Ahoy Miranda Ch. 05 free porn video

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The evening was beautiful, absolutely still and Alan had intensified Lydia’s excitement by refused to even hint what was wonderful about the gorge.

After some thought she decided it must contain some caves with glow-worms. Well they could look pretty spectacular she recalled from what she’d seen on a program on TV.

They were on the double seat behind the skipper’s control console. As the nominated first mate (she objected to the term, saying it suggested other women were having a piece of him) Lydia was in charge of the spot light. With the low speed restriction on the sound the craft was fitted with a 20hp motor instead of the recommend motor three times more powerful.

Of course slow speed meant a dryer experience with no spray flying about.

‘That’s where Arch lives,’ Alan said above the reasonably quiet low-revving motor, looking to his right.

‘It’s the same side as us,’ Lydia said.

‘His pad is the luxury model metal shed, two of them actually, that his company produced particularly for the life-style small block farmers who usually were retired farmers or greenies from the city. He’ll be watching porn videos.’


‘I meant to say he’ll be reading something by Leo Tolstoy.’

Lydia said she was surprised he knew of Tolstoy.

‘I was bought up proper,’ he said in a funny accent and then said his mother was a literary person and had him progressively ready classic books of increasing difficulty throughout his teens.

‘We’re turning into Isobel Inlet which leads into the larger Josephine Sound but we shall go only as far as the Dark Passage. Keep the spotlight steady over the bow. Don’t become nervous as we progress and the inlet walls become rather sheer and the only source of illumination is our light.’

Lydia became uncomfortable as it was a little scary and the sound of the motor was amplified off the hard rock vertical surface on both sides of them, the distance between the walls becoming as little as 20 feet.

‘Here we are,’ Alan said as he briefly slipped the motor into reverse to stop their forward momentum and the switched off the outboard.

‘Yes its’s spooky but…’

‘Turn off the light.’

‘Oooh it’s now very spooky. Alan I don’t…’

‘Slide your bum forward on your seat and look skywards,’ Alan said, taking her hand romantically.

‘O-m-i-g-o-d,’ Lydia drawled. ‘Although we are looking up a relatively narrow gap I see stars, tens of thousands of them, brighter than I’ve ever seen stars before. It’s unbelievable.’

‘This spot is not publicised because it’s narrow and subject to wind and tidal surges which makes it a dangerous place. Geologists say this 300ft deep fissure in a narrow part of the mountain range was split during a severe ancient earthquake and purely by chance it perfectly linked the two valleys that were or become sunken valleys that we know as sounds.’

Twenty minutes later Alan exchanged seats with Lydia after explaining the controls.

‘Okay now turn Sally around carefully without touching the granite hard sides and then take us out at say 4 knots. I’m giving you this lesson now because in the morning I want you to go down to the store at 6:00 and pick up a small plastic crate of fresh bread, another of milk, packs of butter and spreads and the morning newspaper.’

‘I put the order through to Patricia Briscoe this afternoon by radio and she said she’d place it outside the doorway under a cover when she gets up at 6:00. But the time you return some guys will be here with your potter’s shed. It’s a disused milking shed plus a processing room attached from a former small goat farm now merged into a dairy farm that milks about 1100 cows.’


‘What’s wrong?’

‘I was expecting… well expecting an as-new shed I suppose.’

‘Well at lease you’ll have a roof over your head and potter’s wheel plus plenty of room for displays of product and storage.’

‘Thanks darling, I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful.

‘That’s okay, you’re entitled to fantasize.’

As they headed down sound, er down the sound toward home, Lydia wondered when Alan was living alone did he watch porn videos while stroking his dick and was he creative enough to perform to the background beat of music. That gave her an idea.

Alan had showered and was in bed when Lydia was still sorting through cartons of his collection of CDs.

‘Come on,’ he grumbled, have a shower and come to bed, it’s late.

‘Ah got it,’ she cried and turning off the lights said she’d have a shower after sex.

‘Christ do I have to engage in sex? I’m tired and we have a big day tomorrow.’

‘Yes, absolutely.’

‘Okay then.’

‘Alan when you lived here alone and masturbated nightly, never complaining you were tired, did you ever do it to music?’

‘I’ve never masturbated in my life.’

‘Answer me truthfully.’

‘I’d stroke away watching a video probably with a chick riding a guy with her tits flopping about as if they were possessed, why would I need to also listen to music?’

