Beetlesmith’s Ch. 17 free porn video

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I would like to thank Bella Mariposa for her time in helping to edit this chapter.


I’ve never been into the discipline/bondage genre of sex games. I was always under the impression that to be a good disciplinarian was just a matter of unleashing your ‘inner asshole.’ I never liked being an asshole, so I wasn’t into bondage/discipline—nothing much more to it than that. It’s not that I looked down on coerced or forced sexual control, it’s just that they never appealed to me.

Oh, I know there must be a bit more nuance to B and D than what I’ve just described, such as the psychological pressure one must exert over another in order to garner that willingness to be controlled. However, in the end, isn’t that what control boils down to, being enough of a hard-ass—enough of an asshole—to willingly subjugate another and to keep them under your thumb?

Added to my innate indifference for the genre is the fact I never wanted a vassal, submissive or slave as a wife. I always viewed Karen as an equal partner in life, someone who, at times, I could lean on, as she could lean on me. Moreover, given Karen’s headstrong nature, it was easy for us to achieve that balance in our marriage. She no more wanted to be a submissive, than I wanted to be a Dominant—sexually or otherwise. In this regard, we were well matched for each other.

All of that has changed. The elixir, and the events of the past few weeks, has converted me to a new way of thinking. I have become a newly born disciple in the art of control—if not out of want, at least out of necessity.

I had a real problem with Karen. If I couldn’t teach her some restraint and control, and do it quickly, then things could get ugly with her newfound abilities. If I couldn’t get her to rein in her darker nature, her interactions with others could very well get dangerous, if not deadly.

The only way I knew how to lessen the psychotic aftereffects of the elixir was obtaining and maintaining absolute control over her, over everything she did, over her whole life—just as I had done with myself during those weeks in hell. In this way, and with the help of my controlling influence, maybe she could learn how to control herself. So when the psychotic events do occur, bringing out her darker nature, she can better handle them and hopefully purge those dark thoughts before she actualized them with an innocent person.


That Friday at work—the day I left Karen naked and in the kitchen after giving her my ultimatums—was uneventful.

Candice called in sick, for obvious reasons given her behavior from the day before, and the post-quarterly meetings with Jack wouldn’t happen until next week. It’s just as well that I had little to do that day, the free time allowed me to consolidate my thoughts and construct a detailed plan on how to deal with Karen.

I implemented that plan the minute I got home that evening.

As expected, Karen greeted me at the door on her knees. She was naked, except for my chain, and dinner was already prepared and on the table.

I kissed her on the forehead for her obedience, while pushing calming and blissful feelings into her. Her face brightened and I felt her pulse jump to the warm glow of serenity that I caused in her.

When I sat down to dinner, I put her plate of food on the floor, and told her that she was not to sit at the table with me. I didn’t go so far as to make her eat the food directly off the floor, as she had done to Barbara, but I did stress she was only to eat with her fingers.

We mostly ate in silence, except near the end of the meal when I asked about her day.

‘Did you talk to Lisa?’

She nodded in answer.

‘And did you apologize to her?’

She sniffed back a tear before answering, ‘Yes, Sir.’

‘And how did she react? What did she say?’

Between quiet sobs, she said, ‘She laughed at me. It was hateful.’

‘Well, you only have yourself to blame for her bad feelings,’ I said as gently but honestly as I could, ‘I’ll talk with her in a few days. Let me see if I can mend the rift between you two. Would you like that?’

She smiled and nodded in answer.

‘And what did she say when you gave her permission to keep seeing me?’

She hesitated in answering, tipping me off that something was wrong. Finally, she said matter-of-factly, ‘She didn’t say anything about it.’

‘Nothing? Not a word? You tell another woman she can fuck your husband any time she wants, and she says nothing? Not even a ‘thank you’ or a ‘no thank you?”

She didn’t respond, dropping her eyes to the floor in obvious shame.

‘She didn’t say anything because you didn’t tell her. Isn’t that right?’

Karen’s lower lip began to quiver as tears streamed anew. A feeble, ‘Please, I couldn’t…,’ was all she could squeak out under my scornful glare.

