Distribution Ch. 07 free porn video

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Chapter 7 Meeting Paige’s family

When Paige called at nine PM, I’d made my calls, and had given up on hearing from her. I reported that the quotations for the water hookup were arriving, I’d spoken to Harold Whitney about the consulting job, and Charlie and I had moved the crates out of the living room.


‘Yes, Paige.’

‘I didn’t follow any of what you just said. You’ll need to keep notes. Anyway, that’s not what I want to talk about.’

‘Okay,’ I said, feeling very confused. ‘What do you want to talk about?’

‘Are you sure you’re over Marian?’

‘I’m sure.’

‘It’s only been three weeks.’

‘Three weeks is long enough. Being separated from her has made me realize that we had very little between us. Anyway, it didn’t take her long to move on. I have it on good authority that she’s seeing one of my tenants.’

‘What if she calls again?’

‘I’ll tell her that I’ve met someone.’

Paige abruptly hung up and I cursed myself for saying the wrong thing. When she called the following night I reported that I’d met with Matthew Dawkins about the barn. ‘Harold was here. He asked some probing questions that I would never have considered. Matthew wants everything out of the barn so he can get a better look at the structure. I agreed to move the auto parts to the basement, but I told him he will have to work around the antique cars. I don’t want to be rushed into advertising them for sale.’


‘Yes, Page.’

‘What you said about meeting someone. Was that someone me by any chance?’

‘Of course it’s you.’

‘You only met me three weeks ago.’

‘It’s been three weeks and two days since we met. That’s as long as it took Uncle Mackey and Aunt Elsie to fall in love. As a matter of fact, they were already making love.’

‘That’s a ridiculous analogy. They were young and it was wartime.’

‘I’m not suggesting that we’re on the same track as Mackey and Elsie were. You have to admit though, that we hit it off from the beginning, and we get along well.’

‘Not from the beginning,’ she corrected me. Paige ended the call before I could ask her what was going through her mind when we’d first met.

On Wednesday night I reported that the eBay bidding was going better than I’d expected. ‘I visited one of those pack and ship places today. The owner got excited when I told him how many items we’re offering for sale.’

‘I hope you’re keeping notes of your activities. My mind wanders when we talk on the phone.’

‘Paige, I look forward to your calls. I plan what I’m going to report.’

‘Are you holding anything back, Brian?’

‘Most of what I do would bore you. For instance, Harold is going to stop by tomorrow and we’re going to outline everything that we’re going to have done. I want a detailed plan to show the lady from the preservation society.’

‘May I ask you a personal question?’ she asked, like she had not been paying attention to a word I’d said.


‘Promise that you won’t laugh?’

‘I promise.’

‘Did you get sweaty today?’

‘A little bit. I helped Charlie trim the shrubbery around the gazebo. Why do you ask if I got sweaty?’

‘Did you shower?’


‘What are you wearing?’

‘Why do you need to know what I’m wearing?’

‘Humor me. What do you have on right now?’

‘I’m not going to tell you until I know why you need to know.’

‘I want to close my eyes and picture you. I need to know what you have on.’

‘Okay, I’ll give you a complete picture. I’m sitting in Uncle Mackey’s chair, re-reading a letter from Aunt Elsie. I’m wearing a pair of cut-off sweatpants. That’s all.’

‘That’s all? No shirt, no shoes?’

‘That’s right.’

‘Hmmm, I’m having trouble picturing you because I’ve never seen you with a bare chest.’

‘Yes, you have. Remember the day I played volleyball on the beach?’

‘Hmmm, you’re right. I get the picture now. But you didn’t take off your shoes that day.’

‘Believe me, you wouldn’t want to look at my bare feet tonight. The reason I’m not wearing shoes is that I stubbed my toe on one of those damned crates in the back room.’

I heard her giggle. ‘Why are you re-reading the letters?’

‘I remembered something that Aunt Elsie wrote. I have it here: ‘I hope you won’t hate me, Mackey, but I’ve done something without asking your permission. I sent your description of the fighting on the island to the local newspaper, and guess what, my Sweet? The editor published it. He called me first, and I couldn’t say no. He says you’re a fine writer and wants to see you when you come home. Please don’t be angry with me, my Darling.”

‘I recall reading that passage. I’m just realizing that they fell in love in a very short time and the letters strengthened their love for each other. Read some more please.’