Lydia, who was undressing, scooped up the remote and pointed it through the doorway to the CD player.

As the music started he said instantly, ‘Ravel’s ‘Bolero’, why are we listening to that?’

‘Well Mr Engineer it’s apparent you don’t know everything. The music is superbly erotic.’

‘Eh are you talking about Bolero?’

‘Yes the music starts, the guy puts it in and very slowly at first the couple bangs in time with the beat and gradually as the tempo increasing the couple increase their pace and then after something like fifteen minutes as the orchestra reaches a final crescendo guess what?’

‘The repeat play kicks in to restart at the beginning.’

‘I didn’t mean that. When their banging reaches a crescendo in time with the music they both come with explosive climaxes too.’

‘Lydia doesn’t that carry on debase the music?”

‘I’m pretty sure the music as written doesn’t involve a bass.’

‘Oh god Lydia, spare me. Restart the music and open wide and I’ll put it in and we’ll test this bit or erotica or piece of nonsense.’

Lydia took over the leadership.

She told Alan to calm himself and reduce expectations because they would be off to a very slow start.

‘Very slow?’ he groaned.

‘Very slow,’ she said emphatically. ‘Remember your full cooperation is required and don’t you dare ejaculate prematurely.’

She licked two fingers to prepare for his entry and frowned at him.

‘Um slow and cooperatively,’ he said and she kissed the tip of his nose as they both lay on their side and she raised her upper leg and smiled sweetly as he pushed into the channel.

‘Slow, much slower… catch the beat.’

He yawned and complained it was proceeding so slowly he’d fall asleep.

‘Alan if your behaviour results in us fucking up I’ll give you more than blue balls.’

‘I’m cooperating,’ he said hastily.

Lydia returned from douching herself in the shower.

She cooed, ‘We did rather well and in fact I thought it was heavenly.’

But Alan was asleep.

‘We just missed a perfect dual explosive finish but we’ll work on that,’ she said, flopping down to face away from him, wondering why she was in such a depressing hole rather than excitedly reuniting with her former school friends in Houston.

She sighed and thought but life would appear brighter once she was back into working with clay. In fact she was experiencing an improvement in life generally because in the locality where she was now people really cared for one another. As for the crime rate, what was that?

* * *

Next morning Lydia was up and away in the IRB at 5:45 that was fifteen minutes before Sleepy Head’s alarm would pull him from sleep. It would be a big day for her but even a bigger day for Alan directing the crews working on pla
cement of her pottery studio, a dirty and decrepit milking shed for goats and an extension where cheese and whatever had been produced. Oh yuck.

Alan had said he’d arranged for a bit of a clean and a facelift but what would he know about a potter’s needs. The dope should have consulted her. Fucking men!

She headed down sound… god there she was pretending to be a local again. The skippers of two boats going up THE sound, both males she’d never seen before, waved and called out good morning Lydia.

Oh no word had spread that she stared at the windows of masturbating men at night and she only had sex when accompanied by an orchestra.

She giggled at her wit and then thought, ah those two male skippers probably each had a brain and deduced they had not seen her before and she was blonde with two big lumps on her chest and cruising down sound in Alan Meadows’ RIB then she must be Alan’s new bed mate that everyone was talking about, that she was Lydia something.

‘Wow I’m half-famous within my lifetime,’ she giggled and abruptly reduced power and steered closer to the shoreline as a barge with yellow warning lights flashing and a large shed sticking out beyond both sides of the barge came out of the early morning mist.

The skipper gave a warning burst on a siren and she waved in acknowledgement she’d sighted them.

The skipper called through a sound system, ‘Good morning Lydia’

She gave up and thought probably even the dogs and cats around there knew who she was.

Lydia saw Jamie Johns in the wheelhouse waving. Ah he would have told Captain Nemo or whoever she was Lydia who fucked to music.

Jamie leaned out of a side window and called, ‘You’re the prettiest skipper on the sound.’

‘Thank you but aren’t you supposed to… Omigod this hulk is my pottery studio-to-be. But I was expecting a heap of crap holding together by nails.’

‘Yeah it was when I first saw it love. But Alan told me to give it a bit of a rebuild and fit it out like a proper studio.’

‘But you guys know nothing about studio design.’

‘Quite right love but there’s something called the Internet that you might not have in America. I looked up various designs and picked what I thought was best and radioed Alan and he authorised me to have it wired in both 240-volt and 12-volt for battery backup in case your generator should be on stand-by or fail.’

