A Mother Discovers Her Son Dressing Up In Her Clothes free porn video

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This story is written by an adult fantasy.
I really had been expecting to be shopping most of the
morning, but I got to the mall and miracle of miracles,
not only did I find a place to park close in, the mall
wasn’t at all as crowded as I had expected. I got in
and picked up the few things I needed, and headed home.
One of the things I had to get was a couple of new
bras. It just seemed that the elastic in the ones I had
were wearing out. I sort of calked it up to their being
more cheaply made, every thing was any more it seemed,
being made in China or wherever.

I pulled into the drive and I didn’t open the garage,
since I was going to have to pick up my daughter
Christy from cheerleader practice later that afternoon,
so there wasn’t much point in putting the car away. I
grabbed the shopping bags from the back seat and went
into the house going in the kitchen door. The house was
quiet and I thought that I was alone, Christy being at
practice and our twelve year old boy had told me he was
going to a friend’s house.

I breezed through the kitchen and up the stairs and as
I got to my bedroom, I stopped. The door was shut. I
never shut the door if I’m not in my room and I though
that this was very odd. I set down my packages and
slowly opened the door, not really knowing what to
expect. What I found, was my son, dressed in my
clothes, skirt, blouse, heels, sitting at my dressing
table, applying lipstick to his lips.

He saw me immediately in the mirror and jumped up,
knocking over the dressing table bench. He was
stammering and was a beet, beet red with embarrassment.
Lord knows I was at a loss for words, but I had to say
something. For want of anything better to say, I told
him to pick the bench and sit down. I went out into the
hallway and retrieved my shopping bags. I put them on
the bed and then sat down on the edge of the bed facing
my son.

“How long have you been doing this Bobby? I asked.

“Um, well… for awhile.” He mumbled.

“You like wearing women’s clothes?” and felt
immediately stupid for such a dumb question. Not
waiting for an answer, I said, “Stand up and let me see

He stood, awkward and a little unsteady in the heels,
but, I had to admit, he made a fairly cute girl. I had
him turn and his legs I noticed were shaved and
passably shapely in nylons, and he had a nice little

“Lift your skirt,” I said in a tone more stern than I’d
spoken to him before.

“But Mom…”

“You lift up that skirt, or I’ll do it for you.”

Hesitantly, but by the tone of my voice knowing that he
had no choice, he reached down and pulled up the hem of
his skirt, stopping about mid thigh.

“All the way.” I said. And he continued, exposing
panties and garter belt. He had good taste in lingerie,
he’d chosen a pair of sheer black bikini’s and matching
lace garter belt and lace topped black stockings, all
mostly new and expensive. It was the kind of “hither
come fuck me” ensemble that I wore when I knew I was
going to be having fun.

I noticed then that my little boy had an erection. His
cock, not very large, was stiff and straining the sheer
black nylon panties. I reached over and pulled the
panties down. Now he was standing there, panties about
his ankles, his little hard cock exposed. I saw that
not only had he shaved his legs, but he’d shaved his
genitals too.

Looking at him, scared, exposed, humiliated, I found my
self breathing hard, my heart was beating fast and I
could feel myself getting wet. The sight of his little
boy naked dick, surrounded as it was by my perfumed
lingerie was making me as hot and wet as I had ever
been. “Oh my God! I want to fuck my son.” I thought,
“What kind of mother am I?”

“Come here and sit next to me.” I said and patted the
bed beside me. When he did, I made him keep his skirt
hiked up so I could still see his little stiff cock.

“Mommy isn’t mad about you wearing girls clothes,
Sweetie, but Mommy is mad that you we wearing some of
my best clothes. You’ve stretched out my bras and I had
to buy new ones. Now, if you are going to dress as a
girl, then you are going to have to dress as I tell you
and in the clothes that I tell you, is that
understood?” All the while I was saying this my hand,
that had started out resting on his kneed and run up
the inside of his thigh and I had half turned and now
had his balls in my hand in a soft grip. He was
breathing hard and his little cock was twitching and I
could see the first drops of pre-cum.

I told him to sit still and not move. I went to the
bedside table and took a condom from the drawer. I
opened the package and unrolled it over his dick and
then cupping his balls in one hand and stoking him
lightly with the other, he came quickly with a
whimpering spasm and fell against me crying. A mother’s
tenderness rose up in me and I put my arm around his
shoulders and with the other hand milked his cock of
the last of his cum. As he sobbed, I asked softly, “Do
you want to be Mommy’s little girl?” He sniffled out a
yes, head down and his face red with shame.

