Frisky Fanny
- 2 years ago
- 28
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Being a loan officer wasn’t exactly a terrific job, but it had it’s perks. I’d been working at this bank since I graduated college, clawing my way up from a teller to eventually a mortgage specialist. I had a facility for numbers, but not much of one for people. The nice part of this job is that I usually only dealt with one or two people at a time unless I was bringing a mortgage before the committee. Lately I’d been fairly busy with the turn in the market, and I’d been working pretty hard. I was, if truth be told, frazzled. I spent all day with client appointments and all night crunching numbers. I had a good track record so I usually found ways to get people into homes. I hoped I wouldn’t have to work this job much longer, at thirty-two I was hoping to crack into financial planning and investments soon, the next rung in the corporate ladder, for me at least.
It was a nice spring afternoon, so everybody who had left the office for lunch had told me, I hadn’t noticed. I had one more appointment left today before I could leave for the weekend. One Lindsay Wakefield, a young woman looking to purchase a rather expensive home by the looks of the application. She had a solid foundation of investments, a good credit rating. She had seven good years of a fifteen year mortgage on a condominium in the city. I did have a few questions, she appeared to be self employed, it didn’t say what she did for work. What ever it was, she was very successful at it. My intercom rang and the receptionist let me know that Miss Wakefield had arrived. I let her know I’d be right out to receive her. I stood, checking that I didn’t have any crumbs on my tie, buttoned my jacket and walked down the hall. I checked in at the receptionist’s desk where she pointed her out. I looked over to see an impeccably dressed woman with wavy blonde hair and a beautiful oval face, her lower lip pouted slightly as she tapped away on a tablet. She was wearing a gray suit, the skirt cut well above the knee. I scanned further down her lovely legs, next to her feet sat a stylish briefcase. The receptionist cleared her throat softly giving me a sidelong look to inform me I should have made my way over there by now. I gave her a black look, to note I was going.
‘Miss Wakefield? I’m Benjamin Sutter.’ I said holding out my hand. She looked up lifting her eyebrows in quick appraisal before smiling and taking my hand. It was firm like the look in her dark brown eyes. ‘If you would follow me we can discuss your business with the bank.’
‘Lead on Mister Sutter.’ She said with a smile. She slipped her tablet into her case and stood. She was much taller than I expected and looked me in the eye. She buttoned her coat over a dusty rose silk blouse and watched me. Her eyebrows lifting slightly.
‘Oh yes, this way.’ I said slightly embarrassed to be caught staring. I held a chair for her as she sat, a waft of perfume struck me as she did, light and flowery. I closed the door and walked around my desk. ‘Your application looks in order, I just need to get a few more details if I could.’
‘Certainly, is there anything specific that you need? I have copies of my last three years tax returns with me, as well as other information you might possibly need. I realize it’s a rather large request for a single person.’
‘Yes it is. Your financial records are impeccable I must say.’ I chuckled. ‘The work of a sound professional.’
‘Thank you. I do them myself.’ She quipped.
‘Your business. I see that you’ve had it now for about five years. What sort of work do you do? If I may ask.’
‘You may, and have I might point out.’ She replied. ‘I am, a talent agent of sorts.’ The expression on her face changed to that of subtle humor as she rolled her eyes skyward.
‘Really? That sounds fascinating. Actors, singers, that sort of thing?’ I asked.
She summed me up momentarily, and unbuttoned her coat, letting the lapels slip away from a rather impressive figure. She looked me in the eye for a long moment before quirking an eyebrow. ‘Can I count on your discretion Mister Sutter?’
That sounded ominous, but her eyes never stopped boring into me. My mouth felt suddenly dry and I swallowed rather audibly, at least to myself. ‘Yes, of course.’
She leaned forward slightly, resting her elbows on the arms of the chair. Her bloused hugged her figure in quite a distracting manner as she said softly. ‘I’m an exotic dancer Mister Sutter.’ She tilted her head swiftly, tossing her hair back over her shoulder. ‘I’ve modeled for magazines, and I started my company several years ago to work outside of small, noisome clubs and began traveling to some of the larger cities as a featured act. My company also handles a small group of new talent which I teach to survive in the business.’ She looked at me with a slight smirk.
