but scoff at that, but at Naomi’s soft laugh which revealed every emotion- good and bad- that she had been trying so hard to hold back, so angered and pained and yet beautifully raw…

Well Lisa couldn’t help but smile as well. And soon they were both laughing and holding on to each other for dear life.

That is, until Lisa decided to ruin the moment.

‘So, how come you walked all the way here? Couldn’t Prince have given you a ride?’


Greenwich: Fellers Manor: ~G~


‘Heather did what?’ Gwen demanded quietly, her pale fingers unconsciously tracing the bare surface of Luke’s chest as they laid beside each other on her king sized bed.

The young man in question simply grunted in annoyance at having to repeat himself.

After his mother had given him the news about her impending engagement with some no-name man who resided in Hemingford Grey, or apparently Grey village as most called it, Luke hadn’t been the happiest person in the world. Adding that to the fact that his least favorite professor seemed to have it in for him wasn’t helping either.

So when he had heard Gwen was coming back into town he had fetched his car and went to pick her up at the airport. She had been studying abroad for two years but apparently her father had ordered her to return to the UK for reasons even Luke didn’t know.

Truthfully, he didn’t care about it. He had simply needed something to get his mind off the very thing that he had been dreading for months. And considering his relationship with Gwen, though complicated and all kinds of annoying, she had been the perfect choice.

So he had picked her up at the airport, let her reunite with her family, and then she had convinced him to have lunch with her at ‘Gee Wiz’, a small diner where most didn’t recognize them.

Eventually things had led them to Gwen’s bedroom, not that Luke minded, and that was when Gwen had dropped the bomb and asked what had been bothering him all day.

Not only was Gwen inhumanly beautiful, but she was creepy as fuck when it came to reading people. She could be telepathic with her skill, especially since Luke wasn’t the easiest person to figure out with his constant indifferent expression.

He wasn’t called the ice king for nothing. Though the title had more to do with his snowy locks than with his personality.

God, he hated that nickname.

Knowing she wouldn’t let it go until he gave in -Gwen had a much higher patience level than humanly possible- Luke finally explained everything to her. She simply watched quietly as he turned to look her in the eye.

One of the things he liked about Gwen was that she was a good listener. Unlike his past girlfriends who always babbled on about their own trivial problems, Gwen rarely spoke at all unless needed.

Sure she reprimanded him from time to time, but he was used to it.

Shifting himself so he was level with his girlfriend, Luke’s blue eyes were accommodating yet aloof as he summarized the cause of his ire. Or more specifically the indirect cause of his ire.

‘My mother canceled the Southeast gala, Gwen. She completely annihilated our plans for that night, in favor of us having dinner with her new plaything and his daughter. Happy? Good.’ Luke murmured with finality, in hopes that she would just drop it so he wouldn’t have to worry about a ‘heart to heart’ talk as they call it.

He really believed girls were too emotional, even the ever stoic Gwen.

He leaned forward to brush his lips against Gwen’s pale neck, warmth instantly spreading there, and when she faltered, Luke smirked and attempted to remove the blankets hugging her bare form.

But Gwen wasn’t having it. Pulling away from his touch, the blond narrowed her eyes at Luke and pushed a cold hand against his shoulder- forcefully stopping him.

‘No, Luke.’ She replied, her tone as cold as her gaze. She had known from the start that Luke was letting steam off her, and she was tired of him dodging the subject. ‘We need to talk about this. You were dreading the gala, and now you’re free of it. So why are you really upset? Is it because of the dinner? Or is it because of your father.’

The last sentence struck a chord, and the stiffening of Luke’s jaw didn’t go unnoticed. Gwen let out a sigh when Luke stared at her guardedly, a clear sign that she was right in her assumptions.

As she relaxed into the satin pillows beneath her, pale green eyes lifting to the ceiling, understanding filled her expression.

