Ahoy Miranda Ch. 03 free porn video

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American new-arrival Lydia Kennedy (36) was poised to become the new woman in the life of retired engineer Alan Meadows (43).

Lydia was the older sister of the tourist kayaker Olivia who’d met Alan briefly five weeks earlier when she’d been exploring the length of the sound. Returning home Olivia and had told her sister about the set-up that would be perfect for her – working mornings helping to refit a boat and after lunch getting back into pottery and building up a business.

She worked in the background to encourage Lydia to relocate Lydia had just arrived after being invited to visit for as long as she wished.

Lydia and Alan completed the inspection of work-in-progress of the conversion of the former fishing boat now renamed Miranda.


‘As I indicated as we inspected the cabins and the saloon Alan, your workmanship is meticulous. I believe it has been time and money and dedication well spent.’

‘Any thoughts?’

‘I have just two at the moment. I can’t wait to spending my morning assisting with this project as it like working with my hands and the second thought is you should consult a specialist before completing the re-flooring, walls and the ceiling of the engine room. This is to be a luxury cruiser and anything to reduce vibration and the sound of the engine and allied services including air-conditioning and water pumps would be money well spent.’

Alan nodded, attempting to stop allowing his eyes to rest on her breasts.

‘That’s an excellent idea. I can send plans of the layout and photographs to a reputable boat refit designer and I know a naval architect as my first contact to be pointed in the right direction.’

‘I’m pleased I’m contributing already.’

Lydia held out her lips to be kissed and Alan obliged.

Back in the wheelhouse she said, ‘Which is my bed or do we push them together?’

Alan squared his shoulders and said with the authoritative advice of a top consultant, ‘I think at least initially the beds should remain separated and you should use Cabin A as your dressing room.’

‘Aye, aye skipper.’

‘What no sign of mutiny?’

‘No Capt’n, I acknowledge I’m a woman who should be kept on a tight rein.’

‘That’s excellent thinking Lydia. Sit at the table while I make coffee and then I’ll scratch up a fish curry for lunch.’

That evening they dined on slow-cooked lamb chops with vegetables and nuts accompanied by an exquisite pinot noir.

‘Omigod this is a marriage of lamb and wine made in heaven,’ the newcomer raved.

‘Yeah pretty good eh,’ her host said modestly. ‘I just put things in the slow-cooker and then virtually all I had to do was to serve and pour the wine. Bachelors find the easy ways to cook.’

They finished and Alan announced, ‘There is no desert because I wish to remain fairly lean.’

‘Good for you and be advised I usually only eat desert on Saturday night. Pull your chair out because I wish to sit on your knee.’

‘Um Lydia is that advisable, shouldn’t we be proceeding slowly with our relationship?’

‘Fuck going slowly Alan and blame yourself for the pre-dinner cocktail and pouring wine down my throat.’

He protested and said she’d poured at least two glasses herself.

‘What’s the difference darling, we are both into this together.’

He appreciated that conspiratorial tone of that but wished she’d back off and slow right down because as a virtual loner for weeks on end he had the feeling he was being engulfed

Alan sat innately with her a wriggling jellylike lump on his lap.

‘God have you been castrated?’

Alan’s face burned.

‘Come on,’ she said, a scooped out a breast and pulled his hand on to it

As his warm breath delivered a mini pant on her exposed breast she said, ‘Oooh Alan you’re alive.’

He was unable to keep fooling himself he wasn’t interested and acting virtually on auto his thumb and first finger captured the inflated nipple and squeezed.

‘Oooh,’ she said encouragingly and bent down and nibbled and sucked his left ear lobe.

Alan attempted to tune into the situation with a little more enthusiasm.

It was unrealistic to cling to the past and refuse to acknowledge the world was changing just as women were, being pushed by the younger generation coming through.

He’d dated his wife-to-be she for almost three months before she first bared a breast to him and at least another month after that before she squeezed his hand down between her legs.

Phew these modern young and confident women were almost overwhelming, judging by this example of present-day energetic womanhood sitting on his lap. If Lydia was truly representative of her generation and that was what equality was all about then good on then.

But did it have to be so fast?

