A First Meeting free porn video

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It was a cold, wet, and windy day, miserable by anyone’s standards, to make matters worse, as Trina drove into the car park she heard the train pulling out. Glancing at her watch she realised that it had arrived early, and knowing that she did not have the time to park and lock the car, knew that with the best will in the world she could not get to the station in time to greet him.

She had left home something over an hour previously, with what was for her an all-time speed record. Trina’s sleek black M registered Peugeot with its fine beige leather upholstery and CD player belting out 60s music all the way, had run into a traffic jam on route. There had been some kind of accident ahead where a lorry had earlier spilt its load. Fortunately, she had arrived at the tail end of the clearing up process, which had just finished, making the wait only about twenty minutes, but the traffic though moving, had been slow.

For whatever reasons, his mobile phone had been switched off and she had been unable to contact him to tell him to wait, instead she headed for the hotel where they had agreed to meet. For the first time in her life, she was nervous at meeting someone. They had made this arrangement to meet because together they had proven perfect cyber-partners, compatible in all that they had shared.

It had all begun about six months previously, after an initial period of getting to know one another, they had been participating in cyber-sex on an almost daily basis. Eventually they had both bought headphones to be able to talk to each other, but more importantly to be able to listen to one another cumm. It spurred them on to even greater heights.

Then they had bought web-cams giving themselves the facility to watch each other also. Trina loved to see his cream spurting from the single eye of his beautiful cock, it made her climax so exhilarating, leaving them both totally breathless and with hearts racing. From there, it had been a short step to telephone sex while simultaneously using the web-cam.

Within a month of their first cyber meeting, they had grown very close very quickly, and Trina had realised that Simon had become more than just a quick fix for her insatiable pussy. She would go to bed and dream of him, and some days would awaken wet with excitement and use her vibrator.

She would imagine that it was Simon’s cock, licking it clean after she had orgasm’d, sometimes four or five times. At one time he had excited her so much, that the vibrator was almost unable to satisfy her hunger, cumming again and again, wanting more and more.

As these thoughts rocketed through her mind she saw him come in, recognising him immediately from their web-cam sessions she thought that he looked more handsome, and so self-assured. He went straight to the reception desk and she watched as he laughed and joked with the female receptionist. Trina didn’t mind, she knew that he would be with her shortly and would never want to be with anyone else after that. She noted the casual way that he half turned, taking a cigarette from his packet of Dunhill as he made a quick sweep of the foyer with his eyes as he lit it. Mmmmmm, she mused, I love his hazel eyes, almost cat-like, dreamy, come to bed eyes, he has the grace and predatory look of the tiger, god he is turning me on!

Simon smiled at her, knowing instantly that she was Trina, even though he had only seen her on his web-cam. The word portrait that she had painted for him was clear in his mind, his heartbeat jumped, realising that she had instantly recognised him. The soft slow smile of her recognition could not hide the nervousness that she felt, but gathering up his bag he walked over and kissed her so gently on the lips that it felt like a butterfly’s wing, a delicious shudder coursing right through her spine.

Trina began to relax, feeling so at ease with this man, whom she had known for so long, yet had never met. Everything would be fine, she sensed it. Simon exuded confidence and through his relaxed style showed absolute delight at seeing her. He took her through to the bar, ordered drinks and put his arm around her almost protectively, she felt warm and comfortable with him already.

As he moved his hand up the middle of her back, she also knew that he was casually feeling for her bra, but as they had agreed, she wore no underwear at all. Trina knew that he would be turned on straight away and a wry grin crept across her face.

She could feel the warmth in her pussy spreading and realised that thinking of Simon being turned on had had the same effect on her. This was going to be a great night.

Her nipples were beginning to swell now as they rubbed gently with every movement upon the soft and sensual silky material. Delightful thoughts of what they might be doing this night went happily tumbling through her mind.

Taking her elbow Simon guided her gently towards a vacant alcove possibly designed with lovers in mind, with its plush velvet seats and quiet exclusivity.

