Impersonating Brianne Ch 02
- 2 years ago
- 30
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The next two days in Las Vegas passed quickly.
Wednesday morning, Alan woke up and went back to his seminars. Marissa took the rental car and ran some errands. After a quickie and then lunch, the two were in the exhibition hall, closing a sixty-five thousand dollar deal on some equipment for the restaurant's kitchen. Afterwards, he went back to his meetings, and she went back to the blackjack tables.
The conference had a banquet that night. The pair ate and danced in their own little world, oblivious to everyone around them. After all, their business was done, and they found they were enjoying each other's company more and more.
The last day of the conference began on Thursday morning. While Alan went to the closing sessions, Marissa took the car out again for some final business. After the conference was over, Alan drove her around town and they did touristy things. The visited the shops a Caesars Palace, the Star Trek Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton and went downtown to see Fremont Street.
All the while, they held hands, walked arm in arm and acted like lovers, not like a call girl and her client.
Marissa liked Alan, and she felt that he liked her, too. She was dreading the end of the week because it would force them to address their relationship, something neither of them seemed eager to do.
After their talk about Brianne on Tuesday night, Alan was much more outgoing and even more engaging than he was before. It was as if a giant weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
At first, Marissa felt threatened by Brianne. She didn't like that feeling. To her, it meant that Alan had gotten to her, and that was unsettling. He stirred feelings within her, feelings that she never had the luxury of acknowledging in her line of work.
Marissa had been a call girl for the last few years. Trading her body for money, she didn't allow herself the luxury of emotional investment or personal attachment.
She wasn't in the business because she was a drug addict or had no where else to turn. For her, it was all about the money. Marissa had a college degree, but never found a job that paid as well as working for Laurie. Even after taking the madam's share off the top, Alan was paying her more per day that she had ever made in a week working a regular 9 to 5 job.
And all it had cost was her self-respect.
Something happened that night, as she and Alan talked about his late wife. It started at the beginning of the week, when she got the feeling that he wasn't going to be like her other clients. It seems strange, but there was a certain amount of comfort in her sex life. Not because it was pleasurable, but because it was regular and there were no expectations.
Men had sex with her. She got paid. It was cut and dry. There was no middle ground. No relationship beyond a simple business transaction.
Not with Alan, though.
The more he talked about Brianne, though, the more uncomfortable Marissa felt. Alan was opening up to her. Although she was scared of the way she responded, she felt like she was getting close to him. She realised just how lonely her life was. Not that she had a bad life, but she realised just how much she was missing out on. All for the sake of a few dollars.
Marissa also found herself talking to Alan more. She didn't acknowledge it then, but she was investing herself in him and in their relationship. She was also setting herself up. Both of them knew that initially their relationship was on a timer, but she could never have imagined that she would have to make a heartbreaking decision a week later.
As Alan talked about Brianne, Marissa's feelings changed from jealously and insecurity to warmth. She liked that he recalled little things about her, like what she liked to drink with meals or where she had gone on vacation with her parents when she was little. Marissa liked that he treasured memories. She liked that Alan could tell her what he and Brianne had for dinner on the night they saw Siegfried and Roy when they had come to Las Vegas to be married. She liked that he wasn't afraid of commitment or falling in love.
Now if she could only get past her own aversion to commitments and attachments.
She knew Brianne wasn't going to show up one day and take Alan back. Marissa thought Alan liked her as much as she liked him, once she could admit that to herself. What she didn't know was if she was willing to let him get through the barriers she had spent a lifetime putting up around herself.
Her feelings came to a head early Friday morning.
On Thursday, after driving downtown and making a few dollars off the blackjack tables at the Golden Nugget, she and Alan stopped to see the water show at the Bellagio on Thursday night.
With soft romantic music playing through strategically-placed speakers, she leaned back into Alan's arms. He held her tenderly. Neither said a word. His embrace was comforting. Secure.
Even amidst the crowd gathered to see the show, she felt like they were alone. She was losing herself to his charm. Afterwards, she drew out a pocked-sized digital camera and had a passerby take a picture of them together, with the lights and water sprays of the Bellagio behind them.
This was something Alan and Brianne had not done on their previous trip to Las Vegas; the Bellagio hadn't been built then. Along with some of the other pictures she had taken throughout the day, these were the first of their memories together.
They went back to their room at the Luxor and made love under the moonlight that shone through the windows.
When she awoke, the sun was coming up. Alan must have gotten up in the middle of the night because the curtains were closed. His naked body was spooned up against hers. His arm was around her. She could feel his shallow breath on the back of her neck.