“Well then,” I said, “let’s take these clothes off and
put you into something more appropriate.” I unbuttoned
the blouse and slipped it off his thin shoulders, and
unhook the black lace bra and slipped it off of him. I
ran my hand across his chest and gave his nipple sharp
little pinch and was rewarded with a moan of pleasure.
When I had him stripped, I told him to fold and put
away my clothes and when he was done, to stand there
and wait for me.

I went into Christy’s room and took a pair of cotton
panties from her drawer. It was an old pair with a
little flower print, and searching through her bras,
found her old training bra, now outgrown by two cup
sizes. A pair of white knee socks, a pink tee and a
little pleated skirt, finished the outfit I had in
mind, The only thing I didn’t have were the shoes.

I went into Bobby’s room and searched until I found his
penny loafers. Those would have to do for the moment. I
went back into my room and Bobby was standing there
naked just as he’d bee told. I sat him down at my
dressing table and with cream and tissues, cleaned of
the way too heavy make up he’d slathered on. Once I had
that off, I reapplied a little light foundation and
some mascara, then finished with a faint pink lip
gloss, explaining to him what and how I was doing this
and telling him that he was forbidden to use any more
make up that his unless I gave him permission, then I
had him dress in the clothes I’d picked out and from my
closet brought out a wig that I’d inherited form my
sister. A little brushing out and it was prefect.

I stuffed his little bra with a couple of pantyhose and
stepped back to admire my handiwork. He looked pretty
much like any preteen girls just beginning to bud out.
“Come on,” I said, “we have some shopping to do.” There
was panic in his eyes, but I grabbed his hand and
pulled him out the door, snatching up my purse as we
went. Then it was down the stairs, out the door and
into the car.

I backed out of the drive and headed back toward the
mall. Bobby was slouching down, but I told him to sit
up straight. I knew he was scared of being seen and
would be mortified if anyone he knew saw him. And
knowing this, knowing that I had complete power over
him, was turning me on. He would do anything now, and a
lot of possibilities entered my head all of which made
my cunt tingle.

When we got to the mall, I wasn’t so lucky as the first
time and had to park a distance from the entrance.
Bobby was being reluctant, not wanting to go into the
mall where he knew he’d likely run into friends from
school hanging out. I wasn’t in the mood since we had
only a little time before I had to pick up Christy, so
lifted up the back of his little skirt and gave him a
hard swat on the bottom.

“You listen to me! You straighten up and be a good girl
or I swear, Mommy is going to pull down your panties
right here and now and give you a spanking that you’ll
not soon forget.” I said it loud enough that that it
was over heard by a man a row of cars over and when I
glanced over he was smiling at me.

Bobby was aware of that too and realized that I was
serious and that having his bottom tanned in public
would be far worse than what ever might befall him in
the mall. We walked on and entered the mall, I had to
tell him several times to straighten up and not slouch
and lift up his head. The first shop we hit was the
shoe store.

I told the clerk that I needed to get my “niece” a few
pairs of shoes and we spent some time on picking out a
pair of flats and a pair of Mary Janes and a pair of
heels with a demure one inch heel which she and I
agreed was the best for a young girl to start out in.

Then, we went into a department store and we picked out
a selection of panties and bra’s, some sox; anklets,
knee highs and a couple pair of tights, stockings and a
garter belt and a couple of nighties. The clerk was
very nice and she helped fit Bobby’s new bras,
reassuring my Niece” that she would be filling out in
no time. Then we wandered over to the Junior Miss
department to picked out a couple of outfits.

After having Bobby try on and model several, I decided
on a simple school girl kind of outfit with pleated
skirt, white blouse and blazer, a more casual skirt and
blouse, a dress with A-line skirt. We stopped at the
make up counter and I had the girl there give Bobby a
make over and she was so happy to introduce this young
girl to the joys of make up. We bought a few things,
foundation and mascara, and eye shadow and liner and a
lipstick. The last thing we bought for “her” was a

Loaded with our purchases, we headed for the parking
lot. With luck the traffic would be with us and I’d be
on time to pick up Christy. As we were almost to the
mall doors, I ran into a neighbor who lives a few doors

“Elise!” she called.