‘Why couldn’t you?’

‘Because she laughed at me,’ she said, amid gut-wrenching sobs.

Standing above her, I slowly took off my belt, while saying disappointedly, ‘Only the first day and already you need to be punished. Get all the way down on your elbows and knees and grovel for mercy.’

‘No…please…don’t,’ she wailed, ‘I promise, I’ll call her and tell her…’

‘Yes, I know you will. Now, get down and grovel at my feet and beg that I don’t leave you.’

She put her forehead all the way to the floor, while clutching hard at my feet with her outstretched hands. All she could do was wail.

‘I said beg!’ I roared.

She begged, wailed, and begged some more until her throat was hoarse and dry.

After I thought she groveled enough, I commanded, ‘Now raise your ass up…higher…plant your feet to the floor and lift that cheating ass straight into the air. No! Keep your fucking forehead on the floor and lift that ass!’

She labored mightily against the awkward position I put her into, with her head and feet flat on the floor, and ass in the air with her legs straight. The position caused the muscles all along her backside to tighten, so much so, I could see her legs wobble against the strain.

I kept her in that position until beads of sweat formed along her thighs from the strain in her legs, at which point I whipped her ass three times with my belt—three, forceful and deliberate strokes with the belt—just like mother would have done—and the three, long, red welts that erupted across her backside where a testament to the ferocity of my punishment.

Each time I brought the belt down, she screamed in terror and pain. The source of the pain was obvious, but the terror I inflicted was born from another place—fomented by the feelings of utter dread, despair and hopelessness I projected into her with my mind.

‘Alright, I’ve punished you enough for now.’

Karen collapsed to the floor, and weeping, she immediately curled into the fetal position.

Between sobs of pain and fear, she gingerly ran a finger along the welts, only to quickly pull it away as she winced at the lingering, searing pain.

‘Now, call Lisa and beg her to keep fucking me.’


That’s how things were for the next couple of weeks. I rewarded her good behavior with a gentle kiss or caress, and supplemented these affections with overwhelming feelings of bliss, calm and warmth. Conversely, bad behavior was met with the belt. More importantly, the physical punishment was augmented with those overriding, deep-seated feelings of utter dread, hopelessness, despair, and above all else, fear.

Reward the good, punish the bad. ‘Dog morality’ is what my old philosophy teacher sneeringly called it. Herr Schilpp would have disapproved of my methods, but I knew no better way given the limited time afforded me. I didn’t have decades to play with, I only had weeks to attain some measure of control over her. Well, I always thought Schilpp was a m
onkey dick, anyway.

Throughout the days of reward and punishment, I kept Karen on a separate plane from me: me above, her below. When we were together, she always stayed on the floor. She ate on the floor, slept on the floor, and during those quiet times just before bed, when I read in my easy chair, she sat on the floor beside me watching television.

I wasn’t always the stern, robotic disciplinarian, doling out either tranquility or torment, and I didn’t treat her as she treated Barbara, as a dog. Rather, I saw my role as a stable master in charge of a fine thoroughbred—a beautiful, high-spirited animal that needed to be taught discipline, so that she could be ridden effortlessly and securely. I needed to break her spirit, to be sure, but not eradicate it completely. Once I had broken her down enough to achieve a level of control over her, only then could I begin to rebuilt her confidence and make her an equal partner in my life again.

Along these lines, and every few days or so, I would dote on her with a hot bath. I’d ready the tub and let her soak in it for a good thirty minutes to an hour. As she soaked, I would scrub her with a soapy sponge or exfoliate her feet, knees and elbows with a fine-grade emery brush or loofah. She would never lay back and lounge, though—probably fearing I would think that arrogant and haughty—thus, requiring of more punishment. Instead, she would always sit upright, silently watching me with her big blue eyes as I pampered her. After drying her, I would rub her down with a light mineral oil, or soothe the chaffed skin of her knees and elbows with her favorite lotion.

It all became a ritual for us, mostly because our preening sessions were really the only time I allowed myself any degree of intimate contact with her. As such, Karen looked on the baths and massages with greater anticipation and enthusiasm as the days passed.