I looked at her, pushing my glasses up higher on my nose as I sat there slightly taken back. I cleared my throat. ‘Well yes.’ I said looking down at the files in front of me. I began to draw a breath to speak when she interjected.
‘I’m not ashamed of what I do, I’m very good at it. I’m also very open minded, but I understand how some people, and businesses for that matter, are not. I don’t wish to cause you or the bank any difficulty. If my business is not the type of business you want then I can and will apply for a loan elsewhere.’ She deftly dropped the ball in my court.
‘It’s not up to me or the bank to pass judgment on your choice of work Miss Wakefield.’
‘Call me Lindsay, please.’ She parted her lips slightly.
I nodded and tried to gather my wits. ‘Lindsay, as I said it’s not up to me or the bank to pass judgment on your work, but with the rather large request, we like to make sure that we haven’t made a bad investment. One of the things I personally like to look for is how well an applicant is set up to make sure the payments are made and promptly throughout the life of the loan.’
‘You’ll no doubt note that I’ve been prompt on my current mortgage and am actually slightly ahead on the payments.’
‘Yes but this mortgage is one quarter the amount of the one you’ve applied for.’ I shot back too quickly. ‘I mean.’ I took a deep breath. ‘How long do you expect to be working as a, uh, in your current field?’ I knew it was an offensive question, but it had to be asked.
Her smile softened. ‘If you would like a first hand demonstration of my income potential Mister Sutter. Then you’ll have it.’ She reached into her briefcase coming out with a business card which she flipped over and penned a name and address on, and slid it across the desk.
‘That is not at all what I am getting at!’ I said rather hastily.
‘Mister Sutter? I’ll see you at 9. There will be a table reserved for you.’ She said as she stood, with her bag and held out her hand. I stood open-mouthed taking her hand. ‘That, or something like it, will do. No jeans, it’s an upscale club.’ She said pointing at my suit. She spun on her heel and walked to the door. She looked back over her shoulder before she opened it. ‘Oh and Mister Sutter? I hope I can count on your discretion. This evening please refer to me only by my stage name for my own security.’ She closed the door softly behind her.
I sat down breathing like I’d just run up a flight of stairs I looked at the papers she left and the business card next to them. I exhaled and placed the papers into her folder and looked at the card as if it were a bomb about to go off. I looked around and realized that it would be a bad idea to leave it laying around and snatched it off the desk and into my pocket. I cleaned up my desk and finished up some leftover work before leaving for the weekend.
Still shaken I decided I’d rather let somebody else cook tonight and stopped off at a pub on the way home. I felt a lot better, after a burger and a beer, than I had earlier. I got home around 7 and turned on the news. Good day for the stock market, lousy day for my ball team. Oh well, there wa
s always tomorrow right? I sat there and zoned out, the TV droning away just beyond my hearing. Did I even notice the black and gold heels before now. Those legs, well of course she’d have dynamite legs, she’s a dancer. When she turned to leave the office her skirt hugged her backside like it was painted on. The dark eyes bored into me making me very nervous, they were both warm and inviting, and blatantly challenging at the same time. When she tossed her hair over her shoulder, it was as if it happened in slow motion. I shook my head scattering the thoughts.
I went into the bedroom and picked up the card, where I’d emptied my pockets earlier. The card was for her business. On the back she’d written the name and address of the club and below that in neat script VIP guest of Mona Lisa. I quirked a smile at the name. I looked over my shoulder at the clock on my nightstand, half past seven. I looked back at myself in the dresser mirror. I was in good shape for an office dweller, no gray tinting the light brown hair yet, and thankfully it was all still there. All that and a drop dead gorgeous woman invited me to visit her at a club where she would most likely be naked in a few hours. I set the card down and tugged my t-shirt over my head and tossed it on the bed and jumped into the shower. Twenty minutes later I was showered and dressed in a darker gray suit with a light gray silk tie, the one that mom said matched my eyes.
