- 4 years ago
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Chapter 6: Gossip and Gains
Inside the cavern, the foamy surf splashed high over the rock, sending a spectacular spray of water into the air and over the two men bringing their narrow motorboat to dock. Dressed in a thick parka against the surprising chill on that part of the island, Royce squinted his eyes against the fine briny shower.
The islander, on the other hand, didn’t even flinch.
‘You come here a lot, don’t you?’ Royce noted, his deep voice bouncing in soft echoes off the weathered rock and ceiling of the cave.
‘Huh?’ Gems briefly looked up as he jumped out of the boat, landing in a splash in the shallow sea water that covered eighty percent of the cave’s floor. ‘Oh. Yea.’ Then he frowned. ‘How’d you know?’
Royce gave the scruffy man a smooth smile. ‘Lucky guess.’
Gems frowned, but then he shrugged as they both took the boat and hauled it onto the sandy ground.
Although he was born and raised in Manhattan, New York, and pretty much a city boy, he’s always been an outdoorsy type of man. He enjoyed outdoor sports including scuba diving and caving, so he could appreciate the majestic beauty of this weathered sea cavern very much although it chilled him to the bone.
He was in awe as he stood inside the cavern, looking around and up at the rugged rock walls carved out by millions of years of natural weathering. The place looked as if no one had been there in, well, forever, but Germaine ‘Gems’ Jones’ familiarity with the place told him that he came there quite a bit.
After mooring the boat, he followed a less cautious Gems all the way through and to the other side of the cavern that opened to a more hostile side of the shore. The place definitely beheld something magical, something surreal. It wasn’t hard for him to imagine unseen mystical creatures passing through here…mythical creatures such as the legendary mermaid.
‘That there’s the spot,’ Gems said above the loud surf rushing against the rocks beyond the mouth of the cavern, pointing to a black rock about twenty yards from where they stood. ‘She was sittin’ there, beautiful mermaid’s tail swaying while combing her hair with her hands.’
Royce came to stand by the younger man and squinted his eyes before he took the binoculars hanging around his neck and peered through them as Gems pointed to the rock where he claimed he’d seen Charly over a decade ago, in her mermaid form.
‘Are you sure that’s that one?’
‘Yep. As sure as I am that you’re standin’ here with me,’ Gems said, nodding with big eyes.
‘That looks like a really dangerous spot.’ Royce shook his head as he lowered the binoculars. ‘I don’t see how a rowboat can make it to that rock without being swept by the hard surf and ultimately crashing against those rocks around it.’ He looked doubtfully at Gems. ‘You wouldn’t be telling me tall tales, now, would you, Mr. Jones?’
‘No, honest!’ Gems shook his head with big eyes in his scruffy face. ‘I knows what I’d seen. She was sittin’ right there on top of that there big rock, combin’ out her long black hair, calm as can be. I swears it.’
Royce finally nodded. It was still early, and there’d be more than enough time to pose questions in order to find out if Germaine Jones was more fact or more fiction. Either way, the time with Mr. Jones would surely educate him about Charly since he appears to be the only one willing to talk about her—his obsession with her aside. From what he heard so far, Charly Meeren filled Jones’ every waking hour—and add to that, he didn’t recall her exactly denying that Gems had ‘seen her in her real form’.
‘I still can’t get it over how she got up on that there rock.’ Gems shook his head. ‘I guess she just swam out there cuz she didn’t have no legs. She was in her real form with only a rainbow colored fish part where her legs were supposed to be.’
Royce knew that Gems called Charly’s mermaid form her ‘real form’, but that—and the possibility that she was a mythical sea siren to begin with—were debatable. On the other hand, he couldn’t help but notice that, a couple of days ago at the lighthouse and although her hair was drenched, it was a hell of a lot longer. A weave? He frowned. Charly didn’t strike him as a woman who’d have a weave done.
