Liar Ch. 05 free porn video

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She watched him anxiously, her green eyes dark with unbridled lust. She hadn’t moved from where he tossed her effortlessly onto the bed. Now she was propped up on her elbows watching him as he watched her.

Heavy anticipation coursed through her as she watched him shrug out of his jacket. Finally getting it off, he tossed it onto the floor before pulling his black tee-shirt off and tossing it next to it. He had been clothed the last time they were together, so the sight of his bare chest had her inhaling deeply.

He was perfect.

His chuckle at her uninhibited admiration, died in his throat when she quickly discarded her tank top and tossed it at him. She hadn’t worn a bra. It was her turn to smile as she slowly rose to her knees. He had undone her jeans earlier in the driveway so it was no task to slip them the rest of the way down leaving her in just her thong. She loved the way he watched her. It made her feel unrestrained. Powerful. A feeling of total abandonment.

Crawling her way to the foot of the bed where he stood, she didn’t hesitate to kiss him. Never being one to initiate the kiss between them, she relished in the power before conceding and letting him dominate. She felt him smile against her lips, when she let out a moan of appreciation. He nipped her bottom lip before sucking on it gently. It was a long and wet leisurely kiss that ended with her panting and him gripping her hips possessively.

She stared back at him. He didn’t look as affected as she was, except his eyes were half-hooded with arousal. When she slipped her hand down his jeans to feel his cock, he attacked her mouth again. She gently jerked his cock as she returned his kiss with the same, if not more, enthusiasm. When they finally came up for air, she gasped when he snapped the bands of her thong. He grinned sexily as he put them in the pocket of his jeans, before letting them fall to the floor. And with that they were both completely naked, greedily drinking in the sight the other provided.

He pushed her gently back down on the bed. His eyes burned into hers before moving down and taking it’s fill of her exposed body. She started to feel nervous under his unrelenting gaze. When she moved to cover herself, he gripped her wrist then brought it to his lips placing a chaste kiss on the inside of it. It was an innocent gesture that she felt in her clit.

He lowered his head to kiss her on the lips, before moving down to kiss her collarbone. He worked his way down to her breast, paying extra attention to the hardened peak before shifting down until he was lying between her spread thighs. Pushing them further apart, Sloane’s mind raced about how explicitly open she was for him.

‘Don’t ever close yourself to me,’ he said seriously when he felt her resistance.

His eyes pinned on her glistening pink flesh. She was as wet for him and he was rock hard for her. He had never wanted to taste any of the other women he’d been with, but the temptation was running deep within him.

‘I better be the only one to ever see you like this.’ Gabe said darkly, his eyes heavy with possession. He kissed her on her hip bone and crawled back up her body, ‘Say it Sloane.’

‘What?’ Sloane said breathlessly. She wasn’t prepared for the seriousness in Gabe’s tone, ‘Say what?’

‘You won’t ever let anyone see you like this.’ Gabe repeated, ‘I’ll kill them-‘

‘I’m yours,’ Sloane said meeting his gaze, ‘For as long as you want me.’

‘Forever’ Gabe thought.

When he kissed her again, he unleashed his full arsenal of notorious expertise. His tongue plunged deep into hers, drawing out her tongue and sucking on it sending every one of Sloane’s nerve endings into overdrive. She mimicked his ministrations, moaning into his mouth. His cock hardened to the point of being almost painful, feeling his fluid leak on the inside of her thigh. He regretfully took his mouth away from hers to look at her. The look in her eyes nearly paralyzed him, so he did the only thing he could and kissed her. Alternating between pecks to deep intimate kisses until she was panting, whimpering for more.

She reached down to line his cock up with her waiting pussy, only to whimper in frustration, when he barely entered her. It wasn’t enough. She tried moving her hips down to get more of him into her, but his firm grip on hips stalled her efforts.

‘Slowly or this will be over before it starts.’ He hissed out before a sound he’d never heard before managed to escape his throat.

