Helen… Ch. 06 free porn video

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Harry felt the blow hit him hard against his jaw. The pain was excruciating and he felt something snap in his chin and mouth. He fell back onto the sacks lay out against the wall of the cellar, feeling dazed and allowing the mind numbing pain to subside a little. Mick the Mong looked down at him, the perfect resemblance of a James Bond Odd Job, waiting to throw another hard punch. Harry could not speak or gain his balance as he tried desperately to stand.

‘Wait Mick, not yet.’ Martin O’Grady gave his order. ‘Let him come around. He’ll tell us soon enough without the violence.’ The big man backed off, as Martin walked over to Harry, kneeling beside him. ‘So Harry, where did you hide the two grand?’

Harry looked back at Martin, his mouth pouring with blood from a few broken teeth. ‘Look… Martin…’ He tried to speak, but the pain was coming back hard and fast. ‘I don’t even know what you are talking about.’ His words were slurred. ‘For fucksake mate, give me a break will ya…’

‘Stand up!’ Martin ordered. Harry slowly raised himself to his feet, swaying. He looked at Mick the Mong waiting to throw another punch at Martin’s orders. ‘You know about the cash. We have good information that you were hiding it. Don’t even deny it. Now where is it?’

‘Look Martin. I really don’t know what you are talking about. You have the wrong person.’

‘I don’t think so. You need to ask Kenny.’ He wiped his mouth, smearing the blood onto the back of his hand and felt the loosened and painful teeth with his tongue. ‘Fuck, that hurts. Look what you did to me. Call Mick off.’ He looked over at the big Chinese henchman, who was snarling back at him.

‘You say Kenny? Your old man? Now that is sad.’ Martin replied. ‘Not one of my boys would even think of dropping me in the shit. Because, you know what I’ll do to Kenny if I have to drag him in here.’

‘Well, I don’t know anything about your money. Nothing.’

‘Why did you run away from my boys? Isn’t that guilt?’ Martin gave Harry that raging look of his.

‘I thought they were going to do me over. Wouldn’t you run?’

‘Mick, give him another.’

‘Wait! No,’ Harry held up his hand as Mick the Mong made ready to let his fist fly once more. ‘I’ll tell you. I know where it is. One favour though. If I tell you, you have to let me go, ok?’

‘I don’t have to do anything. Infact, you’re going to take us to the money like a good boy.’

Harry realised what he had said. There were no dealings with the likes of Martin O’Grady, the notorious head of the family of small time gangsters. He was a man who knew the right people to get him out of trouble, along with his sons and nephews who did most of his dirty business. The thing was, Harry really did not know where the money was and he had to think fast. He felt the blood running down his throat and coughed. A loose tooth spat from his mouth. ‘Oh shit Martin, did Mick have to hit me so hard? It’s going to cost me an arm and a leg at the dentist.’

Martin grabbed hold of his arm and pushed him up the basement steps and through the house followed by the mighty Mick. Outside, a saloon car was waiting. Martin was determined to find his money at any cost. If Harry did not take them to it, then the next stop for him was a hole on the moors, forever.

Harry noticed one of Martin’s nephews at the wheel. Barney was another feared member of the family and probably one of the cruellest of all when it came to convenient disposals. He had murdered and maimed atleast a dozen as far as Harry knew. They were considered as ‘low life’ victims, fellow criminals whom the police had wrote off as bad surplus to societies requirements. Harry did not want to be added to that list.

A rush of adrenalin and fear helped Harry break free from Martins grip. The leather jacket he wore was an asset and like the wind he was free to run. Mick and Barney followed with haste, but Harry was fitter than them, out running them as he dodged through alleyways and hid behind trash bins. Housing projects were one of Harry’s battlefields from his youth days and hiding from bad guys was no mean task for him. He found a safe place behind an abandoned and wrecked car. He stayed low as Barney and Mick became lost and confused just metres away. Finally they gave up their search and headed back to Martin and his wrath. Harry relaxed, staying put for a while until the coast was clear and cursing the blood on the front of his best white shirt.