Hey wait a minute, weren’t they both in the same generation? Oh yeah. Then one of them of them must be grown-up and the other wasn’t or perhaps he just was aged flotsam bobbing about on the tidal outer fringe?

Lydia licked inside Alan’s ear and that switched something within him. He immediately thought of part of a quotation in distant memory about a phallus arising.

Yes it was rising and to think the cheeky woman had earlier expressed surprise that he appeared to be alive. Well she might regret her sarcasm with this hot dick up her spout.

‘Oh gee Alan, I can feel it pressing into my butt. May I touch it?’

What would be her reaction if he said yes? She might say he was such a slut.

He was attempting to frame passive-sounding objection about her licking his ear when she lifted and clamped a hand around the lump in his pants.

‘Oooh,’ he drawled, sounding pleased whereas he should have rebuked her for being unacceptably forward.

‘Oh Alan,’ she cooed. ‘I feel the heat of you, that tells me how much you want me.’


She was away ahead of him.

‘Shall we do it on the table?

Omigod this was a crisis, it was days too soon for penetration.

He said firmly, ‘No.’

‘Yes I agree,’ she purred, standing and taking his hand. ‘Come let’s flop on to the bed and show me how you handle a situation like this.’

Almost in a daze, Alan allowed himself to be led along and at last he was becoming fired up, his inexplicable resistance collapsing, he was now anticipating fucking her.

Gee she was such a slut and it should be a pleasure banging her, allowing her to wallow in her self-generated lust.

They reached the bedside with Alan becoming doubtful the lively lass would be satisfied with quiet administration in the missionary position when she reached over, grasped his far wrist, jerked that arm up high and then swung her nearest hip into the top of his thigh and he felt himself flying in an arc.

He landed on his back and she appeared seamlessly to follow, landing between his legs with a thump. Her softness squashed over his chest and somehow without a painful collusion her face hit his face and her tongue filled his mouth.

Jesus, she was a predator.

He waited anxiously wondering if it were called rape when a female took a guy by force and would it hurt and leave him feeling grossly humiliated.

Hell his erection hurt and appeared attempting to be attempting to push through their clothing and straight into her stomach.

Lydia pulled her dripping tongue from Alan’s mouth, much to his relief.

She smiled down at him, affectionately he thought, and said, ‘Gotcha.’


‘If I hadn’t taken the initiative I would have waited around morosely for days or as my sister said perhaps for weeks, before you decided in a spurt of passion to try to fuck me.’

‘What me wait to get my end into a lush like you,’ Alan said rather creatively.

‘Oh darling, that’s more like it,’ she said a dabbed her wet lips on to the tip of his nose.< br>
He decided not to rebuke her for calling him darling and for the second time so soon in their relationship, she was such a tough bitch she might crack him one and that would tumble them into rampant sex with her becoming a dominatrix.

Oh god, he groaned to himself, wondering why his thinking had gone crazy.

In a honeyed voice she said, ‘Darling I’ve got you where I want you or rather where we should be. Don’t you think you should now be initiating tenders sexual advances leading to us coupling?

‘That’s a damn good idea otherwise we’d feel idiotic locked together like this,’ he laughed and thinking it was time to soak in a good fuck, well he was weeks overdue for one.

‘You know masturbation is not all it’s cracked up to be.’

God had he said that, to a near total stranger.

She laughed and said she agreed, that some toys were useful as were a girlfriend’s fingers and tongue but nothing could equal a rampant hot cock attempting to prove itself to the recipient.

‘God what am I saying,’ she coloured. ‘We scarcely know each other.’

‘True but I suspect we are doing a damn good job of upping the ante,’ he said, reaching down and unzipping.

* * *

They awoke to the dawn chorus of birds in the afforestation around the residential site and returning from the bathroom Alan noticed the two beds had been pulled together during the night.

Lydia lay naked with her legs apart, her pussy with a tuft a hair above it, appearing at the ready.

‘Are you interested in going again?’

‘Ooh yeah,’ he said with small boy enthusiasm that made Lydia giggle.

He stretched and said he thought he’d lost a couple of pounds of weight overnight.

She sighed and said well some of the lost weight had gone into her as semen.