‘The internal plumbing has been done with two basin, one by the wheel as recommended and there is also a wall plug for you electric kiln if you want one, a gas kiln is already installed, the throwing table… oh you will see the rest.’

‘Oh Jamie, you darling. I’m so thrilled that you and Alan have worked together so beautifully on the restoration and upgrade and I can see solar panels on this side of the pitched roof.’

‘Yeah and skylights are spaced apart on the other side to increase natural lighting over your work stations.’

Lydia stopped the motor to try to take in everything as the barge passed her slowly. She gasped when she saw the large sign over the entrance door. The big lettering stated ‘Arundel Pottery & Collectables’ and below that in smaller lettering, ‘Lydia Kennedy, ex-US, Resident Potter’.

She burst into tears, in joy and thinking she was surrounded by wonderful men.

Lydia collected the groceries and a half-mile short of home passed the barge, moving at about 3 knots.

Jamie leaned out of the window again and slowing the speed of the IRB Lydia said, ‘Jamie I am unbelievably happy and I think you and Alan are wonderful men and you too Captain Nemo…’

‘Lydia hi, my name is Sid Walters, forget the title.’

‘Well I also pay premature tribute to all those people who’ll be helping today. This truly is wonderful community action at work.’

‘It will be providing you guys have got in the beer.’

‘Alan checked yesterday and said he had thirteen dozen in storage and wine for the ladies.’

‘That’s great Lydia. We’ll be into the grog earlier than expected because Sid’s boss had cut and industrially-painted three steel salvaged RSJs and the shed er studio will rest on them, eliminating the need to pound in the heavy steel piles.’

‘The guys on hand will haul up pebbles from the shore to lay under the RSJs to keep them above surface water during heavy rain to increase their durability.’

Hmmm. Lydia thought she knew what she meant and smiled appreciatively.

About 1.30 when Arch with his laser-level reported the studio as everyone now called the shed was at perfect level, the work was done and Lydia yelled ‘Lunch.’

The men ignored her and headed for the table loaded with chilled beer.

She was so disappointed.

And then on the sound she heard and incoming motor, and another and more. Within 30 minutes the pebble beach had disappeared under the side-by-side beached watercraft and larger ones were rafted (moored side-by-side) in deeper water.

Dozens of women, most of whom she’d never met before were calling her Lydia and baskets, crates, things called chilly bins and long boxes containing food and drink were spread behind the catering tables and even more tables had arrived to cater for the mass of at least 60 people.

Claire Johns cupped Lydia’s chin and delivered a wet kiss and said, ‘Darling, the sound community really loves to party. Now off you go and perform like a wind-up hostess among the women most of whom you don’t know but they know you while I’ll direct the catering.

Lydia seized the older woman and gave her a frantic kiss, aware that the catering melee was now in control of expert hands.

‘God Lydia don’t kiss me like that unless you want me to have sex with you.’

Lydia smiled indulgently at her dear near neighbour and smiled, ‘Oh really, you and do you think you’d survive?’

That appeared to confuse Claire.

During the day Lydia had only managed brief conversations with Alan. Now he was relaxing over a beer and talking to Jamie, Arch and the skipper of the barge Captain Nemo er Sid and a crewman.

She draped her arms around Alan’s neck and kissed him affectionately.

‘Thanks darling. Jamie took me on a tour of inspection of the studio and it’s amazing, and the layout is better than I think I would have managed.’

‘Thanks it was my intension to float you over the moon.’

The other guys laughed at Alan’s eloquence and Arch asked for one of those kisses, and got it, and noticing the expression on the faces of the other three men Lydia kissed them without holding back on enthusiasm.

When she pulled away Lydia felt she’d just created a fan club.

Someone who’d gone on to the Miranda to look at progress found the remote for the CD player and turned on the music and put it up loud.

The slow mind-strumming sound of ‘Bolero’ boomed out and Lydia, standing with Claire Johns who’d just introduced her to an American immigrant Mrs Eva Blackett, formerly from near Casper City, Wyoming, looked horrified at Alan and cupped her ear.

He just laughed and shrugged and that eased her fears that people would start masturbating or copulation to the erotic building sound of the music.

‘Oh ‘Bolero’, Eva said. ‘My husband in his younger days used to put that LP track on and would come at me leering in anticipating unbelievable sex. God is made us both so horny.