A candle floated in a bowl of water, giving a soft glow, a single rose and an ashtray were on the solid oak table, and soft piped music added to the romantic ambience.

Seating herself Trina moved along, patting the seat next to her indicating that he should join her. She wanted this strong man close to her at all times.

Initially the conversation was slow, perhaps a little stilted, they both wanted to say so much but felt an early awkwardness with the situation. However, as the drinks spread their warm glow, the conversation became more personal, coming around to Simon’s writing. He had told her about the serious work he was doing, but she was more interested in the porn stories, admitting that they were excellent and always turned her on.

As they talked, she again felt those familiar stirrings in her pussy and moved closer to him, her thigh pressing tightly against his. Trina reached for his hand under cover of the table, the wrap-around skirt enabling her to pull it to one side easily for quick and easy access.

Placing his hand on her bare thigh, she leaned closer to him, whispering that she wanted him to tell her what he was going to do to her. She felt him gently begin squeezing and working his way slowly along the soft skin. Talking about his erotic stories had seriously set her juices to flowing and she parted her thighs to improve his access to her very hungry pussy.

She was just as Simon had imagined her, but more attractive. So many times they had discussed this scenario over the Internet, both wanting it to be true but neither daring to believe that some day it might be. The flesh of her thigh was as warm and soft as he had expected it to be, and as his hand moved higher he felt her thighs part and the heat from her pussy.

Within its cloth prison the one-eyed snake began to uncurl, stretching luxuriously, he was not worried, he knew that his coat would cover it, he also knew that it was time to go to their room

Finishing their drinks Simon took her by the hand and without speaking they made tracks away from the table. Situated on the ground floor the room commanded excellent views across the river, this chain of hotels being noted for the choice of location and quiet efficiency. The room itself was clean, tidy and of a high standard if not exactly luxurious.

Trina dropped her bag to the floor, as Simon did likewise, while softly closing the door behind them. She came straight into his arms, her lips soft, as he knew they would be, her body moulding itself to his, their tongues danced and everything was just how they each had imagined it to be. Simon fondled her breasts through the soft and exotic material of her top, feeling her nipples hardening to his touch. Swiftly he un-buttoned and removed the garment, allowing it to fall to the floor in a puddle of silk.

Full soft breasts with hard nipples met his gaze, with a sharp intake of breath, he lifted the right one to begin suckling, the feeling s
uperb, it felt so good in his mouth, large and already very hard, it had come to its fully erect state very quickly.

Leaning back Trina sighed as she felt the rush of delight invade her clit, for so long she had thought of this moment and everything was moving exactly as she had hoped it would, she wanted it to last forever. Supporting her, his strong arm encircling her waist, as she abandoned herself to him.

Reaching with one hand, she found and began stroking his rod through the material of his trousers, quickly finding that he was already aroused, and gripping it gently. She felt him briefly stiffen as she stroked up and down, knowing that the time had come to proceed further.

Putting one arm around his neck she regained an upright position without him letting go of her nipple. Using both hands now, she deftly unzipped him and went into his boxers to bring his erect weapon out into the open.

Simon groaned softly and leaving the nipple he had been suckling so feverishly sought and found the buttons of her skirt released it, allowing the garment to join her silk blouse on the floor.

She stood before him now in all her naked glory, full ripe breasts with hard erect nipples, a flat abdomen, a beautiful shaven pussy with swollen pouting lips and a hard, erect clit. Turning her around a soft moan escaped her lips as he caressed her bottom. She became his for the taking.

Gently pushing her legs apart, he asked her to bend over. Willingly she did so, pussy lips parting naturally to expose the hot, wet flesh inside. He let out a gasp as he saw the full beauty of her shaven pubes where her juices bubbled away quietly. Quickly divesting himself of his own clothing, he took hold of his now throbbing tool to stroke the length of her lubricated slit.