‘What didn’t I use condoms?’

‘No I said I couldn’t wait for you to go and rummage for one and we both felt we were safe.’

‘Ah yes, I remember now and you trilling ‘Flip that was a gusher.’

She smiled and said well so it was, it was a little like a dam had burst.

He asked nervously, ‘And you are on a contraceptive?’

‘Aye, aye Capt’n.’

Alan came closer to her and peered and said, ‘Don’t you have a clit.’

‘Gawd what a question for first thing in the morning. Of course I do, you work on where you think it resides and it will show itself in increasing prominence.’

‘Um we didn’t do anal did we?’

‘Alan why all the questions instead of conversation, you’ll like a kid with a new toy. No we didn’t because there was no condom on hand.’

‘Thanks for being the responsible partner Lydia.’

She laughed and held out her arms and said, ‘Come here and find what mommy wants to do with you.’

* * *

They had breakfast on the aft deck in late spring sunshine and waved at several boaties (occupants of boats) going by.

‘Why are some of the people dressed up?’

‘It’s Sunday and they are going down to The Landing to attend church.’

‘Is The Landing that piece of land with jetties and boats pulled out of the water near where the access road in ends and where there are shops?’

‘Yes and it’s where you caught the water taxi.’

‘I didn’t see a church.’

‘No but there’s a hall and a clergyman visits every second Sunday to conduct a church service in the hall.’

‘I see and why a makeshift church and yet there are two very permanent bars?’

‘Services are provided to meet consumer demand.’

‘Meaning people rather drink booze than attend church?’

‘Yes and for your information the Arundel Hotel has three bars and mainly men inhabit the stand-alone bar.’

‘Well I suppose that makes sense, the services meeting demand. Your lawn here is over-grown. I’ll mow it for you if you wish.’

Alan said there was no mower. However one of the mobile maintenance contractors Chris would arrive on his landing craft on Tuesday on his monthly visit. He’d ride on his mower up from the flat-bottom boat and turn the grass back into neatly cut lawn.

‘I can get him to visit fortnightly if you would like the place to look neater.’

‘Oh god, I didn’t mean to sound critical. I was only…’

She caught the sardonic smile and laughed

Lydia said they were in the process of adjusting She would have to get used to a different lifestyle just as Alan would have to adjust to having something sharing his space and attempting to bring him up to speed.

She looked at the placid water and asked was it always that flat.

‘No and beneath the surface sweep strong tidal currents. The water drops on average is three to four feet between high and low tide and up to twice that difference on spring tides. This sound joins a larger sound that is 35 miles in length and between them they have about 250 miles of shore line. As you would already have found out the access roads in to The Landing are narrow and very windy because of the rugged nature of the land. This is one of the more remote places in the sounds and the most beautiful in my opinion.’

‘It certainly is beautiful and would be difficult to evacuate from in a hurry.’

‘Yes and no, there’s a helicopter landing pad over at the lodge where we’ll go for dinning this evening.’

‘Ah Stillwater Lodge?’

‘Yes and Claire Johns will be beside herself waiting to greet you.’

Right at that moment one of the boat’s radios crackled and Alan said. ‘Go and answer the red radio. It will be Claire enquiring about tonight. Take the hand-piece off the holder and press the button on the side when you wish to speak.’

‘Okay but…’


‘This is Claire Johns of Stillwater Lodge calling Captain Alan Meadows aboard the Miranda. Come in please.’


‘Hi Claire, this is Lydia Kennedy.’

‘Omigod he’s got you working already.’

‘No it’s fine. He doesn’t work Sundays and we are lazing around.

‘I need to check that you two are coming to the lodge at 7:00 this evening because we are quiet for guests at the moment but have some locals coming in the look you over.’

‘What to ensure I look suitable and am couth enough to work as a labourer for my Capt’n and host.’

‘Omigod Lydia, you have wicked humour. I like you already.’

‘Thanks and you sound motherly and I might need that in this solitude. I’ll be ready to leave at the time he gives me because I think my Capt’n being also an engineer will be a punctual man. Over and out.’

‘Gawd you’re making a name for yourself already, calling my your Captain and Mr Punctuality.’

