3: Scars Remain Ch. 03 free porn video

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V — Beauty And The Beast

Frustration had been building up in Kaylee for the last several weeks. The unusually grey skies and relentless rain over Northern California seemed to make her temperament even worse.

Of course it didn’t help that, despite helping Luke take baby steps in his journey towards recovery, he still refused to get help. It wasn’t until a serious no-holds-barred argument that she made it crystal clear to Luke that she wasn’t about to back down. She had never torn into Luke with as much ferocity as she did when it came to getting him back to the counselor, and it was enough to begrudgingly convince him to go.

‘Promise me,’ she said, brushing her bangs out of her face, pacing back and forth in her apartment refusing to take her eyes off of Luke. Arguing with him had built up quite a sweat.

Luke glared at her. He wasn’t happy. ‘Don’t push it,’ he snapped back. ‘I said I would go, period.’

‘Promise,’ she exclaimed forcefully, refusing to back down. She’d stand toe-to-toe with him if she had to.

Luke sighed angrily. He gave in, just to avoid arguing. ‘Ok, fine. Promise.’

At first Kaylee was thrilled, but there was something on Luke’s face that stunted her excitement. He seemed reluctant, or maybe it was uncertainty. Luke was never uncertain.

It occurred to her that she might have pushed him too hard in an effort to get her way, even if her way was the right way and more importantly the most beneficial for Luke. He needed to get help, but she worried she may have browbeat him harder than she needed to.

Luke abruptly turned away from her. ‘I’m gonna go lift. Need to work on my shoulder,’ he said, briskly walking down the hall to her exercise room. He wasn’t exactly sulking, but he looked tired, as if he was ready to throw the towel in not just on their argument but on everything. Which was very uncharacteristic of him.

She couldn’t help but feel bad. She scampered after him, placing a hand on his shoulder, gently turning him to face her. ‘Wait up, cowboy!’

Before he knew what was happening, she caressed his face and planted her lips on his. The kiss was electric. She knew it was for Luke because of the surprised look in his eyes, for her, it was simply because it was always electric whenever they kissed.

‘I’m sorry,’ she pouted in her best baby voice. She knew he couldn’t resist her, especially when she talked like that, but the truth was she wasn’t stringing him along. She was serious, and her apology was serious. Wrapping her arms around a stunned Luke, she kissed his chest and nuzzled against him. Kaylee practically purred when she felt Luke stroke her head, lightly running his fingers through her hair.

With her eyes closed, enjoying the physical touch from Luke’s fingers, she sighed, ‘I shouldn’t have been so hard on you. It’s just that… well, I want to protect you, too. The same way you’ve always protected me. Let me do that, please?’

‘I guess it’s only fair,’ Luke said, trying not to let her see a small upward curve of his lip. ‘Do you want to go see a movie? I guess I can work out later,’ he asked her.

Kaylee squeezed him even tighter. He was always thinking about her, and she loved that. ‘I’d love to! I just want to be with you right now, wherever that might take me.’

‘Slow down, Luke! We’re not even late,’ Kaylee screamed, reaching for the dashboard after being thrown back against her seat, clearly startled as Luke gunned it down the freeway ramp.

That brat! It was intentional, too, he deliberately slowed to five miles per hour at the base of the ramp before slamming the accelerator and throwing it into third, fifth, and then sixth gear within mere seconds.

Clutching his leg, she bit her lip and said, ‘You know I hate it when you do that.’

‘It’s not like we’re going to go back in time, this model came without the flux capacitor. Besides, I’m not speeding. I just got to seventy-five real fast. That’s our legal interstate speed limit,’ he said calmly as the screaming Challenger soared. ‘Ok, so maybe I’m five or ten over. That doesn’t change the fact that you love it when I do that, we both know it turns you on, baby!’

Kaylee tried to stifle a giggle, there was no way she’d let Luke know he was right. ”Turns me on, baby’? What happened to the shy boy when we first started dating our senior year, the one who wouldn’t dream it was possible to say something like that, let alone recklessly break the speed limit?’

Luke shrugged, ‘Don’t know. I guess I’ve changed a lot. Do you miss him?’

