Distribution Ch. 07 free porn video

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Chapter 7 Meeting Paige’s family

When Paige called at nine PM, I’d made my calls, and had given up on hearing from her. I reported that the quotations for the water hookup were arriving, I’d spoken to Harold Whitney about the consulting job, and Charlie and I had moved the crates out of the living room.


‘Yes, Paige.’

‘I didn’t follow any of what you just said. You’ll need to keep notes. Anyway, that’s not what I want to talk about.’

‘Okay,’ I said, feeling very confused. ‘What do you want to talk about?’

‘Are you sure you’re over Marian?’

‘I’m sure.’

‘It’s only been three weeks.’

‘Three weeks is long enough. Being separated from her has made me realize that we had very little between us. Anyway, it didn’t take her long to move on. I have it on good authority that she’s seeing one of my tenants.’

‘What if she calls again?’

‘I’ll tell her that I’ve met someone.’

Paige abruptly hung up and I cursed myself for saying the wrong thing. When she called the following night I reported that I’d met with Matthew Dawkins about the barn. ‘Harold was here. He asked some probing questions that I would never have considered. Matthew wants everything out of the barn so he can get a better look at the structure. I agreed to move the auto parts to the basement, but I told him he will have to work around the antique cars. I don’t want to be rushed into advertising them for sale.’


‘Yes, Page.’

‘What you said about meeting someone. Was that someone me by any chance?’

‘Of course it’s you.’

‘You only met me three weeks ago.’

‘It’s been three weeks and two days since we met. That’s as long as it took Uncle Mackey and Aunt Elsie to fall in love. As a matter of fact, they were already making love.’

‘That’s a ridiculous analogy. They were young and it was wartime.’

‘I’m not suggesting that we’re on the same track as Mackey and Elsie were. You have to admit though, that we hit it off from the beginning, and we get along well.’

‘Not from the beginning,’ she corrected me. Paige ended the call before I could ask her what was going through her mind when we’d first met.

On Wednesday night I reported that the eBay bidding was going better than I’d expected. ‘I visited one of those pack and ship places today. The owner got excited when I told him how many items we’re offering for sale.’

‘I hope you’re keeping notes of your activities. My mind wanders when we talk on the phone.’

‘Paige, I look forward to your calls. I plan what I’m going to report.’

‘Are you holding anything back, Brian?’

‘Most of what I do would bore you. For instance, Harold is going to stop by tomorrow and we’re going to outline everything that we’re going to have done. I want a detailed plan to show the lady from the preservation society.’

‘May I ask you a personal question?’ she asked, like she had not been paying attention to a word I’d said.


‘Promise that you won’t laugh?’

‘I promise.’

‘Did you get sweaty today?’

‘A little bit. I helped Charlie trim the shrubbery around the gazebo. Why do you ask if I got sweaty?’

‘Did you shower?’


‘What are you wearing?’

‘Why do you need to know what I’m wearing?’

‘Humor me. What do you have on right now?’

‘I’m not going to tell you until I know why you need to know.’

‘I want to close my eyes and picture you. I need to know what you have on.’

‘Okay, I’ll give you a complete picture. I’m sitting in Uncle Mackey’s chair, re-reading a letter from Aunt Elsie. I’m wearing a pair of cut-off sweatpants. That’s all.’

‘That’s all? No shirt, no shoes?’

‘That’s right.’

‘Hmmm, I’m having trouble picturing you because I’ve never seen you with a bare chest.’

‘Yes, you have. Remember the day I played volleyball on the beach?’

‘Hmmm, you’re right. I get the picture now. But you didn’t take off your shoes that day.’

‘Believe me, you wouldn’t want to look at my bare feet tonight. The reason I’m not wearing shoes is that I stubbed my toe on one of those damned crates in the back room.’

I heard her giggle. ‘Why are you re-reading the letters?’

‘I remembered something that Aunt Elsie wrote. I have it here: ‘I hope you won’t hate me, Mackey, but I’ve done something without asking your permission. I sent your description of the fighting on the island to the local newspaper, and guess what, my Sweet? The editor published it. He called me first, and I couldn’t say no. He says you’re a fine writer and wants to see you when you come home. Please don’t be angry with me, my Darling.”

