- 4 years ago
- 31
- 0
It wasn’t that he wanted to be engaged to Stephanie, well in one way he didn’t want that. He did want her to be only his. At least until he could get her out of his system. Daren just wasn’t ready to walk down the aisle with anyone. If that ring she had on her finger kept other men away from her then yes, he wanted to be engaged.
Once he came to that conclusion, he took a drink of his beer and asked, ‘Is the idea so horrible?’
Stephanie dropped her head to the table and groaned, ‘Are all SEALS certifiable?’ When Daren just looked at her bemused she asked, ‘Why?’
‘Three reasons, if you must know.’ He held up one finger, ‘One would be to tell your ex you are not his.’ He held up another finger, ‘Two is that no one would question me and the guys being with you 24/7.’ Holding up three fingers, ‘I don’t share. So, for as long as we are together, you are mine.’
Stephanie pointed out, ‘That means you are mine, too. I won’t share either.’ A shit eating grin covered her face, ‘Does that mean I need to get you a ring, too?’
Surprisingly enough, the thought of wearing a ring from Stephanie didn’t bother him. Daren looked down at his watch. The jewelry store would be open for at least thirty more minutes, ‘Throw on some shoes.’
Stephanie laughed, ‘OK, big shot.’
Daren was pleasantly surprised that she didn’t bother to primp or put on make-up. She grabbed her shoes and put them on, grabbed her cell phone and a credit card. She walked to the door and turned towards him, ‘Ready?’
He couldn’t help it, he laughed. Before she could open the door, he kissed her. When he knew she was extremely worked up, he pulled back, ‘I really do like you, Stephanie.’
Saucily, she winked at him, ‘Good thing since we’re engaged and all.’
Stephanie was waiting for the punch line. There was no way Daren was serious about this whole engagement business. She thought he would protest wearing a ring from her, so when they made it to the jewelry store to find one, to say she was stunned would be an understatement.
An elderly couple smiled broadly as they entered. The woman patted the man’s chest as she greeted them, ‘She said yes, Daren? I’m so happy for you both! You must be Daren’s Stephanie.’
‘Yes ma’am.’
‘Please call me Anne. I’m Anne Tolliver and this,’ she pointed to her husband, ‘is Charles.’
Charles embraced her and kissed her cheek, ‘What do you think of your ring?’
Stephanie blushed and glanced at Daren, ‘I love it. It’s perfect.’
Daren planted a kiss on her lips, cupping the side of her face, he looked at her with a look that made her feel…special. He told her, barely above a whisper, ‘You are perfect, baby.’
Charles cleared his throat and Stephanie looked up to see tears in Anne’s eyes. Daren told them, ‘We’re here to find a ring for me this time. She thinks if she’s going to wear one, then I need to as well.’
Stephanie smiled and Anne led her to the other side of the store, ‘Let them stay there and look. This is something we need to take care of, honey.’ As Anne pulled open the case of rings, ‘What do you think, dear?’
Stephanie saw the one right off that was perfect, ‘That one.’
Anne obviously approved. While she rang up the sale, Stephanie held the double band. It was a platinum band that held a small row of sapphires so dark they almost appeared black until the light hit them. The other band that was with it was a thin plain platinum band. Stephanie hoped Daren would like it.
Stephanie quickly reminded herself, it’s only for three weeks. He won’t ever wear the wedding band. The sadness she felt was irrational and she knew it, because as soon as the mess with Jeff was over with, so were they. Anne had just boxed up the wedding band portion and Stephanie slid it in her pocket when Daren’s arms wrapped around her waist.
Daren kissed her neck as she slipped the sapphire band on his finger. She could feel him look at it over her shoulder, ‘Look.’ He laid her hand on top of his, seeing that their rings complimented each other had tears pooling in her eyes.
Charles asked, ‘May I?’ As he nodded towards his digital camera, ‘I’d love to take a picture of you two.’
A picture would be perfect, Stephanie thought. Something to remember the man I fell in love with.
The next morning, Stephanie was still in La-La Land. Making love to Daren last night and waking up in his arms this morning was definitely La-La inducing. Just thinking about what he did to her in the shower less than two hours ago had her clenching her thighs under the table.
