Rebel 1777Chapter 25 Trudi
- 4 years ago
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Behind the General Store and Post Office of Herr Helmut Fleischer is a collection of buildings that house the black African servants and the Storekeeper's supplies. At this time of the day there's little activity for it's nearly noon. In the heat of the midday sun, not much is done and most of the workers are down at the river. That is except for a boy of about 18 by the name of Angoni. Restless, he peers out of a corner of the matting that serves as the door to the round hut.
From the main house, beyond the beaten gravel pathway, Trudi Fleischer slips out of the cookhouse door and takes a quick look around before creeping down towards the native quarters.
Her blond hair is tied in bangs; on her head she wears a green bonnet, the wide brim of which protects her delicate skin from the African sun. Her dress is modestly long and buttons right up to her throat. She hitches up the hem as she makes the final sprint to the hut. Angoni pulls the matting door aside and Trudi slips inside. The boy looks agitated and pokes his head out again for another peek.
"Are you sure no-one saw you miss?" he asks Trudi.
"Relax," she reassures him, "Mutti's having her siesta, Putti's drinking down at the hotel with the soldiers. All the servants are down at the river."
"I don't want a whipping, miss," the boy tells her nervously.
"No-one's going to harm you, Angoni, settle down!"
"Yes miss," the boy replies, looking at the floor.
Trudi goes to the oil lamp set on the table and puts a taper to it. The dark windowless hut adopts a pale glow.
"Now," the girl says turning towards the boy, "show me!"
Reluctantly Angoni starts to undo the ties of his breeches. Pushing them down, he steps out of the legs and stands naked from the waist down. Trudi walks up to the boy and gently takes his flaccid penis in her hand. Angoni looks down as Trudi manipulates him, he breathes heavily in fear and expectation.
"Tell me Angoni, have all your friends got such big ones?"
"Some," replies Angoni, still fearful, "some bigger miss."
She pulls on him, feeling it begin to stiffen in her hand.
"Now it's your turn," she tells him stepping back.
Angoni takes his growing cock in his hand and begins to stroke it up and down.
"Good boy... good boy," Trudi tells him like one might talk to a pet animal.
After a little while, with his cock standing straight up and slimy, Angoni asks Trudi,
"Can I see... miss?"
I guess," she replies, considering, "I suppose you've been a good boy."
Trudi undoes a few buttons of her dress and slowly, seductively pulls aside the fabric to expose one of her little pale breasts.
"Here," she says, "but you mustn't touch, hear?"
"No miss," the boy answers and strokes himself faster.
Later, as Trudi slips back through the cookhouse door, she thinks he HAD splashed a lot of his stuff. She knew Angoni adored her, but it was unthinkable for her to have an 'understanding' with a black, completely unthinkable. Indeed there was only one person to whom she could cheerfully give her heart, the Kommandant of the town's defence forces, Hauptmann Wolfgang Ritter.
Meanwhile, as Kommandant, I make it a habit of inspecting the sentry positions each day. The duty Gefreiter and I ride over the area, assuring ourselves everyone is on alert. It's been three days since von Lettow left with the main force to raid into Rhodesia, three days of nerve-racking routine. We approach another post.
"Achtung, Offizier!" yells the Gefreiter.
An Askari leaps from his position under a large tree and snaps to attention.
"Report, Soldier!"
"Nothing Herr Gefreiter, no enemy sir!" the soldier responds.
"Good... ah... Herman isn't it?" I ask him kindly.
"Herman Nyrere Herr Hauptmann!"
"There's a lot of you Nyrere's around, isn't there?" I ask him.
"Jawohl, Herr Hauptmann. I have 12 brothers and 9 cousins. We're very loyal to the Kaiser sir."
I smile at the young sentry's reply. The Gefreiter confides,
"Fertile bunch, Herr Hauptmann. They're good soldiers too, sir."
Riding on, I think a little about the Askaris. Their fierce loyalty places a heavy responsibility on us. Having freed them from the deprivations of Arab slavers and warlike neighbours through German arms, they look to us to provide the leadership to see them through this crisis. But how long can we continue to prevail over our enemies? Every month our forces erode, while that of our foes grows stronger. Germany is bleeding to death in France. And what will happen in America ever decides to join with the British? It would be the 'coup de grace, ' I think.