Naturally, I denied her sex of any kind, and she became increasingly frustrated with me. She took out her frustration by toying with me in a loving manner, mostly by the demure way she held herself in the bath, with head tipped down and her eyes staring up at me in a show of innocence, all done while pushing her breasts out, accentuating their lush fullness and sensuousness, or by the cute way she would lift her hips off the floor in an inviting manner whenever I rubbed oil into the small of her back or buttocks.

Much to her disappointment, I ignored all her enticements.

Moreover, I grew to love her more—if that’s possible—because of her little enticements and disappointments. As such, I reached my own form of catharsis with her during these primping sessions, coming to the conclusion that I had made the right choice in staying with her, becoming a teacher, rather than abandoning her for good after her last betrayal.

Disappointed though she was my imposed celibacy, my strategy of ‘dog morality,’ coupled with my lavished, chaste attentions, was having a positive effect. For as the days passed, the punishments become fewer and farther between, and I was able to imbue her soul with greater and more deeply felt draughts of bliss, calm and serenity. Soon, she became happy in her role as submissive—almost joyful, really.

Unfortunately, all that I’ve just described, taught her but one type of control—command over her internal, selfish nature, however, it didn’t go very far in teaching her the type of control she needed in order to combat those, more or less, external forces that were formed through our use of the elixir.

Lack of sex was having a deleterious effect on her, both physically and emotionally. She was experiencing the same agony I had suffered through. I used that hellish condition to great effect in teaching her the self-discipline she would need to fight those forces and ultimately, her inner darkness.


At first, she didn’t take my edicts to remain chaste very well or very seriously, and continued to masturbate when the sexual urges became too difficult for her to control.

I knew about these misbehaviors, and always told her in nauseating detail when, where and how she pleasured herself before putting her in that same, awkward position and whipping her with my belt.

The belt came out—fast and furious—during those first few days, and her backside, from the top of her buttocks to down past her thighs, was covered with an ugly assortment of red welts.

Eventually, she came to realize that I couldn’t be fooled, and stopped her masturbatory misbehavior.

However, even though she had stopped masturbating, the natural ramping of her sexual arousal never stopped, and would gradually increase with each passing day until it became unbearable.

Worse for me than seeing the welts across her backside, was seeing her in these advanced states of sexual frenzy, because I knew the agony she was going through.

It was usually when Karen was nearing the height of sexual agony that I would schedule our preening sessions with a follow-up massage, and it was during the massage portion of these sessions when I would really put the screws to her, testing her endurance and control.

I found it easier to have her lie on our coffee table in the living room when I massaged her. Each time, as I worked the oil into her welts—making sure the excess collagen wouldn’t find a home beneath them and leave a scar—I would push her even higher into sexual frenzy.

I could never get over feeling her arousal welling up deep within her groin, like a breached aquifer producing a spring, and filling her to near overflowing with sexual desire. It was exhilarating, but also a little terrifying, to feel that intense, sexual power growing within her, trying to force her to act on those burgeoning, erotic urges.

The begging would start when the power of the erotic sensations grew too strong.

‘Please Sir, fuck me.’


‘Please Master! I need you to fuck me. I want to feel your cock inside me. I need to come.’

‘I said no. You need to control these urges. What happens when I’m not here and the urges grab you? How long before you play with yourself against my wishes, or find someone else to fuck…Barbara again, or perhaps even Mark?’

‘No! Please Master, I would never do that again. I love you!’

‘Then prove it to me by controlling your cravings.’

She whined, knowing I wasn’t going to help her, and that’s when the wriggling and writhing would start. They were a subtle shifting of her legs and body against the surface she laid on, done in order to garner enough stimulation to make herself come.

Each time she started her wriggling, I would spank her ass hard and roar, ‘Stop that! Now lie still and control yourself. If you can behave for just another hour, maybe I’ll let you come.’

With a great deal of effort, she did gain control as I felt her heightened state of arousal slacken. Unfortunately, the void left by her lessening arousal was quickly filled by that all too familiar, growing sense of nausea.

‘I’m feeling sick, again,’ she said, with a hint of panic in her voice.