The girls were all chattering away and Stephanie was having a hard time participating. She made a conscious effort to keep her left hand under the table waiting for Daren to show up. She just couldn’t pull this three week engagement off without him.
‘Steph, what’s with you?’ Jessica asked.
She blushed, ‘Huh?’
Erin gasped, ‘You slept with him, didn’t you?’
Stalling, ‘Um…’
Sarah exclaimed, ‘Details!’
Thankfully, Daren chose that moment to appear, ‘Hi, baby.’
Just like he had been doing it forever, not less than twenty-four hours, Daren delivered a bone melting kiss on her lips. Without thinking, Stephanie brought her left hand up, sliding it to Daren’s shoulder.
Sarah asked, ‘Is that …?’
Erin groaned, ‘Oh, holy hell!’
Jessica gasped, ‘Oh My God!’
Daren chuckled against her lips and asked, ‘Didn’t tell them yet?’
Stephanie mumbled, ‘I was waiting for you.’
Sarah, the hopeless romantic of the group, recovered first. She came around the table and hugged them both, ‘I’m so happy for you both! It’s so sweet!’
Erin laughed and said, ‘The sex must be amazing for a ring to be in play this quickly!’
Stephanie hid her face in Daren’s chest as Daren said, ‘Hell yes it is,’ wiggling his eyebrows.
Erin threw her napkin at him, ‘I meant for her!’
Jessica somberly asked, ‘Um, Stephanie, are you sure this is a good idea? I mean with Jeff and all…’
Daren tensed, ‘I’ll deal with him.’
Stephanie placed her hand on Daren’s chest to calm him down, ‘We’ll be fine, I promise. Daren knows all about Jeff. As for whether or not I’m sure?’ She bit her bottom lip and blushed when she looked at Daren, ‘Yeah. I’m positive. We’ve agreed it will be a long engagement.’
Daren busted out in laughter, ‘Three weeks is a ‘long engagement’?’
All three of her friends repeated him in unison, ‘Three weeks?’
Stephanie covered Daren’s mouth with her hand and jerked it back quickly when he licked her palm, ‘He goes back to report in in three weeks.’
Immediately Sarah started planning, ‘Three weeks is doable. We can find a dress for you and all of us, of course. Then the guys will be able to rent tuxes. Cake shouldn’t be a problem. I bet we can do it all at your house, Stephanie! It will be perfect out by the flower garden and gazebo!’
Daren smiled and cut Stephanie off as she tried to tell Sarah, ‘I didn’t say…’
Daren kissed her, ‘Sounds perfect to me.’ Stephanie couldn’t hide the confusion in her face. No one said a damned thing about actually getting married. Hell, it was a fake engagement! It was just for three weeks, until he leaves. Daren leaned down and whispered, ‘Just go with it. We’ll straighten it out later.’
Sarah continued, ‘Of course, Jess will be the maid of honor, me and Erin will be the bride’s maids, right?’
Stephanie’s stomach churned, ‘Of course.’
‘What about the guys? How will they rank?’ She asked Daren.
As Erin just shook her head and mumbled, ‘Nothing hideous for a dress.’ Jessica took notes on what needed to be done.
Daren spoke up, ‘Beau can do the ceremony. We’ll talk to him about it when we get back to Kentucky. Chase will be the best man, and the others can be groom’s men.’
Stephanie had to put a stop to th
is before it went too far, ‘Why don’t we talk about this stuff later? Like later this week.’
When her cell phone rang, she jumped. She pulled it out of her pocket and cringed, it was Jeff. She wasn’t about to answer it, but Daren grabbed it out of her hand, ‘Hello?’ Everyone at the table quieted. Only Jessica knew the full details of everything that had happened with Jeff and she stiffened, realizing who the call was from. Daren was the only side of the conversation they could hear, ‘Who is this?’ He paused, his voice menacing, ‘Well, sorry about your luck, Jeff. Stephanie and I are engaged. Lose her number or you’ll deal with me.’ He hit a button to end the call and said, ‘Excuse me, ladies.’
