Art In Reality Ch. 07-10 free porn video

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This is part three of an ongoing story. I think you could make sense of it as a standalone submission, but I recommend you read the previous two parts first, to get a better feel for the narrative.

I hope you enjoy it.


Chapter Seven


Peter reached out to his side, running his hand across the bed sheet.

It was cold. He stretched out further, but could not find the warmth he was searching for.

He opened his eyes and realised he had been dreaming.

A knocking sound penetrated his subdued consciousness, followed by a distant, muffled shout, ‘hello.’

‘Shit,’ Peter snapped to fully awake.

He shoved the duvet away and clambered out of bed. He grabbed his dressing gown and threw it around himself as he staggered towards the front door.


Peter swung his front door open.

‘It is Thursday isn’t it?’ he was asked.

‘It is. Sorry Craig. I overslept,’ Peter said, rubbing one eye. ‘Come in.’

‘That seems not like you,’ said Craig as he walked into the cottage.

‘I haven’t been sleeping well,’ said Peter as he waved Craig in towards the living room and gestured at the sofa.

‘I had to scrape frost off the car,’ Craig said as he slumped down onto the sofa.

‘Yeah. Winter is definitely creeping in,’ Peter replied as he ran his hands through his hair. ‘Sorry, do you mind if I go and sort myself out.’

‘I can’t hold any kind of a conversation with you in a dressing gown.’

Peter smirked, nodded his thanks and headed for the bathroom.


Peter reached in to the shower and turned the water on, then stood back and pulled his gown off.

He caught his eye in the mirror and gave himself a withering look.

He sighed as he stretched his lethargic arms up over his head to remove his T-shirt, then slipped his boxer shorts down and stepped into the shower.


The water was a blessing. It was hot and blasted satisfyingly against the back of his neck. He stood, gently rolling his head around. It took only a moment before memories started flashing through his mind.

Her hair, clinging wet to her head, neck and shoulders.

The river of water running through the valley between her breasts. Her teasing smile, formed by full red lips and perfect white teeth. The feel of his hands running down her back, riding over shoulder blades, sliding along the smooth curve of her spine, dipping across dimples and coming to rest on soft flesh that gave a hint of the perfect bottom below.

Peter’s penis had swollen into a tight, hard erection. He looked down at it and his mind projected the memory of her hand wrapped around it.

He recalled her nipples, puckered and protruding into hard buttons of arousal. The look in her eyes as she gazed into his own and the sweet sound of her voice as she said, ‘I want you too.’

He closed his eyes and wrapped his hand around his erection, giving it a slight squeeze.

He stood for a moment. He felt a thousand tickling sensations, as water flowed down his back, bum, thighs and calves. It contrasted with the hard stiffness of his cock as he held it in his hand.

He sighed, opened his eyes, and reached for a bottle. He squirted shampoo into his hands and began to wash his hair.


When he had finished washing himself, he stepped out of the shower and quickly dried himself off. His erection had faded away by the time he put the dressing gown back on and walked out of the bathroom.

He stuck his head in to the living room, but couldn’t see Craig.

‘You all right mate?’ he called.

‘Making coffee,’ came back from the kitchen.

He continued into his bedroom to get dressed.


‘Thanks,’ Peter said as he sat on the sofa and picked up a mug of coffee. He sipped it slowly as he stared into the cold fireplace.

‘Spit it out,’ Craig said.

‘Oh, sorry. Still half asleep,’ Peter stood up. ‘I’ll grab my iPad for you.’

He walked over to his desk, picked up the tablet and returned to the sofa.

‘I said, spit it out,’ Craig said.

‘What?’ Peter asked as he held out the iPad.

‘I don’t think I’m here to proofread this,’ Craig said.

‘I’ve finished a chapter…’

‘Your brain is not in this room.’

Peter paused.

‘What’s going on?’ Craig asked.

Peter examined the cover of the iPad in detail.

‘I had a row,’ he sighed eventually. ‘Well. Not a row exactly. But it feels like a row.’

‘Right. With?’

‘Someone I met.’


Peter paused again.

‘You had a row with? The milkman?’ Craig persisted.

‘I don’t have a milkman.’

‘No shit.’

‘With a girl I met. Last week.


‘Don’t say, ah, like that.’

‘What’s her name?’

‘Katie. Well, Katherine.’

‘Katie is a pet name?’

‘No. Katie to her friends.’

‘So. She’s a,’ Craig paused. ‘Friend?’


‘A friend that you were?’

‘Were what?’ Peter frowned.

