Luminescent Ch. 01-02 free porn video

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Chapter One: A New Master

She was a lovely thing, blonde hair so pale it was like silver, eyes so black they seemed endless voids of rage and resentment. Her skin was white as alabaster. She was a statue of a goddess brought to life. Jahir was pleased.

‘Where did you find her?’ he asked of the slave merchant.

‘She was sold to me by another trader,’ the merchant said, smiling slightly. ‘He informed me that her family was forced to sell her to make ends meet. I should warn you before you buy her, milord, that she is a very forceful thing. I’ve rarely seen such a fighter.’

Jahir chuckled darkly and gently touched the girl’s luminescent hair. ‘Haven’t you heard? I love fighters.’ He put his hand under her chin to lift her face towards him. She glared at him with such ferocity that he was reminded of a lioness. ‘Is she human?’

‘Mostly.’ The merchant looked extremely pleased that the lord had asked. ‘She is cursed to become a naga woman between sunset and sunrise. You keep a collection of half-human concubines, do you not, milord?’

‘I do,’ Jahir smiled as the girl tried to bite his hand. He slapped her rather gently and shook his finger at her. ‘I find them…very entertaining. Especially those who are cursed to be so. You’ve always done so well by me, merchant. Consider this tempting little morsel sold. Name any price to the guard there and you will be paid it.’ The merchant nodded and then bowed low to the lord. ‘One more thing,’ Jahir said before the man left. ‘Does she have a name?’

‘None that I have heard, milord.’

‘Very well,’ Jahir gestured for the man to be on his way. Then he knelt in front of the chained girl and smiled. ‘I will call you Ailysia. It means ‘ivory’ in the old tongue. Do you like it?’

He was answered with another glare. Gods above and below, she was so fierce! He laughed again and nodded to the guard standing nearby. ‘Put her in solitary for a few days. We’ll see to her training after she’d been isolated for a time.’


Jahir visited her latest prey only after she’d been in solitary for three days. She had been submitted to total isolation, without food and only little water the entire time. Jahir expected her to be a little weakened by the time he saw her.

The moment he walked into the tiny and bare room, however, she lashed out at him, trying to cut his throat with half of a chain link. Jahir overpowered her, knocking the broken chain link to the floor and pressing her face to the floor. She screamed curses at him in a tongue he wasn’t familiar with and struggled all she could. Jahir finally had to slam her head into the floor and knock her out just to stop her screaming and resistance. Taking a few deep breaths, he picked up the weapon she’d had.

It seemed to be from her own chains, a link broken in half. Was she that strong when in naga form? If so, she might prove to be too much trouble. Jahir got to his feet and called in the guards. ‘Take her to the fountain room. Explain to the others what she is so that they understand.’

He knelt by her side one last time and brushed hair from her face. She was almost…angelic this way. He touched the bruise forming on her forehead and winced in sympathy. ‘Ask Tilpo to make up some bruise balm, would you? I know it takes a while, but if this one continues to rattle her gilded cage, we’ll need it.’ He stood again and nodded to the guards. One of them lifted the unconscious girl into his arms while the other bound her hands and feet in case she awoke. ‘Inform the ladies of the fountain room that her name is Ailysia and I don’t want her called anything else.’ The guards bowed their heads to the young lord and carried Ailysia out of the room.


The door of the fountain room opened to admit two of the lord’s personal guards. Keidia raised an eyebrow at the pale parcel one of them carried. She slithered over quickly before the other naga women saw them. ‘Who is this?’ she asked the guard carrying the girl.

‘Ailysia,’ the guard replied, laying the sleeping girl on the soft grass beside a pool. ‘That is what Lord Jahir has named her. He has said she is to be called nothing else.’

‘Hmph.’ Keidia put her hands on her hips and considered the pale creature. ‘Why bring her here, though? I was certain that Ja…the lord wanted this to be solely a naga room.’

‘She is cursed to be a naga woman at night,’ the other guard explained as the first untied Ailysia. ‘Lord Jahir wanted her here. Will you care for her?’

‘Of course.’ Keidia had been the first of Jahir’s naga concubines and was still his favorite and most trusted girl. She watched over all the newcomers. She stretched out to lie beside the girl, propping her torso on her elbow. She tucked a strand of curly black hair behind her ear and smiled. ‘She’s a pretty thing, isn’t she? Tell Lord Jahir that she’s in good hands. I’ll make sure that Tazaeros leaves her be,’ she said, naming the single male naga of the group. He’d been a gift from Jahir to his naga concubines a few years back. Keidia was certain that she was the only naga woman to have not slept with him. In her opinion, her body and soul were only for Jahir.

