Ahoy Miranda Ch. 04 free porn video

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Claire Johns met Alan and Lydia at the door, the noise of a large gathering chatting over alcoholic drinks coming from the reception room to the right signalled a rousing evening was underway.

Smacking her lips in the direction of Alan, Still Water Lodge co-owner Claire Johns reached out her arms to envelope Lydia and cried, ‘Omigod and I thought your sister was beautiful.’

‘It’s the lights Mrs Johns, they make women look good. My grandmother says we girls are good looking and that falls short of being beautiful.’

‘Does your gran have a problem with indigestion?’ Claire cooed as the hug deepened and the two women rested momentarily cheek-to-cheek in greeting.

‘You are presenting yourself like a princess this evening,’ Claire whispered.

Claire whispered, ‘You may wish call in tomorrow for a touch of reality to see me dressed in an old cap with probably paint steaks on my face and my body stuffed in horrible but protective dungarees over a grubby t-shirt.’

‘Oh darling make the slave-driver promote you to repelling insects, making coffee and changing the music.’

Claire turned and in front of the princess gave Alan a kiss that could best be described as way short of a motherly greeting.

Jamie appeared and was introduced and went to shake hands but was hauled in by Claire who had been launched into a kissing mood.

He led them into the huge lounge overlooking the waterfront, now displaying the colours of twilight with the breeze having died.

The hostess called loudly, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our latest semi-permanent resident on this stretch of Arundel Sound, Miss Lydia Kennedy, formerly of America, who’s arrived from the north to work mornings assisting Alan Meadows fit out Miranda.’

‘In afternoons Lydia will be setting up her pottery workshop in an old shed that will be barged in on Thursday winched up to just above high water level.’

‘In days to come a barge fitted with a tractor with back-hoe will dredge part of the shoreline to load into the barge that will carry the excavated spoil for dumping in an approved area at sea. Another specialist barge will arrive after that and spend several days driving sheet piling to retain the foreshore and running parallel to that a permanent berth will be constructed for Miranda.’

All of that was news to Lydia who looked at Alan gaping. He just squeezed her hand and winked.

Locals then lined up for introductions and many of the women carried gifts for the newcomer that included a life-vest, hand woven clothing, hand-made hats, embroidered pillow cases, collections of jams and sauces, a bread-maker, goat’s cheese, free range eggs, clotted cream, a pre-paid library card and gift cards from Briscoe’s General Store down at the landing.

Almost overwhelmed by the depth of the warm welcome, Lydia said when being handing the variety of goat’s cheeses, ‘But how could these be locally-made as we are surrounded by steep afforested hills?’

The cheese-maker Mrs Peach said, ‘Four miles up from here begins an extensive plateau fifty feet above the western bank than extends out for eight to ten miles as well as all the way up to the Clarence River at the head of the sound. You must understand dear the original native people in this region regarded these sounds as the resting place of human spirits and they warned the original European explorers not to venture up the sounds or they would never being seen again.’

‘Some years later a retiring French naval officer Gilles Moreau decided to explore the so-called Wailing Waterways. Of course during his exploration he deduced the wailing was the noise of wind at times accelerating down gullies.’

Warming to her historical knowledge, Mrs Peach said Gilles’s expedition was financed by his father Maximillian Moreau, his father-in-law from Belgium Jules Martens and his wife’s uncle Lord Arundel from England.

Lydia said, ‘Omigod and when they explored this sound they explored they named it after Lord Arudel.’

‘Yes dear and you’re more than a pretty face, aren’t you.’

‘The land where we and others farm is called the Martens Plains and the highest peak for miles around here was called Maximillian Mountain but the Geographical Board renamed it last century Maximillian Peak because it’s part of a mountain range that originating from a group of three mountains that are ancient volcanoes.’

‘Oh that’s fascinating information Mrs Peach. We must meet sometime as I’d like to learn more about this region. It’s so foreign to me and I need to bury my ignorance.’

‘Darling yes of course. We have a son and daughter roughly your age and you need to meet younger people. I’ll invite you and your man to Sunday lunch soon.’

‘My man?’

‘Why Alan of course.’

‘Um he’s my employer.’

‘Whatever you say dear.’