She had moved her hand down where he was in her, moving her hips slightly as she gently pumped the exposed part of cock that wasn’t in her. She used her other hand to pull him down, kissing him until he started pushing more of himself into her. Her low, throaty moan was his undoing.

‘We can go slow next time, I promise.’ He said, giving no other preamble as he slammed his full length inside her hot core. She was tight, matched with the way she was clenching down on his aching cock he wasn’t going to last long.

She squeezed her eyes shut, as the size of him took her breath. When she finally opened her eyes, his fierce gaze devoured her, ‘Are you okay?’

She arched an eyebrow before responding, ‘I’d be a lot better if you could start moving.’

He grinned sexily as he laced his fingers with hers and pinned them on the pillow above her head. He withdrew slowly before slamming back in. The sound that she emitted drove him crazy with desire. He started moving in a rhythm that drove her equally insane.

She strained to absorb him, rocking her hips with each of his powerful thrusts, clenching him with each stroke until she gasped from the violent release of pleasure inside her. She watched and felt as he started to piston in and out of her. Sloane’s body was racked with her second orgasm before Gabe stiffened above her, roaring her name as his seed filled her. As the last of his seed left him, he dropped down on top of her, burying his head in her neck.

It was in that moment, in his room that night, as she laid there pinned naked under Gabe did Sloane finally surrender to the battle that she’d been fighting since their first time together – she was in love with him.

The revelation was immediately followed by a slight terror that he may not feel the same way. He had only wanted her to stay. He never said anything about love.

Sloane had no choice but to lay there staring up at the ceiling, a prisoner to her thoughts.

What if she stayed and it didn’t work out?

Would she blame him for not going to California?

But what if it did work out between them?

What would Dean say?

What if he breaks her heart?

His light snoring brought her rapid thoughts to a screeching halt.

Is he…sleeping?

Nudging him gently, he helped her out and rolled over. She wasn’t sure if she should stay or not. Slowly edging herself off the bed, she thought she was almost out of his reach when he suddenly snaked his arm around her waist and dragged her against him. Too tired to try to move away again, Sloane laid there until she felt her eyelids growing heavy. She felt him place a kiss on her head.

‘I love you.’ He mumbled almost incoherently.

She smiled.

Content and sated, Sloane closed her eyes finally allowing sleep to claim her.

The warmth of morning spilled in through the window onto her bare back. She lazily opened her brilliant green eyes, only to squint at the sudden brightness. She turned over and stretched languidly, feeling the bittersweet soreness that was inevitable after last night.

Last night.

She had lost count of how many times Gabe had pulled her under him to bury himself deep within her. She smiled to herself before jerking upright. She needed to get home before her parents realized she had never been there. More importantly was that she needed to tell them that she was staying i
n Reston.

She rolled off the bed using Gabe’s sheet as a makeshift robe as she searched his room for her discarded clothes. She was just about to ask herself where Gabe was when she saw it. A note lay on the pillow that Gabe had previously occupied the night before. She smiled gleefully as she waltzed over to it and picked it up. Her smile faded and her body went numb as she struggled to focus on the words.

‘I can’t. I’m sorry.’


The memory of that morning flooded Sloane with a vengeance. Angry with herself, she couldn’t control the bombardment of repressed emotions awakening the pain she’d forced herself to forget. Fighting back tears, she hurried down the hotel corridor, picking up her pace when she heard Gabe calling her name behind her in the distance. As Sloane approached the elevators, she heard Gabe’s footsteps pounding closer behind her. She was never going to get away from him if she had to wait for it to come up. Veering left in the direction of the stairwell, she rushed through the door. She stopped with the thought that Gabe would probably assume she would go, so she ran up instead.

She made it to the second landing before the door she just entered through was violently pushed open again. She slammed her back against the wall and stopped moving completely. Holding her breath, she wasn’t sure how long she stood there when she realized it was quiet. Too quiet. She should’ve heard Gabe’s footsteps.