Stephanie watched as Daren walked away from the table getting his phone out. Probably to call Chase, she guessed.
Jessica asked, ‘You ok, Stephanie?’
Nervous laughter erupted from her, ‘I guess, just a little off balance.’ Once she realized how that would sound to her friends, she pointed out, ‘It’s crazy. I want to be with him, but it’s fast. I never thought I’d feel like this.’
Sarah smiled, ‘How did he ask?’
Stephanie laughed and told the truth, ‘He sat the ring on the table and said, ‘Put that on.” All of their eyes got big, ‘I argued for about half an hour about how crazy it was, but he convinced me. Then I decided if I was to wear a ring, he had to. We went and picked one out for him, too.’
Jessica was the one to ask, ‘Do you love him?’
Without hesitation, Stephanie honestly replied, ‘Yeah, I love him.’
Daren almost swallowed his own tongue when he overheard Stephanie admit that she loved him. Did she really or was she just trying to convince her friends like they talked about? He remembered her telling him that she was a horrible liar, and if he was a betting man, he’d bet that it was the truth.
When her friends immediately went into plan the wedding mode, he thought it was a good idea. It made everything seem more believable. Letting them plan and all, would help to keep them from figuring out what was going on. His inner voice asked, ‘What is really going on though?’
Daren avoided looking too much into that question just yet, one thing at a time. Deal with her ex first. Then they’d figure out where they stood. Once he knew she was safe, maybe then he’d be able to get her out of his system. If not, well…who knows? Maybe an indefinite engagement until he had a chance to.
As he sat down at the table, Stephanie blushed. He loved how easily she got flustered, made it easy to see what got to her. Smiling he asked, ‘You love me, huh?’
Instead of answering, she told him, ‘Show the girls your ring.’
His eyes never left hers as he lifted his hand, displaying the ring Stephanie got him. She held his stare, but he could tell she hid what she was thinking, blanking out on him. Daren decided he couldn’t have that and cupped her face. He knew her bottom lip was sensitive and rubbed it. Immediately, her eyes glazed over, ‘You ready to head home?’
Stephanie grumbled, ‘That’s not fair.’ When he winked at her, she rolled her eyes, ‘I guess I’ll see you guys at work tomorrow.’
There were more hugs and promises to get together on Wednesday night to plan the wedding. They made sure to point out that the guys were expected as well. Daren agreed and they were on the road within moments. He was on the phone most of the time or she feigned being asleep, so he couldn’t question her and the love comment. He let her keep her pretense of sleeping until they arrived in her town.
Gently, he shook her arm, ‘Show me where everything is.’
Stephanie blinked at him, momentarily confused. Maybe she really did fall asleep. After she rubbed her eyes, ‘The next left,’ she pointed, ‘will take you to the elementary school where I work. At the end of that street, take a right and go about 8 miles. My house is on the left.’
Daren actually liked the fact that it was a small town. He smiled, easier to take care of the Jeff issue. As they passed the school, he noted that it was small yet looked to be inviting. He noticed Stephanie chewing on her bottom lip as they got closer to her house and asked, ‘Nervous?’
He held her hand when she nodded, ‘A little. I just never know what to expect when I open my door or leave and come home.’
The thought of her being afraid constantly upset him. What made this Jeff person think he had the right to torment Stephanie? Daren vowed silently that he would take care of him and soon. Stephanie would not worry ever again. Squeezing her hand he told her, ‘The guys are at your house. Everything’s safe, I promise. They also got you a surprise.’
Her face lit up, ‘Really? What did they get?’
Daren smirked, ‘Consider it an early birthday present.’ The fact that she didn’t mind the guys being in her house made him feel good, ‘Oh, we need to tell them we are engaged.’
‘They don’t know? I thought they knew the plan?’
Her confusion was evident. Daren hadn’t told her that the engagement deal was a spur of the moment thing. When he’d been walking past that jewelry store, he glanced in the window and saw the ring. That’s when the thought to put it on her finger occurred. Hell, it was a gut thing. He just knew it would make things easier and he didn’t like the thought of anyone questioning him being with her. That damn inner voice pointed out, maybe because you want to be with her for longer than the three weeks. Daren quickly ignored his thoughts, deal with that later, he reminded himself.