‘I know. It’s happened to me a lot.’

‘Please make it stop.’

‘I can’t, but you can. You need to push those dark, salacious thoughts out of your head.’

‘I can’t…’

‘Yes you can. Try for me.’

She held on for quite a while, but eventually the nausea became too much for her, causing her to vomit.

When I first pushed her to these extremes, Karen couldn’t get to the bathroom quick enough and caused a terrible mess. Now, I had a large bowl with me for those moments when the nausea overcomes her.

When she was done throwing up, I would lead her to the bathroom to clean her. Wiping a dampened cloth around her mouth, I could tell that the nausea and arousal had temporarily receded.

Kissing her sweetly on the forehead while pushing blissful feelings into her, I said, ‘You did well this time, sweet
heart. You lasted nearly an hour, and I know how difficult it was for you. You’re learning how to hold it off, to keep it back. You’re leaning control.’

She looked up at me with those large, blue eyes, and asked the same question she always asked at about this time, ‘What’s happening to me?’

I always answered her the same way, ‘I’ll tell you when you’re ready.’

‘When will that be?’

‘Soon…Now let’s go back into the living room, and I’ll finish working the oil into your welts.’

For the first time since we started her training she became disagreeable, albeit mildly, ‘No, please Sir, no more tonight. I don’t want to get sick again.’

‘Just a bit longer so those welts don’t become permanent. And if you try real hard at keeping those naughty thoughts out of your head, I bet you won’t get sick.’

Of course, once I got her back on the coffee table, I purposely took a deliciously long time working my oily hands around her buttocks and thighs, while pushing more sordid thoughts into her mind. She did as good a job as she’s ever done holding back her ever mounting sexual excitement, but again I put her at peak arousal.

Usually, I would continue massaging her until she vomited again. However, when she put forth a monumental effort in stemming the growing tide of arousal and nausea, as she was doing tonight, I would reward her.

Sensing the upwelling of sickness within her, I squirted another liberal amount of oil in my hand and gently massaged her vulva.

Immediately, her nausea receded, and her breathing intensified, punctuated by an occasional soft moan. I hadn’t even parted the soft folds of her pussy to attend to its more sensitive parts, but already I could feel her arousal screaming rapidly to climax.

Breathlessly, she squeaked, ‘Oh, thank you Master. It feels so…so good.’

‘You’ve been a good girl tonight. Now, I don’t want you coming too quickly.’

‘Oh no, I’ll try not to, but please don’t stop.’

Kissing the nape of her neck, I gently commanded, ‘Get up on your knees, but keep your head down on the table.’

All she needed was a gentle, teasing finger tracing along her inner labia to set her off.

The metaphorical water balloon burst, sending a heavy spray of fluid rushing down her legs and across the table top. When my finger finally touched her button, there was another gush of fluid, accompanied by repeated, violent spasms of her body. And when I gently rubbed an oily finger around her asshole—that technique she so loves to do to herself—she screamed abruptly before collapsing back onto her stomach. A fine trickle of ejaculate still continued to flow out of her pussy well after I removed my fingers.

Now you know why we do most of this on the coffee table, it’s easier to clean than the carpet.

‘Didn’t I tell you not to come too quickly?’

‘Yes Sir, but you’re too good for me and to me.’

‘Appealing to my ego won’t make me go easier on you. In fact, I find it insulting. Get your ass back into the air.’

With only a small amount of protest, she assumed the punishment position, and I gave her five hard spanks with my hand.

‘Now, go to your spot in the bedroom. I want you to be sleeping by the time I go to bed.’

And that’s how things would be between us for at least another week. Sometimes she did much better, and I’d reward her by getting her off with a vibrator. Other times she didn’t do as well, and as such, spend much of those evenings throwing up in the bowl. However, in the end she did attain a level of control over herself—at least over her darker tendencies—that went beyond my initial expectations.


Punishing and training Karen weren’t the only things on my plate.