‘I knew it, your father’s heard about the rumors I’m guessing.’ She directed at him, though her gaze didn’t leave the ceiling. ‘He knows Heather is attempting to marry this man doesn’t he? That must be why you’re so disgruntled. What has he done or said to you Luke? You can tell me.’

The blond in question simply muttered incoherently as he turned his back to her and silently shifted the covers over his body- signaling his retreat from the conversation. The covers slid over his pale shoulder blades, but not before Gwen’s eyes got a glimpse of the long scar that traveled between them.

The ripped muscle tissue had healed since it’s infliction on him ten years prior. But every time Gwen set her sights on it, a rare occurrence since he rarely went shirtless, she was reminded of what Mr. Heath had done to his son in his
rare but boisterous fits of anger.

It was one of the many reasons Gwen had left Greenwich in the guise of studying abroad, much like Luke’s little sister had did, though she was at boarding school in France still.

She may have seemed like an emotionless girl, but Gwen loathed the secrets and lies that filled the village. Especially since everything that affected Luke and Heather eventually affected her.

It always did.

‘Goodnight…Luke.’ Gwen sighed.


A/N II: Hopefully the story line is becoming slightly more clear. Gwen and this new Luke character are both going through some trauma. I really don’t want them to be ‘relatable’ yet so their scene was short.

Eventually you’ll see how Naomi fits in this. ^^

Till next time.

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After their tour, Roxy and Dirk headed to the studio floor for her shoot. Dirk asked to stay and watch. Roxy happily agreed. She wanted somebody she knew to be there, even if she knew him for less than a day. Watching her at the rave, I figured I could push her along quite quickly, so I had the first set on the beach patio with one male model. Dirk had instruction to step in if things got hot, and he thought it wouldn’t scare Roxy off. To get her comfortable, they introduced the entire crew....

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Beloved incest mom

100% fiction! Hello friends, this Aman sen from kolkata, and here i'm going to share my sex life with my family... I come from Bengali Hindu family, i'm 5ft 9inch with good physique, at present i'm 25 yrs old. And i work in a private firm as a relationship manager. Let me tell you about my family, my father Amar sen age is 41yrs and is a manager in a private firm, he had to frequently traveled to Dubai on business trips. My mother Anitha sen is 5ft 4inch with attractive figure and look younger...

4 years ago
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P I And MagicChapter 34

I rode quickly out of the main camp, and made my way to where the herd was being kept. My 'shadow', the Drebasty guard, followed me. He was watching everything. I still couldn't get over the giant spider, Svedra. It had a sense of humor that was very sophisticated. He did not need me for very much, just a couple times a day, really. Still, being the 'body man' for a giant spider was disconcerting, to say the least. After a good thirty-minute ride, I was where the herd was kept. I...

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We went to London for the weekend staying in a very nice hotel in Victoria. We had a lovely day Saturday sightseeing etc. We decided to check the nighlife out so got all dressed up and hit a few swanky bars, around midnight we were approached by a a tall black man at the bar exchanging pleasantries. I went to the toilet leaving Nat chatting away knowing the guy was staring at her titties. As i arrived back they wer laughing away and Nat saying she hads told him about some of our meets. He was...

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JulesJordan Angela White Gets Dp8217d In A Desolate Warehouse

Angela White gets DP’d by Jules & Markus in an abandoned warehouse. Angela’s decided to show us her dark side as she teases in an abandoned waterpark. She’s dressed luxurious black lingerie with matching thigh high boots as she makes her way through the desolate space, shedding her clothes as she goes. After a sexy smoke dance, Angela makes her way inside the warehouse where she finds Jules & Markus waiting for her. She makes them worship he body as she teases them with her stunning...

2 years ago
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Dark WellChapter 11 In The Dead Of Night

It is night. The darkness is almost impenetrable. Only my body cast gleams out white. As though, it is trying to illuminate the room. I turn my head toward the window. The sky is starless. I see a strip of light under the door. It can't chase the darkness away. I am tense. Something has awakened me in this ungodly hour. I am trying to figure out what. Was it the dream that awakened me? No, it wasn't the dream. Something else. The darkness is frightening. I have never been so afraid of the...