“Mary. Hi. How are you?”

“Oh, good you know. Who is this?”

This is my niece, Sharon,” I extemporized, “My brothers
eldest who is going to be staying with us for a while.
Sharon say hello to Mrs. Walker.”

Bobby managed to get out a “Nice to meet you.”

“She’s very shy.” I said.

“Well Honey, that’s OK. You’ll have to come down and
visit me and we’ll just have a girls afternoon of it
and get to know each other.” Mary said to Bobby and
then look at me said, “Sweet little thing.”

I made my excuses that I had to run and pick up
Christy, promising that we girls would all get together
for and afternoon. As we were going out the doors a
group of middle school boys were coming in, some I
recognized as friends of Bobby’s. They gave him a look
but didn’t recognize him and we heard some “Hey
Baby…” kind of noises from them. I’d turned my son
into a little hottie.

We got to the car and Bobby began to panic.

“Mom, I can’t let Christy see me!” he cried.

“Why not Sweetie?”

“Cuz, well, she…”

“She’ll think you’re a little sissy right?”


“Well, Honey, you are a little sissy. You are Mommy’s
little sissy girl. And you do want to be Mommy’s little
girl, don’t you?” I asked.

“Oh yes Mommy, I do.” He piped up.

“I like it when you call me Mommy. I think you are
going to turn out to be a sweet little girl. Yes, your
sister is likely going to tease you, but I think that
she’ll see having a little sissy sister around will
have its benefits for her too.”

“What… what do you mean Mom?”

“You know what we did on the bed? How Mommy made her
little girl cum? Didn’t that feel good?”

“Yes Mommy.” he replied, blushing slightly, sight of
which caused a rush of lust in me.

“You’d like Mommy to make you feel good again, yes?”

“Yes Mommy; please.”

“Such a polite little girl, Mommy likes that. Well,
just as Mommy makes her little girl feel good, Mommy
makes your sister feel good too. And your sister makes
Mommy feel good. Wouldn’t you like to make your Mommy
feel good?”

“Yes Mommy.”

“Of course you do, and Mommy is going to show you how.
And you and your sister and Mommy can all have great
fun together. Won’t that be nice?”

“Yes, Mommy. But Mommy…”

“Yes Honey?”

“What about Daddy?”

“Well, I can’t say he’s going to be pleased to lose a
son, but I don’t think that he will be too disappointed
when he realizes that he’s gained another daughter.”

“What do you mean, Mommy?”

“I’ll let your sister explain that one to you.” I said
with a laugh.

We got to the high school and as I pulled into the
parking lot by the gym to pick up Christy, I glanced at
the clock. Damn! I was almost fifteen minutes late and
I just wasn’t in the mood for a teenage girl snit over
“being abandoned again…” well, I did have a

I pulled up to the curb and there was Christy in her
little cheer girl outfit. She looked so cute and I had
to force the though of our most recent afternoon
together out of my mind. “God’ I thought, “My daughter
is having sex with both her parents, my son is
submissive transvestite… this family sure isn’t going
to make the cover of Good Housekeeping.”

Christy got into the car and it was all attitude with
“Thanks Mom for being on time.” And She turn around and
saw Bobbie in the back seat, “Who’s thi.. OH MY GOD!”
Whirlling around, “Mother, what the fuck is this?”

“Christy! Watch you language!”

“You don’t mind my language when you’re licking my
clit.” She replied petulantly.

“What ever! So what’s with Bobbie dressed in drag?”

“Well,” I said “Bobbie has decided that he’s more
comfortable being a girl than a boy.”

“That is just so weird.”

“It does take a bit of getting used to, but, doesn’t he
look cute? Just like a little doll. You used to love
playing with dolls and now you can play with a Bobbie.
It really will be fun to dress him up and of course we
can make him do anything we want, because, well because
he’s a little sissy.”

I could see a malicious little gleam developing in
Christy’s eye as the thought of having her brother
completely under her thumb developed in her mind.

“But what about Dad?’ she asked. “He’s going to flip.”

I turned and looked right at Christy, “I think that you
Father will come around when he realizes that he has
another daughter who’ll be willing and wager to suck
his cock.”

“Oh.” She said meekly. “You know about me and Daddy?”

