Lacie Ch. 04 free porn video

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Chapter 4: Lacie’s Evening

Lacie left Callie’s room, following Bridget down the hall towards Tara’s. Lacie stepped through Tara’s doorway, glancing around the room. There was a spare folding chair by the door, and after a short struggle, Lacie managed to juggle the clothes she was carrying and get the chair set up without dropping anything. Looking around, Lacie took a closer look at the asian girl’s room. Tara’s obvious love of fashion and clothing was apparent on every surface. Everywhere, swatches and bolts of cloth were strewn about, with tables and chairs covered in yard after yard of fabric. Two sewing machines sat along her window, and Tara’s bed was currently host to half a dozen giggling and bouncing girls, all excitedly waiting for Lacie’s arrival, most carrying a few small accessories and fashion items. Two long tables were covered with sketches and designs, as well as a few half finished articles of clothing. A female mannequin stood in one corner, a male mannequin only feet away from it’s counterpart. A smart looking set of matching business suits adorned both mannequins, several pins and thin threads were spread out over the clothes, marking the suits in seemingly random places, but carrying obvious meaning for Tara.

A small platform was set in the center of one wall, a trio of canted mirrors only feet away. Tara’s bedroom was also obviously her fitting studio. The mirrors were angled so that anyone on the platform could see the front and sides of their clothing. Tara herself was busy shuffling through the papers on one end of the table, pulling aside some half finished outfits. Picking one up, Tara lifted a web-like set of black leather straps. The outfit was designed to be worn by a naked woman, and Lacie recognized it as the outfit that Lindsey had on during their first meeting at the slave fair. Looking up from the floor in front of the bed where she sat, Lindsey caught Lacie’s eye.

‘Tara designed that. Master’s request. A man in his ‘position’ should ‘have custom clothing for his slaves.’.’ Lindsey intoned, puffing out her impressive chest and deepening her voice, obviously doing a weak impersonation of her Master. The fact that the other girls laughed astounded Lacie. Many masters would beat a girl within an inch of their lives for mocking them, yet here, it seemed an accepted, possibly even common, practice.

‘After the fair where we met you, I had to take it back to Tara. Apparently these are still getting bigger.’ Lindsey joked, pointing at her chest.

‘You strained the leather in a few other places too. Those cuffs at the small of the back were not supposed to be used yet, I hadn’t had time to reinforce them. At that point they were purely decorative. You tore some of the stitching flailing around like you did when Master punished you. Which you deserved, by the way. If not because of what he punished you for, then for almost ruining that suit. Do you know how long it takes to cut and sew leather?’ Tara complained, emerging from her closet with a tailor’s measuring tape around her neck and a clip board in one hand.

‘Sorry. I didn’t exactly plan to get spanked.’ Lindsey flushed and looked at the floor, the hints of a smile at the corners of her mouth giving away the lie. The other girls laughed outright at the obvious fib, making Lacie grin.

‘Alright, alright, lets get this going, Lacie, I need you to take off the robe so I can get more accurate measurements.’ Tara said, looking at the taller girl, waving one hand towards the platform.

Lacie stepped up on the raised flooring, letting the robe slip off her shoulders and fall to the ground. Lacie flushed crimson when she heard Claire wolf whistle from Tara’s bed.

‘Yeah, baby, take it *oof*!’ Claire exclaimed, almost falling off the bed when Heather interrupted her teasing catcalls by hitting Claire squarely in the face with a pillow. Turning back to Lacie with a huge grin, the redheaded beauty waved at Lacie.


Rolling her eyes as Lacie giggled, Tara began the laborious and slightly ticklish process of measuring Lacie for clothes. Finally, Tara was finished and the pretty asian girl moved away, absently telling Lacie she could go ahead and get dressed. Lacie’s own excitement surprised her, as she practically dashed to the chair holding her borrowed clothes. Lacie simply picked up the whole chair and carried it next to the platform, setting it to the side as she began to throw on clothes. Lacie tried combination after combination, trying this, then that. Setting aside the few articles that didn’t fit well, Lacie soon had several cute outfits that she liked. It didn’t take long for the other girls to become involved either, excitedly tossing out suggestions, or dashing from the room only to return with other things for Lacie to try on. Several hours passed as the girls giggled and laughed, simply enjoying being girls for a while.