‘Well I was attempting to make a good impression in case other people were listening on that radio channel. I had overlooked the fact that we’d be in radio contact with the outside world.’

‘Yeah people will be listening as the women around here are like women the world over, listening to pick up the slightest hint of gossip. They will be beside themselves along this waterway wondering why I’ve taken in a woman to help me on the boat. This is good because it will be driving them crazy waiting to find the answers. Oh don’t be misled by Claire’s comment that a few locals will be at the lodge for dinner to look you over. My guess is the place will be half full.’

‘Oh freek I should have asked Mrs Johns what I should wear.’

‘I can assist with that if you wish.’

‘Please do.’

‘You are the star of that show tonight. Put that blonde hair up fancy and I can give you a white cocktail dress to wear.’

‘What you are a cross-dresser?’ Lydia joked.

‘Actually I kept some of my late wife’s things um just as a reminder.’

‘Late wife, oh god Alan, me and my big mouth.’

‘What you didn’t know, are you saying Olivia didn’t tell you?’

‘No she made no mention of that.’

Lydia stepped over and sat on Alan’s lap.

‘I need to know,’ she said gently, resting against him. ‘
Just tell me what happened and I’d like to know whether or not you think she would like me here with your like this.’

‘Oh she would love you being here like this and would really like you as a woman. She’s probably better at rest now that she knows you have come into my life.’

At that Lydia burst into tears.

‘Oh hug me, hug me,’ she cried desperately.

Alan soon had her calmed

Later he took Lydia over to the cottage.

‘Omigod Sally was the same size as me.’

‘Yeah I’d already figured that out and there’s a pair of red shoes in the closet, my favourites, and I expect them to be a close fit.’

They went to the boatshed at 6.45 and Alan was having trouble talking his eyes off Lydia and she knew why that was so. He’d be thinking of Sally with her dark hair and winsome lurking smile in that dress and those shoes she had in her bag as high heels in a rubber ducky boat were not a good idea. He’d shown her photos of Sally, she’d looked gorgeous.

To try to lighten his mood, Lydia thought of something nautical to ask.

‘Does your private water taxi have a name?’

He looked at the far shore.

‘Yes a pet name. I’ll divulge it when we’re returning home.’

Lydia wailed, ‘Oh Alan, I’m sorry.’

He looked as her and said then she knew.

She nodded.

‘Let’s keep the name to ourselves then eh? No one will find Sally’s name anywhere on this boat. I sold her piano because I don’t play and used the proceeds to buy this RIB and an inflatable tender with outboard for stowage on the front deck of Miranda with capacity to carry a maximum of eight people. Sally grew up in a boating family and I regard those two craft as useful memorials to her and they will be in regular use.’

Alan said in coming days he’d check Lydia’s boat handling skills and teach her about navigating Arundel Sound and when she felt confident she could take Sally out recreationally and go the 11 miles down to Arundel Landing to get supplies or pick up visitors.

‘I am pretty water-wise from handling small sailboats and motorboats and realize that specialist knowledge will be essential to navigate these waters and observing boating rules the fish farms I passed when coming here on the water taxi.’

‘That’s right. Christ look at all the boats, up to 3-abreast tied up at the jetty. It looks as if half the permanent population of this district is here to look you over. The seasonal casuals will arrive on the sound at the end of next week a 3-day weekend with a national holiday on the Monday and that traditionally marks the start of the summer boating season.’

‘Ah and you expect to re-launch Miranda in the last part of the boating season.’

‘Yes towards the tail end of it probably. I’ll call a firm of marine surveyors tomorrow to get contact details of a consultant for the engine-room sound-proofing as we don’t want that work hanging over our heads.’

‘Oh good. Um how do I describe my relationship to you to these people I’ll meet this evening.’

‘Oh you could say you have been hired as an experienced boat-fitter or alternatively you could look them in the eye and say you are my fuck-bunny.’

‘Oh don’t even joke like that,’ Lydia said in alarm. ‘After a couple of drinks I could easily make a slip and use that term.’

‘Well just say you are an expert on domestic renovations and with me and were sent here by your father to gain experience in woodwork during boat refits.’