‘I recall reading that passage. I’m just realizing that they fell in love in a very short time and the letters strengthened their love for each other. Read some more please.’

‘I haven’t found his reaction to her apology, but it’s obvious that he forgave her. I’m looking for the letter where she told him that she was abstracting the parts from his letters where he told about helping the other patients in the ward. She went so far as to say that she would like to use them in a book. She even suggested a name for the book, ‘Tales from Ward C.”

‘Do you think it was ever published?’

‘I don’t know. I’ll search the web tomorrow to see what I can find.’

‘I’ll call you tomorrow. I can’t wait to know more,’ she said, ending the call in such a hurried fashion that it made me wonder if she was all right.

Her call came earlier on Thursday night. I had lots to report, but first, I had to tell her what I was wearing.

‘I covered my chest with a T-shirt, and my feet with sneakers.’

‘That’s not very interesting,’ she said, dismissively. ‘Tell me about the book. Did you have any luck?’

‘No luck whatsoever. I searched Mackey’s name and got lots of hits about his newspaper work and the magazine articles he’s written, but there was nothing about a book. I’m wondering if it was published under a different name or if he used a penname.’

‘I was thinking that it might be a fun thing for us to do together.’

‘What? Put a book together out of the old couple’s letters?’

‘Exactly. We could divide the research and the writing.’

How did she think we would have the time to research and write a book? Didn’t she know how busy I was? Did she have more spare time than I knew about? I was even more convinced that it would be impossible to find the time when she told me that she would arrive late the next evening.

‘We’ll stop for dinner,’ I suggested, and was happy to hear her response.

‘Okay, that will be nice,’ she said before saying goodbye.

It was nearing seven PM on Friday night, and I was becoming concerned that I hadn’t heard from Paige. When she did call, I was ready to let her have it.

‘We’re thirty minutes away,’ she said.

‘There are going to be some changes. First, I want your cell phone number, and second, I want to know what’s kept you. Tonight is going to be my night to ask the questions and it’s your turn to supply the answers.’

‘Brian, why are you being short with me? I warned you that it would be late tonight. I could have waited until tomorrow or Sunday to come, but I wanted to…’

‘You wanted to what?’ I asked, calming down.

‘I guess I missed you, but now that you’re being dictatorial, I’m not so sure.’

‘Paige, I’ve been a perfect gentleman. I haven’t pried into your personal life and I’ve let you dictate the pace. Hell, I’ve only been in the room you occupy that one time when we were listing the furniture for the silent auction. I’m warning you, tonight is going to be different. I’m going to ask the questions for a change.’

Other that the roar of the bus in the background, I heard nothing. When she didn’t hang up, I asked, ‘Did you reall
y miss me?’

‘Brian, I have something to confess,’ she said, side-stepping my question.

Her soft voice quieted me. I pictured her lips moving, the wrinkle in her brow, and the way she set her eyes when she was making a point.

‘I’ll be waiting when the bus arrives,’ I said, thinking that we were ending the call.


‘I’m still here.’

‘I did miss you,’ she said before I heard the line fade out.

It was obvious by the way she was dressed that she’d come directly from work. She didn’t jump from the steps and run into my arms as I expected. Instead, she walked slowly, her eyes in contact with mine, and she didn’t crack a smile until she was within arm’s length.

I pulled her to me, and our kiss was intense for a few seconds, until she pulled away. ‘Take your hands off of my ass. People will talk.’

We laughed about her assertion on the way to my truck because my hands had not been near her ass. I took her to an Italian restaurant and was sorry that I hadn’t chosen a quieter place.

It was not only noisy, it was crowded, and our table was not in the best location. Although I’d warned her that this was my night to ask the questions, I let her begin.

‘I had an affair,’ she said after the waiter had taken our orders. Naturally, I wanted to know more, when it took place, for how long, and if it was over. She supplied those answers without my having to ask. She had to lean forward to be heard.

‘It was a year ago. I guess I was feeling sorry for myself and felt the affair was something I wanted. It only went on for a few weeks. Russell found out about it and broke it up. I wasn’t sorry to end it because I had no feelings for the guy.’

‘Why did you think you had to tell me?’ I asked, wondering at that moment if I should tell her about Georgia.’

‘It’s my way of explaining why I’ve been cautious about…us.’