Keidia remained by the girl’s side after the guards left. The naga concubine had noticed the bruise on her forehead and made note that she might be an unwilling slave. Had Jahir made that bruise? Or had the slave merchant caused it before selling her to the young lord?

The girl moaned softly and her eyes fluttered open. Keidia watched them dart around the room and then come to rest on her. The girl swiftly sat up, but winced as she did so. She put a hand to her forehead, gently touching the bruise there. She looked to Keidia, frowning. She spoke quickly in a tongue that the naga did not recognize. Keidia shrugged helplessly, making the girl sigh in frustration. Closing her eyes a moment, the girl took a deep breath and spoke again. ‘Where I?’ she asked in an uncertain tone. Her voice was weighed by a heavy accent.

‘You are in the fountain room of Lord Jahir’s palace,’ Keidia said. ‘You do not speak common, but do you understand it?’

The girl nodded. ‘Speak small,’ she said. ‘Understand better.’

‘Good.’ Keidia moved into more of a sitting position. It was then that the girl seemed to realize that she was a naga. Keidia smiled at her surprise. ‘Do you know why you are here?’

The girl scowled and clenched her fists. Keidia took this as ‘yes and I don’t like it’. ‘The slave merchant brought you here, didn’t he? You aren’t here of your own free will or choice?’

The girl shook her head. She sighed and looked at Keidia again. ‘Who?’ she asked, pointing to Keidia.

‘My name is Keidia,’ she answered. ‘I’m a concubine, like you are now. Jahir is a good master,’ she said, hoping to appeal to the girl. ‘He treats us very well, despite the fact we are merely slaves here. You will adapt, little one.’

But the girl was obviously inconsolable at the moment. She didn’t scowl again, but her eyes were narrowed. ‘I Mahdis,’ she said.

Keidia shook her head sadly. ‘Not anymore, my dear. Jahir has given you the name Ailysia.’

‘No,’ the girl said firmly, her eyes now dangerously furious. ‘Mahdis.’

‘I cannot call you by that name,’ Keidia told her just as firmly. ‘I’m sorry. You are Ailysia now.’

The girl bit the inside of her cheek, thinking. ‘Ailysia?’

‘Yes,’ Keidia said, relaxing a little. ‘It’s pretty, isn’t it? I think it means ‘ivory’. That suits you doesn’t it?’

Ailysia looked sad. ‘Mahdis suit,’ she said. ‘Like moon.’

‘Moon-like? Is that what Mahdis means in your tongue?’

Ailysia nodded. She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Keidia felt pity for the pale creature. She moved a little closer, putting her arm around the girl’s shoulders. Ailysia leaned into the embrace, silent tears falling down her face. Keidia wrapped her tail aro
und her and held out tighter with her arms. ‘It’ll be alright, moon-child. I promise things will get better.’ Ailysia said nothing, but buried her face in Keidia’s shoulder and wept.


Chapter Two: Sunset

It was early evening when the young lord made a visit to the fountain room. He gave a smile and the occasional light touch to the naga women who surrounded him once he entered the room. Much to their distain and disappointment, he only had eyes for Keidia and his new Ailysia. They were still next to the pool, but Ailysia had fallen into a light sleep. Keidia rested beside her, her tail still protectively wrapped around the sleeping girl. The naga woman looked up as Jahir came to stand above them. She smiled gently at him and offered her hand. He took it and kissed it before sitting beside her. ‘What do you think of her, my gypsy?’

‘I think she’s been hurting for a long time,’ Keidia replied. ‘She’s a very angry child, but endearing in a strange way. Perhaps because she seems so fragile.’

‘Hm. We’ll see how fragile she is in a few minutes,’ Jahir said, smirking. ‘I came down here for a reason, my gypsy.’

Keidia frowned and looked down at Ailysia. ‘Sunset?’

‘In a moment or so, we’ll see if that merchant was right about the curse,’ Jahir told her, looking at Ailysia as well. Keidia uncurled her tail from Ailysia and rested against Jahir. Ailysia didn’t stir.

They watched in fascination as a soft glow surround her legs. As the girl slept on, the glow spread across the length of her lower body and then extended beyond. Keidia pulled back a little as the glow nearly touched her.