‘That fish part was much longer than her human legs,’ Gems continued, oblivious to the mainlander’s thoughts, but drawing his attention back to him. ‘It were nearly twice the size of her top part. She had these big, huuuge,’ Gems opened arms wide, ‘pointy flaps of fins at the end and she was a-fannin’ and a-swayin’ that big rainbow fish tail as calm as could be. She wasn’t the least bit scared sittin’ out there on that rock in the middle of dangerous surf.’ He shrugged. ‘I guess, bein’ what she is, she ain’t got nuthin’ to worry about, least of all drownin’.’
‘I don’t understand,’ Royce said with a thoughtful frown as he directed his attention back on the giant rock where Gems swore he’d seen Charly as a mermaid. ‘What was she doing out there in the bright sunlight, where she could be seen by anyone?’
Gems shrugged. ‘Maybe she thought this whole area is so abandoned and so far away from where the islanders dare to go that she was safe.’ Then he looked over his shoulder and Royce frowned before he followed the younger man’s gaze and Gems pointed to a spot in the watery cavern. ‘My pa and I, we’d come up through there. It was hard boatin’, but we had no choice since the tide washed us into the cave. We thought we wouldn’t make it outta here in one piece when that happened, but the cave made the waters calm.’
‘Your father?’ Royce asked.
‘Did he see Charly in her mermaid form, too?’
‘Yea,’ Gems nodded as he looked down and away. ‘But he swears, even to this very day, that he didn’t see nuthin’.’ Then he looked up at the tall handsome mainlander. ‘But I knows he’d seen her, too. I knows it.’
‘Why are you so sure?’
‘Cuz he stood right where you’re standin’ now, and he had his jaw dropped wide open like this,’ and he dropped his jaw wide for a brief moment. ‘He was starin’ at her just before she spied us and dropped back into the sea.’
‘Does your father back up your story?’
‘Nah.’ Gems frowned as if in pain as he dropped his gaze. Then he shook his head before he raised it and looked at the mainlander with big eyes. ‘But everybody knows, Mr. Masterson. Everybody on the island knows she’s a sea siren.’ He nodded vigorously. ‘I ain’t supposed to tell no one cuz it’s the island’s secret and you gave me your promise. It still holds true, don’t it?’
‘Yes,’ Royce said with a nod.
‘Okay.’ Gems nodded. ‘Okay. Anyways, the other islanders think Charly’s some kind of lucky charm that keeps the island safe and our fishermen nets full. She’s a very important islander. It’s cuz she’s got magical powers.’
Royce arched an eyebrow as he looked into the man’s searching blue eyes. ‘Magical powers?’
‘Yea. All sea sirens have ’em.’
Royce smiled with a doubtful frown. He recalled that Charly had warned him that Gems embellishes his tales and he felt that the man was doing that now. Oh, he believed Gems saw what he claims to have seen, but he doubted Charly had magical powers, too.
‘You know, Germaine,’ Royce said, ‘talk like that makes people think you’re one can short of a six pack.’
‘Yea, I knows they’re always talkin’ about me behind my back.’ He looked disgruntled. ‘And they’re always sayin’ that I’m crazy cuz I’d seen Charly in her real form, but I knows they’re just jealous on account they’d never seen her or her ma—’
‘—Her ma?’
‘Yea,’ Gems said with a nod. ‘But I’d never seen her ma in her real form, either. I’d only seen Charly in that way.’
‘Are you saying that her mother was a…mermaid, too?’
‘I ain’t got no proof, but I knows she’s gotta be since Charly’s one and her pa ain’t no mermaid.’
Royce smiled indulgently. ‘Male mermaids are called mermen.’
‘Oh. Yea.’ Gems nodded in understanding. ‘And her pa ain’t one. Born and bred right here on the Isle of Enchantment. Only child. Parents died a few years back. Anyways,’ he continued, ‘everybody knows Charly’s a mermaid. They all know, Mr. Masterson, even if they never say it out loud for fear of losing their lives.’
Royce arched an eyebrow.
‘It’s true. I read it in Cap’n Steven’s log that there was once a village in Scotland where the residents had told strangers about the singing mermaid. Then everybody started to die and all the people in the whole village were dead in less than a week!’