The next woman in line smiled and said, ‘Relax dear whether Alan is benefactor, boss, lover, business partner… does it matter? It’s what you are that counts around here and you are showing signs you have what to takes as Alan displayed when he arrived at The Landing for the first time at time of crisis.’

‘Alan yelled to be given a wrench and a truck driver handed him one. Alan darted into the area being evacuated and freed the stuck venting release valve of the boiler at the Arundel Hotel that had malfunctioned. Everyone was scattering believing the calls that the boiler was about to blow up.’

‘Yes sometimes it’s handy to have a Mr Fix-it around.’

‘You can say that again dear, half the men around here are useless loafers who only want to fish, drink and occasionally have sex.’

‘Wouldn’t most men think that was the perfect life?’

The woman, Mrs Menzies and others close enough to hear that philosophical retort almost fell about they were laughing so much.

‘As I said dear,’ Mrs Peach who was standing nearby called, ‘You are more than a pretty face.’

And that began a perfect evening for the new arrival and Lydia’s immersion kept Alan beaming.

Late into the evening when people were leaving the dining room for coffee and liqueurs in the lounge, Claire bailed up Alan.

‘Are you two having you-know-what already?’


‘I didn’t imagine you’d be content to stand by with your tongue hanging out. Does this mean the end to our occasional liaison?’

‘It’s difficult to predict Claire, it could be down to the way your relationship with Lydia develops.’

‘Hmmm, wise words and thanks for treating my question sensitively.’

‘I’ve always considered you a lovely women Claire and I expect nothing will change that. This has been a magnificent evening, well worth the price.’

‘What you paid? You were meant to be a guest along with Lydia.’

‘When Jamie hit me for the eighty bucks he made it clear Lydia was the only non-paying guest and I’d even been prepared to pay for her. Please don’t say anything to Jamie about this Claire as there has to be one hard head in this type of business. I think everyone tonight got value for money and she shone like a star.’

‘I agree and I won’t be surprised to find myself treating her like an adopted daughter. My heart almost broke when our baby followed that jerk from Canada to become part of his family,’

‘He’s not a jerk really is he?’

‘I suppose not and Annie says he’s proving to be a great dad. If we have a great summer in cash-flow Jamie and I intend to close mid-autumn to visit Annie and see our grandson for the first time.’

‘You’ll close? Why don’t you let Lydia and Alison Peach’s daughter Megan run the place for you while you are away? Megan possesses a degree in business management and when at university Lydia worked four years part-time in hotel reception and in her final year as relief manager of the dining room and catering.’

‘Omigod that’s something to think about.’

‘Yeah and I can tell you I’ll give
Lydia every reason to stay here for at least a couple of years. I need her push to assist me getting Miranda operating as a new business venture. The Morgan’s have spoken to me about seasonable backup instead of them going into debt buying a second water taxi and employing another person to operate it. With two vessels they would need to maintain a standby skipper.’

‘Well keep talking to them, it sounds a good idea to me.’

* * *

Lydia awoke to her first really fine day at Arundel Sound. The other days had been cloudy.

She heard the sound of a chugging boat motor slow and then a guy call, ‘Ahoy Miranda.’

Alan was sleep on his back, mouth open and looking relaxed. Well who wouldn’t after all those beers the previous night at the lodge and then coming home tired but doing his best to act like a raging stallion?

She grabbed a towel from the floor to wrap around her, put on her sun glasses and went out on to the deck.

‘God what a vision,’ called a bearded elderly guy with a missing front tooth.

‘I’m Arch Mills, from up the sound a bit and you’re Alan’s bit of imported fluff.’

‘Yes and you may call me Lydia. What time is it?’

‘Six fifteen.’

‘Oh fuck.’

‘I thought Americans were too polite to swear.’

‘I’m attempting to talk like a local.’

‘You’ll do me girl,’ he laughed.

Girl? Well perhaps relatively speaking because he appeared to be 70-plus.

‘I’m going down to The Landing. Briscoe’s open at 6.30.’

‘And you are offering to buy and deliver anything we want.’

‘Yeah and how did you know that?’