Eventually, Lacie’s stomach began to growl as afternoon passed into evening. The other girls noticed, and with a few disappointed sighs, began to pick up the massive clutter of clothing and accessories that had gotten scattered across Tara’s room.

Bridget checked her watch and called out to the scampering girls.

‘Ok, ladies. It’s 6:00 now. Ana, did Master say when we were going to eat?’

‘Eight, I are for thinking.’

‘Alright, that means we have around two hours to get ready for dinner. I want everyone dressed and ready by seven forty five on the nose. Remember where we are and why we’re here. He saved us all. We work hard to keep him healthy and happy, and he keeps us safe.’ At Bridget’s somber words, all the giggling ceased and the every girl in the room glued her eyes on her. The stunning blonde spoke again, smiling as she talked to the other girls ‘He let us have today off to welcome Lacie, while he kept working for us. He has spent the entire day working hard to make us all dinner. Show him your thanks when you sit down tonight. He gave us a gift today. We show our thanks tonight.’

Bridget snagged Lacie and pulled her out of the way as a tide of women swept out of Tara’s room.

‘You, missy, get to come with me. I imagine you don’t have many dressy clothes, but I think I might have just the thing.’

‘Your clothes won’t fit me.’

‘These aren’t my clothes. They’re yours. When Master bought you a few days ago he made a special trip. We went by your parents house.’

‘Wait! He… He met my parents?’ Lacie asked, suddenly anxious.

‘Well… we did. I went with him. Master is many things, but a good judge of fashion necessities is not one of them. That’s one of the reasons he loves having Tara around. While he explained your situation to them, I picked out some clothes and small odds and ends. We couldn’t take much without rousing suspicion, but I was able to grab a few of your things. Tara will still have to do her nip, tuck thing with some of the clothing, but I think we can find something that’ll work for tonight.’

‘And my parents? Are they okay? Are they safe? Did they get my… my sale money?’ Lacie begged for answers, tugging Bridget to a stop.

‘Your parents are fine dear, we couldn’t say it outright, but we left enough hints for a smart person to figure out that you’ll be treated well. Your parents got the money from your sale, and a bonus from Master. They don’t know it yet, but he paid for over half of their mortgage. Your parents aren’t going to lose the house.’

Lacie’s knees felt weak with relief. In that moment Lacie realized just how much she missed her home, her parents, her old life, as bad as some parts had been, like the knowledge that she’d be sold as a slave, she still missed it terribly. Overwhelmed, Lacie felt all the pent up emotions and the stress of everything that had happened to her bubble up and boil over. Sinking to her knees, Lacie began to cry. Bridget wrapped her arms around the sobbing girl, gently rubbing her back as Lacie let it all out. The happiness, the f
ear, the worry, the terror, the joy, the stress, Lacie had been keeping a huge mass of powerful emotions balled up inside her all day. Now, knowing her parents would be safe and could be happy, those emotions broke free of the crying brunette like a bursting dam.

Lacie just knelt there, comforted by her new friend’s arms as her body was wracked by sobs. Eventually, the flow of emotions began to slow to a trickle, allowing Lacie to calm down. Looking up at Bridget, Lacie wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and smiled.

‘Thanks. For all of this.’

‘Feeling better?’

*sniff* ‘Much.’

‘Good. Come on, lets get up. We have just over an hour and a half before dinner and I want you to be the Belle of the Ball. We have work to do, girl.’

Lacie laughed, the blissful feeling of having cried it all out making her feel weightless and buoyant. Grinning like schoolgirls, Lacie and Bridget raced down the hallway before dashing into Bridget’s room. As she paused in the doorway, Lacie immediately knew that she could feel at home there. The wooden walls of the room were stained a warm, buttery tan, while the trim around the door and windows had been painted a deep burgundy red. The carpet covering the floor was a few shades darker red than the trim around the walls, giving the room a warm, cozy feeling. A small desk with a closed laptop sat to one side, papers stacked in neat piles beside it. Bridget’s dresser was a dark walnut color, the chocolate brown wood helping to ground the room in earthy tones. Her bed was large and wood framed, hand sewn quilts covering the sheets. Light from a fake fireplace set against one wall crackled as it bathed the room in a warm yellow light. The electric fire gave off almost no heat, but it anchored the room, making it feel like Lacie had stepped out of the luxurious mansion and into some fairy tale cottage, deep in the woods.

