A Passing Fancy Ch. 02 free porn video

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Lovers getting to know one another again after years apart can sure be fun, Ronnie thought to himself as he lay there on his side.

Sylvia lay in the huge bed with him, her face soft with sleep as he just watched her. She had insisted that they go buy it after the first couple of nights she spent at his house.

Three times they had ended up falling out of bed onto the floor, giggling. It was darned hard to make love with Sylvia and stay on the tiny little single bed he had before, she was on the energetic side.

They spent the entire weekend inside, never leaving. They only stopped to shower and use the bathroom, once Sylvia was in there and he opened the door, getting a shriek from her.

Sylvia was not used to having someone watch her take a pee. Ronnie insisted, telling her he wanted to watch. He had never seen a woman do that before. She resisted at first, then finally allowed it, even opening her legs wide so he could see everything. Her face was scarlet, to Ronnie that was fun.

About an hour later he was standing there himself and the door slammed open, there she stood with a huge grin, naked.

‘Well?’ She said. Ronnie started laughing so hard that he had one hell of a time getting the stream going. Once he finished, he turned to her, his erection climbing again.

Sylvia had squealed with delight when Ronnie grabbed her and dragged her into the shower with him.

Now he lay there watching her, his head propped up on one elbow. He wiggled his toes, burying them in the soft material.

California King, the sales clerk had told them, tipping her head back and laughing when Ronnie grabbed Sylvia by the waist and tipped her over onto the thing right there in the store. Then he pretended to try and undress her, managing to get her blouse pulled loose from where she had it tucked into her snug slacks.

‘Just testing!’ He grinned when she began to put up a serious resistance, pushing him off the top of her. Ronnie had managed to press his mouth to her bare belly button, causing some rather loud noises with his lips. There were a half dozen people in the store, all looking at them.

‘Well I never!’ One silver haired older lady sniffed, grabbing her husband’s arm and tugging him away. The man craned his neck to look back, a huge grin on his face.

The young sales clerk was pretty happy with a sale that probably made her entire Saturday’s commission, plus Ronnie noticed she kept glancing at him shyly, nipping at her lower lip. He smiled at her, getting an elbow from Sylvia.

Four hours later the bed was delivered and set up, it got tested within minutes of the delivery crew leaving. The rather large older man had taken one look at Sylvia standing there in just a robe with an impatient expression and grinned hugely, the younger helper turned bright red and appeared flustered.


Sylvia opened her eyes and looked at him, then looked down. Ronnie had slid the covers off so he could see her.

‘Pervert!’ She teased, the slow smile sliding over her lips that delighted him.

‘Yep!’ He grinned, leaning down to kiss her.

Ronnie’s world had come back together, he was happier than he could remember ever being.


Monday meant going back to work, though. He had several huge trucks set up to deliver loads of rock, a tractor and trailer rented plus a little Bobcat machine that should be able to handle most of the big boulders. Another truck showed up with ten yards of white gravel, dumping it next to some big rolls of liner, then headed back for another load.

Jack’s finishing crews were working inside the homes, Ronnie was doing the front yards, creating nice rock gardens, while planting different types of plants that could withstand a serious dry climate. The homes were all similar, so Ronnie was looking at each one, trying to do the yards in such a way as to give them each a different appearance.

He and his crew were well into the work on the 3rd one when Jack came by in his huge white pickup. Ronnie saw Tammy, the pretty African looking woman he had seen a few days earlier sitting in the passenger side.

‘Damn, Ronnie! You sure do have a good eye for this, I like it.’ He exclaimed. Just then Tammy walked up to them.

Ronnie did a double take, she had on a pair of white shorts that sat so low on her hips it was obvious she shaved down there. The top she wore was just a wrap around her breasts, there was no hint at all of a sag and her big black nipples were clearly visible.

Jack grinned at Ronnie’s reaction, he had not been able to help himself, the woman was spectacular.

‘Let’s break for lunch, go down to Philippi’s Buffet, OK?’ Jack asked.

‘Sure.’ He answered, then he went over and told his crew what he needed done for the next yard.

At the restaurant, they went up and down the rows, filling plates with mountains of food.

‘So what’s the time frame, can you get six of them done each day?’ He asked Ronnie, through a mouthful of potato salad.

‘Yes, I think so but I was shooting for ten.’

