Loving Mansi 8211 Part 1
- 3 years ago
- 41
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At eighty-three Geoff Weetman was still active, admittedly not as spry as in his youth and with a lot of curses for the stiffness of his joints, but active nevertheless. Although a member of a number of social clubs and groups, he was lonely and had been for the past fifteen years following the death of his wife, he smiled at the memory of her. Their time together had sped by, it had been a shock when she had been found to have cancer, she'd died within a year of the diagnosis and right up to the end she had taken great pleasure in the act of sex with him. Shaking his head, Geoff turned his attention back to the old biddy murmuring away beside him, just as quickly he blocked out her voice again and wondered why he came along to the Monday Senior Citizen's club every week, virtually all the folk that came here had one foot in the grave, and their heads wholly in the clouds. Maud, the old dear he'd blocked out, had spent the last half an hour talking about her granddaughter and looked like continuing for the next half hour. About all he'd taken in was that the granddaughter was named Patricia, she was nineteen and was coming to visit, the rest had been, and still was, about the girl's life history.
"Excuse me." Geoff said as he stood up.
He had to get away from the table before Maud drove him potty with her wittering, bored he wandered around the room listening to snatches of conversation at other tables as he passed, all the conversations seemed the same, children and grandchildren. He and Clara had never been blessed with children, not for the want of trying mind, but it was not to be, he wondered whether, if they had been blessed, he would now be like these old folk here, nothing to live for except to relate tales of the 'kids'.
"Excuse me?" a melodious voice said from behind him.
Turning Geoff found himself facing an attractive and very well proportioned young woman, eighty three though he was Geoff could still enjoy the sight of beauty and took a couple of seconds to gaze upon this young lady.
"Yes, can I help you?" he asked.
"I hope so," the young woman smiled, "I'm looking for my grandmother."
"Your grandmother?" Geoff repeated, "Your name wouldn't happen to be Patricia by any chance?"
"Yes it would." she replied grimacing.
Geoff deduced that she did not like the name 'Patricia' and wondered what she had shortened it to while he pointed out the table where Maud was still jabbering away, he was very aware of the scent the girl was wearing as she leant over to look where he was pointing. Thanking him with a warm smile the young woman trotted over to her grandmother, Geoff watched her for a moment then walked outside into the centre's garden.
Patricia hadn't been able to spot grandma Maud when she walked in, she'd noticed a rather distinguished old guy standing nearby, he'd looked bored, she felt bored already and she'd only just walked in the door. She'd asked him for help and had been surprised when he had looked at her with a twinkle in his eye before answering, she'd needed no second guesses as to how he'd known her name, grandma was no doubt telling anyone who'd listen, but had shuddered at the full form of her name, she preferred to be called Trish. When he had spoken she had been astonished at how strongly masculine his voice was, he couldn't have been a day under seventy after all. He had pointed out the table at which sat grandma; thanking him she walked in that direction composing herself for the meeting. It had not been her idea to come and see grandma Maud, her parents had made that decision for her, Trish dreaded her meetings with her grandmother, the old woman would embarrass her with tales, in front of all and sundry, of what she did as a baby, cackling and pawing at her as she did so. However, Trish knew that her parents doted on the old dear and she loved her parents, so when asked to visit grandma Trish had gritted her teeth and said 'okay', what she hadn't expected was that it was to be a two week visit, with Trish booked into an hotel, grandma living in a home as she did, for the entire stay.
Geoff sat down just outside the centre and looked at the garden, small birds were hopping in and out of the plants, enjoying life in their own way. Looking over his shoulder he found he'd placed himself near one of the large windows, in the hall he could see Maud still wittering away and beside her sat the granddaughter, her face fixed in polite smile. Geoff grinned at the sight, he wasn't the only one that was bored by Maud and he wondered if the visit was entirely 'voluntary', it looked as though the girl was there more as a duty than anything else. The young woman's head turned and her eyes met his; he smiled at her, but didn't turn away.