She cautiously peered over the railing to see where Gabe was. She watched him from above as he started to go down the steps, away from her. She released her breath in relief, only to suck it back in just as quickly. She watched in horror as he stopped his descent, looked up and locked eyes with her. The slow grin that spread across his face was all she saw before she backed away from the railing and ran up the stairs.

‘Sloane. Stop!’ Gabe commanded.

‘Quit following me.’ Sloane shouted down at him. He was gaining on her fast. She cursed herself again for the umpteenth time for wearing the heels she had. Totally inappropriate when trying to escape someone.

‘Quit running away and I won’t have to.’ Gabe replied.

‘I’m just taking a chapter from your book.’ Sloane said just before pushing open the door to the roof.

She looked around and almost kicked herself for her stupidity. She never thought clearly around Gabe. While it seemed logical at the time, running upstairs was by far the dumbest idea she had ever had. It was like one of those horror movies when the female run up the stairs instead of running to safety.

As she ran along the ledge of the building, she was immediately reminded of her aversion to heights. She didn’t even have to be looking down to feel the vertigo set in. She swayed slightly just before she felt a hard impact causing the wind to be knocked out of her lungs and sending her fast and hard towards the ground. She maneuvered her body around to focus on a very concerned Gabe staring down at her.

The terror that raked his body when he saw her teetering close to the edge had been overwhelming. All logic was thrown out the window as he lunged and pulled her down to the ground. He opened his mouth to yell at her for her carelessness when he became mesmerized by the rise and fall of Sloane’s chest as she struggled to catch her breath. When his gaze finally made its way up to Sloane’s eyes, he found she was already staring up at him, clearly not amused. She didn’t cover herself or hit him, which was a start. When he smiled, she frowned and started squirming.

‘Get off of me.’ Her plea came out restricted either because of his weight on top of her or the pain of the impact.

‘Quit squirming.’ Gabe warned, feeling his body reaction to hers.

Sloane responded by using more force than necessary to get him off of her. She quickly regained her footing, huffing as she dusted off and smoothed out her skirt. When she heard Gabe laugh, she looked down at him to see that he was casually lying on his back. He had his hands laced behind his head staring up at her amused. Sloane glared at him.

‘I fail to see how this is funny. Maybe rolling around on the ground is acceptable from where you’re from but this…’ Sloane motioned to her dress, ‘…completely unacceptable.’

‘A little harsh, not to mention hypocritical, considering you’re from the exact same place.’ Gabe shot back at her, moving to his feet ‘Six years and you’re all high and mighty. Don’t be so uppity Miss California.’

‘Well excuse me for preferring to stay clean. I’m a complete mess thanks to you and your hero antics.’

‘If that was a thanks, for saving your life then you’re welcome.’

‘I wasn’t trying to jump!’ Sloane replied, ‘I find you revolting but I’m not that desperate to get away from you.’

‘Revolting?’ Gabe scoffed, ‘Is that what it was down in the room?’

‘Don’t get me started on whatever the hell that was down in the room,’ Sloane fired back before crossing her arms and glaring at him, ‘Isn’t Johnna going to be wondering where you went?’

‘Probably.’ Gabe replied, entertained by the jealousy in her tone.

Sloane looked at him waiting for the rest of his answer before she realized there was none. Typical. ‘Why’d you follow me?’ It was her turn to smirk as she saw the arrogance disappear from his beautiful features.

‘I don’t know.’

‘You don’t know?’ Sloane repeated flatly.

‘I guess I don’t.’ He shrugged, annoying her.

‘So you just chased me out the room, down the hall, up three flights of stairs only to knock me to the ground?’ Sloane recapped bewildered, ‘Just for the hell of it?’

‘It appears so.’

He was holding something back. Although every ounce of her wanted to force it out of him, she decided not to open that can of worms.

‘Okay, well as much fun as that was…I’m going to head back down,’ Sloane said easily as she turned to head towards the door. She stopped and looked over her shoulder, ‘Unless you have the urge to push me down again?’