The glow faded to reveal the soft sheen of pearly scales that now covered Ailysia’s lower body. Keidia let out a soft gasp at the radiance of the scales. ‘She’s lovely,’ the naga woman murmured, running a gentle hand over the soft snakeskin. Ailysia opened her eyes suddenly and then turned her head to see Keidia and then Jahir. She jumped in surprise at the sight of the lord and she nearly fell into the pool trying to back away from him. Keidia caught her pale arm and pulled her back over. ‘Calm down, moon-child. He won’t touch you.’ Jahir made a noise of contempt, but a sharp look from Keidia silenced him. He smirked in good humor and nodded his agreement.

‘She doesn’t speak the common language,’ Jahir said. ‘You’ll have to remedy this.’

‘I will,’ Keidia said. She touched the girl’s tangled silvery hair and gave a small sigh. She straightened up and started away. Ailysia grabbed at her hand before she got far and looked pleadingly at the naga woman. Keidia took her hand and squeezed, ‘I’m only getting a comb for your hair, moon-child. I’m not going far.’

Ailysia cast a suspicious glance at Jahir, but let go of Keidia’s hand. The pale naga slid away from the lord as much as she could and kept a sharp eye on him until Keidia returned with a comb and bands for her hair.

Keidia rested herself behind Ailysia and put her hands on her shoulders, ‘Come here, moon-child,’ she said, making her sit up straight. She started to gently comb out the knots and tangles. Her hair was unique, not only being so pale, but it was thick and a great easier to manage that Keidia had expected. It only took her a few minutes to get the tangles out. Once she had, she began to work it into small braids. ‘Where were you born, moon-child?’ she asked as she worked.

‘Far,’ Ailysia replied. ‘Vaesai.’

Jahir raised an eyebrow. ‘Vaesai? By the Western Sea?’

Ailysia nodded.

Keidia finished the first braid. ‘The Western Sea…how far away is that, Jahir?’

‘We’re near the center of the continent,’ he said, frowning slightly, ‘but we’re much closer to the Southern Ocean than the Western Sea.’

The darker naga woman cooed in sympathy. ‘Poor baby,’ she murmured, gently touching her forehead to the soft, ivory hair. ‘You’re a long way from home.’

Jahir smiled slightly to see his Keidia act so protective of the new girl. Ailysia seemed to calm considerably, now curling her tail around herself and leaning slightly on Keidia. Jahir was very tempted to reach out to touch the alabaster skin cloaked in a ratty slave tunic, but decided that he preferred his hand intact. A grin spread across his dark face as an idea came to him. ‘Keidia, why don’t you bathe her? I’ll send for some new attire for her while you do. The slave tunic doesn’t suit her at all.’

‘It never suits anyone,’ Keidia reminded him. Judging by her look, she knew exactly why he wanted the pale naga girl to bathe now. She said nothing against him though. Rolling her eyes as he gazed at her expectantly, she lifted her own gold embroidered tunic over her head and let it fall to the floor. Ailysia looked nervous again.

Jahir gazed at his most prized concubine with distinct pleasure. Her dark smoky skin that blended into dark purple scales at her waist, her long curly black hair, her piercing golden eyes…and her ample figure. Yes, even if Keidia had been a normal human woman, Jahir would still treasure her.

In a very knowing way, Keidia lifted her arms to run her long fingers through her hair, posing for him a moment. Then she slithered to the water’s edge and beckoned to Ailysia, but the naga girl shook her head stubbornly, glancing over her should at Jahir. Keidia sighed and took Ailysia’s hand in hers. ‘He’ll have see you eventually, moon-child. And he won’t touch you yet, I promise.’

Slowly, hesitantly, Ailysia moved closer to the water, one arm across her chest. Keidia gave her an understanding look and reached to grasp the edge of the tunic. Gently, she lifted the tunic little by little until Ailysia had to raise her arms to allow it to go over her head. Immediately, she hugged herself, covering her bosom from sight. Jahir was only slightly disappointed by this, having seen a good glimpse when Keidia had lifted the tunic. Though not as generous as Keidia, her figure was lovely and sufficient enough to suit Jahir’s tastes. It was almost too hard to see where the transition from skin to scale began, but the scales’ pearl sheen showed what color did not.

The two naga women slipped into the cool water. It only reached their waists when they entered, but Ailysia ducked down until it reached her shoulders. Only then did she release herself. Keidia circled her, running gentle hands over her shoulders and head. Ailysia relaxed and let the other naga take soaps and lotions to her hair and skin. Smiling, Jahir stood, straightened his knee-length loincloth, and left the Fountain Room.