‘Please Simon,’ she moaned, ‘I have dreamed of this for such a long time, I want you inside me, god only knows how much I want you. Don’t make me wait any longer, put that gorgeous piece of love into me and take me, I need you so badly.’

Gently Simon slipped into her wet and hungry pussy, beginning a slow rhythmic movement, in and out he went, so smoothly, in and out. Trina was so horny that this simple action brought her to the brink of her first orgasm and as Simon went deeply into her she cried out, ‘Yes, yess, yesss,’ as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure took her over the edge and into lovers heaven.

Simon pulled away from her, turning her to face him, she could see the tender and loving look in his glowing eyes, she knew with out doubt that this was the man for her and her heart went out to him all over again.

‘Come,’ she said, taking his hand and leading him to the bathroom, ‘let’s take a shower together, it is so erotic.’ Trina adjusted the water to an ambient temperature and stepped over the edge of the bath and under the warm water, Simon quickly following. His cock was still erect but now took on an extra hardness at the thought of washing each other all over, and what must inevitably ensue.

Pouring a liberal amount of shower gel in one hand, she began to smooth it all over his chest. Simon’s hairy chest turned her on very much, and her excitement grew correspondingly, the fine line between her nipples and clit coming more alive with every second, keeping her clit constantly hard and erect.

He took the gel from her and began the same, taking each lovely breast in turn, her nipples already erect, were tingling and flint hard as his hands stroked over each one, bringing her to a higher state of being.

‘Oh! Simon, I’m sorry, but I have to pee,’ she said, a mischievous smile in her eyes.

‘Mmmmmm, go ahead, I love to watch, it really gets me going.’

Seating herself on the end of the bath Trina spread her legs as wide as the sides would allow and reaching between her thighs parted her pussy lips to give him a full view of her hot well of life. Soft pink flesh and the juices bubbling inside made his rod grow as hard as steel. ‘Oh Simon,’ she moaned as the pee began to trickle, ‘come and join me.’ The trickle quickly burgeoned into a steady stream and taking his cock in one hand he also began to pee, directing his stream at her now aching clit, the warm fluid hitting on the right spot, turning her on even more. The sight of their two streams joining and mixing made him want her that much more, and she him.

As they both finished Trina stood up and turned around, bending forwards, she held onto the sides of the bath presenting her beautiful cheeks and hungry gaping pussy. Simon was so turned on that he stepped forward and entered her without hesitation. As he did this she cried out, cumming almost immediately. Simon needed to climax also and began to pump into her greedy little pussy like a man starved. She responded to his movements immediately, meeting thrust with thrust, knowing that they would both climax very fast, she needed to feel him exploding inside her.

Simon put one hand in the small of her back, pressing down hard, and with the other grasped her long hair, pulling her head back. She gasped, letting out a long low moan, this was what she needed right now, to be taken by a good man as though she were an animal in heat. ‘Yesssss!’ she hissed through her teeth, ‘take me Simon, fuck me like the tiger you are.’ With renewed vigour, he thrust deeply into her pussy, knowing how close she was and wanting to be there with her.

Harder, faster and deeper he drove into her, his breath coming in gasps now, he could feel her cunt muscles gripping him tightly while at the same time his cock was swelling to fill her completely. A low growl started in her throat and he knew that she was starting her first orgasm, the sound spurred him on to an even greater effort. Pulling hard on her hair while pushing her down, made her push even further out to meet him, giving him deeper penetration.

Her moans took on a different and louder perspective as she felt him swelling deep inside her pussy, knowing that he was about to explode. This spurred her on also, as she wanted them to climax simultaneously. Drawing very close to her own orgasm she cried out, ‘Oh yes, Simon, give it to me harder, faster, fill me with your hot juices, I’m going to cumm now baby, give me all you’ve got, bring it home for me, take it over the top’.

Simon exploded inside her like an erupting volcano, spurt after spurt of his hot creamy juice shooting into her, as wave after wave swept through her, leaving her trembling and weak, but oh so very happy.