‘Ten, huh? Damn! That would be great, we can push some of the promotions. Sales are a little slow but it could be worse. That Dixon Homes outfit south of town is cutting me on price. But they are running 20′ on center and we are going 16′, it pisses me off that those outfits cover up crap.’

‘You get what you pay for I guess.’ Ronnie said, trying to not look at Tammy who sat there by Jack’s side. She hadn’t said a single word.

‘So. How are you and Sylvia getting along?’ Jack asked him with a grin.

‘Fine, we are happy.’ Ronnie really didn’t want to talk about that with Jack. He was well aware that there had been a relationship between Jack and Sylvia, he had not asked her about it and wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

‘I can just imagine, that is one hot broad!’ Jack said, tipping his head back in laughter.

Ronnie barely managed to not hit Jack for that, just barely. Jack caught his look and flushed slightly.

‘Hey, if you ever get in the mood, Tammy here is a lot of fun.’ He told Ronnie. Ronnie looked at Tammy, she didn’t even change expression.

‘I…we plan on being faithful.’ Ronnie stammered. Tammy was looking right at him, it made him blush.

‘Man, that is a fucked up concept, what with women like this. Hell, it would be a shame to not spread it around.’ He smirked and reached out to touch Tammy’s bare shoulder, she still never changed expression. She looked at Ronnie with a steady gaze, then the corners of her mouth turned up slightly.

Ronnie felt his body react, he felt mildly ashamed of himself.


The conversation at lunch messed up the rest of Ronnie’s day. He knew that Jack and Sylvia had a relationship, she had worked for him for nearly a year. It hadn’t been a problem at first until Jack made that wisecrack about her being a ‘hot broad.’

Now he had the vision of Jack on top of Sylvia and it wouldn’t leave his head.

‘Why are you being such a prick all of a sudden?’ One of his men complained after Ronnie yelled at him for being too slow with the Bobcat moving some rocks into place.

Ronnie took a deep breath and apologized, the man nodded and went on with his work. By 5 PM they had just six units finished, he sent home some of his crew but kept one man on overtime, pitching in to finish getting the trucks unloaded for the next day. He knew that three hours of overtime was about a fourth of his profit for the day, he had wanted this job desperately and cut the bid very close.

Part of the reason for that was Sylvia, he knew. Seeing her that first evening with Jack had started everything right back up again, getting the bid meant he would be able to see her from time to time. He had not known then how things would turn out, that she would be his again.

Ronnie had left after the meal, leaving Jack and Sylvia there together. What had happened?
Did Jack then take her home, make love to her?

The idea of that ate at him.


It was after eight PM when he walked in the door, Sylvia was sitting there waiting.

‘Long day, honey?’ She asked. He just nodded. She went in and warmed a plate, brought it out. Then she curled up at his feet, tugging off his shoes and socks and rubbing them for him.

‘Jack came by, we went to lunch today.’

‘Oh, how does he like your landscaping?’ She was rubbing his feet firmly, making them feel good.

‘He seems to, I told him we could hit ten per day but we only managed six.’

‘It will go faster, I am sure, once the crew gets it down to a system.’

Ronnie nodded, his mind was still full. He looked down at her and she smiled up at him. Ronnie knew he loved her, but deep inside he was wishing things had been different.

What had she known, what had she done during those years apart? He had thought that it would not bother him, but now he found that it did.

That night when she reached for him he begged off, telling her he was exhausted. He knew he would not be able to perform, his head was still full of those thoughts of Jack being with her.

The thought even slid into his dreams.

‘Are you all right honey?’ Ronnie was suddenly awake, Sylvia lay there with her hand gently touching his chest.

Someone had been yelling, ‘NOOO!’ He realized that it was himself.

‘Yea. Just a dream, lots of things on my mind.’ he answered. Then he reached for her and hugged her tightly.

‘You are mine!’ He whispered to her.

‘Yes, Ronnie. I am all yours.’ She answered.

The next day went better, they got seven of the yards finished. Ronnie was pleased with the way they looked, but slightly worried. He had every dime he had in the world tied up in inventory and equipment, and every dime he could borrow.

He knew he had made the bid so far on the low side so time was going to matter, his men needed to be paid. The week went along fairly steady, each night he came home late, Sylvia waiting for him.

Friday evening she wasn’t there!

Ronnie found the note explaining that Jack had called and asked her to come in and help straighten out the books.