Realising where she was, she seemed to be fully awake instantly. Her heart started to pound.
She wanted to sit up, but instead tried to calm herself. A couple of deep breaths later, her pulse was down and she no longer had the urge to get up and leave her lover.
Instead she rolled Alan on to his back. He started snoring softly.
Her hand ran along his jawbone and down his neck.
"What have you done to me, Alan?" Marissa whispered.
She watched his chest rise and fall.
"I can't stand sleeping with someone touching me, but when you hold me, I never want you to let me go." Her voice was soft.
This was the first time they had woken up together. All week, Alan had to get up early and be in meetings and seminars first thing in the morning while she slept in. With the conference over, she had him all to herself.
She reached down between her legs and felt the warm semen that was slowly leaking out of her, left over from the night before. Alan had convinced her to break one of her call girl rules: Never let a john cum in anything other than a condom.
Just the feeling of the slippery fluid gave her chills. The memories of the orgasms she had with Alan made her toes tingle.
"Why do you have to be such a nice guy?" Marissa said quietly, even knowing that Alan wouldn't respond. "Why couldn't you be just another jackass client? I wouldn't feel bad about taking your money then."
And I wouldn't have to break your heart. The words were on her lips but she couldn't bring herself to say them aloud, even if Alan couldn't hear her. Or my own.
Alan stirred slightly and she hurriedly brushed the tears out of her eyes. She leaned over and kissed him. A sleepy smile was on his lips.
She gently kissed her way down his body, giving Alan the kind of good morning greeting every guy likes.
A short time later, the two were in the shower, each washing the other's body. They playfully groped and tickled each other under the warm water.
"So what's the plan tonight?" Marissa asked.
Although his smile was sincere, his laugh was a little hollow. There was a distant look in his eye. This would have been his anniversary and Marissa couldn't blame him for being a little distracted.
"It's a surprise." He slapped her gently across the backside.
"Don't start that if you're not going to finish it," she warned him with a sly wink.
"Marissa," he started. There was a look in his eyes that made her shiver with anticipated pleasure. "If I were ten years younger, you would be begging me for mercy."
"I never beg," she replied with a huff of mock indignation.
Alan smiled gently and pulled her close. His lips were warm. As the water poured over their bodies, she folded into his embrace. The feeling of his body pressed against hers sent a chill down her spine.
With a sigh, he pulled back and released her. Then, Alan opened the glass door to the stand-up shower. Marissa let out a disappointed sigh of her own and turned off the water. Alan handed her a towel and the two dried off.
"Why don't you go order us some breakfast," Alan suggested as he hunted around for his electric razor.
"What do you want?"
"Surprise me."
Marissa wrapped her hair in a towel and then slipped into one of the Luxor's soft bathrobes.
She went through the bedroom and stopped in her tracks when she opened the door to the outer room.
There were flowers everywhere.
They covered the coffee table and the desk. Daises. Roses. Carnations. Tulips. Bouquets were on every end table and stand, even on the floor. On the couch, there was a basket full of chocolates and other goodies next to a carefully-wrapped present and a card with her name on it.
Her hands trembling, she opened the card to find Alan's neat print.
Marissa,I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me this week.
It's more than the deal you made with TGR or the help you've given me with the restaurant.
Brianne has been on my mind a lot lately. You are the first person I have talked to about her since she died. She was taken from me without warning and my heart is still broken. I can't live in the past and I know that, but she was the center of my life for so long. You've helped me realise that there is life after loss.
I'm sorry if I've made you feel uncomfortable when I talk about her, but you're always willing to listen and you are so easy for me to talk to.
You are a special woman and have done more for me than I ever could have asked.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Marissa set the card down and unwrapped the present. In a simple wooden picture frame, she found a picture of her and Alan from the night before. They were standing in front of the Bellagio. They both had goofy grins on their faces. His arms were around her, holding her close.
"You bastard." Her voice was barely audible.
She turned and looked back over her shoulder. Through her tears, she could barely see Alan standing in the doorway, grinning sheepishly.
Her blood boiled with anger. Not at Alan. At herself. For becoming so jaded. For giving up hope. She was angry with fate for bringing this man into her life as a paying client. She cursed the day she gave up being a woman and became a whore. All her pent up emotions came boiling to the surface.
Marissa stared at Alan for a moment. Time seemed to stop.
She threw the card and picture down on the couch and stalked towards Alan.
Marissa threw herself into his arms. Hunger consumed her. It wasn't just sexual desire. With Alan, she felt loved and wanted. Not for her body. Not for her talents in the bedroom. Simply for being herself.