‘I’ll try to control myself.’ Gabe replied.

‘Try and do that.’ Sloane said walking away.

The last thing she needed right now was to let Gabriel back into her life and back into her heart. The last time she let her guard down around him, she ended up pregnant and Gabriel Jennings ended up a father.

Something he would never know.

Sloane didn’t feel guilty about her secret. At least she tried not to.

Gabe was not the kind of father she wanted Ethan to have. She doubted he’d have any interest in having a son anyway. It would disrupt with his rogue way of life. Gabe’s reputation of moving from woman to woman had started long before Sloane fell into bed with him. And if tonight with Johnna was any indication of the last six years, old habits died hard. Commitment was Gabe’s kryptonite. And a baby was a huge commitment.


‘Idiot!’ Gabe breathed out once Sloane was outside of hearing range.

He didn’t want to let her leave again. That’s why he chased her out of the hotel room, down the hall, up three flights of stairs and tackled her to the ground.

His body still felt the effects of hers under his, which reminded him of the night they shared before she left. The memory was still fresh in his mind as if it was just this morning and not six years ago.

He had woken up to Sloane sleeping angelically next to him. The fact that it was the first time he had actually been there in the morning barely registered as he drank in the sight of her sleeping form. The early sunlight glowed on her skin making her look ethereal. She was on her stomach with her head turned towards his. Her dark hair sprawled over the pillow and partially over her face. Her full swollen lips were slightly parted causing her to lightly snore. This woman was his.

He had fought the desire to wake her up and bend her body to his will, as he had so many t
imes throughout the night. Sloane was so giving and so pure. So much so that she was willing to forfeit her future to be with him. Anxiety quickly filled him. He couldn’t ask her to do that.

He’d never been in a real relationship before. Sloane was so innocent and untainted. He couldn’t trust that his tendencies wouldn’t ruin that. Despite that warning bells going off in his head, he tore himself away from her, wrote a quick note and snuck out of his bed. All while she slept soundly, irony being that it was his work that caused her to sleep so peacefully.

By the time he realized the magnitude of his mistake, she was already gone.

The weeks following passed in a blur. The memory of Sloane and their night together haunted him. Alcohol numbed both his feelings and his brain. Luckily with the start of another school year, came another new set of female demographic to provide a distraction. By fall break, Gabe had been with a different girl practically every night. It didn’t matter who it was because every one of them resembled her.

His carelessness caught up with him when one of his many one night stands resulted with pregnancy allegations. He wanted to blame Sloane for his problems. It seemed easier than blaming him. Dread filled him as he thought of himself as a father. He was religious about protection, so the concept of fathering a child had never occurred to him. He was in no shape to be a father and his life was far from what one would call ‘baby friendly’. Adding to the already volatile mix was the supposed ‘mother of his unborn child’. Together he wasn’t sure what kind of parents they’d make. Children were definitely not for him.

His chaotic thoughts were blindsided by the sudden image of Sloane, her belly swollen with his child. She’d make a great mother. The image that flashed in his mind brought an overwhelming ache and calmness that served to further fuel Gabe’s anger at himself.

He had learned that the baby was not his the same day as Jackson’s bachelor party. Caught up in the party and the relief of being off the hook as a father, Gabe partook in the festivities a little more than he should have. He had been too drunk to remember much of anything other than the image of Sloane and babies that plagued him in his alcohol induced slumber.

After he got over his massive hang over the next morning, he had new outlook on life. Gabe worked his ass off to make up for the slacking he did during the first semester. Despite his father’s unrelenting perseverance, Gabe refused to work for him after graduation. He wanted to make his own way, rather than live off his father’s legacy and be a lawyer like he had working for his father’s firm.

After a few years as a detective with the Reston police department, he realized that what he really wanted was to open his own private agency. It took dedication, ambition, and hard work but he did it.

So now here he was with the one that got away, the same one that would be leaving in the next couple of days. If anything he was more confused now then ever about his feeling towards her, but he wasn’t selfish enough to ask her to stay again while he sorted them out.