He could understand that, Tammy he figured was not exactly a secretary/accountant. He went over to the phone and dialed the message service he rented.

‘Ronnie, I am going over to Jack’s office to sort out his books, he says that Tammy made a mess of things already. I will be home later, there is some food in the fridge, love you!’

It was just after 10 PM when Sylvia got home, by then Ronnie was pissed off. He just could not get the idea of her being with Jack out of his head. What were they doing, would Jack make a pass? Would she let him?

He felt sick inside, all of the possibilities were filling his head.

‘Where in the hell have you been?’ He demanded the moment she walked in.

Sylvia came to a dead stop, startled.

‘Didn’t you get my note, my message? I was sorting out Jack’s books.’

‘I will just bet.’

‘What? That’s all I was doing, what’s the matter with you?’ She suddenly sounded angry.

‘Nothing. Nothing at all. I am going to bed.’ He turned and walked into the bedroom. He expected her to follow him but she didn’t. He lay there trying to sleep but it wouldn’t come.

But he apparently did sleep, waking up to the Sun shining in the window. Sylvia wasn’t there, he dressed and went looking for her. She sat in the living room, sipping some coffee. She went and got him a cup, then sat down again.

‘We need to talk, honey.’ She said.

‘Yes, I guess so.’ He answered, feeling ashamed of himself.

‘Do you think that Jack and I…made love or something last night?’

‘No, I don’t think that. I don’t know what I think.’ He answered.

‘Then what’s the matter?’

‘When we went to lunch, Jack made some comments. It bothered me, then he told me if I ever wanted…Tammy?’

‘Tammy? Why? She is mostly just his current plaything, Jack is that way about women. He has always played the field. What comments did he make?’ She asked.

‘He said you were a hot broad, that pissed me off. I know that you and Jack…have been..together but that just rubbed my face in it.’

‘Oh God, I am sorry about that. That was before, honey. Now I am with you, Jack could never….’ She stopped, looking at him.

Ronnie sat there not knowing what to say.

‘Oh. I think I understand, you want to know, don’t you? I asked you if it mattered, you said…’

‘I know what I said.’

Sylvia sat there for several long moments, looking at him. Then she sighed.

‘Come on into the kitchen, honey.’ She reached out and took his hand. Ronnie let her lead him in, they sat at the table across from each other.

‘Ronnie, you were my very first, you know that.’

He nodded.

‘When I found you with that woman, it was a shock. She was naked, I thought that you didn’t love me back. You couldn’t, not and do that.’

‘I wasn’t, it was just…’

‘I know that now, honey.’

‘So I went back home, dropped out of school. I was young, I had given myself to you, my…purity. I loved you, I wanted it to be just you and then I saw….that.’

‘That hurt me real bad.’ She added.

Ronnie sat waiting, letting her talk. She sat there thinking for a long time.

‘You want to know, don’t you?’

‘Yes.’ He said quietly. Sylvia took a deep breath.

‘All right. I moped around for a month or so, then I found a job as a book keeper in an office building. One of the salesmen named Harmon there was really nice to me, he kept asking me out and finally after a few months I went. We had dinner and some drinks and danced, that night we ended up at my apartment and we…did it.’

Ronnie just sat and listened.

‘To be honest, I felt guilty because I let him..do that. Then after, he got up and went home, he was just using me. I never went out with him again.’ Sylvia reached up and brushed at a tear.

‘That bothered me, I felt…used again, just like I felt when I saw you and Mrs. Bartholemew.’

‘Did you..did he…?’ Ronnie asked.

‘Orgasm? Yes, I did, I…do that pretty easily, you know that. Anyway, after that I didn’t even go out on a date for almost a year. Then one of my girl friends had a party. I met a guy named Dale there. We dated for a few weeks, then he..asked me one night and I went home with him. He didn’t leave, he was there the next morning.’

Sylvia paused, collecting her thoughts.

‘We saw each other for several months, then he asked me to marry him. I even thought about it, Dale was a very nice man. He had a good job and a nice home, he was married once before and had a little girl. But finally I realized I just liked him, I didn’t love him. I really did try to love Dale, I just couldn’t.’

Again she paused.

‘When he..we..made love, it was all OK, but it was like something wasn’t right.’

‘You don’t need to tell me any more, honey.’ Ronnie told her.