I drove downtown and left my car in the bank parking garage, and grabbed a cab to the club. It was nicely decorated, lush plants lined the front of the building and two gentleman stood by the doors. The foyer was well lit and had a small coat room to one side, the other side had a few windows like a movie theater ticket booth. The doors into the club were guarded by gentlemen in suits. I had no idea what I was supposed to do at this point. I walked up to one of the doormen and showed him the card she’d given me. He pointed at the window and told me to show it to them.
The girl behind the glass checked a sheet. ‘Ben? Can I see an ID please?’
‘I’m over 21.’ I said with a chuckle, and reach for my wallet.
‘I need to check it against the VIP list.’ She said with a little sarcasm. She slid my ID back to me and a scribbled on a ticket sliding that towards me too, but kept the card.
‘Could I get that back please?’
‘Sorry, I need it for accounting purposes.’
‘I totally understand.’ I said. I had no idea why I wanted it back. I already had all of Miss Wakefield’s information on my laptop. I brought the ticket back to the doorman and handed it to him. He smiled when he saw the scribble.
‘Welcome Ben, let me get somebody to show you to your table.’ He opened the door allowing me through and nodded to another suit who promptly led me to a table near the stage.
‘Enjoy the show.’ He said smiling and beckoned over a waitress. I craned my neck looking around like a kid on his first trip to the amusement park. Music was throbbing from speakers all around the room. A pretty girl walked over and leaned down low asking me what I’d like to drink. I ordered and enjoyed watching her walk away before the music changed and I looked back up to the stage and the girl bent forward pushing her thong off to the enjoyment of dozens of guys along the rail. She danced from one side of the stage and back as bills piled slowly around the rail. She worked her way all the way around the stage picking up the bills giving each tipper a moment of her time. She even leaned forward and gave a bald guy a peck on the head. I found myself smiling at the hilarity going on around the stage as she collected her tips. The drink was slid in front of me by the waitress. I asked her how much and she said the first two come with the VIP table. I thanked her but she didn’t move. If it weren’t for the darkness I’m sure she would have seen me turn bright red as I reached for some cash for a tip.
The song ended and some background music came up as the lighting changed. A dj came over the sound system and began building the crowd up, and began listing Mona’s resume, three time cover girl, one time centerfold and some of the events she’d performed at, the list was formidable.
‘Gentlemen let’s give a huge round of applause for Mona Lisa!’ The speaker erupted with the sounds of a woman near orgasm, just before the music started. The stage lights started flashing red and blue and Miss Wakefield walked out to the center of the stage dressed in a blue policeman’s shirt, black hot pants and knee high boots. She wore dark glasses, had a billy club hangingfrom her belt and a holster on the other side. She began dancing and one of the guys along the stage stood up with his wrists together imploring her to arrest him. Seemingly out of no where one of the bouncers stepped up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder motioning him to sit. I watched in appreciation as Lindsay danced around the stage, occasionally stopping in front of one of the patrons tapping her billy club into her palm. One stood up and she pushed him back into his chair with the tip which got a lot of laughs. Her shirt soon came off leaving a dark bra, the sequins sparkling in the lights. The next song began and she pulled the gun, aimed at one of the guys and shot him right in the head water ran down his face.
‘How’s that for police brutality folks? I’d let her cuff me any time.’ The dj added. She put the pistol away and reached behind her and lifted a pair of handcuffs off the belt and pointed at one of the guys by the stage and shook her head. She beckoned him to stand up and had him turn where she did cuff him tight, then reached into his pocket and grabbed his wallet. He spun around as she stood up with it and slipped it down the front of her shorts before she stood and walked away to hoots and hollers from the crowd. She began dancing again and soon began spinning reaching up behind her and unhooking her bra and letting it fly to the back of the stage. I watched her dance but lost touch with the audience now. She was gorgeous, her breasts were full and round but not large. I got a flashback to her in that business suit she wore earlier today in my office and was elated to see just what was beneath it. She tossed the belt to the back of the stage and slid the zipper of the hot pants down, she slipped them down, and tucked the wallet into the front of her g-string at this point, and kicked off the shorts.