I Laughed. “Of course I do Honey. And Daddy knows about
our little afternoons together too. We were talking
just the other day about how nice it would be for
someday the three of us to get together.” I could see
that Christy was at once shocked and intrigued with the
threesome idea. I’d let her think about it for awhile
and we’d talk about it later.

We finally made it home and I pulled into the drove.
“Christy, take your sissy brother upstairs and have him
put his new clothes away. You can look through your old
stuff too and give him the things that don’t fit you
any more.”

“Oh alright. C’mon you little queer.” Christy whined.
She got out of the car and opened the rear door and
grab her brothers had and pulled him out of his seat.
“Oh Jesus! Mother!” she yelled.

“What is it? And what did I tell you about your
language?” I said with not a little exasperation in my

“Well look!” she said, pointing to Bobbie. She had
lifted up Bobbies skirt so I could see that Bobbie
little cock was hard again.

“Oh dear.” I said. Seeing that something had to be
done, I went over and snatched Bobbies panties down to
his ankles. Grabbing him by his arm, I spun him around
and proceeded to spank his bare bottom. A half dozen
hard slaps were sufficient to bring him to tears and
his little prick shriveled.

“Bobbie”, I said to him sternly, “You are only to get
hard when you are told you can. I can’t stand you being
a naughty little girl and if you disobey me again I’ll
put you over my knee and paddle you with my hair brush
next time. Do you understand me?”

“Yes Mommy,” he sobbed.

I turned to Christy, who was smiling, haven taken
obvious delight in seeing her brother punished. “Take
you brother upstairs and you two get ready for dinner.”

As they started to go I called, “And Christy…” She
stopped, and turned, looking at me with the look that
only a teenage girl can give her mother. I gave her a
knowing smile and wink, “Make sure that your brother
behaves, won’t you?”

With that she gave me a smile and then turned and
pulling her brother after her, they headed upstairs.

I went into the kitchen then and began to get dinner
together and it wasn’t long before I heard the front
door open and in walked my husband. Walking over to
where I was standing at the counter, he cupped my butt
with one of his hands and giving me a kiss on the
cheek, he asked, “So Baby, what’s new?”

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 2 Horny For Her Son

Vineeta took a large sip of the champagne and started her narrative. Vineeta’s Story It was morning when I bathed my son and gave him a handjob. Now as I was preparing his favorite chicken biryani. I started replaying the whole scene in my mind. The only thing that was recurrently playing was his hard, erect penis and the thick ropes of sperm that hit the bathroom wall. Any trace of guilt had evaporated from my mind and I was feeling horny. But I decided I won’t make any first move and let...

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Fun starts when son discovers sleeping Mommy

This story is completely fictional, ENJOY I return home from a day out with friends. The house looks empty, no noises and the car is missing. I head up to the bathroom and hanging from the shower rod are several pair of Mommy's pantyhose drying, very sexy to me. I look around and in the hamper are a pair of dark sheer pantyhose that Mommy had apparently had on that day. I reach into the hamper and pull out the twisted clingy pantyhose and as they emerge from the hamper the scent becomes...

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The Ballad of Zachery Carson Ch 06

Please read the previous chapters before continuing. I welcome and appreciate any constructive comments, critiques, and/or emails you might care to send my way. ******************** Chapter Six ‘You boys are driving Astor Manor cattle and I don’t think you bought them,’ he yelled. ‘Throw down your guns, then tell the other two to do likewise and we won’t have any trouble. If you don’t you’ll die in your saddle.’ The two men exchanged glances. ‘I’ll see you in Hell first,’ the older one...

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The Ballad of Zachery CarsonChapter 6

"You boys are driving Astor Manor cattle and I don't think you bought them," he yelled. "Throw down your guns, then tell the other two to do likewise and we won't have any trouble. If you don't you'll die in your saddle." The two men exchanged glances. "I'll see you in Hell first," the older one said and drew his pistol. Zach brought his rifle to his shoulder and shot twice in quick succession. He heard Paco's big Sharps buffalo rifle firing behind him and turned. One of the two...

2 years ago
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Son discovers the other side of mom

There was nothing out of the norm about my family or c***dhood. My dad worked hard at the company he started and would be out of town quite often. His office was that our house and my mom did the secretarial work. This allowed her to be home with my brother, sister, and myself. As we got older she would only be home for one or two days when he was out of town and then she would go to wherever he was. And a lot of ways we were your typical upper middle class family from the Midwest.There were...