Kaylee thought for a moment before smiling, ‘Yes… but no. It’s like your mom always says, ‘God made you to be you, so don’t be anyone else’, and I think she’s right. You’ll always be you, even if some of your habits have changed, and even if your confidence has grown. I don’t care if you drive fast today or slow tomorrow, you’re still the man I love. The one thing I ask you don’t change is your love for me, Luke Patton.’

Luke glanced over as if she was crazy. ‘Impossible. I never could do that,’ he said bluntly, as if it was a hard and fast fact that she should have known.

Of course, she already knew that, but she liked hearing it anyway.

‘Wait, where are you going,’ Kaylee asked, looking out the window at the exit Luke passed. ‘You just missed our exit.’

‘We’re going to a different movie theater,’ he said.

Perplexed, Kaylee tried to read his face in an attempt to figure out his angle. Luke simply smiled, they both knew he had her on her toes.

Several minutes later, Luke pulled in to a drive-in theater.

‘I didn’t even know we had a drive-in! How long as this been here?’

‘A while, as far as I know,’ Luke replied.

‘Well, you’re lucky it stopped raining this morning. So, why a drive-in, Mr. Patton,’ Kaylee asked with a raised eyebrow and a seductive look in her eyes. ‘Does someone have dishonorable intentions?’

A devious smile appeared on Luke’s face, ‘If you make me watch one more chick flick, I figured maybe I could turn it into a positive thing. Did you notice the blankets in the back seat?’

Kaylee’s eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped. She turned around to look in the back seat, but nothing was back there. She hit Luke’s shoulder. ‘You tease! Don’t you dare lie to me again! Especially about that. You already know how I feel…’

Luke laughed, ‘Sorry. That doesn’t mean I won’t slide the seat back and put you on my lap.’

‘Mmm, I like that,’ Kaylee moaned.

Luke parked the car and opened his door. ‘I’m going to hit the concession stand. You want anything?’

‘I’m not sure. I’ll go with you, it will give me a chance to stretch my legs. I thought my muscles were going to seize up on me the way you hit the ramp,’ she said, getting out of the car.

Taking Luke’s hand in hers, she said, ‘This place is kind of old, but it’s nice. I didn’t think these things still existed. I’m also surprised how many people are here.’ Kaylee took note of all the other people at the drive-in, most of which were teenagers or young twenty-something’s. Over half of the lot was full and several more vehicles were still trickling in. Even the concession stand line was surprisingly long.

Kaylee blushed, ‘You’re sneaky and conniving, Luke Patton, but I’m kind of looking forward to our… um, to when the movie starts.’

Luke snickered, ‘Me too. I love you, Kaylee Reed.’

Her heart fluttered. It wasn’t often she got the big ‘I love you’ from Luke, so she treasured each and every time he said it. If she had a way to record those three little words, she’d play them over and over every minute of every day.

Leaning in towards Luke, she kissed his cheek.

Kaylee fully intended on confessing her love for him in return, thinking of the best way to deliver ‘I love you, too’ back. But before she could, a thunderous BOOM went up as one of the cars driving past them bac

Luke jumped, but immediately tugged Kaylee’s hand and pulled her downwards, covering her body with his as he crouched down low. He wrapped both arms around her tightly in a protective bear hug.

Holy shit!

Kaylee thought fearfully, Not again! This can’t be happening!!

He yelled at Kaylee, ‘Stay down!’

Kaylee could hear him grunting through rapid short breaths. She tried loosening herself in his arms despite his iron grip, barely managing to twist her body so she could face him. His eyes were squinting tightly and his jaw was clenched, his entire body was shaking but he held his position firm, protecting Kaylee. He was reaching for something, desperately grabbing for something that wasn’t there — she guessed he thought he was reaching for his sidearm.

She could feel the eyes of everyone in line upon them. A couple of guys were even laughing.

Embarrassment wasn’t even a consideration for Kaylee, it never even occurred to her. The old Kaylee would have died from humiliation, but since she met Luke, he impacted her life so much that anyone staring and laughing — specifically at her — didn’t bother her.

What bothered her was the staring and laughing at Luke, her face grew red with explosive anger. It took all she had to ignore them and instead focus on Luke, who needed her badly.

‘Luke, it’s ok,’ she wheezed out calmly, trying to breathe, his strong arms still wrapped tightly around her. He relaxed his grip just enough for her to raise her hand and gently place it on his cheek. ‘Look at me, Luke,’ she whispered, breathing a little easier.

