Quenie and Miranda
- 2 years ago
- 24
- 0
Claire Johns met Alan and Lydia at the door, the noise of a large gathering chatting over alcoholic drinks coming from the reception room to the right signalled a rousing evening was underway.
Smacking her lips in the direction of Alan, Still Water Lodge co-owner Claire Johns reached out her arms to envelope Lydia and cried, ‘Omigod and I thought your sister was beautiful.’
‘It’s the lights Mrs Johns, they make women look good. My grandmother says we girls are good looking and that falls short of being beautiful.’
‘Does your gran have a problem with indigestion?’ Claire cooed as the hug deepened and the two women rested momentarily cheek-to-cheek in greeting.
‘You are presenting yourself like a princess this evening,’ Claire whispered.
Claire whispered, ‘You may wish call in tomorrow for a touch of reality to see me dressed in an old cap with probably paint steaks on my face and my body stuffed in horrible but protective dungarees over a grubby t-shirt.’
‘Oh darling make the slave-driver promote you to repelling insects, making coffee and changing the music.’
Claire turned and in front of the princess gave Alan a kiss that could best be described as way short of a motherly greeting.
Jamie appeared and was introduced and went to shake hands but was hauled in by Claire who had been launched into a kissing mood.
He led them into the huge lounge overlooking the waterfront, now displaying the colours of twilight with the breeze having died.
The hostess called loudly, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our latest semi-permanent resident on this stretch of Arundel Sound, Miss Lydia Kennedy, formerly of America, who’s arrived from the north to work mornings assisting Alan Meadows fit out Miranda.’
‘In afternoons Lydia will be setting up her pottery workshop in an old shed that will be barged in on Thursday winched up to just above high water level.’
‘In days to come a barge fitted with a tractor with back-hoe will dredge part of the shoreline to load into the barge that will carry the excavated spoil for dumping in an approved area at sea. Another specialist barge will arrive after that and spend several days driving sheet piling to retain the foreshore and running parallel to that a permanent berth will be constructed for Miranda.’
All of that was news to Lydia who looked at Alan gaping. He just squeezed her hand and winked.
Locals then lined up for introductions and many of the women carried gifts for the newcomer that included a life-vest, hand woven clothing, hand-made hats, embroidered pillow cases, collections of jams and sauces, a bread-maker, goat’s cheese, free range eggs, clotted cream, a pre-paid library card and gift cards from Briscoe’s General Store down at the landing.
Almost overwhelmed by the depth of the warm welcome, Lydia said when being handing the variety of goat’s cheeses, ‘But how could these be locally-made as we are surrounded by steep afforested hills?’
The cheese-maker Mrs Peach said, ‘Four miles up from here begins an extensive plateau fifty feet above the western bank than extends out for eight to ten miles as well as all the way up to the Clarence River at the head of the sound. You must understand dear the original native people in this region regarded these sounds as the resting place of human spirits and they warned the original European explorers not to venture up the sounds or they would never being seen again.’
‘Some years later a retiring French naval officer Gilles Moreau decided to explore the so-called Wailing Waterways. Of course during his exploration he deduced the wailing was the noise of wind at times accelerating down gullies.’
Warming to her historical knowledge, Mrs Peach said Gilles’s expedition was financed by his father Maximillian Moreau, his father-in-law from Belgium Jules Martens and his wife’s uncle Lord Arundel from England.
Lydia said, ‘Omigod and when they explored this sound they explored they named it after Lord Arudel.’
‘Yes dear and you’re more than a pretty face, aren’t you.’
‘The land where we and others farm is called the Martens Plains and the highest peak for miles around here was called Maximillian Mountain but the Geographical Board renamed it last century Maximillian Peak because it’s part of a mountain range that originating from a group of three mountains that are ancient volcanoes.’
‘Oh that’s fascinating information Mrs Peach. We must meet sometime as I’d like to learn more about this region. It’s so foreign to me and I need to bury my ignorance.’