‘Yes, I think I do. I don’t want any secrets between us at all!’

‘All right.’

‘I saw an ad for a secretary, so I applied. It was Jack’s company. That man can really make a mess of accounting, he knows how to build but he can’t count. I got things sorted out for him, it took months. He took me out for dinner to celebrate, he told me it was to say thank you.’

Again Sylvia stopped, looking at Ronnie for a reaction.

‘Jack is pretty good with women, you have seen how he is. Women seem to be everywhere with him. Anyway, I got a little bit drunk and one thing led to another. I knew what he was doing of course, but for some reason I wanted to. Up until then it was..I just worked for him.’

‘How long did that go on?’ Ronnie asked.

‘One night. Just the one. The very next night, we were si
tting there at dinner and there you were.’

‘You didn’t? Not that night then?’

‘No. Jack wanted to but I told him no. Then I explained how I felt..about you.’

‘But he said he had heard of me?’

‘Yes, I had told him once before about the man I loved…and left. Jack and I got to be good friends from working together, we talked about everything.’

‘What did he say?’

‘Jack is pretty blunt. His exact words were for me to get off my dead ass and go get you, but I had no idea for sure where you were by then. For all I knew, you were married with a pile of kids.’

‘So why did you sleep with him?’

‘I guess because I wanted to. Jack is…I don’t know what it is, he has a way about him.’

‘Did he…make any moves last night?’

‘Jack? No, we was worried about his books, he doesn’t even have a clue how much money he has, I have no idea at all how he built such a big company. Just his energy, I suppose.’

‘Energy?’ Ronnie asked.

‘Yes, Jack is different. Like…you are different.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well, Dale..and Harmon..were both just one time and..done, Jack..isn’t. He is..almost like you are in that respect. I can’t lie to you about it, Jack is..was..very good in bed.’

She blushed at saying that, looked down.

‘So if I hadn’t showed up, you would have…?’

‘Yes, probably.’ Sylvia looked right at him.

‘I guess I understand. Jack is rich, good looking, always funny. I suppose he is hung like a Horse, too?’ Ronnie said with some sarcasm. Then he instantly regretted saying that.

‘Yes, he is.’

‘But you don’t need to feel insecure, you guys are pretty close.’ Sylvia added quickly, catching Ronnie’s expression.

‘God, I can’t believe we are talking about things like this.’ Ronnie said.

‘That’s the truth, Ronnie, that is all the truth. If I had even thought that I would ever see you again, I never would have even dreamed of having sex with Jack. But it happened and I can’t take it back. I guess it means that we can accept each other the way we are, or not.’

‘So why did you tell me no when I asked you out, asked you to give me a chance?’

‘I wanted to be sure of you, I didn’t want to get hurt again. I..snooped. It floored me when some of the people who knew you said they thought you were…gay.’ She laughed at that.

‘I want us to be just us, it has to be that way. Ronnie, I am back where I belong, I will never cheat on you..ever! I promise. I love you and I have always loved you. Even before I asked you for that job, way back. I wanted you to..notice me.’

‘Same here, honey.’ She got up and slid into his lap. In short order they were tugging at each others clothes and they ended up making love on the kitchen table.

Things felt all right once again.


It was just one week later that his crew finished ten front yards on one day, and part of another. Ronnie had the first third finished and got his check for the second third of the contract.

He grinned to himself when he looked at the signature, seeing that it was Sylvia’s. He knew he could be reasonably certain of getting paid on time.

Jack called and more or less demanded that he be allowed to take them all out to dinner, he had closed on several of the homes that week.

The meal was amazing, they had Lobster and Tenderloins, all the trimmings.

‘So. We have something to tell you, Tammy and I are moving in together, maybe even getting married!’ Jack announced, as they all sat sipping some wine.

‘What? Really?’ Ronnie said.

‘Yea, really. I found out she can’t count, but she sure as hell can cook!’ He laughed at his own joke. Tammy rolled her eyes at him, then grinned.

Once again, like always, she sat there with her large breasts mostly on display. Like always, she said almost nothing.

‘So when are you two getting married?’ Jack asked.

Ronnie glanced over at Sylvia, she just grinned.

‘I…we haven’t yet talked about that.’ Ronnie managed, hesitating.

‘Well, hey. Before we all tie the knot why don’t we get together and have a big party?’ He grinned.