Trish set her face in a fixed smile and let grandma waffle on, the old woman's tales of Trish's first steps and so on drifting off as her attention wandered. She looked out the window at the freedom the outside world offered and found her eyes meeting those of the old man she talked to earlier, he was grinning wryly, then he smiled broadly at Trish and nodded. It seemed he understood what Trish was going through; in fact he was probably sitting alone in the garden to escape the boredom inside. When he turned away Trish looked back at her grandmother and waited for her to stop talking long enough to get a word in edgewise.
"Granny," Trish said ten minutes later, "who's that man out in the garden?"
Peering through the window her grandmother pulled a disapproving face.
"That is Geoff Weetman," she finally answered, "he's not really part of our club, but comes along every week, though I don't know why, he spends most of his time in the garden instead of in here with us."
Trish could understand how Mr. Weetman felt, she wished she could escape just as easily, but she was stuck for the duration.
"I am so glad you came today my dear," granny was saying, "as I am going away for a few weeks,"
"Really gran? Where are you off to?" Trish asked politely.
Trish was annoyed, she was stuck in this place for two weeks, the hotel having been paid up in advance and her parents having gone away for the same period, at the invitation of granny and the gaga old fool had forgotten to mention she wouldn't be there most of the time. She looked out into the garden again, but Mr. Weetman was gone.
Geoff had sat thinking for some time after catching the young woman's eye, the poor thing had looked as though she were trapped, which, if truth be known, she probably was. Deciding that enough was enough Geoff rose, cursing his stiff joints, and walked away towards his little bungalow and a decent evening meal.
The following day Geoff walked the half mile to the town shopping centre, it was a fine day and for a change none of his joints felt stiff, the shopping didn't take long, the few bits and pieces he'd needed had been an excuse to get out among people. As he walked out of the greengrocer a body cannoned into him almost knocking him over, startled he looked at the culprit expecting to find one of the local lads on one of those skateboard things. Instead he found himself looking into the concerned and apologetic eyes of Maud's granddaughter, the poor girl looked red with embarrassment and was reaching out as though to catch him.
"I'm so dreadfully sorry." she was saying, "I was miles away."
"As much my fault as yours dear," he grinned, "anyway no harm done. At least not to me."
He looked at her from head to toe, taking in her shape in one quick and pleasing glance.
"It seems you have a little damage though." he finished.
"Pardon?" she replied looking puzzled.
"My bag appears to have caught your stocking." Geoff grinned, "I'm afraid it is quite ruined."
"Oh," she responded, "I see, oh well they're only an old pair of tights."
Trish looked down at the run that had appeared in her tights, why, he wasn't sure, but Geoff gained the impression that the young woman was unhappy about something other than ruined hosiery; he fell back on what had always cheered Clara up.
"Old pair or not my dear," Geoff smiled, "I feel somewhat responsible, therefore, come along with me and we will replace the damaged article."
Trish protested, but finally gave way after the old man calmly stated that he would buy a replacement anyway and guess at the size and promised to deliver it via granny. She was extremely embarrassed about the whole thing, she'd been fuming at being stuck out in the sticks and had not been paying attention to her surroundings. The force of the impact had winded her and she hoped that the old man hadn't been hurt, although he had not done more than stagger when she'd hit him and had seemed unaffected by the impact. Thinking about it now she realised that she had virtually bounced off him and she wondered what he had been like in his prime.
Geoff escorted the young woman along the street to the ladies wear shop, many had been the time that he and Clara had come here to select a new frilly or fancy. He realised that this young woman reminded him a little of his late wife, the same sort of build, the same attitude and strangely enough the same way of holding herself.
'The same bounce.' he thought with a smile.
Inside the shop Geoff let his eyes roam around the wares, he hadn't been in here since Clara had died, he'd had no reason to, but apart from the new fashions on display the place seemed not to have changed in fifteen years. An assistant wandered over to them, she seemed bored and disinterested, however, that seemed to be the attitude these days to customers in any shop.
"Now my dear," he said to Trish, "let's start with size."
She told him and he in turn instructed the assistant to bring a selection of silk stockings in that size.
"But," Trish said as the assistant trotted off, "it was only a pair of cheap tights."