Lydia and Claire gave the appearance of being shocked but Eva wasn’t backing off.’

‘Have either of you being gripped in a slow bang to the slowing rising tempo of ‘Bolero.’

‘Yes,’ Lydia whispered.

Claire boasted bravely, ‘Yes including once over the dining table after we brushed aside dishes and table settings.’

The three women closed into a giggling huddle, arms around each other.

Later when waving off the last noisy guests just before 10:00, Lydia recalled that moment in the huddle with those two older women.

She couldn’t re
call ever having such a homely feeling probably because she’d lived with her family in 14 different localities including five places abroad as her father, an engineer involved in oil and gas production, was frequently relocated by the international corporation that had employed him for most of his life.

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Her Moms a Prom Whore

I thought my senior year would be a lot better. I was the starting quarterback for the football team. I only had a few classes this year. I was set to graduate with honors. I was still a virgin but things had to change. I was filling out in all the right places. I’d been seeing a new girl for the last two months. I was even looking forward to going to prom this year. But things can change in less than a week.I’m standing under the bleachers behind the school. Everyone was gone from...

4 years ago
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Cellphone slave pt 7

Some nights were more miserable than others. The heat in the dorm only abated slightly at nights. The flimsy shades did little to keep out the powerful orange floodlights outside. Amaya had brought her pillow from home but it didn’t make up for the hardness of her university issued bed. sleeping was a constant struggle.Then there was the complication of Amaya’s roommate, Helen. During the week, Helen would arrive late at night, waking Amaya up from whatever hard fought sleep she had managed to...

2 years ago
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Sarah Wanted a Romantic Wedding Night Part 2

So my brand new fiancée Sarah wanted to lose her cherry to me Before we got married! Surprised and delighted I was certainly up for the occasion, but she burst my bubble “I bet you,ve never deflowered anyone before have you?” “No I haven,t!” I confessed. “Well My vagina still has its hymen on so when you penetrate it with your penis it,s going to be painful! Don,t get worried as it Has to be done so we can have fun from now on! First off better coat your dickie in Vaseline to make it nice and...

1 year ago
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sequel to 11 year old Kelly

Introduction: As I asked before please forgive any spelling mistakes, I have read this several times and think Ive got them all. After reading the few comments of my first story, I realise I should have told more about Susans first time so I will back track a little and tell this. As before the action is fact, but I will have to embellish the talk. I had answered the door to Susan, Is Kelly here? Yes, do you want to see her? I was wondering if she was coming to play Kelly came down the stairs...

4 years ago
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The Discovery

The Discovery By Summer I. We had been friends for years, so when I asked my future husband on a date, it was really no surprise that he accepted. We went to this crazy, lame block party in our town with friends, both unsure of where we stood with the other. But, by the end of the night we were flirting and kissing like old partners. The first thing I noticed was that his touch set me on fire. That sounds so corny and harlequin romance, but it is nonetheless the...

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Bossing the Boss Ch 04

Author’s Note: To get background on the characters, please read the previous chapters. Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments I’ve received so far. Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, or if it is offensive to you. All characters are fictitious. All events are fictional. Any similarities in this story to real events or people are unintentional. Tom was already at his desk when Suzanne arrived the next morning. He could tell the difference in her the...

2 years ago
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Sex in Centerfield A True Story

When I first met Cheryl Lynn, it was at the start of our fifth grade year. I was already sitting in my desk when she walked in the door. Her long blonde hair tied up in a pony tail set off her features. Of course, I did not know anything about that then, but somehow, even then, I knew that me and her would end up together. I knew that she would be my first.The years past by us quickly. We started dating each other in our sophomore year and continued to date until the day we graduated that...

Straight Sex
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Jessis Mom

I was on my way to spend the night with my friend Jessi. His mom, Kate, was going out on the town and would not be home till late if at all. So Jessi and I had this big plan to play Xbox and watch some porn videos. I had a new DVD-Homemade Creampies II, we could not wait to watch it. When I got there Kate was just leaving, she told us to have a good time and we told her the to do the same and she was gone. We threw some pizza in the oven and went to playing Xbox. After the pizza, we decided...