He let go of her and as his rod, (no longer resembling the steel bar of a minute ago,) began wilting, pulled her upright and held her close, hands cupping her full breasts, the nipples still hard. There were salty tears of joy and pleasure running down her face, he kissed her eyes gently and licked away the tears, she smiled, this man is so gentle with me, she thought. The shower still running they washed each other, turned it off and got out of the bath. Gently he used the towel to dry her, paying particular attention to the under part of her breasts, the small of her back and between her thighs, that had now ceased trembling. Bidding her to sit on the toilet seat, one at a time he lifted her small feet, and also drying between her toes. Only then, did he attend to himself and go back into the room.

Trina lay naked on the bed in the warm room, propped up on one elbow, her eyes following every move that he made.

Deliberately he poured two glasses of chilled wine and going to his bag, took out a box of chocolates and some other nibbles that he put on a small tray on her side of the bed. ‘Help yourself,’ he said, ‘they will only go back home with me if they don’t get eaten.’

She looked at him adoringly and replied, ‘Will you feed me please Simon?’

Smiling, he answered, ‘It would be a pleasure, but drink your wine first.’

‘Mmmmmmmm,’ said Trina, ‘whatever do you have in mind?’

‘My sweet I can guarantee that you will enjoy every morsel.’ With that, th
ey both began sipping the wine. Simon also lit two cigarettes, passing one to her.

Plumping up the pillows, he lay back to enjoy the wine, the cigarette and to drink in her loveliness.

Trina leaned towards him, and lightly traced the long scar down his chest with the tips of her fingers. She moved closer to him and he reached out an arm to hold her close. She was contented just to lay there for a moment in his comforting arms.

On entering the room, Simon had quickly surveyed it looking for specific points, and having found what he was looking for had then relaxed. Their glasses now empty, he said that she should just lay back and relax for a while, making herself comfortable. She looked so beautiful laying there that he fell in love with her all over again and bending, kissed her gently on the lips. Although they had only met for the first time 90 minutes ago, both felt that they had known each other all of their lives.

Reaching into his bag Simon fetched out a blindfold and with Trina already feeling at ease, she found herself able to put her trust in him, smiling he fitted it over her head, adjusting it slightly to ensure comfort. She assured him that it was and that she was unable to see.

Returning to the bag, he brought out a set of four gold and maroon ropes with loops at one end. The idea of the loops was a safety precaution, designed so that should anything untoward happen to him, she would be able to free herself without any great difficulty.

He told her to stretch out her arms to the side, quickly slipping the loops over her wrists, tying off the other ends to the feet at the top of the bed. Simon repeated this with her legs until Trina was spread-eagled but comfortable. He smiled as he looked down on her, noticing that her nipples were hard, thrusting into the air and that her pussy lips were full and distended, the tip of her clit poking through between them. She obviously anticipated the pleasures to come.

Slowly, being momentarily carried away by the vision, he ran the back of his fingers along the inside of her thigh, causing her visible shivers at the touch. Delving back into the bag he took out a little box, inside it on a bed of cotton wool nestled three little glass suction bells.

Squeezing the rubber top to expel the air he placed the first over her left nipple, ensuring that it was well seated, he let go and it drew the nipple deep inside, making it swell to twice its normal size, before repeating the same with the other. Trina groaned as this happened, the air escaping her lips with an audible hiss.

He placed the third over her clit with the same reaction. ‘My god Simon, that feels so good’ she said, ‘I have an idea what you have done, so telling me would only spoil the moment.’

Simon smiled, and pouring a glass of wine he took a mouthful holding it there for a brief moment, before bending to kiss her, automatically her lips parted and he let some of the wine escape into her mouth, she smiled and swallowed. ‘Mmmmmm, that was a tasty kiss,’ she said.