‘A party?’ Ronnie asked, not getting it for a second.

‘Yea, a party!’ He tipped his head back and roared.

‘No, thank you!’ Sylvia told him, laughing, before Ronnie could answer.

‘I didn’t think so. Oh, well. You are one lucky asshole, you know that, right?’ He grinned.

‘But if you guys ever do change your mind, Tammy here really can…cook!’ He roared again at his wisecrack.

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I did what I was told and got down on my knees. As I went down I let my hands run down his legs. I got down to the floor and looked straight at his crotch. He had a raging boner in his khaki pants. I ran my hands up and down his thighs slowly. "Your hands are shaking honey," said Mr. B "You nervous?" "A little," I said shyly. He then took my hand off of his leg and bent down to kiss it. "Don't worry cutie, I won't hurt you." I was surprisingly nervous. It was weird because I had had a lot of...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 13 The last officer

The light hurt her eyes. Her breath hurt her throat. She tried to speak but only a rasp came out of her parched lips. It wasn't over. She saw Aisha, a desperate look of worry in her eyes, replaced by relief. "Lila, I thought you were dead!" "I wish I was," she tried to answer, but no words came out, only a hiss, like a viper. She helped her up and took her out. In the garden, both girls kneeled on the grass; Aisha gave her sugared water to drink, her face showing her concern. If she...

2 years ago
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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas story

Lila’s tale. Passing the Baton, Part 2 Ch 1 Marching orders. Lila watched, on her knees, the limo taking her former master, Juggy and his new slave away. Her eyes, clouded by tears lost sight of the car long before it disappeared behind a curve on the road. Kneeling by the side of her new master, she tried to gather her strength to face the, hopefully, short weeks that remained in her young life. Al-Mansour’s voice brought her back to reality. ?Strip, slave, and kneel before me.? Lila,...

3 years ago
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Passing of SeasonsChapter 10

When I got home, there was a note from mom saying she was taking care of "business" at the store. Business that usually meant shopping. And *lots* of it. She took the whole process quite seriously. I remember well the one time I went along. It was a big mistake. Her rude, impatient attitude embarrassed me over and over again. The second we left the house she was in this kind of "get the hell out my way" frenzy, acting more like an addict in desperate need of a fix than anything else. As...

2 years ago
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Passing the Finals

My name is Alex Smith, and I'm in my second year of college. The only problem with this is that I don't do very well here. Up until college, I was what would be considered an outcast, not too unlike the girl from Stephen King's first novel "Carrie," but then a lot of things changed. I grew taller to about 5'6" or so, I remained slim as ever and my breasts decided it would be a great time to join the party at a nice C cup. All of a sudden guys started to notice me -my brown eyes; brown hair and...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Passing GlancesChapter 3

Gabe drove Sarah home, again walking her to the door and kissing her for several long minutes. His hands learning the curve of her ass, hips and breasts. His fingers rubbed her nipples and he grinned against her neck when she arched her back, pressing her tightened buds closer to his palms. "I'm going," he told her. She giggled. "You've said that several times in the last five minutes." "I know," he whispered and squeezed her firm ass cheeks. "Mmm... that feels nice," she told...

3 years ago
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Passing the Class

I can’t wait to go to college! I have such a crazy party girl side and I want to let loose. Graduation is not too far away. Most of my classes are fine, but I am in big trouble when it comes to my math class. You see, math is the 8th period of school for me. This is the final class of the day. This is the class I tend to skip most often because it’s when a lot of my older boyfriends want to hook up. I saw my progress report and saw that there was no way I could pass math in time for...

2 years ago
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Passing of SeasonsChapter 12

Jenny obviously knew what she was doing with the carrot, pushing in and out slowly, making sure I could feel every ridge as it passed my clitty. It was so nice to be penetrated like that with my bare ass presenting itself in such a fashion: Inviting, almost begging for attention. And the thought of being a naughty little whore getting her deserved punishment was something that fantasies were made of. Too bad I couldn't be wearing one of those slut-suit French maid get-ups that seemed to...

1 year ago
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Passing Time

Chapter 1 Being a spare day in early spring, when the promise of summer hangs in the air and lifts spirits everywhere, I took to the riverbank to enjoy a little whimsy, to dream a little of the future. The river is my favourite place for such dreaming, with its curious mix of both everything and nothing going on. I can sit there for hours and not really see anything, but I seem to see so much more there then when I am bombarded by some modern communication such as television or a movie. Even...