When he returned, Ailysia was lying on her stomach, head resting on her arms, by the pool. Keidia was also stretched out by the water’s edge, but she lay on her back. Two other nagas were resting near them now, a female with light skin and deep blue scales. Her fire red hair was short cut just above her shoulders. The other naga was the only male in the room, Tazaeros. He was thin of build, with red-orange scales, reddish-blonde hair, and golden eyes. He wore a dark blue loincloth tied around his waist where skin became scale, several gold bracelets, and one golden chain around his neck. He was a gift from Jahir to his naga concubines, though the young lord was well aware that some of his human concubines also visited the naga male often. Tazaeros looked up as Jahir approached them, followed closely by a young servant girl. The naga male made a nasty face at the girl, wagging his long tongue in a suggestive way. The servant girl blushed and ducked behind Jahir. The lord glanced at her and then glared a reproach at Tazaeros.

The red-headed naga woman also saw their lord enter the room and smiled brightly. She was Tazaeros’s favorite girl, as well as one of Jahir’s. Her name was Saeresi. One of the younger naga concubines, she had a very bright outlook for a slave. She had been very grateful to escape the menagerie Jahir had bought her from and therefore never complained about her comfortable new life.

‘Good eveni
ng, milord,’ Saeresi said as Jahir sat down beside Keidia. He smiled and nodded her way, running a hand down Keidia’s torso to her scales. Keidia smiled and grabbed his wandering hand, bringing it to her lips. She kissed each of his fingertips and then his palm. Sighing happily, Jahir leaned over her, resting his forearm on the ground by her head. His lips traced down from her forehead to her nose and then came to rest upon her willing mouth. His free hand caressed her soft and curvaceous body while her hands combed through his dark brown hair. Jahir felt gentle hands begin to caress his shoulders and back. Saeresi kissed her way from one shoulder to the other while her skilled hands continued their work. Keidia’s hands found their way down his torso and to the edge of his loincloth. Her thumbs massaged his stomach just above the line of cloth, sending shivers down his spine and a wave of heat to run through his body. Moaning into Keidia’s mouth, he turned his body to lie beside her, at the same time pulling Saeresi down on top of him. He pressed his lips to hers, enticing a surprised squeal of delight from her. Keidia curled her body against his, gently nibbling on his shoulder.

Jahir turned his head to the side as her teeth made their way to his neck. Saeresi was kissing his chest, running her hands over his waist and lower. His half-open eyes came to rest on Ailysia, who was still resting her head on her folded arms. To his surprise, however, her dark eyes were open and staring at him. He smiled and offered a hand to her, inviting her to join. Her eyes narrowed, glaring at him. He took the glare for a ‘no’ and turned his attention back to his willing partners instead.

Tazaeros, on the other hand, had lost interest in the threesome in the beginning, knowing full well that he was not invited to join them. The new concubine had his full attention. The graceful curve of her pale back enticed him, as did the pearl scales that looked as soft as silk. He slithered closer to her and bent down to touch the middle of her back. Ailysia cringed and glared up at him, careful not to expose herself. Tazaeros merely smirked and reached for her again.

But Ailysia, quickly relinquishing pride for safety, sat up and started yelling in her unfamiliar tongue. The naga male was taken back, more by the strange words following rapidly from her mouth than her obvious irritation.

Her shouting jarred the naga concubines and their master from their lustful carousing. Jahir looked from Tazaeros to the enraged Ailysia and felt his own anger build. Not even noticing that his new concubine had failed to cover herself, Jahir leapt to his feet, forgetting the two other naga women momentarily. As they fell to the ground awkwardly, Jahir took Tazaeros by the throat.

‘Ailysia is not yours to play with, Tazaeros,’ Jahir’s voice was taut with fury. ‘You are not to approach her, especially if she refuses you, which she has obviously done now.’

Tazaeros choked under the lord’s firm grip on his neck. ‘*cough* Yes, my *cough* lord.’

Jahir sneered and released the naga. ‘Do not make regret bringing you here, Tazaeros.’

‘No, Master. I’m sorry, Master.’

Keidia touched Jahir’s shoulder, drawing his attention back to her and Saeresi. The lord blushed slightly. ‘My apologies, girls,’ he said nobly, kissing Saeresi’s cheek and hugging Keidia to his side. ‘We’ll finish this later.’ He gestured to the forgotten servant girl, who quickly moved forward. Her face was pure red blush, from hairline to collarbone. She offered the parcel in her arms to Jahir and bowed low. Jahir patted her on the head, amused by the girl’s embarrassment.