2 years ago
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Mom Fucked By A Stranger In Calvin Klein Store Part 1

Hello ISS readers. It is Rohit back here, M 20 Chennai. Thank you for your overwhelming response to my previous story, ‘Mom’s One Night Stand After The Party’. I got a lot of appreciation through my mail and hangouts. Thank you, ISS. This story is also about my mom. This one is partially true, and the rest of the events are fictional. If you haven’t read my first story, kindly check it in my id and then read this one for a better experience. I’ll add my family details, mom’s looks, and body...

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The Assassins Game

A fog hovered low over the ground that evening as the air hung heavy, saturated in humidity of the southern waterfront. “Damn this street,” she muttered to herself while cautiously making her way across the dimly lit colonial cobblestone street in a pair of high heels. Stepping onto the brick sidewalk, she sighed with relief and walked toward the bright neon ‘Open’ sign at the corner. Dead silence greeted her steps until the loud low boom of a merchant ship’s horn startled her. “I hate those...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Making the Grade Chapter 3

Greg suddenly realized that making his case was going to be much tougher than he imagined. Miss Marlow was simply waiting for the opportunity to further intimidate him. "Well, I guess you know why I'm here," Greg began. "Speak up, dear. You're so soft spoken and demure," the instructor interrupted. The feminine characterization only undermined his confidence further. As he tried to resume, Miss Marlow stopped him again. "Did you need another copy of the waxing professionals?...

3 years ago
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the mall

Today she was going to the mall to find a guy to suck cock. She was hoping for a big thick one. She wore a tight shirt and short skirt. No underwear. Her tits are large and her pussy shaved. She was very good at sucking cock. A gay man taught her how to suck it deep and drink the the mall she walked thru the sporting section. Her back arched so her tits were very noticeable. One man stared looking at her. She walked by him and rubbed his chest and walked away then looked back at him and...

1 year ago
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Joys Trip To Cancun Part 1

In October Joy and I took a vacation to Cancun. I had never been there before but Joy had gone a couple of years before we met with her ex-husband. Her first visit there was fairly conventional, with a couple of trips to the downtown market, trying several of the more popular restaraunts, and taking a couple of day tours. She was already planning out our vacation so that we got to see as much as possible while we were there. We had been having trouble with our relationship lately and we were...

2 years ago
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Descent of Dreams

Crashing. Down through the air, down through the clouds. A controlled descent, to a certain extent, but an inexorable loss of altitude that continues despite my attempts to level oul. How did I get here? When did I board this plane? When did I get inside the cockpit? Why am I flying it? I suppose I'm not flying it so much as I'm crashing it. *** Gasping. It was a dream. A nightmare. Flying dreams are common, I tell myself. So are falling dreams. I'm still here,...

4 years ago
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My Saturday night

I went out with my girlfriends on saturday. I love to wear sexy outfits when i go out, so we decided to go as anime girls. I put on my short skirt with black stockings and i small with top that i could button all the way up, with my red bra showing. We got to the club and sat down and had a drink. I am the most aggresive of my firends If i tell them to lick my pussy in front of everyone they would do it. I noticed several woman looking at us, but one was starting at me so longingly. She came up...

4 years ago
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Homecoming 2 Dreams are Made of3

Carlota almost choked on her tea when she heard the question. Having child had always plagued her mind but she wasn’t so sure she was ready, Conor always kept saying he was but stayed supportive to her when she said she wasn’t, but she could also feel his frustration of being married for two years now and still have no child to love and cherish. Carlota took a deep breath, “We’re still in the planning stage, mama, I don’t want to go and head in first without making sure we can fully support the...