4 years ago
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Passing Grade

‘My arithmetic still needs improvement,’ I said, sliding my report card across the table to her, ‘but I’d like to think my printing is still worthy of your ‘Excellent.’ ‘ Julia picked up the card, and as I studied her smile in the candlelight, it occurred to me that I was still her student even 25 years later, still eager to please. And that she was still absolutely beautiful. ‘My goodness… you kept this?’ she said. ‘After all these years?’ ‘It was my last good report card, Julia,’ I joked....

1 year ago
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Passing the BatonChapter 2

The next month was frantic for Sarah and Juggy. Both Juggy and Lila had been sworn to secrecy over this matter. The other slaves could not know the details. As far as they were concerned, Master had decided to snuff Sarah, who, as a matter of course consented to it, although her consent wasn't really necessary. Sarah was thus set as an example of the behavior a devoted slave girl should exhibit, and all was right in the world. All the arrangements had to be made, and invitations sent. Paul...

3 years ago
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Passing GlancesChapter 2

Sarah tried to feel guilty. She kept telling herself she shouldn't have been with Gabe, but curled into a bed and feeling sorry for her loss. But when her sister and brother had invaded, the sorrow had turned to rage. When Gabe called, she wanted escape and he had offered. She snagged up the lifeline. She told Gabe about her childhood. The first few years, she admitted weren't fun. Her parents struggled with Trevor and Denise's jealousy at having a new child in the house. Though looking...

2 years ago
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Passing of SeasonsChapter 2

I sat down in the chair facing my dresser with the brush in my hand. Making eye contact with her face in the mirror, I watched her slowly move toward me. After handing her the brush I placed my folded my hands abruptly into my lap and smiled just to let her know I was ready. Actually, I was more than ready. I was ready for more. More of whatever she wanted. I felt her hands on both sides of my face, gently pushing downward, ready to take the brush to me. Feeling my nipples pressing out...

3 years ago
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Passing of SeasonsChapter 8

My favorite books were romantic novels, especially those that took place in the medieval times. In them I found all the necessary ingredients for my wildest fantasies: Castles, knights in shining armor, princes to sweep me of my feet and ride off into the nearest sunset. Nothing to do but stroll around all day in fancy dresses through the flower gardens... But, there was a darker side to my fantasies too, where masked men would lock a steel collar around my neck and lead me by chains into...

1 year ago
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Passing of SeasonsChapter 11

I often used my mother's absence as an opportunity to browse through her latest "reading material". It wasn't long after Jenny arrived, that we found ourselves sprawled out on my bed amidst a vast array of sexy magazines and catalogs. Because there hadn't been enough time to sort through them, I ended up with some pretty heavy duty stuff. Jenny dug up one that was buried at the bottom called "Submissively Yours: Adult Toys Catalog for the Women who needs to be put in her place."...

3 years ago
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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 4 Intermission

Manu left her tied, on the table, for the rest of the day. He did not want her hands reaching for her scarred pussy, where they could damage the scar, or cause infection. He did bring her legs down thinking, rightly, that she would feel better if her legs were straight, even if not closed together, rather than spread out, with her pussy exposed. He did not tell her this though. He gave her some wine to drink, which was technically a violation of the rules, and the wine, on her empty stomach...

3 years ago
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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 12

Lila kissed Manu tenderly one last time and followed Aisha out of the dungeon. She saw the grass; she felt the heat of the midday sun on her naked skin. Her cuffed wrists chained together in front of her, were also attached, by a single chain to the two rings on her unhealed breasts and to her nose ring. A second, longer, leash led from her nose ring to Aisha's hand. Not that she needed it, she would follow the slave girl willingly, but it added to her humiliation and discomfort. Her nose...

2 years ago
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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 16 Imitating Lila

Aisha considered the cross; yes, that was appropriate, she thought. She brought a small tray on wheels close to the cross and searched around the drawers until she found what she needed. The stories told her by the Somali slaves she knew showed her what was required. She set on the table a sharp knife and a pair of sharp scissors and placed them on the tray. He can decide what to use on me when he gets here. She looked for something to staunch the bleeding; the slaves were definite about...