It felt like she was trying to tame a wild beast. She didn’t know if she could do it, but she would stop at nothing to get him to snap out of it and bring him back to reality. Luke began to shake harder, and started to stand up frantically. An intense rage lit up his eyes in a way that Kaylee had never seen before, he let loose a guttural growl, almost as if he was possessed.

Moving in closer, her nose within inches of his, Kaylee desperately placed both of her hands on his face and raised her voice just enough to get his attention, ‘Luke, Luke, Luke! Look at me, baby.’

Luke dropped back down to his knees, still shaking and confused. He momentarily glanced at Kaylee, it was as if he didn’t recognize her.

One of the onlookers laughed, ‘What the fuck is his problem?’

‘Holy shit, are you seeing this,’ another chuckled, filming the unfolding event with his camera.

Grinding his teeth, Luke tried to look around but Kaylee held his head in her hands, gently but firmly, refusing to let him look away from her gaze. As terrified as she was inside, she knew she had to be strong. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes as she witnessed the hurtful words fall upon her boyfriend’s ears, watching the one she loved more than life itself suffering from invisible demons.

As calmly as she could, she cooed, ‘Luke, look at me, no one else. Stay with me baby. Stay with me… I’m right here. You’re angel is here… remember me? Your radiant angel? Stay with me, please…’

Putting her acting skills to the test she tried to remain calm for Luke, although in reality she was terrified. For him. She blinked rapidly, trying to make her tears go away. It took everything she had to put her worry aside, not to mention her rage towards the few onlookers laughing at Luke.

All she could do was pray he would forget the environment around him, and bring him back to her. The amount of pain Luke was in made Kaylee want to curl up on the ground and bawl until she was out of tears, but she knew she had to be strong for him.

After all, he had always been so, so incredibly strong for her. Tremendously strong. It was the least she could do for her cowboy.

His head didn’t move, but his eyes were darting all around him, gradually beginning to center. Kaylee didn’t back down, she held him until his eyes found hers.

The beast was starting to leave him, her Luke was returning. As his awareness came back, a look of embarrassment and shame crossed his face. It broke Kaylee’s heart. ‘You have nothing to be ashamed about,’ she whispered to him, kissing his lips.

Luke’s eyes were watering. He cast his eyes downward. Kaylee gently took his chin and raised his head. ‘You’re a hero, Luke. Even before you went overseas, you were always my hero. I mean it, you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about.’

She wouldn’t let him avoid the issue. ‘Luke, I love you, and that’s all that matters to me. Do you love me, too?’

After a brief pause, Luke nodded his head in acknowledgement. She wasn’t sure if he believed her, but she still smiled through her tears as she witnessed his confidence returning little by little. The emotions coursing through her was intense, but she knew it wasn’t a fraction of what Luke was feeling.

‘Of course I love you. I… I’m sor…’

Kaylee cut him off, ‘Luke, you do not need to apologize for that. There is nothing to apologize for.’

Again, Luke reluctantly nodded, but she knew he was hurt.

‘We’re working through it. You’ll get better in no time. And I’ll be by your side, the entire way.’

Kaylee stood up, coaxing Luke to do the same. She threw her arms around him one last time. ‘We can go home if you like, we don’t have to stay for the movie.’

Luke shook his head, quietly whispering to her, ‘We can stay.’ Despite his embarrassment and reluctance, he was willing to stay. Kaylee marveled at his strength, but she wasn’t so sure that staying was a good idea. She regretted even giving him a choice.

While she wanted to believe the two of them were swept away into a fantasy world where only the two of them resided on planet Earth at this exact moment in time, the truth was Kaylee could still sense the camera filming the two of them, and she could tell in his skittish eyes that Luke knew it was there, too.

‘Can you go wait for me in the car, baby,’ she asked him, trying not to sound agitated. ‘Don’t turn around, just look for the Challenger and keep walking towards it. Just trust me that I’ll be right there. I’m right behind you.’

With a deep breath Luke ran his fingers through his hair, nodding as he turned to leave. Kaylee impatiently waited as long as she could, watching him walk away as a mother might watch her children on the way to the school bus.

She could only hope he was just outside of earshot. Quickly wiping away a few tears, her peaceful, loving face dramatically turned into a snarl.

Kaylee turned around.