Okay. So here’s where Gems is embellishing. But he didn’t stop the man from indulging since he was learning a great deal more information than he bargained for. Charly’s mother could be a mermaid, too? That was something he never thought about, but it stood to reason.
Then Gems leaned his head closer, as if he was afraid that someone might overhear them. ‘They’d never say it out loud to no mainlander such as yourself and your friends, but all the islanders know Charly is the daughter of a pure mermaid. Charly herself is only half—’
‘—Because her father is human.’
‘Yea. But the islanders don’t know if she’s as dangerous as her Ma. It’s why nobody ever sits next to her, like at Mac’s diner. I’m sure you’d noticed?’ When the mainlander gave him a single nod of confirmation he continued, ‘They’re afraid that if they come too close, she’ll do something that’ll make ’em die.’
Royce arched a curious eyebrow.
‘Yea,’ Gems said. ‘Don’t you think it’s unusual that she never wears clothes that show any part of her body?’
Royce couldn’t very well tell Gems the intimate details he shared that night with Charly. But he knew her very, very well and that there was nothing wrong with her anatomy. So he merely nodded and listened and allowed the younger man to embellish in order to make his tale more interesting.
‘Anyways,’ Gems continued undeterred, ‘it’s cuz of her skin.’
‘Her skin?’
‘Yea.’ He nodded. ‘It’s deadly to us humans. It ain’t like your skin or mine. Even in her human camouflage, her skin is covered in razor-sharp scales that, if she wanted, could jab into people unnoticed and infect them with scurvy. Yep. And they can die in less than forty eight hours,’ he finished, nodding, as he drew his head back.
Royce took that tale for what it was—an exaggeration. IF Charly Meeren were a mermaid—and he wasn’t one hundred percent sure, although he was intrigued—she didn’t have ‘razor-sharp skin scales’ like a shark nor did she exhibit any of those dangerous or deadly characteristics that Gems was talking about. In fact, since he was ninety nine point nine percent certain that Charly was the girl he made mad passionate love to that night, five years ago, he was pretty confident that that was just another one of Gems’ embellishments.
‘But I don’t know about those twins of hers.’
Royce caught the last part of Gems’ remark and he quickly looked at him. ‘Twins?’
‘Yea.’ Gems nodded before he frowned as he looked up into the mainlander’s confused eyes. ‘You don’t know she has kids?’
‘I heard she had children but I’ve never seen them and I didn’t know they were twins.’
‘Yea. Ava and Arthur. She never told you about them?’
‘How old are they?’ Royce asked, very interested now.
Gems shrugged. ‘I think they’re about three. Maybe four. Haven’t seen them ever since her Pa took off on his boat with them. I think he was takin’ them back to the sea to give ’em back, you know?’
‘Give them back?’ Royce felt something cold grip his heart. ‘To the sea?’
‘Nah. To the Merfolk. It’s cuz they’re like their mama—they’re merfolk, too.’
‘Do you know who the father is?’ Royce asked.
Gems pursed lips and he frowned in thought. Then he shook his head. ‘Nah. I don’t think anybody knows. They were just there one day to the next. No one ever knew she was pregnant with ’em, you know?’ Then he smiled in warm thought. ‘They were these little-bitty babies with hair as black as their mama’s. She used to cart them all around town in a double baby carriage. She doted on those little’ns. Loved them. But her pa took ’em out to sea one day and he’s never come back.’
‘When did he take them?’
‘I dunno,’ Gems shrugged. Then he looked out of the mouth of the cavern at the stone where he saw Charly as a mermaid so many years ago. ‘And I sure do wish I’d seen how she was able to get to that there rock in all that rough water without getting’ hurt.’
‘Huh?’ He looked up at the tall mainlander.
‘How long ago did Charly’s father take the twins out to sea?’
‘I dunno.’
‘Think hard, Germaine,’ Royce said, seeing the man’s scruffy face frown curiously up at him.
