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Chapter 1. Getting the News

Clarisse had just pulled down her panties, lowered herself on to the toilet seat and was preparing to have a long overdue pee, when she heard the door open to the washroom. Two obliviously drunk women came into the washroom. From the sound of the voices, she thought it was Sandra and Marge who had come in. they were talking loudly and so it was not difficult to hear what they were talking about.

‘Well! Did you.’ Said the first voice.

‘Of course, I did.’ Said the second. ‘You told me he was a great fuck and I always like my hole well filled.’

‘I am sure that he has fucked everyone of us by now.’ Said Sandra.

Although Clarisse was not really sure it was she.

‘He is not a bad boss, but he is one great cocksman.’ Said, what sounded like Marge?

The words struck Clarisse like a thunderclap. The only boss in this office was her husband, George. She thought to herself.

‘Well that explains why I am not getting any. The bastard is fucking the whole office. She also knew that he was probably fucking every other woman that he encountered. The girls, she knew, were right. George was one great fuck. He really knew how to turn a woman on. He would take the time to bring you to orgasm and he would hold himself off until he could come with you. The orgasms you had with George were monumental. You would be worn out after he got finished with you. You could only wonder were he got the energy to do the things he done for the amount of time he took. He would use your whole body like a playground, his playground and he would play you like a master. She used to have that, but in the last 10 months she knew that he had shifted playgrounds, and she was not his favorite anymore, no, not at all.

‘Damn him, damn him, damn him.’ She thought to herself.

She knew from the time she dated him that his sexually prowess was incredible, but she thought she could confine it to herself. She had been available any time, anywhere, any place he wanted her. The any place was something else again. They fucked under the bleachers while a ball game was on. They had a quickie in the elevators, and in a darkened subway as they came home late. They fucked in the city parks, in the alleys, even on the beach (which is not recommended even at the best of times, the sand is a bastard on the genitals. Clarisse was sore for a week afterwards). She didn’t really like being an exhibitionist, but she had to admit, they were some of the best fucks she had ever had. The excitement and thrill of being caught really turned her number one sex organ, her brain on. She was so wet that she dripped and her panties were discarded for the rest of the night. They were so wet as to be useless. She heard pee flowing in the other cubicles, flushes, and talk at the sink and mirrors. She waited until the door closed again. She wiped her pussy clean of the pee, pulled up her panties, straightened her dress and left the cubicle. She took her time combing her hair and fixing her makeup before she left the toilet. She didn’t want to bump into the girls who had been talking of her husband.

Outside the door she met George.

‘I have been looking for you, Clarisse. You certainly took your time in there.’ Said George

‘Yes! She said. ‘I decided to have some private time with myself. I had to get myself off as I am not getting any at home. A girl needs to be satisfied, you know, or, perhaps you don’t anymore. So what have you been looking for me for? She asked.

‘I have had some sudden business come up that I have to attend tonight. I have just had a cell phone call from New York and they have some questions that need to be answered before the morning. I will be home later, O.K.? Said George.

‘Just as soon as you get the bimbo of the end of your prick, I’ll bet.’ Retorted Clarisse

‘What the hell is that supposed to mean? Asked George ‘Who pissed in your porridge?’

‘Come on George, don’t give me the innocent act. I know that your prick has been working non-stop over all the time you learned what it is for. You haven’t fucked me in months, and I know that you cannot go without a day or less without dipping your wick. Furthermore, a couple of voices in the toilet just informed me that you have fucked every woman in this office. It won’t work George. You can tell me that you have to work late, but I know that the only work you are likely to be doing is the work that it takes to bring down the panties on your next conquest.’

‘Clarisse! Stop it. You don’t know what you are talking about and you certainly can’t prove anything you say. So give it up and settle down. I will be home late. Let’s just leave it at that.’ Said George.

‘OK. George, but I want you to remember that if you are not in by six in the morning, you will likely miss me. I have a flight to catch for Washington in the morning. I have to be up early. I came to this party under protest, and now I wish that I had never come. Damn! You piss me off sometimes.’ Said Clarisse.