Although I made Karen a celibate—at least temporarily—I held myself to no such restriction. Thus, I always slotted a little time to play with some of the other women I’ve come to know. Usually I’d alternate between Jackie and Cecilia, or hook up with Lisa. I saw Barbara on occasion, but never with her mother. I didn’t feel right about the incestuous interlude I put them through—in fact, I feel like a real asshole for initiating the affair, and one I made sure never to repeat. Thinking back on it, I still can’t figure out why I did it except to chalk it up to a bout of temporary insanity, triggered by my rage at Karen.

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I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. A little worried that my kinks had scared her off, I went to the kitchen, where, to my instant relief, I found Margaret puttering around the stove.  Wearing nothing but one of my shirts, she was frying up some eggs and bacon.  I stepped behind her, wrapping my arms around her and cupping her breasts."Careful," she said, "I'd hate to see you get burned.""Precisely why my hands are strategically placed," I replied, squeezing each orb. "Like a good banker,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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WWT The Overgasm

Excerpt from The Miami Herald - "Co-Eds Still Missing"Police remain baffled over the mysterious disappearance of over a dozen college-aged students. The case received unusual notoriety after the release of one eerie viral video, showing a naked woman clutching a unique species of octopus, walking hypnotically into the water. Police Chief Dan Patrick commented on the growing online sensation."So far... we are unable to ascertain if there is any connection [with the video] and any of our...

Monster Sex
2 years ago
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The Labor Day Party

My parents had just informed me that we were going to the annual Labor Day weekend blow out at Jim and Cara's house. I wasn’t very excited and didn’t want to go. However, my parents would never leave me for an entire weekend alone. I had a party last month when my parents were out, and several things were broken and stolen. My parents didn't trust me at all now.I’m usually a good girl. However, my friend Jessica talked me into having a party. She invited everybody she knew, and they all came,...

3 years ago
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Poker Night Part 4

I wake up the next morning, dried cum on my face. It was already a little later than usual. Mistress and Master come into my room. "Is my little sissy all ready for a big day today?" She said. I bounced up and down excitedly, giggling at her every word. "My goodness Craig! You couldn't even clean her up after you came all over her precious face?" "I was tired, and I'd thought it'd make her sleep easier." He said. "Is he right sissy? Did having real man cum on your cute little face help you...

1 year ago
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No Boys Allowed

It was Danielle’s 17th birthday. Her parents were going away for the weekend, but gave her permission to have some friends over for a birthday party, with one rule: No boys allowed. After some thinking, she decided on who she wanted to have over: Becky, Sarah, Amber, Candace, and Holly. She called each one in turn, and got them all to agree. All Danielle had to do now was wait. The day of the party arrived, and everything was good to go. Danielle was very excited, and couldn’t wait for her...

2 years ago
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Start of Incest with my mom 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, here I am with the next part of my story. Thanks a ton for showing your support and love for my experience. Straight to the story. Please read the 2nd part for a better view and understanding. The porn on the pc was going on. I saw the same and just thought of masturbating in front of my mom. My dick was rock hard watching mom’s scene. So I pulled out my dick and started jerking the same way sitting on the chair as mom did it. She came out of the bathroom and was surprised and...

3 years ago
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Hung Like a Horse Every summer, our family took a trip to visit our relatives on their farm. It was a trip that my sister and I looked forward to every year. For two weeks, we basically had the run of the land with little or no supervision. We got to explore all of the barns, watch the a****ls, and swim in the creek that flowed through the pasture. Usually there were other visiting k**s to play with as well.This year, my cousin Amber was visiting from New York City. It was her first trip out...

2 years ago
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Motherly Love

The following is a work of fiction.  It does not reflect the author’s beliefs.  Any similarities to any person, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.Motherly Love By Razor7826?Yes, I’ll be there sometime around eleven tomorrow morning.? ?Are you sure you can’t come sooner??  Silence on the other line. ?No, Mom, the pre-trial hearing is this afternoon and I want to be there.  I swear, I’ll stay home longer for Christmas.? ?Do you give me your word??  I pressed, knowing that the answer...