‘I haven’t found his reaction to her apology, but it’s obvious that he forgave her. I’m looking for the letter where she told him that she was abstracting the parts from his letters where he told about helping the other patients in the ward. She went so far as to say that she would like to use them in a book. She even suggested a name for the book, ‘Tales from Ward C.”

‘Do you think it was ever published?’

‘I don’t know. I’ll search the web tomorrow to see what I can find.’

‘I’ll call you tomorrow. I can’t wait to know more,’ she said, ending the call in such a hurried fashion that it made me wonder if she was all right.

Her call came earlier on Thursday night. I had lots to report, but first, I had to tell her what I was wearing.

‘I covered my chest with a T-shirt, and my feet with sneakers.’

‘That’s not very interesting,’ she said, dismissively. ‘Tell me about the book. Did you have any luck?’

‘No luck whatsoever. I searched Mackey’s name and got lots of hits about his newspaper work and the magazine articles he’s written, but there was nothing about a book. I’m wondering if it was published under a different name or if he used a penname.’

‘I was thinking that it might be a fun thing for us to do together.’

‘What? Put a book together out of the old couple’s letters?’

‘Exactly. We could divide the research and the writing.’

How did she think we would have the time to research and write a book? Didn’t she know how busy I was? Did she have more spare time than I knew about? I was even more convinced that it would be impossible to find the time when she told me that she would arrive late the next evening.

‘We’ll stop for dinner,’ I suggested, and was happy to hear her response.

‘Okay, that will be nice,’ she said before saying goodbye.

It was nearing seven PM on Friday night, and I was becoming concerned that I hadn’t heard from Paige. When she did call, I was ready to let her have it.

‘We’re thirty minutes away,’ she said.

‘There are going to be some changes. First, I want your cell phone number, and second, I want to know what’s kept you. Tonight is going to be my night to ask the questions and it’s your turn to supply the answers.’

‘Brian, why are you being short with me? I warned you that it would be late tonight. I could have waited until tomorrow or Sunday to come, but I wanted to…’

‘You wanted to what?’ I asked, calming down.

‘I guess I missed you, but now that you’re being dictatorial, I’m not so sure.’

‘Paige, I’ve been a perfect gentleman. I haven’t pried into your personal life and I’ve let you dictate the pace. Hell, I’ve only been in the room you occupy that one time when we were listing the furniture for the silent auction. I’m warning you, tonight is going to be different. I’m going to ask the questions for a change.’

Other that the roar of the bus in the background, I heard nothing. When she didn’t hang up, I asked, ‘Did you reall
y miss me?’

‘Brian, I have something to confess,’ she said, side-stepping my question.

Her soft voice quieted me. I pictured her lips moving, the wrinkle in her brow, and the way she set her eyes when she was making a point.

‘I’ll be waiting when the bus arrives,’ I said, thinking that we were ending the call.


‘I’m still here.’

‘I did miss you,’ she said before I heard the line fade out.

It was obvious by the way she was dressed that she’d come directly from work. She didn’t jump from the steps and run into my arms as I expected. Instead, she walked slowly, her eyes in contact with mine, and she didn’t crack a smile until she was within arm’s length.

I pulled her to me, and our kiss was intense for a few seconds, until she pulled away. ‘Take your hands off of my ass. People will talk.’

We laughed about her assertion on the way to my truck because my hands had not been near her ass. I took her to an Italian restaurant and was sorry that I hadn’t chosen a quieter place.

It was not only noisy, it was crowded, and our table was not in the best location. Although I’d warned her that this was my night to ask the questions, I let her begin.

‘I had an affair,’ she said after the waiter had taken our orders. Naturally, I wanted to know more, when it took place, for how long, and if it was over. She supplied those answers without my having to ask. She had to lean forward to be heard.

‘It was a year ago. I guess I was feeling sorry for myself and felt the affair was something I wanted. It only went on for a few weeks. Russell found out about it and broke it up. I wasn’t sorry to end it because I had no feelings for the guy.’

‘Why did you think you had to tell me?’ I asked, wondering at that moment if I should tell her about Georgia.’

‘It’s my way of explaining why I’ve been cautious about…us.’

‘I never thought that you were being cautious. Actually, asking me what I was wearing was kind of racy. That will be something to tell our grandchildren.’