Smiling he went to the ice bucket and taking out a cube started circling the aureole with it, causing the nipples to harden even more. ‘Oh my! That is so good Simon,’ she groaned. He continued with the other, getting the same reaction before trailing it down the centre of her body to the navel, where, letting it melt, it filled the small depression with ice cold water. Bending he licked it out of there, enjoying seeing her squirm with pleasure, at the same time inhaling her womanly aroma.

Returning to the bag, he took out a small anal vibrator, removing the suction cup from her now very prominent clit, he began playing with it. Heavily pouting lips again being quite swollen showed the entrance where he had been a short while ago, she was open, receptive and quite ready for him.

Taking the now lubricated vibrator, he began to run the tip of it around her puckered little arse, gradually increasing the pressure. Trina said nothing, she was completely in his power and afraid that if she said anything he would stop, and she so wanted that tool in her bottom right now. As the sphincter muscle relaxed, she felt the vibrator slowly entering her and wondered why it was not switched on, but again said nothing.

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Fraz was a woman in her early forties. She’d been divorced eleven years and involved with a guy she met on a chat page called Tom and they had a crazy affair just chatting and exchanging email and pictures. But Tom seemed a little reluctant to want to meet Fraz despite her asking, but with him living in Australia and she in Burnley, England – it was always a question of expense. And yet despite the waiting they were deeply in love with each other and spent hours chatting on the phone and...

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Womens Meeting

In the past, and only on special occasions, his wife had reluctantly yet convincingly assumed the dominant mistress role to satisfy his submissive needs. Calling herself ‘Natasha’, she always wore the black leather, knee-high, stiletto-heel boots her husband bought her. With black leather halter and black leather hot pants and a figure to fill them all attractively, she was an awesome sight to behold; even at 55years of age. These past dominant/submissive episodes had been relatively tame...

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Womens Meeting

He was a good husband, a fine stepfather, and a model citizen. He had a dark secret though. He fantasized of being used and degraded. He was submissive in nature, avoided confrontations. He had visited bdsm porn sites and found himself excited looking at and reading online bdsm erotica. This material fueled his passion for a hardcore bdsm scene.In the past, and only on special occasions, his wife had reluctantly yet convincingly assumed the dominant mistress role to satisfy his submissive...

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The Meeting

I was asked to write a fantasy about a upcoming visit, in which my slave andmyself will be bottoming to a Domme. My slave has played with her before; thisis my first time playing with her. The fantasy took on a life of its own andbecame this story, it has six parts and part 6 has two versions. The Meeting Part 1: Greywolf and tana have a unique relationship, even for people in this lifestyle.Most the time he was her strong, loving, caring, sadistic Master; while shewas his adoring, caring,...

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A Seaside meeting

Ever since I was a boy I have loved visiting the seaside, the excitement of seeing such an expanse of water, the fun in the penny arcades and the taste of fish and chips. But when I visited recently it proved to be a very special visit one like no others and my excitement was found in a completely new sea side activity. I have written the story that follows because it helps me relive the passion, allows me to revisit my pleasure and my dreams come alive once more in the sights, sounds and...

4 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 72 Meetings A Day with Many Meetings

The next morning, a chime woke me up. I found that I was buried into the bodies of my sleeping concubines. Aine and Constance were on my right. Both girls had drying cum on their faces. They had content smiles as I pushed Aine out of the way so I could sit up. “AI? Do you have a message for me?” I asked. “I have requests for meetings from several of your crew,” the AI said. “Who needs a meeting?” I asked as I tried to extract my legs from under Lenore without waking my black haired...

3 years ago
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Bored Meeting

It was just another boring "last Thursday of the month" board meeting, and he really wasn't looking forward to the typical petty bullshit, the accusations of over spending, the idiotic questions of fiscal responsibility, blah blah blah. So as he slumped into the cafeteria style chair he wondered how long he would go without yawning, or at least without yawning with his mouth open. Jake hated these meetings even more than the obligatory semi-monthly meetings at work with his superiors, who he...