‘Good luck explaining those stains on your wallet to the wife buddy.’ The dj piped up getting a roar from the crowd. Mona made a sweep in front of the stage with her hat filling up with cash. ‘Don’t feel bad guys, the owner of the club has to do the same thing. Unless there are any real law enforcement officers here tonight, then I’m just kidding.’ She reached down when she got to the guy in handcuffs and pulled his wallet out, and dropped it into the hat as well. She set the hat at the back of the stage and began gyrating to the music once more she seemed to go into a trance ignoring the crowd which was getting even more heated. She reached down and unhooked the sides of the g-string pulling it up and forward and tossed it back over her shoulder to loud round of applause. She finished off the last half of the song and made her way around the stage collecting the rest of her tips and thanking the patrons as she did. She got to the guy in handcuffs and looked down at him, rubbed her chin a moment and waved him down to his seat and finished up. She collected her costume and disappeared behind the curtain at the back of the stage.
‘Wow, that poor bastard in the front just got robbed by a cop. Who ya gonna call now? The only one excused from clapping is the guy in the handcuffs, let’s hear it for Miss Mona Lisa!’
Another dancer soon took the stage and by the time her first song was finished Lindsay was walking past me towards the stage. She was dressed in a pretty floral bra and a long skirt split high on her thigh. She looked like she just walked in from a tropical beach. He s
aw her coming and stood up, she turned him around and slipped his wallet back into his pocket and pulled a key out and unlocked him. He rubbed his wrists and reached for his wallet. She put her hand on his arm and spoke into his ear. He smiled at first, then laughed before pulling out some bills. She didn’t take them in hand, but swept the skirt open showing off a matching garter. She held the elastic open as he slid the cash in, speaking into her ear again. She nodded and held up a finger as if to wait a minute, then pointed to me. She grabbed him by his loose tie and gave him a peck on the cheek.
She walked towards me with a smirk on her face. I stood up as she stopped in front of the table. ‘I’m glad you decided to join me Ben. Do you mind if I sit?’
I swallowed the lump in my throat. ‘N-n-no, please!’ She smiled as she slid into the booth. She crossed her legs exposing the garter so she could adjust it. She twisted the cash and wrapped around a few times.
‘So? Do you still doubt my income potential?’
I just shook my head. ‘What did he say to you, if you don’t mind my asking?’
‘Oh, he wants me to take him to the VIP room and take more of his money.’ She lifted a shoulder and gave me a knowing smile. ‘I told him everything was there, but we did run his card for a round of drinks for everybody in the club. He said that’s fine with him. I didn’t of course, but it’s all part of the show.’ She tilted her head in his direction. ‘He was one of the cool ones. I’ve done that a couple times and the guys got pissed. Years ago I had a bunch of sexy wallet sized photos done, I slipped one into a guys wallet once. He came into the club the next day and tore me a new one, he nearly ended up divorced because of me.’ She shrugged. ‘Live and learn, now I just give the wallet back as is. Safer for everybody.’ She just looked at me and as the waitress passed she held up her hand and waved a finger around in a circle. Mona smiled back at me with her chin resting gently on the back of her hand. A few moments went by and her eyebrows went up. The waitress brought me a drink and set a champagne flute in front of Lindsay, Mona, damn this was going to be hard.
‘So did you enjoy the show?’ She asked as I felt her hand slide over my thigh and gently caressed my crotch. Her grin got bigger.
‘Y-yes. It was terrific.’ My eyes must have been near to pushing my glasses off by the grin on Mona’s face. I leaned forward and whispered. ‘What the hell are you doing?’
‘I wanted the truth.’ She chuckled. ‘You know the money is the goal, but it’s nice to know you’re doing a good job.’ She patted my rather stiff cock before withdrawing her hand and taking her glass. ‘Is this your first time here?’
‘Yes. Well not my first time in a place like it. A friend of mine got married a couple years ago. We went to a few sports bars and then ended up in a club in the suburbs. It was nothing like this though. This place is nice.’ I wanted to say the place was much higher class but didn’t know the other places she worked and didn’t want to sound like an ass. ‘Oh!’ I reached into my pocket and pulled out two twenties folding them lengthwise and slid them across the table. ‘Since I wasn’t at the stage.’