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Mother Discovers Her Real Man

“TTAATT TTAAATT” the whole house reverberated with this noise. Kartik, who was studying in his room, covered his ears with his hands, tears rolling down his face. This was the familiar sound of his father’s belt lashing against the tender skin of his mother. “Aaahh sorry sorry please DON’T” screamed Brunda as her husband, Rajiv pelted her with his leather belt. The reason? Brunda had mistakenly added more sugar to his coffee than Rajiv’s liking! Rajiv gave 2-3 more lashes, then kicked his wife...

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Katheryn and Son

Kathryn checked her calendar, yes, this was the day that she was to pick up her son at the airport. He was coming back from college for winter break. This was the longest Derrick and her had been apart. She didn't realize how much she would miss him when he went away to college. He had to go to Colorado to school; if only he had gone to a local school, they could have spent more time together. Since she kicked her husband out, over three years ago; Derrick was the man around the house. Matthew...

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Heather and her son Chris find some unexpected partners in their loveplay

Heather made her way home through the afternoon rush hour traffic. As usual, her thoughts turned to her son, Chris, and their plans for the evening. As a single mother she’d had these thoughts countless times on a countless number of drives home through the years. Did Chris have ball practice, and was it her turn to drive? What would they have for dinner? Had he finished his homework, and did he have clean clothes for school tomorrow? Of course, Chris was in high school now and many...

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The Ballad of Zachery CarsonChapter 5

The cook for the house was a woman of about 50, Amanda Kraft, who had once ran a boarding house in Prescott. The owner sold the place and Mrs. Kraft was out of work. Sir Gerald hired her as a cook and housekeeper for Astor Manor. He also hired her husband, Joseph Kraft, who was approaching 60 and was getting a little long in the tooth to continue busting broncs and herding cattle. Mr. Kraft became sort of a house manager making sure everything in and around the house was kept in good repair;...

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Preacher Slut Dresses from Preachers Daughter Seri

If you have followed the stories, I first black mailed and fucked the preachers 23 year old hot daughter, Jaimie, she is now carrying my baby. See preachers daughter chapter 13 and preacher sucks for lead in to this story:Over two months ago I sucked my first cock and fucked my first man pussy, unbelievable, it was our preachers, so wrong but made me so fucking hard!He sucked and cum hard and recovered quick, he said he would be my sex slave cum slut #3. Well, I had been letting him wait as I...

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Panther Girl of Gor an alternative ending by Archer

Panther Girl of Gor: an alternative ending by 'Archer' Cordellian: So, I've always felt that the most flattering thing a writer can possibly hope for with her work is to find that some of her readers are inspired enough by the stories to try their own hand at adding to the existing body of work, either through art (my wonderful collaborator, ChloeK) or, as in this case, Archer's fan-fic writing. I'm obviously someone who is very much in favour of fan-fic. One of the very first...

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Son dominatesmother pt2

I was still in bed the next morning when I heard the shower go on at about 9:30. My heart started beating faster. My dick was already hard from when I woke up. I made myself not touch it, which was like torture. I was tempted to get up and go into the bathroom and watch my mom taking her shower, but I stayed where I was. I wanted to see if I really could make her come to me. The shower stopped and I listened carefully. I couldn’t hear much, but it sounded like she was going through her usual...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 4 from Peachers Daughter Se

Pam pulled into the doughnut shop as ordered and went in, she looked at my car. I followed her and stood behind her in line, I pressed against her and she tensed. What is someone saw? I told her to buy doughnuts and coffee. Buy enough for the Sunday school class. I told her to put them in her car then drive across the street to the parking lot of a closed store and wait. Unlock your car doors and wait for me.I ordered coffee and drove across the street parking nest to her.I wondered if...

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Mother struggles with her sons deep desires

"Oh my God!" That was all I could think when he asked me. When I told my son I wanted to give him something special for the holidays, the last thing I expected him to do was point and say, "those mom." I looked at him like he was crazy or maybe I was because he couldn't have been pointing to my breasts, so I mumbled something and just looked at him.He was staring back into my eyes and he kissed my cheek and said, "Mom, "You're so beautiful...just once, I'd like to touch you." I heard it right....

