Dissertation Offense/Defense free porn video

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This love story has a long build-up before things get heated. Please be patient. I’ve always found that having a stronger sense of who the characters are makes for a more intimate experience when the fireworks finally happen. Enjoy.

Dissertation Offense/Defense

‘This isn’t a good idea. Stop smiling, Sanjit. I really don’t think this is going to work. I could count on one hand the number of times that I’ve agreed with Ethan and on top of that, he’s a class-A jerk. Three years of classes, another year of being a TA with him and…’

‘Rachel. Insight and understanding are not vegetables harvested by a lazy farmer.’

Rachel pursed her lips to suppress a sharp response. After almost a decade of working with Professor Rajagopalan, she no longer processed his mini allegories or endless analogies as words. She’d come to accept his speech patterns in a more fluid form of gestalt. Even the almost comical sing-songy, ‘veg-a-ta-bals’ failed to soften her resolve. Had she been a bit less intense of an individual, Rachel would have long-since noticed that Sanjit would lean more heavily on his native accent with good-natured humor whenever her temper got the best of her. Sanjit continued, ‘Ethan most certainly sees the world with different eyes than you and that is exactly why you shall partner with him. I must be blessed to have the opportunity to watch a pair of strong minds as they strive for answers on questions that society must consider. Ah, my luck to be advising both of your dissertations and each on such similar topics. A nest full of eggs, but what kind of birds will hatch?’

‘I wouldn’t say that the topics are the same. In fact, they’re antithetical. Ethan wants to package the world’s data and sell it. He ignores the heart of the issue that people want their data to be private. He’s dismissive of the essential historical context that demonstrates the need for constraining corporate actions in the present in order to avoid the inevitable wanton abuse by government regimes of the future.’ Rachel’s eyes were bright with the passion of her argument.

The silver-haired professor looked fondly at the young woman whom he’d watch grow in so many ways. She had started in the MBA program as an ideological 23-year old and was now an equally ideological, if not significantly more informed, 29-year old about to start her doctoral dissertation. Were he her father, he would be both proud and so very interested in seeing such a girl find the right person to share her life with. Sanjit had a wry thought about how his own mother and father would have dealt with Rachel. He reached for his tea that had cooled enough to sip and looked out at the typical red brick buildings of the George Washington University campus in Georgetown. He said, ‘Yes, yes. But a girl who walks through the woods and only comments on the roots of the trees is not so much noticing the many-colored birds above her.’

Rachel laughed. ‘Okay, that wasn’t particularly subtle. I get it, but I don’t have to like it.’


Ethan stripped off his windbreaker and long-sleeved compression shirt. Now that he was back in his apartment, the exertion of his run was catching up to him without the early Spring, chill breeze from Lake Michigan. Sweat beaded on his forehead and a rivulet skirted his nose before plopping on the hardwood floor. His muscles felt loose rather than exhausted which was a sign that his workout had been lighter than usual.

After punching on the power of the espresso machine to let it warm up, he wandered over to his laptop and cracked the lid to bring the screen back to life. A pernicious addiction to email still lingered with him even though it had been a years since he’d been in the ‘real world’ as the academics called it. He could always tell which students hadn’t spent time working prior to heading into business school. The angst expressed over twenty or thirty emails in an inbox was a pathetic clue about some student’s lack of workplace experience.

The mail at the top of his queue was from his financial planner. Ethan had a number of decisions to make now that the final tranche of money from the acquisition had come through. One outstanding idea, a shealthy sprinkle of good luck, four years of horrifically rigorous work, the termination of a friendship that he’d imagined was unbreakable, subtract one fiancé and the result was that little Zenttara, Inc. sold for forty seven million. That gave his investors a 600% return on their money and left the three principals with enough to make sure that funding their retirement was never going to be a problem. There were no private jets or penthouse flats in New York for him, but Ethan had a beautiful condo and the freedom to choose how to spend his days. Going back to school after a windfall like that was not what most people would have done. His two partners had become serial entrepreneurs who were chain smoking start-ups. Paul could fall off a cliff as far as Ethan was concerned, but it was good to see that Liz was enjoying the thrill of the next fight. As for Selma, his ex-fiancé, she could go fuck herself.