Alan wasn't fully prepared for her assault and staggered back a step or two. Marissa was all over him. She took his face in her hands and she kissed him hard, even as he wrapped his arms around her.
He backpedaled until he bumped into the bed. Marissa put her feet on the floor and her hands tore at his bathrobe. Then she flung her own across the room.
She gave him a savage push and Alan fell back on the bed.
Marissa jumped on top of him, her naked body hot with desire. She bit his neck and collarbone.
His hands squeezed her breasts.
Their eyes locked together.
"I am sooooooooo going to fuck your brains out," Marissa vowed.
Alan's only response was a knowing smile. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes, but he blinked that away quickly. His gaze transfixed her. Something passed between them. Something inexplicable. Something that shook Marissa to her very core.
She leaned down and kissed Alan.
As Alan's hands roamed her body, Marissa let him up long enough so he could move to the center of the unmade bed. Then, she took his hands and pinned them down. He put up a token struggle, but otherwise willingly met his fate.
They continued to kiss. Marissa pressed her body against his. Alan's cock was hard, brought to attention by his lover's eagerness.
Marissa started to grind her pussy against him and soon felt the head of his cock against the entrance to her sex.
She let out a long sigh as Alan entered her. She threw her head back as his length penetrated her.
They both gasped when he hit bottom.
Still holding his hands, Marissa impaled herself on Alan.
Any semblance of control she had was long gone. Lust consumed her. Desire clouded her thoughts.
Up and down she bounced.
Her hips moved back and forth. Her clit rubbed against him.
Alan's sex filled her up.
He tried to move his hands, but Marissa still held him down.
She was out of control.
Her toes started to tingle.
Their teeth knocked together with wet, slobbery kisses.
Up and down.
Alan didn't move as Marissa rode him. His cock stood straight up in the air as her pussy enveloped it.
He couldn't speak because Marissa's tongue was in his mouth.
Marissa closed her eyes.
Up and down.
Faster. Harder.
She sat up, releasing his hands. They went to her breasts and Alan squeezed them. Marissa cried out.
Her hands closed over his. She needed to steady herself.
He felt perfect inside her.
A dangerous thought raced through her mind. I never want to be with anyone else ever again.
Marissa squeezed her eyes shut as the tears began to flow. Overcome with desire, she let out a gasp and brought herself down hard on Alan.
She felt his hips push upward.
Her hands clasped Alan tighter.
With one final cry, the room started to spin. The head of Alan's cock was flaring inside her.
The tingling in her toes spread to her whole body.
She felt lightheaded.
And then she seemed to explode.
Waves of pleasure wracked Marissa's body. She continued to grind her hips against her lover.
It seemed as if the orgasm would never end.
There were flashes in the corners of her eyes. Her hypersensitive nipples were pressed flat against Alan's palms.
Her pussy flooded with nectar, mixing with Alan's exertions.
Alan tried to steady her, but she collapsed anyway.
Into the safety and comfort of his loving embrace.
"How did you get all those flowers into the room?" Marissa asked. She couldn't see Alan, but she knew he was right next to her.
"You're a heavy sleeper," he replied, a touch of amusement in his voice.
Only around you, she thought. In truth, Marissa was a very light sleeper, but there was something about Alan that put her off guard.
"And what about the picture?"
"I ... uh, took the memory card out of your camera and had the photo shop on the main floor make me a print," Alan said. "I hope you don't mind."
"They were open in the middle of the night?"
"The service desk is always open. Especially when you drop the name of a favoured guest, Miss High Roller."
That caused Marissa to chuckle.
The hands on her body moved down from her shoulders to the middle of her back.
She assumed that the woman giving Alan a massage on the next table over was doing just as good a job because he moaned with pleasure after she hit just the right spot.
Once she recovered consciousness from their earlier frenetic sex, Marissa and Alan shared a room service breakfast and then went down to the spa.
They were getting the royal treatment. She didn't know how much the afternoon was costing Alan, but she made a mental note to see if her friend—and Luxor pit boss—Taylor could get at least part of the spa bill comped to her. After all, she had wagered a fair amount of money in their casino and that had to count for something, right? At least she was ahead for the week.
The two had some time in the sauna, then a skin treatment and a full body massage, complete with hot stones and aromatherapy. Marissa had never felt so relaxed.
Alan was never far from her. They held hands when they could, but she took great comfort in knowing he was always nearby.
Once they had been worked over by the masseuses, Alan checked the clock on the wall as Marissa pulled a bathrobe around her body. It was close to 3:30.