‘I’m attempting to think like a local and know the general store is not just around the corner and the only way for folk up here to get there is by boat with a maximum speed limit of 8 knots.’

‘Jesus lady and how many days have you been here?’

‘This is my third day.’

‘And no one told you someone would stop and call out asking about provisions?’

‘Arch I do have a brain.’

‘Really and now for the real test, pull down the top of the towel and let me see yer tits.’

Lydia obliged with a quick flash.

‘You’ve made my day lass. Now go and wake up Alan…’

‘That won’t be necessary. Bread, milk, newspaper, four pounds of butter and three packs of bacon and put them on Alan’s account.’

‘That’s what Alan would have ordered.’

‘God don’t say he thinks like me.’

Arch laughed.


‘What are they?’

‘Lydia I can tell you this straight: you’ll become a legend around here before long. Now what about the lady things you want.’

‘Well since you asked add a container of their most popular skin moisturiser and an ice-cream on a stick.’

‘But the ice-cream will melt before I get back here.’

‘It’s for you because you acted like a kid asking to see my tits.’

Arch spluttered in laughter as he waved and applied power to the outboard motor to push along his clinker-built dinghy against the incoming tidal flow.

‘As I said a legend in your time,’ he called.

Lydia was happy.

She’s expected to find real characters living around here and she’d just met one. She was prepared to bet 500 bucks that Arch was a bachelor. They must get him down for dinner.

Yes that was something that interested her. The water in the sound was level and yet locals say they go down the sound to The Landing and up the sound to the inland headwaters. And last night she’d noticed the non-usage of the article, with people saying up sound instead of up sound and presumably they would say down sound. Hmmm she didn’t think she’d drop the article just to sound like a local.

Lydia took in coffee and shook Alan awake.

‘Oh hi, golly I remember pounding you with gusto last night.’

‘Yes for a while you did. But during the second round you fell asleep and I had to pull away to disconnect you.’

‘What? Oh I apologise. I should have just gone straight to sleep.’

‘We both made the decision to try to rip one off.’

‘Oh good one. Um is this coffee, I don’t drink coffee before mid-morning.’

‘Well in the absence of information I made coffee.’

‘Oh right.’

‘I’ve ordered provisions after Arch called out did we want anything.’

‘Arch you met Arch dressed like that. God he’ll be jerking off all the way to The Landing.’

Lydia told him to stop being so disgusting.

‘Disgusting me apologises.’

‘Thanks and now drink your coffee and move your ass because I’ve decided we should begin work Mondays to Saturdays at 7:30 instead of 9:00.’

‘What that early, what about early morning sex?’

‘We’ll just have to wake up earlier, right?’

Alan grumbled something into his coffee mug.

‘No Alan,’ Lydia said firmly. ‘It’s impossible for me to be a hard-ass bitch. My family will tell you I have a soft centre.’

Several boats went by during the morning and just before 11:00 and then Lydia heard a motor slow and went down and waded out knee-deep to take the plastic shopping bags.

‘Hi Alan,’ Arch waved and Alan who’d come out on to the aft deck waved and returned inside.

‘You’re wet up to your knees, I could have run up on to the pebbles as I do to transfer stuff to Alan.’

‘I figured this would be easier for you.’

‘Well that’s neighbourly. I hope you don’t mind but I hate seeing you in that awful jeans clothing with its big and thick shoulder straps.’

‘Well I can’t go around all day wrapped in a towel with my tits hanging out.’

‘Christ Lydia, not so loud, he’ll hear you.’

‘He’d only be thinking I should dispense with the towel. Here let me kiss you.’

‘I have a beard.’

‘I was meaning on the lips, you do wash and clean your teeth don’t you?’

It was a chaste lip kiss and Arch gave the impression he’d just been blessed.

‘I-I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘Oooh so soon, I can scarcely wait,’ she teased.

‘Um Jamie Johns radioed some of us guys early this morning. We’re needed down here to machine-ram in the piles for your workshop. Jamie has asked Ferris to switch to his biggest barge that’s equipped with a crane large enough to lift up your shed and swing it around and lower it straight on to the piles. That simplifies everything. Jamie is a retired commercial builder.’

‘Oooh that’s great. And what were you before retirement, a florist?’