She was holding a wine glass, but set it down. ‘Brian, you make me nervous. We’re not Mackey and Elsie. This isn’t a race. You’re not heading off to a Pacific Island.’

‘That’s true, but I’m only here for a limited amount of time.’

‘How long?’ she asked, concern showing in her eyes.

‘Once the construction work is completed, we can put the house on the market. We can make decisions via e-mail, and I can make the distributions to the heirs from my home.’

‘Don’t forget about the stock.’

‘I’ve been thinking about that. I believe we should give Fred a sample of the stock tomorrow night.’

‘How did we get off on the estate? Is it the only interest we have in common?’

‘God! I hope not,’ I said, and watched her take a sip of wine.

Our meal was served. The food was delicious, but very filling. We talked very little, but laughed constantly. We got the attention of the people at the next table when we traded bites of food.

‘Are you celebrating a wedding anniversary?’ one of the ladies asked.

‘Yes, how many years do you think we’ve been married?’ Paige asked, winking at me.

‘Ten years?’ the lady asked.

‘That’s right. We were married ten years ago,’ Paige said, and the two couples congratulated us. They offered to buy us a drink, but Paige said that we were going to have coffee and go home, implying that she couldn’t wait to get me into bed.

I was bothered by what she’d said about us only having one thing in common.

‘We’re both widowed with children,’ I offered as I helped her into my truck.

‘We have the letters,’ she reminded me.

I found myself wanting to add to the list of things we had in common, but couldn’t come up with anything else.

Paige went directly to her room and returned a few minutes later with a radio, wanting to dance. She’d changed into short pants, sneakers and a T-shirt. I took my shoes off and danced in my stocking feet.

‘I was negotiating a lease with someone on the west coast. He didn’t realize how late it was getting,’ she said, explaining the reason she’d taken a later bus.

‘I thought you may have stopped at home,’ I said.

‘I caught the first bus out and called my home. Does that tell you how anxious I was to see you?’

We were dancing at arms length, talking casually. ‘Do you think we have a physical attraction for each other?’

‘You’re still hung up on what we have in common, aren’t you?’

‘I am,’ I admitted.

‘Okay, here’s a compatibility test. Rate the following as they apply to a relationship, sex, looks, and common interests.’

I stopped dancing and looked at her. ‘Are you saying to rate them in order of importance?’


‘You hope that having sex with an attractive person will be as good as they look to you, but it doesn’t always work out that way. The same goes for having sex with someone with common interests. I guess that I would place good sex first, regardless of how the person looks or if they have common interests. However, the lack of common interests could make great sex less important.’

‘Did you just change your mind about sex being number one?’

‘No, good sex wins out every time.’

Paige kissed me, and was halfway to the stairs before I stopped her.

‘Hey, how did I do?’

‘I don’t know. I’ll need to think about what you said.’

We didn’t discuss my rating of sex, looks and common interests again until Sunday night, Monday morning really. We started the day at the kitchen table, scouring the letters for mentions of Mackey helping other wounded veterans in Ward C. It took all morning to transcribe those parts of the letters, but when we were finished, we agreed that there was not enough for a book.

‘It’s going to take more research to expand on each story, such as what happened to the people Mackey helped,’ Paige said.

‘There’s also the love angle. Perhaps we could make it into a romance,’ I said, and was met with a shake of her head, as if to say that I was making too much of the letters.

After lunch, Paige wanted to go shopping, and while she was selecting the ingredients for the meal she was going to serve that night, I went to the wine shop next door.

Our guests were to arrive at seven PM, and the aroma coming from the kitchen was so appealing that I wondered if I would be able to resist sampling the dinner. Good cooking was running a close second to good sex on my compatibility preference chart.

Nadine wanted to take Fred on a tour of the house as soon as they arrived. His footsteps seemed to make the floors creak more that usual, until he got to Uncle Mackey’s room.

‘Did a hurricane go through that room?’ he asked when they returned to the first floor.

I laughed, and told him that Uncle Mackey had been a writer. ‘I get the impression that he knew where everything was. I try not to disturb anything.’

Fred had brought two bottles of expensive wine, which I opened first. By the time I opened the wine I’d picked out, no one knew the difference.

We all told Paige that the meal was exceptional. She humbly accepted our praise, looking fondly at me as she said that I’d supplied her inspiration.