With that she went to get her coat, and hailed a cab for home. Her ride was preoccupied.

Next morning, George was not around. She got herself a cab and left for the airport. She was still pissed off. She knew that she must do something about her marriage, but she sincerely doubted that George would want to do anything about it. She had made him sign a pre-nuptial that would make her very wealthy, because George, in spite of his fucking expertise, was also an expert in insurance sales and he made tons of money. That is why he had so many girls to choose from and the office was so big. He had made it grow by leaps and bounds. He had accumulated an enormous amount of cash to himself and so, Clarisse. They had built a great house. They had vast investments. They went to their winter home in Florida, which was worth as much if not more than their own home. The pre-nuptial would see that she got her half of everything, and, Clarisse, apart from being a lonely wife, was also the financial wizard of the family. There were no hidden assets. She knew were it all was and how much it was worth. She would not have to share with the kids for there were none. George would not want to part with any of it. She was going to be in the marriage along time if he had anything to do about it.

Chapter 2: Washington

All of this, Clarisse milled over as she awaited her flight. Suddenly, the ancient loudspeaker blared out.

‘Flight 546 to Washington has been delayed. We have encountered mechanical problems and we are not sure how long it will take to fix them. The flight has been delayed indefinitely, but we are working on the problem.’ The squeaky speaker said.

‘Well! That certainly screws up my day.’ She said aloud to herself.

‘Mine too.’ Said a male voice beside her.

‘I had to register for our annual conference by nine. Now I don’t know what I will do.’ Said Clarisse.

‘Me too.’ Said the voice again.

She turned and looked at the source of the voice, and was pleasantly surprised. It was a handsome man, about her age. He looked very professional. He was taller by a head over her. He looked like a quarterback from one of those college teams. Handsome and determined.

‘Damn! That man’s got it.’ Thought Clarisse. Then she asked, ‘What conference were you going to?’

‘I am going to the American Accounting Association Conference.’ he said. ‘It is being held at the Gaylord in National Harbor this year.’

‘So am I.’ said Clarisse.

‘That’s good. I will have beautiful company for the wait.’ Said the stranger.

‘Well! If we are going the same place, I think we should know our names, so that we don’t have to talk to a stranger, and you know what your mother said about that. My name is Clarisse, yours?

‘Colin, Colin Clarke. I think my mother and dad were into alliteration.’ Replied Colin

‘Clarisse Makin is my name. Where are you from? I can’t say that I have eve
r heard your name around here because I know most accountants in the district.’ Said Clarisse

‘You wouldn’t because I am not from here. This is my junction point for my flight to Washington. I live in Missouri. I left my booking late and the only flight I could get to Washington, had to make a connection stop in Harrisburg.’ Explained Colin.

‘Lucky you! You are stuck with me in Harrisburg.’ Laughed Clarisse

‘You are right. I would call that luck indeed. I think my flight arrangements just took on a decidedly brighter look.’ Said Colin

‘You make me blush. Now to the conference and registration. Do you know if there is a number so that we can call to tell them we are delayed. There is not much play from the time we get into Regan and the time it takes to get to National Harbor. I think we are going to be late. It might help if we let them know.’ Said Clarisse

‘We can call the hotel. They can give the registration desk the news about us.’ Said Colin

‘Good plan. Your Blackberry or mine? Said Clarisse. ‘Never mind, mine will do. Do you happen to have the number?’

‘Its in my Blackberry. I thought something like this might happen so I put the Gaylord’s number in the memory. Why don’t I just call? It saves time, and passing numbers back and forth, besides, it’s a tax write off as you well know.’ Said Colin.

Fortunately, the woman on the speaker began again and outlined the length of their delay. She told them that the aircraft has had to be put out of service. A new aircraft was being flown in from Buffalo and the flight would be delayed for about 21/2 hours.

Colin was able to contact the hotel and they assured him that they would be happy to pass the message on to those folk who were taking and checking the registrations.

‘Well! Clarisse, I guess that gives us two choices. You can go your way and do your emails and I do mine, or we could get together and talk about anything we would like to talk about. For my part, I prefer the second option but I don’t want to thrust my unwanted attentions upon you if you chose the former.’ said Colin, gallantly.