Ethan unlaced his shoes and set them aside before sifting through the rest of the correspondence. When he got to Rajagopalan’s mail, he blew a long-suffering sigh. The phraseology of the mail was pure Sanjit, but the implications were going to make life more difficult. ‘Liberal use of manure enriches soil…’ was his favorite line from the mail as there was no shortage of bullshit he was going to have to put up with from Rachel. So much for pure independence as he worked on his dissertation.

The espresso machine emitted a satisfyingly industrial sound as it masticated the beans before applying pressurized hot water to extract the flavors that signaled the start of each day. The smell of the crushed beans lingered in the kitchen long after the grinding and hissing had ceased. Ethan grabbed the mug and wandered down the hall to get showered and changed.

He’d known Rachel Aberlieb during the three years of doctoral course work at the GWU Business School when he’d still been living in D.C. She’d already been at the school for a number of years having completed her MBA and directly matriculated into the PhD program. She was the classic academic, ivory tower, idealist that made him nutty. Crazy-bright, annoyingly well-informed, and had never had to worry about making payroll or managing cash flow to keep the lights on and the doors open for another month. She’d never put in the sweat equity to convince an investor to lay down a few million based solely on roughly estimated numbers and a belief that you have what it takes to make a business work. The two of them had been like oil on water and there had been endless conflict that he looked back on with some regret. She’d managed to bring out aspects of his personality that he didn’t much care for. She was pretty, but so damn opinionated that he’d long-since given up on thinking about her as anything other than a source of near-constant debates.

Oh, well. At least the coffee was good.


‘Symposium on Globalized Data’ was printed in bold, blue print next to a stereotypical logo of a globe with the continents made up of binary code. The garish vinyl sign hung above two female undergrads who looked awkward in their attempt to wear ‘business formal’ clothes. The young ladies were manning a registration table armed with highlighters, a list of attendees and an ironic stack of printed versions of the research being presented at the conference. Ethan was waiting in line, musing on a symposium about the management of electronic data that was producing unneeded paper when Rachel approached. The ever-present Nalgene water bottle in one hand, her phone in the other and an over-stuffed shoulder bag banging against her hip. Ethan’s jaw clenched in anticipation of the conversation.

Rachel wanted to start things off with Ethan on a positive note even if she deplored the idea of working with him. She’d promised Ra
jagopalan that she would at least try. She and Ethan hadn’t seen each other since he’d moved to Chicago at the end of the previous school year and she was almost certain that by the end of the day, she wouldn’t feel any better about him. Yet like most hard things in life, she felt it was best to tackle it head-on. ‘Hey, Ethan. When did you get into town?’

‘Oh. Rachel. I got in on Saturday to catch up with Phil and Ling. I hadn’t met the baby yet.’

Rachel’s expression softened and an uncomplicated smile emerged at the mention of Ruby. ‘Yeah, Ruby is adorable. I’ve been over there a bunch helping Ling keep up with the laundry and whatnot. Really it’s an excuse to see the baby, but I’d like to think I’ve been making Ling’s life easier.’ Rachel shifted the heavy shoulder bag that had her laptop and sundry documents stuffed into it. ‘Did they tell you about the big move?’

‘Yeah, it’s going to be a hell of an experience.’ Ethan was slightly taken aback by Rachel’s friendliness. ‘The baby’ll adapt to everything easier than they will. I wouldn’t want to live in Dubai, but the offer was too good for Phil to pass up.’ Ethan noticed that Rachel had new glasses. The lenses were smallish rectangles surrounded by deep green, slightly blocky frames. He had to admit they looked good on her but, as usual, the rest of her baggy clothes did nothing to enhance her appearance. She was most definitely not high maintenance. ‘So are we going to find time to chat today or tomorrow? I think both of us probably gave Sanjit the same response, but if we don’t wade into things, he’s going to get on us.’ Ethan could produce a near perfect impression of the old professor. ‘Plow horses who do not take to the yoke are likely to end up as glue.’

Rachel laughed at the impression. But the laughter was forced as she tried to make light of the stress underlying the conversation. She made a failed attempt at humor, ‘Yes, but only if you acknowledge up-front that I’m right. That’ll make everything easier.’ Her throat tightened involuntarily as she realized how poorly she’d masked her distaste of working with Ethan.

‘Riiiight. How about we stipulate that Rajagopalan is the one who’s right and we’re both investigating alternative options.’ Ethan was wary of getting things off to a poor start. He knew Rachel had been trying to lighten the mood, but the negative tension was palpable to both. He gestured toward the conference room. ‘This is supposed to wrap-up at 4:30, what do you say to dinner at 7:30 and we can ask the waiter to keep all knives off the table.’