‘Darling yes of course. We have a son and daughter roughly your age and you need to meet younger people. I’ll invite you and your man to Sunday lunch soon.’
‘My man?’
‘Why Alan of course.’
‘Um he’s my employer.’
‘Whatever you say dear.’
The next woman in line smiled and said, ‘Relax dear whether Alan is benefactor, boss, lover, business partner… does it matter? It’s what you are that counts around here and you are showing signs you have what to takes as Alan displayed when he arrived at The Landing for the first time at time of crisis.’
‘Alan yelled to be given a wrench and a truck driver handed him one. Alan darted into the area being evacuated and freed the stuck venting release valve of the boiler at the Arundel Hotel that had malfunctioned. Everyone was scattering believing the calls that the boiler was about to blow up.’
‘Yes sometimes it’s handy to have a Mr Fix-it around.’
‘You can say that again dear, half the men around here are useless loafers who only want to fish, drink and occasionally have sex.’
‘Wouldn’t most men think that was the perfect life?’
The woman, Mrs Menzies and others close enough to hear that philosophical retort almost fell about they were laughing so much.
‘As I said dear,’ Mrs Peach who was standing nearby called, ‘You are more than a pretty face.’
And that began a perfect evening for the new arrival and Lydia’s immersion kept Alan beaming.
Late into the evening when people were leaving the dining room for coffee and liqueurs in the lounge, Claire bailed up Alan.
‘Are you two having you-know-what already?’
‘I didn’t imagine you’d be content to stand by with your tongue hanging out. Does this mean the end to our occasional liaison?’
‘It’s difficult to predict Claire, it could be down to the way your relationship with Lydia develops.’
‘Hmmm, wise words and thanks for treating my question sensitively.’
‘I’ve always considered you a lovely women Claire and I expect nothing will change that. This has been a magnificent evening, well worth the price.’
‘What you paid? You were meant to be a guest along with Lydia.’
‘When Jamie hit me for the eighty bucks he made it clear Lydia was the only non-paying guest and I’d even been prepared to pay for her. Please don’t say anything to Jamie about this Claire as there has to be one hard head in this type of business. I think everyone tonight got value for money and she shone like a star.’
‘I agree and I won’t be surprised to find myself treating her like an adopted daughter. My heart almost broke when our baby followed that jerk from Canada to become part of his family,’
‘He’s not a jerk really is he?’
‘I suppose not and Annie says he’s proving to be a great dad. If we have a great summer in cash-flow Jamie and I intend to close mid-autumn to visit Annie and see our grandson for the first time.’
‘You’ll close? Why don’t you let Lydia and Alison Peach’s daughter Megan run the place for you while you are away? Megan possesses a degree in business management and when at university Lydia worked four years part-time in hotel reception and in her final year as relief manager of the dining room and catering.’
‘Omigod that’s something to think about.’
‘Yeah and I can tell you I’ll give
Lydia every reason to stay here for at least a couple of years. I need her push to assist me getting Miranda operating as a new business venture. The Morgan’s have spoken to me about seasonable backup instead of them going into debt buying a second water taxi and employing another person to operate it. With two vessels they would need to maintain a standby skipper.’
‘Well keep talking to them, it sounds a good idea to me.’
* * *
Lydia awoke to her first really fine day at Arundel Sound. The other days had been cloudy.
She heard the sound of a chugging boat motor slow and then a guy call, ‘Ahoy Miranda.’
Alan was sleep on his back, mouth open and looking relaxed. Well who wouldn’t after all those beers the previous night at the lodge and then coming home tired but doing his best to act like a raging stallion?
She grabbed a towel from the floor to wrap around her, put on her sun glasses and went out on to the deck.
‘God what a vision,’ called a bearded elderly guy with a missing front tooth.
‘I’m Arch Mills, from up the sound a bit and you’re Alan’s bit of imported fluff.’