‘Well good sir, there are, of course, other options.’ Replied Clarisse.

‘And just what might they be?’ asked Colin

‘I could read an interesting book. I could get a coffee and listen to my iPod, I could browse the gift shop. Any thing like that.’ Said Clarisse with a chuckle.

‘Any thing but my attention. I see.’ Replied Colin. ‘A fellow must know when he is getting the brush off. Thank you then, I will find my way. I know when I am not wanted.’ He said with an artificial pout.

‘Well! If I am going to give you such pain and damage your ego to such an extent, I feel that mercy commends me to be charitable. I will compromise. Conversation over a coffee, if you please. I need to have my morning pick up.’ Said Clarisse

The two of them set out for the coffee shop and began a conversation that would fill the space of time they had to wait and bring them a great deal of joyful interchange in the interim. They talked about work first. They talked about the upcoming conference and their particular interest in being there. They then ventured on to more personal subjects like home, schooling, university, interests, their particular accounting specialty, and ultimately, for some unknown reason they began to talk about the current state of their personal life. When Colin ventured into that area with Clarisse he immediately recognized the red flag that shot up just as soon as Clarisse was asked about her marital life. He wisely and quickly let it slide and changed the subject and Clarisse heaved a sigh of relief when he did. Colin, however, spoke with candor about his current situation, which was not unlike Clarisse’s miserable dilemma, which surrounded George’s infidelity and lack of interest. His wife had tired of their life together or, he added, their life apart. Colin was brutally honest about his role in the estrangement. He mentioned how he had had a very difficult time getting his accounting business off the ground. Clients had not been easy to attract when he first began. He had to do most of the work, that he now assigned to clerks, himself. It meant late nights and little time for his wife. She naturally found other interests to fill her time and, subsequently, to satisfy her sexual needs. The marriage was definitely on the rocks, but neither of them had had the gumption to pull the plug. It would have to be done sooner or later, but at the present time, they slept in separate beds and were very civil and caring of each other. It was a truce, but not really the solution to either of them and their future life.

When they reached this point, the speaker lady intervened with the announcement that the aircraft was boarding and would the business class passengers please come to the desk for identity check and boarding. They picked up their carry on luggage and head together, unspeaking to the desk. On the aircraft, Colin sat in the rear of the business section and Clarisse in the front. Further conversation was not really possible. It would have to wait until they landed.

At Regan, in Washington, they rejoined to collect their luggage and then they shared the cab that would take them to National Harbor and the Gaylord. At the Gaylord, they check in and found that their registration materials had been left at the desk for them. They exchanged Room numbers and took the elevator to their rooms. As fate would have it they were on the same floor and, as fate would have it again, they were within four doors of each other. Colin was at 1210 and Clarisse was at 1218. They both had lovely rooms that overlooked over the P. They agreed to drop off their luggage and meet because they had both signed up for the same session and with the delay, they would only just make it.

The session was out at 2:45 pm and they both had different sessions that they had booked. They neglected to make any arrangements for future times together, so, if you have ever been to the Gaylord, you will know that trying to find a person in that monster is neigh on impossible. Being what kind of person that both of them are, they found themselves quickly involved with the sessions and with other delegates with whom they shared like interests. As a result, they drifted off in different directions. They were not to find each other until mid Thursday morning, and then only by accident. They were rushing between sessions and both wanted to take a quick comfort break in their rooms. They both did what was necessary and were on the way to the elevator when they bumped into each other in the hall.

‘Well, well, well, look who is here. Are you staying in this hotel too? Colin said jokingly to Clarisse.

‘Yes I am.’ Replied Clarisse. ‘I came here from Harrisburg with this fine gentleman I met in the airport there, but he seems to have disappeared. You know, you look very much like him. You wouldn’t be Colin Clark by any chance, would you?’

Colin laughed and assured her that he was one and the same, Colin Clark. He asked her what she had been doing.

‘I have been going to the personal tax sessions, and I suppose you have been at sessions that relate to your corporate accounting interests? Asked Clarisse.