Daren shrugged, ‘I decided that it would be best. I guess I forgot to mention it to them with everything else going on.’ He could feel her watching him, ‘I hope you like the surprise.’
As they turned into her drive way, Daren noted that there was a long entrance, which was good and bad for security reasons. Trees made a tunnel affect drown the drive and it curved before the house came into view. A two-story cabin with a wrap-around porch sat in the clearing. It had a homey feel to it with plenty of flowers around the edge of the porch and trees in front of the house. She even had a front porch swing and a basketball goal in the drive, which is where the guys were gathered.
Almost as soon as the truck stopped, Stephanie jumped out, ‘Where’s my surprise?’
Daren laughed, ‘Hey guys.’
Chase walked over and wrapped his arm around Stephanie’s shoulders and Daren had to fight the urge to rip it off. Guiding her to the porch, Chase said, ‘Your surprise is sleeping.’
Right under the swing, a small black lab puppy was curled into a ball. Daren turned a glare to his guys, ‘I said a dog, not a puppy!’
Beau spoke up, ‘Figured shorty would rather have a puppy.’
Stephanie giggled, actually giggled, and hugged each man before she made it back to Daren. Wrapping her arms around his neck she soundly kissed him, shutting him up. ‘Thank you. I love it!’
Daren grumbled, ‘I’m glad you like it, but how’s a puppy going to protect you?’
Beaming at him, ‘I thought that’s what you were for?’
All the guys laughed and Jake asked, ‘Uh, Dare?’ Daren looked at him and he continued, glancing at Daren’s ring finger, ‘What’s with the ring?’
Almost flippantly, Stephanie said, ‘We’re engaged.’
‘What the fuck?’ Chase asked and all of the guys stared at Daren in disbelief.
Daren shot a don’t-fuck-with-me ook, telling them, ‘I asked, she said yes after I convinced her.’ All of them but Chase looked at him like he’d grown three heads, ‘What?’
Chase looked pissed as he told Daren, ‘We need to talk.’
Stephanie touched Chase’s arm, ‘It’s OK, Chase. We’re fine.’ Chase nodded at her, but shot a look to Daren as she asked, ‘What’s the puppy’s name?’
She picked up the sleeping puppy which immediately woke up and started licking her face. Daren walked over petting the runt as Jake said, ‘You tell us, shorty. He’s yours…well I guess yours and Daren’s?’
Stephanie decided after talking to the guys for a bit that it would be a good idea to start supper. They offered to go get take out, but she wanted to cook for them. While they sat outside playing basketball or playing with the dog, she started cooking. She thought back to when she and Daren were on the way to her house and how it worried her having all of the guys there a little. She was afraid that it would have been intimidating, but oddly enough it was comforting.
All of them seemed to accept her engagement to Daren extremely well, all of them but Chase that is. Even Stephanie couldn’t help but notice how upset he was over it. Why Daren never explained that it was fake, she didn’t know or understand. What is the point of them not knowing the truth?
She was starting to feel extremely guilty for not telling her friends or his friends the truth. Stephanie knew Daren probably had his reasons for not telling them, but it still didn’t make complete sense to her. She was lost in thought while she cooked until she felt someone watching her. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Daren leaning against the door frame.
Her breath caught in her throat when she saw the look in his ice blue eyes. Stephanie’s body went from being complacent to achy in a split second.
As he leaned against the door facing, his arms crossed, Stephanie realized how big Daren really was. His arms were the size of her thighs and his chest and abs were honed, rippling with muscle. His olive skin tone only accentuated the color of his eyes. His lips were full and soft, except when he was annoyed. No man had a right to look as good as he did in a tee and old jeans.
When her gaze made it back to his eyes, he winked at her and Stephanie rolled her eyes, trying to act like he didn’t affect her nearly as much as he did.
Turning her back to finish supper, ‘Let the guys know it’ll be ready in about twenty minutes.’