I don’t know if we’d run out of conversation material or if it was the wine, but Paige began talking about the letters between Uncle Mackey and Aunt Elsie. Recalling that she’d specifically cited the letters as something we had in common, I joined in, and we were soon talking about the book we had in mind to write.

Our exuberance about the subject must have bored Fred, but Nadine became caught up in how Mackey had managed to help nearly every other soldier in the ward.

I’ll have to give Fred credit though. Not once did he mention the stock that we were going to sell. Even when, at the end of the evening, he accepted the list of twenty
stocks that I handed him, pocketing it without a word. The stocks I’d selected represented about twenty percent of the total, and were for companies that I’d scarcely heard of before.

Paige was agreeable to my suggestion that we leave the cleanup until the next morning. I escorted her up the stairs and into her room. She turned, and I took her into my arms.

‘Brian,’ she said, interrupting our kiss. ‘You have your hand on my butt.’

‘Oh, sorry, I’ll remove it,’ I said, making no move to lift my hand from her ass.

‘No don’t, I like having it there, just for a minute, and then you have to leave.’

Was this a test? I kept my hand on her ass for exactly sixty seconds before removing it and ending our kiss.

‘Goodnight,’ I said, backing toward the door.

‘Goodnight,’ she said.

I awoke to hear her in the kitchen. She laughed when I apologized for not helping to put things back in order. On the table was a steaming cup of coffee and a piece of paper that contained her cell phone number.

‘Don’t call me during working hours,’ she cautioned.

‘What if I have an insatiable desire to talk to you?’

Her frown quickly changed to a smile. ‘Leave a message. I’ll call you back as soon as I can.’

‘How will I know when you’re working?’

‘You won’t. I freelance for three small law firms, and work when they call me. Right now, I’m booked every day but Fridays for the next two weeks. That’s the day that I work for a manufacturing company.’

‘Thank you for clearing that up for me.’

‘You have every right to know everything about me. I feel that I can ask you anything, right?’

‘Right,’ I answered, wondering when it would be a good time to tell her about Georgia.

We talked about the best way to research the stories we’d extracted from the letters. I came up with the idea of putting Mackey’s work experience in chronological order. We took turns surfing the web and discovered that he had worked 38 years for four newspapers between nineteen-forty-nine and nineteen-eighty-seven when he retired. The four newspapers were in addition to the small hometown paper where he’d gotten his start after being discharged from the Army.

‘Tracking down the men he helped would add immensely to the stories,’ Paige suggested.

I agreed with her, but doubted that we would find any of them alive after all these years. There were only ten surnames given. Uncle Mackey had referred to the others by their nickname or the bunk number they occupied in the ward.

Nadine called to say that she and Fred had had a good time. She promised to be on time for the Monday morning meeting, adding that Fred would be leaving early, and she knew that Paige would want to catch an early bus.

Paige was so encouraged by the way our evening had gone that she suggested that we invite the Whitneys to dine with us the following Saturday. I’d seen how much effort she’d expended to prepare the meal, but I’d also seen her enthusiasm, and didn’t try to persuade her to wait a week or so. She telephoned Janice and received a positive response to the invitation.

After our late night, we settled for a snack and went to bed early.

I have no idea what time it was when I was awakened.


I became aware that I’d been rolled onto my back, and her upper body was sprawled on top of mine. She felt warm and soft and feather-light, all at the same time.


‘Where do you place trust on the compatibility chart?’

‘Trust?’ I asked, hoping she wouldn’t change positions. My cock was at attention, not two inches from her hip.

‘I trust you. Do you trust me?’


‘Put your hand on my ass. I want to show you that I trust you.’

‘Paige, I want you to trust me, but this may not be a good idea,’ I said, moving my hand to her ass.

‘Leave your hand there while you tell me where trust ranks on the compatibility chart.’

‘I have a confession,’ I said.

‘I knew it!’ She moved quickly, pushing my hand to the side, and jumping to her feet. ‘I knew you were hiding something. You even said that you’d done things that you were not proud of. I wanted to believe the best about you, but now I see that I’ve been wrong.’

She left me there, hard and awake. I got up to look at the clock on the stove. It was two-thirty-seven AM on Monday moaning.

Nadine noticed immediately that there was something wrong between us. Paige asked me to report, and when I asked for clarification, she said to report on anything I wanted. I gave the winning bids for some of the automobile parts, adding that I would be making shipments that day, and we would offer new items for sale.