‘Like it? This room is my escape. I come here to be alone, to sit and talk to God.’

‘God? You’re religious?’

‘Not really religious. More spiritual.’ Bridget pointed to an obviously well read Bible sitting on her nightstand. ‘The book is just that. A book. It’s not a deity speaking to me, it’s just ink and wood pulp.’ she joked. ‘It is filled with stories, examples, guidelines. The book is there to help you learn to be a better person, religion aside. The Ten Commandments? Are there any rules there that a good person shouldn’t follow, regardless of religion? Even the ‘false Gods before me’ one. People ‘worship’ all sorts of things, from gambling, to money, to sex, to alcohol and drugs. Are those any less false gods than some gilded idol? Not to me. If you truly believe in any God, then you talk can to him on a personal level and find out what he wants from you. He tells people what he wants every day when they connect with their conscience. That little voice in your head that tells you that something hard has to be done, because it’s the right thing to do? That is God to me. Not some old story telling me how to live my life out of a thousand year old piece of paper.’

Lacie was struck by Bridget’s passion, and more than a little persuaded by her convictions. Lacie hadn’t given much thought to religion, her parents having seen it as a ‘crock’. Something about Bridget’s certainty of faith made Lacie a little jealous of that confidence. Before Lacie could delve into matters of spirituality, Bridget strode into her closet, pulling out a lidded cardboard box.

‘We’re not here to talk God, we’re here to make you even prettier. A tough job in my estimation, there’s not much one can do to improve perfection.’ Bridget joked, gently bumping her hip into Lacie. Lacie opened the lid of the box, and dove inside. Some of her favorite clothes were in there, her nicest, prettiest dress and her mother’s favorite necklace, the thin gold chain had been a gift to Lacie from her mother on Lacie’s seventeenth birthday. A few old books were stacked inside as well, next to a stuffed rabbit doll her father had given her when she was three. Lacie stopped for a moment when she saw the doll. She had slept with that stuffed toy every night till the day she was sold. It was one of her most precious possessions.

‘Your mother wouldn’t let us leave without that.’ Bridget spoke, watching Lacie as the younger girl simply held the doll.

‘She knows what it’s worth to me.’

‘I’ll say she does. She threw a fit when Master said we couldn’t take it.’

The image of her tiny, gentle, soft spoken mother screaming at a man as imposing as Lacie remembered ‘Master’ being was ludicrous, but somehow, Lacie knew it was exactly what her mom would have done if Master had decided not to bring the stuffed animal back to Lacie. That brought a smile to Lacie’s face as she stroked the patchy, worn fur of the old doll. She hugged the rabbit to her chest and squeezed. It was almost as good as a real hug from her mother. Almost.

Setting the doll down, Lacie reached in and pulled out a long plastic bag, the hanger poking out of the top giving the garment bag’s purpose away. Lacie slowly unzipped the bag, gasping as her mother’s favorite dress spilled out into Lacie’s suddenly trembling hands. The dress was beautiful, elegant in it’s simplicity. The white satin dress ended mid calf, hanging loose at the hem. One shoulder was left bare as the fabric swept up and across the bust, allowing a small display of cleavage to tease the eye. Hanging off the left shoulder, the sleeveless dress hugged a woman’s curves gracefully, meeting itself again a few inches under the right arm. A four inch wide dark blue satin sash wound around the waist, cinching the fabric together, helping to emphasize the shape of it’s wearer. Lacie and her mother had teased her father mercilessly for years, often trading clothes just to watch him do double takes, especially since the two of them were practically mirror images of each other, something her father took great pride in. This was the one dress that Lacie had never worn, for fear of ruining it.

‘She made us take that too. Literally begged Master to let you have it and wear it at least once. They really do still love you, you know.’

Lacie hugged the dress to her chest as she nodded, too overcome to trust her voice.

‘Well then, I’m gonna take a quick shower. Care to join me?’

Surprised by the offer, Lacie turned, a look of confusion on her face. Seeing her expression, Bridget rolled her eyes.