3 years ago
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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 20

Disobedience. She brought him a cup of mint tea before joining him in bed. As she slipped under the covers at his side, the sheik had allowed him her use for the duration, Aisha hoped he would drink it, and was relieved to see that he downed it in just a few, thirsty, gulps. It did not take long; the sleeping pill she had dissolved in the tea, Rohypnol, worked fast, very fast. When his deep, even, breathing told her the draught had taken effect, Aisha left the bed and turning on a dim...

3 years ago
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Passing my Mother off to my younger brother

While I was spending my time fucking my mother whenever possible, I was planning on how to get my 14 yr old brother involved in using her body to his advantage. He had been frustrated by the lack of willing girls in school and I often heard him complaining about it. Like most teenaged boys, he was curious about girls and wanted to experience the pleasures of sex and the female body for himself. After awhile I figured out how to get him involved with Mom and it would be fun watching it...

3 years ago
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Passing Time in Detention

James walked into his class, as usual, about ten minutes late. His shirt hanging out and his tie was untidy, he personally could not care less. He entered the classroom and made his way to the back without making any apologies. The teacher which he had not taken any notice of, frowned. “Excuse me,” she said in a quite voice. James ignored her. “HEY!” yelled the teacher. James turned. “Yea?”. “Detention, this afternoon,” the teacher replied. James had not really noticed that this teacher was...

1 year ago
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Passing with flying colors

Waking up to the screeching sound of a rocking wooden bed as my body moved in a constant motion opposite to that of the bed’s, forward, backward, forward, backward and so on, I felt edgy yet happy, there was this tension building up through my body while lying in bed on my back, slightly regaining consciousness, I felt my penis throbbing inside a squishy wet hole and was fully erect, buried in that very tight soft wet hole which belonged to a small body, a fragile entity, this entity was warm,...

3 years ago
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Passing the Class Part Two

I did what I was told and got down on my knees. As I went down I let my hands run down his legs. I got down to the floor and looked straight at his crotch. He had a raging boner in his khaki pants. I ran my hands up and down his thighs slowly. ‘Your hands are shaking honey,’ said Mr. B ‘You nervous?’ ‘A little,’ I said shyly. He then took my hand off of his leg and bent down to kiss it. ‘Don’t worry cutie, I won’t hurt you.’ I was surprisingly nervous. It was weird because I had had a...

3 years ago
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Passing Whims

Two kindred souls tend to meet at varied times, as did Valerie and she meeting a black horse by the name of Morgan. Their meeting made an instant bond, she wishing to be always near him, as he wished for her to be as one of his many mares. That very night as each slept, both had the same or similar a dream. Morgan had his dream of Valerie coming to visit his stall and there she tried with remarkable ease to entice the stallion of him to showing her his masculine wares. Valerie too had a...

2 years ago
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Passing my wife around

My wife Andrea and I went on a hot rod cruise in our 51 Pontiac Chieftain. It was warm so she wire a pair of really tight shorts and a tank top with a push-up bra . I commented on how sexy her tits looked and then I said those pants are to tight .she wiggled her hips and asked if I liked her in them. I said I don't see a panty line are you wearing a thong. She said no I'm not wearing panties then just before she got into the car she pulled the shorts up making them dig right into her smoothly...

4 years ago
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Passing with flying colors

Waking up to the screeching sound of a rocking wooden bed as my body moved in a constant motion opposite to that of the bed’s, forward, backward, forward, backward and so on, I felt edgy yet happy, there was this tension building up through my body while lying in bed on my back, slightly regaining consciousness, I felt my penis throbbing inside a squishy wet hole and was fully erect; buried in that very tight soft wet hole which belonged to a small body, a fragile entity, this entity was warm,...

4 years ago
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Passing Time in Detention

James walked into his class, as usual, about ten minutes late. His shirt hanging out and his tie was untidy, he personally could not care less. He entered the classroom and made his way to the back without making any apologies. The teacher which he had not taken any notice of, frowned. “Excuse me,” she said in a quite voice. James ignored her. “HEY!” yelled the teacher. James turned. “Yea?”. “Detention, this afternoon,” the teacher replied. James had not really noticed that this teacher was...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Passing the Provider

AUTHOR'S NOTES Sound like a health insurance merger? Not that. I've already stretched a few passages from my original Writer's Notebook into stand-alone stories, but more needed pruning to get Notebook to negotiable length. Adios to the 3x3 scheme for parallel sub-plots, for example. Nobody ever e-mailed, "My, what a clever way to include 9 teen, inc, first stories." So here are three prunings expanded into very short shorts. (Brief short stories, I mean, not "show panty when you...