‘That’ll work.’ She didn’t acknowledge Ethan’s more adept attempt to lighten the mood. She was glad that he’d offered the time which showed he was at least going to make a real attempt. Rachel was thankful that there’d be time to hit the hotel gym before dinner. She’d try to bleed off energy in hopes of avoiding unnecessary once they got talking about their dissertations. ‘Lobby at 7:30. See you then.’ She turned and moved into the crowd that was heading into the conference room.

Biological programming, or what most would call ‘being a guy,’ resulted in Ethan noticing that Rachel’s skirt was pulled tight across her backside by the weight of the bag at her hip. She wasn’t particularly tall and she was slight. There was a visually pleasing curve revealed through the nondescript fabric.

‘Name please. Sir.’ A curt voice cut into his absent reverie.

Ethan’s cheeks reddened slightly. He wondered if the girl behind the table had noticed where his attention had been drawn. It was going to be a long day.


‘The poor bastard didn’t know what’d hit him. That’s the last time he’ll try to use Bertenson’s or Melks’ work to explain away anomalies based on a regression function like that.’

Ethan had left the conference and immediately changed for a workout. He was running on a treadmill next to another ex-classmate who was also working on a dissertation. ‘Colin, you’ve got to hand it to her. She knows her shit. I could almost hear a collective groan from all of the Colonials in the room when he tried to dismiss her point with that argument. Rajagopalan doesn’t even go down that path anymore.’ Sweat had darkened the neckline of his shirt and he was ratcheting up the speed of the machine now that his legs were loose. He’d purposely set a later meeting time so the workout might get his head ready for what he now thought of as ‘The Great Dinner Debate.’

Colin briefly looked over at Ethan and said, ‘So I hear you’re going to combine your research with Aberleib. You sure you’re up for that? She’s an amazing researcher, but the two of you have…’ He thumped along for a few more steps trying to think of a way to capture the point, ‘er…your points of view aren’t generally compatible.’

‘You’d noticed, huh?’

A grin sidled into Colin’s expression. ‘You remember the seminar class with Professor Seldridge? I thought Aberleib was going throw shit at you that time you started doing a cost analysis on the fly with the numbers she’d proposed for her group’s solution.’

This was not one of Ethan’s favorite memories. Rachel had pissed him off even more than usual that day and he’d let his emotions get the better of him. He’d never normally set out to embarrass someone, but he succeeded in that forum. He’d dismantled her assumptions, projections and conclusions with cold precision that left Rachel scarlet and furious. They hadn’t spoken for a few weeks and then, after that first blowup, their only meme had been arguments. Looking back on it, she’d been an easy target for him to vent other disappointments in his life. He replied, ‘Yeah, I do. But I’d rather not.’

Colin said, ‘You were unstoppable after that. I think you’re the only one who consistently got the better of her.’

‘Right.’ Ethan hit the up-tempo button five more times hoping to put himself into an anaerobic state so he wouldn’t have to keep the conversation going. He really didn’t like thinking about that day or his later behavior with Rachel.

Thirty minutes later, he finally relented on the pace and slowed the belt to a fast walk for a cool down. He was drenched with sweat and Colin had already gone back to his room. As his breathing came under control, he became more aware of another set of feet pounding away on a treadmill. The wall of windows along which all the cardio equipment was arranged was divided in the middle by a large support pillar for the building. He let his treadmill come to a final stop and waited for his inner ear to stop playing tricks on him. The sense of forward motion passed and he stepped off to use some of the weight circuit equipment.

He glanced quickly at the other runner and immediately averted his eyes so as not to be caught looking in the reflection of the window. Black running tights, a bright red jog bra and dark hair pulled back in a ponytail was all that he registered. His second surreptitious glance allowed him to admire the slender mid-section and the dimples in a toned lower back. While adjusting the weights on the lat pull-down machine, he focused more on the ass in the running tights. Distracting. He sat with his back to the runner and began his first set of reps. Using the mirror across from him, he took a longer look and was inwardly bemoaning how long it had been that he’d been with someone. The ponytail bobbed to the rhythm of her stride and he moved onto the chest press which unfortunately had an obstructed view.