Gabe knew he had hurt her all those years ago, he’d hurt himself too. With that reasoning alone, Gabe decided that he needed to go with his earlier proclamation and stay away from her. He had the sneaking feeling that he either needed to leave her alone or he’d never let her leave again.

‘Gabe?’ The panic in Sloane’s voice had him spinning around quickly and approaching her.

‘What’s the matter?’

‘Th-the d-door.’ She stuttered out, ‘It’s locked. I think we’re stuck up here.’

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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 2: The Ballad of the Silver Cleric I found myself answering before I even had a chance to think about my answer, "I am both." He took a deep breath. "Then you are the one we've been hoping for." I took a peek at Aeneas. He was still in "soldier-mode" and his expression was blank. I found myself feeling terribly upset by the prospect of driving him away due to the ugly bits between my legs. I forced myself to pay attention to the...

1 year ago
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IncomingChapter 15

Things started with a bang, or, actually a crash. Carol and Stella were cuddled together on one couch, Christine and JJ on another, and Lane was in the kitchen fetching a new bottle of wine. Doug had rolled over to one of the side walls, investigating a painting that seemed to show a civil-war era battle. ‘INCOMING!’ None of them was prepared when one of the huge, floor to ceiling, supposedly unbreakable widows shattered into a million pieces of safety glass. The accompanying explosion was...

4 years ago
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Taking the Plunge With Daddy Part 1

So, it was taking over my life - the sissy thing, I mean. I thought I was a regular straight guy and then...well, you know, the bbc porn..then sissy hypno...then was just a kink, right? Before long, I had a suitcase full of the sluttiest clothes I could think of, and a few pairs of 5 inch heels that only a stripper could walk in, a chastity cage, various toys...and then one day, in the middle of berating myself for these thoughts an thinking of starting...

1 year ago
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RuneswardChapter 20

Elva, Issa, Bena, Syl, Uud, the Princess and her ladies had been hidden in the cellar and Ardt and Yren had carefully re-laid the tarp on the floor. The tarp was expensive; made from braided, aged leather specially treated with oils and tinctures, it was fairly resistant to fires and extreme heat. Even when it did burn, it didn’t catch fire or produce a flame but rather simply smoldered. Regardless, Ardt and Yren regularly doused it with water when working in the smithy just to be sure. Most...

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Natalies New Job Part 6

Note : This story is completely fictional! Tammy recomposed herself allowing only a retreating view of her dark triangle as it was swallowed by her thighs. She took a little time to study her brother's attributes. On a whimsical thought she bent forward, flopping her small orange-sized breasts, and groped a hand at his genitals. "Are you serious, Natalie? You want me to suck on this thing?" Her manipulative massage of her brother caused an immediate reaction and his penis swelled up. Within...

1 year ago
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Unforgetable birthday party

Hi this is Raphs again n this incident which happened with me just one week back is a shocking of my life incident bcoz it happened between me and my mumani means mami waise toh aap mujhe jaante ho mai raphsdelhi mai rehne wala hu meri mami jin ka naam ritu hai woh asal mai toh jaipur ki hai par ab delhi mai hi rehti hai mera mamu ka naam adil hai jo 1 hafte pehele hi dubai chale gaya driver ki naukri mai mere mamu ka ghar humare ghar se toda dur hai mumani ki umar shayad 28 ya 30 hai woh dekne...

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Futanari Adventure

I was laying down on my bed typing away, but the shaking was making it tricky. *Lucky for me, almost everyone I come across is willing to satisfy my cravings. Sometimes they are so bold that they just start fucking me regardless of where we are at.* The shaking bed started speeding up, due to the dick pounding my ass. It made typing impossible, so I gave up for the moment. "Daddy! I'm trying to finish this assignment. You couldn't wait a bit?" My daddy growled a "no" before pulling...