‘Nah I know nothing about… oh a tease. Christ Lydia I’ll really have to watch sneaky you.’

‘And you were…?’

‘I made my small fortune developing a rural-based company that manufactured metal sheds for farmers and for orchardists and grape growers wanting mobile accommodation for their seasonal workers.’

‘Yes somehow I didn’t picture you standing in a flower shop discussing geraniums with matron ladies.’

‘You know Lydia you’re treating me like the daughter I never had. You should have kids, ask Alan to oblige. Oh it’s clear skies right through till late tomorrow. You must ask Alan to take you up sound to the gorge in Isobel Inlet tonight.’


‘You’ll sell but tell him not to say why. I best get going before Alan becomes suspicious.’

‘Suspicious of what?’

Arch went off cackling.

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Market ForcesChapter 37 Best Served Cold

Clegg drove the van up to a comfortable looking detached house just as night was falling. He tossed me Carol's handbag. "You'll find a door key in there, I guess," he said. "No point in busting the door in if we don't need to." Sure enough I found a key and went off to open the door while Freddie checked out our cargo. I went back to the van as Clegg was dragging the two girls to the van's tail board. "Cut the tape on their ankles," he said, "and we'll get them inside." Soon...

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On Staff Part 1

When I heard the tires of Melissa's Lexus crunch in the gravel of the front drive I pulled the wine cooler - previously prepared just for her - from the refrigerator and went to the front door to meet her. She enjoys seeing me standing there naked, waiting for her when she arrives home. Based on a phone call from her that afternoon I knew she'd had a less than perfect day and was certain that a cold wine cooler in her hand as soon as she came through the door would help. When the door...

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Kathryn Chronicles Company Conf

It seems hard to imagine that a combination of an oppressively hot August week in New York City combined with 5 days of non-stop, mind-numbing lectures could lead to the single greatest 24 hours of my life. Every August, my company holds its annual conference. Usually the only upside to the conference is getting a chance to hang out with Kathryn. We would sit in the back of the room making fun of the various management staff under our breath. Unfortunately there would be no such fun this...

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Please Please Dont Tell Dad

When I was a teenager, 17 years old, my family had a ski boat, which we used on many summer weekends and evenings. We lived close enough to the lake that we would often go water skiing for a couple of hours when Dad got home from work in the evening. It was during one of these short, evening ski trips that the experience I’m about to tell you about happened. While I was part of a big family, Mom, Dad, and five kids, Heather my older sibling was off to college by the time I was 17 and Mom had...

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Thanksgiving Special Treat

Thanksgiving is a special time of the year for our family and, so it is I remember one family gathering from a couple of years back, very fondly.My wife had insisted we go to her parent’s house, which I wasn’t too thrilled about, but went anyway, seeing an argument of gigantic proportions coming if I even dared to hint or balk at going. Sometimes, it is better to be silent and go along than become the focal point for a thunderstorm.Janet’s family is one of those old stuffy suburban types, one...

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Honey Trap SpyChapter 3

Randy would return today and I was nervous ... no, better make that terrified. My name is Katie Holmes. Until recently I was an administrative assistant to the head of E Section. To my great surprise I went from high priced secretary to a spy who appeared to end up as a sexual object to both my boss and a senior female operations agent. In a Paris hotel room Randy and Anne had exposed my body to a sexual assault that was far beyond any previous experience. But it was a show. The purpose was...

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I thought today would just be a shitty day. On Tuesday's everything sucks for me. Lately the snow and then the crappy swingers party last Saturday. It all added up to just blah. Then I was told the boss was heading out on a trip and would be leaving after lunch. So what is a girl to do with all of this freedom? As if he is even going to notice me skipping work early. What a great opportunity for me to take advantage and satisfy my needs. My man was going to the Bruins game tonight with some...

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Katlin and Missy ch 3 Pregnancy

ps (to Casey): Thanks for the fan e-mail. Like I told Jon-J, I ain't admitting nuttin. But I love having guys lusting over me even if I'm not the sex pot we both wish I was. ps (to hsteffee): You didn't sign your e-mail, so I don't know if you want love and kisses. But thanks for the compliments. ps (to everyone): People keep asking me questions about myself, so I decided to say a few things at the end, but nothing about me physically. I could simply lie and pretend I...