Just as he finished his third set, he noted that the treadmill’s tone dropped to a whisper and then completely off. He came around the machine to find the girl bending to get a cup of water from the cooler. He toweled his head and wandered over to get some water as well — maybe a little conversation could lead somewhere.

Rachel turned and gave a startled yelp. ‘Oh. Hi.’

‘Jesus…Rachel.’ Ethan was flabbergasted. The mental leap from ‘hot’ to ‘Rachel’ was so abrupt as to leave him temporarily addled. His first try at a res
ponse came out as a mélange of two or three words and he had to start a second time. ‘I had no idea…’

‘No idea what?’ Her brow furrowed.

‘Ah…that you were…I mean a runner.’

Realization dawned on her that she was out of context for how she generally allowed people in her academic community to see her. She never ran on campus, always preferring to use her time on the road to be away from her daily work. Aside from the treasured time for thinking that running afforded her, she was following her father’s advice about keeping professional and private lives separate. That thought was accompanied by an unexpected embarrassment from her exposed mid-section. She tried to casually wipe her face with her towel and then held it lightly in front of her.

Ethan couldn’t help but notice the tight fit of her top and the outline it had presented or how her running pants emphasized the shape of her hips. Her body was well-proportioned for someone her size. He forced himself to look her in the eye. ‘Seems like we had the same idea. After sitting all day, I was looking forward to getting the blood moving a little.’

She didn’t want to admit to the fact that her eagerness to exercise was because of their upcoming dinner, and not in a good way. ‘Yeah. I was getting twitchy too. So, um…okay. I tell you what. Ah…I’ll go get cleaned up and see you downstairs at 7.’

He could see that she was also a bit flustered by their unexpected encounter. ‘We’d said 7:30, but if you want to…’

‘No, no. Sorry. Right. 7:30. Okay — see you then.’ She kept the towel where it was and was annoyed with herself that she’d gone for the door so quickly. He’d looked good with his hair tousled from the workout and she’d admired the strength in his forearms and hands. Shit…what was she thinking? Bad idea. Very bad idea.

Ethan watched her go and when the door closed he said aloud, ‘Wow.’ Completely not what he expected.


‘I’ll have the crab cakes to start and the wild mushroom pasta. Thanks.’ Rachel handed the menu to the waiter. Her nervous fidgeting resulted with her ankle knocking over the big blue water bottle that she’d brought down to the lobby out of habit. Silly to have it at a restaurant but she hadn’t wanted to go back to her room to drop it off. She leaned down and stood it up behind the chair leg.

‘You sure you don’t want some wine with dinner?’ Ethan asked. After she declined, he ordered a glass of cabernet for himself and his dinner. ‘Right, round one. Where do we want to start?’ Rachel really didn’t want this to become a fight. She’d seethed about his embarrassing her in a second year class and it had colored her impression of him for years. Following that conflict, it seemed as if the two of them were always locking horns over one thing or another. His inflexibility had met her stubbornness with predicable results. Yet Ling, her closest friend from business school, was always trying to get Rachel to soften her opinion of Ethan. In some ways, the fact that 18-months had past since they last saw each other was making it a bit easier to be objective. Apart from his habit of disagreeing with her, he was a self-possessed guy who had a sharp mind. It seemed as if everyone else in the doctoral program liked him and the undergrads he worked with worshiped him. On top of that, all of the emails they’d traded over the past few weeks to figure out where they were going to meet to get their research lined up had been nothing but cordial. Also the image of him in the gym had unexpectedly lingered during her shower. Again…bad idea.

Rachel said, ‘How about both of us try to drop the whole ’round one,’ ’round two’ stuff. If we’re really going to work on this together I think we can’t approach it like boxers. We both know that we fundamentally disagree on how data should be used.’

‘Do we really know that?’

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Topping for my lunch

If you are new to my post I will provide a brief overview of who and what I am . I am a transgender who should have been born a girl. I have lived my whole life as a female. My 6th grade teacher was my first when I was twelve. he used,a bused, pimped me off I was his sub for many years. Due to a few things that were done to me in my younger years I am unable to get an erection (do not care anyway I have a useless tiny clitlit, should have been a pussy wish it was gone.) , Anyway I also do not...

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 3Chapter 18

Book 3.18 We played one more tournament before the end of the summer, and we all felt that it was anticlimactic after the big win in Miami. It was also sad because the girls would be too old to play in the junior league, since after the next summer, they’d be entering high school. Melody came, and worked for Darcy as an account executive, but since she traveled so much she was seldom in our bed, but it was still a fun time when she was in town. Chuck stayed with the Vice President until...