Craig sighed heavily, ‘a friend that you were shagging?’

‘Craig,’ Peter groaned.

‘Well. Just trying to establish the facts,’ Craig held up his hands. ‘Why don’t you start at the beginning. What’s going on?’

Peter put the tablet down on the table and then sat back, he sank into the sofa and gathered his thoughts.

‘I crashed my car. Last week in that storm we had. Well not crashed. A stray sheep ran across the road. I swerved to avoid it and skidded into a ditch. And got stuck. Katie pulled over and stopped to see if I was okay. She offered to drive me home. Which she did. And we hit it off.’

‘I see,’ Craig interjected as Peter paused. ‘Starting to make a bit of sense now. You then met her again?’

‘She stayed over that night. We spent the next day together and then she stayed over again.’

‘That seems…’ Craig said. ‘No offence intended, but you don’t strike me as someone who usually moves that fast?’

‘No, you’re right,’ Peter replied. ‘I don’t, but. Sorry, I’m going to sound soppy. She’s amazing. Was amazing. Is amazing.’

‘So what have you done to fuck it up?’ Craig asked lightly.

‘I haven’t done anything,’ Peter asserted firmly.

Craig made no comment.

‘The day after, the second night she stayed,’ Peter continued, ‘she got a call. She had to go back to London. Where she lives. She was here on holiday. Sort of holiday. She was painting. To meet a guy called Lancour. She’s an artist by the way. Do you know Lancour?’


‘Well he’s quite a big deal in contemporary art. He has very expensive galleries all over the world. He wanted to meet Katie with a view to exhibiting her work at the Lancour Gallery in London. It’s a huge opportunity for her.’


‘Anyway to cut a long story short, I went back to London with her. I was supposed to go with her, to dinner. With Lancour. And she blew me out in favour of her agent, Gavin.’

‘And you then had a row about it?’

‘No, I left.’

‘Left when?’

‘Straight out of the restaurant. I left them to have dinner, went back to her place to pick up my bag, left her keys on the table and came back here.’

‘Oh you both ended up at the restaurant at the same time? Crashed into each other, as it were.’


‘You left without saying goodbye?’

‘Are you listening? She screwed me over at the restaurant.’

‘Relax,’ Craig said. ‘I’m just trying to make sure I’ve got the timeline straight. Why couldn’t you both stay for dinner?’

‘Erm. Hard to explain, but essentially Lancour made it clear that it was one or the other.’

‘Right. Helpful.’

They sat silently for a moment before Craig asked, ‘so she didn’t know you were going until you’d gone?’


‘Right. Has she called or a

‘She’s phoned a couple of times.’

‘Good, what did she say?’

‘Nothing. I didn’t answer.’

‘And she’s left no messages?’



Craig sat back in the sofa and took several sips of coffee.

‘She told Gavin I was a holiday shag,’ Peter said, staring fixedly into the fireplace.


‘Her asshole agent.’

‘Oh yes, sorry. She told you that?’

‘No, of course not. He told me.’

‘I see. He said, Katie says you’re her holiday shag?’

‘Not in those words but yes.’


Craig paused to see what Peter would say next. Several minutes went past before Peter said, ‘right? That’s it?’

‘Is that it?’ Craig responded.

‘You’re not going to say anything?’

‘Do you want me to say something?’

‘Yes. No, what’s the point.’

‘I will say something.’

‘Go on then.’

‘You should speak to her.’

‘Why the hell should I speak to her, she’s the one…’

‘Okay okay,’ Craig interrupted. ‘I’ll rephrase. You should listen to her then. She’s been calling.’

‘I think she’s made it perfectly clear already…’

‘I don’t think so,’ Craig interrupted again.


‘Look. You are more upset by this than you were when you split up with Karen. How long ago was that now?’

‘Erm, four years,’ Peter said, rolling his eyes up.

‘Really? Anyway, whatever. You’re practically shaking with, I don’t know. Anger. Sadness. I don’t know. All sorts of stuff probably.’

‘Your point?’

‘My point is, you’re more upset over this misunderstanding with Katie than I ever saw you over the split with Karen. Which means you care a damn lot more about Katie than you did Karen.’

Peter paused, thinking. ‘What misunderstanding?’ he asked.

‘Well. Probably several,’ Craig reasoned. ‘You went with her to the restaurant? Travelled with her I mean.’


‘Fine. So she knew you were going. Wanted you to go. Was she surprised to see Gavin?’

‘Erm. Yes.’

‘There’s the first mistake. Hers, or Gavin’s, I don’t know.’

‘The fact of the matter is she chose him.’