‘Not all of us have doors that swing both ways, honey. I’m as straight as an arrow. For sake of convenience, we have communal showers down by the gym. The regular bathrooms are down one floor, but there’s only three shower stalls in there. Come on. I’ll take you.’

Hurrying due to their press for time, the two girls rushed through the mansion, eventually stopping on the first floor, just outside an acid etched thermal glass door, sounds of running water coming from within. Pulling the door open, Bridget strode through. Lacie swiftly followed, surprised to find herself in a small locker room. There was only one bench and a few metal cubbies for their clothes. The floors and walls were tiled, and Lacie could hear muffled voices within the nearby showers as steam billowed back out into the locker room.

Quickly stripping down, Lacie grabbed a thick fluffy white towel from the stacked piles of them that waited along one wall. Wrapping it around herself, Lacie slipped down the open hall and into the showers, hanging her towel on an empty hook set nearby on the wall. Bridget stood a few feet ahead of her, the blonde woman testing her chosen shower’s water before stepping under the spray. Lacie saw Heather, Tara and Callie in the showers as well, the girls giggling and joking as they splashed in the steamy water. Lacie reached out and started one of the shower heads attached to the wall, testing the water till it was warm enough.

Stepping under the warm spray, Lacie gave a throaty moan of pure bliss as she felt the sweat and grime coating her
body begin to sluice away. Letting the heavy spray pound down on her from behind, Lacie let the hot water massage the muscles of her tired back, prompting another quiet moan from the soaked brunette. Her head snapped back up and her eyes opened when she heard someone calling her name. Looking around, Lacie saw Callie looking at her, a green plastic bottle in her hand. Tipping her chin up, Callie asked her a wordless question. Lacie answered in kind, holding her hands up to show her readiness.

With a quick grin, Callie gently lobbed the bottle across the tiled room. The green plastic’s graceful arc plopped it perfectly into Lacie’s outstretched hands. Flashing a smile of thanks to the blonde, Lacie began to pour the greenish shampoo/conditioner into her hands, before scrubbing the soapy mix into her hair. Holding her head back and keeping her eyes closed, Lacie worked the shampoo into her hair, making sure she got a good lather throughout. Lacie looked over when she felt a gentle nudge on one shoulder, seeing Bridget reach over to her with an ivory bar of soap, one of the older girl’s eyes closed due to a trickle of soapy water. Nodding her thanks, Lacie took it and began to scrub her body down. Moving quickly but carefully, Lacie scrubbed herself clean, aware of the time crunch she was under.

Rinsing her body off, Lacie hesitated a few more moments under the blissfully relaxing spray, but the rumbling coming from her stomach prompted her to start moving again. Stepping out of the showers, Lacie quickly toweled off. She was joined moments later by Tara as the asian girl strode past, still dripping. Tossing her hair forward, Tara wrapped a towel around the dripping raven locks, before straightening and wiping herself down with another towel.

‘Know the way back up?’ Tara’s question caught Lacie daydreaming and she only heard the last two words.


‘Do you remember how to get back up to our rooms?’

‘Oh, uh, not really.’ Lacie stammered weakly.

‘Don’t worry, it was the better part of a week before I learned how to completely navigate this house. Come with me. Bridget usually takes a bit longer in the showers. I’ll take you back up.’

Reaching out, the brown skinned girl grabbed a pair of folded robes off a metal rack, tossing one to Lacie. Lacie slipped into the warm fabric, snuggling deeper into it as she felt the surprisingly warm cloth rub against her skin. She turned a questioning look to Tara.

‘The metal rack. It has a small heating coil in it. It warms up when someone turns on the lights in here. Makes the robes and towels nice and toasty. Come on, we have just over an hour left. I dunno about you, but I need every last second I can get.’ Tara headed out the door, still scrubbing one ear with the corner of her towel as she dashed off through the mansion. Lacie followed the tiny girl up and around, finally recognizing where she was just a few seconds before climbing the last staircase to the top floor where the bedrooms were.