What happens to the Tanganyikans then? Overrun by vengeful enemies and delivered into the hands of the British, Dutch and Belgians? Their lands parcelled up for the convenience of the victorious allies? Their only hope is a negotiated peace and with every month, that prospect grows dimmer.
In the afternoon, I must hold court over minor infractions of military discipline, just like the Captain of a ship. Most of the reports deal with visiting the native village without authorisation. Indeed, with Doctor Otto constantly prowling through the huts, the list of malefactors is getting tediously long.
"Three days loss of pay and privileges, next!"
It's a production line and the missionary is becoming irritating. The good Doctor would have me lash the transgressors but I remind him there are standards of military justice and I must conform to the code. I feel a hypocrite in delivering these sentences. While Hildegard von Masurien continues to treat me like a husband, it's difficult looking these men in the eye. I hope, though, that they understand it's my duty.
Fraulein Masurien is definitely 'not' looking for a husband, however. She tells me she's doing fine on her own. When I reminded her of the inevitable consequences of our night time activities she assured me that, 'everything has been taken care of.'
"You can be sure there'll be no little mariners suckling me nine months hence," was all she said.
At the end of the 'Captain's list' I receive an invitation from the shopkeeper, Herr Fleischer. He asks me if I'd care to have dinner with his family this Friday. I discuss the invitation with Hildegard later that evening.
"Trudi!" she says.
"The Fleischers are looking to marry her off," she tells me.
"But she's, what 15?" I remark in surprise.
"16, and, my dear, you're the most eligible bachelor in Rungwa. I doubt she has many other prospects out here."
"But she's so young! She needs to be in a finishing school or..."
The Fraulein admits a throaty laugh.
"Where? In Daressalam? I hear it's in the hands of the British. You think she should be sent back to Germany? How? By blockade-runner dodging mines in the North Sea? Or maybe the Navy might send a U-Boat for her if you ask them nicely? Then what does she arrive home to? Food shortages? This time, Leutnant, I'm in the Fleischer's camp I'm afraid. Better she finds a handsome Naval Officer now while she still can."
"Are you trying to marry me off to her?" I ask in surprise.
"Why not!" she laughs, "this way, I can borrow your company from time to time."
"That's outrageous," I tell her, smiling, "you'd keep company with a married man?"
"I assure you, Lieutenant, it would not be uncommon in Rungwa."
The veneer of respectability pasted over a hotbed of immorality; and then there's Rungwa, as I'm beginning to discover. There seem to be any amount of peccadilloes going on among the whites to the dismay of their black servants. They are, of course, sworn to protect the privacy of their masters, but naturally they gossip.
"Dr Otto accuses me of having unnatural tastes," Hildegard tells me, "but he needn't look any further than his own household."
"I'll tell you this in absolute confidence, Leutnant. Frau Otto was seen by one of her servants... with her maid's head between her legs."
"The Missionary's wife?" I exclaim, disbelieving.
"Yes... skirts hiked up, so."
Hildegard demonstrates, giving me a fleeting glimpse of her bloomers.
"How was that?" I grin at her.
"Like this," she says slowly hiking her skirts back up, "and the maid's head was here," she adds, pointing.
I get on my knees before her. Taking a leg in each hand, I lower my mouth onto her silk covered mound and plant a kiss.
"Ooh Leutnant," she coos, seductively, "except I don't think she was wearing anything underneath."
Her underwear lying discarded on the floor, she gasps,
"Yes... that's much more... like it... uh."
Placing her feet on my shoulders, she holds me around the head as I push my tongue through her brown-fluffy folds.
That evening a boy comes to the door with a Telegraph message.
'Hauptmann, Detachment 'R'.'
'A loss for the British, one Short type 827 seaplane.'
'You may expect no more reconnaissance of your positions.'
It was some time later before the full facts come out. Apparently the Britisher alighted near river steamer No.7, having mistaken the Rukwasee for Lake Nyasa. It just flew right over the top, coming from nowhere to the utter dismay of the soldiers. Taxiing up to the beach, the two crewmen waded ashore to be apprehended by the Askaris. They had, they said, landed to gain directions to their base and 'a tin of petrol.' The Officer, a South African who 'knew the land, ' was most put out.