‘I never thought that you were being cautious. Actually, asking me what I was wearing was kind of racy. That will be something to tell our grandchildren.’

She was holding a wine glass, but set it down. ‘Brian, you make me nervous. We’re not Mackey and Elsie. This isn’t a race. You’re not heading off to a Pacific Island.’

‘That’s true, but I’m only here for a limited amount of time.’

‘How long?’ she asked, concern showing in her eyes.

‘Once the construction work is completed, we can put the house on the market. We can make decisions via e-mail, and I can make the distributions to the heirs from my home.’

‘Don’t forget about the stock.’

‘I’ve been thinking about that. I believe we should give Fred a sample of the stock tomorrow night.’

‘How did we get off on the estate? Is it the only interest we have in common?’

‘God! I hope not,’ I said, and watched her take a sip of wine.

Our meal was served. The food was delicious, but very filling. We talked very little, but laughed constantly. We got the attention of the people at the next table when we traded bites of food.

‘Are you celebrating a wedding anniversary?’ one of the ladies asked.

‘Yes, how many years do you think we’ve been married?’ Paige asked, winking at me.

‘Ten years?’ the lady asked.

‘That’s right. We were married ten years ago,’ Paige said, and the two couples congratulated us. They offered to buy us a drink, but Paige said that we were going to have coffee and go home, implying that she couldn’t wait to get me into bed.

I was bothered by what she’d said about us only having one thing in common.

‘We’re both widowed with children,’ I offered as I helped her into my truck.

‘We have the letters,’ she reminded me.

I found myself wanting to add to the list of things we had in common, but couldn’t come up with anything else.

Paige went directly to her room and returned a few minutes later with a radio, wanting to dance. She’d changed into short pants, sneakers and a T-shirt. I took my shoes off and danced in my stocking feet.

‘I was negotiating a lease with someone on the west coast. He didn’t realize how late it was getting,’ she said, explaining the reason she’d taken a later bus.

‘I thought you may have stopped at home,’ I said.

‘I caught the first bus out and called my home. Does that tell you how anxious I was to see you?’

We were dancing at arms length, talking casually. ‘Do you think we have a physical attraction for each other?’

‘You’re still hung up on what we have in common, aren’t you?’

‘I am,’ I admitted.

‘Okay, here’s a compatibility test. Rate the following as they apply to a relationship, sex, looks, and common interests.’

I stopped dancing and looked at her. ‘Are you saying to rate them in order of importance?’


‘You hope that having sex with an attractive person will be as good as they look to you, but it doesn’t always work out that way. The same goes for having sex with someone with common interests. I guess that I would place good sex first, regardless of how the person looks or if they have common interests. However, the lack of common interests could make great sex less important.’

‘Did you just change your mind about sex being number one?’

‘No, good sex wins out every time.’

Paige kissed me, and was halfway to the stairs before I stopped her.

‘Hey, how did I do?’

‘I don’t know. I’ll need to think about what you said.’

We didn’t discuss my rating of sex, looks and common interests again until Sunday night, Monday morning really. We started the day at the kitchen table, scouring the letters for mentions of Mackey helping other wounded veterans in Ward C. It took all morning to transcribe those parts of the letters, but when we were finished, we agreed that there was not enough for a book.

‘It’s going to take more research to expand on each story, such as what happened to the people Mackey helped,’ Paige said.

‘There’s also the love angle. Perhaps we could make it into a romance,’ I said, and was met with a shake of her head, as if to say that I was making too much of the letters.

After lunch, Paige wanted to go shopping, and while she was selecting the ingredients for the meal she was going to serve that night, I went to the wine shop next door.

Our guests were to arrive at seven PM, and the aroma coming from the kitchen was so appealing that I wondered if I would be able to resist sampling the dinner. Good cooking was running a close second to good sex on my compatibility preference chart.

Nadine wanted to take Fred on a tour of the house as soon as they arrived. His footsteps seemed to make the floors creak more that usual, until he got to Uncle Mackey’s room.

‘Did a hurricane go through that room?’ he asked when they returned to the first floor.

I laughed, and told him that Uncle Mackey had been a writer. ‘I get the impression that he knew where everything was. I try not to disturb anything.’