He slipped into a bathrobe of his own and then went over to the door. Two young women with Luxor nametags were waiting outside. They came into the room behind Alan. He leaned over and gave Marissa quick kiss on the cheek.
"I'll be back to pick you up at six," he said. "Girls, take good care of her."
Tonight was their big date.
Before Marissa could respond, he was gone. The two introduced themselves as Patty and Kyra. They led Marissa to another part of the salon. The next two hours were taken up with a manicure and pedicure, and then it was off to do her hair.
After a thorough wash, Patty asked how she wanted it styled.
"Did Alan say anything to you about it?" Marissa asked.
"No," the other girl replied. "He just said to give you the full treatment, so I guess we can do anything you want."
Marissa thought about the pictures she had seen of Brianne and how she might have worn her hair.
That is what Alan wants, isn't it? Marissa thought. A date with his wife?
She thought long and hard for a minute. I'm not her. I told him as much the other night. But he was so happy when they were together. Shouldn't I do that much for him?
"Surprise me," Marissa said, not wanting to be the one to make that decision.
Patty spun her around, so she couldn't see the mirror.
The stylist was chatty and engaging. She even trimmed a little off and evened the layers out.
Then Patty really went to work. With pins and hairspray, Marissa's hair was pulled back. She wove some baby's breath into the curls.
After a few minutes, Kyra came back and began putting makeup on Marissa.
"We're almost out of time," she said apologetically. "I'm sorry to rush you."
Marissa felt like she was 17 again and going to the prom.
Without letting Marissa see herself, Patty and Kyra led Marissa to another room. On a stand was a flowing ballroom dress. It was an elegant deep blue, low-cut but not too much. There was a pair of white, elbow-length gloves that went with it and some matching heels.
Thinking back to the day she and Alan met, Marissa realised this is what he had her measured for. Is it hers?
The two girls dressed Marissa quickly.
"Do you think this is the night?" Kyra asked conversationally.
"For what?" Marissa was puzzled.
The other girl smiled. "That he's going to ask you to marry him?"
Marissa's jaw dropped.
"Oh," Kyra blushed furiously when she saw the blank expression. "I'm sorry. I just assumed ... big date ... gorgeous gown ... Ohmygod..."
"You two just look like you're so in love," Patty said, trying to come to her friend's rescue.
Me? A hooker in love? Marissa's pulse began to race. It took a minute to find her voice. "That would be nice, wouldn't it?"
Kyra didn't say anything else. If she could have disappeared, Marissa thought she would have. Instead she tried to hurriedly finish up Marissa's makeup.
When the final touches were complete, Patty turned Marissa towards a floor-length mirror.
Marissa's heart jumped into her throat.
All that was missing were the glass slippers.
"Thank you, girls," Marissa said when she could breathe again.
"You're very welcome," Patty replied. They each gave Marissa a quick hug, being careful not to smudge any makeup.
They led her out to the sitting area and assured her that her clothes had already been sent up to her room and that the bill had been taken care of.
It was exactly six o'clock, and Alan was no where to be seen.
Marissa fidgeted nervously.
She felt a soft touch on her elbow.
"Ma'am?" The spa manager stood beside her. "Mr. Gibson says he is going to be a few more minutes. He's asked if you would meet him in the main lobby."
Marissa slipped her hand into the crook of his offered arm.
They walked out of the spa and across the floor. As she passed, people fell silent, staring at her. Marissa held her head high as if oblivious to the admiring stares. Her heart raced. She was the princess going to the ball.
She spied Alan talking to someone at the concierge desk. He still hadn't seen her.
The woman behind the counter pointed at Marissa and Alan turned. He was wearing a handsome black tuxedo. There was a corsage on the counter next to him.
Marissa stopped in her tracks. Alan's eyes were fixed on her. Time seemed to stand still. All the ambient noise—from the people, from the slot machines, from the music playing through the overhead speakers—faded away.
"Thank you," Marissa said to the spa manager.
"It was my pleasure. You two have a wonderful evening," he bowed slightly and then walked away.
Alan still hadn't moved. She crossed the distance between them, fully aware of all the eyes upon her.
Is he seeing her? Marissa thought to herself. Or does he see me?
"You look fantastic," he breathed, spellbound.
They stared at each other for a moment longer. Finally, Alan took out the corsage and pinned it on her. Of course, it matched perfectly.
"We'll have that all taken care of when you get back, Mr. Gibson," the concierge said with an envious smile.
Marissa took Alan's arm as he led her out the front doors. Everyone around them stopped as they passed by, as if they had been drawn into a fairy tale for just a moment.