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The sayin that is the title of this tale ran thru her mind when the boy on top of her began mutterin about her twitchet bein too slippery. He were bitchin about needin better traction fer his tallywhacker. She didn’t know zackly where them words come from but it sounded fine. She squeezed his big shaft a little as she complained right back. “If’n yew don’t like it then put it in someone else. There’s lots of others thet wants to be in there but yer’s feels better’n most of em.” Of course she...

4 years ago
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The Secretarial Pool

“Brenda, are you busy Saturday night?” “Uhmm, Mr. Compton, isn’t that a bit inappropriate?” “What, asking you to accompany me to a fundraiser? No, actually, I checked with Ms. Powell in HR and she said it would be OK, as long as the time you spent both preparing for and with me at the event counted toward your weekly hours, or if I wished and with your permission paid you overtime instead, and I didn’t coerce you into it. Call her. I’m desperate.” “OK, I’ll call, but it seems weird.” “Why?...

3 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 31

After they ate, Ariel and Jack cleaned up the cabin, then left to go back to Ariel's house. They put the horses out to pasture then went inside. Ariel sat on the couch, clutching a small pillow to her chest, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was very depressed and Jack knew it would take a while for her to come to terms with her unemployment because of the fire. He went in the kitchen and got her a glass of water and some aspirin. He sat on the couch beside her and made her take the...

5 years ago
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Taking Beth part 3

Beth was at home, daydreaming again about Jackson, when she should have been finishing the dishes. Her husband was putting her daughter to bed upstairs, so it was all too easy to get lost in her fantasies. She stood for ages staring blankly out of the window, wondering when she would see Jackson next and thinking about lieing in his lap while being spanked. The dinner plate in her hand, that she was meant to be washing, was for the moment forgotten. Jackson had been particularly evasive about...

2 years ago
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Mature lady next door

When I was growing up I played with the nabor k**s like any other k**. The Girl next door was a couple of years older than me and during our games of truth or dare me got to finger her pussy a few times. I got to see what a girl looked like. Then one day I was over at her house swimming in her pool when her mom came out in her bathing suit. She had a good body slim and petite, but the thing that stood out most to me was the hair sticking out of both sides of her crotch area I couldn’t keep my...

3 years ago
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Another holiday with Tata

Another holiday with TataA few months passed and Tata was still feeling fresh in the memory, still wondering where she was and if she was well, and if she had truthfully enjoyed the week on the boat. Logging onto his email he noticed an unusual email address and was about to delete it as spam, but something inside suggested he should open it, and when he did he was ecstatic. It was Tata.My note had eventually found her; it had taken nearly three months to travel from Odessa to her home village,...

2 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 40

The night after I loaded the furniture, I called Maurine. I know, I swore I wouldn’t get her hopes up without knowing more about her, but I was curious about her. I couldn’t get her off my mind, so I gave in and called. “Maurine, it’s Ed how are you?” I asked. “I’m fine and you?” she asked. “I’m fine, I was calling to see if you knew anyone who likes modern antiques. Stuff made in the forties maybe?” I asked. “I don’t know anyone right off hand, what do you have,” she asked. “I...

3 years ago
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Pasts and Presents

CHAPTER 1 So, ZA is out of rehab and looking pretty damn good. I know I should stay away, but my slut senses are tingling. I’ve heard from a few women that he’s pretty damn good. The thing is, I’ve known him since I was 20 and knowing someone for 10 years, on a friend’s only basis, can alter your perception. He’s a friend and has always only been a friend. This is crazy. And it should stay my fantasy. “Jana, guess who I’m fantasizing about nowadays?” I’m asking my best friend who has been that...

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Redwood Storm

Redwood StormIrishmik60It was back in the 70's. Back when most reading this story weren't even around. Not a glimpse in their parents imagination. I was living in California. A little town between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Just north of where Highway 1 and Pacific Coast Highway split. A little coastal community of fishermen, and artists, and of course the 2nd industry there, tourists.I lived on a small religious commune. That's right, I was a single guy living on a commune full of Holy...