"Now my dear," Geoff said, "hmm, this is no good I can't keep calling you 'my dear', most folk call me Geoff. What would you like me to call you?"
"I prefer Trish." she smiled.
"A nice choice," he responded, "anyway, as I was about to say, a young lady should only wear silks. You'll see the difference when you meet your boyfriend wearing them and you will feel the difference yourself."
"I'll have a long wait," Trish answered, "but thank you anyway."
Geoff had been about to speak, but the assistant returned at that moment with the selection of stockings, as Trish tried to choose a pair he wondered just what she had meant by the 'long wait' comment, surely she wasn't implying that she had no boyfriends.
Trish made a choice and went into the changing room to discard her tights for the new stockings only to discover that she would need a suspender belt to keep them up. Poking her head out of the cubicle she caught the attention of the assistant and asked for a suspender belt to suit the hosiery, this soon arrived and she put it on, to her surprise Geoff had been right, the stockings and suspenders made her feel so sexy. The pity was that she had no-one to show them off to, the relationship with her boyfriend having been broken off just before her trip, he hadn't been much of a boyfriend, but to have lost him to a woman older and less attractive had been quite a blow to her morale. Smoothing her dress Trish stepped out of the cubicle, she reached into her bag for her purse only to see Geoff handing over money at the till, she decided to settle up with him for the suspender belt once they were outside.
"Ah, there you are." he smiled at her, "Now be honest, doesn't that feel a lot better."
"I must admit it does." Trish replied with a grin.
She realised that she was enjoying the company of this old man, not that she'd spent any time with him, but he seemed to be more in the here and now than in the there and then. He held the door for her as they left the shop and appeared to be on the verge of bidding her a farewell.
"Geoff," she said quickly, "let me pay you for the suspender belt."
"Good lord," he said in surprise, "I wouldn't think of it."
"Well at least" Trish grinned, "let me buy you a drink as a thank you."
"I'll agree to that," he replied, "but I mustn't keep you away from your grandmother too long."
Trish laughed at his comment and explained the situation she had found herself in, why she'd told him she wasn't sure, but he was very sympathetic.
Geoff hadn't been overly surprised to learn that Maud had invited Trish down and then gone on holiday, he felt sorry for her stuck out in the sticks with nothing to do and no-one her own age to talk to. He led the way to the pub where Trish bought him a glass of the amber nectar, whisky, which they took out into the garden to drink at one of the tables.
"How does your boyfriend feel about you being away all this time?" he asked.
To his surprise her face clouded over, something was obviously wrong in her love life and he quickly changed the subject, but she still seemed unhappy. Without warning Trish told him her troubles, how her boyfriend had dumped her for a woman older and uglier from what he could gather, but Geoff knew outward looks were not always the best of guides. Mind you the lad must have been a fool, Trish was attractive from all points of view, both looks and personality, the men these days obviously needed their brains tested, and he said so. Her blush reminded him so much of his late wife, she had always blushed when he'd made comments of that type, strangely he felt an urge to invite her for a meal that evening, but he hesitated, after all what young lady would want to spend time with an old fogy like him.
"Would you" he asked after a while, "care to join me for dinner tonight?"
Trish was astonished at how easy it was to talk to Geoff and found herself telling him all about her split with her boyfriend, he had been unable to believe it and had said so, his words made her feel so much better. They'd talked for a while, but she could see that something was on his mind, then he asked her to dinner in a tone that seemed to be awaiting a negative response, but the idea appealed to Trish, she had found him to be both a man of the world with some interesting tales, if you dragged them out of him, and a great sense of humour. Even more than this Geoff knew how to listen to you, she had been amazed to discover that he was eighty-three, he didn't look it and certainly didn't act it. They parted a while later and she looked forward to meeting him later in the evening, he was going to pick her up from the hotel and take her to a place where they served proper food, or so he had said.
Hi everyone, this is ishan again going to continue the 2nd part of “Uncle fucked mansi”. For those who didn’t read the part 1 please read it first (uncle fucked mansi-part 1) then continue this part. So coming to the story. As uncle’s blowjob session was interrupted by the door bell, uncle was left disappointed. Mansi was asked to open the door and let in her parents as the maid had left. After getting freshened up, they all met at the dining table to have dinner together. Her parents started...