She felt his arms wrap around her and couldn’t help but snuggle up to him a bit, ‘It smells great, but you smell better.’ He brushed his lips against her neck. Doubts crept in and Stephanie stiffened against him wondering if this was all a part of the act, too. ‘What’s wrong?’
Stephanie lied, ‘I need to wash my hands.’
She stepped away from him and while she washed her hands, closed her eyes, trying to build some type of defense against him. She cringed as he said, ‘Don’t, Stephanie.’
Blowing out a shaky breath, she asked, ‘What are you talking about?’
Daren turned her around, ‘You’re walking away again.’
She stammered, ‘N-no…’
Daren’s lips covered hers. Gently coaxing, he kept the kiss soft. Stephanie whimpered. She didn’t know how to fight this. How on earth do you not give into the person that you stupidly fell in love with? Kissing him back now, she was the one to deepen it, opening her mouth, brushing her tongue against his lips.
He groaned and lifted her onto the counter. She wrapped her legs around his waist, clutching him. She needed him to be as close as humanly possible.
Jake’s voice interrupted, ‘I’m too young to witness this display.’
Daren laughed and Stephanie buried her face, hiding. Daren asked, ‘What do you need, Jake?’
‘Well, uh…’ he blew out a breath and chuckled, ‘Damn, I just never thought the day would come, you know?’
Stephanie’s interest peaked, ‘What do you mean?’
Jake smiled as Chase spoke up from behind him, ‘Well, we all were trying to figure out if it was true or not. Placing bets on if the engagement was the real deal.’
Daren growled, ‘Dammit, guys…’
Jake laughed, ‘We know it’s real. Just watching you two is all the proof any of us need.’ He sobered up slightly and told Stephanie, ‘I’m glad you’ll be a part of our family, shorty.’
Tears threatened to spill over her eyes and Daren hugged her to his chest. He told Chase and Jake, ‘Supper will be ready here shortly. Can you give us a minute?’ Chase acted like he was going to come closer and Daren said, ‘Please, Cougar.’
As soon as the guys left the room, Stephanie admitted, ‘I can’t do this, Daren.’
His voice seemed distant to her as he asked, ‘Can’t do what?’
She looked into his eyes, ‘I hate lying to people I care about.’
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The Pre-nuptial Agreement By Margaret Jeanette Margo Dunlop was having lunch with her old college friend, Susan Hatfield. She had not seen her for ten years. They were reliving old times, then their conversation turned to personal matters. "So, tell me Sue, did you ever get married? I thought you and Kevin were awful close in school." "No, I never got married. Kevin decided to study some kind of mysticism and I am definitely not into that. I've been going from place to...
After the Saturday movie adventure, I stayed away from the pool, not sure how to act around the girls. I was a lust-filled fool; I wouldn’t say I was in “love” with either Barb or Bren, but I loved the moments with them. It was uncomfortable to be around then not knowing if they knew what the other had done with me.It was now late July and the best summer of my life was fast drawing to a close and school would start soon. I arranged to hang out for few days with a school buddy across town.Brad...
MasturbationJaise ke maine meri last kahani mein bataya tha ke kaise maine mere niyu chachi ko choda, aur mere dore ab ANU par the. ANU meri cousin. Lekin yaha to sab ulta hi hogaya. Kyon ki mein to chodana chahata tha anu ko lekin maine choda meri bahen ko.Meri behen , jisaka naam hai Avanti. Avanti padhati hai first year B.Com. Figure 38-26-36. Bohot sexy. Meri chachi ke kahane par Avanti ne bhi meri chachi jaise hi lambe baal kiye hai. Usake baal bhi usake choutaron tak hilate hai. Aur usake baal baal...
Tommy began running his soft fingers through my hair and down my back. I felt so safe in his arms and I didn't want this time together too ever end. He ran his hands up the back of my shirt and began to gently rub my back. We stopped kissing as I sat in his arms enjoying the feeling of him rubbing my back. As he rubbed my back he slowly brought his other hand under my shirt and pulled me closer to him. I could feel an erection starting to form in his pants and I could only wonder what thoughts...