Lydia said that sounded plausible and was reasonably close to the truth.

‘Um exactly what is a fuck bunny?’

‘Modesty and my desire to ensure you continue your somewhat sheltered life prevents me from lewdly degenerating into a brainless oaf and providing you with explicit detail.’

‘Well I think I can guess, it sounds thoroughly disgusting and will be a term that a male would have conjured up. On the other hand perhaps you could give me a hint.’

‘Think of a young female going to a party who looks to be oozing sexiness and a group of guys take her off with her squealing with delight. The door is locked and the guys begin to unzip… and well let your imagination take it from there.’

‘How disgusting. Am I your fuck-bunny darling?’

Alan accelerated the motor instead of slowing it as he came to beach Sally and had to hastily swivel back the outboard motor to avoid the prop churning into pebbles as the RIB finished almost completely out of the water.

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The Chat

Author: telm Story Code: nc, Mf Comments: this story, and all characters and names are fiction. Melissa carried her wireless laptop from her desk to the bed. It was more comfortable on the bed while she surfed the net for long periods of time. One of her friends had told her about a cool chat room that she intended to join tonight. As she completed the on line application, she was careful not to put any information on there which might help some perv find her. Her computer...

1 year ago
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BangingBeauties Alyx Star She Rubs The Semen On Her Tits

Leggy brunette Alyx Star caresses her natural big tits and asks one question: “You like them?” Hell yes, and her big booty too! Everyone wants to ride that cleavage and get a piece of her big ass, but Alyx wants a big black dick. However, our PervCity stud wants this PAWG begging for his BBC. He licks her clit, making her shaved pussy wetter than Niagara Falls. She gives him a cock-stiffening footjob. Her vag isn’t the only thing that’s wet, though. Her slobbery ball-sucking blowjob turns him...

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Ever heard of an unexplained pregnancy? Spontaneous combustion? Mysterious injury? Or even an impossible recovery? The problem is that ever so often life doesn’t quite work out as it should do and the car doesn’t quite hit the teacher, or even hits her too hard. Maybe the retired old man was meant to get shot by a burglar but the bullet missed, whatever the case, for some reason it happens from time to time and life deals with it through using a simple quick fix. In the case of Ben and...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 22 Assault on Kanryuus Estate

Kanryuu: You're... you're joking... how could we have made an enemy of the legendary Hitokiri? Aoshi: Don't say that. We want this fight. (As they walk towards the house, Kenshin stops.) Yahiko: What's wrong, Kenshin? Kenshin (looking up): Kanryuu!! Your time has come, Takeda Kanryuu. Come down with Miss Megumi. (They stare at each other. Kanryuu begins to laugh wildly.) Sanosuke: Has he gone crazy? Kanryuu (clapping his hands): Wonderful! To have destroyed all fifty of my soldiers...

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Breakfast of Champions

It was my third weekend in the city and my new roommate Tom walked through the door with a case of 24 beers and 3 joints.“If you don’t have plans we can get fucked up and enjoy the Mad Max trilogy.”Having no other plans I agreed; the new job was stressful and I needed to blow off a little steam.Partway through the third film, the last of the beers was gone and the pot was smoked. I was dozing off, barely able to keep my eyes open. “Hey man I’m sorry I’m gonna crash,” I said. “Can’t stay awake.”...

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Fucking Tommys Mom Chapter 1

My name is James Peterson and the story I'm about to tell you is something that happened to me a couple of years back now. It was the summer of 2008–the summer Tommy and I both graduated from Arcadia High School.Tommy Cooper and I were best friends and had been for years, ever since he and his mother moved here from Indianapolis. Tommy's parents had just finalized their divorce and Tommy and Mrs.—I mean Ms.—Cooper moved here to Phoenix. We hit it right off almost from the first day we met. We...

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My wife takes charge

From the time I met my wife Andrea I had always made the decisions when it came to sex. I know that sounds bad but Andrea has always been submissive and when it came to sex she did what ever I wanted. It started out with me having her dress to impress. At five foot three and one hundred pounds even she had the body to show off. Short dresses and tight shorts were all she wore in the warm months and always without panties. On several occasions my friends would catch a glimpse of her smoothly...