It was time to unleash.

Staring down every one of them, she screamed, ‘What the fuck is WRONG with you people?’ Before she realized it, she lurched forward, snatched the camera out of one of the bastard’s hand, and threw it on the ground as hard as she could.

‘HEY,’ he shouted angrily, dumbfounded at what had just happened.

Kaylee swiftly struck with her knee right between his legs and shoved him backwards as hard as she could, he dropped like a rock and bellowed out a high-pitched scream. His two friends were no longer laughing, they stared at her with wide-open eyes, completely in disbelief. All color in their faces had drained away.

She could tell they weren’t expecting that, and they weren’t sure how to handle her. One of them hollered, ‘You crazy bitch! What the hell?’ They both backed up as she stepped forward, they were pissed off but unwilling to provoke her further, risking the same fate as their buddy who laid on the ground in sheer agony.

Kaylee stomped on the camera with her heel, digging it into the ground, releasing all of her tension and anger. She reached down to grab the broken camera, pulling out the flash card out just in case it had somehow survived. Surprisingly, it did look intact. Maybe she hadn’t done a good enough job smashing the camera after all. Kaylee would fix that problem — she spiked it on the ground as hard as she could.

zy? You haven’t begun to see me crazy,’ she yelled, ‘but if you ever, EVER laugh at my boyfriend again — a war hero, by the way, who provided you three pathetic assholes the freedom to act like the losers you are — then you’ll see me fucking PSYCHOTIC.’

Kaylee stomped off with her nose in the air. She turned around once more, pausing to look at the three thugs one last time. She pointed her finger at them as if it was loaded with bullets, almost daring them to challenge her. They didn’t say a word. In fact, she could hear all of the other onlookers snickering at them. She at least felt a little better.

Spinning around so quickly her hair whipped across her face, Kaylee walked off, carefully brushing her golden locks to the side. Kaylee never had an adrenaline spike of that magnitude, she felt like crying for Luke and smiling for putting those losers in their place, all at the same time. Most of all, she wanted to run to Luke and make sure he was ok, but she wanted him to see the calm side of her so she restrained her pace to a brisk walk.

‘You’re shaking, hon,’ Luke told her, leaning against his Challenger. It was ironic, considering what had just happened he was calmer than he should have been, and yet she was the one that felt like steam was rapidly escaping out of every pore in her body. Then again, she knew he was always calm whenever she was riled up.

He held his arms out to her, wide-open and inviting. She instinctively collapsed into them but not before noticing a silly grin on his face. Rolling her eyes, somewhat embarrassed, she sighed, ‘You heard that, didn’t you. I thought I told you to wait in the car.’

Luke gave her a week smile, sarcastically telling her, ‘Well, gosh, I was going to, but I couldn’t seem to open the door with these clumsy paws of mine. Besides I just would have torn up the interior with my spiked collar and sharp teeth.’

‘You know what I mean,’ she pouted, closing her eyes. It felt wonderful in his arms, she wrapped hers around him in return.

For a few moments, Luke simply held her in his arms. He wasn’t smiling anymore. ‘Kaylee,’ he said quietly, ‘what’s wrong with me?’

She squeezed him tighter, ‘Nothing is wrong with you, baby.’

‘Kaylee,’ he murmured, ‘you know that’s not true. There’s a lot wrong with me. I’m broken. We both know that.’

Kaylee sniffed, unsure what to say. She didn’t want to demoralize him, but she couldn’t pretend nothing happened. She told him, ‘You just saw some bad things. You went through a lot. It won’t be like this forever, I swear! I’ll be with you, and we’ll get you through this.’

Luke nodded, but she wasn’t sure that he was convinced.

He told her, ‘What you did for me was simply amazing. I can’t explain it any other way. I don’t know what I would do without you, you’ve always been there for me. You’re a precious gift from God, you really are. My heart aches for anyone like me that doesn’t have someone like you. Thank you.’ He squeezed her even tighter, lightly kissing her forehead. ‘Thank you,’ he whispered, reemphasizing his heartfelt gratitude.

Her face lit up, ‘There’s no need to thank me, baby. There will always be idiots like that, just like we dealt with in high school. Don’t let them get to you. Let’s see where they are at in ten years, if they’re not buying and selling drugs, then they’ll be fighting each other to leave the grill so they can get promoted to cash register at the corner burger joint.’