The door bell rang and I opened the door to find Willy standing there. "What the fuck do you want?" "To talk. To clear the air so to speak." "I don't need to hear anything that you have to say." "Maybe not, but I need to say it. It won't take long. May I come in?" I stared at her for several minutes (looking mostly at her throat and wanting to put my hands around it and squeeze as hard as I could) before stepping aside and letting her come in. She went straight for the kitchen...
I have been exploring my sexuality for a while now and while I cannot confirm that I am a straight man, I am still not sure which category I fall into. But a trans person is living right next to my apartment – Benny and I feel like doing dirty things with him. I mean like he dresses so well and rocks a full face of makeup with a slight beard. He does have generous boobs and I have thoughts of my trans neighbor, every time. But because I wasn’t sure what to do, I did have a booty call...
Cross DresserSome guys are soo lucky that they dont have to do anything and often require minimum or no planning to get laid. Sometimes the man is completely unworthy of the girl but still manages to fuck her. These will be some stories.Mainly oneshots and some continous ones where some guys gets a chance to score a woman. Contains various horny ladies and mostly young guys.
I broke down and finally called the number of an escort service I got online. I was very nervous having never done anything like that before. I had a very particular fantasy I wanted to indulge and thought this was the best way. A sexy sounding lady answered the phone.“As you might already know we specialize in making fantasies come true, so what are your fantasies?” She asked in a sultry sounding voice.“I … well … one of my favorite videos is ‘babes balling boys’ and I well …” I stammered...
After fucking my tight asshole with her favorite huge black dildo, my sweet wife Ana tried to convince me I should try a real black cock.Anita convinced me to start doing some exercising at her gym.There was a huge black trainer who had often fucked my sexy wife’s ass. She said the guy was a perfect lover and he would love to feel the tight ass of a handsome white man like me… Then I was there sitting in my car outside of the gym, thinking about what Anita had said as she had fucked my ass last...
For the next three years, "Bob" was in my life on a bi-weekly basis.As he rubbed and relaxed me, he began talking about his other clients, some of them male film and TV stars. Often, I would arrive early and the previous client would still be getting dressed, or the reverse - clients would arrive early. If I had not showered and dressed, he would make them wait outside.He had one client, a French singer who was not very tall but [reportedly] had a dick that reached his knees. At least that is...
Part 1 Jack Brewster balanced himself at the foot of the worn mattress, his pants open, cock jutting out longer and harder than any 55-year-old's probably had the right to... especially one belonging to someone who'd been through as much as Jack had. We were in the beach house Jack had been renting with "misdirected" government funds for five years. Jack had been doing lots of unauthorized shit, which was why I was sent here to collect him. One untrustworthy soul dispatched to retrieve...
Hi I’m 41 years old and married to my wife for 15 years and have two children. My sister is married to her husband for 18 years and has three kids.me and my wife separated so my sister came to stay with me for a few days on her own.the first night we had a few drinks and my sister went to sleep in the spare bedroom. The second day my friend give me a sex drug to boost my sexual feelings I mixed the drugs in my wine and while I was in the shower my sister drank my drink and started feeling...
FantasyI slept like a log in my new ‘home away from home’. Satisfied, relaxed, empty-headed, a bit hungry and with a piss hardon, I had woken up the next day, (or the same day but hours later) I had no sense of time, nor did I care. I opened the tent, and after a short battle with the zipper, still unable to focus, stepping outside, when I realized I was still stark naked. Just as I turned around to head back in to put on some clothes, I figured what the point was anyway. No one near to see me and...
After a few months of posturing tough against their persistent flirting and cajoling me, I took pity on my hubby and his dear friend. I knew they wanted to get me between them and get between my legs. I decided to play ball. I had guessed very well that my hubby fabricated a fancy story of his friend Dev's wife getting worked up due to a mischief made by Dev of fondling my boobs on the day of Holi festival. It was a cheap, worn out prank which could have worked elsewhere, but I knew their...