‘Ay! Are you ok?’ The voice appeared as if from nowhere. Harry looked up and he saw the girl standing next to him. She was dark haired and an obvious member of the rough local community. He dress sense was cheap, yet reasonable, a short skirt and a top that revealed ample cleavage with a plastic zipper jacket in luminous pink.

‘Does it look as if I’m ok? Give us a hand.’ Harry held out his hand for a helping pull back onto his feet. He looked around to see if it was safe. Another lucky escape it seemed and just one of many. ‘What’s your name?’ he asked.

‘Saskia.’ The girl replied. Harry reckoned she was in her mid teens, on of many who would rather spend time at home and with mates rather than finishing off the state education poorly offered. In a community like that, with unemployment running high it was the norm. Sometimes the poverty was self-induced through drug addiction or alcohol dependency, people loosing touch with the real world. However, Harry was a little cut above the rest of them. He used his wits to perfect his scams and fiddles in life. It was enough to get on and survive, his drugs and alcohol addiction kept to a reasonable minimum.

‘Have you been beat up?’ Saskia asked. ‘You look awful.’

‘Yes, you could say that. Where do you live?’ Harry asked. The girl pointed to one of the nearby flats on the third floor. Harry needed help with his one punch injury. He needed to clean up and seek medical help as his lips and face swelled up. Even talking was becoming more and more difficult and painful.

Saskia’s flat was humble and tidy. It was a small place that was issued by the local council for rent. ‘Where are you parents?’ Harry enquired. ‘This place is a bit small isn’t it?’ She looked back at him with a quizzical look. ‘What?’

‘This is my place. I live here on my own.’

‘Oh right.’ Harry reasoned that Saskia was old enough to rent a flat and not as young as he thought. ‘I need your bathroom.’ Saskia shown him the way and left him to it as she tried to be sociable by making coffee in the kitchen. Harry looked into the mirror and saw the extent of his injuries. One tooth missing and a very swollen bottom lip and tongue. He washed out his mouth with tepid water from the tap and then washed his face, discovering that his jaw ached like hell. Coffee was not what he wanted. He moved his lower jaw from side to side feeling a click and a sure sign of dislocation. Mick certainly knew how to throw a heavy punch. The thought of more punches being delivered scared Harry. He considered himself very lucky, until next time.

Saskia laid a cup of coffee on the low table in the lounge with two painkillers for him to take. It was all she could do for him. He was a stranger and she was unsure of his background. In a community like this she had to be careful. Running away and hiding as a police witness to a murder hundreds of miles away, the flat was a security location. She was just coming to terms with it and trying to fit in as best she could. She was also lonely, absent from old mates and her parents. The whole thing was becoming a living nightmare.

Harry settled down on the easy chair and looked around. His host sat watching him very closely. She was quite a looker he thought after some consideration. His curiosity was getting the better of him as he swallowed the pain-easing tablets without the coffee. ‘So, how does a girl like you get to live alone in a place like this?’ he asked. A bad statement.

‘I can’t tell you, it’s private.’ Sh
e sipped the coffee. ‘So, how come a guy like you got beat up?’ She turned his question around. Harry tried to smile but it hurt. ‘You need a hospital. You look a mess. Want me to take you. I do have a car.’

‘A car? In an area like this? How do you stop it from getting stolen or worst still, wrecked?’

‘The garages are secure. It’s just a risk getting in and out of them. Tell me what happened?’

‘I can’t tell you. Do you have a phone I could use? I need to call someone.’

‘You need a bath. You don’t half pong mate.’

‘Yeah I know, I’ve been kept in a cellar for a few days.’

‘Kidnap? Did someone think you were rich and famous, then discovered you wasn’t and beat the fuck out of your face?’ Saskia was straight to the point, but then Harry expected her to be. He tried to laugh of the question. Him, rich and famous? He wished he were. Saskia found her cell phone and handed to him. With haste, he tapped out the number he urgently required.