2 years ago
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Passing the BatonPrologue

"Paul is going to snuff me on my birthday" Sarah's comment caused her two friends to stare at her in astonished silence. "That's impossible Sara" said Juggy "Paul loves you. He would never snuff you. He doesn't even like snuff, not very much anyway" "Why would he ever want to snuff you?" asked Lila "You are her oldest slave, he loves you, and you run his household for him" "I never said he wanted to snuff me" Sarah continued soberly "I know he loves me, but he will snuff...

3 years ago
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Passing the BatonChapter 3

The guests and their entourages had all arrived by 10:30. Security at the gate was strict. Only invited guests and their slaves were allowed in. There were no female guests invited. Political correctness did not even receive lip service in Brunei. Each guest bore the following invitation engraved in gold embossed vellum: Dear X Paul Collins requests the pleasure of your company next October 15th at the palace of Sheik Al-Hussaim, in Brunei. Brunch will be served at 10:30 in the garden....

3 years ago
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Passing the BatonChapter 4

At noon sharp, the music stopped. The band was dismissed, placed in a bus and whisked off to the airport. They would be out of the country before Sarah got half way through her evening. All eyes were riveted on the stage. Promptly, Sarah emerged from the center of the stage, where a cleverly hidden hatch allowed access. With her was Juggy and a second tall and strong, black slave girl dressed in the Sheik's colors. Sarah let her white sundress slip to the ground to show her nude body to...

4 years ago
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Passing It DownChapter 2

"I can't believe how horny I am after us watching them, then talking about all this stuff and now getting naked. Just get it in me, Simon, make me happy." I crawled up between her legs, my cock eagerly wavering as I did, when she took hold of it and led it right to her. "Push, Simon, push it in, fuck me," she groaned as I arched my hips forward, looking down, seeing my cock slowly press into my younger sister's beautiful body. Anna was tight, it took some pushing and shoving on my...

4 years ago
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Passing Down the Keys

I've lived in West Armpit as long as I can remember. Aww, alright. South Jacksonville Heights, West Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida. Mom and I live in this old trailer park way out in the boonies. There's about 80 trailer pads, not that all of 'em are filled There's no swimming pool and you'll only try swimming in the drainage pond once. The cottonmouths and the gator might fight long enough over your butt for you to scramble out of the water and mud, but maybe not. Then there's the...

2 years ago
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Passing of SeasonsChapter 3

Neither of us felt like eating a whole lot so we shared a little of the hot soup before moving on to the *main* course: the hot bath. I led Jenny by the hand into the bathroom with the 6 foot tub then slowly undressed her. Stopping after each piece to caress her skin and tell how her pretty she was all over. She was obviously getting turned on in the process. Oh, well. Some things I just can't help! The poor thing's clothes were soaked to the bone. Nothing that a nice warm snuggle...

1 year ago
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Passing of SeasonsChapter 4

I playfully rolled over on my side and held Jenny's shoulders. "It was kind of scary, like I was falling through a tunnel into another world. And I could see you fading away into the darkness. It was so beautiful but so frightening at the same time. Do you know what I mean?" That smile she flashed at me had "understanding" written all over it. "It *is* frightening to be completely out of control and yet so freeing. It's like being out of your body... like your floating on a cloud or...

1 year ago
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Passing of SeasonsChapter 5

I drifted in and out of sleep until the lines between the two became hard to recognize. Bits and pieces of my erotic dreams began to scroll through my mind at random. Each of them held together by a single common thread: Jenny. She was everywhere, in my thoughts, in my heart, and now in my dreams. I gently squeezed her hand, still in mine, watching a tiny smile appear on her face while she slept. The full moon was like a bright car headlight shining through my window. Getting up to draw the...

3 years ago
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Passing of SeasonsChapter 6

"So, are you ready to let me do *anything* I want to you?" She managed to squeeze in a "no" between all the laughing. Ok, fine, I thought. she'll agree with everything when I get done with her. I decided to give her another chance. "I think it's time for some sweet little promises, don't you? I think you really want to be *eaten* don't you? Don't act like you don't know *exactly* what I'm talking about either! And you know what *else* I think? I think you should admit it *right*...

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