Straight Sex
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Fast job new career

Hi friends this is Nikunj here once again with my unique style of writing new stories, here my friend story. Her name is Sarah from Bangalore who came for job to Mumbai. She got a job in very first week. Just want to know how, read here. The buzzer on the office intercom sounded harshly, awaking Sarah from her daydream. She’d thought about this moment for months, and was now very nervous about this next stage. “hello”, she replied into the microphone. “ah Sarah, could you come in for...

4 years ago
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Your Furry Life

This is a story about your life as a furry. Full of sex, adventure, drama, romance, but mostly sex. But before we start, need to create you. Now tell me, are you male or female?

3 years ago
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Puppy ki Chudai

Hi friends welcome again and thanks for appreciating my story. Now the second part is at your service. Pehli baar bubli ko chodne par bahut maja aaya. Uski chut or gaand ko bharpuur choda. Ek bar lund ko chut or chut ko lund ki aadat pad jaye toh isko rok pana mushkil hota hai. Aab roj bubli mujhse chuwaye aur main use tadpa tadpa ke chodta. Kabhie lund uske moonh mein rakh kar so jata toh kabhie uske chut ke dano ko sirf masal ke chod deta. Lekin Bubli bhi pakki randi thi, who chahe jaise ho...

3 years ago
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Behaind my back she is sold at a sex slave auctio

I went to her usual Tuesday night spot, and overheard two guys talking about how the big black dealer wasn't coming tonight. He was going to an auction to get some new stock. He was planning to sell or trade the married white bitch he'd been fucking and dealing for 3years, and wanted to dump her and a Latino her hadn't been happy with. One asked the other where the action was, he'd fucked both those whores and wanted more of the Latin bitch. I heard the guy say a warehouse with blue lights on...

4 years ago
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Kelly and Jason After

I woke up about 2:30 and Kelly woke up around 3:00. I thought that I had answered Kelly when she mentioned about her birth control, and I learned later that Kelly thought it upset me when she said it and that was why I didn't answer. So neither of us brought it up waiting for the other to bring it up. I figured if Kelly was thinking about it, I wanted to hear it from her. Kelly thought I once mentioned it, but because I didn't answer, I had changed me mind and didn't want her to. I was...

4 years ago
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Masturbating for Flatmate

I sat alone in my room at university. I stared blankly at a Word document which so far only had an elaborately written title and rather little content. I couldn’t focus, there was something boring away at me. I had unfinished business and I knew nothing could be achieved until I had scratched my itch. Earlier that evening my flatmate had rudely interrupted an intimate moment I’d been having with myself. I was so focused on how wet I had made myself. My juices were making my lips slick and...

2 years ago
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The Singing Of The Cicadas I

Eric was sitting in his patio rocking chair, lazily enjoying the afternoon sun and the Mistral breeze. Contented, he watched his great-grandchildren run around and play in the garden of his old mansion in Aubagne near Aix-en-Provence. With his belly well-stuffed with tomatoes and pickled olives from his own garden, fresh baguette, well-matured Banon cheese and glass of his favorite Châteuneuf-du-Pape, he allowed his old body to relax and let the chirping of the cicadas lull him into his...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Agree for Gang Bangged By Husband FIL

Hi Guys & Gals ..I am back .. Sorry was not been able to write for quite sometime.. Kinda busy… No issues.. Here I go with another another incident..After my wife Kashish told me her first fuck with my Father.. And how she enjoyed.. The idea of threesome sex started boggling in our mind .. Yes of course Kashish.. Wanted both of us together.. She wanted a competition between me and my father simultaneously…Next day.. I have been to office, got a call that my mom need to visit doctor for her...

3 years ago
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My Friends Mom

Hello, it's been a while since I've written anything on this site. Mostly because I've been busy with school and my social life has blossomed. I know I was going to post pictures from my last story but I had no luck in finding any pictures. My old house got flooded and I knew exactly where my pictures were but there was too much mold by the time I got to them that they spoiled. Other than that misfortune, it's been pretty good.One of the positives about having a blooming social life is that I...

2 years ago
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Mistress Mine Chapter 4

Kimberly knelt there, staring at the huge bulge in front of her eyes. If Michael was anywhere near the size that bulge indicated, she was in for a real treat! Kim licked her lips and drew in a deep breath as she cautiously reached up for the waistband of his boxers. She swallowed hard as she began slowly drawing the boxers down. Quickly, the tip of his cock appeared and she looked up at him, smiling. She pulled the garment down a bit more until the whole mushroom head was exposed. She stopped...