Hello friends…. I have been following ISS for a very long time and enjoy the stories and comments here. Presently I am living near RAIPUR Chhattisgarh. This story happened to me when I was very young (18 years old).. Against all the claims of the ISS story writer I am a 32 year old man of average built 5-5” and have working tool of 5.5 Inches. I have a pleasant smiling appearance and an average body (although I had no interest in providing these details but I do understand while imagining some...
IncestHi to all friends and readers of ISS and ye meri pehli story. I hope apko pasand ayegi. Ye meri aur mansi k pehli chudai k kahani h mansi mere se 3 saal badi h vo mujhe apna bhai manti h apr mai to use mansi ka figure kuch khas nai h par ha uske boobs acche h. Story- ye baat 1 saal pehle k h jb mai delhi gaya tha college mai admission lene. Vaha pe mai sbse pehle mansi se mila jo k meri senior thi usne hi mujhe help k sb arange karne mai admission se le k flat dhudne mai maine Ek 2bhk ka flat...
Hey, guys, this is arav, once again I am here to share my further experience after a long time with my gorgeous, bold, beautiful girlfriend Mansi, Please read the previous 3 parts for more pleasure and excitement and also do likes and comments. This is a continuation of the third part and I began with that horny evening, As this part is most exciting and hornier please read as whole to enjoy. After that evening we again busy in our exams schedules because every weekend we had back to back exam...
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Top Premium Porn SitesDosto, Aap Sab ko mera yani ki Raj ka Pranam, mari age hai 26 Year and I am from Gujarat. Mere land ka size 6.5” hai jo kisi bhi bhi ladki ko shantust karne ke liye kafi hai, agar koi ladki, bhabhi or aunty sex karna chahti hai or sex chat karne ki ichhchha to mujhe mail kar shakti hai mera mail id hai. To jyada bore na karte hue hum chalte hai aajse karib 3 saal pahle ke flash beck mai sidhe apni story par, yeh story ka main hero mai hu or heroine mere sath kaam karne wali Mansi (Name...
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Group SexHi frnds, this is sonia. Aaj main aap logo ko emotions k us roller coaster pe leke jana chahti hu jisse har ladki kabhi na kbhi guzarti hai. Ye kahani hai ek chote shahar se ayi ek seedhi sadhi ladki mansi ki, jo ki aankhon me sapne liye, architect banne chandigarh aati hai. So, bina waqt zaya kiye main ye kahani usi k lafzon me aapke samne pesh karna chahti hu. Baat un dino ki hai jab mere 12th k exam abhi abhi khatm hue the, aur gharwalo ne question karna shuru kar diya tha ki aage kya...
Ye story mere aur mansi aunty ke beech pehle sex ki hai, maine pehle baar sex unke saath hi enjoy kiya. Mansi aunty meri neighbor hain unki age 35 years hai. Unke husband ka glass ka business hai. Unke dono bacche mere ghar tution k liye ate hain meri mom un baacchon ko padhati hain. Ye baat tabki hai jab mai bca 3rd year mein tha. Mai unko shuru se like karta tha jab mai unko first time dekha tha tab se unke saath sex karne ka man karta tha ek din unke mobile mein kuch problem ho gayi thi to...
Hi Friends, I am Abhi aged 30 from New Delhi. I am regular reader of ISS. This is really an amazing site. I have been reading stories o this for the past few years and really enjoyed them. This is my first story here that just happened a few days back. Just to tell you about myself, I am the owner of a software services company here. It’s a small company with a staff of around 20 people. There is a lady amongst my staff named Mansi who’s taking care of accounts. She is married and has a 3 year...
IncestAella held the bow and arrow in her hand steadily. She knew these forests better than anyone else because of her time fighting the Macedonians, and now she lay in wait in the thick underbrush as the night hid her slim figure in its darkness. “General Aella,” Stavros, her advisor, had said to her earlier in the day. “Everything is ready now. The men have been briefed, and your spies have returned confirming the news you had received last week. There will be an attack tonight, and we will be...