‘Yes. She chose her agent to accompany her to a business meeting.’

‘That’s not what it was like.’

‘That’s not what it felt like.’

‘You’re twisting this. This is not my fault.’

‘I’m not saying it is your fault. I’m saying maybe no one is at fault. At least, not very much. When you consider the circumstances.’

‘So how did she describe me to Gavin? A fling?’ Peter said, with a tight anger.

‘I don’t know, but almost certainly not the way he described it to you. He sounds like an asshole.’

‘He called me a country bumpkin.’

‘Case closed, he’s an asshole,’ Craig smirked.

‘But she…’

‘What?’ Craig interrupted sharply. ‘She what? Hurt your feelings by making a tough call?’

Peter was quiet.

‘She was under a lot of pressure,’ Craig continued. ‘If this meeting with whatever his face was as important as you say it was. Stressed and caught by surprise does not generally make for a tactful person.’

Peters eyes watered. ‘Fuck,’ he whispered, then stood up and walked to the window. Craig stayed seated.

‘I hate it when you’re fucking right,’ Peter said with his back turned.

‘I’ll be unbearably smug, but I’ll save it until we’ve sorted this out.’

Peter turned and smiled briefly.

‘What am I going to do?’ he asked.

‘Speak to her.’

‘She stopped calling the day before yesterday.’

‘Doesn’t matter. You can’t give up. Phone her.’

‘I can’t phone her.’

Craig paused for a moment before saying, ‘swallow your pride mate.’


‘How many times did she ring?’

‘A couple. A few.’

‘How many?’

‘Twenty three.’

‘Twenty three!’ Craig choked. ‘Fucking hell. And here’s you passing on knowledge to the next generation. You haven’t done a book on social skills have you?’

‘Alright alright. Shut up.’

‘Twenty three. You dick head,’ Craig said affectionately. ‘This is not the behaviour of a woman giving you the brush off my friend.’

‘You promised to hold off on smugness.’

‘Twenty three,’ Craig stood up. ‘I’m going to go now. You’ve got a call to make. Email me the chapter I’m supposed to read.’

Peter stepped forward and gave Craig a rough hug.

‘This’ll be great in my best man speech,’ Craig said. ‘Yes ladies and gentlemen, twenty three times.’

‘Ha ha,’ Peter said sarcastically and pushed him back. ‘You can piss off now.’

Craig grinned and walked to the door, put on his boots, coat and scarf.

‘Thanks mate,’ Peter called across the room.

Craig nodded, and left.


Peter sat, for a long time, with his mobile phone in his hand. He hovered his thumb over the call button several times. When he finally decided what he was going to say he pressed the button.

The phone rang, twice, and then diverted to the answer phone.

As he listened to Katie’s voice brightly apologising for being unable to answer and telling him to leave a message, he said aloud, ‘you cut me off.’

He hung up the call before the message recorder started.

‘It should have rung more times than that. You cut me off.’


After pacing around the cottage for a few minutes, Peter slumped into the chair by his desk and tried to get on with some work.

He struggled in vain to concentrate for forty five minutes before giving up. He felt the twitchiness of unburnt adrenalin, so decided to go for a run.

Having changed into suitable clothing he set out along the clifftop path, going in the opposite direction to the village. The route this way ran unbroken for miles.

He pushed himself hard. Despite the frosty coldness and the biting sea breeze, he was quickly dripping sweat.

Half an hour later, as his muscles were burning, his phone rang.

He stopped and pulled it out of his pocket.

It was Katie.

He stood looking at her name as the phone vibrated in his hand.

Realising it was about to transfer to message, he answered the call and lifted the phone to his ear.

‘Hello,’ he said.

‘Hi, it’s Katie.’


‘You sound out of breath?’

‘Yeah, I was running.’

‘Oh, I see,’ she paused. ‘You phoned me earlier.’

‘Yeah, you cut me off,’ he said as he turned his back to the wind.

‘Sorry, erm, I was in a meeting,’ she replied. ‘I’ve just come out.’

‘Long meeting,’ he said in a tone that he instantly regretted.

‘Yes long meeting. I phoned you, more than once. You just come out of a meeting?’ she replied tightly.

After a pause, he said ‘no. I just. I wasn’t ready to speak to you I guess.’


There was a long pause as neither said anything. The cold wind was cooling Peter off rapidly. His sweat clung unpleasantly and he could feel his muscles tightening uncomfortably. He felt the tell tale warnings of a cramp building in one of his calves.

‘What did you want to say?’ Peter asked abruptly.