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The Aunt Who Fucked Me

Hey, guys, this is sabs here 21 years virgin male from Bangalore, I have always enjoyed indian sex stories dot net for many years and I couldn’t keep myself from sharing my fantasies! My email is if you guys wanna reach me to have a piece of this virgin or to suggests improvements to my story either is deeply appreciated and thank you! Now let’s get to this tale of fantasy! One day our family moved into a new neighborhood and being the inquisitive boy that I was, I was checking out all the hot...

4 years ago
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the new housekeeper pt 1

Sasha Giovanni stood outside the white door, hesitating slightly before knocking. She was extreamly nervous and was almost hoping no one was home so she wouldn't have to go through with it. She was there for a job interveiw,the first she had got since arriving in england. Sasha was an imigrant from russia, she had moved to england with her grandmother after the death of her parents. After a long time of getting it all orgonised she had finally been given permission and hoped to make a...

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WildOnCam Blake Blossom Loves Fucking Oli8217s Cock LIVE

Blonde bombshell of a babe Blake Blossom is looking extra sexy in her matching pink bra and panty set. She loves to tease you with her nylons running her hands up and down those long legs. She loves how Oliver Davis uses his tongue on her clit while eating that wet pussy for all its worth. She might just cum like this and she hasn’t even had a chance to suck his cock yet. Worry not Blake is horny and loves fucking Oliver anyway you ask her to. As long as that cock is deep in her pussy...

4 years ago
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The Bite part 4

I stopped before leading Kristin down the hallway and ran into the kitchen and drank a ton of water. I would definitely need to rehydrate for what I imagined would be in store for us over the next several hours. I didn’t plan on getting much sleep in case this was a one time thing. I hoped it wasn’t. After returning, I placed my hands back on her shoulders from behind and directed her into the bathroom across from her bedroom and flipped on the light. She was a cum covered mess and needed to...

4 years ago
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Guardami se vuoi

L'avevo notata da qualche giorno quella ragazza sul Bus e mi chiedevo tutte le volte come poteva sentirsi a suo agio con quell'abbigliamento così provocante. Camicie decisamemte scollate, ed osservandola attentamente si poteva notare che il piú delle volte sotto mancava il reggiseno. Le gonne erano il suo pezzo preferito, sempre molto corte e senza calze, non ricordo di averla mai vista con altro abbigliamento nella parte di sotto. Anzi, ripensandoci, di tanto in tanto indossava una sorta di...

2 years ago
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You Can Call Me Daddy

One of the most beautiful young women I had ever met, and I lost track of where she was. It was at a party, and a friend introduced me to his niece, who would be staying with them for the school year while she pursued her Master’s degree. She lived in another state, but liked the program here at our local state university, so she came to live with her uncle and aunt while she continued her education. As I said, I was introduced to her, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Our eyes connected,...

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Jasons Game

Story: #UA-1 Copyright ©2005 Written: February 03 2005 A Story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ************************************************************************ ~~!! Warning!!~~ The below story you are about to read is not only cannibalistic in nature but also contains a female victim of no older then 17 years, this file has been sent you by your request, I am not responsible...

3 years ago
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Lusty Red Riding Hood

Chapter 1Once upon a time there lived in a tiny village a pretty young woman whom everyone adored—well, everyone except the girl's mother. Delores harbored great resentment towards Red, blaming the girl for the way her life had turned out. After all, she'd had a great relationship with her boyfriend until he found out she was pregnant. And then on the day the little red-haired bundle popped out of her belly, that no-good-bum (and Red's father) left her for her younger sister. For eighteen years...

1 year ago
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The Next Door Neighbors

It was a rainy afternoon in the sleepy town of Snoqualmie, Washington. School had just ended and I was driving towards my home in North Bend in the Uplands. My neighbors were going away for the week and they had asked me to watch their cat. Now take a step back and look at the opportunity this created. My parents were rarely home, and I had the key to my next-door neighbors home. I could be alone in the house for as long as I wanted, and do whatever, or I guess the more appropriate phrase would...

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Mrs Benson Gets the Cane

Mrs Helen Benson was a widow and she was keen that Harry, now just 19, succeeded in his career whatever that might be. There was a problem. He had not passed his final maths exam with a good enough grade to enter university in the autumn of 1960 but there were retakes in late August which, if he passed well enough, would get him.She was having a cup of tea with her friend Mrs Liz Hill, another widow. They had much in common and were best friends. Both were very attractive 40 year olds. Mrs...