‘Why does it matter? Her pa did the right thing. He took them back where they belong. It’s not as if they wouldn’t get goin’ eventually, just like May had gone and never came back. I knows she’s gone back where she belongs.’
‘May is Charly’s mother’s name?’
‘But I thought her mother had passed away.’
‘Oh, that’s what everybody even Charly thinks, but I knows May just went back to her folk.’
‘Why do you think that?’
‘I don’t think it. I knows it.’
‘Why are you convinced she went back to her merfolk?’
‘Cuz my pa told me so. Said he talked to Charly—Charly’s pa—and he told ‘im one night that he misses May and that he should’a never let her out of his sight. She snuck out one night when he was asleep and disappeared.’
‘Do you believe your father’s version of the story?’
‘Yea. My pa might be a lot of things, but he ain’t no liar. Anyways, May’s never been happy around here, so I guess when she saw her chance, she dived into the sea and never looked back. I guess she’s back with her people and I’m thinkin’ Charly’s pa brought the twins back to be with their grandma. They’re better off.’ Then he looked up at him. ‘Have I been answerin’ your questions right? Have I been tellin’ you what you wanted to hear?’
Royce smiled as he nodded once. ‘You’ve been very helpful, Mr. Jones.’
Gems looked up into the mainlander’s handsome face. ‘So you’re not gonna try and buy the lighthouse from the Meerens anymore now? Cuz I knows it’s been botherin’ her that you people keep at her about it. So now I’ve told you what you wanted to hear…you’re not gonna try and push her to sell?’
‘No, Mr. Jones, we’re not going to push her to sell,’ he said, and watched as the younger man’s scruffy face broke into a smile.
‘She’ll be happy about that,’ he said. ‘She might even be happy enough to not be so mean to me.’ He sighed but then he looked at the incoming tide and up at the mainlander. ‘We best get back. The tide’s comin’ in and we don’t wanna be here when it does.’ And with that, he turned and headed back to the boat as Royce’s smile faded as his sharp blue eyes followed for a few moments before he turned and brought up the rear.
* * * *
Charly’s body was temporarily incapacitated—another word for broken—and the first thing she became aware of as she stirred awake was that she was hurting all over. Rainbow scales lay scattered here and there on the damp sand, ripped off by the sharp rocks when she came crashing down on them. She had bled, as well, because there were traces of smudged blood by the corners of her lips but there were no noticeable wounds. Good thing mermaids healed quickly!
She blinked big dilated eyes through the web of long damp hair full of sand before she made a pained face. ‘Ugh,’ she uttered and winced, feeling her back had been badly damaged but was now in the process of healing. When she could move a little more, she slowly pulled herself up
with the aid of her webbed hands, and with a great deal of ‘ows’ and ‘ughs’, she finally got herself to sit in the classic mermaid pose, only, she wasn’t on a rock.
She shook her head to clear it and pulled the long swirling wet strands of hair from her face. Then she let her gaze drop while she twisted her waist to assess the damage of her mermaid’s tail…and then frowned when she spotted small wing-like fins sticking out her elbows.
‘What the…?’ She raised both of her folded arms back to have a good look at those strange fins, seeing these things for the very first time in her life! ‘At least they match,’ she mumbled, seeing that they were of the same color and texture as her mermaid’s tail.
She frowned, very upset, on seeing that she suffered some major damage. She saw her rainbow scales scattered and shimmering on the sand and she turned her head to look at the spot behind her where she recalled crashing into before she dropped and rolled down to where she was now.
‘That was one painful landing,’ she whispered to herself.
Suddenly, the sound much like that of a seal’s bark, echoed around her and she snapped up her head and stared with big eyes at a handsome head with drenched black hair, bobbing on the frothy water of the cavern’s surf.
It was a guy!
It was the face of the creature that had pursued her and what had sent her flying out of the water. She silently watched as he made himself rise higher than the frothy waves, bearing his wide shoulders, solid smooth chest, and toned arms before he quietly slid back into the water, up to his shoulders. A merman! When he was certain he had her attention, he opened his mouth and ‘barked’ at her again.