Helen lay soaking amid the bubbles in her bath, listening to soothing ambient music through her ear-phones oblivious to the fact her phone was ringing in the spacious living room. Jack was putting on his tie to attend a business meeting later that day. He realised that Helen was otherwise occupied and he answered it with curiosity. The display telling him that a person named Harry was calling.

‘Hello, who is this?’

‘Hi. Is Helen there?’ Harry’s struggling voice asked. Jack became even more curious. Who was this Harry calling his girlfriend? Another admirer? He had forgotten that Helen had mentioned him in passing.

‘Look mate, is she available. I need to talk to her, it’s urgent.’

‘No ‘mate’ you listen to me, whoever you might be, she is not interested, ok?’

‘She’s in danger. You will do. It’s important you tell her, ok?’

‘Danger? What do you mean in danger? Are you taking the piss?’

‘No. This is genuine, trust me. Tell her the O’Grady’s are probably looking for her and I’m ok for the moment atleast. She knows who I mean. She knows the score mate.’

‘Ok, I’ll pass it on. But you listen… I don’t want you bothering her again.’ Jack quickly disconnected and head to the bathroom. He saw Helen chilled and relaxed and kissed her forehead. She was pleasantly surprised and sat up, removing the earphones to respond with kiss on his lips.

‘You can be so romantic sometimes…’ But, jack was only being nice. He was concerned more about Harry’s call and what it meant. ‘What is the matter?’ Helen asked.

‘A call from Harry. He said you are in danger…’

They both sat at the dinning table, Helen dressed in her bathrobe, open at the front and displaying herself to Jack who she trusted explicitly with her body. She explained to him about Jack and how he had gone missing for days. Then she explained the threat of the O’Grady family and how it was all tied in together. Jack was not impressed and he was growing angry about every part of her explanation as it progressed like a horror story, unfolding with danger. He was also concerned for her safety, her life even. Her description of the gang was not easy to take. He had heard of such things going on in England’s rough neck communities. The same happened to a lesser extent in France.

‘Why did you get involved with such things?’ he asked. ‘This Harry has led you into a mad and dangerous position. How can you get out of it? How does that affect us?’

‘Jack, I think you should let me deal with it. Trust me, I’ll be fine. I need to bring Harry here so that we are both safe. The gang will never find us here. Please trust me.’

‘Oh no! You can fuck that idea right away. My home here is yours and mine now. Do you think I should share it with a common criminal? They will find him, and that puts us both in danger with these idiot low lives. I’m not having it. I have thought it through as you explained things to me. We have to negotiate something.’

‘Negotiate? What do you mean exactly?’ Helen asked. There could be nothing to deal with this like some friendly game. The situation was bad. ‘You can’t…’

‘We can, it’s simple. I know how these gangs think. If they want this Harry so much, then the threat can be lifted from you. Tell me where they can find him and we hand him over. Problem solved, it’s easy.’

Helen was disgusted by Jack’s suggestion. She stood up and headed towards the bedroom, shutting the door and locking Jack out. She lay down on the bed and thought. ‘You fucked him didn’t you?’ Jack asked from behind the door. ‘You have a close relationship with this Harry. I know you do. He means a lot to you and he isn’t worth it.’

Saskia pulled up in her small saloon outside of the hospital accident and emergency department. Harry looked at her, not sure if he should be thanking her. He would rather not be there because of too many questions that could asked. He can not exactly tell them the O’Grady’s had been involved, as even the hospital staff could be part of their wall of silence. ‘Will you wait for me?’ he asked.

‘If I must, yes I’ll wait.’ Saskia gave him the reply he wanted. He was dependant on her and her car to move around. He knew that the more you kept on moving, the more unlikely they were of being found. He also knew how much risk he was putting Saskia in, and it was best telling her nothing. He had to protect her and Helen now. One innocent helpful stranger and a woman he loved to boot.

The hospital was busy and there was a considerable amount of waiting time. Harry tried to swing it with the reception, telling them that he suspected a punctured lung and in need of immediate attention. The receptionist reasoned that he had no such fatal injury and told him to wait with the rest. He was suspicious of others waiting. One of them could be a spy, expecting him to turn up at the accident and emergency for a quick and easy pick up. There was nowhere he could run if they did. The whole situation was risky.