Luke gave her a weak smile, ‘People can change, Kaylee. Maybe they’ll grow up.’

‘Maybe, but they’ll never be a hero like you.’

He tensed up. Luke told her, ‘I’m not a hero, Kaylee, I’ve told you that.’

‘You don’t get to decide,’ she told him flatly. ‘True heroes never decide that they’re a hero. Other people decide when the evidence is clear. Just because you’ve tried your hardest to keep a low profile doesn’t mean anyone forgot what you went through.’

Luke was about to say something, but Kaylee countered, ‘Don’t argue with me. We’ll get through this. I’m just so glad you’re going to go to counseling again and that you’re letting me help you.’

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ScarredChapter 5

Looking out of the kitchen window, Charlie was lying on the grass, all four legs spread out. It was eight in the morning, and the temperature was already 30 Celsius. I was waiting for Helen to come down, we arranged to clean the house. Get it ready, when dad comes home on Monday. While emptying the dishwasher, the doorbell rang. Charlie was at the front door before I had the chance to turn around. Barking at whoever was outside, running circles in front of the entrance. It was my aunt with...

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Becoming Enzo8217s Bitch

One night while we were lying on the floor drinking wine, smoking marijuana and listening to music he had a silly idea and I went along. I had a bit too much wine. I was too agreeable. I couldn’t really believe he would let anything happen. He was just testing me. It started out with me lying naked on the carpet and him getting the dog to sniff my cunt and lick me. He put peanut butter on me, spreading it on my throat to get the dog to lick me there. Karl said I was offering the dog my...

1 year ago
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The business trip 2 guys 1 fleshlight

It started on one of my business trips. My colleague, Dave and I had to attend a conference in Geneva. We are both straight, in our early thirties, and still in the phase of being horny almost all the time. We’ve travelled together a few times before, and we always end up talking a lot about hot chicks and stuff. He is happily married though. On my longer trips I usually bring my fleshlight. When I get back to my hotel room I take a quick shower, and have a good bate session using the...

1 year ago
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Mockumentary Epilogue Rough Cuts

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, fair warning before you read this, since it's a LOT darker in tone than what's come so far. I wrote this while I was still writing the main story. Although the heart of the tale was about Tristan dealing with his bad decisions stemming from his desperate desire to be famous, Felicity provided the dark undercurrent running throughout the story that often drove the action. But unfortunately, the documentary format made her actions more detached, softening the hard...

3 years ago
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My giving me a birthday present for a king

I woke up and she said that its my birthday I can have any thing I want then she lifted up the blanket and her daughter was naked and she said she gave her something to sleep and then she moved her so she was laying next to me and she opened her legs wider so I could see her fanny and she said that she has to go out and get stuff ready for tonight so she left and I packed a pipe and smoked it and I was looking at her fanny and I rubbed it and opened her lips and stuck my tongue in her fanny and...

2 years ago
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The Protector Vengence Is MineChapter 4

Jonas was lying on his back and he heard voices. His mind swam with the suddenness of his presence here, wherever here was. He was just in a garden talking to; Joe? God? Wasn't he? Had it been real? It couldn't be real. That was crazy. The jumble of words started ordering themselves in his head like a self assembling jig saw puzzle. The sense of the voices started filtering through Jonas's muddled mind. His mind felt like it was just floating. It wasn't focused on anything in particular....

4 years ago
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Back Seat Driving Lesson

To say that Tom was upset was an understatement. Maureen knew he was angry because he had no look on his face at all. He just stared straight forward while he drove. After five years of marriage, she knew that when he was visibly angry that was one thing, but when the anger didn't show... She sat in the passenger seat of the car, turned slightly away from him. Their lovely romantic evening was in tatters. She tried to tell herself that his stupid boorish attitude was to blame, but deep down she...

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Homecoming Chapter 3

“Why Can’t I” The urge to mate and to expand my territory had subsided after my second session with Carolyn. I also noticed that it was quickly reaching the end of the school day and that I could not stay here overnight, not if I wanted to continue my plan. I was able to focus and gain enough composure to get tell Carolyn to drive to my apartment. I think she was able to read my mind because she started to regain some of her poise as well, I believe she understood what was at stake and...