‘Yes, I have. They have been most helpful for me. I am glad that I came, even though it was a last minute thing. What about you? Have you found what you were looking for?

‘Oh yes! It has been really worth the price and the effort it took to get here. Some of the sessions have been taped and I intend to purchase the tapes. I know there was much I missed in them and I want to review later. I am glad I came. I am sure that this will be a yearly thing from now on.

‘Me too.’ Said Colin. ‘I hate to admit it, but I now know just how much I do not know about my field. It is tough to admit that you didn’t quite learn it all at University.’

‘So what have you being doing with your evenings?’ asked Clarisse.

‘I have
been with some of the people who have been at the same sessions as myself. We take the time together to discuss what we have heard. It is not what I would call exciting, but it has been interesting. We are thinking about doing the same tonight at fish place down on the wharf. Speaking of that, what are you doing tonight? ‘Would you like to come with us? Asked Colin.

‘No thank you! If you are going to discuss corporate accounting then count me out. I want to have some fun tonight.’ Said Clarisse.

‘OK! I understand. Let me rephrase the question. Is there any room in your schedule for supper with me only? We could take in the fine fish restaurant down by the water without the others. Is that better?’ Said Colin.

‘I went there last night, thank you.’ Said Clarisse

‘OK! Let me rephrase again. Would you like to do supper with me if we went to somewhere else.’ Proposed Colin eagerly. His eagerness was all too apparent and Clarisse picked it up immediately.

‘Careful now, I am not sure whether you are asking me to supper or trying to proposition me? If it is the former, I would be delighted to come, and if it were the latter . . . . Well. Clarisse didn’t finish the sentence, which gave Colin a little hope for a brighter future.

Clarisse continued. ‘The time would have to be a little later in the evening. My last session, I figure, will run late. The speaker is very interesting and the program states that at least a half to three quarters of an hour will be allowed for questions after the presentation concludes at five. I think that it will run the full three quarters of an hour. I wouldn’t want to miss it because I know the speaker and he I very interesting and learned. If that is the case, I won’t be able to clean up and be decent before 7 and better 7:30 pm. If you can hold off that long, I will be glad to join you.’ Explained Clarisse.

‘For you lady, anything you wish.’ I will talk to the concierge and see if he can make reservations for us somewhere. I have a feeling that he will have more pull with the restaurants in the area than I do.

They went their separate directions after Colin had told Clarisse that he would text message her with the plans for supper.

His conversation with the concierge was most interesting.

‘With whom are you dining?’ asked the man. ‘It is a group or is it with just another person, a woman perhaps?’

‘It is with a woman.’ Replied Colin

‘An interesting woman, or a woman of interest? Continued the Concierge

‘Mmmmm, I wasn’t prepared for that question. What an interesting question.’ Said Colin to the man. ‘If I were to speak honestly, I would have to say both.’

‘The emphasis being on the former or the latter? Asked the man insistently.

Colin again paused at that question and asked himself. ‘What is your interest in Clarisse? Was she just a person he had met in the airport and had pleasant conversation with or did she really ‘interest’ him. She was certainly a beautiful woman. She was interesting to talk to. She was oppionated and able to express and explain herself well. She was both interesting and of interest alright, ‘but’, and it was a very big ‘but’, he had to admit she was a ‘person of interest.’

‘The latter.’ Said Colin firmly

‘In that case anything in the immediate area is out. Not intimate enough. What is your price range? Asked the concierge.

‘There is no worry.’ Said Colin

‘Then in that case, I suggest that you take her to Georgetown and to Michel Richard Citronelle. It has a great reputation. You will have excellent food. It will cost you, but you but will also impress her. It is intimate enough that you can have a conversation without being disturbed and, if your are good enough, worth having. A taxi can take you there for about $35 dollars. I will arrange it. The reservation will be for eight. It will give you time to make yourself, and your lady friend presentable and get to the restaurant in one piece and relaxed. Second thought, I will make the reservation for 8:30 pm. You can tell your lady friend to have a snack to tide her over. It will be busy, but the restaurant and I have an understanding and he keeps a couple of tables reserved for me until 5 p.m. He knows that I will fill them and I do every day. One of them will be for you.’ Explained the concierge.