Saskia walked in and that was all that Harry needed. She sat beside him and looked at him. ‘I’ll stay with you and make sure you get treatment. I can’t just leave you.’

‘I told you to wait for me.’ Harry was now desperate. If the expected spy had seen her with him, then she was definitely in danger. There was nothing he could do. ‘You should have waited in your car.’

‘No. I’m here now and I’ll stay. Why are you so fucking concerned anyway? I thought you would want me to be at your side?’

‘Yeah but…’ The answer he wanted to give her was not appropriate. ‘Ok, be it your way. Thanks babe.’

‘And don’t call me babe. I’m not your babe, ok?’

Harry noticed one of the waiting casualties staring at him. If anything he thought, he could be one of O’Grady’s spies. The man seemed over interested, too concerned with checking him out for some reason. He stood up and made his way to the gents bathroom, probably to make a quick call. Harry gulped and envisioned what he now assumed to be his capture. Within minutes the man returned and walked right over to Harry and Saskia. ‘Don’t I know you?’ he asked, pointing his finger. ‘I do, I know you…’

‘No mate, I’ve never seen you before.’ Harry was convinced. The man had his hand wrapped in a makeshift bandage stained with blood. He took his place beside him, smiling and nodding his head slowly.

‘Yeah, I know you. You are Kenny’s boy. Last time I saw you, you were fourteen years old. Your old man and me go back a few years. We served in the Royal Marines together. Of course not long after I last saw you I did time in prison. Not for the bad things I did. Some silly burglary I did.’ Harry looked at the man’s injured hand. ‘Oh that. I picked up a knife the wrong way around. Stupid or what?’

‘So you know Kenny? Does he know you are around? Have you seen him?’ Harry asked.

‘Not yet. I can’t find him. Maybe you could give me his number?’

‘No way. You give me your number to give to him. Do you think I’m stupid?’ Harry
looked at him cautiously. The man grinned at Harry’s reply. ‘What’s so funny?’

‘Nothing kid, nothing. You are very wise.’ The man took out a calling card from the inside of his jacket pocket. ‘Here, give him this. I’m back in business if he wants to know.’ Harry took it and read it: G.K. Hoffman, private services.

‘Are you the G? What is the G for?’

‘Gerry. I do personal services and not those services you are thinking about either. I’m like a private detective, a difficult situation tidy man. You tell Kenny to contact me.’

Hoffman was called for attention, leaving Harry with his contact details. What he did was a little hard to comprehend. What was a difficult situation tidy-up-er? Whatever it was, Harry had to let Kenny know his friend was back in town. He tried to cast his mind back to when he was fourteen, but nothing came to mind regarding the man or his identity.

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Margarete Klier Teil 1 -Verführung einer ahnungslosen Unbekannten und das Abrichten zur Internetsklavin Wir hatten uns im Internet kennen gelernt. Oft haben wir uns durch schreiben, unsere fantasievollen Gedanken ausgetauscht.Du wurdest immer neugieriger auf dem was ich Dir so erzählte.An einem Abend hast Du geschrieben, es einmal selbst zu erleben und dass Du Lust hättest Dich einmal zu treffen. Gesagt getan.Wir vereinbarten uns einen Zeitpunkt und wir trafen uns bei mir zu Hause.Zur...

2 years ago
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Finding Lynn Part 1

Meeting Lynn was quite by accident. I just happened to be online and she just happened to be reading one of my stories. After six months of the most intense fucking of our lives, I can honestly say we are made for each other.Her soft neck is right where my lips come to rest when I bend forward behind her. I love lifting up her hair and kissing the nape of her neck around under her ears and down to her collarbone. When she turns around her beautiful breasts and hard nipples are always in line...