Thanking Tara with a quick hug, Lacie moved to Bridget’s room, stepping in before shutting the door and turning back to her mother’s dress. Scrubbing her hair furiously, Lacie dried it as best she could, before pulling her towels and robe off. Looking at her pile of borrowed clothes, Lacie decided that she wanted something to match her dress. Unfortunately, she lacked any strapless bras, so the brunette girl would be forced to go without one. Rummaging through the pile, Lacie soon found what she was looking for. A lacy, sheer pair of hip hugging boy shorts perfectly matched the slightly off-white color of her dress. The small, pretty bow in the center of the elastic at the top of the panties was even a dark colored blue. It was almost as if the panties had been designed for that dress.

Slipping the thin garment up her legs, Lacie shimmied her hips into the tight lace, reveling in the comforting feeling of cleanliness and warmth she felt in that moment. Lacie heard a gentle knocking at the door. Swiftly bending down and grabbing her towel to cover herself with, Lacie called out. Moments later, Bridget’s towel-turbaned head poked through the door.

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Foreword – This story though of a familiar genre was inspired by a letter to Dear Abby that contained the line My husbands son – Ill call him Duncan – came to visit The Sneaky Stepson By rutger5 (An original story- copyright 2012) Dont misunderstand me honey, Im not dismissing your concerns but I believe youre overreacting a little is all&hellip, Overreacting? I dont think so Paul. If it was the shoe on the other foot you wouldnt feel the same Im sure Tara Ferguson replied to her husband....

3 years ago
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My Sexy Wife And My Friend

It was my own foolishness that I speak anything during sex. I had asked my sexy wife, Sunita, a decent beautiful homemaker respected in the society if she fucked anyone during her college days. I wanted her to say yes, but it was only to make me horny. But she simply was angry and was insulted that I suspected her character. This used to happen every now and then. Like I wanted her to wear something too revealing or ask her if she found some young men hot. Slowly she started to ignore my...

1 year ago
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Another Love Part 10

“Have you packed your gym kit?” Jade asked me the following Saturday morning.“Well, I have packed my running kit, I was not sure if we were going to do any training whilst we were down there, but thought if the opportunity arose, then I might squeeze in a run.”“Oh good, I have done the same. I thought tomorrow morning we might go for a run around the park first thing. I have booked a restaurant for tonight as well.”“Oh, right have you told your parents about this? Where are we going?”“Yes, sort...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Senior Dare

Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, teacher, student, school, bdsm, dom, sub, maledom,femsub, sex Summary: A senior in college turns in a dirty story on a dare. It started off as a dare. My senior year of college had come. I was about to graduate I had practically passed all my classes. I had to turn in a couple papers, take a few exams, and finish my elective, free writing. A class I couldn’t fail. In Free Writing, on the first day of class our professor handed out a...

3 years ago
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Best Friends

It started at a sleep over in high school with one of my best friends. We were two young guys curious about porn and sex. After that first sleepover he would suck the cum out of me on a regular basis, and still does all these years later.I walk through the door as his girlfriend is leaving for work and we begin to hang out just like two normal guys. After chatting and making sure that his girlfriend was not coming back we move into the living room. He pulls out our stash of x rated movies,...

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The Little Purple Dress

It must have been about 3:30 in the afternoon. We had both been busy all day. We had lunch together, but we went with other people from the office so we weren’t able to do anything affectionate. You came to the door of my office and started to speak to me when one of the men in the hallway decided it was the proper time to chat you up. As he continued to attempt to hold you in conversation you eventually leaned back against my doorway as you mostly listened to him. While I wasn’t overly...

4 years ago
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One wild night for a sweet little southern girl

This is a story of my first real sexual miss-adventure and while almost all is true I did take some poetic license here and there. I still cannot believe it really happened, but that’s life. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did living it and then writing in down!! I am a 41 year old house wife with 2 kids and a loving husband. I’m very stable now and have no real worries about money or love. Gary, my husband, is the kind of man who makes my life easy. We have sex regularly and I love it....

3 years ago
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It was a lot of little things that first made me suspicious that my beautiful, sexy wife of just three years had found other avenues of expression in her life. Things continued to be great at home. We enjoyed everything together, especially sex. Both of us had been in our late twenties when we decided to get married. Neither of us were strangers to robust sex when we met. Then we had lived together for a year prior to taking the step. We shared so many common interests together that we never...