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A New Wife Tiffany Scott 97' Part I Kelly stared at her husband thoughtfully. He was wearing one of her white nylon blouses and a pair of her tight-fitting jeans. "I want to be the man!" She told him. "I've always wanted it. Even as a kid I desperately wanted to dress up in my brothers clothes." "I'm not gay and I know I can't really BE a man. But at least I can live like one." She explained, adding. "I just want to live with the...

4 years ago
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Educating the TwinsChapter 11

I had no idea where we were, and the name on the sign in the terminal didn't help. "Welcome!" That was eal informative. We were definitely in a tropical climate. In the early evening I could see palm trees, people in shorts and tees, and the women were in sandals. I couldn't smell much, just hot asphalt, slightly scorched rubber, and jet fuel. Maybe those are the smells of the tropics. There was a woman standing in a corner. Dad asked her something and we were directed to a open air bus...

2 years ago
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Private Lessons Part 1

I met Richard online while searching for a music teacher that gave private lessons. I was going to be in Ohio for a couple of weeks and decided to take some lessons while I was there, to help pass the time. We agreed to meet at my hotel to discuss the arrangements because I did not know the area well and it was easier for him to come to me. When he arrived I noticed he was a handsome man. He seems to be in his early 40's not his 50's as he'd claimed to be in prior conversations. I have always...

Straight Sex
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Emmas Summer Babysitting Job

1 - Hopkins Island, Massachusetts Mid July 2009 "Maaaaatt?" "Mrs. Pemberton-Smith," I answered with a quick nod of acknowledgment as I handed Emma and her friends a menu each. "Mrs. Connors ... Miz Burton," I added as I looked down at the three twenty something year old women I'd known all my life. I was grinning. "Matthew Liam Hopkins?" Emma Pemberton-Smith, nee Kruger, said as she jumped up from her seat, the surprise clear in her voice. "What are you doing here?" she asked as...

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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 07

During the elevator ride down to my floor I thought about Tom’s offer to set up something special in Vegas. He had me intrigued and excited. I had been to Vegas many times when I was stripper and when I was working for the marketing company. I knew that it had its share of adult entertainment, strip clubs, sex clubs and legal prostitution just outside the city limits. It wasn’t called Sin City for nothing. Oh well, I was seeing a client in Vegas in a month or so. I made sure to save Tom’s card....

1 year ago
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BrattySis Kenzie Reeves Vanna Bardot Sharing My Step Sisters Friend

Lucas Frost and his stepsister Kenzie Reeves seem to have similar taste in girls as they discover when Kenzie invites her friend and crush, Vanna Bardot, over. Vanna starts out making it clear she’s into Lucas while Kenzie is distracted in the kitchen. She whips Lucas’s dick out to give him a handie that leads to a deep throat BJ. Vanna wants more, so she and Lucas sneak out of the kitchen while Kenzie’s back is turned.They make it into the living room, where Vanna has time to...

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Looks Matter Chapters 56

Back in his room, James was left alone with the sizable bags containing his new clothes. He felt this was a remarkable event somehow - like he was giving away another bit of his dwindling supply of masculinity. But he needed to adjust into this new life eventually, he supposed. Sighing, he reached into the nearest bag and started pulling out the items. There were a few skirts, tops and various blouses. It was obvious where Dad's purchases had stopped and Matthew's influence began. There...

4 years ago
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More Than Cosmetic

The light pouring through the window was strange, Margaret thought sleepily, then realised why: surely it was too yellow, to bright to be natural? It trickled through the blinds like liquid gold and pooled lazily on the tiled floor. Who would melt so much gold, just so they could pour it into her room? Would it burn her if she tried to get out of bed? On the other hand, the thought of climbing from her warm, comfortable bed was so unappealing that the thought of being trapped in bed was almost...