"How dare you let a Kaffir point a rifle at a white man!" he'd berated von Lettow.
Unmoved by the South African's bluster, the General had given him over to the care of Sergeant Savimba to the general amusement of the raiding party. The Dutch 'vortrekkers' had driven the Sergeant's Ngoni people from their homes in South Africa.
Meanwhile, the fraulein is taking less and less care with her reputation. It has become common knowledge here that the Kommandant is the shipping manager's lover. It is the nature of social hierarchies, however, that nothing is mentioned. Indeed, it's almost as if it's expected that I involve myself with one of the white ladies of the town. I wouldn't be a man, though, if I didn't cast an eye towards young Trudi Fleischer.
It's obvious to the men here that she's in the full bloom of youth. Week by week, she appears just a little more rounded in the hips, just a fraction more developed in the bust. Daily she seems more confident out in public, adopting a swing to the hips whenever she passes by groups of our soldiers. I fear she's growing into a little tease, quite a change since I first laid eyes on her.
In the context of her developing sexuality, it's understandable, therefore, that her parents would want to see her safely married off to a suitable young man. With such a poor ratio of women to men, the potential for her to fall foul of some smooth-talking attentions is great.
"We are doomed!" cries Leutnant Spangenburg, the Infantry Commander.
He has just brought the news that the railway from Daressalam to Tabora is in enemy hands. This effectively divides the country in half, north and south. Puffing excitedly on a cigar offered by Fraulein Masurien, he stalks up and down the drawing room as if looking for enemies.
"Calm down," I tell him, "we've had setbacks before. Remember, territory is unimportant; we must keep in the field. The enemy hasn't won until the defence forces are defeated. The British can't hold everything, there're not enough of them. They move south, we strike north. Attack where he's weakest, you've heard the General's briefings."
"You're living in a fantasy, Wolfgang," he replies, "how many of us have been carried off by Yellow Fever, Cholera... half of your own crew are down with Malaria! Soon there'll be no one left to hold a gun! The British have 100,000 men, 100,000 Wolfgang! What will happen if the Americans get involved? There'll be simply nowhere to go!"
"Until then our duty is clear, Leutnant," I tell him stiffly, "we obey our orders and do our best."
"I wonder," he says, sadly, "if anyone in Berlin really notices or cares what we do here. Our dead are but a drop in the bucket compared to those in France. Who will remember Kettering, Fischer, Josef Bauer and all the rest Herr Hauptmann? They were all friends of mine and now what? Lying, mouldering somewhere out there for what purpose? One day there'll be no one left alive to remember the dead. The British and Dutch will be pitching their tents over our muddy graves."
"Another brandy Leutnant Spangenburg?" interjects Hildegard.
The infantryman accepts the drink wordlessly and takes a deep draft. Shivering from the fiery liquid, he nods to the lady before mumbling his goodbyes. Together we watch him shamble out the door into the night.
"Will he be all right?" asks Hildegard.
"He'll sleep it off," I shrug, "he's just had a bit too much to drink."
When we enter Hildegard's bedroom, arm in arm, Diana, her maid, has already turned back the covers. She gives a little curtsy before backing out the door, grinning.
"I swear that Diana is getting more and more impertinent each day. I'll need to have a word with her about proper manners," the Fraulein tells me.
"What's she done now?"
"You saw that look on her face!"
Later, as we start to make love, Hildegard whispers to me, full of concern.
"Wolfie, you won't leave us, will you? To the British, I mean, you won't go off and get yourself killed somewhere? If you leave, I'm coming too, I have my shotgun and I can shoot as straight as any man."
"I... I don't know, honestly, what's going to happen. If the British enter Rungwa, I'm sure they'll treat you with consideration... Perhaps you might find a Tommie Officer who..."
"Don't!" she spits, "don't patronise me! I'll be no-one's whore and the English can go hang! Now get that thing of yours ready and do your duty!"
"Jawohl Fraulein Masurien!" I tell her smiling.
In normal peacetime, Trudi Fleischer would probably have been sent back home to complete her education. No doubt she would've stayed with some family who would supervise her entry into society. Thus introduced, she could then pick her mate from the available suitors in a controlled setting.