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Grace 10 ndash Graduation 14

The author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of exhibitionism, rough sex, light bdsm and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Grace 10 – Graduation (1-4)(Uni student Grace Worthington graduates, gets flogged, exposes herself to her parents and fellow students, and inspires her friend)It was late Saturday evening as Uni student Elizabeth Montgomery returned home from a local café, the favorite watering hole of most of her fellow classmates. It...

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Saras Awakening Part 7

Sara rolled to her side and could smell her father's scent on her pillow. She pulled the pillow close to her chest and held it for a second. She wondered where her dad could have taken off to. He didn't have to work today so he should still be here. She glanced at the clock next to her bed and realized with sudden horror that she was late for school. Sara hopped out of bed and ran to the living room. She could smell bacon and toast cooking and knew her dad was attempting to make breakfast....

1 year ago
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Hawaiian Valentines Lei For Daddy

Friday, February 8th, New Hampshire "Is this the famous artist Katherine O'Malley?" were the first words I heard when I picked up the phone that cold February day. "Daddy?" I asked, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice. "How's the weather over there in sunny New Hampshire these days?" he asked in his deep, unmistakable voice, the smiling, teasing tone clear. "You're watching the weather channel aren't you?" I accused grumpily as I lifted my eyes to my apartment window...

1 year ago
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Fantasy about my mature wife and younger black man

She is 59 and I am 65 and not well endowed and at my age, have erection problems.She is still very attractive works out and stays in-shape.Pretty sure she has ahd a couple of black guys in the past and might even have gotten pregnant by one of them. The first was when we were living together but not yet married. She was about 40 at the time and was visiting her daughter who is married to a black man in another city over Christmas. I didn't go because I had to work over the holidays. She...

2 years ago
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Tarak Mehata Ka Hot Chasma Part 8211 11

Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto kaise ho sabhi log asha karata hu sabhi log kushal hoge.. Muje sabi logone ache se reply kiya meri is khani ke liye bohat sare mail mile sabhi vachko ka me dhanyvad kartahu ki unhi ne muje itna pyar jataya hai. Aap logoka time jyada wast na karte huye me sidhe kahani par ata hu.. Pichli kahani ne aap ne padha kaise babitaji aur jethalal chudai karte hai.. Aur maza karte hai.. To age padye Idhar jethalal babitaji ki kub achese chudai karta hai . Aur niche...

3 years ago
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Taylors Growing UpChapter 9

"Taylor, let me catch my breath, O.K.?" Jack said. "O.K., Jack," Taylor replied. "I'm sorry. That was just so fucking amazing!" I mean, I was rubbing so hard against your dick!" "I know. It was totally incredible." Taylor got back up to the position she had been in when she was straddling Jack's legs. His dick was still fairly hard. His load was half on his own stomach and half on Taylor's. She slid her hand across her middle, then held it up in front of her face. "It's so...

2 years ago
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a good life to cum

Introduction: this is my first story i hope u like it it was a friday night just like all others come home eat dinner, go to bed and yes the occasional look up of porn. while surfing the net i started thinking what it would be like if i were to hook up with my best friend who i always knew to be straight. so after a week or so of thinking about it i finaly made my move it was another friday but john (my friend) was over. he was tall and had black hair. me and him would always talk about...

3 years ago
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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 8 Mums The Word

“Hello,” the alien replied! It wasn’t a helmet: she had bright pink hair, or red almost, that glittered metallically. It was woven into six tendril-like plaits, shoulder length, three each side. “You speak English!” Grace was shocked. The alien thought a moment before replying slowly: “We learn,” she said, “come in.” She stood back and waved Grace into the little grey house. “Hello,” smiled Grace to the two other aliens - the front door had opened straight into the living room. These...

2 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 32

Davik He used the whip again, demanding to know how I had gotten my abilities and what had been used. I tuned him out, thinking of other things, when a strange tickle occurred in the back of my head. Not on the skin, but deep inside, not unlike when I found the fire that triggered my abilities that first time. The tickle appeared just after a strike of the whip and after two more, it became much stronger. Instead of a tickle, I began to feel emotion, but it seemed off as if it were not my...