‘What did I,’ Katie uttered. ‘We shared the most,’ she stopped as the words caught in her throat. ‘I have never been so intimate with anyone and you left me,’ she forced out in a rush.

‘You made your choice at the restaurant.’

‘It was a misunderstanding.’

‘Gavin seemed pretty clear.’

‘Gavin didn’t…’

‘And he seemed to have had a pretty clear appraisal of your thoughts about me,’ Peter cut in.

‘No. Gavin can be an asshole.’

‘Is an asshole.’

‘Okay, Gavin is an asshole.’

‘He’s your agent.’

‘Yes. And an asshole. I did not tell him that you…’

‘Why is he your agent?’

‘Because he’s a good agent.’

‘He’s an
asshole agent.’

‘Yes. A lot of agents are assholes. Shocker. Art can be a ruthless game.’

‘Are you playing a game?’

They were both stunned into silence. Peter pressed his hand up to his forehead. Katie sniffed as a tear rolled down her cheek.

‘I’m…’ Peter began.

‘I trusted you,’ Katie snapped.

‘I invited you into my home on nothing but the pure gut instinct of trust I felt for you.’ Peter countered, pushed onto the back foot by the anger in her voice.

‘Yeah, of course,’ she said.


‘Well perhaps your motives are achieved.’

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ he asked.

‘Well you’ve made your conquest haven’t you? No need to stick around now.’

She stabbed her thumb onto her phone and ended the call.

Both of them stared for a moment at their phones.

Both of them sank down onto their knees.

Both of them burst into tears.


Chapter Eight


Katie spent the whole of the following day trying to work on a painting. It was a commissioned piece that was destined for the lobby of a hotel. It was not a particularly artistic or career progressing job, but it was a good earner, which was needed to pay the bills.

She spent the whole day alternating between periods of gazing melancholically at the canvas and short periods of stabbing angrily at it with various brushes.

Come late afternoon, she slumped back and looked dejectedly at the discordant mess of paint. Her blankness of mind was broken by the door bell ringing. She frowned, wondering who it could be as she walked over and opened the door.

‘Miss Connell?’ asked the visitor. He was a man who looked to be in his sixties. He had a friendly smile and was holding a bunch of red roses.

‘Yes,’ Katie replied.

‘Delivery for you miss,’ he said and offered the flowers up to her.

‘Oh,’ she took the bouquet. ‘Thank you.’

After looking at the beautiful roses for a moment, she asked, ‘isn’t it a bit odd to send seven roses?’

‘It is a bit unusual yes,’ the man said and smiled again.

‘Who are they from?’ Katie asked.

‘There’s a card,’ the man said and pointed it out.

‘Oh yes,’ Katie said and looked at the card. ‘It’s just got a circle on it.’

‘An oh actually,’ the delivery man said. ‘Well, sorry, a zero to be specific. I believe the numbers are significant miss. I’ll go and get the rest.’ He turned to walk away.

‘The rest?’ Katie called after him.

‘Yes miss,’ he paused. ‘There’s more in the van for you. I’ll only be a sec.’

A minute later he returned with two bunches of flowers, eight tulips and three hellebores.

‘I was told to give them to you in a particular order,’ he said. ‘It’s these first,’ he held out the tulips, which Katie took. ‘And then these,’ he said, offering the hellebores.

‘Erm, thank you,’ Katie said, baffled.

‘Stay put, there’s more to come,’ the man said as he pottered off back to his van.

He repeated the journey several more times. Katie was bewildered a she received flowers of all varieties, in differing numbers.

When the man handed over the eleventh bouquet he said, ‘that’s all of them miss.’

‘Erm, do I give you a tip?’ she asked.

‘No no miss,’ the man smiled warmly. ‘Not necessary.’

‘I’ve never received flowers like this before,’ Katie said and smiled sheepishly. ‘I don’t know what to make of all this.’

‘Maybe you could call someone to find out miss.’

He had put a particular stress on the word ‘call’.

‘Goodbye miss,’ he said and turned to leave.

‘Goodbye. Thank you,’ Katie called as he left.

After closing the door, she turned and looked at the number and array of flowers covering her kitchen table.

‘Numbers,’ she said to herself.

An idea suddenly hit her and she went to pick up her phone. She looked at the call history. Peter’s name was at the top of the list, she had not spoken to anyone else since their call the day before. She tapped the info icon to display his phone number and counted the digits.

Eleven digits. Eleven bunches of flowers.

She quickly went through the digits to discover the number of flowers matched Peter’s phone number perfectly. She knew the flowers were from him. A tumult of emotions ran through her.