Once we are on the move, Gunga Din pulls out the maps and start marking likely hiding spots. Galahad moans in his sit. I can only guess he is finding the ride on the bumpy side. Until we get to the major road way there is not much I can do. The Kindred tore up the paved road going into the compound, back when the holocaust first happened. Now there are trees and shrubs growing over the path. Even after driving over it a few times in the last month, it is still hard going. "Sorry kid. it...
I am 60 years old as I write this, and it is all true. The only thing changed is the names. I have been married for 35 years, and for most of that time I have been true to my vows. Sometimes though, a person can only wait so long before their needs and desires overcome any resistance they may have. I met my wife Ann when we were in college, and both of us were virgins. She had gone out with a few guys but nothing ever happened. I had never even kissed a girl and I was very shy. I am just a...
TrueIntroduction: This is the last Chapter to the series, I hope everyone has enjoyed the story, thanks for reading…Peace Im in my squad car listening to the radio and nothing eventful is going on. With my coffee in hand im watching as pedestrians are walking by waving at me nicely. The years have gone by and have been nice. After Maya was born I went into the Police Academy, but I wasnt the only one Dusty and Will followed me. We graduated in the top 10 of our class. Mina supported me through it...
Story of older white couple the husband was at home terminally ill with cancer, hospice was already taking care of him , he was also on heavy medication of morphine his long time best friend for many years stopped by the thing was he is black and he had an affair with the wife years earlier, they broke it off, twenty years ago now as soon as she went to the door and saw him her pussy became instantly wet, he came in and saw his friend basically u*********s close to comatose as he said his good...
I was on business and was staying a couple of nights in a hotel. I had just phoned my wife and now was wondering what to do with myself. I decided rather than hit the bar I would go for a swim in the hotel pool. When I got there I had it all to myself and was enjoying the luxury of swimming alone. I had done a few lengths and was having a breather when I heard someone else coming into the poolroom. I felt a bit aggrieved as my peace was disturbed. I glanced up and to my surprise felt a jolt of...
I was on business and was staying a couple of nights in a hotel. I had just phoned my wife and now was wondering what to do with myself. I decided rather than hit the bar I would go for a swim in the hotel pool. When I got there I had it all to myself and was enjoying the luxury of swimming alone. I had done a few lengths and was having a breather when I heard someone else coming into the poolroom. I felt a bit aggrieved as my peace was disturbed. I glanced up and to my surprise felt a jolt of...
Gay MaleWe fade in on the exterior of what appears to be a wide, apartment complex. Two levels, very pretty, limited parking. Then we’re inside, noting the number of old people sitting in armchairs or being pushed around in wheelchairs. We move to an indoor swimming pool – steam rising into the air suggesting that this is a hydrotherapy pool. In the pool, a small group of women are being put through a series of exercises by a nurse/carer who is standing on the side of the pool. They are extremely...
Consider the following conversation. A man approaches a young girl in her early teens, and asks her, crudely and bluntly, 'Hi sweetheart, will you fuck my car'?She is confused, a tad frightened, but curious.She looks at this man in his mid fifties, 'What do you mean'?He looks down on this beauty, 'At least I have her attention, and she's curious', he thinks.'I have just bought a new car', he continues, 'she is like you, young sexy and very pretty to look at'.She is flattered at his...
About a month ago the wife and I went to a dress up birthday party for her sister in law. She wore a formal gown and I wore my best suit. The wife, Stephanie is a true MILF. At 48 she always turns heads. She is 5'6, 160lbs of shapely woman, she wears a 32KK bra and has long legs and a juicy ass. She definitely has the Jessica Rabbit figure going on. Her blonde hair and green eyes and perfect smile catches men's attention everywhere we go. Her tits are huge and she is proud of them.As we...
Introduction: Heres a story about a woman whos caught fucking her landlords dog. I lived at my roommates apartment for several years since I began working at a local retail shop. I had met up with her after responding to her listing in the local pages when she needed a roommate. She and I became decent friends after a while of living together. We split the rent in half and shared the responsibility of paying the utilities. Everything seemed to be working out fine in my life until I found out...