Waiting outside was a white limousine. The driver held the door open as Alan and Marissa got in.
She felt like she was having an out of body experience. It was surreal.
A couple of times, she looked over and saw Alan staring at her. When they made eye contact, he looked away.
Then she took his hand, and their fingers intertwined. They rode to the Paris hotel and casino in silence.
The door opened and Alan went to get out. Marissa caught his hand and pulled him to her.
They shared a quick kiss.
The touch of Alan's lips was electric.
He pulled back and stepped out of the car. She took his hand and followed.
When she awoke the next morning, Marissa was alone in the bed. Somehow she had not only overslept, but she had slept through her client getting up and leaving her. I'm slipping, she thought. She got out of the bed and went into the shower. After cleaning up, she slipped into a bathrobe and went back to the bedroom. She thought to order something from room service for breakfast, so she went into the outer room. Next to the phone was a note written in Alan's neat print. Good morning! I'm...
With a start, Marissa jerked awake. She felt around in the darkness. She was alone in the bed. Blinking back the haze, she looked for the clock. 3:15. The curtains were drawn, but there was a soft light coming from the outer room. She slipped out of the bed and silently peeked around the corner of the door. Alan was sitting at the desk, facing away from her and wearing only a bathrobe. His laptop was open in front of him. He was flipping through pictures on the screen. Marissa could see...
When they finally stumbled out of bed, Alan and Marissa took a shower together and got dressed. It was spring, and while the sun was going to be out all day, the heat wasn't stifling. She put on shorts and a sleeveless polo shirt. She found a hat in her suitcase and dug out her sunglasses. Alan was wearing a pair of cargo shorts and a nice t-shirt. They got in the car and drove first to Hoover Dam. They met the dam guide, took the dam tour, saw the dam generators, watched some of the dam...
After making love in the desert, Alan and Marissa returned to the hotel. They held each other all night, overcome by their passion. With the sun's first rays shining in through the windows, Marissa found herself once again in Alan's arms. Unlike the day before, now she only wanted to stay in his embrace, but their time was almost up. They made love as the sun rose and then packed up their things for the mid-morning flight. Alan settled up the bill and was surprised to find that many of...
Rolling over lazily, Marissa hunted around for Alan. He wasn't there. She sat up. The scarves were still tied to the bedposts. Alan's shirt, which she had been wearing the night before, was on the floor, having been thrown across the room some time in the middle of the night. The bedsheets were rumpled. The comforter was on the floor. The sun was up but she still felt like it should have just been daybreak. Her body hadn't caught up from the jetlag. Marissa was sore, especially her...
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Wife LoversI yearned to meet this rough and ready cowboy again, and have him take me beyond the conventional sexual adventures. Let’s face it, I wanted to fuck him, again, because it brought out that naughty side in me. I wasn’t planning on leaving my aunts home for another two weeks. Surely we would meet once more; unfortunately, due to his schedule that second encounter never happened. He did come and say goodbye that morning I left for home. How can I find the man of my dreams, only to...
After our perfect day at the beach, we returned to Emma's house. We were full of sand, so we decided we should shower, and then go out somewhere. Emma showered first, so I kept myself busy waiting for her to get out. I sat on her couch, browsing the internet on her laptop. A few minutes into her shower, I heard her moaning softly. I lost interest in whatever website I was on, and walked down the hallway towards the bathroom. I noticed that she had left the door open a little, and as I...
Love StoriesPrologue i. ‘Do you know what would be fun?’ ‘No. Tell me.’ ‘Stealing a transporter band and going to Earth.’ ‘You think it would be fun to break the law?’ ‘Nah, I think it would be fun to go to Earth. I don’t care how we get there.’ ‘Well, you go on your own then. I’m not getting involved. They’ll lock you up for life if they find out you’ve been to a forbidden planet. Especially the most forbidden planet in the galaxy.’ ‘They’ll never know. We’ll be back before anyone realises we’re gone.’...
I saw the cyclist from quite a long way back on the straight country road. As I got closer I was fascinated by the movement of the cyclist's buttocks moving in rhythm with the legs and pedals. I observed the blonde ponytail hanging below the helmet and the way her tight three-quarter length blue bike pants showed every ripple of her thighs and calves. As I rapidly closed her in my van I appreciated how well her tight fighting yellow and black polyester jersey displayed her trim waist and the...