Fred had brought two bottles of expensive wine, which I opened first. By the time I opened the wine I’d picked out, no one knew the difference.

We all told Paige that the meal was exceptional. She humbly accepted our praise, looking fondly at me as she said that I’d supplied her inspiration.

I don’t know if we’d run out of conversation material or if it was the wine, but Paige began talking about the letters between Uncle Mackey and Aunt Elsie. Recalling that she’d specifically cited the letters as something we had in common, I joined in, and we were soon talking about the book we had in mind to write.

Our exuberance about the subject must have bored Fred, but Nadine became caught up in how Mackey had managed to help nearly every other soldier in the ward.

I’ll have to give Fred credit though. Not once did he mention the stock that we were going to sell. Even when, at the end of the evening, he accepted the list of twenty
stocks that I handed him, pocketing it without a word. The stocks I’d selected represented about twenty percent of the total, and were for companies that I’d scarcely heard of before.

Paige was agreeable to my suggestion that we leave the cleanup until the next morning. I escorted her up the stairs and into her room. She turned, and I took her into my arms.

‘Brian,’ she said, interrupting our kiss. ‘You have your hand on my butt.’

‘Oh, sorry, I’ll remove it,’ I said, making no move to lift my hand from her ass.

‘No don’t, I like having it there, just for a minute, and then you have to leave.’

Was this a test? I kept my hand on her ass for exactly sixty seconds before removing it and ending our kiss.

‘Goodnight,’ I said, backing toward the door.

‘Goodnight,’ she said.

I awoke to hear her in the kitchen. She laughed when I apologized for not helping to put things back in order. On the table was a steaming cup of coffee and a piece of paper that contained her cell phone number.

‘Don’t call me during working hours,’ she cautioned.

‘What if I have an insatiable desire to talk to you?’

Her frown quickly changed to a smile. ‘Leave a message. I’ll call you back as soon as I can.’

‘How will I know when you’re working?’

‘You won’t. I freelance for three small law firms, and work when they call me. Right now, I’m booked every day but Fridays for the next two weeks. That’s the day that I work for a manufacturing company.’

‘Thank you for clearing that up for me.’

‘You have every right to know everything about me. I feel that I can ask you anything, right?’

‘Right,’ I answered, wondering when it would be a good time to tell her about Georgia.

We talked about the best way to research the stories we’d extracted from the letters. I came up with the idea of putting Mackey’s work experience in chronological order. We took turns surfing the web and discovered that he had worked 38 years for four newspapers between nineteen-forty-nine and nineteen-eighty-seven when he retired. The four newspapers were in addition to the small hometown paper where he’d gotten his start after being discharged from the Army.

‘Tracking down the men he helped would add immensely to the stories,’ Paige suggested.

I agreed with her, but doubted that we would find any of them alive after all these years. There were only ten surnames given. Uncle Mackey had referred to the others by their nickname or the bunk number they occupied in the ward.

Nadine called to say that she and Fred had had a good time. She promised to be on time for the Monday morning meeting, adding that Fred would be leaving early, and she knew that Paige would want to catch an early bus.

Paige was so encouraged by the way our evening had gone that she suggested that we invite the Whitneys to dine with us the following Saturday. I’d seen how much effort she’d expended to prepare the meal, but I’d also seen her enthusiasm, and didn’t try to persuade her to wait a week or so. She telephoned Janice and received a positive response to the invitation.

After our late night, we settled for a snack and went to bed early.

I have no idea what time it was when I was awakened.


I became aware that I’d been rolled onto my back, and her upper body was sprawled on top of mine. She felt warm and soft and feather-light, all at the same time.


‘Where do you place trust on the compatibility chart?’

‘Trust?’ I asked, hoping she wouldn’t change positions. My cock was at attention, not two inches from her hip.

‘I trust you. Do you trust me?’


‘Put your hand on my ass. I want to show you that I trust you.’

‘Paige, I want you to trust me, but this may not be a good idea,’ I said, moving my hand to her ass.

‘Leave your hand there while you tell me where trust ranks on the compatibility chart.’

‘I have a confession,’ I said.

‘I knew it!’ She moved quickly, pushing my hand to the side, and jumping to her feet. ‘I knew you were hiding something. You even said that you’d done things that you were not proud of. I wanted to believe the best about you, but now I see that I’ve been wrong.’