Without thinking she tapped the call button on her phone and held it up to her ear.

After a couple of rings, Peter answered, ‘hello.’

‘Hello,’ Katie said.


‘Are you responsible for giving me this dreadful hay fever?’ she asked.

‘Oh god,’ he said with genuine panic in his voice. ‘Are you allergic to flower pollen?’

‘No,’ she paused. ‘Just winding you up.’

‘You. I. If,’ Peter stammered. ‘You just took five years off my life.’

‘Sorry,’ Katie replied. ‘The flowers are lovely.’

Suddenly she heard someone call in the background.

‘Have you got someone with you?’ she asked.

‘Ah yes,’ Peter said. ‘It’s Daniel and Susan. They’re round for dinner.’

‘Oh sorry. This is a bad time.’

‘No it’s alright,’ he replied, and then called away from the phone, ‘hang on a sec Dan, I’m just on the phone.’

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Art Studio

The Artist Studio It was a cool damp morning, the mist clinging to the streets like a heavy blanket of soggy fleece. I was hurrying down the street, as it would not make a good impression to be late the first day. I had signed up at a local art studio for free art lessons, and this being the first day, of course I had slept in. Bus was late, and the crowded streets, full of slow shuffling pedestrians was not helping at all in my effort to be on time. Finally getting to the small...

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Art Class

I was trying to imagine what his dick looked like. Was it one of those that was long and thin? Or perhaps short and fat? Or perhaps long and fat? Was it circumcised or not? I wondered if it was wrinkled, the way it was sitting inside his bathing suit. Art, the model, had been posing in front of our art class for nearly an hour, and I had finished drawing his face and chest. I was working my way down, and for some strange reason I always had the most problem with legs. Both mens' and...

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Arti Ki Birthday Gift

Hi friend.. Nikunj here with one more new story. This story is of Arti. Now she is 20 with very white complexing and good nice 34b boobs. She had a nice ass .If anyone see’s her can say she is a imported boomb.Now in hindi.Arti ka abb 20th bithday that.. Uske 2 bhai the. Dono bade. Uski mummy nahi thi.Uske daddy hi uske liye sub kuch the. Wo uske daddy ka sab kuch kaha manti thi.Usko uske dono bahiyo par gharv tha. Dono gym jakar apni achi Health banali thi. Uske ek Bhai ka namm tha Raju aur...

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He looked at the 1952 Willys Jeep, 4wheel drive station wagon. It was a classic right from an African safari operator. First of all, he could have bought one cheaper in the United States if he had added the shipping cost into the equation. Yes, Artie thought, but it wouldn’t have the provenance of the monster which sat outside his garage. It looked as though all those years working in his father’s auto repair shop might just pay off after all. The thought of those days usually made him sad,...

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Art CriticChapter 11 Dinner Party

“I stole one of your paintings, Artie,” confessed Mavis as she looped a hand through my arm. We’d started the day with her as my model for a new composition. I guess I had ulterior motives. I wanted Morgan to experience prolonged eye contact with Mavis. The two had been getting along incredibly well, but both Annette and I had held Mavis’s eyes for an hour or more and the effect had been profound. I’d done the same with both Annette and with Morgan, but I wanted this last loop closed. I’d...

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Art Teacher

As I step into the art room at my school my nose is assaulted by the foul smell of sulfur, “Oh, what the hell is that?” One of the more annoying kids in my class says pinching his nose. The art teacher, Mr. Hart walks up to the front of the classroom, “Sorry about the smell the janitors can’t figure out what it is, anybody who wants to can go somewhere else as long as you don’t disrupt any classes.” Most of the class, the ones who only took it because they thought it would be an easy A,...

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Art Feasible

After my divorce I moved back to a little town in Florida that I haven’t been to in about ten years. I was looking for a clean start on life again away from my ex who now lives a little over four hundred miles away. I think that will be far enough so that her and I won’t run into each other occasionally. By the way, my name is Peter, I am sixty years old, five foot six inches tall, salt and pepper hair, about fifty pounds overweight and have a sexual appetite greater then what I did when...

3 years ago
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Art Part Two Ch 09

Art, part two. Ch. 09 Dr. Lisa and Art find a possible new beginning for him. Suddenly Heidi said, ‘Well hello ‘Lees’, you’re late.’ Lisa from somewhere behind me said, ‘It doesn’t look like I was missed. Heidi, you and I need to talk.’ When I sat up the two women were looking at me, so I said, ‘OK, I’m out of here.’ What else was there for me to say? Then it dawned on me I was still naked, ‘Heidi, where are my clothes?’ ‘They’re up in my workshop. Grab one of my large T-shirts in the top...