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The Ballad of Zachery CarsonChapter 4

Shoulder feels pretty good, Zach thought as he kept his promise to visit Sir Gerald and Lady Kathleen at the Grand Hotel; it was three days after his first meeting with Sir Gerald Astor. Still a mite tender but it's healing up. Should be able to ride out in another three or four days; course if the Doc has his way I'd still be sitting on my backside. The Grand Hotel was just that - Grand; at least for Tucson. The building was two stories, painted a brilliant white, with four tall columns...

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DadHusband Trevor discovers wifes Jessicas and sons Dylans affair

Dylan and I wake up about an hour later and agree that our bodies need a rest for the night. We lie in bed caressing each other for about 20 minutes, then head downstairs after we both brush our teeth in the master bathroom. I'm wearing my red silk bathrobe and Dylan's only got boxers on. When we reach the bottom of the stairs, I take a second to admire his young body. He's becoming such a good looking man, I look forward to seeing how he looks about 10 years from now. I order pizza for a...

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Mothers and sons sons and mothers

“Sweetie,” I cooed, “come to the shopping centre with me.”“Oh Mum, I’m in the middle of something,” came the reply.“The porn film will wait until we get home, now come on, I need a man, and you’re the closest thing I have to one.”We got into the car and drove to the nearby shopping centre. “So why have I got to come with you? Jack asked.“Because I need someone to help me, Sonia is away, so that left you as the only person I could ask at short notice sweetie.”“Help you with what?”“I need some...

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Mother Son india

Rajiv was only 19 years old. Rajiv's father name was Dipak and rich businessman in city. His mother Rupa was the house wife. Rupa was 39 years old now. She was a modern up-to-date free lady, regularly visit to clubs and gim. Rupa like to dress very conservatively. She understood the modern concept of sex and liked it better. Her husband Dipak was busy most of the time with his business, cannot give much time to his wife. Rupa was happy, but her sexual life was far from what she desires. As a...

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I went to bed early that night which I generally did with the intention of having a long read. I devoured books at a rate of knots so was always in the library looking for more science fiction. A couple of hours immersed in a story and I would doze off as easy as pie. Tonight I found myself rereading the same line over and over as my concentration was way off. So, I gave in, put down the book and tried to go to sleep. My mother I had left downstairs watching the TV, my other, younger sisters...

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Godmothers Lust pt 2

Jenny was asleep in another room and the thought of her asleep in that very thin pajamas that I saw her put on after her shower was making my cock even harder and excited so then and there I decided ill go pay her a little visit. I didn’t go with anything in mind really but just wanted to see her body as she slept, we had a very full day before and very eventful night so I figured she would be asleep soundly and as I approached the doorway I could hear light snoring so I knew that she was....

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godmothers lust

This is the story of my sexlife with my Godmother/cousin. I say godmother/cousin because she is actually both as choosing a relative to be a God parent is common place in the Caribbean. Yes I am from the Caribbean and my name is Kenny, 32 yrs old, I’m 6’2” tall, a well built 250 lbs, educated and better looking than I am not. My god mother’s name is jenny (not real name) and she is 20 yrs older than me and was always a hot natural Caribbean woman about 5’5” light skinned ample 36c boobs, very...

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You are browsing through the internet when a website catches your attention. 'MotherBoard' Change anything you wish and create the rest. Intrigued you click on the site. You see 3 options. Body-Change the body Mind-Give a command Reality- Change reality

Mind Control
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I have always dreamed of fucking my mom and her mom ,my nephews mother I want to fuck her two. For years they have filled my spank bank and made me shoot gallons of cum, unfortunately not inside eather one.My best friend from c***dhood, well his mother is no different as far as my cock is concerned. And to fuck her is not as good as sex with my own mother, but it is the next best thing. Especially the way I fucked her. I mean the way we fucked her. Well I guess I mean the way me and my best...

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Motherfucked by curiosity

I was always a shy kid. So having girlfriends was out of question. I was so shy that when I heard my classmates joke about hand practice I would fucking blush. Without knowing what it meant. One day a friend said just grab hold of your dick and rub it from top to bottom. It will harden. After some time you will feel funny. And something will come out. Fuck that was never so. I nearly hurt my dick by rubbing it for an hour. And God only knows if anything came out. Such was the level of my sexual...