But these days, it's impossible to get back to Germany. Impossible, even to travel far in East Africa. So trapped, she must find a protector soon or she'll have little chance of finding a life independent of her parents. No one knows what will happen should the English take over. This I believe, as I make my way to the Fleischer's for dinner.
Herr Fleischer is courteous but nervous as he greets me in the atrium of their large sprawling home. Conspicuously wealthy, this little man with the waxed moustache continuously fidgets in a most unsettling fashion. Terrified, possibly, that his riches will shortly all be swept away by the British. Frau Fleischer, by contrast, is relaxed and gracious and extends me her ring-adorned hand in welcome.
"It has been too long a wait," she says, "we should have invited you to dinner much sooner."
In her early forties, she's impressive in stature, tall and shapely with a glittering of pearls and broaches draped about her. Herr Fleischer, on the other hand, seems weedy and fussy by comparison. More like a junior bank clerk than a rich businessman. The source of the Fleischer's wealth has been the black market. From small shopkeepers and traders the Fleischers have made an absolute fortune since the beginning of the war and the British blockade.
"Helmut, perhaps the Herr Hauptmann might care for a Cognac before dinner?" she tells her husband.
"Of course!" he replies.
The man fetches a decanter from a very well-stocked liquor cabinet.
"Perhaps later you might care for a Havana? My husband brought them from Mombassa."
Herr Fleischer looks startled and stares at his wife.
"Before the war, of course," she adds, chuckling, to the definite relief of her husband.
At dinner, I'm placed next to Trudi. She's tense and agitated during the meal. Her hands shake and she rarely looks up from the table. Her mother tries to explain to me the qualities of the young girl as tactfully as she can. Trudi, however, seldom responds with anything more than a polite smile.
A little exasperated by her daughter's shyness, her mother suggests Trudi shows me the garden in the reddish sunset of the evening. The girl strolls alongside me, smoothing her dress, and fiddling with her hair ribbons.
"You seem nervous, Fraulein Fleischer?" I open the conversation.
"Do I?" she shrugs.
"Is anything wrong?"
After a long pause, she replies thoughtfully.
"My mother wants you to court me."
"I know," I respond to her honesty, "and what does Fraulein Fleischer want?"
She's again lost in thought.
"Why do I need a Naval Officer who's probably going to die soon anyway..."
She seems startled by her own outspoken-ness.
"I'm sorry, Herr Hauptmann... I... I say things sometime... I didn't mean..." she apologises quickly.
I turn her slightly so I can see into her eyes. I sense fear, mingled with excitement, something intangible perhaps.
"It's quite alright," I assure her, "you're quite correct, I may die soon, who knows? But we must pretend that we are going to live long lives or give over to despair."
"And do you give over... to despair, I mean?"
"I greet each sunrise with happiness," I tell her, "content that this day I'm alive in this beautiful country."
"Oh you liar!" she chuckles, "I bet you're scared out of your wits!"
"Fraulein, I started off with few wits to be scared out of."
Her laughter lights up this young girl. Replacing her nervous expression is an impish grin that sizzles with the excitement of the game. It would do no harm, I think, to spend a little time in this girl's company.
From the double French windows of their large house, Frau Fleischer watches with satisfaction the banter among the roses. 'An Officer, ' she thinks to herself, 'that can more than take care of himself.'
It is some days before I have a chance to spend some more time with Trudi. With the news of the capture of the railway we must presume that the enemy will march on us in a two- pronged movement. Firstly, they'll probably sortie south from Tabora. Secondly, taking advantage of Lake Tanganyika, they may try and advance to the north of Bismarckburg and cut off von Lettow's withdrawal. Knowing, as I do, the Herr General's mind he will do precisely what the enemy thinks is least likely. That means, he'll advance into British territory.
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To those that actually like this story. Sorry it’s taken so long to get this chapter out, kept having to go back and rewrite part after part. I have managed to get someone to edit these chapters but since hes studying for his CNA he’s understandably preoccupied. As he finally gets to chapters I’ll resubmit them, and no this one hasn’t not been gone over so yes it’s full of errors. Still any and all comments are wanted!! ************ ‘So fuck her and then kill her? That’s your idea to make...