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A Gaggle of Lady Boys and the Deaf Masseur

Bangkok, Thailand, circa 1987: My first visit to a place I had only dreamed about for a long time. Ancient history, glittering temples, art, dance, water and an entire population of some of the most beautiful people on earth.I had experienced Thai Massage in Los Angeles, but was anxious to see what it was like in the its country of origin. Unfortunately, by that time, much of Thailand had been turned into a whore house by the American Troops having R&R during the Vietname mess. Don't...

1 year ago
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Investigative Journalism

  Investigative Journalism  by  patricia51 Dawn Garth took a deep breath and pushed open the door. She took the five or six steps down that led through a curtained archway and into the spacious room. Nervously, the blond woman scanned the entire area. Her eyes swept over the bar, where a few stools were occupied, to the couples on the dance floor. She took in the row of tables on the far side as well as the booths scattered against the back wall. In spite of her nervousness, her foot twitched...

3 years ago
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Merry Little Christmas

"Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Make the Yule time bright. From now on our troubles will be out of sight..." Fuck Christmas! Fuck the holidays! What a kick in the fuckin teeth! The next fucking jerk off that spews the carbon copy "Merry Christmas" or "Happy holidays" bullshit out of their cock slurper to me, will likely get a two word response, and I don't mean "You too!" From somewhere off to the east I could hear the refrains of the song, most likely from the ice rink in...

2 years ago
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Amanda and Me Chapter 2

I rolled over after reading Amanda's note with a big smile on my face. I couldn't believe that after all the time I had spent masterbating to shemales and fantasizing about meeting one it had actually happened. Not only had it happened but it had been the most amazing sexual experience of my life.As I lay there thinking about the night before I was surprised at how many new sexual experiences I had in one night. I sucked dick last night. Not only that but I got fucked too. I knew I wasn't gay...

3 years ago
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My Fall To Grace Chapter 20

Chapter Twenty - The Wedding Gets Planned When I awoke in the morning I could feel the heavy rubber cock still hanging between my thighs. I had to admit, the weight of it hanging down, dangling over my own, trapped penis, felt, well, somehow, powerful. Grace was sleeping peacefully next to me. I reached over her belly and let my hand settle upon her soft, hairy, pussy. My fingers danced through her soft, auburn bush. She stirred slightly, but did not wake. Soon, my touch caused the...

1 year ago
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Wonder Woman Has Some Competition

Agent Diana Prince shakes her head as she gets out of her Mercedes 230SL, having finally found a parking spot in the AIDC garage. Usually she's an early bird, but it had been a long night for Wonder Woman, and a somewhat embarrassing one. First she'd clumsily slipped on several dozen marbles, dropped by clever bank robbers to deter their pursuers. The normally heroic Amazon had splatted unceremoniously onto the pavement, letting the bad guys get away as she landed on her plump derriere. Then...

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My sr

Joe was 19 and his s****r 18. The had lived sheltered lives and still lived at home with their parents. Joe was so curious about sex and would sneak at night down the hall and watch his parents fuck. He was amazed at what they did. He loved to watch his mom on top of the dad and her tits bounce as the dad pounded her pussy. Sometimes the dad would put his cock in his moms mouth and she would suck it as he went in and out. His favorite was watching dad lick moms pussy. As their night light would...

2 years ago
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Uncut And Raw 6272015

I am a man that is uncircumcised. Women think that if you are uncut that you are dirty. That you will tear the foreskin if you put it into a tight ass or pussy. That you cant feel it as well when they give you a blowjob. And the one I have just heard that you cant cum as much as a cut man. This is the question I got from a little redheaded woman that worked in my office. She was hot. A plump ass, perfect breast and hips that flared out. She was a perfect woman. Little did she know...

1 year ago
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HotLegsAndFeet Allatra Hot Kinky Hotel Room Foot Fucking

The butler gets more than he bargained for when he’s called to Allatra Hot’s hotel room for a very special request. When Raul Costa enters the room he’s stunned to find the sexy Milf poised in only her silk robe and negligee and clearly in the mood to get kinky. The Ukranian stunner’s legs are on full display in this seXXXy leg fetish video and she’s painted her toes a fiery red for the footjob she’s planning to perform on the server. The green-eyed beauty is...