He turned to Ailysia, who was still glaring at Tazaeros, and laid the cloth beside her. She looked at it and then up at Jahir, subsequently covering herself once more. Her cheeks were a pale pink. Jahir laughed warmly and then turned to leave, followed closely by the servant girl.

Keidia settled beside Ailysia and held up the clothing that Jahir had left. It was a simple tunic, longer than Keidia’s, and would reach mid-thigh on Ailysia when she was human. It was a soft rose color, trimmed in dark gray. Ailysia quickly slipped it over her head and pulled it down. The tunic was soft and comfortable, a huge improvement over the itchy, ragged slave tunic she’d worn for the last half a year. She smiled at Keidia before the pale blush returned when she realized that her new friend was still quite nude. Keidia, as amused as Jahir had been, put her own tunic back on.

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Chapitre 1 I am a control freak. I know this even though my Master says he sees no dominant qualities in me. He sees the person I want to be with him, the person that seeks solace in and from the psychological turmoil her parents wrecked on her over the years. I did what they said, obeyed, never made a mistake, always made the right choices - their choices - but came out of it a fully-fledged adult. It was a lifetime of being mind-fucked by my own parents whom I love, venerate, and resent. I am...

3 years ago
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Daytona Beach DesireChapter 4

Caitlin and Mickey showed up the next morning, looking more than a little worse for wear. They had spent half the night sleeping on the deck of a boat tied up in the marina, but then got rousted by security and finally spent the rest of the night on the beach. After leaving us yesterday, they had gone water skiing on a boat full of other kids but finally gave up when they figured out that everyone else on board, including the driver, was completely stoned. They managed to convince him to take...

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The One Who Wouldnt Date Me

Day 1 The new job blows. Most of my coworkers sit around talking trash about our boss, Aaron, instead of working. It’s obvious I’m up next because I actually work and ignore all the office gossip. So they’re going to think I’m sucking up or spurning them, or something. Oh well, no one said I had to be friends these douchecanoes.  I’m there to get paid, not bitch about everyone else. There was one exception—Jill. I chilled with her after work. She took me back to her place where I met her...

Straight Sex
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Coventry Interview

One day I was informed that the girl had come and wanted to see me for the interview, so I called her in. As is my custom I stood up to go and open the door when she knocked. Honestly, I meant to do my job and really test her but when she walked in I suddenly had a hard on. I dont know why my dick has a tendency to greet females before I do. To make matters worse I did not have a brief on. I only had mi boxer shorts and one of mi loose trousers. Much as I tried to hide the prick, it was...

2 years ago
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Georgina By Samantha Jay © January 2010 Chapter 1 "MOMMYEEEEEEE" I awoke with a start, my breathing was fast and shallow, and my heart rate was elevated. I couldn't remember who or where I was. A bedside lamp was switched on and its light illuminated the room. "You okay, love?" a gentle, but concerned voice asked. I closed my eyes and forced my heart to slow down. I willed myself to take slow, regular breaths....

3 years ago
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The EscortChapter 2 The Try Out

Tuesday morning at nine Jim called me and asked me how things had gone with my first date. "Smooth as silk. It was almost like I never quit." "I need a girl to lean against a car at an auto show for three days. She needs to be sexy looking so as to draw men over to the car and I thought of you. Can you do it?" "I suppose." "You don't sound all that enthused." "To tell you the truth I was planning on calling you today and telling you to put me on you're A list. Leaning on as...

1 year ago
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Vacation Suprises

My wife, Lisa and I had been married for 10 years we were both 21 when we were married. Lisa was an absolute sexy woman at 5'6'' 120 pounds with 34c boobs and long tan legs, men would always check her out. At 31 she hadn't lost any of it, and had only grown sexier. She looked young and even got carded sometimes when we would be out for drinks. Lisa was a virgin when we were married and was very conservative when it came to sex in the beginning due to her strong religious parents. Over time we...

4 years ago
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Experiment with moms friend becomes more

Once I had tasted a woman for the first time, I was never the same. I haven't looked at women the same since that night. And it didn't take long for my first experience to lead to my next. My mom's friend, Margie, was only too happy to insure that my young pussy stayed wet. The first weekend after I first tasted her breast, Margie was ready to expand my horizons.Sara and I had grown accustomed to her sleeping over, though my mother and her were never overtly affectionate in front of us and...