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Art Part Two Ch 10

Art, part two. Ch. 10 Art has a frightening experience. Our next stop was a hair salon where apparently they had both male and female customers. A majority of the customers and attendant’s were little people. I don’t see the connection between height and hair, but maybe it’s just a matter of being more comfortable among their own. Lisa must have called ahead, because we’re led immediately to an open chair. Lisa went into a discussion about what she wanted for me and I was left out until the...

4 years ago
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Art Class

bisexual - mfm - anal - bottom bitch - pantiesDavid LaValle was the type of guy that everyone gravitated to. Handsome, out going, talented, confident, sexy. Not macho sexy, just good looking soft-spoken, mysterious sexy. Our sophomore year at college in Vancouver we ended up in art class together. For all his magnetism he gravitated to me. He was a wiz at art & drawing; I struggled. He could whip out drawing after effortless drawing while my efforts were slow, plodding &...

5 years ago
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Art Subject

Well, here I am. Redder than a tomato. I'm getting stared at by the whole art class. Some are already doing portraits of me and others are waiting. Miss Arania, the art teacher wanted to do something totally crazyand different for this semester's art exhibit. A plan was hatched, we all agreed to stick to the plan and not backout. The whole class was excited. All the guys in class got together. we lined up and drew straws from a can. Unfourtunately, I lost. There was some cheering fighting...

4 years ago
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Art SomethingChapter 5

School started Monday and I made it out the door on time. That was partly because Annette offered to drive. It was okay for me to be late—I didn’t care—but, like with Fay, I wouldn’t make Annette late. People noticed us. We held hands as we walked from the parking lot to the school and she gave me a soft kiss before we went inside. Inside the school, of course, there was no kissing and no hand-holding. People still looked at us as we found our lockers. My face was hot. “It’s too bad we don’t...

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Art SomethingChapter 10

I didn’t get up to paint. How could I even consider leaving Annette alone in my bed? I was vaguely aware of Dad peeking in and quietly closing the door in the morning. I’d made sure we had a sheet and blanket over us. I just stared at the treasure in my arms. “Was my bare butt sticking out when your dad looked in?” Annette whispered. “No, my Lady. I made sure it was covered.” “You could uncover it now, if you want.” We pushed the blanket down and lay naked in each other’s arms. I was hard...

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Art ProjectChapter 9 Models

My session with Dee was as close to the opposite of my session with Susan as we could get. We went to Kendra’s room after our last class and she was dancing around like she had to go to the bathroom. I let Kendra get her ready while I had my back turned. Dee had taken off her bra and hid it so I wouldn’t see her underwear. Go figure. Then she’d pulled her t-shirt up over her right shoulder, but kept it pulled down over her left breast so tightly that it was still tucked into her jeans. When I...

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Martine By: Doctor Wankenstein Martine Back in 1978 I was a very innocent lad, really, not that I'dadmit it. I'd had a few girlfriends, at school, one for 18 months 1973-5, the lovely Debbie, but this was snogging and boobs only, and one little feel of her pussy ever,(Debbie to be revisited in "After So Long" in 2001) and including just one sha9, Sara at 15, then one "adult" relationship at 18, lasting six months in the heady summer of '76, with a 19 year old mother, Sue, who provided sha9s #2...

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Martine By: Doctor Wankenstein Martine Back in 1978 I was a very innocent lad, really, not that I'dadmit it. I'd had a few girlfriends, at school, one for 18 months 1973-5, the lovely Debbie, but this was snogging and boobs only, and one little feel of her pussy ever,(Debbie to be revisited in "After So Long" in 2001) and including just one sha9, Sara at 15, then one "adult" relationship at 18, lasting six months in the heady summer of '76, with a 19 year old mother, Sue, who provided sha9s #2...

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Arti Ki Chudai

Ye kahani tab ki hai jab me 12th me padta tha. Meri behan arti jo ki mujhse 2 saal badi the aur jawan husn ki mallika thi. Height 5.5, aur ras bhare chuchu. Jinhe dekh kar log palat palat kar dekhte the. Main kafi porn aur sex stories padne ka shokeen tha. Jese jese meri tharak badi mujhe arti me behan kam aur ek jawan aurat jyada najar ane lagi jesse main apne jism ki pyas bujhane k plan banane laga. Arti thoda khule vicharo wali ladki the. Use movies dekhna naye gaane sunna pasand tha. Toh...