1 year ago
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LoneMilf Kylie Kingston MILF Master Of Pussy Pleasure

A big beautiful rack like the one on MILF Kylie Kingston is a rarity. Her tits are perfect – huge and luscious, and yet perky and bouncy. And as she lets them pop out of her top, her MILF pussy gets soaking wet. She vibes her clit with a huge toy, screaming like a banshee as she reaches new heights of orgasmic pleasure. Her big, thicc ass jiggles as she lies on the ground, spreading her legs and making herself cum over and over while she whimpers in delight. This MILF is a master of...

2 years ago
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Ridge Fucks Me Raw

My brother and I have always been very close. I guess that happens when there is just two years between siblings. I'm twenty and he is eighteen.Our rooms, upstairs, were across from each other and it was not uncommon for us to pass coming and going. More often than not, it was just after we showered and were wrapped in towels.I had no problem letting him see me like that. I was covered. He could not see my medium-sized bosom or my waxed smooth pussy. And neither could I see his cock under his...

1 year ago
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Well, do you want to enjoy some 3D porn? For many of us older men, especially those who are married, real women can come with a lot of problems. As great as they are for things such as sucking and fucking (God knows they can’t cook anymore), the nagging and constant need for money really gets fucking annoying.From these frustrations, animations were born. It started with hentai and cartoon porn, where we can enjoy sexy babes without getting their pube hairs stuck between our teeth. 2D women...

Premium Hentai Sites
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Darli O

Darli O My wife and I lived in Orange County, California in a nice house, on a corner lot, with a pool in the back yard. She has dark brown hair, brown eyes, was 34C-26-35 and a size 7. She wore really short dresses and skirts that showed off her assets! She was pretty inhibited when it came to sex. I have always enjoyed talking during sex and sort of role playing and fantasizing. I think she really was turned on by this, but felt she had to deny it because of her convictions that it was wrong....

Wife Lovers
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Madison loves her daddys cream Part 3

Introduction: Ive decided not to state the ages of the young girls in this story. This is to allow the tastes of the reader to fill in the blanks with their own preferences. As I wrote this, I found myself re-editing it several times, but eventually you need to just accept that a piece is finished, and share it. This chapter has alot more speaking and less actual sex than the first to parts did, but I think it builds nicely on what has already happened, and sets the scene for part 4. enjoy....

2 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 3

"Where were you last shift?" Kern demanded. The man was hovering over Qi as he sat at his desk. He had only been seated a minute and he hadn't had time to hit the power switch on the desk comp. "You disappeared into the dark for 17 minutes last night. Now where the hell were you?" "I can't remember," Qi said with fake confusion on his face. "Was I spewing dinner out my backside or was I jerking off? Seventeen minutes you say? I never take that long to jerk off. I'm an old pro at it...

2 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 94

Eli and Moses were up early, drinking coffee before the Bucks, the girls, and the other boys roused out of their bedrolls. “Eli, I was thinking last night while laying in my bedroll, that if it’s alright with you, I’ll ride back over to Pecan Ridge and tell the folks to gather up, that we’re heading back to Tulsa,” Moses offered. “Moses, if you don’t mind doing that, we could meet all of you down at the railroad trestle south of the valley in a few days. It’ll take you a little over a day...

4 years ago
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Virgin Girlfriend Ki Bayanak Chudai

Hello friends I’m Rahil Khan from Delhi meri umar 22 ki hai mai ek Doctor hu mai abi tak kuwara hu aur sex mai bohat dilchaspi rakta hu meri height 6’3 ki hai aur mai gora hu mera lund lagbag 7.3 ka hai aur 2.7 inch mota. Mai abi tak lagbag 8 ladkiyun ko chod chuka hu aur mera yakeen maniyea unki choot ki maine chod chod ke buri halat ki hai and now mai story pe aata hu yeh story tab ki hai jab mai 18 saal ka tha mai 11class mai tha mai co ed school mai padta tha isslyea mai ladkiyun se baat...

3 years ago
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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part 7

Title: Where Angels Fear to Tread - Part VII Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. This material is for adults only. Absolutely no distribution to minors is justified under any circumstance(s). Violators will be shot. Chapter One hundred fifty-four - Fred I...