She left me there, hard and awake. I got up to look at the clock on the stove. It was two-thirty-seven AM on Monday moaning.

Nadine noticed immediately that there was something wrong between us. Paige asked me to report, and when I asked for clarification, she said to report on anything I wanted. I gave the winning bids for some of the automobile parts, adding that I would be making shipments that day, and we would offer new items for sale.

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It was the beginning of 3rd year in college, Evan and I have been together since first year. Now we are moving in together, well sort of, we are moving into a rental with his two buddies Jason and Steve. Evan and his friends are computer geeks. They love their online games and computers and coding. Me, well I am Amanda, your typical college student. I am 5’3” 165 lbs, I know a little chunky but I still feel sexy. I have long brown hair, c cup breasts and fairly big nipples.Evan and I have a...

1 year ago
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VIRUS Prologue

VIRUS: Prologue By Destiny Iraq fired the opening shot in the Second Gulf War when it tested its deadly new nerve gas against its old enemy Kuwait. The effects of this chemical death were hideous, people dissolved as if soaked in acid, becoming little more than piles of blood and steaming tissue. The attack was well timed; America was in an election year and none of the aspiring candidates wanted to be branded a sabrerattler. Russia was still suffering its own problems and...

3 years ago
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Night Skies Hotel IX Tears of the Giants

Night Skies Hotel IX: Tears of the Giants By Solari Historian's note: This story is set during the "modern" era of the Night Skies Hotel; specifically, from May 2006 through September 2006. It isn't necessary to have read the other NSH stories in order to appreciate this one, but there are some references to events and characters from those stories. Credit for the songs "I Know You're Out There Somewhere" and "I'll Be There" go to The Moody Blues and Escape Club,...

1 year ago
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Girls on Display

"Oh no, you can't have brunette-on-brunette," Jessie cut me off. "She needs to be a blond or a redhead." This conversation took place over the phone while I was at work, so I had to be cautious as to my choice of phrasing. Further complicating the matter was the fact that on just the other side of my office wall was my young, light-brown-haired employee whom I was just talking about, having suggested her to my other brunette friend over the phone as a potential partner in our escapades. What I...

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The Coffee ShopChapter 12

Two years later... Glenn drove toward Clinton Middle school with Sierra in the passenger seat. “I feel bad taking Jackie out of school on her first day.” she said. “It was Dr Langley’s only opening,” Glenn replied. He parked in the visitor’s lot. “I’ll go fetch her.” After announcing himself via the intercom and being buzzed into the building he headed to the office. “I’m here to pick up Jackie Poole for a doctor’s appointment,” he said to the school secretary. “May I see an ID?” He...

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Chithra Anniyai Sex Seithen

Hi friends, en peyar Vinoth, vayathu 23 aagugirathu. En chithi kanavan oru varudathirku munbu iranthu vitan chithi aduthu thirumanam seithu kolvathaaga illai. Engal vetil thaan oru varudamaaga irukiraal. En chithi vayathu 34 aagugirathu avaluku ivalavu natkalaaga kuzhanthai ilai, athanaal avalaal veetil thanimaiyil iruka mudiya vilai. En appa chithiyai engal veetile thanga soli vital, en chithi udan veliyil selum pozhuthu niraiya aangal chithiyai sight adipaargal. Enaku chithi meethu entha kama...

2 years ago
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Ice Fishing With the TwinsChapter 10

I’ve been with a few women in my life. I wasn’t a virgin when I got married, but I wasn’t a cocksman, either. The woman I was most familiar with was Cathy, who taught me pretty much everything I know about how to please a woman. Of course I never thought about it like that. I thought about it as learning how to please Cathy. As it turns out, multiple women appreciate some of the same things, when it comes to being bedded. That said, Gloria was nothing like Cathy in the lead-up to the main...

3 years ago
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Casanova Redux Ch 17

Having my father’s blessing certainly made me feel better but nothing could touch my happiness at knowing that Withers, that Peter, would be returning to the estate. I needed to talk to him, to at least try to explain what I did to him. I needed to know if he could forgive me, if he could see past everything and find me again. I had to know if I still mattered to him. My father was true to his word. I stood at the window and watched Withers stride into the yard, throw the doors of the forge...