Group SexDear Readers, This is my first attempt at fiction writing. I ask that you please give constructive comments and try to overlook the many mistakes that I am sure that I have missed. I hope that you enjoy the story. For those interested in the sexy parts those will be along in part two. ***PROLOG*** //////////////////// "We are screwed if we don't produce some results soon. How long before we can do a human test? We have until August and then the DOD grant will be past time for...
I looked deeply into my wife's eyes. It was serious, she was on her hands and knees waiting to be taken. However, it was not by me. No, it would never be me again. She looked at me as I sat naked in the overstuffed chair by the bed, cock in hand. My tiny cock was hard as a rock in anticipation of what I was about to witness. This is what I have always wanted. My fantasy was about to come true. My deepest desire was about to be fulfilled, by watching my wife's pussy being filled by dark black...
Lena Paul knows what it takes to be a secretary and after a hard day at work she so badly wants to be rewarded. She teases her trimmed pussy wishing so badly Rod would come and fill her up with that big black cock. After seeing her flaunt those beautiful big tits he needs to get a piece of that wet hot pussy! Lena is in heaven with that hard cock thrusting harder and harder into her. Rod is giving her a raise alright with that hard cock as he picks her up and makes her take it all deep into...
xmoviesforyouI fucking hated working at this ad agency. It was the late nineties and there were lots to chose from. Everyone was hiring. But there was no way in hell I was leaving this place. For my career it sucked, but for my inner pig, it was a gold mine. I was surrounded by women who were total bitches...aaaaaaand they couldn't keep their shoes on. An EVERY one of them had feet that were awesome in their own way.There was Remmy. She was a super smart, but played the dumb blonde, super cool exec with...
HOW IT COULD HAVE BEEN By Miss Wendi Robertson This is a fictional account of how it could have?most likely would have?been had Jack and William met as young men of similar age. The period would be the late 1950s or early 1960s when transvestites and their admirers were still very private people. The setting is a lovely small college somewhere in America. William is age 22 and Jack is 23. William is a freshman and Jack is a...
A little info about myself, I am 5ft 11 weigh around 170 lbs I have dark brown hair and green eyes. I had just started college, I had just broken off from my high school girl friend and was looking to score some chicks in college, but as luck would have turned out it was going to be the otherway around. It was my first day in college and I was standing in front of my class waiting for the lecturer to come, I was looking for someone that I may know from High School or anyone to pass the...
I’m in my 50s now and married three times so I’ve had an abundance of sex over the years but I will always remember my first orgasm from fucking. It was amazing and also my first threesome which may have brought it on. I had been married once before it occurred and in that first marriage we had plenty of sex. It was always pleasurable but he was young and had no idea how to satisfy me. He would usually cum about 10 seconds after entering me and then fall asleep. I had been masturbating since I...
Hey people! I am Priyesh. I hope you people have liked the previous parts of the story. I got a good amount of responses on the previous parts. Thanks to all the people who had given nice responses. Okay, I am now coming back to the story. Rani was very good at blowjobs. Her tongue was moving very sexily on my dick which was fully erect by now. She was sometimes sucking my dick, my balls. Her actions with my dick were amazing. As we both were sitting on the couch, she had to bend to suck my...
IncestTaking it to them“We better go check on Tara” I say to Shiho and Kimiko.“Yeah she’s still not moving” Kimiko says.We rushed down the stairs to the living room. Tara was lying naked still where Mikey and Russ left her. She looked like she was dead. I check her neck and felt a pulse. She started to stir and I was relieved. “How do you feel?” I ask her.“Like I got a hard fuck that I didn’t want” She says to us.“My God Tara you better take it easy. Your back is covered in welts.” Shiho tells Tara...
Yankee Swap, Chapter 1 "Number nineteen - who has number 19?" Ken slowly moved across the crowded room to the Christmas tree and picked up a flat rectangular box. He ripped open the wrapping and displayed the stainless steel onion basket for all to see. This was his 'gift' from the Yankee Swap. Now the choice was to keep it or swap it. For those unfamiliar with a Yankee Swap, it is an old New England tradition. An item that was received as a Christmas gift, that...