3 years ago
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E E Ch 03

Part 3: The story continues. Mack smiled at Ginny. She was holding her hands on Cookie’s swollen tummy feeling the baby kick. Ginny giggled, ‘Oh! That was hard one, I think you have a soccer player in there.’ Mack laughed out loud, ‘There goes another one.’ Mike ran by chasing his 19-month old son. He grabbed the boy and swung him in the air. The child was giggling with joy. Mike put the boy down and he ran straight to Mack. Mack swooped him up and hugged Little Mike. The boy laughed at the...

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Ned Solves a Problem

Ned Kelly was in trouble again. He had arrived home from school with his younger sister at the normal time. To say that he was with her is rather stretching the point, since neither would walk in a way which indicated that they were together or even that they knew each other. They entered the kitchen to find their mother clutching a letter. "Gerald Michael Kelly stand still right there," she said in a loud voice that brooked no argument. "Susan, go to your room." Susan made as if to...

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The Marvadi MILF

Hi, guys, I am Suraj, I am 19 and I am a resident of Chennai. Here is my sex story. I am 7 feet tall and I am a sports person. I love mature ladies and aunties! Any hungry lady can freely contact me at I’d love to have fun and sex with you and would definitely keep your identity a secret. So don’t worry! Ok first up, this is a true story and as it is in real life, it takes a lot of time to approach a milf, I wanted to write things in detail and that’s why the story is a bit lengthy. The way I...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e7 Effat Hassan 41

Footage through a car window, looking out at a twilight sky and a virtually empty motorway ahead ... There’s a car in the distance ahead of us, an occasional car or truck coming the other way, passing us at speed, nothing like you’d expect from a busy rush hour motorway. Then we’re looking down at the driver from a high angle, corner mounted GoPro. The driver, as you’d expect, is the cleavage heavy, filthy looking pornstar-esque Charley Ozvik, the face of the British bestiality business, and...

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The Catholics and Ziggys Leather Emporium

When the President announced the coming of the Sa’arm I really was surprised. I was a twenty-one-year-old male computer science student at a local university. I was a strong practicing Catholic and among other things believed in the Church’s views on sex before marriage. I can’t say that I felt as positive about the Church’s stance on almost everything else. Of course, I was a virgin much to the delight of many of my non-Catholic friends. That does not mean I didn’t have a sex drive. I did and...

4 years ago
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Was she real

We left the restaurant….not sure what you have on your mind but knowing its something sexual by the look in your eyes…..I am wearing a short black dress cut a little low but not slut low…..and cut high enough to where you can see my legs in the black hose that you picked out for me before we left the house. You have your hand on my thigh and move my dress up a little higher so you can see that I did not wear panties because I know this turns you on. You glance up and smile at me…..telling me...

2 years ago
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High School Sex SlavesChapter 5

Sharon and I became quite the item for the rest of my senior year. But I never had the connection I had with Angie. Sharon had a great body and an insatiable appetite for sex, but she was not a great person out of bed. She was shallow and most of our time together was spent in bed or figuring out where our next fuck session would be. With Angie, we enjoyed doing things together as people - going to shows, attending concerts, and just cuddling and sharing our lives without having to have sex...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 19

Sandy Goodwin pulled her Toyota Corolla to the curb in front of Barbara and Bobby's house, and parked it behind Raul's van that was already there. She marveled again at how the little four year old car purred like a kitten, before she shut it off. She picked up her beach towel with her swimsuit rolled up inside, and the two bottles of wine she'd brought, and headed for the front door of the house. She couldn't help but stop half way to the door to look back at the car, unable to keep a...

3 years ago
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HomebodiesChapter 3

It was during Gath’s third week at CVS that he finally got a taste of why everyone hated the homeland and the homebodies so much. Up to this point, his outlook on his job and his colleagues had been steadily improving and he was actually starting to like being there. Though everyone was still calling him “groundie” or “ting” or “the TNG”, it was generally not quite as venomous or contemptuous as it had been in those first days. Indeed, among his peers—Medics Bong, Sax, and Zen—he was starting...

2 years ago
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Elizabeths Night

?I am so lucky,? I said as I breathed down into my glass of burgundy wine. ?Why, darling?? my husband Michael asked as he gently brushed back a strand of my auburn hair. I could smell the sweet scent of freshly burnt matches which had been used to light the many spice apple candles we had decorating our apartment. The music was turned down low and I could pick out a variety of violin and piano notes which blended together just perfect enough to encourage the intoxicating feeling I was...