2 years ago
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The Meeting

As with so many in these modern times they had met via the computer. Their correspondence had progressed with the utmost celerity from cautious even tentative invitation for exploration to sharing fantasies of the most explicit and satisfying nature. Their libidinous natures seemed amazingly well in tune. As a result of their communion, she often enjoyed a fantasy of their actually meeting. It followed whatever flow her need dictated at the time, though often it began tenuously with her simply...

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Lunch Meeting

I’m so excited as I make my way down the long winding corridor to your new office. All of your hard work has finally paid off and you have that “corner” office you have always wanted. My baby, a VP. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. All of those long hours making sure that every item was checked and re-checked. Meeting after meeting. Late hours at the office. Coming home exhausted, but still managing to take care of my needs. Traveling for days at a time, but remembering to call me...

4 years ago
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Beginnings Day 6 A Mary Kay Meeting

BEGINNINGS - DAY 6 - A MARY KAY MEETING After a full day, the thought of a relaxing party with Suzy's friends sounded wonderful. As I walked to her door I felt the breeze in my hair and on my legs. My heels clicked on the pavement and I licked my lipstick clad lips in anticipation of a fun night. Suzy was waiting at the door for me. As was her custom, she was very professionally dressed for her Mary Kay meeting and her makeup was beautiful. Of course I wanted to kiss her on the...

3 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 37 Dahliarsquos First Big Meeting

Tuesday morning, I wake up being kissed, with a hand in my underwear, jacking me off. I open my eyes to see Kim and return the kiss. When we part, I tell her, Next time, come a half-hour early, and you can help me with my morning shower.” “I would love that. Why can’t we do it now?” “Imagine how Carol would feel seeing you step out of the shower with me. You need to be here early enough that she will not see.” “I thought we weren’t keeping secrets.” “We aren’t. I talked to her, and she...

2 years ago
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First Meeting

My flight just landed and I cannot wait to see you. We have never met, just texting, talking on the phone, and sending the occasional sexy photo over the last 3 months. Now we will meet face to face. I hope that the buildup for this meeting does not leave me disappointed. We agree to meet at a bar about 10 minutes from my hotel. I check in, shower, and get ready for our first face to face meeting. My cab got stuck in traffic so you are waiting for me when I arrive. I see you standing at the...

1 year ago
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Our First Meeting

Many of you may think it’s a loser’s way of finding a compatible mate, but I found someone very special on an online dating site. It wasn’t on one of those standard, fill out a questionnaire type sites. It was a site designed to allow singles, couples, and groups to ‘hook up’ for some specific physical activity. Being over forty years old, I have long tired of the bar dating scene and was looking for someone near my age that wasn’t a prude or had already given up on having new sexual...

Straight Sex
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Office Meetings

Office MeetingsSynopsis- This story revolves around a businesswoman who is humiliated and tortured to the depths of the ocean and becomes sex and pain slave employee of her own employees.Jessica Hunt was a beautiful brunette, 32 year old with athletic legs, slim waist, round but tight hips, not very large but very attractive big tits and very sensitive skin. Moreover, she was the daughter of a 65-year old millionaire businessman Jonathan Hunt who had been running his Investment business for...

2 years ago
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Preacherman ch 2 The Prayer Meeting

Cindy smiled and asked, “Oooh good idea, when is our next prayer meeting?”The preacher looked at her and suggested, “Meet me here, 8pm Monday.” Cindy said goodbye and told him she would take a cab home. She didn’t tell him she had many things on her mind to think about. One thing she did not want to do was see her mother, JoAnne at this time. All the way home Cindy wondered how her mom would take the news; that she was going to start going to church. She chuckled and whispered, “Oh won’t that...

Straight Sex
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Lindas New SchoolChapter 22 Meeting

Miss James, and most of the faculty and staff, was aware of what had happened at the Board meeting. And before it. They also knew that it was traditional for a new chairman of the Board to address the faculty and staff the day after being elected to that post. Therefore, there was a special meeting scheduled for the purpose. Later, there would be an Assembly so that the students could be informed of the new leadership. When Linda entered the room for the meeting, she did so in her power...