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Red Dress

© Copyright 2003 "Do you mind if I sit here?" The voice belonged to a fit looking woman I judged to be in her forties. The most striking thing was the bright red dress she wore. It was a spaghetti strap party dress that fit her very, very well, but seemed to be an effort to make her look younger. "Sure, have a seat." After ordering a white wine spritzer she turned and stuck out her hand. "I'm Linda Pearsol." "Dan Helton. Nice to meet you." Her handshake was firm and she had a...

2 years ago
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My friends fucked my mom and my sister

Hi: This is a true story, which really happened to me few months back. I have been trying to get over with it. I found that sharing this story might help me overcome this incident, so i will narrate this story and let u enjoy the pain we went through as making u feel horny will make us feel better. Plz reply your suggestions to my E-mail ID below. This incident happened few months back. I’m simple but horny boy. My story begins from my house. I have a younger sister and my mother who is 45...

4 years ago
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Princess Gives It Away

Edited By Barney R Hello my name is Frank. I am a pretty laid back kind of guy. I let things slide if there was nothing major, insults I'd ignore, slights I'd turn and walk away from. There are a few things that can get me riled; hurt a friend, or hit a lady. When I was a kid I was in lots of fights helping friends. I was usually the one left standing so I got in a lot of trouble. Somewhere in high school I learned that if I wait there, is always a way of showing them the way and I...

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Life on the farm

Welcome to the Howling Woods Farm. Here all of the farm animals are anthropomorphic, in other words, furries. The owners are wolves. Husband, wife and son. The rest of the animals are varied in sizes, the smaller ones will be like rabbits and chickens that will be about 3-4' tall, were as horses will be about 6' and everything else in between. There might be chances of escapes or strays that would come in. There will be feral type animals, but they will be intelligent and able to talk. They...

4 years ago
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Waiter Gets Lucky

Following is a fantasy…It was a dark and stormy afternoon in the old city of Atlanta. Many of the local bars were starting to fill up with the usual after hours power drinkers. The smell of dust and rain mixed in the air.”Damn, it looks like it’s going to rain again” said Allison with a grin on her face that could only be described as pure blissful sarcasm. “I love it when it rains” said Erika ” it always makes me so horny”.The 2nd pitcher of margaritas arrived, strawberry with crushed ice, and...

1 year ago
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Sugar Book sounds like a collection of recipes your mom used to keep on the shelf, an encyclopedia-style archive of formulas for tooth-rotting sweets and finger-staining confections. As a dude with a lot of vices, I can’t say I was totally against the idea of lighting up my brain with glucose, sucrose and dextrose, but this is ThePornDude and I am The Porn Dude. Sugar is nice, but I wouldn’t be reviewing the site here unless it could help you cum.It ain’t a free tube or a premium porno site,...

Hookup Sites
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Shy wife 1st time part 1

This story happened years back when my wife Kelly was 48 years old we had been married for over 25 years. she was a virgin when we married she knew I had sex once and it kind of upsether because she said she had thought I was as pure as she was.when our k**s were young teensI had asked my wife if she ever thought about what it would be like to have sex with another man she replied by telling me to shut up and said I was crazy. I had been reading about otherhusbands who had watched their wife...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 54

so when we woke up it was a usual morning harvey made me some breakfast and we had a shower together. when we was getting dressed harvey said "i love you babe" i walked over to harvey and gave him a kiss and we finished getting dressed. I went to get the post and i opened my bank statement and there was something wrong there was $3000 out of are account and i was really really really pissed when it says the money went to harveys dad. i came banging into are bed room and said to harvey...

3 years ago
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Fucking Session Of Friend And Sister

Plz feedback to Hello guys this is Sameer 19 years old guy. The story revolves around 3 people, I, my sister Salma and my friend Rakesh. Let me describe Salma and Rakesh as both are lead role of story. My sister is same as my age we were twins she have fair color skin with pink lips and she usually uses specs in that she looks more beautiful. She have maintained her figure very well but never given a chance to boy to touch her. I respect her very much because of her sincerity toward study and...