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(Note: This page is the history, and back story for the world. The story itself starts on the following chapter) According to the historical and medical records Margaret Elizabeth Brackenshaw was the first person officially recorded as being born with both male and female genitalia in a small rural town in Sussex, England on 11-10-1776. The official term for her-and subsequent babies who were born with both types of genitalia- gender was eventually labeled as hermaphrodite or futanari. Even...
TranssexualGrowing up in a small rural town where everyone knows your business, I didn't have the opportunity (or courage, at least) to explore my new found desire to have sex with a man. After high school, I attended a small college near my home town and found myself in the same situation. I spent hours thinking about cocks and jacking off to hard core porn magazines and lusting over the huge cocks inside. Between work, school, homework and a needy girlfriend, I didn't have much time to hang out with...
The dreams on the plane made it difficult for Wayne to sleep during the time he wasn’t staring out the plane at the clouds and taking pictures of them. Beside him Judith laughed and pointed out the window. “Oh look! A cloud. We’re on top of it. Quick. Take a picture.” Wayne had his camera pressed to the window before he realized she was teasing him. “Hey, I’m not a world traveler like you,” he complained. “I’ve never seen this before.” “You are now, babycakes,” she said. “Just wait till...
Dark Naija! The world of amateur porn! Don’t you just get tired of fake pornstars and their inflated boobs and fake butts and crave some raw, authentic amateur action? There is a reason the amateur niche is my absolute favorite. Granted, the quality is not always the best, but at least you get to jerk off people that are having sex for fun, not for money. You get to see slutty girlfriends sucking and riding their boyfriend's cocks, college students in drunk sex parties, wives cheating on their...
Black Porn SitesI guess my interest in my mother started by seeing my mom naked in her room while she was getting changed or in the bathroom while she was taking a bath or shower. You see, my mom raised me and my siblings to see that nudity is natural and not anything to be weirded out about or taken so seriously, which meant that I saw my mom naked a lot. I guess you can say that these experiences also led to my absolute love of the most erotic, hot, and sexy thing I could ever think of; hairy bush. Now I...
At the moviesIt was late January & as usual for summer in Oz it was hot. It was over 40 degrees on this particular Saturday. My wife Sandy suggested we go to the cinema and cool off in the AC there. I said that sounded like a plan and went into the bedroom to put some cloths on. Sandy followed me in and pulled out a pair of running shorts and a T/shirt for me and a very tiny skirt and an almost invisibly sheer blouse for herself. As I reached or my underwear draw Sandy put her hand on mine...
Another two weeks passed. Bri got back together with her boyfriend, Mick. Then she broke up with him again. Like Kris, she never talked about what happened between us. Maybe she felt guilty or embarrassed, I didn't know. I certainly wasn't going to bring it up. I didn't want to risk creating a bunch of unnecessary drama between the girls and myself if I could avoid it. So, life in the house resumed the normal routine, as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile, online, things were getting pretty...
NovelsAlice met me at the door on Saturday afternoon and told me her daughter would be right down. "She's nervous about what you're going to say to her," Alice said. "I wish I knew what I was going to say, myself." Alice studied me, her cheek twitching like she was going to smile before her eyes shifted to my tie. "She'll be pleased that you wore the blazer; you look very nice." Brenda came down the stairs, dressed in a white pinafore with pink rabbits, white stockings and black patent...
Hi ISS readers, this is Nani from Visakhapatnam once again. I hope you enjoyed my last story. I want to share another story with you. It all started during my college days. Like it generally happens with everyone, I also had a lover. I enjoyed every lovely and romantic moment with her. But, coming to the sex, I never tried because I was sincere to her. The college life was completed and I was busy with my job search. The gap between us increased day by day. Two years passed by. Finally, I got...
Hey mates and I’m commencing with the introduction, myself Pranay 18 years old brat. Both mine and my tool’s height length has same numerical. I’m 6.1 feet and my tool 6.1 inches. My friend’s always do call me Sexy Bastard not very sure whether I actually I’m or not. I got a sexy cousin named Neha nickname Sweety . She is a year younger to me but trust me she is a sex goddess! Anyone who sees her will surely get a hard on for a moment and she is fair and has perfect body sculpture. Her milky...