‘Stop barking at me!’ she shouted across the gap at him.
He responded with another bark.
‘Do you speak?!’ she called out to him over the noise of the surf, and saw him cock his head. ‘I guess not,’ she mumbled just as he slowly straightened his head on his shoulders. Then she watched as he raised a webbed hand out of the water and began slapping the surface, splashing water all around him. She frowned, confused, not understanding what he was doing nor why.
When he realized she didn’t understand what he wanted, he quit water-slapping and calmly swam closer to the shore. There was a quizzical look in his big blue eyes that she couldn’t decipher.
‘What in the heck do you want?’ she whispered to herself.
He cocked his head again before he suddenly propelled himself up out of the water only to dive gracefully, head first, back into it. She watched as his beautiful shimmering blue lower half curled in an arch as it slid almost silently into the water before his magnificent tail fins, much like hers, emerged as water ran down from it in a miniature waterfall.
Was he leaving?
Just when she thought his tail fins were about to disappear under the surface of the water, it erected, hauled back, and shot forward. She cried out when he shoved a tail-full of water her way, sending a huge wave over her. She was still in mermaid form so she couldn’t shoot out of the way, and like a sitting duck, all she could do was throw up her arms to shield her face when water came crashing down around her, drenching her once again.
‘Hey!’ she cried just when his head popped out of the water again to look at her. ‘That wasn’t funny!’
He cocked his head again before slowly straightening it on pale broad shoulders, watching as she angrily grabbed her dripping drenched hair over one shoulder and began squeezing out the water. She only briefly paused to stick up a single finger with a look of warning.
‘Don’t you dare! Don’t you dare do that again!’
She didn’t know if he could understand her but she was too upset to care. He’ll just have to try and it figure out by her actions. As she twisted the water out of her hair, she watched him closely with a distrustful frown, especially when he moved again. This time, though, he didn’t appear to want to splash her but swam in a circle, keeping his eyes on her. He was clearly trying to tell her something but she didn’t have a clue what that was. Then he repeated that water-slapping and it was then when it dawned on her might want from her.
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Brooklyn Gray is trying out porn, and she is super excited because she is a huge fan. Her favorite porn to watch is stepdad, stepdaughter stuff. She also likes to get down to some teacher student smut. Looks like Brooklyn has a complex! She loves rough sex. She likes to be handcuffed, slapped, choked, the whole nine yards. Basically, this girl is a slut who likes to get dirty. Well, she has come to the right place. Our stud fills her mouth up with girthy dick and then pounds her pretty little...
xmoviesforyouBrinna sat on the floor of the tub, feeling the shower water wash over her. Usually that made her feel better about whatever was going on but this time was different. This was the last straw. Brinna was a decent enough looking woman. She was 5’7′ tall with dark hair that had a reddish tint and fell over her shoulders in messy waves, bright blue eyes and a generous smile. She stared down at her smooth belly, her tan skin, her size 38 c breasts and wondered how someone couldn’t want her. Any...
*Later that day* Jeremy was watching some TV when Hope walked through the door, slamming it and walked straight towards the kitchen. Utterly confused Jeremy turned the TV off and walked into the kitchen. Hope was standing over the sink while tears slowly rolled down her eyes. ‘Whats wrong?’ Jeremy asked as he put his arms around her in comfort, waiting for her to calm down a little bit. Hope was shaking under his arms but she started to breathe slower and calming down and she finally began to...
Hello!main Iss ka regular user hon Iss parhne ke bahd laga ke mujhe bhi apna sex experience ap ke sath share karna chahie mera naam khan hai meri height 5 feet 9 inches aur khobsurat slim body ka malik hon mera mail id hai Aur ab main aap logo ka zayada time barbaad na karte hue apni story ki taraf aata hu ye baat aaj se koi 2 month pahle ki hai main apne office ke kaam se aik village mein gaya hua tha wahan pe mujhko us gaon ke chaudhry se milna tha main jab us chaudhry ke ghar gaya aur...