1 year ago
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Hair Hunger

I am hoping to finish this piece at 5000 words. I am close but I want to get some feedback on how to make this better. Please comment with what works for you, what didn’t, what I can improve, and what should be destroyed. I eagerly await feedback/comments/contructive criticism. -BenevolentDCC ***** Once I had been a healer beyond repute, sought far and wide for the miracles I and I alone could perform, things have certainly changed. My stone and mortar cottage looked out on lush green...

2 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 25

Mister Gallant, Regis, did pick me up at the Sand Bar the next day. It was high noon. I had stayed in my old back room at the bar; okayed by Hank’s upon my arrival; he’d actually driven me back to the bar when Regis had dropped me at his place. I’d decided that I didn’t want to disrupt his family on the big day. I was not exactly nervous, but for lack of a better term, I was nervous. The place was big. The grounds sprawling. And the dozen or so cars seemed to be parked randomly everywhere....

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AllieChapter 4

It was raining. Again. For three days, it hadn't stopped raining. Neil said it was Maine's wettest August ever. At first, Allie was thrilled. Bad weather meant no forced trips to the beach, and no awkward encounters with the perverted old man next door. She had all the time she could want to lay in bed and avoid the world. Long quiet days, though, meant way too much time to think. Her summer had gotten progressively more humiliating, and she really didn't need endless time to...

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Spiritual UnionChapter 13

I'd like to dream that what happened next was an instant orgy with all three girls cuddling into bed with me. I'd like to, but it sadly wasn't what happened. The fear that Courtney had exhibited managed to put us all completely out of the mood. When sleep came to me finally, it was only in fits and starts, and I found myself feeling the edge of a dream only to have it snatched away by a nervous breath. "I didn't want to hurt her..." The voice was stronger now than it had ever been...

1 year ago
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My Sisterinlaw BethChapter 21

The ladies discussed the rules for a few more seconds, then decided it was time to get started. I could tell the wine had made both of them more courageous than normal. So after a quick decision, Jen was to go first, Tiff was to be second and I was going to be last. Jen rolled first, a three, and moved into an open spot. Tiffany rolled a five and had an open spot as well. Great, I was going to be the first one carded, I had no luck at all. I was relieved to roll a three and take my place...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 512

“Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many. “ SENIOR DRIVER My neighbor was working in his yard when he was startled by a late model car that came crashing through his hedge and ended up in his front lawn. He rushed to help an elderly lady driver out of the car and sat her down on a lawn chair. He said with excitement, “you appear quite elderly to be driving.” “Well, yes, I am,” she replied proudly. “I’ll be 97 next month, and I am now old enough that I don’t even...

3 years ago
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Shocked By My Wife Part 3

As I descended the stairs to the lounge I was on a weird kind on high. I had just watched and came to the scene of my petite wife being fingered to orgasm by an Adonis of a black man, now at my wife's request I was leaving them alone to fuck! I wandered into the kitchen to imbibe another glass of wine and thought about the situation.It had been my fantasy to watch Karen getting well and truly taken by a big cock while I watched,and here I was cut out of my own kink so to speak. In the relative...

Wife Lovers
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AssParade Vivian Taylor Big Heart And Bigger Booty

The beautiful Vivian Taylor is here in Miami and she’s a total sweetheart. A total package, funny, sweet, beautiful face, perfect body, and BIG BOOTY. That’s why she was perfect for Ass Parade. She flaunts that ass around for us and shows it off. We love every second of it. Our boy Sean loves a good big booty, she doesn’t hesistate to get his face in there. He eats her ass before she gives him an amazing blowjob. They go inside for the real fun. He fucks her hard and pounds...

3 years ago
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Sigh… Anne had been working for this financial company for nearly 10 years now; giving her all, actually too much to climb the leader of success. Now looking back she realize that’s she’s got what she wanted…she’s got a home, well a mansion, a booming career…yes that’s all she ever wanted, or was it? It suddenly dawns on her that something was amiss. And like may career woman; she knows it’s a man and possibly kids. Yes the now familiar empty feel always grips her heart the moment she walks...