3 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 17

As I followed Dad into the den, I reflected that I was really not shocked at his behavior, or that he apparently knew at least some things about us. A little surprised, but not shocked. He must have suspected quite a bit to have pulled that little stunt with Amy. Dad would never have attempted anything that would have risked injury to his precious granddaughter in any way. He knew she would not be hurt! Amy and Megan followed me into the den behind Dad. Megan was her normal, unflappable, 'I...

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AssParade Assh Lee Gets Her Asshole Stretched

Assh Lee is a hard working woman. At her job as a secretary she likes to stay on top of everything, even her boss. She tries to wear the sexiest outfits for his enjoyment. This particular day she decided to wear her new butt plug at work and let it just hang out of her very short and tight skirt. He couldn’t help but play with it. He bent her over and started plying with her new toy and eventually, he began playing with her giant ass. After that, it was time for Assh Lee’s tight little asshole...

1 year ago
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Welcome to my house Louise I have mised you baby

I was home early one Thursday afternoon and the house was empty. My wife was out of town until Sunday and my kids were away at the beach for the long weekend. I had the stereo turned up and had my headphones on listening to the Stones, live on CD. I didn't hear Louise come in the back door and didn't hear her as she stood over me. You know how sometimes you can feel someone looking at you and someone behind you? Well that's the feeling I got and when I opened my eyes there was Lou. She had on...

3 years ago
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daddys slut

You're just 18, proud, a bit haughty, perhaps a little arrogant because of your looks, living with your single father after the messy divorce of your parents. You've become somewhat wild over the past few years as your body has developed, relishing making the dick of every boy who looks your way stand up and pay attention. Today, you're wearing a white baby tee, with a black lacy bra just barely visible beneath it, and your favorite short skirt; your favorite, because it always slides up on...

4 years ago
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Hot Night With My Sons Friend Alex

After my divorce, I had dated quite a few guys but I found that none my age could fully satisfy my unyielding unquenchable lust. I was 47-years-old, a redhead with 40DD tits and a nice round ass that men loved to fuck. The problem was they came during our encounters and fell asleep. I was ready to go at it again and instead had to settle for hearing them snore for hours on end afterwards. I thought about having a gangbang but though I hungered for more men, I wasn’t yet ready to make...

2 years ago
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Stolen Smile Cockloft

I shut and locked my truck and briskly walked towards the collection of handsome brick buildings, dropping my keys in my jeans, and taking a deep breath, I was nervous and excited. I have never considered myself a ladies’ man, and up until this point, online dating had been a fools errand. I will be the first to admit my online flirtatious skills are somewhat lacking which made the events of the past week leading to this moment all the more surreal. A week ago while lying in bed I had...

3 years ago
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Prison Camp

This is the first chapter of a very long story, with connection to a North Africanprison camp. In this first chapter we follow half a day in an inmates life.She has been there for a long time, and through her we get a impression ofa modern prison system for foreigners in this region.    The story of Linda and Lajla Hard labour The whistle sounds and 311991 lets herself drop hard down on her knees, puttingdown the heavy sledgehammer carefully at her side. She knows that toolsare much more...

2 years ago
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Jack and Diane Ch 1921

Jack and Diane Chapter 19. So. One door had closed. I needed a period of reassessment. I no longer had the threat of a prosecution hanging over me. That actually came as a surprise. Up until that moment, it hadn’t occurred to me that I could have been taken to court. That rocked me for a moment. But it was over. I needed to take stock. The first thing I realised was that I was still simply responding to events. I had been so busy juggling everything that I had just gone with the flow. There...

4 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 34

McCock listened while donning his skinsuit to Hugh Avers tale of woe with regard to the Navy's decision not to accept the past six month's production of UVAs and Keys giving as their reason that they wanted to concentrate on the newer missile pods and at present they claimed there were sufficient tractored missile controllers in inventory to cover needs for twelve months; Navy was pushing very hard to get as many HAC CV hulls into operation as they could. "I spoke to Admiral Rowan two...

2 years ago
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Cher Horowitz Meets Elle Woods

It was no secret at UCLA that Cher Horowitz and Elle Woods disliked each other. And Andie Anderson hoped to catch the two of them together sometime. Cher and Elle seemingly had been rivals from the moment they entered UCLA as juniors, immediately taking to competing with each other for the unofficial title of campus queen. Both L.A. residents, one from Beverly Hills, the other from Bel Air; they had never become acquainted until their debut here. Their backgrounds were equally well-to-do and...