Originally Written by: gustav_jorgenson Newlywed couple Arthur and Eleanor joined a couple of friends Herman and Lester one night to enjoy a rousing game of ‘Settlers of Catan,’ a board game cherished by nerds the world over. Unfortunately their friendly game was disrupted by the intervention of Herman’s crass cousin Joey… Arthur, Eleanor, Herman, and Lester were all sitting around the coffee table in Herman’s living room playing ‘Settler of Catan’ when Herman’s cousin Joey walked into the...
I’ve always hung about with Pam since I was young, I knew her and her dad have always been close. The other day I found out how close. We had been backpacking around Norfolk for a long weekend. I was with Pam her dad and their family friend Adam. When we started our hike & was all in good spirits, till Adam got a call and just ran off, shouting he had to go it was an emergency. I never did find out what it was. We carried on across a few fields and got near some lake they knew and set up...
Richard's fingers fumbled as he folded the paper in his hands. The origami swan was not turning out as expected and he soon realized there was no hope for the creation. He threw the paper wad at his cubicle wall in defeat. The work day couldn't end soon enough.A glance at his computer monitor revealed only three minutes had passed since he last checked the time. He sighed and leaned back in his swivel chair. Just before he was about to close his exhausted eyes, he heard the office door open. He...
Sheila Ortega is in need of a nice fuck. She’s really fed up with her conjugal sex routine and that’s why she suggested her partner to introduce something new to their relationship. How? You may ask. Well, obviously she’s gonna hire the services of Nick Moreno, The Cuckold Maker. For just two-hundred euros, she’ll find the solution for all their problems: a nice fuck from Spain’s most famous womanizer. Will that be enough to satisfy insatiable babe Sheila Ortega?...
xmoviesforyouHe was walking through the forest, deep within his thoughts. The last peace-making mission took a lot out of him. He was tired of the world and sleepless nights were taking a toll on him. He looked at the hidden moon lurking behind the clouds and sighed. He was hoping that the nightmares would end soon. He did not want to go to any psychologist, because it was not his thing to talk to strangers about his feelings. He did not talk about them with anyone. Then he heard a scream, and he turned...
A little about meMy name is Andrew Charles Elzi.I remarried five years ago, and for the most part it’s been a great marriage. What my wife doesn’t know about me is that I’ve been wearing her panties and bras since we’ve been together. I actually started wearing panties, bras, lingerie and high heels about fifteen years ago. I would wear my exwifes things all the time. I started buying my own lingerie and had several hiding places in the attic and basement for all of my sissy clothing. I would...
I started to work for a retail company about 5 years ago and all in all it wasn’t a bad job. Most of the people were positive, good, hard working people. Then I met Patricia and Kristina. Both have worked for the company for twenty plus years and had prima donna attitudes because of it. Patricia is a tall brunette with cropped shoulder length hair and a great body. Her face isn’t the greatest, but her body makes up for it. She can fill a pair of jeans like they were made for her....
The two women didn't say much to each other the rest of the afternoon, and there was a slight, yet discernable tension in the air. But while Katelyn was preparing dinner, it was Carly who broke the ice. Hayley had walked into the kitchen with the twins' empty juice cups and Carly proudly announced to her mother and nanny, "Look, I have boobies just like Hayley." She had taken two large beefsteak tomatoes off the counter where Katelyn was preparing a salad and had placed them under her...
My head rested on Abbey's leg and she stroked my hair. My cock was still deep with JJ's cunt, but I could feel the erection fade. I was spent! After a few more minutes of needed rest, I pushed up on to all fours, my shriveled member slipping easily from the tight passage. "Thank you for that girls." "You're welcome." Abbey responded. Nothing from JJ. Creamy white semen dribbled from her cunt hole, down onto the towel. "You've made a bit of a mess down there missy." She still didn't...
November 27th, Day 183; Walter I awoke to screaming kids, jumping on the bed. I pulled each of them down to me. I kissed them on their foreheads and gave them a tickle before I went to the next one. After I finished, I climbed out of bed, and walked into the bathroom. Going over to the urinal I took my morning piss. I was standing there when Mayra wandered in and sat down to pee. "I hate you!" she said and I looked at her in surprise. "What did I do?" I asked. "THIS, DAMN IT!" she...
It was twenty minutes after the attack of the Dinofelis when the conference call finally ended. Jada looked at her watch and thought that by using a little of the evening twilight, they still had almost four hours of decent light left. If they stayed out of the central channel, they could avoid the current and have the kayaks secured in the boathouse in less than three hours. Then there was a short two-kilometer hike across some gentle switchbacks to climb to their home sanctuary. Heck, they...