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1 My high School Sweethearts Young Sister Part 1

Chloe was my first real love. We started dating in high school and became inseparable after a few months. She was absolutely beautiful... long blonde hair, gorgeous smile, infectious laugh. In no time at all, I was head over heels in love and I figured she would be “the one”. I became very close with her family, spending more time at her house than at my own. A large house for a large family. Her younger sister, Cindy, was very pretty like Chloe, in a smaller frame, more innocent... not as...

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The Robbery

Work went well and it was time for my date. She was a thick woman of Latin decent. Her hair flowed down her back in waves and her body was to die for. I was impressed by her nice set of perky tits, beautiful green eyes, and she had enough ass to blot out the sun. Antonia truly was amazing. She approached me while I was shopping a few days ago. Her search for a birthday gift was becoming tedious and she could not make a decision between a nice pair of watches for her brother. After leading her...

2 years ago
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Copyright© 2004 (Here's one for you, Bully!) They were an amateur Polynesian dance troupe, mostly young Filipinas, who had come to entertain at my best friend's birthday party. Not the best I'd seen, but they were pretty good and trying to get better. They started with a number of slow, graceful Hulas, the hand movements a little studied, not quite as graceful as they would be with a tad more practice. Next, they changed costumes and got into the faster Tahitian dances. Since I was...

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We live in canada eh

WINTER POEMIt's winter in Canada!And the gentle breezes blow Seventy miles an hour At thirty-five below. Oh, how I love Canada When the snow's up to your butt You take a breath of winter And your nose gets frozen shut. Yes, the weather here is wonderful So I guess I'll hang around I could never leave Canada I'm frozen to the friggin' ground!

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Fucked My Lusty Girlfriend

Hi I am Ravi this is my first story. I am living in Pimpri. I am 26 year old height 5. 8 with average built up. This incident took place few years back. I had a girlfriend Simi (name changed) with 34-28-36 figure. She has perfect shaped ass and tight boobs with brown nipples. We were dating from 4 months. One day after giving some interviews we were tiered so we decided to go for short trip at Lonavala. We took local thankfully we got a coach which became empty after 3 stations. We sat in the...

2 years ago
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Just shut up and FUCK me I said BBB

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories...."Just shut up and fuck me." I saidI was walking home from the last day of school. It was already close to a 100 degrees out. It was about a 4 mile walk back to my house. I had missed the last school bus. I had to stay after for detention. I got caught passing a note for my best friend, Stan. He had asked me to pass a note to his new girl friend. They had only been going out for a week. Now I was the only one walking home after spending an hour, cleaning off...

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My Horny Aunt Beth Part 3 of 4

My name is Sam, I just turned 18 and am still a virgin. I was babysitting my Aunt Beth’s 2-month-old little girl, Jane, while she went dancing with friends. My uncle was working 3rd shift and I was planning to stay the night. Beth was 9 years older than me and a very attractive woman. In fact, she has been my go-to fantasy since puberty and more of a friend than an old aunt. Beth got home a little after 1 and we settled in the living room with a beer. I ended up giving Beth a foot and leg...

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My Weekend With Dawn Sunday Shower

"I just want to make sure you are nice and clean after all that sex last night." you said with a sly grin on your face. As you softly stroke my cock with the body wash, it lathers up nicely and in no time you have me squirming and passionately moaning. You are attentively washing me with slow deliberate strokes making sure I am spotless all over my shaft, my balls, and in between my legs. It is the most amazing feeling and my legs are beginning to get week as I lean back against the...

3 years ago
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Just Some Buddies From College Dad

Sometimes life is easy, sometimes life is hard. At least that's what I've experienced so far. Life was good growing up, I had good friends, nice parents, got a decent education, even was lucky enough to meet the right woman and convince her to marry me. Then, we had two sons, I had a good job, so all was just great. Well, yes, it was. So far. I'll be brief ... cancer. So, now life became hard. Two young boys to raise, that's hard enough but, of course, a large hole was left in my heart...