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Back to the Book and Video

The sound of the quarters hitting the floor shattered any sense of pride I'd had. The joy I felt with his dick in my mouth minutes earlier, gone, replaced with a deepening feeling of shame. There I was, on the floor, naked, except for the pantyhose. The drying spit and cum on my chin and chest, the wet spot on my hose, serving as sticky reminders of what had just happened. The old man laughing as he unlocked the door, my awkward attempt to quickly dress and leave only furthering my...

Gay Male
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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 29

Jan wasn't the only one thinking about the day. Bryant stood in the shower thinking many of the same thoughts that had run through Jan's head. She had seemed ... he tried to think of a better word than normal and couldn't come up with one. It had been a fun day, he decided. He had enjoyed spending the afternoon with Jan. Hell, he admitted to himself, he had even enjoyed kissing her. The kisses had surprised him. No, he decided, that wasn't right. They had stunned him. The first one had...

3 years ago
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Kindling A Cuckold Part V

Brian got home before her that evening. Sara had a bit of shopping to get to, and she was later than usual. It had been a busy afternoon at the Building Society, where she worked, and she had found it hard to concentrate. Her head was spinning from the recent events surrounding the Kindle. It was hard to take it all in. It wasn’t so much the revelations but the desires that had been awoken in her. She once had a friend who had made a pass at her in college. It came as a shock to find that she...

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Several months after I opened my gallery in a small town, I met Mannie’s son. Mannie owned the shop across the road. Mannie and his wife Shirley had both been married before, and Toby was Mannie’s son from a former marriage. Toby was twenty-six years old and about six feet tall. Facially, he did not resemble his dad at all. Mannie was sixty years old, a fact I was aware of having attended his birthday party a month before. For a guy of his age, Mannie was rather good-looking and I could not...

Gay Male
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Furry RoboSlut

Thank you for calling Furry Robosluts. We are the top selling robotic company of our class. We provided top natch Robotic sex dolls for over 8 years and now have gotten provision from several animation companies to make a new line of sex dolls based on your furry of your choosing. Just place an order you will receive within 2-4 business days. Then you can use your robotic lover in any way you see fit. Now please pick a Animals. For Reptiles, Press 1. For Birds, Press 2. For mammals, Press...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Island Part 2

Pete and I had huge erections streaked with pre-cum from the girls’ handiwork. Sue and Pat were similarly aroused with damp thighs and engorged labia as well as hard nipples.“I don’t know about you three but I’ve got to get some relief before we go out,” said Pat.We murmured in agreement. The four of us had got naked together after breakfast as a result of us discussing our favourite sexual fantasies. It had progressed to Pete fondling the ample breasts of Pat, my wife. Then Pete’s wife Sue had...

Group Sex
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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 12 Schoolgirl Studies

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Twelve: Schoolgirl Studies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Anael's pussy wrapped about my dick. The angel's back arched, her cheerleader top rustling as she shuddered in delight. Her blonde hair swayed. Her snatch squeezed about my cock as she wiggled her hips. She leaned over the desk, her fingers caressing the frozen Nikkole's face. My first class of the day was paused thanks to...

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Fucked My Teacher 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is Shriram this happened when i was xx year old. I am 19 year old now and my tool is still developing and now it is 14 cm pretty small but I am happy with it.Here comes my heroine teacher her name is Vinitha she is very beautiful with large boobs good buttocks and nice hips.I love her i had crush on her but did not have any sexual fantasies but all the boys in my school used to masturbate thinking of her.Mrs Vinitha is already married and has a daughter of exactly my age. She was very...

4 years ago
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FionaChapter 7

Fiona knocked stoutly on the door and waited; there was silence and she took out her key and slid it into the lock. "Boo!" A voice called from behind her and Fiona turned to see a tall brunette girl, soaking wet and dressed in a towel. "I've been expecting you. Been expecting you all day." "Yeah I've been at the Police Station," Fiona muttered and Kathryn just shrugged as Fiona opened the door. "Wasn't saying anything," she murmured and licked her lips. "I went down with the...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit Part 2

"I'm so glad you were able to get out tonight," my best friend, Leslie, yelled over the roar of the music. "I feel like we haven't seen each other in ages.""Yeah, you're right. Not since James and I passed out after your super bowl party." I yelled back."I need a smoke, come with me?"I followed her out to the deck, grateful that the crowd and the music hadn't reached out here despite it being a sultry August night."I'm so sorry we couldn't make it to James' father's funeral," she continued,...