On the way home, I decided to stop at my favorite lounge, called "The Lush Spot." Upon entering, my eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. "Good evening Mr. Preston, right this way." Alexandra led me to a table in the back.I always made sure I came when she was working. We have known each other since she started working here four years ago. She is twenty-five years old, five feet tall with hazel brown eyes. Her black hair reaches the middle of her back.Tonight she wore a short brown...
ExhibitionismHello to all i am Sudha from Delhi. (Name & place change). I am a married lady with two kids; a boy and a girl. My hubby is a normal guy. About me i am fair with ok figure. We lived a normal life till when my hubby was been hospitals. He was for bed rest for 2 years and we had no finance support. I found a job in Delhi through my frnd’s help. It is a gold shop. Here i had to do account work staff is very helpful. I came across a guy in our office, which is really a hardworking and smart enough...
She is married her figure is 34 26 36 her name is Diana I nearly remember that day was my sisters marriage day she was ready with marriage dress and the first time I masturbated thinking about my sister she was so sexy in that marriage dress. Marriage was over and she left us our family consists of four people father mother sister and me after my sister’s marriage I went to other city for studies my parents were alone after that one sudden day I received a phone call from my father that my...
IncestI was beside Tina like a rocket, scooping her into my arms, Diane was behind her looking both concerned and nervous. I nodded for her to come, she waved at someone outside and closed the door behind her. Carrying Tina into the front room I asked if she wanted a drink.Through her sniffles she said, “A hot chocolate please,” I looked at Diane who just nodded and disappeared into the kitchen.“Want to tell me or wait for Diane?” I asked, Tina started a fresh bout of sobbing. I just sat with her in...
Straight SexHMS Wolverine was holding her position to windward of a small convoy of eight sail headed from Kingston to London. On her quarter deck, a very nervous watch officer was constantly checking her course, the wind, the trim of the sails and the horizon beyond the convoy. Mr. Midshipman Thomas Grey was entrusted with the watch for the first time, and a more conscientious watch officer would not be found in the entire Royal Navy. On the outward journey to Kingston, Wolverine had escorted four Navy...
Bud and Ed just looked at each other for a moment, shaking their heads. Bud said "Slave Kim, go and tell the women to come and talk to us as soon as they decide what should be done." It was at least fifteen minutes before Gloria came into the study. "Bud, just put the collar on her and take her downstairs. Do about what you did with Kim. Ed, I think right now it would be best if you just stay out of sight. She will feel enough shock and guilt being taken over by Bud. If you are around,...
Sally's two weeks She was so hot. And she knew it too. Thought the high school janitor as he watched the stupid little twat prancing down the hall. But, not for long. He knew the plan, they always had a plan. Every year all of the male teachers and some of the female ones at the school, even the administration, would choose a young cunt and make her their new slut. Holding daily torture sessions for even the smallest mistakes and using her as a peice of meat only to be fucked and...
I stood at the front door of the massive stone structure, recalling it's history. Built at the conclusion of the French and Indian War for a sect of Nuns whose only wish was to be separate from the secular world, it had stood the test of time. Not a very pretty building, its imposing structure and placement in the northern Adirondacks insured that the women within would not be bothered by the outside world.I was met at the door by a stern faced nun. "Can I help you?""Good afternoon, Sister. I'm...
FemdomThe Doctor By Melissa Tawn By his second year of medical school, Jay Mautner knew that he wanted to specialize in plastic surgery. His outlook on medicine was basically holistic: he saw the responsibility of the physician not in treating this or that specific illness, but in working to achieve the maximum well-being of the physical/psychological whole of his patient. Given this outlook, it was clear to him that combating an anxiety caused by a difference between psychological...
I work as a senior engineer in a government undertaking. I decide on purchases worth several crores. Suppliers try to bribe me, but soon enough they understand I don’t take bribes and go strictly by merit. However, I made exception to only one. I had found that one Mr. Ramaratnam did a reasonably good job with his products, and that in the past he had some severe financial difficulties from which he was still struggling to come out. For some reason, I sympathized for him and started favoring...
My girlfriend, Mina, means everything to me. She is, in my eyes, the perfect woman. She is smart, funny, easy to get along with, and drop dead gorgeous. She is something special, and not just in my eyes. We had been dating for about a year before I found out, and it really threw me through a loop. My girlfriend had been hiding a huge secret from me, but now that I know about it, I wouldn’t have things any other way. I actually love her even more, if that is even possible. You see, about a year...