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Just eighteen

When Graham had invited me on a night out I was under the impression that all of our friends would be there. I had not been informed that I was, effectively, a plus one for his younger sister’s 18th birthday party. Had I known I’d never have bothered. Hanging out with a bunch of k**s? This was no way to be spending my Saturday night. But here I was, and I was in hell.It seemed that all of Lucy’s friends were boys. Obnoxious, irritating boys. It wasn’t really their fault. All 18 year old boys...

2 years ago
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Footprints In The Sea 15 and 16

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 15 & 16 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. An Engagement is announced, a new friend and mentor is discovered and the mandatory...

1 year ago
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Threesome Fun

I've got a very horny story to tell, i've always wanted to swap with another couple, would really love to watch my husband fuck another girl while i'm sitting on another guys cock..... or even take part in a bit of 3some fun with another couple, I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to fulfill my fantasies but luckily for me I was wrong..... Let me tell you what happened last weekend............ I was out with a couple of girlfriends, we were having a bit of a pub crawl in town, we were all...

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© Connard Wellingham 2004 "You will wait here," ordered the stern-faced woman. Without waiting for a reply, she disappeared through a large double door. Left to himself for the first time since this whole incredible adventure had begun, the young man began to have serious doubts. 'You fool," he said to himself. 'What have you let yourself in for? I knew your recklessness was going to get you into trouble one day and I shouldn't wonder that that day has arrived.' Still, a...

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Shimla Manali Ke Tour Pe Radhika Ko Choda

Hi Indian Sex Story readers I am Dev from faridabad near of Delhi mein abhi tou student he tha par ab job par jane se pehle mein kuch enjoy karna chahta tha isliye mein ne apne papa se bol diya ki mujhe ghumne jana hai tou unhone permission de di waise mein abhi engineering khatam ki hai 2015 mein he tou mein ne shimla hote huye manali ki taraf jane ka decide kiya mein ne reservation karwa liya or meri train thi delhi se thi mein apni train mein aa kar baith gaya meri train ke saamne wale berth...

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An activity that wasnt planned on our vacation

I hadn't looked forward to a vacation like this in a long time. Yes, I'd gone on vacations with my wife and kids. Yes, I'd had a pretty good time. Yes, I'd been lucky enough to go different places around the country. But this was different.I was excited because I was going to a vacation spot I'd been to a number of times, staying in a cabin in the mountains. Being outside in the beautiful weather in Tennesse. And most importantly, being in the mountains. It was one of my favorite places in the...

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Sister Ki Friend Harleen Fucked Hard

Hi friends, I have been fan of Indian sex stories since many years. Finally after reading a lot of stories I decide to share my own experience. Today I will be sharing the first instance about loosing my virginity to my sister’s friend and entering the world of sex. To begin with currently I am 24 years old living in Ludhiana(punjab), working in a mnc and still single, as I enjoy discreet relationships more rather than committed relationship. Along with a gifted 7. 5 inch thick cock. This...

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The Dog Park

They had walked their respective pups together at the local dog park at least five days a week at the same time for almost a month. The pups all got along well and pleasant company made the time fly. There weren’t many people who frequented the park with whom he socialized. Some had dogs that his canines didn’t get along with. Others were overly controlling owners who seemed bound and determined to make the visit to the park unpleasant for their own dogs and the other humans. Some were just...

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Sissy bang

The champagne must have gone to his head. Must have been stronger than he thought."You look pretty," whispered Goodhead, taking the glass from Bonkabitch, kissing him on his lipstick painted lips. "You look really sexy, you little crossdressing sissy boy."Goodhead ran a hand over Bonkabitch's thigh, moving his skirt aside, running a hand over his black holdups."It's going to be so good, " she whispered." I have something special for the two of us tonight. "She took Bonkabitch's hand, placed it...

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My first anal experience Part Six

Mike began fucking me in earnest, so hard that he was shoving me along on the carpet. After a couple of minutes, I could feel the skin on my ass beginning to burn, but then he slowed and whispered to Ade “I’m getting carpet burn!” Ade told him to get off me, Mikes cock slid out of my pussy and he stood, I just lay there legs akimbo, eyes shut. I heard some rustling, and then through my eyelids, a bright flash, followed by a whirring sound? I knew the sound, it was Ade’s polaroid camera, he or...