Straight Sex
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My Wifes First Love

Inspired by “Makes You Think,” written by Misstaken. “Doug ... Doug, I need to go see Sam today,” my wife said, very softly, her voice barely above a whisper. We were lying in bed. I already knew that was coming. For the past few days, Sandy had been very quiet instead of the almost bubbly woman I had grown to love so much. And several times at night I knew she had gotten up in the middle of the night and gone into the living room to cry by herself. “Do you want me to go with you?” I...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 140

I was up early and had a light breakfast before going to the oval desk. I was there even before Connie and Troy arrived. I practiced tonight’s speech on the teleprompter; I was satisfied with the speech. Aides started arriving with notes and information I needed to look at. One of them stated that Oregon’s legislature had worked until midnight. I wondered if burning the midnight oil was moving towards a solution or just for show. Twelve more hours would tell. Another extended email was from...

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Sweaty in the car and enticing him to fuck

I was sweating hard, it had been a hard workout on the court and my instructor made me run the full gamut of tennis exertions, now mum was asking me to hurry up as she needed to go to the supermarket before closing time.I put the towel on the seat and sat somewhat uncomfortably on it as we sped off downtown.'That instructor looked like he had the hots for you', mum was teasing me, she always did, it was her way of bringing the reality of sex to the fore, and now I was developing a womans body,...

1 year ago
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Let me tell you one of my dirtiest little secrets: sometimes I fantasize about being a security guard. Not because I want to act like a petty little tyrant, drunk on the power to shove around punks who thought they could pocket forties and steaks. No, I’d be more like the brave souls at Shoplyfter.com, putting their lives on the line to teach young ladies the dangers of stealing.If you’ve been watching Internet smut for any amount of time, you’re no doubt familiar with the busted-shoplifter...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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The CureChapter 36

The shuttle from the Harrock deposited us on a private landing bay on the continent of Lassos, an independent continent of Vreekoos about the size of Africa and roughly the same shape though the pointy tip was up as I viewed things. It was the home of the elite of Vreekoos, the Nobles and Meritocrats as well as containing the Imperial residence. Only the elite of the elite, those above the upper level status, which did not include the corporate heads no matter how much they wished they were...

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Sally and the Nudist Resort

It had been about a month since Sally and Jack had visited and we had had our weekend fuckfest. What wonderful memories I have of their visit. It was like an orgy. Jack would fuck Sally and then I would follow up with my turn. Sally loved it and I didn’t think anyone could have that many orgasms in such a short time. Jack seemed to enjoy it as much as Sally. I think he really enjoyed watching Sally being fucked by another man, and I certainly enjoyed pleasing them both. My mind kept wandering...

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Kumos Domination

In the Elemental Nations, the Land of Fire had undergone some serious changes to their normal structure in the past few years. One Kumo was now in charge of all the nations and was the sole superpower with absolute control of the laws. They assigned people to villages or ask them to come to their village for different reasons. One example is they chose a new Hokage in the form of the well-known slave Kushina Uzumaki. Her job was to keep the men in line while having the women doing what they are...

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Eye Candy

Jeff was a senior at Penn State. He had not exactly coasted through care- free but he was almost done so it didn't matter. The struggle was worth it too, with his soon-to-be engineering degree, jobs offers were coming in daily. It was his final semester and he knew he only needed three classes to graduate. Shame he had to see his advisor anyway. He sighed as he waited for her previous appointment to finish up. The girl before him walked out of the office and shot him a nervous smile as...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 46 Return To LA

Sunday evening after Mark was dropped off we got an early start back. Sara was staying behind and kept the big Ford truck, one of the soldiers would drive back with her. That put the Captain, Cynthia, the three original troops and me in the van for the trip back. The troops drove the van to their bunker after dropping the three of us off at the Casa. It was not quite 10 when we arrived so the Captain and his wife retired. Sophia was very happy to see him and start “their duty.” My uncle was...

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A Chance to AdvanceChapter 37

The next morning started off slow. We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast. I'm quickly coming to appreciate the benefits of having a live-in housekeeper and cook. But I can't even imagine how difficult it must be to find someone who'll be comfortable working under the conditions presented by our new lifestyle; this almost polygamous extended family life we are so eagerly embracing. After breakfast, Andrea was scheduled for testing at the college. Before she left I received a call from Heather...

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Carnal Campus Ch 01

Joe Murphy tossed and turned on the bumpy hotel bed as sleep eluded him. He groaned as he glanced across the room at the other bed where his wife, Carol, slept peacefully. She always had a knack for falling into a deep sleep wherever they stayed the instant her head hit the pillow. The rumpled mattress and lumpy pillow only augmented his restlessness. The real reason he was sleepless was a nagging bout of sexual frustration. He and Carol had been married for seven years. While they still made...