She chuckled. ‘You know that’s not how it’s done.’ She pushed them back at me and leaned back pulling aside the hem of her skirt. I took the bills by the tip and she took them and slipped them between my ring finger and pinky and placed my hand on her knee, well below the garter. I gave a quick glance up and saw her expression flicker between humor and hunger and back again. I went for broke at this point and slid my hand down the inside of her firm thigh and slowly up, the bills slipping under the garter neatly. I wasn’t sure if she enjoyed it nearly as much as she did watching my expression. I gave her a crooked smile and pushed my glasses back up my nose. She leaned in close and thanked me with a quick peck on the cheek. ‘Misty’s set is nearly over. I’m going to go light another fire under my criminal. Watch my handcuffs, please.’ She said sliding them towards me. ‘Don’t go too far, once I’m done with him, I’m coming back for you.’ Her eyes flashed at me as her smile widened.
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This has happened some 6 or 7 yrs back when my sexy mom Radha was 40 years at the prime of her sexuality.My father was a busy civil servant who used to come late from office and was always on tours.I was 21 years at that time just finished my graduation and looking for openings.Lakshmi was money minded and has liking for good things in life. My dad didn’t do enough justice to Radha ,a dusky South Indian bomb,5’7″ ht..She has milky breasts 39d waiting to be sucked,sensous lips and black forest...
IncestThis story and its characters is a total fabrication that is based only on a few thoughts shared with a friend of mine on Any similarity between actual people, places, or events is purely a coincidence. Having said this, wouldn’t it be a wonderful experience for both characters in this story.All BusinessThe first time I saw her she was in the hotel gift shop poking about the touristy items intended to take home to the family and friends. She was a picture of poise, dressed...
Tales From the Sorcery Patrol: Case # 9914: The Independent Businesswoman Officer Mark Chandler 02:13 hrs 11/26/02 Officer Fae and I were pulling the graveyard shift downtown that night, and although it's hardly the most pleasant of shifts, it's all a part of doing your duty as an officer in the Sorcery Patrol. Both of us were a little bleary-eyed from the shift change, but a little good coffee, and a little good conversation kept us both awake. I think that Emily in particular...
The Power Brokers: A Crude Business An Entertainment in several parts by James Anderton This story results from suggestions from correspondents that I add more chapters to my earlier story ‘The Ambassador’s Wife’. As the idea grew, I decided to incorporate characters from ‘Vengeance’ another of my previous works. I decided to use a long established literary device used by thriller writers for centuries?, pioneered (on the internet, at least) by Parker and others in their ‘Bankok Slaver’...
A week after his return Drew was allowed out of the hospital for an afternoon. Janice brought him to the first floor lounge in our dorm, where many of us had gathered. Charlene greeted them for the group and said “Seth and Nate’s room is yours to use uninterrupted today until you leave. Nate insisted and Seth doesn’t get a vote.” Most of us treated him like a delicate flower, afraid even to shake his hand. Mike went to Drew and punched him hard on the shoulder, then tackled him, wrestling him...
BisexualIt’s been almost a year that these neighbors from around the corner have been parking their vehicles in front of my house and my neighbors on the same street. I never really understood it as they rent a house around the corner that has a huge driveway. I get the fact that they can’t park their vehicles overnight on their street, but why can’t they park in their own driveway?It was actually over 6 months before I actually figured out who’s vehicles these were. There was a extended bed truck...
MasturbationAn Entertainment in several parts by James Anderton © 2002 This story results from suggestions from correspondents that I add more chapters to my earlier story "The Ambassador's Wife". As the idea grew, I decided to incorporate characters from "Vengeance" another of my previous works. I decided to use a long established literary device used by thriller writers for centuries?, pioneered (on the internet, at least) by Parker and others in their "Bankok Slaver" Stories, by writing a...
What do you do when you are on the verge of losing everything? How desperate can you get, and what would you be willing to do if someone offered you a golden ticket to fix it all?“It doesn't look good,” said Mark's accountant.“Well, what can I do?” Mark said with a defeated tone."I think it's time you put your house on the market and start liquidating your assets, but even that won't be enough. You are deep in the hole, Mark."Mark looked at his wife, Sarah, who was almost in tears as she...