Shamans In Love About This Series : This is a role-play between another author and I that we like to have fun with. We designed characters and used a fictional world we enjoy to set the scene. One of us types a bit of the story, then e-mails it to the other, who types a bit of a continuation, and so on and so forth. Here is the resulting published version. **Disclaimer** I own nothing related to the original inspiration for this series. This is a fan-fiction role-play created by myself and...
Older Mans Toy - Draft Only, Comments / Suggestions Welcome I had trawled the Internet and was a frequent visitor to crossdresser / sissy sites and would edge and stroke myself for hours before letting forth a huge torrent of cum that I either landed in my hand and licked up or with my nylon encased legs over my head into my own mouth.On this occasion I had received a web prompt from someone else on the site asking if I would be interested in a home visit to explore my sexuality further....
[Note: This is part short story and part therapy session. The events here are certainly fictionalized to a great degree, but they are based on a very real life experience – one that I am not entirely proud to announce is mine. As I was saying to a Lush friend yesterday, sometimes when I reminisce about past sexual exploits it’s to unpack things about myself that I’m not so sure about. Never fear, though, dear reader. Your task is not to cure me. It is but to observe and, I hope, enjoy.] ‘What...
Let me tell you a bout my somewhat recently/maybe newly single, x/current gf Rach.She is a smoking hot dark blond/ lite burr. I have secretly lead her down this path of corruption. When i met her she was a fun part-yer and lush drinker. When we started dating along time ago, i notice she ONLY would ware thong panties/ underware. She had here belly pierced ones and had been when 1 other dude prior.Well for the past idk greater part of the year i got addicted to cuckold/ir porn in my own time and...
CUCKOLDS IN CORSETS by Throne Carl Clinton was in the kitchen, wearing rubber gloves and washing dishes. All he had on was an apron that barely reached below his pubic region in front and left everything uncovered in the back. He also wore three inch heels and, because he'd been standing there for a while, he could feel a strain building in his calves. As he shifted his feet around to avoid getting muscles cramps, he thought about how smooth his legs were. There wasn't a single...
You may have gotten the idea that Arnold was just a gay guy or sheep lover from the first part of this little story. Well, that would be wrong. Arnold was much more than that. Arnold was quite a pervert of the N’th degree. One of the things he liked to do was to make obscene phone calls to the women in the area. I used to like listening to him talk to those women and see how long he could keep them going before they hung up the phone. I would say that around a third of them would go along with...
First, apologies to Mr. James Thurber for taking liberties with his story theme. I just thought it was a cute idea. I first got the idea from watching women do everyday things like flipping their long hair back and trying on clothes in a store, and feeling envy. *** "T" Flights Of Fancy By Lindsay Hart "Walter, do you have everything you need?" Margaret asked in that annoying way. Sometimes I felt like she treated me like a child. Checking up on every little thing that I did,...
Jim McGuire skidded his bike to a stop in front of the large blue sided house. Setting the bike up against the white picket fence, the eighteen-year-old glanced at his watch. He smiled as he saw that he was right on time. Not that Mrs. Burke would've been angry if he had been a little late, but it was a matter of pride to the sandy-haired young man that he showed up places when he said he would. Originally, he had planned to spend this week in Florida. His parents had promised him a trip to...
I finally made it, I have a full football scholarship to a small college and I’m away from home, for the first time in my life. I checked in, they had a whole staff to help you if you needed it, but I was fine, so I got my schedules, both football and academic and the key to my room. I knew I was getting a roommate, it was a small school and I was curious to see how the luck of the draw worked for me. He was already in the room and unpacked when I got there, it took me all of thirty seconds to...
GayThis is my first short story, any feedback would be welcomed. I’m planning on writing more so let me know how to improve. Hope you enjoy. ***** Harold Thompson has woken up promptly at 8 o’clock every morning for the last six months and sees nothing but an empty side of the bed where his wife used to sleep. Her name was Deanna. He thinks about her every day how she’d always smile as he woke up and tells him good morning. Now there are no more good mornings for Harold. At age 56, Harold was...