3 years ago
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Revenge of a Nerd

Snapping picture after picture with her IPhone, Debra Ashton’s eyes welled with tears as she beheld her daughter’s radiance.Eighteen year old Nina Ashton’s hair was perfect, her make-up was immaculate and her dress was absolutely breathtaking. Combining all of this with the girl's enchanting dark blue eyes, her plump and pouting lips, her porcelain skin, her dazzling smile and her alluring statuesque figure: She was the epitome of the Goddess Aphrodite herself.It was senior prom night. And for...

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Best Friends Girl Part 3

Chris sat on the floor, just outside the door of his new job. He flicked the cigarette he had just finished into the far corner of the parking lot, then took a deep breath then went back inside. The mail room was as busy as he had left it. "Finally back from your break huh?" his boss shouted at him. The moment he came back inside, Chris hated him. He wanted to punch the small fat man in the face every day. "Nope, just came in to make sure you had not eaten everybody," Chris whispered. "What...

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The Wedding part 2

When I got back down to the bar the party was still in full swing. I found myself a drink then wandered outside. I saw the two old guys chatting with their wives at a table and wondered if their other halves knew what they got up to. I rolled one of my occasional ‘special’ cigarettes, and wandered down further into the gardens. Id just got to a more secluded part of the garden to light up when the shorter of the two old men came over and started to make small talk. I could see straight away how...

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Asian Boys Kinky Bareback

The Saturday before I'd had an amazing threesome in Hong Kong with a regular fuck-buddy of mine and a "Boy" (only 19) that he'd met. The next day we met up again (just for Yum Cha) and we talked about what we should do for our next session. They were both very much wanting to be able to try piss enemas and so they proposed that we should go bareback next time.I contacted my partners back in Australia and asked how they felt about me not using condoms with Jonathan and Julian if the three of us...

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Kaylas Job

Hi! My name is Kayla. I'm about 5'4". I have a slim, tanned, toned body from playing casual sports and jogging on occasion. I have blue eyes and fairly straight, dirty blonde hair that goes down just passed my shoulders and down my front to about my chest. It curls a little near the ends. I have average B cup breasts and a round firm little butt that can fill out most pants nicely. Although I'm not insanely active sexually, I have experimented a couple of times and slept with a now ex boyfriend...

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For girls chp 1 part 2

Jessica would always manage to navigate the conversation to something sexy, sensual, and sensuous. Today was no exception. "I am so tired of the same old stuff," Jessica explained. "Day after day I shove that vibrator into my pussy to come and still I feel horny." Trisha coughed, nearly spitting out her vegetables. Susan opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Sam was able to muster a reply. Jessica would always manage to navigate the conversation to something sexy, sensual, and...

1 year ago
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Mera Sighrapatan Thik Hua Meri Maa Ki Madad Se 8211 Part II

Aur phir agle din se sbko papa ke ristedar ki shadi me bhi jana tha,maine to phle se mna kr dia tha kyunki maine us vaishya ko bulaya tha,maine ghr me bahana mar rkha tha ki hm friends tour pe jar he h to mai shdi me nhi jaunga,aur mane ye bhi planning kr li thi ki mom ko shadi me jane se rokna h wo shighrapatan ka natak usi plan ka part tha,maine to phle se soch lia tha agr plan kam krta h to vaishya ko mna kr dunga Lekin mujhe mom akeli mil nhi nhi rhi thi,mujhe koi rasta nhi dikh rha tha to...

4 years ago
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DreamsChapter 20

A month later, Victoria was completely back. With her health restored and back to her old weight, sexy body, hair down past her neck, gorgeous face and wearing stunning clothes again; they were now ready to make their move. Josh was in no hurry and Irv Rubenstein was ready to take down Bellform and Swanson. They married again in the small church ceremony with only his family and a few friends invited. Jane and Estelle were included. They now didn't hide their lesbianism any longer. They...

3 years ago
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Gay Dominated By A Mature Top

Hey everyone. Its been a while since I have written, apart from all the encounters I have had so far, I really liked this once, hence the story begins; I am 19 years old, tall, athletic and bit chubby I was really horny and put up an ad online. Scrolling through the responses, I found a mature top, who seemed very direct, he introduced himself and he said he was 47 years old and was half Israeli, tall and pretty bulky, he was a bit fair and went by the name of lavi. He asked me to come over and...

Gay Male

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