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College Days Of Pune 8211 Part 2

I had 3 angels, like Charlie. But I had to tackle them in a different way. Ranjana and I reached the campus of a company, the watchman asked us about the purpose of the visit. He wanted me to get down and write our names on the register that was kept in the watchman’s tower. But he saw her hand is holding my dick and the scarf-dupatta is covering her hand and my dick. He smiled and brought the register to me so that I can fill it without standing away from my bike. While we were entering the...

4 years ago
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My Two Girlfriends

Chapter 1 "I can't believe I'm going to be 24 next week and I'm still a virgin!" Huffed Leah as she slumped back into the sofa. "I've tried getting drunk with the guys, hanging out with them, everything! Either I just can't get him to make the first move, or I'm just not relaxed enough to let things get started." "All that means is that you're not ready yet." Maggie quickly responded. "But I want it so bad. It seems lately all I can do is think about sex. ...

2 years ago
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Shackled Part 2

Now it was my turn. I strapped myself into the cuffs and waited for him. I looked down at myself, my black lace panties with matching black corset, I would pay for being clothed but I wanted to. The cuffs were slack on my wrists, I knew they would soon be tightened. I looked behind me at the table of toys and my wetness grew in my panties.  The door opened, I turned my head sharply to see him as he entered, dressed all in black and his top clinging to him to show off his impressive arms. A...

4 years ago
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Adjustments Part 2 The Beauty of Grey

Adjustments Part 2: The Beauty of Grey By Starson Daly ***This is part two of the Adjustments saga. It's as if the whole thing were one whole book. Enjoy!**** [email protected] ****THE STORY SO FAR: Devin, a college student is involved in a lab accident and becomes Nia. In the first part, we learned of his struggle to adjust to being a woman. Now. . . .***** Chapter 7 - Stardom If you had told me a year ago that I would be the new star actress in my college's...

3 years ago
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Quick Blowjob for a Stranger 1

Hi, I’m Steve, and I have been a bi-sexual male from around the age of 20 I guess and now I’m in my 40’s my sexual preferences haven’t changed. I like the company and sexual relationship of a female but I also like to make a guy cum and I have taken to doing this spontaneously and in public places if I get the chance.This short story is about a time when I was doing some retail therapy in a local retail park. It always makes me horny looking through the different clothing department for...

1 year ago
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Wednesday afternoon

Marion anxiously waited for the doorbell to ring, as she checked her watch for the third time in the last ten minutes. "Where was she," Marion thought to herself, "I wish for once she'd be on time!!!" Ten seconds later the apartment air was split by the loud resonance of the bell and Marion quickly buzzed her friend in. She opened the door listened for the footsteps coming up the carpeted stairs, but oddly, she swore there was more than just Evelyn's steps she was hearing! A second or two later...

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Loving Mothers and Daughters

This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! Sally was six days late and was certain her husband Jerry had caught her. The only thing that marred her happiness at being pregnant was knowing that she would need to go through this pregnancy alone. With her two previous pregnancies, she had a sister or cousin in the same condition, sharing the experience, but one cousin had moved away and the other had her tubes tied. Her sister Mary was due in three weeks and would not soon...

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Fantasy sex

She wets her lips with her tongue at the thought of taking his huge hard cock into her mouth. Her pussy is pulsating with pleasure thinking about the pounding that she is going to get by his hard cock. In her mind she is already on her knees in front of him, looking at him, telling him with her face that she is going to give him the best oral sex of his life. When he arrives at her home, after a few glasses of wine together, she makes her fantasy become a reality, as she takes his hard cock...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The Program Chapter 1

If you were to see me walking with my family and friends, you might think that my life was wonderful. The life of what is known unofficially in this country as a Government Princess. More beautiful clothes and accessories then you could shake a handbag at, my monthly pocket money has increased tenfold from what it used to be, a father who loves me, although the same is not true with my so called mother who put me in this position. If you saw me, you would probably think that I was a...

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FamilyHookups Catalina Ossa Catalina Ossa makes a deal with her stepbro

Catalina Ossa is in trouble; her car is in the shop and she needs to get to work tomorrow to start her new job at the Kinky Spa. She asks her stepbrother if she can borrow his car, but he tells her “Cash, Grass or Ass. No One Rides For Free”. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have cash or grass, but she does have a great Ass. She thinks its weird that they are step siblings, but he doesn’t care he tells her consider it practice for her new job at the “Kinky Spa”. her bro gets his way slamming her...