I do hope that you'll like it. Just note that the story, more or less, contains no sexual activities, so if that's what you're looking for, then I'd say to try elsewhere.. The only other thing before I start telling my story: I'd appreciate any feedback, whether positive or negative, if you feel like taking the trouble. That's the only way that I might improve my writing. Anyhow, to the story: _________________________________________ Always a popular girl, in her early years at...
More story. Things are getting interesting and I’ll try and squeeze some sex in the next chapter. Stay with with me and I’ll reward you with some very steamy stuff. Noella’s heartbeat was racing when she returned home. After finding the envelopes, she was very distracted and didn’t enjoy the remainder of the party so much. Arriving home, she made her way straight to the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine, wanting to try and compensate for all the booze she had drunk. As the coffee...
The litany of romantic horror continues... 18. Ms. Stuck-Up Bitch - I've had first dates where the woman was rude or snide or otherwise disagreeable, but never to the extent that this woman demonstrated. If she had anything nice or pleasant to say during our brief coffee date than I must have blinked and missed hearing it. She made especially rude comments about Farah and loudly wondered why 'those sort of people' were being allowed in this country. I wondered if this is how she always...
Auch wenn wir es uns nicht als Normalzustand und dauerhaft wünschen, haben wir gelernt, mit der Situation, die ja nun schon über ein Jahr vorherrscht, zu arrangieren. Wir haben das Glück, dass wir beide von zuhause aus arbeiten können und dass wir eine stabile und auch schnelle Internetleitung haben, so dass Videokonferenzen sich mittlerweile zur Selbstverständlichkeit entwickelt haben, beruflich, wie auch privat. Das soziale Leben ist natürlich sehr eingeschränkt, was die Besuchsmöglichkeiten...
The Perfect Husband My name is David and I'm writing this as a testimony to how a man can change. I was a typical man two years ago, with a pretty wife named Cathy, a great job in real estate, a house you would probably envy and good looks that meant I could pretty much have any woman I wanted -- which I did, even after I was married. Now Cathy suspected I slept around (calling them affairs would make them sound more important to me than they were), but she basically towed the line...
Megan was hot. She was Asian, nice size breasts and a tight waist and hips. She kept herself tanned all year. She also knew a lot of her job was looks and she kept herself looking great. She was smart. She worked as a partner at a large law firm. That is where she met Issac. They both started as Staff Attorneys. Both Megan and Issac rose quickly, both working together and interdependently. They dated for a year and got married. She had only been with one other guy before Issac and she planned...
Cal didn’t come to school on Tuesday either, or Wednesday. It was on Wednesday that I got a call from the TV production company. I listened to what they were looking for, and the twenty five thousand pounds a week fee they were offering, and asked them to ring my Dad, since the final decision lay with my parents. As soon as I arrived home, I asked dad if they’d rung. They had, and they were couriering a script over for me to read. I was due in Manchester, at their offices on Saturday at...
This is the part 2 of my story. So for those who haven’t read the first part, please read it to get more clear idea of how it all started from this link https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/me-mom-and-my-lovely-sis-part-1/ In this part I will describe how I got to loose my virginity to my sis. After she breastfed me for the first time it was like heaven for me. I liked the milk a lot and the taste of the milk was inexpressible. Both mom and sis were happy and thanked me for helping sis....
IncestMay 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden On Saturday, I chatted with Lotta again while Katt and Mikael skated. Her mood had not improved, but I didn’t expect it to. Mikael would be leaving her in four weeks, and there really wasn’t anything I could say that would help her. I picked up my book to read but kept one eye on her. She kept her gaze on Mikael and Katt. When I saw tears run down her cheeks, I put my book down. “Lotta, slide over closer to me.” She did, and I put my arm around her, like a...
Welcome to Black Hollow! One of the oldest cities in Country! The city has about 39 829 people, eight of ten of them are female (the majority of which are so-called MILFs). Most of the population is in adult age – there are very few children and old people. Most young people tend to leave for a big city, only return years later, when they have enough of the haste of the city. Many adults from other cities and from aboard also come here, while seeking to buy a property for their later retirement...