3 years ago
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SyntheticChapter 16

Sing a song of six pence, A pocket full of rye, Fourteen blackbirds baked in a pie... The new song was not nearly as catchy as the old. Renee was beginning to think that the whole method was losing its uncertain edge against his abilities. She waited in his bedroom. She didn't want to be there, she hated the place almost as much as she hated the dark room- but Claude had made it quite clear he expected her in but one place, yesterday. And her room had been locked. Renee could hear the...

3 years ago
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A Woman Waiting to Happen Part TwoChapter 6 Mike

If I kept adding to my little family, I was gonna need a bigger camper. The boat was covered with leaves and twigs, but was unhurt. I didn’t care how it looked as long as it functioned right now. Besides, it seemed like I was going to have plenty of deckhands for a while. Robbie loved the boat, looking over the railing while I kept a firm grip on him. Nat didn’t like it at all, it was too high off the water to suit her. She went from Julie to Carrie, clinging. They finally took the kids...

2 years ago
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Sarahs MountainChapter 4

Early the next morning, Sarah got another call about the ad. The kid didn't seem quite as polite as Wendell but she thought he warranted checking out anyhow. She asked him to come up to the house in an hour and talk about some work she wanted done. After he hung up, she had to think for a while to come up with some kind of a job for him. She decided she'd have him dig a trench to pour a concrete foundation for an addition to the cabin. It would just be busy work but it'd be good for at...

3 years ago
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ObtuseChapter 5

Girls Get Boys Mary It came as no surprise to me how much the infidelity of my husband hurt me. It was an unexpected development seeing as Jason is not the kind of man that chases women, or who has much, if any, amorous success with the opposite sex. However, there is no denying he is physically attractive, and more so now that he seems to spend his every free moment at the gym. I thought his gym time was an excuse to avoid me, and the problems in our marriage, and I was sure the physical...

5 years ago
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Phil and her lover

She moved into our street a couple of months ago.  Her house was about 4 doors up   from ours.  An older lady who seemed to be living there alone.  I had never noticed any males around the place or even visiting. One day, I was at home, when there was a knock at the door.  When I opened it the same lady was standing there. “Hello, I am Mrs Phil Rolands, and I live just up the street from you,” she said as she introduced herself. “Oh hi, I’m Steve, what can I do for you Mrs Rolands.”

3 years ago
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My Sentinel

Author’s note: I had a very vivid dream recently. I do not know where it came from, but it has stayed with me as it was frightening, but also comforting and arousing. I awoke feeling confused, sexy, a little disorientated, but also content to be who I am. I have embellished the dream a little in order to make it readable and hopefully believable. It is just a dream, so do not be harsh…….Dreams are not supposed to be real. My Sentinel I am writing this one year later. I still marvel at how far...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 456

Very few people know about this amazing fact! After digging to a depth of 10 feet last year outside Buffalo, New York, scientists found traces of copper cable dating back 100 years. They came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 100 years ago. Not to be outdone by the New Yorkers, in the weeks that followed a Los Angeles, California, archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet somewhere just outside Oceanside. Shortly afterwards a story in the LA...

2 years ago
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Virgin Girl 2

Just a quick update, before I get to the good-stuff…. My real name is Riley Ramsax and back when this happened, I was just a couple months from my twenty-fifth birthday – however, since finding an Ohio drivers-license in a bar in Florida, I’d been using the identity of a nineteen-year-old guy named Tom Stone. I’d tumbled into a tiny little town, deep in the ‘Heat of Dixie’ where a man made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. He wanted me to take his beautiful young teenaged daughter’s virginity...

2 years ago
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Haleys Two Husbands

It was a changeover day again. Haley woke Tony with the cock sucking he loved. She swung her leg over him and hummed as the long shaft filled her. He loved the visual and tactile memory of her bouncing tits when she was on top. Emptying his balls deep inside her would have to last him two weeks. He’d board a helicopter shuttle later this morning to the oil platform he was assigned to. Returning on that same shuttle would be Terry, finished with his shift. Haley knew to rest before he arrived...