2 years ago
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To start of with I'm a 19 years bi white male from london I'm a crossdresser t,girl fem boy what ever you want to call it and i loveto dress as a sexy girl/women wear womens sexy clothes skirts stockings panties thongs heels wigs makeup purfume the hole lot.anyway i have had a black cock fetish for a few years now i have never been with a black man and have only ever watched video's andlooked at pictures on porn sites i love the look of a black cock hot big and fat they are and how they so sexy...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Sarai Minx Sexy Ebony Fucks by The Pool

Sarai Minx joins us this week to have a little bit of fun. First, she parades her wonderful attributes for us. Sarai has a huge pair of tits and a perfectly plump ass. From there, she hops in the pool for us to see her bouncing tits. After her body was properly worshiped, it was time for the real fun to begin. Jonathan Jordan was the lucky SOB that got to give this beauty the proper fucking that she deserves. She chocked on his cock for some times before begging for him to penetrate her pussy....

2 years ago
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Sex Education

Miss Montgomery had her lips wrapped around Allen's dick, deep throating the member and tickling his head with the back of her throat. She licked her tongue up and down his shaft, making him grunt in approval. "Yeah, suck that thing, gargle it like a whore," he commanded. She replied by putting a vacuum suck to his shaft and cupping his balls. As he let out a "fuuuuuuuuuck!" she began to bob up and down like crazy, moving her head faster than a 13 year old boys arm. Her furious face fucking was...

3 years ago
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Husband Training CockSucker

Tonight is the night. All my training has led to this. I am about to suck my first cock – and my wife will be cheering me on. But let me tell you how it began...My wife Kate is a very sexy lady. She has great breasts, an ass to die for and legs that don't seem to quit. I am lucky to have her and I know it! So does she! What she likes about me is my willingness to do whatever she wants me to do sexually. We were married for only a short while when I realized that I was going to be dominated in...

1 year ago
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Tam Dub

Tam Dub By Merren After being kidnapped by a member of the most powerful evil coven in the world, James Smythe is prepared to be sacrificed in the name of the apocalypse by that same coven. Seconds before Jim would be take his final breath he is saved by the most powerful force that this world of superheroes and supervillains has ever seen. Growing up in a small town in Australia, Jim didn't really know how he was going to survive in the big city. Not long after getting to...

2 years ago
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Master P C Alexs OdysseyChapter 11 The Traveler

It was early evening, as The Traveler pulled up to Alex Chatris' home and the outside lights came on. He pushed the bell and the intercom near the entryway said, "It's open. Please come in." He opened the door to a dimly lit foyer, and Alex called to him, "I'm in here, off to your left." He turned that way and from behind him, two large, young men came and walked him into the room. "Please stand right there," she said. She was pointing a shotgun at him from about ten feet away....

1 year ago
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Adventurous Weekend

Seven O'clock, Friday morning, beautiful early fall day. Katherine Taylor slowly wakes up from a good night's sleep filled with wonderful dreams about how her glorious long weekend would go. She had panned to take the train to the London late that morning and stay there until she came back sometime Monday night. She was a very sexy young woman. At 22 years old, you would think she was still 17 or 18, and she was proud of that. She worked hard to keep fit by going jogging 2 or 3 times a week and...

4 years ago
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„Los, schieb IHN rein!“ „Wo? In deine Fotze?“ Mit einem Grinsen wandert mein Blick zu den Anderen, die sich begeistert die Schwänze reiben. „Du weißt genau, dass ich keine von diesen billigen Fotzenutten bin. Also… Entweder du fickst mich jetzt in mein Arschloch oder ich lass mich vom Nächsten voll stopfen.“ Lexa schaut sich ihre strammen Mitschüler mit lustvollen Augen an. Die Gruppe von insgesamt zehn Leuten befindet sich auf dem Knabenklo der Schule. Es ist kurz vor den Sommerferien und wie...

1 year ago
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Back Seat Backdoor part 2

After our back seat get together, I was hoping that I would get chance to play with my big black stud in a more comfortable roomy spot. We chatted off and on flirting and teasing each other for a couple of weeks, and everytime I talked to him, my ass would quiver just thinking about how good that huge cock felt. One Saturday afternoon I got a message from him telling me to meet him that he was at a friends apartment and if I wanted to come over and play, he would love to. "have" me. I couldnt...