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Art Appreciation

Mike had never thought of art galleries as a place to meet women. Hell, Mike thought about art galleries as little as possible. The Vallejo/Frazetta exhibit at the Tucson Museum of Fine Arts was a rare exception to the rule. Mike enjoyed fantasy-oriented art, and Vallejo was his favorite artist. There would be paintings by other, lesser-known artists as well. Mike made plans to check out the exhibit. Mike wasn't really comfortable in the three-piece suit that he had dug out for the...

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Art ProjectChapter 4 Houseguest

We had Monday and Tuesday classes Thanksgiving week. That meant Fay had only one day of class since she had no classes on Mondays. Annette kissed me at the door of Lib Arts and I went in to sit beside Kendra. We didn’t even hesitate anymore. If I got to class first, Kendra just walked over and sat beside me. If she was there, I sat beside her. And it wasn’t always in the same place. Other students in our class usually arrived after us and decided which seats to take if we were in ‘their’...

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Aarti ki chaahat

Hi, everybody, mai ek baat clear kar du, ye ek real stori hai , isme koi 8 ya 9 inch lamba organ nahi hai ya 45 min tak ka shot nahi hai, a pure Indian stori jo aapke dil ke karib lagegi, Mai prash It professional from Mumbai, meri marriage 2004 feb me sheetal se hue, hamari luv marriage thi, sheetal thodi chuuby gal hai, aur shayad isliye mai attract hua tha, hamara physical relation shadi ke 18 saal pehle se hi tha, uski bahot hi close friend aarti jo ek slim and perfect gal thi, uska looks...

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Aarti Fucked Before Her Marriage

Hey readers, this is Atul once again with a brand new incident. All my readers may recollect who Aarti is and I meet her in bus journey to Aurangabad during my office tour and had the discreet relationship with her and all my readers may recollect that she was divorcee and staying all alone in Mumbai after our relationship. We enjoyed the sex very much and she was also addicted to it. So, at last, she decided to get marry with a widow person, whose wife expired in a car accident and he do not...

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Art and Artists

The woman didn’t just enter the restaurant where I was having lunch, she swept into it, filling it with a sudden infusion of energy. She walked up to the table where the two ladies she was meeting had been sitting – she was fashionably late – greeted them warmly, then headed to the ladies room. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her as she walked by my table. She was probably around 40, a little taller than average with a trim, but curvy body that was well-displayed in a pair of tight blue jeans...

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Art For Arts Sake

Dejeuner Sur L?Herbe Dejeuner Sur L?Herbe?I don?t understand, Monsieur Manet, why would you think that anything has happened to this young lady.? The gendarme was finding it difficult to make any sense of what the gentlemen was saying but you got all sorts here in Gennevilliers. They come from the city with their strange ideas. Across the Seine. These Parisians were all the same. The gendarme did what he could to encourage the gentleman to explain. Small children were dashing around...

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Art Deco Part OneChapter 2

'Sorry to bring you here before taking you to the apartment we've found for you, only I wanted to quickly introduce you to the girls. As soon as we're done I'm going to make you comfortable at your new residence, and let you have a nice sleep. Tomorrow you're invited to a barbecue at my house'. He was overwhelmed, both by her hospitality, and by the way she was allowing him into her life. He didn't know at that point just how involved he was to become with the women he was about to...

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Kartik And Deepa 8211 Part 2 An Erotic Threesome Relationship

This is a fictional story about a threesome relationship. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read the...

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Kartik And Deepa 8211 Part 3 Lust For His Brother8217s Wife

This is a fictional story about a man’s lust for his brother’s wife. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t...

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Deviant Art is arguably one of the most popular hentai sites on the planet, though they don’t actually market themselves as such. The online art community has been around for decades now, and has always been welcoming to all kinds of artists, from photographers and videographers to the fursuit-wearing deviates drawing up all that X-rated anime you’ve been shaking your dick at. It’s only natural that an art-based social network with “Deviant” in the title would pick up a whole lot of beautifully...

Hentai Porn Sites
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STUART'S PSYCHOLOGIST "Take them down, the shameful little boy that you are!" Stuart couldn't believe Dr. Townsend was talking this way. And right in front of Moira, too. She looked horrified at Stuart's therapist, a muscular silver haired, pinstriped John Forsythe look-alike--yes, he looked very much like Forsythe's "Blake Carrington" character on Dynasty. ? Dr. Townsend had always intimidated Stuart a bit, from the first time he and Moira had gone for therapy at Dr. Townsend's...