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KennedyChapter 19 Confrontations

A few days later Kennedy stood with Mr. Glastonbury at Faire, this time well before the official opening. "It seems so long ago since the first time I came to Faire," Kennedy said sadly. "I know. You were cute in your Robin Hood costume." "I'm tempted to visit Harriet's mother and buy one of her dresses," Kennedy told him. "I don't think she'd sell you one. I think ... well, it was touch and go before the party." "I know. I can hope, though." "Kennedy, your father says,...

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Dress Code Part Three

The Dress code: Part Three: I looked at him standing there helplessly in his shiny black wet look pvc panties holding a pair of black opaque tights in his hand, my self- made man's man of a Dad. "Here, let me help you," I replied taking his tights from him, showing my Dad I was a different kind of man from him, by showing that I was a man who knew my way round hosiery but also that I was a man (or was it really a woman?) wouldn't leave someone in need to fend for themselves in...

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Emilys LessonsPart 2

As with so many things in my life, there was no way this could be as easy as it seemed it was going to be. For all of her maturity, Emily was still a teenager. For all my good intentions, I was still a man with little or no direction in my life. And with all of the other, Susan was, of course, still Susan. The revelation that I was waiting for her to realize I was the guy for her seemed to open her eyes to me. Or, maybe Susan thought she could show Emily just what I jerk I could be if she...

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On display

Folsom Street, San Francisco I'm English from Brighton. Last year they entered me into the Folsom Street Fair wearing just a well filled pink bra, matching panties and a spiked collar around my neck. I had no shoes on my feet and my wrists were cuffed behind my back and I was hobble chained. My face was made up like that of a whore but it was obvious I was a man as I wore no wig my hair being typically that of a man. There was much interest in me with many photographs taken...

3 years ago
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Ye Olde Water Faire 03 The Race

There are four major events at the Faire, the Dolphin Rides, The Carousel, The Race, and the Ferris Wheel. The four segments stand more or less on their own but make much more sense if you read them in order. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely...

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family Panties

I'm writing this tale because a friend of mine interrupted my new Tommie story by demanding..lol..I write a family tale...so I thought about it and here is part one... This story contains taboo issues..Mom/Son..Dad/Daughter..family sex..if these things offend you plz pass on this story family Panties My young daughter and I have been fooling around for a while now. The fault lies completely with panties. I love them...I wear them...the softness,...

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Normally, I wouldn't come down to the lower deck, but late spring was perfect. A few weeks from now it would be too hot, and any earlier too cold, but now the weather was perfect. Also the trees had leafed out enough so the deck was secluded and private. So I took my glass of wine and made my way to sip and relax there. I had to go slow, as the wooden steps were uneven and old. I was used to walking in heels, but even so, I was glad there was a handrail on the steps. Sitting by the...

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Peter Is 20 YvetteChapter 3 Daylight

We didn't even need to rent a van. Yvette had so little stuff, Alex and I moved it in just our cars. Alex was amazingly cool about the whole thing. But our first night together, I got a shock. "So when is Alex moving out?" she asked me. "What?" "Alex. I mean, he's not going to live with us. Right?" "This is his house." I sat up and looked at her. "I can't just throw him out." "How are we going to have any privacy with him around?" I shrugged. In all honesty, as close as...

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The Booth at Talladega

As I sat at my desk that Monday morning, surrounded by my coworkers, I wondered what they would have thought of me if they had known what my weekend had been like. I loved my job, but I felt out of place with most of these people. To put it bluntly they were for the most part a pack of bible thumping religious wackos talking constantly about their religions and the declining morals of the community. I got up from my desk and walked down to the break room and saw my boss Sally going into her...

2 years ago
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Weather Delay

Weather DelayBy MasterincI had arrived in Seattle about 4:00 p.m. on my way back to Juneau Alaska from Phoenix AZ.  The weather was bad and we had to circle for about twenty minutes before a weather window opened which allowed us to land.  I was glad since we would have been re-routed to Portland if they couldn?t land soon.  Once we were on the ground, I checked on my flight to Juneau which was to leave at 7:00 p.m.  The service person at the Alaska Airlines ticket counter said that the flight...