3 years ago
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Two week before Prom

  It happened like this.   My name is Domaneque.   I am an Army brat and was residing in Germany when all this happened.   I was graduating from the same school that my mother had graduated from.   Here I was 5’4, 110 pounds, 38d, 26 waist, and 32 hips, with hazel eyes.   My mother was the same size when she graduated.     Of course mom wanted me to wear the same prom gown that she had worn with some minor alterations.   It was just to long for me and it was...

4 years ago
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What Hides in Lexis Silence Part Two

My little sister took her time under the shower. Even though I knew we should move, get out of the house as soon as possible, I didn’t want to rush her. At least, no more than I already had. The poor thing had to get up, her legs shaking, right after she had her first time - after she had her first not self-induced orgasm. I listened intently to the water falling, patiently waiting. I wanted to hop in the shower with her, but I thought that would be too much for her, all at once. Also, if my...

3 years ago
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Sex at the Gym

Zainab was an ebony BBW with a cute face that looked much younger than she really was (she was in her late 30s) with a wide smile and a soft voice; on top of that she had a really fat ass that gave anyone lucky enough to stand behind her not only a show of her thong but a nice cushion to rest their boners. Although she was always fully covered by loose-fitting abayas, her bootylicious body always stood out no matter how hard she tried. She was a big girl with a sweet personality that put others...

4 years ago
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Wedding reception

Wife and I attended wedding at upmarket establishment. The reception was a seated affair with round tables , named places and somewhat cramped almost as though they included an extra couple per table. Seating was M, F , m etc, my lovely wife seated on my right , on my left was a larger lady, stranger , with well endowed blossom and shapely full derrière. Wine flowed and inhibitions lowered in the somewhat dim atmosphere. This shapely lady intrigued me so much that my manhood turned upward and...

1 year ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 61 Of Course Theyrsquore Drinking Shiner

From the man-made lake behind the imposing home, the sounds of the raucous party were easy to hear even before exiting the minivan. “I guess we came to the right place,” Tim snickered. George smiled and motioned for help retrieving their purchases as well as the overnight bags from the rear hatch. “Welcome, friends, welcome!” Jose, Uncle Justin’s right-hand man, approached the two, who looked shocked to see the man they had just left a few minutes earlier. “Hang on. You didn’t pass us....

4 years ago
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Anjane Uncle Se Chudai Ka Dare

Mai aksar yaha par khafi stories padhti hu..Mujhe lagta hai ki muje bhi apni story aap logo ke sath share karni chahyee I’m from chandigarh aur ye tab ki bat hai jab mai plus 2 class mei padhti thi..Hum sab jante hai is age mei sabko sex ki alag excitement hoti hai.. Aur mai aj himmat karke ek true story batana chahti hu… Well mai aur meri 3 friends roz school k bad akar internet par porn dhekti thi.. Hum bhi usi tarah ke maze lena chahtee ..But samjh ni ata tha kya karen .. Hamare school mei...

2 years ago
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Remote Control Part 1

Samantha was laying on her sofa after a particularly long day, browsing the web on her phone and looking at the type of websites she probably shouldn’t have been! Her head was filled with ideas and fantasies of submission, bondage and far far more! It was one thing to day dream of these ideas but a very different matter when it came to really taking that big step and committing to do something; Samantha wasn’t as brave in real life as perhaps she presented in her online persona. She started...

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Family Secrets Part Two

Edited by DeepBlueCAs luck would have it my grandparents had to go out of town for a few days to attend a funeral. So as the old saying goes, “When the cat’s away the mice will play.”I always loved amusement parks. So when my grandparents left, there was no doubt in my mind where I was going and who I was going there with. I could have called one of the girls from school and asked her to go to Six Flags with me, but I didn’t. I called Patty instead and she readily agreed to go with me and told...

3 years ago
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The Mist of Time Ch 17

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Those two weeks went very quickly. Tina planned our move like a military operation, even as far as going up to my flat and packing my clothes. At the other end it was Bella who unpacked all my effects and put them away, apart from a few items which she left in a cardboard box. When I asked about them she told me determinedly. ‘I will not be seen with you, wearing that stuff! We will go to Colchester soon and we will get you proper country clothes.’ Four days before the...