4 years ago
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Caught by my Fatherinlaw

My husband's father, Ed, had been a widower for three years. He realized his house was too much for one person so he asked us to move in and he would live in a "mother (father)-in-laws" apartment he had built as part of the house. Dad, as I called him, was retired. Leading a very active life, he ate several meals a week with us but for the most part was independent. I enjoyed being with him as he was intelligent, had a great sense of humor, knew how to treat a lady and frankly was a very sexy...

2 years ago
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Milking her husband

Milking her husband By kittynor This is a fictional story. If you are not an adult, please leave right now. If you're an adult, then I would say this story contains female domination. If it is not your taste then kindly move on. I would like you people to comment on the text here. Criticism is welcome though only constructive criticism. Any tips or suggestion on grammar, plot and characters is welcome. Enjoy. ### The sun peeks through the windows and causes Madhu to awaken....

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 135

The last time Laura and Rhonda had fucked, it had been a wild few moments in Rhonda's office, with the door shut and the orgasms quick and sharp. Neither of them could forget it, and even seeing one another in the hallway at work was enough to make both blush. But it had been months ago, before the hand-off of Sholandra. Now, when she saw Rhonda from time to time, Laura's feelings were even more confused. She remembered their hot fucking. She also knew that Rhonda was fucking Sholandra...

3 years ago
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Hot Pregnancy ch 2

Introduction: Another Baby Jennifer came home from the doctors office and had a huge smile on her face. Alex was upstairs playing with the babies when Jennifer walked in the room. Whats the smile all about Alex said. Your never going to believe what the doctor just told me she said. Your not he said. Im pregnant again she said. A huge smile came over Alexs face and his cock got hard as a rock when he heard the news. They picked the babies up and put them in their crib for their afternoon...

2 years ago
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Two teen boys are talked into dressing up as girls with the promise of sex

“Would you like to go somewhere and have sex?” That was how my new life started, with a question posed to me and my best friend, Carl, by the two hottest seniors, well, actually graduates now, at the high- school that we would be attending in September as freshmen. We had just gotten out of eighth grade the week before. “Would you like to go somewhere and have sex?” Now I suppose the two of us should been more suspicious, but when you’re 14 years old and two,...

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The Tamar Scroll

A love story on a gigantic scale In 1947, the Bedouin goatherd, Mohammed ad-Dhib, discovered ancient scrolls preserved in clay jars in a cave near Jericho. These scrolls represent the oldest texts of the Bible currently known to the world. In addition to the Biblical texts, scrolls and fragments of scrolls belonging to a mysterious Jewish sect were also discovered. The slow assembly and publication of the fragments increased the aura of mystery and intrigue surrounding the Dead Sea Scrolls’...

4 years ago
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The Interview Part 1 Anns Story

I call this my ‘Interview’ story, I have never read or heard of another person who has experienced what I have. My story really begins when I asked a young woman named Tracy to marry me. Tracy said, ‘Not until I tell you about my family and their business interests. Then I will ask you if you still want me as your wife.’ I said, ‘Okay, tell me and then ask me.’ After listening a short time to Tracy’s story, I said, ‘Please stop, I just can’t fathom what you are saying. I have met your mom and...

3 years ago
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The FreeUse Bible Book of Genesis 2

READ THESE DISCLAIMERS! This series is SUPPOSED to be DISGUSTING, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD get bad feelings reading it, which is why I consider it HORROR! I try to gross myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! I’m assuming we’re all mature adults that can separate fantasy from reality. This is more PORN than PLOT. All...

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A voyuer8217s Craving

Rod and Angie had been married seven years. They had been struggling financially the entire seven years as Rod had worked two and sometimes three jobs trying to accumulate enough money to start an auto repair shop. Everyone came to him when they had car problems and were happy to pay him to fix their cars. They knew he was honest and wouldn’t gouge them. He was also understanding of their financial problems and more than once fixed someone’s car at his own expense until they could pay him. He...

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