1 year ago
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A Game of Choice

“That’s right Jason, Mum and I play a spanking game. I am the one that gets spanked of course, on the bare,” Daniel said proudly.  “What, you mean really being spanked? Who would want to play that game?” “Well me for a start.” 23 year old Daniel looked at his 22 year old cousin and explained. “Mum hadn’t spanked me for a good number of years then a few months ago I told her I fantasised about being spanked and I asked Mum what she thought. We had a chat, and she came up with the game.”

3 years ago
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Mother in law blows Part 4

The last month of the summer passed uneventfully. We saw Louise a couple of times, but we obviously had to be careful. It was already too cold at the Germains’ end-of-summer bash, in early September, to get into the pool but that did not stop Babs. Man was she hot. Despite the weather -- mid 60s -- she wore her usual two-piece suit and spent at least an hour in the pool.Just before we left I went inside to go to the bathroom, but the first floor john was occupied so I went upstairs. Just as I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 27 Clinic Days 1 and 2

"Since most of us have bad eyes, there is always one of us that stays out of a game to check over the cards just to be sure that we have the cards we think. We all rotate between games so that no one is left out more than a single hand. Our game is just simple Gin Rummy. The first to get three of one kind and four of another wins. So three threes and four kings is a winning hand. Each turn you can take the top card off the discard pile or draw one from the deck and then have to discard a...

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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 11

The Antler has a Wall of Fame these days. Photos of the famous and infamous denizens of the best little bar on the west coast ... of Michigan. Right in the very middle is a black framed picture of Albert Fromm, Husband, Father and Engineer, over an original Jean Fromm oil portrait of the Edmond Fitzgerald. That portrait was surrounded by twenty-eight photos of the officers and crewmen ... lost eleven years ago this coming November just short of Whitefish Bay on the Big Lake. There are...

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I Remember BethanyChapter 2

(I which I taste Bethany's Schwarzwalder-Kirschtorte and she samples my Schwarzschlange-Honigschlag) Beth had given me her car keys and I brought my toolkit and mechanic coveralls to the bars' parking lot. When I popped the mustangs' hood, I found what I expected: a broken distributor cap. A quick trip to the parts store, a short tune-up and I had the 'tang' purring like a kitten, abet a large and deep throated kitten. Beth was just getting off the bus and she ran up to me and...

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Jason Not Jessica

Okay now is the whole spiel about "this is my first story". We all know that one so no need to go into, feel free to leave stupid comments and all that jazz, but please point out errors with quotation marks ("") and if I use a word too many times. I did proof-read, but hey I'm not perfect. enjoy. It had started while I was asleep; though I hadn't expected it I knew better than to protest once he we started. He had taken my shorts down while I was asleep I can only...

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The Agamous QueenChapter 4

Georgina glanced up at the castle as the carriage trundled it's way through the lower town and people stopped and bowed or courtesied as she passed. As much as she liked the subservience of her subjects, she had a begrudging respect for the terrorist, currently holed up somewhere in her realm. He seemed to be the only person who wasn't scared of her no matter what tortures her trusty allies inflicted. She had been in her seat of Government and had had a thoroughly boring day. She would...

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The Replacement

It had taken a lot of bribes, just to get hold of him. And then the surgery had cost a lot more, but for the parents, it was worth it to have their Amber back again. They knew that he would not want to replace her, which was why they had implanted a little electro-shock device into him for training purposes. As well as that, a bangle that *she* could not take off contained a GPS device so they would know where their little princess was at all times. They waited for *her* to wake so...

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EvilAngel Katie Kush Anal And Deepthroat A2M

Stalwart XXX-director Chris Streams’ camera soaks up adorable, li’l Katie Kushwith aplomb as she poses in black fishnet stockings, red fishnet top and tight schoolgirl miniskirt. In a pre-fuck interview, the young brunette eye candy reveals that she was a stripper, and then she asked herself, ‘Why not go all the way?’ Studly porn fucker Zac Wild rims her asshole and fingers her twat. He shoves his big cock in Katie’s mouth for a spit-lubed blowjob. Zac fucks her...


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