4 years ago
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Permanent change of life

A permanent wave leads to a . It was very lonely in my room, but it had been lonely in allof the rooms I had lived in. My Mother and Father had been killedin a car, bus accident during my first semester at college, SinceI had no other relatives and no money of my own I had sold theirhouse and with the life insurance money and the settlement fromthe bus company, I was relatively well off. I had decided tocontinue at college and was able to live well and pay all of mytuition. But now having...

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Dolcett Palace

I did not write this. I found it on the web.ALL DRESSED UP After shaving her pussy completely in the shower, Trine looked at her body in the full-view mirror in the bathroom. She was not very tall, but not too short either. She wore her dark-brown hair shoulder- long. Her s*******n years old body was delicious, with its ripe, C-cupped breasts and fine, round bottom. All in all, Trine was happy with her looks. And that was good, she thought, because not much of her would be hidden this evening....

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BadDaddyPOV Violet Starr Jerk Off Instuctions

A wild goddess, Violet Starr, has so much to offer, igniting everyone’s desire to watch her. If you’re one of the men who haven’t jerked off for a week or two, be prepared for a mind-blowing session as she takes control of the steamy scene. With a luscious ass, she shows off her asset in front of the camera while smiling. Wouldn’t it be nice for your thick cock to be grinded by her in the cowgirl position? She is such a sweetie who perfectly knows how to tease your naughty mind with her...

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Vitress Tamayo

I've always considered myself straight but I had come across the likes of Vitress Tamayo on xhamster and I had jerked off to her a couple of times. There was just something about her that I really liked and I thought that she was super hot. To my surprise I had found out that she was being photographed at a studio near me. I had managed to get there and I had saw her as she entered the studio. I don't know what came over me but I thought that I'd go for a coffee at a nearby coffee shop and...

4 years ago
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I have been living in an underground shelter for almost a decade. Earth has just been wiped out completely by a deadly virus but I have managed to survive. I go out to the outside world finding nothing but dead bodies everywhere. I need to find survivors and fast.

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Wife at Convention Cuckhold Fantasy

We have been married for seven years now. My wife, Judy, and I have successful careers and enjoy a great relationship. She has colored her long straight hair a beautiful shade of red with reddish-blond. I like it when she pulls it back severely into a bun or twist. She has a slender, petite frame, and a bright smile. For your perverts, she is a size 2, small breasted, slender hips with a little thigh-gap, and she has a nice cute ass. Our sex life is normal and has tapered off a little over the...

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My Father In Law ndash Part Eight

Doug is visiting Brad and me again. As a special for the k**s Brad’s Mom is took them for the weekend.Actually the special treat was for me. The three of us went out to dinner to a nice cozy place know for its dim lighting and the fact it was known as a lover’s hangout. You can see all sorts of foreplay there. It was romantic and both Brad & Doug made me feel very special especially when I danced with either of them. I wore six inch heels, a short dress that barely covered my butt. Of...

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Kim and Alex ch1

My second story, kind of a long one, but there's more to come, please comment or let me know if you like it. Enjoy! Kim was a cute high school freshman. A lovely brunette number with shoulder length hair, cute little dimples, and a great set of tits to match her perfect ass.Kim’s boyfriend, Alex, was on the varsity football team at her high school and one of the most popular guys in town. Kim felt like Alex could be with anyone he wanted at school, and she felt lucky that he had chosen her over...

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DDFBusty Sofia Lee Busty Czech Chick Loves Anal

Sofia Lee is a hot brunette babe with brown eyes and wonderful natural tits. That big ass of hers looks so inviting and it’s impossible to resist this curvy goddess. She’s here today to take a bath and enjoys herself in the bathtub when her hubby Cristian enters the bathroom and reveals his massive boner to her. Sofia Lee sees his hard dick and starts sucking that rod to lube it up for her warm wet pie. The two start making out and soon his fat cock disappears inside her shaved...