1 year ago
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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 2 Checkin and Departures

Joe and his colleagues review their plans and aims for the forthcoming meetings in Seoul and the field trip to Cambodia. They are laying out a memorandum of understanding which will confirm what exactly each firm and member of the team will be responsible for. The meeting goes smoothly, surprisingly smoothly. It goes smoothly enough for Joe to have time to text Jenny to see if she is OK, after their interrupted call. One of the team calls Joe out to the office vestibule, saying that their...

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Godawful Gothic Girlfriend

Dean Fawkes was a bit of a loser in high school with no friends and especially no girlfriends. This caused him to drift into an outsider and toughens up to fit what society had deemed him to be. His luck changed one day in his senior year when he was visited by a girl during lunch. Beatrix Winters, a very attractive junior girl, saw the tough unwanted boy and sought to show him love and affection. Their relationship blossomed and remained to this day three years later. But it seemed as though...

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Katys BBC Education

Katy was 44 years old when she started to question her life. She was one the verge of being 45, married with 3 k**s in their late teens. She has been married with Marco for the past 25 years. Happily married she was, at least on the surface. Katy started to question her life as she was having the same routine, which can be summarized to work. It was a routine for her and Marco ever since the k**s went to grade school. They lived well, but something was missing for Katy. Like her husband, she...

2 years ago
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Beckys Taken

TAKEN I had processed my last transaction of the morning, and hurried to my car parked in the underground parking deck several blocks from the office tower where I worked in an accounting firm.? I decided that I would treat myself to a long lunch after I made my daily bank deposit, and told my assistant not to expect me back anytime soon.? Smiling to myself, I was enjoying the warm sun on the late spring day.? I was glad to be out of my winter business suits, and felt particularly flirty...

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The Doctor Part 10 Tessa and Tarryn

It was the Wednesday after the session with Sophie and Stefano. Tessa was thinking about it as she lay in bed in the morning. As she remembered everything she felt at that time, she realised that she was becoming aroused.‘A morning cum would be nice,’ Tessa thought.She reached over and switched off airplane mode on her phone, and unplugged the charger. She looked for messages, but there were none, so she put the phone down on the bed. Her mind went back to the session with Sophie and Doc, and...

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Pinky Pyar Ya Kch Aur

Hi Friends! mera nam abhishek hai n me iss ka bhut bada fan hu yahan stories padhne k bad muje laga k me v apni story aap logon k sath share karu. ye meri first story hai to koi mistake ho to nazarandaz kijiyega n aap apne feedback muje jarur likhiye ab me sidha story pe aata hu 8 saal pehle mere mobile par ek phone aaya wo mere rum mate k liye tha ek ladki ka puchne par pta chala k wo uski dur ki relative hai n friend hai n wo apni studies k liye delhi aayi hui hai next day hum us se milkne...

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IBE The Days Of WanderingAddendumNew Orleans

As I walked down the stairs to the smell of freshly sizzling bacon, the sound of a large breakfast being made for the family, I realized I was terribly bereaved. I felt a sense of emptiness inside that grated on me really hard, and I was having trouble dealing with it. I stuck it down into my subconscious and left it alone. John and Kimmy had taken the workers back home last night, I was too distraught to do that. Everyone saw that, and they organized two van loads back to Fargo without me...

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No Turning Back

There’s no turning back now, Meghan thought to herself. She peered over the edge and examined the 10 ft. plunge she was about to take. Why am I even doing this, she wondered. Her fifth grade year had started with excitement. The elementary school had replaced the aging playground equipment with brand new heaps of blue and red twisted metal. Meghan was as happy as anyone about trying out the new toys. The new, bright-red fireman pole, however, caused the biggest excitement. When Meghan had...

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