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horny mom

Then everyone in that room except mom started to wear their undies. I thought that the fucking session were over. I searched, what is my mother doing? Mom is lying naked and she is astonished by their act. I saw that mom is biting her lips with her own teeth and next scene astonished me because she is massaging her 38c boobs with her own hands. Is I am dreaming!? I can't believe the word's that came from my mother's beautiful mouth my friends were looking each other's faces.I remembered what...

4 years ago
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Raging Bull

After fulfilling our primal need on our third date, Marina asked to move in with me. I suggested she temporarily live with me, she agreed. Seeing her slender body makes me horny. She is wearing a low cut shirt today and pants that shape her ass like a sculptor. I've wanted to get you alone from the minute we woke up and it just hasn't been possible. I try to shake off my irritated mood. I answer messages on my phone. I come out of my home office and see Marina bending over slightly and...

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Another Human Being

In line at the grocery store, Don grasped the rubber divider and placed it on the conveyor belt. Behind it, he positioned a can of diced peaches and a toothbrush. His eyes zoomed in on the man in front of him, scanning down to his perfectly polished red shoes. ‘Those peaches are great huh? I always eat them on the way to work,’ the stranger said. ‘Yeah… they are.’ Don picked the toothbrush up again and the pad of his finger molested the fresh bristles. A nervous swallow pulsed in his...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 168

Monday I left early for the White House - good bye was a little harder this time. But at least I had no more visible hickeys, although there were one or two more. They were coming over Wednesday for another fund raiser. This one was in Kentucky. I went through the normal updates looking for anything unusual. Things in the Middle East kept bouncing around as always. For Russia the first shipment of frozen beef and pork had been delivered on Saturday. It was delivered to the Russian markets...

2 years ago
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Sex with my sexy aunt Sadia

This is true story friends; I was fighting with myself since long time if I should post this story here or not. Then I consulted with my aunty Sadia and with a smile she kissed me and allowed me to go ahead. Little bit about me. My name is Jamil (real) I am 40 years old living in Islamabad. I don’t know I am handsome, but the way girls of all ages respond to me speaks that I am ok. Quite a number of young girls also had sexual relations with me. Say I was 38 and a girl living in my neighborhood...

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The mechanical voice woke Paul from an interesting and most erotic dream. He'd been dreaming about Shari the woman he was going to soon meet and all of the fantasizes they had shared on line were providing him with a wonderful dream. The intruding mechanical voice continued to instruct him to return any of his belongings he might have taken out of the storage area above his head; place his seat in the upright position and to stow away his table. He sat for a moment and thought about the...

1 year ago
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Orb and Prophecy Decision Part 7 of about 13

"The first thing you have to learn," said Marcus, "is how not to fight in that body. You're going to have to unlearn some of what you used to do as a man. I don't have to tell you what's different; you just need practice." We were standing among bales of hay in an unused barn, about halfway between Alwyn's and Marcus's homes. I had my hair tied back for training this morning, but at least I didn't have to wear that unsightly kerchief on my head that I wore on the street, or soil my face...

2 years ago
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New Order New OpportunityChapter 10 Service With A Smile

James struggled to sit up, trying to make sense of his situation. Across the room, silhouetted in the light of the doorway the women that had brought him here were talking to a thin, short man. He showed every conventional respect to the women; nodding and barely speaking as they made their points forcibly, gesticulating and using a commanding tone. "You will put this one with the others," the one that had snatched him said. "But my client, Mistress... "Whose client?" "Yours,...

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BlackAmbush Nicole Sage 03212021

“What is in your ass right now?” asks Jake “The Director” of hot and voluptuous Nicole Sage as she bends over to reveal her fine ass. “A butt plug” this giggly 26-year-old hottie says with a sexy smile as she displays all her glorious assets. Yes Nicole thinks she’s here to fuck white boy Jake, and states she likes it rough as she gets her ass slapped numerous times in her prelude to the inevitable BBC surprise that awaits her… Yes Nicole loves cock and it shows with her enthusiasm...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Ashley Aleigh Stepsister8217s Oily Ass

Today we have the gorgeous Ashley Aleigh stop by to check out the pool. Her step brother Leo is hanging around and she bothers him to get him to put oil on her back. What a bummer. When he starts to apply it Ashley asks him to rub her ass with it. But wait, what about mom?! She isn’t even there so why not? He gets convinced to do it even though that’s his step sister. She wants him to add even more oil, just so she can have a good even tan. All that oil…all that ass… It...