IncestDear All, Here I m narrating my true experience which you hard to believe. Incidents & Location is real but names is fake. I am married marwari women age: 26 yrs. from Mumbai, accountant. My husband names is Prakash. Our marriage is arrange and no child yet since we get married before 2 yrs. He is as an accountant but he quiet his job and open a Super Kirana Shopee near our house. I have lots of chapters about my life stories. Whenever I get proper response and comments from you all friends, I...
“Sweetie,” said Yvette. “Can you go over to Kate’s place this afternoon?” “Why Mum?” replied Steve. He had satisfied himself with his mother’s body, and was now looking for his clothes so he could get dressed and go to university. “I need someone to pick up some things for a meeting I’ve got tomorrow. I’m busy this afternoon.” Yvette paused and kissed him firmly on the lips. “It’ll be worth your while.” She kissed him again. “Mum, we’re already screwing. What else do you have to...
“Mr. Radler, can you show me around your business and describe what you do? That will give me a better idea of what kind of setup you might need. Let’s start with your current computer and look at what you already have available.” He had greeted me at the door and shook my hand, as I introduced myself. He looked like a typical shop owner but I noticed his clothes were of the industrial strength variety. I assumed that was because of all the machinery that he was handling. “My daughter Jana...
“Papa, we need your help,” Lexi said as her entire cadre stood in my office door. I was very proud of them. They were nearly through their junior year and everyone was excited about the new production work that would be happening at the ranch this summer. It was a little daunting to see ten of the twelve second generation clan all gathered together and asking for help. “What do you need, kids?” “We’ve started a business,” Lexi said. “We need help getting our supplies and production facility...
Introduction: Bruce and Carla met at the concert and got a ride home with Janna and Carlas friend Jackie. Bruce and Carla met at the concert and got a ride home with Janna and Carlas friend Jackie. Bruce lived nearby and his friends were staying for a party after the show. He asked Janna for a ride, as she was driving the van. Carla was totally hot. She had long slender legs and a figure like a ballerina. Her breasts were not large but, the fit perfectly with her slim figure. Her loose...
If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it. But there it was, a big hand written sign on the plate glass window, GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. I sat in the car, staring in disbelief. Lexi must be heart broken for sure I thought to myself. She poured her life into this place, and now… Movement inside the coffee shop caught my eye and interrupted my train of thought. I could see the shape of a woman moving slowly about inside the dimly lit shop. Once a thriving gathering place...
If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. But there it was, a big hand written sign on the plate glass window, GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. I sat in the car, staring in disbelief. Lexi must be heart broken for sure I thought to myself. She poured her life into this place, and now... Movement inside the coffee shop caught my eye and interrupted my train of thought. I could see the shape of a woman moving slowly about inside the dimly lit shop. Once a thriving gathering place...
Love StoriesMonday morning finds four people waking up in states of complete joy. Saturday morning, they were just close friends looking forward to getting together and having some fun. Sunday morning, they had become lovers, especially Jill and Rosy.After giving their virginity to the opposite sex with each other, they shared things between themselves they never shared with anyone else before. They've become more than just lovers, they're sisters now. Or as Rosy defined it, girlfriends who sometimes will...
TransIt was a big day for her, Tachu reflected, as she glided the electric razor over her scalp, removing traces of blue stubble to expose the pale pinkness beneath. After all her efforts in securing the deal with the Taming Force Corporation, today was finally the day in which the client would sign and all her efforts would be rewarded. At last, she would be entitled to the handsome commission that she so often discussed with Kenchi when she had to justify those late nights in the office that...
It was a big day for her, Tachu reflected, as she glided the electric razor over her scalp, removing traces of blue stubble to expose the pale pinkness beneath, After all her efforts in securing the deal with the Taming Force Corporation, today was finally the day in which the client would sign and all her efforts would be rewarded. At last, she would be entitled to the handsome commission that she so often discussed with Kenchi when she had to justify those late nights in the office that...