3 years ago
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Girlyboy Gone Wild Part Four

Being a slutty sorority girl having sex with my professor was really fun. I was sitting in his lap with my back to him with his big 11 inch cock between my freshly-shaved legs and rubbing it against my hard clitty dick. My little white cotton panties were soaking wet in front with pre-cum. My teacher was playing with my titties while I stroked his big one. ‘I’m going to take your bra off, okay, Courtney?’ ‘Please do,’ I said. ‘I want you to feel my hard nipples without my bra on.’ I held my...

3 years ago
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Fucked By My Cousin Brett

“Mmmm, who is that?” Samantha asked, jumping out of the car. “Who?” I asked, crawling out of the car, still half asleep from the ride. It was late June, almost two months since my sixteenth birthday, and like every summer my family and I were taking our trip up to Michigan to visit family and camp out for a weekend on a lake. This year though I was able to bring a friend, so my best friend Sam came with us. “That guy over there, trying to put the tent together,” Sam said, pointing towards the...

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April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. ‘It’s just rehearsal.’ “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know.’...

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Futanari World

You wake up this morning to the sight of your younger sister Sarah pulling your covers off of you. "Get up Doug, you don't want to be late for school." You get dressed for school after Sarah leaves your room. you never mind school that much, you mostly get B's and A's in your classes but given the opportunity you would like to just stay home and watch movies or play video games. You go downstairs and see everyone eating pancakes for breakfast. Your mother is talking on the phone to her...

3 years ago
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Hippolyte and JaneChapter 13

Author’s note: [ and ] delineate mind-to-mind dialog. Hippolyte was somewhat taken aback by the sudden plea from the mayor. “Of course I will help if I can, but I need a lot more information than that. How many men are there in the attacking party, and where are they right now?” “I do not know how many there are, but the man who reported the invasion said that there were ‘many soldiers’ and they were about three miles away. We have no way to defend ourselves, and the ruler of Uzoris is well...

2 years ago
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Cousins blackmailed by gardener

Cousin's blackmailed by gardenerThis incident happened long back when we had been to our grandparents place for our summer vacation. I was u******ed so I can’t tell my age. My mom’s younger sister too had come with her husband and her daughter Nisha who was 3 years younger than me, they had arrived a week before us. I was happy that I got company to play with the toys.One day, after breakfast, Nisha and myself were playing in the courtyard and suddenly Nisha with a mischievous smile on her face...

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My Dream Cum True Massage

It started out innocent enough. He asked me where it hurt, and I told him shoulders and lower back from sitting at a desk all day. I laid face down on the table completely nude with just a sheet over my ass and legs. He was great with his hands and very strong. Massaging my sore muscles taking his time working his way down from my shoulders down my spine to the crack of my ass. He had the sheet halfway over my ass and he was massaging my hips and top of my ass still keeping me partially covered...

1 year ago
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Spicing Up Their Marriage

Copyright© 2003 I have a funny daddy Who goes in and out with me And everything that baby does Daddy's sure to see, And everything that baby says, My daddy's sure to tell. You must have read my daddy's verse. I hope he fries in Hell. -- Ogden Nash The Harrison's have been our neighbours since I had lived in this house - since I was twelve years old. In that time I can claim that they are friends of my parents and friendly acquaintances to me and my sisters. In the last years...

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Alexs craigslist adventures Ch1

My Night With TimMy name is Alex, I'm a 27 year old Bi guy who more than occasionally meets guys. I love top guys who treat me like their little fuck toy. This is the first story I'm sharing of my most recent hook up. I hope to share more of my true stories in the future.-----My night with Tim started out when he answered a craigslist ad of mine. He was only 2 or 3 years older, dark hair, roughly the same height and build as me (I'm about 160 and 5'11" tall) It had been awhile since I'd been...

4 years ago
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Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...

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PenthouseGold Nicole Sage Lusts After Stepdad8217s Dick

Nicole Sage has always lusted for her stepfather Tommy Gun ever since her mother brought him home, and now she takes the opportunity to fulfill her wildest daddy fucking fantasies in this premium Penthouse porn video. With her long luscious brunette hair and banging body, not to mention the sight of his young stepdaughter getting on his knees to suck his cock, it doesn’t take long for Tommy to get seduced. Then he’s all in, pussy licking and banging her until he cums all over her...