FantasyTammie was several blocks from the clothing store before realization struck her. She had forgotten her purse in the security office! Another block passed before she again made a startling discovery. Her tiny new halter top was still pulled up above her full breasts and she was flashing anyone who cared to look her way! She pulled one hand from the steering wheel and tried in vain to coax the taut fabric down over her firm breasts. With only one hand on the wheel, she made a very eratic turn...
The AIs had told the Confederacy that the Sa'arm had been on the planet Silvat-3, for approximately three months. They were evasive, however, as to how they knew that. Nevertheless, the team accepted that this was a legitimate example of an early Sa'arm invasion. Sancho Panza, with Dolores in mission command, established the relay point and hideout went smoothly. She remained in-system, between the planet and the relay point, when Jervis Bay arrived. The ship would make several sorties:...
Things went along very well for the first month or so. Mistress Madison did help Kim get caught up with her late bills and with what she made she was able to relax a bit on the grocery bills. Things were beginning to look up for her finally, and Kimberly could sleep peacefully for the first time in a while. She didn't have to worry about her ex leaving the country and cutting off her finances - she was able to make up for it and more now.And working for the Mistress was actually becoming fun....
FemdomDecisions George stood in front of the mirror, tucked a stray curl of the long blonde wig behind his ear so he could apply the last of his makeup. His favorite a sparkly lip gloss. How different this Saturday had been since his one a week ago. Last Saturday morning, he had made the 45-minute drive home from an overnight shift at the home improvement box store where he was a department manager. This Saturday morning had been spent in a hot bath, while he shaved his legs. He...
Susan drove up to the house in Pacific Grove. She was hardly out of her car before Alice was in her arms. Susan stood holding her for a long time. They paid no mind to the passerby's as they kissed. A common enough sight in the world nowadays. "Oh, god I've missed you!" Alice said, tearfully. Susan guided them into the house. They left a trail of clothing leading into the bedroom. Much later they lay together softly stroking each others bodies. "Why have you remained away so long?"...
Jav Free! If there is one thing that I really, really appreciate, it would be free pornography. It is one of the greatest things that have come out of this day and age. Since the dawn of time, sex had some sort of price most of the time, unless you were a degenerate who would dare seize what he considered to be rightfully his and force himself on a woman. Or, you could stay indoors and fiddle around with your meat rod, though that kind of thing isn't really what most of us consider to be sex....
Asian Porn SitesThe people of Pythria were a cultured people. They were, in their own words, an ‘advanced civilization,’ or so they liked to believe. Their upper classes lived like gods and goddesses. The ‘lesser’ folk, though, those not born of the right family or of noble blood, followed a very different path of existence. Theirs was a world of starvation with only one glimmer of hope; the Arena. There, in the Games, a man or woman might make their luck through tooth and claw, shield and sword. There,...
Renée had noticed Lady Reynolds apparent interest in me as well. "If I didn't know better, I would say that Lady Reynolds may have done something to help make sure that the First Law was abolished." "Just because she seems to want to climb inside my slacks doesn't mean she manipulated the vote. However, it looks like she's going to take full advantage of the outcome nonetheless." I thought back to her. Renée's idea that Lady Reynolds had somehow manipulated the results just so she...
The next day, I was stealing a cookie while Mom’s back was turned to check the ham she had cooking in the oven. She straightened up before I could hide my action and playfully tried to grab the cookie out of my hand but I managed to get it into my mouth. “You bad boy,” she cried, smacking my rump as I turned away. “Mom, I’m not a kid anymore,” I laughed. “Then why have you got your hand in the cookie jar?” “I guess I’m not that grown up,” I answered. “Hmmm, I guess not,” Mom replied....
This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. ONE BAD TURN By Lana B. Dan Garrett slowly guided his brand new silver Jaguar XK into the reserved parking space and cut the ignition. He exited the car and approached the four-story brick building. He mindfully inhaled the early-morning cool air and detected the pleasant scents of honeysuckle and lilac. He held his head high and smiled as he passed the lawn placard reading, 'Ocudata Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,...