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My first time with Twins

I have just got promoted to assistant manager last month. Thanks to the deal I pull of with my manager Markus. It brought my company around two million dollars. I have been working so hard, it's been months since I have any actions. That was until last month. It was a Friday night; I decide to give myself a break. I called up my friend Allen and we went to this new bar around the corner where I work. It was pretty cool, music was a bit loud but the place was packed. We found seats at the bar...

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1 Clan Amir A Fighting HeritageChapter 02

Two days later they’re staying in a hotel in Queanbeyan, NSW, just outside of Canberra, ACT, as Ed has an appointment to talk to a Member of Parliament the next day. The MP is a close friend of a cousin. During the drive down he’s had a few long talks with the girls. They informed him their main reason to be in Australia is to hire troops to help restore the Royal Family to the throne in Berant. Mara has jewels to finance the task. They also explain the claims about all of the Royal Family...

1 year ago
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Jannat Ki Sair 8211 Threesome With Pakistani Couple

Hello friends, I am Alvin. I am 21 years old from Mumbai. First I would like to thank all my reader for your lovely feedback. Aise hi mujhe support karte raho. If you want to contact me. Mail me on Same on facebook. Time waste na karte hue me story pe aata hu. Me bohot bore ho chuka tha aur internet pe surf kar raha tha. Mujhe mere ek friend ne kaha tha ek site k bareme.Jaha aap randomly kisi k sath b connect hote ho and fir chat kar sakte ho. Me kabhi kabar vaha jaya karta tha. Us raat b me...

4 years ago
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Banging The Beautiful Neighborhood Aunt Pt 2 Fucking Amitha

This is the continuation of my previous story ‘Banging The Beautiful Neighborhood Aunt’. Read my previous story to know about how I banged a hot beautiful lady in her flat. Let me introduce myself. I am Vicky 24 years young from Bangalore. I’m a freelancer and I work for graphic designing in my own startup. After the erotic experience with her, I used to meet her regularly in the gym. She and I used to tease each other a lot in the gym too. I used to grab her boobs and ass and she used to do...

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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 09

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 09 DAY 15 and Back Home Day 01 ************************ After an early breakfast I just had time pack my bags before the coach was due to pick me up. I was feeling quite depressed as I went down and checked-out at reception. I wore the same skater skirt that I’d arrived in and a tube top that wasn’t see-through...

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My first chance to wear stockings

I have an auntie who was always considered glamorous, she was c***dless but used to like having both her nieces over to stay and impart her worldly way on us.We, typically, were always rummaging through her drawers, looking for clothes to wear and shoes to put on. We were still c***dren dressing-up but she imparted the notion of stockings and garter belts, though the later, did never have the same effect as the former.She never married and being a society girl, was never short of male friends,...

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An Unforgettable Melody Ch 06

The Firebird, Finale (Stravinsky) Concerto for Trumpet in E-flat, Movement III (Hummel) The Trumpet Shall Sound (Handel) Petrushka, Ballerina Trumpet Solo (Stravinsky) Pictures at an Exhibition, Movement I (Mussorgsky) Symphony No. 5, Movement I opening (Mahler) Pines of Rome, Movement II trumpet solo (Respighi) Shut Up and Dance (Walk the Moon) Have You Ever Seen the Rain? (Creedence Clearwater Revival) An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 06 Melody awoke around 9:45 on...

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Love to fuck

Hi. This is Jagat Mehta from Patna. I’m 38yrs old man & work as a professional as IT lawyer here. I m quite good looking man of around 5’11”. Right from my teenage days I have been in dream of having sex with a horny girl. Now coming to story that happened 5 years back as I said I am IT lawyer here and for some work went to meet a lady assistant commissioner at Income Tax office at Patna. It so happened that when I entered in her room she was having her lunch. Normally in this condition peon...