2 years ago
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Directors Meeting

It was one of those standard boring directors’ meeting in an old fashioned meeting room with a big round wooden table. This is the last presentation, but the speaker is so uninteresting that you cannot wait to get out of here. Suddenly, you hear someone saying *dinner time*! You look around the room and everyone was staring blankly at the screen. ‘Hi, it’s me’ and then you realise that it was my voice and you told yourself that you must be losing concentration, so you switched your mind back...

2 years ago
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The AA Meeting

One Summer night, it was still light as I pulled into the parking lot to attend an AA meeting, and as I was getting out of my car, a gal I was fucking regularly showed up in her van at this AA meeting. Happy to see her, I walked over to her van and she smiled rolled down the window, gave me a kiss and said, "hop in".When I got in, she was in her work uniform, she was a housekeeper at a major chain motel. We chatted a bit and watched as stragglers entered the building on their way to the...

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1230 Meeting

I am a thirty-five-year-old project manager. My name is Jill and I have been with the company for ten years. I have a decent body: 5’9” 34-24-38. My DD-sized breasts are round and firm. My nipples are pink and perky. I’m a little hippy, but the women I like, like my curves. After five years of marriage and two children, and a divorce, I’ve managed to maintain a sexy body. I’m fair–skinned white woman with shoulder length blond hair. I love sex. I’m a visual person. But I also love the taste,...

Quickie Sex
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 23 A Board Meeting

August 1, 1986, Chicago, Illinois I sprang from my chair and ran through the kitchen to the foyer. I pulled Jessica into a tight hug and kissed her deeply. She molded her body to mine and squeezed her arms tightly around me as we continued to kiss. “Do I get a turn?” Kara giggled, coming up behind me with Jesse. I broke my clench with Jessica and took Jesse from Kara so that she could greet Jessica the same way that I had. They broke the kiss, and Kara took Jesse back from me. “Let’s get...

4 years ago
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Amity 1 StormChapter 22 Meeting

It didn’t surprise me to find a mouth on my cock when I woke. Kim was happily licking me and sliding his mouth down my cock. My groan and tightening hips made him aware I was awake. He sucked me harder making my hips flex in time with him. Once he was happy that I was suitably prepared, he popped off my cock. “Fuck Lindell, so I can fuck you,” he asked. My wife removed her tit from my mouth where it had found itself and grinned at me. She moved on to all fours and wiggled her arse at me. I...

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myfirst experience

She is disable and lived in her room and cannot move. My aunt also live in same village but at some distance on the other side of the village.She has four daughter's and uncle was died when the her youngest daughter(sadia) was 3 years old.Since then she was taking care of them.Her daughter's name were summaya(1st),sidra(2nd),nuvera(3rd) & sadia.Nuvera lives with grandma and take care of her. She was 17(now 19) at that time and is the prettiest in her sisters with 5'4'' tall, long black...

1 year ago
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First BGG! It will come as no shock to my readers that I love fucking pussy. It's one of the few things that I enjoy more than masturbating. I know you guys can't empathize, but the feeling of a tight pussy sliding up and down on your cock is incredible. There's nothing like it. I only wish you could experience the joy I feel every day, just once.Better Than Pussy?But hold on one god damn minute. Believe it or not, there is something I love even more than fucking pussy: fucking two pussies at...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Fated Meeting

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Alex. I am 19 years of age turning 20 at the end of the year. I have recently cut my dirty blonde hair and now it only reaches a bit over my ears. I used to keep it long but my previous girlfriend wanted it short for her Matric Farewell so I decided “What the heck” and cut it. My girlfriend’s name is Lelia or well she used to be my...