2 years ago
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Life on Bedlow StreetChapter 2

RJ got to his office in downtown Kingsport in record time. He checked his watch. The Number 15 bus hadn't arrived at the stop yet. He watched the street in the reflection of the bank's front window. He gave his reflection his best Douglas Fairbanks look and told himself that he still looked good for a middle-aged bank manager. Casually scanning the area, he sidled over to the newsstand and pretended to browse the stall for magazines. His hands clenched and unclenched nervously. He was...

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Endless Nights At Freddys

*Special thanks to @mr_hyde_06 for making the amazing image you can see for the cover of this story. Stories will show the characters name, age, gender and any other side notes, Eg. Mike, 25 year old male, obsessed with porn. Anyone is allowed to write as well just start it like this too So who are you?

4 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 89

It took us about 20 minutes to get the chicken and come back. I'm afraid my girlfriend found Wanda's cooking disaster to be quite amusing. She wouldn't stop talking about it until I looked her in the face and told her what I thought. "Come on, Jill. You once told me that Wanda was your best friend. I remember when you chewed me out because I judged her because of her reputation. She's doing her best to make a good impression and you treat her like this behind her back. I don't think...

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InBetween Chapters 46

You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this...

1 year ago
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Day dream

Well I live in africa and have not been with a African women before why I'm still asking my self cause they so gorgeous and have the perfect curves. So one this african queen walks into the shop where I work I noticed her immediately got an instant hardon. I approached her and instead of asking her of how could I be of assistance I asked her how could I service you. She just smiled at me and said service hey hmm wat kinda service you offering like a fool felt shy and excused my self and asked...

1 year ago
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The visitor

Though the village had its share of gossips no one in the pub worried when Lisa, the 25yr old shy housewife joined the business-suited fifty-year-old man in a cozy corner. She was being friendly and anyway they knew her husband Colin would be along shortly. Often Lisa would arrive first to enjoy a quiet drink knowing the little inn would be full of people she knew, villagers and local farmers, and, as was the case tonight the occasional traveler seeking refreshments or a room.The man was a...

2 years ago
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Flexible Morals Ch 06

‘I mean, when you think about it, the whole thing don’t make sense.’ ‘You don’t make any sense, Biris,’ retorted Firis. Trailing behind the two brothers, Malik could only roll his eyes. They had been like this for the entire journey, never tiring of their back and forth. Occasionally the endless quarreling came to blows but it was never anything severe, unfortunately. Just the semi-good-natured jostling of siblings. He couldn’t understand it. Maybe the men had been dropped on their heads as...

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Janices Mind Controlled Part 2

*** Day one I received the message as soon as David had left the house Brian was coming. I wore a. Fleece, bra, white knickers and jeans I was barefoot as that was what the message I watched out of the window for i feeling eager I was looking forward to seeing him which was strange as I knew I hated him. He walked down the street carrying a bag. I opened the door stepped out of the house and kissed him. Do you great Wayne like that he asked? Usually I said. Come on he said we went down the...

Group Sex
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OyeLoca Bella Dulce Hot Wet Latina Summer

Voracious Latina lover Bella Dulce is one of those babes who cannot stop until she has had her fill of big dick in her mouth and her young, wet slit. And do not let her fool you. She may look like an innocent schoolgirl when she is out in the streets, but inside she has a burning need to grind on hard cock. She reveals her bubble butt in high green stilettos and gets on her knees to suck our studs massive prick. He slides his sausage inside her and Bella a wild orgasm. Then, she enjoys a sip of...

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GloryHoleInitiations Kamiyah Diamond 03182021

Kamiyah has been itching to head back to the club since last week. Just as she was leaving last week her friends told her there was a Glory Hole in the back. Now she knew she could not try that with her BF with her so she waited. The following week she got all dressed up in her naughty wear and headed back down there solo. There it was in the back like her friends told her and she got right down to it. She was ready to take all the cock in every hole she had to offer. Not long and she was...

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My Little Sisters 13th Birthday Remastered

Please note that this is a work of fiction and I do not condone child abuse in the slightest, this story is just meant to titillate the reader This is a remastered version of the original with a little more detail added to give it a little more depth please let me know what you think. INTRO Chris, Are you going to come then? My mum was nagging me to come to my little sisters birthday party, She had just turned 13 and was having a big party with all her friends. OK mum, Sure I will come but I...