Office SexAnother story with a vague contact with reality, just a ramble into my imagination Not all under height boys that live with a single parent mother are going to turn out to be effeminate, and I was certainly not planning on that. I fancied girls while at school and even had a few close friendships with the opposite sex. I liked sport and did boy stuff as a kid. But I was also thoughtful about my mum, she looked after me and I looked after her. We lived in a small house in an ok area,...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: ) Chapter 13 - Carerra Business Wednesday was a blur. I remember waking up. I remember Dad driving us to school. I remember some of my classes but I didn't remember anything that was taught. But for...
The Master of the BusinessChapter II sat in the chair, in the darkness, watching intently the man in front of me fidget with nervousness. He could not see my shadowed face, but I could see his. The young man, couldn’t be older than twenty-five, was standing here, in my presence. I could see why he’s nervous. He’s never done anything like this before. I grinned on the inside, and wondered what he would need my services for. ?So?Mr. Andrews, is it? You’ve come here for a...
Helping my Stepfather's BusinessIn the world there are "Haves" and "Have nots" in most things, but especially when you are in school. There are the sporty jock types; good looking, clear skin and great bodies. They are always looking good in they right type of clothes. They are everyone's idols, they have all the girls, and they have no problems in their lives, even if their academic abilities are somewhat limited. Then there are the "nerds". They are clever, intelligent and gifted; but they...
Monday morning brought about a return to normalcy. None of the four ladies referred to or even hinted at our weekend activities. It was back to business and there was plenty of that to take care of. By Friday, I was bushed. We had accomplished a lot that week. Jimmy had set up the secure wireless and had configured all the sales laptops to meet our security standards while giving them access to the information as it came on line. For now they had only a little, but soon we would have the full...
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When I woke up on Monday, I felt worn out. Although I did get nearly 8 hours of sleep, the adrenaline level had me amped so much that I still felt drained. For the first time in many days, Dakota did not sleep with Jill and me. She stayed in her own bedroom and bed. Not that it bothered me either way as I love having her cute little body pressed up against me during the night, but it just being Jill and me was also nice. I rambled into the...
DOING THE BUSINESS ...A PaulaTVxxx storyShe had just pulled onto the club’s car park when her mobile ‘phone rang, she pulled the handbrake, turned off the ignition then reached into the handbag on the passenger seat searching for the ringing, vibrating telephone. She reminded herself that she should just put it on the seat, it always took so long to find it in the large bag amongst all her other clutter in there. The caller display lit up as the ‘phone rang with the “Mission Impossible” ring...
BisexualThe Awakening By Michele Nylons Part Three - The Cost of Doing Business The woman is slim. Mauve satin blouse, navy-blue skirt, black high- heeled pumps. The hem of her skirt teases the backs of her knees. Taupe stockings with black seams. She's attractive; heavily madeup and her black bob is obviously a wig but of good quality. She falls to her knees and smiles. A faceless man approaches; his fly is undone and an enormous erection pokes out of his trousers. Her hand snakes...
A GIRLS’ BUSINESS Hi, i feel like sharing this one with you. Some people might find this story too strong, disgusting or questionable, so please don't read it if you dislike harsh, revolting stuff. Please note that I've changed all names to keep anonymity and please, please feel free to correct my English, since it isn't my mother language. Thank you very much!I must admit I had been meddling with one of Olivia Taylor’s boyfriends. It was just a bit of silly flirting, because he was so hot and...
Here I am, barely sixteen and an orphan. No brothers or sisters either. I’d be all alone if it weren’t for my step-mom. My mom died from cancer five years ago. Dad remarried last year and Wanda is only ten years older than I am. They seemed to be in love and spent a lot of time in the bedroom, often slipping away during the day when Dad was home. Dad died in an auto collision that was not his fault so the insurance and lawsuit settlements left us pretty well off. Dad had a small business that...
She lay becurtained in loose tresses.... Sunny heaved a sigh of relief as she sank into the plush chair at her desk. At long last, this miserable day is done. A treadmill of one meeting after another, some of them contentious but none of them reaching a conclusion, had taken the wind out of her sails today. " I am so ready for a glass of wine and a bubble bath." Make no mistake, Sunny loved owning her own business. Every day brought interesting challenges, demanding the most of her...