IncestThe black line sits there blinking at me as if willing me to finally put words to the rest of the chapter that has been plaguing me for days. My deadline has passed and still nothing comes to mind. Should I make the main female character give in to her beloved’s wishes or remain the precious trophy of his twin brother? This decision should be easy for me to make since the two main characters are completely in love with each other, but have to hide it from everyone. Yet, everyone knew from the...
It all started with a ski trip to the Copper Mountain Ski Area in Colorado about three years ago. Actually, I guess it really started earlier… and reached the high point in the mountains of Colorado. Caby and I had been married just over 8 years then. I met Caby while we were both in college at Colorado State College in Fort Collins, Colorado. I was from Omaha, Nebraska, and Caby grew up on his family’s ranch in northern Wyoming. We had both had our share of sexual exploits before...
These nylons are hard to pull up. Can you see the line down the back? My grandmother wore nylons like these back in the fifties. Let me get this garter hook snapped. There! I'm done with the hard part!Here comes my hubby, Roger with my heels. I think I'll tease him with my feet! He loves me so much. He's kissing me and I'm playfully shoving him away. He's still not dressed. He's been running around the house all afternoon naked. He's been stroking his cock and playing with his balls.I've got my...
Woh sab mujhe mall ke toilet ke niche bandh kar ke chali gayi thi. Mujhe toilet ke gadde se sab saaf saaf dikh raha tha. Maine dekha ki ek ladki yehi aa rahi hai maine apna muh andar kar liya ki kahin woh dekh na le. Woh baithi aur usne mutna shuru kiya. Uska sara mut mere muh pe aake gira. Yeh sab 2-3 ghante tak chala bohut ladkiyon ki ki mut pi tatti khai aur yahan tak paad bhi sungi. Aakhirkar woh sab aayi aur mujhe wahan se nikaal ke ghar le aayi. Main bohut thak chuka tha aur ghar aate...
From Russia with SlutsI awoke from my bed to hear the distant sound of a bass line from the uptempo music emanating from outside my bedroom window. It was a warm summer night. I checked my phone. 3 am.The party was still going on. It had been in full swing all day and night. It was really raucous when I first went to sleep earlier, and now it had quietened down a little, though still noticeable.The reason for the celebratory occasion from my new neighbours? A housewarming party.You see, there...
(JANICE) Look back twelve years. 1987. I was a nobody. Just this shy wee virgin. I was 18 years old and I wanted to be a punk. I wanted to be a punk and I wanted to get laid. Everyone I knew claimed to have been living the carnal life for at least the past two years. My best friend Janice – this kooky black girl with spiked hair and a delicate little stud in her nose (years before this was fashionable) – said she did it when she was 14. My only vaguely sexual experience so far had been a quick...
[Throughout these TRUE stories the term’ black’ is used to denote folk of afro /Caribbean origin, it is in no way a derogatory term, the lady loving the sexual enjoyment that these well-hung folk, have brought her and rather than name names she has chosen to use this term]Foxy Lady is a sex cinema at Bilston showing non-stop porn and with the odd live female going watching the porn! It is not usually long before guys do porn of their own and the female is the one that receives... I was taken...
WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Sorry about the delays between releasing the last few chapters. The text for this story was written over a number of years and includes many small mini chapters and journal style handwritten entries which need to be sorted into chronological order, modernised and edited, before being released. Chapters 30-32 have taken even longer than usual as...
Well the first time I hooked up with a shemale was an escort visit (night out, massage and the rest :)), this was when I just started to gain interest in shemales (about 2 years ago), so I became curious and wanted to know what it was like to spend a night with one, after all they say its having the best of both worlds. I looked up a Brazilian shemale online and when I saw the pictures, I couldn't resist a visit. I mean her femininity was beyond this world, stunning from head to toe. I gave the...
Guy hubby had arranged to meet in the local it got a bit naught After meeting in the bar we all sit around and chat, not much small talk, it’s already been said. Just her sitting between us and getting slightly loosened up on southern comfort and American dry We are sitting facing away from people. A good idea as my hand is running up the inside of the short skirt I insisted she wore and stroking her inner thigh, up to her already juicy cunt lips. I nod my head to him inviting him to do...