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Even Gods need a little Balance

Hello all, this is my entry in the Summer Lovin’ Story Contest. I hope you like it and please vote. I’d like to thank WorldHistoryBuff for a fantastic editing job and the Guild for their support. This story is dedicated to apollona – for the inspiration. Enjoy. *** Anastasia sighed as she saved the final draft and backed it up. Another story done and hopefully those characters would stay silent in her head. ‘Fat chance’ she thought. Even if those stayed quiet there were always others that...

2 years ago
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Going Down Ch 02

Author’s Note: This is a romantic story with erotic themes, story being the key word here. If you aren’t looking for something with a deeper theme, you would be better off reading elsewhere. If you like a good tale then read on. Please send feedback good or bad! It is always appreciated. Thanks and enjoy! When I sat back down at the table, I felt like I was in two different climates. Brent was frost, chilling me with a patronizing look, and Cale was heat. I don’t have to tell you which of...

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Our new babysitters mum 7

Introduction: Wendy turns 14 This is the sequel to Our new baby sitters mum (1), (2), (3) (4) (5) & (6) It is almost certainly better if you read them first. Wendy went on another camp with the girls from her school. She couldnt say much about the sex that she was enjoying because of the solemn promises that she had made to us but she did say that her mum had had an implant inserted so that she was protected from getting pregnant and that she loved it when her boyfriend fucked her and filled...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 02

It was time. The sun had fallen below the treetops. To facilitate the appearance of the Vision, the Medicine Man insisted, ‘You must obey the creed. Enter your Quest as you entered the world.’ Tom left the protection of the cave — completely sober and completely nude. A hundred yards farther up the game trail, in the middle of a pine thicket Tom found a clearing perfect for the vision ground. Slow and silent, he began the prescribed ritual — circle the area, commune with the Great Spirit...

3 years ago
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The Unexpected Romance

When Jennifer Walk in the house she was amazed. Domineke was so amazed by her looks and attitude that by the end of the day he had developed a crush on her. Jennifer was chubby. Beautiful brown eyes. Her natural tan skin was so sexi lookin. She had her hair cut how Rihanna had it at first with the ends pointy. Jennifer had a very sexi smile with sexi big lips. She had a chubby body but with great features, a nice big booty, nice cup size of boobs. Overal she was a very sexi lady. This was...

2 years ago
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Katie the Prodigal DaughterChapter 6 Epilogue

Fifteen years later We were celebrating my thirtieth birthday. I had six healthy children. Daddy, grandpa and I were not planning to stop. Grandpa was now seventy-six but as insatiable as he was when took me twenty-three years ago. My beautiful sixteen years old son Daniel was fucking my cunt and my fifteen years old son Luke took my ass. Their cocks were already monstrous and both were hugely thick. They threatened to lift the bar of colossal cock in our family even higher. Grandpa had...

4 years ago
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rich boys love part 300

the next morning i woke up and harvey was asleep on the floor but when we went to bed last night he was in my bed i got out of bed and woke harvey up i asked him "why are you on the floor" harvey said to me "because you kicked me out of bed babe" i laughted we went down stairs and had breakfast harvey went home and got changed so i decided to go have a swim when harvey came back to my house he had a lot of magazines in his hands i asked "what are they" harvey answered me with "wedding...

2 years ago
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Master and His two Friends

I'm kneeling by the door and it is five minutes before my Master is due home. I run my hands over my short skirt making sure it's hanging down smartly. My stockings are black to match my skirt and my pink heels combine with them perfectly. My heels match the pale pink; almost see through, strappy vest top. I am not wearing a bra as Master loves my breasts so they must be easy for him to get to, and my nipples are just visible. Neither am I wearing panties. My blonde, shoulder length hair is in...

Oral Sex
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What Do You Want for Christmas

‘You just don’t have any sense of adventure anymore,’ complained Debbie. ‘Like all those muggers and murderers you deal with everyday?’ I wanted to know. ‘It has nothing to do with my job,’ she replied. ‘And for your information it is usually burglars that I’m involved in catching, not murderers. The problem is with you. Ever since you finished acting school, all you do is sit around here and mope. I don’t mind about the fact that you can’t contribute much to the rent, but I just don’t get any...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Mona Wales Allie Eve Knox Obsession With My Step Mom8217s Clothes

Teen Allie Eve Knox wants her stepmom Mona Wales to take her shopping but the widowed MILF has to work to support the family. Feeling neglected, Allie Eve wanders into Mona’s bedroom and tries on a bunch of her clothes. Mona catches him and sits her on her bed for a talk. Mona explains that she’s doing this for her. She needs her to be more independent, less of a Mommy’s Girl. Mona wishes she could do the things she used to do for her, like pick out her school outfits and give...