2 years ago
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The Day I Become Sex Slave

Hi everybody I am Lisa my age is 18 years old and I am a good looking girl with a good figure my friends joke that I am very cute and sometimes they feel like having sex with me but I never thought of any lesbian sex even I had never had a friend who thought so. I finished my plus2 and was planning of joining a prestigious college since I was good in studies and had almost 95% marks it was easy to get admission. This was the first time I was going to stay in a hostel since i had always studied...

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When my long-term relationship ended I decided to move to a remote one-horse village. Business in the place consisted of one shop across the road from me on the main road, a pub about one hundred metres away on my right, and my gallery. There were also about forty homes scattered about and a population of no more than one hundred people living there. My decision to open the gallery was that the village was on a tourist route and also housed ten full-time artists. The artists only opened their...

Gay Male
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A true story about how I turned my motherinlaw into my lover

Sharon and I married quite young. I was just out of the Army and, while I don’t think I was really in love with her, it was customary at the time to marry the girl back home. Sharon was not very affectionate. I think she got that from her father, Mike. Her mother, on the other hand, was a very affectionate woman. Even though Ronnie (her real name was Veronica, but everyone called her Ronnie) was more than 20 years older tat me she was very beautiful and had large breasts on her trim...

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Spizoo Kayla Paige Sailor Luna Sky Pierce Lesbian Threesome

What do you get when you combine a MILF, a busty brunette and a petite blonde babe? You get a super hot lesbian threesome. Watch these sexy sluts eat each other’s pussies, suck one another breasts and passionately worship their partner’s bodies. These three pussy loving sluts can’t get enough of each other and neither will you watching them. Enjoy this lesbian threesome, sucking, and licking their pussies each other in all positions possible, they kissing her partners and make...

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Border Crossing

This is not the sort of half baked thing you just up and do. In fact it took a few weeks for the yeast to cause the bread to rise. And then there was the research. The story happened when we were juniors at Wayne State in Detroit. Looking back, the event that planted the seed occurred when a senior we knew was arrested -- for prostitution! Sheila always dressed a bit slutty, but nobody guessed she was making money that way. Of course, when the story broke, we were able to find Sheila's ad on...

Erotic Fiction
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Giselle Clarize a Love StoryChapter 2

Villa. The view always took her breath away. Today even more than before. Maybe it was the incredible vastness of the blue sky over the still snowy caps of the mountains. Or the sun that painted a bright shining avenue of light on the lake below. She stood at the edge of the terrace. She felt the spring breeze lick at the nipples of her exposed breasts. The slope of the mountain fell away steeply before her high-heeled feet. It gave her a dizzying sensation of flying whenever she looked...

2 years ago
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The Spanish Cleaning Lady

Maria Ramos was a fifty-eight-year-old woman of Spanish birth living in England and she was employed three days a week as a cleaner in the large home of Elizabeth Raeburn. Maria had moved to the UK from Spain with her then-husband Pablo some twenty years previously and although Pablo moved back to Spain on their divorce five years ago, Maria remained in England.Elizabeth, who was some ten years younger than Maria and also divorced, was a high-powered businesswoman who sometimes worked from home...

2 years ago
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Prelude Today, I’m having breakfast with a very special friend. Despite a thorough shower this morning, I am very much aware of the fact that no matter how much you scrub, there are just some things that only time can remove. Normally, I would worry about being in such close company with another man after my lustful sex last night, but this morning, it’s just breakfast…. I know her better than she thinks I do, but I let her think that she’s in control. She’s so in touch with herself, her...