‘Yes and you may call me Lydia. What time is it?’
‘Six fifteen.’
‘Oh fuck.’
‘I thought Americans were too polite to swear.’
‘I’m attempting to talk like a local.’
‘You’ll do me girl,’ he laughed.
Girl? Well perhaps relatively speaking because he appeared to be 70-plus.
‘I’m going down to The Landing. Briscoe’s open at 6.30.’
‘And you are offering to buy and deliver anything we want.’
‘Yeah and how did you know that?’
‘I’m attempting to think like a local and know the general store is not just around the corner and the only way for folk up here to get there is by boat with a maximum speed limit of 8 knots.’
‘Jesus lady and how many days have you been here?’
‘This is my third day.’
‘And no one told you someone would stop and call out asking about provisions?’
‘Arch I do have a brain.’
‘Really and now for the real test, pull down the top of the towel and let me see yer tits.’
Lydia obliged with a quick flash.
‘You’ve made my day lass. Now go and wake up Alan…’
‘That won’t be necessary. Bread, milk, newspaper, four pounds of butter and three packs of bacon and put them on Alan’s account.’
‘That’s what Alan would have ordered.’
‘God don’t say he thinks like me.’
Arch laughed.
‘What are they?’
‘Lydia I can tell you this straight: you’ll become a legend around here before long. Now what about the lady things you want.’
‘Well since you asked add a container of their most popular skin moisturiser and an ice-cream on a stick.’
‘But the ice-cream will melt before I get back here.’
‘It’s for you because you acted like a kid asking to see my tits.’
Arch spluttered in laughter as he waved and applied power to the outboard motor to push along his clinker-built dinghy against the incoming tidal flow.
‘As I said a legend in your time,’ he called.
Lydia was happy.
She’s expected to find real characters living around here and she’d just met one. She was prepared to bet 500 bucks that Arch was a bachelor. They must get him down for dinner.
Yes that was something that interested her. The water in the sound was level and yet locals say they go down the sound to The Landing and up the sound to the inland headwaters. And last night she’d noticed the non-usage of the article, with people saying up sound instead of up sound and presumably they would say down sound. Hmmm she didn’t think she’d drop the article just to sound like a local.
Lydia took in coffee and shook Alan awake.
‘Oh hi, golly I remember pounding you with gusto last night.’
‘Yes for a while you did. But during the second round you fell asleep and I had to pull away to disconnect you.’
‘What? Oh I apologise. I should have just gone straight to sleep.’
‘We both made the decision to try to rip one off.’
‘Oh good one. Um is this coffee, I don’t drink coffee before mid-morning.’
‘Well in the absence of information I made coffee.’
‘Oh right.’
‘I’ve ordered provisions after Arch called out did we want anything.’
‘Arch you met Arch dressed like that. God he’ll be jerking off all the way to The Landing.’
Lydia told him to stop being so disgusting.
‘Disgusting me apologises.’
‘Thanks and now drink your coffee and move your ass because I’ve decided we should begin work Mondays to Saturdays at 7:30 instead of 9:00.’
‘What that early, what about early morning sex?’
‘We’ll just have to wake up earlier, right?’
Alan grumbled something into his coffee mug.
‘No Alan,’ Lydia said firmly. ‘It’s impossible for me to be a hard-ass bitch. My family will tell you I have a soft centre.’
Several boats went by during the morning and just before 11:00 and then Lydia heard a motor slow and went down and waded out knee-deep to take the plastic shopping bags.
‘Hi Alan,’ Arch waved and Alan who’d come out on to the aft deck waved and returned inside.
‘You’re wet up to your knees, I could have run up on to the pebbles as I do to transfer stuff to Alan.’
‘I figured this would be easier for you.’
‘Well that’s neighbourly. I hope you don’t mind but I hate seeing you in that awful jeans clothing with its big and thick shoulder straps.’