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Bill and Joan

It was back in the mid 90's, I was perusing YAHOO meet up/dating adds and came across an add from a couple (Bill and Joan) looking for a third party to have fun with. I answered the add and after a few days of the formality Q&A stuff (age, maritial status, photos, etc) they decided on a meet. We ***********ed a Monday morning visit. I arrived at their home around 5am and was ushered to the living room by Bill a rather large older gentalman, we sat over a cup of coffee and he explained...

1 year ago
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The sexual adventures of Jake Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! I stared in sheer amazement at my mothers amazing body. Taking it all in. Her slim toned legs. Her nice perfectly shaped ass. The way her breast looked in her white lace bra. So soft looking. For being a 40DDD cup her breasts showed barely any sagging. We both stood there shocked by the sight of one another. I could visibly notice my mother staring intently at my big rock hard 7.5 inch cock. Finally she spoke. ‘I was just going to come talk to you...

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Miss Goody Two Shoes

As I was hanging out my washing, Mary, my elderly neighbour called me over. “Victoria, I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my...

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Encounter in the Lab Part Three Retransmitted

Introduction: (Because of a technical error in an earlier posting, this chapter is re-transmitted)This story continues the Encounter in the Lab series. Carol Thompson is a beautiful, mature Senior Libratory Technologist in a major North Carolina hospital. Unfortunately, she suffers from a Hypersexual Disorder that has completely changed her life, forcing her to find men devoted to satisfying her relentless hypersexual drive. Although this chapter is a stand-alone, the reader is encouraged to...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Gift Group Sex

It's our five month anniversary and you've come to visit me in Wales for the weekend. We're playing our favourite game- staying at a hotel and spending as much time in bed as possible. It's early evening, but it's dark outside. We went down to dinner early and have spent the last two hours in the hotel restaurant discussing our relationship: how happy we are, how contented, how secure. Having finished the food, we're both a bit tipsy, but still have lots of energy from our all day nap. As we...

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Dirty Weekend at Curl Curl

Senior personal assistant Ella Rogers sighed and thought another **^?$#@ day at the office and this one could be as bad as it gets. She’d had four principals in five years, all female, and this one was a guy, who’d been due to arrive at the weekend from France. God a male shaving while yelling what files he wanted downloaded and picking his nose as he read reports. Because he was coming from France he’d probably ask for frog leg sandwiches with his mid-morning coffee. She adjusted a panty...

3 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 43

Sunday, July 31st I unlocked the front door to Apartment #12 using the key I had picked up from the housing office in Pollock Commons a few minutes earlier. "Hey! Kyle!" Trevor proclaimed. He hurried across our living room and gave me a slap on the back. "It's after four o'clock. I wondered when in the hell you were going to get here." "Kelly came over this weekend to see me off," I explained as I carried my suitcase inside. "We wanted to spend as much time together as we...

2 years ago
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it runs in the family

i was away with my dad the other week and we were playing golf with the lads and we were well into the holiday and when my dad was relaxed and away from work and family he let himself go, we had downed a few pints and the rest of the lads had gone to bed so it left my dad and i, we sat there finishing our pints when he said out the blue, son, your mother is away right now and she is getting laid!! i said what the fuck? he said sorry to say this but i had to get it off my chest, she loves black...

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AngelicaChapter 2 Its All Relative

Angel rolled over and opened her eyes. Everything in the room was white and crisp, except for the hard wood floor. Her head was throbbing as she tried to focus. "Oh good you're awake," Jordan's voice came from somewhere beyond her line of sight. Angel was startled and rolled over, "Where am I?" She was going to be sick, "Oh God," She groaned. Jordan rushed over to help her up out of bed and into the nearby bathroom. She heaved and vomited into the toilet. Her head pounded and her...