Before starting the story, a little about me: I am a 22-year-old guy from NCR in my final year of engineering. I look good, have a fair complexion, expressive eyes, and a beard and wavy hair so women are kind of attracted to me at times. So, this is a real story that happened with me in January this year. I was in touch with my ex-girlfriend from the first year of college. Let’s call her Janvi for privacy. How did she look? She had a busty figure with all the curves at the right places, medium...
"Come on, girls! Up! Up! Up!" It was early in the morning, hours before dawn. In the pitch-black bedroom, the sound of snowflakes hitting the window sounded like radio static. The girls all grumbled in annoyance, even the usual, perky Sonja. It didn't help that the bedroom was chilly. I turned on the lights but Momo and Sonja just pulled the blankets over their heads, trying to escape back into the warm darkness. "Hmmmm, Masterrrrrr, just five more minutes…" Momo whined. "On your...
It was two months since Cindy had moved out of the family home to go to university.She’s my big sister, the one person that I could chat with, explore my thoughts with. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I could be myself with her, no judgement or disappointment on her face, just a generous, loving friend. I’m Amy, and I live with my mum and dad and our dog Woody.We’re a loving, supportive family, but my parents are very straight-laced, regular churchgoers and community-minded.If there was...
Teen“Ohh, that was hot,” she said! “Believe it or not, that was the first time I’ve played in front of someone like that. Not even my husband has seen me do that and cum in person.” She finally used the word! “Really?” “Ohh, that was really good,” Rachel said as she lazily continued to caress along her pussy lips with one hand and up and down her belly and over her breasts with the other, catching her breath. I excused myself and went to the tiny bathroom to clean up. When I returned...
Movement; movement; vibrations pushing... surprise! colour. shape? Shape moves. What? Quiet sleep pushing Why? A shape better see Who? Feel feel more need moves, other parts move... relief why? My awakening began earlier than most people. Children gradually become aware of their surroundings, and learn by interacting with it. The ones interacting more get burnt more frequently but learn more in the process. Their world is centred around 'Mother'. Basic instinct makes...
Newly married Kate England visits her chiropractor sister-in-law Melissa Moore for advice that can hopefully save her marriage. Her sex life has been practically nonexistent since her husband started suffering from back pain a couple of month ago. Melissa suggests trying a positioning device for coitus, called a sex wedge. Similar to a bolster, the durable triangular cushion is the perfect body prop for people with weakness in the lower back. It helped her after her accident. She brings Kate to...
xmoviesforyouThe Blue Ball By Keterra Sands Copyright (c)2000 by Keterra Sands all rights reserved [email protected] This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. This story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with changes of gender. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T. This is a science fiction story. About a boy who is captured by aliens for their experiments and...
Chapter 1: Halloween always feels like such a freeing time of year. I had always indulged that time of year. It was the one day, or multiple if it didn't fall on a weekend, where I could dress up in public as the girl I often felt I was supposed to be. I always went to the city Halloween parade. No matter when Halloween fell, they always held it on the closest Saturday. I fit right in. My wife went with me every year. She was accepting of it, if begrudgingly so. She knew my eyes...
My husband and I play many a different role games; it’s just our way of spicing up our sex life. It had been a number of weeks since we had done any playing so hubby and I talked it over and decided this upcoming weekend we’d play a little game with each other. On Friday morning before hubby took off for work he suggested that when I got home from work to take a nice bath and then get all dressed up in my Merry Widow to include a nice pair of red fuck me shoes. He also mentioned that he’d be...
Finally. Friday. Of what has to have been one of the longest weeks of my life. But I’m almost home. And that makes me smile, even with the snow blowing into my face. Knocking the worst of the snow and mud off my ankle boots onto the porch steps, my cold wet fingers (even inside my little red chenille gloves) struggle to get my keys out of my purse and open the door. I’m attempting to line up the damn key when the knob turns in front of me as you open the door. ‘Baby!’ If I didn’t know you...