‘Well I can’t go around all day wrapped in a towel with my tits hanging out.’
‘Christ Lydia, not so loud, he’ll hear you.’
‘He’d only be thinking I should dispense with the towel. Here let me kiss you.’
‘I have a beard.’
‘I was meaning on the lips, you do wash and clean your teeth don’t you?’
It was a chaste lip kiss and Arch gave the impression he’d just been blessed.
‘I-I’ll see you tomorrow.’
‘Oooh so soon, I can scarcely wait,’ she teased.
‘Um Jamie Johns radioed some of us guys early this morning. We’re needed down here to machine-ram in the piles for your workshop. Jamie has asked Ferris to switch to his biggest barge that’s equipped with a crane large enough to lift up your shed and swing it around and lower it straight on to the piles. That simplifies everything. Jamie is a retired commercial builder.’
‘Oooh that’s great. And what were you before retirement, a florist?’
‘Nah I know nothing about… oh a tease. Christ Lydia I’ll really have to watch sneaky you.’
‘And you were…?’
‘I made my small fortune developing a rural-based company that manufactured metal sheds for farmers and for orchardists and grape growers wanting mobile accommodation for their seasonal workers.’
‘Yes somehow I didn’t picture you standing in a flower shop discussing geraniums with matron ladies.’
‘You know Lydia you’re treating me like the daughter I never had. You should have kids, ask Alan to oblige. Oh it’s clear skies right through till late tomorrow. You must ask Alan to take you up sound to the gorge in Isobel Inlet tonight.’
‘You’ll sell but tell him not to say why. I best get going before Alan becomes suspicious.’
‘Suspicious of what?’
Arch went off cackling.
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okay let me start by saying this is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real, nor are the situations. That being said..feel free to comment on my writing. But do note I reserve all copy writes. Please forgive any spelling mistakesPlease read Winters kiss (Jess and Tray prt 1)For thoes fans asking for more im sorry it took so long…..Chapter TwoJessica’s knees were still wet, and my dick was still hard when we entered the store. My head was swirling and I felt like a teenager...
Dave thought to himself, these are the times to really take it slow and savour Kendra’s intense sexiness. So he did. Kissing from her ears, down to her neck, Dave slid his hands to her properly amazing ass...Dave loved Kendra’s ass. He gave it a nice hard squeeze, and at the same time, making sure he pushed his finger as close as he could to her asshole. Kendra enjoyed the momentary sensation. Dave couldn’t take his lips away from her sexy body, and luckily for him, they were...
Summer of ’78 would be a memorable one. A few months away from turning 18, I had just got my driver’s license. Four months prior I lost my virginity to Deidre’s cousin Donna. Donna would occasionally give me head or let me fuck her it was never quite enough. We lived it up partying and going to the beach, I was the oldest of the group, but not by much, so I started to grow a mustache to try to look older. It was scraggly and itched but I was proud of its growth, I constantly checked the...
I was a single dad after my wife left for a sugar daddy. I was struggling to manage work and caring for two babies. And that is when Janice walked into our lives. The pretty southern belle was my aunt’s neighbor and she just breezed in, making everything easier. My twins immediately took to her, not having had a mommy around soon after they were born. But Janice – my God she was so pretty and so good to me. I was attracted to her and one night she had seen me masturbating to her thoughts, I was...
Maid/Servant"Same as usual, I don't claim to be a story writer, I apologise in advance for any grammar errors or spelling errors. This is 100% true except some of the names may be altered for privacy's sake."Well this is a story which is all about my first time experiencing a group meeting. It was a day after my 16th birthday and was a surprise present from my "buddy" next door. (read earlier story for details on him) Anyway, the day of my birthday came and it was a great one, I was spoiled rotten off the...