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Marcs Last Week at WorkChapter 2

The following day was Friday, and Guin stayed home. She was still surprised at what she had done with Marc yesterday afternoon, and even more surprised at how much she had enjoyed it. Her mother had also been brought up in a strict religious household, and all she had taught her daughter about sex was that it was for procreation, not enjoyment. Guin wished she could talk to her mother about yesterday, but she had left early that morning for a weekend bible conference. Angelique, Guin's...

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The Raping of Tessa and Laurie Part Two

Tessa glared at him as she balled her bound hands into fists then narrowed her eyes as she was fed another piece of bacon then spit it out at his face "What do you want from me? You've had me in every possible way...why are you keeping me here?" Slapping her in the face and knocking her sprawling sideways into the bed, Steve set the plate down on the night table and crawled on the bed beside her "You lousy bitch...I show you some hospitality by feeding you and you spit it out at my...

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Times of OldChapter 03

In the morning, when he wakes up to the soft light coming through the many light holes, Ed thinks about how this morning is the real start of his new life since it’s the first day with his new mates and living in his cave. Today he has many things to do to see they’re set up to operate in full safety. He also has to see if he needs to deal with Fast Deer soon. Rolling over Ed looks at the still sleeping Dawn, Fawn, and Dove. He’s surprisingly happy with the sight. Unmarried in his former...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 245

Near a Mountain Chalet It was dark out now, and both Carlson and Jamar were asleep as Braswell, directed by his GPS, maneuvered the van up the deserted mountain road. He nudged Carlson awake. "Only about a mile to go. It's blacker than shit with this cloud cover," he said, motioning to the outside, "and I'm tired. Help me look for the place. Supposed to be two red reflectors on either side of the driveway. The address is 34617 and the number is supposed to be posted on a tree beside the...

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My sexuality

First a little information about the people in this story. First one is Ed, he is a 18 year old bisexual. He is about the same height at me. Pretty slim, and has a nice bubble butt. He was my best friend and also my second cousin. Second one is my distant uncle, the father of Ed. His name is Dan, He is 6ft 5 black man. He is in his 60s. He isnt Eds real father, He adopted Ed when he was 3-4 years old. Up until the event took place, i have seen Dan only a few time. Ed lives with me and my...

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Perfect PairChapter 3

Alicia answered the door, paid for the pizza, and quickly shut it again before she could ponder whether the pizza guy was salvageable or a complete dork. Walking back to the kitchen, she put the pizza down. "Kaci, come and get it!" She yelled out to her new friend. "Coming!" Came the reply from the bathroom. Since meeting her new friend yesterday morning, the two of them have really bonded fast, Alicia thought. After the movers left, she had taken another shower, and spent until lunch...

1 year ago
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A new world

Authors note: First off, all persons in this story are 18 years of age or older. I like to describe young adults with girl or boy rather than young woman or young man. This story happens many years after the events of my stories "Chosen" and "A (porn) star is born". There will be references to events and characters from these two stories, so if you are unfamiliar with the two stories, I recommend checking them out before reading this story. I will add a chapter with character info, which may...

Mind Control
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Find your black manwhite womanwhite man match at

OK, this was a "project" given to me by a good friend, thought I'd share it here!FOR THE RECORD: I have never actively participated in the "cuckold" lifestyle, although I am intrigued by it...probably my biggest fantasy (outside of being the towel-girl for the Kenyan jr college basketball team) has always been: having a white guy watching me have sex with a black guy...enjoy!CUCKMATCH.COM!Helping White Men to Learn Their Place!Hello (new member)!You have a new message from: Mandi Lou at...

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I was drinking some water and just felt a wind hit be from behind, just urging me to look behind. So I turned around, and there she was. A tall, long red haired, dark eyes goddess of a woman. She looked like she was in college, which made me wonder why she was even there. She stared at me, just stared as I looked at her. She was wearing a long skirt, sweater, and had her hair flowing in the wind. Her eyes just never left mine, and for some reason I never left her’s. I just stared and...

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Wild Sex With My Junior

Hello friends. It’s been a long time since I posted about my sexual adventures. This incident happened when I was in the second year of my degree. I was passing time on Facebook as every youngster does. Fortunately, a friend request came from a girl. I was shocked to see a request from a girl. Her name was Sherin(name changed). I saw that she was from the same school and accepted her request. At first, I was doubtful and thought it might be a prank made by friends. I thought let’s try my luck....

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