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On the way home from Ruth’s, Charley said, ‘Dammit, I’m still horny.’ ‘How could you be?’, I asked. ‘If you don’t believe me, just look’, he replied. He unzipped and pulled out that big cock and, sure enough, it was hard again. ‘What does it take you to calm down’, I asked. ‘Pull in here and I’ll show you, he replied. It was a strip mall with a 24-hour adult book store. I figured he was wanting a stroke book, but he was to surprize me yet again. He pulled out the vial of poppers, and we both...

2 years ago
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What Are Best Friends For

Here goes for story number two. First the basics, I guess. My name is Jesse and I’m a sophomore at UGA in a little town called Athens, Ga. I’m a pretty good student and definitely somewhat of an over achiever. During the summers I have worked as a lifeguard at public pools and once at the beach in SC. During the winter I work as a personal trainer at my gym. I’m 5’6, 105, athletic and lean. Since every guy will want to know my chest size, I am a 34c. Not too big, not too small. And, being...

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Meri Jindgi

Hi dosto mera naam Parveen Kumar h mai aapko mere sath hua ek sunhera itefak sunana chahta hu,ummid karta hu ki aapko pasand aayega pahle apna introduction aapko deta hu mera naam parveen kumar h aur age 19 saal h mai Karnal Haryana se hu Ye Baat pichle saal ki h jab mere 12th ke exams khatam huye the aur mai apne mama ke ghar gya tha mere mama sharanpur ke pas ek gaon me rahte time mai sex ka shoukin tha par mai us time tak virgin tha mera ek hi mama h uske ldke ka naam sonu h sonu ki...

3 years ago
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My Sissy Life Part 2

Remember, This Is Just A Story! It is NOT real. My Sissy Life By - Bobbie Doll Part Two Before we drove home my mother said, "You were a good girl today. I'll allow you to sit in the front seat on the way home." I rarely got to sit up front. Even when it was just me and my mother or father. I'm not alone in the car with my father too often. But when I am, I'm always in the back seat. When I was being 'trained' to be the kind of sissy my father thought I should be, he...

4 years ago
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The Master DownstairsChapter 16

- Kristen - As Master and I went our separate ways to work, I kept thinking about the night before. It's one of the things I've always done, worry at something that bothered me until I figured it out. Jeremy had said something which made me feel uncomfortable, and with him, I've learned to pay attention to everything. It was halfway through the day when I realized what it was that had been bothering me. He had reminded Master that he had to use the phrase "needed" in order to get...

3 years ago
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My Lovely Sister My Sex Maid

Hello friends! I am Abhisekh…. I always love to do sex rather I am a sex maniac…. My options for sex is unlimited. No age no barrier. I love aunties young teenage girls married women widow everybody….. I am a daily visitor of this site and also watch porn films every night. Any aunty or teenage girl want to make friendship with me then please make sure you send me your comment or friendship proposal in my email “ My age is 20 and today I am going to tell you all that how I seduced my sister and...

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Syepmoms ex boy friend fuck sissy boy

From my c***dhood I liked dancing very much. So I selected dancing as a subject in my school. I loved traditional danceing. I was attending to a boys college. First day at my dancing class. I so some of my senior students's dance. It was awesome. It was a traditional dance. Some of them dress as girls and danced. When I saw them, I feel that I want to try it some day. After a 2 year of attending to class and practising more traditional dance.. I use to some girlish activities. At that time I...

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House wife looking for love finds the man of her wanton desires and dreams

As she walked into the bar, all eyes were on her. Her tight, short, black skirt, with the hem, just about mid-thigh, traced the form of her wanton body. And with each step, the slit, to the side, gave way to the tanned, well shaped lower limb. The pink blouse, tight across her breast, gave the invite to see, but not touch, till she was ready, and willing. Her hair pulled back, in a tight French braid, favored her beautiful face. With just enough make-up, to blossom her womanly stature. The...

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