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First dates don’t often command that kind of generosity- and though she’d expected him to be a little off-the-wall, the neatly wrapped box, 8 by 8 cm, sat on the table between them in the bar where they’d met. It was covered in spotty paper and, it had a small bow on it. They’d been chatting for days. Not long as far as history’s greatest romances go, but there’d been something about the back and forth of the exchange which had piqued her interest. Not quite arrogance. OK, arrogance. A kind...

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The Fun With My Hot And Sexy Sana Bhabhi

Hi everyone, this is nikhil from mumbai and let me introduce about myself. I am an average looking guy 23 years old young boy and i am quiet fit have the ability to satisfy any women or girl. Gonna share you the real incident which happened with me last year. And after that incident i have became a sex machine for my neighbor bhabhi and reading the story gonna make u horny too. My neighbor bhabhi name is sana and she is beautiful and her skin color is like milk and her age is 27 years old. Any1...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 66

Nikki was starting to get jumpy. She'd gotten the impression that she was under observation, but couldn't figure out by whom. She didn't think it was the Captain's group of goons, since she'd pretty well nailed down their habits by now. She was sure of several things at this point: One: The Captain was dirty, but very careful. She'd gotten very, very lucky with finding out what she had, because that had been the only time the Captain had met with everyone involved at one time. The guys...

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Seducing And Fingering My Hot ExGirlfriend In Library

Hi everyone! This is a real story of how I fucked my hot ex-girlfriend. I think of this incident every night before going to bed and masturbate. I haven’t had sex with her in the last 2 years after our break-up. But that day, I used some cunning tricks in the library to seduce her first and then played strip poker finally to fuck her. Coming to the story, my name is Rithwik, and this story happened one year back when I was in the final year of my graduation. Giving a bit of context to the...

2 years ago
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My hubby likes watching

My husband thinks he’s the one who makes decisions. He can’t even imagine it’s me who makes him creative by using my small women’s tricks. I generate all sparkling ideas. My hubby isn’t the only man I’ve had in my life. He knows it for sure but he doesn’t know how many partners I’d had before I met him. We met when I was 24 and we got married in a year, and I lost virginity at 18. He doesn’t know about it. I was a real sex freak, I’ve been obsessed with sex since I turned 18 and before I met my...

Wife Lovers
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Last day at College

I had my BA in hand and only two days left before I too would be gone. I was due to catch a plane the next day having graduated from High School at seventeen and then been accepted and enrolled in a college in Chicago. I went to summer school each year and graduated with my BA at just twenty years old and had applied and been hired by a hi-tech firm in San Jose.My dorm-mate, Joan, had finished packing up her last bag and was off to Dallas where she had been hired by a law firm. We hugged and...

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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 30 Wisconsin

Since Simon and Lindsay Rhoades were heading to Chicago to the same place Dave and Alice were, more or less, they agreed to caravan with them. After some map work, they opted to join Simon and Lindsay again in a campground on a pretty lake just outside of Madison, Wisconsin. The two couples had slept late in Simon’s camper trailer due to the rampant sex they’d had with each other the night before and then first thing that morning. They didn’t get underway until completing a late breakfast or...

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SEEMA MY AC VENDOR Summers in Mumbai is very humid and one needs to either have an ac or an air cooler as having just a fan might not be very helpful. So on insistence from my parents i called a known ac company. My parents had given me a budget and accordingly I had prepared speaking to the sales person across the phone. As I called the company I was greeted by a female voice which got me very excited. We started with basic pleasantries. 2 mins on the conversation and I already knew her...

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 12

Once out of the school, they headed for Linda’s car. They made Tracy walk in front of them, so they could watch her ass swinging. With each step, the short little tube top she wore as a skirt rode up her ass, exposing her ass cheeks. Both girls laughed and talked about many ideas they both had. They arrived at the car and Tracy stood beside the car, hands behind her back and legs spread. Some of the other students who had found out about her slavery stood close by to see what would happen...

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