My name is Eva, and I'm a stressed out workaholic. I grew up in suburban San Diego but moved to Los Angeles with the idea that being in a bigger, more bustling city would introduce me to more people and give me a more 'active' lifestyle. Unfortunately, in the 3 years since I graduated college and moved here, the only 'active' part of my lifestyle has been my workload. My friend Carrie moved here with me, and while we no longer share an apartment, we still meet every Thursday evening at...
Straight SexSometimes being in charge sucks. Usually, our consulting firm is a smoothly running machine. My staff of six is hard working and always meets their deadlines. However, in recent weeks, things had become considerably more hectic and it had all of us on edge. A large client had hired us to put together a proposal tied to a multimillion dollar real estate investment, and they gave no quarter when it came to wanting absolute perfection from us. They called constantly, would drop into our suite...
This is not a true story. Duh! But it might have been. No sex but Adults Only, anyway. ================== After School Job by BoyChiq and Lainie Lee I got home from school and like every Friday night, I started for my room to change clothes right away. My mother called from the kitchen. "That you, Jerry?" "Yeah, Ma, it's me." I dumped my books on the bed and pulled the rubber band from around the ponytail that I wore tied close to my collar. My nearly black hair fell...
I slammed shut the book on Calculus. If Newton and Pythagoras knew what sort of bastardization their knowledge had become, they would surely be rolling in their graves. I mean, they were two of the most knowledge esoteric seekers of all time! Standing up, I avoided eye contact with anyone in the room. Never know who might be watching you know? My bag was slung over the corner of my chair, where I could feel if anyone was trying to slip anything in there or take something out. I don't know what...
The embarrassment she felt was beyond anything she had ever experienced. Her family had gone away south towards Bavaria visiting and she had decided to occupy herself by tidying the house. Now, in this time of reflection, she had no idea what had possessed her to repair the scratches in the bath, but that is what she had done. Two coats of white scratch repair paint to the bottom of the bath. Hours later she had caught a glimpse of her own reflection and realised how much paint had ended up on...
I was really beginning to loathe this bitch. I started imagining the worst thing a man could do to a bitch. So one day, I decided to follow her home, just to see where this bitch lived. As I imaged, this bitch lived alone and didn’t have a damn man to go home to except for a cat. No wonder this whore didn’t give a damn about us going home because her ass don’t got no one to go home to. What a fucking cunt! She is probably a dam dike. Turns out, she only live like two blocks from my...
In Private Specials, Young Beauties, cute teen Clockwork Viktoria is rehearsing a dance routine for her performance at the Bolshoi, but after a long practice session, she’s in need of something to release the tension. Of course, there’s no better way to relax than sex, and soon enough her man Frankie G arrives to eat her pussy and relieve the stress. Then watch the rest of the action on www.private.com as this young beauty goes on to enjoy a passionate and intimate fuck that has her moaning all...
xmoviesforyouthank you for the responses and I give you my word to keep subsequent stories 100% real and factual. For future stories, they don't necessarily follow a timeline - instead, I'll recall the hottest sessions we have had and post them in that manner.At his salon:We arranged for me to be the last customer on a Friday - the dreaded 6 pm appointment. Brian had no problem with telling the receptionist she could leave, "I'll close up when I'm done". After washing my hair, and had me undress before...
I am married woman with a family. I am 49 years old. Black hair down to the shoulders, slightly plump, round hips, and have a very large bosom (similar Kay Parker). My breasts have made my life very good and exciting. I was young when my breasts started to grow. I got up early attention from guys and older men.What I will tell, my sex experience yesterday. We had a family birthday with my in-laws. I was dressed in low-cut shirt, thigh-length with garters, leather boots and coat. I took the...
It seemed that I hadn’t gotten up early enough. My bed was shaking and coming up off the floor. “Wake the fuck up sleepy head.” “What time is it?” “5am.” “What the hell?” “Let’s go, we’ve got work to do.” I sat up. My leg wasn’t as bad as it had been although I knew that the crutch was still necessary. Getting dressed there was grumbling on the other side of the door. There’d be hell to pay if the ankle biters were woken up early; Grandmother would kill us. There were some mango...