Melissa, Jenny, and Cheryl made their way up Melissa’s driveway towards the house. They had just finished cheerleader practice and were anxious to take a break in Melissa’s parent’s pool. “Oh look, is that your new neighbor?” Jenny asked Melissa as she gazed over the hedges at a handsome young black boy mowing the yard next door. “Yeah, that’s Andre,” Melissa replied with a grin. “Hmm, he’s freak!” Jenny and Cheryl couldn’t stand still! “Tell us what you talked about!” both girls pleaded....
InterracialAlthough they had been sharing the same bed in the second largest suite of the inner keep for nearly two weeks, Rowan and Gwenda had had almost no private time to themselves. At night they would hold each other, mentally and physically exhausted, naked in bed, but their few pitiful attempts at foreplay had come mostly to naught. Tonight, they agreed, things would be a bit different. A large hot bath in a tub easily big enough for two had been prepared and Gwenda couldn't hardly wait to dive...
The summer seemed to race by. Every day brought us one day closer to Fay leaving for college. There was a dark intensity to my dreamscapes each morning. They were desolate and barren. Except on the morning after a date with Annette. We didn’t date every week during the summer. We’d done some fun things, though. I love going into the city to the Museum of Modern Art. She seemed to like it, too. She chose to go to a baseball game in July. “I didn’t know you were a baseball fan,” I said. Fay...
FSI Blog aka Free Sex Indians! I assume you've already heard of the website before? There are millions of porn sites available to us on the web. There are plenty of sexy blondes, brunettes, redheads, Latinas, black girls, and Asians to choose from any time we feel that familiar urge to cum. It’s almost too easy. The one thing that I’ve noticed in all of my endless browsing of pornographic content online, though, is that there just are not enough sites that feature beautiful Indian girls. Indian...
Indian Porn SitesTom walked up to the house address which he had been given. Tonight was going to be an eighteenth birthday and as such, he looked forward to the evening being over. The address was a modest semi-detached house on a residential street and seemed innocent enough. Entering the porch he knocked and waited for a response. He heard a girl call to him from inside and a minute later, the door opened. Beneath a head of curls, pretty dark eyes smiled up at him with rose lips. “Hello, you must be the...
SeductionFor more: www.opusa.org or 50555 text REBUILD or 1-800 678 7255. For those readers who would like to go directly to find out how Julie convinces her somewhat older brother to fuck her straight up, scroll down to 2/3 into the the story (after the second ***********) and read later of her inspiration by reading from the beginning. It was Sunday morning. Stuie heard their mother in the truck drive off to church maybe 20 minutes earlier. Amen! Saturday belonged to her. In the...
I've always been a fan of John Goodman, mostly because he has that rear fatso beauty. One day I decided to sneak inside a set of a movie he was shooting. I wanted to get into his trailer, but found out he has left to his hotel, and decided to go there. I managed to steal a key to his suite. I dressed up like the room-service guy and went to his room. I carried honey, remembering he said in an interview he can't resist it. I knocked on his door and he told me to come in (God, he has the...
This is part two of my story, you do need to read part one to get an understanding about whats going on, but it's not needed. I woke the next morning to a rather pleasant surprise.Elizabeth was kissing my neck while stroking my manhood under the covers. “How did you sleep, Babe?” she whispered. “Great! Waking up is pretty good too so far,” I murmured. She went from kissing my neck to suck on my ear, which is one thing that makes me go crazy. She knew this and must have thought I deserved more...
Straight SexI was working as a hotel maid during the summer to get some money together for uni. It was menial stuff, but it did pay quite well. On Tuesdays, I was a waitress in the café in the mornings, before going around cleaning rooms after breakfast when people started going out for the day. The hotel was posh, and I had to dress up in a proper French maid’s uniform.One Tuesday, I went up to a table with a family of four. The Mum and Dad looked normal, the younger boy was about sixteen and looked quite...