FantasyInteresting title? Well let me pull it together for those of you choosing to read another one of my adventures. I was on an adult chat line and wasn't having much luck with the ladies. I received a message rom a chick that lived up in houston and was down for some adlt fun. We got to talking and she also just wanted to get out of the house. She lived with her parents and needed to get away for a bit. Well at 3 in the morning thee aint shit to do. I head up her way an get to her house. A gamble...
About one year ago my wife, Wendy, had stopped having sex with me. I had tried to discuss it with her. She couldn't explain it to me but she had definitely lost all interest in sex with me. It had been almost one year since I had fucked her, and I hadn't fucked anyone else, either. The cunt that I was pumping into belonged to Suzie, Wendy's baby sister. Suzie came to live with us after a fight with her boyfriend. It was something about him ordering her to fuck two of his friends. She...
The coming week was going to start with a bang: Monday a meeting with FiberDyne and Major Lancaster. Tuesday, we would be flown to Travis Air Force base where we would hold a press conference where FiberDyne's status as a supplier of strategic materials would be announced. I wondered why the defense department would even bother with something like that, but assumed I would know more after meeting the Major on Monday. I talked to Kelli briefly, asking her if she had thought of bringing...
Slender young Russian babe Stefany Kyler is doing nude modelling for famous Spanish painter Maximo Garcia today. Maximo is too professional to take note of Stefany’s perfect ass, diminutive booblets, and supple lips at first, but he soon learns that she has an ulterior motive for being there. Her bastard husband, who’s an old man, spends all of his time travelling and working and only bangs his horny young housewife once a month! When Maximo hears this, he can hardly believe his...
xmoviesforyouOn our way, mom said, “I want you to call me ‘mom’, ‘maa’ or ‘mummy’ from now on.”I asked, “Why so? I like to call you Neetu.”Mom said, “Well, we had sex today. I want to feel that it was i****t. If you call me ‘mom’ or ‘mummy’ or ‘maa’, I will have that i****tuous feeling and that will make me hornier. Any problem?”I laughed and said, “No, mom. I will call you mom.”Neetu pinched my cheek and said, “That’s like a good boy. That’s my Sonny”.I said, “Mom, the moment you touch me, I have an...
He awoke with the first light, savoring the strange smells of the fresh woodland air. Almost all of his young life had been spent in the Thieves Quarter of Pordigran. He'd known its every sound, every smell. Now he was learning a whole new world of the senses, with the added spice of danger to speed his learning. Kletta's blankets were already neatly rolled, but even as he saw to his own pack she appeared from Bartan's direction. "Don't make it too obvious," he cautioned in a low...
“Bad pussy boy. Bad pussy!”Master yelled at me as I lay there on my back, hands clutching my knees, pussy still gaping open, and an extremely shocked look on my face. Master walked away, motioning me to follow him as he walked to the bedroom. I followed without a word. The babydoll dress had worked its way into my G-string and now barely covered even the top of my arse. I didn’t dare touch it. I didn’t want to upset master any more. “Lay down on your stomach and put your arms above your head”....
This the part two of the Fifth part of the Vintage Series. It will start from where the previous part ended. Baba told me to clean my face and throat and then to sit again. I came back after rinsing. He told me to sit down again as he is going to start the ‘mantras’ of third ‘upaya’. I sat down and he started preaching, “You, my child, have to experience the bliss and power of linga by using your yoni as a medium. To become a fertile woman in your future and to get a place in paradise.” I was...
When I left work I drove straight to see Molly at Ralph's house. Ralph was mowing the front lawn, and just nodded his head in the direction of the house. I found her in the kitchen, sewing a patch on a pair of Ben's jeans. She looked up and smiled, "This is special. These trousers are actually wearing out before he's grown out of them. That's a rarity these days." I kissed her on the top of her head, "That's the trouble with children, they grow up when you're not looking." "What...
This is a true sex story which happened to me. This happened between me and my mother. First of all telling about me, I was adopted when I aged 13. My parents adopted me when I was 10. Now I’m 18 years old. My name is Naveena. My adopted father is a business man and mother is a housewife. This is a true incident happened to me between me and my mom, it happened on a Saturday, as usual, we finished our dinner and slept. Every day I used to drink milk before sleep. At night I felt the urge to...
Lesbian“Nothing much seems to change aboard the ‘Paradise’,” remarked Quentin affably. It was the following morning and he was relaxing in the small upper sun-deck used by guests. He was addressing a rather pale-faced man of about forty who sat alongside him. Madame Vesta had hinted he was a member of the British aristocracy but was using the name of Rodney Smith. He was it seemed, thinking of consigning his young wife to the vessel.“I wouldn’t know,” came the answer, “this is my first visit.”Quentin...