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Mylfed Summer Hart Alexa Nova Carpet Munching MILF Mania

Alexa Nova and Summer Hart have a contentious relationship. Alexa keeps sneaking into Summers place to steal her underwear, and Summer is starting to feel a little uncomfortable. So, when Summer is trying to have some alone time by riding a dildo in the shower, she is pissed to find Alexa licking the pussy juice off of it! She grabs Alexa and throws her on her bed, sitting on her face for a domineering muff munching session. She makes the girl cum over and over, using every bit of her sexual...

3 years ago
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Cum Crazed Cuckold

Cum Crazed CuckoldbyAnal Slave© I have been married for over 15 years to a very lovely woman. Over the past 10 years she has been breaking me in as a cuckold. She loves to go out with her male lovers and come home to me. I get overwhelmed when her bald pussy is full of her lovers cum and she makes me suck her clean.I just love when I am at work and she calls me and has one or two of her male friends over and she lets me hear her having sex with them over a speaker phone. Sometimes she lets me...

2 years ago
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The Inches Between UsChapter 17

It was Halloween evening. Lisa and I were hanging out in her apartment. We had just finished dinner and were snuggling in front of the television, in between the intermittent parade of costumed neighborhood kids taking advantage of the fact that our management team opened the building to them for trick-or-treating. Just after Batman and Iron Man took their leave of us, Lisa’s phone rang. “Hi Mom!” “Oh, nothing much, just hanging out feeding a bunch of sugar addicts.” “Oh, no. Is she all...

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Introduction: A story about the great and uncanny town of Krylo! It is unlike anywhere else on Earth. The town of Krylo was unlike any other settlement the world had ever seen. It was exotic, unique, and completely uncanny. For those who know nothing of the small town, then prepare to be amazed, and for those who hold sacred their morals, than perhaps this is not the story for you. Things happen in Krylo that no one can explain, while others just do not understand. The traditions of Krylo are...

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Journey to JanusChapter 6

We popped out of Nullspace at the coordinates, and I sent the recognition code on the sub-light frequency we were given. A minute later, a voice but no visual came through my comm. “In exactly twenty-seven minutes, the killer satellites in your quadrant will be shut down for thirteen seconds. Plot a course to land at these coordinates. Shut down your ship and wait to be contacted. Do not attempt to contact us.” A text message with the coordinates showed on my screen. I forwarded it to Mom....

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Kiki Klout Compromising Pics with StepDad

Turns out my stepsister Kiki is pretty slutty, you can kinda tell from looking at her. Especially pics of her sucking my stepdads’s dick, that really gives it away. She seemed a little nervous & made up a bunch of lame excuses when I confronted her with them, but she was willing to listen when I offered her a deal. So up came her shirt, and out came her tits. I started touching them but lucky for her we almost got caught! The next day I approach her when she’s on the phone....

3 years ago
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Axis of Evil 2c The Bank Job Part 3

The Bank Job Part III - The Aftermath Chapter 12: The Hideout Kevin drove them out to their secret hideout in the country. To be frank it was not so much a secret hideout as an old abandoned hut in the middle of nowhere. It had probably once been a forester's hut in Norchester Forest, but woodworm had attacked it over the years and now it had more holes in it than a golf course. "I'll bring the loot in, you'd better go get changed," Kevin told his friend. Adam headed into the...

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Neighbors Barn fun

Living next to me is a single mother about 45 with a daughter my age 19. I always thought bout hooking up with her but she wouldn't give me the time of day. They have an old barn in the back of the house. Back when she was married they use to throw parties in it.Watching from my window I could see men and boys coming all the time. I would jerk of imagining both of them getting laid in the barn. One a month there would be several men, maybe 4 or 5, and a number of boys 18-22 years old there. All...

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Strip Poker with a Twist

It was Peter’s turn to host poker night for the boys. The table in the dinette was cleared off and the refrigerator stocked with beer. Vicki was coming over with Dave to keep me company, so I was working on a pitcher of margaritas. We often went out for a girls’ night on these Saturdays, but there wasn’t one damn movie we wanted to see, so had decided to find something on Netflix instead.They arrived first, and Dave gave me a peck on the cheek. As Peter’s best friend, he’d become almost a...

Group Sex
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An Uncomfortable Situation

My name is Alex and I have an out of control girlfriend. Her name is Jane and she is twenty-four. I’m twenty-five, and I’m crazy about her. I literally have no idea why, but I am. We live together in an apartment, and she frequently brings over other guys to fuck. After she is done, she usually fucks the shit out of me. It’s sex that I love, and she always makes me feel good then, anyway. Although, such great sex comes at a huge price. I can’t seem to make myself leave her, she is just a sexual...

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