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MotherfakerChapter 2

The twelve mile ride to the mall was tense... at least it was for me. It was difficult for me to keep my eyes on the road with such a sexy little nymph sitting next to me. Once inside the mall I relaxed a bit. Shopping always has a calming effect on me. I could spend hours loitering in an upscale women's clothing store, especially when they had their new, seasonal fashions on display. After spending a half hour or so looking at skirts and blouses, Rachel apparently tired of hanging with...

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MotherfakerChapter 3

After leaving the restaurant, I drove by the teen center to see if the dance was still going strong. It was. As I turned the corner next to the far end of the parking lot I heard someone yell out: "MRS J... MRS J. OVER HERE." I stopped. Out of the shadows I could see Rachel walking towards my car. I rolled down my window. "Hey Mrs J. What are you doing around here?" "Oh, I wasn't sure whether Megan needed a ride home or not," I said. "I was on my way home and thought I would drive...

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MotherfakerChapter 4

I didn't awaken till almost noon the following day. I hobbled down the stairs, my ankle tender and sore with just a slight swelling. I felt terrible. My debauchery had reached a new low, an endless pit of perversion. I had committed the unforgivable sin, incest, sex with my own daughter! But, even now, seeing the image of her, a picture sitting on an end table, I could feel the stirrings of unnatural lust. I revelled in my sickness... the extreme pleasure it brought me was... was...

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Sorry Mother, I can’t visit today, as I’ve fallen deep down a rabbit hole full of naked women. I’m sure you can understand, as you were once a naked woman yourself. As hard as I may try to resist the temptations of the flesh, I’m still just a warm-blooded man and a pervert at heart. I can barely stay away from a typical free tube, and it’s another story when the free sites are leaking rare premium content that would usually cost you at least a few bucks.Yes, mom, the tube I’m reviewing today is...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Sophie’s has a soothing bath. The huge heated public baths were free and open to both sexes. Sophie noticed attendants positioned around the springs to hand out towels to bathers. No one glared at her body when Sophie removed her clothes. If anyone looked at her, it could result in a punishment for one of the men, even if it was a woman that did the looking. If anyone DID look at her, it was because of her long red hair, which labelled her as fiery & interesting. To her right some children were...

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Mother8217s Milk makes her son as husband

This is the story of how I and my mother became lovers when I was 18 years old and how our relationship became more intimate later. My mother’s name is Sneha and my name is Ajit. We are a middle class Tamil family. My mother was married at the age of 18 to her uncle – my grandmother’s brother – when he was 40 years old, after his first wife died. I was born the same year she got married and after me, she had two girls and a boy was born just a few months before this story starts. It was the...

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Mother and Son playing

As if he was a CFNM stripper, knowing she was nearly standing outside his bedroom door, he started his masturbation show. Ready to deliberately expose himself to his mother in the way she unintentionally exposed herself to him, he wanted his mother to see how big and how hard his prick was for her. As much as he couldn't wait to show her his stiff dick, he couldn't wait for her to see his erect cock. As nervous as he was sexually excited, having gone beyond the point of no return, with her...

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Mother Queen And Son King

Hai this is rathode again please do leave your comments on my id Please read the stories for fun not at the cost of relations. Once youpon a time during Ancient India there is a kingdom called mathasangama , the kingdom is well blessed with all kind of resources where ever you see the land is full of greenery, farmers grows well yielded crops, miners mines pure gold, iron, silver and diamonds, soldiers fight with glory, each and every men and women in the kingdom are wise and pay the taxes on...

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Mother Son when lust takes over

Alison closed the door behind her and left a sigh of disappointment as she watched out of the window to see the car disappear. Another attempt to date, another failure. Jake was a great guy, handsome , smart and successful but that wasn’t enough for Alison. In a couple of weeks it would be 7 years since her husband’s death but she still couldn’t find the strength to move on. She was a gorgeous woman, her juicy curvy body and her beautiful face were always the centre of attention everywhere she...

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Mother and Son

From that point onwards, she turned all attention to her new boy. All the frustration and anger that she felt that her husband’s subpar performance was turned into love and affection for her only child. She made no other attempt at pregnancy, even when her husband floated the idea of a second child. The only thing she was interested in was her fast-growing boy. Regardless to say, both the son and mother had grown extremely close. They were affectionate with each other. Especially Kirsten...

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Mother n Son Lust Love n Marraige

Chapter 1I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Vikram started growing up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his school homework with his classmates...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 19 Preacher and Preach

Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...

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