Sex With StrangerSingle Mother by circe ([email protected]) "So, be honest." Zoe and Emma lay on the queen-sized bed, giggling and wiggling their toes. The little girl was already in her pajamas and was lying on her front, holding her head up in her hands as she watched her mother. Their housemate, Zoe, lay next to her, copying her girlish pose and reaching out to tickle the young girl every so often. Mandy stood in front of them in her underwear, holding two dresses in her hands - one was...
"The Meeting" I was sent to a larger city in my area, to meet with some clients for a huge deal, that would set our company way over the top, higher than it has ever been before, and these African American men are the ones who were making it happen. Donnell was my boss, and I had always done has he asked, but i was sorta nervous about this trip. not the meeting, but the co-worker he sent along with me, he was very well built, and very controlling, and even when he was being mean, it still...
It had been a pretty long night, and you and the guys were almost ready to go back to your rooms. You had found a good spot in your dormitory to drink some liquor, and had had a good time. But unfortunately, just as you're almost done with your night of fun, you hear knock on the door. Your friend opens. There stand two female Resident Assistants, a hot Indian girl wearing form-fitting jeans that accentuate her well-developed thighs and ass, and an equally hot black girl, with a tremendous ass...
BDSMUS DEA captive Kat Dior is held for questioning inside a cartel-run compound in Central Mexico’s Sierra Madre Mountain Range. She can provide intel on the evasive cartel boss La Luna Star who forced Kat into prostitution the day the kidnapped daughter of a US Senator purportedly went missing. Kat was brought to the facility with a blond-haired prostitute, where they entered the main house to fuck La Luna in a lesbian threesome. La Luna and her lieutenant took off with the escort and her...
xmoviesforyouThe late August afternoon’s heat was blistering as the Western sun made it’s inevitable way to the horizon. There was an old rambling shack called the Mooney Hotel, at an angle across the street from the town’s corral. A full-length porch stretched from one side to the other, across the full length of the hotel. Two old timers were seated side-by-side on some old cane-bottom chairs decorating the front of Mooney’s. One old timer, scruffy looking with a grey tobacco-stained beard and moustache,...
I wrote a previous story about meeting someone from Lush. I got to thinking, 'What if it hadn't happened that way?' All of them stand alone but the shift in settings is fun. I did use some personalities that I know quite well. I hope you enjoy this and I plan to write about a few more ways. If you have some neat ideas send them to me, I am interested. I won't do violent ones and I'll give very thankful credit if you want me to.Thank you for reading.Story:I was crouched down, peering over the...
Love StoriesThe following is 100% fictional! So I've been attracted to me older college and I'm a senior in high school. She always been really cool with me, like letting me smoke or drink or go to her parties. Me and my sister have always been really good friends. She even sometimes would give me graphic details of her sex life. But anyways, me and her and some of her friends (all party a few weeks ago. We were all in one of her friends van smoking some good weed and drinking a little. But apparently her...
IncestAs we picked up the dirty lunch dishes and prepared to set the kitchen to rights again the doorbell rang and we stopped and looked at each other. Anna was the best dressed of us all and had the most right to claim residence. She headed to the lounge window and looked out. "There is a delivery van there." I left the others waiting to consider a dash upstairs and had a look as well. I recognised certain signs. "It's all right. You can go back into the kitchen." Anna was by the door...
This is a continuation of my earlier story. Later at night, Bai asked me, “ Sonu, you sleep now. I am going to call bhabhi and tell what all happened.” I got scared and said, “Please don’t tell mom. Keep it a secret.” She said with a laugh, “Relax. I will not tell her provided you promise to make love to your Bai.” I happily said, “Yes, I will fuck you everyday.” Bai kissed me and we slept together. Next morning, I woke up to see Bai all naked and kissing me. We had sex the very next moment I...
Sally went to Vegas once a month just for sex. She always managed to pick up a man and go to hers or his room. Tonight she was playing cards when a handsome older man sat beside her. They chatted a little and had a couple drinks. Sally at one time reached under the table and rubbed his cock. She liked that he felt nice and thick. He then ran his hand up her dress and shoved a finger in her wet cunt. She wore no under clothes of course. He then took her hand and walked her to the elevator. Once...