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Dedicated to a lovely young lady that would have graduated in 1960 with a first initial of "J" First and most important, this is a totally true story. Because it is true, there is little sex and what there is, has not been embellished to the best of my knowledge. One almost always remembers their "Firsts." Their first kiss, first date, first love, first sex and first crush. This is a story of all the above and more. I have always been a shy person. All through my freshman and sophomore...

1 year ago
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About to members meeting

Recently, two members from this site met in person for the first time. Their names and locations have been change to keep their identities safe.Scott stood up in frustration, sending his desk chair wheeling across the room and slamming against the wall. The motion caused his monitor to shake, almost tipping over. A woman’s voice came over the speakers.“Scottie, ye canna keep stomping around like that! I canna see ye and yer words aren’t makin’ any sense.”Scott went back to the computer and...

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The Secound Annual Pony Girl Race Chapter IV Committee Meetings

CHAPTER IV - THE SECOUND ANNUAL PONY GIRL RACE COMMITTEE MEETINGS At the next Pony Girl committee meeting, I presented my finding of the location for the next race in Las Vegas. I then listed the major reasons for the decision. The vote was unanimous for Las Vegas. Then I suggested some changes in the race structure. The first was to run the first series of races in "heats", or preliminaries. In other words, we would hold 3, 4, or 5 "heats" of 6 to 8 participants depending on the total...

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A Fantasy Meeting

IT was a challenge I could not walk away from. I knew the risk was high, but if I wanted the reward of her, I would have to take the chance. To fill you in, her name is Sarah. We met online, well, we’ve ONLY met online up to this point. We’ve had great conversations online, some about sex, others about just life. Regular conversations if you will. But there was no denying what our relationship was all about – after all, we don’t usually visit xHamster.com looking for life-long...

2 years ago
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Master Daddy Spank meeting

dad meetingWe first met in a online chat room after he sent an email to me. He had read my profile and know that i was bi and into bdsm. He was a "Daddy" who was into discipline and i was a "sub". A perfect match.A few chats and webcam inspections and it was decided that we would meet for a cup of coffee, nice neutral place, and see where that went. It went very well. He looked the part. Larger guy, glasses, balding, small beard, broad shoulders, dressed well in common business attire. Easy to...

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The Erotica Novels Meeting

A male stokes up the courage to allow himself to be viewed in the flesh at an amateur literary guild meeting. He finds the other members who turn up are all women, and they are very interested in his tales, and more. He'd been writing erotica for some time now, and had enjoyed a reasonable amount of feedback from the sites he'd frequented and had his stories published at. He'd been asked several times if he'd like to attend an informal meeting of authors from a site, all with similar...

1 year ago
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Futas Wild Passion 05 Futas Naughty Meeting

Chapter Five: Futa's Naughty Meeting By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! “Let me drive you to college, Jenny,” my mom said to me the next morning. I swallowed, my heart clenching. Fear rushed through me. Did Mom figure out that my little sister hadn't been just sleeping in my bed, but that we were naked in the middle of having sex? Mom had come home late the night before, called into her work by her slave-driving boss on a Sunday. At the...

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Surviving the Boring Meeting

She is in a beautiful tropical paradise yet stuck inside a frigid, dark hotel meeting room. What a waste of good warm sunshine. Her body craves warmth and she longs to lounge by the pool with a tall, refreshing drink and a good mystery. She pulls her sweater tighter around her shoulders to block the chill from the air conditioning and tries to concentrate on the speaker's droning voice. It's no use, her mind drifts off again, as her eyes roam around the room - scoping out the variety of men....

3 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 83 Preparatory Meetings

The orgy my command had started lasted more than two hours. It finally broke up when Erica and Angelique returned from their play. Lenore and I quickly showered and then spent time with the two girls as the other ladies cleaned up. We ate as a group that night. I was going to see about resuming the play when the AI interrupted our meal. “Captain Parker. I have a call from Captain Prescott for you.” “Put it through,” I replied. “Ladies be quiet please.” “Aww, do we have to,” Ashley sang out...

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