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Meeting the Maddisons

"Aw dad, do I really have to go? It'll be really boring and stuffy with people talking business and politics and stuff.""Yes Jim, it's a family invitation and the Maddisons want to see you. They haven't seen you since school finished and they want to keep in touch."Truth was I was really a bit scared of going to the Maddisons. The Maddison twins Mark and Andy had been a year ahead of me at school. They had been the superstars of school sport – champion rugby players, state champion rowers –...

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Ellie and HarmChapter 2

Initially, after our making up and deciding to try again, I had thought to just let the matter drop. I thought that best for all of us, Me, Annie, and Ellie. But then I heard something. Clyde Barrow, was a frequenter of The Forecastle, the same bar I sometimes patronized. He'd been bragging that he had been successful with several women and that all of them were begging him to not to abandon them to their wimp-assed husbands. "Harm, you know that prick Barrow right?" said Elton, my...

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The Case of the Dragon ToothChapter 1

He thought of himself as the Watcher. He didn't always; it was that woman in the hospital that named him. Sitting in a group session one day she mentioned that she noticed he spent a lot of time watching people and would he want to talk about it; actually he didn't. Perhaps she should have been a better watcher; then she might not have ended up stuffed in several shelves in a closet on the night he left. Looking back on it he thought he could have done better, but then he had learned a lot...

4 years ago
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The Tease Chapter 4 Role Reversal

Jen returned to campus a week early to begin her Junior year. Tim and Laura had graduated, and Jen had been promoted to Cadet Lieutenant. This year she was going to be responsible for helping train the incoming Freshman Class. The first day of classes Jen was going through the normal routine you’d see on the first day of any type of military training. She was barking orders at the hundreds of bewildered kids when one caught her attention. A skinny, nerdy looking Freshman named Craig Daniels....

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helping a damsel in distress

Being a dark night it wasn't in a safe spot so I stopped to see if I could help the driver.I turned around and went back and parked behind the car using my hazard lights for safety and I got out to assist the driver. I introduced my self to the driver and when they opened the window I see it was a young female.I offered her the warmth of my vehicle and she eagerly accepted returning with me back to my car. She said her name was Dawn and she was on her way back home form college.She...

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Stocks BlondesChapter 15 Irsquom a Private Eye

Forgive me if I’m a little suspicious of private investigators. It’s what I do for a living. I’m not impressed. I’m feeling better, though I’m still pretty fuzzy about what happened Saturday night. I don’t even remember who I met. If I hadn’t written down all that drivel in the middle of the night, I’d have no idea. I almost deleted it when I read it because it didn’t make sense. I’m glad I didn’t. I wrote down what I needed to know. Quid pro quo I woke up this morning in the little bed...

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On The Beach

I'd never been to a nudist beach, and going on my own seemed a little, well, pervy. I went though. A typical british summer; cloudy and just about warm. I walked along the seemingly endless path, across a few dunes, down a stretch of beach and, finally, there it was. The sign. 'Clothing Optional'. OK, so there was more to it than that, but that was the gist of it.I looked around. Not many about, and mainly older men; not exactly my thing.I found a spot near the dunes (not IN the dunes, as that...

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Catty1 Lesbian Contact

Note : This story is completely fictional! As I poured my tea my husband Victor walked in." Hey Honey", he said, I'm coming home from work late o.k. " Yea Whatever" I replied.I got into my BMW and drove to the mall. I was meeting my friend there." Catty over here" shouted my friend.I walked over to her,she seemed so happy. By four a clock she said she had to go, but before she left she asked me the weirdest question." Can You give my daughter lesbian lessons"." Sure" I replied." Is this...

2 years ago
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The Collector Chapter Two

The Collector by Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Welcome to Chelmsford Hall Mary Pilson knew that her 'uncle' Walter was grooming her. 'Uncle' was a silly term that Mary's mother used to describe the men who moved into their home to take advantage. Mary had no time for her uncles; she saw them for what they were, parasites and users. Mary's mother could hardly make ends meet working as an usherette at the local cinema. Her good looks, curvy body and long legs ensured that she...

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