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Second Date with Lori 01

This is a continuation from the story “ART FESTIVAL”. A knock was at my door and I went to answer it. Lori was standing there with a big smile on her face. My mind flashed back to the previous date with Lori, a week ago, and I am sure she also had a flashback with that grin she had on her face. I grabbed my jacket and off we went. Diner was great but the dance club was even better. Lori had a few hits from other men asking her to dance with them but she refused them all; politely...

3 years ago
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The Grandest CanyonChapter 2

I had just suggested to my three teenage kids that we all get naked together, and now I thought furiously as I tried to pull something out of my ass to justify it. I was actually kind of proud of what I came up with on such short notice. "Well, you're all experiencing feelings that need to be worked through. So if you were naked all the time, kind of like nudists do, then maybe that wouldn't be so distracting after a while. I mean you'd get used to it, and then it wouldn't be this big...

2 years ago
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Springbreak Part 1

Josh and her had been sexually active together since the 2nd week she started dating him. However, she knew he had a kinky side to him. He told her before that he thought she would look hot kissing another girl, but she had quickly told him she wasn't into girls or being a lesbian. So he dropped the subject. Although, if push came to shove, she would do anything to keep him. He was popular, good looking, and came from money. Any girl at her university would die to go out with him. She...

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The Woman Who Was Once a Boy

The Woman who was once a boy © Elaine 2009 I first met Jenny at 2am on a Saturday night. I just couldn't sleep and the bar I'd discovered just off the main street was so inviting after walking for half a mile in the cold with a lot on my mind. At the time I was in the throes of a bitter divorce and really suffering from the mental and financial pressure those legal eagles or bastards can inflict and so deciding there was nothing to lose I went in for a drink. A good stiff...

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My Maid8217s Daughter Swetha

Dear ISS readers, there are many stories here I got inspired to share my story as well. This is a true story happen to me 5 years back. I fucked my maid’s daughter. I was 22 working for a software company in Hyderabad. I used to stay in one bedroom flat instead of staying with friends because I always wanted my privacy. I have a housemaid from nearby slums for house chores she used to come in the morning at 7 and clean the house and cooking food for me and wash my clothes. One year passed I...

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There is no such thing as cheating between us

There’s no such thing as cheatingBy the time I met my second wife to be, I was 100% cuckold and I loved it. I differed in certain ways from ore mainstream cuckolds insofar as I was not in the closet nd hoping that the men we met would take a shine to me, also, I would never allow a guest, yes guest not bull, to belittle or talk down to me. With me, I just got off on the danger and radical nature of what we were all doing. Most women resist it at first because they fear that you just want to get...

2 years ago
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When Your Hormones Go Crazy Part 3

As wrong as I knew it was, I simply could not stop myself from doing things with my step-daughter's friend.My step-daughter Miranda's friend, Kayla, was not only incredibly smart, funny and cute, but she had one of the sexiest teenage bodies I had ever seen. I cannot tell you how many times she would come spend the night at our house, and late at night, be wearing nothing more than a pair of tight shorts or a skimpy t-shirt that would leave my imagination running wild, and my hormones in an...

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Table 12

I am a fifty-year-old bloke – well educated but not arsey. Slim, balding, blue/grey eyes. I run my own successful business. Wicked sense of humour. I am in pretty good shape for my age but if you are looking for a story where the man is ripped to a six-pack and hung like a babies arm holding an orange with balls like melons, then perhaps you might like to look elsewhere. I am told I am good fun and I have wide and varied interests and can hold a sensible discussion on most subjects. I like nice...

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Ds Place

After all the time and visits to the glory hole and my most recent four hand massage I considered myself a normal bi-sexual guy. I still got pussy on the side but has I stated earlier the sex with guys was just easier. I could start a conversation with a guy and within a minute or two we were talking about cock. Anyway on the other side of the county was a private house that would host like-minded men to play discreetly and safe. It was advertised on craigslist and I responded to the add, and...

1 year ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 36

We kept our fires small and even put them out before going to sleep. We had a good two hour rotation for ten guards per shift. I didn't really think we needed them since George would be watching like a hawk, but I wasn't about to get that kind of habit started. George did wake me before sunrise though, and told me the camp followers were getting up to start a morning meal for the others. It didn't take long for me to get the wake-up call out, and we'd already made provisions for...

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