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Kartik And Deepa 8211 Part 5 Hot Sex With Motherinlaw

This is a fictional story about sex with mother-in-law. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read the...

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Art Part Two Ch 02

Art, part two. Ch. 02 Art and Suzanne get ‘comfortable’. When I looked up at her face she was giving me a wicked grin so it looked like it was time to ‘get comfortable’. She said, ‘Come over here and let me unbutton the back of that dress.’ She’s been dressing and undressing me since I started to wear young girl’s clothes. She says, ‘They never look right when you put them on and Maria complains that she’s tired of picking up after you when you take them off.’ There’s no way I’m going to...

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Art Part Two Ch 07

Art, part two. Ch. 07 Dr. Heidi shows Art how he can be one of her dolls. The room Heidi led me into was in the front of the house and included an elevator to the garage level. Where the first room is a table top workshop, here the equipment is larger and floor mounted. There’s even a small jib hoist above the work table. Heidi said, ‘I’ve had some inquiries about making larger dolls, your size or slightly larger. I have a lot of work to do on developing a lightweight skeletal structure and...

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Art History Class

For my first story, a experience that happened in my last year at school (before Uni). I was still a virgin at the time (17). Names have been changed, but it is based on true events which happened a long time ago. I have taken some poetic license but mostly it is true. I was sitting in a darken room with about 20 other students watching a projector slide show of 20th Century art. Our teacher Mrs Ingley, I suspect, was a bit of a sex addict, because she showed lots of nude pictures and painting...

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Art of Deep throat bondage

Deep throat is an acquired art. Not many know how to do it right. 99.99% give cheaters head. After doing a massage, i like giving deep throat Only to a Man, who can appreciate what i was doing, first. Second that had the stamina to complete the task, not take all day to cum, and third could repeat himself at least minimum 3-4 times in 2 hours. When i take a man into my throat, its an art, i like to first lick all around the head, the underside, the foreskin, then the crown, and finally inside...

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Art class

Caroline and me had been pals for ages, our parents were friends so we had spent a lot of time together as k**s and a friendship had developed.This long hot summer may be our last together as I was off to Uni in the autumn and Caroline was hoping to go to art school.We used to spend a bit of time together when our parents were at work, just hanging at her house and listening to music and the like.Today Caroline seemed to have something on her mind, she was a bit shy as if she wanted to say...

5 years ago
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Art Class Part II

In my fog-hazed mind, I stood in the aid room at school trying to recap what happened just a few minutes ago in the art class. I could still see the large visible wet stain in the crotch region of my pants. The end of my dick was throbbing, not quite in pain, but in enduring ecstasy. I had to admit the best sexual experience for this boy virgin. Walking was a bit uncomfortable because some of the hairs on my thigh stuck to my pants due to the cum that had run down my leg. I didn't just have...

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Art History

Being a guy aged thirteen is hard, all hard, especially my dick, all day, every day. I have a total boner every minute I'm awake and it's even harder whenever I'm at school around Tammy Robinson. She's got the nicest set of boobs of all the girls I know and, thus, she was at the top of my list. We were sitting next to each other during the mixed part of the sex-ed class and I kept taking glances over her way noting that she seemed to be taking special interest in the subject matter. I had...

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Art Pour Lart

The room had a Japanese emptiness. There was no desk, just a square of low seats around a beautiful, deep red rug. Against one wall stood a lacquered oriental armoire. A lonely bamboo bush reached almost to the ceiling. A petite woman stood waiting for her before the square of seats. She wore a kimono-like dress. It confirmed the oriental blood behind her intensely black eyes. "Please be seated, Brigitte", the woman said in American English. Then she took a seat herself, right next to...

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Art Class

I can still remember my friend, Chaz, talking me into signing up for life drawing class. “Come on buddy,” he said, “it will be great. Three hours a week of looking at nude women. Throw in a few beers and it would be a party!” I laughed at his attempt to sway me, but truth is he didn’t have to work that hard. I had been thinking about taking an art class next semester, and this one fit the bill nicely. The first few weeks of class were cool, but not the party that was promised. Most of the...

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Art CriticChapter 5 Emerging

That wasn’t the end of our problems. It wasn’t the end of the blackness or depression or anxiety or panic. It didn’t heal the rift between Annette and Morgan. It didn’t bring us all back to the same bed. It gave us a ray of hope to hang onto. Annette continued to live with her parents and Morgan continued to sleep in the guestroom downstairs. Annette returned to our group at lunch and took me home each evening. On the weekend, she returned to the studio to do her reading and writing. Morgan...

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