Quickie SexAfter breakfast she and Evan went for a walk. He was quiet and didn't say much, and she did her best to respect his silence. He was probably thinking about the game, she decided. Tim had hinted that he might be this way. Danny had echoed that, telling her that "pitcher's are different". She'd asked Amelia, her softball coach, who had nodded. "Pitchers, good pitchers, have a book on the other team. They know the tendencies and they go to the mound with a plan, how they're going to...
"Look!" He Said "You're being a pig, Chris. I want you to know that!" she chided him. Chris belched. "Sorry," he said, "it's the beer." The look on his face however told a different story. He was amused at the woman's discomfort. "Well, this isn't what we agreed to! You're being a jerk!" Chris shrugged his shoulders. It didn't seem to bother him in the least that his 'date' was upset. He picked up his beer and finished it. He'd had three already and wanted...
I awoke the next morning as the light came streaming through my parted curtains. I glanced over at my alarm and it said 8:10. I stretched and sure enough I was free. I didn't even feel the hobble bands. I swung out of bed, attached the walking bag then switched tubes and got up and made my bed. I put on the peignoir and mules and went out to see what was going on as it seemed quiet out there. Everyone was gone already. There was a note from mom about having to go to work today and then...
I lay back on the bed to relax. My cock still in your hand, you lay down by my side and rest your head on my shoulder. I feel your hand squeezing my cock and I start to throb in your hand. My cock twitches and starts to swell. You look down and say, well. I look at you and smile as I say, batter up. You say as we slide further onto the bed, so I see can you go another inning. I look as your tits graze my cock and tell you to the bottom of the 9th. Your tits are glazed in sweat as I stare at...
I just got off the phone with one of my black boyfriends when I heard my husbands car pull into the driveway. I was talking to James for the past hour and my pussy was still wet in anticipation of our date later this evening. James always makes my pussy wet when we talk on the phone.My husband sat down for dinner while I hurried in to take a shower. I stood under the hot water allowing the hot water stimulate my already aroused nipples. I'm fairly well endowed and the water was hitting my...
Subah mein jaldi utha taki mein mamiko nahate hua dekh sakhu mein chhup kar dekh raha tha mami ne apna goun nikal diya unhone panty nahi pahani thi aur dere se bra khol diya unhone mere taraf phith kar ke naha rahi thi kya sundar figure thi mere mami ki khuch pucho hi maat mein raha dekh raha the kab palte aur muje unki chud aur pure khule boobs dekhane milegi raat ko meine andhere ki baaj se thik se nahi dekh paya tha wo wapas meri taraf mud gayi aur jaldi se piche muda mera room ke pass hi...
If you ever wondered what Lasirena69’s name referred to now is the day you get to find out. Lasirena means “mermaid” and she was born on June 9th(69) so now all the mysteries have been solved for this beautiful hot babe. Lasirena9 is not used to camshows so she may be a little rusty but she loves to fuck and will try her best to do anything you ask; except her feet. She does not people messing with her feet so sorry foot guys! She will please you in every other way possible...
xmoviesforyouPiep, Piep, Piep.... *gäääähn.... Halb im Schlaf haue ich auf den Wecker - oder versuche es zumindest. Denn der steht nicht da wo er sollte. Nach einem zweiten Tasten rüber auf meine Bettseite erwische ich das Ding und schalte es aus. Man fühle ich mich gerädert... Gestern abend haben Thorsten und ich uns heftig gestritten. Er wollte mich unbedingt von hinten vögeln. Dieser Idiot. Ich habe Ihm schon mehrfach gesagt, dass ich das ja nicht sooo schlecht finde, aber einmal ist er zu heftig gewesen...
Hey guys I’m back with another session. I previously shared with you the story about how I got a chance to fuck my mami in resort. Those who haven’t read the previous story can go on this link https://www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/is-my-mami-innocent/. So coming to the story. Months passed after the incident at the resort. I haven’t had sex since. I was very desperate but could not do anything and satisfied myself just by masturbating. My mami didn’t have a cell phone so she wasn’t socially...