2 years ago
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How i fucked my aunt

This is a story about how I fucked my aunt. My aunt is about 40 years and has good assets at right places. This incident happened when I was in my first year of intermediate. My college was on the way to my uncle’s house, so after college gets over everyday I used to go to my uncles house and used to see TV for sometime, chat with my uncle and then come to my house. One day my uncle said that he has to go out of station for a week and told me to stay at his place, after college for the next...

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Daughters Hot Home MoviesChapter 4

Symphony looked at her watch and couldn't help but grin. It was three o'clock. She had two hours to wait before her rendezvous with Curly, and the minutes seemed like days to her. She counted the units of lumber, carefully jotting down the figure, and tried to forget about the wetness between her legs. Curly's mind was working overtime. He thought about how tight Symphony's young cunt had squeezed his prick and he wanted to feel it again. He wanted to feel it right away. He wanted to...

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Jasons TaleChapter 32 Home for the Harvest

We still had almost forty cargo ships and we spread the troops out among them all to give them some space for the trip home. We had a lot of wounded and injured men and they needed the room. I hated having to leave our dead behind here on the Islands, but we had no way to preserve their bodies so we had to bury them either where they fell or at sea. Their families would get their pay and their share of the loot. If we could find them. A lot of our men had no families. Their share could go to...

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My wife is a one beautiful lady. I mean in every way, sexy, beautiful, fun, smart, playful and a tease. And that's what caused our lives to change, her teasing. Do you get the idea that I love this gal. Well I do. At the time this "new adventure" got started, we had been married for seven years and life couldn't have been sweeter. Of all the great things about Peggy, my favorite, and I think hers, is our sex life. I mean it is a rare night that we miss a hot roll in our big bed, or on the...

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SandcastlesChapter 53

I helped Nicole out of the car, giving her distraught face a quick kiss on the tip of her nose. She took that for the reassurance I had intended and squaring her shoulders, prepared to meet the day's events. Her daughter, similarly aroused, bounced out of the car on her own, her abbreviated shirt lodged well above her nipples. Fortunately for the public, Janey had been able to pull the limo up right in front of the first shop and I ushered the two over exposed women right inside the first...

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Kimberlys Life as an AbsoluteChapter 10

I guess that I must have been too caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the young couple walking behind me staring a hole through me as I walked. I have to say that I really didn't notice then until we where just about at the turn to the hallway the elevator is on. It was then that I saw them both staring at me until they saw me looking back at them and they both shyly turned there heads away when I saw Mary standing in front of the elevator still naked. Luckily or not I...

3 years ago
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True story my wife lretens blind virgine to 3 old

after last time when me and my wife was not succesfull with old man we v got conversation. She said i have to find a way how she could have anal sex but not been f***ed to have pussy sex. Finally i have found way very strange but possible soluyion. I have got place in man s WC with some dirty drowing and wrote a note that ‘young virgine but blind, searching bulls to be anally sutisfied by Matures,ask her b*****r to entry fee and audiences (it suppose to be me),meeting weekend at 7 PM, adress…’...

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family affairs part 3

Characters.The story is not real it is a story of mine for a porno. enjoy.ChloerachelnadineGary (dad of chloe)peter (dad of rachel)steven (dad of nadinemelissa (mother of chloe)daniel (mother of rachel)jade (mother of nadine)part 3After the fun the girls had in there room they had to clean them self up. Gary peter and steven were finished watching the tv and desided to go eat with there wives. As the familys were talking around the table about verious things the 3 girls joined them at the table...

2 years ago
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The Chauffeur 43 Fighting Back

BY PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Waking up with a refreshed Jill was a delightful way to open my eyes. For the first tie in a long while, Dakota did not sleep in my bed. I got up and headed towards the bathroom for my morning ritual. I shaved and I showered. Once I was through, I went back out to the bedroom where my darling wife was still sleeping. I put on clothes to head towards the Hawk today as my 24 hours of staying at the Chateau is now over. I unplug my phone, grab my...

3 years ago
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JJ Finally Gets Hers

Introduction: This fantasy story doesnt enter the vein of graphic sexual content, sorry. Brothers and sisters always dont get along. I hope you find it interesting. I had and still have a dominating older sister who was a real cruel bitch growing up. I never could understand her motives of being so cruel. She made straight As in school and had lots of friends. In Jr High and High School, she was very popular, especially with the guys. JJ had a slim, curvy body with moderate breasts, not over...

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