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Ok here goes, this is the first story I've shared on this site, couldn't keep it to myself lol. I'd been eyeing up the barmaid in my local for the past year but never acted on it as i was in a long term relationship. Anyway long story short the relationship ended so i decided now was the time to make a move ! She is just my type, blonde, good sense of humour and a nice big fat ass lol. I had a bit too much to drink one night and started boring her with tales of my ex, she could tell i had taken...

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The camping trip

Hi, this is crazy back with another story for all incest lovers I have a huge number of experiences to share with u. All I got good response for my previous postings I hope you’ll enjoy and have a immediate jerk off after reading this. Send me your comments or wants I’m giving this part just as a story remember it is a real one. My wife and I decided to take our kids camping. We have two children Lisa our eighteen year old daughter and Guy our seventeen year old son. Both Lisa and Guy wanted...

1 year ago
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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 31

A week from the wrap-up, David and Wendy were in the middle of post traumatic stress. Let him tell it. "We left the site knowing that the archaeology would continue every season from the end of spring to the start of school, very likely for as long as there were graves and Native American warriors wearing Brooks Brothers suits, carrying Armani briefcases and wearing Rolex watches with court orders and lawsuits in hand. "The stress, especially on Wendy Too was enormous. Wendy had such...

2 years ago
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Sisters Wet PantiesChapter 12

It was the next afternoon. And Kay Wagner was nakedly bent over a kitchen chair while her father, also very naked, prepared to fuck her in the ass. "Gotta get my cock nice and wet," Mark said, easing behind his young daughter so that his cock-head throbbed against the lips of her quivering pussy. "We need to make my prick nice and slick so it'll slide right up your ass." His hips jerked forward, slamming every inch of his huge cock into the girl's cunt. She groaned as he wrenched back...

3 years ago
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Fran in Service Ch 0102

I have the complete story. Send your comments to my email and if you want I will post more. Thanks DocS Fran in Service – The Beginning Part 1 Fran is an attractive 45 year old mother of three. Her children have left home for college and she and her husband had recently moved into a new neighborhood. America’s war on terrorism had taken her husband away the week after the move and placed him on an aircraft carrier on the other side of the planet. She attempted to keep herself busy with her...

2 years ago
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Innocent Mom Son And Daughter Romance Part 8211 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers I’m Chan again, from Chennai. I’m very sorry for the long gap for the second part of the story.Thanks for your response. Please give your response to this new email as the email in the first part which I gave got deleted. Here’s the continuation. As my mom advising me for that foreplay incident between myself and my sister and I asked about orgasm and squirting to her, but she doesn’t understand the meaning of what I am asking. I said with fear “mom, can I...

4 years ago
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What Girl Is ThisChapter 6

Stan borrowed his sister's car for the party Saturday night. It was an older model ford, but Stan was glad to have it. They drove up from mid-town to the country club where Peter and Ginny Murtaugh's party was being held. The parking valets opened their doors, and Stan came around the car. She put her arm in his and together they walked up the dressed stone steps into the club. Inside, a band was playing and a long buffet table ran down one wall. As they entered, there was a line at a...

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PRIMROSE'S PATH It was a warm Summer evening and the modest house at the end of the culde sac, right in front of the woods, had light shining from an upstairsbedroom window. From outside it presented a picture of suburbancontentment but, if you could see inside, something very different washappening. Since we CAN peer through that window, and even enter theroom unseen, dear reader, we can witness what is taking place."I don't understand," Perry said in a small nervous voice. "Every...

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Fifth Avenue Transit

FIFTH AVENUE TRANSIT by Pamela Joey and I had been friends for as long as I can remember. I think we met when we were ten years old at day camp on the shore of Long Island Sound, the summer between fifth and sixth grades. We both had had a bit of the devil in us and had formed a fast conspiracy against the rest of the guys in ourgroup when playing croquet. We would knock away everyone else's balls except our own. Then we discovered that we both liked crabbing, and we would meet after...

2 years ago
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Weekend Chores 7

I woke up with my cock in her mouth.  I looked down and couldn't see the action.  Her hair was spread out all around her head, hiding the incredible things she was doing to me.  Her robe was also open and spread across the bed like a blanket.  She was nude underneath.  "Mom..." I moaned.She popped her head up, a smile on her face, lips slightly swollen from working my cock."Hey baby!  Good morning!" she said with a huge grin, and then went back to sucking my cock."Mom, I'm close!" I warned...


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