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My Time as a Mexican Whore

bywifelvrman©The large man was pounding hard into Michelle's pussy as she lay on the small bed. The bed springs were squeeking loudly and the bed was slamming into the wall of the tiny room. He was grunting and about to cum. He had chosen not to wear a condom. It was always the john's choice. The man slowed a little in his thrusts as he pumped his seed into the pretty little wife. He moved to suck on her right nipple and then moved up a little higher on her tit with the full intention on...

2 years ago
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Best Class Ever

She was sitting next to me. She was beautiful. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Her features were amazing. She look beautiful even if she wasn't smiling. The way her lips were, how her hair fell, the blush of her cheeks. I snuck looks at her all during class, pretending to look at the teacher, at the board, looking at her while her head was turned. Her perfume wafted over me and fuzzed my brain. I couldn't get her out of my mind. Psych was not going to get through to me today. Then she...

4 years ago
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Cousins on VacationDay 89

I spent the day nervously cleaning the whole apartment. I did the laundry from the trip, put fresh sheets on our bed, and dusted every surface in the place. I had the stereo turned up loud and danced around as I did it, probably looking like a complete ass if anyone had been around to see me. I took Jules' car to go shopping in the afternoon. I stocked up on our regular weekly items, as well as a some plump chicken breasts and fresh vegetables for dinner. I kept my phone near me and checked...

4 years ago
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The Oyster Vol 01 Ch 02

The sultry day had ended with one of those wonderful sunset skies-with such gold as Cuyp himself never painted-though if truth be told both Pelham and myself were far too agitated to enjoy fully the beauties of nature. I cautioned my friend not to eat too hearty a meal. Somehow, we contained our impatience until the time came for us to wander through the cool of the old schoolrooms to our arranged meeting place. As we reached the bedroom door I could see Pelham trembling with...

2 years ago
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Inside Maple Grove Chapter 7

A story about one black family’s bid to conquer Boston’s EliteA Fantasy created by Ted Guy based on an idea by Julie Van.(Please read previous chapters to get maximum enjoyment).Chapter 7 - Cuckold time.continued from Chap 6…….Several days after her visit to the Jackson’s Sophie was sitting having dinner at home with her husband Adam. Things were still a little frosty between them but she was now making the effort to create a nice atmosphere between them as Stella had been in touch and made...

1 year ago
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Sex while asleep

Kelsea looked inside the dark room, and fumbled her hand around looking for a light switch. Her hand hit something, but no light came on. Finally, she found it. Light flooded the room, and she looked in with dismay. It was not a pretty thing. Kelsea had come to her neighbors house tonight to stay there since her parents did not trust her to stay home alone again. Not after the party she threw last time, which was actually her boyfriends idea; he just showed up at her house with friends and a...

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 36

I had put a gag in Michelle's mouth and placed a blindfold on her. Lisa showed up and I was reading the paper and drinking coffee. I asked how she was and she said she was doing well. I asked what the plan was for today. "I'm not sure. I don't have a model and I'm not sure what we should work on." I said, "We can just walk around campus. The tennis courts are down the street. The basketball courts are over by the stadium. If you grab my camera from my room, I'll put my shoes on. She...

2 years ago
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My Dearest Darling VirginiaChapter 13

The next several days went by in a haze. I was there, but can't tell you anything much that happened; other than that we buried Joyie and I didn't get much sleep because of the nightmares haunting me. I started seeing a counselor on the Monday Brad and I went back to school, and went to see her all that week, but by the end of the week, I decided I was tired of dealing with everything. I just wanted it to all go away and decided the best way to get it to go was to not talk about anything...

4 years ago
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Grans Sexual Awakening

I was a teenager in the Sixties, a time we were keen to learn about sex. It was an era, maybe the first, when it was easy to learn. Not as effortless as now with the internet, but censorship laws were relaxing, so the knowledge was available. It was the decade of Masters and Johnson, Playboy, the reprinted Kama Sutra and The Joy of Sex was only two years away. Our fathers, by comparison, were largely ignorant of their wife’s needs, hence foreplay was rare and the missionary method was the norm....

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