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Awakening erica pt 3

The partnership David had received four months ago, had been the perfect conduit for his scheme to lead his wife down the path to complete debauchery. Erica and he had a great sex life over the past eight years, or so he thought, but he knew that she was capable of more, if only her hidden desires were unleashed – desires he had discovered by accident a few months ago. While doing some routine cleanup on the computer in the study, David found a folder neatly hidden in a temp sub-directory...

4 years ago
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Здравейте. Аз съм Екатерина на 46 години и искам да ви разкажа за това ,което ми се случва напоследък. Виждам, че не съм единствената, която споделя подобни неща тук, за това и аз ще споделя с вас. Първо исках да отбележа, че дълго търсих в интернет отговори на някои въпроси, които изникват в главата ми, но не намирам такива подходящи. За това, когато попаднах на този сайт и се зачетох, се почувствах някак си по-свободна, като че камък ми падна от душата. Сигурна съм, че много от вас няма да ме...

3 years ago
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A Planet Is BornChapter 12

David made his way back to the hill from which he had first caught sight of the smoke from the twins' fire. He sat in the dark and gobbled up the beef as fast as he could - just like the twins, he thought he had never tasted anything so good. With the worst of his hunger satisfied, he thought about what he should do next. David decided he liked the idea of setting himself up in a cave just like the twins. He knew he would need to journey far enough away to ensure that they wouldn't ever...

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The Teacher and the Student on the Subway

Steven Rodman had been a teacher for almost ten years now. He was an "old hand" in the public high school system and had survived several cutbacks without any problem. Today was a different story. He was informed by his union rep that his name was on a short list for layoff. It seemed almost unbelievable to him. He had never been in any trouble during his decade in the system. Sure the demographics were bad; too many middle class families were fleeing the district. It was inevitable that...

5 years ago
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More Than Cosmetic

The light pouring through the window was strange, Margaret thought sleepily, then realised why: surely it was too yellow, to bright to be natural? It trickled through the blinds like liquid gold and pooled lazily on the tiled floor. Who would melt so much gold, just so they could pour it into her room? Would it burn her if she tried to get out of bed? On the other hand, the thought of climbing from her warm, comfortable bed was so unappealing that the thought of being trapped in bed was almost...

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Nina Chapter 2

I finished my laundry before lunch. At one, I was pulling up into the park near the kiddie playground. I got out. No Nina. I started walking. Fifteen minutes later I had a mile under my belt and had completed a circuit. And Nina's car WAS there. And Nina was walking her charges to the swing set. She released them to go play and then she came to sit beside me. I was sipping on a fountain drink. "Did I bum you out last night? Dan?" "No, Nina. You needed to talk. I listened. 'S what...

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She Just Doesnt Want It

She Just Doesn’t Want It bad_mike ©2010. All rights reserved. She is beautiful. Her long, brown, curly hair cascades down to the middle of her back. Her big brown eyes draw you in whenever you gaze into them. High cheek bones accent her luscious lips and beautiful face. People say she looks like Brooke Shields. She stands over five foot six and has a sturdy, athletic body with large breasts and an ass to die for. She’s put on a few pounds in recent years but has begun to work hard to get in...

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Crash Landed

This is a fictional story about how two men who happened to have very bad fate ended up falling in love.John and Andy were both on the same plane together when they took off from the United States. They were both employees that had never met each other but since they both worked for a shipping company they had to take a flight down to South America. Their pilots were fresh out of training and didn't have much experience and did't have any idea what to do when the clouds began to come in. The...

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Beth Naked in SchoolChapter 12

Sunday I know people go to church these days in tee shirts, jeans, everything but tank tops and hot pants, but that is not the way it is in our family. Daddy always wears a tie and either a conservative sports jacket or, more usually, a suit. Today it was his best suit, with a very distinguished necktie. Very "Regis Philbin," if you know what I mean. My brother, of course, was fully aware of the Uniform of the Day, so he was appropriately garbed as well in a very nice blazer and sharply...

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